What cough lozenges can be pregnant. Allowed tablets for dry cough. Herbal preparations: danger

Cough, as one of the symptoms of a cold, causes discomfort to any person, and what can we say about pregnant women.

This can happen on any day of a long-awaited pregnancy - immunity during these 9 months is significantly weakened, hypothermia or the slightest contact with a sick person who outwardly may seem healthy easily leads to a cold, SARS.

It is important to understand that cough is not a disease, but a symptom of many diseases and is a reflex reaction of the body that helps to free the airways from pathological bronchial secretions. That is, it is not the cough that should be treated, but the disease that caused it. Sometimes, a cough can be the result of an allergic reaction of the body to any external irritant (see allergic cough: symptoms, treatment).

Treatment of cough during pregnancy is a serious problem, since most effective combined antitussive drugs or cough expectorants, including herbal ones, are prohibited for pregnant women. And it is not uncommon for pregnant women to be wary of prescribing even approved drugs, for fear of harming the baby, and use cough medicines from traditional medicine. But you should be aware that some medicinal plants are also contraindicated and have side effects no less than medicinal ones.

Another wrong way is to use baby cough syrup during pregnancy and other medicines used to treat coughs in babies under 3 years of age, since legal cough medicines for children may not always be safe for the fetus. Every expectant mother should know that a cough needs to be treated, and treated according to the doctor's recommendations.

What is dangerous cough?

Since cough, as a rule, accompanies a viral or bacterial respiratory disease, the lack of adequate treatment is dangerous both for the mother (complications, the transition of the disease to a chronic form) and for the child, since it creates a real threat to pregnancy - the risk of intrauterine infection, premature childbirth or miscarriage, fetal malformations.

By itself, coughing, as a reflex action, leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus - a dangerous condition, aggravated by miscarriage and fetal hypoxia. Women with low placentation or placenta previa cough due to significant muscle tension threatens with uterine bleeding.

A strong cough during pregnancy causes an attack of nausea and aggravates the course of toxicosis, if any (see nausea during pregnancy, preeclampsia during pregnancy).

1st trimester of pregnancy - what drugs to treat cough?

The first 2 months of gestation are the most important, since it is during this period that the main formation of systems and organs takes place, and a small fertilized egg acquires real human features, as parents are convinced of at the first screening.

The most serious pathologies and malformations of the fetus occur precisely in the 1st trimester, and they can be provoked, among other things, by taking a contraindicated drug.

It is advisable not to get sick at all in the first weeks, but if this happens, you should immediately visit a doctor - it is the doctor who will determine the cause of the cough, conduct the necessary examinations and recommend how and with what to treat cough during pregnancy.

Initially, gentle methods of cough control will be prescribed by the doctor, and only then drugs, albeit relatively safe ones. The word relatively is not used in vain - an individual negative reaction to the active substances of drugs is not excluded.

Some expectant mothers use the so-called cough drops, which are freely sold in supermarkets. To say that they will be of great benefit is incorrect. Most often, these candies are saturated with mint and eucalyptus extracts, along with preservatives, sweeteners and flavors, and the relief is very short, which forces the lozenges to dissolve one by one.

The table shows cough medicines, the use of which is acceptable during pregnancy in the 1st trimester (see the calculator for calculating the gestational age by week).

Herbal preparations Homeopathic preparations
Dry cough
freely applied
  • Mukaltin
  • Marshmallow root (syrup)
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stodal
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
  • Doctor Mom
  • Gedelix
  • Bronchicum
Moist cough
freely applied
  • Dr. Theiss
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stodal
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
applied, however, there is not enough medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Bronchicum
  • Bronchipret

2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy - what drugs to treat cough?

In the second and third trimesters, the final formation and maturation of all organs and systems of the fetus occurs. Enormous changes are preparing a small person for independent life outside the womb. Therefore, it is undesirable to burden the 2nd trimester, as well as the 3rd, with taking medications, but in comparison with the 1st trimester, the restrictions are no longer so strict, if necessary, drugs of synthetic origin are prescribed.

Herbal preparations Homeopathic preparations Dietary supplements - any permitted general strengthening action and multivitamins Preparations of synthetic origin
Dry cough
freely applied
  • Marshmallow root (syrup)
  • Mukaltin
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stodal
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
applied, however, there is not enough medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Gedelix
  • Bronchicum
used only when the likely benefit to the mother outweighs the likely risk to the fetus
  • Libeksin
  • Akodin
  • Bromhexine
  • Stoptussin
Moist cough
freely applied
  • Dr. Theiss
  • Pulsatilla
  • Stodal
  • Broncho-gran
  • Pregnacare
  • Bifidophilus Flora Force
  • Mamavit
applied, however, there is not enough medical data on the effect on the fetus
  • Bronchipret
  • Bronchicum
used only when the likely benefit to the mother outweighs the likely risk to the fetus
  • Ambroxol
  • Fluifort

Physiotherapy treatment of cough - official and home

Physiotherapy, as a non-drug method of treating cough, is the most optimal and perhaps the safest way to treat a cough (more dry) in a pregnant woman.

Since in the physiotherapy rooms of polyclinics there is a very high risk of catching an additional infection from other patients, elementary physiotherapy can be performed at home.


As an inhaler, you can use modern devices for these purposes (such as a nebulizer) or an ordinary teapot (inhale the vapors through the spout of the teapot), a funnel twisted from cardboard (see how and what to do inhalation with bronchitis, laryngitis). There are 4 important rules to follow:

  • there should be no elevated body temperature;
  • the temperature of the solution for inhalation should be in the range of 30-40 C;
  • apply 3-6 times a day for several minutes (up to 10);
  • after inhalation, refrain from eating and talking for about half an hour.

As solutions for inhalation are allowed:

  • 50 grams of regular baking soda per liter of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature;
  • 10 grams of bee honey per glass of warm water;
  • 10 grams of chopped garlic and eucalyptus leaves per liter of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature;
  • 20 grams of sage herb in a glass of boiling water, then cool to an acceptable temperature.

The rinse solution should be prepared immediately before use and cooled to a warm state. As a rule, a glass of solution is enough for 1 rinse, but 6-8 rinses can be done a day after meals. As solutions for rinsing, the following are acceptable:

  • half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of chamomile flowers in a glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of lime blossom in a glass of boiling water, cool;
  • 10 grams of plantain leaves in a glass of boiling water, cool.

See also gargling with sore throat

Alternative treatment of cough during pregnancy

Folk methods that relieve and treat cough should also be agreed with the attending physician. It is necessary to monitor the individual reaction of the body to the primary use of a particular method.


This cough remedy is used both internally and externally. If a dry cough has begun during pregnancy, then honey will contribute to its productivity. But a wet cough during pregnancy is also treated with honey - sputum will be easier and faster to leave the bronchi.

Honey is a strong allergen. At the slightest allergic reaction to honey, its use should be discontinued.

  • Warm milk soothes a sore throat, suppresses the cough reflex, and calms the nervous system. It should be taken in warm, slow sips.
  • You can mix milk in half with alkaline mineral water without gas (dining room) - this drink contributes to the productivity of coughing and sputum removal.
  • Milk boiled with sage helps well - a tablespoon of herbs for 200-300 ml of milk. Take 1 tbsp. just before bed.
  • A milk-fig drink is also recommended: boil four fruits of dried figs in 600 ml of milk until brown. Take 100 grams three times a day in a warm form.
Onion and garlic

As you know, these are natural antiseptics, the powerful phytoncides of which are detrimental to viruses and bacteria.

  • You can use these vegetables for natural disinfection of rooms and indirect inhalations: cut onions and several cloves of garlic into small pieces and arrange on plates, which are then placed around the room.
  • The juice of these plants is also used (separately). An onion head or a few cloves of garlic are crushed and mixed with a tablespoon of honey. After half an hour, the juice will stand out. You can strain the liquid through cheesecloth, or you can carefully collect the juice with a teaspoon. Take 1 tsp. 2-3 times during the day.

Antitussive drugs and plants prohibited during pregnancy

Drugs that have been proven to have a negative effect on the fetus:

  • Alex plus, Ascoril, ACC, Grippeks, Bronholitin, Glycodin, Joset, Tussin plus, Codelac (phyto, broncho), Insty, Codterpin, Terpinkod, Thermopsis, Pertussin, Travisil.

Plants that are unacceptable for use during pregnancy (both in their natural form and as additives to drugs):

  • coltsfoot, comfrey: contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which have a mutagenic and carcinogenic effect;
  • ginkgo biloba: reduces blood clotting, provokes uterine bleeding;
  • St. John's wort: reduces the analgesic effect of painkillers, i.e. may reduce the effectiveness of anesthesia in CS;
  • eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea: increase blood pressure, provoke an allergic reaction.

Prevention of cough during pregnancy

Expectant mothers bear a huge responsibility for their health, since the health of the child directly depends on this. It is very, very desirable not to get sick with any diseases and not to allow the occurrence of any symptoms, including coughing. In order not to rack your brains on how to cure a cough during pregnancy, it is better not to allow it!

  • Avoid public places and contact (even at a distance) with people who have a cold.
  • If it is necessary to visit public places, protect the natural gates of infections: lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxalin ointment or petroleum jelly, any greasy cream, and always keep your mouth closed.
  • After visiting public places, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, rinse your nose and gargle with cooled boiled water or saline.
  • Ventilate rooms with permanent residence more often, regularly humidify the air.
  • Take a daily walk in the fresh air, preferably in a forested area, the air of which is filled with natural phytoncides.
  • Do not overcool or overheat, avoid long trips and climate change.
  • At the first symptoms of the disease, visit, but it is better to call a doctor (additional contacts with sick people are highly undesirable for a sick woman).

With the acquisition of a new status of a future mother, a woman begins to pay special attention to her health. However, this cannot protect her from colds and viral diseases. With the onset of pregnancy, the immune defense of the body decreases. This is an absolutely normal consequence of the new situation. Often expectant mothers complain of sore throat, fever and runny nose. This article will focus on how to treat a cough during pregnancy (the 1st trimester is a particularly dangerous time for this symptom to occur). You will find out what could be the causes of this phenomenon.

Cough during pregnancy (1 trimester): what is dangerous?

Often, expectant mothers at the very beginning of pregnancy suffer from various diseases, a symptom of which is a cough. It is worth noting that it can be dry or wet. In the second case, the larynx is not irritated so much and there is no particularly strong discomfort.

A wet cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) can be dangerous because bacteria, along with sputum, will descend into the bronchi and lungs. All this can cause acute bronchitis and pneumonia. For the treatment of these pathologies, antibacterial and antimicrobial agents are used, which are categorically contraindicated at the very beginning of pregnancy. Taking such medications can lead to defects in the development of systems and organs in the baby.

Dry cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) can have consequences in the form of a threat to interrupt the life of the fetus. The thing is that with a strong irritation of the throat and coughing, there is tension in the anterior abdominal wall. This leads to an increased tone of the uterus. In especially severe cases, this phenomenon can lead to detachment of the membranes of the fetal egg.

Why does a cough occur in pregnant women?

So, you were struck by a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester). How to treat this symptom? For starters, you should contact a specialist. Only a doctor can correctly diagnose and prescribe a suitable correction. Cough during pregnancy (1 trimester) causes may have the following:

  • wrong way of life;
  • dry indoor air;
  • allergic reaction;
  • cold;
  • runny nose;
  • viral and bacterial infections.

It is worth noting that in all cases the treatment used is different. What will help with an allergic cough is categorically not suitable for correcting a cold. Consider what can help eliminate a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), than to treat a symptom in different cases.

Allergic irritation of the larynx

You have a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester), how to treat it if the cause is an allergy? According to the rules of such a correction, you need to take antihistamines. For ease of use, they are available in the form of syrups, suspensions, tablets and nasal products. However, such medicines are categorically contraindicated for expectant mothers. Especially when it comes to the first weeks after conception. What to do in this case? How to treat a cough during pregnancy (1st trimester) of an allergic type?

For starters, you should visit a specialized doctor and pass some tests. An allergist can easily determine what exactly caused such a reaction. Only after that, the doctor can assess the complexity of the situation and choose the appropriate treatment. Most often, drugs such as Vibrocil, Tavegil, Finestil, Zirtek are prescribed. They can only be used on the recommendation of a specialist after assessing all the risks. Remember that you can not exceed the indicated dosage on your own. If there is no effect from the treatment, you should consult a doctor for additional advice.

Viral infection

If there is a cold cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), how to treat it? Medications are very effective in this case. However, they can only be used with the permission of a doctor. Most often, doctors in the first trimester of pregnancy prescribe a new generation of immunostimulating drugs. These include the following: "Interferon", "Viferon", "Gripferon", "Cycloferon" and so on. In some cases, the drug "Arbidol", "Isoprinosine" and others can be used.

Remember that the dosage should be selected individually and after assessing the risks to the fetus. Most often, doctors recommend using a prophylactic portion of the drug.

bacterial infection

If a bacterial cough occurs during pregnancy (1st trimester), treatment should include antimicrobial therapy. However, almost all drugs in this category are contraindicated for expectant mothers at the beginning of the term. For this reason, doctors prescribe safe syrups and throat treatments.

Oral administration of liquid medicines is carried out in the prescribed dosage in compliance with all the rules. This includes the medicine "Bromhexine", "Doctor Mom", "Gerbion", "Ambrobene" and so on. For local effects on bacteria, "Chlorophyllipt", "Lugol", "Chlorhexidine", "Miramistin" and others are prescribed.

You can use broad-spectrum antibiotics only in the second third of pregnancy. It is then that the fetus will be reliably protected by the placenta, and its organs and systems will already be formed.

Runny nose

If a woman has a mucous discharge from the nose and a dry cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), how to treat these symptoms? Often the cause of irritation of the larynx is a runny nose. Especially strong anxiety is manifested when the expectant mother takes a horizontal position. In this case, it is necessary to treat not the symptom, but its cause. See an otolaryngologist for an appointment.

Most often, a runny nose in the first trimester of pregnancy is treated by washing the sinuses and instillation of immunostimulating drugs. These include "Gripferon", "Interferon", "Derinat" and others. With nasal congestion, Nazivin, Snoop and others may be recommended. However, they must be used very carefully, since vasoconstrictor drugs can adversely affect the unborn baby.

dry air

If you have a dry cough during pregnancy (1st trimester), treatment can be the most commonplace. Often the cause of irritation of the larynx is dry indoor air. At the same time, a woman feels great on the street and does not feel discomfort.

Treatment is not prescribed. To eliminate the symptom, simply moisten the air. This can be done using a special device or improvised means. Arrange water containers around the house and hang wet towels. Within a few hours you will feel much better.

Applying Grandma's Recipes

If there is irritation of the throat and cough during pregnancy (1 trimester), how to treat? Folk remedies can provide first aid in eliminating the symptom. Here are some proven and effective ways to cure a cough on your own:

  • brew raspberry jam in a glass of boiling water and drink it before going to bed;
  • heat the milk to a temperature of 40 degrees and put two tablespoons of honey in it, then use the composition;
  • gargle with a decoction of chamomile and sage three times a day;
  • try to avoid cold temperatures and not strain the vocal cords;
  • make a warm compress of camphor oil on the outer region of the larynx;
  • often drink tea with a few slices of lemon.

There are a lot of tips for treating cough. However, before using certain recipes, you need to remember your position. Do not abuse herbs. Some of them can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby.

Use of inhalation

What to do if you have a cough during pregnancy (1 trimester)? Reviews of women and doctors suggest that inhalation is an excellent assistant in the fight against a symptom. However, it is worth remembering that such procedures cannot be carried out at high temperatures.

Inhalations are carried out using a special device or improvised means. In the latter case, you can use boiled hot potatoes or a boiling kettle. After the procedure, you need to avoid stress on the vocal cords and stay in a warm room.

What to do after cough treatment?

So, you have cured a dry cough during pregnancy (1st trimester). Reviews of doctors say that after each illness it is necessary to check the condition of the fetus. If medications had to be used during therapy, then they could affect the development of the baby. To exclude pathology, it is worth undergoing an ultrasound examination. It is especially important to diagnose when a viral or bacterial disease has been transferred, accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Some future mothers prefer not to attach importance to the illness. It is worth noting that in some cases this can lead to unexpected consequences and diagnoses.


Now you know in what ways you can cure a cough during pregnancy. Remember that the first trimester is the most dangerous for any medical procedures and medications. That is why you should not self-medicate. Seek help from a doctor and get the right prescription. Only in this case, you can protect your future baby as much as possible from the possible consequences of the disease.

Try to protect yourself from colds as much as possible in the first weeks of bearing a baby. It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it with illegal means. Be healthy!

The use of tablets in the treatment of cough in pregnant women

Cough for a pregnant woman and her child is a serious danger, it is for this reason that it is necessary to try to cure it as soon as possible. Given the fact that during pregnancy a woman is forbidden to take almost all medicines, it is not so easy to carry out treatment. The expectant mother must remember that the drug should be prescribed only by a specialist who must take into account the position of the woman. Syrups or cough tablets during pregnancy of plant origin may be prescribed.

For many years, the most common safe remedy that can be used to treat cough in pregnant women has been Mukaltin tablets. This herbal preparation has an expectorant effect on the body. Also, when they are used, secretion production is enhanced, as a result of which dry cough is eliminated, inflammation in the airways is relieved. When the tablets are resorbed, the nasal mucosa is moistened, so the medicine still has a beneficial effect on the nasopharynx.

After using this cough medicine, sputum thins, making it easier to remove from the respiratory tract. This cough medicine is prescribed for pregnant women only by a specialist, while the treatment regimen and dosage of the drug for each patient is determined individually. Mukaltin can not always be used during pregnancy, it is contraindicated in such cases:

  • the presence of diabetes;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Despite the plant origin of many cough medicines, you need to choose them very carefully, it is worth excluding treatment with tablets made on the basis of plants such as field violet or tricolor, wild rosemary, coltsfoot, plantain.

All medications during pregnancy should be prescribed by the attending physician

All these plants are undoubtedly very effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, but not for pregnant women. If extracts of these plants enter the woman's body, a miscarriage or other dangerous complications in the development of the child may occur. They should not be taken orally, but some of these herbs can be very effective when inhaled.

In addition to Mukaltin, the following drugs, available in the form of tablets, are widely used in the treatment of cough in pregnant women:

  • Bronchipret;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Flavamed;
  • Bioprix.

Each of the drugs during pregnancy should not be used alone without a doctor's prescription, otherwise irreversible consequences may occur that are dangerous not only for the health of the baby, but also for his life.

Very often, for coughing, a pregnant woman is prescribed Bronchipret tablets - a herbal preparation based on an extract of primrose roots and thyme herb. They are very well tolerated by future mothers, in addition, they are absolutely safe for the baby - in no way affect his physical and mental development, without posing a threat to the life of the crumbs.

Bronchipret tablets have a bronchospasmolytic, secretolytic effect on the woman's body, therefore, during treatment, the bronchi expand, sputum begins to stand out and cough up. Also, the drug on the bronchi has an antibacterial effect, so it is advisable to use it in the treatment of coughs of various origins.

Other drugs

Ambroxol tablets can only be used in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, however, even at this time, treatment should be carried out with particular care, following the instructions in the instructions.

When a pregnant woman coughs, which is associated with the course of a disease such as bronchitis, the expectant mother may be prescribed the antibiotic Bioprix. The active substance of the tablets is practically not absorbed into the blood, so it cannot harm the child. However, it should be used only in the case when it is not possible to cure the disease with other drugs.

A woman carrying a child should carefully study the composition of the medicine before using it, since many cough medicines include substances such as ethylmorphine and codeine. It is they who can cause a threat of termination of pregnancy. Also, at the time of pregnancy, every woman usually knows what substances she may be allergic to, for this reason, you should also read the instructions. Flavamed tablets are used in the treatment of children and pregnant women, when they enter the body, they have a thinning and expectorant effect on mucus. It is better not to take this drug at the same time as other antitussive drugs, because serious side effects can occur due to their incompatibility.

Among the drugs used that are safe for pregnant women, Bromhexine also belongs, but it is prescribed only in extreme cases. It is very important to know what is possible for pregnant women to cough, and what is better to refuse without risking the health of the child.

Cough during early pregnancy (1 trimester)

Of course, pregnancy is a difficult period not only for the emotional, but also for the physical condition of a woman. Already in the first weeks after conception, immunity decreases, the body begins to work in an enhanced mode. All diseases of a chronic nature against this background can manifest themselves with renewed vigor. Therefore, it is very important for every representative of the fair half at this time to monitor their health and prevent the development of even a slight ailment, in the form of a cough and a cold.

The 1st trimester of pregnancy is 12 weeks, which are especially important, since during this period the process of laying all the internal organs of the unborn baby takes place. In addition, the female body begins to get used to the fetus. And if a mother wants to give birth to a healthy baby, she needs to be especially careful in the first trimester.

The danger of coughing during early pregnancy

As early as 3 weeks after conception, the egg is embedded in the wall of the uterus. That is, it can be said that at this time, mother and fetus become one and the slightest cold or dry cough can cause negative consequences. The thing is that coughing during pregnancy is very dangerous, especially at the beginning, when the rudiments of the muscular and nervous system are formed in the fetus, and the mother's body is not yet accustomed to the new state. During the reflex action, the abdominal wall is strongly strained, and with it the uterus. Coughing attacks, especially if they are repeated often enough, can tone this important organ, which is very undesirable, since serious consequences can occur - coughing during early pregnancy threatens miscarriage.

At the same time, we must not forget that cough is just a symptom of various ailments, so the main danger lies precisely in the disease, which is accompanied by a reflex action.

Cough during second month of pregnancy

It is in the first trimester that the fetus begins to actively develop. The heart changes from a single chamber to a four chamber and begins to beat. Almost completely formed its own circulatory system. Week 5 is the time when mom can find out that she is in an interesting position. And therefore, she must especially take care of her health and not allow even the slightest cough, and therefore, any colds.

A strong dry or productive cough during pregnancy 1 trimester is an enemy that is fraught with many dangers. First of all, we are talking about the tone of the uterus, which it creates. In this state, the fetus does not receive enough oxygen and hypoxia is formed. In addition, the nutrition of the fetus is deteriorating. At 6,7,8 weeks of the first trimester, when the development of the fetus continues actively, a strong reflex act with tone and other accompanying symptoms can cause the development of pathologies in the child:

  • Heart disease.
  • Underdevelopment of the bone skeleton.
  • Placental abruption.
  • Disturbances in the development of the nervous system.

Cough during pregnancy third month

The most important period in which the most important question is decided: will the fetus take root in the mother's body or not! At 9, 10, 11 and 12 weeks, the organs of the little man are almost completely formed, the genitourinary system is formed, the intestines are formed, the arms and legs begin to bend. This period is not inferior in importance to the previous ones. Therefore, the expectant mother should not relax.

What to do when coughing

In the event of a reflex action, it is imperative to consult a doctor to establish the cause of the development of this symptom. Of course, the treatment of the disease is very complicated, since the range of drugs is organic. How and how to treat a cough during pregnancy, as well as the disease that it accompanies (SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis) is established by the doctor. In this case, drugs are selected depending on the condition of the pregnant woman. That is, the possible risks that the disease entails and the consequences of taking medications are compared. In the event that the harm from the disease is greater than from drugs, then drug therapy is preferred. In the most severe cases, antibiotics may even be prescribed. However, their intake should be controlled not only by the therapist, but also by the doctor who leads the pregnancy.

The high responsibility in relation to the health of the unborn child makes women carefully approach the choice of methods and means of treating colds. Pregnancy is not a reason for experiments.

What can pregnant women drink when coughing? Or maybe it is better to endure it, if only not to exert an additional drug load on the fetus? Unfortunately, although this is just a symptom, and not a disease, it can harm not only the expectant mother, but also provide.

Overstrain of the diaphragm and abdominals rarely provokes placental abruption and miscarriage. But the stress of a woman, accompanied by the production of the hormone cortisol, can affect the condition of the child. Therefore, treatment is necessary. And the beginning one too: then it will not develop into a more serious problem.

In contact with

What can you drink during pregnancy for a cough?

The annotations of most over-the-counter drugs contain maxims that boil down to the main principle of choosing a treatment - "should be used if the expected benefit outweighs the level of possible risks." But is it possible to adequately assess these risks? It is better if the attending physician determines what to drink for coughing during pregnancy for a patient with a well-researched history.

It turns out a vicious circle: you can buy medicine without a prescription, but in order to drink it and be 100% sure, you need to go to the clinic.

However, there are three rules that help you choose and control the safety of using medications during pregnancy:

  • understanding the nature of one's own cough;
  • accounting for the duration of pregnancy;
  • checking the drug according to the degree of risk to the fetus.

It is important to know the basic characteristics of a cough: wet or dry, prolonged or short-term, or moderate. Without this understanding, you will not be able to choose the type of medicine you need.

It is impossible to answer the question “what can you drink during pregnancy from a cough” without taking into account the trimester. The same medications pose a different degree of danger depending on the timing of pregnancy.

As for the classification of risks, there is a division of all drugs into 5 hazard groups for the fetus. They are established by the North American agency for quality control of medicines FDA and do not contradict the position of our Ministry of Health. We are primarily interested in the first categories from the FDA list: A and B.

Group "A" means that the drug can be drunk at all stages of pregnancy without fear.

The assignment of the drug to category "B" indicates that studies conducted on animals have not revealed harm to the fetus.

Controlled studies conducted on animals with drugs of group "C" revealed the possibility of their teratogenic effects on the fetus. However, such studies suggest the use of very high doses of the drug for a long time. Therefore, in the usual dosage, drugs from this category are prescribed to pregnant women.

The expediency of using drugs from group "C" can only be determined by a doctor. Do not self-medicate with drugs belonging to this group.

As part of the article, we will consider the most proven medicines from groups A, B, C. What can you drink during pregnancy.

Several drugs are available in tablet form:

  • Bromhexine;
  • Falimint.

It is an expectorant and antitussive based on guaifenesin and citrate butamirate. Most analogues are available in the form of syrups (Tussin, Coldrex broncho). Only Stoptussin is available in tablets.

Butamirate citrate has a moderate analgesic effect on the bronchial mucosa, reducing the intensity of attacks of unproductive cough.

Guaifenesin has a dual action. As a mucolytic, it dilutes sputum, and as a secretory agent, it increases its volume, and also stimulates peristalsis in the bronchi. Thus, it is replaced by a wet, productive one.

Stoptussin can be drunk in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

One of the oldest, most proven medicines. Shows mucolytic and moderate antitussive properties. It has long been known to doctors, thanks to which a large statistics of taking Bromhexine during pregnancy has been accumulated. Most therapists, obstetricians and naturopaths recommend drinking it to treat dry coughs and increase sputum volumes in the second and third trimesters.

For many years of using Bromhexine, no significant effect on the fetus has been noted. Therefore, doctors assess the admissibility of its use at level A, but forbid drinking these pills in the first trimester.

Highly effective antitussive tablets. According to the ability to stop attacks of dry cough, the active substance prenoxdiazine is commensurate with Codeine. Unlike the latter, it does not cause addiction and does not depress breathing.

Libexin has local anesthetic and mild antispasmodic properties. With a cold cough in pregnant women, it makes sense to use it only if the bronchi and trachea are very inflamed and they need to be given rest for regeneration. After Libexin relieves severe pain, one should switch to treatment with mucolytics.

The instructions for use note that Libeksin can be used at all stages of pregnancy if the benefits of the drug outweigh the possible risks.

Therapy with Libexin for more than 1-2 days in a row makes sense only with and. It is best to try not to use this drug without consulting your doctor.


Another antitussive tablet suitable for pregnant women. Shows a number of properties that help get rid of unproductive dry cough. Moderate anesthesia is combined with antiseptic and antiemetic effect. Inferior in effectiveness to Libeksin, but is considered less dangerous to the fetus.

Falimint can be drunk against a cough during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters.

Absorbable tablets

In some cases, antitussive drugs are produced in the form of tablets or. The introduction of antiseptics and substances that are well absorbed in the oral cavity into the composition of drugs, in addition to providing antitussive and mucolytic effects, helps to relieve inflammation in the throat.
In addition, sometimes resorption has an additional reflex and psychological effect that enhances the effect of active substances.

  • Lizobakt (absorbable tablets);
  • Bronchicum (lozenges);
  • Herbion mentomed (lozenges);
  • Tos-may (absorbable tablets).


One of the few drugs, the instructions for which indicate that it can be used during pregnancy without restrictions. The enzyme of the protein nature underlying Lysobact helps with coughing in pregnant women in the fight against bacteria, viruses and fungi. The drug receives good reviews about the use.

Bronchicum lozenges can be sucked throughout pregnancy.

Gerbion mentomed

Another drug for the treatment of cough with thyme extract at its core. Other ingredients: primrose root extract, a small amount of fennel essential oil, as well as honey as a flavor additive and levomenthol.

Herbion menthomed helps to stop and transform it into a productive wet. With the help of levomenthol, the condition of an inflamed throat is relieved.

The tool can be used throughout pregnancy. In the first trimester, it makes sense to use these lozenges only for the treatment of dry cough. To improve productivity at this stage of pregnancy, it is preferable to use Bronchicum.


The complex effect of the drug is due to the composition of the components with multidirectional properties. Dextromethorphan provides an antitussive effect. Potassium guaiacosulfanate thins sputum and enhances the motility of the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi. This substance is close in its properties to Guaifenesin. Another mucolytic that is part of Tos-May is sodium benzoate.

Benzocaine is responsible for pain relief and reducing inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat and trachea.

The drug is not sold in the Russian Federation, but is licensed in Ukraine.

Many women tend to drink cough medicine during pregnancy and, believing that it is this dosage form that alleviates the condition faster than tablets. There is also such a motivation for taking potions: supposedly, they are produced on a plant basis and therefore are a priori harmless.

The list of allowed medicines includes:

  • Syrups based on guaifenesin (Tussin and Coldrex broncho);
  • Herbion thyme-primrose;
  • medicines based on ambroxol hydrochloride (Ambroxol, Ambrobene);
  • extracts of marshmallow and;
  • Homeopathic syrup Stodal.

Medicines based on guaifenesin (Tussin and Coldrex broncho)

Tussin and Coldrex broncho have the same dual mucolytic and secretomotor action on the body as Stoptussin tablets (described in the section "Cough pills during pregnancy"). These syrups contain several additional components, for example, sodium benzoate, which potentiates the effect of guaifenesin.

Tussin and Coldrex broncho can be drunk for coughing during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters.

There are several types of cough syrups, united by the base name. However, during pregnancy, only Gerbion based on thyme and primrose extracts is suitable. The drug differs from Herbion lozenges by the absence of an anti-inflammatory effect. It has only antitussive and mucolytic effect.

It is used in the treatment of dry cough in the first trimester and as an expectorant in the second and third trimesters.

Medicines based on ambroxol hydrochloride (Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene)

Ambroxol hydrochloride is a substance with a highly effective mucolytic and secretory action.

Syrups Ambroxol, Lazolvan and Ambrobene are allowed to be taken for the treatment of wet cough in pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd semesters. Consultation with the attending physician is recommended.

Althea extracts and

Marshmallow and Mukaltin syrup contains vegetable mucus from marshmallow roots. This mucus envelops the gastric mucosa and reflexively acts on the bronchi. As a result, the upper respiratory tract experiences an anti-inflammatory effect, liquefies, and bronchial peristalsis increases. However, the antitussive effect of the marshmallow extract is more pronounced than the mucolytic effect.

Marshmallow syrup and Mukaltin can be drunk for cough during pregnancy during any trimester.

Bronchicum syrup

The action of the drug is no different from the effect provided by another form - lozenges for resorption (discussed in the section "Resorbable tablets"). Allowed in all trimesters of pregnancy.

Homeopathic syrup Stodal

Stodal contains in its composition microdoses of extracts from pulsatilla, rumex crispus, bryonia and a number of other medicinal plants. It is believed that the drug has a mild sedative and mucolytic effect.

Traditional medicine does not find scientific validity in homeopathic treatment, but takes into account the experience of using these remedies. Allopathic therapists are ambivalent about the appointment of Stodal syrup for pregnant women. Some experts regard it on a par with placebo, allowing use as a psychological supportive agent. Others express concern about pulsatilla being a poisonous plant. In any case, pregnant women should not make an independent decision about the treatment of cough with this syrup.

You can use Stodal only under the supervision of the attending physician, who takes full responsibility for the appointment.

Breast fees and infusions of herbs for coughing

The advantage of self-brewing and infusion of herbs is that a remedy is used for treatment without additional and auxiliary substances. This allows you to choose a narrow focus of therapy with a low risk of side effects.

During pregnancy, it is permissible to drink decoctions of the following herbs and medicinal plants:

  • common thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • primrose;
  • marshmallow root;
  • linden inflorescences.

The safest during pregnancy are decoctions of linden flowers. Chamomile cough during pregnancy is one of the popular herbal antiseptics.

Chamomile flowers are brewed at the rate of 2 tbsp. raw materials in 1 glass of water and gargle. Taking such an infusion inside improves digestion, increases the secretion of the digestive glands, and eliminates spasms.

Popular chest collections for coughing during pregnancy (N1, N2, N3 and N4) differ significantly from each other in composition. The instructions for collecting N3 provide a list of contraindications, which include pregnancy. The attitude of perinatologists to the other three sets of herbs is ambiguous. On the one hand, a number of components require careful prescription, taking into account the anamnesis. For example, oregano can stimulate the tone of the uterus, and licorice can affect hormonal balance. This is mentioned in the "Fundamentals of Perinatology" by A.P. Shabalova. However, most experts believe that the effect of oregano and licorice is balanced in breast preparations by the action of other components.

One way or another, you should not get carried away with decoctions and herbal teas, even those that you can drink during pregnancy for coughing. Despite the recommendations of drinking plenty of water for colds, it is more important for pregnant women to prevent swelling. Therefore, moderation is paramount.

What can you drink for a cough?

The most crucial period of bearing a child is the first 8 weeks after conception, when all physiological systems and organs are laid. Doctors have developed a rule for this time in a woman's life, which looks like "patience + morning." It is deciphered as follows: “If the state is tolerable, then it is better to endure. But it is necessary to endure no longer than until a visit to the doctor the next morning.

But what if qualified medical care is not available? What should pregnant women drink in this case? The list of the safest drugs that you can drink in the early stages looks like this:

  • marshmallow syrup and Mukaltin;
  • decoction of linden inflorescences;
  • Herbion Mentomed.

How much medicine can pregnant women take to cure a cough?

As a rule, drugs for stopping attacks of painful, traumatic dry cough are drunk for a short time - 1-2 days. Longer excesses require mandatory medical consultation. Treatment of mucolytics at the stage of wet cough can be carried out until the symptoms are completely eliminated within one to two weeks. The restriction should be specified depending on the selected drug.

How to brew linden tea, which can be drunk when coughing in pregnant women, is described in the next video.


We examined medicinal and herbal remedies that you can drink during pregnancy for a cough. Like any other medications, they should not be used thoughtlessly. Care should be taken in the choice of means and methods of treatment, and also remember that the symptom signals a disease that must be diagnosed immediately.

Carefully study the composition of antitussive and mucolytic drugs, regardless of whether they are prescribed by a doctor or you are forced to self-medicate.

Use therapeutic remedies for the treatment of colds and coughs in a complex way: medicines, herbal decoctions, rinses, inhalations.

Pregnancy in the life of every woman is associated not only with a feeling of immense happiness, but also with serious changes in the body that provoke a decrease in resistance to viruses.

In contact with

If the condition worsens and a cough appears during pregnancy, it is worth considering that most drugs are contraindicated for women in position, which means that any procedures, even at home, should be carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription. What can pregnant women take for a cough, and how to quickly cope with the disease?

The occurrence of a cough should not be taken as a separate independent phenomenon, because it can be the cause of serious diseases, such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, or even measles. Treatment of cough during pregnancy should be started without delay, as soon as you feel the first signs of a painful condition. Cough can provoke irreversible consequences of the course of pregnancy.

What is dangerous cough during pregnancy:

  • a serious complication is increased tone of the uterus. This phenomenon in medical practice can be found quite often. Constantly tense abdominal muscles during prolonged coughing can lead to frequent uterine contractions, and then, as a result, premature termination of pregnancy occurs;
  • Also severe muscle strain during coughing fits can cause uterine bleeding, which leads to the risk of fetal loss and urgent medical hospitalization;
  • Another dangerous complication factor can be fetal hypoxia. With a strong cough during pregnancy, there is a violation of blood circulation in the placenta, which leads to oxygen starvation of the baby.

Nowadays, women are increasingly planning their pregnancy in advance, which means that you should also take care of vaccination against unwanted viruses before conception.

If the disease still attacked the body, you should immediately contact the therapists of the antenatal clinic.

Before purchasing herbs in pharmacies, it should be understood that in the first and subsequent trimesters, treatment should be of a different nature. In addition, collections of medicinal plants can in individual cases harm and cause the already mentioned uterine tone.

  • Coltsfoot
  • Thyme
  • Oregano
  • Berries and leaves of barberry
  • pine buds
  • Sage

This list of herbs can be supplemented in cases of individual intolerance or allergic reactions that appeared during pregnancy, so consulting a doctor before taking any herbs for coughing during pregnancy is inevitable. Moreover, what is self-medication will help you only with a cold, but the virus and allergies cannot be defeated with herbs.

Herbal inhalations are recognized as the safest and most effective way to relieve the symptoms of a cold and cough during pregnancy, so experts advise this cough treatment for. Life-giving vapors intensively penetrate into the respiratory tract and have a powerful therapeutic effect. At home, a deep container with a warm decoction of herbs is suitable, bending over which you should inhale the exhaled essential oils.

Care should be taken only in order not to burn the mucous membrane with too hot fumes.

The composition of herbal preparations can be selected from those that can not only be used by expectant mothers, but also useful. What can pregnant women drink for cough - infusions and decoctions:

  • Chamomile and echinacea flowers
  • Berries and leaves of viburnum, cranberries, black currants, raspberries
  • Linden blossom
  • Rose hip
  • Ginger root

The above herbs have an antipyretic and expectorant effect, the berries are rich in vitamins, and the flowers are a kind of immunomodulatory agent. Therefore, this set of herbs must be used both in the form of tea decoctions and for rinsing. It is not difficult to make a healing tea by pouring a tablespoon of dried flowers with boiling water and insisting for 20 minutes, and you can take it several times a day, as well as inhalations.

On the recommendation of a doctor, you can purchase a nebulizer at a pharmacy, the built-in aerosol of which delivers the required amount of cough medicines that are acceptable for pregnant women into the respiratory tract. The operation of this device completely eliminates the presence of hot steam, which means it is absolutely safe.

At high temperatures, individual selection of inhalations at home should be canceled, but a nebulizer during pregnancy from a cough in this case is not contraindicated.

Unpleasant spasms in the throat, causing dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, should be eliminated with moisturizing. With a dry cough during pregnancy, tea with lime blossom or warmed milk with honey will well alleviate the symptoms.

Effective gargles can also be made by adding a spoonful of honey to water, or you can use freshly squeezed carrot or beetroot juice by rubbing vegetables on a grater and squeezing the liquid through cheesecloth.

Chest compresses are very popular among folk recipes. They are easy to prepare and the recipes are varied. The most healing is a cabbage leaf compress covered with a layer of honey.. It is applied to the chest, covered with polyethylene and a warm cloth and left overnight.

Aromatherapy can be used to soothe sore throats by adding a few oil drops of eucalyptus, chamomile, lemon, or orange to steam inhalations. But the concentration of oils is high, which means that women who are prone to allergic reactions should use this method of treating cough during pregnancy with extreme caution. Moreover, the use of aromatherapy is contraindicated in.

Returning to the recipes of traditional medicine, it should be noted the healing properties of ginger root infusions. This miracle remedy does not cause allergic reactions, has expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is easy to make such a medicine on your own: pour chopped ginger root with boiling water and insist for several hours. You can add lemon, honey to the infusion or use it as a gargle.

Significant benefits will bring in the treatment of wet cough during pregnancy and a solution of ordinary baking soda. It is also used as a rinse and as a wet inhalation. Sputum discharge will be effective, and the risk of allergic reactions is excluded.

If the cough is still transformed into a more severe form, drug treatment should be started immediately under the supervision of a general practitioner and an obstetrician-gynecologist.

What cough medicines can pregnant women take? Cough preparations during pregnancy are selected by specialists, taking into account the duration and minimal risk of exposure to the fetus. The safest during pregnancy from this group are cough tablets and syrups:

  • Mukaltin
  • Bronchipret, Bromhexine
  • Dr. MOM
  • Althea syrup
  • Licorice Root Syrup

The use of funds such as "Gedelix" and "Sinikod" must be agreed with the doctor and you should not buy it yourself without these recommendations. In rare cases, with severe bronchitis and, starting only with, the doctor may prescribe the antibiotic Bioparox. It is used in the form of a spray, so the drug is practically not absorbed into the blood, which means that the risk to the fetus is virtually eliminated.

  • Use of mustard plasters
  • Hot baths, including foot baths
  • Physio procedures
  • Cough medicines to avoid during pregnancy

Prevention of colds

Observing simple rules, any woman will be able to protect herself and her unborn baby as much as possible from unwanted diseases:

  • Necessary diversify vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants, in case of urgent need, you can use pharmaceutical preparations, including trace elements for pregnant women (for example, "Elevit Pronatal");
  • The daily plan needs to include walks in the open air, because they are one of the most important indicators of the physical and psychological state of a pregnant woman, especially if a woman works, because excessive overwork can lead to serious pathologies;
  • Should avoid stressful situations, and eliminate anxiety states through friendly communication with loved ones;
  • Don't be in crowded places, large shopping centers should be avoided, because these are the main sites for the spread of viral infections.

So, summing up, one should once again focus on the fact that any treatment a pregnant woman should coordinate with specialists, because even a slight cough can turn into a chronic form. It is the duty of any mother to take care of the health of her child, therefore, it is not worth putting the life of a new, unborn person at risk.

If the condition is not running, you can do without drugs:

In contact with

It is good if a woman during pregnancy is not affected by such a problem as coughing. But, unfortunately, everything in life is not so rosy, and at any moment the expectant mother can get sick. Reduced immunity, which is an integral companion of the first months of pregnancy, also adds fire to the oil. That is why a mother is simply obliged to take care of her health, and in case of even a slight ailment, take urgent measures to eliminate the painful focus, otherwise the most precious treasure on Earth, her baby, may suffer.

Causes of cough during pregnancy

Most often, coughing is a symptom of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract. Sometimes it is caused by nervous tension and stress. Allergies can also trigger a severe cough, especially with constant exposure to the allergen. Some stomach disorders (such as reflux) can cause coughing. Not to mention smoking. This habit is often the cause of chronic cough, besides, it adversely affects the fetus.

What is dangerous cough during pregnancy

Coughing during pregnancy causes discomfort not only for the mother, but also for the newborn child. The more persistent and intense the cough, the greater the threat. Why is this happening? It would seem that coughing can harm the fetus? But it turns out that a strong dry, paroxysmal cough during pregnancy inevitably causes an increase in the tone of the uterus, which provokes the appearance of painful spasms and leads to impaired blood supply to the fetus. This, as a rule, entails difficulties in transporting oxygen and all the nutrients to the child. In addition, colds are a frequent cause of a debilitating cough, which, with their symptoms (inflammation, fever, aches), can seriously harm the body growing inside.

Particular vigilance must be shown to women who are at risk of abortion. The same applies to those who received a disappointing diagnosis - isthmic-cervical insufficiency. The medicine for such pregnant women, regardless of the etymology of cough, should be selected as soon as possible in order to prevent serious complications, miscarriage or intrauterine death of the fetus.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy

What to do if you have a strong cough? After all, it has long been known that synthetic drugs should not be used, especially in the first trimester, when the main emphasis lies on the development of the most important organs in the baby (heart, brain). How to help yourself and not harm the child. First of all, calm down and do not panic. And then - follow all the recommendations of the doctor. Below we will offer those cough treatments that are not only safe, but also very effective. In any case, before using any of the above methods, you should consult with a specialist.

Treatment of cough during pregnancy with traditional methods

For the treatment of dry cough during the first trimester of pregnancy, the following syrups are allowed:

— Bronchicum
— Stodal
— Sinekod

For the treatment of dry cough during the second and third trimesters, it is allowed to take:

- Stoptussin syrup
— Coldrex Knight
- Falimint drug
— Libeksin

For the treatment of wet cough during all months of pregnancy, it is allowed (only after agreement with the doctor):

- Licorice Root Syrup
— Bromhexine
— Mukaltin
— Bronchiprest
— Gerbion
— Tussin
— Gedelix
- Chest collection
— Doctor Mom
— Linkas
— Prospan
- Theraflu (in the 1st trimester - be careful!)

The list of drugs that are categorically contraindicated in any month of pregnancy:

— Tussin plus
— Glycodin
— Grippex
— Codelac
— Terpinkod
— Broncholitin
— Pertussin
— Ascoril
— Joset
– Travisil

In addition, during pregnancy it is prohibited:

- take hot baths, soar legs;
- put banks and mustard plasters;
- undergo physiotherapy, UHF;
- Take an overdose of vitamin C.

Alternative methods of treating cough during pregnancy

Traditional medicine offers us a huge number of recipes that differ from traditional drugs, primarily in their safety. The only thing I would like to mention is that do not forget to consult a doctor, since any component of traditional medicine (by the way, not only traditional medicine) can cause individual intolerance in a pregnant or unborn child.

Recipes for decoctions, infusions for oral administration:

1. Freshly squeezed radish juice (preferably black), mixed with honey in a 2:1 ratio (where 2 parts are juice, 1 is honey) will help relieve a dry persistent cough. Mix thoroughly (or shake) and take two or three tablespoons orally 3-6 times a day.

2. Take 3-4 figs, pour 500 gr. milk and cook (slowly) until the milk turns brownish. This delicious medicine can be used with honey in the form of heat, 100 ml three times a day.

3. Grate 500 gr. onion, dilute the gruel with two tablespoons of honey. The therapeutic mixture is taken half a teaspoon three times a day between meals. You can also rub gruel on the chest area with a strong cough.

4. Mix hazelnuts and honey in equal parts. Consume 1 teaspoon 3 to 6 times a day.

5. Mix horseradish juice with honey in a ratio of 1:2. Take several times a day in small portions with a small amount of water.

6. In a glass of milk, put a tablespoon of sage, then boil the mixture over low heat. Wrap something warm for 3-4 hours. Take a decoction before bed. Very good for persistent cough.

7. Take two parts of coltsfoot and marshmallow root and one part of oregano (herb). Pour three tablespoons (tea) of a mixture of herbs with boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain and drink 100 gr. 2-6 times a day.

To healing infusions and herbs, you can add another effective method of fighting a cough: we smear a whole cabbage leaf with honey and apply it to the chest (honey down), cover it with a warm scarf or towel and leave the leaf all night. In the morning, wash with warm water and dry the skin with a towel.

In addition, chest massage using warm honey helps with coughing. It is necessary to massage the place where mustard plasters are usually placed. It is advisable to do this procedure at night, and then cover the chest with a warm blanket.

Gargling and inhalation for coughing during pregnancy

Gargling as a method of getting rid of a strong cough is ideal as an additional therapy to the main method. Gargle should be after meals and between meals up to five to eight times a day. For this purpose, anti-inflammatory herbal preparations are used (sage, chamomile, plantain, coltsfoot, calendula, etc.), as well as plain water with the addition of baking soda, salt or apple cider vinegar.

Inhalation is perhaps the most effective and effective method of treating cough during a cold. For the procedure, special inhalers are ideal, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. If this is not available, then you can get by with improvised means. You can breathe over the spout of the teapot, a paper bag or a saucepan. If there is no high temperature, you can cover yourself with any coverlet from above.

With a dry cough, thyme, chamomile, lime blossom, sage, St. John's wort, marshmallow and plantain are excellent as the main ingredients for inhalation. And with a wet cough - highlander snake, wild rosemary, eucalyptus, coltsfoot, lingonberry, yarrow and succession. For inhalations, you can use both herbs (separately or in combination) and aromatic oils that have anti-inflammatory effects and soothe the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Pregnancy and coughing are incompatible, and if such a nuisance overtakes you, take urgent measures. After all, delay is sometimes fraught with serious consequences for the unborn baby. During the period of medical procedures, do not forget to drink more fluids (except for alcoholic, energy, highly carbonated drinks) and eat a balanced diet - this will certainly enhance the effect!

A cough for a future mother and her baby is a serious and dangerous symptom that should be urgently disposed of. But this period requires caution in taking medications. Which cough pills during pregnancy are considered the most effective and safe?

Features of antitussives for pregnant women

In women who are in an "interesting" position throughout the entire period, the immune forces of the body suffer. This is normal and natural for childbearing. But any disease, even a mild cold and cough at this time becomes a dangerous disease. After all, not only the body of the pregnant woman suffers from the disease, but also the development of the unborn baby.

Prohibited drugs

Means that help in the fight against cough in ordinary people become unsafe for expectant mothers. Cough preparations for pregnant women, even on a plant basis, should be prescribed with caution.

Some medicinal plants are slightly toxic, but due to the powerful mucolytic effect, they are included in the composition of antitussive drugs.

In a pregnant woman, taking such drugs causes an increase in the tone of the uterus, which provokes a premature miscarriage. What woman would take such a risk? Remember the list of medicinal herbs prohibited during pregnancy. These plants include:

  • Anise.
  • Ivy.
  • Oregano.
  • Rosemary.
  • Plantain.
  • Coltsfoot.
  • Pine buds.
  • Licorice root and elecampane.
  • Violet tricolor and field.

Only a small amount of extracts of these plants are considered by the therapist as an approved therapy for expectant mothers (as a last resort).

Cough tablets with codeine and ethylmorphine fall under a strict ban. Not all drugs have been studied for a potential threat to fetal development. Such drugs also fall under the "prohibited during pregnancy" section. What pills should not be taken during this period?

  • Insti.
  • Codelac.
  • Grippex.
  • ACC Long.
  • Thermosol.
  • Terpincode.
  • Codterpin.
  • Broncholitin.

Pills that you can take during pregnancy, but with caution

Sometimes pregnant women are prescribed drugs in the treatment of cough syndrome that can cause side effects. They can be prescribed in individual cases, based on the state of health of the woman. These are the following medicines:

With thermopsis. Tablets made on the basis of the thermopsis herb have long gained popularity as an effective antitussive. But the plant has other properties: thermopsis increases the tone of the uterus and strengthens the muscles of the organ. Medicinal herb provokes the appearance of nausea and vomiting, increasing toxicosis in a pregnant woman.

Doctors prescribe a list of the following tablets for the treatment of cough only in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy (under the strict supervision of a physician). The use of such drugs is prohibited in the 1st trimester of pregnancy:

  • Ambroxol. It is famous for its expectorant and mucolytic properties.
  • Bronchipret. Universal means effective in the fight against cough of any kind.
  • Bromhexine. An effective remedy for combating wet cough.
  • Lazolvan. Tablets used in the treatment of bronchitis.
  • Libeksin. An effective medicine to combat dry, irritating cough.
  • Synekod. Tablets that block the cough center. Used in the relief of "scratching" dry cough.
  • Stoptussin. A cough suppressant that thins mucus and helps to expel it.
  • Flavamed. A mucolytic agent that helps thin and expel mucus.
  • Phlegamine. It is prescribed for the treatment of dry cough caused by respiratory diseases.

Allowed tablets for dry cough

Cough, accompanied by a sore throat, passing without expectoration of sputum is called "dry". Such a reflex is a symptom of colds and infectious diseases, and it is dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Dry cough provokes intrauterine pressure, inhibits the normal supply of oxygen to the fetus. In the last months of pregnancy, strong uterine contractions during coughing can provoke a rupture of the amniotic sac and cause premature birth. In early pregnancy, dry cough becomes the culprit in the threat of miscarriage.

To combat this type of cough, you can use pills that depress the cough reflex (antitussive). Tablets allowed during pregnancy in the treatment of dry cough include:

Doctor Theis. Absorbable antiseptic tablets made in Germany. The medicine has a detrimental effect on microbes and viruses, destroying them. An effective antitussive agent for sore throats and colds. Can be taken throughout pregnancy.

Intussin. Bronchodilator tablets manufactured in Slovakia. A bronchodilator and expectorant medicine blocks the cough center, removing its excitability. Intussin helps to translate a dry cough into a wet one. Tablets can be drunk in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Travisil. Indian herbal remedy in the form of cough lozenges. It is allowed to use at all stages of pregnancy. The composition of the tablets includes safe medicinal herbs (basil, ginger, fennel, abrus, turmeric). Pleasant tasting tablets, but only useful for mild coughs.

Allowed tablets for wet cough

A wet cough is called a productive cough. It is expectorant, sputum-producing and is characteristic of inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract. The task of tablets intended for the treatment of wet cough in a pregnant woman is to accelerate the formation and discharge of mucus. The best medicines are mucolytic and expectorant drugs.

For pregnant women, plant-based pills that help in the treatment of wet cough have gained particular popularity:

Mukaltin. Herbal remedy based on Russian-made marshmallow extract. Due to the mild therapeutic effect, these tablets are allowed to be used throughout the entire period of pregnancy (a possible risk appears in the early stages due to the marshmallow herb in the composition).

Bronchicum. Absorbable lozenges are a joint effort of Polish and German manufacturers. The main active ingredient in the tablets is thyme (thyme extract). Bronchicum can be taken by pregnant women for the entire period.

Herbion. Herbal tablets, which include thyme, primrose extracts and honey. Created an effective medicine in Slovenia. Herbion tablets are approved for use in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy (in the absence of contraindications). The honey included in the composition becomes the culprit of allergic reactions.

Universal homeopathy

With all the harmlessness and usefulness of homeopathic remedies, it is impossible to prescribe them on your own (especially during pregnancy). Pills for pregnant women from the category of homeopathy are individual according to the regimen and dosage. Only a doctor can develop adequate and competent therapy.

In pharmacies selling homeopathic medicines, pregnant women will be recommended the following cough medicines:

Broncho-gran. Homeopathic medicine with a wide spectrum of action. Anti-inflammatory tablets. They enhance the processes of regeneration of lung tissue and restore the structure of the bronchi. Broncho-gran is recommended for the following diseases:

  • Flu.
  • Tracheitis.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Laryngitis.
  • ARI, SARS.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Bronchitis (acute and obstructive).

Broncho-gran tablets thins viscous sputum (which is useful for dry cough) and facilitates the removal of mucus. The drug improves shortness of breath in pregnant women, relieving spasms from the bronchi.

Pulsatilla. Homeopathic pills based on sleep-grass (meadow lumbago). This plant, containing saponins and alkaloids, has been used in homeopathy and herbal medicine for over 200 years. Sleep-grass is poisonous, therefore, only May flowering plants are taken to make healing granules (they are harvested in May).

Pulsatilla provokes expectoration and helps in the treatment of dry and wet cough in a pregnant woman. These tablets become an effective tool to combat the following diseases:

  • Otitis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Bronchial asthma.

According to homeopathic doctors, pulsatilla is more suitable for women of the Slavic type (blue-eyed, fair-haired and fair-skinned) who are prone to excess weight.

Pulsatilla homeopathic tablets of sedative, bactericidal, diuretic, analgesic and expectorant action. When taking a course, lemon, mint, tea, chocolate and coffee are excluded from the diet - such products reduce the usefulness of the drug.

Attention! Do not expect a quick effect from homeopathic pills! Such drugs are designed for a long, regular course of use. Cough symptoms can even worsen in the first days of homeopathic treatment. And this should not be a reason to interrupt the reception. After the end of the full course, the cough goes away irrevocably from the pregnant woman.

The main thing that future mothers should know is that none of the recommended cough medicines becomes absolutely safe for the health of the pregnant body and the unborn baby. The use of tablets in the treatment of the cough reflex justifies itself only if the risk from the disease outweighs the potential threat to the baby.

Only a competent doctor can determine such a factor. Only a doctor will be able to choose and prescribe those cough pills that will help a pregnant woman recover and not harm the baby during treatment.