What paint brightens hair 6 tones. Hair lightener: the best products

Blonde hair is the dream of many women.

In the minds of many women, a stereotype has firmly settled down -. Therefore, women at all costs strive to be like the famous blondes of history. However, it's good if nature has rewarded you with blond hair, and you just need to lighten it by a few tones. But what to do when it comes to a radical change in hair color - from brown or red to blonde?

To date, mankind has not yet come up with any other way, except for, and thereby achieve a light shade of hair. But what kind of hair dye to use for this? And how to competently approach the issue of lightening hair so that the resulting shade does not disappoint you, and the hair does not “sick” after such lightening?

Choosing a dye

In the situation you find yourself in, you have two options to lighten your dark hair. (chamomile, honey, rhubarb ...) - we already wrote about them in one of our publications, or choose the chemical composition of permanent hair dye. If you put your hand on your heart, and be as honest as possible, then each of these types of dyes (natural and chemical) has its drawbacks, and there are advantages. So, natural dyes spare your hair, protect it, but in order to achieve a light shade, you need to spend a single week, and the range of possible lightening is only 1-2 tones. While chemical permanent formulations make it possible to lighten hair by 5-6 tones at a time, this color is slowly washed off, but the condition of the hair after such a paint leaves much to be desired ...

True, you can try to find a middle ground in this matter and choose a chemical, but ammonia-free paint - such a paint, of course, is less harmful than a paint that, but its durability indicator and the range of possible lightening leave much to be desired ...

Information for those who decide to lighten their hair

Before you go to the store to buy paint, be sure to read the points below. Perhaps they will change your mind a little, or perhaps ... you will further establish your desire to lighten your dark hair.

  • c is a rather radical step, especially a step from a dark tone to a light one. Therefore, you must clearly understand that your appearance and your image in a new hair color will change, and you will need to create a new look with makeup, buy new lipstick, choose clothes to match your hair color ... Are you ready for such a radical change? If you reassure yourself with the thought that if you don’t like the color of your hair, you will quickly repaint, then it’s better not to lighten your hair.
  • Any chemical dye damages the hair structure, and your hair after dyeing will no longer look as healthy as before. In order to restore their natural strength, health and shine, you will need to conduct a course of restorative therapy for them. Ah, that's extra money and extra time.
  • If up to this point you are hair, or - the result of lightening can turn out to be the most unpredictable. Remember this.
  • Naturally thin and brittle hair is better ... not to lighten, because the aggressive effect of chemical dyes will completely destroy them.

3 forms of dyes for lightening hair

To date, all chemical hair dyes (with or without ammonia) intended for lightening hair are available in 3 types:

  • Cream paint - quite convenient in the process of applying to the hair, because it does not spread.
  • Powder paint - it is usually used, and it is she who is considered the most aggressive in its chemical attack.
  • Oil paint is the softest in its effect.

This could be the end of our publication and leave the right to choose the paint for you, our readers. But Harmless World wants to minimize the harm of lightening hair dye in your life, and that is why we have found some interesting information and reviews about specific lightening hair dyes. Get ready - there will be no hints, no pronouns, we will talk about real hair dyes and how they lighten hair.

Lightening hair with popular colors

Garenier paint reviews

The health of your hair depends on the composition of the paint

To date, lightening paint Garenier is one of the most popular when it comes to lightening dark hair. This is explained by the fact that, according to the reviews of those who lightened their hair with this paint, it is quite gentle, and its action is soft. The fact is that the composition of this paint includes wheat oil, olive oil extract, jojoba oil - and all this in combination moisturizes the hair structure and protects against aggressive influences. As a rule, in the package of such a paint there is also a hair balm, it is recommended to apply it to the hair after dyeing - it helps the paint to fix on the hair and restores the hair after dyeing.

Paint Garenier offers 4 shades of blond - this is a super brightening, platinum blonde, natural blonde and sandy blonde.

This paint is easily applied to the hair, it is necessary to keep it on the hair for no more than 20-30 minutes. However ... according to those who lightened their hair with Garenier paint, it is not very resistant (the exception is Garenier 100% paint).

We are lucky - we live in a time when, in pursuit of a light shade, it is not necessary to smear hair with suspicious mixtures made according to the recipes of medieval alchemists. At the disposal of hairdressers - a lot of precise formulas that promise a stable result. Well, the point is small - to understand the variety of existing drugs. Not so long ago, “lightening preparations” meant all dyes that completely or partially blur the natural hair pigment - melanin. But life does not stand still, and today the line of hair lightening products has expanded, thanks to products that, for example, allow you to perform creative highlighting in one go without first lightening your hair. Preparations for lightening never lie in the salon, because highlighting and blonding remain one of the most popular services. But it should be remembered that bleaching agents are not in vain considered to be quite aggressive - they can really seriously damage the hair. Therefore, it is so important to know the varieties of blond compositions and the features of their “behavior”.

Blonding powders and creams are the most common type of bleach products. They lighten hair up to 7-8 tones, and therefore are absolutely indispensable when the hairdresser is faced with the most important task - to make a real blonde out of a dark brunette. Powder and blonding cream cannot be called dyes in the truest sense of the word, in fact, their action is the complete destruction of natural pigment. Obviously, lightening with these drugs is the most traumatic method of changing hair color. They are used only in cases where it is impossible to achieve the desired result by other means. In order to bring naturally dark or repeatedly dark-colored hair into a light radiant blond, they must be subjected to more than one bleaching procedure. In general, very dark hair is lightened by 3-4 tones at one time. And lightening is especially difficult for naturally red hair. I must say that this type of brightening preparations has a wide range of applications. With their help, you can perform different types of hair treatment (see the table "Typical rules for dilution of powdered lightening preparations").

Special group dyes (special blondes) are useful if the source material for blonding is undyed and not very dark hair (No. . Such products can lighten hair up to 4-5 tones and give them a shade. What the result will be depends on the individual characteristics of the hair. It is worth considering that such dyes are completely useless for lightening dark-colored hair (the paint does not lighten the paint), and for working with hair with a lot of gray hair. 10-11 rows of chemical dyes are an even milder version of lightening. They lighten hair no more than 2-3 tones, and therefore are more suitable for giving light highlights than for dramatic changes.

Preparations for creative or color highlighting are designed for simultaneous bleaching and coloring of hair. This is very convenient, but, unfortunately, such funds do not give a very lasting effect. Their color pigments wash out rather quickly, leaving an unsightly “bleached” tone. Therefore, to fix the result of staining, it is necessary to use color stabilizer balms. Preparations for creative highlighting discolor and at the same time color the strands in different colors in one go. They have a strong effect and are suitable for working even with previously dyed hair. But in no case should they be applied to the hair roots. Despite their great creative possibilities, such preparations have many limitations. So, they should not be applied to very light, bleached and gray hair, otherwise the color will turn out blurry, they cannot be used on hair dyed with henna and basma, on permed hair or artificially straightened hair. In addition, these preparations are not suitable for re-highlighting the same strands. But the funds listed are not the only heroes of the "bright future". The lightening process would not be possible without an oxidizing agent, which starts the reaction of transformation into a blond. During staining, blond preparations must be mixed with oxidizing agents of various concentrations and in different proportions. Let's see what an oxidizing agent is - it is also an oxygen, oxide, developer, activator, peroxide. All these are different names for stabilized hydrogen peroxide (H202) with various additives (caring and conditioning components). In the laboratories of cosmetic companies, oxidizers are developed so that they perfectly match the dyes of the brand.

Most often in hairdressing practice, oxidizing agents with a percentage of hydrogen peroxide from 1.5 to 12% are used. It should be noted that in the USA and some European countries, the content of hydrogen peroxide in the oxidizer is usually indicated not as a percentage, but as the volume of free oxygen released during the chemical reaction of the oxidizer with the dye: 10, 20, 30 and 40V, which means 3, 6, respectively , 9 and 12% content of hydrogen peroxide in the oxidizer.

Comparison of designations for the content of hydrogen peroxide in the oxidizer

V (volume of free oxygen) - Oxidizer concentration

% - Oxidant concentration

5V (5 Vol.) - 1.5%

10V (10 V5V ol.) - 3%

15V (15 Vol.) - 4.5%

20V (20 Vol.) - 6%

25V (25 Vol.) - 7.5%

30V (30 Vol.) - 9%

40V (40 Vol.) - 12%

Now let's figure out what roles they play in the process of blonding. The blonding preparation contains alkali, which has a double effect - it opens the cuticle scales and releases active oxygen from hydrogen peroxide. In turn, active oxygen, easily penetrating into the hair, destroys color pigments. For hair, such a procedure is like a real war: assault, invasion, capture, and as a result - devastation. How empty the head of blondes is is a moot point, but inside the hair, after treatment with a blond mixture, voids absolutely definitely form! The pigment, which, among other things, is also a building material for the hair, is removed, the hair is discolored and ... weakened. In addition, bleached hair will inevitably, to a greater or lesser extent, be cast with yellowness, because it is impossible to completely remove the yellow pigment pheomelanin, otherwise the hair will simply crumble.

You will find the basic rules for diluting bleaching and brightening preparations with an oxidizing agent and the approximate time they are kept on the hair to obtain the optimal blonding result in the table on the next page. page.

The role of blonding agents in all their diversity is difficult to overestimate - they are created specifically for operations that allow you to achieve impressive blond results. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

Hair lightening- This is the partial removal of pigment from all hair. In other words, this is a color change of no more than 4-5 tones. Clarification can be performed both with powder preparations and with a special group of any chemical dye, as well as with 10-11 rows of chemical dyes.

Hair bleaching- this is the complete removal of pigment from all hair or a change in color by more than 5 tones. Such an operation is only possible with powders, and, as a rule, it negatively affects the structure of the hair. Paradoxically, but the fact is that these consequences do not frighten clients, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to turn to the help of powdered preparations more than once or twice.

decapitation- removal of artificial pigment from hair. Such an operation is often necessary as a preparatory stage for subsequent coloring, if dark-colored hair needs to be made significantly lighter.

highlighting- discoloration or lightening of individual strands of hair. This procedure can be performed both with powders and with all other drugs in this group.

Each of these types of staining is important in its own way. In the following chapters, we will return to them in order to talk about the rules for their implementation, typical mistakes and numerous professional nuances.

Typical Rules for Diluting Powdered Lightening Products

1:1 - Highlighting in free technique. Lightening individual strands. Highlighting through a cap

1:1,5 - Highlighting through foil

1:2 - Complete lightening and / or bleaching of hair

1:4 - Decapitation

Standard rules for the reduction of bleaching and brightening preparations

A drug Clarification steps Oxidizer, % Mixing ratio with oxidant Approximate mixing time
Bleaching powders and creams 1 tone 1,9% 1:2 10-20 minutes
2 tones 3% 1:2 10-20 minutes
3 tones 3% 1:2 15-25 minutes
4 tones 6% 1:2 15-25 minutes
5 tones 6% 1:2 20-30 minutes
6 tones 6% 1:2 25-35 minutes
7 tones 9% 1:2 25-35 minutes
8 tones 9% 1:2 35-50 minutes
Dyes of the special group 1-2 tones 9% 1:2 40-50 minutes
3-4 tones 12% 1:2 50 minutes
10 tones of permanent dyes 1 tone 6% 1:1 50 minutes
2-3 tones 9% 1:1 45 minutes
4 tones 12% 1:1 50 minutes
Colored powder preparations 1-2 tones 6% 1:2 30 minutes
3-4 tones 9% 1:2 40 minutes
5 tones 9% 1:2 50 minutes
Preparations for creative highlighting 1-2 tones 6% 1:2 30 minutes
3-4 tones 9% 1:2 35 minutes
5-6 tones 9% 1:2 50 minutes

It is possible to be a blonde today. For this reason, most girls are in search of effective products that can qualitatively lighten their hair, and at the same time do not harm them. Of course, it will not be possible to find completely safe means, since they simply do not exist, but it is quite possible to reduce the harmful effects of chemicals if you have all the subtleties of staining.

High quality brightening paints

How to lighten hair at home? Most often, ready-made compositions in the form of paint are used to lighten hair. This option of becoming a blonde guarantees 100% getting blond hair, but only after that you will have to deal with their restoration.


This product is very popular today when it comes to lightening dark hair. The reason is that the paint has a gentle effect, but acts gently. The product contains wheat oil, olive oil extract and jojoba oil. Thanks to this complex of elements, it is possible to moisturize the hair structure and protect them from negative effects.

Included with the paint is a hair balm. It must be used after dyeing on wet hair. Its uniquely selected composition will allow the dye to fix on the hair and restore the strands themselves.

The Garnier palette contains 4 shades of blond:

  • super brightening,
  • platinum blonde,
  • natural blonde,
  • sand blonde.

It is very easy to apply the composition, and the duration of the procedure does not exceed 30 minutes. The only disadvantage of Garnier paint is that it is not very resistant. It is also worth learning about Ceco paint.

Color Shine

This cosmetic product does not contain ammonia, so it can be classified as gentle. Another composition of the paint contains argan oil and cranberry extract. The paint is suitable for those who wish to lighten the strands by no more than 2-3 tones. The durability of the product is low, it lasts up to 3 weeks on the hair.


The average price is 350 rubles.

Palette (from Schwarzkopf)

The composition of this product contains orange oil. Thanks to him, you can give the colored strands softness and gentle care. For those who decide to lighten their hair with Palette paint, there is a palette consisting of 4-6 tones. Thanks to this, you can accurately guess from the shades of the required light color. It is also very pleasing where you can also find the right product.


To soften the aggressive effect of the paint, its composition contains components such as wax and keratin. For this reason, everyone who lightens their hair with dye. Vela, receives a gentle influence. But there is a certain drawback: the paint is professional, therefore it is better to paint not at home, but in the salon.


Price from 150 rubles.

The main advantage of this paint is its ease of use. Its consistency is creamy, so you don’t have to worry that it will drain from your hair. This product is also characterized by high durability. Find out all the features of Farmavita paint.

The brightening effect stays on the hair for a month. The composition of the paint contains the following components:

  • medicinal oils,
  • oxygen base,
  • vitamin B5 serum,
  • special reflective elements that create protection for hair from the negative effects of UV rays.

No harm to hair

If you correctly dye your hair in light colors, you can not only get the desired effect, but also not harm your hair as much as possible. First you need to divide the strands into 2 parts. After that, you can proceed to the treatment of hair with lightening paint. First, pay attention to the back of the head, since the temperature here is lower than in the rest of the head. After the dye can be applied along the partings. The last step will be the treatment of hair in the area of ​​​​the temples and above the forehead. Here the strands are thin and brighten very quickly.

On the video, what paint to lighten dark hair:

You need to lighten your hair very quickly, then you can get the lightening of different zones equally. The thicker your hairstyle, the lighter strands should consist of a small number of hairs. Otherwise, clarification will occur unevenly and yellowness will occur.

For those who perform the first clarification, it is necessary to apply paint to the roots separately. First, process the strands themselves, wait 20 minutes, and then proceed to the roots, wait 10 minutes.

When clarification is performed repeatedly, then first pay attention to the roots of the hair, and only then distribute the composition along their entire length. When applying a clarifying product, it is necessary not to touch the ends of the hair itself. Thanks to this, they will remain alive and soft.

Lightening dark-colored

How to lighten hair after dyeing? If you need to lighten the strands that were previously painted dark, then you can try a compromise solution and lighten the strands only around the face. But when using this technique, you can lighten your hair only 2-3 tones from the main color.

To exclude the option of burnt hair, subsequently it is necessary to discolor only regrown roots 3 tones lighter than the main color. Thus, you can prevent breaking and falling of damaged strands. The entire Indole paint palette is reviewed by.

The video tells the best way to lighten dark hair:

You can lighten already dyed hair with the help of artificial oxidation of the coloring pigment in the structure of the curls. This technique is called "washing off the paint" and belongs to the category of the most harmful. It is possible to achieve the desired result, but only the hair structure is very much damaged. In addition, there is a risk that it is unlikely to be restored.

How to achieve the absence of yellowness

Whatever paint you use to lighten your hair, you can not avoid the effect of yellowness. Therefore, the best option would be to use proven methods to eliminate the yellow tint.

Shampoos and balms

The presented funds with a silver effect are in great demand today. To choose the right product, you need to look for the mark "Silver Shampoo".

You can achieve an excellent effect without yellowness with the help of products that contain a purple pigment. It reliably masks yellowness. An excellent such drug is shampoo from Schwarzkopf.

Silver Reflex is also a good option. But you need to use these shampoos very carefully. With prolonged contact with hair, you can get a rich ash, purple or eggplant shade. How colorless paint is specifically used and which brand is the most popular can be found in.

The cost of such a product is from 1000 rubles.

Lemon and egg mask

You can safely lighten your hair without the effect of yellowness with this time-tested folk remedy. Mix in a bowl an egg, juice of half a lemon, 60 ml of cognac, 50 ml of kefir, 20 ml of shampoo. After thoroughly mixing the components, apply the mask to the hair and wrap it with a fly towel. The duration of the procedure will be 1-2 hours. Such a mask can be done even at night. The longer the composition is left on the hair, the lighter it will become.

Honey and lemon mask

To get a mask, you need to take 30 g of rhubarb and pour ½ liter of table vinegar into it, cover with a lid and cook for 10 minutes. After adding 20 g of chamomile flowers and the same amount of dry calendula. Cook for another 5 minutes.

When the broth has cooled, then put 50 g of honey and alcohol, juice of 2 lemons to it. For safe clarification, you need to take 1 liter of water and place 30 ml of the prepared product there. Use it for rinsing after washing. To get a strong lightening, then apply the decoction to the strands and hold for 30 minutes. You don’t need to keep it longer, as the existing alcohol dries the hair a lot.


This product can be used by those who wish to lighten the strands by one tone. To get a brightening maxi, you need to take 50 g of pharmacy chamomile and pour it with 1 cup of boiling water. Insist for 2 hours. Filter the resulting broth, place 60 g of glycerin in it. Distribute the product on the hair, wrap with polyethylene. The duration of the procedure will be 40 minutes.

Fashion for blondes has been preserved to this day. What only women do not try in order to please men. If you decide to use, try to use safe products for this. Otherwise, in addition to lightening, you will still severely damage your hair, and it will be impossible to restore them.

It is a change in mood, in life. Since we often lack light and brightness, we sometimes want to add brightness to our reflection in the mirror. Blonde coloring is one of the most popular ways to uplift mood and positive changes.

However, sometimes the situation is overshadowed by the fact that the color is not the same as intended. Repainting in blond is a rather complicated procedure, regardless of the type and color of the hair. Depending on the original color, the blond may acquire a yellow or red tint. This completely undesirable and unattractive result can seriously dampen the joy of change.

Luckily, there are many hair care products on the market today. Shampoo, foam or brightening hair dye without yellowness will help not only get rid of the yellow tint, but also keep the color for a long time.

Difficulty in coloring

Yellowness appears due to the presence of certain color pigments in the hair, which form the natural color. The use of paint does not completely paint over these pigments. Especially on dark hair, they appear as different shades of yellow. As the paint is washed out, the yellowness appears more.

In this regard, before dyeing, it is necessary to bleach the hair and destroy the pigment that gives yellowness.

What determines the appearance of yellowness

Of course, it is easier to avoid the appearance of yellowness than to get rid of it on already dyed hair.

The appearance of yellow shades on the hair is primarily due to the quality of the paint. It is difficult to say what kind of paint to lighten dark hair without yellowness; other means must also be used. However, in addition to color, there are other important factors that affect the final hair color, for example:

  • Natural hair color, as well as their structure and the amount of pigments.
  • General health of curls, no dry ends.
  • Hair coloring is a thing of the past.
  • Compliance with the rules when painting.

Means for clarification

To lighten hair, there are many different products that can be used at home. Many hair care brands have separate lines that offer products that help achieve beautiful blonde without yellowing, as well as maintain color. The most common means are:

  • Illuminating colors.
  • Illuminating sprays and gels.
  • Toning foams.
  • Tinted shampoos.

However, the choice of means is determined not only by desire, but also by the initial data of the hair. Before buying a product, you need to carefully study the composition, as well as the features of the use of a particular product.

Which tool to choose

Paints give the hair the desired color and last a long time. But you need to carefully choose a shade, thinking about what paint to lighten your hair without yellowness. Women's reviews and professional advice agree that it is best to choose cold colors for a color without yellowness. The advantage of paint is that it can be used on natural hair of any color. However, bleaches contained in dyes, such as ammonia, can damage the hair.

For naturally blond hair, it is better to use less traumatic products, such as tinted shampoos. They do not contain dangerous hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. They slightly lighten the hair and get rid of the yellow tint. They also help colored curls, which over time have become yellow. On the other hand, any effect of the shampoo is not lasting, it will wash off after a couple of weeks, depending on the frequency of hair washing.

Foams, gels and sprays also act superficially. They can lighten just one or two tones. However, for blond hair, they are perfect as well as possible. They do not harm the structure of the curls, but rather help for their shine and smoothness. Tinting gels are convenient to use to give the effect of burnt hair. The effect lasts longer than when using foams. Sprays work on the principle of gradual clarification. When applied to the hair, the spray begins to act from interaction with sunlight. As a result, the hair acquires a beautiful shine.

What paint to lighten hair without yellowness

There are many quality paints that give good results. However, the final color depends largely on the hair. There are a number of products that have proven themselves on the good side. So, what is the best lightening hair dye without yellowness?

Professional and semi-professional paints

  • BBCOS White Meches Bleaching.

Hair lightener for complete lightening works well even on very dark curls. However, it does not injure them, thanks to the mild action of the components during discoloration. The product line of this brand is also complemented by a special clarifier for the roots.

    Goldwell Silklift.

This complete brightening system contains three components, namely brightening ionic powders, intensive serum and conditioner. They effectively cope with yellowness, while not injuring the hair, because they do not contain ammonia. However, its use is expected only in professional salons. The technology of using paint and selecting shades and other components is very important to follow correctly. For this reason, it is not recommended to try it yourself. In this case, the effect is not guaranteed.

  • 10-4.

Professional brightening hair dye without yellowness, which can only be purchased in specialized salons or online stores. It is quite easy to use and accessible to non-professionals. Reviews confirm that the result of staining with this paint is always predictable, and corresponds to the shade in the palette. The main thing is to choose the right shade in a large palette of colors that are presented in the brand's line. This paint is also saturated, and therefore resistant.

Paints for home use

  • Casting Creme Gloss L'Oreal.

Rather, it is suitable for naturally light curls as a brightening hair dye without yellowness. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the product and the naturalness is very large, and you can choose the right tone. The paint is resistant, and the hair after it is bright and shiny.

  • Color&Shine Garnier.

Color for gentle lightening of hair does not contain ammonia. She does a good job of giving them a beautiful intense blond color. Due to the absence of ammonia, there is no danger of damaging the hair. Moreover, the paint contains various natural ingredients that help strengthen and heal hair.

  • Deluxe ESTEL.

Gained popularity recently as a good lightening hair dye without yellowness. In the line of the brand there are different products for dyeing, lightening and toning hair to give a persistent and intense blond color. Curls become shiny, and the color lasts for a long time.

  • MATRIX Color Sync.

This paint is one of the most gentle. Due to the lack of ammonia in the composition, however, it can only lighten hair a few tones. Therefore, it is more suitable for owners of natural light curls. However, it is guaranteed not to leave yellowness on dyed hair. For those who want to have a gentle, non-traumatic hairstyle, but at the same time good coloring, Matrix is ​​the best lightening hair dye without yellowness.

  • Blonde Ultime Schwarzkopf.

The brand's line includes many products that will help you get a beautiful blond color and get rid of yellowness, for example, sprays and conditioners. They are especially effective on not very dark hair. The paint also copes with yellowness quite effectively, but there are only 8 shades in the palette, from which it is not easy to choose your color. You should also be careful when dyeing hair with a perm. The result may be unpredictable.

Hair lightening procedure

For different hair, recommendations may be different and it is best to consult with a specialist. Which paint brightens hair well without yellowness depends on the color, structure, the presence of split ends, and more. However, there are general rules that are the same for most.

  • For those who have natural red or dyed curls in this color, it is necessary to bleach the hair before dyeing. Otherwise, it will not work to get a color without yellowness. Especially for those who used natural dyes such as henna.
  • Brunettes are even more difficult to achieve the right color blond. Lightening and bleaching is guaranteed to be traumatic for the hair, because several layers of pigment need to be washed off. The best option would be to gradually dye your hair a few tones lighter. So they are less damaged, and the color will be more intense and without yellowness.
  • Naturally blond hair can be dyed blonde with little to no damage. However, in order to avoid yellowness, it is better to choose platinum and ashy shades.

It is contraindicated to dye hair in any color if it is damaged. A light color, firstly, will emphasize the dryness and soreness of the curls, and secondly, the result of staining can be unpredictable. For example, permed hair can react unexpectedly to bleaching. Also, on curls that are overdried by the sun, you need to start staining with caution.

When painting with paint with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, it is forbidden to use any metal objects. Their interaction with the paint can give an undesirable effect on the hair.

Subject to the rules, as well as using a good brightening hair dye without yellowness, which is correctly matched to the characteristics of the hair, you can achieve a good result when dyeing at home.

Blonding a brunette is a complex, responsible process, so novice hairdressers prefer not to take part in it. Achieving a clean, perfect blonde after lightening dark blond, chestnut strands is a task for real professionals. What paint to lighten dark hair in order to get closer to the cherished dream and eliminate great harm to them, read on.

Features of lightening brunettes

Photos before and after

What you need to know before lightening dark hair with paint

It is possible to achieve high results in lightening curls only with the choice of high-quality dyes and with their correct application. The clarification process involves the following main conduct rules:

  1. Hair for coloring requires preparation - for 1-2 months, actively use masks, balms, nutrients to improve them. Dry, brittle curls will not give the perfect shade.
  2. Entrust the choice of dye to professionals. Use cream paints, they have a softer effect on curls and a high result.
  3. Light paint on dark hair fits perfectly if bleaching is done first.
  4. Do an allergy test 2 days before bleaching. Burning, rash, irritation on the area of ​​​​skin treated with a coloring composition says that your skin is sensitive to this group of components. Do not use the drug!
  5. The manufacturer of the product for coloring takes care of the user, in the package you will find instructions for the product, the nuances of use. Don't be lazy, read the instructions carefully!
  6. Apply quickly, generously and evenly. Start from the back of the head, move gradually to the front zone.
  7. Do not overdo the composition on the strands. This injures them, threatens to fall out in the future.
  8. 5-7 minutes before removing the coloring composition from the head, emulsify(apply a little water to the strands and lather the product).
  9. To remove the remaining dye, use special shampoos.
  10. Be sure to use a nourishing mask after staining, it compensates for the damage.
  11. And do not forget about toning hair after lightening. A lot of useful information about the procedure: how to tint yellowness after clarification, as well as what paint to remove yellowness, read on our website.

Important! Maintain an interval between stainings of 2 weeks. During this time, the curls will regain strength, will be ready for further chemical exposure.

For those who decide to correct the color of the strands, lighten them and bring a minimum of harm to the hair, hairdressers recommend turning to cream paints from the pro segment. They are aimed at enhanced care for curls when staining.

The perfect hair color for every woman is an important point of beauty, do not rush to spoil it with poor-quality paint or inept home lightening, contact the professionals!

Useful videos

From brunette to blonde.

Lightening hair at home with paint L "Oreal Casting Creme Gloss / 810 and 1021.