Mimic wrinkles under the eyes how to get rid of. Prevention of skin aging around the eyes. Creams and serums for the skin around the eyes -

The appearance of folds on the skin is an inevitable phenomenon, which is facilitated by many external and internal factors, and first of all, age-related changes in the body. One of the first areas under the inevitable impact is the periorbital zone, which is very delicate and at the same time almost unprotected from external and internal influences.

Wrinkles around the eyes most of us begin to form at the age of 30-35, and for some even earlier - from about 25. Stress, insufficient skin care, heredity and bad habits can speed up this process. But can it be stopped or, even better, reversed?

Why do wrinkles appear so early?

The skin around the eyes is very sensitive and thin - only ~0.5 mm, in other parts of the face it is almost 4 times thicker. In addition, there are few sweat and sebaceous glands, blood vessels and adipose tissue - all this leads to a rapid loss of moisture, bringing the already inevitable age-related changes closer.

At the same time, the muscles of the periorbital zone are almost always in motion - this is blinking, squinting, and the rest of the facial expressions, constantly wrinkling, then stretching the skin in different directions. At a young age, she quickly returns to her original state. But gradually, with regular loads of the same type, the recovery process slows down, as a result of which those very hated folds are formed. This process is exacerbated by negative external factors, including:

  • the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics or its excess;
  • improper or insufficient daily skin care around the eyes;
  • regular exposure to ultraviolet light;
  • malnutrition;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • lack of sleep;
  • eye strain when reading, working on a computer, being outside without sunglasses;
  • stressful state of the body.

Over time, mimic and static wrinkles deepen and lengthen. This process is aggravated by the general age-related aging of the skin that loses collagen and elastin, gravitational ptosis of soft tissues, as well as the appearance of fatty protrusions and swelling on the upper and lower eyelids ( see articles for details « », « », « »).

How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes?

The recipe for dealing with the problem, it would seem, is simple - moisturize and tighten. In fact, everything is a little more complicated. Here are just the main groups of techniques that we and our folds will eventually have to deal with:

Cosmetical tools Both professional and home care. These include numerous creams, masks, serums, tonics, oils, etc. There is a benefit, but one should expect a serious effect from them, especially in neglected situations.
Hardware cosmetology Here we are interested in procedures whose action is aimed at tightening the skin and improving metabolic processes - such as RF lifting, microcurrents, photorejuvenation, etc. The best option for working with shallow wrinkles.
Various types of peels They have the same essence: controlled damage to the upper, most “wrinkled” layers of the skin, in response to which the body grows new, already smooth ones, and also starts natural regeneration processes - first of all, the active production of collagen and elastin. Helps, but there are seasonal restrictions.
Injection techniques They can smooth the skin by replenishing the missing volume (contouring, lipofilling), blocking mimic muscles (botox) or stimulating metabolic processes (mesotherapy, plasmolifting). They are very diverse both in the type of effect and in its duration.
Plastic surgery The most radical and most effective option to combat deep wrinkles and folds. The disadvantages are also known: the risks associated with anesthesia, trauma, rehabilitation period.

To assemble an optimal rescue program from this variety is not an easy task, even for a professional cosmetologist. Much depends on the type of skin, the degree of neglect of the problem and various individual characteristics of the body. Let's find out more...

Is it possible to do cosmetic care?

Cosmetics manufacturers offer a whole line of anti-aging preparations for the periorbital area: creams, masks, serums, tonics, etc. Their feature is a milder effect on delicate skin, which is not suitable for conventional products. Their standard composition is strong moisturizers (hyaluronic acid, keratin) and other useful ingredients:

  • collagen - a fibrillar protein that provides firmness and elasticity to the skin;
  • ceramides - a component of unsaturated fatty acids that protect against harmful environmental influences;
  • vitamins, especially A, C and E, folic acid - to improve metabolic processes;
  • plant extracts - silk, chamomile, sage, etc. - improve the color and texture of the skin surface;
  • antioxidants (including vitamin C, retinol) - contribute to the removal of toxins;
  • peptides - substances that regulate physiological processes, including the synthesis of new proteins (collagen and elastin);
  • coenzyme Q10 - stimulates the process of cell renewal, collagen production and strengthening of the framework of connective tissues;
  • SPF filters for UV protection.

All these products are very useful for the skin and should be included in the mandatory daily care. But it is important to understand that their main task is to slow down the development of existing and the appearance of new wrinkles around the eyes, i.e. prevention. Unfortunately, they are not able to remove existing folds.

Hardware cosmetology

The "gold standard" in the matter of general facial rejuvenation, you just need to be patient (and means, what to hide) to complete the full course, which can take up to six months, and sometimes more:

What is the point?
(thermolifting, radiofrequency lifting) It is considered one of the most effective, safe and non-traumatic procedures for improving skin condition. It is an effect of high frequency radio waves, as a result of which the triple helixes of collagen chains twist and reduce their length. Due to this, the skin is significantly tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out. In parallel, the production of own elastin and collagen is stimulated, microcirculation in the area around the eyes is activated, puffiness and bags under the eyes are significantly reduced. Positive changes are noticeable after the first procedure and continue to grow from session to session. The standard course includes 4-6 procedures, which are performed at intervals of 7-10 days. The effect obtained lasts up to 1 year, after which the course must be repeated. There are few restrictions, and, importantly, they do not include the time of year and skin type - unlike laser techniques, radio waves are suitable for almost everyone.
Another popular and comfortable hardware procedure, which is based on the effect of small current discharges on the soft tissues of the periorbital zone. Improves metabolic processes in the skin, tightens it and evens out the relief. At the same time, the overall effectiveness and duration of the result in MTT is noticeably lower than in thermolifting. The course consists of 8-10 sessions, and it must be repeated about once every six months.
, They are based on the principle of converting light energy into thermal energy, which heats and destroys some types of cells, triggers the processes of neocollagenesis and the formation of elastin. Result: regeneration processes are accelerated, tone rises, signs of age-related wilting decrease. This procedure should not be performed on swarthy or tanned skin, during periods of excessive solar activity, and also after recent chemical peels. The course consists of 5-7 sessions with breaks for 3-4 weeks, the duration of the result is about 1 year.
A variety of hardware methods for the introduction of meso-cocktails, which have one thing in common: they are all carried out without "traditional" injections. This is the most gentle way to deliver active nourishing ingredients to the deep layers of the skin: hyaluronic acid, amino acids, minerals and vitamins. The procedure allows you to smooth out small mimic wrinkles around the eyes, improve the condition of deep folds, remove swelling and dark circles. For a full effect, 10-15 sessions will be needed, then one maintenance procedure per month will be enough.


One of the most popular techniques, which, moreover, goes well with the "beauty injections", which will be discussed below. In the area around the eyes apply:

  • chemical peels;
  • laser peeling or resurfacing;
  • laser nanoperforation.

During the procedure, a chemical or thermal burn of the skin of a strictly controlled intensity is formed. After a short time, the damaged cover begins to peel off, and under it a new one is formed - smooth, rejuvenated, with a much smaller number and depth of wrinkles. This is a rather unpleasant, and sometimes frankly painful process with strict seasonal restrictions - during periods of high solar activity (spring and summer), you can forget about peeling.

What is the point?
It is an impact with the help of specially selected acids, depending on their composition and concentration, it can be superficial, middle and deep - the deeper, the more traumatic, and the more effective. Thus, light superficial peeling is recommended for patients under 30 years of age and is suitable only for the prevention and correction of small “net” wrinkles, while deep peeling is performed at the age of 50-55 years and is able to cope with serious age-related changes, incl. general sagging of the skin around the eyes.

It is considered optimal for working with the periorbital area, since modern laser equipment allows you to very accurately adjust the depth of exposure (depending on the structure of the skin, the severity of wrinkles around the eyes, etc.). There are two options for this procedure:

  • Hot - in addition to removing the epidermis, there is an intense heating of the deep layers of the skin, which accelerates metabolic processes and the production of collagen. It gives a more pronounced and lasting rejuvenating effect, but recovery after it takes longer.
  • Cold, in which the removal of the surface layers of the skin occurs without heating the underlying soft tissues.
This procedure cannot be literally called peeling, although it is based on similar processes. The thinnest laser beams burn holes in the skin to a sufficient depth, which creates a microzone of increased regeneration in it, starting the rejuvenation process. This procedure is less traumatic, but is suitable only for those patients who do not have deep static wrinkles and excess fatty tissue.

Injectable anti-wrinkle treatments

The best option for those who are calm about needles and injections. Direct delivery of drugs to the skin allows you to get the maximum benefit from them in the shortest possible time (no wonder Hollywood stars go for Botox on the eve of important social events):

What is the point?
Introduction under the skin of the eyes of specially selected cocktails based on hyaluronic acid, amino acids, vitamin complexes and other active ingredients. Improves metabolic processes in cells, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, makes the skin healthier, smoother and more elastic. To obtain a noticeable effect, it is necessary to complete a course of 4-10 sessions, followed by repetition in a few months.
Hyaluronic acid injections. The principle is to fill the hollow subcutaneous areas, due to which the folds are smoothed out. With the help of these injections, you can correct both small mimic wrinkles and deep creases. Visual contouring gives a faster, longer and more noticeable result than mesotherapy, but it does not improve the quality of the skin and has no other therapeutic effects.
Injections of botulinum toxin type A, which blocks the motor activity of the muscles of the periorbital region, as a result straightens the skin associated with them and smoothes the so-called. "crow's feet" and wrinkles between the eyebrows. Duration of action - from 6 to 9 months. Injections are made into the outer part of the circular eye muscle, as well as into the region of the glabella, while the usual facial expressions are not disturbed. Botulinum toxin injections have a relatively small list of contraindications and are considered one of the most effective injection methods to combat wrinkles. Usually, they are resorted to at the age of 30-40, when cosmetics and salon care no longer give a noticeable effect, and it is too early to seek help from plastic surgeons.
Introduction to the problem area around the eyes of the patient's own blood plasma with an increased concentration of platelets, which have a biostimulating effect. This procedure activates intercellular metabolism, the formation of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, removes dryness and flabbiness of the skin. The course of plasma treatment consists of 2-4 sessions, carried out with an interval of 2 weeks, and the duration of the effect is up to 2 years. Plasmolifting is well combined with thermolifting, laser or chemical resurfacing of the face, accelerating and improving skin regeneration. In terms of the severity and duration of the result, it surpasses biorevitalization and mesotherapy, however, in the presence of deep age wrinkles around the eyes or significant excess skin, there will be no noticeable effect.
The introduction of the patient's own fat emulsion into the area under the lower eyelids and the area of ​​the nasolacrimal grooves. Sometimes injections into the temporal zone are added to this in order to further improve the contours of the face and remove the network of mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes by tightening the skin. The risk of complications and allergies is almost zero, and the duration of the effect reaches 3 years. At the same time, lipofilling has one significant drawback - it is extremely difficult to predict the number of fat cells that will “take root” in a new place, as a result, after the first session, you may encounter an insufficiently pronounced result or some asymmetry, which will require a corrective procedure.

Surgery for wrinkles

Plastic surgery is the solution for the most serious cases, although there are exceptions for the area around the eyes. Sometimes, even at a little over 30 years old, the skin condition is such that there is no other way to improve the situation. On the other hand, isolated interventions in the periorbital region are performed using low-traumatic techniques, without visible scars and scars, with quick rehabilitation and sometimes even under local anesthesia:

What is the point?
Installation in the periorbital region or throughout the upper and middle third of the face of special biodegradable threads. With their help, firstly, already sagging skin is tightened, and secondly, a “frame” is formed, which for some time supports it in a new position. Also, in the lifting zone, the production of its own collagen is stimulated, which maintains skin tone. The effect of the procedure lasts about 2-3 years, in the case of reinforcing the face with non-absorbable gold threads, manufacturers promise an even longer result - up to 10 years. This technique is ineffective for loose and stretched skin, and is also not suitable for owners of thin skin, through which the threads are likely to contour.

Surgical lifting of the upper and lower eyelids. It is considered a relatively simple operation with a short recovery period. It is carried out in the presence of serious age-related changes (flabbiness, hernia formation, etc.), but sometimes it is also shown at a relatively early age - 25-30 years. In addition to smoothing wrinkles around the eyes, it can significantly improve the condition of the nasolacrimal sulcus - for this, a special fat-saving technique is used. The result obtained lasts an average of 10-15 years. Quite often, various types of blepharoplasty are performed in combination with other operations to lift the face or its individual areas:

  • Forehead plastic surgery or lifting of the upper third of the face is indicated for severe ptosis of the soft tissues of the forehead and eyebrows, the formation of deep brow folds, and overhanging of the upper eyelid.
  • A mid-face lift with blepharoplasty or temporal access is indicated for severe soft tissue ptosis and fatty deposits under the eyes and in the cheekbones and cheeks.
  • Facelift is a general tightening of face and neck tissues to eliminate age-related changes in the cervicofacial complex, which eliminates not only mimic, but also deep static wrinkles.

Prevention of the appearance of wrinkles in the periorbital region

Since the skin around the eyes is very thin, delicate and sensitive, it needs not only constant care, but also careful attitude. You can prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and the deepening of existing ones by adjusting your lifestyle and acquiring a few good habits:

  • Adequate sleep and rest of the eyes most of all contribute to maintaining a healthy and youthful appearance of the skin. This is especially important for people who read a lot, work on a computer, or do activities that require significant eye strain.
  • To postpone a visit to a beautician or surgeon, you need to regularly use a good set of specialized cosmetic products designed to care for the skin around the eyes - creams, serums, masks, etc.
  • During daily care, you should not rub the skin, remove makeup by applying cotton pads soaked in make-up remover to the eyes. It is necessary to apply creams and masks pointwise along the line of the eyebrows for the upper eyelid and under the lower eyelid, gently tamponating with your fingers over the skin.
  • It is best to sleep on your back with your head slightly raised, in this position the tissues swell less and the skin does not stretch as much. And always in a well-ventilated area.
  • Regular contrast compresses or ice cube massage will help stimulate metabolic processes in the tissues and tighten the skin.

Expert opinions

Cosmetologist, dermatovenereologist, "Frau Clinic"

We use several methods to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes at once: Botox injections, laser resurfacing, biorevitalization, contouring, blepharoplasty - a specific program is drawn up during an in-person consultation. If the age is young, and the problem is just emerging, biorevitalization will be optimal. When the folds are more pronounced - visible both at rest and when smiling - then Botox injections are the method of choice. Botulinum toxin will relax the circular muscle of the eye and, accordingly, the skin around the eyes, and wrinkles will disappear.

The next correction option is laser resurfacing. It is good to use it in aged patients, and fix the result with Botox injections. Contour plastic is also used to work with pronounced wrinkles, and with resistance to botulinum toxin. Blepharoplasty is a more radical method, it is recommended for older patients with "hernial sacs" and / or significant swelling in the lower eyelid. To prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, it is necessary to use special creams, do not abuse insolation and solarium.

head of the cosmetology department of the DoctorPlastic clinic:

Depending on the severity of the problem and the characteristics of the skin, we use different methods: botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, contouring, threads, peelings, RF lifting, ELOS therapy, fractional laser resurfacing (the so-called non-surgical laser blepharoplasty).

If the patient is determined to have a radical surgical solution to the problem, we refer him to our plastic surgeons, who usually recommend eyelid surgery (sometimes combined with a brow lift) or a check-lift. But very often the problem can be solved without resorting to a scalpel. Laser procedures and thread lift give a particularly good effect, however, the solution must be sought individually. In each case, a consultation with a cosmetologist is necessary. The doctor will select a technique and carry out such a correction that will give the maximum effect and be minimally traumatic:

  • with mimic wrinkles, botulinum therapy is indicated;
  • with dryness, thinning of the skin and fine wrinkles - biorevitalization, peelings, ELOS-therapy, RF-lifting;
  • with ptosis (to eliminate excess skin on the eyelids) - fractional laser resurfacing;
  • with gravitational omission of the eyelids - threads;
  • plastic surgery solves the problem of hernial bags under the eyes and severe skin laxity. Sometimes it can be done without visible incisions (the scar is located on the inside of the eyelid).

plastic surgeon at the Estet Clinic:

Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent wrinkles. Of course, it is necessary to be very attentive to facial skin care, especially in the eye area, and not to forget about its systematic nutrition and moisturizing. If we talk about cosmetic procedures, then in terms of effectiveness, injections of botulinum toxin type A are definitely in the lead. Most often, we use this particular technique. However, Botox or Dysport cannot solve the original problem, they only eliminate its visible manifestations. Also, we can recommend a course of laser ablation (we use the DEKA device), but here it is important to remember that in the period from April to October it is contraindicated due to possible skin pigmentation. Plastic surgeries for a facelift also, of course, solve the problems of wrinkles, but sometimes even after them there is a need for additional correction.

plastic surgeon "US Clinic", candidate of medical sciences:

In the early stages of age-related changes, non-surgical methods of wrinkle correction - hardware and injections - can give the desired result. We use laser resurfacing, biorevitalization, plasmolifting, and sometimes mesotherapy. But with more pronounced changes (deep folds, excess skin), they are not effective enough and there is a need for surgical techniques.

In this case, to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, we perform plastic surgery of the upper and lower eyelids, often in combination with a frontotemporal (frontotemporal) lift. This combination allows you to achieve the best rejuvenating effect for the periorbital zone, especially for the upper eyelids and outer corners of the eyes, where the so-called "crow's feet" area is located.

For patients who have encountered this problem or want to prevent it, I recommend seeking help from competent and experienced aesthetic specialists who will offer the most effective techniques for each specific situation.

dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist at the Arbat Estetik clinic

To work with wrinkles around the eyes, we use combined techniques, which include: laser technology, adapted fillers based on hyaluronic acid, botulinum therapy, placentotherapy, biorevitalization, thread lifting. In each case, the program is compiled individually, and then it is carried out in stages, depending on the state and results. If I see that the proposed methods may not be effective or do not meet the patient's expectations, then I refer the patient to a plastic surgeon.

As for the comparison of these procedures, in my opinion, there is no clear leader. Typically, the choice of techniques depends on the age, individual characteristics and anatomy of the patient's face. This approach allows you to prolong and enhance the effect of each of them. I can single out only fillers and botulinum therapy as the fastest and most effective option. An individual approach and combined techniques allow you to achieve a natural and long-term result.

When the first signs of age-related changes appear, namely, they cause the formation of wrinkles around the eyes, I advise you to come for a consultation with a qualified doctor. Prevention and simple injection techniques work better at the initial stage than in the case when wrinkles are so pronounced that the help of a plastic surgeon is needed. This is a difficult zone and it is not necessary to launch it.

Wrinkles are an inevitable element of the aging process, which appears as a result of a decrease in the ability of tissues to produce collagen and elastin, as well as insufficient moisture in the epidermis. How to remove mimic wrinkles around the eyes? All manipulations aimed at this are based on increasing the tone of tissues, restoring the water-lipid balance, enhancing protection from ultraviolet radiation, and activating the natural synthesis of collagen, elastin and other "building materials".

Facial massage is a pleasant procedure and, no doubt, very useful: with regular sessions, the skin is noticeably tightened, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Massage and exercises for thin skin around the eyes

In order to get rid of mimic wrinkles and a pronounced “mesh” under the eyes, an integrated approach to rejuvenation, regular cosmetic sessions, adherence to a certain regimen and the use of special preparations are necessary.

One of the main manipulations aimed at strengthening muscles, normalizing collagen synthesis and improving blood and lymph microcirculation is a special massage. Before carrying out the procedure, you must thoroughly wash your hands and put a drop of coconut oil on your little fingers. For several minutes, circular massage movements are made with the little fingers under the eyes, starting from the corners of the eyes - with the greatest accumulation of wrinkles - with an offset to the nose. The pressure on the skin should be small, the procedure continues until the oil is completely absorbed.

Such a massage, carried out every evening before going to bed, normalizes blood circulation, improves the flow of nutrients to the tissues. As a result of manipulation, you can get rid of not only wrinkles, but also bags and shadows under the eyes.

In addition to coconut oil, you can use olive oil or essential oil from grape seeds. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, which is directly involved in tissue rejuvenation.

There is one useful exercise that will not only reduce the severity of facial wrinkles under the eyes, but also prevent their appearance. To do this, you just need to place the tips of your middle fingers strictly under your eyes and, tensing your muscles, lift your fingers. It is necessary to do 10 repetitions daily with a three-second fixation.

The preparation of any natural mask should take place immediately before its use, otherwise most of the beneficial substances will not reach your skin.

Natural masks for the skin around the eyes

An indispensable tool in the fight against wrinkles can be masks made from natural ingredients that are applied directly to the skin under the eyes. In addition to the smoothing effect, such compositions have a tightening effect, allowing you to deal with sagging of the epidermis. Before applying the mixtures, it is necessary to clean and dry the face. Expression wrinkles around the eyes will disappear or become less pronounced if you apply the selected product at least 2-3 times a week.

Lifting protein mask

To prepare the composition, you need one egg white, lightly whipped into a light foam. You can add a couple of drops of vitamin E (has anti-aging properties) or A (effectively moisturizes) to the ingredient. The mass is applied to the area under the eyes, upper eyelids. Protein nourishes the skin and, drying, tightens it, helping to smooth out mimic wrinkles. The composition can not be removed if there is a feeling of tightness, it is recommended to blot the treated areas with a damp cotton pad.

honey mask

Due to the presence of specific enzymes in the composition of honey, when using a honey mask, soft exfoliation of dead cells, dirt, and bacteria occurs. This restores tissue respiration, prevents the development of inflammatory processes, and allows you to get rid of wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Additional advantages of applying pure honey to thin skin are an increase in the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis.

cucumber mask

Two slices of cucumber, peeled, must be chopped in a blender, mixed with a tablespoon of natural yogurt and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. You can add liquid forms of vitamins. The mixture is brought to a homogeneous state and applied to the area in the corners of the eyes, under the lower eyelids. If you need to get rid of the flabbiness of the skin of the upper eyelids, then the composition is applied to a cotton pad, which is applied to closed eyes. The duration of the procedure is at least 20 minutes.

For many, proper nutrition is associated with restrictions, but this is far from the case: treat yourself to delicious fruits and berries, and your skin will respond with smoothness and freshness.

Features of the regime, positively affecting the state of the epidermis

Even an integrated approach to the treatment of mimic wrinkles and the improvement of the epidermis will not give the desired effect if the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle are not followed.

  • It is necessary to drink at least two liters of water daily (namely water, not any liquid). The body must receive a sufficient amount of moisture to maintain the tissue structure in optimal condition.
  • The diet should contain a sufficient amount of antioxidants. Beets, tomatoes, kiwi and sweet peppers will not only smooth out wrinkles, but also prevent the development of inflammatory processes.
  • You need to take vitamins regularly. This will preserve the youthfulness of the face, neutralize the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation, accelerate the process of tissue repair, activate collagen synthesis, and reduce the severity of wrinkles under the eyes and on all parts of the face.
  • For the beauty and youth of the face, a full healthy sleep is necessary. It is difficult to get rid of wrinkles and other signs of fatigue if you sleep less than eight hours a day. During this period, certain biological processes take place that stimulate the production of growth hormones. These substances are necessary to restore the density and elasticity of tissues.
  • Smoking is harmful not only to the health of the body, but also to the beauty of the skin. Even passive smoking reduces the permeability of tissues and interferes with the access of important nutrients to the cells.
  • Frequent use of alcohol leads to an accelerated removal of fluid from the body, causing dry tissues.
  • It should become a habit to use a sunscreen that is appropriate for the season and skin type. Do not abuse the solarium and swimming pool. Ultraviolet and chlorinated water very quickly worsen the condition and appearance of the skin.
  • Do not neglect modern cosmetic products with a lifting effect. They really can work wonders with the right and comprehensive approach to the fight against wrinkles and other signs of aging.

We all experience wrinkles sooner or later. The area around the eyes is considered the most vulnerable part for their occurrence, since the skin there is very thin and delicate. During the day, this area is subjected to a lot of stress due to laughter, squinting, blinking, etc. In addition, sleep deprivation, unhealthy lifestyles and daily exposure to cosmetics lead to early signs of skin aging, in particular, wrinkles around the eyes. With the help of traditional medicine recipes, wrinkles around the eyes can be eliminated or made less noticeable.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes.
The early appearance of wrinkles around the eye area does not at all indicate aging of the body. Withering of the skin in this area can be due to many reasons, in particular: inattentive attitude towards yourself, improper care and the use of not quite high-quality cosmetics. All this in combination can provoke the appearance of wrinkles as early as 22-25 years old.

The delicate skin around the eyes requires special careful and regular care, since a lack of moisture leads to dry skin, its withering, loss of elasticity and firmness, and as a result, to early wrinkles. Too active facial expressions, malnutrition, stress also adversely affect the condition of the skin around the eyes, which leads to early wrinkles.

The so-called "crow's feet" around the eyes are very difficult to disguise with any means of decorative cosmetics (concealers, etc.), they only make them more noticeable. Therefore, the way out in this situation is the use of natural cosmetics and folk remedies, as well as active prevention of wrinkles from the age of twenty.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes - moisturizing.
Folk remedies based on herbal supplements are great helpers in skin care. Among them, aloe and essential oils have active moisturizing properties. Aloe, for example, is excellent at combating dry skin in the sensitive area around the eyes. To eliminate wrinkles, it is recommended to apply the juice of this plant daily at night to the area around the eyes, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane. If you do not have this plant at home, you can purchase it ready-made in the form of a gel, which will contain at least 98% of the juice of this medicinal flower, and use it in the same way.

According to traditional medicine recipes, essential oils of peach, almond and apricot serve as excellent moisturizers that fight wrinkles around the eyes. A few drops of any of the listed oils should, as it were, be driven with fingertips into the area under the eyes. By the way, natural butter can be used in the same way. It perfectly smooths out crow's feet.

A wonderful method of dealing with such wrinkles is a homemade cream that you can make yourself. It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of vitamin E oil solution with the same amount of cocoa butter and sea buckthorn oil. This nourishing cream must be applied in a thick layer on the upper and lower eyelids, secured from above in the area of ​​​​the outer corner of the eyes with small pieces of parchment paper. To withstand such a mask for fifteen minutes, after which soak the rest of the cream with a napkin. You can't rub at all. You need to make such a mask twice a week, preferably two hours before bedtime.

Olive oil is also good for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes. It is used as a compress, after which it is necessary to lightly massage the skin of the eyelids and the area under the eyes. This herbal product is also effective to add to various masks. In particular, a mixture of 50 ml of oil and 10 ml of vitamin E oil solution is “driven” with light patting movements with fingertips into the area around the eyes. After that, you must wait five minutes, and remove the remnants of the mixture by blotting with a napkin. This mask can be done every day, preferably at night. As a prevention of wrinkles, it is effective to use a mixture of olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice in the form of a mask. The mixture is applied to the skin and left for ten minutes, after which its residues are blotted with a paper towel.

Masks for wrinkles around the eyes - folk remedies.
Nourishing and moisturizing masks are the main weapon against wrinkles around the eyes!

The simplest and fastest mask to prepare is the following: grind the crumb of wheat bread in slightly warmed milk and apply evenly to the skin around the eyes. Keep the mask for fifteen minutes, then rinse your face with warm water.

Honey due to its unique properties is the most useful ingredient in cosmetic masks. Mix a tablespoon of wheat flour, add a tablespoon of honey melted in a water bath, beaten egg white. Spread the resulting mass in a warm form in an even layer on the area around the eyes. Once the mask has completely cooled and dried, you should wash with warm water. In this recipe, it is also good to use oatmeal instead of wheat flour, only the time for applying the mask will be about half an hour.

Mix a mass of peeled and chopped raw potatoes with a small amount of high-fat cream and apply to the area under the eyes. Wash off the mask after fifteen minutes. At the same time, compresses in the form of cotton pads dipped in strong tea brew can be applied to the upper eyelids.

To prevent wrinkles around the eyes, it is charming to wear high-quality sunglasses while in the open sun, regardless of the seasons. If you have nearsightedness, you should buy contact lenses or glasses.

In order to increase blood circulation, it is recommended to self-massage the area around the eyes daily with light patting movements. It is necessary to carry it out after morning cosmetic procedures and applying cream. All movements should be performed strictly along the massage lines with the pads of the third and fourth fingers. If you already have deep wrinkles, then in addition to self-massage, once a week you need to do a massage in a beauty parlor.

It is effective to use a homemade wrinkle prevention cream based on camphor oil. To prepare it, mix 50 ml of unsalted fat (interior lard), previously melted in a water bath, with the same amount of camphor oil and pour into a jar. Use this cream twice a week at night.

Wrinkles around the eyes very often appear due to the incorrect position of our head during sleep. You can not use too high a pillow for sleeping, as it disrupts the venous outflow in the skin of the eyelids and contributes to the appearance of bags. Sleeping on your stomach with your face buried in a pillow is a very bad habit. Sleeping in this position leads to the early appearance of crow's feet. It is best to use a roller or a flat pillow for sleeping, while the position should be either on the back or on the side.

Very important also. For a complete sleep. That is, you and I need at least eight hours to feel normal. Be sure the room in which you sleep should be well ventilated. In addition, it is desirable that there are no sources of electromagnetic radiation (computer, cell phone, TV, etc.). Chronic lack of sleep negatively affects the condition of the skin around the eyes.

Useful tips for keeping the skin around the eyes youthful.

  • For washing, use only cool clean drinking water, you can use melted water (not from the tap and not boiled!). This water will improve blood circulation. You can use cosmetic ice.
  • Apply the cream to the area around the eyes in small portions, distributing it with pinpoint strokes with the pads of the ring fingers (since the ring fingers are less developed, they will not be able to deform the skin).
  • In the morning, nourishing creams or gels should be applied, and cosmetics with a lifting effect should be applied in the evening. Otherwise, you can get severe swelling.
  • Never use face cream on the skin of the eyelids.
  • Be sure to use sunscreen products.
  • Cosmetics should be changed every three to four months to avoid addiction or allergic reactions.
  • In winter and autumn, multivitamin complexes should be taken.
  • Walk more in the fresh air, lead an active lifestyle.
The beauty and youthfulness of the skin is the result of regular and thorough care. Therefore, learn to take care of yourself and your skin as early as possible in order to prolong its youthfulness and blooming appearance.
123 796 8 Until a certain age, few girls worry about wrinkles and age-related skin changes. At a young age, it seems to everyone that this problem will affect them as late as possible, and fashionable expensive creams will help solve it. Of course, all people are different and wrinkles also appear in different ways, but this is not such a simple problem as it seems at first glance. It requires an integrated approach with the use of various rejuvenating agents and procedures.

First wrinkles. When and why do they appear

First, let's define the word "wrinkles". Wrinkles are grooves, depressions in the skin that occur due to rupture or damage to skin fibers, collagen and elastin. They are:

  • Mimic - formed on the skin of the face due to frequent muscle contraction. Simply put, they appear in people with active facial expressions and a moving face.
  • Age - due to age-related changes in the human body, when the skin ceases to be elastic, loses a lot of moisture.

The face is one of the most important parts of the body for most girls. Therefore, he is always treated with special trepidation and is closely watched for all the wrinkles that have appeared. Most often they appear in this order:

  • The corners of the eyes, mouth - a small "cobweb" at the age of 30;
  • Nose bridge, upper lip, chin and neck - by the age of 40, the skin becomes less elastic, and the depth of wrinkles increases;
  • Cheeks, cheekbones - undergo age-related changes by the age of 50.

Sooner or later, but on the skin of each person wrinkles appear, and only you can "delay" the process of aging and withering of your skin through the use of various means and procedures.

Women, girls who decide to get rid of the appeared "cobweb" should know the main reasons for its appearance.

  1. Bad habits- have a negative effect on the entire body, in particular on the skin.
  2. Diets and express weight loss- in the process of losing weight, the fat layer is burned, body volumes decrease and the skin sags. All diets are based on the fact that the body begins to lose weight from top to bottom. Those. first the face loses weight, then the arms, stomach, legs. If you want to lose extra pounds from your hips, be patient.
  3. The use of low-quality cosmetics- saving money on decorative cosmetics and other cosmetics can cause irreparable harm to the skin and the whole body.
  4. Excessive sun exposure- The skin under the influence of sunlight very quickly loses moisture, dries up. As a result, wrinkles appear more quickly due to the inability of the skin to produce enough collagen. The same applies to tanning in the solarium.
  5. Improper nutrition- the daily diet should be balanced and rich in vitamins. The lack of protein food, or its consumption in insufficient quantities, slows down the process of cell renewal.
  6. Lack of physical activity- without any physical exercise, the muscles become weak. Regular exercise will help tighten muscles, skin, activate metabolic processes in the body.
  7. Sleep on a high pillow. Surprisingly, it's a fact.
  8. Stress. Well, there is nothing to say here. Any experiences leave their imprint on our face. If you are often sad or frowning, then you are guaranteed to expect early wrinkles.
  9. Bad ecology. problem of our time. Residents of megacities especially carefully need to take care of their skin.

This is not the whole list of causes of age-related skin changes in the form of wrinkles. It can go on and on. The main thing is that every girl understands that the sooner you eliminate all the harmful factors that adversely affect the skin, the easier it will be to deal with the wrinkles that have appeared.

How to quickly remove wrinkles with the help of salon procedures

Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of different services, thanks to which you can get rid of wrinkles on any part of the face. These are quite expensive procedures, but the effect lasts for a long time, and the result appears after a few days. The most popular are:

  • The use of laser rejuvenation;
  • mesotherapy;
  • Botox injections;
  • Contour plastic.

Such procedures can only be performed by a qualified cosmetologist in the salon.

How to effectively remove wrinkles at home

In addition to salon procedures, you can get rid of unwanted wrinkles at home. It is possible to achieve the desired result if:

  1. To refuse from bad habits.
  2. Lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
  3. Healthy food.
  4. Drink.
  5. Sleep well.
  6. Take care of your skin regularly using masks, tonics, lotions, creams, etc. own cooking.
  7. Do facial exercises every day.

At first glance, this is difficult and impossible. But if you follow these rules, a positive result will be visible in a month or two. Not only the skin will be rejuvenated, but the whole body as a whole.

If everything is clear with the first 6 points, then the last two should be discussed in more detail.

Each area of ​​the skin on the face has its own sensitivity. Therefore, the funds must be selected individually for the skin under the eyes, for the forehead, neck, chin, etc.

How to remove wrinkles around the eyes at home

The eye area is very delicate and not all cosmetics are allowed to be applied to this area. But, nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to take care of the skin of the eyelids and eyes. It is strictly forbidden to do peeling, which is very traumatic for the skin. For this zone, masks or compresses are ideal. It is best to use phyto-components for such purposes (honey, fresh fruits, herbal infusion, etc.)

Face masks

To make a rejuvenating mask, you will need products that are in any refrigerator (depending on the season). Can be used:

  • apricots;
  • apples;
  • grape;
  • peaches;
  • watermelon;
  • parsley root;
  • raspberries;
  • sour cream;
  • sauerkraut;
  • oat flakes.

These masks can be made in two ways.

1 way. Grind in a blender, or knead the components with a fork, then place the resulting slurry on gauze and put it on your closed eyes. In this position, you should lie for about 15-20 minutes, then remove the mask, wash off the remnants with a cotton swab previously dipped in herbal infusion and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

2 way. It is somewhat simpler, because less labor intensive. If you decide to make a mask of apples, peaches, apricots, then just put pieces of fruit on your eyes without crushing them first.

Compresses for a youthful face

This is a fairly simple, but highly effective anti-aging procedure. Its essence is as follows. Take 2 cotton pads, moisten in the prepared solution, and then put on the lowered eyelids. After 15-20 minutes, remove the compress and remove the remaining liquid.

For the preparation of such a miracle remedy suitable:

  • herbal decoctions of lime blossom, mint, chamomile, burdock, sage, oregano, succession, parsley, calendula. It is made quite simply. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave for about 12 hours.
  • various vegetable oils;
  • natural aloe juice;
  • milk;
  • tea bags - use immediately after brewing tea. In this case, the use of cotton swabs is not required, because. sachets are placed directly on the eyes.

The fair sex, who are wondering "How to remove wrinkles under the eyes at home?" you should know that the skin in the eye area is very delicate and you need to rub the cream with gentle patting movements. So you prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and do not stretch the skin.

How to remove forehead wrinkles at home

In order to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, you should regularly exfoliate, apply masks and nourish the skin with creams. All products must be selected individually for each type of skin.

Oatmeal Scrub

Perfectly cleanses and refreshes the skin. You will need to mix crushed oatmeal with one yolk and a few drops of olive oil. You should get a mushy mass, which is applied with massage movements on the face and left to soak for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream. If you have oily skin, then replace the yolk with protein.

Mask based on honey and oils

This mask cleanses the pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands and refreshes the skin. To prepare it, you will need 1 tablespoon of honey and almond oil and a few drops of rose oil. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the face with massage movements. Wash off with warm running water after 40 minutes. Carry out such a rejuvenating procedure daily.

Egg face mask

An easy-to-prepare and very effective mask will help smooth fine wrinkles and give the skin a healthy look. It consists of 2 components of the yolk and butter. Mix the 2 ingredients until a creamy consistency is obtained. Then apply the resulting mass on the face and wash off after 15 minutes.

Owners of oily skin type should replace the yolk with protein.

Tomato pulp mask

Take one ripe tomato, peel it and remove seeds. Grind the resulting pulp and apply on the face. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes.

Read more about the numerous tomato face masks in our article:. In this article, we have collected the top tomato-based mask recipes.

Night anti-aging nourishing cream

Nourishes and restores the skin, removes fine wrinkles. This tool includes:

  • 1 tsp grape seed oils;
  • 1 tsp wheat germ oils;
  • 1 tsp linseed oil;
  • ¼ tsp lavender essential oil;
  • 3 tsp lanolin (inexpensive pharmacy remedy).

Melt lanolin in a water bath, mix with oils and beat. Store this cream in a dark container in a cool place. Apply daily before bed.

For areas such as the neck, lips, cheeks, you can use all of the above tools.

How to quickly remove wrinkles at home with massage and facial exercises

In the fight against wrinkles, the action of cosmetic products alone may not be enough. It is very important to be able and regularly massage the face and not neglect simple exercises that will strengthen the facial muscles and tighten the skin.

Gymnastics for the face

  • As in any gymnastics, we start with a warm-up. With gentle, smooth movements, tap all parts of the face, smoothly moving to the head. The scalp should be massaged more intensively. So you activate blood circulation and prepare your face for the upcoming stress.
  • We start with the forehead. Place your index fingers in the middle of your forehead and try to move them down to your eyebrows. The forehead should be tense, and the eyebrows raised up. Do 10 repetitions.
  • Let's move on to the eyebrows. We put our index fingers on the inner corners of the eyebrows, fix our hands in this position, after which we try to frown and bring our eyebrows together. We linger in this position for 5-10 seconds. We repeat this exercise 8 times.
  • It's time for the eyes. We apply the index fingers to the outer corners of the eyes and slightly pull the skin to the temples. Lower the eyelids and rotate the eyes for 2 minutes.
  • We make lips beautiful. We stretch the lips and fold them with a tube. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
  • We complete the gymnastics on the chin. Open your mouth as wide as possible for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

If you are interested in facial gymnastics, then the videos below will help you start doing these simple exercises.

Facial massage

After gymnastics, to relax the muscles, it is necessary to perform a massage. For the best effect, take a nourishing cream, which is rubbed with smooth, gentle movements along the massage lines. In the eye area, the movements should be tapping, barely perceptible.

You can get rid of wrinkles at any age. An excellent effect can be achieved at home, using improvised means. The main thing is to want it and not be lazy.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. We are always waiting for your comments and advice from personal experience that will help other girls to remain attractive and keep their youth for a long time.

As a rule, the very first wrinkles appear in women around the eyes. And although this phenomenon does not yet mean that a woman is aging, most ladies dream of getting rid of them immediately forever. Since not every representative of the weak half of humanity can turn to expensive procedures for help, the majority tries to deal with them with home remedies. What recipes really work?

Already existing wrinkles can be slightly smoothed out by this decoction:

  • Pour 20 g of parsley with 200 ml of boiled water and let the dosage form brew for 20 minutes with the lid tightly closed;
  • at this time, grate a peeled raw potato and add two full tablespoons of the same broth, for an even better effect - olive oil;
  • mix well and wrap with a piece of gauze or bandage;
  • press to the eyes for twenty minutes.

Important! After the procedure, it is better not to wash, but simply remove the excess product with a cotton swab.

In the absence of an effective night cream, you can easily make it yourself:

  • prepare a collection by taking 25 g of pharmacy chamomile and linden;
  • bay it all with boiling water and after insisting for 20 minutes, mix with 25 g of unmelted butter;
  • the resulting mass should be homogeneous, after which it can treat the skin of the eyelids every evening.

Important! This product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days.

Nourishing masks are effective, since, by enriching the skin with essential microelements, they prevent the formation of wrinkles:

  • mix one egg yolk with 10 g of natural honey and 20 g of oatmeal;
  • mix thoroughly until a uniform mass is formed and apply under the eyes for ten minutes;
  • rinse with water.

Important! If the consistency of the mass is too thick, add a couple of tablespoons of boiled water so as not to damage the delicate skin.

In addition to nutrition, the skin around the eyes is particularly demanding for constant hydration, with which the following recipe does a good job:

  • mix the same amount of egg yolk and honey, add sour cream or vegetable oil to the mixture, add 20 ml of warmed milk;
  • Thoroughly mix the ingredients and let the mixture stand for 15 minutes.

Important! Remove the composition around the eyes with a piece of cotton wool and slightly warmed milk to improve the effect.

Oatmeal has many beneficial effects for both the body and the skin of the face. Not without reason, quite a long time ago, women began to add it to all kinds of masks:

  • Finely chop 20 g of flakes, add 50 ml of warmed milk;
  • wait until the oatmeal swells;
  • apply warm gruel to the skin of the eyelids for no more than half an hour, then rinse with clean, warm water.

Important! Make sure that the oatmeal is the finest grinding, otherwise you risk injuring the skin of the eyelids.

Apricot contains many vitamins that can significantly improve the condition of the skin of the eyelids. If you have the opportunity, be sure to try the following recipe:

  • select the ripest apricots, then remove the skin from them;
  • take 20 g of pulp and mix with fatty sour cream;
  • apply to the problem area, wait 25 minutes, then wipe with warm water.

The flax seed mask has also been quite famous since time immemorial. Due to their unique composition, they are able to enrich the skin with the most necessary substances to prevent early aging:

  • Soak 25 g of seeds in half a cup of cold water, boil and wait until a thick consistency is obtained;
  • After straining the broth, you need to lubricate the skin around the eyes with the resulting juice;
  • wash off after 15 minutes.

The sesame face mask was once the most common and favorite remedy for women to combat the early signs of aging. Very easy, but effective is the following recipe, which also effectively removes bags under the eyes:

  • take a couple of tablespoons of finely ground sesame seeds and mix with a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • apply to the skin around the eyes with a cotton swab and wash your face after 20 minutes.

Important! As with oatmeal, make sure that the gruel does not contain large pieces of sesame seeds.

Aloe, in addition to its healing and antiseptic actions, is also able to quite noticeably smooth out the already formed mimic wrinkles:

  • select a small leaf of a three-year-old (and preferably older) aloe and mash into a homogeneous mass;
  • Apply the gruel for 25 minutes, then wash your face.

Important! Applying this mask daily will help you achieve the most powerful effect.

Blue clay is often called almost a beauty panacea. Thanks to the huge content of minerals, it can also help in the problem of solving the formed wrinkles or preventing them:

  • mix clay and clean water in equal proportions (although it is better to take a decoction of herbs for this purpose, for example, chamomile);
  • apply to the skin around the eyes and do not touch until dry and crusting;
  • wash with warm water.

Important! At the slightest sensation of tingling or too strong a feeling of tightness, wash off the clay immediately.

The most common cucumbers have an effective property to refresh the skin around the eyes and keep it in good shape:

  • peel vegetables and cut into slices;
  • put them on the skin around the eyes, covering them with gauze;
  • at the end of the procedure, it is not recommended to wash, just leave the skin to dry completely, naturally.

Important! Try to choose as fresh cucumbers as possible, but beware of store-bought vegetables with a lot of additives.

If you are not a fan of “food” masks, the following vitamin recipe is right for you:

  • vitamins A and E can be applied to the face daily (adding them to your favorite eye cream is acceptable);
  • do not rinse, leave the vitamins on the skin until dry.

Using the recipes given in the article, you can maintain a blooming and well-groomed appearance for many years.