How to strengthen relations: psychological exercises. Never give up. How to strengthen relationships with her husband

The beginning of the relationship always causes a storm of emotions. Two completely strangers of man once turned their attention to each other and decided to learn better about him or its inner world. And, starting from now on, relationships originate, turning into bright feelings - love. In the new relationship everything is fine and exciting.

However, as soon as the relationship has reached a mature stage, when the candy-bought period approached the end, it's time to be taken for not so pleasant and difficult. Romance no longer hovers in the air every day, and focus switches to make the mechanism work further. Of course, there is still a place for new exciting things. And only in strong relationships you can truly enjoy not so frequent, but so pleasant moments.

Creating and maintaining long-term relationships may require significant efforts from you. But this, in any case, will be useful for you. Observation of another person, for his habits and ways of thinking - all this will help you not only better understand it, but also improve your life. In the end, you will learn to divide joy even in the most minor trifles with your second half.

And we will describe 8 basic rules that will help you with this!

1. Form the common dream of all your life

Rota in accounts for utilities, engaged in routine cleaning in the house, working in the stuffy office by day, it is easy to miss up of sight of more important things. You can even forget about the reasons why you still live together.

Dr. Jane Merr, a marriage and family psychotherapist in New York, says: "Happy couples are rapidly developing awareness and understanding of" us ", that is, they combine. They have a common vision of things, and they can say: "We want to plan a purchase at home, we want to take a vacation in such a place, we like to do something, we want to form a full-fledged family."

The most favorable time is to start it - to enter into a full relationship. That is, marriage. This creates a solid basis for living together. Another advantage of early and joint planning is that you are much more inclined to embody a certain dream into reality together.

2. Support physical communication

As in most elements of the relationship, it is always easier to maintain this connection. It is much more difficult to combine it with work, financial affairs, care for children, home and other things. All this makes it difficult to maintain passion.

It is necessary to express priorities and find time for truly important things. The same applies to intimate proximity. As a result, stresses that arise due to work and other routines will become only a minor obstacle. Because you will continue to re-open yourself for passion.

3. Support communicative communication

Yes, yes, you have already heard a million times about how important it is to support communication with your partner. But no matter how obvious it was, not everyone can follow this simple rule.

Think about it again: Communication is a common denominator in everything related to relationships. This applies to all stages. It participates in everything, starting with the purchase of a car or housing and ending with the exchange of emotions. Even so that the husband delivers the garbage, you need to tritely ask him about it!

Communication is also a vital element in understanding each other. You might think that you already know your partner better nowhere. But is it? Do you know what emotions is he filled with when he is sick when someone underestimates him when something goes wrong? In life, there will be a million different things about which you can even know and who will somehow influence you two. Open communication is the only way to preserve the balance and further development of relations.

Free communication should be comfortable enough so that you can calmly inform your partner something good or bad. It is clear that we do not want to hurt each other, being sharp and straight. However, this is part of open communication: to be honest, regardless of the circumstances.

4. Emit a positive attitude

We will raise the previous item a little (you still remember what we were talking about?). It is important to demonstrate your appreciation to another person. Emphasizing a positive relationship can very quickly establish your relationship. Although, many forget about it after 10, 20 or 30 years of living together. And do not forget about it when everything is so good. It is still very important to speak partner about what you love him.

The fact that relations become intense and stress over time should already give you a stimulus to change their behavior. If you married this woman, then it is special, right? So tell her about it. If this man still pleases you, despite the workload at work, then this deserves at least a pair of delicate words?

And separately for men: do not think you forget to say your half that she is beautiful. Believe it, it is important.

5. Take a change

Studies have shown that your partner will change in a certain way every 7-8 years. The change can be sharp or insignificant, but you should expect to see some difference in his behavior or appearance.

Personal changes are a natural process in life, but we often do not take into account these changes in our relations. Both people in relationships should understand, at what life stage you are and what you need. If you do not report these changes or simply do not accept them, you will have big problems.

So just get ready for the fact that not everything will remain as it is for now, make changes and interest the new facts of your life together. And be honest. Understand that changes are inevitable, and this applies to all.

6. Learn to compromise

Two different people always have two different opinions on this or that account. This is most obvious when making any solution - significant or not. Sometimes both agree with each other, and sometimes not. When there are disagreements, do not let them become a full argument in your relationship. Instead, discuss the situation calmly and rationally.

Be careful and sensitive to the opinion of another person. If you immediately take a defensive position in a dialogue, do not hear the arguments of the partner, you risk destroying everything is ht. If you do not know why your partner thinks exactly that, do not start the scandal. Just calmly find out what exactly you disagree in views.

For not such significant solutions, another tactic is perfect. You can negotiate in turn to make a decision and do everything in your own way. If you can not decide on the site for dinner, let me go one of you today will choose your favorite restaurant, and tomorrow - the same will make another. Try it works!

7. It is worth apologizing if you are wrong.

We are all wrong, especially in relationships. But part of a mature relationship is willingness to recognize your mistakes. If you were allowed, just apologize to your partner. To be stubborn and insist that you are still right - not the best tactic. It's even worse than the fact of the mistake itself.

In addition, it is not enough to run under the nose of the word for forgiveness, sincerity and visual contact with those who have for forgiveness are important. Hide your pride and do everything as it should.

Also learn how to apologize. Stubbornness may also occur at the receiving parties. Therefore, if your partner sincerely apologizes, listen to it and continue to live happily with each other.

8. Never give up

Emotional stability is important for long-term relationships. You can follow all the above tips, but if you once allow weakness and lower your hands, then everything collapses. It is important not to give up and believing in your strength and in the strength of your partner. No matter how difficult today is the burden, you must withstand this test to become happier.

Remember that ideal relationships, like people, does not happen. It doesn't matter how much you love each other, if you give the will of weakness, feelings will destroy. Tests are a part of life, and you should be ready for them.

Long-term relationships are beautiful, but it is difficult to achieve. Although it should not be easy to achieve. Otherwise, people would not understand how beautiful it is to live in peace with your loved one.

How to strengthen the relationship with a guy

Relationships with your loved one with time can spoil. Everything can be fixed in your relationship and make more confidential and reliable. The end result depends on your desire and attached effort. How to strengthen the relationship with a guy?

Some actions of couples are destroying relationships. A big mistake will be a reminder of your former lovers, who will like it? Moreover, never compare your current and former guy. Learn to listen, not just to talk. Support your partner in a difficult situation. Take your beloved person as it is. His appearance, character and tastes do not try to remake. Love disappears from this.

In any way, show that it is for you the most expensive person. Speak that you are proud of them, so strengthen relationships with him. Praise him for the mind, a man is always nice if the woman appreciates him for mental abilities. Feed it for the appearance, the ability to talk, the lack of bad habits. This improves the relationship and increases the guy's self-esteem. Speak compliments only when they correspond to reality.

As a guy to strengthen the relationship - get rid of bad habits and negative character traits. This does not mean to adapt to the partner, but take a few steps to your second half. Make a new hairstyle, refresh the outfit and improve the physical form - the young man will probably notice it that will bring novelty to your relationship and strengthen them.

As with a guy to strengthen the relationship - they are not full of sex. Good sex will allow you to revive love. Add a variety to intimate relationships - read new postures, play role-playing games, use sexy toys.

As with relatives to establish relationships. We and our relatives have to communicate in the face of close psychological distances. It is because of this reason, even the smallest negligence ...

As a woman to revive feelings. As a rule, over the years since the family pair, the feelings are cooling. Once in the past, people who are loving and careful about each other are gradually becoming strangers and distant ...

As a quarrel to establish relationships. Relationships between people are not always smooth. The closest friends and even the most caring and loving spouses can quarrel. It is noticed that ...

How to establish relationships with a girlfriend. Once you notice that you have no such good relationship with your girlfriend as before. Although, before that you were shared with each other with all the joys and sophors. Probably…

Source: How to strengthen the relationship relationship with a guy to make a strong way. How to get close to your boyhttp: //

How to make a relationship tight? 7 secrets of the strongest relationships take note!

Sturdy relations are built by two people who love and respect each other. It is possible to strengthen the relationship only when everyone takes care of bringing the greatest contribution to these relationships, thereby helping its half to become better. The more you show love, the more you want to do another in response, and so on the endless circle of love, trust, tenderness and adoption. This is probably the most important secret, but let's talk about its components. Having strengthened their relations in the family, you strengthen your confidence and in the rest of life, get the best support in the form of love of a person who love you and help him in the same. So love becomes an inexhaustible source, which fills all the vessels with crystal clear water, so desirable on a hot day.

Find out 7 simple secrets that will strengthen relationships with your partner.

You can listen, but you can hear - these are different things!

Try to understand the feelings of your partner. Learn to be attentive by asking questions about different details that will help you learn more about the situation or experiences with which your favorite (love) shares with you.

Try to take care of the relationship before the real danger of their fortress and sustainability comes. Communicate with each other about how you see your relationship, which is missing, whether everyone finds what they expect and together are looking for ways to embody what each of you wants from these relationships.

Let it be joint construction, and not restoration. Remember that your half can perceive the state of the relationship between you is not exactly the way you are. For example, everything suits you, and she (to him) something hurts, or vice versa. Therefore, it is important to understand what is experiencing another in this relationship. Help each other in this.

There are many ways to solve conflicts, but the best is their prevention. Although, we do not correctly understand the importance of conflicts. In fact, conflicts are the necessary component of the relationship - you are different! But the way you solve them and bring them to the quarrel, will talk about the maturity of love between you. Be pre-prepared for the fact that conflicts will necessarily. Do not hurry to pour all your discontent on your beloved (beloved). Learn to talk about your negative experiences also with love. And never go to bed without solving the problem.

All people change every minute, and you can change with your partner if they are paid by feeling each other. Be open to change, look for ways to change together. Strive for more in your feelings, do what will make them even stronger every day. Do not think that you have reached the top of love, all the vertices are still ahead - do not lose yourself the opportunity to experience completeness in all its manifestations.

Support the interests of your favorite and find new classes for yourself. Even if the daily working life begins to turn into a routine, make a novelty into your relationship, arrange a date, write to each other's notes and go to the picnic!

You are so native, but such different. Each of you is unique, but you can no longer live without a friend, these differences only brighten the relationship. Do not try to make another the same as you, make it react to situations as well as you. Do not look at the difference in both the problem, but accept, as a chance to be with someone who can withdraw from the zone of your own comfort. Admire this difference and think about how it will help you overcome different difficulties in life.

Strong relationships to you! Do not forget these secrets, strive to develop them in relations with a partner.

If you are hard to cope with yourself, ask questions and we will try to find answers together.

Source: How to make a relationship tight? 7 secrets of the strongest relationships take note! Describes the secrets how to make your relationship is stronger. Do not forget these secrets, strive to develop them in relations with partner.Http: //

How to strengthen relations with your beloved man

A woman does everything to get a man - seduces, seduces, lures. "He is mine" - the first her thought or phrase after reaching the goal. Further traditional scenario: meetings, kisses, monotony and parting.

How to strengthen the relationship? If you feel about the category of women who getting their beloved, just swim downstream and do nothing to strengthen relations, then our advice will be really "savory" for your personal life.

Men love when they are praised - use it as a tool. Women's praise, they perceive as the highest assessment of their activities. Being the first in all and everywhere - the main credo of representatives of strong sex. They are successful, career and earnings. It is for these criteria that our men compete throughout life. Support for beloved strengthens faith in herself makes proud of its achievements. If your second half shows "lifelong" severity, which means that its character and temperament, do not require excessive softness. In any case, find a common language and approach to it you must definitely. Sometimes it is enough to hear the elementary interest of the beloved woman: "Dear, how was your working day?".

To speak gentle words, writing often sms, call every half an hour - a purely female manifestation of love. Representatives of the strong floor are more restrained in this regard, less eloquent. However, this does not mean that they do not like. First, men declare the law of law ("she is my woman", "My Son's Mother", etc.), then right and commitment provide and protect it. If all this is present in your second half, be sure - he loves you.

Your task is to hold it. What do women love most? Of course, cut a man. Permanent reproaches, comments, discontent destructively act on the relationship. Learn to give up, "lose." You yourself, remove the dishes follow him, put socks in the washing machine. Sometimes it is better to do something very, rather than finding the trifles. And finally, one good advice: be best in everything, be supported by your man, be the most.

family Traditions - On New and Old Traditions

How to strengthen relationships for the site family home children

Source: How to strengthen relationships with your beloved men's family relationship.http: //

5 Soviets, how to strengthen love relationships - Community for women

Strong and reliable relationships are the basis of your lucky and prosperous life and holistic health. When the relationship rushes and you are in conflict with your partner, you master the feeling of helplessness, danger and devastation. It can be said that it is possible to strengthen love relationships only hard work. The more you put in their construction, the more you get.

How to strengthen love relationships?

The relationship of each pair is unique in its own way, a woman meets a man for various reasons. But there are general features in the relationships of successful couples. Knowing the basic principles of healthy relationships, you can survive difficult and happy times together.

What love relationships can be called healthy?

Participate in each other's life

Some relationships are stuck under peaceful coexistence, when the pair really does not bind life with each other. On the surface, it may look stable, but the absence of complicity only gives you away from each other. Learn to communicate more deeply, with understanding, respect and sympathy.

Ability to cope with conflicts

Some pairs solve the problem calmly, while others increase their voice and passionately express their disagreement. The secret of strong relationships is not to be afraid of the conflict. Learn to feel safe to express discontent, without fear of retaliation. Find a way to resolve the conflict without humiliation, insisting on its right.

Have personal hobbies and life outside of love relationships

No man can satisfy all your needs. And waiting for too much creates unhealthy pressure on the relationship. Communication with friends, hobbies and hobbies not only bring happiness to your life, but also stimulate your relationship. You are filled with energy and inspiration when you communicate with friends and you pay time to creativity and your development. Then this energy you share with your partner.

Honest and frank communication is the foundation of any relationship. When you both feel comfortable, expressing needs, fears and desires, a sense of trust only increases.

Support physical proximity

Touch is the most important part of human life. Children studied that regular, loving touch plays a key role in the development of the brain. These advantages do not end in childhood. Life without physical contact with other emotionally isolates.

According to research, affectionate tactile contact increases the level of oxytocin, hormone, which affects the sense of attachment and intimacy. In a serious relationship, sex should not be the only form of intimacy. Hold hands, hugging and kissing equally important.

Be careful to what your partner loves. Perhaps physical caress in public places will cause discontent of your partner. Find together the boundaries of the permissible.

Cut together time

Most likely you have had warm memories of your dating day and first date. Then everything seemed new and exciting, and perhaps you spent a lot of time together, examined the world and traveled. Over time, hassle and work, hobbies and other obligations take more and more time. It is very important to find time for each other and arrange priorities correctly. Work will not leave anywhere, but it will be difficult to restore the relationship.

There are some simple ways to revive interest in each other:

  • Plan a regular time regularly. Even when you are very busy going to the cinema to distract from the project, you work on, very important.
  • Find a lesson that you like both: be it board games, dance lessons, movies or fresh coffee in the morning.
  • Try something new together. New experience will warm up your interest. It may be trite just: go to a new restaurant or go beyond the city to a place where you have never been.
  • Laugh and smile. It is a sense of humor that can help you in difficult times and reduce the level of stress. Find a proven way to raise him mood. For example, you can arrange a battle with pillows in beds 🙂 fun and interesting. Do not be afraid to be a child!

Examine a love language of each other

When people cease to communicate, their relationships die. Only in open communication, you can solve the problems that come across.

Each of us has a leading way to obtain information. For example, you can react better to touch, and your partner is on visual images. You can find a dominant communication method when you keep track of how it describes events and the situation. Watch and find a leading way to communicate. For example, one man may like a massage after a busy day, and the other is important to talk to souls for a hot cup of tea.

Do not count on the fact that he will read your thoughts

When you know each other for a long time, you can get into the trap - he knows everything. Remember: Your partner is not a telepath. A man is generally arranged differently than a woman. And you should not be angry when he is watching TV. He needs to give tips, speak openly about his desires and remind of his preferences from time to time. There is nothing wrong. Just so arranged men in contrast to women. Moreover, people change, and what you wanted a year ago, for example, differs from today. Develop the habit of expressing your needs, it will help to avoid offended and misunderstanding.

Give and get

Healthy relations are built on a compromise. Expect your partner to give you 100% of your time, unfairly. Find time and enthusiasm to surprise your man simply because you want to. Do not expect anything in return, but just make him a pleasant and unexpected. Respect his opinion and interests and do not try to change in it what you do not like. Learn to make concessions.

Expect ups and downs

In relations, as in nature, there are cycles. Prepare that the flower period will not last forever. While you will be together, you will jointly overcome obstacles, grow and change. What is valuable for you and important now, can change after 7-10 years. Be prepared for difficulties: moving, changing work, loss of family member. Different events can shake your beloved or you, you need to learn how to cope with such stressful situations.

Tips, how to go through ups and downs:

  • Do not shift your problems on the partner. Due to difficulties and troubles, do not allow yourself to break off on your partner. Find peaceful ways to express your anger and disappointment. Try quietly in order to explain everything that happened. The man will tell you and the solution 🙂
  • Be opened to change. Changes are inevitable in life, and they are inevitable. Be flexible and let the changes come to your life to move on.
  • Do not ignore the problem. Do not avoid problems that arise in loving relationships. They will grow like a snowball, if you do not pay them attention. Look the truth in the eyes and find a solution together without postponing complex conversations in a long box.

Romantic relationships require constant attention

Many pairs begin to focus on relationships only when there are specific, inevitable problems. As soon as problems are solved, they switch attention to work and other interests. If the health of romantic relationships remains important to you, maintaining healthy, harmonious relationships will require your attention and effort. It's like a flower: if you do not water it, it will quickly start.


Over time, relationships with your loved one can spoil. But it is not necessary to think that it is impossible to flourish anything. Tea in your power to strengthen them and make more faithful and trust. The result will depend on the efforts you attached and from the dream of the 2nd half to be with you.

You will need

  • The guy, not fading relationship, the desire to restore them.


1. 1) Avoid common mistakes that kill love. The number of couples in love do not give themselves the report that some of their actions destroy relationships. Many partners even after some time can not let go of the past and continuously recall their former beloved. This is definitely not like anyone. Also never compare your current and former passion. Do not be egoist, because your second half deserves continuous attention. Learn not only to speak, but also listen. Head to support your companion in difficult atmosphere. Distribute to accept your loved one, as it is. Do not try to remake it with temper, tastes and appearance. Love disappears from each of it.

2. 2) Appreciate your companion, often praise it. By the method you show that he is the most precious person for you. Saying "I am proud of you," you strengthen the relationship with the guy. Praise your beloved for mind, tea is a man in a dusty, when a woman appreciates his mental abilities. Praise him for excellent appearance. Please indicate on the features that you seem exclusively outstanding. Praise also deserves his knowledge of the conversation, contain a house clean, non-dedicated crawls. But you should not say compliments if your words do not correspond to reality. This method will help not only improve the relationship, but also increase the self-esteem of the guy.

3. 3) Change your appearance, temper and attitude to life. In order to strengthen the relationship, quite everyone only get rid of the negative features of the lava and a detrimental habit. Do not strictly adapt to your companion, but allowed to make the truth would be more than a few steps of their 2nd half. Love yourself if you want a different person who loved you. An acceptable new hairstyle, an outfit or an improved physical form will allow you to make a novelty to your relationship with a young man, which will only strengthen them.

4. 4) Pay great attention to the sex life. The sex can not be a full-fledged relationship. Sex allows not only to enjoy, but also to revive love. Remember: When did you feel the passion end? Add rapid sex, the one that will revive the relationship and will warm up the sexual desire of partners. Make a diversity into sex life, having studied new postures, playing role-playing games or applying different sexy toys.

The campaign in the registry office and official marriage is not ends, but only begins. Joint accommodation is everyday creative work, in which both parties take part. By cementing seven feelings is not a mutual passion for husbands, but love, trust, guardianship of each other. Strengthen the relationship and create a solid and friendly family, which no obstacles are terrible, allowed by several methods.


1. Teach each other as you have and appreciate the qualities for which you loved your companion. None when you do not need to take advantage of re-education and declare about your desire to eradicate the shortcomings that you see in your husband. If something is nervous, try to talk and explain why this happens. Loving and self-respecting man will try to correct, just no need to apply aggression and blackmail for this.

2. Teach listening to each other and become a real help to your husband. You are obliged to frankly disturbing his tasks and worrying his affairs. Joint discussion and decision making makes you real accomplices in the very class sense of the word. There should be no individual tasks from the family, they are all - your universal.

3. Family, your home should be the place wherever it is invariably to return, where you invariably listened, sympathize and will give advice. It should be an island of sustainability, home heat and comfort, on which all everyday troubles and adversity are forgotten and retreat.

4. Do not try to strengthen the birth of a child if the relationship was given a crack, this is your marriage is hardly saved. But for those who love each other, the birth of a child can be that a factor, the one that is even stronger with her husbands will become an additional reason for the manifestation of guardianship and tenderness. Love to each other and their children, a musting of general family well-being allowed to open the second breath in relation to X between his spouse and his wife.

5. With the birth of children's children, personal orders and family holidays arise, which determine the order of the whole family and become for all its member with a mandatory sign of their homes. The awareness of this makes powerful, confident and successful both parents and joyful children.

Video on the topic

The house built by professional builders from a good material can serve its owners dozens of years. Errors made in construction reduce this period up to several years. The most inevitable are errors when bookmark the base. The laid above the loading of the soil freezing, without the strengthening of floating soils, either with a height drop, the base will rapidly behave rapidly, and the disclosure and deformation of the walls and the permissible collapse. If you have become a victim of the senior work of the contractor, you can go to court, and the house itself you will need to urgently strengthen.


1. Strengthening the foundation. The construction of the basis of the foundation depends on the type of deformation: 1. The integrity of the very foundation is broken. There are cracks in the solution. The removal method: injections with cement mortar into cracks and emptiness.2. Lenhing was rotted, due to which emptiness formed under the foundation themselves, or the load (superstructure) increased on the basis. In this case, it is allowed to strengthen, making injections of the same solution under the sole of the foundation. In the event that the planned increase in the load is significant, then strengthen the base should be vibrant pile; 4. When building attacks to the house due to vibration and deformation of soils, even the strongest basis may not be a story. In this case, in addition to strengthening pile, it is necessary to enhance the bearing walls with metal hustles.5. Multifunctional method to strengthen the basis - to expand it. Around the house, tested the trench to the depth of the base, cleaned from the ground and construction waste, in the base in a checker order at a distance of 20 cm, the reinforcement rods are poured by a minimum of 16 mm. They build an armature belt, formwork and poured concrete.

2. Strengthening walls. If you deal with the foundation, you should strengthen the walls. The most basic task that leads to the breaking of the walls besides the foundation is the lack of waterproofing. In this case, the walls based on bitumen are applied on the walls of the house. But this method is not quite faithful, because with time the bitumen is launched and disappears. All waterproofing will have to be updated again. It is despite the most faithful method - this is a coating of walls with hydrophobic materials, which pushing the water from the surface, and also firmly curl with the wall, penetrating it into depth to 1 cm. The most precious, but the most faithful method: the walls impregnation Special waterproofing compositions. They can fully soak the wall, becoming solid with it.

3. Do not forget to make groundwater removal from the walls. To do this, the trench is broken around the house, which is tightly clogged by clay.

Repeatedly on their own senselessness, a person finds himself in the situation when relationships with a beloved enter the impression. It seems that you do not grow closer. Often the relationship end, barely started, only because someone could not take a step against the opposite.

You will need

  • Relations with a guy


1. Meetings are not random. If people reached together to each other, then there is something uniting them and makes one whole. It is not invariably developing into love. But if it seems that the world without this certain person does not make sense, it is necessary to try to do so that the relationship progressed, so that there were no impasters and discord, misunderstanding. What should be done: 1. Do not need to be configured. All. Even the most, your gaze, heavy. In the conversation, people are revealed and become themselves. If you are brewing a hidden discord, it needs to be transferred to outward, discuss and say to each other what has gross. Some believe that this way is allowed to task everything. In fact, it is not. The woman seems to suffer only. And the tea is also tormented and also can not make the 1st step.

2. Do not hesitate to talk to each other about sex. Your guy should know what you like greatly, and what, permissible, does not suit. You can have various interests with him, companies, attitude to life. But sex is universal. This is what unites you. What can I say, how not about this?

3. Arrange small holidays for two. They are obliged to be unplanned and therefore even more glorious. Passing past the coffee shop, stop and ask your boyfriend to go there. A cup of burning coffee next to a loved one helps occasionally solve a lot of tasks.

4. Advance with your guy on various trifles, even if it seems to you that he does not understand anything. Ask him to prefer to you something. This somewhat brings together people, and the main one, your boyfriend will feel that his judgment is important for you.

Video on the topic

Useful advice Our life consists of relations with people. They may be different - not invariably smooth. There are divorces, quarrels. But only depends on you how these relationships will progress. Little quarrel is not the reason for the cliff. Approximately invariably still allowed to establish, it is necessary only to look back and remember everything with the excellent thing that there was between you, and smile to each other again: with understanding and faith.

Many family couples over time, one and the same snag appears - relations cease to be the same exciting things that were at the very beginning. No much romantic walks under the starry sky and farewells near the house when you could not break away from each other. It was time for reckless love, but respected and deep affection remained. How to wake and revitalize your feelings frozen from time?


1. Invite your soul mate for a romantic date. Imcorrusive, if it is a walk in the park either through the night city. Do not attend such trivial places as a cinema or cafe. If a man has long been closer forgotten for a long time, he should come to a date with flowers, feel free to hint at him.

2. Get out of the house apart - this is the secret of the event. Let a man comes out before. And you, leaning around a little, apply makeup, make stacking and put on a graceful dress with a light sexy hint. Allowed and reclame on a date, 15 minutes - waiting is always so exciting! When he sees you in a beautiful dress and an amazing mood, and you will catch his admiring eyes - everything will fall into place, and you will feel again that you are in love with each other.

3. Stroll around the park, holding hands, remember what your first recognition in love was. But you should not talk to household topics, say what color wallpaper are suitable for your bedroom. And do not forget to disable the phones - no one should break into your idyll. Leave all your tasks for a while and take a little bit. Where would you like to go on a journey together? How would you spend it? After some time, you again feel that your feelings are not going anywhere. Primitively, they were slightly slept, crushed by everyday tasks, life and routine. The main thing was right to wake them up.

4. Do not forget to hit each other with glorious surprises and give presents. Tea is much more norrigious to see a loved one in a black mood and a smile on his face, than getting reproaches and arrange to each other disassembly. Please note that monotony and gray use can spoil any relationship, no matter how exciting they are during your romantic acquaintance. Great fantasize, experiment and make a variety in your life. Do not forget that you are a man and a woman, and not primitive mom and father, or a spouse and wife.

Video on the topic

Useful advice The basis of successful family relationships is stability. But occasionally, I would like to feel again the exciting experiences of the romantic period, the one is called the candy-bouquet. When the soul misses and begs new sensations, many are launched into the search for these sharp sensations on the side. They are sure that it is unrealistic to revive sleeping relationships and with her husband is unlikely to again admire the whole range of love reliefs. Only this is a false judgment. It is permitted to refresh your relationship, which closer has been checking the time for the strength. It is easy to show the resourcefulness and shoot a little bit.

Relationships are different. Some can entrust the easy breath of distrust, others will pass through all the tests, becoming even stronger. Of course, many want, so that their relationship resembled the 2nd option, but for this it is necessary to make considerable efforts.


1. Discover the fascinating two lesson for you. Talk to your partner, find out what he likes to do in his free time. Let's say you always dreamed of learning how to ride a snowboard or play billiards. If your beloved / beloved wants the same, then you should do it together. Select a time that is more classified for each of your universal hobby. It gets great and makes the rather stronger.

2. Stop believing that your companion is allowed to re-educate. Try to detect in the features that you do not like the somewhat, something excellent. Realize that it is more classical to enjoy what you have, and not spoil each other's feelings on trifles. If you decide to be with a person, then be with him, and not with the ideal, the one that you yourself invented yourself.

3. Get rid of illusions. Look in your face with your relationship. Try to strengthen all of their superiority and reduce the number of weaknesses. Perfect relationship does not happen. However, it is permitted to try to approach them.

4. Talking greatly with your loved one. Let your joint hawk will be conversations for a cup of tea later dinner either before bedtime. Tell the partner everything that happened to you over the past day, tell us about your dreams, faiths, fears. The greater you will talk, the closer you will become each other.

5. Do not avoid solutions of emerging catch and discord. As soon as you felt that I didn't like something in the behavior of your loved one, please inform him about it. It is not necessary to yell, arrange hysterics or insult companion. On the contrary, than the kind of honor you will, the more efficient information will be perceived. But it should be considered that the companion can at all in the moment can express your complaints to you. In this case, it is necessary to objurally listen to him and think about any word. After analyzing the received notes, adjust your behavior.

Video on the topic

A break with a loved one - sadness, resentment and black emptiness fill the whole soul, it seems that all faiths and desires are buried under the fragments of a failed life. But when you recover from shock, you are aware that care guy from you is not the end of the world and not even the end of your relationship. They are still allowed to tear down if you want this and try more. Take yourself in hand and act.


1. Try to find out where your young man has gone. Your subsequent tactic and strategy will depend on this. If you went to another girl, you will need to realize that it was in her "hooked" your boyfriend, and what lacks you in his eyes. If I went primitively "to nowhere", you will be, permissible, even more difficult to turn it back. But in any case, you will have to work on yourself, above your temper and behavior.

2. The first thing you must realize is what immediately run and find out the relationship and, the more, ask him to return to the unceasing. If you do this, you will only call his irritation and push away from myself even stronger. Hold out and do not humiliate yourself. Saving your superiority, you will later be satisfied.

3. Try to calm down. If it is permissible, go to "cry in a vest" to another person - a close relative, a friend, a psychologist or a clergyman. Someone will be able to realize you and regret, a little bitmate and turn some part of a healthy sense, so that you could reason and do soberly. If you are accustomed to all trouble to keep in yourself, detect your inner reserves and gather.

4. Remember that your young man spoke of your relationship with him, tea probably such conversations or hints were, only you did not give them meanings. Try to truth now to analyze. Admit your mistakes. Once again, estimate the likelihood of building a joint coming with this person. Maybe you are going to chase the ghostly happiness? Will you be more different if you do not restore your friendship?

5. Realize that the past is unrealistic, correct something in the former relationship x you also do not succeed. Decides, developing a favorite return plan, try to forget about what was before. Start all the first.

6. Look at yourself from: How do you look and how you behave with people. You will have to pay a lot of time to return your own attractiveness and increase your self-esteem. As long as you do not like yourself and others, avoid any meetings with your former guy.

7. Try to love yourself a little more. Do what you like. More often deliver pleasure - make glorious purchases, take a trip to the rest where you wanted to do with your appearance, sign up for any club or a sports section. Your life must be filled with joys.

8. When you feel that we have changed morally and you can safely and abruptly think about the past, organize a fleeting, "random" meeting with your former lover. On the one hand, you are aware of whether you really want to resume relationships, and with another - feel about his reaction, whether the newest novel will admit.

9. If the young man suddenly called himself, this is the first victory. Do not turn it into a new defeat. Be careful and do not let the guy have any promises to meet and, the more, do not renew the dilapidated disassembly.

10. If you still met him, do not touch the former relationship. Chat as if I did not have any task. The guy must feel that you are easily and gratifying that you are new, unpredictable and desirable.

11. In the same case, if the guy failed, draw out how to build relationships with the coming partner, so that no other errors occurred. You have every chance to be joyful.

Over time, relations between partners are moving to the newest tier. Incidentally, I want to get great information, occasionally even a maximum. Many suggest that there should be no secrets in relationships, is it?

In fact, any couple decides this in its own way. Some want to see what is now, they are definitely not disturbed by the past of their 2nd half; Other on the contrary, they want to know everything. And occasionally such experiments instinctively can lead to insults, quarrels, even climbing relationships. Nobody knows tea, what skeletons are buried in everything in the closet.

Sometimes the skill of dilapidated loves is suitable, he can suggest whether to develop new relationships. If someone is interested in these questions, it denotes that the second half is not indifferent to him. Frank stories in theory are able to strengthen the relationship. But occasionally unpleasant moments can and break them.

If you want to talk about past relations, it is necessary to be a dozen neat in your revelations. According to the reaction of the interlocutor, it will be seen whether the story is fascinated. Some people falsely suggest that if they open some terrible secret, they will also love either more powerful. But the listeners are somewhat different, they will investigate the reverse results. Do not repeat stories from the past. If you tell about the past love relationship, it is necessary to do this without details and specifics, as well as with a high tier of goodwill. It is not necessary to apply negative expressions in stories about the former man or a woman, even if these relationships were rubbish. And you should not try to improve your relationship by watered by the dirty of the former lover or mistress.

It is also impossible to live with continuous memories of past connections. The relationship is allowed, relying on the mistakes of the past years, but it is necessary to examine them within themselves without projecting the situation on real relationships. Remember, if at least some kind of your previous relationships touch the current, then this is the fiends of the lack that you can do. It is immediately necessary to complete all past relationships, in the disgust you can lose real.

It is difficult to imagine a girl who does not dream of a simple female bliss. House, full bowl, comfort made by his gifts and hands, an indigrant spouse, healthy and obedient children. But in order to achieve such happiness, it is necessary to work on its relationship.

Often he is permitted from the girl to hear about the take-off career, and about a man, the one that obeys any whim. And at least such moments are truly bringing fun, and some satisfaction, but is it great in the soul you will not have one small burden - feel your beloved and desirable. And it is permissible! How? With the help of 2 keys capable of opening the way to long and joyful relationships.

The secret of long and durable relationships lies in communication

How is the guy and a girl becoming clear that relations are allowed between them? Finally, through communication. So they recognize each other, and understand what they can and want to have something universal. Initially, interests, then relationship, family, children, and even bliss they can share. But, occasionally you notice that later the wedding men cease to pay so much attention to each other. Why does it happen? How does this affect the relationship? Young people needed to reach the heart of others, in order to realize two things: whether it is a person who is permissible to love, and whether he can love in the result. And when it seems that the goal is achieved, so much to allocate time for communication is not needed, tea is closer together. Statistics of divorces shows that what was once solid, easily loses the integrity, and the reason for this is weakened by communication connections. In order not there was an outcome of a sad, man and a woman should continue to talk to various topics, share feelings, spend time together, or go to visit to universal friends. And then it is allowed to find great potential in a partner, the beauty of his figure. All this will help strengthen the feeling of love by Four Or and the desire to become even closer. In order to avoid extra contention in the family, people are obliged to communicate continuously. Occasionally, quarrels appear in pairs. A man or a woman offended and persistently silent, instead of explaining his indignation. If, with any quarrel, the couple began to discuss the harness, rather, everyone, in the coming it would be used to be shut-off similar furnishings and shortcoming.

Trust between lovers

Any feeling is allowed to develop. So love, she is like a plant, care for it, and she will give fruit here. Then the relationship becomes the newest, more high tier of formation, there is a desire to please, awareness, but, the main confidence. Do not make each other checks and different inquiries. They never lead to anything excellent. Also, you should not believe everyone that the people around them tell you about each other. When there are no lies and pretends in the family, you don't need to hone truthful thoughts and dreams, a person really feels likely to and freely. Doesn't the whole person populating such a relationship? So that it was easier to trust the partner, it is necessary, before everyone, to learn to be open. And for this it is impossible to lose contact with each other. What is the result waiting for you? Long and devotional relationships bringing you bliss.

Video on the topic

Note! Tips on strengthening relations can not invariably bempped. In the event that the guy decided to complete the relationship, then all your efforts will be vain. Then you only need to accept it with his decision.

Useful advice. Use advice to correlate relations not only when they are crazy. Stick them throughout relationships with a young man. This will allow them to make them more durable and long.

First, the relationship seems to you some game, flirting, conquest. Then you start to get pleasure from this, you are relaxed. You are fine, and you don't need anything to do for this. After that, the moment of wipes.

Often over time, everything rolls to the household and habit. Partners simply comfortably live together, and I do not want to start anyone at first. Therefore, it is better to let unfinished relationships than any at all. But relationships just need to strengthen.

If this model does not suit you, you need to understand and take one fact: the relationship is a job.

I will give you 10 tips that will help strengthen relationships, bring them to a new level and get rid of boredom and banality.

  1. Be a realist.
  2. Respect your partner.
  3. Discuss the problem.
  4. Do not try to control it.
  5. Be ready for what you both change.
  6. Learn to quarrel.
  7. Learn to forgive.
  8. Be pragmatic.
  9. Remember the trifles.
  10. Learn to catch a wave.

Come on garlic, you read this article not from a good life!

You either hit the Franzow, or the girl threw you, or you don't understand the nichrome, what is happening.

Question: How long are you ready to endure this? How long are you ready to make the same mistakes and how long are you ready to step on the same rake?

The longer you tupping, the faster your girl will find a decent man

Get a working model of behavior with a girl and become a decent man!

Get a working model of behavior with a girl

In what cases should not start relationships:

  • Pressure of friends or family. If you all say that it is time to start at least some kind of relationship, then you should not succumb to the hook of opinions around. It does not matter how old you are. You must remember that this is your life. And you should not have anything to anyone. You do not have to live like that other people demand, even if you are closest.
  • Loneliness. In those moments, when a person is very lonely, he is inclined to think that it is new relationships that will be able to save him. Another fairly widespread error. You never crumble this emptiness just another next girl. You have to find the reason for yourself and find out why you basically have this feeling. You may have a passive lifestyle. And you lack new paints and emotions.
  • Naive love. Or in other words, shifting responsibility. Suppose you in your life can not be laid. And in general, everything goes wrong. And suddenly you think love can save you from all troubles and disappointments. My advice: I solve all problems, put those moments that cause questions.
  • Complexes. You are trying to drown out our complexes with the help of another person who is in love with you, admire you, nourishes your ego. This is initially incorrect approach. He speaks only that you need another person so that everything is fine. It is better to do with your self-development and try to step over uncertainty.

1. Be a realist.

Clell to distinguish love from love and euphoria. This only at first it seems that she has no flaws. A little later you will understand that not everything will always be so simple and cloudless. That sometimes she has a bad mood or problem in life.

Sometimes it will eat your nerves. But if you chose this person, you need to be ready for such unpleasant moments.

Yes, it is not so magical and fabulously, as it seemed at the very beginning. But it is honest and in an adult. Do not be afraid to take responsibility for yourself. Be ready to solve not only your problems, but also the problems of the girl. In return, you will get the same support and complicity.

2. Respect your partner.

This is what strong relationships hold on. Quarrels and scandals will be the durability of your pair. And if you go through it, then in the future everything stabilizes. It is at this moment that it is extremely important to show respect for his girlfriend and not cross the line.

Another important point is a self-esteem. If you yourself will not respect myself, then who wants? You will strive to constantly prove that worthy of love and attention of the girl. This is not the behavior of the male.

Do not complain about your girlfriend. If you do not like something in it, tell me about it.

Show respect for your girls's hobbies. You are two absolutely different people, so it is logical that your partner may have absolutely different interests.

Relieve the opinion of his girl. It is not necessary to solve everything alone and think that to take absolutely all decisions for two are good. Consider with her opinion, listen to him. Be a team.

3. Discussing the problem.

You never solve problems in your relationship, if you don't talk about them. For this, there should be confidence between you and the girl. If it is not, the quarrel turns into a closed circle. If something does not suit you in the behavior of your girl, discuss it with her in a relaxed atmosphere.

Share with her fear and doubts. Even those that you do not tell the best friends. Believe me, she will be able to understand you and it will be able to find the necessary words.

Always do all the data of you promises. Do not turn into an empty. Keep your word.

Do not think that in any conflict you are right. Try to put yourself in the place of the girl and try to understand her discontent. Often, in any conflict, both are both.

4. Do not try to always control your girlfriend in everything.

Total control is something that is able to spoil even the strongest relationships. She should not constantly refuse something to be calm. Once it will get bored.

Just as you should not report to her. It is not worth checking her phone, social networks, do not let her go to meetings with friends and so on. Would you like this attitude towards yourself?

If you are afraid to give her complete freedom of action, it only says that you are not confident. Understand with your complexes, and your paranoia will pass.

5. Be ready for what you both change.

You can not know what girl will be in a few years. And what will you be. This is one of the main problems of many couples. They are not ready to change that happen to them.

They do not understand that for a person it is absolutely normal: to change appearance, beliefs, looks for life, a circle of friends. And require the partner to be the same as at the time of their acquaintance.

It is unreal, and you must realize it clearly. In order to better prepare for these changes, you need more often interested in the life of your girl, her hobbies and hobbies. And most importantly, it is respectful to everything that happens in her life.

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6. To learn to quarrel.

Probably it sounds very strange for you, but it is the right quarrels that can not only strengthen, but also save your relationship. Because of what relationships can collapse:

  • Criticism of the nature of their partner (insults, transition to personality, and not an assessment of actions).
  • Puting guilt (another person is always to blame, but not you).
  • Insults (a quarrel can be finished in a few minutes, and the words that were told in the gunpowder will still be in the head for a long time).
  • Care from a quarrel (when you hold back negative emotions and wear it in yourself, then this leads to a problem much more serious than just another conflict).

7. Learn to forgive.

No need to teach yourself the illusion that you will have to change the girl. She is already an adult and formed man. Accept the fact that you are different people. All you need is to learn to forgive the girl for all its imperfections.

How to learn to forgive:

  • As soon as the quarrel ended, do not think and analyze who was right. Learn to leave all negative memories in the past. Do not remember complaints and resentments that you have already said, next time.
  • No need to do some good actions, waiting for your girl to answer you the same. This is not a male. If you do something, do it free. And do not wait for nothing in return. Morning the first without thought that she will do the same.
  • If your girl did something bad, it does not mean that she did it intentionally. Everyone is mistaken, you should not treat it too seriously. Ask that it was the reason for this behavior. Express claims and close the topic.

8. Be pragmatic.

The ideal does not exist and you should forget about the "ideal relationship." This exists in romantic books and films. It is necessary to include pragmatics and understand your and its strengths. Based on these knowledge, you already try to distribute the responsibilities.

In addition, there are questions that should be discussed at the beginning of your relationship. For example, how will you determine where and when to go on vacation? How to share expenses, who is what zone of responsibility is ready to take on? How much can you spend and your girl from the general budget, not advancing with each other?

It may seem nonsense and trifle, but after a while, you will understand what exactly your relationship saves.

9. Remember the trifles.

Remember the very beginning of your relationship, you cared for your girlfriend, gave her flowers, made it compliments. Then everything disappeared into this. Household moments tumbled up.

It is very important, after a certain time, pay attention to the trifles and try to delight your girlfriend. For example, you can invite her to date, go to the movies together or dinner in the restaurant. It is also important to try to spend together as more time on the weekend. But not lying on the sofa, but to go somewhere together and show activity.

It is these simple tricks that can save and restore relationships, regardless of how long you are together.

It is also necessary to pay attention to sex. Sexual proximity several times a week not only contributes to harmony in relationships, but also improves physical condition.

10. Learn to catch a wave.

Waves in relationships are ups and downs that you worry together. And through which any normal steam passes.

Some of these periods can last several days, some - a couple of months, and some - even a couple of years. There is nothing terrible in this. You need to take this condition and learn to live with him. Support your partner and look at the problems as something passing about what you have to work together.

The life of each of you can affect a huge number of factors: a change of work, quarrels with friends and family, moving, difficult financial situation. It is necessary to relate as much as possible to such changes in life and try to support each other.

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10 ways to strengthen relationships with beloved | Blogger Mary_LL on the site February 22, 2013

They say that ... Mary_LL February 22, 2013, 15:37

Even if you have already heard such recommendations repeatedly, think - do you really apply it? Know and do is far from the same thing ... 1. Trust your man some women easier to give her body than to give your soul. Do not be afraid to trust a man! No one demands from you to tell all the removal on the first date. But the strengthening of relationships is directly connected with confidence in each other. Open the first and the result will pleasantly surprise you. 2. Show sincere interest in a man Discuss together exciting his themes. Men are much more complicated than women, withdraw their reasoning and experience in words. And therefore, they "scroll" in the 20th time the conversation with the chief and suppliers, trying to figure it out on their own. What does a woman sees? Tense face and lack of interest in it. Teach your man to share with you, show interest. 3. Make compliments to a man just do not need to invent. If you do not like, for example, as a man is dressed, it will be stupid to praise his "ability to combine sports pants and jacket." Where better to find in a person what really you like. At least what he "watches his face that men have such rarity" (if you notice that it shares daily, and more than once in a five-year plan). 4. Evaluate it. Your man is probably more effective than other colleagues on the floor. Otherwise he would not be your man. It remains only to find it and like the technique from the previous chips to convey to a man as you appreciate it. There is a significant difference here - it is necessary to praise not in small things, but in a large one. On a global scale, so to speak. - Is the leadership position? - Super, as you achieved this. - Have your business? - Well done, you can make decisions. And so on ... 5. Remove in small, winning in great if the question is not fundamental for you - it is better to give up and do as a comfortable man. Well, put your comb there where a man will not constantly stumble upon her. Well, you close a tube with toothpaste yourself after a man. If you do not cut it on trifles, there is a high probability that you are really important, a man will go to the meeting. 6. Let a man sometimes be alone among all of us there are moments when you just want to be alone with you. Even if at this time you are in a noisy supermarket and buy products. If you are alone, you are alone with you (well, it can company make up a product list). 7. Improve and develop themselves, first of all, first of all, and then you will be interested in others. Including your man. 8. Allow yourself to be a woman with him so that there are neither talking about modern emancipated women who can collapse the mountains, it is useful for solid relationships to develop their feminine start. You need to be feminine. Then the man will not have anything left, except to develop their male start. 9. Listen, listen and hear your man is a very important point. If it seems to you that you are the smartest and so everyone knows, and listen to a man - only time to spend, then forget about strong relationships. Learn the ability to hear your man. Sometimes not the words spoken by them, but the actions say more. 10. Give a man that he could not give other women if you use these chips, then believe me, you give your man exactly that. Successes!

How to strengthen relationships with a guy

8 ways to make your union strong

Love relations between a man and a woman are always accompanied by strong emotions. They are pronounced to love and be loved. This feeling is perhaps stronger than all others who are experiencing a person. Relationships need to be holly, cherished, work on them, and strengthen them with all possible ways. And about how to do it, let's talk right now.

You are dating. Your relationship is only developing. Are you OK. But agree, it will not always be. And many couples passing for a while, begin to gradually put their relationships, small quarrels and insults.

And so that this was not, but on the contrary, the relationship between you was only stronger, you need some efforts, both from the man and from a woman. To maintain love and romantic feelings, requires continuous participation of each other, as well as time.

And therefore, many psychologists share several important secrets of successful relationships. This is the usual eight rules, sticking to which you can strengthen the relationship.

As we have already understood, neither relationships are so simply not built, and even if everything goes like oil, anyway, in some points you need to show understanding.

And the lack of communication skills should not be an obstacle for your relationship. Try to find the way to His heart. Believe me, it does not always lie through the stomach. It used to be so, now everything is different.

Perhaps you need to respect yourself more? Very often, there are no cases when, when you feel the hill itself, and things are going much better with men. But it rarely happens if you prevent the insufficient level of your general development, or a lack of knowledge about his work - career, or your origin, and the manner of talking. No matter. The main thing is that none of them could separate you with your chosen one. And for this you can give a few tips. Perhaps they will help you.

What exactly do you need to know? In order to have success in a man, you should be aware of his interests and cases. Despite the fact that you have your own profession, it does not mean that you should not be aware of his classes and work. You need to know. If he, for example, a lawyer, you must navigate in some terms. This is useful in order to support the conversation with him, thereby ensure common topics for communication. The development of its intelligence, outlook and thinking is very important. It will help you to get closer, because sometimes it is in conversations a person is revealed.

Develop your mental abilities. Sometimes it's so much like that. Especially if you boost a dozen new ideas for reflection. He will be wondering with you, and he has a need to communicate with you. In a word, use your mind in order to attract a man.

Be a person. It is important that this person must know deeply, clearly think. But you do not need to be tough and categorical. Do not forget that you are still a woman. Sometimes you can afford to be a bit of gentle, a little emotional. Basically, it all depends on what you have a temperament. To fully adapt to the desires and the needs of a man either should not.

It is very important to talk. And what to say about, also matters. And your relationship will take a new palette of emotions and feelings. And over time, you will not notice how you leak off your heart bonds. And then there will also be another question.

The answer you are unequivocally useful.

Once upon a time I heard such a phrase that a woman was doing the perfect man. Very interesting reasoning. And over it can reflect as much as you like. However, the meaning itself says that adhering to his established life you can contribute to the excellent development of your relationship. After all, family relationships also require attention and effort. And we will try to help you with some advice.

Read, think, maybe they will be very helpful for you.

Tip 1. Do not try all important decisions yourself, you are now a married couple.

Attract your husband to this process. Required, the manifested initiatives you must praise. If you have any failures, support it, and rejoice even with its minor successes.

Tip 2. Be particularly attentive to your second half at least when he has problems in affairs and at work. Do not be surprised over its irritability and nervousness. This is a normal manifestation of discontent. And you, as a wife must support him. You can do it. It is important that with your support he will again find a sense of confidence. Remind that he means so much for you, and the fact that he is simply indispensable in your family. But be careful. Remind of his past failures within these periods, it is better not worth it. This will only aggravate the situation. You understand.

Tip 3. With courage, transfers monetary difficulties that arose in your family. It will not be well able to constantly compare, and root a husband, leading an example of more successful and businesslike men. You will not believe, but in fact, a man in such situations often stresses itself, and your discontent you have added to this will only inhibit it. Be wiser. The success of your man and the well-being of your family depends on this.

Council 4. Love all the advantages of your man. Do not pay attention to its disadvantages. Appreciate it as it is here and now with you. After all, you got married for him precisely thanks to this.

Tip 5. Do not forget that in any quarrel between the spouses, a woman should be beautiful, and therefore, it is better not to begin the quarrel first if you are without beautiful hairstyles and makeup. And with conflicts arising, one of the key procedures is considered permission with the help of the so-called "Family Council". It is behind this advice, try without screaming, swearing and quarrels to quietly discuss what you want from your husband, thereby expressing yours, maybe accumulated comments. But to listen to your address comments will also have to. If you find it difficult to talk about it, write revelations on leaves. Believe me, all the problems discussed during a calm conversation can be solved much easier.

Tip 6. Perhaps you are a successive woman. But this is just one of your excellent side. In addition, let your husband be proud of you and in the role of a good mistress. Do not doubt any man to like what they care for him and deliciously fed. But do not forget that your chosen one is not married not on the cleaner and cook, but above all on a beloved woman. Mandatory, but not the most important thing that you need to do is put in order to put your home and often pamper a man with culinary goodies. Fatigue is no one to face. For any man it is very important that a well-groomed and rested wife met from work. Remember this.

The main thing, do not forget that all the advice is good - but only in moderation. For a man, the main warmth and comfort of the native house, which you create, as well as caring and loving his wife.

Even if you have already heard such recommendations repeatedly, think - do you really apply it? Know and do - this is not the same thing ... 1. Trust your man Some women are easier to give their body than to give their soul. Do not be afraid to trust a man! No one demands from you to tell all the removal on the first date. But the strengthening of relationships is directly connected with confidence in each other. Open the first and the result will pleasantly surprise you. 2. Show sincere interest in a man Discuss together exciting topics. Men are much more complicated than women, withdraw their reasoning and experience in words. And therefore, they "scroll" in the 20th time the conversation with the chief and suppliers, trying to figure it out on their own. What does a woman sees? Tense face and lack of interest in it. Teach your man to share with you, show interest. 3. Make compliments to a man Just do not need to invent along the course. If you do not like, for example, as a man is dressed, it will be stupid to praise his "ability to combine sports pants and jacket." Where better to find in a person what really you like. At least what he "watches his face that men have such rarity" (if you notice that it shares daily, and more than once in a five-year plan). 4. Rate it on Your man is probably in something more efficient than other colleagues on the floor. Otherwise he would not be your man. It remains only to find it and like the technique from the previous chips to convey to a man as you appreciate it. There is a significant difference here - it is necessary to praise not in small things, but in a large one. On a global scale, so to speak. - Is the leadership position? - Super, as you achieved this. - Have your business? - Well done, you can make decisions. Etc… 5. Remove in small, winning in the big If the question is not fundamentally for you - it is better to give up and do as a convenient man. Well, put your comb there where a man will not constantly stumble upon her. Well, you close a tube with toothpaste yourself after a man. If you do not cut it on trifles, there is a high probability that you are really important, a man will go to the meeting. 6. Let a man sometimes be alone We all have moments when they just want to be alone with you. Even if at this time you are in a noisy supermarket and buy products. If you are alone, you are alone with you (well, it can company make up a product list). 7. Improve and develop yourself Be interesting first of all myself and then you will be interested in others. Including your man. 8. Allow yourself to be a woman with him In order to speak there, about modern emancipated women who can collapse, for solid relationships it is useful to develop their feminine start. You need to be feminine. Then the man will not have anything left, except to develop their male start. 9. Listen, listen and hear your man This is a very important point. If it seems to you that you are the smartest and so everyone knows, and listen to a man - only time to spend, then forget about strong relationships. Learn the ability to hear your man. Sometimes not the words spoken by them, but the actions say more. 10. Give a man that he could not give other women If you use these chips, then believe me, you will give your man exactly that. Successes!

This conspiracy of love magic will help you strengthen the smelled feeling and make love deeper relationships! Try, and see for yourself!

If the feeling of love has already arisen between you, but you want to develop it, strengthen, give the prospect and send to the right direction, read this effective conspiracy.

Conspiracy to strengthen love relationships

"As I gave me my name (name) from the birth of my parents, as I love my name and I do not change it, so let him love me and does not change me to anyone. Let the gentlemen be to me, caring. Let me walk and admires me.

Let him stroke me, touches. Let my society enjoy. How the fate of a person is constant to him, so let both (name) will be constant to me. Love him let him bloom and pleased me. Kuntaa Ular. "

Conspiracy to strengthen love

Below is another effective conspiracy of love magic, which allows you to strengthen the feeling of love and strengthen the relationship.

"I send the love of my heart to (name). I am strengthening this love by the wind by passionate, the fire is beautiful, the water is clean, the earth is stony. I blow my love, I grow up my love, I wash my love, strengthen my love.

All the elements on my side, all parts of the world are my allies! My love in my heart lives. My love lives in my head (name). My love lives in the soul (name).

Nowhere (name) from my love can not go anywhere to disappear. Feels (name) My love. He knows (name) My love. Loves (name) My love and my love gives me in return. Two people as one as one general, as one one. So there is, and so it will be. Kuntaa Ular. "

When pronouncing the words "Khanta Ular", which means: "Thank you, this is my will, let it be so," the hands must be folded with a boat before breasts and make a light bow.

Which of you did not dream of beautiful feelings, beautiful love, beautiful sex and extraordinary passion, which is not everyone given to survive?

Or how to strengthen the relationship already existing and make them beautiful? This is based on poems, they write novels, take a movie ...

And what is this very beauty?Perhaps I will state a paradoxical thing, but - beauty is not in feelings, nor in love or marriage or sex. She is not there and can not be! Love is love, family is just a family. beauty located, contained, is present, call as you like, - exclusively in man. Only he, you or me ... Each of us can bring beauty to marriage, love or passion. Only you or me!

What you imagine is the same will be your union. Notice, I'm not talking about appearance. It's about feelings, about the inner intimate experience, which is the biggest treasure. Actually, whatever you do it comes down to one - to the experience of something.

How to strengthen relations with your loved one - the property to endow us with external beauty belongs to the Almighty, but it can exclusively make a reliable and beautiful feelings.

How to preserve relationships and beauty in them?

Answer a few questions:

  • what does it mean - beautiful love?
  • beautiful marriage?
  • beautiful sex?

What it is? Describe, imagine ... And for you will become the same obvious as for me, that the beauty of the relationship is how you are setting up your feelings. How do you try to strengthen the relationship and what do you bring in them? Serenada under the window? Rough Bran? Pleasant surprises? Is n'tone intense? Scarlet Sails? Casual Routine? Gratitude or claim? Thousands of romantic trifles or physical needs?

The chip is not the partner (partner), do you like him (her), how much money you have, how experienced in sex, how long ago are married or married. The chip is - who you are! What is expensive to you in life? What attracts, and what pushes?

This is an interesting approach, right? How to strengthen relationships and the property of bringing beauty in them is not associated with age, nor with hormones, nor with physical form, nor with appearance. I would say that youth in this most important love aspect is inferior to maturity! No wonder they say young-green. Green fruit does not have the taste, for which it is worth to rip it.

No young boy or girl will not compare in the art of relationship with a lot of people who who who who had seen a man, or a woman who has already experienced bitterness of defeats and the sweetness of victories. I would not put them in one row. And you? Youth is in a hurry, maturity can appreciate the moment and enjoy it. Meaning feelings and desire to strengthen them and give them beauty are determined by the personal inner maturity of man. It does not happen at sixteen, not at eighteen and not at twenty years.

I think, every man and every woman older than thirty should not suffer from complexes next to the "smooth ass", "slender legs" and "elastic skin." The psychology of love and relationship is that all these qualities are affected by the physiological reflexes rather and will never give true bliss, where the spiritual component gives love experiences special and unique.

People are too worried about how their bodies look like. Men pumped up muscles and attach importance to the size of their sexual and potency. Women suffer because of completeness, cellulite, varicose and wrinkles. If you are all reduced to the body and hormones, age and time will become your enemies. Start care about beauty relationships - And the enemies will retreat.

I dare to assert that the bodies - even trained and elastic - incredibly far from beautiful love. Otherwise, you could love the Barbie doll or her unstasive satellite Ken. Love them, and you will be happy!

To answer the question "How to strengthen relations with your loved one?", I dare to say that the true love potential of a person to be fully implemented requires a certain level of development. Internal development, which relates little to nervous spasms or muscle contractions. Do you understand what I'm talking about? About orgasm!

The paradox is that the deepest sexual sensations and stunning experiences can be obtained without orgasm. I will not refer to Eastern practices, but only I appeal to your inner "I". Instead of focusing on your body, focus on yourself! You are a source of love, beauty and pleasure. Feelings and thoughts mean immeasurably more than meat, skin, bones, genitals and hairpots. Love and beauty live within you, not outside.

Scarlet sails are not a member of red matter attached to the wooden pillars on the deck of the ship! Scarlet sails are a desire to give something special, elevated and beautiful. So that you have experienced an unforgettable moment of joyful spiritual intimacy.

Stay with me, and I will dispel the usual myths about how to strengthen the relationship and be happy!