What documents are needed. The main functions of the district information support services

From December 23, 2013, the order of recording a child in the preschool institution of Moscow has changed. Parent can personally contact the territorial authorized organizations, or do it independently through the portal " pGU.MOS.RU (detailed instruction is published below).

For writing to the garden personally through the authorized organization A parent (or legal representative) needs to be applied to the district information support service (OSIP) of the district in which the child lives. Contact information about Osip

Instructions for recording a child in a pre-school educational institution

through the portal of urban services PGU.MOS.ru

How to record a child in the Moscow kindergarten"

Write a child to kindergarten in Moscow in online mode on the portal of Moscow city services PGU.MOS.ru by filling out the appropriate statement. This service, like other portal electronic services, is available only to registered users, so it is necessary to register on the portal.

How to register on the portal?

You can now register on the portal by filling out just a simplified form and specifying a login and password.

After registering on the portal, each user has a personal account. Cabinet functional allows you to make personal data - the SNILS number and the CHI policy, information about children, the price about the apartment and the car to subsequently use them when receiving services.

Using a single personal account, the user can avoid continuously filling out data for various receipts.

Who can fill out the application and get the service?

Fill out a statement can one of the parents of the child either his legal representative registered user portal. Also, one parent can fill out a statement on behalf of the second registered on the portal.

Getting a child's recording service in kindergarten may parents (or their legal representatives), whose children are:

registered at the place of residence or place of stay in Moscow by registration authorities;

not yet reached 7 years of age as of September 1 of that year, in which it is planned to issue a child in kindergarten.

(To write to a kindergarten, it is necessary to comply with both these conditions).

How much is the service and how to get it?

The service records of children in kindergarten is free.

Where is the recording service on a kindergarten on the portal?

This service can be found in two sections of the directory of services "Education, Study" or "Family, Children":

entering the service "Record to kindergarten" from the "Family, Children" section, the user enters the service page, in the upper right corner of which the "Submit" button is located. After clicking on it, the page of the electronic form of the application opens; "

entering the "Children's Gardens" service from the section "Education, Study" section, you must choose from the pop-up list of "Record to kindergarten". After clicking on it, the system will forward you directly to the electronic form of an application for recording a child in kindergarten.

How to fill out a statement?

Application for recording a child in a kindergarten or pre-school department of the school is filled in several consecutive steps.

STEP 1 . The choice of educational organization. The following information is entered in this part of the electronic form:

1. Child birth date and the desired year of receipt.

On September 1 of the desired year of receipt, the child's age should be from 3 to 7 years. If the applicant wants to record a child in a kindergarten or preschool department of the school before reaching a child of 3 years of age, one can note the additional wish to credit the child into a group of short stay. Children are accepted in this group over 2 months old and under 7 years old.

IMPORTANT! Applications that were filed in the period from February 1 to May 31, with the desired date of receipt of the kindergarten from September 1 of this year, will be considered from June 1 of this year.

2. Type and address of child registration.

The type of registration is selected from the two proposed options:

at the place of residence in Moscow;

at the place of stay in Moscow.

After entering the first letters of the Names of the Registration Address Street, the full name will be displayed from the saved list, the fields "District" and "District" are automatically filled. The house number is also selected from the list, and the apartment's room is shown manually. If there is no need for the list in the list, it is necessary to note this by the corresponding check mark and enter all address information manually.

3. The choice of educational organizations.

Educational organizations are selected from the proposed list. The search for a kindergarten or preschool department of the school can be carried out according to its name or location (subway, district). To search for the search you need to click "Find".

You can choose up to three different organizations from the list available, one of which will be the main (priority), and the remaining two are optional.

The application will be considered in the main queue if you have chosen a school with a pre-school department, which is enshrined at the address of the child's registration in the city of Moscow.
The application will be considered in an additional queue (after the main queue), if you chose a school with a pre-school department, which is not enshrined at the address of the child's registration in the city of Moscow.

If you have chosen a school with a preschool department as the main organization, which is not enshrined at the address of the child's registration in Moscow, then your child can be sent to enroll in this organization for free places after enrolling children registered in the territory enshrined for the educational organization .

Step 2. At this step, information about the child is made:

birth certificate registration data (series and certificate number, date and place of issuance, who issued).

Step 3. Information about benefits.

Step 3 is filled only in case of presence of benefits from the proposed list. The beneficiary data at this step can be fill in automatically from the personal account (checking the corresponding string), or manually.

Step 4. Information about the applicant.

Here are such data on the applicant (parent or official representative of the child) as:

date of Birth;

type of representation (selected from the drop-down list);

contact number.

Also, you can choose a method for receiving email notifications and / or SMS message.

After registering a statement, the applicant will receive an individual code assigned to its application, according to the selected e-mail channel and / or SMS.

How to change data in a statement?

Changes to the application for a child's recording to kindergarten can be made directly by by pressing the "Make Changes" button.

How to check the place in the queue?

1. Priority information can also be obtained on the service page in the "Family, Children" section by clicking the "Selected Organizations" button.

2. In addition, you can check the line in the section "Education, Study" by clicking on the service "Record to Kindergarten". After that, choose the Count "Getting information about selected educational organizations" and click the "Submit" button. In the window that opens, enter the child information or the application number to find out the current place in the queue.

How to find out what baby is enrolled in kindergarten?

The message will come to your user's account. The message will be specified the address of the kindergarten, the schedule of his work and the list of documents required to provide.

Also, the message will come to the mobile phone number and / or email address specified in the application.

ATTENTION!!! After submitting an application through the portal, you must bring the originals of documents in Osip in your district! In case within 30 days, documents are not provided - the application from the portal is canceled!

A woman who decided to become a mother in advance thinks about how to record a child in kindergarten. Many young mothers stand on line literally from the birth of the baby.

Are such measures justified? Is it possible to queue in a kindergarten in Moscow so hard? Let's find out.

At the moment there are 2 ways to record a child in kindergarten: an online record and a live queue through Osip (District Information Support Service).

How to record a child in kindergarten online?

Online record is available on the portal of the State Service http://pgu.mos.ru/ in the section "Family, Children". For online recording, it is enough to register on the portal and enter your personal account.

By clicking on the "Get Service" button, you will see the form with the fields for the main data: the birth dates of the child, the desired year of receipt, the address of the registration of some others. Enter all the data, check their correctness and click on the "Continue" button. If the application is successfully registered, you will receive a notification with an individual code to email or SMS.

After applying, you can check its order and even make changes if necessary.

You can also apply on the websites of the Moscow Department of Education http://www.educom.ru/ or multifunctional centers http://www.mos.ru/.

Confirmation of the reception or refusal to accept the application will come for 10 days. Usually, the refusal is only in the case of the introduction of incorrect data or if the child at the time of receipt will be 7 years.

In case of failure, due to incorrectly entered data, you can within 20 days after receiving a refusal to visit Osip and provide the originals of confirming documents. You can also submit a new application via the Internet.

How to record a child in kindergarten through the Osip?

You can find the list of Osip around the districts on the site http://amoskva.com/organ/osip

To queue, it is necessary to provide a statement in Osip, as well as the following documents:

  • document confirming the identity (passport) of one of the parents or legal guardian;
  • a document confirming the legality of the guardian (in the presence of a guardian);
  • a document confirming the right to benefits (if a child belongs to one of the preferential categories, and you plan to take advantage of your rights in connection with this);
  • properly executed power of attorney (in case, instead of the applicant, his authorized);
  • certificate of registration at the place of residence (F. No. 8) or the place of stay (F. No. 3) in Moscow;
  • certificate of the birth of a child or its analogue.

When is it better to record a child in kindergarten?

Regardless of whether you stand in a living queue or make an online record, write a child in kindergarten in Moscow better from the moment of his birth - as soon as you get all the necessary documents.

What you should pay attention to?

In each kindergarten of Moscow, there is a primary and additional list of pupils. The main list includes children living on the addresses that are attached to this kindergarten. Children from the main list have a priority place in the queue.

Children staying at addresses that are not related to the kindergarten are falling into the additional list. Pupils from the additional list receive a place in kindergarten in order after children from the main list.

There were ate when checking the place in the queue, you found that your turn moved - for example, from 10 to 15th place - it means that two preschool institutions were combined into one. Naturally, the lists are combined. In fact, everyone remained in their places, just places became more.

As you can see, stand in turn in kindergarten in Moscow is not as difficult as it seems. Enough in time to provide all the necessary documents and patiently wait for the appointed date.

5 years ago, concerned about the pressing issue of pre-school education of their children, Mom and Pope hardly could have suggested that it was possible to arrange a child in kindergarten without leaving the walls of the house. By 2016, the electronic queue in kindergartens through the Internet is worked out in many regions of the country, it has proven itself well, and it is much more advantageous than negative nuances.

Born - Putting it!

The problem to arrange a child in a kindergarten in a timely manner is already tens of years. Many pre-school institutions of the USSR were subordinate to state institutions, factories and other organizations. With their closure overnight, the question of the shortage of places was sharp. In the 2000s, this sore situation was tried to allow the creation of alternative preschool institutions (family-type kindergartens, private gardens), and in 2013 it took a step in the spirit of time: the Ministry of Education approved an electronic entry into pre-school educational institutions via the Internet. And to get up in her more experienced parents recommend as soon as the necessary documents on the newborn () are decorated. The child grows, the queue, meanwhile, moves and chances to have time in time.

State service "Electronic queue" in 2016 allows:

  • to issue and file electronic statements for the receipt of children in kindergarten or translation to another;
  • checking the data of electronic statements automatically, by contact with the registry offices;
  • notify parents with timely SMS messages and / or messages to the email address;
  • notify about the appearance of free places;
  • to inform the applicants' parents about the date of crediting a child in kindergarten.

In 2016, the electronic queue in kindergartens exists in all regions of Russia and acts about the same scheme.

You need to know how the site is being recorded (in your region), or it may be a website of state and municipal services, to determine the educational institution in which the child would like to identify and fill out the form on the site. In this article we will analyze how to put a child in turn through a single portal of public services.

Step One: Unified Public Servants Portal

To take your cherished place in the online queue, the parent needs to be chewed in the portal. The registration algorithm is simple, two-stage. At first, this is the usual input of personal data, after which the activation code is sent to a mobile phone or email address. The code activates the account, after which it opens to the service.

Step Two: Application for reception in the electronic queue

To arrange a queue in 2016 for enrolls in kindergarten, you need to go to the service page On the site of the portal. It is filled with the corresponding application form. Moreover, options such as feedback back and adjust the application. Forms may differ slightly depending on the region, but the following information should be entered into them:

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Girls Hi) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, and I will write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I write here: how did I get rid of stretch marks after giving birth? I will be very glad if my way will help you ...

  1. FULL NAME. Child.
  2. information from the birth certificate.
  3. FULL NAME. Parent, who puts a child to a queue (usually this is a mother).
  4. the address of the child's parent, who puts the child in the queue.
  5. contact details (telephone, email address).
  6. the year of the alleged enrollment of the child in the DOW.
  7. information about privileges for accelerated enrollment (for children without parental care, for children of citizens affected by radiation or located in special risk units, etc.).
  8. name of 1-4 pre-school institutions: one - priority, others as alternative. (Selected at the discretion of parents).

Within 10 days your application will be considered. After that, you will receive a confirmation of its successful registration, or a refusal.

After receiving the application, an individual code is assigned, it is sent to everyone who put the child online.

Metropolitan mothers and dads can put their children on the line also from the site.

In the order of movement: how to look!

Control your order in kindergarten is easy:

  • personal account should be visited on the Public Services portal;
  • enter the requested personal data and information from the child's birth certificate;
  • learn the status of the application through the individual code of the user.

Only after that the system provides current information: a line with a number in the queue, quantity ahead of those who stand waiting, information about their presence benefits, and also displays personal data of the child.

Pluses of electronic queue

  • availability (Fill out an application for the garden at any time, for this it is not necessary to attend the authorities that work at the same hours as the majority of applicants);
  • the transparency of the queue (you can see how the queue is moving);
  • the possibility of making changes in the application.


  • distrust of the citizens of the electronic queue;
  • in many regions, the recording system operates in test mode;
  • despite filling out an electronic application, the applicant must still submit documents anyway.

Finally in kindergarten: notification of enrollment

With a prosperous outcome - happy parents receive a long-awaited notice of enrollment. The message about the adoption of your child in a preschool educational institution will be directed to the contacts that are initially listed in the application for reception.

You will need

  • In order for your child to receive his place in the queue, it is necessary to provide his birth certificate, a passport of one of the parents (it is desirable that the passport is in that area where the kindergarten you have chosen), the child's medical card in the form of F26 As well as certificates confirming benefits, if any.


In the form you need to enter the application number or child information and click the "Find" button.

Lifehak: Save these children in your account and do not enter them manually upon receipt of services

Save in your account of your accounts about children and the next time you want to know the number of the queue in kindergarten, write a child for swimming, to a doctor or to issue a student community. You do not have to fill this data manually.

How to do it?

  1. Go toPersonal Area, Select the "My Data" section

    And the "Children" tab

  2. Fill out the proposed graphs:

  • Full name

  • Date of birth and floor

  • Series and evidence number

    About birth

  • Date of issuance of evidence

    About birth

  • OMS series and number



Configure receiving notifications in your account and receive information about the status of services by email.
During the commissioning of school exams, do not forget to configure notifications about the results of GIA.

Save data. Now you can record a child in kindergarten, mugs and sections, to a doctor, to school, as well as make up a student's social card and not spend time on filling the same information upon receipt of services.

For which services you will use this lifehak:

  • Check queue in kindergarten

  • Record in mugs and sections

  • Social card student

  • Replenishment of the card and power card

  • Recording in first class

  • Record in kindergarten

Today, all citizens have the right to record their child in kindergarten. This process itself has some important features.

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Applications and calls are accepted around the clock and seven days a week..

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Moreover, it is possible in various ways. Recently, many public services are provided through the Internet. But mandatory identification will be required.

It is also important to perform a number of requirements directly to citizens and a child himself to record in a queue in kindergarten.

If possible, you should familiarize yourself with all important nuances. This will avoid difficulties, as well as delays.

Important moments

The state today in various ways supports support for motherhood, family. That is why there are many different institutions that facilitate the life of the family.

That is how the kindergarten is. It is important to remember that to record it will need to be required to familiarize yourself with a number of special legislation.

You will also need a list of some documents, as well as the passage of the Medical Commission. All nuances should be considered in advance.

To the main issues, to familiarize themselves with which one should be predetermined:

  • highlights;
  • who can apply for the service;
  • state support.


Today there is a certain list of requirements for citizens who want to put their children in a queue in kindergarten.

Also for certain categories of persons are significant benefits. The list of those with the right to place in kindergarten without a queue includes:

At the same time, the process of appeal to the appropriate institution is standard. Make it may be both through the Internet and personally.

It will be necessary to pay for kindergarten. At the same time, some citizens have the right to receive full support from the state of their child in a preschool institution.

  • children who have tuberculosis intoxication;
  • orphans, as well as disabled children;
  • if a child is brought up in a low-income family.

Mandatory requires the availability of special confirmation status of documents.

Who may contact the service

The main document that regulates the receipt of children's pre-school education is.

In accordance with it, regardless of the place of residence, registration and other circumstances, any citizen has the right to place his child to a kindergarten.

At the same time, only citizens of the Russian Federation are entitled to appeal for the type under consideration.

In some cases, similar rights possess:

  • stateless persons;
  • refugees;
  • having a residence permit;
  • foreign citizens with a decorated patent to work.

It should be remembered that the priority right is among citizens of the Russian Federation. Today there are a number of extensive nuances related directly to the decoration of the child in kindergarten, the collection of documents and other points.

If possible, with all of them, you need to figure out in advance. Preliminary consideration of legislation will allow independently to monitor the fact of compliance with their rights.

Moreover, a number of legislative acts are constantly reformed. That is why it will be necessary to closely monitor all relevant amendments.

The main document, in which the process of receiving children in kindergartens is governed is

For 2019, the following articles were amended:

st.№65 specialized centers for the provision of psychological and other assistance to citizens are opened;
A reduction in groups on the constant content of children in a kindergarten 2 times;
A new list of services in children's educational institutions has been established
st.№66. establishment of rights (and not responsibilities - as before) provision of care services, education in kindergartens;
The increased cost of payment for child care services is determined;
Representation of various compensation values \u200b\u200bin the absence of place in kindergarten
st.№86. establishing the right to deny children aged 1.5 to 3 years in granting a place in kindergarten in the actual absence of such;
There is a possibility of a parent to queue into any municipal children's preschool educational institution

There is quite a large number of nuances directly related to the design of the child in kindergarten. Get acquainted with all of them best in advance.

State support

The state in various ways provides support for citizens who have children. At the same time, all procedures must be carried out within the framework of current legislation.

If a citizen believes that his rights to make a child in a queue to kindergarten were violated, he can contact the urban supervisory authority.

In the absence of any actions taken on this issue, contact the prosecutor's office.

Special difficulties arise from citizens who live in areas with a large number of children. In this case, getting into kindergarten will be extremely difficult.

Therefore, you have to be recorded in the queue in advance. That is why the optimal decision will be used by the special Internet portal "GosSvv."

There is no need to stand in line for a long time and in general to leave your own apartment. The only disadvantage of the service is the need for pre-registration.

It can be carried out in different ways. It will be necessary to make sure the personality.

If the procedure is given by mail, this process can take a whole month.

Therefore, it is worth allowing this question in advance. Since otherwise the full list of possible services will not be available.

Features of the procedure

The process of setting the stage in the kindergarten has some important features. Preliminary preparation, consideration will allow to significantly save time.

What is especially important. Since often the procedure for obtaining a place in kindergarten takes a lot of time.

The main issues that are most significant:

  • what documents are needed;
  • mandatory conditions;
  • how to record a child in kindergarten through "public services".

What documents are needed

Before you in a queue in kindergarten, you will need to prepare a number of different documents.

Typically, the parents are exactly this causes certain difficulties. Since the collection will require time and visiting some government agencies.

In the usual case, when setting in the queue, the following will take:

  • passport of the parent;
  • documents to confirm the rights to benefits - if any.

An alternative way is to register through the electronic commission. In each region, there is its own website that allows the process.

In this case, you will need to do the following:

Immediately for admission to kindergarten, you will need to provide another number of mandatory documents:

  • passport of one of the parents;
  • a ticket from the commissioning of kindergartens;
  • decorated in the established form statement from the parent in the name of the head of the kindergarten;
  • certificate of the birth of a child;
  • copy of the policy;
  • special certificate from clinics with confirmation of child health;
  • confirmation of benefits for a kindergarten.

In addition to the above documents, some additional documents may also be required.

Video: How to record a child in kindergarten on the state service portal

This today applies first of all:

  • questionnaire for parents;
  • map of prophylactic vaccinations - is compiled by software;
  • medical record of kindergarten - Form No. 026 / y;
  • help software;
  • help # 1 - for the pool, on demand.

It is important to remember that regional legislation differs in different regions. Therefore, it is necessary to consider it before.

Mandatory conditions

There are a number of special conditions, the execution of which is strictly necessary for the admission of a child in kindergarten. It is best to deal with them in advance. And they differ in different cities.


Sign up in a queue in kindergarten in Moscow may be on the site.

The following citizens can take advantage of this type - legal representatives of the child or native parents whose children are:

  • registered by special accounting bodies at the place of residence in Moscow;
  • registered by the accounting authorities at the place of stay in Moscow;
  • not reached the age of 7 for September 1 of the current year.

Documents will be required:

  • certificate of the birth of a child;
  • child registration address;
  • information about benefits;
  • applicant's passport details.

St. Petersburg (SPB)