How to choose cushions for your garden swing. Garden swing covers are an indispensable tool for maintaining and extending the life of garden furniture Sew on a garden swing

Today, a garden swing is one of the essential attributes of a comfortable stay in a country house or in the country. With the right approach, they can turn into a cozy bed where you can take a nap right in the garden.

In order for the rest to be complete and bring only positive emotions, it is worth buying mattresses for the swing, the features of the choice of which will be discussed in this article.

In the summer we spend a lot of time outdoors. Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with good things. Those that will not only create a beautiful picture, but also provide maximum convenience. That is why swing mattresses must be of high quality workmanship. The following points are especially important:

  1. Manufacturing material. The swing is constantly outdoors during the summer season. And also throughout part of autumn and spring. Therefore, the key factors in the selection are the strength of the cover and filler materials and their durability.
  2. To make the sitting area in the garden look harmonious, you should carefully consider the choice of the color of the cover. Pick it up to match the rest of the area.
  3. The ratio of price and quality of the mattress is also becoming a weighty criterion. You shouldn't buy cheap padded elements for your garden swing. If you want the purchased accessory to last more than one season, you should choose the “golden mean”.

When the price comes to the fore when choosing a mattress, you can consider the option of making this element with your own hands. In addition to being cheap, a mattress sewn with your own hands has another indisputable advantage - it is made from materials selected at your own discretion with the properties you need in a particular case.

Features of the choice of ready-made mattresses

A large number of mattresses made for swings are now offered by numerous shops and departments specializing in gardening tools and household goods. Almost all available models are decorated in bright saturated colors. Their characteristic difference is the thickness of the filler, which determines the value of the goods.

For a mattress to last long enough, you need to consider the following recommendations.

The focus should be on the filler. Possible options include:

  • sheet foam rubber,
  • synthetic winterizer,
  • foam rubber crumb,
  • holofiber,
  • other.

Specify in advance what features are typical for each filler. Feel the mattress. Sit on it. Moderately soft models that retain their shape after compression deserve attention. Also, appreciate the ease and convenience of folding the mattress so that in bad weather you can quickly release the swing.

Swing mattresses should have a durable cover that can be easily removed for washing. Among the options available for sale, there are models made from natural fabrics. Such products are hypoallergenic, but not practical enough due to rapid wear. If you are not prone to allergies, it is better to give preference to artificial fabrics. After all, they are easily erased. And also immune to chemical and mechanical stress. But at the same time they keep warm and "breathe". Dralon is one such modern material.

How to make the right mattress yourself

As already noted, a self-sewn mattress for a swing will cost much less. True, you will need to allocate time for the purchase of material and tailoring. For manufacturing you will need:

  • Filler;
  • Cover fabric;
  • Zipper;
  • Ribbon for strings.

Sewing a mattress consists of the following steps:

  1. Taking measurements from the swing seat.
  2. Cutting the corresponding elements of the cover from the selected material.
  3. Sewing the cover: the fabric folded in half is stitched along the adjacent sides, a zipper is sewn into the remaining open side.
  4. Cutting out a rectangular cut of foam rubber according to available standards.

At the end, the foam rubber is put into the cover, strings are sewn around the edges and the finished mattress is fixed on the swing seat.

How to extend the life of your swing mattress

Even when purchasing an expensive mattress made from high quality materials, proper care is required to ensure a long life. In order for the selected product to please the eye for a long time and give comfort, the following rules must be observed:

  • In bad weather, the mattress should be removed from the swing and put in a dry place (pre-drying it if it gets wet).
  • Frequent washing will significantly shorten the life of the mattress. Therefore, it is best to remove dirt by cleaning with soapy water and a sponge.

If you follow these simple rules, a comfortable soft swing will always create a cozy atmosphere filled with tranquility in the garden. One that will please both the owners of the house and guests.

The swing in the garden is the best example of truly thoughtful relaxation. Children like them, adults like them, and there is nothing easier than installing them in a summer cottage. However, these designs can bring even more joy if you take care of the accessories that will make your stay more comfortable. In this article, we will consider three functional types of accessories:

  • For comfort, such as garden swing pillows or mattress;
  • For protection, such as covers and mosquito nets;
  • Garden swing repair parts such as holders and springs.

Types of swing accessories

To find the right accessory, you need to figure out what their varieties are. The most common distinction is made between accessories:

  • protective
  • for comfort.

Protective ones are designed to ensure safe operation - in other words, they are necessary in order for the swing to last as long as possible. Those details that are created for comfort, in turn, are designed to provide maximum comfort for the one who sits on the swing.

The vocation of protective parts is to protect a person from unfriendly manifestations of the environment. The following accessories stand out:

  • awnings;
  • covers;
  • mosquito net.

Let's talk about how to choose such designs, what they are for and whether it is possible to make them yourself.

Swing awnings

Awnings are used to protect both the structure itself and people - from the sun, wind and rain. Most often they are made of polyester or acrylic - these fabrics are not only moisture resistant, but also practically do not fade in the sun, and this is an important factor in the durability and strength of the awning. You can choose from both colored and monochromatic - you should focus on the landscape of the garden and summer cottages.

It is best to select the size and shape of canopies individually - there may be different recommendations for different types of swing. It is advisable to focus on the density of the fabric and choose as dense options as possible. Firstly, the likelihood of damage will be minimized, and secondly, such tissues are not threatened by the so-called “windage” - the effect of the fabric lifting by the wind, the formation of bubbles.

You can also recommend paying attention to the mesh - it is not only interesting from an aesthetic point of view, but also in a practical way can bring a lot of benefits - it protects against insects and dust, and also scatters the sun's rays. To some extent, the net can also be used as wind protection (if it is fine enough).


In the event that the summer turned out to be not as hot and dry as expected, and it is either difficult or even impossible to assemble the swing and take it to the garage, the covers will serve well. Their main task is to protect the body of the structure from rain and dirt.

Covers for garden swings do not have an aesthetic function, however, there is also an opportunity to experiment with colors and patterns here - the cover can be purchased not only in the standard gray color. The most commonly used polyethylene or Oxford cloth. The advantage of these materials lies in their moisture resistance - they do not allow water to pass through, so the structure may not be afraid of rain.

Mosquito net

The name speaks for itself - mosquitoes (as well as other midges) with such nets will not bother vacationers. It is a sliding curtain in the smallest mesh - a person sitting on a swing will not feel uncomfortable.

A mosquito net for a garden swing, among other things, can be an excellent decorative element - you can pick up a multi-colored fabric, and the hanging bed will look very elegant. Most often, nets are made of moisture-proof fabric - such a material, among other advantages, also protects from direct rain, and also retains the sun's rays.

When choosing a mosquito net for a swing, it is worth giving preference to models with two zippers - they are more reliable. When installing, make sure that the net is firmly adhered to the ground, because only in this case the protection against the penetration of insects will be most complete.

Accessories for comfort

A few words should be said about those accessories that make your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible:

  • mattresses;
  • pillows.

The difference between them is small, but both have their own subtleties when choosing. Let's try to figure out what exactly you need to know in order to choose a good pillow or mattress.

When choosing a mattress for a garden swing, be guided by the following indicators:

Garden swing pillows are needed for a comfortable seated position - this is obvious. However, they can also perform a decorative function, turning the structure into an element of the park interior. Choosing pillows for a swing is not difficult - most often you can focus on the color of the mattress. The easiest option is to purchase pillows of the same upholstery as the lounger.

If you want to dilute the solid color with bright blotches, then it is recommended to select pillows of different colors. For example, for pastel-colored mattresses, it is advisable to select red, blue and yellow pillows. Dark mattresses will be complemented by pink or caramel pillows.

Swing pillows are also sewn independently - in this case, you can experiment not only with colors, but also with patterns. The prints are chosen to your taste, however, it should be borne in mind that the colors of the drawing must be selected so as to withstand the constant presence on the street - not to fade, not to spread.

Swing accessories

When operating a swing, it is important to remember that every detail must be in good working order - otherwise, not only breakdowns, but also inevitable injuries cannot be avoided. If there is a feeling that some of the elements does not work as it should, it is advisable to replace it. If you have the necessary skills and materials, you can easily repair a garden swing yourself.

For example, the swing frame can fail. Breakdown options depend, first of all, on the material from which the frame is made.

  • Wooden beams are susceptible to insect attacks and rotting - accordingly, it is worth taking care of the safety of the tree (processing with special means).
  • Metal frames can crack and break due to corrosion on the parts. To prevent this from happening, it is also recommended to use special coating products.
  • Swings made of plastic materials are not afraid of any changes in the structure of a natural nature, however, they can break due to heavy loads.

Please note that some models are equipped with so-called cap nuts. These elements are needed for protection - the caps hide the bolts, and it will be virtually impossible to damage the skin or fabric of clothing when touched.

Such spare parts for a garden swing are even used to protect the lawn - it is possible to make plastic supports on the legs. They are necessary in order not to damage the grass with potholes.

A few words must be said about the roof. When choosing and installing this part, it is necessary to focus on ensuring that the structure has a large number of fixation options. Why it matters: You can sit on the swing both in sunny weather and in rain, so the ability to change the tilt is extremely important.

Do not forget about such an important element as eye-bolts - they are metal rings fixed in the butt, in which a cable or rope can be fixed. This element is a guarantee of fastening, therefore, before purchasing bolts, it is recommended to carefully read the issues of carrying capacity. Also, for fastening the seat to the frame in some models, special springs are used.

Also, there are more than a dozen different accessories for garden swings, these can be various kinds of holders, capes, arches, fasteners, soft elements, etc. It all depends specifically on the modification of your swing.

The swing on the site is a pleasant rest. Garden swing awning is a practical accessory and part of the interior. The canopy will protect from rain, sun rays. The condition for the durability of the "roof" is the exact choice of the material from which it will be made. Let's figure it out.

A canopy for a country swing can be made with your own hands, both from fabric and from polycarbonate, wood or roofing materials

Awnings can be grouped by installation method. They are folding and stationary. The first option is easier for permanent use. It opens easily and closes effortlessly.

Tents of this type well save vacationers from the scorching sun or bad weather.

The second option is a stationary one in the form of a rectangular frame with a strong canvas stretched over it.

When choosing fabric for your garden swing, your priority should be the quality and composition of the material. Main criteria:

  • waterproofness;
  • moisture-repellent characteristics;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and burnout;
  • unpretentious care.

The awning market offers more models of PVC material. It meets all the requirements for outdoor garden accessories. Canopies made of dense, wear-resistant materials with water-repellent impregnations are less common.

They are inferior in quality to PVC, they must be removed in windy weather, otherwise the service life will be sharply reduced. Be aware of the climatic and weather conditions of your area.

Replacement cover for garden swing

Tents more often than other accessories are influenced by the external environment: they burn out, begin to leak or begin to break. Therefore, protection must be strengthened. The more careful your attitude towards the roof, the longer it will serve you.

But still, it would be a wise decision to make a solid overlap for the garden swing with your own hands. You can buy a ready-made structure in a store. She will defend well. According to statistics, stores offer two types of covers:

  1. Those that cover the entire structure, including the awning itself.
  2. Those that only fit on the seat.

Read also

Garden swing fabric

Choose what will harmoniously fit into the style of the landscape of the site, will match the design of the furniture

If it is difficult to choose the colors and sizes, then remember the sewing skills. Let's start making. First, select the fabric. It is better to dwell on an environmentally friendly material that is woven from natural fibers. It will not cause allergic reactions.

A good choice is blended cotton or synthetic fabrics, high-strength from natural components (tapestry).

Step-by-step instructions for patterns

Let's take an example. It is necessary to sew a cover for an awning for a garden swing with dimensions of 220 x 130 cm.

Before you start sewing the cover, measure the dimensions of your swing


  1. Preparing a pattern for the cover.
  2. We transfer the drawing with a simple pencil on thin paper, scaling it to the required volumes (1: 5 or 1:10, as appropriate).
  3. We cut out paper parts, sign each one or number it so that later we can assemble the whole puzzle correctly, without losing the order.
  4. We measure the fabric, a little with a margin.
  5. With a drawing tool, we apply a pattern to the seamy side.
  6. We cut out the parts with sharp scissors or a cutter.
  7. We sew according to the scheme with a strong nylon thread. Use a gypsy needle with a large eye, this will relieve you of unnecessary eye strain, and will give more strength to the future canopy.
  8. We put on a ready-made cover on a previously prepared frame of an awning for a garden swing. It can be made from wire or whalebone, which is sold in any hardware store.

Such a canopy is convenient. It can be removed for cleaning or replaced with another.

The swing is a truly amazing object, to which neither adults nor children remain indifferent. But in the interior of an ordinary apartment there is no suitable place for them.

Even special swing hammocks for living quarters mostly serve a decorative function. But if you place a swing in the country, then you can swing on it to your heart's content. We share ideas on how you can make a garden swing with your own hands.

1. Unusual use of PVC pipes

Swing made of PVC pipes.

Small diameter metal-plastic pipes become the basis for making do-it-yourself garden swings. Beams can also be made of them, to which the swing is attached. But such a structure will not be stable enough. Therefore, it is better to make only a seat out of pipes. The pipes are easily cut with a hacksaw, and fittings are used to connect them.

2. For the most athletic

Garden swing with your own hands from a skateboard.

Even if children are already tired of skateboarding, it is not necessary to throw it away. Just tie ropes to it and use it as a garden swing seat. There is no doubt about the strength of such a structure.

3. Universal pallets

Pallets for garden arrangement.

Construction pallets are a unique material for crafts. From them it will turn out to make a swing-hammock. The design can be very diverse. The simplest solution is to hang the pallet with ropes from a large branch. If desired, one pallet can be divided into two parts, and one of them can be used to make a backrest for a swing.

4. Second life of old tires

Old car tires come in handy too.

The swing seat made of an old car tire is a solution that has been proven for years. This seat is not afraid of rain and sun, but despite its strength, it is quite comfortable. Holes for ropes can be drilled in the bus or fastened with fastening screws. If you don't feel like messing around with this, then just tie the ropes around the tire in several places.

5. Floating bench

Swing out of the bench.

A garden bench, on which you can sit in the air, can transform the look of even the most ordinary summer cottage. You just need to saw off the legs from it and fix strong metal brackets in the railing. You will also need to take care of the arrangement of strong beams on which the swing will hang.

6. Stylish and effective

Textile swing for the garden.

To create such a garden swing, you will need thick fabric, several ropes and wooden sticks. The presence of minimal skills in sewing business will also come in handy. An important point: in order for the swing to withstand the weight of an adult, use a thick fabric.

7. If you don't want to part with your favorite chair

Do-it-yourself garden swing in the form of a chair.

A not too massive armchair can become an exquisite basis for making a garden swing with your own hands. This design will be very convenient. But if you want the swing to become also a decoration of the dacha, then decorate it with pillows and a blanket. The swing from the chair is not intended for being in the garden all the time: after all, the sun's rays, atmospheric precipitation will not have the best effect on the condition of textile and wooden parts. Therefore, it is better to provide for a removable mount for them.

8. Weaving lessons in the country

Wicker swing construction.

If the swing is intended for children, then a bicycle wheel can be used as a basis. In other cases, you will need a metal circle or plastic pipes. Sections of the desired shape and size are connected to each other using special fittings. After that, it remains to fill the empty space inside the circle with a weave of ropes. They can be placed randomly or using the macrame technique.

9. Maximum comfort

Comfortable garden swing.

The most difficult moment when creating such a swing is finding a solid metal circle that will become its base. The fabric, which is attached to the base in two layers, must also be quite dense. It remains only to pull the textiles onto the base and sew. Such a fabric swing is able to take the shape of the human body, and therefore will be as comfortable as possible.

10. For the whole family

Spacious swing from the sofa.

Such a garden swing, made from a sofa or bed, will be truly comfortable. A whole company of people will be able to spend evenings on them. But in order for the design to be safe, it is necessary to take care of the strength of the swing attachment. After all, their mass will be much more than average.

11. Simple classic version

Garden swing of a simple form.

A board with four holes is the basis for making a simple do-it-yourself garden swing. You will also need a strong rope. In order for the tree to serve for a long time, do not forget to treat it with protective impregnations or varnish. So the wooden swing will not be afraid of changes in temperature and humidity.

12. Entertainment for motorists

Swing from an old car.

Cases when a car is unnecessary are extremely rare, but they do happen. If a car turned out to be unsuitable for further use, then it will turn out to be a garden swing from its rear part with seats. The hardest part of this process is cutting the car. You will need a special tool, for example, a grinder. Be sure to trim the edges of the metal to avoid injury to the swinging people.

Improving the territory of a country house or a summer cottage, today many pay attention to decorating a place for leisure. An ideal option for recreation would be an artificial reservoir, a gazebo and a swing "Varadero". The multifunctional swing allows you to relax in the shade of the trees, chatting with family or reading your favorite book, or lie down while enjoying the fresh air. The swing can be easily transformed into a comfortable sleeping place that can accommodate two or even three people.

Garden swing covers

When decorating their backyard territory, amateur and professional gardeners buy garden furniture and think about preserving its appearance. After all, there is often not enough time to constantly monitor the mattresses and cushions of the swing. And the weather is so changeable, rain, hail, wind carrying dust can come unexpectedly, which can ruin the furniture, the details of its construction, and especially the fabric component. To avoid such situations, consultants in stores immediately offer to purchase covers for a garden swing. Those who have come across them will surely tell how they make life easier for the owner of the site, preserving the original appearance of the swing and extending their service life for many seasons. From an aesthetic point of view, garden swing covers look pretty good, everyone can choose the desired color and pattern. The assortment includes models of different styles and trends; covers in European and Oriental style are very popular.

Qualitative characteristics

The cover for the garden swing "Varadero" is sewn from a special water-repellent fabric. The density of this material is 110 grams per square meter, which allows you to avoid leakage even in heavy rain and protect it from the influence of ultraviolet rays on a sunny day. In addition to rain and ultraviolet light, the cover will cover the garden swing from falling leaves, as well as from uninvited guests - insects and neighboring animals. On each side of the cover there are two eyelets, with which it is attached to the swing support. Locks are sewn on the front side, which should be closed during a long absence from a suburban area, while mattresses, awning and pillows can not be removed . The front of the cover can be easily opened and closed. Even with the cover closed, it is pleasant to swing on the swing, because such a shelter protects from bad weather, but does not impede the access of fresh air. A garden swing cover adds intimacy and privacy on warm summer evenings.


By purchasing covers for the "Varadero" garden swing, you can look after and which will save you from annoying insects and allow you to enjoy the sunset. Today, stores offer a large assortment of such nets of various qualities and from different manufacturers. If you wish, you can choose the right option just for you. Covers and mosquito nets are sold packed in handy bags that can be folded up for the winter and kept safe.