Is it easy to be a good friend. The composition “Is it easy to be a friend. Conversation with students

Essay on the topic "Is it difficult to be a true friend?"

Friends are different. Surely every person has friends, good acquaintances - but everyone has one real friend. Is it hard to be such a friend?

Of course, almost everyone could become a friend, just "their own person." There are, as Pushkin wrote, “friends have nothing to do”. All of them will easily communicate with you. But being a true friend is not easy.

If you have trouble, what will your buddy do? He can sympathize, pat on the shoulder, "offer condolences" - no more. And a friend - the one who is real - will definitely try to help. Even if his attempt to help is doomed to failure in advance, and he knows about it - at least something he will do. Necessarily.

A true friend is usually from childhood. But the one with whom you talked all your life, played together in the yard, chatted at recess, went to the same institute, maybe just a friend. Very good - one that you will always be happy with, with whom you will have fun ... And a friend may appear at another time. But still, it is much more difficult to make friends in adulthood or old age than in childhood and adolescence. And it’s even harder not to lose them. Until they and you are forced to lose each other, a disease inevitable in old age ... whose name is death.

As Vysotsky sang: "If a friend suddenly turned out to be neither friend nor enemy, but so ...". What happens if your friend suddenly moves away from you? Is he really just "like that"? But let's continue Vysotsky's song: "Pull your friend to the mountains, take a chance ..." Perhaps a similar test for both of you is the only way to regain your former friendship. And if a friend is real, he will never leave you. "In sorrow and in joy" - these words are usually pronounced at weddings, but they are equally suitable for friendship. In grief, a friend will always help, in sorrow - he will experience your feelings, in joy - he will be glad with you ...

Yes, being a true friend is difficult. Yet such a friendship is wonderful. It should be in everyone's life. And if it is not there, then this is a sign that the person is either very unhappy, or simply "does not live, but exists." Take care of your friends.

Friends are especially needed in childhood. The termination of friendship with a child, or a violation of established ties, communication, can become a real tragedy for the baby, according to the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old

Friends are the meaning of life

If you make a list of the basic values ​​of life, then along with such concepts as family, parents, children, spouses, safety, love, etc. we must definitely bring friends into it. Everyone wants to have comrades, and not just any, but faithful ones, ready to share both sorrow and joy. Everyone understands that friends are more than acquaintances, employees, neighbors. The need for friendship can be called the most important need of human nature.

Friends are especially needed in childhood. The termination of friendship with a child, or a violation of established ties, communication, can become a real tragedy for the baby. For adults, losing friends is also a drama. But adults, nevertheless, find it easier, because they are the most prepared for the crisis situations of life. Unfortunately, sometimes circumstances leave us without friends, and we, already adults and independent, are so lacking in loved ones. How to be? How to make friends? What if no one wants to build a relationship with us?

What is a friend?

There are many trivial definitions of friendship and friends. A lot of essential features are attributed to the concept of “friend”: loyalty, unselfishness, interestingness, etc. But for each person, the word "friend" has a unique meaning. For a fragile girl, a friend is a brave boy-neighbor, ready to protect her from other boys. For a five-year-old boy, a friend can be a neighbor's girl who enjoys playing with him with dolls. For adolescents, a friend is, in a sense, making up for their own shortcomings, a projection of movie characters. For an adult - a close person who can understand without words, sympathize and rejoice with him. In a word, a friend is the person with whose soul our nature enters into a certain resonance, finding an answer to the unconscious questions of the heart. Children have their own questions, teenagers have their own. Adults are also looking for answers to their questions in someone else.

Is it easy to be a friend?

The peculiarity of friendship is that it is impossible to be friends unilaterally. This means that one cannot only enjoy the benefits of friendly relations, and not give a single crumbs to the other. These relationships tend to end quickly. For the same reason, many family unions collapse: the parties came to marriage in order only to take, but not to give in any way. The spouses quickly use the partners' "savings and capital", not enriching each other with anything other than mutual claims and negative life experiences. After a couple of years of marriage, the halves part under the flags: "I'm not lucky!" and "I was wrong with the choice!" In reality, they simply exhausted each other's potential, there was no real friendship between them.

True friendship is ready to give and give. Potential friends are those who need you. Often, we, with our stereotypical thinking and approach, try to find friends among those whom we, as friends, do not fit. Here are some simple tips that can help us rebuild lost relationships or start new ones.

Class hour on the topic: "Is it easy to be a good friend?".

Target: the formation of friendly friendly relations between the guys,

rallying the children's team, taking into account the individuality and uniqueness of the personality of each child.


To acquaint children with basic moral concepts such as: friendship, kindness, sincerity, communication, camaraderie, mutual assistance, support, empathy.

Conduct self-assessment by students of their own qualities and motivate the desire for self-change;

Change the position of individual students in the system of interpersonal relations and improve relationships in the team;

Develop the ability to argue your point of view;

Foster goodwill, respect for each other.

Preliminary work.Conduct a survey of students.

Class hour

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. I am pleased to welcome you to our class hour.

Guys, we are not alone today. Guests came to us. But you shouldn't be embarrassed by the presence of strangers. I ask you to be open, active and attentive as always.

Today we have to discuss a very important and interesting topic with you.

Please look at the screen. You will see an excerpt from the children's video of the Yeralash magazine. Think about what the conversation will go on today at classroom?

(Video from "Yeralash" "True friendship")

You guessed it right, today we're going to talk about friendship and how easy it is to be a good friend.

2. Problem situation.

To the question "Do you have a friend?" most of you give positive answers.

And here are the answers to the question "Who is your friend?" can be completely different. (A neighbor on a desk; an acquaintance in the yard; a classmate; a person with whom he spent the shift in the camp; section comrade). Why did it happen, because the question is the same for everyone?

3. The purpose of the class hour.

Let's think today who is a friend, what qualities he needs, and is it easy to be a good friend, draw up the rules of a true friend and try to understand if we can follow these rules in life?

Look at the words on the slide. Can we say that we are talking about the same person? How to decide who is a friend for us, and who is a comrade, or friend.


I will read the definitions, and you guess who they are talking about.

Close acquaintance (friend);

A person who is close to someone in terms of views, common work (comrade);

This is the one who is connected with someone by mutual trust, devotion, is responsible for him, worries, worries, worries (friend).

4. Determination of the moral qualities of a good friend (work in groups).

What brings people together? What character traits would you like to see in your friends? Let us, together with you, "divide" into two groups the proposed words denoting the qualities necessary for a good friend, and the words denoting the qualities that need to be eliminated. Having consulted amicably, decide which quality of character should be placed with the + sign, and where -. Time has gone.

(The moral qualities of the individual are printed on the sheets (each group has one sheet).

Understanding, deceit, delicacy, proximity of views, uncertainty, envy, forgiveness, benevolence, indifference, nobility, self-criticism, loquacity, restraint, deliberation of phrases and actions, insolence, generosity, irritability, sincerity, dedication, cordiality.

So, please read what character traits are inherent in you. Let everyone for himself conclude whether I am a good friend? And now let's look at those qualities that a real friend should not have.

Now you have been able to see how many qualities you need to cultivate in order to learn how to become a good friend.

Guys! Friendship is a delicate flower ... Take care of friendship. Let's take care of our school's friendship flower. You will fill the petals of this flower with words. But not simple, but after consulting, write on each petal one of the most important, in your opinion, quality, without which there can be no friendship.

(Each of the four groups writes on two prepared petals of the same quality and attaches the petals to a flower attached to the board.)

The ability to be friends is a quality that not everyone possesses. A good friend is valued, cherished, and such a person is rarely alone. Do you know how to be friends? Try to sincerely answer the questions of the next test and, perhaps, you will learn something new about yourself and your ability to be friends. I will read out the points of the test approval, and on your sheets of paper you need to write the number of the approval and the answer: “yes” or “no” "
Test: "Are you a good friend"

Distribute the text of the test to everyone

Now take a look at your answer sheet. The more answers “yes” there are, the more need to work on yourself. A person who has all the qualities and aspirations listed in the test can never become a good friend. Such a person risks being left alone, becoming a failure, making himself unhappy, and at the same time those close to him.

I hope that this test will make each of you think that being a friend is a difficult and painstaking work, it is work, first of all, on yourself. Let's think about whether there are rules for friendship?

5. Drawing up the rules of a true friend (work in groups).

You have been given situations, discuss them in groups and think about how a real friend will act in them, answer the questions and formulate a rule for a real friend, write it down and attach it on the board.

(Students work in groups, present their rules, and cards with a real friend's rules are attached to the board.)

1) Volodya is in 4th grade, and his friend Kolya is in 2nd grade. Volodya decided to attend the sports section of judo and calls Kolya with him. Kolya doesn't like this sport. Volodya takes offense and says: "Kolya, since you are my friend, then you should also practice judo."

Does Volodya understand friendship correctly?

Volodya should do as you suggest.

Rule 1. Give in to a friend.

Rule 2: respect your friend's opinion.

2) Vera won a prize in the reading competition. Her friend Masha does not come up to her and does not congratulate her on the victory, because she herself hoped to receive the award.

What advice would you give Masha?

Rule 3. Do not envy your friend, be able to rejoice at his success.

3) Vanya could not solve the problem, Misha let him write it off.

What would a true friend have done in Misha's place?

Rule 4. Help your friend, if he doesn't know how to do something, teach him.

4) According to Natasha, a good friend is a friend who will help in everything

Natasha, to share sweets, buns with her, and if you need to do something for Natasha, for example, to clean the office, he will definitely do it.

For whom is such a friendship beneficial?

What advice would you give Natasha?

Rule 5. True friendship is disinterested.

So, these are the situations that happen in our life. Maybe some of them turned out to be familiar to you and helped you think about your behavior and your friend.
- Guys, please read the rules that you wrote down.

6. Game "Associations".

In conclusion, we will play with you the game "Associations", in which you can find out how the guys see you, your comrades. The task of the incoming player is to guess which of the players everyone else has guessed. To do this, he must ask the players questions, such as: "If this person were a plant, what kind?" or "What animal, color, sport, building, subject does your friend associate with?"

Counselor's Word: Isn't that a fun game? Now try to analyze: what associations do you remember about you? Which associations have confirmed your self-image? Which ones were unexpected for you? Which ones surprised you? What do you think caused them to be caused by your behavior or appearance?

There is a discussion of associations. The guys express their points of view.

Counselor's Word: Maybe some of your friends' associations helped you discover something new about yourself.

7. Modeling the situation.

1) How do you deal with the situation?

(The situations are recorded on the cards, the children choose the cards and tell how they will act)

If my friend is successful in anything, then I

If I offended my friend, then I

If I think my friend betrayed me then I

If a friend is wrong and can do a dangerous thing, I ...

If my friend invites me to misbehave, then I

If my friend is scolded for me, then I

If my friend is not rightly scolded, then I

If my friend calls me rude, then I

If I see that my friend does not like the way I do to him, then I

If I have candy, then

If I have an interesting film, then I

If my friend hasn't done his homework, then I

If my friend does not know how to play the game, then I

8. The result of the class hour.

So our lesson has come to an end. Probably, each of you had to think about unexpected questions and solve unusual "problems", ask yourself questions (pleasant and not so). Maybe some of you “changed” a little for the better and “changed” something in your attitude to your friend ... The main thing is to remain unchanged - Good attitude towards people!

9. Reflection.

For now, take a look at the slide and say:

  • What was most interesting for you today;
  • What is important for yourself you have discovered;
  • I can praise myself and my classmates for ...

The result of our today's work was the creation of the "Rules of a true friend". If you follow these rules, then I am sure that you will be a true friend and, of course, do not forget about the qualities without which there can be no friendship.

Recently, Oleg Radchenko's father noticed that his son did not receive calls from friends, in the evening no one came to him; and the son does not leave the house. He sits at the computer for hours, reading something or just watching TV. What the guy reads is good, - said the father. A computer and a TV are necessary things. But why did the son's behavior change so suddenly? Once upon a time the phone did not fall silent, everyone needed Oleg, he was in a hurry somewhere, he solved problems with someone, he even did his homework somehow. When on the next day off the boy stayed at home, his father asked what worried him, why was he closed and unhappy? Oleg did not answer for a long time, but then he said that for some reason his friends had cooled down to him. Father said:

* - It's hard to be a real friend.
* - But I don’t deny anything to anyone - the boy shrugged his shoulders - I let him write it off .. If necessary, I can tell you in the lesson. My mobile
* guys enjoy.
* - Willingness to help classmates is good. And that's what worries me. You were friends with Mishka Senin. He stopped coming to you, does not call you on the phone. Have you had a fight? Have you offended him?
* - When he answered biology, said nonsense, carried nonsense, everyone began to laugh at him, and so did I. He probably didn't like it. So they joke at me. I'm not offended.
* - Insult is different from insult. Sergey Blinov often called you on the phone. And you laughed at him too?
* - He could not or did not have time to do physics, asked me to explain, but I offered a notebook - they say, write off, I was in a hurry somewhere.
* - Now I understand, said the father to his son. - Friendship is the work of the soul. With your ridicule, your refusal to explain a difficult task, you showed indifference. And if you think about it, you can remember many such examples. A real friend will not laugh for the company at the mistakes of another, he will be able to understand, give advice, and offer to write off tasks - nothing is simpler. If necessary, you can sacrifice your own time for the sake of a friend.

Oleg listened to his father without interrupting. He himself realized that being a true friend is hard. Time passed, and again Oleg's phone did not go off, the guys came to him, and he again disappeared somewhere for almost the whole day.

    The cherished area of ​​Pushkin's lyric poetry. In numerous poems dedicated to friends and beloved, his understanding of these higher life values ​​was revealed, vivid images of friends and beloved women were created. Friendship and love for Pushkin are companions ...

    Our house is old. From time to time, someone leaves it and new residents move in. One evening at the end of August, a large car drove up to the house with the inscription: "Transportation of furniture." I stood on the balcony and watched who from now on will live in our house ...

    The most wonderful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship. Laroche Foucault How do I see a real friend? First of all, he must be benevolent, affable, sympathetic - after all, people so need kindness, disinterestedness, attention. ...

    Friendship awakens the best qualities in a person. A true friend will not leave you in trouble, will be by your side both in joy and in sorrow. How joyfully Pushkin greeted his lyceum friend Ivan Pushchin, who, despite the strictest prohibition, was not afraid ...

    Maxim and Pavel are best friends. All the guys in the class even envy them a little. They are never apart: they return home from school together, prepare their homework and relax. Once, when Maxim could not solve the problem during independent work, Pavel ...


Recently, Oleg Radchenko's father noticed that his son did not receive calls from friends, in the evening no one came to him; and the son does not leave the house. He sits at the computer for hours, reading something or just watching TV. What the guy reads is good, - said the father. A computer and a TV are necessary things. But why did the son's behavior change so suddenly? Once upon a time the phone did not fall silent, everyone needed Oleg, he was in a hurry somewhere, he solved problems with someone, he even did his homework somehow. When on the next day off the boy stayed at home, his father asked what worried him, why was he closed and unhappy? Oleg did not answer for a long time, but then he said that for some reason his friends had cooled down to him. Father said:

* - It's hard to be a real friend.
* - But I don’t deny anything to anyone - the boy shrugged his shoulders - I let him write it off .. If necessary, I can tell you in the lesson. My mobile
* guys enjoy.
* - Willingness to help classmates is good. And that's what worries me. You were friends with Mishka Senin. He stopped coming to you, does not call you on the phone. Have you had a fight? Have you offended him?
* - When he answered biology, said nonsense, carried nonsense, everyone began to laugh at him, and so did I. He probably didn't like it. So they joke at me. I'm not offended.
* - Insult is different from insult. Sergey Blinov often called you on the phone. And you laughed at him too?
* - He could not or did not have time to do physics, asked me to explain, but I offered a notebook - they say, write off, I was in a hurry somewhere.
* - Now I understand, said the father to his son. - Friendship is the work of the soul. With your ridicule, your refusal to explain a difficult task, you showed indifference. And if you think about it, you can remember many such examples. A real friend will not laugh for the company at the mistakes of another, he will be able to understand, give advice, and offer to write off tasks - nothing is simpler. If necessary, you can sacrifice your own time for the sake of a friend.

Oleg listened to his father without interrupting. He himself realized that being a true friend is hard. Time passed, and again Oleg's phone did not go off, the guys came to him, and he again disappeared somewhere for almost the whole day.