Small dots on the nails. Causes and Treatment of online (Point) Nail Saltics

The appearance of the nails is important not only from aesthetic point of view, but also the stuck view of health care. The fact is that it is on the nail plates that many illnesses show themselves first. Therefore, it is very important from time to time to inspect your nails and pay attention to the slightest changes to their relief, color and appearance. For example, if dents appeared on the nails, it can serve as a reason to consult a doctor. What do yesters mean, dents on the nails

Transverse dents

The emerging transverse dents on the nail of the thumb with the high probability indicate the presence of problems with the respiratory, that is, the bronchophole apparatus.


In cases where points appear on the nails in the form of holes, a person sets a question: what could it be? Very often, the presence of small holes and pores testifies to the pathology of the spleen.


However, there is also the concept of "symptom of the froster", in which the dents are manifested on the nail - point "dentity". Pile can be located on one randomly or in the set "slender" longitudinal rows. The manifested vertex is possible, both in psoriasis or dermatoses and systemic diseases, such as neat alopecia (the main symptom - the appearance of proper on the head).
Nails on the nails of thumb

Causes of the appearance of dents and pits on the nails

Celers on the nails of the hands are formed for various reasons. This may be caused by a failure in the work of the body or provoked by various diseases. Most often, dents are formed in people who lack any minerals. Cure the irregularities of the nail plate is easy, it is sufficient to correctly form your diet and follow the advice of doctors.

If you have found dents on your nails, do not delay the treatment. To begin with, find out the cause of this ailment. If the reason lies in a lack of beneficial substances, saturate your body with vitamins of group A and V. From products, it is recommended to consume carrots, apricots, cottage cheese, eggs and fish. Special procedures will not interfere. If the nails have become bugs due to diseases, consult your doctor.

Fungal infections

Infectness fungi can occur in public areas - saunas, pools, baths. At the same time, the slaves are not always saved from infection. To make a diagnosis by a dermatologist, a scraping with a nail plate is taken. The kind of fungus caused infection is determined in the laboratory.

Important! Most often, such a problem is manifested on the nails of the legs. Externally, it looks far from aesthetically, but pain with such infection is rare. The lesion of the fungus is possible in hand.

Lack of vitamins

When avitaminosis, the pits most often appear on the nails of the hands. However, in addition to such a symptom, hair fragility may be observed or their increased loss. Nail can "Tell" which trace element is not enough in the body. If the dent looks like a transverse groove and several of them on the plate, this indicates a lack of iron in the body.
Yam on the nails of the fingers

Injuries, impact of chemistry

The regular impact of chemicals can lead to such a nail disease, like Onikhishihis or Onichoy, the symptoms of which can be nail foxes. The disease leads to dystrophic changes in the body, in particular, to the splitting of the nail plate on the transverse elements in the form of small leaf-shaped plates.

The reasons are mainly concluded in the effects of chemicals on the nails during the fulfillment of professional duties. The disease is inherent in the chemical industry workers and medical professionals in contact with disinfectant solutions. However, the unlimited use of varnishes in conjunction with the means containing acetone for its removal, sometimes leads to the development of this health disorder.

Note! The constant use of detergents and disinfectants in domestic use only aggravates this process.

Onyhoshisis, it is also a disease developing due to a constant mechanical impact on the nail plate. Recently, IT employees are subject to this disease, because they perform a set of a large array of information constantly manually. So frequent communication through a computer can not be at all harmless occupation.

Nail Psoriasis

In patients with this ailment, only nails are rarely affected. Usually, other parts of the body are also amazed - very often skin, sometimes bones.

Symptoms may be different, the main of them:

  • the color of the nails becomes yellow with brown shades;
  • on the nail plate there are holes (small depressions);
  • horizontal lines (transverse dents) and white spots are manifested on the nails of the hands;
  • form thickening plates;
  • the nail plate can separate from the bed.

Many patients are interested in how to get rid of psoriasis. The answer is unequivocal - it is impossible. However, with symptoms it is possible to cope with the help of ointments and injections that the doctor can pick up (individually for you).
Snacks on the nails of the hands: Causes and treatment


If the internal organs have led to the appearance of the nails on the nails, in order to get rid of them, it is necessary to treat the main reason. Celers can be treated by compliance with proper nutrition, nail hygiene, conducting preventive measures.

Rules of healthy nutrition

Treat pits on marigolds is important with a balanced diet. In a daily diet, fruits and vegetables must be present. To saturate the body with nutrients, it is recommended to eat diverse and only useful products.

The menu should contain products rich in omega-3 acids. Therefore, it is recommended to be harvested with nuts and fish.

To restore all the basic functions of the body, as well as the elimination of the pits on the marigolds, it is recommended to drink two liters of liquid during the day.

Attention! Exclude Fast Food from your diet, semi-finished products and other harmful products.

Features of nail hygiene

For the beauty of marigolds, treatment, as well as warnings of dents on them, it is important to carry out correct hygiene:

  1. If necessary, protect your nails from the harmful effects of the external environment. If you have a windy or cold one outside the window, be sure to wear gloves. Also, protective gloves should be worn when working with land or household chemicals.
  2. It is important to systematically make manicure. Clean the nobs from the dirt, carefully cut the chips and hooks to avoid the treatment of the fifth.
  3. To preserve moisture on the nails and the skin of the hands, as well as the warnings of the treatment of the pits, it is recommended to use a moisturizing lotion for hands as necessary. Also, it is not worth the hand to expose the impact of moisture, as they can dry hard and be covered with cracks.
  4. It is useful as treatment, as well as the prevention of dents on the marigolds daily rub in the nail plate and cuticle oil jojoba, mixed with vitamin E.

To reduce the holes on the marigolds, experts advise to use the saws to polish them. Polishing should be performed by soft and neat movements, without strong pressure on the marigold. The procedure must be performed only in one direction. To eliminate the fifth, you will need to hold several polishing procedures.

Points on the nails are evidence of changes that occur in the human body. Leiconichia may arise from a person at any age, regardless of its sex and social status. Pathological deviations are a bundle of the nail plate and the formation of cavities in various sizes, shapes and colors. The effect of internal and external factors lead to disorders affecting only 1 nail or fingers on all limbs. Most often, the leukonichy is manifested on the nails of the hands, since they are the strongest loads and contact with the aggressive medium. However, the appearance of points on the nails of the legs is not very rare. Consider the prerequisites for the occurrence of this phenomenon, the measures for its treatment and prophylaxis.


In dermatology, leukonicheus is divided into 4 species depending on the configuration and location of the points:

  1. Total. Pathology begins with the emergence of small points. Gradually increasing in size, they cause full bundle and destruction of the horny plate.
  2. Point. In this case, there is a multiple appearance of small points. Sometimes they grow together in 1 large spot, which can cover until half of the nail.
  3. Strong. Points are reborn in the stripes of vertical or horizontal orientation. Strips can be of different thickness, depending on the diseases that provoked them.
  4. Limited. Pathological changes affect only one part of the nail with its full destruction. The remaining part looks healthy.

The most complex and disturbing type of disease is total leuconichia. The progressive illness destroys almost the entire nail plate. This is an alarming symptom at which you need to immediately contact the doctor.

Causes of the formation of points on the nails

Leiconichia can have the most diverse etiology. The appearance of points on horny tissue can be preceded by various events of internal or external origin. Quite often, the disease arises as a body's response on a complex of negative factors. In medicine, there is a division of the prerequisites of the disease into groups explaining the emergence of the ailment under the influence of the outside or due to the pathology of the internal organs.

Causes of external leukonichs

Despite the fact that the horny nail fabric is quite strong education, the most diverse factors can disrupt its structure.

The most frequent causes of the appearance of points due to external influence are as follows:

  1. Mechanical damage. Strong pressure or blow causes a bundle of plates of horny fabric. Such a reaction may occur with the long wearing of overly close shoes.
  2. Manicure execution in an inexperienced master or inadvertent tools for this. As a result, there is infection of soft and solid tissues, their inflammation and destruction.
  3. Long contact with chemically active substances. As a rule, this happens when a person does not use protective gloves. Serious burn can be obtained even with the use of household chemicals.
  4. The use of cosmetic drugs of dubious quality or with the ending expiration date. Also the reason for the appearance of points may be the use of building solvents for removing varnish with nails.

In children, leukonichia arises because of the harmful habit of nailing. Horny tilt is exposed to strong mechanical pressure, the effect of acid and pathogenic bacteria. As a rule, with age points disappear along with a vicious habit.

The internal causes of leukonichia

Even the most careful attitude towards his hands does not guarantee that nails do not cover them with numerous points.

Consider this phenomenon can such deviations in health:

  1. Fungus. As a rule, infection occurs when bodily contact with an infected person. In some cases, pathogenic organisms fall under the nail plate when bathing in the dirty water of standing reservoirs. Depending on the type of fungus and the degree of its nestness, the treatment may continue up to several years.
  2. Dystrophy. The exhaustion of the body occurs due to the irrational nutrition or an incorrectly organized diet. The absence of nutrients and calcium in the body leads to the weakening and destruction of the horny nail tissue. After normalizing the diet of food, the nail spots disappear within a few weeks.
  3. Nervous work associated with strong psychological load and regular stress. Because of them, hormonal balance in the body is broken. This negatively affects horny fabric, which becomes soft and thin. In the absence of stresses, the metabolism is restored, and points are gradually going as nail growth. However, constant nervous overvoltage leads to total leukonichs, healing which is very difficult.
  4. Avitaminosis. White dots are one of the signs of a shortage of the body of the vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation of tissues. The accompanying signs of avitaminosis are fragility and loss of hair, dryness and peeling of the skin. Pretty often appears herpes, the foci of which can be on lips or lower back.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases. Cardiac insufficiency causes the appearance of blue dots on the nails. This is an alarming symptom indicating the need for urgent visit to the cardiologist.

Nail pathology may be a consequence of the violation of the kidneys. The specialist in the form and size of points determines even the presence of a tumor. The appearance of points on horny fabric is a fairly disturbing symptom to leave all the case and seek medical advice.

Diagnostics at points on the nails

In those countries where appropriate attention is paid to the health of the population, the nail examination is a mandatory procedure during each visit to the doctor. As a state of horny tissue, the specialist determines the presence and possible nature of pathology. Based on this, consultations are appointed from a narrow profile specialists. When changes in the state of the nails should contact a dermatologist. There is a primary examination, which includes a patient's survey, an external examination of the fingers on hand and legs, taking scope for analysis on fungus.

After that, the patient is sent to the following specialists:

  • cardiologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • dentist;
  • oncologist.

If the cause of the disease does not lift in mechanical damage to tissues, then a comprehensive examination is appointed to identify its true cause. As a rule, binding procedures are blood and urine tests, radiography, intestinal sensing and stomach. To form an accurate diagnosis, scanning on the machine of magneto-resonance imaging can be used. Based on the research conducted, the patient is diagnosed with a comprehensive treatment, which may include several directions at once.

Treatment of pathology on nails

In rare cases, the patient is considered temporarily disabled. As a rule, treatment is carried out without separation from production, if the symptoms of the underlying disease are allowed.

The process of combating points on the nails is carried out in the following directions:

  1. Establishment of the regime of labor and recreation. Special attention should be paid to the avoidance of stress and preventing moral overloads. If there is such an opportunity, then you need to take leave and change the situation.
  2. Normalization of the diet. There are no special tricks. First of all, you need to abandon alcohol, oily, salt, acute food, canned food and semi-finished products. In the menu you need to introduce vitamins, dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.
  3. Treatment fungus. Infection under nails is resistant to drugs of any kind. In order to defeat the fungus, a complex effect of ointments, tablets and injections is required. In the absence of success during the first months of treatment, it is necessary to use antibiotics. All drugs are applied to the appointment of a doctor. Self-treatment is unacceptable.
  4. Manual therapy. The use of medical missions and massages helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism in damaged tissues. Such an impact is not an independent method of treatment, but serves as an addition to the course appointed by a specialist. Massage can be done on its own, having received the recommendations of the specialist or aftercing the relevant courses.
  5. Processing tincture of iodine, sea salt and oak bark. This method is applicable in mechanical damage to horny nail fabric. After the procedure for breaking the nails in the bath, the damaged space is gently dried and lubricated with fish oil with oil solution of vitamins.
  6. The cure of the underlying disease that caused the appearance of points on the nails. As a rule, such consequences disappear along with no gone prerequisites.

During treatment, the use of any manicure varnish and overhead nails is contraindicated. Manicure needs to be carried out in gentle mode by disinfected tools. Cutting material must be assembled and disposed of not to cause infection with a fungus surrounding. All events related to the use of household and construction chemistry must be performed solely in protective gloves.

Perhaps your nails are not in good condition, because you do not care about them as it should be or, perhaps, they give you a signal about the presence of any diseases.

Size, color, shape, surface, nail outlines - everything matters to diagnose the health status of their owner.

All people like men are so and women equally care for the nails so that they are always clean and healthy. Nevertheless, not only the aesthetic side of the question is important, because nails can tell about the state of your health.

Without exaggeration, we can say that our nails are a kind of information center, and if you can read the information to "read" with them, then you can not only reliably determine the current state of human health, but also to get information about the disease that only begins to develop.

Moreover, it is the nails first thanks to the upcoming problem long before the appearance of specific symptoms of one or another disease.

Constantly inspect your nails, follow any changes and, if you see that something has changed, be sure to pay attention, because it can be a warning sign about some kind of health associated with health. Want to know about various warning signs that can give you nails?

Plantless nails

Healthy nails, as a rule, pink color with small pinkish and white holes at the base of the nail. If you have noticed that your nails have a different color or shade - it means something is wrong. What exactly is wrong - tells the color of the nail.

When the nails become more pale color or discolored spots appear on them, it may be a warning about health problems that you do not even suspect.

  • Nails in greenish shade: a sign of the presence of a bacterial infection.
  • Red-colored strips appeared on the nail plate: it can be a potential sign of the presence of infection in the heart valves.
  • Blue or purple nail color: This indicates a low level of oxygen in the blood.
  • Pale nail color: a sign of vitamins or anemia.
  • White nail color: sign of liver disease.

Thick nails

Despite the fact that thick nails seemingly stronger, but the excessive thickening of the nail is not a normal phenomenon. When the nails become pretty thick, and it is hard to cut, it may be a warning about the presence of a disease.

  • If the nails have always had a healthy look and began to get fat, then this may indicate the presence of problems with the lungs.
  • If the nails not only get fat, but also become uneven, it is a clear sign of fungal infection in the body.
  • If the nails thicken and become brittle, you can suffer from the disease of the thyroid or psoriasis.
  • An unusual nail thickening can also be a sign of circulatory problems.

Brush nails

Nails that seem fragile, of course, may be the result of a bad habit of gnawing nails or various injuries or shocks. However, not always through these reasons for the nails become brittle, sometimes the fragility of the nails can be a sign of problems associated with health.

  • Brusky or broken nails may indicate a shortage of folic acid organism, vitamin C or protein. Water is also extremely necessary for nail health, as the lack of moisture in the body leads to dryness and fragility of the nail plate.
  • Nails can become fragile due to poor nutrition or due to anemia.
  • If your nails break, and small holes appeared, it may indicate that you suffer from psoriasis.

Nails of the nails of the nails

Smooth nails, smooth - then worry about nothing. But if you notice the characteristic changes of the nails, take care carefully - this information can be useful in the diagnosis of many diseases.

Bent nails, the people known as "nails-spoons" are a clear sign of the presence of internal health problems. This type of nail is easy to identify, because the nail begins to grow unusually: as a rule, healthy nail grow, bending down, and the patient up, forming the shape of the spoon.

  • Such a form of nails is talking about the presence of anemia.
  • You can also suffer from liver disease called hemochromatosis, which occurs when the body absorbs too much iron.
  • Or you have problems with your heart.
  • Perhaps hypothyroidism.

Dislaiming nails

Many people complain about this problem, even completely healthy people. Indeed, such a state of nails can provoke external factors, for example, the frequent use of the nail solvent. But this state of nails can also signal the lack of calcium and vitamin D. Do not underestimate this signal of the body - increase the consumption of products rich in such vitamins.

Through the presence of many layers of keratin, the nails have a shiny type of plate. Often, when the nail surface begins to flaking, it means that the hands performed a lot of hard work.

  • The bundle of nails can be the result of the impact of a very hot, cold or dry medium.
  • Also, nails can be rushing if they are exposed to chemicals, such as detergents or soaps.

Holes in nails

The holes in the nails can be formed from hitting or biting nails from habit. However, sometimes holes in the nails can warn about serious health problems, and this sign should not be ignored.

  • The holes in the nails are often a symptom of psoriasis.
  • Connective tissue diseases.
  • Alopecia
  • Zinc deficiency.

Nails with white spots

White spots on the nails are a frequent problem, and the reason is usually only through blows or negligent attitude towards them. Nevertheless, in other cases they can be a sign of health problems.

  • The body lacks zinc.
  • You can suffer from anemia.

Nails with hillocks

Nails should have a smooth surface, and the lines on them should not be seen with the naked eye. If the lines form the so-called "tubercles", it may indicate any disease.

  • This may be a sign of iron deficiency in the body.
  • You can suffer from inflammatory arthritis.
  • This may be a sign of a lupus disease.


Your nails can tell about your health more than you might think. If you have noticed any changes, then it is best to immediately consult a doctor to find out what causes these changes and do not indicate any serious health problems.

Nails will not give you reliable and truthful information about health if you regularly expose them with cosmetics, made poor-quality cutting manicure or practicing buildup that does not care about your health indicator. In this case, it is best to engage in the rehabilitation of the nails themselves, and not search for any diseases in the body.

One of the diagnostic methods of alternative medicine is the diagnosis of nails.

With this simple, but rather effective and accurate method, you can determine the state of health, separate organs and the condition of the body as a whole.

This method can be applied independently, but you can refer to practicing specialists for a more serious and deep research.

This approach is taken from the Ancient Chinese medicine, according to which the so-called energy channels pass through the whole body.

Each of these channels has access to the fingers of the hands, is associated with a specific human body, and it is precisely at the state of the nail plate that can be quite accurately determined, in what condition is the body, whether there are violations in its work and what kind of violations.

Features of nails health diagnostics

For this method of determining the state of health, the color of the nails, their shape and surface (appearance) are important.

The advantage of such a diagnosis is that for high-quality and accurate determination for the presence and nature of the diseases, the age of a person does not matter at all.

It works equally both in the diagnosis of small children and already quite the elderly.

It is often not necessary that all nails will have any deviations.

There are enough changes on one nail one to say that problems already have a place to be in the body.

Nail Building - Photo

The nail plate of a person consists of:

  • rear nail roller,
  • cuticles,
  • side roller
  • transverse groove nail bed
  • side sinus nail.

Diagnostics on the nails of the fingers - signs of disease

Diagnostics in the form and relief of the surface of the nail plate

Below are the corresponding drawings.

1 - Absolutely healthy nail plate, speaking good condition of human health;

2 - nail shortened and flat (heart disease and vessels);

3 - convex, thickened nail (problems with heart, spine, light or with liver);

4 - flat nail with a spontaneous surface (disease of the respiratory system);

5 - nail looks like a tube (cancer is possible);

6 - concavity inside the nail (anemia, skin diseases, disorders in the mineral metabolism of the body, problems with thyroid gland);

8 - nail closed (neurotic state, chronic gastritis);

9 - the nail plate resembles a triangle (spinal disease).

Nail Health Diagnostics - Photo

Diagnostics on the wells notewi novel wells

The wells of the nail plate on all fingers should be well expressed.

This speaks about good human health, about high levels of its energy, large number of vitality and good blood circulation.

Little wells or even their practically no absence are problems with cardiac activity, with vessels, poor blood circulation, disadvantage in the body of vitamin B12, thyroid disease, neurosis and much more.

If the nail hole is increased, then there are problems in the work of the heart, blood vessels, blood circulation is impaired.

If the hole has a somewhat bluish tint, it says about the failures in the work of the liver, gallbladder, about the stitching of the bile, the stuffiness of bile ducts.

With the wells of a reddish shade, you can assume problems with immunity and endocrine diseases.

Relief diagnostics (stripes, grooves on nails)

The grooves across the nail speak about the presence of a chronic infection in the body.

The grooves are longitudinal - this is a violation of the digestive tract, the sluggish work of the stomach, pancreas, spleen, intestines.

Presumably there may be rheumatic lesions of the joints, diseases in the sexual sphere, depressive states, neurosis, insomnia, panic attacks.

Celers and pits horizontally on the nail are, most likely, bad consequences, changes in the internal organs due to dietary restrictions or imbalance of the edible diet.

Strips and enclosures on the nail are when there are problems in the work of the spleen, the small intestine.

Groobs on the nail that break, talk about lime sediments in the body.

Cross-line white-colored strokes are a mineral imbalance in the body, a disadvantage, first of all, calcium and zinc, as well as other micro and macroelements.

Waves that resemble streaks, talk about the presence of rheumatoid changes in the joints.

Nail Health Diagnostics

A healthy nail plate has a pleasant pink uniform color, without any sections of another color.

If the color of the nail plate is bluish, yellowish color, then we are talking about problems with digestion, problems in the liver, the bustling bubble, in the respiratory system, most likely there is a fat imbalance of the body.

A whitish color indicates the diseases of the adrenal glands, the kidneys, the reproductive system.

When the nails are pale, almost transparent is anemia, decay of vitality, energy and physical exhaustion of the human body.

Little spots of white color indicate an increased amount of sugar in the blood, disorders in the work of the central nervous system, insufficiency in the food diet of minerals, vitamins, lack of digestive enzymes, weak operation of the endocrine system.

Diagnosis of the disease appearance

Considering what nails are growing about 1 mm. a week, you can approximately assume the time of the appearance of any disease.

Diagnosis of appearance - what to pay attention to.

If the nails suddenly slowed down their growth, they became brittle, fragile, their color, surface relief changed, it can be assumed to have a disorder in metabolism, lack of minerals, especially calcium and iron, lack of vitamins of group B, vitamin A and D. Sometimes Influence the changes in the nail plate appeared stress.

If the nails have become flashed, split, then you need to pay attention to the work of the digestive tract.

Most likely, there are problems with the activity of the stomach, intestines, etc., and also have a circulation disorder, problems in the nervous system, sexual sphere, are chronic inflammation.

Diagnostics on nails fingers - video

Diagnostics on the fingers of fingers - Conclusion and tips

Conduct self-diagnostics of the state of nails or diagnostics from specialists.

This will help track and reveal the violations in the work of internal organs and systems at the early stages.

Changes in the nail plate can signal you not only about the presence of the disease, but also its disappearance, which can be easily understood by the changing appearance of the nails.

When the disease retreats, the nail plate becomes smooth, smooth, without grooves, roughness, without smelting, thickening.

It is not brittle, not stratified, strong. The color becomes a hatch pink, matte.

Despite the fact that the diagnosis for nails is quite accurate, it is still worth paying attention to other diagnostic methods for determining the disease, for its accurate confirmation.

After all, the exact diagnosis also requires other indicators.

By the hands of a person you can tell a lot.

Nails can talk about human health, its diseases and problems.

Nail plates are the protection of soft tissues of fingers, they can also report on all sorts of violations in the work of internal organs and systems.

After paying attention to the change in the nail, you can prevent many diseases and eliminate them on time.

Introduction to the deformation of nails on hand

Nail injury (hematoma) Nail anemia

Human nail plates are a kind of indicator of his health, so you can not forget about their care and hygiene.

Nail deformation speaks of many meanings of internal organs, violations in the work of the main systems of the body.

Several basic causes of deformation, in addition to diseases: Mechanical injuries; anemia;

chemotherapy; overweight antibiotics;

bacterial infections and nail fungus; psoriasis; Hereditary predisposition.

Chemistry Candidiasis, after taking antibiotics

In the form of deformation, it is possible to establish the causes of the problem.

Types of deformation of the nail plate


Nail deformation may look different and in its mind you can set the causes of the occurrence.

If wave-like furrows appeared on the nail, then it can talk about incorrect nutrition, a tough diet. Such nails may indicate psychological disorders, frequent stress. "Waves" on the nails can be the hereditary feature of a person.

If small pits appeared on the nail, it says primarily about the lack of calcium in the body. It is worth reconsider the diet, add healthy food, use more fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

Stripes walking across the nail talk about insufficient nutrition, a strongly tightened diet. Such an appearance of the nail may indicate trophic disorders.

If there are not enough vitamins and calcium in the human body, nails can crumble and flaw. Anemia, disorders in the work of the thyroid gland will lead to the same results.

Nails can be deformed and due to mechanical injuries and damage.

When trauma, the nail plate can break the normal growth and formation of the nail, the thickness decreases, curvature appears.

Frequent cause of nail deformation on hand is. You can get infected with this disease anywhere - in public places, beaches, soul, manicure or cosmetology salon.

The fungus is transmitted from an infected person to healthy, so be careful!

Allergy from chemicals

The change in the structure of the nail may be caused by prolonged and constant influence of chemicals and harmful substances.

People of certain professions are subject to such deformation - hairdressers, dishwashers, cleaners.

Allergy is very common in recently on gel varnishes, since this type of manicure has become spread lately.

The deformation of the nail may be congenital, but such cases are rare. A similar problem is associated with the vices of ectoderma, with which the nail bed and records begin to form during intrauterocal development.

Nail Form Pathology

This or another deformation of the nail can be 100% 100% about the presence of the disease, but it is worth paying attention to and be sure to consult a doctor for the passage of full examination.

Changing the nail plate can talk about the following pathologies:

The plate has a shape of a convex ball.

Such deformation of character for pulmonary osteoarthropathy, tuberculosis, lung cancer, heart disease, endocarditis, liver cirrhosis.

In rare cases, such nails can be a congenital person's peculiarity and are not in any way related to diseases.

Bird claw deformation - Nail plates thicken and twist. Nails can take the form of a spiral, the color varies from yellow to brown.

Such pathology can develop after strikes and injuries, burns, frostbite.

It is found in old age and after the generalized candidiasis.


Coylonichiya - Nail acquires a spoonful shape, the surface is concave, the structure and thickness remains unchanged.

Such pathology occurs with prolonged exposure to acids and alkalis on the nail plate, as a result of injuries and damage.

Coylonichius can be caused by anemia, tiff, Addison's disease.

Cross furrows

Platonio - Nail plate flat.

Such pathology is more commonly congenital, but in rare cases may arise as a result of the impact of professional factors (chemicals).

Cross furrows - appear after transferred diseases - influenza, jaundice, anorexia.

A similar "drawing" on the nails can talk about improper and unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and useful substances.


Point deformation - Appears with eczema, psoriasis, lung tuberculosis.

Leuconichia - The appearance of white spots.

May speak of insufficient nutrition, as well as kidney diseases.

Vitamins and changes of the nail plate

Healthy nutrition

The deformation of the nails may occur at the banal reason for the lack of vitamins. The correct structure of the nails guarantees the presence of iron in the body in sufficient quantities. Lack can provoke the appearance of deformation.

Iron in sufficient quantities are contained in such foods:

  • meat and bird;
  • liver;
  • fish (tuna);
  • legumes;
  • cabbage and zucchini;
  • fruits.

Remember that nutrition should be balanced, iron is absorbed better with products that contain vitamin C and fluorine.

The lack of sulfur in the body can also lead to the problem with nails. Eat cabbage, onions, garlic, porridge. If necessary, you can purchase vitamin complexes in the pharmacy, which will help to provide the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Diagnosis of deformation of your nails

When the first signs of deformation of the nails, it is necessary to refer to the specialists and pass the survey. Initially, it is necessary to establish the causes of the problem and eliminate them. Contact a dermatologist or a narrow profile professional (subgola, mycologist). The doctor visually assesses the state of the nails, if necessary, microscopy, spectral analysis can be appointed. It is possible that the patient will require consultation of other specialists - surgeon, cardiologist or others.

Nail treatment is individually, depending on the disease, medicines or therapeutic procedures are prescribed. Nail treatment does not pass quickly. The causes of the problem are eliminated, you need to wait for a new and healthy plate. It is much easier to warn the deformation than after engaged in complex and long-term treatment.

Nail prevention hands

Healthy and beautiful nails look attractive. To the nail plate grew smooth and healthy, it is necessary to carefully revise the diet. Preferring healthy food, fruit and fresh vegetables. Do not get involved in diets and hard to limit yourself in nutrition, this approach harms your health and beauty.

Behind the nails need to be careful. If it is possible, the manicure procedure should trust professionals. In the salons you can use the services like parafinotherapy, massage, hardware manicure.

At home you can make nail baths with shepherd grasses, sea salt or other useful components. Take mineral vitamin complexes, during the treatment of nails it should be abandoned from decorative varnishes, extension and polishing of nails.

If you work in harmful production, constantly contact with harmful chemicals and drugs, do not forget to use protective gloves.

Treatment at home

In no case is not recommended by self-treatment! Remember that the deformation of the nails can only be a symptom of a dangerous disease, so it is necessary to urgently turn to a specialist and undergo a survey.

If the deformation of the nails is related to the aesthetic problems, then in this case you can help at home. Do, you can add sea salt, soda, essential oils, herbs into water. Such procedures improve blood circulation, provide good nail growth. You can use special healing varnishes.

During treatment, it is not necessary to get involved in decorative nail polish, they do not hide, but only emphasize the shortcomings. Also, women should remember that nail extensions also leads to the deformation of the plate and subsequent problems. It is not necessary to get involved in nail polishing, many people think that such a procedure will help to level the deformed nail. It is possible to polish, but not more often once a month.

Tips of professional masters when deforming nails

For help in treating and faster get rid of the problem, professionals give several recommendations on:

  • make regular salt and paraffin baths;
  • lubricate nails with lemon juice;
  • take drugs with calcium;
  • do not forget to use special creams and hands for hands;
  • be careful to homely manicure, avoid too sharp tools, they can damage the plate.

Nails are a reflection of our health. It is not necessary to engage in self-medication and take any measures before the true cause of the problem is not found. Do not forget that any self-treatment, even seemingly absolutely harmless, can not only bring the desired positive results, but also harm your nails and health of the body as a whole.