When does the breast change during pregnancy. How does the breast change in early pregnancy? Pain and sensitivity

What kind of metamorphoses do not occur with the female body during pregnancy. A woman seems to acquire a certain charm, it emanates from her a kind of mystery. The most attractive part of the body is no exception - the breasts of a pregnant woman. Today we will consider the questions: does the chest always hurt during pregnancy, how does the breast change during pregnancy, and what happens to the breast during pregnancy. Many are ready to chronically stay in this state, if only not to lose such beauty. Let's step back from the lyrics and discuss what changes occur with the mammary gland while waiting for the baby.

A bit of anatomy

What happens to the breasts during pregnancy is not clear to all women, in order to understand everything, let's plunge a little into anatomical knowledge. The mammary gland is a glandular organ that serves as the source of breastfeeding. The development of the organ occurs constantly until the very moment of conception.

When pregnancy occurs, under the influence of hormonal changes, it adapts to its new function. It increases in size, this fact is associated with the deposition and growth of adipose tissue.

The nipples also increase, the peripapillary zone acquires a dark color. There may be discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy of a clear liquid.

Under the influence of a number of the hormone prolactin, the first secret of colostrum is first produced, which is a valuable product for the baby. Colostrum contains a large amount of protein, amino acids, immunoglobulins, which is a kind of vaccination for a child who is susceptible to infections immediately after birth.

Breast milk appears on the first day after natural childbirth, 2-3 days after operative delivery. The production of a valuable product is controlled by a hormone called prolactin. The function of the mammary gland is kept under control by thyroid hormones, female and male hormones.

How milk is produced

Lactogenesis is the ability of breast cells to produce breast milk. This process is carried out in two stages:

Stage 1

This is the preparation and the beginning of the process of lactogenesis. It starts from the period of successful conception and continues until the moment of childbirth. There is a mechanism due to certain hormones:

Stage 2

This is the stage when breast milk is needed to feed the baby. It starts from the moment of birth. The key role is played by progesterone, which increases blood circulation and controls a number of biochemical processes. The first drops of valuable milk are called colostrum, rich in: antibodies, vitamins, antioxidants and many other useful substances. Then there is the development and release of breast milk necessary for the further nutrition of the baby.

Western scientists have proven that lactation helps a woman avoid future problems with the cardiovascular system, and is also a prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Does the chest always hurt during pregnancy - how to explain the pain

An indicator that you are pregnant is the breast, pain indicates that the process has started and the hormonal revolution has begun. This symptom is especially bright if a woman becomes a mother for the first time.

Soreness of the mammary glands during pregnancy occurs due to:

  • rush of blood to the mammary gland;
  • proliferation of gland tissue;
  • opening of the milk ducts.

Soreness in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands for each woman is individual, this fact is the answer to the frequent question of whether the chest always hurts during pregnancy. Sometimes pregnant women describe this symptom in different ways. For some, chest pain appears in the first stages of pregnancy, while others talk about the appearance at a later date.

The nipples are also subject to change. They become sensitive, changing color to darker. Premature release of colostrum is normal in later pregnancy or in women with recurrent pregnancies.

Breast changes throughout the gestation period

Gestational age

Possible changes in the mammary glands

changes in the structure of the mammary gland, the formation of milk ducts. Visual modification is not observed.

intensive development of the milk ducts, changes are not noticeable.

the chest begins to harden, in most cases, this sensation is observed in the lower part of the chest. This is due to the anatomical feature of the internal mammary artery passing in the middle part of the chest and supplying the entire mammary gland with blood.

there is tingling, especially around the nipples due to increased blood volume.

overgrowth of the gland, cells from a previous pregnancy are also preserved and functioning. The period when the breasts begin to grow in pregnant women.

the appearance of some discomfort indicates hormonal changes and changes in the mammary gland. The peripapillary zone begins to darken.

breast augmentation due to the deposition of fat, at the end of pregnancy, the increase can be up to 1000 grams of each breast.

due to breast enlargement, the skin is stretched and, as a result, small blood vessels that feed it can be seen. Tubercles form around the nipples, these are hypertrophied sebaceous glands, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and prevent infection, secreting an oily consistency. Their number ranges from 4 to 25 pieces.

the areola becomes darker.

the chest becomes heavier, painful to the touch, during this period it is necessary to wear a bra made of natural materials to prevent the development of complications.

breast elastic, if pregnancy first increase may be slight. In the case when there are implants in the mammary glands, pain appears, which leads the woman to the doctor.

breast volume continues to increase slightly, slightly changing shape, as a rule, this is noticeable when choosing a bra. The pigmentation continues.

the glandular tissue of the breast continues to develop, the alveoli form small sacs in which future milk will form. In some women, there is a release of colostrum, primary milk, it consists of valuable nutrients. Some pink discharge may occur, this may be due to the rapid growth and microtraumatization of blood vessels. In such cases, you should not panic, it is better to consult a doctor with this question.

an increase in blood supply and accumulation of milk can form nodules, often this phenomenon carries a benign course. If in doubt, it is best to consult a specialist.

during this period, elasticity is lost and therefore traces of stretch marks can be seen.

breast augmentation requires a change in bra size to avoid trauma and compression of the milk ducts. There is increased sweating.

possible excretion of colostrum.

the blood vessels around the chest are more visible than ever as the volume of circulating blood continues to rise. The nipples become increasingly dark, the milk ducts begin to expand.

breasts enlarge, intense sweating can lead to diaper rash and other problems. It is necessary to carefully observe the rules of hygiene.

blood circulation and secretion production is gaining momentum. During this period, hygiene and care are necessary, soap should not be used, which can neutralize the function of the excreted secret.

this period of preparation for the upcoming delivery, the breast requires special attention, it is necessary to purchase special underwear for lactating women.

During this period, even the slightest touch of the nipples can lead to labor due to the active production of oxytocin, which is responsible for the mechanism of childbirth.

In conclusion, I would like to summarize all of the above. The mammary gland is an important organ of the female body. An inattentive attitude can lead to a number of problems, in order to prevent this it is necessary:

  • carry out daily hygiene (wash the chest with warm water, in the last trimester it is necessary to exclude the use of soap, in case of high sweating, the use of talc is recommended);
  • choose the right underwear made from natural fabrics that do not constrain the chest;
  • carefully monitor new changes, with a pathological change, you should immediately consult a doctor;
  • if you have an implant in your chest, consult your doctor about what to do in case of pain.

Adhering to the above tips will warn you from trouble. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Often, women even before the test notice some changes in their body. One of the first "bells" is the breast during pregnancy, which swells, hurts or becomes too sensitive. Someone writes it off for premenstrual syndrome, while in fact the life of the unborn baby begins to develop.

Rapid hormonal changes quickly make themselves felt, so even at the beginning of pregnancy, the female breast undergoes the first changes. It is important to understand what condition is considered normal, and what should be feared.

How breasts change during pregnancy

Usually, a pregnant woman's breasts increase in size and painful sensations appear. Increased sensitivity is noted. The color of the halos and nipples becomes different. Often, because the breast swells, a vascular network appears.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the same changes in the breast are noted as with a normal one.

Due to the fact that the mammary glands increase, they appear. Rapid growth is noted in the first trimester, and then closer to childbirth. The breast may increase by several sizes. If the skin is not elastic enough, stretch marks cannot be avoided.

But in our time, this is not a problem - there are many safe and oils that can be used.


Each person is individual. Therefore, you should not think that everyone’s breasts “behave” the same way during pregnancy. The timing of change is also different for everyone. In some expectant mothers, already at week 11, the mammary glands look the same as in others only during lactation.

Expectant mothers are wondering if one breast can hurt during pregnancy. Doctors say that such a phenomenon is not a cause for concern.

Major changes

Increase . Intensive growth of the mammary glands is what happens to everyone, because the body is preparing for motherhood, feeding. Already in the first month, women clearly notice how the breasts swell during pregnancy.

If rapid growth occurred during the gestation period, then after childbirth nothing will change or slightly. Do not worry if the breast does not increase during pregnancy - sometimes the process begins only by the sixth or seventh month.

Estrogens are stimulants for the growth of the milk ducts, and glandular tissue grows because of progesterone. The connective tissue also grows, and after the end of feeding, it is converted into fatty tissue.

Increased sensitivity. Women note that they experience discomfort. Someone is just hypersensitivity, and the majority notes that during pregnancy, the chest hurts. It fills up and becomes tense. This always indicates active preparation for breastfeeding and is the first sign of an interesting situation. Sometimes such sensations occur even before the delay of menstruation.

Change in nipples. Among the first signs of pregnancy is not only an increase in size. Nipples change in color and shape. They become larger, and pimples appear around them. The area around the nipple and he darken. Blood vessels begin to appear. After childbirth, these manifestations disappear.

Isolation of colostrum. The appearance of a thick, sticky yellow mass from the breast in pregnant women is a necessary stage before the appearance of milk. Colostrum contains even more vitamins and antibodies than milk. This is the first food from which the baby will receive the most useful substances.

Stretch marks. Even if the chest is small, this does not mean that there will be no stretch marks. It can increase by several sizes, which will necessarily lead to stretch marks. It's not about the volume of the chest, but about the elasticity of the skin. If there is a sufficient amount of collagen, then the risk of stretch marks is small.

Some say that the breasts after pregnancy are covered with dark purple stripes - this is a consequence of damage to the blood vessels. With proper care, you can avoid the appearance of bright stretch marks and quickly return your breasts to their normal appearance. It is important to start even before the moment when a woman feels that her skin is itchy.

What is considered a danger signal?

Usually, women begin to panic when, over time, the breasts during pregnancy do not increase, and remain soft to the touch. This does not always mean that it is worth raising the alarm, but the expectant mother needs to listen to her body and other dangerous symptoms.

When registering, ideally at week 9, you need to listen to your feelings and tell the doctor about them.

Reasons for concern:

  • appearance;
  • the appearance of blood from the vagina;
  • asymmetric breast enlargement, the presence of depressions or swelling;
  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • general malaise.

If one or more of these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. You need to carefully consider your body if the chest has fallen and returned to its previous size. It happens that the mammary gland has decreased as early as 8 weeks - in the midst of preparing the body for lactation.

In the event that the chest does not hurt during pregnancy, the gynecologist may raise the question of a missed pregnancy or about. It happens that the chest "burns". Perhaps this is a manifestation of mastopathy - inflammation of the breast, in which fibrotic changes and discharge occur. If at least one - left or right - breast becomes hot, it is necessary to see a gynecologist.

When does the change start and how long does it last?

Expectant mothers are interested not only in what the breast becomes during pregnancy, but also at what time it will stop changing. It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. A woman's body can respond to the release of hormones in different ways. Some have noticed that the chest hurts during pregnancy throughout the entire period. And this is the norm.

Other women say that the breast did not show itself in the first weeks of pregnancy, and during the entire period of gestation. But this does not mean that there is a failure in the body.

Is it normal if a woman does not feel when her chest hurts during pregnancy? Perhaps she initially has more room for the growth of glandular tissue. Therefore, the growth has not become so pronounced. Often, women note that the most unpleasant sensations occur in the early stages and already at 14 weeks all symptoms disappear. The tissues adapt to the fluctuations in hormone levels, and it becomes easier.

Experts note that in most cases, already at week 10, there comes a time when a significant part of the changes in the breast has occurred. This does not mean that the process is over, just that it is gradually declining. Do not worry if the chest during pregnancy stopped hurting at about 12 weeks. Most likely, the time has come when the body has completed the first stage of preparation for the birth of a child.

It is important that the expectant mother remembers her individuality, and does not listen to her pregnant or giving birth friends. You should not compare and look for “alarm signals” in yourself. It is wrong to ask friends when the chest stops hurting during pregnancy, because there will be no single answer. For someone, already at week 5, the first signs of preparing the mammary glands for feeding recede.

The expectant mother may stop being tormented by sore breasts at week 7 or much later - all these are normal options. However, if you are tormented by suspicions, it is better to consult a doctor and not worry in vain.

Useful video about preparing the breast for feeding the baby


Among the early signs of pregnancy, changes in the breast are considered the most pronounced and most revealing. These changes happen to every woman, but everyone feels them differently. Breasts in early pregnancy: for some it increases, for some it hurts, and someone complains of tingling in the mammary glands. Are such things the norm? How long do they last, and should expectant mothers worry about this?

Immediately after conception, a woman's body begins a storm of hormonal changes. The mammary glands also undergo changes during this restructuring.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the mammary glands noticeably increase in volume, thicken and become heavier.

Enlargement and compaction

The weight of the mammary gland of a woman who has not given birth is approximately 150-200 g. The breast begins to become heavier and increase in size already in the early stages of pregnancy. And this process does not stop until the birth itself.

And to prevent colostrum stains from appearing on your underwear, supplement your bra with special interchangeable pads.

Due to the increase in blood flow to the breast during childbearing, a venous network may appear under the skin on it.

Venous mesh

Since the breast of a pregnant woman increases in volume (due to the active growth of the mammary glands and adipose tissue in it), the blood flow to it, respectively, also increases. Therefore, the appearance of a venous network on it is quite natural and physiologically justified.

Reasons for change

As already noted, all changes in the breast during pregnancy occur under the influence of hormones. After conception, estrogen and progesterone begin to be actively produced. They are responsible for maintaining and carrying a pregnancy.

And also, by the presence of which in the blood and urine of a woman, physicians determine the onset of pregnancy. Home pregnancy tests also respond to this hormone.

The active formation of the placenta provokes the production of prolactin, which is the main culprit of all the changes that occur with the mammary glands.

It is under his influence that the breast of the expectant mother is preparing for the upcoming feeding of the newborn. It becomes larger due to the appearance of additional glands, blood flow to it increases, adipose tissue grows. All these processes cause increased sensitivity, pain and other sensations.

The expectant mother ceases to feel discomfort in the chest from the 12th week, when the hormonal background in the body begins to even out

How long will it last?

The level of hormones in the body of a pregnant woman levels off by the end of the second trimester. Consequently, the sensitivity of the mammary glands by this time should decrease.

But this does not mean that the process of their preparation for lactation has stopped. No. The breast grows throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

You should not be afraid of these changes. This is a physiologically based process. A program laid down by nature to ensure the survival of human offspring.

In addition, pregnancy and childbirth are considered the best prevention of breast cancer in women.

To reduce pain in the mammary glands, choose the right bra. It should be pitted and with wide straps

Each woman has her own threshold of sensitivity. And only you can determine how strong your pain is. With severe pain, or if you find seals in your chest, it would be better for you to see a mammologist.

Even if these seals in the mammary glands are only Montgomery's nodules (slightly altered sebaceous glands, which are also preparing to release a secret designed to signal the baby's olfactory receptors during lactation that you need to eat), after examining a specialist, you will feel much more confident and calmer.

To avoid stretch marks on the chest after pregnancy and lactation, start using special cosmetics from stretch marks already in the early stages.

And in order to reduce the discomfort associated with the growth and development of the mammary glands, preparing for the upcoming lactation, take care of your breasts from the very first weeks of pregnancy, wear comfortable underwear, do exercises that promote lymph flow, and eat right throughout your pregnancy.

Video "How to care for your breasts before and after feeding?"

Breasts in early pregnancy are preparing to fulfill their main purpose: to feed the baby you are expecting to be born. Hence all the unusual, and sometimes even unpleasant sensations that arise in the mammary glands during the bearing of a child.

This is normal and more or less inevitable. Be patient, follow the recommendations above, and remember, your best doctor in this case is time. And it works for you. Before you have time to look back, you will breastfeed your beloved baby with love and care ...

Breast changes during pregnancy - why does it happen, what could be the consequences?

Quite often, women begin to think that they can be pregnant only after they feel that some changes have begun to occur in her, because it is at this difficult time for any woman that her breasts undergo the greatest changes.

When do the first breast changes during pregnancy begin?

It is generally accepted that breast engorgement and increased sensitivity of the breast are the first and most obvious signs of pregnancy, which begin from the first week, when a woman has no idea about anything. However, it happens that up to 5-6 weeks no change in the breast during pregnancy occurs.

Immediately after conception, the body of any woman begins hormonal changes, which causes a variety of "transformations" in the body of the expectant mother, and most often this immediately becomes noticeable by changes in the bust.
And it is during this period that she simply needs close attention and care. The mammary glands are the source of nutrition for the baby, and their soreness or unpreparedness can be a serious problem during the feeding period.

Why proper breast care is so important

Breast change in early pregnancy begins with an increase in its sensitivity. Gradually, it becomes larger and denser. As a result of such transformations, the bust rises and looks very attractive. If these changes were not accompanied by some soreness, then such a shape and appearance of the breast would only please every woman.
However, when the bust is squeezed with underwear, it starts to hurt, so from the very first days it is necessary to purchase special underwear for pregnant women, as well as perform gymnastic exercises to strengthen it.
This approach will help the quality nutrition of the baby, as well as preserve the attractiveness and shape of the bust.

What breast changes occur during pregnancy

Breast changes during pregnancy are different for everyone, as well as their onset. We can distinguish the main transformations that occur with the female breast:

  • Sensitivity
    The first breast changes during pregnancy often begin with an unpleasant feeling in it. They can be expressed both in the occurrence of hypersensitivity, and in the appearance of a slight pain in both breasts at once. This appearance of discomfort is associated with the beginning of the growth of the mammary glands, as well as with the preparation for feeding the baby and is the first signal of the onset of pregnancy.
  • Volume change
    The increased growth of the mammary glands most often begins from the first weeks of bearing a baby. Although sometimes such transformations can begin only at 6-7 months. It is worth paying attention that when the breast increases during pregnancy by almost 2-3 sizes, then during the feeding of the newborn, it will practically not change in size.
  • Changing the appearance of the nipples
    Also, a change in the breast during pregnancy is accompanied by a transformation in the color and shape of the nipples, which become much larger and special tubercles appear around them. These are modified sebaceous glands called Montgomery's glands, and they surround the nipple in an amount of 4 to 28 pieces. According to research, a special secret is released from them, allowing the newborn to actively eat.
    The color of the nipple and areola changes to darker. Blood vessels may appear on the skin. All these changes will disappear by themselves at the end of breastfeeding the baby.
  • The appearance of colostrum
    Colostrum is the precursor to milk and is superior in terms of beneficial nutrients. It is a sticky mass of gray-yellow color, slightly thick in appearance. It also contains a large amount of vitamins and antibodies that increase the body's defenses.
    Colostrum is the first food of an infant. Most often, its release from the mammary gland can begin almost before childbirth, but this can also occur at an earlier date.

Consequences of breast changes during pregnancy

Breast changes during pregnancy are accompanied by the appearance of stretch marks, which appear as a result of the growth of the mammary gland and an increase in its size. If the skin of a pregnant woman contains elastin and collagen in normal amounts, then the risk of stretch marks is minimized.
Stretch marks or stretch marks appear as a result of rupture of connective tissue fibers. Their dark purple color is due to damage to blood vessels.
Some time after childbirth and at the end of the period of feeding the child, stretch marks become much paler, but they do not disappear at all and resemble scars in their appearance.

Disturbing changes in the chest

Unfortunately, not all breast changes during pregnancy are acceptable. It will not be superfluous to find out some symptoms of breast diseases, the appearance of which should immediately see a doctor.
  • Incessant aching pain in the mammary glands;
  • Seal;
  • Asymmetric breast enlargement, the appearance of cavities and swelling;
  • Redness of the chest, which is accompanied by soreness;
  • Various bloody, foul-smelling, purulent discharges from the mammary gland;
  • Blood in colostrum.
If the chest constantly hurts during pregnancy, or if some other symptoms appear, you should immediately see a mammologist in order to prevent the further development of the disease and undergo timely treatment.

Bust care during pregnancy

It does not matter whether or not breast changes occurred during pregnancy, taking care of her condition is a good preventive measure against loss of bust shape.
  • Every woman should observe personal hygiene, as well as follow the recommendations of her doctor. Thanks to this approach to breast care, it will be possible to maintain its shape even after several pregnancies, as well as support breastfeeding of the baby.
  • Wide bra straps, no underwire and an adjustable fastener on the back will help avoid squeezing the breast, so the expectant mother will feel more comfortable. In addition to wearing special underwear, you can also purchase one that helps to ease the load on a woman's spine, prevent the fetus from turning over in the later stages of pregnancy, and also significantly reduce the number of stretch marks.
  • Regular massage and gymnastics for pregnant women will help strengthen the breasts, provoke their growth and prepare the nipples for feeding.
  • It is also necessary to take air baths 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes, completely exposing the chest for this time. After taking a shower, the mammary glands must be lubricated with special creams for stretch marks, which contain vitamins A and E.


A properly organized process of breastfeeding a newborn will help maintain the shape of the bust. Now it is recommended to feed the baby on demand, which may ask for food very often. Such timely breastfeeding during pregnancy helps to free her from milk, which will benefit both the baby and the mother. The skin on the chest will not constantly stretch, which means that it will not change shape and additional stretch marks will not appear on it.
Also, to maintain the correct symmetry of the breasts, it is necessary to maintain approximately the same amount of milk in them. This happens on its own, when the baby is given the opportunity to eat when he wants and how much he wants. In this case, it is not recommended to constantly shift it from one side to the other. The optimal time for a breast change is 1.5-2 hours.
The most comfortable feeding position, when the bust will not hang and stretch, is in the prone position. Although it is recommended to learn how to feed the baby in different positions, which will allow you to give unloading to different muscles, and will also help to better empty all segments of the chest.
Frequent pumping of milk is not recommended, which leads to hyperlactation, especially in the first time after childbirth. This, in turn, leads to the appearance of stretch marks and mechanical damage to the skin, as a result of which it stretches.
Both the child and the mother are harmed by the abrupt weaning of the baby from the breast, which most often occurs on day 1, against the background of active lactation. Milk quickly appears, the bust becomes larger, the baby does not suck it, and then the breast decreases sharply in volume.
In order for the process of weaning a child from milk to be painless, it is necessary to do this when he is already eating well from an adult table. During this period, milk becomes much less, the need for it decreases.
After breastfeeding is completed according to physiological terms, you can proceed to cosmetic procedures to improve the shape of the bust. Herbal ice massage, contrast showers, swimming, and special physical exercises have proven themselves well.

From how the breast of a pregnant woman looks, her condition in the future depends. Therefore, it is necessary to make every effort to keep the breasts in good shape in order to prevent the appearance of diseases and stretch marks.