Metal taste after hCG injection. Pregnancy after the injection hCG. When you can do a pregnancy test after injection

HCG injection is designed to compensate for the number of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body with its insufficient natural workout. Injection involves the introduction of one of the drugs with different commercial names. The list of such drugs includes: Gonadotropin Chorionic (Russia), Profhazia (Switzerland), Prégnyl (Netherlands or USA), Khragon (Germany), etc., the main purpose of such drugs is the impact on the hormonal background of the body and restoring the functions of the genital organs. The need to make the injection of hCG women wishing to become pregnant is explained by the normalization of the ovulatory process and the occurrence of the subsequent hormonal activity of the yellow body after the injection.

Gonadotropin Chorionic: General Information

HCG or gonadotropin Chorionic person has two subunits in its structure: Alpha and Beta. Subunit Alpha on the structure is identical to subunits of TSH, FSH, LH. Subunit Beta has no analogues. It is the basis of the tests that determine pregnancy.

The production of the beta component of the XG accounts for the first weeks of pregnancy. And already by 11 weeks its content grows thousands of times. After that, its level begins to fall gradually. For this reason, it is important to observe the chorionic gonadotropin in the perinatal period. Thus, the level control of the hormone allows its timely to determine its decrease or an increase, which may indicate the development of certain pathologies of pregnancy (the threat of interrupts, ectopic pregnancy, etc.).

In addition, a woman who puts into account in infertility should be examined for the detection of antibodies to xg. These antibodies do not allow the protein to fully function, which leads to a decrease in placental lacogen, estradiol, progesterone. Due to the gonadotropin of the chorionic, the rejection of the embryo is excluded, his death inside the maternal womb. This is another argument in favor of tracking its level. Patients who detect antibodies to the XG in the blood are recommended to perform plasmapheresis and take advantage of the possibilities of extra corporate fertilization.

Usually controlling the level of gonadotropin chorionic is carried out during the pregnancy, which is normal in such a situation. However, the analysis on beta-xG in some cases can be shown to some non-refined women and even men. Analysis that detects in the blood of gonadotropin chorionic, prescribe men and non-embled women when it is required to confirm the hormone-producing tumors.

For injections, gonadotropin chorionic is produced in the form of a solution or in the form of lyophilisate (a solution is prepared from it). We produce this protein to produce hormonal preparations from urine pregnant.

Indications for the use of injections xg

The effectiveness of drugs with xg is noted when there are the following states in women:

  • dysmenorrhea;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • anguulatory infertility;
  • yellow body shortage;
  • the threat of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • inability to carry out fruit;
  • preparation for ECO;
  • formation of the placenta.

The drug with hg can act as an additional means for auxiliary reproductive techniques.

Recombinant hCG influences:

  • on ovaries and textacla to enhance the production of sex hormones;
  • when stimulating ovulation.

Instructions for use xg

Preparations are drunk intramuscularly. It is permissible to put yourself in the hCG injection itself, but only if it knows how to do intramuscular injections. Otherwise, she will have to look for a person from the nearest environment, who could do it for her. If none of the options are not possible, then you can drive to the procedural Cabinet of that female consultation, which is visited by a patient at the place of registration. But this option is not entirely convenient, since the injections are appointed for a long, whole courses, and the ability to visit the clinic procedural office does not always happen. Therefore, it is best to find such a person who can come to the house either to do.

When stimulating ovulation, the injection of HCG is recommended to be done in the stomach. It is much painless and more convenient than when I put it in the buttock. To do this, the distance is measured about two fingers from the navel left and right. Preparing the folding the skin, the needle is introduced into it to the end. The needle is better to choose a short, insulin. The injection site is necessarily treated with a cotton swath in alcohol solution.

Permissible doses of drugs with xg.

The volumes of gonadotropin chorionic can be different. The pharmacy network has the following hormone dosages: 500 units, 1000 units, 1500 units, 5000 units, 10,000 units.

Dosages with different problems of obstetrician gynecologist can assign the following.

Dosage of chorionic gonadotropin injections, which is discharged to maintain pregnancy, can be from 5000 me to 10,000 meters. Every time it will depend on how much the hormone was revealed in the blood of a pregnant woman. In addition, the size of the follicle is taken into account, since due to the injection of the drug, the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can develop.

One of the main indications for the use of injections of XG is infertility. After stimulation of ovulation, several ultrasound examination procedures are prescribed. At the ultrasound sessions, the growth of the follicle is carried out (up to 20-25 cm) and then hCG is already running, which starts the ovulation mechanism. Also, the hormone action is directed against the regression of follicles, that is, it prevents the development of a follicular cyst. In order to stimulate ovulation, gonadotropin chorionic is shown once in a dose of 5000 or 10,000 units. Assess the effect of injection after 24-36 hours through ultrasound equipment. Implementation of injections with xg The possibility of conception repeatedly increases.

To stimulate the health of the yellow body, 3-6-9 days is shown gonadotropin chorionic in a dose of 1500 units or hg 5000 units.

In the implementation of supervision in the framework of reproductive measures, the patient after stimulating the growth of several follicles is running once about 10,000 horionic gonadotropin. The selection of eggs produced after 34-36 hours from the moment of injection hg.

In suspected, the threat of miscarriage is first introduced 10,000 pieces of the drug, after which the dose is reduced to 5000 units, which is administered twice a week. Begin therapy until the 8th week of embryo tooling, it can be continued until 14 weeks.

Indications to the injection hg for pregnant women.

Pregnant women prescribe injections with hCG with a sharp drop in the level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood in order to maintain pregnancy in the future. The low concentration of this complex protein in the blood can be explained by early diagnosis. Before you appoint a pregnant hormone therapy, the doctor will once again send an analysis to confirm the lack of gonadotropin.

In situations in which the rejection of the indicator is essential from the normal value, always taken into account for the week of pregnancy, and this deviation at a smaller side is more than 20%, then the course of therapy by hormone is prescribed at mandatory. Such a deviation of the hormone indicator may be evidence of anomalies, such as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • chronic placental insufficiency;
  • the threat of unbearabing the fetus.

Side effects of the injection hg

Side effects in women: due to the introduction of the drug, the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may occur, hydrotorax, ascites, thromboembolism, cysts.

Other side effects from hg are rarely manifested. It may be discomfort and feeling of drawing pain in the stomach, meteorism (gas formation in stomach), mood swings, excessive concern and fatigue. After completion of the course of treatment, such symptoms usually disappear.

List of contraindications.

Measures with artificial administration of a hormone-containing drug are contraindicated:

  • during lactation;
  • when the early menopause;
  • with a tumor process in the pituitary gland and ovaries;
  • with thrombophlebitis;
  • when Fallopiev pipes are recognized as impassable;
  • when allergic reactions appear to the drug;
  • for adrenal diseases;
  • with hypertension.

In the presence of difficulties with conception or hatching of the embryo, the doctor will first reveal the cause of this violation by appointing an analysis of HGG and a number of other surveys. Upon all the significance of chorionic gonadotropin for ovulation processes and to maintain the development of the fetus, as well as in its detected shortage and for some other indications, the doctor prescribes the injections of hCG for the artificial restoration of the lost balance of the number of hormone in the body of a woman.

It should not be worried that this hCG injection will be dangerous to the health of the woman itself or for the fetus.

In most situations, it is thanks to such an extent that the future mother gets to save and make a healthy baby. The sooner the disorder will be revealed, involving urgent medical care, the chances of a positive outcome will be higher.

HCH injections are injections of hormonal drugs, the active substance of which is chorionic gonadotropin of man. These include Prégnil, Profhazi, Khragon, Humagon, Choriogonin, Menogon and others. They contribute to the restoration of the ovulatory process, as well as the formation and hormonal activity of the yellow body by increasing the indicator of the HCG. As a rule, a hCG region from 5,000 to 10,000 meters is prescribed to stimulate ovulation, and a smaller dose, from 1000 to 3000 meters, is to preserve pregnancy. Nevertheless, the dosage of CGC drugs should be sealing each time it is strictly individually, depending on the level of hormones, the magnitude of the follicles and a number of other factors, since the excess of gonadotropins may entail the ovaries hyperstimulation syndrome.

HCG injection when angular

The hCG injection is shown in the treatment of infertility associated with the absence of ovulation.

Annovulation can be caused by the following factors:

  • Ovarian polycystic syndrome;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Stress;
  • Receive some medicines.

An exact reason should be established, according to which the ovaries do not ripen capable of fertilization of the egg. To do this, you must pass tests for hormones, regularly measure basal temperature and do ultrasound. Research will determine all deviations and show whether it is necessary to stimulate ovulation by hCG. For example, the normalization of high levels of thyroid hormones, prolactin or male genital hormones can contribute to the natural recovery of the ovulatory cycle.

To confirm the anointing, constant ultrasound monitoring of the development of follicles is carried out. The first ultrasound is made on April 8-10 after the end of the last menstruation, further - every 2-3 days before establishing the fact that the ovulation occurred or the beginning of the next menstruation. The results of the observation can serve as a basis for conducting medication incentive. In particular, if the follicle does not break, the hCG injection is prescribed to resume ovulation and prevent the formation of follicular cyst.

As a rule, after 24-36 hours after injection, it is necessary to confirm the successful stimulation using an ultrasound, as well as determine the frequency and timing of sexual acts and insemination, taking into account the spermogram indicators.

Pregnancy after hCG

Pregnancy test after the hCG injection should be done no earlier than two weeks after ovulation, since before the expiration of this period the tests can give a false positive result. Therefore, the most reliable method for determining pregnancy is monitoring HCG in dynamics. From the moment of conception, the gonadotropin level doubles every 2-3 days, reaching the maximum indicator by the end of the first trimester. Then its content begins to slowly fall and remains constant over the remaining time.

Thanks to clearly defined standards for the content of HCG in the blood, the analysis allows:

  • Diagnose conception in the early stages;
  • Eliminate the possibility of ectopic pregnancy;
  • Determine the threat of miscarriage or frasonable pregnancy;
  • Estimate the completeness of artificial abortion.

HCG injections during pregnancy

HCG injections are prescribed due to reduced hormone concentration, which can be caused by its insufficient production or complete cessation of production. Low hCG in the early diagnosis of pregnancy may be associated with premature research, in this case the analysis should be repeated later. If the indicator differs from the received norm by more than 20%, this can a sign of the following serious disorders:

  • Ectopic or frozen pregnancy;
  • Chronic placental insufficiency;
  • The threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • Delays in the development and death of the fetus.

Timely increase in HCG indicators contributes to successful planning and preservation of pregnancy.

Video from YouTube on the subject of Articles:

Most women planning pregnancy know that HCG is a hormone, which begins to be produced after fertilizing the egg. But you should not be surprised if you heard about the hCG injection. It is done at the stage of pregnancy planning to women suffering from annovation.


In the natural cycle, the hormone, known as HCG, begins to be produced in the body only after conception. But for fertilization of the egg, it is necessary that the ripe follicle burst. In some women, this process is broken. As a result, pregnancy does not occur due to the fact that the egg cell can not get out of the ovary.

Acrief is prescribed a hCG, as a rule, in order to stimulate the offensive of ovulation. This can be done after a dominant follicle will see the doctor on the ultrasound. It should be about 20 mm. In this case, after the injection, he will be able to grow some more and burst.

But it is worth knowing that it is impossible to appoint such treatment on their own. Everything should be carried out under the control of the doctor. The specialist should also choose the most appropriate dosage.

Important information

It is worth knowing that it is not all the ovulation after the hCG injection. Some dominant follicles continue to grow until it turns into the cyst. It is also worth understanding that this is not a method for treating anointing. The injection is able to simply help the body grow a dominant follicle and release it. The stimulation will not be able to restore ovulation in other menstrual cycles.

It is also important to understand that the diagnosis of angulation should be put on the ultrasound. It is starting to talk about it when a woman did not leave the egg for several cycles in a row. It is impossible to assign a hCG injection only on the graphic temperature graphs.

In addition, it is desirable to check the hormonal background before stimulation. Sometimes it is enough to undergo a course of treatment in order to restore the reproductive function. Check women and men's hormones, evaluate the work of the thyroid gland. If violations were identified, they need to be corrected. After all, with serious problems, even the use of hormone injections may be ineffective.

Stimulation process

It is important to understand that any interference in the natural processes passing in the body should be carried out under the control of the doctor. It is necessary that only the attending gynecologist prescribed a hCG injection for ovulation. It should also control the patient's condition and monitor the body's response to the specified drug. A specialist to the appointment of stimulation should evaluate the growth rate of follicles, endometrial, to predict the offensive of ovulation.

The process of conducting the procedure and control will depend on whether you are appointed only injecting HCG, or the doctor advises to use drugs that contribute to the growth of follicles. These can be such funds as "Pureregon", "Menogon", "Klostilbyt".

Regardless of how it was possible to achieve and ripening follicles, a hCG (injection) is prescribed. The instructions for such drugs make it possible to find out that ovulation must occur no later than 36 hours after injection. The doctor can prescribe the drug "Khragon", "Prégnil", "Gonor", "Profhazi", in pharmacies you can also find the usual ampoules "Gonadtropin chorionic". Dosage (as a rule, it is 5 or 10 thousand units) also picks a gynecologist.

Next steps

After the doctor saw on an ultrasound ripened follicle and prescribed the injection of the drug HCG, it is necessary to confirm that he was able to burst, and the egg will go out. Gynecologists recommend to perform sexual acts in a day, subject to natural conception. If artificial insemination is needed, then it is usually done daily. It is advisable to try to conceive a child in the period after the injection of HCHG and until the yellow body can be seen on the ultrasound. It suggests that ovulation has already passed.

After that, additional stimulation of the yellow body is appointed. If the egg cell is fertilized, and pregnancy will come, progesterone drugs will help to support its development.

Assign them is not on the cycle averaged 14-16, as many domestic gynecologists recommend that, and after the offensive of ovulation is confirmed. Uroprustan or Dupaston are prescribed as such supporting funds.

How to make injections

All those who are prescribed a hCG injection are interested in how and when they need to be done. Of course, you can contact the reproductive medicine clinic (if the stimulation is done in the ECO protocol) or in the procedural office of gynecology.

But many still make them injections at home on their own. These drugs, regardless of the trade name, are produced in a dry form. They must be breeding with a special solvent, and then do intramuscularly injection hCG. Reviews of women stimulating ovulation with the help of these funds indicate that this procedure is unpleasant, but tolerant. Injections are transported well, they are almost painless.

The drug can be introduced into the buttock muscle or into the front of the thigh. It is done once before ovulation. But in some cases (as a rule, with artificial fertilization) injections repeat several times to support the work of the yellow body.

Selected dosages

It is not necessary to independently appoint a hormone without the recommendations of the doctor. It is also not worth it to prick if the ripened follicle has not yet been visualized. After all, ovulation after the injection hCG may occur only if the body is ready for this. Hormone is designed to stimulate this process.

If ovulation occurred, and this was confirmed on the ultrasound, the doctor may assign the stimulation of the yellow body function. For these purposes, injections are prescribed by 3-6-9 days after the egg has come out. Used in these cases hCG with a dosage of 1.5 or 5 thousand units.

Upon habitual unbearability, women make proclars of the specified drug at the highest possible time and continue such therapy to 14 weeks. Begin treatment with injection 10 thousand units. - Such dosage is introduced on the first day of therapy. In the future, pregnancy support is made as follows: 5 thousand units are administered twice a week.

Possible side effects and contraindications

When appointing hCG injections, it is important to ensure that ovulation occurred. In some cases, it happens that the effect of ovarian hyperstimulation occurs. The follicle does not burst, but develops in the cyst. Other side effects are also possible:


Diarrhea, nausea;



In addition, some complain about the soreness of the place of administration of the drug, the appearance of rashes on this site, the pain of the mammary glands, the occurrence of fever and generalized rash. But, despite possible complications, many agree on such injections. After all, there is a high probability that the pregnancy comes after the hCG injection.

Do not prescribe it with increased sensitivity to the gonadotropin of human or other components of the means and in cases where there is a tumor, the growth of which depends on hormones. It may be cancer of ovaries, uterus or mammary glands in women. Even if the diagnosis is not yet established, but the doctor suspects oncology, then the HCHG injections need to be refused.

Scope of application

Regardless of the trade name, all drugs hCG operate according to a single principle. They stimulate the production of genital hormones. It should be noted that the HCG is appointed not only for the treatment of annovation.

It is also recommended to be used in chronic non-leaving pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage and dysfunction of ovaries. In some cases, this drug is prescribed to men. As a rule, with its help adjust genetic disorders. Assign it with a delay in puberty, the cause of which was the insufficiency of the gonadotropic function of the pituitary. It is also used in cryptorchism. The exceptions are those cases when the disease is caused by the wrong position of the testicles or hernias into the groin.

Also often referred to pregnant hormone. It begins to actively produced in the woman's body after conception and supports the development of pregnancy.

In the body of a woman outside pregnancy, as well as in the men's body hormone hCG is missing or present in very small quantities. There are a number of drugs with hCG, which help to stimulate ovulation and preserve pregnancy in the early stages.

The chorionic gonadotropin of a person is a hormone that is responsible for the prosperous course of pregnancy. In hormonal failures, the body does not cope with the development of sufficient quantities, which leads to miscarriages in the early terms or infertility.

HCG is responsible for the production of other genital hormones: estrogen and. It is from this hormone that depends on the development, as well as the normal development and implantation of the embryo.

Specialists dealing with issues and tooling pregnancy recommend the hCG 5000 injection in the case when ovulation does not occur independently. When infertility, the doctor will advise injections of drugs containing chorionic gonadotropin, in a dosage from 5,000 to 10,000 units. The dosage is selected individually. During pregnancy, as a rule, the dosage is less (1000-2000). This is the optimal dose that helps support pregnancy and avoid ovarian hyperfunction.

After a couple of weeks after conception, the level of hCG in the blood of a woman should rise. It is on HCG that the most reliable proof of the coming pregnancy.

The insufficient level of hCG at the beginning of pregnancy may indicate an unfavorable course of pregnancy, early miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

The maximum level of the hormone reaches the 8-9 week of pregnancy, and then begins to gradually decline.To determine the day of injection when infertility, a woman needs to be examined and obtaining a diagnosis of infertility.

First, it gives blood, determines the level of hormones, and then every 2-3 days, starting from around the 8th day of the cycle, does to track the ripening of a yellow body.

Useful video - blood test for hCG:

If the survey shows that ovulation is absent, the doctor will write the course of hCG. They are made on 5-21 days of the cycle, depending on the body of a particular woman. After the injection, the woman is still checked by the doctor to monitor the body's reaction to the injection of the hormone.

Purpose to injection and contraindications

Making hormonal injections can be done only with the permission of the doctor. Injections of hCG without consulting a gynecologist can be dangerous. After a thorough examination, the doctor will register the dosage of the drug and prescribes the day of the injection.

The hCG injection is appointed in the following cases.

  • Anovulation. The causes of the absence of ovulation can be the most different: from serious hormonal disorders to banal stress. Before deciding to hormonal injections, you need to identify the reasons, pass and pass several times the procedure. The hCG injection is recommended only with the proven deficiency of this hormone. If conception problems are associated with hormones, treatment with other drugs, then the treatment will be different.
  • Insufficiency of the yellow body. In this case, the conception may occur, but the body does not cope with the load after the implantation of the fetus. The hCG injection is prescribed at that time when the placenta was not formed.
  • The usual miscarriage. With the familiar miscarriage, the hCG injection can be assigned both at the preparation stage and during the baby tool. Dosage and injection time are determined individually.
  • Preparation for Eco. Before the extracoreral fertilization procedure, both partners are examined and prepared. The injection hCG increases the chances of successful eco.
  • For improvement . In some cases, the hCG injection can be assigned to men. If the spermogram indicators are not sufficient for eco or conventional conception, with the help of HCG, it is possible to improve the quality of sperm and increase the possibility of conception.

Drugs containing hCG have a number of contraindications. They cannot be prescribed to people with hormone-dependent tumors and during individual intolerance to the drug. It is impossible to make hCG injections to increase muscle mass and gain production, as well as in the absence of testimony in women. Overdose may result in the formation of a cyst and other violations.

HCG injection

During pregnancy, the woman rises and constantly dresses blood, including level. The level of this hormone should double every few days in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The first indicator of the HCG in the blood, as a rule, does not say anything, so the norm is very wide. The doctor will look at the indicator of this hormone in the dynamics.

If the level of hCG is not growing enough, the doctor may prescribe a hCG injection:

  • Placental insufficiency. Placental insufficiency is rarely manifested in early time, since at this time the placenta is still not developed sufficiently. However, often this phenomenon is chronic and every pregnancy is manifested. If a woman has already had problems with the placenta in former pregnancy, the doctor may appoint a hCG injection in the early stages.
  • The threat of miscarriage due to hormonal failure. If pregnancy confirmed, ultrasound shows that the fetus is alive, but the hormone level is persistently not growing, the doctor may advise the stimulation of its growth in the form of injection hCG to prevent the abortion of pregnancy.
  • Delay in the development of the fetus. At the initial stages of pregnancy, it is still not visible enough, but the doctor may notice that the fruit is developing slower. At the same time will show a low level of hCG.
  • The usual miscarriage. If a woman's history was somewhat miscarriage, she needs to be examined at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. However, women are not always a survey in advance. Women with the familiar miscarriage are carefully observed and give birth to blood several times. In case of insufficiently, an injection is assigned.

Before appointing a hCG injection, you need to examine. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to solve the situation, as the low level of hCG may be a sign of the death of the fetus, frozen pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy. Hormonal stimulation in this case will be useless.

A person (or abbreviated-hCG), begins to be produced by a female organism immediately after the fertilization of the egg and plays a crucial role in the right growth and development of the embryo. Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, it was possible to synthesize this hormone artificial way. It is used to treat ovulatory disorders from a woman who impede conception. A hormone is introduced using a special injection. The fact that the hCG injection is represented, and when they resort to the use of this method, we will tell in our article.

Why is the injection of chorionic gonadotropin of man appointed?

If a woman who has applied for medical help is diagnosed in most cases, it is recommended to stimulate this process. To do this, it is often used by the hCG injection, which not only "launches" the ovulation process in the female organism, but also prevents the regression of follicles that can grow into follicular cysts. The dose of injection is usually 5,000 or 10,000 units, and ovulation after the injection hCG occurs after 24-36 hours.

HCG injections during pregnancy

The production of chorionic gonadotropin begins with the moment of hitting the embryo in the uterus cavity and continues until the end of pregnancy. In the first few months after conception, the level of this hormone is constantly increasing, and, based on its quantitative content at certain times, one can judge whether the pregnancy is normally flowing. The main function of HCHG is to ensure normal growth of the fetus and control over the development in the first trimester. If for some reason it ceases to synthesize this hormone, then there is a violation of the development of the vital fetus of substances, which may entail the abortion. Such problems can solve HCG, designed to fill the deficit of this most important hormone. Such injections are prescribed in the following cases:

  • in order to preserve the viability of the yellow body until the placement when the placenta takes on the production of all hormones contributing to the normal course of pregnancy;
  • in order to help the formation of the placenta.

Cross hCG: Indications

Thus, the testimony for injections of this hormone are the following states:

  • insufficient development of the female organism of the yellow body during pregnancy;
  • the absence of ovulation, which entails the impossibility of conception;
  • habitual;
  • threatening miscarriage;
  • preparation for Eco.

Contraindications for injection hCG

The injections of this hormone have and contraindications to which the following states can be attributed: Early menopause, the presence of a lactation period, thrombophlebitis, ovarian cancer, hypothyroidism, the presence of uterine pipes, increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, hyperprolactinemia.