Who ate strawberries during pregnancy. Significant advantages and benefits of eating strawberries during pregnancy. But still…

Seasonal strawberries are a source of valuable micronutrients. The benefits of a berry increase many times over if it is grown with love on its own plot. 100 grams contains a daily dose of an antioxidant - vitamin C. Despite the benefits and high taste of berries, pregnant lovers of garden strawberries and strawberries should be careful.

Strawberries: composition, calorie content

In terms of the content of a number of minerals, strawberries are superior to apples, kiwi, peaches, and tomatoes. The fruit pulp contains substances useful for the body: folic acid, calcium, iron, phosphorus, a lot of fiber. The vitamin composition is represented by the group A, PP, B1, B6, C, E, N. There are sufficient minerals valuable for the body: selenium, boron, bromine, vanadium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese.

The calorie content of the berry is low - 100 grams contains 41 kcal. For comparison, in peaches - 45 kcal, green apples - 47 kcal, grapes - 72 kcal. Most of all in strawberries carbohydrates - per 100 grams - 6.7 grams, protein - 0.8 grams, fat - 0.4 grams. This is the queen of berries, able to cheer up with just her look. Its bright taste, juiciness, lack of pits are highly valued by gourmets.

Useful properties of strawberries during pregnancy

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Low-calorie sweet and sour berry is useful for the body of the expectant mother and her baby. Its rich composition helps to stimulate the rhythmic contraction of the heart muscle, improves appetite and mood, and reduces the risk of infectious diseases. Nutritionists and gynecologists note among the important properties of the berry for pregnant women:

  • maintaining a beautiful color and elasticity of the skin, preventing stretch marks (thanks to vitamin C);
  • protection of the embryo in the first weeks of pregnancy, assistance in the proper development of organs and systems of the fetus (due to tocopherol and folic acid);
  • assistance in the correct formation of the child's visual functions (due to vitamin A);
  • improved sleep, increased stress resistance (thanks to magnesium);
  • normalization of water-salt metabolism, reducing the risk of seizures (due to potassium and sodium);
  • reduction of manifestations of toxicosis in the early and late stages, normalization of placental blood flow due to vitamin B1;
  • beneficial effect on the bone and muscular system due to the calcium content (for its absorption, berries should be eaten with dairy products);
  • normalization of intraocular pressure due to anthocyanins (important during childbirth);
  • improved digestive function due to fiber;
  • the inability to gain excess weight due to the low calorie content of strawberries (while it still cannot be eaten a lot due to its high allergenicity).

Strawberry juice and masks from the pulp of berries help the expectant mother to take care of her skin. With their help, you can whiten the skin, gradually get rid of unwanted pigmentation.

Can strawberries harm baby and mom?

To get the daily amount of vitamins, the expectant mother should not lean on strawberries and eat them in kilograms. The optimal amount is 150 - 300 grams per day. Some doctors recommend even less - they do not get tired of repeating about the high allergenicity of the berry.

In the second trimester, it is better to limit the daily portion of strawberries to 200 grams. At this time, there is a high risk that the baby will get food allergies. From week 22, the fetus's immune system is hypersensitive to allergens.

In the last month of pregnancy, it is better to eat strawberries 1 to 3 times a week to avoid the risk of early birth. In moderation in the third trimester, the berry is essential for the body. It helps to prevent premature detachment of the placenta, maintains the tone and elasticity of the skin and blood vessels.

Strawberries during pregnancy at any time should be limited in quantity. When using it, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not eat on an empty stomach, wash the berries thoroughly before eating;
  • in winter, instead of jam, it is better to eat freshly frozen berries, in which the beneficial properties are preserved as much as possible;
  • it is better to combine strawberries with natural yogurt, cottage cheese, milk;
  • when buying berries, you should pay attention to their size and smell - strawberries with nitrates are large, without aroma.

Strawberry recipes

It is better for pregnant women to eat fresh strawberries. Also, freeze for the winter, jam, jams, mashed potatoes are prepared from it. Gourmets combine it with salads, main courses, original desserts. The dishes with ripe berries will be useful for the expectant mother and her family.

Strawberry pie. The calorie content of 100 g is 241 kcal. To prepare, beat 2 chicken eggs and 100 grams of sugar until white. Add 1 jar of curd Activia (150 gr), 250 gr flour and 5 gr baking powder. Mix everything with your hands until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Pour the dough into a mold and bake in the oven at 170 degrees for about 15 minutes. After the formation of a light crust, take out, lay on top of ripe strawberries and sprinkle with the previously prepared composition. To do this, mix 50 grams of butter, 10 grams of flour and a little vanillin. Bake the decorated cake for another 15 - 20 minutes. Cut into portions hot.

Strawberry jelly. Caloric content 100 gr - 34 kcal. It is necessary to grind with sugar (15 g) about a glass of peeled ripe strawberries, pour boiled water. Simultaneously soak 10 g of gelatin in 300 ml of water. Strain the strawberry substance and combine with the swollen gelatin.

Bring the resulting liquid to a boil, pour half into prepared dishes. After cooling and lightly hardening, put on top of a strawberry (you can currant, raspberry), pour the rest of the liquid. Everything must be done promptly, since gelatin leads to a quick solidification of the dessert. Refrigerate for 60 minutes.

Strawberry cocktail. One serving contains about 80 kcal. To prepare a drink for two, place 200 g of strawberries and 80 g of ice cream in the bowl of an immersion blender. Whisk, add a glass of chilled milk and half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar. Chop the chocolate. Pour the cocktail into a bowl, sprinkle with chocolate chips. Decorate with a mint leaf.

Strawberry juice is a healthy drink in the heat. Caloric content - 30 kcal per 100 grams. Prepare a glass of peeled strawberries or strawberries, cover with a tablespoon of sugar and grind in a blender. Serve in portions, filling the glass by a third with strawberry puree and adding chilled boiled water.

Can you pamper yourself with unlimited strawberries during pregnancy? There is no doubt that the vitamin berry is tasty and healthy. However, there are limitations, and in order to carry a healthy baby, they cannot be ignored.

We all love strawberries since childhood. Ripe and juicy fruit pleases us only a few months a year, but it manages to enrich the body with vitamins and minerals.

Unfortunately, this delicious berry is not useful for everyone. Until now, doctors disagree about the benefits of strawberries during pregnancy. The concentrated fruit contains a lot of extracts and acids that can negatively affect the health of the expectant mother and child.

That is why, before eating the berry, you need to consult with your doctor and allergist, undergo an examination of the kidneys and excretory system.

Chemical composition

Small berries from the garden are a valuable source of vitamins and organic acids. The most expensive synthetic drug would envy its composition:

  • mono - and disaccharides;
  • vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP, E, as well as biotin;
  • pectins;
  • anthocyanins;
  • flavonoids (quercitrin, quercetin and others);
  • tanning components;
  • essential oils;
  • essential amino acids (leucine, lysine, methionine, valine, tryptophan and others);
  • antioxidants (procyanidins, anthocyanins, catechins and others);
  • nonessential amino acids (arginine, tyrosine, alanine, aspartic, glutamic and others);
  • macronutrients (calcium, sulfur, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, potassium and others);
  • dietary fiber;
  • polyunsaturated acids (omega-3);
  • starch;
  • ash.

Organic acids (salicylic, phosphoric, glycolic, citric, quinic, malic, succinic, oxalic and others).

Trace elements (iron, cobalt, zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, chromium, fluorine, vanadium, boron, molybdenum and others).

Despite the rich composition and sugar, the calorie content of strawberries remains low - only 41 kcal per 100 g.

Benefits of strawberries during pregnancy

Vitamin A or beta-carotene is involved in the development of the organs of vision, the retina of the embryo and visual pigment (rhodopsin). It also maintains the visual acuity of the expectant mother, improves the condition of the skin and hair.

Ascorbic acid is found in excess in strawberries. Just a few pieces of berries fill the daily need for vitamin, providing strong immunity and good resistance to colds. Also, the component protects tissues from damage, promotes the absorption of iron.

Vitamin E is needed for the full development of the placenta and the regulation of the gestational circulation in it. It also provides for the formation and regeneration of tissues, mucous surfaces. The vitamin is directly involved in lipid metabolism, thereby preventing the accumulation of cholesterol cells. It stimulates the production of red blood cells, influences the secretory function of the gonads and the production of hormones that support pregnancy.

B vitamins lay the fetal neural tube, from which the brain develops. They also affect the development of the child's internal organs, his full growth. Vitamins in combination with magnesium protect the expectant mother from mood swings, increased nervousness and irritability, anxiety.

Dietary fiber, together with pectins, cleanses the body of toxins, free radicals, toxins, metal salts and metabolites. Thanks to the fibers, the stomach and intestines restore motility, which avoids digestive problems (chronic constipation or diarrhea).

Calcium together with phosphorus ensure the formation of the baby's musculoskeletal system, prevent the depletion of bone and cartilaginous tissue of a pregnant woman, and reduce the risk of fractures and dislocations during childbirth. Calcium ensures the laying of milk teeth in a child, maintains and protects the enamel of a pregnant woman from destruction.

Potassium stimulates the contraction of the heart muscle, thereby indirectly regulating blood flow and pressure. Also, the macronutrient ensures the work of other internal organs, maintains the acidity of the body and the water-salt balance.

Magnesium stabilizes the emotional background of a pregnant woman, ensures a calm and long sleep. It also stimulates blood clotting, affects heart rate and blood pressure.

It is very difficult to get iodine from food, and in fact it is also needed by the expectant mother and child. It ensures the formation of the brain, heart and genitals of the embryo. And in the expectant mother, the trace element is responsible for the work of the endocrine system. Iodine deficiency manifests itself in the form of increased fatigue, loss of concentration, deterioration of appearance (hair loss, brittle nails, etc.).

Sulfur is involved in metabolism, regulates the secretion of insulin and bile.

Copper in strawberries controls the work of the endocrine glands (adrenal glands, thyroid gland). It also affects the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to internal organs. For expectant mothers, copper is important to prevent stretch marks.

Iron provides the body with hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the cells. Iron deficiency anemia of pregnant women leads to premature birth, underweight, and other pathologies.

Zinc stimulates the transfer of "healthy" genetic information, participates in the production of enzymes and hormones, and reduces the risk of mutations and pathologies in the embryo.

Amino acids are a part of muscle tissue, prevent tears and stretching after childbirth. Lysine is involved in the production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. Tryptophan promotes the secretion of serotonin, which boosts mood, improves well-being and calms the nervous system. The replaceable acid serine promotes the absorption of iron from food, and glutamic acid provides the production of proteins.

Doctors advise pregnant women to consume strawberries for the following purposes:

  • removal of excess fluid from the body, which leads to the elimination of puffiness;
  • normalization of digestion with chronic constipation;
  • improved appetite with toxicosis;
  • comfortable lowering of blood pressure;
  • cleansing the kidneys due to a slight diuretic effect;
  • calming the nervous system during stress and insomnia;
  • strengthening the hemostasis system, preventing the formation of thrombosis, varicose veins.

Prevention of diseases: anemia, gestational diabetes, fetal hypoxia, vitamin deficiency, hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding.

Harm from eating strawberries

Many doctors are skeptical about pregnant women eating berries for a number of reasons.

  1. Organic acids, which are found in excess in strawberries, increase the acidity of the stomach, which leads to damage to the mucous tissues. The result of use may be an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, colitis, as well as increased gas production, diarrhea.
  2. Due to their high content of antioxidants and vitamin C, strawberries are classified as one of the strongest food allergens. During pregnancy, an acute reaction is observed, up to Quincke's edema. Already from the 22nd week, the child's immunity becomes susceptible to allergens, so your individual reaction to strawberries can turn into atopic dermatitis in a newborn.
  3. The berry tones and strengthens the muscles, however, if abused, it can cause their increased tone. If this happens to the uterine muscles, then there is a high probability of miscarriage or premature birth.
  4. Oxalic acid in the fruit interferes with the normal absorption of calcium. It also settles in the body in the form of salts and ethers, which precipitate. Thus, stones are formed in the kidneys, bladder and excretory canals.
  5. Small seeds-seeds accumulate in the body in the form of toxins, damage the sensitive intestinal mucosa.
  6. Most of the berries on the market contain pesticides, nitrates and other chemicals that are very harmful to your baby. Early strawberries are "accelerated" with saltpeter and protected from pests with nitrophene. Imported fruits are treated with biphenyl to preserve their appetizing appearance and long-term storage.

Nutritionists consider the optimal dosage for pregnant women to be about 12 pieces for 3 doses per week. That is, it is undesirable to eat more than 4 berries at a time. At the same time, it is forbidden to feast on berries on an empty stomach, as well as combine it with fermented milk products (yogurt, cream, sour cream, etc.).

Of course, refraining from eating very tasty berries is difficult. If you have a desire, then try to eat strawberries from the garden, after soaking them thoroughly in water. Do not forget that overuse of acidic berries can cause serious eating disorders and severe allergies.

Video: useful properties and vitamins of strawberries

The desire to feast on strawberries is one of the most popular gastronomic whims of pregnant women. This is not surprising, because it is the juiciest, sweetest and most aromatic berry. It contains a storehouse of useful vitamins and amino acids, but eating it in kilograms while carrying a child can be extremely dangerous. Who can eat strawberries during pregnancy and who shouldn't? What are the restrictions and can there be undesirable consequences for mom and baby? This will be discussed further.

Almost all women are sure of the benefits of strawberries during pregnancy, but not many know about the potential danger of this colorful berry. Therefore, expectant mothers need to be aware of the possible risks and unwanted consequences of unrestricted consumption of strawberries. But first, let's evaluate all the beneficial properties of this gift of nature. After all, strawberries can easily replace any complex of vitamins and minerals from the pharmacy. And in terms of its composition, it honorably occupies one of the leading steps in the environment of vegetables and fruits.

Strawberry vitamin complex

  • Strawberries contain a full line of B vitamins, as well as A, E, K, PP. Strawberries are especially useful during pregnancy due to the presence of ascorbic acid. It helps to fully assimilate iron salts, prevents mutagenic processes and stimulates the immune system.
  • The RDA for folate (folate) is found in just a handful of berries. The importance of this vitamin is simply impossible to exaggerate, because it is the main building material for the neural tube of the fetus. Vitamin B9 is completely absorbed by organisms, in contrast to synthetic pharmaceutical forms. At the same time, there are no dyes or other additives in strawberries. Therefore, strawberries are especially useful during early pregnancy.
  • Thiamin (vitamin B1) reduces the manifestation of toxicosis, activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, incl. phytoplacental blood flow. And its deficiency disrupts carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Strawberries are rich in vitamin B2 (riboflavin). This substance promotes the synthesis of enzymes that are responsible for the assimilation of useful elements. Also riboflavin is involved in the formation of nerve cells, muscles and bone tissue of the fetus. Its deficiency leads to stunted growth of the baby.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) is responsible for the capillary movement of the blood, the general functioning of the cardiovascular system and the biochemical transformation of carbohydrates.
  • Pyridoxine is needed for regular blood formation and amino acid synthesis. Deficiency of vitamin B6 provokes a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the appearance of toxicosis in pregnant women.
  • Beta-carotene maintains visual acuity in expectant mothers and controls the correct formation of the baby's retina.
  • Tocopherol, in addition to its antioxidant effect, is an analogue of the female pregnancy hormone - progesterone. Deficiency of vitamin E threatens spontaneous abortion and hypertonicity of the uterus.

Interesting! Strawberry juice is great for removing pigmentation during pregnancy. To do this, you need to lubricate the spots with a cut of the berry.

Minerals and other essential elements in strawberries

Strawberries boast a set of micro and macro elements, sugars, essential amino acids and even omega fatty acids that are most beneficial for pregnancy. These berries contain iron, fluoride, zinc, iodine, vanadium, calcium and magnesium in excess.

  • Calcium is necessary for the baby for the correct structure of the skeleton and the formation of the heart muscle. In mom, calcium is responsible for the condition of teeth, hair and bone tissue.
  • Magnesium controls the mother's nervous system, normal muscle tone and blood pressure levels. Magnesium deficiency manifests itself in sleep disturbances, muscle spasms and increased uterine tone.
  • Potassium controls the water-salt level and cellular metabolism. Its deficiency slows down the transmission of nerve signals, disrupts the rhythm of the myocardium and the pH of the environment.
  • Iodine is the basis of thyroxine, which is produced by the thyroid gland. Its deficiency leads to malformations of the baby's nervous system and to his severe mental disorders.
  • Iron in strawberries during pregnancy is very necessary for the prevention of anemia. It is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin, and in combination with ascorbic acid it perfectly raises the protective functions of the body.
  • The flavonoid fisetin protects brain cells from aging and strengthens memory.
  • Copper promotes active collagen production. A few berries a day will leave your skin glowing, supple and refreshed.
  • Strawberries are a source of fiber. It improves the digestion process and gently relieves constipation.
  • Flavonoids and organic acids break down and remove uric acid, toxins, salts and other foreign substances from the body.

Interesting! Strawberries contribute to the formation of the hormone "happiness".

In addition to all of the above, you can put a lot of "fat" pluses in favor of strawberries. So what else is strawberry good for during pregnancy:

  • Strawberry juice has a diuretic effect with severe swelling during gestation.
  • Strawberries during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester helps to "bring down" blood pressure to normal levels.
  • Induces appetite and relieves nausea during toxicosis.
  • Controls blood glucose levels.
  • Ensures the normal functioning of the kidneys, heart and liver.
  • Protects the fetus from hypoxia.
  • Strengthens blood vessels in the rectum and protects against postpartum hemorrhoids.
  • Strengthens the immune system and improves mood.
  • Shows analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

On a note! You don't have to eat a pound a day to get the colossal benefits of strawberries. Enough 150-300 g for a daily vitamin set

Strawberries for pregnant women - harmful properties

Some doctors insist on the dangers of strawberries during pregnancy. This is partly true. First, strawberries are the leading food allergen. If you have had an inadequate reaction to a fragrant berry even before pregnancy, then this product should be banned until the end of lactation. Otherwise, you risk not only becoming covered with a terrible rash, but also getting hives or Quincke's edema. The same "charms" can be passed on to the baby. And secondly, uncontrolled consumption of berries can cause disruption of the intestines and increase the tone of the uterus, which is also potentially dangerous for the safety of pregnancy. And thirdly, overeating strawberries can result in diarrhea and bloating.

To prevent problems from strawberry gluttony, you should know the full list of contraindications:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer, acidity, appendicitis, gallstone pathology).
  • Caries.
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus.
  • Allergy to strawberries or other red foods.
  • Exacerbation of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Advice! It is better to limit the consumption of strawberries during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, since at this time the baby has an increased risk of food allergies.

Strawberry maternity menu

If the gynecologist did not voice any obvious contraindications to your favorite delicacy, then you can safely go shopping in the midst of the strawberry season. But you still have to follow some of the rules and recommendations of doctors and nutritionists. It's better to curb your appetite than to complain about the consequences.

Rules for the use of strawberries during pregnancy

  1. If you are not allergic to strawberries during pregnancy, you can eat several berries a day throughout the season. If pregnancy occurs during the cold season, then winter strawberries or jam from them are best avoided. Alternatively, fresh frozen berries are suitable.
  2. Wash ripe strawberries thoroughly and do not eat them on an empty stomach.
  3. Try to eat strawberries at 9 months of pregnancy no more than 2-3 times a week, so as not to provoke premature birth.
  4. Try to combine strawberries with fermented milk products. Ideal is cottage cheese desserts, milk smoothies, or yoghurts.

Marvelous! Despite the sweetness, the calorie content of strawberries is about 35 kcal, so it does not threaten with excess weight for ladies "in position".

Precautionary measures

When choosing berries, pay attention to their appearance and smell. Berries with an excess of nitrates do not emit an aroma, but in appearance they look like plastic and fake ones. Give preference to small berries of different sizes, they are 100% likely to grow in an open garden without dangerous nitrates.

With the slightest body reactions after a strawberry treat during late pregnancy, you need to quickly seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Even a slight discomfort or tingling sensation in the abdomen can signal preterm labor.

If after strawberries you have a rash, shortness of breath or swelling of the eyes and knee-elbow joints, call an ambulance. These are the first symptoms of Quincke's edema, which can result in suffocation.

Strawberries, like all other berries, are essential for a woman and a growing baby in her womb. If during pregnancy you find yourself in the berry season, why replenish the spring vitamin deficiency with synthetic vitamins, because fresh strawberries are much healthier and tastier. But, you always need to adhere to the measure, take into account individual tolerance and follow the advice of a gynecologist.

Video "Strawberries - useful properties"

All 9 months of waiting for a baby is a very exciting period in the life of every woman. All pregnant women are entitled to good rest, healthy food and positive emotions. However, many have doubts about whether it is possible to eat strawberries during pregnancy or not. The answer to this question is rather ambiguous, since many doctors say that this product is harmful, and some are inclined to believe that it is only beneficial.

Benefits of strawberries during pregnancy

Strawberries are a very tasty and healthy berry that will give the expectant mother a lot of pleasure, especially when combined with cottage cheese, cream or ice cream. Strawberries during pregnancy can become a very useful natural antioxidant, helping to remove harmful substances from the body and protecting against various diseases.

These berries contain many vitamins and minerals. It is worth noting the high content of folic acid, which is simply necessary for women during pregnancy planning, as well as in the first trimester to prevent fetal neural tube defects. In addition, it helps to strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to viruses and bacteria.

Strawberries during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester helps to get rid of puffiness, as it has a mild diuretic effect, and also helps to normalize blood pressure, which is very important, since when carrying a child, there may be changes in it.

What is included in the berries?

The benefits of strawberries during pregnancy are simply invaluable, since these berries contain many useful substances. It contains especially a lot of ascorbic and folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin. It is one of the best immunomodulatory agents for promoting iron absorption and protecting tissues from damage. In addition, strawberries during pregnancy reduce the likelihood of toxicosis, promote blood circulation, and increase the absorption of carbohydrates.

In addition to many vitamins, this berry contains essential minerals, in particular, such as:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • nickel;
  • fluorine.

Despite the fact that strawberries are almost water, they contain a whole complex of amino acids. All of them contribute to the normalization of the condition of the pregnant woman and take an active part in the development of the fetus.

How much strawberries can you consume during pregnancy?

In order not to harm yourself and the unborn child, consume this sweet and juicy berry in moderation. In order for strawberries to bring only benefits during pregnancy, just 100 grams of berries per day or 5-6 pieces are enough to fully provide the body with all the required trace elements. It is best to eat strawberries in combination with dairy products, as this will somewhat soften its aggressive effect. The thing is that the acids that make up the berry will begin to interact with calcium not from the body, but with that contained in dairy products.

It is worth checking with your doctor how you can eat strawberries during pregnancy, so as not to harm yourself and your unborn child, as well as undergo special tests for allergies, since this berry is considered the strongest allergen. If even the slightest signs of malaise appear, then you should immediately stop consuming strawberries.

What is the right way to eat strawberries?

In order for strawberries to bring only benefits during pregnancy, you need to properly consume this berry. You cannot eat it on an empty stomach, initially you need to have a little snack, and then just drink a fortified cocktail made from strawberries and dairy products. This will help reduce stomach aggressions.

It is best to consume the berry fresh, but if this is not possible, then you can eat some strawberry jam or homemade jam. Homemade yogurt or cottage cheese with strawberries can be a good snack option. You need to introduce the berry into your usual diet gradually, starting 2 times a week in small portions.

The doctors' answer is unequivocal, you can eat strawberries during pregnancy if there are no significant contraindications that threaten the life of the woman and the child. In order for this berry to bring only benefits, it is imperative to follow the basic rules. It is necessary to wash it very thoroughly, as this will reduce the likelihood of infection with bacteria and worms.

In addition, it is advisable to remove the top layer with bones in order to reduce the aggressive effect on the stomach. The main thing is to observe proportions so that strawberries do not become a threat to health. In this case, it is important to monitor the reaction of the body.

How to choose the right strawberries?

In order for strawberries to be beneficial during pregnancy and saturate the body with the required vitamins, you need to choose the right berry. It is best if she comes from her garden, but if this is not possible, then it is necessary to purchase only from a trusted seller. Berries should be medium in size, as strawberries that are too large are likely to contain nitrates and will not provide any benefit.

Before buying, you must definitely smell the berries. They should give off a delicate, pleasant aroma. You need to carefully examine the green leaves at the junction. There should be a fairly snug fit to the fruit, and the leaves themselves should not show signs of wilting. Strawberries should not be wet. It is best to choose medium-sized and small berries as they are sweeter.

The benefits of strawberries at different stages of pregnancy

Strawberries are very useful during early pregnancy, since only 100 grams of these berries per day are able to provide the body with a daily intake of ascorbic acid. In addition, the berry helps to increase immunity and normalize the nervous system of the fetus. In the first trimester, she can be a real salvation from painful attacks of toxicosis.

Strawberries during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester will help eliminate constipation, since the soft fiber contained in the composition helps to liquefy feces and cleanse the intestines. Due to the small diuretic effect, excess accumulated fluid is excreted from the body. Strawberries are also useful in the presence of a threat of fetal hypoxia, as it helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Harm of strawberries for a pregnant woman

Everyone has long known that strawberries are on the list of the most common food allergens. That is why, while carrying a child, you need to consume this berry with extreme caution, strictly observing the norm. Women who have previously experienced allergies are strictly prohibited from consuming this product.

Allergy to strawberries can occur not only in a pregnant woman, but also in a child, since most of the allergens enter his body. In this case, there is a high risk of diathesis in the newborn. In this case, if you have a predisposition to allergies, it is best to stop consuming strawberries or eat only a few berries a week. It is especially important to follow these recommendations after the 22nd week of pregnancy, since it is during this period that the child's immune system is most sensitive to allergens.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to be very careful when consuming this berry, as it stimulates muscle contractions and increases the tone of the uterus. As a result, there may be a threat of miscarriage.

When is strawberry consumption contraindicated?

There are also certain diseases and disorders in which it is forbidden to consume this berry, in particular, such as:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • renal and hepatic colic;
  • joint diseases;
  • caries.

Overeating strawberries can also be very dangerous. As a result, allergies, indigestion, diarrhea can occur. It is worth remembering that strawberries contain a lot of oxalic acid, which has the ability to flush calcium out of the body.

There are strawberries, read our material.

Late May and early June are the season for the aromatic red berry. At a time when everyone is buying up sweet treats from the shelves, what should pregnant women do?

During pregnancy, a woman needs more rest, walking, experiencing positive emotions and, of course, eating better. A pregnant woman's diet should include fresh and healthy foods - vegetables, fruits, berries, which include strawberries.

There are two conflicting opinions about whether pregnant women should eat strawberries.

So, the benefits of strawberries are obvious - they contain folic acid, which is important for the healthy development of the unborn child, minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins (C, A, B, E, H, PP), which are important for a successful pregnancy. Also, strawberries improve heart function, reduce blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on metabolism, and help cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that prevents aging and also stimulates the immune cells.

But on the other hand, strawberries are a highly allergenic product that can negatively affect the body of a pregnant woman and the health of the baby.

Is it possible for pregnant women to eat strawberries: the opinion of doctors

The main concerns about whether pregnant women can eat strawberries are mainly related to the quality of the berries. Since berries often appear on the markets, which contain a lot of nitrates.

It is also worth remembering that strawberries must be thoroughly washed before eating to avoid intestinal infection.

There is one more thing that pregnant women should know before eating a kilo of strawberries. During pregnancy, the body's response to allergens can change. That is, an allergy to strawberries may appear, even if it was not there before. Therefore, it is better to start trying a little strawberries. If the body reacts normally - feel free to increase the number of berries.

Is it possible for pregnant women to use strawberries: the experience of mothers

A poll was conducted among women who have already safely become mothers. As a result, it turned out that many of them consider the consumption of strawberries during pregnancy to be quite safe. At one time, they did not limit themselves in their desire to eat those fruits and berries that they wanted, and gave birth to healthy babies.

  1. The berries need to be washed very well before consumption.
  2. Do not eat strawberries on an empty stomach to avoid irritation of the stomach lining.
  3. Know when to stop and try not to overeat, because even a healthy product can become a threat to the body. A few strawberries a day may be enough to satisfy and benefit from them.
  4. Always monitor your body's response. If you notice any manifestations of allergies, consult your doctor and limit the consumption of the product.

Now you know if you can eat strawberries during pregnancy. Bon Appetit.