How to cure nail fungus in the house. Absolute contraindications for receiving tablets are. Treatment of nail fungus at home iodine

One of the most common diseases today is a mix of feet and nails. The ailment does not threaten the life of a person, but it brings a lot of inconvenience and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms: nail plates become brittle, smell, change the color, the skin is blushing around them, it blooms and it occurs. In addition to the inesthetical species, the disease is destroying on the immune system, so it is important to know how to treat the nail fungus on the legs at home with the help of drug and folk remedies.

What is nail fungus

There are about 70 thousand species of fungal dispute, but only those of them are dangerous, which stimulate the development of diseases. These include micoses caused by the "Red Triedoofit" mushroom. Bending stop and nails are diagnosed with each fifth inhabitant of the planet, which is due to infectiousness. You can pick up the fungus, walking on the beach barefoot, in the pool, water park, when fitting the shoes or using non-sterile manicure accessories.

With the defeat of mycosis in the human body, poisonous toxins are accumulated, which apply to organs and tissues through blood flow, reducing immunity. Doctors are called the many reasons provoking onichomicosis, but the most common among them are:

  • wearing uncomfortable or made of synthetic low-quality materials of shoes, which provokes strong foot sweating;
  • bad feet hygiene;
  • general weakness of immunity;
  • natoptyshi, cuts, injured legs.

Than to treat the nail fungus on the legs

The development of pathology occurs at the same scheme: the nail cracks, it cuts up, thickened, changes the color and begins to exhibit an unpleasant odor. After some time, the plate becomes loose, crumbs. If timely at the first stages of the disease do not start therapy of fungal infections, the disease can spread to the nails of the hands. The means for the treatment of onchomicosis chooses a dermatologist, while it can prescribe outdoor drugs or pills, depending on the degree of destruction of the fingers.

The doctor will observe the patient for the whole therapy time. Independent attempts to get rid of fungus are often not only ineffective, but also dangerous (if a person takes medicines without the appointment of a specialist). Such treatment of fungal diseases is meaningless, since there are many types of infections (mold, yeast fungus, etc.), for each of which a suitable preparation is selected. To prescribe the most effective tool, the doctor takes bacteriological sowing from the infection.

Preparations are issued after receiving the results of the analysis, while the doctor may assign tablets, local drugs and, as an addition to the main treatment, folk remedies. In cases where mycosis occupied a significant area, the doctor prescribes the removal of a nail plate or a mechanical cleaning with a milling mill, with the help of which the necessary nail thickness is easily stepping.

Medication drugs

Proper to begin to treat the nail fungus in the first stage of its development, when the color of the plate is just beginning to change. At the initial stage, onychomycosis can be overcome using therapeutic solutions and other local means of a cream or ointment. If the wicked shirt hit and began to crumble, use systemic treatment, which implies the reception of drugs inside. Antifungal drugs Dermatologist prescribes:

  • availability of extensive affected sections of the nail plate;
  • the beginning of detachment, nail thickening;
  • presence of diabetes;
  • defeat by mycosis of several fingers.

To cure the fungus, special medicinal preparations are used, which differ in composition and cost. The most effective means against onychomicosis are tablets, when choosing which the doctor takes into account contraindications. In the absence of the latter, the specialist can recommend the patient the following effective medicines:

  1. Terbinefin. The drug has a wide range of actions: Even with small doses, it is able to coagulate the pathogen of multi-colored debris, mold, yeast, dimorphic, yeast-like mushrooms and dermatophytes. For the maximum effect, the doctor as a rule assigns the simultaneous use of a local similar means. The advantage of terbinafin is its high efficiency and lack of accumulation of the active substance in the body (the component is completely excreted by the kidneys). The disadvantages should include a ban on application during pregnancy, lactation.
  2. Fluconazole. Using the action of the active substance, the fungal cells gradually collapse and the microorganism dies. The advantages of this medicine are accessibility, a small list of contraindications and the absence of side effects, so that the tablets can be taken even to children. The disadvantage of the drug is the need for an individual selection of dosage, while if the doctor is wrong, the therapy will be ineffective.
  3. Mikoflukan. The drug can provide rapid treatment. According to the instructions, the tablets prevent the reproduction of fungi and the spread of infection by the body. Plus, mycofluucan is a diversity of the forms of discharge of medication (capsules, tablets, powder to create a suspension of oral and intravenous administration). The disadvantage of funds is the need for long-term therapy (from 4 months to a year, depending on how nesting the fungus).

Antifungal varnishes

When the initial symptoms of the disease can cure them with local medicines. Such means create a high concentration of active substances directly at the site of infection, due to which the infection gradually dies or, at least, stops its development. What helps from the nail fungus on their feet from local means:

  1. Loceral. The drug destroys the membranes of cells of fungal dispute. In addition to the treatment of affected nail plates, Laco Loceryl is recommended to cover healthy nails for the prevention of fungal infection. It should be treated onichomicosis to its full disappearance. Pros of funds - its availability (varnish is sold in each pharmacy), ease of use. The minus is relatively high cost and moderate efficiency.
  2. Betrofen. Varnish quickly penetrates the layers of nail plates, perfectly coping with mold, yeast-like and other types of fungi. Use Betrofen followed in a day during the first week, and after twice a week until the symptoms of the disease are completely disappeared. The advantages of varnish are their effectiveness against most of the species of pathogens of onchomicosis and a relatively low price. Minus funds - ban on the use of children, pregnant and nursing.

Folk remedies

It is possible to cure onichomicosis with the help of various means, the safest among which are popular recipes. In contrast to the drugs offered in the pharmacy, they do not have toxic and cannot lead to violation of the work of the internal organs. Nevertheless, it will not be possible to quickly bring the fungus on the nail plates of the legs with the help of folk remedies.

To achieve recovery and not infected with fungus again, it is important to pay great attention to the hygiene stop. They do not have to climb shoes or sweat very much, because mechanical damage and moisture contribute to the spread of pathogenic infection. In order to effectively treat the fungal disease at home, you must often change socks and periodically wash the shoes with a special acetic solution. Below are detailed recipes, how to remove the fungus on the nails of the legs.


You can treat onychomicosis with a tincture of iodine, which is treated by the affected nail plates. Before therapeutic procedure, legs should be thoroughly wash with the household soap and wipe dry. Apply iodine should be one-time wand. When the liquid is absorbed, type hot water into the bathroom and lower the legs into it for a few minutes. Treat fungal defeat in this way you need daily. The second option is to handle with iodine nails, mixing the component with Dimeksid in proportion 1: 1.

Warm baths

Hot baths help cure the fungus, because in the softened (roaming) state of the plate better absorb therapeutic agent. Fungal strains do not tolerate alkaline media, destructive for them is soda. It is possible to treat the disease with such a mixture: by 2-3 liters of hot water 1 tbsp. l. Powder (soda concentration may be higher, then the damaged sections of the plate will be easier to remove). The legs need to be kept in a liquid at least 15 minutes daily.

It is possible to treat onychomics by means of such a recipe:

  • warm water is mixed with apple vinegar in proportion 3: 1;
  • this is also adding a little manganese, so that the liquid acquires a pinkish color;
  • in the water lowered legs affected by fungus for 10-15 minutes;
  • after acetic baths, legs are thoroughly wiping with a towel;
  • next lubricate the nail plates of tea tree oil.

Tea mushroom

This effective means are recommended to treat fungal affects even children, since it is absolutely harmless. To do this, take a piece of tea mushroom, soap in clean water for several hours, and after placed on the sore nail, pre-wash your legs with soap. From above, the agent is covered with a food film and wrap a finger bandage. Apply the compresses, as a rule, at night, so that the tea mushroom will have time to come down. Treat onichomicosis in this way it follows daily to the disappearance of the disease.


This universal medicinal product helps against fungus, showing positive changes very quickly. The product destroys the causative agent of onchomicosis due to its fungicidal properties. How to cure a disease with the help of the product:

  1. The alcohol tinpolis tincture (20%) is impregnated with a roller or rolled out a piece of bandage. The compress is put on an affected nail mushroom, after which the finger is bought. A day later, the bandage is removed, and the softened nail plate is removed by fine-grained emery paper.
  2. The solid propolis is crushed to the consistency of the cassel, after mixing with antifungal cream from the pharmacy. Use the tool after performing hygienic procedures. At the same time, the cream should be twice a day until the nail is updated.
  3. The tincture of propolis is added to warm water and make therapeutic baths from fungus. The optimal proportions are 15 drops of 3 liters. Treat onichomycosis in this method should be daily, conducting a procedure for 20 minutes. After the bath, the nail plates are treated with hydrogen peroxide solution.


If the root struck by the fungus is deformed and changes the color, it is possible to treat the infection using a special soda paste. Prepare it in two ways:

  1. On 1 tbsp. l. Powder is necessary ½ st. l. water. The thick mixture is diluted with 1 tsp. Aloe juice. The paste is applied to the struck by the fungus nail half an hour before sleep. Before it falls into bed, the remedy is removed with a napkin, legs do not wash.
  2. Soda (3 st. L) is diluted with water until the formation of a thick mass, lemon juice add a drop here. The mixture is applied to the nail plates for 3-5 minutes, while the feeling of burning need to endure. After the paste you can wash the napkin. Treat onichomicosis at the initial stage of development with such a means you need 10-15 days.


To treat the fungus doctors advise comprehensively: combining the use of celandine with drug local and / or systemic preparations, depending on the severity of the disease. To get rid of onychomicosis, 30 drops of plants oil are added to 250 ml of alcohol. Apply this composition on the nails should be very careful, trying not to get into the skin. To do this, it is better to use a cotton wand or a brush. Before applying the tool, the legs hook in the soda bath and wipe dry.

How to quickly cure the nail fungus on the legs

To avoid severe consequences, it is necessary to treat onychomicosis in a timely manner. At the same time, a specialist, who, with the help of examination and analyzes, will be able to estimate the degree of the disease, the type of pathogen, etc. There are many drugs that can effectively deal with fungus, each of which has individual properties and contraindications. To the number of local antifungal agents with a rapid action that specialists are often prescribed include:

  • Mikosan;
  • Batrafin;
  • Lamizil;
  • Lamiter;
  • Terbinefin spray.

If the disease is in a launched degree or local funds did not give the expected effect, the dermatologist corrects the treatment, assigning a system of system action to the patient. The most effective tablets are:

  1. Terbinefin;
  2. Diflucan;
  3. Neungal.

Treatment of the solar fungus

If it is necessary to treat a neglected infection, then dermatologists are often prescribed to remove the nail and / or medical means of system action. Effective methods of therapy of old onchomicosis include:

  1. Surgical intervention. With the help of a scalpel, the affected nail plate is removed along with certain areas of soft tissues. Executive treatment of medication therapy is complemented. This method is safe, but painful, after surgery, a rehabilitation period is required. After surgical intervention, the nail plates are often growing deformed - this is a weighty minus method.
  2. The use of chemical compositions. These solutions help dissolve the plane affected by mycosis without surgery. The patient can make it personally at home.
  3. Removal of nail plates with a laser. A procedure is carried out in a hospital. The therapeutic effect is achieved by heating the dispute to the temperature capable of destroying them. The positive effect is achieved after 4 procedures, the duration of each of which is 15 minutes. Before manipulation, the plate is spilled and treated with anti-grapple solution.
  4. Medicines. The most popular way to combat running mycosis are tablets. As a rule, the doctor prescribes their reception simultaneously using local drugs.


The nail fungus is an unpleasant phenomenon that can spoil the look of beautiful legs. Unfortunately, the disease is common. In most, the fungal lesions of the legs do not carry threats to human health, but they are completely able to deliver a lot of inconvenience. Each fifth person on the planet suffers from fungus on the legs.

The disease is evolving due to the "Red Triedofiton" pathogenic bacterium, affecting the skin of the stop and the nail plate. The bacteria is sometimes pleased to "press" other molded candides and fungi. As a result of the disease, the disease in humans decreases the body's resistance to external adverse factors, metabolism deteriorates. Timely treatment at home will help effectively cope with the disease, especially at an early stage.

Cereal infection is quite possible by folk remedies. These are simple and accessible methods that are easy to use at home on their own.

Effective home recipes

Treat the nail fungus is required carefully, coming to the case seriously. A variety of people's effective recipes that require perseverance and patient patient are described.

Treatment of onychomicosis at home is a responsible event. To achieve results, you need to make a selected procedure or a combination of methods. Before you begin to break your legs and wipe dry. This is a prerequisite.

Hydrogen peroxide - home treatment method

Hydrogen peroxide is not a means of killing microorganisms. Nail disease The hydrogen solution can be suspended and not to develop. The peroxide has deodorizing properties, recommended for processing damaged areas. If you regularly use hydrogen peroxide solution, the infection on the legs will pass quickly. The composition of the solution is poisonous for pathogenic microorganisms. Antiseptic is important to use correctly.

  1. Make a hot foot bath, add copper vigor into it. Spare carefully legs.
  2. Clean towel wipe the skin dry. Especially between your fingers.
  3. It is supposed to wet the cotton or disk in hydrogen peroxide and attach to the sections of infected nails. Fasten cotton with a plaster, rewind a towel. Keep 45-60 min. The procedure is performed twice a day with a break at twelve hours.
  4. When the nails on the legs become light, you need to cut the soft sections of the nail plate and apply antifungal cream on them.

Additional way. Nail disease will leave faster if used by baths made on the basis of hydrogen peroxide. Take two liters of water in which to dissolve one hundred milliliters of hydrogen peroxide. In the resulting bath, disappear feet for 20 minutes. Then wipe the skin of the feet dry, clean sawing cutting the softened nail section. Then use antifungal cream. The procedure is performed once a day.

The benefits of peroxide is that the substance can speed up the process of recovery. Powerful microorganisms living on legs stop spreading. In addition, hydrogen peroxide eliminates a person from recurrence. The advantage of using hydrogen peroxide solution is able to use pregnant women and children.

Independent treatment of feet nail fungus

Treatment The fungus at home will give a positive result if you follow the recommendations of the doctor. As a rule, the infection is treated at home, the main thing is to regularly carry out procedures and use drugs (if a doctor prescribes) strictly by recipe in the prescribed dosage. Today, patients have a pulse-therapy method. The ratio requires compliance with the rules, is designed for a short time, implies rapid cure. To treat infection according to the method described follows courses for receiving antimicotic drugs in a strict dosage.

In the conditions of the house, the disease is treated with the use of ointments, gels, special varnishes, film wraps. Onychomicosis of the legs and nails is effectively eliminated using fungicidal ointments. If the infection is running, before starting the use of funds, it is necessary to remove the patient to nail by the fleet. It is required to combine different drugs during the course of therapy. For example, after two weeks of applying the appointed ointment, change it to a similar action so that it is addictive, the effect of treatment has not decreased. If the nail is completely destroyed, the restoration will be required until the year.

The launched shape of the nail fungus requires preliminary laboratory diagnostics. Doctor Dermatologist takes the scraping in a patient to determine the nature of microorganisms (quantity and type) that caused the development of infection. The treatment becomes effective if you combine drugs, ointments, abide by hygiene and additionally use folk methods.

Preparations for the treatment of nail fungus

In addition to ointments, creams, varnishes and therapeutic adhesive plants, preparations are created in the form of tablets that help (and assigned) in running cases. Antifungal agents inexpensive, but effective. Among the drugs "Ketakonazal", "Iratenazal", "Fuziz", "Terbinafin" and others. From the viral infection of the legs, they are eliminated with proper therapy in six months or for the year. It is especially difficult to endure the disease to pregnant women. For them, the course of therapy is prescribed gentle and eliminates drugs. It is better to postpone treatment before the birth of a child. Pregnant women should be remembered that independent activities are contraindicated to future mothers, including the use of folk remedies.

During drug therapy, the doctor prescribes a dosage, about 150 mg of the antifungal drug. It all depends on the course of the disease and the overall picture of the body's condition.

Launched form

Treat the patient to nail in the launched form is better with a laser. His advantages are obvious. If medications and folk remedies do not help, you should use the method. Laser therapy appoints and conducts a doctor.

  • The source of infection of the legs and nails under the influence of the laser ray is destroyed instantly.
  • The laser does not harm healthy fabrics.
  • Enough four laser gerapets procedures to completely get rid of microbes.

Treatment of laser therapy is the most effective method, does not exclude the complex reception of medicines and the use of ointments.

Consequences Foot Nail Fungus

The disease can lead to unpleasant consequences for the human body. Invertible treatment of nail fungus leads to dangerous complications.

  • Immunity worsens.
  • The organism resistance to viral and infectious diseases is reduced, frequent colds appear.
  • Infection The nail fungus can penetrate the bloodstream and lead to the damage to the internal organs.
  • Eczema and dermatitis can appear on the skin.
  • There is an aggravation of chronic diseases.
  • Allergic appears.
  • Pains, inflammatory skin processes, asthma may develop.

Such consequences are expected by a person in the case of a running fungus on the legs. The infection in the completed stage is dangerous, can adversely affect the work of vital organs. The risk group includes elderly people who become harder to fully care for themselves.

Prevention Foot Nail Polish

Prevention is considered an effective way to combat viral infection on legs.

  • Use only individual facilities for a pedicure.
  • It is always necessary to have a personal towel.
  • Do not wear someone else's shoes.
  • Cure fungus at home more difficult than preventing, do not forget to carry out disinfectant cleaning in shared rooms at home: bathroom, toilet.
  • In the pool, sauna, the bath should go to special shoes. It should be individual.
  • After the bath or soul, it is important to carefully wipe foot and fingers.
  • If there is a tendency to diabetes, it becomes a factor in the development of viral infection on the legs. Follow the blood sugar level.
  • Every day you should wash your legs, dry shoes and change socks.
  • Wear high-quality shoes that passes air and does not shine movements of the legs.
  • Follow the quality of products when buying. This is especially true of socks, tights, stockings, shoes.
  • Pay attention to the diet. Due to lack of vitamins, the body is depleted and attacked by the disease. Include vegetables, fruits, berries in spring and summer menu, and in winter - multivitamins.
  • Daily follow the state of the nails on the legs, trim in time when the tools are disinfected.

At the first symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor. It will help determine the stage of the disease and choose the correct method of combating the disease. Treat infection is recommended in the complex: Consultation of the doctor in aggregate with medicines, ointments and home methods help to achieve a positive effect.

How to bring nail fungus on your feet? This question arises from everyone who encountered this problem. This can be easily done at home using medication or effective recipes of traditional medicine.

How to quickly bring the fungus on the nails

You can quickly bring the nail fungus at home with medication tools. At the same time, the main condition for obtaining a positive result is the systematic and significant duration of the course.

Important! It is enough difficult to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms that struck the nail plate. To do this, you may need from 3 to 6 months.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, it is necessary to refer to the dermatologist, which must be a comprehensive examination. His goal is to identify the pathogen of fungal infection, determine the degree of damage to the nail. Only after that the doctor determines which way the sick person is best to cure.

To quickly output the fungus on the nails, you can use such drugs:

  • special varnish or oil - show a positive result at the initial stage of the disease;
  • cream or ointment - are considered effective external means, when using which you need to undergo a course of treatment for 3-6 months. They are effective with damage to 50% of the nail plate;
  • antifungal drugs inside - help increase body resistance.

Important! Treatment of fungal infection should continue until the finger has a healthy nail.

If there is a running fungus, it is best to remove the affected nail. After that, you can proceed to complex treatment with the help of external means and special medicines inside.

Effective drugs

Depending on the degree of impression of nails and the type of fungal infection, you can use a variety of drugs.


Loceryl is an effective varnish tool. Use this preparation is necessary as follows:

  1. Using a special file, you need to remove the maximum number of nail plate.
  2. Using a tampon, which is moistened in alcohol, it is necessary to treat the nail surface.
  3. Without touching the shovel of the jar neck, remove it and apply a certain amount of varnish on the nail plate.
  4. You need to wait 3-5 minutes, so that the medicine dried. Tightly close the jar with varnish.

Loceryl needs to be applied no more than two times a week for 6-9 months.

Important! This tool quickly penetrates the tissue, and its maximum concentration is observed 24 hours after applying. The positive effect of the drug is observed for 5-7 days after the first use.


Effective remedy for fungus, which is produced in the form of a solution for outdoor use and cream.

Kamidon is applied with a thin layer, after which you need to wait a few minutes to absorb the drug. This procedure is recommended to repeat 2-4 times a day.

Important! The cost of the calender depends on the volume of the bottle and the form of release ranges from 60 to 500 rubles.

The course of treatment is from 1 to 6 months. In any case, it is necessary to continue to use the drug for another 2 weeks after the disappearance of the main symptoms of the disease.


Produced in the form of a cream to be applied to the nail plate 1-2 times a day. Before that, it is necessary to remove the maximum number of affected areas and degreasing the surface.

Important! The price of Lamizila on average is 800-850 rubles.

This drug can be used to treat patients since 12 years. With the appearance of side effects in the form of deterioration of the nail plate, it is not necessary to interrupt the use of laminizila.

Treatment with folk remedies

In addition to medication, for the treatment of nail fungus, you can use a variety of recipes of traditional medicine. They are no less effective, and their use is completely safe for the human body.

Treatment of vinegar

Vinegar - effective remedy against nail fungus. With it, it is possible to create a sour Wednesday, which is destructive for pathogenic microorganisms and quickly removes fungus.

Vinegar must be used according to the following scheme:

  1. It is necessary to remove the maximum number of affected nail plate with a sawmill.
  2. You need to dial warm water in the basin, the temperature of which should reach 45-50 ° C. Fluids do not need a lot. The water level is not higher than the ankle.
  3. Add a glass of ordinary table vinegar to a warm bath.
  4. Keep your legs in such a solution for 15-20 minutes.
  5. After the procedure, wipe your feet with a towel and put on the socks.

Make such baths 3-4 times a week. Continue treatment even after some relief. Continue to use vinegar while at least 2-3 weeks after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

We use tea tree oil

As a daily procedure against nail fungus, you can apply warming baths with the addition of tea tree essential oil. At once, use 15-20 drops of aromatic fluid. Water for the bath should not be hot, but a little warm.

Important! Before conducting the procedure, test the presence of allergies. To do this, apply an oil drop on the wrist and wait a few minutes. If you have seen redness, then this method is not suitable for treatment.

Preferably before and after the procedure, remove part of the nail plate using a special file. This method must be used for 1-2 months.

To enhance the effect, you can also use pure tea tree oil. After each bath, apply a few drops of pure oil liquid. With the help of a cotton wand cover it on the affected surface. After that, you do not need to re-wash your legs.

Pake-up treatment

To prepare a healing antifungal liquid, you must use the following components:

  • haired soda - 120 ml;
  • hot water, but not boiling water - 950 ml;
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide - 60 ml;
  • 9% vinegar - 50 ml;
  • english salt or magnesium sulfate - 120 g

It is necessary to mix all the components, get into the resulting mortar gauze tampon and applied to the nail plate. Such a bandage fasten on the finger with a patch. Change it every 8-10 hours.

Important! Use a row with hydrogen peroxide for 1-2 months.

Healing Zhivitsa Apricota

For the preparation of such a medicine, you need to do the following:

  1. Gently remove from the apricot tree 1 tbsp. l. resin.
  2. Place the station in the glass jar and fill with 200 ml of alcohol or vodka.
  3. Insist in a dark place for 3 days.

Use a tincture of the apricot zhivitsa every day for 1-3 months. To do this, shake the bottle of healing fluid, dip a gauze or cotton swab into it and attach it to the nail for 15 minutes. To speed up the recovery, try to remove the maximum amount of affected fabric every time.

Iodom treatment

Using iodine, you can very quickly cure nail fungus. To do this, use baths. In warm water, add a few drops of this tool. Keep your legs in the prepared fluid over 15-20 minutes. When the nail softening, cut the maximum part of it, which is amazed by fungus. After that, it is necessary to treat the surface of hydrogen peroxide to be displaced.

Important! The complex can use antifungal ointment that needs to be applied after the bath.

Repeat such a procedure 3 times a week at least 3-4 weeks. As an additional method of treatment before bedtime, apply iodine on the nail plate. It is necessary to do it for 7-10 days.

Soda against fungus

To quickly get rid of the fungus nails on the legs, you can use the usual food soda. To do this, take a small amount of powder, add water to get a thick cassea. Apply the resulting mixture to problem places. Such compress is recommended to keep 15-20 minutes.

Important! Repeat such manipulations every day 2-3 months.

Micotic infection affecting the nail plates is rapidly progressing and brings strong discomfort. Along with medication therapy appointed by the doctor, people use folk methods. The fastest way to treat the nail fungus at home is difficult to name. There are many effective recipes that help cope with infection in the shortest possible time.

Medicines for quick cure from nail fungus

Fungi infection is difficult not to notice. The nail plate begins to crumble, turn yellow and stagger. Carefully examine the signs of onychomicosis in the photo, which are presented below.

When symptoms appear, you need to urgently contact the doctor. Based on inspection and analyzes, the dermatologist will prescribe treatment. If you adhere to all recommendations, you can quickly get rid of the disease.

To eliminate the fungus, local and systemic preparations are used. Of the external means, the most popular are:

Quickly cure the nail fungus on the legs at home and not allow the spread of infection with medical varnishes. The bathafen and lawscell have proven themselves well. They are applied to damaged nails according to the instructions.

A set of microspore is used to eliminate infection. It includes therapeutic ointment, disposable files and plaster. The active substance of the drug bifonazole is a derivative of imidazole. Outflows process nail once a day. Top covered with plaster and leave one day. Then removed, wash, flow the plate and dried. For a week, the affected nail softened and simply remove it with a scraper.


With a launched infection, local treatment must be combined with the reception of systemic drugs. Such therapy is shown if more than 3 nails are subject to infection.

Only a doctor appointed to intake tablets. They have a lot of contraindications, therefore it is impossible to engage in self-medication.

The most popular drugs are considered:

  • Terbinefin;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Fusis;
  • Diflucan;
  • Neungal.

To avoid relapse, at the end of the course, it is necessary to pass the tests and make sure the victory over the infection.

Folk remedies

To effectively combat the disease, it is useful to combine drug therapy with people's ways. Before using the outer means, the nails must be prepared by removing the affected parts of the plate.

  1. The feet are sprinkled in hot water with the addition of soda and salt. Per 1 liter of water is required on the spoon of ingredients. The time of procedure is 15 minutes.
  2. Then make a manicure, thoroughly lying on the nails. After that, the affected areas are treated with medicines or household agents.

During treatment, it should be borne in mind that folk recipes have a more gentle action, therefore are effective only at the initial stage of fungus or in complex therapy.

Of the advantages, it is worth noting the absence of contraindications and side effects with the exception of individual intolerance to the ingredients.


Bactericidal and antiseptic properties of garlic are well known.


From onychomicosis it is easy to get rid of a cutlery or apple vinegar.


An easy way to use iodine: daily processing of nail plates with 5% drug solution. It must be rubbed with a cotton wand for 3 minutes, trying to avoid getting funds to healthy skin.

Folk Medicine offers several effective recipes that deliver from infection and do not allow relapses.


The plant has powerful antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. It is necessary to apply fresh leaf every day to the affected area, wrapping the film and wear warm socks.

Instead of leaves, it is useful to use the root of Khrena. It must be cleaned and crushed. Cover your nails, fix the bandage and leave for several hours. The procedure is done every day until a healthy plate becomes.

Tea mushroom

This organism is a symbiosis of acetic acid bacteria and yeast. It has many vitamins and amino acids that overwhelming infection.

Birch tar

The substance is obtained after processing wood. It has an oily base and has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. Birch target is easy to buy in each pharmacy and use for the preparation of folk recipes.

Destruction of causative agents of the disease provides a alcohol boltushka. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of glycerin with 70 ml of medical alcohol. If necessary, the component is allowed to be replaced with vodka. Pour the ingredients into a dark bottle, add a spoonful of the tar and shake. Apply for wiping nails 2 times a day.

Salt and soda

Salt baths are useful for quick healing from fungus. In 3 liters of hot water, it is necessary to dissolve 3 spoons of sea salt and several crystals of manganese. Keep the feet in a solution of 15 minutes. Bath do daily for 10 days.

Good baths are obtained from food soda. For cooking you will need:

  • spoon of chips of the household soap;
  • 3 tablespoons of soda;
  • 4 liters of hot water.

The ingredients are stirred in the pelvis, after which the legs are hooked in a liquid for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to make a manicure and treat the plates of therapeutic ointment.


Propolis provides fast healing. Recipes based on it are safe, so they are allowed to use for the treatment of children.

Tea tree oil

A great way to get rid of onychomicosis is a tea tree oil. It must be rubbed into sore nails in its pure form 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

If the disease occurs in a light form, you can use a gentle recipe: mix in equal amounts of tea tree, thyme and olives. Impust the gauze tampon in the facility and attach to a sick nail for 1 hour. The way it is desirable to apply in the complex therapy of onychomicosis.

An effective recipe that eliminates the fungus on his hands and legs is a warm bath. It is necessary to dissolve in 2 liters of water 40 drops of tea tree oil, 2 spoons of sea salt and soda. Add a spoonful of May honey and stirring. Take a bath daily for a month.


Lemon acid is able to destroy fungal infection at the initial stage. For a healing mixture, a teaspoon of turmeric powder will be needed. It must be diluted with lemon juice to the state of thick paste. Apply on your nails and carefully launched. Processing repeating a week.

Hydrogen peroxide

At the early stages of Mikosa and in complex therapy with antifungal ointments, hydrogen peroxide is useful.

Antiseptic should lubricate the plates 2 times a day. It is allowed to impregnate in the wool tool and apply to the nail for 15 minutes.

Quickly helps to heal the disease bath with ammonia alcohol. In a liter of warm water, 40 ml of ammonia and peroxide should be dissolved. Put your foot there for 15 minutes. The frequency of procedures is every other day for 2 weeks.

Eliminate symptoms of infection will help a row with soda. It is necessary a tablespoon of soda to repay with vinegar. Pour on a spoon of hydrogen and water peroxide. Pour 3 teaspoons of salt and mix. Draw in mortar gauze, minimize several times and place on the nail. Pack the plaster for half an hour. Apply in the morning and night a month.

Ensure to wear outdoor shoes, go swimming in the pool, or just walk barefoot on green grass, because you have a nail fungus? The disease, to gently say, unpleasant, but it is not a reason for "packaging" all year round your legs in socks and hot closed shoes. How to treat the nail fungus on the legs, and how to protect yourself from re-defeat?

How to treat fungal diseases?

Nail mushroom in medical language is called onychomicosis.

Depending on how the stage the disease came, three of its type differences:

  • nOTOROFICAL MIQOZ, in which the color of the nail plate is changed, the strips and stains are formed, but not subject to change of the plate, nor the nail gloss;
  • hypertrophic micaosis, characterized by color change, loss of shine nail plate, thickening and its deformation;
  • atrophic micaosis at which dying and rejection of the affected part of the nail occurs.

The fungus is localized in a certain part of the nail plate either affects it completely, and, depending on this, form shapes:

  • with damage to the outer edge - distal;
  • with lateral lesions - lateral;
  • with damage to the rear roller - proximal;
  • with full damage to the entire plate - total.

It is important to carry out laboratory diagnostics to confirm onychomicosis, since often the fungus is confused due to the similarity of clinical manifestations with diseases of the non-Christian nature!

Treatment of nail fungus - a long-term process, on average, it takes from 3 to 12 months. Such duration is explained by the fact that the infection is last saved in the nail layers, and to eradicate it is necessary to fully update the plate.

Uncomplicated mold fungus is amenable to drug treatment with tablets, ointments and specialized solutions. Cyclopirox or naphtizin is used as an active substance of drugs. If the disease proceeds with complications, useraxol, terbinafin or fluconazole apply. In particularly severe cases, the nail plate is completely removed.

List of most effective pharmacy products from nail fungus

What can be purchased at the pharmacy against onychomicosis?

Nomidol ointment from nail fungus

It includes natural components:

  • herbs oil: Hypericum, coltsfoot, cleanliness, turn, valerian, etc.;
  • exhaust a beaver musk;
  • rock salt;
  • essential oils of tea tree;
  • silver;
  • vinegar;
  • herbs.

Nomidol treatment course - only 15 days to eliminate symptoms and 30 days - for the prevention of the disease.

However, to acquire a remedy in an ordinary pharmacy will not work, only the Internet pharmacies offer it at a well-known price. And this is alarming. With a more detailed study of the instructions for use, it turns out that nomidol is nothing more than cosmetic cream, and it is not able to eradicate onichomicosis.

Drops and ointment Exoderil

The popular remedy for the fungus Exoderil is available in two forms: ointment and drops. The active substance of the drug is naphththin hydrochloride (10 mg / g). The mechanism of its action is concluded in the ability to slow down the growth of the fungus cells.

Before applying, the nail must be cleaned and dried. Apply to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe record, capturing small healthy sections. Two days a day, applying exoderil, the course of treatment is prolonged to six months. The method of applying a solution is similar.

Contraindications to the use of exoderyl are individual allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Antifungal lacquer Loceryl

The treatment of onychomicosis of Laco Loceral is considered effective at the initial stage of the manifestation of the disease. Manufacturer of funds - French company Laboratoires Galderma. The active substance of varnish is amorolphine. When applying lawscell to nails, its action is preserved up to 10 days. It is believed that Varnish acts as a means of preventing infection of healthy people from a sick person.

The cost of Locereril is quite high, which makes the drug inaccessible for some segments of the population.

Medicinal Amorolfin from Nail Fungus

Amorolphine is the active substance of some anti-grab drugs, in particular, Loceryl varnish or «flat. Application is exceptionally outdoor. After the drug with amorolphine is applied to the nail, the active substance penetrates deep into all layers of the nail, while having low absorption.

Navigitis to remove the affected nail

Not so long ago, a new means of anti-grab effects appeared, which allows to solve the problem dramatically. We are talking about the emulsion "Nivistit". This is an alternative to surgical removal of the nail plate highly affected by the fungus.

Before using it, it is necessary to unpack in the soap-soda solution. Then you need to apply without rubbing, "nivistit" on its surface. Next to the nail must be covered with a bandage. Such compress is 3-4 days. Next, remove the dressing, sprinkle the nail, scrape the sawn to the sawn. Again superimposed compress.

The removal of the nail "Nivalitit" takes a long time, but it happens painlessly.

Anti-Gribus Preparation Mikosan

"Mikosan" - a remedy for nail fungus based on the natural component -filtrate rye enzyme. How to use it?

Apply the drug is exceptionally externally. Cosmetic varnish removed from which cosmetic varnish is removed. Give the nail to dry completely. The procedure is repeated twice a day. Once a week, the nail plate is cleaned with a sawmill. A set of disposable pylons is attached to the serum.

Antifungal cream Fundizole

Inexpensive and effective antifungal agent - Fundizole cream. In its composition - salicylic acid, zinc oxide, iodide potassium, purity extract, etc.

Cream 2-3 times a day is applied to the affected areas, under the nails, cover with compression paper and fixed for 4-8 hours. For prophylaxis, lubricated with cream and healthy nails. The visible therapeutic effect is noticeable after 2 weeks of regular use.

Tablets Termicon

Tablets "Termicon" with terbinefin in the composition are used inside with severe forms of nail fungus. 4 hours after receiving the drug, it is distributed in the body evenly, penetrates into the nail plates, while maintaining the duration of exposure. Course treatment - 6-12 weeks 1 tablet per day after eating.

Absolute contraindications for receiving tablets are:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • patient age up to 3 years.

Budgetary funds and methods of treating fungus

Are there effective means from the nail fungus on the legs at low prices? Undoubtedly, and overpay for advertising and beautiful packaging is not at all necessary, because there are preparations similar to the composition and method of impact on fungus costly.

Among them, ointment:

  • Candid;
  • Loworded;
  • Terbinefin;
  • Terribizil;
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • Fungoterbin.

For internal use - Pills Iratenazole, fluconazole, terbinafin.

Perhaps the course passage of the treatment of nail fungus in therapeutic and cosmetology institutions.

Folk remedies for the treatment of fungus on the nail feet

Are there effective folk remedies from the fungus nails on the legs at home? Yes, and a lot of them.


The dining room spoon is diluted in 200 milliliters of water. Moching your cotton disk or a gauze napkin in solution, wrapping the nail, put on an attack or fix the compress the plaster. The procedure is better before bedtime for the night, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

Vinegar and egg.

Home ointment from the nail fungus is simply preparing. One raw fresh egg is taken across the tablespoon of vinegar, olive oil and a teaspoon of dimethyl phthalate. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients. The ointment appliqués are applied to the nail (under the dressing and cellophan), it is better to do it for the night. After several procedures, an improvement in the state of the nails is noticeable, treatment must be continued until complete recovery. Ointment stored in the refrigerator.

Propolis tincture (20%).

It is necessary to rub the tool using a cotton swab, in damaged nails several times a day for 4-12 weeks, depending on the course of the disease.

Tea tree oil.

It is necessary to lubricate twice a day with the nails given, and after a couple of months it will become completely healthy.

Preventive actions

Onychomicosis is infectious disease, it is easily transmitted from a sick person to healthy. If you have fungus, secure households from him!

For this:

  • do not let your shoes and do not wear someone else's;
  • use personal care of hygiene: wash, saws, scissors, tweezers, towel;
  • stretch socks, bed linen, leg towels at high temperature and thoroughly stroke hot iron.

If you are afraid to infect fungus, then observe simple rules:

  • do not use someone else's shoes, hygienic accessories of foreign people;
  • going into the bath, swimming pool, sauna, and even on the beach, take rubber slippers with a lot of humidity, as in places with high humidity and in the sand fungus feels excellently, only and "waiting for" fresh marigolds;
  • strengthen immunity - people with weakened organism protection are predisposed to Mikosam;
  • fearing that they could grab the fungus, for example, in the pool, at home, take extra measures: foot and nails with vinegar or lemon juice or lubricating anti-gribery cream.

Nail fungus - Cooked disease. It is easy to pick up and not easy to cure. However, modern medicine is associated with folk remedies and prevention - good helpers in this matter.