What country came up with baby food. Baby food and its features definition. About the brand of baby food "Tema"

Almost all parents saw jars of baby food on store shelves with a picture of a child's face against the background of the head of a blue teddy bear called "Tyoma".

The products of the "Tema" line are varied, there are mashed potatoes, juices, and fermented milk products, and much more. We figure out how the "Tema" products are made and what parents need to know about them.

About the brand of baby food "Tema"

Tema baby food is produced by the Danone Group of Companies in Russia. It is part of the international company Groupe Danone, producing: dairy products, baby food, water and clinical nutrition.

It owns 17 enterprises on the territory of our country. The number of staff is more than 10 thousand people.

In 1992 Danone company appeared in Russia and opened its first store, and in 1995 the first plant in Russia was opened.

In 1998, in the wake of the crisis, the company decided to open its most powerful plant in the world. In 2000, a new plant began operating in the Chekhovsky district of the Moscow region, and the first batch of dairy products - yoghurts - was produced.

In 2010, there was a merger with the Unimilk company. The company, which began its activity in 2002, quickly takes a leading position in the market, thanks to a good organization of production, high-quality goods and successful and competent advertising of brands.

In Russia, the company produces a large number of different products, in particular products under such brands as Prostokvashino, Activia, Rastishka, Danissimo, Biobalance, Aktual, Smeshariki, Tema and others.

Thus, the Danone Group of Companies in Russia is a recognized world leader in the production of dairy products and baby food, has the latest equipment, which guarantees high-quality and safe food for your baby.

Types of baby food brand "Tema"

Baby food brand "Tema" is divided, like all similar products, by age categories.

Let's start a review of products for the little ones.

From 6 months

  • "Theme" juice... Contains no preservatives, but is made from concentrated juices and purees. There are the following types: apple, apple-banana with pulp, apple-apricot with pulp, apple-pear with pulp, apple with pulp.
  • Biotvorog "Theme"... Contains whole milk, skim milk, lactic acid culture starter culture, probiotic culture (LGG). It comes in the following flavors: classic, apple-peach-banana, strawberry-banana, apple, pear, banana, blueberry, apple and carrot.
  • Meat and vegetable purees "Tema"- a healthy and tasty full meal in one jar. Children are offered to enjoy Tema puree with the following flavors: chicken with zucchini, carrots and rice, chicken with buckwheat, beef with broccoli, carrots and rice, beef with zucchini and rice, beef with rice, beef with buckwheat.

From 8 months

  • Meat puree "Tema"... It is a complete source of animal protein, preventing iron deficiency anemia. But it's not just about the benefits: the taste is also important. Among the Tema meat purees you can find the following options: beef with tongue, beef with liver, rabbit, chicken with beef, veal, turkey, beef, beef with heart.
  • Biolact "Theme"... This fermented milk product contains whole milk, granulated sugar, skim milk, a ferment from thermophilic lactic acid streptococci (Streptococcus thermophilus) and lactic acidophilus sticks (Lactobacillus acidophilus).
  • Bioyogurt "Tema"... It contains only whole milk, fermented milk cultures and vitamin premix (A, D3, E, B6), as well as natural fruit juices and purees.
  • Bioyogurt "Tema" comes with the following flavors: blueberry-apple, banana-strawberry, green apple, raspberry-rosehip, prune, apple-pear

From 12 months

  • "Baby Milk Theme" suitable for the preparation of children's meals or for pure consumption. Minerals (iron, zinc), vitamins (A, E, B1, B6, folic acid, PP, C), potassium iodide are additionally added to the Tema enriched baby milk. Milk is produced in volumes of 200 and 500 ml.

What you need to know about Tema baby food: prices, composition

Baby food "Tema" does not contain artificial colors and flavors; high-quality milk from domestic producers is used in the manufacture of dairy products. Due to the presence of probiotic cultures in Tema's dairy products, the company claims, nutrition is the prevention of intestinal dysbiosis in children and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora.

The price of Tema puree is on average 40 rubles, milk - 50 rubles per 500 ml, biolact - 28 rubles, juices - about 20 rubles, biotop - about 35 rubles, bioyogurt - 39 rubles (prices are taken from online stores of children's goods for August 2017 )

The company's pricing policy is very democratic, despite the fact that the products are not inferior to their competitors in quality.

Tema products have a lot of positive feedback from customers. Perhaps the only nuance causes discontent among some parents: iron jars with meat and meat-vegetable puree. Puree in a glass container can be easily heated in the microwave, while the “Tema” puree has to be transferred to another container.

For a baby under 6 months old, breast milk is the best diet. Nature has made sure that the child receives everything necessary for growth and development from the mother's milk. Therefore, before 6 months, it is not necessary to give the child anything other than breast (of course, we are not talking about the need for early introduction of complementary foods for medical reasons). When a child reaches the age of 6 months, breast milk alone becomes insufficient for him, the child has the first teeth, he begins to show interest in adult food. After consulting your pediatrician, you can start introducing complementary foods.

As a rule, complementary foods are started with vegetable puree (at normal weight) or porridge (at a lack of weight). It is not advised to start with fruit puree due to the fact that, having tried sweet puree, a child may refuse unleavened vegetable puree, but everything is individual. Start complementary foods with a teaspoon, preferably in the first half of the day (to see if an allergy has appeared). Increase the amount of puree every day, gradually bringing the amount eaten up to the age norm.

Do not use several types of puree at the same time, otherwise, in the event of an allergy, it will be more difficult to understand which product the child's body has reacted to.

For children who are bottle-fed, the recommendations for introducing the first complementary foods are slightly different. For those who feed on formula, it is recommended to start complementary foods at 4-4.5 months. By this age, children on IV need additional vitamins and trace elements, the lack of complementary foods for them can cause the development of anemia and other pathologies.

Do you want to cook it yourself or buy a ready-made puree?

Having asked this question to your mother or grandmothers, you will receive a categorical answer: "Of course, most!"

Why do they say that and why are they so strongly opposed to cans? During our childhood and the childhood of our mothers, there were great difficulties with the acquisition of high-quality baby food, someone got something from an acquaintance, but most mothers prepared food themselves. They cooked vegetables for hours, grinded them through a sieve, or cooked meat and rolled them through a meat grinder several times. Maybe this is not bad, but today few people have the opportunity to consume food from their garden, and buying something from their hands is simply dangerous. It is safer to buy vegetables in the store, but there is little useful in them, since often the amount of nitrates in them is higher than the norm, which can lead to indigestion and poisoning in sensitive people.

The way out is to buy ready-made baby puree. It is produced in modern factories, undergoes careful quality control, is enriched with vitamins and is safe. When choosing baby puree, you should study the information about its manufacturer (give preference to well-known companies), check the tightness of the packaging and the expiration date. When choosing dairy products, pay attention to how they are stored in the sales area. Ideally, such products are stored in the refrigerator, at a temperature of + 2- + 4 C.

Nutrition in the first months of life plays a vital role in shaping human health. What the child receives in the early years affects his future life.

The ideal and most correct nutrition for a baby has always been and remains mother's milk - a natural food prepared by nature itself. However, there are a number of reasons when it is recommended to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In such cases, it is important to choose the right formula for your baby to ensure that he / she has a nutritious nutritional status and development.

There are many types of infant formula, and the main thing in the choice is to understand what problem in nutrition they solve. The history of the existence of infant formula has more than 150 years. Research and development is helping to create formulas that make the composition of many modern infant formula as close as possible to mother's milk. Such food is made in accordance with the age characteristics of the digestion and metabolism of children in the first year of life.

Each parent strives to give their baby only the best, but in matters of choosing the type of milk formula for baby food, it is important to understand that there is no ideal option. It is often difficult for parents to choose the right formula for their baby. Let's try together to understand the diversity that the baby food market offers today, and these are more than 80 types of milk formulas for children of the first year of life.

Classification of types of infant formula

Globally, all currently existing mixtures are divided into 3 main groups:

  • formula for artificial feeding of healthy babies
  • formulas recommended for artificial feeding of babies with special nutritional needs
  • mixtures intended for medical nutrition of babies with any pathology

Further, infant formula is divided into two main groups - adapted and partially adapted. This division corresponds to the age classification of mixtures, since their formulas differ depending on the age of the baby for whom it is intended. The composition of breast milk changes with the growth of the baby. This is due to the fact that as the child grows and develops, the digestive system also improves, the body's needs for nutrients change. In order to choose the right mixture according to the age and needs of the child, the formula number is indicated on the packaging of a particular mixture:

"0" / "pre" in the name - intended for newborn premature or low birth weight babies

"1" - a mixture for babies from 0 to 6 months

"2" - a mixture for babies from 6 months to 1 year

"3" - a mixture for children over 12 months old

Adapted mixtures

In terms of their composition, such formulas are as close as possible to breast milk, and the nutrients they contain are in the same amount as in breast milk. They are recommended for newborns, as these formulas are better and easier for the infant's body to absorb.

For the manufacture of adapted mixtures, cow's milk is used. During the production process, cow's milk is adapted so that it is more consistent with breast milk - they artificially reduce the amount of protein and calcium salts, modify the fat composition, and increase the amount of milk sugar (lactose). Any adapted mixture includes vitamins and all trace elements in a qualitatively and quantitatively balanced composition. Most adapted milk formulas contain taurine, lutein, inositol, prebiotics, galacto- and fructo-oligosaccharides. These substances are necessary for the baby to build the retina of the eye, the proper development of the brain, normal digestion and absorption of fats and carbohydrates. The calorie content when feeding an infant with an adapted formula corresponds to that characteristic of a natural feeding diet.

As a rule, milk formulas for infants in the first 6 months of life are called formulas of the first type, and the packaging is labeled "1".

Partially adapted mixtures (follow-up)

In such mixtures, only some of the components are similar in quantitative content to breast milk, so they are suitable for children over 6 months old. In addition to lactose, the composition of partially adapted mixtures already includes sucrose, and the fatty acid composition becomes not precisely stabilized.

The formula for "follow-up" mixtures is based on casein, a protein from cow's milk. In addition, practically all the same components are introduced into their composition as in the adapted mixtures. The degree of adaptability of the mixture depends on how easily the mixture is absorbed by the child's body. And this factor is connected precisely with the fact that the mixture is based - demineralized whey or cow's milk protein. Therefore, partially adapted formulas, the milk base of which is casein, are more difficult to digest. And it is recommended to give them only from 5-6 months. The energy value of partially adapted formulas is higher and meets the needs of children aged 6-12 months. Mixes of this type are marked with a package marking - "2".

For children from one to three years old, formulas with the marking "3" are used in the diet. In their composition, they are already more similar to ordinary cow's milk, but fortified with additional nutrients to ensure the full growth and development of an adult, active and mobile child. The C-grade mixtures also serve as a source of a sufficient amount of vitamin D, calcium, high-grade milk proteins, healthy omega-three and omega-six acids in the child's body, and reduce the amount of milk fats in baby food.

In the Valio Baby lineup, parents of toddlers will find all three age markings for baby food - Valio Baby 1 (0-6 months), Valio Baby 2 (6-12 months), Valio Baby 3 (12+). The development of these products was carried out by the best specialists in Finland in the field of nutrition, the mixture is made according to the Valio Clean Label principle, which means a complete natural composition in combination with the best Finnish milk without the addition of artificial colors, preservatives, GMOs and palm oil.

In addition to grouping formula by age and composition, infant formula is also classified:

By consistency- mixtures are dry, powder or liquid.

By composition- casein and whey. Breast milk contains both of these ingredients, so it is important that the formula maintains the same proportions. Recall that casein mixtures are recommended to feed babies over 6 months old.

By appointment(specialized milk formulas)

If there is a need related to the peculiarities of the baby's health, pediatricians prescribe special formula for feeding. These are, as a rule, lactose-free mixtures, mixtures with a high iron content, containing lactic acid bifidobacteria, gum or lactulose. For premature and low birthweight babies, special formulas have been created with a high content of protein, vitamins and whey protein (marked with “0” or “pre-” markings). For children prone to allergies, hypoallergenic mixtures are being developed (in the name of such mixtures, the abbreviation "HA" is included). If a child has an intolerance to cow's milk protein, then you should pay attention to lactose-free and soy mixtures. Atireflux formulas will help babies with frequent regurgitation (labeled "A.R.").

The advantages of natural feeding are undeniable, but circumstances on the part of the health of the mother or child, a number of social factors sometimes force the switch to mixed or artificial feeding. The correct choice of infant formula will be the key to the normal development of the baby.

On the Russian market, the choice of food products for children is represented by mixtures and cereals, ready to eat or requiring dilution before cooking. The assortment consists of products that take into account the age and individual characteristics of the growing organism based on:

  • dairy;
  • fermented milk;
  • dairy-free.

A wide range of food products for infants of this type are made in the form of dry mixes. To prepare them, you just need to dilute the contents of the package with water. Manufacturers give detailed recommendations for dosages, water temperature and age at which to start feeding a particular product.

Milk formulas are introduced into the diet, starting from birth, in the following cases:

  • lack of breast milk or its complete absence;
  • diseases in the mother with contraindications to breastfeeding;
  • congenital developmental anomalies in a child that make it difficult to breastfeed;
  • deep prematurity;
  • child's intolerance to mother's milk.

The mixtures include proteins, fats, milk sugar (lactose), vitamins and mineral compounds. Such food is enriched with dextrinmaltose, linoleic acid and probiotics. As a milk base, cow's milk is more often present, less often goat's.

Classification of adapted mixtures

Formulas that fully replace breastfeeding are considered adapted. Their components are selected in such a way that all components are extremely consistent with the composition of breast milk and meet the needs of the crumbs.

  1. Highly adapted are made on the basis of milk whey. The composition of such food is well absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on the formation of immunity and the growth of the baby. These formulas are suitable for feeding a healthy baby from birth to one year old. Among the most famous are the brands "Humana", "Nestle", "Nan", "Nutrilon", "Agusha".
  2. Less adapted with cow's milk protein. Their use is indicated in a children's diet from 4-5 months of age. The most popular formulas that you can find in the baby food departments are the brands Galia, Nan, Hipp, and Nutrilon.
  3. Partially adapted are used for feeding a child from 8 months to a year or more. Their composition in terms of quality characteristics is far from breast milk and does not contain milk serum. Along with lactose, they often contain sucrose and starch, and the content of fatty acids cannot be called balanced. The advantages lie in the simple production process, and therefore in the low cost. Representatives of partially adapted products for baby food: Malysh, Malyutka, Vitalakt, Bifidobakt, Bifilin.

Adapted products are:

  • insipid;
  • fermented milk.

For feeding babies in the first 6 months of life, the composition of fermented milk mixtures is optimal due to curdled protein, which is characterized by the easiest assimilation. In the large intestine, the mixtures are active against pathogenic microbes and contribute to the reproduction of normal microflora, which is involved in the formation of the body's defenses.

As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the basis of the mixture on the packaging: "Nutrilon fermented milk", "Nan fermented milk", "Gallia Lactofidus", "Nutrilak Beefi", etc.

The marking on the pack with the number "1" indicates that the formula is made for feeding a baby from the moment of birth to 6 months, for example: "Nutrilon 1", "Humana 1", "Agu 1", "Nan 1".

With insufficient lactation or inadequate composition of breast milk, the child is transferred to mixed feeding. In this case, the share of breast milk in the diet should be more than 50%, and supplementary feeding should be carried out through adapted formulas for babies up to six months old with a further transition to formulas up to a year old marked "2": "Nan 2", "Agu 2", " Gallia 2 "," Nutrilon 2, "Humana 2", etc.

Specialized and curative

Specialized formulas are intended for children with special nutritional requirements and physiological characteristics, such as:

  • underweight;
  • prematurity;
  • allergic reactions to dietary components;
  • bowel dysfunction with erratic stools or constipation;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • flatulence.

The composition of special mixtures is designed to correct bowel function, increase the digestibility of valuable food ingredients and a positive trend towards rapid weight gain.

For babies who are also underweight, there are baby products with a special label "Pre": "Pre Nan", "Friso Pre", "Nutrilon Pre", "Enfamil Premature". Their difference from standard mixtures lies in the high calorie content due to the increased content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, which promotes rapid weight gain, growth and full development. Such feeding is stopped when the child reaches a weight of 3 kg.

Products of antireflux action have increased viscosity due to thickeners (for example, Nutrilak AR) or the predominance of protein in the casein fraction (for example, Nestogen), which prevents regurgitation.

An allergic reaction to cow's milk protein in children of the first year of life is excluded by replacing it with soy protein of plant origin: Nutrilak Soya, Nan Soya, etc.

With frequent colic, bloating and unstable stools, nutrition with the inclusion of fermented milk mixtures is recommended. Having a beneficial effect on the intestinal mucosa and motility, they relieve inflammation due to dysbiosis or previous intestinal infections, improve absorption and normalize stool. For children under one year old, it is recommended to introduce "Nutrilon fermented milk" or "Nan fermented milk" into the diet.

Medicinal products for baby food are highlighted in a special section. They help the baby cope with the problems that various diseases cause. These types of foods are usually added to a child's diet as directed by a doctor.


Discomfort after each feeding, bloating and rumbling in the abdomen, loose stools, anxiety and poor weight gain are signs of lactase deficiency (lactose intolerance).

A rare disease deprives the baby's body of the enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose), hence the negative reaction to the intake of breast milk or foods containing this carbohydrate.

Symptoms are eliminated by baby food brands: "Nutrilon lactose-free", "Humana SL", "Frisolak N", "Nan lactose-free".

Gluten free

Formulas that do not contain plant protein (gluten) are intended for children with celiac disease. The disease of a hereditary nature excludes the intake of cereal products: rye, wheat, barley, oats, etc.

The first signs of the disease appear after 5-6 months and coincide in time with the introduction of complementary foods in the form of cereals based on cereals.

As complementary foods such children are assigned types of gluten-free cereals: corn, rice, buckwheat in water, vegetable broth or protein hydrolysates: "Pepti-Junior", "Nutramigen".

No phenylalanine

Problems are created by the innate absence of an enzyme that breaks down the amino acid phenylalanine into tyrosine. The disease, known as phenylketonuria, can have serious consequences for the mental and physical development of a child.

Compliance with a protein-free diet for children is possible with soy-based formulas containing soy protein isolates, such as Phenyl Free and Similac.


Designed for children of the first year of life with a pronounced allergy to the protein component of mixtures. In this case, hydrolyzed baby food is shown, in which proteins are broken down to amino acids. They do not cause allergies, but they have their disadvantages - high cost and bitter taste ("Nan GA 1", "Nutramigen", "Nutrilon Pepti TCS").


Eating a child with enriched mixtures does not cure the disease, but in combination with drug therapy, it gives a good result.

Iron-fortified mixtures promote its rapid absorption into the bloodstream of premature babies and children under one year old suffering from iron deficiency anemia.

Nursing products can be distinguished by high levels of iodine, calcium, magnesium, vitamins and prebiotics.

Concentrated and ready to use

For basic nutrition or supplementary feeding of children under one year old, ready-to-use mixtures or mixtures-concentrates are used, which are diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. After heating, they can be given to the child immediately. The difference from dry mixes is only in the shelf life. Moreover, finished products have a minimum - no more than 12 hours in the refrigerator.

The high cost makes concentrates less popular, but the convenience of feeding while traveling without compromising hygiene and sterility is their undoubted plus. The Nestlé company produces liquid dairy products "Nan 1" and "Nan 2", according to the characteristics of dry analogs, but in a convenient packaging for one-time feeding.

With cereals

As the child's body grows, it needs additional nutrition. To replenish energy and nutritional needs, complementary foods are introduced. Pediatricians recommend starting from 4.5-5 months of the first year of life as liquid cereals. They are produced in the form of semi-finished products with the addition of flour of various cereals.

Instant (instant) porridge does not require cooking. They are simply diluted with water in the recommended ratio.

Porridge can be milk-based and dairy-free. Which one to choose for baby food is an individual question.

  1. If the baby is breastfed or mixed feeding, then dairy-free porridge would be the best option. For its preparation, you can use expressed breast milk or ready-made milk formula, which the child receives additionally.
  2. For artificial feeding, the milk base is the best choice.

The range of mixtures for the preparation of baby cereals is diversified by additives that increase the nutritional quality and nutritional value of the original product. They can include powder from natural vegetables and fruits, honey, vanillin, vegetable oil, pro- and prebiotics, dietary fiber and starch. Porridge is enriched with vitamins A, E, C, PP and group B (B1, B2, B6, B12), mineral salts of calcium, iron and fluoride.

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy and happy. Therefore, he tries to do everything to provide the child with everything he needs. Many mothers are often at a loss to decide what to feed their baby with homemade or store food. Today, stores sell a fairly large amount of various baby food. However, reviews about artificial nutrition are quite controversial. Therefore, parents cannot make the right decision. Often, at their own peril and risk, they buy baby food and worry even if nothing happens.

Baby food myths

Parents' awareness of baby food greatly affects the child. After all, parents decide what their child will eat. Their decision affects the future healthy life of the baby. Therefore, before deciding on the use or refusal of baby food, you need to study this issue well. Be sure to read our article "nutritional guidelines for infants".

The most common baby food myths are:

  1. Baby food can cause allergies. An allergic reaction to many types of foods can manifest itself in both childhood and adulthood. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the child, no one is immune from individual cases. Although manufacturers, when creating baby food, exclude the main products that can cause allergies in the child.
  2. Baby food contains preservatives. Today, modern technology for the preparation of baby food is used, which does not involve the use of preservatives. Baby food is kept fairly well without the use of chemicals.
  3. Baby food contains fewer nutrients than homemade foods. When stored and processed, fruits and vegetables lose nutrients. Therefore, using juices, home-made purees, they do not fully provide the child with nutrients. Industrial baby food is additionally saturated with nutrients. In addition, for the preparation of baby food, only proven products are used that do not contain harmful substances.

The whole truth about baby food

Special products for babies

The most common foods for children:

  1. Juices. Today you can find a wide variety of juices for children. They can include a single fruit, vegetable, or multiple ingredients. Juices are a valuable source of vitamins, so they need to be included in your child's diet.
  2. Dairy products. They are rich in minerals and protein that are essential for the normal development of the baby. Mostly fermented milk products that adults consume may not be suitable for a child, therefore it is better to buy dairy products intended for a child.
  3. Porridge. An irreplaceable product for baby food is porridge. In the store, they are sold dry. You just need to dissolve the contents of the sachet in milk or water and the porridge is ready. Manufacturers today offer a wide range of cereals. They can be taken with milk, fruit, nutrient-rich and active microorganisms. Therefore, porridge is very useful for babies.
  4. Fruit puree. It is prepared from a large number of products and vitamin complexes are added. Therefore, fruit puree is not only tasty, but also healthy. To learn more about nutrition for children under one year old, follow this link.

How to choose the right baby food

Rules for choosing baby food:

  1. Baby food should only be purchased in a glass jar. In no case should you buy food in plastic bottles. The composition of plastics may contain harmful substances that negatively affect the health and mental abilities of the child.
  2. When buying baby puree, you need to carefully consider the jar. The color of the product must be natural. The bright color of the puree indicates that the manufacturers of the products used dyes. You also need to pay attention to the consistency of the product. If the puree has a sediment and an upper transparent layer, then it is prepared without the use of stabilizers.
  3. You need to take a good look at the lid of the jar. If it is scratched, then the product cannot be purchased.
  4. It is imperative to check the expiration date of the product. If there is no time, it is better not to buy baby food. After all, you can buy a product that will harm your child.
  5. Next, you need to carefully read the information on the label. The label must contain information about the composition of the product. Also, the label should indicate the age of the child to whom this product can be given.
  6. When you open the jar with baby food, a pop should sound. This means that the tightness of the product has not been compromised.
  7. Next, you need to smell the contents of the jar. If there is a pungent, sour, rotten smell, this product should not be used to feed a child. The contents of the jar must have the aroma of the product specified in the composition.

Definition. Baby food is understood to mean food products intended for the nutrition of children under the age of 14 and meeting the corresponding physiological needs of the child's body.

General Information The best nutrition for an infant is breast milk. Breast milk contains all the necessary nutrients, vitamins, trace elements in the most convenient form for assimilation. In addition to nutrition, breast milk has a number of critical functions. Breast milk contains hormones, growth factors, special transport proteins of vitamins and microelements, and a whole range of protective factors. Therefore, children who are breastfed are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases, they have a reduced risk of developing allergic conditions.

Composition In terms of consistency and chemical composition, baby food products should be age-appropriate and meet the needs of a growing organism. Cow's milk intended for the production of children's dairy products must have a certain quantitative and qualitative ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and other components. So, in milk for children under one year old, the mass fraction of protein is reduced by 2 to 3 times. Linoleic acid deficiency is compensated by the addition of vegetable oil. Powdered infant milk products are produced unadapted and adapted when using whole or skim milk. The purpose of milk adaptation is to reduce the mass fraction of protein and ash elements, change the fatty acid composition (adding essential fatty acids), increase the mass fraction of carbohydrates and vitamins. The most important indicators of the quality of canned milk powder are nutritional value, digestibility and stability during storage. The change in the quality of dry milk products is influenced by the season of the year. The degree of oxidation of the milk fat of the product produced in spring is 2 times higher than that of the summer one. The most susceptible to oxidative deterioration is the product of winter production, and the most persistent one is obtained in the summer. This is due to the increased content of natural antioxidants in summer milk fat.

Formulas Infant formula should be as close as possible in its composition to breast milk. Most often formula for artificial feeding is made on the basis of cow or goat milk. At the production of baby food, the composition of milk mixtures is being approximated to the composition of human milk in all components - protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, mineral. Such mixtures are called adapted. Adaptation of the protein (protein) component consists in reducing the total protein level to 1.4 -1.6 g / 100 ml in the finished milk mixture, which almost corresponds to the protein level in human milk - 0.8 -1.2 g / 100 ml. This is done in order to prevent the harmful effects of excess protein on the digestive tract and immature kidneys of the baby.

Requirements for the organization of production and production processes for milk-based baby food. The production of milk-based baby food for young children is carried out in organizations or in isolated production facilities of organizations that are geographically separate from other organizations. The location of organizations and industrial premises in which the production of milk-based baby food for young children is carried out should exclude the possibility of adverse effects on them from other organizations or industrial premises. Technological equipment (including product pipelines, water pipes, steam pipelines), inventory must be labeled, available for sanitization in accordance with sanitary standards, made of food approved for contact with food, resistant to repeated cleaning and disinfection, neither milk-based baby food products of foreign odors or tastes of corrosion-resistant non-toxic materials. The production of milk-based baby food for preschool children and school-age children can be carried out using production facilities (at the beginning of a shift or in a separate shift after washing and disinfecting equipment and implements) in accordance with requirements similar to those for the production of milk processing products.

Features of the production of milk-based PDP. Currently, standard schemes for the production of children's dairy products, regardless of consistency, have been developed. In accordance with them, the most typical general operations for the production of products of all types can be distinguished, namely: - acceptance and preparation of raw materials and components, cooling and intermediate storage of milk; heating and separation of milk; - chemical treatment of skim milk; - milk normalization; - pasteurization of milk and mixtures; - emulsification and homogenization of the milk-fat mixture. Special technological operations include: - thickening; - drying; - mixing dry milk base with dry components (in the production of dry products); -sterilization; - fermentation (in the production of liquid products). The final operations of the technological cycle are filling (for dry) or filling (for liquid).

The main indicators of quality. GOST № 30625 -98 During the examination of canned milk, organoleptic indicators are determined - taste and smell, consistency, color, as well as the nutritional value of the product. In dry canned milk, the mass fraction of moisture, fat, protein, the solubility index, and the degree of purity are determined. Of the safety indicators, the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides and radionuclides is monitored. KMAFAn is checked from microbiological indicators. M, BGKP, pathogenic microorganisms (including salmonella, mold, yeast). When examining condensed milk canned food, the mass fraction of moisture, sucrose, dry substances, titratable acidity, viscosity, purity, and the size of lactose crystals are determined. They carry out an examination of safety indicators - the content of toxic elements, mycotoxins, pesticides, antibiotics, nisin (for sterilized products). Microbiological indicators of canned condensed milk are the same as milk powder.

The classification and assortment of milk-based RAPs are intended for the nutrition of healthy and sick children of various age groups. The range of these products has been coordinated with the health authorities, taking into account the physiological needs of the child's body for nutrients. They are used for artificial feeding of children of the first year of life in the case of partial or complete absence of mother's milk. By appointment, PDPs are divided into products for healthy, premature babies with low weight and sick, and by consistency - into liquid and pasty products that are made from whole cow's milk and are used in the diet of a baby of the first year of life (as complementary foods), as well as children from 1 to 3 years. Liquid and pasty dairy products include: sterilized milk (fortified, Milkovit, etc.), fermented milk products (Kefir for children), cottage cheese (Cottage cheese for children, freeze-dried cottage cheese, etc.); powdered milk, dry and liquid milk drinks, as well as imported canned food on a milk-fruit basis: Yoghurt with pears (Heinz, Italy); canned yoghurt puree with pears (Bona, Finland).

Labeling Milk-based baby food products intended for feeding young children, in addition to basic information, must have a label containing the following additional information: 1) recommendations for the use of these products; 2) the conditions for the preparation of these products (if necessary), the conditions of storage and use of these products after opening their packaging; 3) an indication of the age of children for whom these products are intended: a) from birth - adapted mixtures; b) over six months - subsequent mixtures; c) over six months - cottage cheese and products based on it; d) over eight months - unadapted dairy products.

Packaging Dry dairy products are packed in consumer containers - metal cans with solid and removable lids, net weight of 250, 500 and 1000 g, combined cans with a removable lid, combined bags made of aluminum foil, paper, lavsan, cellophane, cardboard, glass. Milk-based baby food for young children should be produced only prepackaged and packed in airtight small-piece packaging not exceeding the following volume: 1) 1 kilogram - dry products (adapted milk formulas, subsequent formulas, complementary foods, instant food products, milk-based); 2) 0.2 liters - liquid adapted, partially adapted mixtures, subsequent mixtures; 3) 0.25 liters - drinking milk, drinking cream, fermented milk products; 4) 0, 1 kilogram - pasty milk-based baby food products.

Storage and transportation Ready mixes are packed and packed in nitrogen with preliminary evacuation and stored for no more than 6 months. The persistence of dry milk products is influenced by the moisture content, which should not significantly exceed the moisture level of the monomolecular layer. Mass fraction of moisture for milk powder and dry milk mixtures should be from 2 to 4%. The preservation of dry milk products also depends on the tightness and quality of the container, the method of packaging, sealing and storage. When storing canned food, an examination of their quality is carried out, depending on the results of which the shelf life of dry milk products may vary. Non-impregnated paper 4- and 5-layer bags with polyethylene liner bags with a net weight of 25-30 kg are used as transport containers; plywood-stamped barrels with polyethylene, parchment or cellophane liners; cardboard and board boxes, etc.