When they stop spitting up. Until how many months does a child spit up after eating: norms and recommendations. Immature digestive system

Almost every newborn baby can spit up from time to time. This scares many mothers, but there is no reason to worry. This process in most cases is absolutely natural, because the baby's body learns to digest new food for it - mother's milk or an adapted mixture. Regurgitation differs from vomiting by the amount of food excreted. It is impossible to say exactly until what age babies spit up, since the process of adaptation takes place in babies in different ways.

Reasons for regurgitation

As already noted, the main reason is the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. When it matures, the child stops spitting up. This happens closer to the third month of life. In this case, there should not be any other signs and symptoms of an unhealthy condition.

The second reason is hyperexcitability. Such children are characterized by restless behavior, increased muscle activity. Sometimes pediatricians decide on the need to take sedatives. With age, babies outgrow this condition. Sometimes the parents themselves are to blame for regurgitation. Firstly, the mother may incorrectly attach the baby to the breast, which causes air to be swallowed. Secondly, after feeding, the child should not be involved in active games, which is often a sin for dads. Thirdly, overfeeding. Of course, breastfeeding is the best sedative for babies, but this should only be done when the baby is hungry.

In rare cases, it does not matter how often and up to what age the child spits up. If the vomit contains an admixture of greenish bile, then you should consult a doctor without delay!


The birth of a baby is always a blessing. However, young parents face a host of questions. For example, at what age does a baby stop spitting up? There are situations with which they cannot cope due to lack of experience. Every parent handles this situation differently. Some turn to grandmothers for advice, others look for answers in specialized literature. Both the first and second methods can be considered correct, however, in order to be confident in your actions, you need to regularly consult with a pediatrician.

Often, young parents are worried that after each feeding, the baby spits up. When can this process be considered the norm, and when does it signal danger? Let's try to figure this out.

Spitting - what is it?

If the baby spits up after feeding, should parents worry? In order to understand why this happens, it is necessary to look into the essence. Regurgitation is the process of expelling a small amount of food from the stomach into the esophagus. After that, it enters the oral cavity and exits. Most often this happens with infants.

As a rule, in children, this process is observed immediately after taking milk. However, sometimes this can happen after some time. In this case, parents will see a mass that looks like cottage cheese.

In principle, regurgitation in infants is considered quite normal. However, doctors say that if this is repeated quite often and in large volumes, then it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude the occurrence of diseases associated with the digestive system.

When will a baby stop spitting up?

In the first months of life, every baby spits up after eating. There is nothing dangerous in this. The cause of this process is the formation of the gastrointestinal tract system. Also, during sucking, the child can swallow air, which after a while should leave the body. Most often, the release of food outside stops on its own.

Many parents who are inexperienced are interested in when the baby stops spitting up on artificial feeding. In most cases, the terms are practically the same. Babies who are fed mother's milk or formula stop spitting up when they begin to sit up steadily. By this time, the stomach works faster, so that all the food is absorbed.

The body of each baby is individual. For one, regurgitation can go away as early as 4-5 months, while for others it can last up to seven. It is not possible to speak with certainty about the timing.

Even if the child has practically stopped the exit of food from the esophagus into the oral cavity, this process can be repeated if you feel unwell or during the appearance of the first teeth.

Reasons for regurgitation

Have you noticed that the baby spit up after feeding and want to know why this happens? Let's look at the main reasons.

If the baby was born prematurely, then his body did not have time to fully form. As a rule, premature babies spit up much longer than those born at 38-40 weeks.

The next reason is rather banal - overfeeding. If a mother gives her baby a bottle of formula or a breast with every cry, this leads to a significant excess of the daily dosage. No wonder doctors recommend certain portions for each age. As a result, when children stop spitting up, it means that they simply do not overeat.

There is a theory that very small crumbs are not recommended to mix different types of food. In some cases, this can lead to disturbances and even provoke regurgitation.

And another reason that contributes to the release of milk into the oral cavity and beyond is air. It enters the stomach when the nipple or breast is not sucked properly. And the faster the mother begins to feed from a spoon, the faster the child stops spitting up.

When to start sounding the alarm?

If the child is gaining weight well, does not lag behind in development, is active, then parents have no reason to worry. In the first year of life, it is necessary to regularly visit a pediatrician in order for him to monitor the health of the baby. It is at the reception that you can ask when the children stop spitting up. He will also tell you what is considered the norm and what should cause excitement.

Most often, the symptoms of disorders in the digestive system are restless behavior of the baby, insufficient weight. Doctors also pay attention to the number of outgoing masses and the frequency of regurgitation. In this case, the child may be prescribed tests and examinations. And already on the basis of the results obtained, the doctor will draw the appropriate conclusions.

Preventive measures

Going to the forums, you can see that young mothers often ask the same question: “When do babies stop spitting up?” Some answer that this problem ended by 6 months, and for others - by 8. In any case, the age of up to one year is considered the norm. By this time, the baby should stop this phenomenon.

  • Under no circumstances should you overfeed your baby.
  • When breastfeeding, it is important to ensure that the baby is properly latching onto the nipple.
  • If feeding is carried out using a bottle, then you need to ensure that the nipple is completely filled with milk. This prevents air from entering the stomach.
  • It is recommended to increase the frequency of meals, but by reducing portions.
  • If you have to feed the baby with mixtures, then you do not need to make a big hole in the nipple. Through it, milk flows continuously, filling the stomach very quickly.
  • While eating, it is not recommended to lay the crumbs strictly horizontally. It will be better if mom raises his head a little.
  • To get air out of the stomach faster, it is necessary to put the baby on the tummy more often.
  • And the most important rule that our grandmothers advise us: after feeding, you need to vilify the child in an upright position for 10-15 minutes.


In this article, we tried to find the answer to the question: “When do children stop spitting up?” This factor is purely individual. Every mother can rely on her feelings. If the baby feels great, plays, eats with appetite, then there is no reason to worry if a few drops of milk come out after eating.

However, everything is much more serious if the child's behavior has changed a lot. He began to sleep more, act up, eat little and at the same time also spit up? You need to seek help from a doctor. He will conduct an examination and find out if there is a reason for excitement.

How to deal with regurgitation in a bottle-fed baby?

Most mothers do not understand why the baby spit up after formula feeding. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that worries the parents of the baby. Basically, regurgitation is a natural physiological process. However, in some cases, it indicates various pathologies. In this case, the health of the crumbs requires special attention and one cannot do without the help of specialists.

Regurgitation is the involuntary release of stomach contents. About 80% of babies experience this in the first months of life.. Normally, regurgitation should gradually decrease by 4 months of age and will finally stop by about 9 months of age. Very often, the child stops spitting up after he begins to sit up on his own. Parents should not worry if the baby's regurgitation occurs in small quantities, his development is age-appropriate and he gains enough weight.

Causes of spitting up in a child

Each child has a unique process of digestion. Some spit up quite a bit, while others spit up frequently or after every feed. Moms of babies usually start to get nervous and panic. You should not do this, it is better to try to find the causes and ways to eliminate this negative phenomenon.

With artificial feeding of newborns, the causes of regurgitation in a baby after taking the mixture can be completely different.


Most often, excess fluid entering the small stomach leads to the eruption of its contents back.


If in the process of feeding the child with food, air bubbles enter, which then he spits back with undigested food. Air can get in due to the large hole on the nipple of the bottle, as well as in children who eat quickly and actively.

An improperly selected mixture can provoke increased regurgitation in a child.

Increased gas formation and impaired stool in infants are quite common.

Tobacco smoke, other allergens surrounding the baby cause spasm of the esophagus.

Active games after eating, laying on the tummy can cause regurgitation in the baby.

Various anomalies of the nervous and digestive systems of the baby (narrowing, underdevelopment) are quite rare.

How to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation

Spitting up is a normal process in infants. It is manifested by the discharge of a small amount of food (up to 3 tbsp.) Together with air after almost every feeding with a mixture. Vomiting differs from regurgitation by a plentiful release of partially digested food to a distance some time after its ingestion. In what cases should parents be alert and take adequate measures?

During vomiting, there is an increased excitability of the crumbs. The child is restless and cries, the body temperature rises. A bad phenomenon is the appearance of green, brown or bloody impurities in the vomit.

You can distinguish vomiting from regurgitation by the following signs:

  • begins suddenly, regardless of food intake;
  • fluid erupts in a fountain, profusely;
  • causes stress in the baby;
  • leads to dehydration and weight loss.

The appearance of vomiting in a child may be due to a viral infection, intolerance to the mixture, dysbacteriosis and allergies. Quite often, it can be caused by the introduction of complementary foods, changes in diet.

Note! Vomiting can be a sign of a medical emergency (meningitis).

Fountain regurgitation - what is the danger?

Children who are both breastfed and bottle-fed are prone to profuse regurgitation of the mixture with a fountain. Parents are usually very frightened and alarmed by this phenomenon. If this does not happen often, the baby is gaining weight well, there are no problems with emptying the intestines and bladder, then you should not worry.

Often the causes of profuse regurgitation are the transition from breastfeeding to formula feeding. Also, the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon may be prematurity. This is due to the immaturity of the digestive tract and its slow work in crumbs.

Doctors explain regurgitation with a fountain by distension of the stomach. If the volume of fluid taken exceeds the volume of the stomach, then this provokes a gag reflex. After the eruption, everything returns to normal and the child calms down. Parents should carefully monitor the diet of the child, avoiding overeating.

If the child is prone to profuse regurgitation, then special care is needed for him. It is unacceptable to leave it unattended even for a short period of time. Lying on his back, he risks choking on vomit. It is recommended to sleep at an angle of 30 degrees. You can swaddle and lay on the side, placing a pillow under the back so that the baby does not roll over.

Spitting up every time after feeding, what to do?

Some mothers experience difficulties in the first year of a baby's life. His body continues to gradually adapt to conditions outside his mother's tummy. There is an adjustment of the work of all organs and systems, including the digestive system.

If the child spits up a lot every time after formula feeding, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist. This is mainly due to immaturity of digestion and errors in feeding technique.

At home, you can do the following:

  1. Do not feed the baby when his body is in a horizontal position. Hangers should be at an angle of 40-60 degrees to the floor.
  2. Before eating, it is necessary to lay it out with its head down, massage the tummy in a circular motion clockwise.
  3. Follow the daily feeding regimen.
  4. Feed only a calm child, if crying - first calm down.
  5. Properly selected mixture must be warm.
  6. The nipple should be completely filled with liquid during feeding.
  7. After feeding for 20 minutes, you need to vilify the baby in a horizontal position.
  8. Do not arrange active games after feeding.

To prevent regurgitation, experienced mothers recommend adding one measuring cap of dairy-free porridge when preparing the mixture.

Prevention of regurgitation

To prevent regurgitation, you must follow simple rules. Give preference to nipples with a small hole. The mixture should flow out at about the same rate as milk flows out of the breast.

Choosing a pacifier for a baby is very individual. Silicone nipples are harder, latex ones are softer. Only by trial can you choose the most suitable one. Specially designed teats keep air out of the bottle. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the bottle and nipple if the child burps.

Particular attention should be paid to choosing the mixture that will best suit the baby. If one mixture does not suit the composition, then you need to try using a different mixture. In this case, you can choose a special mixture with an anti-reflux effect. Strict adherence to its dosage, increasing the intervals between feedings will reduce the number of regurgitation.

At the time of sleep, the head of the child should be above the body. Due to this position, the separated liquid can freely drain and he will not be able to choke on the vomit.

To strengthen the muscles of the baby's body, you need to regularly walk with him, bathe and massage. Tight swaddling can also interfere with the normal movement of food into the stomach. Before each feeding, the crumbs need to be deployed.

The pediatrician may prescribe thickeners to add to the mixture so that it lingers in the stomach. In case of digestive disorders, you can give your baby dill water. The pharmacy sells various teas, drops for babies, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Any medication should be prescribed only by a doctor.

In medicine, regurgitation is not a pathology., especially if the growth and development of the baby is age appropriate. As the child grows older, spitting up should stop. Attentive and caring attitude to your baby will help to find the problem and deal with it in a timely manner. An adequate reaction of parents to what is happening and a dialogue with doctors will be the key to good health for the baby.

When do babies stop spitting up

Many mothers are interested in when the child stops spitting up. Almost all parents face this phenomenon. However, they often worry about this. In fact, there is no reason to worry.

The child's body is constantly learning to process new foods. Therefore, this process is considered absolutely normal in most cases. However, it is impossible to determine exactly how many months the child burps. After all, each crumbs process of adaptation takes place in different ways. We can only guess the approximate time.

What is regurgitation and when does it stop?

When food particles are thrown from the stomach into the esophagus after eating, and then go into the mouth and out, this is called regurgitation. Most often it occurs after the child has just eaten. Sometimes this happens after a while, and then already curdled milk is observed. This is quite natural, although in some cases it indicates the presence of any health problems.

It is necessary to carefully monitor regurgitation, its volume should not be more than 3 ml. Also, the process should not be repeated frequently.

To understand whether everything is going well, it is important to know until what age the child burps. Children usually do this in the first months of life, that is, all the time while the baby's body is recovering and getting used to unfamiliar food. Most often, children stop spitting up by the age when they already know how to sit confidently. And just like all healthy babies stop doing this when they already start walking. New manifestations of this process can be observed only when you feel unwell or when teeth begin to cut.

Reasons for regurgitation

In order to respond more calmly to this phenomenon, it is important to understand why this is happening at all. There are several reasons why a baby may vomit. Among them:

  • The gastrointestinal tract is not yet mature. After the baby is born, his digestive system is gradually formed. This takes some time. The stomach is just beginning to get used to digesting unfamiliar food. Therefore, regurgitation stops only when the digestive tract is finally formed. Most often this is the third month of life.
  • Binge eating. Babies often just eat too much milk or formula. This is because many babies simply do not feel the approaching saturation. All excess food is naturally excreted from the stomach.
  • When feeding, the child is in the wrong position. If you feed him in an uncomfortable or wrong position for him, he will gasp for air along with food. The result is a feeling of discomfort. After that, the air begins to leave the stomach along with all its contents. This can be avoided if the mother carefully studies how to properly attach the baby to the breast, in what position to hold it, and so on.
  • Mom eating the wrong foods. The food she eats is of great importance for the child. Certain foods can make him feel colic and bloated. In order to avoid this, the mother must adhere to a certain diet while breastfeeding. You can afford more free food when complementary foods begin to be introduced to the child.
  • When switching from breastfeeding to artificial, regurgitation may occur. Or when one type of formula is replaced with another.
  • The baby is restless after feeding. Too active actions of the child after he has eaten can provoke regurgitation. When the meal is finished, the child is recommended to be kept upright for some time. This will release all the air that he could gain while feeding. In addition, if the child burps in this position, it will not cause breathing problems.

For these reasons, most often children spit up. It is best if the mother tries to minimize this phenomenon.

To do this, you should monitor your own diet, properly hold the baby during and after feeding.

When to see a doctor

At the beginning of life, in its first stages, regurgitation of food masses occurs in children, and this is quite normal. It is only important to ensure that there are few of them and this is rarely repeated. However, there are times when regurgitation is a direct signal from the body that something is wrong. Then you need to visit a doctor. Pay attention to the following:

  • The baby's appetite is normal, but at the same time he often burps, there is no weight gain.
  • According to the behavior of the child, it is noticeable that after eating he has pain, he is uncomfortable. When he experiences discomfort in the stomach, he begins to scream and bend.
  • Large volumes of regurgitation (more than 2 spoons). Then the food from the stomach returns in the form of fountain sprays. It happens that there is mucus in the mass, it has a green tint and an unpleasant odor.
  • When the child is already a year old, but he does not stop spitting up.
  • There are signs of dehydration.

Any behavior that is characterized by anxiety and is not characteristic of the baby while eating should alert parents. It is better to consult a doctor who will help establish the process of normal feeding and assimilation of food.

Of course, all mothers are waiting for the child to stop spitting up. But every woman can minimize this phenomenon if she adheres to a number of useful recommendations:

  • Feed your baby only when he is hungry. At the same time, during the process, you should not overfeed it. It has already been noted that babies do not feel the impending saturation, so they often overeat. Mom should make sure that the child does not eat more than the norm.
  • The baby needs to properly grasp the nipple. He should have the entire areola in his mouth, completely. If you are not breastfeeding your baby, but from a bottle, then you need to watch how he grabs the nipple. It should be completely filled with milk. This will keep air out.
  • When feeding, you do not need to place the crumbs in a clearly horizontal position. Hold it up slightly.
  • Take breaks. This is especially true when you are bottle feeding, when the milk flows without interruption. The baby's stomach will quickly fill up, after which the baby will spit up. This cannot be allowed. Therefore, you should stop feeding for a while, taking breaks.
  • Feed your baby more often, but in smaller portions.
  • After the feeding process is completed, it is recommended to keep the baby upright, that is, in a column. This will allow excess air to escape, while the milk will remain in the stomach. This position is also the prevention of colic.
  • Try to lay the baby on the tummy as often as possible, preferably on a hard surface.
  • After feeding, make sure that the baby is at rest. No need to rush him. For about half an hour he should avoid any activity.

How often should you spit up

To understand if everything is normal, you should know how often this process should take place. There are some cases when babies spit up every time they eat. This is due to mistakes during attachment or too large a hole in the nipple, as a result of which the child swallows a lot of air.

Parents may confuse regurgitation with vomiting. It differs in that there is an abundant splashing of the liquid with pressure. When the baby spit up, a trickle of undigested or slightly curdled milk appears. If a child vomits, this should be a reason to go to the hospital to avoid dehydration.

It is recommended to carefully monitor when, how and how much the baby burps. The norm is up to 5 times a day. Do not miss the important symptoms of the disease, which can be cured in the early stages. If everything is in order, do not be afraid of spitting up. It goes away when the stomach gets used to digesting unfamiliar food.

Spitting up in babies: how to distinguish what is normal and what is not. Recommendations from a pediatric gastroenterologist

It is not uncommon for an infant to spit up curdled milk. Sometimes a month old baby spit up water. It happens that a 5-month-old baby spit up bile. Also, parents may not understand why the newborn spits up a fountain after each feeding. The state of babies can be very difficult to understand, and this can add to the already high stress levels of new parents. If the baby is spitting up cottage cheese, there is probably no need to worry. But there are symptoms that point to more serious conditions, and they require attention.

What is regurgitation?

Spitting up in newborns, sometimes called physiologic or uncomplicated reflux, is common in infants and is usually (but not always) normal.

Most young children spit up occasionally because their digestive systems are immature, which helps the stomach contents back up into the esophagus.

Many newborns and infants spit up some breast milk or formula during feeding or shortly thereafter. Some babies spit up only occasionally, while others - after each feeding.

The baby often spit up after feeding when he gets a lot of milk in a short period of time. This happens when the baby sucks very quickly and forcefully, or when the mother's breasts are full.

When a baby is frequently distracted (pulling his chest down to look around) or fussing at his chest, he will swallow air and therefore will spit up more often. Some babies spit up more when teething, crawling, or eating solid food.

A few statistics

  • child spitting up curdled milk immediately after eating. But it happens that the baby burps even an hour after feeding;
  • half of all children under 3 months spit up at least once a day;
  • regurgitation usually peaks at 2 to 4 months;
  • many children outgrow this condition by 7 to 8 months;
  • Most babies stop spitting up at 12 months.

When a baby spit up milk, this is not a cause for concern. The fact that the baby spit up the curd mass is explained by the action of the enzyme, which is contained in the gastric juice. The enzyme is responsible for preparing food for the next stages of digestion.

Why does the child often spit up?

Drinking large amounts of fore milk

This is a common reason why a baby spit up. Mother's milk during feeding changes in its consistency and composition.

Initially, the milk is more watery and rich in lactose. Later, milk becomes fatter and more nutritious. In accordance with this, while the baby is eating, the amount of fat in women's milk also increases.

It is possible that the baby is constantly spitting up because he is getting more foremilk.

This can happen if a nursing mother takes too long a break between feedings and the amount of foremilk increases in the mammary glands.

Too fast milk supply

Children's stomachs are small and fill up quickly. If the mother's milk comes in too quickly, the baby must be weaned almost every 5 minutes to get rid of the air absorbed during the hasty sucking.

Immature digestive system

A newborn often spits up because the esophageal sphincter does not close completely after the stomach is full. This is due to the immature digestive system of an infant. Because of this, the child vomits.

Allergic reaction

If the baby spit up frequently, the baby may have an allergic reaction to the presence of wheat or cow protein in the mother's milk. The baby will also have symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, frequent flatus, and a rash around the anus.

Features of the character of the baby

A fussy baby at the breast swallows a lot of air, which is why the baby spits up breast milk.

Development periods

During certain periods, for example, when teeth erupt, children learn to crawl or begin to eat solid food, the child spit up a lot after feeding.

The wrong mix

This is a possible reason why a baby spit up after formula feeding. It happens that the selected formula is not suitable for your baby.

Why does a child spit up a fountain?

If a child vomits frequently and a lot, he may have the following conditions that require medical monitoring.

If a child is spitting up a fountain, then he may have a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

  • frequent spitting up or vomiting;
  • discomfort when spitting up.

It happens that the child does not spit up in the full sense of the word, but a quiet reflux occurs. This is a phenomenon in which the contents of the stomach only reach the esophagus, and then swallowed again, causing pain.

Signs of severe reflux:

  • the child cries a lot during feeding, it is impossible to calm him down;
  • poor weight gain or loss;
  • refusal to eat;
  • difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, chronic nasal congestion, chronic ear infections;
  • regurgitation yellow or bloody.

pyloric stenosis

A condition in which the muscles at the bottom of the stomach thicken and prevent food from passing into the small intestine. Fountain regurgitation in newborns, combined with underweight, are clear signs of pyloric stenosis.

And it affects more boys than girls. This usually occurs in infants at about 1 month. Pyloric stenosis requires surgical correction.

Bowel obstruction

If there are green bile impurities in the baby's spit up, this is one of the signs of a blockage in the intestines, which will require an emergency room visit, a scan, and possibly emergency surgery.

Disorders of the central nervous system

Disorders of the central nervous system are also the answer to the question of why a newborn spits up a fountain.


Rotaviruses are a major cause of regurgitation in infants and young children, whose symptoms often progress to diarrhea and fever.

Rotavirus is one of the viral causes of gastroenteritis, but other types of viruses such as noroviruses, enteroviruses, and adenoviruses can also cause this condition.

Sometimes infections outside the gastrointestinal tract cause regurgitation. These are infections of the respiratory system, infections of the ear, urinary system.

Some of these conditions require immediate medical treatment. Therefore, be vigilant regardless of the age of your child and call your pediatrician, if they appear:

  • blood or bile in vomit and regurgitation masses;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • persistent repetitive fountain regurgitation;
  • swollen or visually enlarged abdomen;
  • lethargy or severe irritability of the baby;
  • convulsions;
  • signs or symptoms of dehydration - dry mouth, lack of tears, retraction of the fontanel and a decrease in the number of urination;
  • prolonged vomiting for more than 24 hours in a row.

What to do if the child is spitting up?

  1. If the baby is spitting up frequently, change the feeding position to a more upright position. Gravity will play its part in retaining milk in the stomach if the baby is held upright for about half an hour after a feed.
  2. Avoid any strenuous activity immediately after eating. This can cause the baby to vomit.
  3. Provide a calm and relaxed atmosphere during feeding. Don't leave your baby very hungry before you start feeding him. A hungry and anxious baby may swallow a lot of air, increasing the chances of breast milk reflux.
  4. Feed your baby in small portions, but more often, to avoid overfilling the tummy.
  5. Avoid overfeeding your baby.
  6. Let the baby burp as often as possible to get rid of any air that might be ingested with the food. If you don't see a burp after a few minutes, don't worry. Your baby may not need it.
  7. The child should be laid to sleep on his side or on his back, and not on his stomach. If your baby is spitting up during sleep, keep the head elevated.
  8. Don't press on your stomach. Loosen any tight clothing, do not put the baby on your shoulder with your stomach so that he can burp.
  9. Eliminate certain foods from your diet to see if your spitting up problem has resolved.

When does a baby stop spitting up?

Parents are often interested in the question, how many months does the child spit up? When all the elements of the digestive system develop and become stronger, the baby will be able to keep food in the stomach, regurgitation will stop.

If the baby is spitting up a lot, but generally feels well, no special treatment is required other than the feeding methods mentioned.

When is a doctor needed?

Frequent regurgitation in newborns is a process that almost any mother can handle. But in some cases, treatment is necessary.

If the child is constantly spitting up or the amount, smell and color of spitting up has changed, contact a specialist. First of all, visit the pediatrician. Then he can refer to a gastroenterologist, neurologist, surgeon.

Do not delay your visit to the doctor if the child is spitting up heavily, and then screaming or squirming. This behavior may mean that the baby's esophagus walls are irritated.

Increased attention is required if spitting up looks like a fountain, occurs after each feeding, or looks like vomiting and after it the body temperature rises.

Do not take risks in vain, show the child to a specialist.

Sometimes regurgitation is so frequent that the child does not gain weight as it should. This is much more important and may require special tests and more aggressive treatment. If testing confirms gastroesophageal reflux, treatment may include gentle feeding practices and possibly medication.

Some medications, such as Ranitidine, help neutralize stomach acids and protect the sensitive lining of the esophageal wall that is exposed to stomach acid through regurgitation. Others, such as omeprazole or lansoprazole, stimulate the stomach to move food into the intestines more quickly.

Spitting up in a baby is one of the most important and sometimes confusing problems you will face as a parent. The recommendations in this article are general and apply to infants in general. Remember that your child is unique and may have special needs. If you have questions, ask your pediatrician to help you find answers that are specific to your baby.

Dr. Komarovsky about regurgitation

Questions regarding spitting up in babies are among the most common among young parents and experienced moms and dads. And all because there are practically no newborns who would not do this. According to medical statistics, 8 out of 10 toddlers do this. The difference is only in the frequency, volume and intensity of the process. The famous doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky tells what to do if the baby regularly “throws out” part of what he has eaten, whether it needs treatment.

About the problem

In medicine, regurgitation has a scientific name - gas esophageal reflux. For the first time, as a medical phenomenon, it was described in the 19th century. Reflux develops mainly after eating. It manifests itself in the fact that part of the contents of the stomach is passively thrown back into the esophagus, into the pharynx and into the mouth. As a result, the baby “pleases” the mother by giving back what was eaten recently, sometimes quite plentifully.

In an adult, food most often cannot go back, as a whole barrier mechanism of various sphincters of the esophagus is triggered. In newborns, especially premature babies, these "locking devices" are poorly developed. As they improve, episodes of regurgitation occur less frequently, and then completely disappear. The underdevelopment of the digestive organs is considered the main cause of gasoesophageal reflux.

In the first months of life, such a phenomenon is considered physiologically justified, normal. In a third of babies, digestion normalizes at the age of 4 months, most of the little ones stop spitting up at 5-6 months. Only in a small part of babies this is observed after 7 months, but by the year such a “late” child completely stops spitting up.

If the general condition of the child is normal: the baby is gaining weight well, the pediatrician does not see any abnormalities, and the neurologist has not made a serious neurological diagnosis, then regurgitation does not cause any harm to babies.

There is no magic pill for this phenomenon, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. Therefore, the treatment of reflux is always a complex of psychological and pedagogical measures aimed primarily at parents. They, alarmed and panicking, need to be explained in an accessible and understandable way that there is nothing pathological in this process, the child is not sick, does not starve, does not suffer and does not need hospitalization.

If this succeeded, then mom and dad explain another important point. Spitting up is not vomiting. You should urgently consult a doctor if vomiting has opened, because this symptom is very dangerous for infants. With vomiting, in addition to the food thrown out of the stomach (its large volume), the baby will have other symptoms. With reflux, nothing else happens to the baby other than a small amount of milk or formula that has come out.

There are children with increased activity of the vomiting center, which can react with vomiting even to a slight overeating. Such crumbs need to be underfed, says Evgeny Komarovsky, that is, limit the time they spend at the breast. And if the baby eats an adapted milk formula, then dilute it in a smaller amount than the age norm requires.

The main treatment for any regurgitation should be to ensure that the child does not overeat, because he will “throw out” the excess anyway. In especially severe cases, drugs are prescribed to reduce gas formation - "Diflatil" or "Espumizan". Often and abundantly spitting up a baby, especially if his reflux does not appear immediately, but half an hour or even an hour after eating, Komarovsky advises to swaddle and put to sleep on his side so that the baby does not choke in a dream.

If the baby is outraged by the need to sleep on his side (and this is not uncommon at all!), Then you can put an adult pillow under the mattress of the crib. On this elevation should be the back, but not the head of the baby. It can be laid on the back at an angle of about 30 degrees, in this position the risk of choking is minimized.

When you need a doctor

If the child is not gaining weight well, noticeably lags behind in development, then regurgitation needs to be corrected, which the specialist will think over after the examination. It is also necessary to consult a doctor if, after an episode of reflux, the baby behaves uneasily - it starts to cry piercingly, tighten its legs, and writhe. This can occur when the esophagus is irritated by gastric juice. As a rule, this becomes possible with some pathologies of the digestive system, with neurological problems.

Mom needs to see a doctor as soon as possible if the baby burps not just milk or a mixture, but a brownish or greenish liquid, as this can be a sign of a serious pathology - intestinal obstruction. Yellow masses from the stomach should also be the basis for a visit to the doctor, as they can indicate disorders in the work of the stomach or pancreas.

Be sure to visit the pediatrician should be mothers whose babies did not burp until six months, and after 6 months this problem has just begun. Spitting up a fountain is also a reason to seek help from a qualified specialist.

If the child often spits up, parents should heed a few simple tips:

  • during feeding, babies can swallow air - this is also one of the reasons for spitting up. After eating, the baby should be held vertically, leaning against your shoulder and lightly tapping the back with your palm until the excess air leaves;
  • if the child is bottle-fed, after a preliminary consultation with a doctor, you should buy him not just an adapted mixture, but a product marked "antireflux". It contains special safe thickeners such as rice starch;
  • after spitting up, do not try to feed the baby, his digestive tract needs to be given a little rest;
  • if the baby spits up through the mouth and through the nose, it is imperative to clean the nasal passages from the remnants of the contents of the stomach in order to prevent the development of bacterial inflammation;
  • do not entertain the baby immediately after eating, but you need to leave it alone - so the likelihood of regurgitation is reduced.

Spitting up is a problem that affects all breastfeeding mothers and their babies. What to do and how to behave mom in this situation? Tips from Dr. Komarovsky from the video below will help you figure it out.

Why does a child spit up and should I be worried about this? For an infant, this process is physiological and normal, and you should not immediately panic.

The reasons why a baby spit up curdled milk can be different. It is impossible to get rid of this phenomenon on purpose, it is part of the natural process of growth and development of the baby. You can make spitting up less plentiful and frequent. However, with some symptoms, when the baby burps a lot, you should contact your pediatrician.

Article content:

Why does regurgitation occur in newborns

Why does a newborn spit up and what explains this process at the level of physiology? It's all about the involuntary throwing of the mass contained in the stomach into the esophagus zone. From there, the contents rise through the pharynx into the mouth, and the food is out. In newborns, the zone of the stomach, located directly behind the esophagus, is poorly developed.

Only after 6 months of life the body begins to form a cardiac sphincter. This is exactly the part of the digestive tract that allows an adult to keep the contents where they should be. In the presence of a sphincter, reflux into the esophagus does not occur. But newborns do not initially have such a design.
The intensity of regurgitation depends on the walls of the stomach: if they strongly push the mass outward, the discharge will be large. As a rule, the process is accompanied by hiccups.

For 2/3 of all children under the age of six months, regular discharge of food from the stomach is characteristic.

The frequency and abundance of secretions are affected by term, the amount of weight added, the frequency and volume of feeding.

Common causes:

  1. When a baby spit up frequently, there is a high chance that he is eating too much. His stomach is not able to hold such a volume of food, digestion is difficult, and he has to get rid of the excess in such a non-trivial way. Therefore, pediatricians advise young mothers not to abuse breastfeeding and, at the first signal, not to rush to the baby with a breast or a bottle. The process of eating for a child up to six months is as follows: in series of 4-6 times he sucks milk or mixture, then during a pause he swallows the accumulated mass. Mixtures and mother's milk can be classified as the simplest food, nature has laid down its very easy penetration into a barely formed organism. Such food enters the intestines quickly. From here, the movement of peristalsis arises in it, and pressure simultaneously goes to the stomach. Shocks come from it, and due to the physiology of a small child, part of the food that has entered the stomach due to bowel movements comes out.
  2. Accumulation of flatus and colic. It's all about the accumulating air bubbles that form pressure on the delicate walls of the stomach and push the contents up.
  3. Increased activity from the nervous system. In this case, the walls of the stomach are stretched and reflux into the esophagus occurs. At the same time, experts consider this cause to be quite rare, and you should not look for these symptoms in an overly active child on your own.
  4. Ordinary air can be the reason why the baby often rejects food. Even adults burp when they grab it. Babies swallow large amounts of air when feeding, especially if they are active or eating in an uncomfortable position. For a formula-fed baby, air swallowing can occur if there is too much of a hole in the nipple in the bottle, excess air will inevitably enter the pharynx and further into the stomach. The same phenomenon occurs when milk remains at the bottom of the bottle and only air is sucked in. When breastfeeding, babies can suck in excess air if they do not latch on to the mother's breast correctly. It is important to monitor how the newborn uses the feeding tool and adjust if necessary. Spitting up usually occurs 5-7 minutes after a meal.

In the video, a lactation consultant talks about baby spitting up:

Impact on newborn weight

Parents may not worry much about why the child spit up a lot, if at the same time the weight is gained evenly and stably. It is important to monitor the mass indicators, and not the amount of rejected food. What the child does not need, he will spit out, and everything else will go to growth. You need to consult a pediatrician and determine the norm for weight gain, this indicator is considered one of the most important. With a favorable set of circumstances, a newborn child is moderately active, cheerful, smiling, sleeping soundly. For a healthy baby, spitting out food after feeding is considered the norm, it is not necessary, seeing this fact, to force him to eat again.

If the newborn often spits up and the weight does not go up in acceptable dynamics, then you need to contact a specialist.

Weight gain for baby

At the same time, it is desirable to have records of the number and frequency of regurgitation, how long after eating they occur, what color, how plentiful.

If weight gain does not go according to plan, the mass does not increase, but even decreases, you need to pay attention to how nutrients enter the body. A losing weight baby is not normal. The reasons why the baby spit up and lose weight may be as follows:

  • poor absorption of lactose;
  • anomaly of the digestive system;
  • infection.

The gastrointestinal tract is a complex mechanism in the human body. To function properly, all parts must be the correct size, shape, and attached exactly where nature intended. But newborns may have an anomaly. This is due to twisting, too small size of some organ, sometimes clamping occurs - everything leads to metabolic disorders. It is not worth assuming this option in advance - this is a rare occurrence, and only a doctor can diagnose an anomaly after conducting research.

If you are lactose intolerant, which is contained in breast milk, you just need to change it to a special lactose-free formula, and the problem will go away.

Lactose Free Blends

The nature of regurgitation and its type

In the normal state, the nature of the discharge is curdled, since the milk taken has already curdled.

If a child spits up a curd mass with an admixture of yellow or green, then bile enters the esophagus. This is a reason to see a doctor. The likelihood of infection with this symptom is extremely high. In the correct version, the child spits up curd without a pronounced color and smell, the nature of the discharge is similar to the curd mass. Prolonged hiccups should not be.

If the baby burps abundantly with cottage cheese and a fountain, almost choking, this is not a good sign. Among the reasons may be slow digestion due to prematurity or anomaly. Spitting up a fountain often occurs when switching from breast milk to artificial feeding. Pathology does not always take place, do not panic in advance. If you spit up often (more than 5 times a day) and 15-20 minutes after eating, you should contact your pediatrician.

The child spits up curdled milk, and there should not be any other impurities. Any changes in color and smell indicate an infection or other equally dangerous problems.

When spitting up indicates a health problem

With regurgitation more than 5 times a day and heavy discharge, including a fountain, you should seek the advice of a doctor. If all the nutrients go outside without having time to be absorbed, the child may develop anemia and malnutrition. This will adversely affect the health of the baby, so medical attention is needed. It is important to monitor the level of water in the body in the first year of a child's life, dehydration should not be allowed. With abundant regurgitation, the likelihood of such a condition increases. If the loss of moisture is not replenished in time, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and specifically with the stomach may appear.

Many people care about how many months the child spit up? Up to what age is food burping normal? When does a baby stop spitting up? Regurgitation accompanies all newborns, the period of 5-6 months is considered the norm for regurgitation in infants. If they do not stop after a year, then even with good weight gain and a satisfactory emotional and physical condition of the child, you need to contact a pediatrician. If in a child they started for the first time after six months of life or more, this is also not the norm - you need to contact a pediatrician.

With regurgitation, accompanied by fever, you need to urgently go to the doctor. If the baby spit up in yellow, you should also immediately consult a doctor.

What to do when a child spits up

Many mothers are worried about what to do if the baby spit up? If the child is constantly sick after feeding, it is necessary to analyze whether he is given food too often and a lot. In this case, it is better not to overdo it, so as not to create additional problems. Overfeeding is not worth it, because this will not increase growth and development, and digestive problems can manifest themselves in an unexpected way.

In the video, the pediatrician talks about regurgitation and how to eliminate them:

Why does a baby cry after eating? Moms always react to every tantrum, accompanied by crying. But it is important to understand why this happened. The abundance of secretions and strong shocks from the inside sometimes lead to the fact that the newborn burps through the nose. However, this may be within the normal range if regurgitation does not make breathing difficult and the baby does not cry at the same time, giving signals of danger. At such a moment, it is important to make sure that the airways are free, nothing interferes with the free flow of air. The exit of partially digested food through the nose is not dangerous. The newborn is spitting up through the nose and mouth, and it is normal if the discharge is profuse. At the same time, it is advisable to turn the baby face down so that the remnants flow out calmly, if necessary, you can even lightly pat on the back once or twice. If the child is spitting up through the nose and crying, it may mean that he was just scared. Not always loud crying indicates danger or injury. Stroke him on the back, on the stomach, at the mouth, calm him down, and if the tantrum passes quickly, then everything is in order.

Many mothers don't know why a baby is spitting up breast milk and get worried when they see the consequences. To prevent regurgitation, you can refer to standard procedures, they are safe and recommended for all babies. Before feeding, you should put the baby on his stomach and stroke his back.

Before feeding, you need to lay the baby on the tummy

Abdominal massage works well before and after feeding. All movements should be soft, without pressing and pressure, clockwise and within a few minutes. This starts the digestion process, stimulates the internal organs and increases blood circulation. All this helps to better accept and retain food, and not burp it sooner.

The first rule of feeding - after the completion of the process of eating, it is advisable to keep the month-old and older baby upright for about 20 minutes, periodically massaging the back.

After feeding, you need to carry the baby in a column for a while

This will reduce the risk of regurgitation of curdled milk. If one burp comes out like a fountain, there is no need to panic. It is better to check if there are pressure bands on the baby’s body, whether the clothes are comfortable - all this contributes to the rapid release of food. Tight swaddling is not recommended.

If there is no understanding why the child often spits up, you can try to change the nature of the rest after eating. It is recommended that immediately after feeding, do not drag the baby from place to place and do not change his clothes. If 1 month has passed and the process is still the same in intensity, you can consult a specialist. From unnecessary movements, regurgitation after eating in newborns only intensifies.

Oh, those young parents! As soon as a small child is born, moms and dads have a lot of questions. And of course, after several times a part of the milk sucked by a child ends up on the clothes of an adult, a natural question arises about when the children stop spitting up.

What is considered regurgitation?

Sometimes there is an ejection of part of the food back from the stomach into the esophagus, and then into the oral cavity and out. This is what burping is. This usually happens with babies.

Usually regurgitation in newborns occurs immediately after the baby has sucked milk. But it may take some time, then curdled milk comes out.

This happens in perfectly healthy babies, but can signal a disease. The main thing is that the volume of rejected milk does not exceed 3 ml and this does not happen too often.

Most likely, the baby will spit up in the first months after birth. Until the baby’s body recovers after birth and the stomach begins to cope with food, this is inevitable. But usually by the time the baby sits steadily on its own, the problem goes away by itself. In any case, all healthy babies no longer spit up when they take their first step. But be prepared for new manifestations during teething or indisposition of the baby.

The great science of statistics has revealed that regurgitation in babies under 4 months old occurs in almost everyone. But if this phenomenon is repeated too often and in large volumes, this is a reason to visit a doctor.

Therefore, if the baby spews more than 3 ml of stomach contents through the mouth after each feeding, or this happens constantly, it is necessary to undergo an examination and find out the cause. At what age does a child stop spitting up and is it harmful? Let's look at it later in the article.

Frequent spitting up can lead to inflammation in the esophagus and other serious consequences in the digestive tract.

Why is this happening?

  • If the baby is premature or had a delay diagnosis, then regurgitation will be a frequent companion for such children.
  • This happens due to the later maturation of the processes responsible for sucking and swallowing, as well as with an imperfect gastrointestinal tract.
  • Usually, after 8 weeks, the body returns to normal, catches up with its peers who were born on time, and the question of when the child stops spitting up gradually ceases to be relevant.
  • The next reason for the rejection of milk is banal overfeeding. This can be either too frequent feeding or large volumes of offered milk.
  • Also a very common cause of regurgitation is a mixed diet. Often mothers think that the baby does not have enough milk, and begin to supplement it with formula. Because of this, the child's stomach is too full, and he rejects the excess.
  • In addition, if the child is completely crumbs, then mixing different foods, breast milk and formula also leads to disturbances and regurgitation.
  • The classic cause of this problem is improper attachment to the breast. The child captures only the nipple, and air is swallowed, which then comes out with part of the drunk milk.

But fortunately, these phenomena pass. The question of when children stop spitting up is likely to disappear by the time the baby sits on its own.

When something's wrong

If the child is cheerful and cheerful, actively gaining weight and height, then there is nothing to worry about. But all parents should know when children stop spitting up and how long it can normally last. Therefore, if this phenomenon is too active, the baby is restless and weakly gaining weight, you should consult a doctor. Perhaps the child will be helped by medication, or perhaps surgery will be required. The issue of examination is decided purely individually. X-ray is one of the examination tools.

Prevention of regurgitation

A common question that new mothers ask each other is: "When did your baby stop spitting up?" Here, of course, everything is individual, but normally by the year this phenomenon should go away forever.

But so that regurgitation does not turn into a problem, a number of rules must be observed:

  • Don't overfeed your baby.
  • Ensure proper nipple latching. The areola should be completely in the baby's mouth. If bottle feeding, keep an eye on the nipple. It must be filled with milk completely, which prevents air from being swallowed.
  • Position the baby not strictly horizontally, but slightly raising it.
  • Give your child time to take a break. This is especially true for bottle sucking. If the baby himself knows what to do with the breast, then the milk from the bottle can flow continuously, which will create a reason for the rapid filling of the stomach and, accordingly, regurgitation.
  • It is better to choose a feeding regimen more frequent, in smaller portions.
  • advice for all time. Hold your baby upright after feeding. So excess air will come out, and the milk will remain in place. In addition, this action is an excellent prevention of colic.
  • Place your baby on your tummy more often.
  • Leave the baby alone after feeding.

Following these rules, you will soon forget about the question of when the child stops spitting up. And even if a few drops of milk come out, then nothing terrible will happen.

Summing up

Undoubtedly, every mother seems to feel the mood of her baby with her skin. Likewise with spitting up. If parents see that the baby feels great, does not show signs of anxiety or hunger, is gaining weight and generally developing within the normal range, then there is nothing to worry about.

But it happens that mom suspects that something is wrong. In this case, you should go to the doctor and show the child. If everything is normal, you will calm down and be able to ask the pediatrician about when the children stop spitting up. If your fears are confirmed, then the timely prescribed treatment will help solve the problem.

Many mothers are interested in when the child stops spitting up. Almost all parents face this phenomenon. However, they often worry about this. In fact, there is no reason to worry.

The child's body is constantly learning to process new foods. Therefore, this process is considered absolutely normal in most cases. However, it is impossible to determine exactly how many months the child burps. After all, each crumbs process of adaptation takes place in different ways. We can only guess the approximate time.

When food particles are thrown from the stomach into the esophagus after eating, and then go into the mouth and out, this is called regurgitation. Most often it occurs after the child has just eaten. Sometimes this happens after a while, and then already curdled milk is observed. This is quite natural, although in some cases it indicates the presence of any health problems.

It is necessary to carefully monitor regurgitation, its volume should not be more than 3 ml. Also, the process should not be repeated frequently.

To understand whether everything is going well, it is important to know until what age the child burps. Children usually do this in the first months of life, that is, all the time while the baby's body is recovering and getting used to unfamiliar food. Most often, children stop spitting up by the age when they already know how to sit confidently. And just like all healthy babies stop doing this when they already start walking. New manifestations of this process can be observed only when you feel unwell or when teeth begin to cut.

Reasons for regurgitation

In order to respond more calmly to this phenomenon, it is important to understand why this is happening at all. There are several reasons why a baby may vomit. Among them:

  • The gastrointestinal tract is not yet mature. After the baby is born, his digestive system is gradually formed. This takes some time. The stomach is just beginning to get used to digesting unfamiliar food. Therefore, regurgitation stops only when the digestive tract is finally formed. Most often this is the third month of life.
  • Binge eating. Babies often just eat too much milk or formula. This is because many babies simply do not feel the approaching saturation. All excess food is naturally excreted from the stomach.
  • When feeding. If you feed him in an uncomfortable or wrong position for him, he will gasp for air along with food. The result is a feeling of discomfort. After that, the air begins to leave the stomach along with all its contents. This can be avoided if the mother carefully studies how to properly attach the baby to the breast, in what position to hold it, and so on.
  • Mom eating the wrong foods. The food she eats is of great importance for the child. Certain foods can make him feel colic and bloated. In order to avoid this, the mother must adhere to a certain diet while breastfeeding. You can afford more free food when complementary foods begin to be introduced to the child.
  • When switching from breastfeeding to artificial, regurgitation may occur. Or when one type of formula is replaced with another.
  • The baby is restless after feeding. Too active actions of the child after he has eaten can provoke regurgitation. When the meal is finished, the child is recommended to be kept upright for some time. This will release all the air that he could gain while feeding. In addition, if the child burps in this position, it will not cause breathing problems.

For these reasons, most often children spit up. It is best if the mother tries to minimize this phenomenon.

To do this, you should monitor your own diet, properly hold the baby during and after feeding.

When to see a doctor

At the beginning of life, in its first stages, regurgitation of food masses occurs in children, and this is quite normal. It is only important to ensure that there are few of them and this is rarely repeated. However, there are times when regurgitation is a direct signal from the body that something is wrong. Then you need to visit a doctor. Pay attention to the following:

  • The baby's appetite is normal, but at the same time he often burps, there is no weight gain.
  • According to the behavior of the child, it is noticeable that after eating he has pain, he is uncomfortable. When he experiences discomfort in the stomach, he begins to scream and bend.
  • Large volumes of regurgitation (more than 2 spoons). Then the food from the stomach returns in the form of fountain sprays. It happens that there is mucus in the mass, it has a green tint and an unpleasant odor.
  • When the child is already a year old, but he does not stop spitting up.
  • There are signs of dehydration.

Any behavior that is characterized by anxiety and is not characteristic of the baby while eating should alert parents. It is better to consult a doctor who will help establish the process of normal feeding and assimilation of food.

Of course, all mothers are waiting for the child to stop spitting up. But every woman can minimize this phenomenon if she adheres to a number of useful recommendations:

  • Feed your baby only when he is hungry. At the same time, during the process, you should not overfeed it. It has already been noted that babies do not feel the impending saturation, so they often overeat. Mom should make sure that the child does not eat more than the norm.
  • The child needs it right. He should have the entire areola in his mouth, completely. If you are not breastfeeding your baby, but from a bottle, then you need to watch how he grabs the nipple. It should be completely filled with milk. This will keep air out.
  • When feeding, you do not need to place the crumbs in a clearly horizontal position. Hold it up slightly.
  • Take breaks. This is especially true when you are bottle feeding, when the milk flows without interruption. The baby's stomach will quickly fill up, after which the baby will spit up. This cannot be allowed. Therefore, you should stop feeding for a while, taking breaks.
  • Feed your baby more often, but in smaller portions.
  • After the feeding process is completed, it is recommended to keep the baby upright, that is, in a column. This will allow excess air to escape, while the milk will remain in the stomach. This position is also the prevention of colic.
  • Try to lay the baby on the tummy as often as possible, preferably on a hard surface.
  • After feeding, make sure that the baby is at rest. No need to rush him. For about half an hour he should avoid any activity.

How often should you spit up

To understand if everything is normal, you should know to. There are some cases when babies spit up every time they eat. This is due to mistakes during attachment or too large a hole in the nipple, as a result of which the child swallows a lot of air.

Parents may confuse regurgitation with vomiting. It differs in that there is an abundant splashing of the liquid with pressure. When the baby spit up, a trickle of undigested or slightly curdled milk appears. If a child vomits, this should be a reason to go to the hospital to avoid dehydration.

It is recommended to carefully monitor when, how and how much the baby burps. The norm is up to 5 times a day. Do not miss the important symptoms of the disease, which can be cured in the early stages. If everything is in order, do not be afraid of spitting up. It goes away when the stomach gets used to digesting unfamiliar food.