Unhealthy skin color. Dusty color face

"Used" blood retains a bluish shade until in the lungs, carbon dioxide contained in hemoglobin is not replaced again to oxygen.

Causes of cyanosis and diseases in which skin blue

Cyanosis is manifested with an excessive amount of carbon dioxide in arterial blood. This occurs when the gas exchange is violated in the lungs (the replacement of oxygen contained in blood, carbon dioxide) or when mixing arterial and venous blood ceases.

Very often, cyanosis is a symptom of dangerous heart disease, for example, congenital heart defect. The symptom is characteristic only for the "blue" heart defects. In addition, cyanosis is also manifested in heart failure.

In addition, the blue skin and mucous membranes causes breathing insufficiency. Cyanosis is observed in chronic lung diseases, due to which due to the sealing of lung tissue, the diffusion of gases (gas exchange) is disturbed.

The light shape of the cyanosis is manifested in violation of blood circulation, which is based on a slowdown in the blood flow and an increase in the amount of hemoglobin, connected to carbon dioxide.

When polycithhemia in the blood increases the level of red blood cells, which contributes to blood thickening and skin staining in blue. This form of cyanosis is dangerous, since it can cause various complications.

Violation of the function of blood vessels in the place where the arterioles go into capillaries causes a reduction in the arteries and the expansion of the veins, which makes it difficult for blood to heart. Especially often, for this reason, palms and soles (acricyanosis) are blue.

Cyanosis may appear in the presence of certain external factors, for example, in the cold season. On the legs, clearly defined or blurry blue spots arise. Often it is accompanied by a violation of hormonal exchange and existence of overweight.

Cianosis can manifest itself in newborns. Usually it arises due to the insufficient development of the respiratory system of the newborn.

Long-term stay at high altitude can also lead to the development of cyanosis. This is a normal protective reaction of the body. The fact is that with insufficient amount of oxygen in the body, the level of red blood cells increases. This condition is called polyglobulia. It does not represent hazards for health and does not need special treatment.

Cianoz may be a symptom of the following diseases:

Questions and answers on the topic "Cianoz"

My daughter is 10 years old, although it is rarely ill, but there are complications in the form of obstruction. With strong attacks, Silene appeared under his nose, but not throughout the nasophal, and on nasolabial folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. Now the child is healthy, but after visiting the water park again noticed this blue, she was certainly very actively swimming and climbed and rolled out from the slide, but there was no shortness of breath, did not complain about the lack of air, he said that he feels great and was ready to run on the slides . I did not let, t. K. I was very frightened by this fact, and began to observe, the desolastin Syneva began to disappear later and the skin color was back at all. But I still ask you to comment on this situation. To note when there were obstructions were observed at the cardiologist, after which he took us away from accounting, asthma was also not confirmed and also removed from the record. What then does this blue region say then?

Why the facelights face

Diagnosis on the face

A person can "tell" about the state of health, long before you feel your illness and contact the clinic to pass a bunch of all kinds of tests. Science, with which you can define a disease, looking at our face, is called physiognomy. Many may seem that this is some kind of modern technique, but by no means. The physiognomy studied and successfully used her great Aristotle with success. But the thing is that almost any disease leaves his "mark" on the face of the patient.

The doctor of pies at his time even was a "facial" atlas, which was called the "patient's face." Pirogov said that each disease is reflected in its individual "print" on the face.

But, alas, we have no diagnostic method in medicine for some reason. But got widespread in the east. The physiognomy from the doctors of China and Korea is especially popular. In these countries, almost every medic under the diagnosis carefully examines the patient's face.

For how signs on the face you can recognize our diseases? Let's analyze several such "prints" on the example of the most common diseases.

Heart and Cardiovascular System

A deep elongated nasolabial fold can be evidence of the violations in the work of the heart. This is a bright sign of an increased load on the heart and blood circulation organs. The neurosis of the heart is expressed in a narrow back of the nose, while myocardial infarction can be determined by impaired sensitivity in the skin area between the chin and the bottom lip. And the presence of deep wrinkles between the lip and nose is already talking about the defect of the heart valve.

If a person periodically shines lips, this is a signal of beginning heart failure and a serious reason to appeal to the doctor.

Hello's heart problems can also be a nasal wings. In this case, they acquire blue-red. Meanwhile, on the pallor of the ears with a pronounced wax, one can judge the violation of blood circulation.

A hint of early circulatory disorders at a young age is premature hairdresses of hair.

A red buggy nose with streaks of blood vessels can be awarded about a high level of arterial pressure. Low blood pressure is often manifested by a blue-red painting nose. It is very important to pay attention to whiskey. If the temporal artery acts very strongly, has sharp contours, and you periodically observe the redness of the face, it also points to frequent and sharp increase in blood pressure. In this case, the likelihood of a hypertensive crisis is very high.

Heart disease are reflected on the cheeks. Namely: the wipped left cheek is a signal about the problems of our "engine". A short neck is also indicated on possible backgrounds of cardiac failures. In addition, the owner of such a neck can threaten the prospect of the early sclerosis of the brain vessels.

Below I present a brief reference book of diseases reflected on our face.

Brief Directory of Face Diagnostics

Develop a tumor. The complexion has an earthen shade.

Mitral heart disease - reflected on cheeks and lips. The cheeks become red, and the lips have a bluish color.

Pulmonary pathology or asthma - with a tendency to these diseases, a person has excessively long fluffy eyelashes.

Diseases associated with the metabolism and gastrointestinal tract are manifested by leather flabbiness.

Gastritis and ulcer of the stomach. Signal to these diseases are dry lips with stairs in the corners of the mouth.

Endocrine system disorders: the face will be wrinkled even in young people.

Increased pressure and tendency to stroke reflected by the capillary mesh on the cheeks.

Chronic pain syndrome - a clear fold between eyebrows in combination with firmly compressed lips.

Renal pathology. It can be judged about her presence to appear on the face of yellowish brown pigment spots.

Oncology. The lower lip will serve as a signal of this formidable disease. In this case, it seems to be placed, that is, the volume of the upper lip is greater than the bottom.

Disease of the kidneys or bladder: bags and dark circles appear under the eyes.

The symptom of anemia or pulmonary pathology is a blossomed face pallor.

Sign of tuberculosis - wax hue.

Inflammation of adenoids, sinusitis. When these diseases take place, the human mouth is always involuntarily ajar.

Nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue: eye proteins are littered with red streaks.

Depression manifests itself on the face in the form of lowered corners of the mouth and eyes.

Severe mental illness, right up to schizophrenia. The face of such a person resembles a mask. At the same time, the Mimica absolutely does not correspond to the events taking place.

The tendency to alcoholism is the presence of a large number of transverse wrinkles on the forehead, which resembles the "harmonic". It is also characteristic of the manner of raising eyebrows, as if a person is surprised.

Conducting the study of his face, it is not, to pay attention to the hair, as their condition is also a good "barometer" of health status. For example, a strong hair loss is a symptom of a serious decrease in immunity. This happens against the background of severe illness. Fat hair, resembling a pass - direct sign of diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as endocrine disorders. If the hair is fragile, perhaps impaired the metabolic function, and the body lacks vitamins.

A lot of useful information is stored and human lips. Their size, shape, surface, color and outlines can tell a lot.

For example, a large intestine is projected on the lines of the lines: thin, tightly compressed lips talk about chronic colitis.

If the lips crack or appear snaps - hypovitaminosis, kidney problems.

The dryness and roughness of the lips indicate the dehydration of the body or stress.

Under the anemia lips pale.

In case of liver diseases - yellowish.

In heart rate disorders, due to lack of oxygen, the lips become blue.

If the lips are dry, cracked, rough - this indicates dehydration. Nervousness, concern and fear can also cause dryness and lip shakes.

If there are many light brown specks on the lips, it indicates poor digestion, chronic indigestion of the stomach.

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Cyanosis: what are these causes, symptoms and forms, treatment

Cyanosis is a clinical sign of a number of pathologies, in which the skin of patients acquire blue color. The cause of such changes is the accumulation of deoxyhemoglobin - hemoglobin, giving oxygen to the tissues. The blood depleted with oxygen becomes dark, shines through the skin and makes it a blue. It is most clearly noticeable in places with thinned skin - on the face and ears.

Cianoz arises in persons with circulatory disorders, leading to generalized or local hypoxemia.

In case of insufficient blood circulating capillaries, Akricyanosis develops, which is manifested by the sinusiness of the skin of the fingers and legs, the tip of the nose. This term translated from ancient Greek denotes the "dark blue limb".

The degree of severity of cyanosis varies from the barely noticeable sinusiness to the purple skin color. Temporary cyanosis occurs when excessive physical exertion, strong cyanosis - with long-term cordial or pulmonary diseases.


Central cyanosis has a diffuse nature and maximum degree of severity. It develops with weak blood arterialization, leading to hypoxia. Gas exchange is broken in the lungs, an excess carbon dioxide is accumulated in arterial blood, which is clinically manifested by the formation of the conjunctiva of the eyes, sky, language, lip mucosa and cheeks, face skin. Qualitative and quantitative changes in blood hemoglobin lead to a violation of its transport function and hypoxia.

cyanosis manifestations in adults and children

Akricyanosis is localized in the footsteps, hands, the tip of the nose, ears, lips. Peripheral cyanosis is considered an option for the norm in the first days of the life of a newborn baby. Its origin is easy to explain not completely liquidated germinal type of blood circulation, especially in premature children. The skin's sinusiness is enhanced with swaddling, feeding, crying, anxiety. When the breast child is fully adapted in the surrounding world, cyanosis will disappear.

  • Permanent and transient, occurring blood glucose or inflammation of brain shells,
  • Total or general,
  • Regional or local: perioreral, distal,
  • Isolated.

Local cyanosis is developing in places with the largest number of blood vessels, perioreral - around the mouth, periorubital - around the eyes. The sinusiness of any part of the human body may appear at pulmonary and heart pathology.

Several types of cyanosis are isolated by origin:

  1. The respiratory type is due to the insufficient oxygen volume in the lungs and the violation of the transport chain of its feed to the cells and tissues. It develops in the event of a complete or partial disruption of air movement along the respiratory tract.
  2. Cardiac type - insufficient supply of blood organs and tissues leads to a deficiency of oxygen and skin formation.
  3. The cerebral type develops when the blood loses the ability to attach oxygen to hemoglobin and deliver it to brain cells.
  4. The metabolic type is developing in disruption of oxygen absorption with tissues.

Respiratory cyanosis disappears 10 minutes after oxygen therapy, all other species are saved for a long time. Get rid of acrocyanosis Helps the massage of the Ear Juge.


In dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels, the blood cannot fully deliver oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body, which leads to the development of hypoxia. At the same time against the background of fatigue, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, chest pain, tachycardia, shortness of breath, disorientation appears cyanosis.

Cianoz - a clinical sign of various diseases of the internal organs:

  • Hearts and vessels - heart defects, IHS, TEL, varicose sickness and atherosclerosis,
  • Blood - polycythemia and anemia,
  • Respiratory system - pneumonia, pneumothorax, pleurrites, pulmonary edema, bronchipoly, respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, infection, COPD, emphysema of the lungs, breathing delays, cereals, foreign bodies, inflammation of the epiglotter,
  • Poisonings poisons or medicines - nitrite, fenacetic, nitrobenzene-containing drugs, sulfonamides, aniline, sedatives, alcohol,
  • Drug overdose,
  • Cramps that last long time
  • Epilepsy
  • Anaphylactic shock, swelling,
  • Food toxicoinfection,
  • Particularly dangerous infections - cholera, plague,
  • Carcinoid of the small intestine.

There are congenital family forms of methamoglobinemia with an autosomal-recessive type of inheritance.

In healthy people, cyanosis may occur during supercooling, under conditions of highlands, in a stuffy unprofitable room, during a flight without oxygen equipment.


characteristic zones of cyanosis

Cianoz is a symptom of life-threatening diseases. Under the central cyanosis, the skin of the periorbital and perioral region will first light, then it applies to the body areas with the finest skin. Peripheral cyanosis is maximally expressed in areas remote from the heart. It is often combined with swelling and edema of the neck.

Depending on the occurrence of cyanosis, there is sharp, subacute and chronic.

Cianoz does not have a negative impact on the overall well-being of patients, but in aggregate with other signs of the main pathology becomes a reason to appeal to the doctor. If cyanosis occurs suddenly, rapidly increases and has a significant degree of severity, it requires emergency care.

Cyanosis, depending on the etiology of the disease, is accompanied by various symptoms: a strong cough, shortness of breath, tachycardia, weakness, fever and other signs of intoxication.

  • Cyanosis, with bronchopulmonary diseases, manifests itself with a purple tint of the skin and mucous membranes and is combined with shortness of breath, wet cough, fever, sweating, wet wheezing. These symptoms are characteristic of the attack of bronchial asthma, acute bronchitis and bronchipolitis, pneumonia. With TEL, intensive cyanosis develops against the backdrop of chest pain and shortness of breath, and with a lung infarction, it is combined with hemochtach. Sharp cyanosis and pronounced shortness of breath are signs of tuberculosis and lung carcinomy. Patients with similar symptomatics require urgent hospitalization and respiratory resuscitation.
  • In case of heart disease, cyanosis is one of the main symptoms. It is combined with shortness of breath, characteristic auscultative data, wet wheezing, hemochkash. Cianiasis at heart defects is accompanied by secondary erythrocytosis, an increase in hematocrit, the development of a capillary state. Patients have deformity of the fingers along the type of drum sticks and nails by type of watch windows.

cianiasis in a newborn with heart disease and the characteristic structure of the fingers of an adult with an untreated vice

The cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in the child is found both normally and under pathology. Newborn skin is so thin that the vessels are shouted through it. Pronounced, permanent cyanosis requires urgent appeal to the pediatrician.

Cianoz is not subject to special treatment. When it appears, it is carried out oxygen therapy and strengthen the main treatment. Therapy is considered effective in reducing the severity of the cyanosis and its disappearance.

In the absence of timely and effective treatment of diseases that manifest themselves with cyanosis, the patients have a disorder of the nervous system, the overall resistance of the body is reduced, sleep and appetite is disturbed, in severe cases, a person can go to whom. Such a state requires emergency medical care in the separation of intensive therapy.


Diagnosis of diseases that manifest themselves with cyanosis are starting with listening to complaints and collection of history. In the patient, find out when the skin of the skin appeared, under what circumstances the cyanosis arose, permanent it or an attacking one arose. Then the localization of cyanosis is determined and clarified how its shade changes during the day.

After a conversation with the patient, a general inspection is beginning to establish the severity of its condition and the presence of concomitant diseases. The doctor conducts auscultation of the heart and lungs.

Then go to laboratory and instrumental research methods:

  1. General blood test
  2. Analysis of the gas composition of arterial blood,
  3. Pulse oximetry - the patient is put on the finger of the pulse oximeter, which in a few seconds determines the saturation of blood oxygen,
  4. Determining the speed of blood flow,
  5. Study of heart and lung functions
  6. Research gases of exhaled air - Capnography,
  7. Electrocardiography,
  8. Radiography of the chest organs,
  9. Computer tomography of chest,
  10. Heart catheterization.

Features of treatment

Treatment of cyanosis is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease that provoked skin friction. If the patient becomes difficult to breathe, the respiratory frequency exceeds 60 inhales per minute, he sits intimidating, loses appetite, becomes irritable and sleeps badly, you should contact a doctor.

With the appearance of a lip cyanosis, a rapid heartbeat, feelings of heat, cough, nails, and breathing difficulties should immediately cause ambassadors.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy allows to reduce skin blue. Blood saturation with oxygen is achieved by using an oxygen mask or tent.

In the complex treatment of respiratory and heart failure accompanied by hypoxia, oxygen therapy is necessarily included. Inhalation of oxygen through the mask helps to improve the overall condition and well-being of patients. Cyanotic attacks arising from physical work or on the background of fever disappear after a short-term inhalation of oxygen.

A closed oxygen tent is the most appropriate oxygen treatment method that allows you to adjust the gas mixture and the pressure of the intake oxygen. Also, oxygen can be administered through an oxygen cylinder, mask, pillow or probe. Centralized oxygen supply is carried out when using artificial ventilation of the lungs.

The oxygen cocktail eliminates cyanosis and other consequences of hypoxia. It improves the quality of life to many patients, restores the strength, saturates oxygen cells, improves metabolism, attention and reaction rate. Oxygen cocktail is a thick foam filled with oxygen molecules. With the help of a special oxygen spray can, the juices and syrups enriched with oxygen not only in the conditions of medical and preventive institutions, but also at home.

Currently, oxygen concentrates produced in European countries, America and Asia are very popular. They are highly reliable, stable in work, practically silent, have a long service life. Portable oxygen concentrates, providing patients with the comfort of moving and making a mobile lifestyle, deserve special attention.

Medicia treatment

Medical therapy is aimed at improving the flow of oxygen into the body and delivering it to the tissues. For this purpose, drugs that enhance pulmonary and heart activities are prescribed, normalizing blood flow through vessels, which improve the rheological properties of blood reinforcing erythropoes.

To reduce skin sinusiness, patients are prescribed:

  • Bronchodulators - Salbutamol, "Clenbuterol", "Berodual",
  • Antihypoxants - "Actovegin", "predet", "trimetazidine",
  • Respiratory Analeptics - "Ethimizole", "Cytion",
  • Cardiac glycosides - "Stroofantin", "Corglikon",
  • Anticoagulants - "Warfarin", "Fragmin",
  • Neuroprotectors - "piracetam", "flames", "cerebralizin",
  • Vitamins.

If the cause of the cyanosis is the heart rate, it is often possible to get rid of it only with the help of surgical intervention.

Oxygen cocktails are also taken to prevent hypoxia in persons in the risk group and having chronic heart and lung diseases. To improve the quality of life and prevent old age on, elementary rules and recommendations should be performed: in time to treat chronic diseases, lead a healthy lifestyle, walking a lot in the fresh air, keep your health and love yourself.

Why synet skin

Cyanosis is called the blue skin and mucous membranes, which is directly related to the state of the capillary network. Cianosis is able to appear in the event of a hemoglobin level in blood saturated with oxygen, to a level of below 85 percent. The degree of severity of cyanosis is affected by the amount of hemoglobin unsaturated with oxygen, the skin thickness, the density of the capillary subcutaneous network.

Respiratory disappearance syndrome in the newborn

Cyanosis is difficult to differ in patients suffering from severe anemia, as well as patients with polycythemia phenomena.

Types of Cianoza

In terms of distribution, it is customary to distinguish between cyanosis:

  • regional, which meets perioral (around the mouth), at the nasolabial triangle, at the tip of the nose, on the lips, the urine of the ears, brushes, tongue, footsteps;
  • total.

Typically, cyanosis is observed in diseases of the respiratory organs and the cardiovascular system. In case of diseases of the lungs, cyanosis happens due to blood passage through the lung plots, which are not ventilated sufficiently. This leads to the fact that the level of oxygen-unsaturated hemoglobin increases. In the case of a congenital heart rate, the cause of cyanosis is associated with intracardiac mixing of arterial and venous blood.

Peripheral cyanosis usually arises due to a decrease in peripheral blood flow, which leads to an increase in the number of unsaturated hemoglobin in the blood. In a healthy person, cyanosis may appear at high altitude, where the volume of oxygen in the inhaled air is reduced.

Features of the Central Cyanoza

Central or arterial cyanosis is a state in which oxygen content is less than 85 percent in circulating blood. When he warmed the parts of the body, their redness does not happen, and in the case of pressure, a bluish spot arises on the skin. The central variety of cyanosis is divided into methemoglobine and hemoglobine type.

Hemoglobine cyanosis most often meet with the development of the right-hand hard failure, when blood discharge from the right ventricle of the heart in the left. Cianoz, which is more pronounced in his hands than on the legs, indicates that the permutation of large arteries has occurred and the aorta is strongly narrowed.

Cyanosis when defeating the respiratory organs

Cyanosis may appear in the event of a respiratory lesion. This happens at:

  • difficult breathing due to the narrowing of the respiratory tract;
  • restriction of the respiratory surface of the lungs;
  • impaired respiratory movements;
  • defeat of the respiratory center.

In this case, the degree of severity of the cyanosis is depending on the severity of the lesion.

Typically, such cyanosis is observed in the syndrome of respiratory disorders in a newborn, with pneumonia, pneumothorax, atelectase, cereals.

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Why does the skin blue?

Diagnosis and treatment of cyanosis

Folk treatments

Cyanosis is a skin disease at which it becomes bluish. It appears in connection with an increase in the blood of the amount of hemoglobin, which is deprived of oxygen. It occurs at a concentration of hemoglobin more than 50 g / l, despite the fact that the norm is 30 g / l. Cianosis is known as a blue sickness. At the same time, the ailment of the skin and mucous membranes become a bluish shade, because of this, the name is a blue sickness.

Cyanosis - skin disease at which it becomes bluish

This ailment is divided into peripheral and central. Depending on the place of manifestation, there is cyanosis of the skin, cyanosis of the face, the cyanosis of the lip or nasolabial triangle. The duration of the disease depends on the cause of the occurrence, people with heart defects take place only after surgery.

Symptoms of cyanosis

The symptom of cyanosis is the formation of certain areas of the skin, such as:

  • skin of hand and legs
  • belly
  • head
  • own sinks

Cianoz - a sign of a great set of various diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory systems:

  • If cyanosis arose due to supercooling, it manifests itself on the fingers and legs due to the deterioration of blood flow.
  • If, due to diseases of cardiovascular or respiratory systems, all parts of the body become bluetic.

In children, cyanosis develops in stages, and if there is a respiratory infection, it may arise immediately. If the reason is not in supercooling, then immediately refer to the doctor to diagnose the exact causes of the disease.

Causes of the disease

So, what still causes this disease? Central cyanosis occurs due to a small amount of oxygen entering blood. Diseases affect this: heart disease, respiratory disease. The skin and mucosa become blue. The reason can also be poisoning and intoxication, in connection with which methemoglobin is formed.

Peripheral cyanosis is the formation of the skin of the face or limbs, appears due to circulatory disorders, thrombophlebitis limbs also affect. Occasionally, this ailment appears due to supercooling.

Cianoz, which is caused by diseases of the respiratory system, appears with poor gas exchange in the lungs, the skin and mucous membranes become purple. It is found in patients with bronchial asthma and acute bronchiolite, which leads to a violation of bronchial patency. Such cyanosis is accompanied later, shortness of breath, wet cough, high temperatures.

Due to acute cyanosis, thrombosis arise in the system of pulmonary artery, due to which circulatory disruption occurs. In patients with chronic lung diseases, cyanosis shows an increase in respiratory failure.

Cyanosis is treated with oxygen mask, which promotes blood saturation with necessary oxygen

Cyanosis of skin can be caused by a number of serious disorders and diseases:

  • foreign bodies
  • tumors
  • various heart and vessel diseases
  • disturbance of microcirculation (acricyanosis)
  • pulmonary bleeding
  • pneumonia
  • tuberculosis
  • breast deformation

Cyanosis of the limbs with anneal present is a sign of venous insufficiency. Spots on the face and torso can be stated about acute pancreatitis. Cyanosis in the footsteps is a sign of circulatory disorders. Cyanosis of the limbs is also characteristic of Raino's disease.

You will not be able to find out the exact reason without the help of a specialist.

Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle is a binding around the mouth and nose. The cyanosis of the nasolanity triangle in a child says about neuralgia and hearts and lungs. Do not forget that in many cases cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle can be in healthy kids, since the skin in children at an early age is thin and venous plexuses can be shifted through it.

The remaining reasons are not much different from the cyanosis of the skin. In adult cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle occurs due to cardiovascular insufficiency and various diseases of the respiratory system. Ceanosis of the cervix in a woman may well be a sign of pregnancy.

Diagnosis and treatment of cyanosis

Diagnosing cyanosis, immediately pay attention to the number of indicators:

  • the duration of the appearance of the first symptoms
  • reception of drugs that can reduce derivatives of hemoglobin
  • diseases of respiratory and cardiovascular systems Chart about central cyanosis

Pass the fines of the hands and legs, so the skin blood flow becomes faster and peripheral cyanosis disappears, unlike the central one. To recognize the disease, it is also necessary to pass the blood test.

First of all, you need to undergo a survey and identify the causes of the disease. Cyanosis is treated as a whole oxygen mask or oxygen tent, which contributes to the saturation of blood with necessary oxygen. The more effective it will be this method, the faster the skin is reduced.

But do not forget that it is originally to treat that disease, due to which cyanosis arose. The attending physician will be able to determine the exact reason for the appearance of a cyanosis and prescribe medicines and drugs necessary to eliminate or facilitate the cause of cyanosis.

A massage may be quite effective in some cases.

Folk treatments

The tincture of the fruit of horse chestnut will help cure cyanosis

Folk treatments for a long time were the most effective and did not have side effects, these are the most effective of them.

  • If the disease appeared due to poor blood circulation, make a mask from aloe and honey juice. Instruct the aloe juice and honey and spread the area on which the bluette appeared. Leave namnut. Suitable for both children and adults.
  • It is also worth preparing a tincture of horse chestnut fruits. Fruits need to be insisted in cold water of approximations, boil, drink 12 days half an hour before meals, three times a day on one tablespoon.

To avoid cyanosa or prevent its further manifestation, follow the health of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. We are more often walking in the fresh air, do exercise, get into the forest and for the city, and at the very first manifestations of the ailment, do not tighten with a campaign to the doctor to make sure that everything is in order and no causes for panic. The consequences of the tightened cyanosis and its manifestations can cost you life. You are among yourself and should not risk health due to lack of time or laziness. Only you can provide yourself a long and healthy life!

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Face definition

All skin is different. Many factors are affected on the color and condition of the skin: profession, food, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity. But the main factor in changing the skin color is acute and chronic diseases.

The appearance of the skin reflects the diseases of the endocrine system, the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular diseases. Sometimes these diseases are reflected on the skin at the beginning of the disease, and in other cases - before its appearance, and then the necessary measures can be taken on time.

To recognize some of these signals, do not even need special knowledge, it is enough just to look at carefully on the suffering person. Sometimes a mother feels the health problem even before he starts to whim or he will have a heat. If a person seated next to you, a person suddenly got angled, then it means that he will soon have an attack of "aerial disease", despite the fact that it is not yet sick. In more cases, without the help of the doctor can not do.

What can be found in the color of the skin of the face? There are general patterns. In Chinese medicine, for example, among the "unhealthy colors" faces there are indicators of pain (white, green and black colors), lack (white) and fullness (yellow and red colors). On the pale suddenly a person usually say that there is no person on it. Each of these five colors includes some organ and season of the year: heart and early summer - red, lungs and autumn - white, kidney and winter - black, the end of summer and spleen - yellow, spring and liver - green.

Modern medicine in diagnosis examines yellow, white, red, green and blue.

Red color talks about the overheating of the body as a result of fever and related infectious diseases. It may also testify to carbon monoxide poisoning. Signals about heart disease and vessels.

White, it is pale, the color warns about the pathology of the lungs, anemia, stroke or infarction.

Blue color occurs as a result of oxygen starvation, lung diseases. Earth-gray face speaks about gastrointestinal diseases, in particular, constipation, and dark - about kidney diseases or bladder infection.

The most dangerous is the green color of the face, it signals about complications of a biliary disease and may even indicate cirrhosis of the liver or cancer.

Those who have a yellow face, suffer from diseases of the spleen, pancreas, liver, stomach, gallbladder.

Tints of the face of the face have great importance.

If the skin is yellow, orange or lemon shade, pay attention to the adrenal glands. The skin acquires such a shade due to the lack of adrenal hormones. Contact your endocrinologist.

With a white or pale shade of the skin of the face, you need to pay attention to the metabolism, nutrition, blood composition, digestion, light, thyroid gland, cardiovascular system. The cause of pallity can be anemia (lack of hemoglobin in the blood), and violation of metabolism, and disruption of digestion, when iron is poorly absorbed. Also, the pallor may occur as a result of a lack of thyroid hormones, lowering blood pressure, lung disease, inflammation of the heart muscle, aortic stenosis or left ventricular insufficiency. Pallor may appear from cold, fear, pain or edema.

If the face of a red shade, pay attention to the body temperature, blood, cardiovascular system.

In the case when the face has become red, you need:

First of all, check the cardiovascular system, as well as make blood test. Redness on the face may arise due to violations in the heart of the heart, increasing the number of erythrocytes in the blood or increase blood pressure;

Perhaps carbon monoxide poisoning, increase in temperature due to infectious disease, alcohol poisoning, atropine, acetone or hallucinogenic drugs.

With a blue skin shade, pay attention to the cardiovascular and respiratory system. Consult your cardiologist. Such a color suggests that there is not enough oxygen in the blood due to problems with respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Among the diseases there may be a heart rate, and pneumothorax, and lung emphysema, and thromboembolism. The face can be attached and in a healthy person who is high in the mountains.

The darkness of the face with black tint of the face is talking about problems with the genitourinary system. Take the urologist to check the bladder and kidneys.

Gray shade of the skin of the face, as a rule, indicates problems with digestion. Gastritis, constipation, problems with the stomach or intestines give earth - gray shade of skin face. Because of the wrong power, the complexion also worsens. A gastroenterologist will help you solve all these problems. Due to smoking and stress, the skin can also become a gray shade.

If the skin is greenish tint, pay your attention to the liver, gallbladder, oncology. Green color is no less dangerous than blue. It often points to complications of a biliary disease, on cirrhosis of the liver and even on cancer. But you do not need to be afraid in advance, it is better to hurry to undergo a survey from a doctor. By the way, a greenish tone of the skin in a healthy person gives lighting of daylight lamps.

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You can safely enjoy only what you can lose without chagrin. - J. Rousseau

Oh and hard to deal with them ..

I read all your articles with great pleasure. Continue to write. Andryukha, Khakassia.

What does the complexion tell?

People in humans are different, its condition, including color, depends on many factors. Its imprints impose profession, food, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity.

Unfortunately, quite often the cause of unhealthy face: red, yellow or gray, are acute and chronic diseases.

Problems in the area of \u200b\u200bthe gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems are inevitably reflected in our appearance. Disaster signals from internal organs appear on the skin in some cases simultaneously with the disease, in others - long before it appears, which allows you to take the necessary measures in time.

Some of these signals we can recognize yourself without special knowledge. It happens just to carefully look at a person to determine the cause of his suffering.

Mother understands that the child has a fever, even before he managed to complain about making or began to capricious. The attack of the "airborne" at the aircraft sitting next to you can also be easily "diagnosed" before, than a neighbor and in fact it is hardening - everyone knows that a person, unlike plants, when he is good, green does not happen. But there are cases and more complicated when without the help of the doctor can not do.

It must be said that people learned to recognize the disease in the color of the face for a long time, while Aristotle and Hippocratic times. Estern healers are especially impressive.

For example, in China, at the beginning of the first millennium, the color of the face was diagnosed. And the forecasts of the ancient eskulapov came true with a lot of probability. The art read the face was called "Xian-min" and was practiced by great masters of his case, which kept him in deep secret and only orally transferred their experience to the most gifted students. Now adaptable traditions are reborn.

What should be understood under the "unhealthy face of the face"?

Let's start with general patterns. Often you can hear that a person has an unhealthy complexion. This is a rather blurry concept, since "the colors of unhealthy" a lot.

For example, in Chinese medicine, they allocate them five: green, white and black colors - these are indicators of pain, yellow and red symbolize the filing, white - no.

No wonder, at the sight of a very pale man we exclaim: "Yes, there is no face!"

Each of the five colors corresponds to some organ and season of the year.

Red - heart and early summer, white - light and autumn, black - winter and kidney, yellow - close summer and spleen, green - spring and liver.

We read the diagnosis of face

For modern doctors, only four colors are diagnostically significant - red, yellow, blue and white. That's what they can tell us.

  • overheating of the body,
  • infectious diseases accompanied by fever
  • heart disease and vessels
  • carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • lung diseases
  • oxygen starvation.
  • anemia,
  • lung pathology
  • stroke or infarction.

However, other colors are also important. For example, the dark color of the person is a sign of kidney disease, bladder infection.

Earth-gray indicates frequent constipation and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason for the emergence of the earthly complexion may also become a lack of fluid in the body.

The appearance of gray can be due not only to diseases, but also by the impact of detrimental habits on the skin of the face. Excessive addiction to alcohol, cigarettes and harmful food, sedentary lifestyle, stress and stress can also cause your skin gradually losing healthy color and becomes gray.

Green color is the most dangerous, often in such cases, the patient doctors diagnose complications of biliary diseases, and sometimes liver cirrhosis and even cancer. Such a symptom clearly demonstrates the need to visit a gastroenterologist.

Not only skin color matters

A lot of important can be founded, carefully examined individual fragments of their face. Their painting allows you to recognize the disease more accurately.

  • Blue-red painting cheeks - a heart failure.
  • White spots on the cheeks - a substantial decrease in blood pressure.
  • Unhealthy blush on the cheeks - asthma, bronchitis, disadvantage in the body of vitamin C.
  • Symmetric redness or sponge of cheeks in the nose is a shortage of iron, digestive disorders.
  • Bright red color of the lips - respiratory diseases, an increase in blood pressure.
  • "Blue" lips are violations in the work of the heart, the lack of oxygen.
  • Dark purple lips - overabundance in cholesterol.
  • Dark circles under the eyes are nervous disorders.
  • Blue circles under the eyes - violation of cardiac activity and blood circulation. Problems in the work of the genital organs.
  • Red nose - impaired heart, high blood pressure.
  • Blue-red nose - reduced blood pressure.
  • Red bodies on the nose - gastritis.
  • White spots on the nose - lung disease.
  • Strong pallor of the lower and top nose shells - pneumonia.
  • Pale abnormal sinks with a characteristic wax shade - circulatory disorders.
  • Pale color language - anemia.
  • Blue language color problems in heart.
  • Yellow language - disorders in the work of the liver.

Of course, everything that has been said here should not be perceived as a diagnosis and immediate guide to action. These are only indirect guidance on possible problems in your body, and the unhealthy complexion is worth perceive only as a reason to visit the doctor.

The final diagnosis can be delivered only by the doctor after a thorough examination.

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Face skin color: red, yellow, pale, gray, earthy. Causes, diagnostics.

The beauty of a person is judged by his face: the cut and symmetry of the eyes, the shape of the nose and eyebrows, the completeness of the lips - all this should be in a holistic and harmonious picture, then the person will be considered a pretty or beautiful. The skin color of the face is that, on the basis of what we judge the health: your own or other person.

Changing the color of the skin in medicine is called dish chromium. It occurs most often due to some internal diseases (we will look at them below), and a beautician or a dermatologist is the latest specialists who need to be visited about this.

Changing the color of the face towards more pale or red should serve as the basis for instead of granting cosmetic corrective funds, take on the tonometer, and then calculate its own pulse. If you describe the color like yellow, green or shiny, slow with the appeal to the doctor is impossible: states that change the complexion to such shades are life-threatening.

About leather

Man's skin is an organ with the largest area. On average, an adult occupies 2 square meters, and its total mass is more than 10 kilograms. The main task of the skin, available from birth: to protect the tissues from penetration into them in microbes and chemicals. In addition, it protects them from high and low temperatures, ultraviolet and other rays, for which subcutaneous fiber and muscles are clearly not calculated. The skin performs other very important functions: participates in breathing, thermoregulation, synthesizes some vitamins, enzymes and bioactive substances, informs information about pain, tactile sensations and temperature in the spinal cord. It can suck substances applied to it, delivering them to systemic blood flow.

From 3-4 months of life, another important function of the coating fabric, which is related to our topic, is separable. Skin cover removes some of the products, as formed in the process of normal operation of organs, as well as the toxins arising with the neutralization of toxins by our main "filters".

The complexion of a person depends on:

  • combinations in it pigments;
  • thickens of the horn layer;
  • the depths of the vessels in it and their filling;
  • from the intensity of the metabolism occurring in the body.

Changing each of the parameters leads to a change in the color of the face. Consider all this in more detail.

Skin structure

Our coating fabric, leather, consists of two layers. Upper called epidermis. This is the same epithelium as the one that forms all the mucous membranes of internal organs. His difference is in the amount of cell layers. The latter, gradually turning into dead plates from the lower layer to the top, still remain on the surface of the skin and protect it from adverse external influences. Between the usual cells of the epidermis contains those that, being the owners of the coloring pigment, provide the skin brownish and yellowish shades.

The deep layer of cover is represented by a derma. There are fibers from proteins that are responsible for the elasticity of the skin and the possibility of its straightening during the formation of folds from it. The intercellular substance between them is responsible for moisturizing the skin and the ability to "cooperate" correctly with the Mimic muscles - straighten without the formation of wrinkles after the demonstration of the next emotion.

The dermis is the skin layer that contains vessels: a lot of blood and a little lymphatic. The hemoglobin in them gives the cover pink color.


A healthy color is ensured by a combination of four pigments:


This is a brown pigment. His task is to protect the skin from dangerous oncogenesis, the skills cause burns and oxidant stress (and with it early aging) of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, when you stay in the sun, our cover becomes brown, and people living in conditions of increased solar activity are the owners of dark or even black leather.

Melanin is produced in special cells of the epidermis - melanocytes. According to special processing, bubbles with pigment are delivered to other cells - keratinocytes, where they accumulate. Some of its amount is dissolved in the dermis.

The accumulation of bubbles with melanin in the main skin cells is dictated not only by genetic, but also by constitutional factors. So, some localization is very darker under the influence of ultraviolet rays, others remain almost unchanged, the third is brown, regardless of radiation. Genetics "dictates" by one people in the spring and summer becomes very darkly. Others are a violation called albinism - do not sunbathe under any circumstances, keeping the milk-white color of the skin.

The process of formation and accumulation of melanin is regulated by two main enzymes - copper-containing and zinc-dependent. With a shortcoming in the body of each of them, the ultraviolet rays becomes nothing.


This is the name of the yellow pigment dissolved in the dermis of the skin. This is a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from the harmful effect of oxygen radicals. The same is contained in carrots and some algae, from where it, when eating them into food, penetrates into the skin.

A carotine is almost never visible from the CARTER'S race - Melanin is being grown. But the Mongoloids are visible and paints their skin into a yellowish color.

Hemoglobin and its types

This pigment is not in the skin itself, but in the vessels lying in the derm. The main task is to transfer oxygen to the tissues, and they take carbon dioxide from them. When it transports oxygen (it is called oxymemoglobin), it has a pink color. When hemoglobin is saturated with carbon dioxide, it stains the vessels into a dark red or bluish color. How existing in the hemoglobin vessels will be painted with skin, will depend on:

  • the number of vessels in the skin;
  • proximity of the dermal capillaries to the surface layer of the skin;
  • filling these capillaries, which depends on pressure in larger arteries. This is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and hormone system. On the filling of small vessels of the skin also affects the amount of liquid in the vascular bed;
  • thickness of the horn layer.

Pathological pigments

The skin can be painted not only by physiological pigments, but also those substances that penetrate here under pathology. Sometimes it is pathological substances such as iodine or silver. But more often - these are products formed from hemoglobin:

  1. Bilirubin, which is formed during the decay of red blood cells. Its in the body becomes many or when destroying the large quantities of erythrocytes immediately, or with a violation of the hemoglobin metabolism in the liver. It stains the skin into yellow, and the condition that occurs is called jaundice. Read more Talk below.
  2. Saturated dark, almost blue skin color happens when human hemoglobin changes its structure, becoming methemoglobin. Such a substance, having an iron of another valence, oxygen does not tolerate, and if it contains a lot in vessels, it is deadly.
  3. Brown color may be due not only to the accumulation of melanin. Such a shade, the skin acquires as a result of a genetic disease called "Porphyria", when the hemoglobin contained in the leather vessels located in the process of conversion, is sunlight.

Thus, the skin color depends on the combination of coloring pigments in different layers of the skin, as well as its thickness. Smooth complexion is obtained when all parameters are both pigments saturation, and the thickness of the horn layer, and the distribution of vessels are the same in any sections.

  • the work of the vegetative nervous system (it is it to adjust the lumen of the vessels);
  • face care quality;
  • human lifestyle: nutrition, bad habits;
  • ecological situation of the place of residence;
  • chronic diseases.

Damage color

In such a word, you can describe the complexion for different diseases.

Adrenal insufficiency

Uniformly dark color of the face, when the skin can be described as bronze or too dark, is characteristic of insufficiency of adrenal glands - usually primary when the pair endocrine organ suffers. In this case, it will be dark at first not a face, but not protected by the clothing part of the body, those that rub the details of clothing and those that are already pigmented (near-block circle, genitals, armpits). In addition, weakness will be noted, digestion disorders, sometimes - and changes in the sexual sphere.


When the dark color covers the face is not evenly, but blurred brown spots, it speaks about the reinforced work of the thyroid gland. Additional signs speaking in her favor will be a rapid, feeling heartbeat, hot to the touch skin, irritability, an increased appetite, and at the same time - weight loss.

Stains with hyperthyroidism should be distinguished from lento or chloasm - sections of the accumulation of melanin derived due to other reasons. In both of these cases, no changes in the overall state will only appear the sections of darker skin. And they, in contrast to spots with hyperthyroidism, will not change their shape and color.

Hepatic pathology

If not all face darkens, but only the zone near the hair, this testifies in favor of liver disease. At the same time, a person may notice a worsening appetite, a desire to sleep longer, disgust to fatty food and bleeding when cleaning teeth or more abundant monthly. If there is at least 1 sign, except for the persons darkening sites, please contact the therapist or a gastroenterologist, give the analysis of "liver samples".

Bacterial endocarditis

In the word "dark color" you can still describe the light brown, which is also called "coffee with milk." This is the color of the face characteristic of a protracted septic endocarditis - the disease in which the bacteria settle on the valves of the heart, leading to the development of polypotic overlauses and ulcers.

For this pathology, a slow deterioration of the condition of a person who has long been diagnosed with a valve heart valve has been characterized. He begins to get up faster, more often want to lie down. In the heart there are unpleasant sensations or minor pain. The same uncertain and unfinished pains are observed in the joints.

Increases body temperature: usually up to low numbers, with cognition and heartbeat. Later it rises to 39 degrees, a chill appears, a person sweats greatly. Sometimes the temperature to high digits increases immediately, the healing attack develops, it hurts one, then another composition. In some cases, the temperature remains long to 37.8 for a long time, and on this background, its "jumps" is periodically marked up to 39 and higher.

Septic endocarditis - Dangerous disease: from valves "fly out" the mass of "recycled" endocardium bacteria, which were located here in the form of polyps. Such embols are able to clog the organs of organs: brain, kidneys, spleen, limbs, leather. The defeat of the kidneys is manifested by the darkening of urine, the appearance of blood in it, with a decrease in its number. In the embolis of the brain vessels there is a cloud of consciousness, dizziness, bias in the eyes, muscle twitching or convulsions. There may be a sharp loss of consciousness with a violation of breathing, which leads to death, if assistance is not provided.

There are hemorrhages in the skin, which look like impregnating the blood of large or smaller areas (bruises of the wrong shape), the center of which is whisk. They are not towering above the skin, and often affect only the skin of the feet and the conjunctival of the lower eyelid. Also, for the disease, it is characterized by such a symptom - the appearance on the palms or soles of red dense and painful nodules, which are absorbed in 2-3 days.


Here on the skin, grayish brown or dark brown spots merging between themselves appear, which can serve as a reason for setting the preliminary diagnosis of chronic adrenal insufficiency. The exact diagnosis is made in the skin biopsy in the painted areas, when the deposits of hemosiderine and melanin are detected.

Early systemic sclerodermia

Here, at first there are numbers, cooling hands of hands, accompanied by the feeling of crawling "goosebumps". These symptoms are disturbed by the patient for several years, no longer supplemented. Then dark spots appear on the brushes, face and footsteps, or in separate localization. They are dense, consist as if out of thick skin, they spread to free areas, they are shoved by the movements of the mimic muscles of the face. The diagnosis is made to determine the blood of antibodies to RNA polymerase, topoisomerase I or histone (each patient is detected by one of the types of antibodies), as well as the anti-rotary factor (it is determined in 90-95%).

Late skin porphyry

With the development of this disease after staying in the sun, and also - when using alcohol in open areas of the body, bubbles appear, the skin becomes breaking and fragile, darkest, but can be blighted. After the slightest skin injury, the same thing happens. The eye conjunctive swells and bluses, while the throat does not blush, there are no colds from other symptoms. The ultrasound is observed liver damage.

Similarly, the motley porphyria is manifested. Alive only doctors.

Neurofibromatosis Reflinghausen

In this case, a brown spot appears on the body (the colors of "coffee with milk") is one or a lot. The disease debuts in childhood. It is also characterized by premature puberty, elevated blood pressure.

Such symptoms are also characteristic of two other diseases that are manifested from childhood - Watson syndrome and Albright syndrome. Only doctors will be able to distinguish them.

Dysplastic Neva Syndrome

Dark brown spots with a clear boundary appear on the skin. They can develop and having elevation over the skin Papula, whose painting is motley. Other complaints are usually not.

Syndrome "Leopard"

On the skin universally discovered spots having a dark brown color. And at least other symptoms do not bother with subjectively, when conducting an ECG, a different type of change mark. On the ultrasound of the heart, a decrease in the lumen (stenosis) of the pulmonary artery is detected.

Peitza-Jersey Syndrome

Multiple dark brown spots appear on the lips and fingers. In addition, disturbed periodic abdominal pains (closer to the navel). When examining the gastroenterologist or during a radiological study of the intestine with preliminary reception of contrast (barium), polyposis of the small intestine is found.

Black blackening

If the skin has acquired a black color, it is a sign that you need to urgently contact the doctor, as it is dangerous. Such staining may appear with the following diseases.

Meningococcal infection

This life-threatening disease is most often striking children: in adult bacteria meningokokok often does not cause illness, but forms a carriage, settling in the nose (such people are infectious for their loved ones, not knowing this).

The disease occurs is sharp: the body temperature increases, spots appear on the skin. At first they can be red, then become violet, brown or black, merge. Without emergency medical care, rash merges, forming large sections of black, while the person becomes sluggish, drowy, maybe vomiting, after which it does not become easier. "Ambulance" must be caused as early as possible.

Diseases of kidneys

If a person develops an infectious disease of the kidneys or bladder, it can appear black painting of the skin of the face - mainly in the region of cheekbone and nose root. Additional symptoms becomes a change in urine color, lower back pain, nausea, temperature increase, urination soreness.


This disease occurs when there are little vitamins of the group B, especially vitamin PP (nicotinic acid). It usually occurs after the transferred intestinal infection, against the background of chronic alcohol consumption, with a frequency of the ultraviolet rays of the Sun or solarium, as well as in the occurrence of elevated losses of this vitamin during pregnancy, lactation or hard work against the background of chronic malnutrition.

The main symptoms of the disease will be: the general weakness, the feeling of burning in the mouth, "goosebumps", periodically "running" by hand, constant diarrhea and abdominal pain. On the skin of the face and open parts of the body first appear red spots or bubbles with a muddy liquid, then dark color appears here. The skin in these places is peeling.

In addition to skin manifestations, a person notes violations of mental status: fatigue, depressive state, sometimes - psychosis with hallucinations.

Pigment Keroderma

This is a hereditary disease at which the cover fabric turns out to be hypersensitive to the rays of ultraviolet. When exposed to this radiation on the skin of open areas, including on the face, areas of redness appear, vascular spars and large, merging pigment stains of dark, almost black color.

Excessive melanoblastosis

It manifests itself in newborns. At the same time, lesions of the nervous system are leaving: drowsiness, vomiting, not related to food, squint, low tone of the handles and some others. This arises due to the deposition of melanin in the core and brain nerve nuclei. The same pigment is postponed in the skin, which stains it in black.

Professional melanomium

If a person works for a long time with oil refineries (tar, peks), substances increasing the effect on it ultraviolet.

Face afraid

Blue color accompanies or life-threatening heart or lung disease, or covers a person when receiving some drugs.

Blue face as a result of treatment

Paint a face in a blue color can such a drug as "Cordaron". In this case, it is necessary to consult with a cardiologist about the reduction of drug dosage.

The second cause of the Ceruloderma (so called the blue skin of the doctors) is the reception of silver preparations, mainly in antiseptic purposes, for example, with a cold. Also sick people engaged in silver processing. This condition is called argriy and usually leads to the affection of the bone marrow, eye, renal failure and damage to the nervous system - silver salts accumulate not only in the skin, but also in all internal organs, walls of vessels, mucous membranes, the scool eyes, and remain there for the whole a life.

If a person stops drinking medicines containing silver salts, the symptoms of the internal organs will go away, but the blue skin color will remain.


So the state is called when normal hemoglobin is replaced by the changed - methmoglobin, in which iron is not two-, and the trivalent, and the oxygen does not know how. This disease most often appears when poisoning with hemolytic poisons. For example, in the overdose of paracetamol, the use of long-stored fenacetin and sulfonilaminamides, as well as in cases where a large number of nitrates and nitrites fall into the food (they are kept in well and tap water, in canned meat, in fertilizable nitrate-nitrite fertilizers fruits and fruits and Vegetables). There are hereditary forms of pathology.

With any form of the disease, symptoms will be as follows:

  • the skin acquires a gray-blue shade;
  • nail phalanxes do not change their shape (with the damage to the heart or light, nail-carrier phalanxes are expanded by purchasing the type of "drum sticks");
  • the physical activity is accompanied by shortness of breath and fast fatigue;
  • often and bad headache.

Cardiopulmonary diseases

These pathologies are caused as generalized cyanosis when a bluish shade acquires all the body and the regional sinusiness, manifested by the formation of the skin under the nails, the tip of the nose, lips and the nasolabial triangle.

This condition is developing under various diseases:

  • Heart failure. In this case, heart pains are noted during exercise, shortness of breath in peace, increasing during exercise, swelling, localized, mainly on the legs. On ECG or ultrasound of the heart, you can determine the disease that caused this pathology.
  • Asthma attack. Here the appearance of an attack can be associated with a meeting with an allergen (for example, pollen or household chemicals), there is a dry cough, it becomes difficult to exhale, sometimes wheezing from afar.
  • Pneumonia. It is not always, but it is often manifested by a cough and an increase in temperature. In addition, shortness of breath is noted, a sense of air shortness, weakness, nausea.
  • Cyanotic version of erythrocytosis.
  • Tuberculosis. At the same time there is a cough: it is dry, sometimes with a cough attack, a certain amount of sputum mucosa is distinguished. The temperature rises to low (within up to 38 degrees) numbers, weakness and increased fatigue are marked.
  • Pulmonary artery thromboembolism: when in one or more branches of the vessel, which goes out of the heart to the easy, the "plug" or blocking the thrombus, fat, gas or cut off from inflamed heart valves to the masses. Disease is developing sharply: often after the outrelary or performance of severe physical work in a person having varicoserably extended veins, heart defects or its aneurysm, weakness appears sharply, shortness of breath with a sensation of air shortage. A little later joins cough and pain in one of the half of the chest.
  • Any form of shock, manifested by a sharp decrease in blood pressure. Shock can develop with significant dehydration, in the body of a large number of bacteria, blood loss, severe pain in injury, anaphylaxis.
  • Heart defects. Often, subjectively felt only fast fatigue, there may be violations of rhythm, headaches. The upper half of the body may differ in color from the bottom.
  • Chronic bronchitis. It is manifested by a cough, an increase in temperature, sometimes - a sense of air shortness. If this disease exists in a person for a long time, his fingers change: the nail phalanxes thicken, becoming similar to "drumsticks". Nails also change: they become dull, furrows cover them (they call such nails with "hour windows").
  • Pleut. This state is developing after suffering pneumonia. It is characterized not only by the development of the skin of the skin, but also a re-increasing time to normalize the temperature of the body, pain in the chest with breathing, chills, weakness, night sweats.
  • Pneumothorax. This term characterizes the state when due to the injury of light air penetrates the cavity, its surrounding. If the amount of air increases, they are squeezed by a light and heart lying nearby. This is dangerous. Pathology develops sharply, usually after physical effort or cough attack. A strong pain appears on the side of the damaged lung, which is intensified with deep breath, cough and motion. There is also a shortness of breath, a sense of air shortness.

Redness of the skin

The red complexion is not always a sign of alcohol abuse, as previously thought. This is a sign of the following diseases:

  • Arterial hypertension (increase in blood pressure), which may accompany hypertensive disease, develop due to kidney diseases or adrenal glands. Face redness develops against the backdrop of headaches, "flies" before the eyes, pain in the heart.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning. This happens in people with furnace heating, which are in an unbelievable room.
  • Erythrocytosis, in which hemoglobin and erythrocytes becomes too much., That does not improve the transportation of oxygen, but is a danger in terms of increasing thrombosis. Here face and shoulders bright red. It is enhanced after taking a bath, and at the same time skin itch appears.
  • Allergic reaction: to medicines, food, domestic chemistry, the introduction of worms in the intestines and other things. In addition to redness, there is also a dry cough, sneezing, may be diarrhea. Improvement is observed if you eliminate the action of allergen.
  • Rosacea. Initially, the skin bluses only on the action of heat or cold, gradually the face stops returning his normal color. Usually, pathology develops in women during the period of Klimaks. It must be distinguished from the characteristic of the face of reddening, accompanying the feeling of "tide".
  • Tuberculosis. Here the cheeks are constantly red, but this color is not bright. In addition, the nasolabial triangle is a bluish shade, there is also a cough, constantly elevated temperature; Man sweats hard.
  • Scarletins: The face is blushing, and the nasolabile triangle becomes pale. In addition, the temperature rises, and the red rash spreads throughout the body.
  • Pneumonia, when one cheek bluses. There is also a feeling of difficulty breathing, cough, weakness, elevated body temperature.
  • Schimorite. Here one cheek is also painted - on the side of the defeat. At the same time, the head hurts, the temperature is increased, the nose is laid, and when it is ordered, a large amount of secrets is allocated, often mucinous-purulent.
  • Both cheeks and the back of the nose blush with such a disease, as a systemic red lupus.
  • Redness of the cheeks against the background of an intestinal infection or the ARS in a child is a sign of the fact that the main disease has complicated by the development of acetional syndrome. This state is when the body uses not glucose as energy substrates, but fats whose disintegration products are toxicically affected by the brain.
  • A large dose of atropine or scopolamine for this person.
  • Poisoning hallucinogens.

Also, the face is especially if a person suffers to the vegetual-vascular dystonia - changes its color to red with any disease that is accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Earthy color

If the face suddenly acquired an unhealthy earthy color, it may indicate chronic lack of sleep, lack of fresh air, unbalanced nutrition, tanning and smoking abuse. But most often this shade indicates pathology. For example:

  • Bad work of the thyroid gland. At the same time, the face becomes not only dim, but also edema. The skin at the same time is dry, and the hair is fragile, sometimes falling out. There is also an extra weight with a reduced appetite and poor nutrition.
  • Oncological disease (cancer) of any localization, including leukemia.
  • HIV infections. At the same time, the treatment of the disease is noted: Initially, a slightly elevated temperature remains for several months, then a large number of lymph nodes increase and begin to be felt. Only then fastens the skin color, man begins to painfully sow inflammations of the lungs, every small impaired integrity of the skin will heal for a long time, long-term current diseases develop, the reason of which cannot be found immediately.
  • Sepsis (blood infection). In this case, at the beginning there are symptoms of some bacterial disease: the inflammation of the kidneys, the lungs, ventilating wounds, abscess, osteomyelitis, hymorite, and so on. Then, after a short-term improvement, the temperature rises again, weakness, headache and nausea appears. This is complemented by symptoms of kidney damage or liver.


Pallor or unhealthy white color talks about different diseases in which:

a) marked acute or chronic loss of blood:

  • endometriosis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • peptic disease;
  • internal bleeding;

b) Skin vessels were spasked so that blood was enough for central organs:

  • angina;
  • oncological diseases of any localization;
  • heart defects;
  • aortic aneurysm;
  • fat embolism;

c) diseases leaking with intoxication due to which spasms of vessels occurs: ARVI (especially influenza), an attack of asthma, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases;

d) missing melanin, because of which the skin becomes more "transparent". If this happens throughout the skin, Melanin is also not enough in the iris, then it is albinism or phenylketonuria. When individual white spots appear on the skin, you can talk about vitiligo - disease, having many reasons;

e) The deficit of substances from which hemoglobin is formed: iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, proteins, glutathione, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These are various types of anemia - scarce and hypoplastic. The latter may arise due to kidney disease;

e) Vegetative vessel regulation (vegetual vascular dystonia) is broken. This can be said if the pale color occurs during stress, fright, nervous experiences;

g) violated hormonal regulation of vascular tone: diabetes, hypothyroidism;

h) swelling, due to which the skin vessels are poorly visible: hypothyroidism, kidney disease, loss of proteins with exudative enteropathy, burns, malabsorption syndrome.

Gray face

Gray is described with such states:

  • Leukose. These pathologies are very cunning, disguised under ARVI: Weakness, drowsiness appear, the body temperature rises. Most often they are found when a general blood test is prescribed.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: pancreatitis, cholecystitis. At the same time there are nausea, bloating, stool impairment, pain in the upper abdomen when using acute, smoked or fatty food, alcohol.
  • Smoking and stress.
  • After transferred severe diseases.

Green and olive skin color

Olive or green face skin is characteristic of:

  • pronounced intoxication, especially at ARZ and poisoning;
  • oncological diseases;
  • liver cirrhosis (but it can be eternally and the color of the wet asphalt, and during the exacerbation it is also lemon yellow);
  • diseases of the kidneys


Diseases under which the yellow complexes are observed, have a common name - jaundice. This color sometimes gives carotene if a person moves carrots. In this case, only palms and feet are painted. In the remaining cases, the yellowness is obtained when too much bilirubin is formed - the product, which is formed from the hemoglobin of red blood cells, and then the metabolism in the liver passes. Many bilirubin is obtained, or when many erythrocytes fall apart, or when the liver work is disturbed.

Erythrocytes fall or due to the weakness of their own membrane, or when a substance comes into the blood (for example, anti -usus antibodies or poisons), which destroys blood tales. States due to disruption of the membrane have a common name - hemolytic jaundice. There are many types of them, which can only be a hematologist. Poisoning hemolytic poisons are engaged in doctors toxicologists, having an artificial kidney apparatus in arsenal. When erythrocytes are destroyed by burns, treatment occurs in combustiology departments.

There is another type of yellow - caused by diseases of the liver and biliary tract:

  • overlapping biliary tract with tumors, stones or inflammation;
  • zhilbera syndrome;
  • hepatitis: viral, toxic (including medicinal), alcoholic;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

The jaundice will also show the inflammation of the pancreas, directly related to the liver and bubble.

Bilirubin is a dangerous substance that can destroy the brain. Therefore, with the appearance of the yellowness of the skin, it is urgent to cause "ambulance". Forces, a person can only drink "activated carbon" or another sorbitating drug. It is also important to tell the doctors that were eaten or drunk. In this case, further human health depends on the urgency of the toxicolars.


How to determine than caused by the change in the color of the face, the therapist will say. Having assigned its analyzes or recommending a consultation of a narrower specialist, it will come from a new shade of your cover.

So, with the pallor of the face, you will be appointed:

  • general blood test with a mandatory determination of reticulocytes - erythrocyte ancestors;
  • osmotic resistance of red blood cells;
  • coagulogram;
  • hepatic samples.

If the yellowness is worried, the therapist sends to the infectious background, and he focusing on the history of your life and this disease, as well as on the ultrasound of the liver, gallbladder and the pancreas, liver samples and markers for viral hepatitis, decides, should he be treated, a gastroenterologist or hematologist.

The olive complexion requires the attention of the gastroenterologist who will examine, feeds and listening to your stomach, prescribes an ultrasound abdominal cavity (it is performed after preparation) and FEGDS (here will have to swallow the probe).

Black or blue shades that have arisen overnight, especially if they have a sense of air shortness, require a call to "ambulance". These experts will understand who should advise you or treat. If black spots are bothering, and there are no other symptoms, it is desirable to consult advice to the staff of the Department of Dermatology.

The reasons for the red color will help identify cardiologists. To help these doctors will come a tonometer for measuring pressure and ECG. Probably, they will also need an ultrasound of your kidneys and adrenal glands - to find out the cause of high pressure, as well as the ultrasound of the heart.

How to return the face

Healthy color will be, if you follow the rules for maintaining the requirements of your physical body:

  • Do not smoke.
  • Put out.
  • Do not eat harmful food: many diseases occur precisely from non-galberry nutrition and harmful products.
  • There are more vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • Drink at least 30 ml / kg weight. Water is needed for normal operation of enzymes, on which all processes in the body depend.
  • In the spring and autumn, consult with the therapist about the feasibility of receiving tableted vitamins.

If you have changed the color of the face, you should not trust the cosmetology sites, which they say how to improve the color of the face will help the miracle masks or procedures. The fact is that changing the coloring of the coating fabric is a distress signal that gives our self-replacing organism. If he could talk, he would say the following: "Start helping me, remove the factor interfering - and I will recover myself.

Then, if there is a desire, go to the beautician or make a home mask, but at first, take measures to eliminate the disease. " Do not postpone the visit to a specialist in the most extreme case: doctors are not wizards, and if the disease has already struck by several organs, then they are increasingly safer.

Treatment of modified skin color depends on the cause of this state. It is completely different, and without looking at a person and not listening to his complaints, it is difficult to say something in his treatment even the most famous professor.

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Every girl, woman, and even a girl, dreams of being beautiful. But what is beauty? What is he, the standard of beauty? How is the concept of beauty with the health of the skin and internal organs of man?

What does human face depends on

The complexion is not a skin color. Pigment Melanin is responsible for the skin color, Ultraviolet protecting. If the skin receives an excess of ultraviolet, then it leads to a burn and impaired skin pigmentation, in the worst of DNA damage.

The skin of the face can be white, yellow, dark, black. While the complexion is white, pale, yellow, gray, earthy and even green, and the causes of such a variety of unhealthy colors in a similar lifestyle.

The concept of "lifestyle" includes:

  • power;
  • health status;
  • physical activity;
  • bad habits;
  • stresses.

What does it mean - an unhealthy complexion

If you imagine the image of a young healthy girl, in a frosting season, which came from the countryside, with a flaming blush on snow-white skin, can be easily understood as a healthy person looks like.

Rushes in both cheeks emphasizes white skin.

Not in vain in the fairy tale of Pushkin, the mirror determines the beauty precisely on the whiteness of the skin and her Rumyanta: "You are in the light of all the nurses, all stocks and whiter" , It says the evil queen. So what reasons lead the complexion to the earthy shade?

Causes of Earthy Skin Shade

Incorrect lifestyle causes problems in the body. As a result, the skin acquires an unhealthy tint. If a person continues to live without changing the harmful lifestyle, health problems are aggravated. And, depending on the magnitude of the problem, the color of the skin changes.

We highlight the main causes associated with chronic diseases.

Chronic diseases

These are diseases that exist in a person constantly, and are waiting for only an hour, weakening his immunity to exercise themselves to fully. Therefore, signs of unhealthy manifest themselves with the disease. And one of them is an earthy face color.

It's important to know!
Earthy color on the face often provokes dehydration, including dietary - as the consequence of a special type of diet. Do not forget that 1.5 - 2 liters of water in the day lead your appearance to beauty and health!

Associated with other dangerous diseases

When developing dangerous diseases, the body gives signals to its owner in all possible ways. Often, non-healing ulcers appear on the body, the growths on the skin are formed, there are often severe pain. One of the signs of internal problems may be the earthy complex.

It is especially strongly manifested in case of such diseases as:

  • Problems with thyroid gland;
  • Oncological foci;
  • Human immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • Dangerous internal sepsis, i.e. blood poisoning.

If the thyroid gland works with failures, the secant hair tips is added to the eartling of the skin of the face skin, excess weight appears.

With HIV infection, the earthy shade appears as a result Permanent portimal diseases whose doctors cannot find immediately.

When sepsis, the skin acquires the earthy color in the aggregate With some long-lasting purulent process: sinusitis, abscesses, inflammation of the lungs, renal inflammation, etc. If you do not accept response measures, blood infection occurs, the disease that is fraught with a fatal outcome.


The lifestyle of a person is reflected in its appearance. With its violation, the skin as a mirror reflects all the problems occurring in the body. An unhealthy, earthy complexion appears, reasons are hiding in the wrong lifestyle.

As for changing the color of the face in the direction of its serness, the earthenness, then just the greatest probability to acquire such a shade of the skin, regularly disturbing the set of rules that is referred to as a healthy lifestyle.

To the manifestation of the earthly shade in the face leads:

  • unlimited consumption of cigarettes and alcohol;
  • multiple seat in a closed space space;
  • lack of regular exercise;
  • lack of outdoor walks.

At this place should be stopped in more detail. Because not so much the possibility of disease occurs leads to a change in facial tone, how much lifestyle - in the overwhelming majority of cases it is so.

Human diet and man

Power is also a lifestyle. With its violation, the intestine is most often suffering. Problems with stomach, constipation. The body needs to be cleaned, and the intestine is scored.

As a result, decay products begin to be outlined through the skin, which in an adult occupies about 2 sq.m. Violation of metabolism contributes to the fact that the color of the face becomes ground.

Be careful! Pay attention to the smell of sweat. With an excess of protein food, digestion disorders, it has a malware smell. And this is the signal that it is time to beat the alarm, to restore order in its diet.

Health and Immunity State

The face of a healthy person is always healthy, pink shade. Look at these comparisons and can easily guess what causes a good skin condition.

  • Pure water - Chlorinated water
  • Good nature - Ombotty
  • Fresh air - Air in the room without venting
  • Walk in the park - View series / game in computer

Everything that is referred to as opposed to the concepts of health, purity and freshness, may be the cause of the emergence of the Earth's face in humans.

Consumption of not fresh contaminated water leads to the difficult metabolism, the stool in the room contributes to the spa of the blood vessels, a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood, and, consequently, the earthy, the gray color will not wait long.

And such parallels can be brought infinitely. All that has a positive, promotes recovery, updating, recovery.

Physical activity - an important component of life

If you start the search on the Internet, it can be noted that over the past 20 years, many diseases from the old corresponding to the steady age have moved into the category of young. Why is this happening? Usually, all misfortunes associated with diseases are one answer: bad ecology. But what about the way of life, does it not affect the color of our individuals?

Or round-the-clock stay in the field of screens - televisions, computer, smartphone or tablet, nothing to do with it? A round-the-clock voyage near the flickering monitors - at home or in the workplace - does not go to favor the skin of the face.

It dries from constant heating and operation of system block fans, the cooling systems of printers, loses moisture, becomes a flabby.

And the answer to the question is why the earthy color arose so unexpectedly, the reasons need to look for everything in the same lifestyle devoid of the necessary physical activity.

Harmful habits and affection

Beach for any skin is bad habits. The skin breathes, and, being in captivity of smoke, she in the literal sense suffocates.

According to dermatologists, one of the problems of the smoker is the lack of oxygen, is the main cause of the earth's face.

To breathe a smoker can often and a lot, but the desired amount of oxygen is not absorbed. Alcohol also does not attach the Rumyanta and negatively affects the skin.

The face of lovers of drinking becomes red, the capillaries are expanding on the nose and cheeks, thereby issuing an unhealthy passion for their owner. And on other parts of the face, on the contrary, the natural color of the skin becomes dim, earthy-gray, and the reason is in oxygen starvation of skin cells, their dying.

Stresses and nerve overvoltage

One of the main factors of all diseases, stress, has an impact on the appearance of the skin.

Stress is a blow to an endocrine system., So one more reason why the face becomes earthen.

Sometimes the skin is covered with stains. Most often, the reason lies in the rebuilding of a hormonal background.

It's important to know! Among other things, the earthy color of the cause is also in violation of blood circulation, due to the disease of the kidneys and their insufficiency, the base disease.

Mixed with a sour cream grated fresh apple, imposed 15 minutes in the face of the face and forever, moisturizes the skin, will save from a tired look and give her freshness.

When the tan does not decorate, but only harms the skin

The tan has a property to emphasize the beauty of the skin and hide its flaws. But it is possible with a light tan.

Long stay in the sun or frequent stay in the solarium harms the well-being of the skin: It deprives the skin of the necessary moisture reserves, its elasticity is lost.

As a result, the skin acquires the tired, dim view. It becomes a grayish, painful color. Pigments appear, adding appearance of several unnecessary years.

Against the background of oversupply of solar baths, problems can begin not only with appearance, but also with internal condition. There is the likelihood of developing problems with kidney and lymph system because of their violation of the rebuppiness of the sun.

It's important to know! Be careful in the sun or in the solarium. Do not forget to apply protective cream. Maximize the skin under natural fabrics.

The skin covered with for example, linen fabric, feels much more comfortable than being under the outdoor. It will save his face from the acquisition of the earthly color instead of goldenly tanned.

How to improve the complexion of the face, how to restore skin health

To have a healthy complexion, you need:

Any change in skin shade, in case it occurred not under the influence of sunlight, is a serious signal of violation of the internal organs.

For example, with a violation of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, the shade of a person with healthy on gray can be changed - in case of impaired blood circulation, diseases of the cardiovascular system or respiratory failure, in addition, evidenced by congenital heart diseases purple tint, and yellow- Liver diseases.

Gray face skin - disease or consequence of bad habits

Sharp and noticeable change in the shade of a person with natural and healthy on gray most often is a sign of working disorders digestive system. At best, to snatch a person on the background of banal constipation or irregular nutrition, at worst - due to gastritis or the development of the stomach ulcers. It is hardly possible to diagnose the disease on the basis of a dyschronia on the basis of a dyschronia, so it is better to go to the gastroenterologist in this situation.

In addition, gray face skin disease does not always foreshadow. Often on the background of smoking, sedentary work and constant stress in humans, blood circulation is disturbed and vessels are torn, which is also manifested by a deterioration in the face of the face.

Earthy tint and sharp skin darkening - pancreatic disease or oncology

Changes in this kind indicate more serious diseases. Often, of course, the earthy tint appears in the diseases of the pancreas, adrenal glands or against the background of long-term intake of antibiotics, but if such options are excluded, the best recommendation in this case will appeal to modern medicine. Diagnosis of disease in the skin and on the basis of the surveys conducted will allow you to correctly and accurately determine the reason for changing the complexion of the person, as well as to diagnose the disease provoked.

Blue Skin Color - Cianoz Disease

The skin acquires a shiny, and sometimes a dark purple tint with insufficient blood saturation with oxygen and slowing down blood circulation. Such symptoms indicate cyanosis - a disease that combines many violations of cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

It happens, cyanosis arises against the background of supercooling. Then the blue shade is acquired in the main limb as a result of the deterioration of blood circulation on damaged areas.

Bruisies on the skin - diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory systems

It is in the form of the formation of bluish sections and the impact of sites of mucous membranes make themselves to know such diseases as a vice of the heart and disruption of gas exchange in the lungs. Similar changes, however, can provoke the formation of methemoglobin against the background of intoxication and poisoning.

Cyanosis - purple skin disease

The emergence of dark shades or spots on the face and body (purple or cast-iron) indicates increased light airiness, pulmonary artery sclerosis or congenital heart pattern. In any case, when any of the above-described symptoms should immediately consult a doctor.

Vasculitis - Vascular disease on the skin

This disease involves the defeat of blood vessels and tissues of the damaged organ. In case the skin vessels are affected, the main symptoms of the disease will be redness, rash and itching. Vasculitis can also affect the blood circuit system, which becomes the cause of stroke, hearts, which increases the risk of heart attack, etc., quite often small hemorrhages under the skin are a sign of vasculitis of other organs.

The main symptoms of this disease include: general weakness, temperature increase, decreased appetite, weight loss, rash and itching, pain in the joints.

Such syndrome can also occur with the systemic red lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases for which the defeat of the connective tissue is characteristic.

Cuperoz - Vascular skin disease

Cuperose appears in the form of a shallow red vascular mesh or so called "spiders" on the cheeks, chin and nose when expanding blood vessels against the background of reinforced blood circulation. At the same time, the connecting tissue outside squeezes vessels, which makes them more visible on the face. Such a disease occurs among the elderly people, as well as among owners of fine and sensitive skin.

Ceperose can be treated either in a cosmetology office or folk methods. Although the first method allows you to get rid of the signs of Cooper in the shortest possible time. But in the absence of funds or capabilities - massage for the face. So you can normalize blood circulation and lead to the tone of the vessels and muscles of the face. In addition, add your diet with products or badges saturated with vitamins C, P, K, antioxidants, fatty acids of omega 3 and 6 - they strengthen the walls of the vessels and contribute to the normalization of blood circulation.

Yellow leather - liver disease

Most often, the yellowing of the face and body is accompanied by a change in the shade of eye scool, mucous membranes, especially under the tongue, stop and palms. At the same time, urine color changes - it acquires a rich dark shade.

Such changes are most often occurring against the background of increasing the level of carotene or bilirubin. In the first case, yellow skin can be observed for a long time diet consisting of oranges or carrots. If such did not have places, then most likely the case in increasing the content of bilirubin - bile pigment appearing as a result of the decay of hemoglobin. The latter is responsible for the saturation of blood oxygen and the transportation of beneficial substances not only to skin cells, but also throughout the body. When the hemoglobin decreases and the increase in bilirubin, changes occur not only in the layers of the dermis, but also in the liver. Then the risk of jaundice arises. In addition, the yellowness may indicate such diseases such as hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cyst formation, as well as disorders of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

Some women notice that their face ceased to cause admiration for them. It is sometimes difficult to understand what it is connected - wrinkles no, the features of the face are beautiful, the skin is young, but something makes pepper in the reflection in the mirror in search of the problem. Often, the problem is that the skin is unhealthy color, which spoils the entire appearance.

In this case, you need to figure out what cause is the problem, and then eliminate the phenomenon. To pay attention to it is necessary for the reason that it can be a sign of the disease of the internal organs.

Causes of gray face

There may be a mass.

The most common among them are as follows:

Conduct the loss of skin of a healthy color can both bad ecology. If a person lives in an unfavorable area of \u200b\u200bthe area, harmful substances emitted into the air can be absorbed into the skin, harm not only to it, but also the whole body.

Finding out the reasons for the appearance of the gray face, try to eliminate them, and then use the various methods of restoring a healthy tone.

What to do?

Anyone who has encountered this phenomenon will ask exactly this issue.

  • To begin with, it is necessary to exclude the disease of the body by passing a medical examination. Subject to the identification of those should be revealed to cause diseases, to undergo treatment, which will be appointed by a specialist;
  • To return the skin healthy color, you should refuse bad habits - smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages;

  • You should also reconsider your mode. For normal functioning, the body needs a full-fledged rest, so it is necessary to exclude overwork and ensure that the dream is sufficient (at least 6 hours / day) and healthy;
  • You need to pay attention to the power mode. Try to exclude fatty, smoked, salty, sharp food from the diet. To return a healthy complexion, it is worth a preference to fruits, greenery, vegetables, fish, meat;
  • Independent and water regime. Drink more water, but it must be purified, while it is worth abandoning carbonated, sweet liquids. You can replace the latter with compats cooked from natural fruits and berries, preferably without adding or with a minimum sugar;
  • Restore the beauty of the skin will allow the sport, thanks to which the bloodstream and metabolic processes are normalized. Try to walk more - walking has a beneficial effect on the body. In addition, when walking, you will spend time in the fresh air, and this is necessary for a healthy skin color.

In addition to all these steps, you should also often air the premises in which you are. Some drugs can also affect the tone of the dermis. In particular, we are talking about hormonal contraceptive medicines, antibiotics. Try not to abuse them.

Stresses, depression, neurosis are also the worst enemies of the health of our cover, and the body as a whole. In this regard, less nervous, worry, try to learn how to relate to different circumstances calmly.

What methods can be resorted to?

Procedures that can be obtained in the cabin

Their cost is quite high, but also efficiency too.

What of them show a good result and are used most often?

  • Chemical peeling. The impact on the dermis is carried out by means of active chemicals. As a result, the top layer of the skin is dying, removed, and with him a unhealthy color is removed. When using this procedure, you must first check the compatibility of the preparations used with your derma;
  • Drupes. Through the hardware procedure, deep layers of the person are cleaned, thanks to which it disappears and gray. The technique implies the supply of an abrasive substance by means of a nozzle, which is under certain pressure. This substance is then removed from the layers of the dermis, and with it, deleted cells are removed with it;
  • Laser grinding. Thanks to this procedure, it is possible to clean the deep layers of the skin through the light beam. At the same time, the effect of evaporation of the horn layer of the dermis is performed, which contributes to the restoration of the healthy color of the cover.

Today, these procedures are most commonly used. Select the appropriate impact on the face must be an experienced specialist depending on the features of the dermis.

Due to the expensiveness of all these techniques, many women prefer to use more accessible means of refunding beauty.

Recipes of folk cosmetology

Despite the availability and low cost of such funds, they show high performance, so before contacting the salon, try applying such masks.

Thanks to the presence of a large amount of vitamin A in carrots, this vegetable is capable of returning a healthy tone to the derma.

You can use a mask of oat flakes and linen seeds.

  1. Fill linen seeds in the amount of 1 t. L. Boiling water in the amount of 1st cup. Mixture We leave an hour by 1.5, covered with a lid of the dishes in which it is located;
  2. Grind oatmeal in flour, pour them with infusion of flaxseed seed;
  3. Apply a mask for half an hour to the dermis, after which we wash with the use of warm water.

If there is such a problem as a gray face, such a means can be applied:

  1. We whip over 1 egg, add 1 tbsp. l. sour creams with high fatty;
  2. We add to the mixture 2 h. Orange juice, stirring;
  3. Apply the composition on the face by one third of the hour. Instead of orange juice, you can use juice of any citrus fruit.

Glycerin also contributes to the restoration of a healthy facial tone.

  1. Oatmeal crumpled in the flour in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. We connect with a glass of heated milk;
  2. Mixtures can be cooled, add 1 t. L. Glycerin and 1 tbsp. l. puree cooked from any fruit and berries;
  3. We apply a mixture by a quarter of an hour, wash off.

Finding out the reasons why the complexion became gray, when necessary, passing the treatment and applying salon procedures or recipes for beauty at home, you can restore the beauty and health of your dermis.



People in humans are different, its condition, including color, depends on many factors.
Ohprint impose profession, nutrition, bad habits, lack of sleep, stress, sports, environment and even heredity. Unfortunately, quite often the reason for changing the color of the skin is sharp and chronic diseases. Dysfunction from the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and endocrine systems are inevitably reflected in our appearance. Disaster signals from internal organs appear on the skin in some cases simultaneously with the disease, in others - long before it appears, which allows you to take the necessary measures in time.

Extended blood vessels, which are painted in the blue shoe, nose and chin - this is not a cosmetic problem, but a sign of serious diseases. Even subcutaneous fluid fiber can affect the skin of the skin, especially when the epidermis and the dermis are thinned, for example, after severe illness: in this case, the skin becomes a characteristic yellowish tint. In young people suffering from vegetative neurosis, a person about and without reason is often poured by the scarlet paint, delivering considerable suffering, but in this situation a beautician is unlikely to help: with this problem, it is necessary to contact a neuropathologist.

Yellow face

You can judge the trouble in the work of the liver on the yellowish-dirty and gray skin shade. The surrounding starts more often asking the question: "Are you sick?" Skin covers not only change the color, but also excessive fatty appears or dryness. It is often yellowing of eye proteins by increasing bilirubin, brown spots on the body in the form of pigmentation appear.

All this is complemented by irritability, apathy, weakening of the immune system. The listed features may indicate diseases of the gallbladder and intestinal tract. The toxins falling into the lymphatic system will distribute them in the internal organs, as a result of intoxication, the entire body is exposed.

After a turbulent night or with insomnia, our skin is in stressful state. The yellowed face, swelling eyelids, dark circles and bags under the eyes, violation of blood flow - all this is not the norm and points to the problem with sleep. None of us wants to look bad and constantly hear: "You are sick," therefore it is necessary to deal with inappropriate, in order not to launch the premature fastening of the body.

Excessive use of sweet, flour, fried, as well as taking alcoholic beverages and smoking reduce the tone of our epithelium. The skin looks inflamed, stupid, its elasticity is reduced, and yellow face appears. The reasons that prompted the person to detrimental habits must definitely exterminate. After all, in addition to external unattractiveness, serious health problems arise.

Red face

Even in the Middle Ages, the face redness received a persistent name - a rosacea, although it was called in different ways: "Wine acne", for example, or "curse of the Celts".
The zoie name demonstrates the link noted in ancient times between the clocks and the disease, and the second thing is that the disease is mainly susceptible to the celebrity people, scandinals, for example. "Red face" tried to treat, but bloodletting, the main method of the Middle Ages, practically did not give results as the applying of ice compresses. Study and diagnose, to explain the origins of physician disease began only in the nineteenth century.

Red face: the causes and nature of the disease are completely clear today. Rosacea is a hereditary disease, which is subject to people after thirty years belonging to the bedding type. More often women after thirty years old, which apparently is associated with hormonal problems.

The reason for rednessing the face is the expansion of vessels on the surface of the skin - with a rosacea, this expansion is irreversible, the vessels are no longer narrowed, which may be the consequence of the improper functioning of the trigeminal nerve. Very often, the rosacea occurs instantly, under the influence of one of the provoking factors, among which the most common are:

  • caffeine or alcohol abuse
  • oversupply acute and smoked in the diet,
  • long stay in the sun or in solarium,
  • strong stress
  • hormonal therapy or hormonal diseases,
  • long irritation from the cold or high temperatures (very often rosacea suffers cooks and confectioners, which are in production associated with the release of hot steam).

Pale face color

The main objective cause is age. In addition to the Mimic and age wrinkles, the aging of the skin also involves the change of its shade. From a healthy rose, he goes into Light yellow, which speaks of a lack of moisture in the dermis. Her retention is assigned to the collagen fibers, which in the process of aging the body begins to produce everything in smaller quantities and ceases to fully perform its function. The skin loses moisture, dried, becomes vulnerable to external influence. Contributes to this bad nutrition of tissues, which occurs during the less active operation of the cardiovascular system. Subjective reasons are represented immediately in several aspects:

  1. The lifestyle of a person determines the state of its body, in particular, the wrong power, constant stress and inclippes lead to premature aging of the skin, which primarily becomes noticeable on the face. The ecological appearance is an addition to this, under which the oxygen content in the blood is insufficient for full nutritional nutrition.
  2. The pallor of the skin of the face also appears under anemia and serves as the result of a lack of iron in the blood. This element is very important, as it acts as a conductor for oxygen. Patients of the younger age group, the presence of anemia indicate an insufficient body weight and growth in growth.

  3. Another, no less common cause of pale skin color is a vegetative dystonia. A characteristic feature of pathology will be a pronounced vascular pattern, which is especially noticeable on white skin. The clinical picture of the disease is complemented by pressure drops, violation of the heart rhythm (arrhythmia), pain in the heart, dizziness and cyanosis of hands.
  4. The diseases of the excretory system that affect the kidneys can also lead to the pallor of the skin. In such cases, the skin acquires a yellowish tint, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity are involved in the process. The patient's condition is aggravated by a decrease in weight, the appearance of swelling and dark circles under the eyes. Pain in the abdominal area may have a pronounced character.
  5. Also, the pallor of the skin of the person can be explained by angina, myocardial infarction, myocarditis.

If small bruises appear on the skin, and the mucous membrane of the mouth is covered with rays, it can talk about the development of leukemia. At the initial stage, the disease often has signs of a conventional acute respiratory viral infection. The patient feels weakness, drowsiness, lethargy, which proceed against the background of elevated body temperature. However, innocuous in first glance, signs indicate a serious disease of the hematopoietic system, which requires the intervention of a qualified specialist.

In any case, if the pallor of the skin of the face is delivered to anxiety or accompanied by other specific signs, you should contact a medical institution to pass the survey.

Gray face

There are several main reasons for changing the color of the face:

  • natural aging process;
  • heredity;
  • unhealthy lifestyle, drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • lacking;
  • improper nutrition;
  • acute and chronic diseases.

In addition, smoking and alcohol abuse often becomes the cause of the gray and earthy colors. Negatively affects the condition and color of the skin. Improper nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. Regardless of the cause, when changing the color of the face, you need to take steps to return the face a healthy and shining look.

How to improve face color

One of the most simple and natural ways to improve the complexion is a chamomile decoction. You can use a ready-made bag with a chamomile, brewing it within 3-5 minutes in boiling water, coating and impoverished on the face for 20 minutes. If you need to urgently refresh the tired look or remove the swelling under the eyes, then put bags with a chamomile forever. Repeat this simple procedure every day one or two weeks, and the result will be rans.

Potted, insufficiently moisturized skin poorly reflects the light, because of this, its color looks unhealthy, and the surface is loose. To return the face a healthy appearance is not enough to take care of only constant moisture. Do not overcover the skin with tap water, too frequent use of cleansing agents and do not forget to moisturize the air indoors.

Vitamins - a magic agent for rapid rejuvenation and skin revitalization - take one or two grams of vitamin C. Every day.

Nutrient masks will also help to quickly improve the complexion. So, masks based on egg yolk yolk or yeast are rich in vitamins and various useful trace elements, which satisfies the skin during their application. For egg masks, you need to beat one yolk with 1 tablespoon of almond or olive oil. Mix everything and apply a smooth layer on the skin for 15-20 minutes. If you wish, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. For a yeast mask we breed a small amount of yeast with warm milk. Milk will need several tablespoons. The resulting mixture is stirred to obtain a homogeneous rather thick casher. We apply a mask on the face for 15-20 minutes, then wash off cool water.

Hikes to the bath are perfectly helping, after them, the skin looks tumaled, fresh and smoking. Hot soft steam envelops the body, increases sweating, output slag and contamination. Take with you linden-mint tea. Drinking on a cup of delicious herbal tea between visits to the pair, you will noticeably speed up the process of sweating, thereby increasing the number of slags derived from the body.

Before bedtime it is worth putting a glass of water near the bed. In the morning, after waking up, without getting out of bed, drink this water. Drink it slowly, with small sips, while maintaining a horizontal position. This is a wonderful way to get rid of the female edema and adjust the work of the intestine. If you add a teaspoon of soda a couple of times a week in the water, its impact on the body will increase.

Scrubs are one of the fastest and most reliable ways to return the dim skin healthy and shining look. Deadly cells, makeup remnants, contaminated particles are gradually assembled on the skin, giving her a landish tint. The scrub gently cleanses the skin, polishing its surface, freeing the pores, thereby returning the face shining shade of youth. It is especially noticeable to the effects of scrubies on the fatty skin and the skin of the combined type, the uneven surface and the dimming of which are associated with the increased highlighting the pores of the skin.

Steam baths are also excellent helpers in the wonderful skin transformation. Just ten minutes to hold face over the ferry. The result will be especially noticeable if you first impose a cleansing mask from clay on the face, and then, after sprinkling, wash it with cool water.

Morning skin toning is very important. The lower the water temperature in the morning wash, the longer your skin will save freshness. Perfectly tones the skin carbonated mineral water with pieces of ice. Immerse your face in the morning in such a refreshing cocktail, and your skin will always be flawless.


Pretty pour out

Nothing improves appearance as a healthy, restoring sleep. It is at night that our skin is best absorbing the nutrient ingredients from cosmetics. Therefore, the evening cleansing and applying serum and cream on it is so important. At the same time, both of these funds must both, because liquid serum perfectly supplies the components into the skin, but quickly evaporates. Therefore, it should be covered with a more dense cream.

Provide moisturizing

Dusty, gray, ash color of the skin and dryness often become satellites each other. Such skin is best to moisten with oil. We can use it to remove makeup, add to your favorite creams and masks, and also apply directly to the skin. What oils will cope with the skin of the skin, its lifelessness? The most valuable products are argan and rose oil. They are especially recommended for the ladies of mature age, because they have a strong effect against wrinkles. Rose oil, in addition, reduces vascular changes. To get a maximum from such funds and return the colorful skin color, it is worth using them, at least once a day, in the evening. After careful cleaning, the face is applied to the skin 3-4 drops and massaging it with the tips of the fingers, circular motions, until the product is completely absorbed.

To remove the gray, dull color of the skin of the face and body, first need to remove the dead, oroging scales. You can prepare a scrub from coffee grounds and honey for such purposes. We massive this mass of the face for 2-3 minutes, and then wash off warm water. Then purified skin cover the mask from a grated apple mixed with thick natural yogurt. Apple contains fruit acids that smooth the skin and improve its color. And the yogurt deeply moisturizes it and soothes irritation. Mask prepared from these products improves the appearance of any skin.

Unsight stains that do not add to our skin's interviews, brightening the serum with vitamin C. Several droplets of the cosmetic agent apply to clean skin in front of the cream. Systematic use of serum will clarify the stains and will make it so that they will become less noticeable. Those that will not disappear, plug cosmetics. Go to a good store and ask to choose suitable your skin and effectively hiding defects primer and powder. Cosmetics distribute a tassel, not a sponge - then it will perfectly cover the spots.

Avoid dragging

Smooth elastic skin reflects the light and looks younger, rose, the color looks not so gray and dim. Therefore, you need to try to stimulate the production of collagen, which prevents its declaration. One of the effective ways is the face massage and neck roller with needles, the so-called dermoller. Its application is available at home. Before the procedure you need to thoroughly clean the face, and the needles of the roller to disinfect by treating them with salicylic alcohol. The procedure should be performed daily for 3-5 minutes. After massage, drive in the skin serum, and after it absorbing is a nutrient cream. The epidermis plotted with needles absorbs valuable ingredients.


Causes of gray skin

If the face was noticeably calming in a short period of time, then this means that the organism's digestive system has given a failure. It is problems with the gastrointestinal tract that manifests themselves on the skin in the form of gray. In order not to start the disease, it is best to turn to the gastroenterologist, only noticing a sharp change in the color of the face. Violations in the work of the pancreas make themselves felt through the earth's face. Assign a person can and vice versa, if a person does not get sick, but only he underwent: due to the long-term reception of strong antibiotics.

However, the gray complex of the face is due not only to diseases: often the skin is painted in this inconspicuous color as a result of the impact of detrimental habits on the skin. For example, gray skin in avid smokers and people abusing alcohol. Improper nutrition and sedentary lifestyle also contribute to the appearance of gray skin. After all, if a person is constantly sits, the load on his back muscles and neck increases that over time leads to narrowing vessels. It is not worth mentioning that constant tension, stress stimulates the uneven color of the face from which women are diligently trying to get rid of cosmetics.

Red face: causes and their consequences

Why does the face blush? Probably, the vessels are expanding and filled with plenty of blood. This usually happens with a sharp increase in body temperature: on the beach, in solarium, hot room and, of course, with infectious diseases. But in these cases, Krasnut quickly leaves the owner, and the face becomes normal again. It is also known that the red skin inherent in people aged suffering from hypertension. If the red skin is observed for a long time in a young man, then it is worth paying attention to the cardiovascular and respiratory system of the body.

In fact, young people have a red color of the cause causes serious, so the trip to the doctor is better not to delay. Violations in the work of the heart is a serious problem for the whole organism. In addition, red cheeks around the perimeter or redness of one of the cheeks may indicate inflammation of the lungs or pathology of the large intestine. Do not forget that redness is a symptom of strongest alcohol poisoning, narcotic drugs or toxic substances.

Ideal skin: reality, not dreams

It is easy to see that the majority of women, not satisfied with their skin color, disguise his layer of cosmetics, not paying due attention to internal problems. But cosmetics will not cure the disease, will not return healthy skin, but on the contrary, only its condition worsens. Therefore, deciding to return the beautiful skin color, it is important to establish health, revise the diet and get rid of bad habits.

Health is a guarantee. No wonder people engaged in sports look much healthier and more beautiful than those who lead a "sofa" lifestyle. Active physical exertion affects a healthy face. Enhanced blood circulation, a large amount of oxygen stimulates the restoration, nutrition and regeneration of skin cells, which contributes to the improvement and radiance of the skin. Also, exercise should be supplemented with proper nutrition, sufficient consumption of vitamins and water.

Skin care plays an important role for the color of the face and body. Moisturizing and skin nutritional problems can be solved with homemade masks and scrubics, as well as other cosmetics. Frequently asking how to change the complexion, it is worth paying attention to special recipes based on carrots, pumpkins, coffee and chocolate: these ingredients are able to influence the skin pigments. There are also special whitening masks for all skin types. The main thing is not to forget that skin covers are a precursor of internal diseases, therefore, it is very undesirable to ignore such signals. In time, noticing the problem, it is easier to solve it and continue to enjoy life, shining from inside health and beauty. And your skin will definitely take an example with you, and you will gain a truly healthy complexion!


We are looking for the root of "gray" evil

There are several main reasons for changing the color of the face:

If this problem appears, you need to consult a doctor, as this can signal a serious disease. The sir of the face, as a rule, speaks about the problems of the gastrointestinal tract, and with the disease of the pancreas, the face becomes earthy. Also, the complexion may change due to the long-term reception of some antibiotics.

In addition, smoking and alcohol abuse often becomes the cause of the gray and earthy colors. Negatively affects the condition and color of the skin. Improper nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle.

Regardless of the cause, when changing the color of the face, you need to take steps to return the face a healthy and shining look.

Facial Facilities

Dusty and gray skin requires special reinforced care. For it, it is necessary to apply special means. Care must be systematic, only in this case can be returned to the face a healthy and well-groomed look.


Every day it is necessary to carefully clean your face from pollution and makeup residues. It's not enough to wash the water here, and wash with soap is not recommended, since the soap is very dry skin.

Therefore, you need to wipe the face with a special tonic or lotion every day in the morning and in the evening. Even if the makeup was not applied during the day, in the evening there would still be pollution on the face, so the cleansing is necessary anyway. Without proper skin cleansing, all further care procedures will be meaningless.

For additional deep purification, it is necessary to use special scrubs at least once every two weeks. If the skin is fat and problematic, you need to use the scrub once or twice a week. Choose scrubs, lotions and tonic needed taking into account the type and age features of the skin.

After cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition is necessary. For this, there are large many different creams for different types of skin and age. It is necessary to apply the cream in the morning, before applying makeup, and in the evening, after washing. In addition, once in two weeks or more often you need to use special face masks. Many of them are sold in specialized stores or pharmacies.

Properly selected by age and the type of face mask can significantly improve the complexion and give it a healthy appearance. In order to achieve results, you need to use masks systematically. Many funds for improving the complexion can be prepared at home.

Folk remedies

There are many recipes for face masks that can be easily made at home from the simplest ingredients.

After applying any face mask, it is necessary to thoroughly wash it with water and apply moisturizing or nutrient cream on the skin. Before trying any new tool, you need to try to apply it to a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin to check whether there is no allergic reaction to the components used.

Prevention of emergence of the face

In order for the face to always look beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to follow simple rules:

When the complex is changed, it is necessary to take the necessary measures as soon as possible.


All shades of gray - why spoys the complexion

Residents of metropolis, forever hurrying, experiencing all the "charms" of urban ecology and food from supermarkets is difficult to preserve a healthy blush. All are suffering - women, men, children.

Bad ecology, stress and bad habits spoil the complexion

Any factors negatively affecting the emotional background, and, as a result, the state of the internal organs are immediately reflected on our appearance.

Disposable causes

The first thought on which the unhealthy complexion should be injected is the influence of bad habits. These today include not only smoking and drinking alcohol, but also dependence on the Internet. With tobacco, everything is clear - each repurchased cigarette hits the body outside and from the inside. The external "fumigation" does not give the skin to breathe fully. From the inside, tobacco toxins destroy collagen fibers, the blood supply to the epidermis is worsening, not to mention the harmful effect on the lungs and vessels.

One cigarette causes spasm of vessels for 20 minutes and reduces the oxygen level by 5%.

Lovers drink beer after work or relax on the eve of the weekend waiting for no less blow to beauty. Externally, such a person is easy to "calculate" by the state of the skin. It reacts to intoxicating dim gray, loss of lines and expanded pores.

Internet addiction brings no less harm. This is hypodynamia, and a constant uncomfortable posture, when the vertebral arteries are suffering supplying the blood brain. In addition, we stealing the precious clock of sleep, disturbing biological rhythms. Our skin is restored precisely during a night rest.And if it is not, the results are on the face.

Chronic fatigue - one of the causes of lifeless gray skin

Social networks are not relaxing, as many believe. He talked with pleasant interlocutors - and disturbed from their problems. Today, such communication becomes the source of additional stress. And our skin suffers again. Emotional splash generates a chain of biochemical reactions leading to a decrease in the level of hyaluronic acid and a violation of collagen synthesis. Adrenaline gives the skin gray due to spasm of small vessels.

Small mobility is another worst enemy of beauty. The skin does not perform the most important functions - the elimination of harmful substances from later, the thermoregulation is broken, the calcium and sodium imbalance occurs, blood circulation is worse. The skin ceases to be purged naturally. Hence her unhealthy color and flabby.

Another reason is the passion for healthy nutrition. Already debunk myths about the benefits of low-fat products, separate nutrition and other "chips" on which food corporations and individual enthusiasts made money. And about the dangers of diet for weight loss today only lazy.

Any diet, if it is not therapeutic or not composed of an experienced nutritionist, harm the body due to imbalance and unreasonable decline in calorie food.

If the body does not affect the nutrients you need, it is immediately reflected in appearance. Gray face with bruises under the eyes - a sign of exhaustion. In addition, emotional stress tested by a woman in the process of such weight loss causes the above-described consequences for the skin.

Hard diets for weight loss make a heavy blow to the body

Water is a source of life and external appeal. What flows from the cranes is difficult to call the useful liquid. Even if it boils and filter it. Passing a lot of kilometers through pipes, tap water collects an incredible bouquet of chemicals and bacteria. And the body needs pure lively moisture and preferably at least 1.5 liters per day.

Age-related changes

After 40 years, the process of "reverse development" of skin cover is launched. Signs of age-related skin are the loss of a turgora, a broken outline, minor wrinkles and a decrease in the thickness of the epidermis. Over the years, the skin loses the ability to quickly regenerate cells. Deadly particles are worse exfoliated, the horny layer becomes thicker and denser.

Slowing exchange processes and deterioration of blood supply negatively reflected on the color of the face

The color affects the overall slowing down of metabolic processes, deterioration of microcirculation, moisture loss. The skin fades and acquires yellowish gray color. Bad care is another reason. After 40 years, it is not enough just to remove cosmetics for the night. You need to take care of the skin - fow the night cream or mask.

Color as a diagnostic sign

The first record that the therapist does during reception concerns the color of the patient's skin. For a good doctor, his change is one of the first diagnostic signs.

Table: What do unhealthy skin shades say

Women who constantly receive contraceptive pills should be aware of the consequences - drugs damage the liver, and this gives a yellowish gray shade of the skin. Some drugs from rheumatoid arthritis, red lupus and malaria paint face in a bluish gray color. Gray shade happens in people who take antiarrhythmic agents.

Photo Gallery: Color as a sign of illness

In men, the earthy complex may indicate overwork, disorder of the functions of the urogenital system - tumor formations of any genesis, adenoma or prostate cancer. In women, this is one of the signs of ovarian dysfunction or endometrial pathology.

If the color change is changed by unexplained reasons, you need to contact a dermatologist.

Gray face of a child

If the child is changing the complexion, this is a reason to show his doctor. Children's skin undergo many changes before adolescence, but normally remains pink. The origins of her paleness should be sought in a state of his health.

An unhealthy complexion of a child - a sign of inner disadvantage

Especially if it is accompanied by a change in the overall state - lethargy, a decrease in appetite and activity. Possible reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • renal pathology;
  • liver failure;
  • metabolic disease;
  • malokroviya caused by a lack of iron;
  • emotional shock.

In combination with the advent of inexplicable bruises, the pale gray complexion may be a sign of blood illness.

How to return the face a healthy color

The gray color of the face as a consequence of bad habits or an unhealthy lifestyle is eliminated by a volitional effort. It will be needed to quit smoking, make yourself break away from the computer and replace it with walks in the fresh air and a healthy strong sleep at night.

The main thing is to withstand changes within three weeks. It is in such a time that a habit is formed.

It is incredibly difficult to refuse cigarettes, even having an incentive in the form of improving the appearance. If a smoking woman could see himself at least two weeks after the failure of tobacco, no additional arguments needed. Bags are disappeared under the eyes, the skin is smoothed, and the blush begins on the cheeks. And if you accompany the rejection of the harmful habit of the admission of vitamins-antioxidants and include more products with their content in the diet, then the effect will be simply amazing.

The inclusion of antioxidant products into the diet of a smoking woman will help reduce the harm applied to the tobacco smoke

Three fundamental principles for beautiful skin and general attractive species (no matter, man you or woman):

  • healthy nutrition;
  • full-fledged rest;
  • active lifestyle.

Do not forget about skin care. Return her attractiveness will help pharmacy products, homemade cosmetic masks, scrubs and peelings.

Pharmacy drugs

Sometimes the most unexpected pharmacy funds turn out to be the best assistants in skin care. And there are some of them in tens of times cheaper creams of promoted brands. What of this arsenal can be used to improve the complexion?

Calcium chloride

Experience of dead epithelium particles - mandatory procedure for dim unhealthy skin. Soft peeling with a solution of calcium chloride is called Hollywood cleaning. The effect is achieved due to the interaction of calcium chloride and alkaline soap, as a result of which the rigid salts of higher carboxylic acids are formed.

This method is not suitable for dry skin, but a fat, combined and normal helps to acquire a healthy look and color, reducing the production of the skin, removing the black dots and narrowing the pores. Calcium chloride is sold in ampoules, a solution concentration of 5 and 10%. For sensitive skin it is better to take 5%.

Calcium chloride is used for "Hollywood" peeling

Apply the fatty eye cream on the purified face and around the lips. Mix your cotton chloride chloride and wipe the rest of the sections. When the fluid is absorbed, apply it again. Depending on the type of skin, it must be done 3-5 times. Then foam soap (better child) and wash the face with circular motions. Rack scrub better by chamomile infusion. After processing, be sure to apply a moisturizing cream. Peeling is carried out no more than 1 time per week.

Panthenol refers to the group of regenerating drugs. The active ingredient is vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. The cream comprehensively acts on the skin, activating the recovery of cells, stimulating blood circulation and microcirculation. Due to this, the normal complexion is restored. Panthenol can be used constantly and even apply it for decorative cosmetics.

Panthenol can be used constantly instead of cream

Panthenol in the composition of masks perfectly copes with the problems of age-related skin. After the course of use, it pulls up, small mimic wrinkles are less noticeable, inflammation is eliminated, and the complexion becomes much better. Verified recipe is a lemon mask. In the portion of ointment, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply it in two layers and leave for a quarter of an hour. This tool tones well and brightens the skin. And if adding a little sea salt in it, the exfoliating effect will also be ensured.

Ointment Radevit

Radaevit dermatological ointment contains exceptionally natural components, so it is widely used in pediatric practice. The composition includes three vitamin - E (5 mg), A (10 mg) and d2 (50 mg). The main advantage of the drug for the treatment of dim skin is the normalization of the orogroom processes. In addition, it restores the protective functions of the skin, intensively feeds and moisturizes it.

To restore the complex face, use Radaith daily for the night for a year and a half. Then you need to make a weekly break and, if necessary, repeat the course.

Cream Vitamin "F99"

In dermatological practice, Vitamin "F99" is used to treat eczema. The base of the drug is omega-acid or vitamin F. It saves from peeling with frost and dry winter air, protects the skin from the summer active sun, warning photobores.

Vitamin "F99" helps restore tired skin

Returns the epidermis elasticity, aligns and improves the complexion.

Tyogamma 600.

The drug with alpha lipoic acid is designed to treat polyneerops of any origin. This powerful endogenous antioxidant - acid is produced by our organism. It restores blood circulation in small vessels, improves nervous conductivity. Acts on the body as vitamins of group V.

Tyogama contains powerful antioxidant - alpha lipoic acid

Tyogamma is available in bottles in the form of an infusion solution with a concentration of 600 units. Given that this is a medicine, it is possible to use it not more than 10 days in a row. The drug revives the tired dull skin, enhances the regeneration and protects cells from the action of free radicals.

Cosmetologists on the use of pharmacy preparations for beauty

Doctors ambiguously relate to the use of drugs to improve the color of the face and solving other cosmetic problems. If you still decide to apply pharmacy drugs, consult your cosmetologist. The second thing to be done is to familiarize yourself with the contraindications. And the third - no drug can not be used constantly, but only courses. In general, you should not bet exclusively on pharmacy means, it is better to include them in a comprehensive rejuvenation program.

Homemade masks

Piggy bank of folk recipes to improve the color of the face inexhaustible. Masks feed, purified, moisturized, improve blood circulation.

Honey with lemon

Heated honey, lemon juice and ground oatmeal (just 1 tbsp. Spoon) Mix and overlay on cleaned skin for 15 minutes. For oily skin, it is possible to add ½ teaspoon of soda.

Coffee + carrots

Connect a small amount of fresh carrot juice with the same amount of fresh welded coffee. Wipe the face with the resulting mixture and leave it to dry. After 15 minutes, beware of water. If you add more coffee thick, it turns out an excellent scrub.

Peach mask

No wonder the healthy skin is compared with a ripe peach. The mask from his pulp perfectly improves the complexion. It is necessary to add a teaspoon of oatmeal and mix before receiving a homogeneous cleaner. Take it on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. If the skin is dry, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Sea buckthorn oil

We are infrequently heard of omega-fatty acid 7. And meanwhile, this is an indispensable component for the care of dim unhealthy skin. Contains its sea buckthorn oil. To improve the color of the face, it is taken inside the teaspoon in the morning in front of breakfast and used in the form of a mask. Heated oil is applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Another way is to moisten with oil gauze and impose it on face.

Video: how to achieve the shine of the skin

Salon treatments

Professional cosmetology procedures are the most effective way to get rid of the gray face. Face massage, surface peels, biorevitalization align the surface and color of the skin.

Cosmetology procedures rejuvenate and improve the complexion

Hardware cosmetology rejuvenates for 5-10 years.

Table: Cosmetology procedures for improving the color of the face

Cosmetology procedures are conducted by courses. Duration depends on the skin condition. Each method has a number of contraindications.

Shiny skin diet

Refusal of harmful food addictions is the right way to improving the skin and the body as a whole. And this is the first step towards external self-improvement. Remove from the diet of smoked from the supermarket, shawarma from the nearest kiosk and chicken from KFC. Run on products that advise nutritionists and dermatologists to improve the complexion of the face;

  • apples and carrots;
  • fatty fish and low-fat meat (for example, turkey, rabbit or veal);
  • green vegetables;
  • citrus;
  • vegetable oils (linen, olive, sunflower unrefined, sesame and others);
  • sundered wheat seeds and green buckwheat - tiny sprouts contain maximum substances that give the plants for growth for growth.

Drink vitamin drinks - teas, juices, clean water. To improve the color of the face, juice puree from bunch of grapes and strawberry handustrians. Good affect the condition of the skin of the spice. Seel green tea with grated ginger, cinnamon, clove and cardamon.

Replace harmful products of healthy food, and the complexion will quickly improve

The connection between the irregular chair and the gray face is the most straight. The body will deteriorate "deposits" of decay products. Prepare salads that make your digestive tract work work as a clock. Here is the tested recipe. Cut the straw carrots, coarse, apple, cabbage, a little prune or dried. Add pomegranate and cedar nuts, fill all with olive oil with lemon juice. This dish will derive toxins, normalizes the work of the intestine, and, it means that the complexion will improve the complexion.

Gray face - Possible consequences

It is not necessary to ignore the color change, it can have far-reaching consequences in the form of heavy kidney diseases, liver, hearts, blood vessels, blood, oncological diseases. If you are guided by a healthy lifestyle, but the color of the face causes your anxiety, you should urgently apply to the doctor. Perhaps the pathological process only began to "wake up" in your body and there is an opportunity to prevent its further development.


Daily skin care should be a law for any woman if she does not want to look bent and chronically tired. Main prophylactic measures:

  • to give up smoking;
  • frequent outdoor walks (preferably outside the city);
  • moderate sports;
  • diverse nutrition;
  • lack of stress;
  • full night sleep.

Healthy lifestyle - Best Prevention of Gray Face

And yet - watch for health, do not transfer colds to feet, do not neglect by periodic preventive inspections and dispensarization.

Video: What to do to have a blooming species

Noticed that you have a gray face? From this article, you will learn why it happens how to improve the complexion of the face, and what quick techniques for this exist.

Gray face: set the causes and eliminate the problem

Are you sure well healthy? Then the appearance of a gray skin shade may be caused by one or several of the reasons below.

Causes of the appearance of gray face

  1. Stress.

Changing the color of the face is the reaction of overload vessels and negative emotions.

  1. Thickening of the epidermis.

Violation of the natural process of removing the upper layer of the epidermis is typical. Excess of the skin gluits the burned particles, which interferes with their timely exfoliation. This layer becomes a barrier to the radiance of the skin.

  1. Incorrect meals

Statistics argues that the inhabitants of cities are on average receive one third part of the necessary vitamins of trace elements.

And if you, in pursuit of the figure of a dream, also on diets periodically sit, skin cells, all the more not obtaining the necessary substances. The skin pale and fills in front of her eyes.

The coffee grinder also contributes its considerable contribution to the appearance of gray face.

  1. Lack of sleep. Night wakefulness.

Self-fertilization - "weekends will be removed" usually leads to physical and nervous exhaustion. What is reflected on the face, as in the mirror.

  1. Sedentary lifestyle.

When a person is a lot of time in static poses, it leads to narrowing vessels. Oxygen deficiency and slow blood circulation are not capable of properly stimulate nutrition, restoration and regeneration of skin cells.

  1. Tobacco smoke. Smoking.

Nicotine contributes to the narrowing of the capillaries. As a result, the skin lacks the necessary nutrients, it becomes gray and sluggish.

You can get rid of the face of the face!

  1. Do not hurry.

When a person shake himself into the hard framework of the plan - before or later, the onset of stress is provided to him. Because any delay or deviation from the conceived causes protest and irritation. Fatigue grows as com. And puts the seal to the appearance.

But the most amazing thing that having ceased to arrange dedlamans, you will not only become good, but also return the former complexion. Try!

  1. Do peeling skin peeling regularly.

The skin type directly affects the optimal selection of the cleansing agent, as well as on the frequency of this procedure. Believe the exfoliation with the help of natural skin for leather preferably!

However, careless passion - so that the skin "creaked" is fraught with a violation of lipid skin balance. Remember this, please.

  1. Pass the test to find out if there are flaws in your nutrition.Picture-link in the dressbar. → → →

This is the first step to correct the situation. A good habit to eat correctly will give you great bonuses: clean skin, slim figure, good health, longevity. What can not be expected even from the most popular diet. Starting never late!

  1. Go to bed on time! Raughty!

Take a rule to move to sleep before midnight. In order not to miss the time when the body is configured to produce hormones that promote the renewal and rejuvenation of the skin.

Quickly falling asleep after a walk before bedtime or ventilating bedrooms, as well as after a hot bath, reading at night, tea miseam with adding honey. Out of competition - an embrace of a loved one.

  1. Move!

No time even on the morning exercise? Get out a couple of stops earlier along the way to work.

On weekends, it is necessary to "walk away" yourself in the park, go to the pool, take the children with active outdoor games - for mutual benefit.

For me, so the best way of motor activity is yoga + breathing exercises. "Label" are being worked out all the muscles, the body is saturated with oxygen to the fullest, the decay products are intensively removed.

Yoga with an instructor can be engaged even on the Internet - picture-link on the side of the article, in the dressing room.

  1. If you do not want or can not quit smoking, turn on the antioxidants to your diet.

Help face face to return the natural color:

  • vitamins A, C, E
  • selenium
  • green tea extracts and grape bones

Antioxidants should also be present in the composition of cosmetics you use.

Fast Gray Facial Remedies

In this video, the dermatologist Anna Bolshakova gives advice on express-revival of the gray face.

And, in conclusion, I want to remind you that the gray complexion can be eliminated with the help of a homely cosmetic mask. This is also a way to give yourself a little more attention!