New course of preparation for childbirth. Feedback form

So that the process of giving birth to the world goes without complications, so that it is easier for the mother to endure the hardships associated with it, proper preparation for childbirth is very important. Of course, the necessary information can be obtained from more experienced friends or older relatives, but each organism requires an individual approach. Courses for pregnant women in Moscow and other cities are designed specifically for the personal training of future parents in a variety of aspects.

The program of courses for pregnant women includes psychological, physical, legal training

Doubts may arise - why attend special courses at all, if childbirth is a physiological process, conceived by nature? However, there are many factors that can complicate it, and some of the risks can be minimized through proper preparation.

  1. Correction of the process of the birth of a child is largely carried out thanks to the feelings of the woman in labor. If panic fear is added to them, the contractions are more painful. Therefore, one of the tasks of preparation is to inform a woman about all the processes that will occur to her, and the formation of moral readiness for them.
  2. Usually, childbirth is quite long, and during this time (most often several hours) the woman is very tired. To save energy, the expectant mother should have the skills to relax between contractions.
  3. Immediately after the birth of the child, the young mother is practically left alone with new problems, unknown and frightening, because the staff of the maternity hospital gives only the most necessary, basic information. You can also learn how to properly handle an infant during the course.
  4. Childbirth preparation school is also about communication with other pregnant women, discussion of problems, joint search for their solutions.
  5. Many institutions invite future fathers to study, especially if partner childbirth is expected.

Thus, various specialists are involved in the preparation of expectant mothers - obstetricians, psychologists, pediatricians, fitness instructors.

Childbirth preparation programs

As a rule, courses for expectant mothers consist of several blocks - both theoretical and practical.

  • psychological preparation. In order for a woman not to be afraid of pain and to be tuned in to success, various techniques are used - auto-training, visualization and others.
  • physical training, the purpose of which is to strengthen muscles, prepare the body for childbirth. For this, gymnastics is carried out in the classroom, sometimes yoga or special training in the pool is offered. Much attention is paid to breathing exercises, which will help to relax during contractions and save strength.
  • legal and organizational training. Women receive answers to questions about birth certificates, about paid childbirth, about the benefits they are entitled to, sick leave, and leave.
  • skills in dealing with children. Specialists of courses for pregnant women will tell you what you need to buy for the birth of a baby, how to establish breastfeeding, how to properly care for a newborn baby.

Paid and free courses for pregnant women in Moscow

It should be said right away that free attendance at courses is possible only with antenatal clinics, where the future woman in labor is registered, or in a maternity hospital, where she plans to give birth according to a birth certificate. In addition, attendance at classes is often included in the price of a pregnancy or childbirth contract. Well, you can choose a paid school both in medical institutions and in third-party centers.

Medical schools

  1. NTs them. Kulakova invites expectant mothers to attend classes on the topics most interesting to them. Among them, for example, pain relief, breastfeeding, postpartum rehabilitation and others. In addition, a comprehensive program is being implemented, consisting of 6 lessons, the cost is 7,000 rubles. It does not include yoga and exercise therapy, if desired, they are paid separately.
  2. Clinic them. Snegireva offers to take an online course with the participation of an obstetrician, perinatal psychologist and pediatrician. The full program includes six lessons, two per week; its cost is 6375 rubles. There are express programs, as well as classes specifically for dads.
  3. Maternity hospital number 4 conducts courses of psycho-preventive training, consisting of five sessions, which last 2-2.5 hours with a break. You can join them at any time, starting from 10 weeks. One lesson costs 1550 rubles, at this price both spouses can attend.
  4. Clinical hospital "Lapino"... The institution operates a School for Mothers, 1-3 lessons in which are included in pregnancy management contracts. The price of one lesson is 3000 rubles, but you can buy profitable subscriptions. The cost includes visiting two people (a future mother and one close relative).
  5. Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine implements the "Soft childbirth" system. Her main principle is that a woman gives birth as she wants and as it is convenient for her; doctors practically do not interfere in the process and only control it. One lesson costs 1340 rubles, individual - 2660 rubles. (home schooling is possible for a fee).

Breathing technique during childbirth

Third Party Schools

There are a lot of addresses of centers that do not provide medical services but offer courses for expectant mothers in Moscow, to name just a few.

  1. Center "Second Birth" operates on the basis of a sports and recreation complex, and therefore the program developed by its specialists is very extensive. This is a lecture course of eight lessons (one lecture - 1500 rubles), aqua gymnastics, fitball, yoga, breathing exercises, massage. The average cost of classes is from 800 to 1200 rubles.
  2. Family Center "Magic Child" offers several programs, including lectures and fitness. There are express courses, as well as special intensive courses "For busy mothers". The total cost of the program, consisting of 10 lessons, is 10,500 rubles. It includes one visit to the pool, for the rest of the fitness activities, if desired, you will have to pay extra.
  3. Club "New Life" offers several complexes. The basic course, consisting of 9 lessons, costs 13,000 rubles, of 3 lessons - 14,900 rubles. Both cycles include gymnastics, breathing exercises and thematic lectures.
  4. Center "Pearl"... A full cycle of 16 lessons costs 16,000 rubles. It includes a theoretical part (including a review of maternity hospitals) and a practical one - gymnastics, tennis (childbirth rehearsal). Thematic seminars are held on various aspects of pregnancy, motherhood, and family relations.

The Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population conducts free and awesome courses for pregnant women. I went to a bunch of different free events from commercial courses, shops, etc., but these courses are the most complete, high quality and useful ones.

You need to sign up about a month before the start, you need to start taking courses between 20 and 30 weeks of pregnancy. It so happened to me that I either take a vacation before maternity leave, or on the eve of the birth the next group starts. So I took a vacation and had a great time. Keep these temporal features in mind to avoid flying over.

The service has branches in different districts of Moscow, which is great. I'm not sure if this is possible, but in general, I went to 2 courses from this service in different areas and to different teachers, which is insanely happy)).

Therefore, I will write essentially 2 reviews in one.

1. Courses at metro Tekstilshchiki

Delightful courses, a concentrate of useful information. Very clear instructions, trained breathing, learned to swaddle, watched thematic films. Very useful topics, practical skills. There were a lot of medical aspects, it helped just unrealistic in terms of understanding all these things.

It is convenient that it takes about 15 minutes to walk from the metro, no more, you do not depend on ground transport. I highly recommend these courses, you will be much calmer and easier in childbirth after passing them.

And yes, here the emphasis is on childbirth, your preparation, the passage of lactation crises, etc.

In Tekstilshchiki groups start quite often, but if suddenly your deadline is running out, they conduct express groups for a fee.

Have with you: passport, notebook, pen, food, tea. There is a boiler with hot water, you can have a drink during the break, take tea bags from home. There is also a cooler.

2. Courses at metro Vykhino (Vykhino-Zhulebino branch), Volgogradsky prospect, 197

She took a course in the group of Vera Viktorovna. I liked it very much! Deep analysis, analyzed in great detail the stages of a child's development. I understood a lot about myself and where these or those problems and traits come from (it is clear that from childhood, but it becomes clear where the failure was). Complete psychoanalytic course.

Here the emphasis is on upbringing, on building relationships with the child, mainly on what will happen after childbirth and how to properly build relationships with the child, so that later he does not roll on the floor in the shops and so as not to be hysterical in different cases.

Directions (from the metro by bus for 15 minutes + 5 minutes on foot): metro Vykhino, cross to the other side of the road (stop is the leftmost one) and take bus 209 to the final "138 kv.Vykhina". Cross the zebra to the other side and go a little to the left past the sports box. Then you need to go around the house and you came. Dark blue grating at the entrance and a bunch of landmark steps.

I think both of these courses are extremely important, they are completely different. Some are more about physiology, the other about education. And nowhere on the Internet have I found such complete information.

Courses last about a month, classes 1-2 times a week for 3 hours. They have a website and a contact group. In addition to courses for pregnant women, all departments conduct trainings on various topics. And in this service you can get up to 10 individual consultations of a psychologist per year, which is also very cool.

3. Not only for pregnant women: Also in Moscow there is a free telephone number of this service 051, you can call in emergency situations and get advice from a psychologist.

PS: There must be a residence permit in Moscow, keep in mind.

All my reviews on pregnancy:

1. Courses for pregnant women / preparation for childbirth - Moscow service of psychological assistance to the population - I highly recommend. Chic!

2. Meeting for expectant mothers to Babadu "Two in one", Moscow - you can go for gifts

3. Pillow for pregnant women Mom's Choice - very useful at 9 months

4. Free master classes in Olant, Moscow - I recommend walking

5. Bfree master classes: Academy of Reasonable Motherhood, Moscow - I didn't like it

The advantages of preparing for natural childbirth with a specialist from our center are individual selection of the program, support at all stages of pregnancy, easy childbirth without pain.

Our school for expectant mothers provides mothers with all the basic knowledge that can be useful during pregnancy, in the maternity hospital, as well as during the first time after arriving home. We consider an important goal of our activity to help pregnant women get rid of fears and worries. We provide a body of knowledge that embraces the experience of many generations of women, and which is difficult to accumulate even over several births. With us, you will not only receive the necessary training to prepare for natural childbirth, but also make new friends, join a close, almost family-like team. Mothers who went through pregnancy and gave birth to babies with us now recommend us to their friends.

Our benchmark is natural childbirth! We will help you to give birth easily!

All our clients can take advantage of the excellent opportunity to choose a midwife-assistant in childbirth (they are also called Doula) in order to have a reliable assistant who will always support in resolving any prenatal problems, help determine the maternity hospital and the choice of a doctor. Our midwives also provide psychological support to pregnant women, carry out home care during the entire last month of pregnancy, accompany women to childbirth. The selection of the midwife is made by the pregnant woman herself in the process of observing our staff during the course. This makes it possible to choose exactly that specialist whom you can trust one hundred percent.

We help pregnant women to conclude a contract for natural, soft childbirth, this opportunity is provided on the basis of the maternity hospital №16 in Moscow. A special maternity ward is equipped in the form of a living room, this helps to reduce stress and stress from childbirth, while all the qualified personnel of the maternity hospital are always nearby, ready to provide the necessary assistance to the woman in labor. Such births take place in a comfortable environment, just like at home.

After giving birth, we do not leave mother and child unattended. Our paramedics will come to your home and take care of your child, much more attentively than a nurse from a children's clinic, who, unfortunately, often hurries from one baby to another. Our specialist will teach parents about massage, gymnastics, basic childcare procedures, show how to properly perform hardening procedures and much, much more.

Our classes to prepare the body for natural childbirth

Fitness for pregnant women is a set of special exercises for preparing the body for natural childbirth, which are selected individually and adjusted by a doctor in accordance with medical indications and the woman's well-being. The goal is to strengthen the body before childbirth, improve blood oxygenation, and prevent early aging of the placenta.

Check out how to prepare your body for natural childbirth.

We conduct for pregnant women, which helps to form the ability to breathe correctly and rhythmically during childbirth, not to lose breath and not break into a cry. The ability to breathe correctly makes it possible to relax and trust your body, to be sure that during childbirth, nature itself will tell you the best tactics.

Training sites in each district are located close to metro stations, so they are easy to reach, you can find a convenient route and even periodically change sites if necessary. Classes are held in small groups of no more than seven people, thanks to which even shy women feel free. In addition, individual lessons at home are possible if, for some reason, the pregnant woman is not advised to travel a long distance (for example, in the last stages of pregnancy, in conditions of prolonged ice).

Many groups of pregnant women have already been released by us, they have appreciated the effectiveness of training sessions for natural childbirth, which take place under the close supervision of qualified doctors and psychologists of our center. We invite you to attend a free trial lesson in the pregnancy center "Me, Mom, Dad"! A friendly team of mothers is waiting for you!