DIY non-woven tapestry. Diy tapestry schemes: how to make volumetric weaving in a frame. Now our loom is ready and we can move on to the most interesting process - weaving.

Not so long ago, craftswomen were able to create woven products for the home, intertwining threads with the help of special devices. Now many people prefer to buy ready-made decor, wondering how you can create such beauty with your hands?

And we will not be surprised, but we ourselves will create and please our loved ones. Let's start with a simple tapestry painting, although the work will seem simple only at first glance and will require accuracy and patience.

We will need ready-made frames for photos or paintings. Only wooden ones are suitable, they are sold in art stores or in baguette workshops.

To create a linear base mesh, you need small flat-headed upholstery studs and a hammer. Turn the frame with the back side up, make markings on two opposite sides - put points in the places where we will drive the carnations. To prevent the tree from splitting, we will arrange them not along a straight line, but, as it were, a little in a checkerboard pattern.

For stretching, use durable mercerized cotton as a base. This is natural cotton that has undergone a special treatment, as a result of which the natural fleece is removed. The thread becomes strong, soft and shiny, like silk, does not shrink or wrinkle. You need to fix the thread on the first carnation - wrap it well, tie it and fix it with a drop of glue. Then stretch it to the first nail on the opposite side, wrap it around it, pulling slightly, and return to the other side to the next nail.

Repeat wrapping and twisting until we reach the last nail. We finally fix the thread, tie it and cut it off. Add a drop of glue for strength. We now have a hand loom.

Take a large needle with a long and wide eye. A special yarn needle, metal or plastic, works best. We will thread a colored thread into it, for a start, cotton, wool or acrylic of medium thickness. Subsequently, when we gain some experience, we will be able to use fancy yarns and threads of different texture and composition. We choose the color according to the picture that we decided to create. And vice versa, you can create a picture depending on the threads that we have, following our imagination.

We guide the needle and thread through the base mesh, alternately passing above and below the mesh threads. Move the needle in the opposite direction, changing “above” and “below” to form a simple weave. Move the colored thread with an additional needle to the bottom edge of the frame after each row.

In our simple picture, we will depict a mountain in dark blue, gray or green. To obtain a slope of the mountain, weave one less loop in the corresponding row. If we print a picture on a sheet of paper and put it on the table under the frame, it will be easier for us to navigate when to make reductions and introduce a new thread.

If there is snow on the top of the mountain, change the thread to white and reach the snowy top, fixing the end of the thread on the back of the work. Let's depict the clouds, sun and sky, changing the color of the thread and following the picture.

For kids and beginners, there is an easier way to create tapestry and woven decorative napkins. We use cardboard as a basis, on two opposite sides of which we will make cuts. We fix the vertical threads alternately in these cuts, and arrange the weave threads of a different color in horizontal rows.

In the same way, you can make funny little people, a panel with pompoms and even a rug for a doll, where instead of a base thread, use cotton swabs.

An interesting tapestry is obtained by combining ready-made threads and yarns from different materials, made by yourself. These can be denim strips, knitwear and wool fibers for felting. They can be placed horizontally or at different angles, alternating in color and type of threads.

See what different tapestries the craftswomen create using different thread positions and different types of weaves, showing your imagination

This handicraft is highly regarded all over the world, and who knows - perhaps starting with a mini-tapestry on a piece of cardboard, you will become a master creating a real hand-made miracle!

Tapestries are framed paintings, warm and bright, capable of decorating even a small space of your home and making it more comfortable.

Learning to weave is not difficult, and even if you are not very good at drawing, then your patience, and most importantly a great desire, will sooner or later give positive results. For some, it may become a future profession, for others - a hobby.

In my tutorials, I will show you how to make classic, volumetric, mini tapestry and nonwoven. I will also tell you how to make a frame for weaving and a beautiful frame for your future tapestry. So learn, enjoy your successes and please others!

In order to make a frame for weaving, we need to take four pieces of about 2x3 cm in size. The size of the frame depends on the size of the tapestry that you will be weaving in the future. At the same time, the frame must be strong, therefore, glue and metal corners must be used to connect the bars.

So, we make a frame for a medium-sized tapestry (30x30 cm). In this case, the size of the frame should be somewhere around 70 cm in height and 50 in width:

A headroom is necessary, because the more you weave, the more tension on the warp threads becomes. But if we improve our frame a little, then we can easily cope with this difficulty. To do this, you need to take another block and fix it in this way at the top of the machine. Now you can adjust the tension of the base with the help of bolts (better "lambs").

It remains to drive in the nails. The distance between them depends on the thickness of the thread (warp) that you will use. In any case, it must be strong and not stretch. For weaving, it is best to use linen thread (or twine). As a last resort, you can also use cotton thread, which is freely available in stores.

Usually, carnations are stuffed every 1 cm (if using twine) and after 5 mm (if thin). The greater the distance between the threads, the easier it is to work, and beginners usually use this practice.

I want to assure you that it will be more difficult to move on to work with a thin base in the future (the drawing is smaller, the weaving is more difficult). To do this, I suggest you use the medium tension of the threads (7 mm). From this position it is easier to move to a small or large drawing (this does not apply to working with thick twine. Here the distance between the studs should be 1 cm).

So, if the choice is made, we move on to the next stage of the process. The tension should be even along the entire length.

The next task is to braid the pigtail. It is used to secure the bottom of the tapestry.

In order to divide the threads into two parts (through one), you need to use a rail 1-1.5 cm thick. It is better to use a tube (for example, a piece of an old ski pole).

Now our machine is ready and we can move on to the most interesting process - weaving.
Weaving lessons

In order to start classes, we need a machine that you have already made and 2-3 skeins of colored thread. If you don’t have one, then you can dissolve a couple of sweaters, preferably multi-colored (just not my mother’s, although I think she will be delighted if instead of the missing old sweater you show her a new and beautiful tapestry). As a last resort, you can buy them at the store.

So, let's begin.
1. How to lay the thread

Our base has already been divided into 2 parts - the near and far row. Now it will be easier for us to lay the thread in both directions.

The first thread is laid from left to right, thereby closing the far row of the warp. Now we run the thread in the opposite direction, in order to close the near row.

This is how we cover the entire base from both sides.

The thread must be pulled by hand, and not with a shuttle or other devices, while compacting it with an ordinary table fork.

Although, for carpet weaving (where density is needed even more than on a tapestry in a frame), a special wooden hammer is used.

Now that you have learned how to do this, we will try to weave a "pea" in which no connections are needed either.

Take two colors of thread and start weaving. Each next row, woven by you, should bend around the next warp thread.

In the future, this technique will be used by you in almost every tapestry woven by you.

Do you feel like weavers? Not yet? Then in the next lesson we will move on to more complex weaving processes.

In the same way, threads are laid when connected to each other. In this case, you need to twist them together at the junction points.

The threads at the joints should be twisted constantly in the same direction. This will make the line smoother.

One of the most difficult shapes in weaving, without a doubt, is the circle and you cannot do without it. But we will return to it a little later, but for now we will draw a little ...

To draw a circle (sketch), we, i.e. You need to take an ordinary cup and circle it on the cardboard with a felt-tip pen (preferably black). This is necessary so that our drawing is clearly visible due to the stretched base.

For older people, you can use a glass. And the benefits are more, and the size is smaller.

Well, now you need to fix this sketch on the machine. There are several ways to do this. I will show you the most convenient method in my opinion.

To do this, you need to tie the horizontal threads to our frame in this way.

And this little detail will help you fix your sketch well. In other words, they will hold it from the back. A stretched base will hold it in front, and carnations will not let it fall down.

Since you already know how to connect one strand to another, you can get to work. For a little simplification of the task, you can use the same "slide".

First we weave the lower part of the background image strictly along the line of the circle, leaving a small "hole" in place of the circle. (see Figure 10).

And then we fill it with a different color.

And here you have to make connections. They are indicated by crosses (this is roughly because it depends on the size of the given circle).

The next action (again, without connections) ends our sun, i.e. again we make a "slide" (see Fig. 13) and then we close it with a background color.

Our sun is ready!

And if you coped with this task relatively easily, then try to complicate for yourself the already not very easy life of a weaver. I will tell you how.

To do this, you just need to complicate your drawing. For example, like below. And there is no need to cheat and rotate the sketch to a horizontal position to simplify your work! This needs to be woven exactly so that you learn to simultaneously make vertical connections and weave a circle.

Consolidate the passed material, comrades, future competitors!
2. How to weave a volumetric tapestry

We have already mastered smooth (classical) weaving a little. Now, I think, it is worth talking about another, mixed, technique, where you can use different types of weaving.

The so-called volumetric tapestry can be made in several ways. And by combining different techniques in one tapestry, you can achieve very interesting results.

The first way - "Pigtail"

It is done by twisting the warp threads (through one) in such a way, as shown in Fig.

After each row of such a pigtail, it is necessary to lay the thread in an ordinary, classic style in both directions (i.e. there and back). This is done in order to tighten our braid and so that the woven tapestry is not "loose".

After that, we again do the wrapping, but already of those threads that were not used by you earlier.

In this way, you can, for example, weave a tree or other three-dimensional figure.

Oh yes, I almost forgot. If you want to make a finer texture of this braid, then you can twist each warp thread, i.e. without a pass.

Method two - we tie knots

With this technique, you can weave a tapestry that is even more voluminous than the previous one. And this is done like this:

Now let's remember the sun:

1. Weave the bottom row of the background.

2. Tie knots at the edges of the circle (for example, of the same color), and fill the middle of the circle with knots of a different color. When doing this, remember to compact each row of knots.

Now, to get the desired result, you need to comb the extreme threads in different directions from the center, that is, make the petals like a flower, and cut the center of the circle, which is made in a different color, much shorter than the petals. Now comb and trim with scissors.

We got this, quite nice flowers.

or, for example, a more complex tapestry.

Sometimes I use embroidery, which can also be called a volumetric tapestry.

3. How to weave a mini tapestry

On the Internet you can find the guide “How to Weave a Mini Tapestry. A Practical Guide ". These are the books that you are offered to buy.

In my opinion, there is no practical difference between a mini tapestry and a regular tapestry of a larger size. The weaving technique is the same. The difference is that the mini tapestry requires a smaller drawing (sketch). For this, the distance between the stretched warp threads should be less and equal to 5 mm.

This makes the job much more difficult and therefore it can take longer to weave a truly mini tapestry than a much larger tapestry.

Well, small tapestries with a simple pattern (for example, as in the photo) can be made in 1 day, but even then only if you are already an experienced craftsman.

The size of this tapestry is 8x15 cm.

I understand that everyone needs an individual approach. And it is difficult to explain everything at once in a few lessons on the Internet. Therefore, more detailed answers will be given to frequently asked questions.
Here are the answers to some of the questions that aspiring weavers ask me

QUESTION ONE: Why does the tapestry shrink at the edges?

This is a problem for many beginners, and there are three basic rules to remember:

1. It can shrink not only at the edges but also in any other place. Therefore, the thread must be routed differently as shown in this figure:

And a little bit, regardless of the distance you are laying it, i.e. like this:

2. Grasp the edges of the tapestry and pull it several times in different directions (this should be done periodically throughout the tapestry work).
3. The outer warp threads must be pulled tighter than the rest. If you use a thin base, then the extreme ones can be pulled in two threads:

4. Method - "bad". This is me in the sense that now I will teach you a BAD but very effective way to put a tapestry in the right size. You don't need to get used to it, but if it happened, then, of course, you can use it.

To do this, you need to tie a rope by the last thread of the warp and, by stretching it, tie it to your frame. This way.

But it's best to do it right right away i.e. as shown in the second figure:

QUESTION TWO: "How to make vertical lines or twigs on trees thinner?"

To do this, the sketch must be positioned like this, and weave, of course, in the same position. Then (using weaving technology) you can make them of any thickness:

QUESTION THREE: "How to make the tapestry along the edges not loose and have a normal density?"

It is necessary to pierce two or three extreme warp threads every 2-3 centimeters of work:

"Awakening of Nature" - a master class for creating decorative panels in mixed media.

Olkhovchenko E. A., teacher of additional education MBU DO "House of children's creativity", p. Kochubeevskoe.
The master - class can be intended for teachers of additional education, independent performance of the composition by children or together with parents and any craftswomen who want to create.
Target: creation of a decorative panel for interior decoration.
Tasks: teach the principles of decorative composition and stylization techniques, show the techniques of working in the "tapestry" technique and combining with "bulk technique", form imaginative thinking, educate artistic and aesthetic taste.

Materials for work: machine for weaving tapestry, yarn of various shades, scissors, canvas, frame for decoration.

A simple weaving pattern for tapestry, you can weave through 2 warp threads and in other ways.

On the techniques of decorative stylization.

First of all, decorative stylization is characterized by the generalization and symbolism of the objects and forms depicted. This artistic method involves deliberately rejecting the full fidelity of the image and its detailed detailing. The stylization method requires separating from the image everything superfluous, secondary, interfering with clear visual perception in order to reveal the essence of the depicted objects, reflect the most important thing in them, draw the viewer's attention to the previously hidden beauty and evoke corresponding vivid emotions in him.
In the work "Awakening of Nature" in the process of stylization, the laws and principles of visual perception were manifested - the principle of selection, general unity, colorfulness, sensuality, harmony,

Description of the stages of execution of the panel "Awakening of nature".

1.Pulling the warp threads, start weaving the tapestry. We pass the working thread between the warp threads. And we braid several rows of weaving. We alternate colors, adhering to the selected gamut. For voluminous grass, we use carpet knots, that is, we simply tie individual fragments of yarn to the warp threads. We weave two sections like the trunks of 2 trees.

2. The earth is solved with a denser, darker scale, further, along the background, we weave with lighter shades of yarn. Winding the warp threads, we braid the twigs.

3. Having outlined the crown, having decided on the branches, we fill in the background fragments with different shades.

4. Weave a strip of sky from above with a darker yarn to visually limit the edge.

5. In support of the volumetric grass, we make volumetric clouds. For the sky, we use grayish, various blue, pale pink shades.

6. To make the trees more interesting, you can supplement them with embroidered twigs, this will add volume and create space.

7. Now let's move on to the next step. We place the woven fabric on the canvas and begin to sprinkle the cut yarn, the same one with which the tapestry was woven, onto the PVA glue.

8. Looks picturesque when chopped yarn of several shades is mixed.

9. In this way, we work through the entire workspace, it is imperative to monitor the tone, that is, to disassemble what is lighter, what is darker, so that the image does not merge. Color variety, space and depth appeared in the work.

10. Now we apply another technique. Since there is a lot of empty space around the tapestry, you can experiment and add bushes and twigs of yarn. You can also add yarn - grass, it is in front of the tapestry, this will visually bring 1 plan closer. Be sure to adhere to the chosen color scheme.

11.When finished, add twigs of different shades over the wicker trees. It is important to find the right frame for the decoration. She must visually collect the work, give it a finished look. The work is completed, it will create coziness and warmth in your home.

I wish you creative success and good luck in all your endeavors!

Now I will show you how to correctly draw a sketch for your future tapestry.

The fact is that not everything that you draw can be woven in a tapestry in a small format. Your drawing may turn out to be very beautiful, but weaving also has its own rules that must be followed.

1. First, take a piece of Whatman paper, in the size that you need. We retreat from the edges one centimeter and draw lines

This is necessary so that the main part of the drawing remains in sight.

The fact is that the frame has a "quarter" (a cutout for the picture where it is inserted) and, as a rule, one centimeter. This centimeter will be invisible. And when you pull the tapestry, the invisible part can turn out to be much larger. That is, the main drawing should not go beyond these lines, as, for example, in Fig. 3.

Due to the fact that the base on our machine is stretched vertically, we should, if possible, use more horizontal lines in our sketch. This will make your work easier.

If we try to make a "pea" (which I already wrote about in my weaving lessons), bending around each subsequent warp thread with a thread (once on each), we will get a certain angle. It depends on the thickness of the base and the distance between the tension of the given base. This angle will determine our maximum horizontal line and in this case we will not have to make connections.

In Figure 5 there is a place on the leaf where you need to make connections, since this line is almost vertical. Connections are roughly marked with crosses.

If you use such a pattern as in Fig. 6, then the sharp tips of the leaves will not be able to weave in the small size of the tapestry, since it is very difficult to connect the thread with the thread here. By the way, by placing the drawing horizontally, you can make lines of any thickness (tree branches, stems, etc.)

2. Now let's look at another drawing - vertical.

We will weave in the same way as we see it in its usual position. It is very difficult to make vertical thin lines here, so we will use more horizontal ones.

The flower can be drawn in a different way. In this case, we place the drawing vertically on the machine and use more horizontal lines.

For the very beginners, I have prepared a small surprise.

In the next figure, or rather the animation, you can see step by step how you can make a simple tapestry, little by little, without any thread-to-thread connections. But at the end of each pea, you can make a wrap (see my lesson on weaving) in order to separate them from each other in a more contrasting way.

Of course, you can choose any color according to your taste.

I wish you success in your work!

Tapestry is a great option for home decoration. Paintings made in this technique are mesmerizing to the eye. Machine-made tapestries are very inferior to hand-made tapestries. But, alas, they are very, very expensive. It is much cheaper to make a tapestry with your own hands. In addition, such a solution will allow you to harmoniously fit the tapestry into the interior of the room.

Tapestry is a one-sided, hand-woven cross-weave rug. The word tapestry itself has French roots. In the 16th century, Gilles Tapestry opened a dyehouse. Later, a weaving factory was attached to it. Louis XIV bought out this factory and began mass production of dyed yarn carpets. The factory was called the Royal Tapestry Manufactory and the carpets were called Tapestries.

This is not to say that tapestries appeared in the 16th century. Back in the III century. BC. the first tapestry samples were found. In ancient Greece and Egypt, tapestries were used to decorate the palaces of the pharaohs and state rulers. Craftsmen used only natural threads to make the tapestry, sometimes inserts made of gold and silver were practiced.

The Renaissance era refers to the dawn of tapestries. The craftsmen made a number of canvases, made in one theme. Only aristocrats allowed themselves such a luxury. Until the 18th century, wool was used as a material for the manufacture of tapestry. A little later, they began to make tapestries from silk and linen. Now tapestries are woven from both synthetic and natural threads.

For the production of the earliest tapestries, a wooden frame was used, on which threads were pulled and a special hook, which made it possible to securely fasten the knots.

Since the middle of the twentieth century, weaving looms have appeared that simplify the work on tapestries. Tapestries made by machine have a lower price and quality compared to hand-made tapestries.

Varieties of tapestries

Handmade tapestries are classified into:

  • woven,
  • non-woven.

Woven tapestry is more difficult to make. A base thread of cotton threads is wound on a wooden frame. For fastening, a sumac knot is used. The weft thread is intertwined with the warp thread along the entire width of the carpet, thus connecting and securing the warp threads together. The process of making woven tapestry is the winding of the weft thread through the warp, using a wide variety of techniques and knots.

Looped or non-woven tapestry is lighter. A pattern is applied to a dense piece of fabric and stitched with woolen or synthetic threads with a needle.

Woven tapestry manufacturing technology

To make a mini woven tapestry you will need:

  • threads - various colors and textures,
  • wooden frame or mini loom,
  • fork,
  • scissors.

Stages of work:

  • To begin with, we take a wooden frame or board. It is 2 times larger in length and 3 times in height than the future tapestry. We hammer nails along the edges of the frame. Distance 2-5 mm, depending on the thickness of the threads.
  • We make a thread-base. We wind the thread on the nails one by one. Next, we fix the weft thread horizontally using a knot. We begin to weave the tapestry. Changing threads, depending on the desired pattern. A fork will help tighten the structure of the tapestry. At the end, the tapestry is ennobled with fringes, pigtails or a tassel.
  • To make tassels to decorate the edges of the tapestry, fold 4-6 strands in half, tie with a thread and attach to the edge of the tapestry using any knot.
  • For the fringe, cut threads twice the length of the required fringe. These yarn pieces are attached to the end of the tapestry with a crochet hook or needle. If desired, the fringe is decorated with beads.

Methods for weaving threads in the manufacture of tapestry:

  • Linen is the most common weaving method. The weft thread is passed through the warp one through one.
  • Pattern-forming - the weft thread is made of wool, each thread is twisted around the main thread twice.
  • Twill - The weft is only inserted between odd warp threads.
  • Egyptian - from right to left we braid the warp thread with the weft thread, and then the weft thread goes down. It turns out the texture in the form of columns. Works well for embossed objects.
  • The Greek method is used in combination with smooth weaving, because it is very loose in itself. They use bright and voluminous threads. Weft threads are intertwined in the form of a braid.
  • Knitting - woolen threads are laid from right to left. The first row is weaved in the linen way, then the weft thread is wound behind the main one and a loop is created through which the weft thread is brought out. A relief surface is created that resembles a weaving.
  • Sumach - two main threads are twisted by the weft two times from the inside out and brought forward through the two main threads. The texture of the columns is created.
  • Carpet - the weft thread is cut into small pieces of 4-6 cm. On two main threads we apply such a segment in the middle, and wrap the ends. After one such row, a row of plain weaving should be performed. Excess pile is trimmed and the weave is shaped to the desired shape.

Methods for connecting the weft thread to each other:

  • To create a clear border of the pattern, a weft thread connection is used, in which the weaving of the desired color is brought to the border, and then connected together, continuing the weaving.
  • A method is possible when the main thread lies on the border of the weave of two colors. The warp thread is laid to the border, and then folded back and woven back, and so on. On the other hand, the weft thread of a different color is also inserted.
  • The palas connection is used to obtain a clear and even line. In this case, the weft threads are not connected at all and a gap is formed between them. This method is rarely used, since the gaps between different colors have to be sewn up with ordinary threads.
  • Compensated connection method - the weft threads are connected to each other and smoothly transition from one color to another.

Another type of woven tapestry is the circular tapestry, which is used as a rug or hung on the wall. Circular tapestry differs from rectangular in shape and technique of capturing. In a rectangular tapestry, captivity takes place from the bottom up, and in a circular tapestry, in a circle. For circular support, even a gymnastic hoop is used, or a circle is cut out of dense material.

To make a circular tapestry at home you will need:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Knitting yarn and cotton threads. Necessarily different colors and structures.
  3. Thick yarn needle.
  4. A wooden fork, if not, a regular one.
  5. Scissors.

Stages of work on the tapestry:

  • Cut out a circle from thick paper with a diameter of 30-40 cm.
  • We make 2 cm cuts along the diameter of the circle.The distance between the cuts is 2-3 cm.
  • We pull the cotton thread around the circle. The base thread will not be visible at the end, so its color is unimportant.
  • We pass the thread through the needle and fix the base thread in the center of the circle. We make stitches, then move on to plain weaving.
  • We pass the weft thread through each warp thread, thus weaving in a circle. We do this 25-30 times.
  • Using a fork, we compact and level the threads.
  • Change the color of the thread. To secure a new thread, we make a knot or twist it over the base thread.
  • We pass the white thread through the two warp threads.
  • We alternate colors at our discretion.

The fantasy is endless here. Possibility to choose different colors and textures.

Photo tapestry round:

Tapestry embroidery

Tools for the job:

  1. Needle.
  2. Threads.
  3. Thick fabric.
  4. Frame for securing the fabric.

Stages of working on a non-woven tapestry:

  1. Use a stapler to attach the fabric to the frame.
  2. Draw a sketch on thick paper.
  3. Place the sketch on the fabric and trace with a pencil. To fix it if something didn't work out.
  4. When the drawing is ready, circle it with a felt-tip pen.
  5. Thread the thread into the needle.
  6. We make stitches along the contour of the pattern, gradually filling the entire pattern.
  7. Change the thread color if necessary.

Tapestry patterns :

How to make a three-dimensional tapestry

There are several ways to make a volumetric tapestry:

  • "Pigtail" - by twisting the warp threads through one or two threads. If you need to achieve a convex texture, for example, a flower, you need to alternate this technique with the usual one, when the weft thread is threaded through one warp thread.
  • "Knots" - first we make the bottom row, which will serve as the background. Next, with a needle and thread, knot knots tightly adjacent to each other. The knots are smoothed over the surface and create the desired texture. Thus, we draw a picture, for example, chamomile.
  • "Embroidery" - we make the background. And we sew a future pattern onto it using various weaving methods. It turns out a double tapestry.

  • Before starting work, decide on the picture. For beginners, it is better to choose a simple picture, without small elements.
  • Using a pencil and tracing paper, sketch out the main drawing. Trace the main outlines.
  • The strings pull tight, but they shouldn't be like guitar strings. The fingers should pass freely between the threads.
  • The yarn is selected according to the pattern and the desired texture.
  • Decide in what color scheme the picture will be made, select the threads of the required colors.
  • It is best to start braiding from the bottom right corner.
  • Attach the pattern securely under the base thread.
  • Use a fork to seal the assemblies. Use a patting motion to hammer in the knots after weaving each row.
  • Check the width of the tapestry as you work.
  • The free edge of the thread should be kept loose.
  • At the end of the work, check that the top and bottom rows are the same width.
  • When the tapestry is ready, it is nailed to a large frame or stretched. Then cover with a wet cloth and leave for a day.
  • The tapestry is ironed through the fabric.

Tapestry - an interesting design solution for the interior

The tapestry technique has not lost its popularity for more than two millennia, modern tapestries fascinate the eye and give the interior a special uniqueness. Tapestries fit perfectly in both classic and modern design styles.

Most often, tapestries are used in country houses. Large walls and ceilings allow you to place entire series of tapestries, united by the same theme.

Various ornaments of rich and balanced colors, mythological and medieval scenes, stylized paintings of plants and animals harmoniously fit into any interior.

Tapestries not only hang on the walls, but are also present in the decoration of a house or apartment in the form of tapestry bedspreads, pillow covers, tablecloths, napkins, paintings. Even furniture and walls are sheathed with tapestries. In these cases, machine tapestry is of course used.

Tapestry lends sophistication, luxury and versatility to the overall style. Mosaic, stained glass and fusing will be an excellent addition to the tapestry. And vases, candlesticks and figurines will make the style more classic.