Brown discharge during pregnancy. Dark discharge during pregnancy: is it worth worrying

A common occurrence is brown discharge during pregnancy. They often look like specks or stripes of brown, brown or dark red. In some cases, there are painful sensations.

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The reasons for these phenomena are dangerous for the health of the mother and the fetus. But in any case, you cannot panic, but you need to see a doctor, undergo an ultrasound scan and keep the situation under control. Four out of five women who experience brown discharge in early pregnancy carry it out and give birth to children.

When is it safe?

After fertilization, a period begins, especially predisposing to the appearance of such symptoms. But in the first trimester, they are most often safe.

The first manifestations are associated with the physiology of pregnant women. After fertilization for several days, from 5 to 14, the egg moves inside the uterus. Then it is attached to a specific place on its walls. During this process, blood vessels can be damaged, causing minor bleeding. This leads to the appearance of pathological discharge at the beginning of pregnancy.

Their color can vary from beige, pink to brown. Severe pain does not happen, although some women note that the sensation in the lower abdomen is of varying degrees of severity. In structure, the contents are quite thick, the smell is neutral, there is no itching. Very often, women mistake them for the onset of menstruation, since there are no other signs yet.

Another reason for brown discharge that appears in the early stages is improper hormone production. The spots appear approximately when the next menstruation should have passed. The duration of this process can reach two days, the volume of discharge is small. No unpleasant sensations appear.

Hormonal disbalance

A similar discharge can appear at 8 weeks of gestation. This phenomenon is not dangerous for either the expectant mother or the embryo. Even more, it can repeat itself two or three more times during the first months.

But these are all the reasons why brown discharge during pregnancy is not dangerous. There are many more pathologies that can harm the baby and the health of the mother. That is why a visit to a doctor is necessary.

The main causes of pathology

Very often, brown discharge during pregnancy, at about 5 weeks or later, indicates a threat of miscarriage. They are caused from the walls of the uterus. This damages the blood vessels.

The reason for this phenomenon is the lack or absence of the production of progesterone by the female body. This hormone is needed to support the development of the baby.

The appearance of such dark discharge is possible at any time, for example, at 12 weeks. At first, there are few of them, perhaps an average number. There are mucous blotches. A woman can feel:

  • soreness in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting is possible.

A rare but dangerous situation is a hydatidiform mole. With it, an ultrasound scan instead of the placenta in the uterus reveals a large number of fluid-filled vesicles - cysts. Discharge during pregnancy is brown, yellow-brown, brown, interspersed with bubbles. Women note:

  • painful sensations;
  • nausea;
  • high blood pressure;
  • headache.

Dangerous situation - cystic skid

The fetus usually dies at 9-10 weeks of gestation, the discharge begins earlier. The tumor is able to penetrate into the walls of the uterus, then the appearance of metastases in the lungs and vagina is possible. Treatment is usually by removing the skid, sometimes even the uterus. There are isolated cases of partial cystic drift when a full-term baby was born.

A more common dangerous cause of dark discharge, most often at 6 weeks, is an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the ovum is introduced into the fallopian tube, the growth of the fetus will inevitably lead to rupture.

This situation requires an immediate solution. In addition to the possibility of complete removal of the tube, a woman runs the risk of getting peritonitis. This is caused by the filling of the abdominal cavity with liquid due to the rupture of the tube. Even a fatal outcome is possible.

So, the most common causes of discharge when carrying a baby are as follows.

implantation bleedingoccurs when the ovum is introduced into the uterus, about the 7th day, lasts from several minutes to two days, sometimes stops and restartsoccurs in 20-30% of pregnant women
risk of miscarriagemild to moderate, may gradually worsen, be accompanied by painobserved in 10-20%
cystic drifttumor formation with many cystic cavities instead of the placentaa rare occurrence, develops in 0.1%
ectopic pregnancythe embryo is attached inside the fallopian tubefound in 2% of pregnant women

Health preservation instruction

The manifestation of brown discharge during pregnancy requires mandatory medical supervision. An ambulance must be called immediately. You need to wait for the doctors in a horizontal position and calm. Nervous tension, physical activity will help nothing.

Observation by a doctor is mandatory

If the cause of dark or light discharge in the early stages of pregnancy was the attachment of the ovum, no treatment is required. arising from hormonal disruption are also usually not treated. But this requires consultation with a gynecologist who can assess the severity of the situation and its consequences.

The threat of miscarriage, ectopic, other pathologies - all this is treated in a hospital setting. Brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy with such pathologies is just a symptom. Nevertheless, sometimes doctors use some methods of treatment at home, and rehabilitation therapy is also prescribed after inpatient treatment.

If pathological discharge associated with the threat of miscarriage appears at 5, 6, 7 weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to prescribe therapy with Magne-B6. This medicine contains:

  • Magnesium;
  • Vitamin B6.

Application patterns may vary.

  1. Two tablets in the morning and in the evening.
  2. One in the morning, in the middle of the day, and two at night.
  3. Duration of use - from two weeks to delivery.

After the elimination of an ectopic pregnancy, if it was the cause of brown or light discharge, the doctor prescribes medications for recovery, which are taken at home. The medications used depend on the individual.

Examples include:

  • Phlogenzyme;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Bifiform.

The application scheme can be as follows.

  1. Day 21 - Three Phlogenzyme tablets three times a day.
  2. 10 days - Terzhinan's candle for the night.
  3. Week - take a Bifiform tablet three times a day.

In case of hormonal disruption during pregnancy and the appearance of brown discharge, along with the treatment prescribed by the doctor and with his permission, folk recipes can be used. One of them:

Do you have brown discharge during early pregnancy? Is it time to sound the alarm?

Practically every woman has at least once faced such an interesting and unforgettable period in her life as pregnancy. Sometimes such a period does not always proceed without complications. Especially if this is a very long-awaited baby.

During the carrying of the baby in the body of the expectant mother, a complete restructuring takes place. Because of which, most women feel anxiety about the safety of their unborn baby. There is such a feeling sometimes from the fact that a woman has discovered a discharge of some fluid from the genitals with a brown tint.

What it is? What is it from, and what causes the appearance of brown discharge during early pregnancy?

It is not difficult to spot them. Basically, these are spots or stripes, the color range of which can be either brown or dark red, which are sometimes complemented by discomfort and manifestations of pain in the lower abdomen.

Speaking of danger, they can adversely affect both the expectant mother and the fetus. Consider situations when such discharge can be considered not dangerous, but when it is necessary to go for help to the attending physician - a gynecologist, and urgently!

The norm is considered to be the appearance of brown discharge literally a few days after conception. Therefore, in the first three months of bearing a baby, this kind of discharge can be considered safe if they are painless. This is mainly due to the physiological characteristics of pregnant women.

Let's consider the most basic and not dangerous reasons:

  • The possibility of occurrence at conception. After the egg has passed the fertilization stage, then within two weeks it begins to move through the uterine cavity. Then it is attached to one of the walls. Because of which there is a slight damage to small blood vessels, as a result of which the well-known discharge with a brown tint occurs. In terms of color, they can be from slightly pinkish to beige. As such, pain does not appear at the moment. But, according to the reviews of women (girls) in the early stages of pregnancy, some pain in the lower abdomen may appear, and they associate this phenomenon with the appearance of brown discharge. By their consistency, they are slightly thick, odorless. And sometimes such discharge is taken by girls for the onset of menstruation, because there are no other signs yet.
  • Improper functioning of hormone-producing organs. This is another reason. Their appearance begins exactly at the time when menstruation should go. In time, they can go up to two days. As such, pain in this situation should not be. Such discharge can be repeated for several months.

Serious problems caused by brown discharge

What to do if you find such a discharge?

  1. First of all, you need to call an ambulance and explain the whole problem.
  2. Then go to bed in a horizontal position.
  3. Remaining completely calm, wait for the ambulance to arrive.

In no case should you be nervous, lift heavy, move quickly.

What kind of examination should the doctor carry out?

  1. Ultrasound. The doctor must understand what they are dealing with, and also exclude, for example, ectopic development of the fetus.
  2. Analysis for hormones, in particular for progesterone, which is involved in the development of the child, and for testosterone. If the last hormone in a woman's body is in excess, then it can have an adverse effect on the child, and cause a spontaneous abortion. Lack of it is also fraught with complications. Therefore, during pregnancy, the content of hormones necessary for the development of the child should be strictly normal.
  3. Make an analysis for the level of hCG.

How is this type of discharge treated?

What measures to take and what to do if during pregnancy a woman noticed brown discharge in the early stages? If the discharge is considered not dangerous for the mother and child, then they can be left untreated. All other causes that are dangerous, both for mother and baby, need to be treated.

This is done most often in an inpatient hospital, and in order for the mother's body to recover, after a hospital, special treatment is prescribed, which can be easily carried out at home on your own. The early manifestation of this type of discharge is only the first sign of an impending threat.

If they appear from the fifth to the seventh week, the doctor may prescribe a drug such as Magnelis. It contains two important components for the development of a child - these are magnesium and vitamin B6. The time of admission and the waste dose, for each woman, is assigned differently, while taking into account all individual characteristics. But, basically, the appointment goes for 2 tablets in the morning and in the evening, while eating (discuss the dose with the gynecologist!). The course of treatment with this drug can be from 14 days to the end of pregnancy.

If the cause of such discharge was an ectopic pregnancy, then after all the operating steps, the woman is prescribed special drugs that restore the functioning of the reproductive system. The appointment takes place after the patient has been examined and all individual characteristics have been identified.

These drugs include:

  • Phlogenzym tablets;
  • Terzhinan candles;
  • Bifiform tablets.

They can be prescribed according to the following scheme: take Phlogenzym tablets for 21 days (3 tablets 3 times a day), put Terzhinan suppositories for 10 days before going to bed. Drink 3 tablets per day bifiform for 7 days.

If brown discharge during early pregnancy was associated with a change in hormonal levels, then in addition to medicines (only after consulting a doctor), folk recipes can also be used for treatment.

Let's consider some of them:

  1. For preparation, you need the following: linden color - 1 teaspoon, folic acid - 1 tablet, vitamins A and E, 1 tablet each. Pour all the prepared ingredients into a glass, pour boiling water over it, cover and leave for 20 minutes. Take as regular tea. It is necessary to drink such an infusion three times a day.
  2. Flax seeds can also be used as a food supplement. They should be added 20 grams per day to any fermented milk products. It increases the production of estrogen.
  3. Pour dry oregano herb (2 tablespoons) into a teapot and pour boiling water over it. Close and leave for 30 minutes. After use 3 times a day for 1/2 cup before eating.
  4. Place dry hop herb in a thermos. Pour boiling water over and close. Insist for 9 hours. Take in the form of tea. The proportion is taken on the basis of 250 ml - 20 grams of dry herb.
    5. In order to increase the level of production of the hormone progesterone, you can make a decoction of cinquefoil, a decoction of a cuff, an infusion of meadow lumbago. Must be taken before meals in the form of tea.
  5. You can prepare an infusion from the fruits of the cane. To do this, rinse 20 grams of fruit and grind in a blender. Pour the crushed fruits into a glass, and pour boiling water over it. We insist for an hour. Then we use it throughout the day.
  6. Decoction of raspberry leaf and wild yam. Mix 10 grams of yam and 10 grams of raspberry leaves. We put it in a small container and fill it with boiling water. After we insist for 60 minutes. We filter and consume in one go. This infusion must not be drunk more than once.

I would also like to say that brown discharge during pregnancy may appear even at a later date of 38-40 weeks.

In this case, this is no longer a terrible discharge. They say that natural childbirth will begin soon. That is, the mucous plug has come off, and soon the first contractions can be expected.

Of course, it is possible that the cork can go away for 7 days, and only then there will be childbirth. We are all individual, and for every woman, all processes in the body occur in different ways.

Remember, having noticed even the smallest amount of brown discharge, you need to immediately consult a specialist, especially if this happened during early pregnancy (see the photo in the article).

In this case, you cannot engage in self-medication! This can lead to dire consequences. Be careful and careful, watch yourself and your feelings during the period of carrying babies.

With the onset of pregnancy, cervical mucus from the vagina can change its consistency, shade, increase or decrease in volume. But an alarming sign will be the appearance of red and brown discharge during early pregnancy.

Previously, it was widely believed that at this stage there is a natural selection of healthy embryos, and doctors do not need to interfere with this process in an attempt to save the child.

However, the development of histology and the emergence of ultrasound technologies refuted such statements and proved that the genetic inferiority of the embryo is not the main reason for the threat of miscarriage that occurs in the early stages.

What kind of discharge is normal?

Immediately after conception and implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus, the woman's endocrine system begins to increase the production of progesterone. If you take a blood test, you will notice that the norms of this hormone during pregnancy are much higher than the norm in the second phase of the cycle, when fertilization did not occur.

High progesterone levels can affect the color and consistency of vaginal discharge. In many pregnant women, they become yellowish and more viscous. Upon contact with air, after a few hours, they change their color to yellow-orange or bright yellow.

In some women, progesterone has no effect on vaginal secretion. Therefore, their discharge in the early stages is whitish or translucent, which is also the norm.

Discharge mixed with blood is regarded as dangerous at any stage of pregnancy. There may be several color variations:

  • Yellow-brown;
  • Transparent with reddish veins;
  • Rose red;
  • Brown;
  • Red;
  • Dark red.

All this indicates that blood clots have formed in the body cavity of the uterus, cervix or fallopian tubes. The reasons for their appearance in the early stages may be as follows:

Detachment of the ovum Is the most common cause of dark brown discharge that may occur during early pregnancy.

Detachment can occur due to a lack of progesterone, an overabundance of testosterone or prolactin, due to the high tone of the uterus, as well as in cases where the embryo has died and the mother's body rejects an unviable fetal egg.

Detachment can be either partial or complete. In the first case, pregnancy can be saved with timely medical intervention and taking shock doses of hormonal drugs. If it is more than 70%, then it is no longer possible to save the fetus, so a miscarriage occurs.

Ectopic pregnancy- promotes the appearance of spotting in the early stages, when ultrasound did not reveal the presence of a fetal egg in the uterine cavity.

Polyps of the uterus or cervix- neoplasms that may not manifest themselves in anything in normal menstrual cycles. But from the moment of conception, serious hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, under the influence of which the structure begins to change.This often triggers a light brown discharge in early pregnancy.

Embryo implantation- causes the appearance of a small amount of spotting, literally a few drops. Does not require treatment.

But it must be borne in mind that these discharge occur in the period from 3 to 12 days after ovulation and last no more than a day.

There is a widespread myth among women about the so-called "washing the fetus in blood", which, in their opinion, can cause brown and yellow-brown discharge in early pregnancy.

However, such a concept does not exist in obstetric practice and no process of "ablution" occurs. Any, even minor, bloody discharge, except for those appearing during implantation, signals that the woman and the fetus need medical help.

Required examinations

Dangerous discharge that appears during pregnancy is a reason to find out the cause of their occurrence as soon as possible. This can save not only the life of the fetus, but also the life of the mother (in cases where the ovum is attached not to the uterus, but to the fallopian tube).

It is obligatory to visit a gynecologist, but it is pointless to go to see him without ultrasound results - even with palpation, the doctor will not be able to assess how serious the threat to the child's life is. Therefore, the survey algorithm should be approximately as follows:

  1. Ultrasound examination - the doctor will assess the degree of detachment of the ovum (if present), the tone of the uterus, the condition of the cervix and uterine cavity (for the detection of polyps).
  2. Analysis for the level of progesterone - it is necessary to exclude (or confirm) the lack of this hormone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy.
  3. Testing for testosterone levels - it is necessary to exclude (or confirm) an excess of this hormone, which, starting from 7-8 weeks, can provoke a miscarriage.
  4. Analysis for the hCG level in dynamics - must be passed at least twice, with an interval of two days. However, you can go to the gynecologist when you get the first result. The doctor will not be able to assess the dynamics, but at least he will correlate the indicators of the concentration of the hormone in the blood with the gestational age by ultrasound.
  5. A visit to a gynecologist - the doctor will assess the condition of the fetus based on the results of an ultrasound scan, the state of hormones according to the results of blood tests and decide on the appointment of the necessary preserving therapy, which may include drugs that lower the tone of the uterus, regulate hormones, etc.

A reason for an immediate visit to a doctor, bypassing preliminary examinations, may be bright red discharge that appeared in the first weeks of pregnancy, as well as the appearance of a large amount of brown discharge. In this case, the woman will be admitted to a hospital for treatment, where all the necessary examinations will be carried out.

The most important and exciting period of pregnancy is the first trimester. At this time, all organs and systems of the fetus are actively formed, the woman's body is completely rebuilt, and the risk of pregnancy failure is also the highest. When brown discharge appears, the woman starts to panic, she does not know what to think and how to act correctly. Today in the article we will talk about the reasons for the appearance of brown discharge in early pregnancy and find out if this always poses a threat to the fetus.

Now let's dwell on this in more detail.

When brown discharge during pregnancy is the norm

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus, the placenta and amniotic fluid are formed. In the female body, there are serious changes associated with the work of hormones. The body of a pregnant woman acts as a well-established mechanism, tuned in to the birth of a healthy baby. However, even the most accurate watches sometimes fail, the woman notices the appearance of brown discharge and does not know if this is normal or not.

In fact, the appearance of any discharge during pregnancy is an alarming signal that requires prompt consultation with a doctor. Despite the fact that brown discharge can be a normal physiological phenomenon, you yourself will not understand the reasons and do not identify the danger, only a doctor can calm down or prescribe the necessary examination. However, in order for you to understand the situation and navigate the problem, below we will talk about the reasons that cause the appearance of brown discharge in the early stages.

Discharge of brown color at an early stage of pregnancy can be of a varied nature, you should not always be afraid of them. During the period of attachment of a fertilized cell to the wall of the uterus, 7-12 days after intercourse, a woman may experience a translucent brownish discharge, they are physiological in nature and are called implantation bleeding in medicine.

A slight dark spot can be noted on days when a woman had her period before pregnancy. This is a hormonal process that is not harmful to the fetus. Another cause of brown discharge is placental abruption. Detachment, in which small ones are observed, is not dangerous if they did not last long and stopped on their own.

Brown discharge as the primary symptom of pregnancy

The very first symptom that indicates a possible conception is a light brown translucent discharge that appeared 7-12 days after intercourse. They are not always found and not at all, but even women who have a brownish "daub" often do not notice it or think that it is their period that has started prematurely. The volume of discharge is different for everyone, sometimes several brown drops may appear on the underwear, and it happens that the discharge resembles menstruation. Few people pay attention to light painless discharge, so girls usually find out about their pregnancy after a delay. The reason for this phenomenon is the hormones that are produced by the ovaries and the corpus luteum, the secretions disappear immediately after the woman's body gets used to its new position.

Implantation of a fertilized egg

After intercourse, the sperm enters the egg, it closes with a dense membrane and begins its journey through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. The journey takes about 7-12 days, depending on the woman's hormonal levels. At this time, there are still no symptoms of pregnancy, but when the zygote is attached to the wall of the uterus, a cardinal hormonal restructuring of the body begins.

At this point, it is already safe to say that pregnancy has come. During the introduction of the egg into the uterus, a softening endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) is secreted and light brown or pink translucent discharge (implantation bleeding) may appear. The mucous membrane of the uterus becomes tender and sensitive, therefore, during the attachment of the zygote, micro tears occur, which provokes brown discharge. Please note that the implantation takes place within one day, while the brown discharge should be painless and stop in two days.

If you notice similar discharge in yourself, then in the coming days (before potential menstruation) it is advisable to limit physical activity, try not to be nervous and avoid stress, so that the egg has a better chance of successfully gaining a foothold in the uterus.

Mucous plug in the cervix

In late pregnancy, brown discharge is a precursor to childbirth. The mucous plug protects the pregnant woman's body from the penetration of infections and harmful substances. However, at the end of pregnancy, preparations for the birth of a child are in full swing, a lot of estrogen is produced, which softens the mucus and the plug comes out.

Where does the mucous plug come from? With the onset of pregnancy, the body tunes in to protect the embryo, for this special mucus is formed in the cervix, which seals the cervical canal. Now pathogenic organisms and infections cannot enter the uterus. Another task of the mucous plug is to stabilize the desired vaginal microflora and create an ideal environment for. Periodically, old cells are separated from the cork, which are excreted in the early stages in the form of brown secretions. The shade depends on the amount of the hormone and ranges from light brown to deep brown.

"Memory" of the female reproductive system

Sometimes a pregnant woman has brown discharge during the period corresponding to the beginning of her period. This is due to the low levels of what is also called the pregnancy hormone. It turns out that the body does not notice pregnancy and continues to live according to its usual schedule. On the one hand, this phenomenon does not pose a serious threat to the fetus, but a low level can be dangerous for pregnancy. Despite the fact that in some women, such discharge continues almost until the very birth, it is advisable to observe bed rest on these days or to show a minimum of physical activity. Depending on the level, the treatment of a pregnant woman can continue at a hospital.

Brown discharge during pregnancy - pathology of a woman's condition

Often brown discharge is pathological in nature, you should especially be alerted if the gasket has to be changed every hour, and the bleeding is accompanied by pain. In this case, immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself. Even insignificant odorless and painless discharge is a serious reason to consult a gynecologist - it is better to play it safe than to lose a child. Timely medicine increases the chances of maintaining pregnancy and re-conceiving.

It is very rare that a chromosomal malfunction occurs, as a result of which, instead of the placenta, connective tissue covered with vesicles is formed. This phenomenon is called "skid", it can be hollow or partial. With a partial drift, there are chances to save the pregnancy, because part of the placenta is formed normally, and with a complete one, the fetus dies at an early stage of development, so it is important to carry out curettage in time in order to preserve the possibility of re-conception. Symptoms of the pathology are brown discharge, dizziness, and abdominal pain.

Violation of attachment of the ovum

The ovum moves along the fallopian tubes with the help of special villi, and when it gets into the uterine cavity, it is fixed on the wall. However, mistakes happen, sometimes the hormonal system fails and the ovum takes a position near the pharynx of the uterus. While the embryo is small, the problem is invisible, however, as the fetus grows, the woman begins to develop pulling pains and brown discharge. Incorrect placement of the placenta in medical practice is called presentation and is characterized by a high risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Ectopic pregnancy

Usually, a fertilized egg passes through the fallopian tube and becomes anchored in the uterus, but sometimes the zygote is attached outside the uterus. It is almost impossible to determine this at the initial stage, because all signs of pregnancy are similar, and the test shows two strips. dangerous for a woman's life and makes further conception impossible. Diagnosed in time allows you to save the tube and get pregnant again.

Most often, with pathology, the egg is attached to the fallopian tube, and sometimes in the ovaries, cervix or abdominal cavity. Therefore, if severe abdominal pain occurs in combination with brown discharge, an urgent need to go to the hospital. On an ultrasound, the doctor will see where the egg is - if there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, the doctor carefully examines not only the uterus, but also all areas where the egg can be fixed. After that, an operation is performed to remove the embryo, if it is already large, it can rupture the tube, so you have to remove the embryo along with the tube.

Gynecological diseases

Brown discharge may indicate. Small ulcers form on the mucous membrane of the neck, which do not cause pain or discomfort, so a woman may not even be aware of the presence of erosion. Often, gynecological diseases develop against a background of hormonal imbalance, as a result, a woman cannot get pregnant or pregnancy passes with complications. may be associated with myoma or fibroids of the uterus, cervical canal. Please note that gynecological diseases can cause termination of pregnancy or missed pregnancy, therefore, if any brown discharge appears, a thorough examination should be carried out.

Sexual infections

Infectious diseases can also cause brown discharge. Specific symptoms appear, indicating the pathological nature of bleeding. It could be bad smell, itching, burning, or abdominal pain. During pregnancy, immunity decreases, and dormant microorganisms wake up or poorly healed old infections become aggravated. At the stage of pregnancy planning, it is advisable to undergo a routine examination and treat all diseases, because they are dangerous not only for the pregnant woman, but also for the fetus.

Detachment of a fertilized egg

Pregnancy is regulated by hormones, so hormonal imbalance can lead to fetal loss. For example, a deficiency leads to the fact that the egg cannot stay on the wall of the uterus and detachment of the zygote occurs, which is accompanied by dark brown or scarlet discharge (the vessels of the uterine mucosa are injured). If the discharge is accompanied by pain, then this indicates a threat of miscarriage.

Fading pregnancy

The risk of a frozen pregnancy is noted from conception to 28 weeks, but in the early stages it can be unnoticed for a long time. A frozen fetus causes general intoxication of the body, which has dangerous consequences. Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy can be brown discharge, loss of consciousness. The doctor can diagnose the pathology using an ultrasound scan, which shows the discrepancy between the size of the embryo and the absence of a heartbeat.

Erosion of the cervix and vaginal microtrauma

The vaginal mucosa during pregnancy becomes very vulnerable and easily injured, so a small brownish discharge may indicate damage to the vaginal mucosa. This can happen during intercourse or after an appointment with a gynecologist. Often, discharge appears when there is a polyp or.

Spontaneous miscarriage

One of the main signs of a spontaneous abortion is brown discharge. Miscarriage can occur up to due to gynecological diseases or problems with the genitourinary system, heavy physical exertion, hormonal imbalance, genetic disorders and rhesus conflict between the mother and the fetus. If a woman immediately asks for help, then the fetus can be saved, but if open bleeding begins, then there is no chance of maintaining the pregnancy.

What to do if brown discharge appears

Any vaginal discharge during pregnancy is a reason for contacting your doctor. If the discharge is accompanied by pain, nausea, loss of consciousness, you need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Small brown discharge in the early stages is due to many reasons, only a gynecologist can correctly interpret them. A woman should undergo the necessary examinations on time and not delay visiting a doctor if unusual situations arise. Modern medicine in most cases allows you to maintain a pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.

Motherhood is one of the main purposes of women. But the implementation of this noble mission is sometimes associated with many difficulties. One of these is brown discharge in early pregnancy. Their appearance very often suggests a serious danger to the well-being of the unborn baby. However, this is not always the case. We will talk about the causes and dangers of brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy in this article, considering the cases of women who have personally encountered a similar problem.

Causes of brown discharge during early pregnancy, not dangerous

There are several main reasons for brown discharge early in pregnancy.

Hormonal changes in the body

Olga, 27 years old: “Brown discharge appeared at the 3rd week of pregnancy. Light, but clearly visible that there is an admixture of blood. I was very scared. In private, she underwent an ultrasound scan - everything is within normal limits. The doctor who performed the examination suggested that a change in hormonal levels might have affected. What is the reason for the appearance of brown discharge at the 3rd week of pregnancy? "

Such secretion in the third week of pregnancy is not uncommon. The emergence of a new life entails large-scale changes within the female body, including at the hormonal level. These changes can also manifest themselves in the form of light brown discharge in early pregnancy. Violation of the ratio of hormones - their main cause.

They may appear shortly before the first delay. Such secretion does not have a repulsive odor, does not provoke itching and burning in the external genital area, and eventually disappears by itself.

Violetta, 25: “Pregnancy 4 weeks brown discharge. I went to the doctor and said: “Everything is fine. These are hormones. " But what kind of "excellent" can we talk about if there are traces of blood? Perhaps the doctor is incompetent? I used to visit someone else. "

An admixture of blood in small quantities at four weeks of pregnancy, in the absence of additional signs of trouble, may indeed indicate that the balance of hormones that is natural for a woman in a position has not yet been restored. The doctor's opinion can be trusted. If the secretion is short-lived, not abundant, painless, then you should not worry.

Implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus

Irina, 24 years old: “After the delay I did a test - two strips! I was very happy. But shortly before my period was supposed to start, I had (small), and in them streaks of blood. The next day, everything stopped. What does such a scanty brown discharge mean in the first weeks of the term? "

To understand the essence of the phenomenon, it should be remembered that about 8-10 days after fertilization, the egg moves along the fallopian tubes, and then becomes fixed in the uterine cavity. In this case, a violation of the integrity of the capillaries is possible, which is manifested by the dissemination of blood streaks in the natural secretion of the female genital glands. This phenomenon is short-lived and is not accompanied by pain or other unpleasant symptoms. May be brown, light brown or.

Abnormal periods in the first trimester of pregnancy

Svetlana, 20 years old: “Now I am in the twelfth week. The news of the unborn child came as a surprise. The fact is that my periods came on time, only they were not so abundant. In the second month (about 8 weeks), the situation repeated itself. When nausea began in the morning and fainting occurred at the institute, I had to go to the doctor. The news amazed me! Can menstruation go on in the first weeks of the term? "

This situation is not so unusual. Normally, the level of progesterone, a hormone responsible for preserving the fetus, increases significantly in a pregnant woman. If, for some reason, its concentration is insufficient, then brown stains are likely to appear, which can be mistaken for scanty menstruation.

Another reason for abnormal periods in pregnant women is the simultaneous maturation of multiple eggs. When one of them is fertilized, the second remains "free". The situation leads to the fact that simultaneously a large amount of hormones are synthesized, which are responsible for the preservation of a fertilized egg, and hormones that stimulate menstruation. If, for some reason, the latter take advantage, then brown discharge will appear during early pregnancy. At about 8 weeks (sometimes a little later), the situation returns to normal.

Svetlana, 27 years old: “Can your period go on if you are expecting a baby? I got brown discharge at 6 weeks gestation. Is that possible?"

If ovulation occurred closer to the end of the menstrual cycle, then the appearance of a discharge similar to that of menstruation is likely at 6 weeks. Brown discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy and later should alert - by this time, the balance of hormones characteristic of women in the position should be achieved.

Mechanical damage to the integrity of the mucosa

Gagina, 24 years old: “At week 9 I noticed beige ones. The doctor took an analysis with some kind of brush - maybe that's why? I drank papaverine at night, but the next day there were brown marks on the daily routine again. Today there was an ultrasound scan - there is no threat. Maybe the reason lies in the examination and taking the analysis? "

Most likely, the presence of brown discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy is associated with the collection of cytological analysis. Perhaps there was a mechanical damage to the superficial vessels, which caused the appearance of traces of blood. The absence of the threat of interruption only confirms this assumption. During the gestational period, blood flow to the pelvic organs increases, and the mucous membrane becomes more sensitive to microtrauma.

Pathological causes of brown discharge in the early stages

Risk of miscarriage

Olga, 23 years old: “Recently I found out that I am expecting a child. Today, after a walk, I noticed brown discharge at the 12th week of pregnancy. Before that, there was a slight daub on the seventh week, and then on the ninth, but I did not attach any importance to this, since everything went by itself. Now the discharge is brown, similar to menstruation both in appearance and in sensations (stomach aches, sips of the lower back, I feel broken). This is dangerous?"

Irina, 26 years old: “Are brown discharge at week 7 a threat of interruption? I went through a lot of stress - in the fifth week, while walking, I was attacked by a dog. At first I did not notice any changes, but yesterday I saw traces of brown color on the linen. Tightens the stomach a little. Can a stressful situation cause brown discharge at 7 weeks of gestation? "

Brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy is often a sign of a threatened miscarriage. They can have both moderate and quite abundant character, and a heterogeneous consistency with mucous inclusions. Additional symptoms of spontaneous interruption are: the presence of pain in the lower abdomen and sacral region, general malaise, weakness.

The causes of brown discharge at the beginning of pregnancy can be very diverse. This is a lack of progesterone, and an increased production of androgens, and the genetic pathology of the fetus, and the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs, including severe fear and stress.

Bubble drift

Anastasia, 25 years old: “I was. Did the test in the fourth week - positive. I didn’t go to the clinic right away, I decided to wait for the last weeks of the first trimester so that I could go to doctors less. But brown discharge appeared at 8 weeks of gestation. There were thoughts that it was menstruation, and the test cheated. I did another one - again, positively. I thought that at 8 weeks a mistake was hardly possible, and it became scary. I ran to the doctor, got tested, underwent an ultrasound scan and was stunned by the diagnosis - cystic drift. I remember with a shudder about further events: cleaning, analyzes, checks in the oncological dispensary. Well at least the oncology was not confirmed. My dream is to give birth to a healthy baby, I'm waiting for the doctor's permission. What symptoms and discharge should alert you? "

Bubble drift is a serious pathology that occurs in 1 in 1000 cases. The essence of the phenomenon lies in the fact that either a "defective" egg that does not contain a set of female chromosomes is fertilized, or a full-fledged egg is fertilized by two sperm at once. As a result, the chorion or villous membrane turns into multiple cysts, similar to a bunch of grapes. Basically, it is a tumor that can be either benign or malignant.

The symptoms of cystic drift are not always pronounced initially. Early toxicosis often develops, which is characterized by the presence of headaches, debilitating nausea and vomiting, and bouts of hypertension. The test is positive. With cystic drift, bleeding occurs in 95% of cases. Fragments that look like foam, mucus, or pus may appear in the blood mass.

Ectopic pregnancy

Maria, 23 years old: “Is it true that the performed fimbrioplasty creates a risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy? What symptoms should alert you? "

Olga, 32 years old: “It took a long time to conceive - adhesions in the pipes. She was treated for several years. Now is the sixth day of the delay. The test confirmed the onset of conception. I heard that the adhesion process creates the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy. Is it so? How does this pathology manifest itself? "

Ectopic pregnancy is another threat to potential motherhood. The essence of the phenomenon is the abnormal fixation of the ovum, when, instead of the wall of the uterus, it is localized in the ovary, tubes, abdominal cavity or cervix. All danger is associated with a natural increase in the ovum, which can lead to rupture of an organ (usually a tube) with subsequent extensive bleeding.

The reasons for the development of the anomaly can be varied. Most often they are associated either with a disruption in the functioning of the egg or sperm, or with a violation of the transport capacity of the fallopian tubes. Fibrioplasty, like the presence of an adhesive process, is one of the risk factors for the development of ectopic anchorage.

Initially, an ectopic pregnancy proceeds in a similar way to a normal pregnancy. Symptoms can be expressed by pain in the side where the ovum is implanted, pulling sensations in the sacrum and a dark brown bloody secretion. These first signs may appear around the 6th week of pregnancy. Their intensity can be different - it depends on the time, place of implantation, individual characteristics of the woman's body.

In some cases, the ovum is rejected on its own, which is manifested by dark secretions and moderate pain syndrome. And sometimes there is an organ rupture and abdominal bleeding, accompanied by a fall in blood pressure, a deterioration in general condition, acute pain radiating to the hypochondrium and interscapular region. This can happen in the fifth or eighth week of pregnancy.

Brown discharge in the fifth week of pregnancy, accompanied by pain, should already alert, because the ectopic localization of the ovum poses a huge danger to a woman's health.

Inflammation and STDs

Irina, 30 years old: “At 10 weeks of pregnancy, I noticed unpleasant symptoms: intolerable itching, urination with pain. At first I thought that there might be cystitis or "thrush", but discharge appeared at the 11th week of pregnancy - pale brown, mixed with opaque yellow mucus (like pus). Some disgusting smell appeared. It doesn't get any better yet. What could it be?"

Erosion of the cervix is ​​diagnosed in every second woman, and expectant mothers are no exception. In the photo, you can see how an eroded neck might look. Indeed, during pregnancy, the light brown color of the secret may indicate this disease. Sometimes mucus can be seen in it. This ailment does not provoke painful sensations until the inflammatory process joins it. Erosion can also cause throughout the entire period.

Irina, 32 years old: “Can brown discharge at the 10th week of pregnancy appear due to erosion? I noticed that after sex the ichor appears. "

With erosion, sexual contact can provoke the appearance of light brown discharge at 10 weeks of gestation, as, indeed, at any other period. Their cause is mechanical damage to the epithelium of the affected area. In the presence of this ailment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since erosion, which begins to bleed, should not be ignored and treated.

Brown discharge in the first trimester: what to do?

During pregnancy, discharge that differs in color and consistency from ordinary leucorrhoea requires mandatory medical attention. The first trimester is the time when all organs and systems of the unborn baby are being laid. Care should be taken to add painful sensations in the abdomen. Together, these symptoms can signal a serious hazard. In no case should you engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. Only with the help of a specialist can you understand the causes of suspicious secretion and take appropriate measures.