How to remove bistra dark eye circles. How to remove dark circles under the eyes? What color of circles under eyes will tell about your health

The blue under the eyes makes a very unpleasant impression, but the answer to the question of how to remove dark circles under the eyes at home is quite simple. Black shadows can be triggered by a hereditary predisposition, caused by long sitting in front of a computer monitor, or associated with anatomical features, but, nevertheless, this problem can and should be dealt with. How to remove blue circles under the eyes?

Before resorting to home remedies to combat this problem, it will be more logical to begin with eliminating the possible causes of its occurrence. They may be:

  1. Improper nutrition. In this case, you need to make drastic changes in your diet, you need to exclude fried, spicy and fatty foods, and also refuse food containing a lot of salt.
  2. Lack of sleep. Sleep is your best friend when it comes to bagging. It is necessary that every day you have a good sleep from 7 to 9 hours.
  3. Lack of oxygen. To improve blood circulation in skin cells, it is necessary to be more often in the fresh air. Optimally, this period is 1.5-2.5 hours a day.
  4. The use of decorative cosmetics of low quality. It is recommended to use cosmetics of only proven brands, as well as to choose it, guided by the individual characteristics of the skin. It is better to wash off cosmetics immediately upon arrival home.
  5. Lack of vitamins. It is necessary to eat fruits and berries rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the thin walls of the capillaries. Consuming foods containing vitamin K is beneficial as it helps improve blood circulation.

Having found out the reasons, you can start home procedures, however, it is good to remember that the effect of them is short-lived. Therefore, you will have to open your own beauty salon in your apartment on a weekly basis.

Top 5 homemade recipes

Homemade masks, as well as compresses, which can be both cold and contrasting, do well with ugly purple shadows.

Fresh cucumber juice helps to remove circles - it is considered one of the best lotions for sensitive skin in the eye area. It has whitening properties, which is great for those cases where the darkening is caused by skin pigmentation. In addition, cucumber is rich in vitamin K. And moisturized and refreshed skin will become a pleasant bonus after such a mask.

So, for the procedure you need:

  1. Cut a fresh cucumber into thin slices.
  2. Apply them on the eyelids, paying special attention to the problem area.
  3. Change cucumber slices with new ones every 4 minutes.
  4. After 15-20 minutes evaluate the result.

You can go an easier way. You don't have to constantly change cucumber mugs. It is much easier to completely grate the cucumber until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and only then use it as a kind of compress, applying it on the face for a quarter of an hour.

Grated potato mask

Potatoes have long established themselves as an excellent remedy for guaranteed relief from bruises around the eyes. The tubers are rich in useful elements and vitamins, in addition, the starch, which they are rich in, gently whitens dark pigmentation. Plus, the B vitamins contained in potatoes tighten the skin. It becomes more elastic, pleases with its elasticity.

To prepare the product you will need:

  1. Grate 1 medium raw potato tuber on a medium grater.
  2. Mix the resulting gruel with 5 g of flour and 10 ml of milk.
  3. Apply the composition to the pigmented area.

Wait 15-25 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Parsley mask

Parsley mask is another effective method. This plant is rich in all essential vitamins and elements that help to strengthen the thin walls of blood vessels. The use of parsley as a base for a mask against dark circles not only whitens, but also tones the skin around the eyes, in the most delicate area.

For the procedure you need:

  1. Scroll 15 g fresh parsley in a blender.
  2. Add 10 g of fat sour cream to the resulting gruel, mix.
  3. Apply the mask to problem areas.
  4. Wash off the composition after 15-20 minutes.

This mask not only makes dark pigmentation paler, but also gives the skin a more attractive appearance and additionally nourishes it. It is more productive to do it every day throughout the month.

Sage decoction ice

Are there other ways to quickly remove dark circles at home? Ice made from sage broth gives excellent results.

Rubbing an ice cube on the delicate eye area improves blood circulation and, as a result, reduces bruising. In addition, such a cold massage tones and refreshes the skin.

The procedure will require:

  1. Brew 10 g of dried sage with 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Insist the broth closed for about 30 minutes.
  3. Strain the resulting infusion and pour into ice cube trays.
  4. Gently wipe problem areas with frozen infusion.

Instead of sage, you can make a decoction based on chamomile or dried dill, and green tea will also be very effective. If you carry out the procedure in the morning, you can not only get rid of dark or even black circles around the eyes over time, but also remove puffiness and swelling.

Herbal contrast compress

The use of contrast compresses is one of the most popular remedies for blue circles under the eyes. The difference in temperature improves microcirculation in blood vessels. This not only removes dark circles around the eyes, but also prevents the early appearance of expression lines.

So, to prepare the compress you will need:

  1. 5 g each of dried chamomile, cornflower and parsley, pour 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. After adding a couple of drops of any essential oil, let the broth brew for half an hour under a closed lid.
  3. Strain the infusion and divide in half, cool one part in the refrigerator.
  4. Alternately apply gauze to the eyelids, moistened first in a cold and then in a hot infusion.
  5. You need to change the gauze 6-8 times.

In order for the effect to be most noticeable, the hot infusion should be poured into a thermos, and the cold infusion should be placed in a container with ice. The procedure is recommended before bedtime. Always finish with a cold compress. The course of the procedure is usually 1 month. The regularity of the procedure is every other day.

Gymnastics and massage

In the question of how to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home, regular gymnastics for the eyes and massage manipulations will help. They will help strengthen the blood vessel walls of the capillaries and improve blood circulation.


The exercises should be performed regularly, even if the dark circles have completely disappeared, you should not refuse to perform the complex. The following exercises are best for treating bags under your eyes.

Exercise 1:

  1. Take a deep breath.
  2. At the same time, start rotating the eyeballs clockwise.
  3. On exhalation, rotate the eyeballs in the opposite direction.
  4. Carry out the same manipulation with your eyes closed.
  5. Do 5 sets.

Exercise 2:

  1. Focus on any distant subject.
  2. Move focus to another nearby subject.
  3. Exercise for 5 minutes every day.

Exercise 3:

  1. Close your eyelids tightly.
  2. Open your eyes and blink frequently.
  3. Do the exercise for 5-7 minutes a day.

Such complexes are useful not only in the fight against puffiness and puffiness of the eyes. If you perform them 2-3 times a day, in between work, you can protect your eyes from myopia.


There are many self-massage techniques, but the general rules for them are the same. Before the procedure, be sure to wash your hands, otherwise you can get an infection. In addition, all movements must be performed strictly along the massage lines. The first massage option:

  1. Close eyes.
  2. Attach the pads of the ring and middle fingers to the eyelids.
  3. Press lightly.
  4. With gentle circular movements, begin to massage the eyelids clockwise, then back.

The second massage option:

  1. With the middle and ring fingers, make 5 circular movements in the area of ​​the outer corner of the eye.
  2. Use your fingertips to make pressing movements from the temple to the nose.
  3. Do 5 approaches for the lower eyelid and the same for the upper one.

The third massage option is to lightly tap the lower eyelid with your fingertips. In this case, movements are recommended to be made from the temple towards the bridge of the nose. In this area, there are lymph nodes where excess interstitial fluid can accumulate. Such manipulations will help disperse the lymph. The massage should be performed for 4-5 minutes.

Get enough sleep. It is not clear why lack of sleep at night causes dark circles under the eyes, but it is likely that the skin becomes paler and blood circulation is reduced. Wash off all eye makeup before bed. If you don't, your eyes will look tired as you age.

  • Determine how much time you need to get enough sleep. (this is usually 7-9 hours a day, but this may vary depending on individual symptoms). Get enough sleep within two weeks and you will see results.
  • Alcohol and drugs are bad for the quality of your sleep. Stay away from them to achieve the desired result.
  • Provide yourself with vitamins that promote good sleep. Lack of vitamins and poor sleep are bad for the adrenal glands. The worse they work, the less vitamin B6 you can absorb. The less this vitamin you get, the worse your adrenal glands work. It's a vicious circle. Sleep, regular intake of vitamins (if needed), calcium and magnesium support from greens, and adequate minerals will keep your body working well.

Treat allergies. The presence of allergies is often manifested by discoloration under the eyes. If the allergy is the cause of your problem, you need to get rid of the allergens. Seasonal allergies (for example, to flowering) are successfully treated with special medications.

  • For other types of allergies, the best way is to simply stay away from what you are allergic to. If you have persistent dark circles or puffiness, you may have a latent allergy to chemicals at home or work. See a dermatologist to determine the source of the problem. People with allergies are often poorly responsive to vitamin B6, folate, B12. Taking a multivitamin can help.
  • Gluten intolerance. Another common type of allergy is gluten intolerance. It is found, for example, in wheat flour. You may also have an abdominal ailment. Go to the doctor, donate blood to check for the disease. It is important to remember that gluten intolerance does not mean you have an abdominal disorder.
  • Eliminate nasal congestion. It can lead to circles under the eyes, as the veins around the nose are dilated.

  • Eat well. Eat a healthy, balanced diet, take vitamins, and drink plenty of water. A number of cosmetic problems can be attributed to vitamin deficiency. Dark circles and bags under the eyes are often associated with a lack of vitamin K or inadequate antioxidants. Also, a B12 deficiency (usually associated with anemia) can lead to dark circles.

    • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, especially kale and spinach, and other green vegetables. Take vitamins every day if needed. Drink plenty of fluids.
    • Reduce your salt intake. Excess salt causes the body to retain water in unusual places, and this can lead to puffiness under the eyes. Too much salt can also impair blood circulation and cause blue blood vessels to appear under the skin.
  • Dark circles under the eyes are often taken lightly, reducing all possible causes of their appearance to fatigue or lack of sleep. Here are just bruises under the eyes - this is a signal from the body about problems. Instead of buying another concealer, you should think about your lifestyle and see a doctor. Once the reasons are established, you can think about getting rid of these flaws. Fortunately, specialized institutions offer us a variety of procedures for every taste and budget.

    The thinnest, most sensitive skin on the face is the area around the eyes. Blood vessels are located as close as possible to the surface of the epidermis, which is why they shine through, giving a bluish tint. In addition, this area of ​​the skin is subject to constant mimicry and edema. If any negative changes occur in the body, the skin around the eyes immediately signals this. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes is an indicator of a malfunctioning of the human body.

    Dark circles under the eyes are a signal of the body about malfunctions, you need to pay attention to the possible causes of their appearance, revise the daily regime and diet, and only then make attempts to eliminate them

    There are many ways to get rid of bags under the eyes, but first you need to understand the causes of their occurrence, otherwise you will not be able to achieve a long-term effect.

    The main causes of bruising under the eyes can be:

    • lack of sleep. According to experts, a person needs eight hours of sleep a day to recuperate. From chronic lack of sleep, the skin turns pale, which means that the blood vessels become more visible. To eliminate bags under the eyes, first of all, it is necessary to establish a daily routine, taking the allotted time to sleep;
    • stress and chronic eye fatigue (for example, due to long-term work at the computer) lead to stagnation of blood in the vessels;
    • smoking and alcohol. These bad habits lead to the ingestion of toxins that destroy tissue cells. The skin around the eyes is highly sensitive, which means it is the first to be hit. It is impossible to get rid of circles under the eyes without giving up bad habits, new portions of toxins will only aggravate the situation;

      improper nutrition. Lack of vitamins and minerals leads to the destruction of cells, and the abuse of fatty, spicy, high-calorie foods leads to the accumulation of toxins in the skin, an increase in subcutaneous fat, which interferes with the supply of nutrients and oxygen to cells. No amount of cosmetics will help if the skin is not properly nourished from the inside out. A nutritionist can help organize proper nutrition, and a blood test can identify a deficiency of certain substances in the body;

    • improper skin care. The skin around the eyes needs delicate and thorough care. It is unacceptable to go to bed without washing off your makeup. Pollution and waste products from the sebaceous glands clog pores, interfere with oxygen access and natural skin cleansing of dead skin cells. All this leads to premature aging of the skin. It is necessary to wash with warm water, movements should be gentle, without stretching the skin and unnecessary friction. Facial cleansers should be chosen specifically for these purposes. It is undesirable to use regular soap. It is better to use a cream, gel or serum for the skin around the eyes. Manufacturers of cosmetics take into account that this area needs additional care;
    • the presence of a disease. Bruises under the eyes may indicate a disease of the body. As a rule, dark circles are not the only symptom, for example, their combination with edema can indicate kidney disease, and a tandem with increased fatigue and dizziness can be symptoms of anemia. In any case, if the above factors cannot be the reasons for the appearance of circles under the eyes, it is better to contact a therapist who will identify other signs and refer to a narrower specialist;

    • hereditary predisposition. It is quite simple to identify such a cause - you just need to look at the parents and next of kin.

    Darsonval is a physiotherapy device for facial skin care. Suitable for home use, it is a variant of microcurrent therapy. The device acts on the skin, generating weak impulses of electric current of high frequency and voltage. These impulses have a beneficial effect on the skin:

    • improve blood circulation, which leads to the enrichment of cells with nutrients and oxygen;
    • stimulate lymph flow;
    • activate metabolic processes in cells;
    • enhance the effect of cosmetics and medicines on the skin.

    Darsonval is used to combat a variety of problems, including dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, loose skin, and acne.

    Contraindications for the darsonvalization procedure are the same as for any microcurrent therapy.

    Before purchasing the device, it is advisable to consult with a specialist about the possible consequences of use.

    The effect of impulse stimulation on the deep layers of the dermis improves the muscle tone of the skin, its firmness and elasticity, the color is leveled, the face oval is stretched, the production of subcutaneous fat is normalized


    Plasmolifting of the area around the eyes is the introduction under the skin of the patient with the help of injections of products of his own blood, namely plasma enriched with collagen, elastin and platelets. Before the procedure, it is necessary to donate blood, which will be processed using a special technology. After the necessary components are isolated, they are injected under the skin by a beautician. As a result, the processes of skin regeneration are triggered, its elasticity and density increase, and a rejuvenating effect is achieved. The plasmolifting procedure itself takes 20-40 minutes, after which the following recommendations must be followed:

    • you can not visit the sauna, solarium, bath;
    • it is necessary to exclude mechanical effects on the skin, such as massage, friction;

    There is no special rehabilitation period, the redness on the skin disappears within two hours.

    Hardware or RF-lifting

    Light or radio frequency lifting is an effective procedure for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes. The essence of this technique is the effect on the deep layers of the skin with heat, under the influence of which the synthesis of collagen and elastin is enhanced. As a result, the elasticity of the skin, its density increases, and the color is evened out. The results are visible already after the first procedure. RF lifting is a painless procedure that does not require preparation or recovery period. To maintain the maximum effect, it is better to do several sessions (4-5), every 2-3 weeks. The effect lasts up to 5 years.

    Lymphatic drainage massage

    The aim of the lymphatic drainage massage is to activate the lymph circulation. Lymph flow is reduced due to the influence of various factors, such as bad habits, certain diseases or aging of the body. As a result, vascular patency is impaired, fluid and toxins stagnate, causing swelling and swelling under the eyes.

    Lymphatic drainage massage is performed by two techniques: manual and hardware. The manual method can be used independently at home, however, it is better to go to the salon for several procedures in order to get acquainted with the massage techniques, the effect and sensations after it. There are practically no contraindications, since this method is gentle. Hardware massage is available only in specialized institutions, it is performed in a variety of ways: using electric current, vacuum or special vibrating glasses that fit tightly to the skin. Hardware lymphatic drainage is stronger and more effective, before going to such a procedure, you need to be examined by a dermatologist and ophthalmologist for contraindications.

    Masking dark circles under the eyes with tattooing

    Permanent make-up of bruises under the eyes is a way of masking them by injecting pigment. This method can get rid of dark circles under the eyes for up to five years, depending on the rate of metabolic processes in the body. Before the procedure, you must follow a diet for 24 hours: give up fatty heavy foods, tea, coffee, alcohol. Also, you should not be under the open rays of the sun for 1-2 days.

    The procedure itself lasts up to two hours. After it, several requirements must be met:

    • refuse to visit the sauna, bathhouse, pool;
    • mechanically affect the treated area, crusts may appear, which should also not be touched;
    • using decorative cosmetics also needs to be delayed.

    Before heading to the salon, there are several important facts to consider:

    • the choice of a tattoo artist must be taken with responsibility. An experienced specialist will take into account the peculiarities of the skin, the skin tone around the area under the eyes and the color of the most problematic area to develop an individual pigment. Unfortunately, mistakes in this matter are not uncommon;
    • another negative aspect of this procedure is its soreness, even with the use of painkillers;
    • the procedure is expensive, considering that this is not a treatment, but only a disguise (some salons ask for such a service for 25-30 thousand rubles);
    • skin restoration occurs in 2–4 weeks, you should not expect an instant result.

    Patch for dark circles under the eyes

    Under eye patches are a modern and convenient way to clean up the skin under the eyes. For the first time, manufacturers of Korean cosmetics began to produce them, and now it is difficult to remember brands that do not have patches in their assortment. This cosmetic product is a patch-patch on a fabric or gel base, impregnated with a kind of cocktail of active nutrients. As a rule, it is applied for 15–20 minutes and the effect can be seen almost immediately.

    The skin around the eyes requires daily correct delicate care, which consists in moisturizing and special nutrition, improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and patches for the skin around the eyes allow to achieve these goals in a short time, this device is sometimes called "emergency cosmetic help"

    The composition of the impregnation of patches is individual for each manufacturer, but usually it contains:

    • hyaluronic acid;
    • vitamin complexes;
    • whitening ingredients;
    • antioxidants;
    • extracts of various plants;
    • collagen;
    • panthenol;
    • natural oils and trace elements.

    Massage and gymnastics for bruises under the eyes

    Massage and gymnastics are a great way to get rid of bruises under the eyes caused by poor circulation in this area. The main condition is that the procedures must be constant, there will be no sense from a single exercise. It is best to massage in the morning. You need to start by washing your face. Warm water alternates with cool, such a contrast shower will help tone the skin. The face is gently dabbed with a terry towel. Then begin to massage the area under the eyes with the pads of the fingers with light tapping movements in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose. Do the massage for about three minutes. After that, the fingers are placed on the outer edges of the orbit, rather strong pressing movements are made. Then you need to perform similar tapping movements along the line under the eyebrows, from the bridge of the nose to the temple. Then the exercises are repeated after applying a nourishing cream for the skin around the eyes.

    Exercising the eyes will enhance the massage effect. You can rotate the eyeballs hourly and counterclockwise (3-4 times), then fix the skin with your fingers on the outer corners of the eyes and close your eyes tightly for 5-6 seconds. Do 10 reps.

    Vitamins and minerals for dark circles under the eyes

    Poor nutrition can negatively affect the condition of the skin. It is important to note that a deficiency in the body of certain vitamins and minerals directly leads to the appearance of bruises under the eyes:

    • vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant. It also affects the processes of tissue regeneration, participates in hematopoiesis, is responsible for capillary permeability, participates in collagen synthesis, metabolism. Virtually all fresh fruits and berries are rich in vitamin C, especially citrus fruits and black currants. This vitamin is easily destroyed during heat treatment, so it is better to eat foods raw. In addition to consuming vitamin C with food, it is often added as a component of injectable fillers;
    • vitamin K is involved in the formation of connective tissue, its deficiency can manifest itself in blood clotting disorders. This vitamin is found in large quantities in a variety of greens: lettuce, spinach, parsley;
    • iron is involved in the process of hematopoiesis and the supply of oxygen to cells, its iron deficiency anemia is a dangerous condition for the human body. Iron is rich in red meat, apples, buckwheat;
    • vitamin E is the main antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals. Vitamin E is available in pharmacies in a soluble form, you can add 1-2 drops of this product to the cream, enriching its composition.


    Blepharoplasty is the correction of the upper or lower eyelids. This operation is carried out in two ways:

    • traditional, which consists in the surgical removal of excess skin and subcutaneous fat and suturing, such a procedure is indicated for patients over 40 years old, when the restoration of skin elasticity is not possible in other ways. Rehabilitation takes place over several weeks;
    • transconjunctival (seamless) eyelid surgery is performed for patients over 30 years of age who do not have the problem of excess skin on the eyelids. The plastic surgeon removes the fat bags through an incision in the conjunctiva, in this case no stitches remain, the whole procedure takes about 40 minutes. The postoperative period is much shorter than with traditional plastic surgery. In a few days you can go to work. Finally, the skin will recover in 3-4 weeks.

    Dark circles under the eyes become less pronounced, as the skin surface becomes smoother. But still, the purpose of blephoplasty is to remove the eyelid lift, not to lighten the skin under the eyes.

    After the operation, you must follow some recommendations:

    • do not lift weights, exclude serious physical activity;
    • wear contact lenses for 2-3 weeks;
    • avoid direct sunlight;
    • do not visit saunas, solariums, swimming pools.

    Before the operation, it is necessary to pass a number of tests and consult an ophthalmologist, if there are any eye diseases and visual impairments, for possible contraindications.

    How to quickly get rid of bruises under the eyes using folk methods

    Some folk recipes will help to make bruises under the eyes less noticeable in a short time, relieve swelling and even out the complexion. The most popular and effective ones:

    • tea compresses. To do this, you must use only fresh, strong tea leaves. Cotton pads or tampons are soaked in tea (it should not be hot) and placed on the eye area for 15 minutes. Tea has anti-inflammatory effect and improves blood circulation;
    • compress with potatoes. Raw potatoes are grated, squeezed a little juice, mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil or milk, applied for 10 minutes, washed off with warm water;
    • fresh cucumber is chopped and applied to the eye area for 15 minutes;
    • sage broth. A teaspoon of dry raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour. Then you can do in two ways: make lotions similar to tea compresses, or pour the broth into ice molds and put in the freezer. Rub the skin with ice cubes. Ice tones the skin, improves blood circulation, and sage nourishes the dermis with nutrients;
    • a bunch of fresh parsley is chopped, a spoonful of thick sour cream is added, applied for 20 minutes;
    • the crumb of black bread is soaked in milk and applied for 10 minutes.

    No method for getting rid of dark circles under the eyes can give a lifelong effect. Some procedures will have to be repeated at regular intervals. The skin around the eyes is sensitive, and there can be many reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes.

    In the 20s of the last century, "bruises" under pronounced eyeballs were the "calling card" of glamorous ladies and fashionistas. For this purpose, special makeup was applied to the face. Sometimes, in order to stay in trend, the girls simply did not get enough sleep.

    To solve the problem, it is important to find out the reasons for its occurrence. Paradoxically, the fairer sex prefer to deal not with the causes of bad appearance, but with the consequences. For them, it is much easier to apply a ton of foundation under the eyes than to solve the problem at the root by analyzing a number of points. Today's material will be devoted to these questions.

    Causes of dark circles under the eyes

    The periocular epidermis is considered the thinnest on the human body. Blood vessels are also located close to the surface. As a result, these areas of the skin are unprotected. The slightest changes or disturbances in the functioning of organs also affect the skin, its color, elasticity.

    Cosmetologists divide circles into temporary and permanent. Prolonged hyperpigmentation under the eyes is a signal that there are serious abnormalities in the body, an imbalance. Temporary circles arise due to stress, bad habits, inappropriate cosmetics.

    Causes of Permanent Circles

    To reliably determine the factors of formation and the presence of dark circles under the eyes, it is better to be examined at the clinic. These are often accompanying symptoms of serious health problems. Hyperpigmentation is observed in a number of pathological conditions of the body.

    1. Genetic inheritance. If the vessels pass too close to the surface of the dermis, a bluish tint will appear in any case, because the skin color is light.
    2. Disruptions at the hormonal level. Before the onset of menstruation, many girls have a disrupted natural hormonal background, which is a catalyst for defects on the face. Similar manifestations are recorded during menopause, during pregnancy.
    3. Violation of the kidneys. Any kidney ailment is accompanied by swelling, dark circles, while the skin can have any shade.
    4. Eating unhealthy foods. The dermis subtly and almost instantly reacts to the presence or deficiency of trace elements, vitamins in the body. It is important to eat a rich and nutritious diet.
    5. Anemia. The blue in the eye sockets is the first sign of iron deficiency in the blood.

    In each of the above cases, an aesthetic defect is just a signal of more serious health problems. Their solution is a task of paramount importance. Cosmetic deviations are secondary.

    iron deficiency is one of the causes of dark circles under the eyes

    Causes of temporary pigmentation disorders

    The unhealthy appearance of the skin under the eyes is caused by one or a combination of factors:

    1. Lack of fresh air. This problem is often faced by office workers who, by virtue of their profession, are forced to be in a confined space.
    2. Bad habits. The tint of the face changes with the regular use of drugs, alcoholic beverages, and smoking. "Panda's eyes" are a litmus test of the intoxication of internal organs and the body.
    3. Lack of sleep, exhaustion and physical fatigue of the body.
    4. Radiation from PC screens.
    5. Intense ultraviolet radiation. With constant exposure to sunlight, pigment zones form on the skin.

    To solve the problem, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and eat natural, healthy food.

    Modern cosmetology

    Technological progress is striding by leaps and bounds. It is not surprising that modern cosmetology offers several options for removing dark circles under the eyes. They guarantee the result, provided that the underlying cause is not a serious illness.

    1. Microcurrent therapy is an effective procedure aimed at improving the outflow of venous blood, normalizing lymphatic drainage.
    2. Laser exposure.
    3. Professional cosmetic massage. It is better to trust the thinnest skin to experienced massage therapists, otherwise there is a risk of aggravating the aggravation.
    4. Lipofilling is an artificial increase in the subcutaneous fat layer under the eyes.
    5. Mesotherapy is an injection effect on problem areas, in which the epidermis is saturated with drugs.

    Sometimes, to get rid of "bruises" under the eyes, it is enough to cleanse the liver, intestines and blood vessels. Walking in the fresh air, strict adherence to sleep patterns and healthy sleep help. Contrasting washes also guarantee an impressive result - they eliminate dark circles and increase the elasticity of the epidermis.

    Lipofilling - an increase in the fat layer under the eyes

    Cosmetics for dark circles

    The most effective and fastest way to get rid of ugly dark circles is to use well-chosen cosmetics. Beauticians advise correctors with a creamy texture. This is a method of promptly solving a problem.

    When it comes to concealer, it is important to choose a color that matches the shade of the foundation. Sometimes it can be half a tone or one tone lighter. The rest of the options are not suitable, because focus on the eyes.

    Particular attention is paid to the color of the problem area of ​​the skin. In the palette, each shade has its own “pair”. Highlighters with reflective particles are suitable for visually eliminating yellow circles. A beige shade will shift visual accents from the dark areas under the eyes. Dark spots are masked with purple concealers.

    Oil-based concealers are not suitable for the skin. They are characterized by minimal durability. After 2-3 hours, small particles accumulate in the eye folds. When choosing, they are guided by the value of the SPF-level of the cosmetic product. Ultraviolet rays have an extremely negative effect on the skin around the eyes.

    Homemade mask recipes

    Homemade mask recipes are varied and highly effective. They are available and easy to prepare in 2-3 minutes. Below is a selection of the most effective masks with which you can remove circles under the eyes.


    Chamomile is a real "gift" to women from nature. This medicinal plant is very beneficial for the skin, because has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. 20 mg of dry boron is poured with hot water (not boiling water) and infused for 15-20 minutes. The composition is filtered and mixed with natural yogurt. The output is a creamy consistency.

    The mask is applied around the eyes. After 10-12 minutes, it is washed off with cold running water.


    30-40 mg of fresh and chopped parsley is carefully treated with a wooden mortar or spoon in a bowl. After grinding, juice is released, the consistency becomes homogeneous. The mixture is poured into 30 ml of hot water, stirred until a creamy composition is formed. After cooling, the composition is applied to problem areas.

    The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. The frequency of repetition is 2 times every 7 days.


    Ingredients: 10 gr. peeled walnut kernels, 20 ml of butter. In a blender, the components are mixed and crushed to a homogeneous composition. 2-3 ml of pomegranate juice is added to the finished mixture, and then applied to the skin around the eyes. The mask is washed off after 25-30 minutes.

    These are not all recipes and ways to remove circles under the eyes at home, but they are considered the most effective.

    chamomile - very useful for the skin of the face

    Lotions from circles under the eyes

    For centuries, mankind has used various decoctions and medicinal herbs in the treatment of ailments. The problem under consideration is no exception. Below are some simple but effective recipes for lotions.


    A healing mask to eliminate dark circles is prepared according to this recipe: 3 ml of mint extract is combined with 2 ml of olive oil. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, poured into ceramic or glass dishes. Cotton pads are dipped into the mixture and applied to problem areas before bedtime.

    The mixture is not washed off until morning. This is an easy way to moisturize thin skin prone to dryness and prevent the formation of chemical wrinkles and age-related wrinkles.


    Lemon mask is ideal for lightening problematic epidermis. The natural product contains vitamin C, which "whitens" the skin. Add 10-15 ml of lemon juice to 40-60 ml of pure water. The composition is gently mixed, treated with the area under the eyes. The lotion is left on the skin for 2-40 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.


    Add 20 ml of sage to 200 ml of boiling water. The decoction for lotions is infused for 20 to 30 minutes in a dark place, then poured into vessels in equal proportions. The first portion is chilled in the refrigerator, and the second is left hot. Cotton swabs are moistened in different formulations and alternately applied to the eyes. With this contrast lotion, it is easy to achieve impressive results in just 2-3 sessions.

    Natural ingredients, which are the basis for lotions and masks, are considered gentle. The main rule when using them is the frequency and regularity of exposure. Sometimes the result is expected from 2-3 weeks to 3 months.

    Medications for dark circles

    To restore the natural color of the skin under the eyes, not only radical cosmetic procedures and folk recipes are used, but also medicines. Let's dwell on the most popular drugs.

    1. Preparations saturated with vitamin "A". Any formulation that provides intense blood flow in problem areas is suitable. This makes dark areas on the skin less visible. Eliminate the puffiness of the caffeinated cream. They promptly remove excess fluid from the body, soothe blood vessels.
    2. Retinol based eye creams. These compounds activate the formation of collagen in the skin, it becomes smooth and elastic. The consistency is applied in small doses under the eyes and gently rubbed into the upper layer of the dermis. Retinol is characterized by a slow effect, therefore visible results are expected from 8 to 12 weeks.
    3. The problem is solved with natural creams on the island of citrus or soy extract. The duration of exposure does not exceed 6 weeks. It is important to refrain from using hydroquinone formulations.

    Before using the cream, it is better to consult a dermatologist. He will select the most effective components for each specific case.

    Gymnastics against dark circles

    Some women are skeptical about traditional recipes and expensive drugs. If you have not yet decided how to remove dark circles under the eyes, we recommend supplementing the recipes listed above with simple gymnastics. We are talking about basic exercises that eliminate the problem under consideration, with regular repetitions.

    1. The eyeballs are closed, after which they make rotational movements in the clockwise direction. The frequency of repetition of the procedure is 4 times in a clockwise direction, and the same amount in the opposite direction.
    2. Exercise for the eyeballs open. The gaze is directed as high as possible to the left, after which the gaze is lowered down. Then the eyes are raised to the upper right corner, and down again. It is advisable to repeat gymnastic exercises at least 5 times a day.
    3. The gaze is moved slowly up, then just as slowly goes down, the eyes close. After that, the exercise is repeated in the same order, 7-10 times for each problem area.

    As each exercise assures, it is important to blink your eyes quickly. The listed examples of gymnastics for the eyes improve vision, increase the tone of the epidermis and eye muscles.

    Prevention of the appearance

    Prevention of this annoying cosmetological problem comes down to a competent organization of care for the skin around the eyes. The secret of longevity and beauty lies in physical activity, an active lifestyle and a healthy diet. Many people forget about this, relying on beauty salons and expensive procedures.

    The skin under the eyes needs regular and thorough care. Even microtrauma is fraught with its weakening, stretching. Do not delay or intensively rub these zones. Makeup base - hypoallergenic and high quality products. Make-up is removed with extremely soft and light movements.

    The main emphasis is on several points:

    • healthy and deep sleep;
    • absence of neuroses and psychological upheavals;
    • balanced diet;
    • lack of bad habits;
    • eating a lot of fresh fruits, green vegetables;
    • rest at nature;
    • regular physical activity.

    All of the above fits easily into a simple piece of advice - love and take care of yourself and your health. It is better not to deal with dark circles under the eyes, but to exclude the possibility of their occurrence. Feminine beauty is much easier to maintain than to restore. Find some free time to take care of your face and body. Stay beautiful!

    The skin around the human eye is very thin and particularly sensitive. Therefore, black circles under the eyes are, first of all, an indicator that "speaks" of unfavorable changes in the human body.

    Changing the skin tone in the eye area is even, in most cases, not so much aesthetically as a cosmetic problem, but a medical one.

    Causes of black circles under the eyes

    It is believed that bruising in the eye area is an indicator of sleepless nights, violent parties and allergies to certain irritants. But it turns out that the causes of black circles under the eyes can be much deeper, and the consequences are less pleasant.

    • One of the reasons for the change in the color of the epidermis of the periorbital zone may be the breakdown of hemoglobin. As with the rest of the body, the skin of this area is dotted with many tiny capillaries. At the same time, some of them have such a small diameter that in order to move along them, erythrocytes (red blood cells) have to stand one after another, or even divide in two. It happens that the capillary ruptures and blood plasma flows out into the intercellular space, forming small hematomas. Nothing wrong with that. The body copes with this problem perfectly by utilizing such cells. This particular process of release and oxidation of blood cells causes black circles under the eyes. This is called hemoglobin breakdown. It is hemoglobin that gives blood its characteristic shade, and in the process of splitting the products receive a blue-red color - that is, a banal bruise. The common feature of black circles and bruises is that when hit or bruised, the capillaries burst, and blood is also released from the vessel. The only difference is that in the case of the appearance of black circles, there was no preliminary blow.
    • Allergy can also provoke the change in question. Its reaction can directly affect the skin near the eyes or, in the course of the allergy itself, the "owner" simply rubs his eyes vigorously.
    • It turns out that banal tanning can aggravate the problem under consideration. After all, the chocolate color of the skin appears due to the effects of ultraviolet rays and the presence of the pigment melanin, which is present in the human skin. Prolonged retortion of the sun on the skin provokes an increase in the level of melanin. This factor makes the human body react by removing this enzyme closer to the outer layers of the epidermis. And since the skin around the eyes is thinner, it “darkens” first, creating the effect of dark glasses.
    • An improper daily routine that minimizes rest time, accumulated fatigue is not a direct cause of darkening of the epidermis. Simply due to excessive stress and fatigue of the body, the skin turns pale. Against her background, the eyes seem darker.
    • Such a result is brought about by the age of a person, because over the years the skin of the place of interest to us becomes more and more thinner.
    • It is enough for many women during the period of bearing a child or the course of menstruation, the skin becomes paler, focusing on dark circles.
    • An unbalanced diet can also cause black circles under the eyes.
    • This pathology can be a symptom of various diseases of internal organs. For example, chronic kidney and heart disease. Black circles are not only an indicator of a malfunction in their work, but also an indicator of the fatal intoxication of the whole organism. Incomplete utilization of waste products leads to such a situation. Therefore, local correction or treatment of this problem will not give a positive result - it is necessary to look for deeper reasons.
    • The climatic factor can cause changes in skin color - in the cold season, it turns pale, since during this period subcutaneous fat is lost. Against the background of pallor, the eyes look darker. This problem can be solved - it is enough just to regularly apply a rich nourishing cream under the eyes.
    • Nicotine and alcohol negatively affect the state of blood vessels, making them more fragile and less elastic.
    • A diet accompanied by a sharp weight loss can also lead to such symptoms.
    • Wrong selection of cosmetics.
    • Glandular anemia is a lack of iron in the human body.
    • Stress, excessive excitability and nervousness.

    Why are there black circles under the eyes?

    Unambiguously answer the question, why are there black circles under the eyes? impossible. Indeed, this pathology may have a rather banal reason, which is perfectly corrected by cosmetics, a change in diet or a revision of the lifestyle. But it may happen that a change in skin color provoked a disease that must be established and stopped as soon as possible. Only in this case will the problem with black circles under the eyes be solved.

    Hence the conclusion: in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to find the provoking cause and eliminate it. An experienced eye circles shade specialist is quite capable of even determining the area of ​​pathology. For example:

    • the brownish-yellow color of the circles may indicate problems in the functioning of the gallbladder or liver.
    • if the shade is pink or red - most likely a failure has occurred in the work of the kidneys.
    • a bluish tint may indicate disorders that have occurred in the functioning of the lymphatic system and / or venous outflow of blood.
    • blackish spots or stripes can tell about the "wrong" work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Therefore, in order to get the effect of the efforts made in the fight against this pathology, it is necessary to unequivocally answer the question of why there are black circles under the eyes?

    Symptoms of black circles under the eyes

    The darker shade in the eye area is quite conspicuous. It is not difficult to describe the symptoms of black circles under the eyes, it should only be clarified that this phenomenon in itself is a symptomatology of some changes occurring in the human body.

    In this case, the skin of the lower eyelid becomes thin, parchment. The tint of the skin changes its natural milky color to a darker one. The color scheme, in this case, can be quite varied: yellowish brown, pinkish black, or even bluish.

    Diagnosis of black circles under the eyes

    If clinical and laboratory studies did not reveal any deviations in the functioning of the human body, then the diagnosis of black circles under the eyes is reduced only to a visual examination that does not require special skills. Turning to a beautician with your problem, you can get advice on correcting and hiding traces of fatigue on the face using modern cosmetics. But this still does not solve the problem, especially if it is a symptom of some kind of disease. Therefore, if a person is worried about black circles under the eyes, it is better to make an appointment with a doctor.

    A qualified specialist, having prescribed the necessary diagnostics, is able to "get to the bottom" of the cause of such symptoms and, if necessary, schedule an effective treatment.

    These diagnostic techniques include:

    • Visual examination of the patient.
    • Clinical analysis of urine.
    • Blood biochemistry and blood sugar testing.

    If necessary, appoint:

    • Ultrasound examination of an organ "suspected of pathological changes".
    • Radiography.
    • Biopsy.
    • And many other diagnostic methods.

    Treatment for black circles under the eyes

    It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the treatment of black circles under the eyes is clearly delineated. If the cause of their appearance is one of the diseases of the internal organs, then in this case no cosmetics can help and it is necessary to undergo a full course of complex treatment of this disease. Only after that will the question of dark circles be removed. But if this deviation is not related to the patient's state of health, then the problem is not so terrible and modern cosmetology is able to come to the rescue in solving this problem.

    For example, a procedure such as lipofilling. This technique offers the introduction of your own fat cells under the lower eyelid. The effect of such an event is quite obvious, but not lasting. Therefore, lipofilling will have to be repeated periodically.

    It is possible to resort to a technique called lymphatic drainage. This is a therapy carried out using a special medical device that emits small microcurrents. Thanks to such procedures, the blood flow and the circulation system of the lymphatic fluid flow are activated.

    The next technique that can help in solving this issue can be called mesotherapy. This therapy is not so widespread in our country, some patients have not even heard of its existence. The essence of the method: injections are made with a small thin needle shallowly under the skin with the introduction of a special drug. Although many doctors and cosmetologists do not consider it effective enough, it is worth noting that the final result largely depends on the individual characteristics of the human body.

    Sufficiently good results in the treatment of black circles under the eyes are shown by laser peeling of the skin.

    There are also many simple and inexpensive techniques found by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers:

    • To narrow the dilated vessels that give skin tone, you can use cryo lotions. For this, cold spoons are quite suitable, which are applied to closed eyes for a while. You can also use well-chilled peas, placed in canvas bags.
    • You can try saline lavage of the nasal passages. To do this, dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt in half a liter of warm water.
    • One teaspoon of one of the herbs or a mixture of them: rosemary, chamomile, cornflower or dill, pour half a glass of boiling water and leave for ten minutes. Use only freshly prepared infusion. Practice alternating compresses of different temperatures, putting either cold or hot lotion. The procedure is repeated once every two days. The duration of therapy is up to a month. The effect can be seen after a week of use.
    • Prepare a decoction from one tablespoon and a glass of water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Moisten gauze in the strained liquid and keep it on the eyelids for about ten minutes. It relieves puffiness well and removes bruises under the eyes.
    • Place the grated raw potatoes in a napkin and keep for ten minutes on the eyelids. Repeat the procedure once a week. The duration of therapy is up to one and a half months.
    • A mixture made from a teaspoon of parsley, which was ground in a glass or porcelain dish with a tablespoon of fat sour cream, also has an excellent whitening effect. A container made of metal or excision with a knife will not work - at the same time, vitamin C, so necessary for the body, is lost. This composition is applied to the eyelids and kept for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with water at room temperature. The procedure is carried out daily for one and a half months.
    • Fresh cucumber (with sour cream), sour liquor or whole milk (with the pulp of white bread) also showed themselves well as compresses. Keep the lotions in front of your eyes for up to 20 minutes.
    • Grind the root parsley and immediately apply the resulting gruel to closed eyes, hold for a third of an hour, and then rinse off the face. This procedure should be done once a week.
    • Grind almonds into "dust" and mix with honey. Before going to bed, gently massage into the area around the eyes. An excellent remedy for black circles under the eyes.
    • Crush mint leaves into gruel and add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Make lotions daily, keeping for 10-15 minutes.

    How to remove black circles under the eyes?

    Anyone strives to look attractive, but, often, the appearance of "bruises" in the eye area immediately makes the face haggard and painful. What to do, how to remove black circles under the eyes? Multiple cosmetology concerns and firms have come to help in this matter. And today's market for decorative and medical cosmetics is simply overflowing with various creams and masks that can effectively deal with this aesthetic problem.

    • Special moisturizing and nourishing creams. They are able to affect the breakdown of hemoglobin, relieving the skin of a black tint. At the same time, cosmetics work to strengthen the capillary system, preventing further hemorrhages. Regular hydration of the lower eyelid skin using high-quality moisturizing creams will help protect the epidermis from drying out and, accordingly, from early wrinkles and dark circles.
    • If you need to look your best, and there is no time left for lotions, decorative cosmetics will come to the rescue. To learn how to properly use cosmetics, you should consult a certified cosmetologist who will select the color of the primer, concealer and foundation that is most suitable for the color of the client's skin.
    • At home, you can use the pulp and juice of a fresh aloe leaf. This plant acts like a natural concealer.
    • Fresh potatoes can be used not only in the form of gruel compresses, but simply by cutting the tuber into rings, put one in each eye. Hold this for a few minutes. Then you can wash. This therapy should be practiced twice throughout the day. The course is from two to three weeks.
    • The same procedure can be done with cucumber. The result is not worse than that of potatoes.
    • An excellent effect is given by rubbing almond or coconut oil into the upper and lower eyelids before going to bed. A positive result can be noticed quickly enough.
    • Don't throw away your freshly brewed tea bags either. Cool and apply warm for ten minutes on the eyelids. The eyes will become clearer, the dark circles will turn pale.

    Prevention of black circles under the eyes

    If the cause of this problem is not one of the diseases of the internal organs, which must be treated with medication, then the prevention of black circles under the eyes is not so difficult.

    • Biologically, the human body needs good rest. Therefore, it is worth sleeping at least seven to nine hours a day. It is also necessary to adhere to a sleep routine: get up and go to bed, if possible, at the same time.
    • Spend more time in the fresh air, if this is not possible, it is worth practicing active ventilation of the work space or home.
    • If the profession is related to working at a computer monitor, take breaks of several minutes every hour. During this time, you can do strengthening exercises for the eyes or simply stretch the joints.
    • It is advisable to carry out the morning exercise with cold water. It is good for the face too. You can use ice cubes. It will be great if these are frozen decoctions of medicinal herbs. Chamomile, sage, linden, string will do.
    • The diet is also worth reviewing. Everything should be balanced in it. The obligatory presence of nutrients, vitamins and minerals is required.
    • It is worth making every effort to get rid of bad habits, avoid stressful situations.
    • On bright sunny days, it is advisable to protect the face with sunglasses and a hat, and the day cream used must have a sun protection factor.
    • The cosmetics that a person uses should only be of high quality, otherwise it can do more harm than good.
    • A light facial massage in the morning is a great start to the day. A few minutes daily is enough to tone the skin, activate blood flow, thereby removing the factors that provoke the appearance of black circles under the eyes.
    • Do not miss preventive examinations of doctors in order, if necessary, to undergo an examination and a treatment course on time.
    • Soothing teas will help to cope with irritability, increased excitability.

    Daily massage of the eyelid area:

    • For three minutes, gently patting with the pads of your fingers, massage the skin near the eyes. In this case, you should not allow stretching of the skin.
    • We slide the phalanx pads from the bridge of the nose, along the lower eyelid to the temple and back. This exercise will make it possible to stimulate the work of the circulatory and lymphatic systems of this area, strengthen the circular muscles.
    • Load on the upper eyelid should be avoided so as not to provoke increased pressure on the eyeball. After the massage, apply a special moisturizing or nourishing cream to this area, "driving in" it with your fingertips along the path of the temple - lower eyelid - bridge of the nose.

    Exercise for the eyes is a great opportunity to relax muscles, relieve fatigue, and prevent the appearance of black circles under the eyes. It is especially shown to people working for a long time in front of a computer screen.

    • Make the following movements with your eyes: look first at the ceiling, then at the floor - and so on several times.
    • First, look in one direction, without turning your head, trying to look around the corner of the building, in the same way we look in the other direction. Repeat the exercise several times.
    • Try drawing various geometric shapes with your eyes. Anything will do, if you wish: eights, quadrangles, triangles, broken lines, circles, and so on. As far as knowledge of mathematics is enough.
    • Now we close our eyes with effort, hold it a little, and open our eyes, relaxing the eyelids.
    • Finally, close your eyelids, and cover your eyes with your palms from above. Hold this for some time, "warming the problem area." Remove your hands and open your eyes.
    • These exercises should be done three to four times daily.

    Forecast of black circles under the eyes

    If the change in skin tone is not associated with a serious pathology of internal organs, then the prognosis of black circles under the eyes is very favorable. You just need to be more careful with your body, adequately distributing the load and rest. Then your face will always radiate health, freshness and youth.

    The first thing that catches your eye when meeting a person is his face. And how does the appearance of the interlocutor change if his eyes are framed by black circles under the eyes. Such a face appears tired, haggard, and painful. In order not to cause pity in the respondent, but to look like a real queen (king), do not forget that your face is an indicator of the state of health of the body. Take better care of him - then everyone will envy your skin and complexion.