Lunar calendar for November for haircuting hair and staining. When you cut your hair in November: favorable dates on the lunar calendar. How Assange has profited new enemies

Lunar calendar hair rifle is not a new invention. Even in antiquity, favorable and unfavorable days for hair cuts were calculated in accordance with the position of the Moon relative to other celestial bodies. Scientists have noticed that, depending on the moon phase, it turns out to be different effects on the physical and emotional side of the person.

Full moon and new moon are considered the most unfavorable phases of the Moon in order to begin new things, as a person at this time feels the decline of the forces and the lack of good mood. Favorable hair cuts in November 2014. The events specified in the calendar are oriented at Moscow time.

What days are favorable for haircuts hair in November 2014

Favorable hair hairstyle in November 2014: 1, 5, 6, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28.

To date, few people pay attention to the cycles of the Moon and what they have an impact on a person, but, undoubtedly, every of us is felt by the energy of the moon. Hair cut is one of the actions that should be done, leaning on the lunar calendar, since if you choose not suitable for this day, you can make not only hair, but also good luck, mind and memory. With the help of a lunar calendar you can choose only favorable days for hair cuts in November 2014. At this time, it is possible not only having a hair cutting, but also painting, haircuting nails, face care and body skin care.

Nov. 1 - Moon in fish. Hair care will give a positive result, but their haircut is not desirable. To perform dyeing hair day neutral.

November 5- Moon in Aries. Time is favorable for hair cutting. Also when painting the hair you will be satisfied with the result, since the selected color will contribute to the attachment of good luck.

November 6.- Moon in Taurus. During this period, it is allowed to imagine hair, but too short haircuts should be performed. For hair coloring, you can choose any color.

November 9- Moon in twins. Cutting hair at this time will be brought to your usual life. When painting hair in bright shades, there is a possibility of improving its financial position.

the 13th of November - Moon in Lev. The day is good for the overthrow of the new hairstyle. If making hair at this time, you will also be agitated by negative thoughts. It is especially good to carry out hair coloring in red and golden shades.

November 14- Moon in Lev. Time is favorable for haircuting and hair coloring. The result will delight you, and your surroundings will definitely appreciate your new image.

November 16.- Moon in Virgo. The day is neutral for haircuts and hair coloring. Moon will not be neither positive nor negative influences.

November 17th - Moon in the scales. When carrying out a haircut on this day, you will be felt by an incredible tide of energy and forces. For dyeing hair, use harmless paint, so as not to harm hair.

November 18th - Moon in the scales. According to the oracle, on this day you can safely go to the beauty salon, because hair cutting at this time will delight its owner and, in addition, will make her appearance even more attractive.

November 23
- Moon in Sagittarius. If you do hair haircut during this period, your hair will become stronger and stronger. Staining hair in golden and redheads contributes to attracting money to you and good luck.

November 24.- Moon in Capricorn. The day is favorable for hair cutting and hair staining, since the hair will be well lying, and the hair color will delight their glitter and brightness for a long time.

November 25- Moon in Capricorn. Time is neutral for a hike in a beauty salon. It is allowed to carry out a haircut and staining of the hair, without fear of harming the hair and get the result you will be gritled.

November 26. - Moon in Aquarius. The moon only accumulates energy and therefore it does not turn out to be a positive or negative impact on the human body. Therefore, it is allowed to make a haircut and staining of the hair during this period.

November 28 - Moon in Aquarius. The day is neutral for haircuts and hair coloring. Data manipulations will not be harmful to your hair. In addition, it is allowed to cut your nails to improve their growth.

All women attach particular importance to their hair. Well-groomed and timely trimmed hair - a business card of a true lady. That is why you need to carefully select days to plan a visit to the hairdressing salon. This will help you with a lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for November 2014.

Phase growth. Luna until 21:13 in Aquarius, then in fish.

Hair care today will give an excellent result, but they should not cut them. In terms of hair coloring day is neutral. To strengthen your immunity, it should be squeezed by natural colors. Today, as often as possible, combing wooden combs.

Phase of growth. Luna in fish.

Cooked time for a haircut, visiting the hairdresser will not lead to anything good. Crab hair fashionable. If you give your hair a golden or copper hue, it will bring you a profit.

Phase of growth. Luna in fish until 23:40.

The moon today carries negative energy. After the haircut, you will feel the decline of the forces, and the band fails you. If you paint your hair with natural substances, then you can attract success.

Phase of growth. Luna in Aries.

The adverse effect is still going on, so the haircut is better planned for another period. Crab hair can not be painted, even with tonic.

Moon in Aries. Faise growth.

A favorable time for haircuts and hair paintings. The chosen color will bring you good luck.

Growth phase. Luna from 02:26 in Taurus.

Today you can give a shape hairstyle or simply hang hair. Do not make short haircuts. You can face hair in any color you like.

Moon in Tales.v 02:21 Full moon will come.

An unfavorable day for haircuts, as they will not keep shape. You can paint the hair in dark colors and only by natural colorful pigments.

Descending phase. Luna from 06:53 in twins.

Haircut will bring you concerns and despondency, so set aside the campaign to the hairdresser. It is also no need to paint hair.

Decreasing phase. Luna in twins.

This day is allowed to make haircuts and carry out hair color. The haircut will bring something new and positive in your life. If you paint your hair into a light tone, it will improve your financial condition.

Descending phase. Luna from 13:18 in cancer.

Today, haircuts are unfavorable for hair growth. In addition, after the hairdresser, you can lose something important. That is why transfer the date of visits to the cabin. It is possible to paint only in those shades that affect your life positively.

Decreasing phase. Luna in cancer.

Refrain from the change of image, this day is not suitable for this. Strike hair and nails are strictly prohibited, as it can lead to fragility. You can cut a little hair.

November 12, 2014 (Wednesday) - from 22:33 21st lunar days come, and until that time lasts the 20th day.

Decreasing phase. Moon until 21:36 in cancer.

The haircut will not bring anything positive, only experiences and disorders. Crab hair is appropriate only by natural dyes.

November 13, 2014 (Thursday) - from 23:37 the 22nd lunar days are coming, and until 23:37 last the 21st day.

Decreasing phase. Luna in Lev.

Good time for haircuts. Together with old hair you can get rid of bad thoughts. Who else did not have time to trim - do it today. Krable your hair in red and light tones in order to attract good people to themselves.

Descending phase. Luna in Lev.B 19:16 the last quarter will come.

Today it is not recommended to cut, as the time for this is rather unfavorable. You can paint your curls only in natural natural shades. To fully save during this period your energy balance at the proper level, it is recommended to comb your hair as often as possible.

November 15, 2014 (Saturday) - from 00:42 23 and lunar days are coming, and until 00:42 - the 22nd lunar day.

Descending phase. Luna from 11:25 in Virgo.

On the calendar again a magnificent day for coloring and haircuts. Boldly go to the hairdresser.

November 16, 2014 (Sunday) - from 01:48 24th lunar comes, and up to this point the 23-lunar days will last.

Decreasing phase. Luna in Virgo.

The lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for November 2014 indicates that this is a neutral day. You can only paint with natural dyes.

Descending phase.Luna to 22:40 in Virgo.

An incredible tide of energy and forces will be gripped today all clients of the hairdresser. Painting hair is better only by natural pigments, so as not to spoil the hair.

Descending phase. Luna in scales.

Favorable. You can safely go to the selected hairdresser. Cry into a natural hue, because so you can find a common language with the right people. Hair on this day is recommended thoroughly wrapped.

Descending phase. Luna in scales.

Today, just an ideal day for changing the usual image, in connection with which any haircut is possible. On this day you can also change the color of the strand and all hair.

Moon from 08:17 in Scorpio. Here is a phase.

Neutral period. You can face it, but it is better to postpone the color. On such days it is best to make simple and affordable hairstyles.

Descending phase. Luna in Scorpio.

Today, after the haircut you can seriously get sick and even shorten your life. Transfer it to another day.

November 22, 2014 (Saturday) - from 08:43 the 30th day comes, and from 16:32 - the 1st lunar day.

At 16: 31Nextant new moon. Luna from 16:44 in Sagittarius.

Nor under any pretext do not stream hair, because you can comprehend the mountain. Crab hair is allowed only by natural pigments and in bright colors.

Growing phase. Moon in Sagittarius.

All haircuts today will give hair strength and energy. If you can paint the curls in red and gold shades, it will bring you a profit.

Growing phase. Luna in Sagittarius until 21:28.

Good day for coloring and haircuts.

Moon in Capricorn. The growing phase.

A good moment to visit the hairdresser. Very good on such days, laying.

Growing phase. Luna in Capricorn.

The moon still accumulates energy, so it has a neutral effect. You can cut and paint hair.

Growing phase. Luna in Aquarius from 00:30.

The haircut today can lead to dandruff and other problems with hair. Postpone the campaign to the master.

Astrologers are confident that hair haircut and other procedures must be poisoned with the position of the Moon in the sky relative to other bodies to strengthen health, financial position and to correct other spheres of life.

Lunar Calendar Stregging for November 2014 The year talks about favorable and unfavorable to visit the hairdressing day. The most favorable days for money haircuts - 6, 15 and 26 November 2014.

Lunar calendar Stregging for November 2014 - by day

November 1 - the growing moon is in the fish. Any hair procedures are shown, with the exception of the haircut.

November 2 - the growing moon is in the sign of the fish. An unfavorable day for visiting the beauty salon, since the haircut will not give the desired result.

November 3 - the growing moon is in Aries. The negative energy of the moon will affect people's health. If you get through today, you can lose the strength and good location of the Spirit.

November 4 - the growing moon is in the sign of the Aries. The negative effect of the moon continues on the events, so it is better to abandon the haircut on this day.

November 5 - the growing moon is still in Aries. Not the most successful day for short haircuts, but it is not rebiring the painful ends.

November 6 - the growing moon is in the Taurus. The day is designed for the haircut and all other manipulations with hair. Therefore, it is advisable to go to the master to just fir the ends ..

November 7 - full moon. The moon is in the sign of the Taurus. An unfavorable day for a visit to the master, the haircut will not be successful, and the form will quickly fall.

On November 8, a decreasing moon is in the twins. The negative impact of the moon is preserved. If you break the hair today, you can be mocked in despondency and unjustified fears.

November 9 - a decreasing moon is in the sign of the twins. Favorable for haircut day. You can cool to change your life for the better.

November 10 - a decreasing moon is in cancer. Not the best day for hair cutting, as their growth will slow down. It is better to transfer the planned action.

November 11 - the decreasing moon is in the sign of cancer. It is strongly recommended to refrain from haircuting hair and nails, as they will become brittle.

November 12 - a decreasing moon is in Lev. It should be refused to go to the hairdresser, since the haircut will not bring joy, but solid disorders and an unpleasant precipitate. Anxiety and experiences are not excluded.

November 13 - a decreasing moon is in the sign of a lion. Good day for changing the image and bold experiments. Parting with the thrust ends will help cut out the entire negative.

November 14 - a decreasing moon is still in Lev. Another good day for hair cutting and other cabin procedures.

November 15 - a decreasing moon is in Virgo. The day has access to hairdressers. Hair haircut will bring well-being and profits.

November 16 - a decreasing moon is in the sign of the Virgin. Neutral day. The haircut in no way affect the events in your life.

November 17 - a decreasing moon is in the scales. The day is very good for hair cutting. A hike to the hairdresser promises a tide of strength, vigor and energy.

November 18 - the decreasing moon is in the sign of the scales. Astrologers recommend today to visit the beauty salon, as any hair treatments will help to become more attractive.

November 19 - a decreasing moon is still in the scales. The day does not have to visit the hairdresser, so it is better to postpone a visit for a more favorable period.

November 20 - a decreasing moon is in Scorpio. An unfavorable lunar background is maintained, so it is recommended to cancel all the arrows with the change of image. The haircut today will negatively affect the growth of the hair and will quickly lose its shape.

November 21 - a decreasing moon is in the sign of Scorpio. The most unfavorable and dangerous hair clipper is the day, as today you risk cramped years of life, health and energy.

November 22 - New Moon. The moon is located in Sagittarius. The negative impact of the moon remains. The new moon is characterized by the weakening of the human body and its exposure to biorhythms. It is strictly forbidden to cut hair.

November 23 - the growing moon is in the sign of Sagittarius. The lunar background is replaced by a more favorable, and today you can cut your hair. It will help them strengthen and improve them.

November 24 - the growing moon is in Capricorn. Favorable for haircut day. Hair will be obedient, and the haircut will especially delight today, the hair will acquire vitality and shine.

November 25 - the growing moon is in the sign of Capricorn. Neutral day. You can visit beauty salons without fear of the consequences for the future.

November 26 - the growing moon is in Aquarius. The new moon begins to gain power and therefore is capable of providing a positive effect. If you need to correct the family budget, then boldly go to the threshold of the hairdresser, good luck will smile.

November 27 - the growing moon is in the sign of Aquarius. Oracles advises to transfer the planned hike to the beauty salon at a later date, since the haircut promises a bad mood.

November 28 - the growing moon is still in aquare. The day is absolutely neutral. You can cut hair and nails. This will not affect the events.

November 29 - the growing moon is in the fish. Not the most suitable day for visiting the hairdresser. Any salon hair treatments are stolen by a bad arrangement of the spirit, and the haircut will lead to migraines.

November 30 - the growing moon is in the sign of the fish. An extremely unfavorable day for a hike to the beauty salon, as if today we have a hair, you can seriously and get sick for a long time.

Sergey Vasilenkov for the Women's magazine "Charm"

Favorable hair hairstyle in November (favorable day + location of the moon in the sign of the zodiac) Allocatedred.

Visiting the hairdresser you noticed that a haircutMade by the same master, it happens perfect and not requiring styling, and can deliver a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes after the haircut, the hair is well, and sometimes you can not cope with them. It happens that they grow quickly, and happens - very slowly. To be satisfied haircut visiting the hairdresser in the days when The moon is in the signs of Lion or Virgin. Haircut these days do good as On growing, so I. on a decreasing moonBut better - on growing. If you get through the days of the lion, the hair will look thick. If you make a haircut in the days of the Virgin, they will grow faster and will be perfectly held. You can stand on other days of the growing moon, with the exception of signs of fish and cancer. Haircut on a decreasing moon saves hair in good condition, but they will grow slowly.

Bad will affect hair haircut on a decreasing moon In Capricorn, as well as a haircut in the days of cancer and fish in any phase. If you make a haircut in an unsuccessful day, the hair will be bad for a long time to grow, can begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in them, they are faster and become thinner. Very harmful hair on a decreasing moon in Aries - they will quickly and very fall out! Also harmful to halted in the days of twins

Curving of hair Successfully passes at any phase in the days of the Virgin. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, fish, cancer, scorpion. If you take the hair on the days of the lion, the curling will be too strong, because these days the hair goes themselves. In the days of cancer, fish, scorpion, Aquarius, at any phase, do not curl hair, because they will look lifeless, dull, will begin to sneeze and break.

Hair coloring It is better to do with a growing moon, the paint will stay longer. If you paint the hair on a decreasing moon The color will wash faster. If you want to check if you define this or that color, use not paint, but coloring shampoo. It will wash out several times, and you will be sure to go color or not.


There are many ways to remove hair and each of their advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot wax - an effective way but painful, razor plus more. When choosing a way to remove hair, keep in mind that the hair removed on the growing moon is growing faster. You can shave them in the morning, and in the evening they are already growing. If you remove them on the growing moon in Lion or Virgo, they are not enough that they will grow faster, but also become thicker and thicker. It is best to remove hair on a decreasing moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of decreasing moon, except for the signs of the Virgin and Leo.

We bring to your attention:

Calendar conception (pregnancy). The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of pregnancy and the predicted sex of the future child depending on the date and time of proximity.

Wedding calendar (marriage). Personal wedding calendar - the reliability and durability of the marriage union, the well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the date of the wedding. In the marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further life of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and select the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac and a favorableness of the lunar day, the marriage is unacceptable during all posts, on the eve or during church holidays, denacities, carnival, etc.

Lunar Hair Haircut Calendar for November 2014

The hair clip calendar is given description of each day in November 2014. What a lunar day and in which sign of the zodiac is the moon on a given day. Red and marked favorable days and favorable location of the moon in the sign of the zodiac For haircuts in November.

The calendar is compiled for 12 hours of Moscow time. Make an amendment for your location.Calculate lunar day to another date in another city and seestart and end of the lunar day In November 2014.

for hair haircut in November 2014

9th lunar day . An unfavorable day for hair cutting. Diseases and all sorts of problems overtake a person having a habit of happily on this day.Moon in aquare . Aquarius has a rather negative effect on the hair. The likelihood of hair loss and baldness increases.

10th lunar day . It is better to refrain from visiting a hairdresser. The "burning day" according to Tibetan traditions, threatens the deterioration of health.

Moon in Fish

11th lunar day . The haircut on this day develops the sharpness of the senses, improves the insight of the mind. Good day for hair cutting.

Moon in Fish . At this time it is better to forget about visiting the hairdresser. The haircut leads to the occurrence of dandruff, eliminate which will not be easy. It is easy to wash your hair and hair should be as less as possible. Adverse hair cutting sign.

12th lunar day . The haircut is better transferred to a more favorable period, since this day can be attracted by mischief, the likelihood of injuries increases, up to death.

Moon in Ovne .

13th lunar day . Good time for a haircut. On this day, you will not only get a beautiful appearance, but also attract good luck and happiness in your life.

Moon in Ovne . A rather unfavorable period for a haircut that leads to the weakening of the general immunity of the body, which increases the likelihood of various kinds of diseases.

14th lunar day . Improvement in all spheres of life (from the situation in society to the material situation) is waiting for a person to raise a haircut for the fourteenth lunar day.

Moon in Tales

15th lunar day . An unfavorable day for visiting a hairdresser. The haircut on this day is fraught with serious negative consequences in almost all areas (from the violation of the general condition of the body to mental processes).

Moon in Tales . The most ideal time to visit the hairdresser. When having a haircut during this period, hair grow well, strengthened and acquire persistence to external influences, less sequently.

16th lunar day . An unfavorable day for hair cutting. Making a haircut on this day, you have the likelihood of personal mistakes and following these accidents. In addition, it becomes much more difficult to keep their passions and negative habits under control.

Moon in Gemini .
17th lunar day . The haircut creates all sorts of obstacles in affairs and leads to deterioration of health (from increasing the probability of injury to violations of mental activity). Eastern traditions, the most malicious spirits are attracted when having hair haircut on this day.Moon in Gemini . The moon in twins and scales allows air hairstyles. After the haircut on such days, the hair is rapidly growing, but their structure and state does not change.
18th lunar day . The haircut on this day increases the likelihood of theft or robbery aimed against you against you, which may entail not only the loss of property and property, but also the subsequent deterioration in health.Moon in Gemini . The moon in twins and scales allows air hairstyles. After the haircut on such days, the hair is rapidly growing, but their structure and state does not change.

19th lunar day . On this day it is better to postpone things and carve time to visit the hairdresser, since the haircut on this day extends life.

Moon in cancer . After the haircut on such days, the hairstyle does not hold the shape at all, the hair becomes disobedient, do not give in to laying. During this period, it is not recommended to wash your head. From the haircut during the location of the moon in the constellation of cancer should be refrained.
20th lunar day . The haircut on this day changes the attitude to life. Even the most avid optimist will begin to look closely to the life negative, up to the emergence of a persistent feeling of disgust for life in general and the surrounding in particular.Moon in cancer . After the haircut on such days, the hairstyle does not hold the shape at all, the hair becomes disobedient, do not give in to laying. During this period, it is not recommended to wash your head. From the haircut during the location of the moon in the constellation of cancer should be refrained.

21st lunar day . On the external and inner beauty and, as a result, the well-being and good position is doomed to the one who cuts on this day. Day is favorable for hair cutting.

Favorable hair hair

Moon in Lev
22th lunar day . On the one hand, the haircut on this day allows the possibility of acquiring property, and on the other - can lead to an increase in excess weight, which cannot but affect the general state of health.Moon in Lev . Haircut on such days makes hair beautiful, lush and silky. This position of the moon in the sky is considered favorable if you want to change the image or rhythm of your life.
For haircuting hair days lion is most favorable

23rd lunar day . Gives a healthy complexion and improves well-being.

Favorable hair hair

Moon in Vid.
24th lunar day . For a haircut day is very unfavorable. Faces deterioration of health, especially if there are already chronic or hidden diseasesMoon in Vid. . Time to visited the hairdresser. Hair is well growing, strengthening and improve their structure, less sequently. For the use of chemical preparations (all types of hair color, Himzavivka) are the best days when the moon is located in the Virgin.
For haircuts hair days Virgin most favorable

25th lunar day . On this day, an increase in intraocular pressure or aggravation of eye diseases is possible. High probability of barley or inflammation

Moon in Vid. . Time to visited the hairdresser. Hair is well growing, strengthening and improve their structure, less sequently. For the use of chemical preparations (all types of hair color, Himzavivka) are the best days when the moon is located in the Virgin.
For haircuts hair days Virgin most favorable

26th lunar day . Positive day. No fateful changes bearing, but the haircut or stying will be surprisingly pleasing your eyes, which will lead to a stunningly good mood.

Favorable hair hair

Moon in scales

27th lunar day . The testimony of this day is the same as in the previous one.

Favorable hair hair

Moon in scales. The moon in the scales allows air hairstyles. After the haircut on such days, the hair is rapidly growing, but their structure and state does not change.

28th lunar day . Acquired as a result of visiting a hairdresser Appearance will serve you a good service in attracting dating and charm the necessary people. Good day for hair cutting.

Moon in Scorpio

29th lunar day . 30th lunar day It is better to postpone hair haircut for a more favorable time for this period.

Moon in Scorpio . The extremely risky position of the moon for the haircut, because it can both improve, so worsen your personal life and in general the relationship with the opposite sex.
29th lunar day . 30th lunar day It is better to postpone hair haircut for a more favorable time for this period.Moon in Scorpio . The extremely risky position of the moon for the haircut, because it can both improve, so worsen your personal life and in general the relationship with the opposite sex.
2nd lunar day. An unfavorable day for the haircut. Hair cut can lead to quarrels and litigation.Moon in Streltsy . The haircut made these days will become a talisman for your implementation and recognition in business circles. Excellent period for a haircut that promotes favorable changes in the career and relationships with colleagues
3rd lunar day . An unfavorable day for the haircut. Hair cut will lead to material waste and deterioration.

Anyway, the cycles of the moon affect the life of a person. We have repeatedly talked about when the hair should be cut, given the cycles of the moon. Astrologers also warn that the position of the Moon is directly related to the life of a person. The lunar cycles can positively affect human health or cause disorder.

In any case, we picked up the most positive days in which you can cut and color hair. Let's discuss the moon cycles in more detail and when astrologists recommend cutting and coloring hair! The beginning of the month will become an excellent period for haircuts and dyeing hair, but at the end of November it is better to postpone the campaign to the hairdresser.

* Red marked days in which hair haircut is recommended.
November 1 - Growing Moon in Fishes. On this day, astrologers do not recommend having hair, but they can be painted, but only by natural paints. All hair recovery treatments are welcome.
November 2 - Growing Moon in Fishes. Do not cut your hair on this day, the haircut will not affect the energy.
November 3 - Growing Moon in Aries. The haircut on this day will burn badly on health. It is best to postpone a hairdresser.
November 4 - Growing Moon in Aries. On this day, astrologers recommend painting hair, but the radical options are better left for later. Hair haircut is better not to spend.
November 5 - Growing moon in Aries. Excellent day for staining and haircuting hair. Energy and money haircut hair.
November 6. - Growing moon in Taurus. If you want to make a hair haircut, be sure to spend it on this day. By the way, the hair is not recommended to drastically on this day.
November 7 - Full Moon, Moon in Taurus. Do not cut and color hair.
November 8 - a growing moon in twins. 16 Moon day, unfavorable day for hair cutting. This is a negative day for hair cutting.
November 9 - decreasing moon in twins. This is a monetary haircut of hair that can be held on this day.
November 10 - a decreasing moon in cancer. Strike hair and paint them is not recommended. It is better to postpone the campaign to the hairdresser for later.
November 11 - a decreasing moon in cancer. Do not cut your hair on this day, color hair better with natural dyes to maximize the hair from damage.
November 12 - a decreasing moon in Lev. This is an unfavorable day for hair cutting, which will negatively affect hair health. Do not hold hair haircut on this day.
November 13 - a decreasing moon in Lev. Today's hair haircut can bring failure in matters or simply you will not like it.
November 14 - decreasing moon in Lev. 22 lunar days, excellent day for staining and haircuting hair.
November 15 - a decreasing moon in the Virgin. This is a negative day for hair cutting.
November 16. - Descending Moon in Virgo. Energetically, a positive day for hair cutting, but staining should be postponed for later.
November 17th - decreasing moon in the scales. Today's hair haircut will be monetary. Be sure to cut the hair tips, and staining is allowed.
November 18th - decreasing moon in the scales. Positive day for hair cutting, staining is encouraged.
November 19 is a decreasing moon in the scales. On this day, it is better not to visit the salon, but to transfer hair staining at another time.
November 20 - a decreasing moon in Scorpio. The haircut on this day can affect the health of the hair, and the likely the probability that you will not like it.
November 21 - Descending Moon in Scorpio. Last positive day for hair cutting in front of the new moon.
November 22 New Moon in Sagittarius. The new moon is not recommended to take any steps to form a haircut and hairstyle. It is also impossible to paint the hair and carry out procedures for hair recovery.
November 23 - Growing moon in Sagittarius. 1 lunar day, excellent hair cutting period. Haircut on this day will accelerate hair growth and will have a positive effect on financial condition.
November 24. - Growing moon in Capricorn. Another positive day for haircuting hair.
November 25 - Growing moon in Capricorn. On this day, all manipulations with hair can be carried out, especially wellness.
November 26. - Growing Moon in Aquarius. Good day for a haircut.
November 27. - Growing Moon in Aquarius. An excellent day for hair coloring, but it is completely neutral for the haircut.
November 28 - Growing Moon in Aquarius. If you decide to paint your hair, do it today. Astrologers warn that on this day it is better not to carry out a cardinal haircut of the hair, you can attach tips or squeak bangs.
November 29 - Growing Moon in Fishes. A negative day for hair cuts from the point of view of energy.
November 30 - Growing Moon in Fishes. 8 Moonday, the last day of the month and one of the most unfavorable periods for haircuting and dyeing hair. If you planned a haircut on this day, it is better to transfer it to another time.