Can there be periods during early pregnancy? Menstruation during pregnancy (early stages) - what does this mean? Find out if your period can go during pregnancy and what to do

Can menstruation go on during pregnancy?

In this material, we will tell you in detail about and in what cases, discharge with blood can be dangerous for a woman during this period.
It is generally accepted that during pregnancy There can be no menstruation, and if spotting appears, then the woman is not pregnant. But sometimes in the first trimester, menstruation goes as usual, and the expectant mother is not even aware of her situation.

If fertilization occurs in the last days of the cycle, the body does not have time to rebuild, the hormonal background remains at the same level and menstruation appears at the appointed time ... After 4 weeks, the woman will have a delay and she will find out that she is carrying a child for the second month. In during pregnancy you need to closely monitor your condition and register with the antenatal clinic as early as possible. Pregnancy during menstruation may not manifest itself in any way and the woman does not even suspect that she is already in a position.

Menstruation in the first month is normal. The discharge is not as abundant as usual.
For most women, ovulation begins 7-9 days after menstruation. When the ovum reaches the uterus and is fixed on its wall, the embryo acts on the blood vessels and they signal the onset of pregnancy ... If the body did not have time to recognize the signal, the hormonal background does not change, the next menstruation begins.

Can a period go on during pregnancy at a later date? In the second month of pregnancy or later, there should be no discharge. This is a deviation from the norm, which indicates a problem with sex hormones, and in this case, you should not delay a visit to your gynecologist. Discharge can be harbingers of miscarriage , not everyone sees the difference between menstruation and bleeding. Miscarriages are more common in the first trimester. When threatened, profuse bleeding is accompanied by a heaviness in the abdomen and painful sensations similar to labor pains.

The reasons for the appearance of menstruation during pregnancy:
- menstruation during pregnancy may appear if the egg is attached not far from the myomatous node, or there is an endometriosis focus next to it.
- Scanty brown discharge occur with an ectopic pregnancy. Another common symptom with such a diagnosis is that there is a sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
- When the level of the sex hormone androgen in a woman's body is much higher than the norm (hyperandrogenism), the fertilized egg can exfoliate and discharge.
- Fetal defects, fetal freezing and genetic disorders can lead to termination of pregnancy, which will be manifested by secretions.
- If the corpus luteum does not function well, the level of progesterone in the female body is underestimated, pregnancy develops at an insufficient pace, and menstruation occurs.

Can menses go on during pregnancy a month after conception? As we explained above, if menstruation during pregnancy if it takes a month later, then we can talk about a possible pathology in the body of a woman, dangerous bleeding. It is imperative to seek advice from a gynecologist if an ultrasound scan reveals a pregnancy, and the bleeding continues. Below we will tell you in more detail why pregnancy during menstruation is the reason for an immediate visit to a specialist and for what reasons during pregnancy may be menstruation.

We have detailed why some women continue to menstruate during pregnancy. I would like to emphasize once again that regular gynecological examinations can minimize the risk of an ectopic pregnancy and prevent the risk of miscarriage if the pregnancy is confirmed. can menstruation go during pregnancy and in what cases bleeding is a threat to the health of the expectant mother and the fetus developing in her womb.


Menstruation, and even plentiful, which began during pregnancy, undoubtedly plunge into a serious shock many women. Which is not surprising at all. After all, regulations during this period can be a signal of miscarriage or other equally dangerous complications.

In fact, spotting early in pregnancy may not always be bad news. It all depends on their nature, intensity, and the presence of accompanying symptoms. Let's find out in more detail whether menstruation is possible, when a girl is expecting a baby, how dangerous it is, and when you should immediately consult a doctor.

Can your period go during pregnancy?

To give a clear answer to this question, it is necessary, first of all, to remember all the features of female physiology. Each month, the ovaries produce eggs that are necessary for fertilization. If conception does not occur for one reason or another, this egg is destroyed. As a result, the functional membrane of the endometrium is rejected, bloody discharge appears, i.e. - menstruation.

With a positive turn of affairs, when conception is successful, the body throws all its strength into preparing for the implantation of the embryo. The hormonal background is completely rebuilt. The functional layer of the endometrium is not rejected and, accordingly, the regulation does not go. How, then, can you compare heavy periods and pregnancy? Where does the blood come from?

Progesterone deficiency is often the cause of bleeding. Gynecologists define this phenomenon as "false menstruation". It can sometimes even last for several months, despite the fact that the ovum continues to quietly develop in the uterine cavity.

In this case, they are not even a threat to the development of the embryo. But it is very important to consult a doctor in time in order to understand if the spotting can be caused by organic reasons that pose a serious danger to the mother and fetus.


Fortunately, periods during pregnancy are not always dangerous. For example, when they are caused by the period of implantation of the ovum, there is practically no cause for concern. During this process, small blood vessels are often damaged, resulting in smearing vaginal discharge. can also appear in cases where:

  • The blastocyst did not have time to implant into the endometrium of the uterus before the onset of menstruation. Usually this process takes from one to two weeks, so the delay, although rare, is quite possible. Hormonal changes do not have time to occur, and the regulations go as usual.
  • It ripens simultaneously by an egg in each of the ovaries. If one egg fertilizes and the second is rejected, your period may go.
  • There are various hormonal disorders. If there is a deficiency of progesterone or an overabundance of androgens, regulation may well go on, since the body cannot recognize pregnancy in this case.

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A woman who noticed that she had heavy periods during pregnancy, moreover, at any time, needs to immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital. Timely referral to specialists is the only chance to save the situation, no matter how difficult it is. Indeed, in addition to the above reasons, menstruation can be a sign of much more dangerous diseases and abnormalities.

In the early stages

Menstruation during early pregnancy can be both scarce and abundant. First of all, their character depends on the state of the woman's hormonal system. They may appear in the first month, and the entire subsequent period of regulation should not bother the expectant mother. Otherwise, you need to find out why menstruation continues.

Often, periods in early pregnancy can be caused by:

  • Beginning spontaneous miscarriage. In this case, the intensity of regulation can be different (both abundant and smearing). The color of the discharge is predominantly scarlet. Possible cramping type pains in the lower abdomen. The most disappointing forecast for menstruation in the first month. In this case, pregnancy is rarely preserved.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the regulation is usually dark brown, scanty, complicated by severe pain in the left or right side of the iliac region.
  • Diseases or abnormalities in the structure of the uterus. We are talking about a one-horned, two-horned, infant or saddle uterus. With such a diagnosis, a woman will not be able to bear the fetus, since the embryos are attached in places where the blood supply is very poor or completely absent.
  • A frozen or undeveloped pregnancy... Most often, the embryo stops developing or dies altogether in the first decade of pregnancy. The reason may be increased uterine tone or complex hereditary pathologies.
  • Erosion or infectious diseases of the cervix. The latter are usually caused by chlamydia.
  • Placental detachment. With such a pathology, the "child's place" moves away from the walls of the uterus, and the blood that is released in this case leaves through the genital ducts.
  • Placental presentation. If the placenta is too close to the uterine pharynx, the growing fetus provokes bleeding, mistaken for menstruation.
  • Benign neoplasms of the myometrium and endometrium, endometriosis. With fibroids, polyps in the uterus, cysts, myoma, bleeding occurs quite often. Taking them for menstruation, expectant mothers may unknowingly ignore the first signs of pregnancy, which can cause very serious problems.

Heavy or light bleeding can also occur in a woman due to stress, overexertion, colds and a number of other reasons. To avoid serious consequences, it is imperative to keep a calendar of menstruation, monitor the general condition of the body, and listen to even its slightest signals.

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At a later date

If a woman has bloody discharge in the last months of pregnancy, this can pose a great danger to both the baby and the expectant mother. Menstruation qualifies for such a period as prenatal pathological bleeding. The factors that cause them can be completely different.

The most common causes of second and third trimester bleeding include:

  • Placental presentation, which is observed in about 0.5% of expectant mothers. Pathology involves blocking the entrance to the cervix and most often occurs in patients who have previously had a cesarean section or abortion.
  • Rejection of the placenta. This diagnosis is heard by about 1% of pregnant women at a later date. The risk group is women who suffer from hypertension.

It is not uncommon for a woman who is 6-9 months of pregnancy to notice blood on the pad and mistakenly believe that her period has come. It is very dangerous to ignore the signal given by the body. The girl should immediately call the doctor, waiting for him only in the supine position.

Dangers and complications of menstruation during pregnancy

From the first day of pregnancy, a woman begins to bear responsibility not only for herself, but also for that still completely helpless little organism. Therefore, the expectant mother is obliged to very scrupulously monitor her health and respond to the slightest changes in her condition. Any, even the scantiest and painlessly critical days, in the early stages may be:

  • the cause of the miscarriage, which in most cases cannot be treated;
  • a signal about the termination of fetal development;
  • an indicator of incipient septic or hemorrhagic shock, other dangerous complications of an infectious nature.

From all of the above, it is not difficult to conclude how dangerous spotting at different stages of pregnancy is. Moreover, the threat is not the menstruation themselves, but the reasons they are caused by. But, as medical practice shows, there are happy exceptions to this statement, when regulations are not evidence of a serious pathology.

How to tell your period from bleeding

Confusion during pregnancy, especially at an early stage, is quite simple. Therefore, if a woman has even the slightest doubts about the discharge that has appeared, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist.

Alarms that indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy, and not at all the usual menstruation:

  • The bleeding came on suddenly, without any preconditions.
  • Discharge scanty, smearing, with brown impurities.
  • In color and consistency, the secreted secretion is similar to water interspersed with blood.
  • Menstruation did not start as usual (for example, before the regulations were accompanied by pain, but now, on the contrary, they proceed calmly).

No. Menstruation can only occur in non-pregnant women.

In pregnant women, the level of prolactin also rises in the blood, and because of these hormones, the body switches to another "mode" of work. In this new "mode" in the ovaries, eggs stop maturing and hormones are not produced in the same way as before.

As a result of all these changes, she also begins to work in a new way: now she has the task of protecting the unborn child. In the uterus, the processes of growth and rejection of the endometrium, which are responsible for the onset of menstruation in each month, stop. The menstrual cycle stops and does not occur.

I am pregnant but I have my period - what does that mean?

As mentioned above, pregnant women cannot have their periods. But instead of them, bloody vaginal discharge, reminiscent of menstruation, may appear. Such discharge can be as abundant as menstruation and last the same number of days, which can be confusing. About one in four pregnant women may experience spotting early in pregnancy.

How to distinguish between regular periods and bloody discharge during pregnancy?

The difficulty lies in the fact that spotting can come on the same days when menstruation should come, can be the same as with menstruation, and even last as many days as menstruation. Therefore, if you have had unprotected intercourse, or errors in admission, then the arrival of your period on the scheduled days is not a guarantee that you are not pregnant. You need it anyway.

This time, my periods were not the same as usual. Does this mean that I am pregnant?

If you are sexually active, and in particular, do not use contraception, then any change in the nature of your period may indicate that you are pregnant. The likelihood of pregnancy is high enough if:

  • Your period came 2-7 days earlier than it should be according to the schedule
  • Menses were not as heavy as usual (fewer pads were used)
  • Menses were of an unusual color (pink, light brown, brown, black)
  • Your periods lasted fewer days than usual

Important: interrupted intercourse, when the partner does not put on a condom, but removes the penis from the vagina before ejaculation, is not a reliable means of protection against pregnancy and is equated with unprotected sex. That is, you can get pregnant as a result of PPA.

The pregnancy test shows two stripes, but my period came. What does it mean?

If the test shows two strips or confirmed pregnancy, then there is a pregnancy and the appearance of spotting does not yet cancel the results of tests or analyzes.

One in four women in early pregnancy have bloody vaginal discharge. In about half of these women, spotting does not threaten pregnancy and does not indicate that something is wrong. But in the other half, spotting is a sign of or and miscarriage. That is why you need to carefully consider these secretions and contact your gynecologist to make sure everything is in order.

When is spotting during pregnancy not dangerous?

Spotting in early pregnancy is not as uncommon as it might seem at first glance. Many women turn to a gynecologist about this. Sometimes this discharge does not threaten pregnancy and is associated with changes in the body during pregnancy:

  • Implant bleeding
  • Bloody discharge associated with intercourse
  • Bloody discharge associated with examination by a gynecologist

What is implantation bleeding?

Implantation bleeding occurs in about 20-30% of pregnant women. Implantation is the process of attaching the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

During the implantation process, the blood vessels of the uterus can be damaged, which leads to the appearance of smearing vaginal discharge of varying degrees of intensity. Sometimes it is just a few pink spots on the panties, sometimes it is a dark spotting that lasts for several days.

When does implantation bleeding appear?

Implantation bleeding may appear 7-14 days after conception. Most often, spotting appears a few days before the expected menstruation, but it can appear on the days when menstruation should come, and even after a delay of menstruation for several days.

I have scant spotting, and now I feel that my period should come.

If you are planning a pregnancy and suspect that spotting may be implantation bleeding, then do not worry if you have symptoms of the onset of menstruation (pulling pains in the lower abdomen, breast swelling). The early signs of pregnancy are very similar to the early signs of menstruation, so you still have a chance of being pregnant. To find out for sure if there is a pregnancy, hand over. This test can be taken as early as 11 days after unprotected intercourse. But a pregnancy test will not help here - it is too early to do it.

I am pregnant and after sex I have my period (bloody, brown discharge). This is dangerous?

Ectopic pregnancy symptoms:

  • the appearance of bleeding from the vagina
  • acute pain in the lower abdomen or side
  • fainting, headache, pale skin, and a fast pulse are signs of internal bleeding
  • nausea, vomiting

What is a miscarriage?

A miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion, or spontaneous abortion. About 15-20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage before 12 weeks. Miscarriage symptoms:

  • bloody vaginal discharge
  • cramping pains in the lower abdomen (usually worse than with menstruation)
  • vaginal discharge in the form of lumps or pieces of tissue

Most miscarriages cannot be prevented. A miscarriage is the body's reaction to an abnormally proceeding pregnancy, or to an arrest in fetal development. (). A miscarriage does not mean that you are not healthy or that you will not be able to have children in the future. The most common cause of miscarriage is fetal pathology. That is, the body gets rid of the fetus, which sooner or later will die, or has already died.

What should be done in such a situation?

See a doctor immediately or call an ambulance.

What is a hydatidiform mole?

Bubble drift is a dangerous complication of pregnancy, in which there is no embryo in the uterus, or only individual tissues of the embryo are present. A vesicular mole can degenerate into a malignant tumor, chorionepithelioma, which is life-threatening for a woman.

Cystic Skid Symptoms:

  • bloody
  • nausea and vomiting
  • a very high level of hCG that does not correspond to the gestational age
  • lack of heartbeat in the fetus on ultrasound

What should be done in such a situation?

See a doctor immediately.

Even the most experienced women observing their health can miss a pregnancy and come to an appointment with a specialist already with the first movements of the crumbs. Blame for all the menstruation in early pregnancy. They represent a discharge that looks very similar to the usual critical days, but the reasons for them are completely different.

Early registration of a pregnant woman is very important. Knowing about her situation, a woman does not take medicine, tries to eat well and properly and protects itself more. If there are serious developmental defects, then at the very first screening ultrasound diagnosis, you can see many defects and make a decision to maintain or terminate the pregnancy.

Very often this is observed in girls with light and irregular menstruation. Pregnancy is not always a scheduled event, and not everyone rushes to the pharmacy for a test if the delay is a day or two.

The reasons for such discharge during pregnancy are:

The cervix is ​​very vulnerable during the period of gestation.... This is especially true for cases with ectopia and erosion. Even taking swabs or having sexual intercourse can cause small amounts of blood to flow during pregnancy.

How long can periods go during pregnancy

The delay in menstruation is n The most common sign of pregnancy... But there are exceptions to the rule when menstruation does not stop. Most gynecologists do not consider menstruation as a sign of danger or pathology in the first month after conception. The reasons lie in particular the fertilization of the egg and the further implantation of the woman's ovum.

It also happens that in the early stages, heavy periods do not stop going throughout the first trimester. This cannot be done without a specialist examination. First, it is necessary to exclude the threat of miscarriage and establish the reason why the woman's body does not respond to conception.

Experts identify several reasons for this phenomenon:

Many women are interested in how many months menstruation can go during pregnancy and how long it is considered normal. Doctors say that this phenomenon can last no more than 4 months. But even if, when carrying a baby there are no pathologies, then monthly bleeding should still alert the doctor and the expectant mother.

How can you tell the difference between bleeding and menstruation?

If you have any doubts about the beginning and normal course of pregnancy, it is worth knowing how menstruation when carrying crumbs, distinguish from ordinary.

Determination of hormones in blood and urine

It is very important to have a urine pregnancy test done by purchasing it from a pharmacy. This method is the safest and most affordable. It can be done at home without any problems. But if the result is negative, it does not mean that you are not pregnant. It is not always informative in the early stages.... For a more accurate result, it is worth taking a blood test for the level of chorionic gonadotropin. You can find out the correct result already on the 10th day after conception. If it is positive, then conception has occurred, and if it is negative, then no.

If a girl monitors the basal temperature, then she will also be able to determine whether it is menstruation or discharge during pregnancy... Direct evidence that fertilization has occurred is the temperature in the rectum above 37 degrees.

By well-being

For many women, pregnancy is accompanied by symptoms such as:

These symptoms will persist with abnormal discharge during the period of gestation of the crumbs.

By the nature of the discharge

In most situations, discharge that can be confused with menstruation during pregnancy is unusual. It is for this reason that they cause suspicion and doubt in a woman. But from the reviews it can be judged that if the monthly discharge was normal, then women do not notice the difference... You need to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. If spotting appears after a delay.
  2. If they are clotted and unusually abundant.
  3. If started earlier than the due date.
  4. They last only 1 or 2 days.
  5. Minor.

Algorithm of actions in case of doubts

If a woman does not exclude that she may be in a position, but she has discharge, then she immediately needs to visit a specialist. You should never take any medications or use folk methods in order to increase your period and cause an abortion, as a continuation of the miscarriage that has begun.

It is best not to try to stop the bleeding with medications and herbs. This will not stop the discharge, but it can negatively affect the health of the fetus and the expectant mother. The most correct algorithm for women's actions is:

To the question that interests all women about whether there can be menstruation during the period of bearing a baby, experts give an unequivocal answer that these two concepts are absolutely opposite to each other. Even minor spotting during the period of gestation is a pathology that needs medical supervision and, possibly, urgent treatment.

For this reason, if you are tormented by any doubts about your condition, you should immediately visit a specialist. And this must be done as quickly as possible. After all, if a woman delays with a visit to the clinic, then this can lead to disastrous events.

Attention, only TODAY!

If you already know about your "interesting" position, then whatever discharge goes - this is not menstruation. The thing is that menstruation cannot go during pregnancy, since during this period the maturation of the eggs is stopped, and therefore the endometrium is not rejected along with blood. Most often, the appearance of spotting occurs for the following reasons:

How to prevent bleeding during pregnancy?

First of all, you need to be regularly monitored by your gynecologist. Only an experienced doctor will be able to suspect something was wrong even at the moment when everything can be corrected.

Don't forget about your emotional state. Stress is one of the common causes of miscarriage. Try to be less nervous, less anxious and look at life in a more positive way.

A healthy diet, a correct daily routine and fresh air are also the key to a smooth pregnancy.

As you already understood, menstruation during pregnancy cannot be by definition. The nature of the appearance of this blood is completely different, therefore, in this case, guessing and self-medicating is a dangerous business. Take care of yourself and be healthy!