Beautiful Japanese sayings. Theme: Sayings of Japanese philosophers and samurai

And we would like to coincide with this holiday a hundred "pearls of thought" from the land of the rising sun, which reflected the philosophy of the nation, its spirit, moral principles and life experience.

1. It’s not scary to retreat, it’s scary not to continue the fight.

2. From blind devotion not far to infidelity.

3. Money makes people strangers.

4. Both good and evil are in your heart.

5. In big things, small flaws are not considered.

6. Don't do what needs to be hidden.

7. Who can swim, he can drown.

8. Consider every stranger a thief.

9. Peppers have at least small grains, but they are very sharp.

10. And the master sometimes makes mistakes.

11. Do not spit up.

12. Even the face of the Buddha shines with money.

14. Where there is no fire, smoke does not rise.

15. And a sage from a thousand times, let him make a mistake once.

16. The neighbor's flowers are redder.

17. Worries are poison to health.

18. Easy to answer, but hard to lift.

19. Go the usual way in an unusual way.

20. Taking advantage of the chaos, look after your own interests.

21. As the master, so are the servants.

22. Every year you get older and smarter.

23. Take advantage of the loss.

24. Truthful speeches are not beautiful, beautiful speeches are not truthful.

25. Life to live - what a long way to go with a load on your back.

26. Without flaws - seven bad habits, and when they are, then - forty-eight.

27. Pride is hidden behind excessive modesty.

28. A trifle after a thief.

29. A man is still a boy at forty and fifty years old.

30. As long as there is life, there is hope.

31. Not only did you fall, they will also step on you.

32. If skillfully handled, both a fool and blunt scissors can come in handy.

33. Set sail with your talent.

34. In friendship, also know the limit.

35. Money is the enemy.

36. Woe is everywhere, like the wind in the pines.

37. And a round egg can be cut so that it becomes square.

38. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

39. Strangers come to feast, their own to mourn.

40. Talking is easy - doing is difficult.

41. There is a fire nearby, and he warms his hands.

42. Easy to say, hard to do.

43. Enough for every day of his care.

44. Friends in misfortune pity each other.

45. There is no place like home.

46. ​​The greatest treasure in the world is children.

47. A person does well what he loves.

48. Pathetic apology after a gross mistake.

49. Better one cry of a crane than a thousand chirps of a sparrow.

50. A monkey and that one falls from a tree.

51. The ship on which he boarded will not turn back.

52. Hungry wolf - guard the kitchen.

53. I needed it - they made it a tiger, the need passed - they turned it into a mouse.

54. Waiting is always long.

55. When violence comes into the yard, justice leaves.

56. Better at least late than not to do it.

57. Getting up early is equal to the three virtues.

58. He is such that he will crawl from eye to nose.

59. To lend money to a friend is to lose him.

60. Sincerity is a precious quality of a person.

61. And a simple matter can be confused.

62. Meekness often breaks strength.

63. Don't make decisions after hearing only one side.

64. After the victory, tighten the helmet straps.

65. The one who smells bad does not feel it himself.

66. Check seven times before you doubt a person.

67. He who loves people lives long.

68. Better to be an enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad one.

69. With those who praise you, be careful.

70. Exactly in the bullseye.

71. Water takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured, and a person receives good or evil from his friends.

72. Silence is a wonderful flower.

73. Unhappiness and happiness are intertwined like fibers in a rope.

74. Of vices, the greatest is debauchery; of virtues, the highest is filial duty.

75. Even a thief takes ten years to learn.

76. Time does not wait for a person.

77. It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.

78. Cheap to buy - money to lose.

79. Whoever is in a hurry will not become a master.

80. Great talents ripen slowly.

81 One person cannot rule the world, the world belongs to everyone.

82. Do not be afraid to bend a little, straighten up straighter.

83. A naked man has nothing to lose.

84. Pampering a child is like leaving him.

85. A woman wants to - she will pass through the rock.

86. Your anger is your enemy.

87. A horse is recognized in riding, a person in communication.

88. God lives in an honest heart.

89. The endurance of a horse is learned along the way, the temper of a person - over time.

90. Vouch for money, never for a person.

91. They give birth to a body, but not a character.

92. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine; who does not drink, he does not know about its benefits.

93. Where there is no sense of duty and the human eye, everything is possible there.

94. A person's appearance is deceptive.

95. If you want to know yourself, ask others.

96. Treat an old man like a father.

97. If you want to know a person, get to know his friends.

98. Who is poor is stupid.

99. Money clings to money.

100. Ear ripens - bows its head; a person gets rich - he lifts his head.

Among the sayings inscribed on the wall of Mr. Naoshige's room was this:



They had gone about two hundred paces when Ungo turned and called after them, “I have broken the commandment against lying. I was so confused and forgot that there was one bar of silver in my wallet. I sincerely regret that I said that I have nothing. Here it is, so please take it.” This made such a strong impression on the mountain robbers that they cut off their hair on the spot and became his disciples.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

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Among the sayings inscribed on the wall of Mr. Naoshige's room was this:
“Matters of great importance should be taken lightly.” Mr. Ittei remarked on this occasion: "Things of little importance should be taken seriously."

“It is not good to be satisfied with the understanding reached. The one who makes the effort is mistaken, gets some idea and stops there. First you need to make great efforts so that there is no doubt that you have mastered the basics; then work hard so that they bear fruit - and this process does not stop throughout your life. Do not rely on the degree of understanding that has been revealed to you. Just keep repeating to yourself, "It's not enough." (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Throughout your life, move forward every day, becoming more skillful than yesterday, more skillful than today. This Path never ends.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“If you can understand one thing, you will understand eight.” (Yamamoto Jinemon).

“Today, when young samurai get together, they only talk about money matters, profit and loss, secret styles of dress, or love affairs. ... What heights could a person reach if he did not have arrogance regarding his place in society! (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

How terrible it is that today's young people are prudent and so proud of their possessions. People with calculating hearts lack a sense of duty. And one who does not have a sense of duty does not respect himself.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“As for the arts, often students do not take over the good qualities of their teacher, but take only the bad from him. It is not good to do so. There are people who have good manners but lack sincerity. When imitating such people, it is very easy not to pay attention to their politeness and to adopt only a lack of sincerity. And if a person comprehends someone's good sides, he will have a model from which everything can be learned. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Sometimes it happens that we have to turn to someone with a request. If this is done repeatedly, it turns into importunity towards this person and your behavior may seem tactless. If you need to do something, the best thing to do is to do it yourself.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

Lord Yagyu is said to have once remarked, "I don't know how to defeat others, but only how to defeat myself."

“In China, there was once a man who liked dragons, and all his clothes and furnishings in the house were decorated with their images. His deep fascination with these creatures became known to the dragon god, and one day a real dragon appeared in front of this man's window. It is said that this man died of fear. He was probably one of those people who loudly say one thing, but when it comes down to it, they do something completely different. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“When you listen to someone’s story or when they talk to you, make sure not to get into a mess, and if you hear something that you don’t agree with, express your opinion, point out to the interlocutor his mistake and put everything in its place . Even in trifling matters, mistakes occur because of small things. This should be remembered. In addition, it is better not to make acquaintances with people who do not inspire confidence. Such people will definitely take you at your word or deceive you. To prevent this from happening, you need to have a lot of experience.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Usually, in order to have a proper appearance, it is enough to look in the mirror and take care of yourself. This is very important. Most people look bad because they don't look in the mirror often enough." (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“They say that if you make a mistake, you should immediately correct it without hesitation. If you fix it without the slightest delay. Then soon you will stop making such mistakes. But if you try to hide a mistake, it will be even more conspicuous and harmful.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“When Mr. Naoshige was passing through a place called Chiriku, someone said to him: “A man who is over ninety years old lives here. Since this person is so lucky, why don’t we stop by and visit him?” Naoshige listened to these words and said, “Is there anyone else who deserves more pity than this person? How many children and grandchildren do you think he had to bury over the years? Where is the luck here?
It seems that he did not stop by to visit this person.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“The saying goes: “If you want to look into a person’s heart, get sick.” When you are sick or in trouble, many of your friends or acquaintances will turn their backs on you. If a person falls ill or finds himself in cramped circumstances, you should definitely find out how he is doing by visiting in person or sending some kind of gift. And never in your life should you forget who did you a favor.
You can judge by such things how other people treat you. There are many such people in this world who rely on others when they themselves find themselves in a difficult situation, and then do not even remember them. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“By the trials that fate arranges for a person, it is impossible to determine whether a person is good or bad. Success and failure depend on fate. Good and bad deeds are the Way of man. The recompense for good and evil is simply morality, meant to educate morality.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“... the fact that when strange natural phenomena happen, something bad always happens in the world, is explained by the fact that people see something like fluttering clouds and think that this portends something. The mystery arises in their minds, and because they expect trouble, it is their mind that creates it.
A riddle is always generated by a word flying from the tongue.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Prudent people are worthy of contempt. After all, calculations are always connected with calculations of profits and losses, and a prudent person measures everything from this point of view. Death is considered loss and life is considered gain. Thus, death for such a person is something unnecessary, and he is worthy of contempt.
In addition, people of science and the like hide their cowardice and greed behind witty and smooth speeches. People often underestimate this.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“To think about what you cannot achieve, what the masters have achieved, is to show sluggishness of spirit. Masters are people. You are human too. If you think that you cannot achieve something, then you will not achieve anything.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

Mr. Ittei said: “Confucius was a sage because from the age of fifteen he aspired to become a scholar. He was a sage not at all because he studied later.” This is the same as the Buddhist saying: "First - intention, then - enlightenment."

“A man who lacks wisdom scolds his time. This is where all the trouble comes from. A person who speaks with restraint will be useful in good times and escape punishment in bad.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Nothing is impossible. If a person shows determination, he can move heaven and earth at will. But because people are indecisive, they cannot dare to do so. To easily move heaven and earth, you just need to concentrate.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Older infirmity is manifested in the fact that a person does only what he is most inclined to do. A person is able to resist this desire while there is still strength in him, but when he weakens, he cannot control his nature and shamefully yields to it. This manifests itself in different ways, but there are no people who, by the age of sixty, would not succumb to senile debility. When a person thinks that he will not grow old, it means that he is already an old man.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“If a person's determination is great, then he will not be disappointed if the result differs in details from what he expected. But for the most part, it's the little things that matter. The correctness and incorrectness of the approach is manifested in the details.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“When I was young, I kept a diary of failures and tried to write down my mistakes in it every day, but time passed, and still there was not a day when I did not make twenty or thirty entries. Since there was no end in sight, I stopped doing it. Even today, when, before going to bed. I think about what happened during the day, there is not a day that I do not make a mistake in a conversation or in any business. It is truly impossible to live without mistakes. But people who live by their own mind do not want to think about it.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“The master took the book out of the case. When he opened it, the room was filled with the scent of dry cloves.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

Mr. Ieyasu said: “In order for peace and harmony to reign in the country, it is necessary to manage the country from a position of compassion, because when a person thinks of the people as his children, the people think of him as their parent.”

Priest Tannen said, “A clever servant does not aspire to a higher position. However, I do not know of such cases of stupid people being promoted.”

Mr. Ittei said: “If you asked me what it is to do well, then in a nutshell, I would answer that it means to endure suffering. When a person does not know how to endure, it is in any case bad.”

“The elders believe that a samurai must show exceptional perseverance. If you show moderation, then your actions may later be considered insufficient. I've heard that when a person thinks they've gone too far, they've actually done it right. This rule should not be forgotten.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“If a person does not act decisively and quickly in serious matters that concern himself, he will not succeed. When you ask for advice from others, they often do not take your affairs seriously or indulge in theoretical reasoning. At such times, you should rely on your own judgment.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Mr. Naoshige said: “The merits and demerits of ancestors can be judged by the behavior of their descendants.” A person should act in such a way that the good qualities of his ancestor are manifested, but not the bad ones. This is the respect for the ancestors.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

Mr. Sanenori once said, “As for things that we do not understand, they can be understood. There are still things that we understand right away, and still things that we cannot understand, no matter how hard we try. This is interesting".

“They say that a samurai should try not to abuse sake, to avoid excessive pride and luxury. If you are unhappy, then there is nothing to worry about, but if you are in a good mood, these three things become dangerous. See how people behave. When things are going well, it is unworthy of a person to boast of his wealth and throw money around. Therefore, it is better when a person in his youth encounters the injustice of fate, because if he does not experience difficulties, his character will not be established. From the one who, faced with difficulties, gives up, there will be no benefit. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Regardless of whether people are born high or low, rich or poor, old or young, wise in life or inexperienced, they all have in common the fact that one day they will die. We know for sure that someday we will die, but we still try to grasp at straws. Knowing that we will die, we at the same time think that everyone else will die before us and that we will be the last to leave. Death seems far away.
Aren't these small thoughts? They are useless and like a joke in a dream. It is not good to think in this way and remain careless. Since death is always at your doorstep, you should make ample effort and not hesitate.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Human life is truly short. It's better to live it by doing the things you enjoy. The world is a dream, and it is foolish to live in this dream, seeing unpleasant things and doing only what you don’t like.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Shame in a person's chest is like water in a standing vessel. If the vessel is knocked over, the water will pour out. So does repentance. When one man confessed to my friend that he had stolen the decoration from his sword, he felt compassion. If a person corrects his mistakes, their traces will soon disappear.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“According to the Buddhist priest Kayon, when a person comes to a little understanding, he is overwhelmed with pride, thinking that he has known his limits and his weaknesses. However, it is difficult to actually know the limits of one's own capabilities and weaknesses. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Greed, anger and stupidity are things that are easy to recognize. If some bad events happen in the world, then, if you think carefully, it turns out that they are based on the same three vices. If you pay attention to good events, then you can notice the presence of wisdom, humanity and courage in them. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“The one who considers the surrounding world as a dream does well. If you have a nightmare, you will wake up and tell yourself that it was just a dream. They say that the world we live in is no different from a dream.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“When you go to someone for a conversation or other similar business, it is better to warn the person in advance. It is embarrassing to come to a person not knowing whether he is busy or free, or when he has some special worries. There is nothing worse than showing up unannounced. Good friends are rare. Even if you are invited, you should be delicate and attentive. People are different, and some of them are very touchy. Often there are times when a person, being away, makes a mistake.
At the same time, even if you are busy, you should not be harsh with the person who came to visit you. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“The late Nakano Kazuma said that the original purpose of the tea ceremony was to purify the five senses. A hanging scroll and ikebana were intended for the eyes. For the nose - smoking sticks. For the ears - the sound of boiling water. For the mouth - the taste of tea. And for the palms and feet - the correctness of the form. When the five senses are purified in this way, the mind is also purified. The tea ceremony will clear the mind when it is stagnant.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“When close friends, associates or people who owe you something have done something wrong, you should point them out in private and stand up for them before others. It should be done so that his bad reputation is forgotten, and he should be praised as an unsurpassed comrade-in-arms and one person out of a thousand. If you reprimand a person in private and he understands, his defect will be corrected and he will become good. If you praise a person, people's hearts will change and the bad reputation will disappear on its own. It is important to strive to approach all issues from a position of compassion and to do the right thing.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“A certain person said the following. There are two varieties of character: external and internal, and a person who lacks one or the other is worth nothing. This is, for example, like a sword blade, which should be well sharpened and then sheathed, from time to time taking it out and frowning eyebrows, as before a fight, wiping the blade and then putting it back into the sheath.
If the sword is constantly drawn, then the person will brandish it; people will be afraid to approach him, and he will have no allies.
If the sword is constantly sheathed, it will rust, the blade will become dull, and people will think accordingly of its owner.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“It is impossible to achieve anything with the help of the mind alone. It is necessary to look at things broadly, It is not good to jump to conclusions about good and evil. However, you shouldn't be stupid either. They say that if a person is not able to make quick decisions and not back down until he gets his way, then he is not a real samurai.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“When you listen to the stories of accomplished people and their like, you should listen with deep attention, even if they are talking about things you already know. If, after hearing a story for the tenth or twentieth time, you suddenly understand something new for yourself, then this will be the moment of truth. In the monotonous stories of old people their great deeds are hidden. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Lord Katsushige used to say that there are four kinds of servants. They are “first fast, then slow”, “constantly fast”, “slow then fast”, and “constantly slow”.
“Constantly quick” are those who, when given an order, carry it out quickly, and do it well.
“Slow, then fast” are those who, when given an order, do not quite understand how to carry it out, but quickly find a solution and bring the matter to an end.
“Quick, then slow” are those who, after receiving an order, seem to be immediately going to fulfill it, but then they begin to think and delay the execution all the time. There are many such people.
As for all the rest, we can say that they are “constantly slow”. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

Sida Kitinosuke said: “At first it is very difficult to run until you are exhausted. But on the other hand, you get an exceptionally good feeling when you stop after finishing your run. An even better feeling comes when you sit down. It's even better when you lie down. Better yet, lay down a pillow and sleep well. The whole life of a person should be like this. Putting in a lot of effort when you're young, and then sleeping when you're old or you feel death approaching, that's the way it should be. But first sleep, and then make an effort ... To be exhausted all your life and end it in hard work is deplorable.

“Once, when Nabeshima Aki-no-kami Shigetake sat down to dinner and ate exactly half of the dishes served, a guest unexpectedly came to him, and he left a tray of food on the table. Later, one of his servants sat down at the table and began to eat the fried fish that lay on the tray. Just at that moment Mr. Aki returned and saw him; the servant was confused and ran away. Mr. Aki shouted after him: “What kind of despicable slave are you if you eat what someone else has already eaten!” after which he sat down and ate what was left. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

Ikuno Oribe said: “If a servant thinks carefully about what he has to do during the coming day, he can do everything. If it's a day job, it can be handled. Tomorrow is also just one day.”

“One person said: “If in such a case as revenge, you wait for the consent of the others, you will never bring it to its logical conclusion. You need to be ready to act alone and even die at the hands of the offender. A person who screams about the need for revenge, but does nothing for this, is a hypocrite. Smart people care about their reputation using only the power of their words. But a real man goes to work silently, without consulting anyone, and accepts death. In this case, there is no need to achieve your goal; a person shows his qualities already by the fact that he dies in battle. And such a person, most likely, will achieve his goal. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Horie Sanemon's offense was that he robbed the Nabeshima clan's warehouse in Edo, taking all the money stored there, and fled to another province. He was caught and he confessed. The following sentence was then announced: “Since this is a serious crime, he will be tortured to death,” and Nakano Daigaku was assigned to supervise the execution of the sentence. First, Sanemon had all of his body hair burned and his nails pulled out. Then his tendons were cut, holes were drilled in his body, and he was subjected to various other tortures. During the entire execution, he never grimaced, and even his face did not change color. In the end, his back was broken, boiled in soy sauce, and his body was folded in half, bending backwards. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Nagayama Rokurozaemon traveled through Tokaido and was not far from Hamamatsu. As he passed the inn, a beggar stood in front of his palanquin and said, “I am a ronin* from Echigo. I have no money for the road, and I am in a cramped position. We are both warriors. Please help me".
Rokurozaemon became angry and said, “It is impolite to mention that we are both warriors. If I were in your position, I would cut my stomach open. Rather than talking about the fact that you do not have enough money for the road, and incurring disgrace on yourself, it is better to open your stomach without leaving this place!” They say the beggar went his own way.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo). (* Ronin - a samurai dismissed from service or lost his master).

“On New Year's Day, the third year of Keicho in Korea, a battle was to take place in the area known as Yeolsan. When the Ming troops, numbering many hundreds of thousands, lined up on the battlefield, the Japanese warriors were amazed and looked at them with bated breath. Then Mr. Naoshige said, “Wow. What a huge number of people! I wonder how many hundreds of thousands are here?”
Jin'emon replied, "In Japan, when describing something innumerable, we say, 'As many as there are hairs in a three-year-old calf's coat.' There must be as many of them as there are hairs in the fur of a three-year-old calf!” Everyone is said to have laughed and cheered up again.
Later, when Mr. Katsushige was hunting on Mount Shiroishi, he told Nakano Matabei about it. “Except your father, who said it, there was no one who would say a word.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

Nakano Jinemon often said: “A person who serves his master when he treats him with kindness is not a servant. But one who serves when the master is heartless and unwise is a real servant. You should understand this difference well.”

“When Yamamota Jinemon was eighty years old, he fell ill. Someone noticed that he seemed to want to moan and said to him, “You will feel better if you moan. Don't hold back." But Jin'emon replied, “That's not the point. The name of Yamamoto Jinemon is known to everyone, and in all my life I have not done a single thing for which I would later be ashamed. It is not good for people to hear my groans when my life comes to an end.” They say that until his death, he did not utter a single groan. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

"A certain man said, 'I know the form of Common Sense and the form of Woman.' When asked about this, he replied: “Common sense is quadrangular and will not budge no matter what happens. The woman is round. It can be said that she does not distinguish between good and evil, does not see the difference between right and wrong, and no one knows where she can go.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“When Fukahori Magoraku was still dependent on his father, one day he went hunting in Fukahori, and his servant, mistaking him in a dark bush for a wild boar, fired a gun and wounded him in the knee, which caused Magaroku to fall from a large height. The servant, terribly upset, undressed to the waist and was about to commit *seppuku. Magoroku said: “You can cut your stomach open and then. I don't feel well, so bring me some water so I can drink." The servant rushed to look for water for his master, brought it, and during this time he calmed down a little. After that, he was about to commit seppuku again, but Magoroku stopped him again. Upon returning home, Magoroku asked his father, Kanzaemon, to forgive the servant.
Kanzaemon said to the servant, “It was an unforeseen mistake, so don't worry. In such a situation, there is no need to take your own life. Continue calmly doing your duty.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo). (* Seppuku is suicide by ripping open the abdomen. This ceremony had many varieties, and its procedure underwent changes in different periods.).

Among the sayings of the priest Bankei there is this: “Do not borrow strength from another, do not rely on your own strength; discard thoughts of the past and future and do not live with everyday worries ... then the Great Way is open before you.

“Mr. Soma's genealogy book, called Chiken morokashi, was considered the oldest in Japan. Once there was a fire in his palace, and soon it was all in flames. Mr. Soma said, looking at the burning house, “I have no regrets about the house and all its furnishings, even if they burn to the ground, because these are things that can be replaced later. My only regret is that I could not endure the genealogy book, which is my family's most precious treasure."
Among those who were in his service, there was one samurai who said: "I will go and save her." Lord Soma and everyone else laughed and said, “The house is already on fire. How are you going to endure?”
This man was never very eloquent, he did not bring any special benefit, but since he was a man who did everything to the end, he was appointed one of the master's personal servants. At that moment, he said: “I have never been useful to my master, because I did not have time to keep track of everything, but I lived with the conviction that one day my life would be useful to him. It looks like that time has come.” And he jumped into the fire.
After the fire was extinguished, the master said: “Look for his remains. What a pity!"
They searched everything and found his charred corpse in the garden adjacent to the living quarters. When he was turned over, blood poured from his stomach. This man cut open his stomach and put the book inside, and it was completely unharmed. From that moment on, it became known as the Bloodline.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

“Hirano Gonbei was one of the Warriors of the Seven Spears who attacked the enemy at the Battle of Shizugadake and took the high ground. Subsequently, he was invited to become one of Mr. Ieyasu's *hatamoto. Once, when Mr. Hosokawa received him at his home, he said the following about him: “Mr. Gongbei's courage is not a secret in Japan. It is truly a pity that such a brave man should be placed in such a low position as the one you now occupy. If you were my servant, I would give you half of my possessions.” Without giving any answer, Gongbei suddenly stood up, walked out onto the veranda, turned to face the house, and urinated. Then he said, "If I were the master's servant, I would never be able to urinate here." (Yamamoto Tsunetomo). (* Hatamoto - during the Edo period (1603-1668) samurai coming under the direct command of the shogun).

“One night, when the priest Ungo of Matsushima was walking through the mountains, he was attacked by mountain robbers. Ungo said, “I am a man from this area, not a pilgrim. I have no money at all, but you can take my clothes if you like. Please let me live."
The robbers said, “Well, our labors have been in vain. We are not interested in clothes” – and let’s move on.
They had gone about two hundred paces when Ungo turned and called after them, “I have broken the commandment against lying. I was so confused and forgot that there was one bar of silver in my wallet. I sincerely regret that I said that I have nothing. Here it is, so please take it.” This made such a strong impression on the mountain robbers that they cut off their hair on the spot and became his disciples.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

  • “Mr. Naoshige said this:















    "An open heart does not know greed, and the absence of greed will help in the future life. It is necessary to have the ability to penetrate deeply into the essence of this world of dreams, which disappears in the blink of an eye." (Hojo Shigetoki).

    00:40 25.11.2011 Registration: 24.01.2011 Gender:

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    “Mr. Naoshige said this:
    “There is something that every young samurai should pay attention to. In times of peace, when listening to battle stories, one should never ask, “What would I do if I found myself in this situation?” Such questions should not arise at all. How can a person who is overcome by doubts even when he is in his own room, show himself worthy on the battlefield?”
    There is an expression that sounds like this: “Whatever the circumstances, you should only think about victory, you need your spear to be the first to pierce the body of the enemy.” If you keep guessing, then when the situation starts to develop differently than you planned, it will be impossible to do anything, even if you are ready to risk your life. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “Nothing causes us more suffering than regret. We would all rather not have it. However, when we are very happy and enthusiastic, or when we do something rash, we get upset later on. This happens mainly because we acted without thinking, and now we feel regret. Undoubtedly, we should try not to sink into sadness and despondency, and when we are overcome by strong happiness, we should calm our minds. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    Yamamoto Jin'emon taught thus:
    “Think only of the goal and nothing will be impossible for you.
    Tie even fried chicken.
    A person who scolds you right in the eyes will not commit meanness.
    A man's life is short, but his name is eternal.
    To find money, you just have to ask.
    It's not easy to find a good person.
    Asking when you already know is polite. Asking when you don't know is the rule.
    Wrap your intentions in pine needles.”

    “One of the principles of the art of war is that you just need to forget about yourself and attack. If your opponent does the same, then he is a worthy opponent. Victory over him depends on the will of providence and your own determination. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “Matsudaira Izu-no-kami said to Mr. Mizuno Kenmotsu: “You are such a useful person, what a pity that you are so small in stature.”
    Kenmotsu replied, “That's right. Our desires do not always coincide with reality. Now, if I cut off your head and attached it to the soles of my feet, I would be taller, but this is something that cannot be done. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “A certain person was passing through Yae City when he suddenly got a stomach ache. He stopped near a house and asked permission to use the facilities. There was only one young woman in the house, but she took him to the back of the house, where there is a latrine. Just as he was taking off the *hakama and was about to do his thing, the woman's husband came home and accused them both of adultery. In the end, this story became public, and it was submitted to the court for consideration.
    Mr. Naoshige listened to the case and said, “Even if there was no actual adultery, the mere fact that this man dropped his pants without thinking in the presence of a woman, and the woman allowed him to do so in the absence of her husband, can be equated with adultery.” They say that for this act they were both sentenced to death.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo). (* Hakama - trousers with wide, flared legs on the sides).

    “When assessing the power of the fortifications of an enemy castle, one should remember the following words: “Through the foggy haze, the mountains seem distant and inaccessible in spring. The rain will fall, and you will see them in the light of a clear day.” Upon closer examination, it turns out that an impregnable fortress has its weak points.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “Among the servants of Takeda Shingen were people of unsurpassed courage, but when Katsuyori died at the Battle of Tenmokuzan, they all fled the battlefield. However, Tsuchiya Sozo, a warrior who had been out of favor for many years, came out alone against everyone and said: “I wonder where all those people who spoke so bravely every day? I will repay my master for the favor he showed me.” And he fell in battle, fighting alone.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “You should be calm about what parents say, even if what they say is wrong.” (Hojo Shigetoki).

    “If you achieve a high position at a young age, then you will make enemies for yourself, and then all your efforts will meet with resistance. If you gradually gain a position in society, then people will become your allies, and happiness will be provided to you.
    Ultimately. As long as people treat you well, nothing threatens you. It is said that the greatest success is achieved by the one whose aspirations are supported by others.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “In the desire to obey common sense lies a mistake, and in a mistake lies common sense. This needs to be well understood.
    An error within common sense is when someone is so confident in the presence of common sense and that he is right that he tries to impose his opinion, but not to the detriment of himself, but with a potential threat to the life of another person. This is the fallacy of common sense.
    Common sense inside a mistake is when a person is on the verge of death, and someone comes to his aid, not thinking about the thousands of possible mistakes and negative consequences. Therein lies the common sense within the error.” (Hojo Shigetoki).

    “It is truly pitiable when a person treats someone who is of interest to him well, and badly to someone who is not of interest to him. Even dogs and beasts rejoice and wag their tail when someone treats them well, or they bark and run away from those who treat them rudely.
    The value of being born as a human is - and this applies, of course, to those who treat us well - that if you are kind to those who treat you badly, then even they can change their attitude. And even if they do not, then you will gain the love of the gods and the Buddha, and those who see and hear about your deeds will praise you.” (Hojo Shigetoki).

    “If you lose at gambling, pay it off quickly. When you win, don't pick on the loser. Don't bet on the outcome of a gambling game." (Hojo Shigetoki).

    “When choosing one of several corrupt women, take one who is unattractive and not very well dressed. A man will fall in love with a beautiful girl, and an ugly girl will be left without a partner. Moreover, if you choose an ugly girl, your heart will not be hurt, as it will be just for one night. And she'll probably enjoy it too." (Hojo Shigetoki).

    “Even in jest, one should not talk about the mistakes and shortcomings of others. For what may seem like a joke to you may confuse others, and this is a very big mistake. If you really joke, then joke about what is funny to everyone. In everything, restraint and benevolence should be shown.” (Hojo Shigetoki).

    "Perceptive people are to be found only among those who have a penchant for reflection." (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    “The character of the person and the depth of the mind can be seen by behavior. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that even fences and walls have eyes, and not to lose vigilance even alone with oneself. (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    “All the statements of your parents are important. Even the ones you previously found annoying or completely unacceptable. Rather than imitate the good qualities of others, imitate your imperfect parents. This alone will contribute to the continuation of the traditions of the clan and provide a better life for your descendants.” (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    “It is regrettable when a person called to do good in the world egoistically complains about his position and believes that it can be changed by force. Having been born as a human, one should swear to surpass everyone, helping people, giving everything of oneself for the sake of others, and it is in this that one finds joy until the end of one's days. (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    “Of course, one cannot act thoughtlessly, to the detriment of another person, to have an excessive passion for things, or to be friends with useless or trashy people. Human nature lies in the fact that it is difficult to learn good things, and it is easy to get used to bad things, and therefore people gradually become like those who surround them. This is my deepest personal conviction.” (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    “If a person often loses his temper, then there is nothing more humiliating. No matter how angry you are, the first thing you should think about is to calm your mind and try to properly understand the situation that has arisen. And only when the truth is on your side, your anger will be justified. (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    "In this changing world, our path is the path of discipline." (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    “Even during a battle that is obviously unwinnable, you must perk up and be decisive, so that no one can surpass you in inflexibility. It is necessary to try to be a support for others and in every possible way instill confidence in them. (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    “Do your best to become educated and well-mannered people and take care of yourself.” (Shiba Yoshimasa).

    “No matter how friendly you are with any person, do not talk to him about battles if he was born a coward.” (Hojo Shigetoki).

    “One should not seek to avoid the upcoming battle just because of its great importance. However, one should not insist on a battle that can be avoided because of its secondary importance. (Hojo Shigetoki).

    “Like water taking the shape of the vessel in which it is poured, a person repeats the good and bad features of his comrades.” (Imagawa Sadayo (Ryoshun)).

    From the rules of Imagawa Sadayo (Ryoshun):
    “It is forbidden to be lenient with pets and forgive a person who has committed a serious crime.
    It is forbidden to destroy other people's relationships and take pleasure in other people's suffering.
    It is forbidden to be careless about your financial situation and live beyond your means, or vice versa - spend too little.
    It is forbidden to show disrespect to wise vassals, preferring flatterers, and be guided in their actions by such views.
    One should not envy one who has become rich in unrighteous deeds, nor should one be treated with contempt for one who has strayed from the path of righteousness.
    It is forbidden to indulge in drunkenness, reckless revelry and gambling, forgetting about your family duty.
    It is forbidden to boast of your mind and make fun of others for any reason.
    When a guest comes to you, it is forbidden to pretend to be sick in order to avoid meeting him.
    Any excesses in clothing and armor are prohibited if your vassals are poorly dressed.

    “Even having learned all the sayings of the sages and saints, one should not stubbornly cling to them.” (Asakura Toshikage).

    “If a person who serves dishonestly and a person who serves well are treated equally, then a person who serves well may, in the end, think: why do I need all this?” (Asakura Toshikage).

    From "Twenty-One Rules" by Hojo Nagauji (Suna):
    “Treat what exists as what is, and what does not exist as what is not, and accept things as they are.
    It is not good to strive to ensure that your sword and your clothes are not worse than others. You just have to try not to look ugly. If you borrow money and run after things you don't have, while accumulating debt, you will be despised.
    Even if you intend to stay at home all day due to illness or personal business, take care of your hair anyway, not to mention those cases when you are going to leave for your duties. Appearing in public in a sloppy look is both impolite and stupid. If you yourself are careless in these matters, then your vassals will soon follow your example. Moreover, when friends come to you, it will be unpleasant if all the household members have an untidy appearance.
    No need to lie, no matter who you talk to, and no matter how little is said. You should be truthful even in small things, If you lie, it will become a habit, and, in the end, others will turn away from you. Know that if someone doubts your honesty, then this can become a shame for life.
    In one single word, a person can manifest his “I”.
    The good or bad qualities of a man depend on his companions. When three come together, there will always be a person worthy of emulation among them; you need to find a good person and follow his example. Watching a bad person, you need to correct your own mistakes.
    It is hardly worth writing down that both learning and martial arts are the Way of the Warrior, for the ancient law says that learning should be on the left hand, and martial arts should be on the right. But this cannot be achieved without proper preliminary preparation.”

    “When attacking a position occupied by the enemy, never think that he will not defend it steadfastly. Otherwise, having met the stubborn resistance of the enemy, your troops will lose their morale.” (Asakura Norikage).

    “It is not so important if a person lacks kindness: a warrior must first of all be honest.” (Asakura Norikage).

    “A warrior can be called a dog or a beast; The main thing for him is victory.” (Asakura Norikage).

    “It’s bad when your own servants are afraid of you. Since time immemorial, it has been known that the foundation of the foundations is the ability to appreciate the deep devotion of one's servant. If this is not done, then when the time comes for them to prove their devotion to you with their lives, it will be very difficult for them to do so. (Asakura Norikage).

    “A man who makes a gardener do the work of a carpenter, or a carpenter the work of a gardener, knows nothing about people and is extremely stupid. No matter how capable a person is, he has his strengths and weaknesses. If you correctly navigate the abilities of different people and use them correctly, then everyone will do their own thing, and the owner will get rid of troubles. (Asakura Norikage).

    “Truly worthy of sympathy, when a person who was born stupid puts his soul into work and works with all seriousness. But when a person who has ordinary common sense and, nevertheless, considers himself much smarter than others, does something rude, unforgivable or unjust, it means that he really is a rude, disgusting person and deserves severe punishment. And it does not depend on social status. (Asakura Norikage).

    “Learning is to a man what leaves and branches are to a tree; It can be said without exaggeration that without it a person simply cannot live. However, the Teaching is not only reading books, but rather what we study for later use in our lives.” (Takeda Harinobu (Shingen)).

    One night Mr. Shingen said: “Usually a low-ranking person cuts a tart persimmon and grafts a sweet one on it. Samurai of medium or high rank - and the owner of the province even more so - will find many ways to use tart persimmon precisely because of its astringency. However, this does not mean that an already grafted shoot should be cut off. Doesn't this happen everywhere?

    One night Lord Shingen quoted an old proverb and said, “Cheng Kong addressed Emperor Wen of Wei, “When you meet another person, it is better to tell him only a third of what you know, and do not trust him completely. A well-controlled person will not be too frank in a conversation with other people: if a flower blooms slowly, then it does not begin to bloom immediately, as soon as spring comes. Otherwise, yesterday's friend will become an enemy today, and yesterday's flower will turn into dust today! Therefore, if you are discussing some important matter with a person, then keep silent about the seven parts and speak only about three, and you will avoid trouble. But if you explain to an imprudent person that you can’t immediately lay out everything to your interlocutor, then he will stop talking to you altogether. Similarly, a person who gets to the bottom of all things thinks that it is not worthwhile to graft a sweet persimmon to a tree that gives tart fruits. However, if you tell this to a person of a limited mind, he will cut off the inoculation that has been producing sweet fruits for a long time, and instead of it, with a smart look, he will plant a tart fruit. This is how the good intentions of people who are not discriminating and discreet turn into bad results. An old proverb says: “A small piece of gold can be very expensive, but when it gets into the eye, darkness will come.” Isn't it the same thing here?"

    “Don't let your soldiers insult the enemy. An old proverb says: "Scare a bee and it will turn into a dragon." (Takeda Nobushige).

    “You can not neglect the censure addressed to you. As the ancients said, “good medicine tastes bad, but it cures the disease.” Truthful words are unpleasant to the ear, but they help change behavior.” (Takeda Nobushige).

    “No matter how trusting your relationship with another person is, do not gossip with him about trifles. An ancient proverb says: “Before you utter a word, think three times; before you do anything, think nine times.” (Takeda Nobushige).

    “Under no circumstances tell people from other clans about the outrages that have occurred in your clan. The saying goes: “Good news stays at home, bad news travels a thousand miles.” (Takeda Nobushige).

    “It is necessary to understand well what is good and what is evil. The “Lun Yu” says: “If at least one good deed goes unnoticed and unrewarded, then everyone will do less good deeds. If, however, even one malicious act is praised, then all will become malicious.” (Takeda Nobushige).

    “If you are not accustomed to make an effort, then it will be difficult for you to achieve anything significant in your life. Lao Tzu said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step." (Takeda Nobushige).

    “Don't kill yourself needlessly because of a single mistake. It is very important that you keep your sanity after it is done. The Lun Yu says, "When you make a mistake, don't hesitate to correct it." It also says, “Making a mistake and not correcting it is a real mistake.” (Takeda Nobushige).

    “Mind is not a simple flower. There are many examples of how a flower blooms but does not bear fruit.” (Nabeshima Naoshige).

    From Mr. Nabeshima's wall inscriptions:
    “The law is the opinion of the subordinates. Duty is greater than the capacity for sanity.
    The consequences of one's ancestor's inherent good or evil depend on the susceptibility of his descendants.
    Faith serves to purify the minds of some and should not be used to cloud the minds of others.
    A picky person will inevitably fall victim to his own pickiness.
    It doesn’t matter what class a person belongs to - higher or lower, if he has not risked his life at least once, then he has reason to be ashamed.

    “The basis of a man's duty as a human being lies in the word 'truth'. (Tori Mototada).

    “The arts of peace and the arts of war are like two wheels on a wagon that will topple over without one of them.” (Kuroda Nagamasa).

    “The life in our bodies arises from the middle of nothingness. In existence where there is nothing, lies the meaning of the phrase: "Emptiness is a form." You should not think that these are two different things.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “If, strengthening his heart with determination every morning and every evening, a person can live as if his body already belongs to Eternity, the path will be free for him. His whole life will be impeccable, and he will succeed in his field.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “Fighting injustice and defending the right is a difficult thing. Moreover, if you think that being righteous is something to strive for and do everything in your power to achieve it, then, on the contrary, you will make many mistakes. The way lies in a higher range than righteousness. It is very difficult to be convinced of this, but this is the highest wisdom. From this vantage point, things like righteousness seem rather petty. If a person does not understand this himself, it is impossible to know this. However, there is a way to enter this Path, even if a person cannot find it himself. It is acquired in conversations with other people. Even one who has not found the path sees others from the outside. As people who play Go say, "The observer from the side has eight eyes." The expression, “Thought by thought we become aware of our own faults,” also means that the higher Way is found in discussions with others. Listening to ancient legends and reading books is necessary in order to free oneself from the prejudice of one's own ideas and rely on the ideas of the ancients. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    “If someone asked what it is to be a samurai, one could answer like this: “The most important thing is to surrender to the service of your master with both soul and body. And if you were to ask what is important besides this, then the answer would be this: develop your mind, encourage humanity in yourself and strengthen courage. It may seem to an ordinary person that it is impossible to possess all these virtues, but in fact it is not difficult to achieve this. To develop your mind, you just need to exchange opinions with other people. This is where infinite wisdom comes from. To show humanity, you need to do everything for the sake of others, put yourself in their place and take into account first of all their interests. Courage lies in the fact that you, clenching your teeth, go forward, not paying attention to circumstances. Everything that seems more sublime than these three virtues is not necessary to know.
    As for the external aspects, it is worth mentioning the appearance of a person, how he speaks and how he writes. And, since all these aspects are manifested in everyday life, they are improved by constant practice. Basically, their nature is characterized by the presence of a calm force. If a person achieves perfection in these aspects, then he should study the history of our region and its customs. After that, you can do various arts for a change. If you take all this into account, then being a servant is easy. And today, if you look at people who bring at least some benefit, you can see that they combine all three external aspects. (Yamamoto Tsunetomo).

    "An open heart does not know greed, and the absence of greed will help in the future life. It is necessary to have the ability to penetrate deeply into the essence of this world of dreams, which disappears in the blink of an eye." (Hojo Shigetoki).

  • mood: busy

    Takuan Soho
    If you single out any one goal for your mind, it will be captivated by that goal and become useless. When you think, your mind is captured by your own thoughts.

    Drop all thoughts and judgments - drop your whole mind. If you do not try to keep the mind in one place, it will spread to the whole body and will be ready to serve you at any moment.

    2. It is bad to get attached to the past and cling to what is on your mind now. You must completely cut the past from the present in your mind. If the mind is dominated by thoughts about the past, then it has stopped. It is important that the past does not mix with the present, so forget your past thoughts and be mindfulto not stop your mind.

    3. It is wrong if a parent scolds a child for misconduct without correcting his own mind. You must first of all watch your behavior. And then, if you correct your son, his behavior will change naturally, and the younger son will take an example from the eldest and will also correct himself. It is truly auspicious when father and son become virtuous together.

    4. - To gain value, you need to understand yourself and be able to change completely.

    Action comes from desire.

    Wishes should be respected just like life.

    Desire cannot be killed.

    The embodiment of desires depends on the wisdom of man.

    Wisdom directs desires.

    Matsura Seizan

    1. If you have failed in mastering the method, do not try to use it again. In martial arts, it is important to learn how to adapt to many situations. There are methods for specific situations. Every method you use must contribute to your victory.

    2. One victory is not a victory for life. You can defeat your opponent one day, but for the rest of your life you will not achieve superiority over him. It is pointless to argue whether anyone has achieved a real victory in one fight.

    The real victory is the victory that accompanies us all our lives. What is the difference between winning once and winning for life? Many competitions have had random victories, but true victory comes when all elements of randomness are eliminated. Often we do not understand ourselves: we think that victory isa consequence of our perfection, and defeat is an accident. Thus, today's winner can endure defeats for the rest of his life.

    Kazumi Tabata

    1 The body and soul of a tactician must always be ready for battle. Those who are not ready for it take the path that leads to defeat. In a fight, it is important to know what technique the enemy will use - in order to avoid defeat, you need to carefully observe the movements of the enemy, find out his intentions and strike first.

    Lectures by Tsunetomo Yamamoto

    Recorded by Tsuramoto Tashiro

    1. When talking with a person, first of all, determine his character and act accordingly. With those who like to argue and have a strong will, pretend to give in so as not to create problems. Whether you win or lose an argument, don't hold a grudge. When you try to convince, do not create enemies for yourself - on the contrary, multiply the number of those who sympathize with your views. As a last resort, try to make sure that the enemy remains neutral.

    2. Being open to criticism and correcting one's faults is a sign of great character. This is the most important, although the process can be painful. Telling a person about their strengths and weaknesses is usually simple: most people know that telling others about what they usually do not want to hear, and what is difficult to say, is an act of kindness. But if a person refuses to listen to what they are told, then nothing can be done about it. And then the one who tried to help is embarrassed, because they speak badly of him and consider him a fool.

    3. It is said that fish cannot live in clean water: when the reed grows, the fish hides in it to grow and multiply. If you look through your fingers at small mistakes, it will be much easier to show deep feelings. When it comes to someone's behavior, it is necessary to be prudent, because when we discover someone's minor mistake, we make him feel uncomfortable. Among those who seekother people's shortcomings, few owners of philosophicalprinciples or ideas. Those who do not payattention to detail, do so out of love for reallyimportant and confidence in their views.


    Pretend you can't when you can.

    Pretend you don't need something when it's

    need to.

    Pretend you're moving away and get closer.

    Inspire the enemy with the idea that the advantage

    on his side.

    Confuse the enemy, cut the ground from under his feet

    and cut him down with a single blow.

    If the enemy is strong, retreat and prepare well.

    If the opponent is powerful, refrain from


    Purposely bring the enemy out of himself; wear him out.

    Keep calm, make the enemy lose


    Tire and weaken the enemy, full of strength.

    Having met a single group, sow discord in it;

    make its members strangers to each other.

    Hit the enemy's weak points, do what

    he does not expect.

    The key to victory is to know the enemy as well as

    as well as himself.

    Learn how strong the enemy is. fight

    if the odds are in your favor, and don't fight when not

    a chance to win.

    During the battle, make sure that the initiative comes

    from you.

    Scatter the enemy army, make him move to


    Concentrate on attacking his weak spots.

    Defending, keep restraint, wait until the enemy

    get tired.

    "When attacking, attack the enemy as if it were your last


    If the enemy is strong, pretend to be subdued

    with his power, make him let his guard down. Then

    attack when least expected.

    “For us Japanese, being happy means, first of all, that at any age and at any moment we have something to do and what we like to do.”
    (Takeshi Kitano)

    "Themselves not really knowing,
    Fussy, easy, living without problems,
    In appearance, always neat, smoothly sleek,
    Small, strong, indifferent to everything;
    Who are like a monkey, who are like a fox,
    Who is on a flying squirrel, who is on a goby with a mustache,
    Who are similar to orizia, who are to gargoyle,
    Who is on a fragment of a tea cup - the Japanese ... "
    (Takamura Kotaro)

    “Look what is happening in Japan. It's not even about faith, but about inner godlessness, about the lack of an idea that you do not live alone. And this constant use, humiliation of the surrounding world leads to the fact that the Lord says: “Guys, what are you doing? » And sends a nine-magnitude earthquake with a tsunami to the poor Japanese.
    (N.S. Mikhalkov)

    "The secret of the Japanese is that they don't report on work, they work."
    (Peter Drucker)

    "Don't feed the Japanese with bread, if only someone would die beautifully."
    (Boris Akunin)

    “Western man, a child of an optimistic civilization, lives in the world, pretending that there is no death, and if there is, it is not very soon. The Japanese tradition calls to be in constant readiness for an unexpected end.
    (Boris Akunin)

    “What are you, Japanese, a little bit of a moral difficulty, you immediately commit suicide! As if meanness from this will turn into a noble act! It won't turn!"
    (Boris Akunin)

    “... in Japan, everyone, even the villains, will certainly have some kind of code. There was something soothing about it."
    (Boris Akunin)

    “But still, where is she, this Japan?
    Straight without turning. And so on until the end of the world.
    (Alessandro Baricco)

    “If there is anything to admire a Japanese woman for, and it is impossible not to admire her, it is because she still has not committed suicide. From early childhood, plaster is put on her brain drop by drop: “If you are not married by the age of 25, be ashamed”, “if you laugh, no one will call you refined”, “if your face expresses any feeling, you are vulgar” , "if there is at least one hair on your body, you are obscene", "if a young man kisses you on the cheek in public, you are a whore", "if you eat with pleasure, you are a pig", "if you like to sleep, you are a cow", etc. These instructions might seem ridiculous if they did not control the minds.
    (Amelie Nothombe)

    “Japan is the country with the highest suicide rate. I'm personally surprised that suicides don't happen there more frequently."
    (Amelie Nothombe)

    "Everyone wants to have a Japanese TV, but Japan is not getting closer to us."
    (Gustav Vodicka)

    “The Japanese are unsurpassed masters of PR. Skinny suffocates who did not win a single competition, but told the whole world a fairy tale about crushing karate and invincible ninjas! Cowardly and timid - but taught the whole world to respect the spirit of the samurai! They are not able to rhyme even four lines, but they explained to everyone that three lines without rhyme is the greatest of poetry! And how they sell their cars and electronics! With a bang! Snapped up! Because they explained to everyone: Japanese technology is the best in the world. And now their food. A lump of unwashed rice with a slice of raw fish on top! And soy water soup! Yes, we have better food in prisons! But no, they explained to everyone that it is fashionable, and all office lamb appoints each other a rendezvous in sushi bars.
    (Leonid Kaganov)

    “Japanese character can be compared to a tree that a gardener worked on for a long time, bending it, tying it up, propping it up. Even if such a tree is then freed from fetters and supports, young shoots are given free rein, then under their freely grown crown, the outlines that were once given to the trunk and main branches will still be preserved. Moral foundations, even if they lie somewhere deep from the surface, are the algebra of human relationships. Knowing its formulas, it is easier to solve the problems that modern life poses.
    (Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

    “It is often asked: how did Japan manage to quickly break out after the war into the top three industrial powers, despite the huge destruction from American bombing; despite the fact that the country was occupied, despite the fact that the colonies were taken away, and there are practically no natural resources on the islands? Parodying the style of riddles-paradoxes favored by the Buddhist sect of Zen, the Japanese are ironic that each of these questions turns into an answer if the word "despite" is replaced by the word "thanks"".
    (Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

    “The average Japanese is better supplied with electrical equipment than with clothing; clothes are better than food; food is better than lodging."
    (Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

    “Foreign experts admit that aesthetic education in the Japanese school is set wider and more thoroughly than in other countries of the world. Already a second-grader uses paints of thirty-six colors and knows the names of each of them. On a fine day, the school principal has the right to cancel all classes so that the children go outside to draw from nature or listen to the teacher's explanations on how to recognize beauty in nature.
    (Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

    “In the West, people either tell you the truth or they lie. The Japanese almost never lie, but it never occurs to them to tell you the truth.”
    (Vsevolod Ovchinnikov)

    “Japan is a country where people walk around with the most incredible packages and bags, so even a picture with the inscription “I LOVE THE DEVIL” can attract the attention of Tokyo people only if its owner suddenly starts spewing fire and brimstone.”
    (Deborah Boliver Boehm)

    "To understand Japanese, you need to think in Japanese."

    “Real haiku should be as simple as oatmeal and give a vivid picture of real objects, for example, this is probably the most ingenious of all: “A sparrow jumps along the veranda with wet paws.” This is Shiki. So you can see the wet footprints of sparrows, and at the same time everything is contained in a few words, and the rain that has been falling all day, and even the smell of pines.
    (Jack Kerouac)

    “Japan is so peaceful. How great is that!”
    (Yashiro Isana)

    “The Japanese have as much creativity as the Americans. It all depends on what is considered creativity. In Japan, the emphasis is on problem solving, a new approach to an old problem. Such creativity gravitates towards teamwork and fuzzy logic. In the West, the image of a single creator and sudden insight is cultivated. We have practical creativity in one case, romantic creativity in another. They are equally important, but love to look at each other in bewilderment or even contempt. The Japanese scold the Americans for being careless and chaotic, the Americans scold the Japanese for their passion for imitation. Both traits are present, but not necessarily faults. Rather, they complement each other."
    (Will Ferguson)

    “I used to think that the Japanese “in the future” means “soon” or “in due course”, but this is not so. This "in the future" does not refer to time, but to another plane of being. It means "in another life, in another time."
    (Will Ferguson)

    “Usually a stranger turns first into an outcast, then into his own. In Japan, you will forever remain an outcast. There will be no last step, recognition as one's own. We are kept at arm's length, a bow, a drum roll. The Japanese are not hard-hearted at all. The problem is not that you are not welcome. You are welcome - but as a foreigner. The trouble is not that you are not included in your circle, but that you are partially accepted. The door is open, but the chain has not been removed. With one hand they beckon, with the other they repel. Japan is not a country of broken hearts, it is a country of offended pride. I couldn't become Japanese even if I wanted to. We all refuse without difficulty, but no one wants to be rejected.”
    (Will Ferguson)

    "Dream. The Japanese always dream of something unrealizable. Here such dreams are at every step, they are like countless gods inhabiting every mountain, every stone, every island in every bay. They can be found in any home. Altars are dedicated to them, appeased with small offerings, they are elusive, like fog, omnipresent, like air. Dreams don't come true. Among the Japanese ideals is self-sacrifice, and the first thing a person sacrifices is his secret, very personal, pipe dream. Japan stands on sighs."
    (Will Ferguson)

    "In Japan, you are surrounded by ghosts, and the past is always there - you just need to learn to see the invisible."
    (Will Ferguson)

    “In Japan, people who are in harmony with each other, such as a pianist and violinist playing a duet, are called “A-un no kokyu”. “Kokyu” means “breath”, and the whole combination means “perfection”, “exquisite harmony”. Two or more breathe as one. If self-realization is the ideal that the Western world aspires to, then one breath is the ideal that Japan and most of Asia aspire to. The word "harmony" in Japan has the same charisma as the word "freedom" in the West."
    (Will Ferguson)

    “If you are as tall as a Japanese, then you should have been born Japanese. This world is wrong."
    (Charles Aznavour)

    “I have never seen a person who would become a long-liver due to the observance of prohibitions.”
    (Murasaki Shikibu)

    "The Japanese are impatient, they even eat fish raw."

    A hundred "pearls of thought" from the land of the rising sun, which reflected the philosophy of the nation, its spirit, moral principles and life experience...

    Pearls of thought from the land of the rising sun

    A hundred "pearls of thought" from the land of the rising sun, which reflected the philosophy of the nation, its spirit, moral principles and life experience.

    1. It’s not scary to retreat, it’s scary not to continue the fight.

    2. From blind devotion not far to infidelity.

    3. Money makes people strangers.

    4. Both good and evil are in your heart.

    5. In big things, small flaws are not considered.

    6. Don't do what needs to be hidden.

    7. Who can swim, he can drown.

    8. Consider every stranger a thief.

    9. Peppers have at least small grains, but they are very sharp.

    10. And the master sometimes makes mistakes.

    11. Do not spit up.

    12. Even the face of the Buddha shines with money.

    14. Where there is no fire, smoke does not rise.

    15. And a sage from a thousand times, let him make a mistake once.

    16. The neighbor's flowers are redder.

    17. Worries are poison to health.

    18. Easy to answer, but hard to lift.

    19. Go the usual way in an unusual way.

    20. Taking advantage of the chaos, look after your own interests.

    21. As the master, so are the servants.

    22. Every year you get older and smarter.

    23. Take advantage of the loss.

    24. Truthful speeches are not beautiful, beautiful speeches are not truthful.

    25. Life to live - what a long way to go with a load on your back.

    26. Without flaws - seven bad habits, and when they are, then - forty-eight.

    27. Pride is hidden behind excessive modesty.

    28. A trifle after a thief.

    29. A man is still a boy at forty and fifty years old.

    30. As long as there is life, there is hope.

    31. Not only did you fall, they will also step on you.

    32. If skillfully handled, both a fool and blunt scissors can come in handy.

    33. Set sail with your talent.

    34. In friendship, also know the limit.

    35. Money is the enemy.

    36. Woe is everywhere, like the wind in the pines.

    37. And a round egg can be cut so that it becomes square.

    38. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

    39. Strangers come to feast, their own to mourn.

    40. Talking is easy - doing is difficult.

    41. There is a fire nearby, and he warms his hands.

    42. Easy to say, hard to do.

    43. Enough for every day of his care.

    44. Friends in misfortune pity each other.

    45. There is no place like home.

    46. ​​The greatest treasure in the world is children.

    47. A person does well what he loves.

    48. Pathetic apology after a gross mistake.

    49. Better one cry of a crane than a thousand chirps of a sparrow.

    50. A monkey and that one falls from a tree.

    51. The ship on which he boarded will not turn back.

    52. Hungry wolf - guard the kitchen.

    53. I needed it - they made it a tiger, the need passed - they turned it into a mouse.

    54. Waiting is always long.

    55. When violence comes into the yard, justice leaves.

    56. Better at least late than not to do it.

    57. Getting up early is equal to the three virtues.

    58. He is such that he will crawl from eye to nose.

    59. To lend money to a friend is to lose him.

    60. Sincerity is a precious quality of a person.

    61. And a simple matter can be confused.

    62. Meekness often breaks strength.

    63. Don't make decisions after hearing only one side.

    64. After the victory, tighten the helmet straps.

    65. The one who smells bad does not feel it himself.

    66. Check seven times before you doubt a person.

    67. He who loves people lives long.

    68. Better to be an enemy of a good person than a friend of a bad one.

    69. With those who praise you, be careful.

    70. Exactly in the bullseye.

    71. Water takes the form of a vessel into which it is poured, and a person receives good or evil from his friends.

    72. Silence is a wonderful flower.

    73. Unhappiness and happiness are intertwined like fibers in a rope.

    74. Of vices, the greatest is debauchery; of virtues, the highest is filial duty.

    75. Even a thief takes ten years to learn.

    76. Time does not wait for a person.

    77. It is easier to find ten thousand soldiers than one general.

    78. Cheap to buy - money to lose.

    79. Whoever is in a hurry will not become a master.

    80. Great talents ripen slowly.

    81 One person cannot rule the world, the world belongs to everyone.

    82. Do not be afraid to bend a little, straighten up straighter.

    83. A naked man has nothing to lose.

    84. Pampering a child is like leaving him.

    85. A woman wants to - she will pass through the rock.

    86. Your anger is your enemy.

    87. A horse is recognized in riding, a person in communication.

    88. God lives in an honest heart.

    89. The endurance of a horse is learned along the way, the temper of a person - over time.

    90. Vouch for money, never for a person.

    91. They give birth to a body, but not a character.

    92. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine; who does not drink, he does not know about its benefits.

    93. Where there is no sense of duty and the human eye, everything is possible there.

    94. A person's appearance is deceptive.

    95. If you want to know yourself, ask others.

    96. Treat an old man like a father.

    97. If you want to know a person, get to know his friends.

    98. Who is poor is stupid.

    99. Money clings to money.

    100. Ear ripens - bows its head; a person gets rich - he lifts his head. published .

    Parable of Despondency