Anesthesia in early pregnancy: all for and against. Surgical interventions during pregnancy: anesthesiologist's view

About 5% of women during pregnancy need urgent dental treatment under anesthesia. The most secure period for such manipulations is 14-28 weeks when all the children are already formed. When conducting anesthesia, not only the choice of a safe drug, but also the way its introduction is important.

Is it possible to make anesthesia during pregnancy?

You can not tolerate pain. This is stress both for the future mother and for the child. Without anesthesia, just do not do when carrying out such procedures:

  • treatment of teeth, including endodontic - dental nerve reacts to the slightest mechanical impact, causing acute pain;
  • dental removal - when removing the tooth from the alveoli, nerve endings are damaged, and, of course, an intolerable pain occurs. And if you do not use anesthetic, a pain shock may occur;
  • prosthetics - the installation of a prosthesis requires preparation (stalking) enamel, this is a rather unpleasant and painful procedure.

However, any kind of anesthesia is potentially dangerous during the baby tool. The use of various drugs, including anesthetics, can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Therefore, at the reception at the dentist, the patient is obliged to prevent the doctor about his pregnancy, as well as to call the exact period. Then the doctor will be able to choose special anesthetics, the active substances of which do not overcome the placental barrier and do not harm the baby.

Features anesthesia in dentistry for pregnant women

Safe preparations for local anesthesia

Local (local) anesthesia is the most secure type of anesthesia. It is he applied to women during pregnancy. As a rule, a solution of lidocaine is used for injection. This drug in minor doses may penetrate the placenta in early pregnancy, but it is rapidly excreted from the child's body and does not harm.

Also during pregnancy, novocaine can be used, but the dosage is usually reduced.

Anesthetics Ultrakin and Primacain, containing adrenaline, enjoy great popularity in dentistry. However, they cannot be applied during the baby tooling. The accidental hit of adrenaline into the bloodstream can cause a sharp narrowing of the vessels and break the influx of blood to the placenta.

The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the patient, its painful threshold and the complexity of the planned procedure. As a rule, women are introduced 1 ampoule or half, and during excess weight - 2 ampoules. The response time of anesthetic - from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

Basic contraindications to local anesthesia:

The third trimester is also a dangerous period for dental manipulations. It is especially not recommended to conduct any operations for 9 months, since it is high risk of increasing the tone of the uterus and premature birth.

Did the anesthesia are harmful during pregnancy? Doctors argue that yes. This type of anesthesia can lead to a sharp decrease in blood pressure in a pregnant woman, while the saturation of blood oxygen is worse.

Dangerous consequences of general anesthesia:

Operations under anesthesia are carried out in extreme cases when the threat to the mother's life arises. Surface sedation (nitrogen inhalation) is also contraindicated. Therefore, extremely local anesthesia is used for dental treatment.

If a woman is afraid of injections, then you can pre-paint the plot of mucous membrane using anesthetic gel, and then make an injection in the gum.

Private dental clinics have a large selection of anesthetics, shown during pregnancy. If you are looking for reliable dentistry, we offer to use the convenient search engine for our site.

There is no doubt that the female organism during pregnancy requires a particularly reverent and attentive relationship. Also, we all know that the less drugs are used - the better. But there are situations where pregnant women cannot do without surgery, and then the question arises with anesthesia. How harmful is it for mother and the future child? How not to harm the baby in an extreme situation?

When the operation is needed

Of course, without an acute need for pregnant women are not prescribed. Insecurity or acute forms of internal organs inflammation (for example, appendicitis) are common causes of surgical interventions in women in an interesting position. If such a need appeared, the anesthesiologist must calculate the doses of drugs with which anesthesia will be conducted, taking into account the complexity of the situation. First of all, you need to understand that there is no absolutely harmless anesthesia. Given all the changes taking place in the female organism during toasting, doctors try to optimize the dose of drugs to achieve the necessary effect of relaxation, but at the same time, to minimally affect the fetus.

Influence on the fruit

The most dangerous period for anesthesia is the second trimester of the fetus development, since it is at this time that the main organs are laid. Almost all anesthetics are able to penetrate the placenta, and therefore, to influence directly on cell division and slow down this process, causing irreversible consequences. For the most pregnant, such an operation is also not harmless. There is a big risk of vomiting under anesthesia, as well as high risk of abortion due to adrenaline emission. Therefore, under general anesthesia makes operations only when there is a risk to the life of the mother. If possible, the operation is carried out under local anesthesia or postponed to the late period.

In the third trimester, the child's organs are already formed, but the risk to mother health increases even more, since all organs are shifted and put on each other, which is why blood circulation in the body is disturbed. Therefore, if possible, doctors wait for the formation of a lung child and produce Cesarean, and then operate the mother.

What if the operation is inevitable?

First, do not panic. Because of the emission of adrenaline, the risk of premature labor or miscarriage is significantly increased. Do not scare if the ambulance doctors will make you a priedol or morphine injection. They are absolutely harmless to the child and help relieve pain and feeling of panic. Doctor must be mentioned about pregnancy and indicate the term. During operation, if possible, local or will be applied. Once again, I want to repeat that in a critical situation, the main thing is to give doctors a full amount of information about your condition and try to calm down a little.

No matter how hard the woman is careful and carefully follow their health during the tooling of the fetus, it happens that she is needed urgent surgical help. Meanwhile, any operational intervention and the associated use of anesthetics always carries a certain risk for the patient, and during pregnancy, anesthesia becomes doubly dangerous, since under the threat in this case, health is not only a mother, but also a future child. What can the anesthesia lead and which anesthetic methods can be used during this period?

How anesthesia affects pregnancy

Usually, during the gestation, doctors try to avoid surgical interventions due to the potential danger from the use of anesthetics. If there is an opportunity, then surgical operations are postponed until the baby appears to the light.

The use of anesthesia during pregnancy is allowed in the following cases:

  • Acute dental problems (tooth removal, pulpit);
  • Injuries;
  • The need for emergency surgery (appendicitis, breast tumor, ovarian cyst);
  • The aggravation of chronic diseases.

It is known that any drugs, including anesthetics, are able to negatively affect the development of the fetus on any time. In particular, anesthesia during pregnancy can cause serious violations in the work of the body, heavy deformities, asphyxia and the subsequent death of the child in the case of hypoxia from the mother. In addition, the use of medicines of this group in some cases leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, which threatens premature childbirth or miscarriage.

The most dangerous is the use of anesthesia in the early periods of pregnancy, between 2 and 10 weeks of gestation. It is during this period that the bodies and systems of the embryo occur. It is also not recommended to introduce pregnant anesthetics in the third trimester, as this can provoke a premature start of generic activity. In general, doctors try to spend any surgical interventions in the second trimester when the placenta securely protects the child from any external influences, and quite a long time remains

How does anesthesia affect pregnancy? To speak as a whole, then, according to statistics, the use of anesthetics when carrying a baby is not associated with great risks:

  • The frequency of developing congenital pathologies in one-time use of anesthesia does not exceed the indicators of the emergence of such anomalies in pregnant women who have not subjected to anesthesia;
  • The probability of the death of the fetus varies within 6-11%;
  • The risk of premature labor due to the use of anesthesia during pregnancy average is no more than 8%;
  • The level of maternal mortality during surgery does not differ from similar estimates among non-remote women.

Nevertheless, in the first and third trimester, future mothers are usually operated under general anesthesia only on life indications. Uncomplicated manipulations are performed using local anesthesia during pregnancy. At the same time, recent studies show that most painkillers are completely safe for both women and for a future child. According to specialists, the development of deviations of the fetus is often not anesthetic itself. Annenestsia technique has important: it is impossible to allow a woman in the position of a sharp reduction in blood oxygen and blood pressure drops.

Anesthesia teeth during pregnancy: what you need to know?

Pregnant should be with special care to follow the health of the oral cavity, since the caries and other diseases of the teeth and the gum are a source of constant infection. However, many future mothers are confident that the anesthesia of the teeth during pregnancy can harm the baby, so they are often afraid to contact Dentistist.

Currently, there are many drugs specially designed for dental procedures without pain. Modern anesthesia, used in the treatment of teeth during pregnancy, is completely safe for both the future mother and for the child. To this end, medications that do not contain in their composition components that have a vasoconstrictor and capable of overcoming the fetoplazent barrier are applied.

The most efficient and completely safe means for holding local anesthesia during pregnancy is ultrakin. This drug is rapidly excreted from the body, and its use is not able to harm the health or development of another unborn child. Also for the anesthesia of the teeth when performing dental manipulations uses Primacain. The doctor prescribes the desired dose of the chosen drug individually, depending on the term of pregnancy, age and the overall health of the patient.

Important information

Under states that require surgical intervention in life indications, potent drugs can be used for anesthesia during pregnancy: morphine, commotol or ketamine in combination with glycoperrolates. The most secure method of anesthesia for future mothers is the regional (epidural or spinal) anesthesia.

For the introduction of anesthetic in this case, a special needle is used, which is inserted into the vertebrate channel through the intervertebral hole. The drug enters through the catheter there, where nerve roots carrying pain impulses pass in the spinal cord. If the use of regional anesthesia is impossible, doctors can dwell on combination anesthesia with artificial pulmonary ventilation. 4.9 out of 5 (25 votes)

Not every pregnancy proceeds perfectly. Quite often, for nine months, future mothers face emergency situations when anesthesia is needed. The anesthesia may be required both, and during surgical interventions that must be carried out immediately.

But can anesthetics adversely affect the fetus? In what periods of painkillers are most dangerous? What drugs are allowed, and which are prohibited for use during pregnancy? This will be discussed in our article.

In what cases during pregnancy might need anesthetics?

As a rule, during pregnancy, doctors are trying not to carry out any medical manipulations using any medicines, including anesthetics. Therefore, if the operation can be postponed indefinitely, then the expectant tactic is used - until the baby appears to the light. The exception is:

The frequency of the use of painkillers in pregnant women on average is about 1-2%.

What kind of danger are anesthetics for the fetus and future mom?

Anesthesia, like any other drugs, can negatively affect the development of pregnancy on any of its term. This is associated with several main factors:

  • possible teratogenicity (drugs can cause disorders of the functions of the body of the fetus and heavy deformities);
  • possible asphyxis of the fetus and his death as a result of hypoxia from the mother when applying anesthetic
  • high probability of increasing, which can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth

The most dangerous is the use of anesthesia between 2 and 8 weeks of pregnancy, when the formation and laying of all organs and kid systems occurs. Another dangerous period is the third trimester of pregnancy: at this time the physiological burden on the mother's body, and also high the likelihood of developing premature generic activities. Therefore, doctors try to carry out surgical interventions in the second trimester - between 14 and 28 weeks, when all organs and fetal systems are formed, and the uterus minimally reacts to exposure from the outside.

In general, according to statistics, operational interventions with anesthesia at any time of pregnancy are not associated with huge risks:

  • maternal mortality during anesthesia does not exceed the same indicator in non-empty;
  • the frequency of development of congenital anomalies for one-time anesthesia is comparable to the development of pathologies in pregnant women who have not been subjected to such an impact;
  • the probability of fetal death on average is 6% - during operations in the second and third trimesters, 11% - in the implementation of interventions for up to 8 weeks;
  • the risk of premature births due to anesthesia is no more than 8%.

Specialists who carry out surgery choose the optimal tactics of anesthesia depending on the complexity of the operation and individual factors. Pregnancy pregnancy - their main task.

What types of anesthesia and drugs are used for anesthesia in pregnant women?

Recent studies show that most pain involved drugs have a sufficient level of security for mother and fetus. Specialists also believed that a huge role in the subsequent development of deviations is not anesthetic itself, and the technique of anesthesia is very important to prevent a sharp decline in blood pressure in a pregnant and oxygen level in the blood.

For anesthesia, various drugs apply in pregnant women. So, in minimum doses, Morphine, glycopyrolate, Promedol, do not harm the mother and fetus. In small doses, a ketamine is also used in combination with other drugs for intravenous anesthesia, with long-term use increases. Lidocaine is used for local anesthesia, which penetrates through the placenta, but is quickly excreted from the body of the baby.

In exceptionally rare cases for anesthesia, nitrogen and diazepams are used, which may adversely affect the fetus, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, some experts argue that local anesthetics containing adrenaline (for example, ultrakin, used in dentistry), should also not be used in pregnant women - there is a chance of a sharp narrowing of blood vessels and blood inflows to the placenta.

Regional (epidural) and local anesthesia during pregnancy - The most secure anesthesia methods. If their application is impossible (in the presence of contraindications or in complex surgical cases), then resort to multicomponent anesthesia using artificial lung ventilation. After conducting operational interventions, tocolithic therapy is carried out in order to reduce the excitability of the uterus and the prevention of spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

Thus, surgical interventions during pregnancy with anesthesia can harm the future child, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, in order to avoid problems, it is necessary even before planning to eliminate all chronic sources of infection (for example, to cure not necessary anesthesia teeth during pregnancy) and fully examined.

If, during the tooling of the baby, the intervention is still required, but there is an opportunity to postpone it for a later date (there is no acute pain and explicit threat to the health of the mother), it is best to perform an operation in the second trimester of pregnancy.

And most importantly, future mothers should be remembered that in many respects our health depends on ourselves. Therefore, in this wonderful period, it is necessary to be especially careful.

In the magical period of pregnancy, all resources of our body we divide with the future kid. Unfortunately, it affects it is not always good: the body becomes weaker and vulnerable, they suffer from hair, nails, bones ... And how many times have you heard the complaints that the future moms crumble and hurt their teeth? It is necessary to treat them as soon as possible, but the question arises: is the anesthesia during pregnancy harmful?

Effect of anesthetic for pregnancy

The state of mommy and kid during any medical manipulations with anesthesia depend primarily from anesthesiologist.

His task is to choose the right drug and with jewelry accuracy to calculate the dosage. The permeability of the placenta and the possible "deferred" effect of the drug is also taken into account.

A certain percentage of dangerous exposure to exclude will not succeed, and predict how anesthesia affects pregnancy, difficult. With unfavorable development, the situation of painkillers can:

It is possible to explain this by the fact that in the later stages, the abdominal organs of the mother are pressed by the uterus. It breaks blood flow, squeezing the main blood vessels. The pressure affects the chest area, reducing the intensity of respiratory movements - the mother has to breathe and for itself, and for his baby.

Do you need to treat your teeth?

The growing body of the kid needs a large amount of calcium, which it absorbs the mother of the mother. In addition, the hormonal background and nutritional preferences change, and this can all affect the composition of saliva. With the change in its acidity, the teeth are jeopardized by fast caries. But there are also other diseases associated with the state of the gum.

At the same time, it is impossible to ignore any diseases of the oral cavity. There are several reasons for that:

  • The launched caries can damage the tooth too much. At best, you can do the costly crown, at worst - you will have to delete. To preserve the health of other teeth, it is better to put an implant, and this is even more expensive pleasure;
  • Carious cavity is a real seatingman infection. If the microbes fall into soft tissues, the consequences can be unpredictable, up to sepsis.

Is it possible to do without anesthesia?

  1. It is worth remembering that the anesthesia of the teeth during pregnancy is the case is desirable, but not obligatory. If you are distinguished by a high pain threshold - everything is completely wonderful, only the horrible noise of the borders will have to survive;
  2. A small surface caries, in which the dentist does not get deep into the channel, is perfectly treated without anesthesia;
  3. With the need to remove or deep caries, things are different, it is difficult to tolerate here, and the stress from pain will also negatively affect the baby. You can rely only on the resources of your own organism and the threshold of tolerance.

If you are sure that you can suffer - anesthesia in dentistry during pregnancy you do not need. Otherwise, it is better to discuss his position with the doctor and still put a collapse.

Possible risks in dentistry

Despite the fact that dental anesthesia is considered virtually safe, the anesthesia of the tooth during pregnancy in the early time - the phenomenon is undesirable. Doctors most often use drugs based on adrenaline, narrowing blood vessels.

It is this impact on the body forbidden in the early stages of pregnancy. The risk of increasing blood pressure and the tone of the uterus, the result of the wrong use of anesthesia can be miscarriage.

You can treat teeth during pregnancy with anesthesia in the following cases:

  • in the second or third trimester;
  • no later than a month before the alleged date of birth;
  • in the absence of allergies on the components of the anesthetic;
  • with confirmed clinical safety, funds.

The best time to treat teeth with anesthesia is the second trimester of pregnancy. In addition, in good clinics, they are trying to use drugs for anesthesia with minimal content of adrenaline.

How anesthesia is selected

Dental treatment is a process, of course, terrible, but only local anesthesia is required during pregnancy. Much more risks are serious surgical interventions. They are often urgent, and not only the future health of the future mother may depend on the operation, but also her life.

Any methods of anesthesia in this case are selected based on several parameters:

  1. Term of pregnancy;
  2. Individual characteristics of the body;
  3. Complexity of intervention;
  4. Duration of operation.

The most secure is epidural anesthesia. The special preparation is introduced into a small space located above the solid shell of the spinal cord. It is there that the roots of the nerves are located, which deliver pain impulse from the uterus. "It turns off" at the same time only the lower half of the body, the woman itself is in full consciousness.

If the epidurack for some reason is impossible, multicomponent balanced anesthesia is needed, in which artificial ventilation of the lungs is carried out - ketamine is used in exceptional cases: it increases the tone of the uterus, which threatens miscarriage.

Oh neither twist, but anesthesia during pregnancy is always a kind of risk. Before you decide on treatment during pregnancy, we need to weigh all the "pros and cons".

Ideal if all the issues with health you decide before pregnancy planning.