Facial rejuvenation at home - is a quick result possible? Facial rejuvenation at home: quick results for everyone

Modern cosmetology can hardly be called a separate industry. It is closely related to pharmacy and physiology, so every woman at any age can choose the best way for herself how to rejuvenate her face.

Experts offer techniques for any wallet: you can do a skin massage yourself at home or use modern and, frankly, more effective procedures to regain your youth and beauty. But don't go to extremes.

Like any other organ, the skin of the face undergoes certain age-related changes. The main task of cosmetology is to suspend this process. However, not all methods are universal. Girls under 30 do not need to rejuvenate their face at all; it is enough to use creams enriched with vitamins, means for removing makeup and washing, tonics, cleansing and moisturizing masks.

After 30 years, special care is required for the skin on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth. It is these areas that are prone to the formation of mimic wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise peels, scrubs, at home it is necessary to regularly do acupressure rejuvenating facial massage. This is a fairly effective technique, which consists in smoothing the skin along the acupuncture lines and affecting active energy points.

A striking example of this technique is facial rejuvenation using the Japanese Shiatsu massage. Recently, Tibetan healing procedures have become especially popular.

In accordance with them, it is impossible to return youth and beauty without gaining inner harmony. The teaching of yoga is based on this statement, acupuncture is closely connected with energy flows. Experts confirm that these methods of recovery are quite effective, but after 40 years, facial rejuvenation requires more serious cosmetic interventions. These are peels, resurfacing, mesotherapy and other methods.

Skin after 50 requires special attention. Changes in hormonal levels, lifestyle, metabolic disorders provoke the rapid appearance of signs of aging. At this age, hardware cosmetology is very popular. They do laser resurfacing, deep peels, injections to smooth out the contour of the face. But sometimes a quick result can only be obtained with the help of plastic surgery.


This is an injection method of injecting certain drugs subcutaneously directly into problem areas. As a rule, collagen, elastin and their mixtures (cocktails) with vitamins and minerals necessary for the skin are used for this purpose. Injections are given using syringes with a very thin needle (the injection depth usually does not exceed 6 mm). Sometimes a special mesoinjector device is used for the procedure, which is characterized by a high dosage accuracy of the drug, which is used to rejuvenate the face.

In recent years, non-injection mesotherapy has become widespread. This method is safer, since the introduction of active ingredients into the deep layers of the skin is carried out using special devices that emit magnetic waves that expand the pores, which ensures the rapid penetration of drugs into problem areas. Sometimes, instead of magnetic waves, an oxygen flow is used, with the help of which the active substances of drugs penetrate deep into the epidermis. This method is called oxygen mesotherapy.

A gentle method of rejuvenation is considered to be microinjection of biologically active components into problem areas, observing a certain interval. This method is called fractional mesotherapy. As a result of mesotherapy, blood flow and metabolism in the cells of the epidermis is activated, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases. But the effectiveness of this technique depends on the depth of the wrinkles. With the changes that have just begun, cosmetologists guarantee a quick result. But with pronounced violations of the contour of the face, the effect of the procedure will not be so noticeable. On average, facial rejuvenation using the method of mesotherapy consists of 7-10 visits to the beautician with a break of 4-6 days.


In terms of technique, biorevitalization is similar to mesotherapy. This is a very effective non-surgical method for restoring the contour of the face and eliminating wrinkles using hyaluronic acid injections. This compound is synthesized in the body and at a young age it is present in sufficient quantities in the cells of the epidermis, but over time its concentration gradually decreases, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Injection of hyaluronic acid promotes the production of collagen and elastin. An alternative to the use of the drug is laser exposure to the skin, as a result of which the compound is absorbed from the surface layers of the epidermis. The advantage of the procedure is a wide range of effectiveness. At an early age, biorevitalization prevents the formation of wrinkles, eliminates scars, age spots and other skin defects.


Facial rejuvenation with this method consists in the injection of plasma enriched with platelet mass. For the "preparation" of the drug, they use their own venous blood, which eliminates the risk of injections and allergic reactions. In addition, during processing, the plasma is saturated with vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Therefore, after the introduction of the drug, an active process of regeneration of epidermal cells begins, the condition of the vessels improves. As a result of the procedure, the oval of the face is tightened, fine and deep wrinkles are smoothed out. Unlike mesotherapy, only 2-3 procedures are enough to achieve the desired effect.

3D mesothreads

For the first time such facial rejuvenation was proposed in cosmetic clinics in South Korea, and only relatively recently did this technique appear in Russia. For the procedure, synthetic 3D mesothreads coated with polyglycogenic acid are used. Using an ultra-thin elastic needle, they are inserted under the skin of the face in accordance with the previously applied markings. The needle is pulled out, and the thread remains in the underlying layers of the epidermis.

After a while, it dissolves, but the effect of the procedure lasts for 4.5-5 years. Facial rejuvenation using this method is combined with other skin care treatments. In one session, you can completely correct the contour of the face, and there are no traces of injections left. However, the cost of this fight against age-related changes ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Contour plastic

The essence of this technique is to "fill" age folds on the face and wrinkles with special preparations (they are called fillers) based on hyaluronic acid. As a result of the procedure, the relief of the facial skin is smoothed, various defects are eliminated, and elasticity is restored.

Contouring is carried out using blunt needles that push the tissue apart without damaging them. Preparations for the procedure are selected individually. Some are used exclusively in reconstructive cosmetology to recover from injuries, burns, or other injuries. The disadvantages of contouring include a short-lived result. The session must be repeated after 4-5 months.

Laser resurfacing

Facial rejuvenation is carried out using a laser beam on the upper layers of the skin. As a result, they, roughly speaking, evaporate and are replaced by young new cells.

Blood flow and saturation of the epidermis with nutrients are activated. But after laser resurfacing, small wrinkles are smoothed, but this method is suitable for eliminating scars and scars.

Previously, a CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser was used for this procedure, but erbium and fraxel lasers are considered more modern, therefore, before making an appointment with a cosmetologist, you should clarify which equipment is installed in the clinic.


Light impulses penetrate deep into tissues by several millimeters. Thus, the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated in the cells of the skin of the face, bacteria are destroyed - the main cause of acne and pustular rash, age-related pigmentation passes, capillary stars disappear.

Facial rejuvenation using this method can be performed in various ways:

  • using a neodymium laser;
  • IPL using beams of light with a predetermined intensity;
  • Elos, the essence of technology consists in a combination of photo and electrical effects;
  • collagen, which consists in a targeted stimulating effect on the synthesis of collagen fibers.

The procedure is safe and painless, but a long rehabilitation period is required after it. It is necessary to avoid contact with direct sunlight, give up smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of decorative cosmetics for 6-7 days. Only the products recommended by the beautician are applied to the skin.

Radio wave lifting

Radio wave, as well as ultrasonic lifting, are referred to as non-invasive methods of facial skin rejuvenation. Before starting the procedure, a special gel is applied, which facilitates the conduction of radio wave pulses.

As a result of the activation of metabolic processes, fine wrinkles are smoothed, the thickness of fat deposits on the face is reduced, and the skin color is improved.

Radio wave lifting is the best option for rejuvenation at a relatively young age (up to 40 years) when the first signs of aging appear. Women after 50 years of age will need about 8 sessions to achieve the result.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is a safe way to actively saturate epidermal cells with oxygen. As a result of this effect, the metabolic rate increases, the water balance of the skin is restored, toxic metabolic products are removed, the regeneration of damaged tissues is activated, and the work of cellular immunity improves. For facial rejuvenation, subcutaneous injections of ozone-containing preparations are made.

LPG massage

This effect consists in a combination of roller and vacuum massage. This combination provides a drainage effect, accelerates lymph flow, helps to smooth wrinkles and overall health of the facial skin. The procedure is carried out in a beauty parlor using a special apparatus. LPG massage is absolutely safe, but less effective compared to mesotherapy and other rejuvenation methods.

Pharmacy products for facial rejuvenation: a list of the most effective drugs

To postpone the appearance of wrinkles as long as possible, drugs that are sold in every pharmacy are used for facial care. Moreover, their cost will be much lower than the advertised cosmetics. It is necessary to select drugs taking into account the type of skin and the expected result.

To stimulate microcirculation in the capillaries and improve blood supply, the following medicines are suitable:

  • Heparin ointment. The main component of the remedy is the strongest anticoagulant heparin. It restores the rheological properties of blood, accelerates its movement through the vessels of the subcutaneous tissue. As a result, edema disappears very quickly, capillary stars disappear.
  • Solcoseryl gel. The main indication for the use of the drug is the acceleration of reparative processes in the skin. Due to the stimulation of blood flow, the use of this agent has a pronounced anti-aging effect.
  • Lyoton. Usually the gel is indicated for varicose veins. But with regular use as a mask or makeup base, it helps to smooth wrinkles and form the correct face contour.

The following pharmacy products for face rejuvenation will help to saturate the skin with nutrients:

  • Retinoic ointment. Contains a synthetic analogue of vitamin A, which is quickly and fully absorbed by skin cells, providing anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.
  • Retinol acetate. This is the same vitamin A, but comes in capsules. The inside of the gelatinous shell contains an oily liquid. The shell is pierced and simply squeezed out and applied to the face.
  • We see, a complete analogue of retinoic ointment, is used in the same way.
  • Retinol palmitate. The composition completely coincides with retinol acetate in capsules, but it is available in liquid form. The annotations recommend taking the product orally, but cosmetologists use it either to add to creams for daily care or in pure form for application to the skin.
  • Fish oil is the main source of ω-3 unsaturated fatty acids. You can buy Vitamin E-supplemented fish oil capsules or use an oil solution to treat your skin. Moreover, the price of such funds is much lower than nourishing creams - from 50 to 70 rubles.
  • Tocopherol acetate. It is vitamin E, which accelerates metabolic processes, improves tissue regeneration, and strengthens the capillary walls. For external use, it is more convenient not capsules, but an oil solution.
  • Vietnamese balm "Zvezdochka". Contains a whole complex of plant components (menthol, essential oil of eucalyptus, cloves, mint, cinnamon, camphor, rosehip extract). The combination of these ingredients is a powerful vitamin cocktail for epidermal cells. But the ointment cannot be applied to the area of ​​the eyes and mucous membranes, in addition, it is categorically contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

To moisturize the skin, any pharmacy facial rejuvenation products with vitamin F are suitable.

This is Libriderm cream oily or semi-oily, ointment 911. In addition, all of the listed oil solutions with vitamins A and E restore the lipid layer and prevent moisture loss.

To prevent premature aging of the skin, it is very important to have an adequate supply of oxygen to the cells of the epidermis.

Without it, the course of metabolic processes, maintenance of turgor and water balance is impossible. Residents of megacities are especially susceptible to hypoxia.

Therefore, the so-called oxygen cosmetics, which contain components that ensure its rapid delivery to cells, have become widespread. These are aquaftem, perfodecalin, coenzymes and other substances.

In Russia, the term oxygen cosmetics is associated with the Faberlic company, but now all companies specializing in the production of skin care products produce similar products.

And it can be not only creams and serums. A quick rejuvenating effect is provided by the use of ampoules with solutions that saturate the skin with oxygen. They are not used constantly, but in courses several times a year.

You can pick up means for rejuvenating the skin of the face, contributing to a noticeable smoothing of wrinkles, these are:

  • Blepharogel, which contains hyaluronic acid, aloe juice and glycerin. Contrary to the instructions for use, it can be applied not only on the eyelids, but also on the entire face, especially on the area of ​​formation of mimic wrinkles.
  • Eye drops Taufon and an analogue of the drug - Taurine. They contain the substance taurine, which stimulates regenerative, energetic and metabolic processes in cells, normalizes the functioning of cell membranes, and restores electrolyte balance. It is simple to use the drug: the required amount of solution is squeezed out of the bottle and rubbed onto the skin of the face.
  • Panthenol. The drug accelerates the repair processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps to moisturize the skin and smooth wrinkles.
  • Relief ointment. This product contains shark oil, which has a complex effect on the cells of the epidermis. It saturates them with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, stimulates active tissue regeneration, which helps to remove wrinkles and restore youthfulness and beauty to the skin.
  • Curiosin. Contains hyaluronic acid, which is actively used for biorevitalization and other salon rejuvenating procedures.

Despite the fact that all these drugs are used only externally, attention should be paid to possible contraindications. If you have doubts about the safety of a medicine, you should consult a doctor before using pharmacy products for facial rejuvenation. Apply them twice a day to previously cleansed skin and leave until completely absorbed. Excess drug can be blotted with a paper towel.

Lactic acid, which is sold in veterinary pharmacies, can replace salon peels. Instead, drops of Hilak Forte are suitable, they are added to a hypoallergenic cream at the rate of 10 drops per 30 ml. The result of the procedure is noticeable immediately. Age spots fade, wrinkles are smoothed, complexion improves.

Facial rejuvenation at home: massage techniques, recipes for masks and scrubs

Facial massage and gymnastics using Japanese techniques has a magical effect. To carry out the procedure, it is not necessary to visit the salon, you can do it yourself at home. Enough 10-15 minutes several times a week to smooth out wrinkles, smooth out the contours of the oval of the face.

The massage is carried out with light pressing movements along the acupuncture lines. Knead the area of ​​the forehead, eyelids, cheeks, chin, nasolabial folds. The procedure improves blood flow in the cells of the skin of the face, removes fat deposits in the cheeks and chin, smoothes expression lines, fights against age-related changes in the contours of the lips, nose and cheeks.

At the same time, the massage is combined with all cosmetics for cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. The result is improved if these techniques are combined with gymnastics for the face. Peeling is an integral part of the complex care. You can prepare a composition for deep cleansing of pores at home.

To do this, use the following recipes:

  • Peel the cucumber and grate it, transfer the resulting mass to cheesecloth and squeeze the juice. Then grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender. Mix a teaspoon of oatmeal and finely ground sea salt, add cucumber juice until a creamy mass is obtained.
  • Take ground coffee in equal proportions (brand and shelf life, and even more so the price does not matter) and rice flour. Dilute with 1% kefir or heavy cream (for skin prone to dryness).
  • Take a handful of cranberries, crush and mix with a few milliliters of almond oil and powdered oatmeal. Add a few tablespoons of granulated sugar just before the peeling. You can enhance the effectiveness of the product using mandarin or orange essential oil.
  • Grind dried peels of orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit. Mix with kefir, sour cream, yogurt or cream, observing the rule: the drier the skin, the fatter the peeling base.

Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to steam the skin in a water bath. To do this, use a decoction of chamomile, sage or mint.

To nourish the skin with nutrients, improve its color and give a healthy look, rejuvenating the face at home with the help of masks is suitable. You can smooth out wrinkles using such drugs.

Dimexide is diluted with cooled boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. Then a cotton pad is moistened in this mixture and wiped on the face. Then Solcoseryl gel is applied to the skin and left for about an hour, and the product is washed off. For express rejuvenation, 10 procedures are recommended, one every three days.

Dimexide and Solcoseryl should not be used under the eyes and on the skin above the upper lip to avoid irritation.

A mask based on essential oils and flowers has an excellent result. Take dried chrysanthemum petals, grind them and mix with mashed boiled beans. This product is based on a combination of flaxseed oil and a few drops of geranium essential oil. Stir 1 yolk, a tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of buckwheat flour. Add viburnum juice to this mixture. Such a mask has a rejuvenating effect.

Steam the carrots until half cooked, then grate them on a fine grater. Add olive oil, honey, lemon juice and oatmeal until smooth, creamy. These products, which carry out facial rejuvenation at home, are recommended to be used once a week. The mixture is left on the skin for 10-15 minutes, and then washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream is applied.

For the return of youth and beauty, you can use the advice of aromatherapists. Experts recommend enriching everyday creams and tonics for skin care with essential oils, adding them to facial moisturizing sprays, and water for washing. A good result is wiping the skin with aromatic ice (mix a few drops of oil with water and freeze in special molds). Masks are also prepared with the addition of essential oils.

As a basis, use:

  • Fruit and vegetable purees.
  • Macadamia and jojoba oil.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Dairy products.

The following oils are added to a teaspoon of the base:

  • vetiver - 3 drops;
  • ylang-ylang - 3 drops;
  • cypress - 2 drops;
  • myrrh - 2 drops;
  • mint - 3 drops;
  • neroli - 2 drops;
  • sandalwood - 2 drops;
  • roses - 2 drops.

Essential oils cannot be used in their pure form, as this can cause skin burns.

Facial Rejuvenation Products: Herbs and Vitamins

It is not necessary to go to the pharmacy or apply expensive creams, serums and masks to restore the blooming appearance of aging skin, smooth wrinkles and correct facial contours.

You can use the healing power of medicinal plants. Sage, aloe juice, basil, black currant leaves stimulate the processes of tissue regeneration. Saturate epidermal cells and have a moisturizing effect with mint and linden blossom.

Birch leaves and calendula flowers can remove wrinkles and relieve inflammation. Rowan, Rhodiola rosea, parsley, hop cones tone up aging skin.

Compresses with a decoction of these plants, steam procedures are used as a means for rejuvenating the skin of the face. You can simply mix butter with chopped herbs. Masks are also prepared. In equal proportions, take mint and dandelion leaves, grind and mix with honey and a beaten egg.

Instead of a tonic for wiping the skin, a decoction of rose hips is recommended (a tablespoon in a glass of boiling water). Vitamin complexes will help to improve the effectiveness of the product for rejuvenating the skin of the face. You can use preparations with a carefully selected composition, for example, Merz dragees, preparations from the Doppelherz series or Ladys Formula.

When choosing a medicine, you must ensure that they include:

  • B vitamins.
  • Retinol.
  • Tocopherol acetate.
  • Biotin.
  • Vitamin D.
  • Niacin.
  • Vitamin K.

Such drugs are taken in courses of 1-2 months several times a year. Such support is especially needed in early spring and late autumn, when the body is prone to vitamin deficiency and frequent viral diseases.

But no means for skin rejuvenation will help without dietary changes. Fresh vegetables and fruits must be on the table; it is better to use olive, sesame or linseed oil for dressing salads. It is necessary to consume fish and other foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

A prerequisite is compliance with the drinking regime (at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day), limiting coffee and quitting smoking. A healthy and active lifestyle, nutrition and the correct selection of skin care products will eliminate the need to search the Internet for clinics that perform plastic surgery.

I present to your attention an article on the topic: “Facial skin rejuvenation at home. Fast result. " The article was prepared by our reader, checked and tested by me (I am 57 years old), as well as many women from my environment. Vasinika structured the data and we are happy to share the methodology with you.

VASINIKA. 35 years. Moscow city

An article on the topic "Rejuvenation at home" was created by me based on the material I read / studied on the Internet!

In no case should you use any of the products listed below if you are allergic / contraindicated to any of the components of any product!

Please note that my skin, once a mixed type, has turned into dry skin with pronounced expression lines.

I have studied the material of this article and many more materials on the topic of rejuvenation at home. I give preference to this particular article, where the opinions of people with different problems and different results are collected, therefore I strongly recommend analyzing it yourself, and not relying on my isolated experience. Here is a link to the discussion http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4819590/post250125941/

Below is a table for the first month of intensive skin rejuvenation to achieve quick results! It is not necessary to apply everything in the same amount after the first month !!! You simply deprive your skin of the ability to figure out what's what!

Here I will briefly describe the most important points and tell you about my experience using this technique.

So, what does our skin need to stay fresh, young and beautiful as long as possible?

1. Purification

I prefer to use oatmeal to cleanse my skin. We grind ordinary oatmeal purchased in a store in a coffee grinder or blender. You do not need to grind, but in this case there is a small risk of injury to the skin. How to wash with oatmeal? We take a small handful of ground oatmeal, hold it in a fist and hold it under a stream of warm water (10-15 seconds is enough) until the oatmeal is saturated with water. Then rub on the palms and apply to the face, rub gently on the skin like a regular cleanser. Do not forget about the neck - this procedure is extremely useful for the neck. Oatmeal removes makeup perfectly!

Important: if there are any skin problems, oatmeal "pulls" them to the surface. The face can "bloom" as in youth. The main thing is not to quit the procedures and in a month and a half you will be able to get rid of them. If you use oatmeal wash all the time, it is likely that you will get rid of skin problems forever.

My experience: my face "bloomed" after a week of washing my face with oatmeal. After 4 weeks, it became as clean as a baby 🙂

2. Facial peeling

Peeling is the removal of dead skin cells by exfoliation. Since the life cycle of skin cells is 28 days, it is recommended to carry out the procedure once a month. If it is not carried out at all, then there is a risk of clogging the pores and slowing down the delivery of nutrients to the skin cells.

Decide which peeling to choose - there are plenty of ways. I prefer to use currants, thanks to the same discussion article. Just to quote:

“Red currants are excellent for peeling similar to cosmetic alpha hydroxy acids (ANA). There are almost as many of them in the currant as in the prof. cosmetics, but they act on the skin softer due to the naturalness and the presence of tannins. keep the juice on your face for no longer than 5 minutes, you can do the procedures for 2-3 days in a row, but it would be better to have 4-5 procedures every other day. "

My experience: I just froze the currants and do the peeling procedure once a month. The skin becomes smoother, the complexion is evened out. !)

3. Improvement of skin microcirculation

A number of factors of age-related changes depend on the state of the microvasculature, such as complexion, skin moisture, depth of wrinkles, presence of pastiness, and gravitational deformation of the face.

To improve the microcirculation of the skin, Lyoton 1000 is perfect, as well as Finalgon (more about it below), Troxevasin and creams with leeches. I only use Lyoton 1000, read about other tools in the same article. By the way, Lyoton perfectly relieves puffiness.

My experience: despite the fact that it is present in the table every day, now I use it less often, about 2-3 times a week, as a mask. If your skin accepts Lyoton well, it can be applied daily - on the eyes of Curiosin, on the face of Lyoton in the morning and in the evening as part of an intensive course.

4. Improving the blood supply to the skin

To improve blood supply as part of the skin rejuvenation course, Capsicam and Finalgon are used. You need to be very careful with Capsicam! Capsicam is never used in its pure form - you risk getting a severe burn! It is added in very small amounts to face cream. I use it like this: in a sufficient amount of Lyoton 1000 I add Capsicam on a toothpick, even less than a match head. Stir well and apply all over the face, including the skin around the eyes. Get ready - it will burn! The face may turn red, but after 15-20 minutes the redness will go away. Perform the procedure when you don't need to go anywhere. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes. After our skin is "invigorated", it needs to be nourished. It is advisable to carry out the procedure no more than once a month. In my table, the procedure falls on Sunday, but I know for myself that this is the last Sunday of the month 🙂

Important: if there are the slightest problems with the vessels of the skin of the face (spider veins, etc.), it is better to limit yourself to Lyoton 1000.

My experience: for my face, this procedure gives just a gorgeous effect! I even advise you to take a photo "before" and "after". Since everything together will take almost 4 hours, please be patient. First, we cleanse the skin, then “invigorate”, then nourish. Take this time for yourself, the result will not be long in coming.

5. Facial skin nutrition

Vitamin A (I take a bottle of Retinol acetate from the pharmacy) - nourishes, improves skin regeneration, almost instantly smoothes wrinkles due to a slight swelling of the dermis.

Vitamin E (in the pharmacy - Alpha-tocopherol acetate) - nutrition + antioxidant protection.

Panthenol spray (vitamin B5) - accelerates cell division (increased reparative capacity).

How to use? I use it after procedures to improve blood circulation and microcirculation. Before that, of course, purification. Apply on face for 2-3 hours, then rinse off. I apply vitamin A all over the face, including the skin around the eyes - wrinkles are smoothed out instantly! Vitamins can be used every other day, say, today vitamin A, tomorrow - vitamin E, and so on. You can just buy Aevit at the pharmacy, I needed two capsules for the whole face, including the neck.

Important: do not leave vitamin A on your face overnight, there will be swelling in the morning!

My experience: I mix vitamin A and vitamin E, add a few drops of Jojoba oil, and apply it all over my face for 3 hours. Then I wash off and apply Panthenol without rinsing. The first month I did the procedure almost every day. Then 2 times a week, alternating vitamins. For a month (praise to the whole complex), the deep mimic wrinkle at the corner of the lips disappeared, the wrinkles on the forehead smoothed out, and in front of my eyes I practically do not find wrinkles 🙂

6. Moisturizing facial skin

Moisturizing facial skin is essential for rejuvenation! It is important for us to preserve our own moisture, especially for the skin under the eyes. Castor oil is excellent for this (also sold in the pharmacy, like everything else). Castor oil is not a completely safe drug, therefore it is better to test it on a separate area of ​​the skin before using it and read contraindications on the Internet. Castor oil creates a film on the face that prevents moisture from evaporating. For dry skin, perfect hydration.

Important: do not leave castor oil all over your face overnight, in the morning there may be swelling due to absorption of moisture from the environment.

My experience: I use castor oil according to the sensations, sometimes I smear it every day and keep it on my face for 1 hour or more. Very often at first, since the skin was very dry, now everything is fine. If the skin does not dry out, I apply it once a week for prophylaxis. In my table, I only note what day and how much I kept castor oil on my face. By the way, castor oil works great on hair growth, so be careful in the area above the lip)) If you apply castor oil locally to eyebrows and eyelashes once a week at night, after a month you will have to trim them 🙂

7. Improving the absorption of oxygen by the skin

Solcoseryl (ointment) is a deproteinized calf blood extract. Increases collagen synthesis, stimulates cellular respiration, oxygen cosmetics are built on the same principle. The effect is not immediately noticeable. After regular use of Solcoseryl to rejuvenate the facial skin at home, the skin seems to glow from the inside.

My experience: For me, the ideal recipe for using Solcoseryl is - I mix 1 cm of ointment with a night cream + drops of sweet orange oil and apply at night. Fresh as a May rose in the morning). By the way, if you smear your heels with Solcoseryl once a week, you can forget about pumice. (thanks article!)

8. Smoothing and straightening of wrinkles

Curiosin gel - it contains hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is already contained in our skin, it is she who is responsible for regulating the water balance in the skin tissues, and, therefore, plays an important role in the firmness and elasticity of the skin of the face. Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the Curiosin preparation, fills wrinkles and normalizes the water balance of the skin, thanks to which it becomes elastic and smooth again. We smear curiosin on the skin (around the eyes completely) in the morning and in the evening, both independently and under any cream. If you need it all over your face, use 2 tubes of gel daily until you run out. If only for problem areas - one tube will be enough, then you can use it as needed.

Sweet orange oil (available at the pharmacy) - acts like botox, but the facial expressions persist. The effect is not very noticeable at first, but over time I noticed that my forehead no longer wants to turn into an accordion during any emotion. My face is now more relaxed in mimicry. We use it daily at night, adding drop by drop to the night cream. If unpleasant sensations arise on the skin, then apply over the cream, slapping the oil.

My experience: I am delighted with one and the other. I smear curiosin only on the eyes, forehead and nasolabials. I wrote above that the effect is noticeable! Orange oil is just a panacea for my facial expressions.

9. Face masks

Masks can be done daily. Any that you like and suit you. It makes no sense to dwell on this point, since every woman has her own favorite recipes, plus everything, there are a lot of them on the Internet. Personally, I rarely make masks and mainly from improvised means. When the skin dries up, I just put on sour cream for 20 minutes, when cleansing is needed, I make a mask of oatmeal with chamomile. I also wipe my skin with a cucumber and go to the dacha with a berry on my face. It all depends on your desire and the needs of your skin. In the table I write which mask and when I do it.

10. Gymnastics for the face

Gymnastics for me, like that of the author of the article, is the simplest - A-O-U-I-N-E. The muscles on the face are arranged in much the same way as on the whole body, therefore, pumping up the muscles of the face, we thereby keep the skin in good shape, while simultaneously tightening it. Perhaps I will write a separate article about this, if any of the readers is interested. In the meantime, choose for yourself any version of anti-aging gymnastics, there is a lot of information on the Internet. In the table, I put pluses if I manage to do gymnastics on any day. I try to do it every day.

11. Facial massage for skin rejuvenation

My favorite types of massage are facial massage with spoons and vacuum facial massage. I usually do it after gymnastics in order to simultaneously relax my muscles after exercise. There are many videos on Youtube on this topic. It is better to carry out vacuum massage in a course of 10 procedures every other day - but very carefully, it is better to first learn the technique. Spoon massage can be done daily. I devote one minute to each zone, I do two circles. In total, 12 minutes is obtained, which is quite enough. I do it with oils and greasy masks, since my skin is dry. I do it during the A + E nutrition procedure, or in cold filtered coconut oil (my skin is very supportive of it). If the skin is oily, use talcum powder - but in no case massage on dry skin - you will simply stretch it.

I have compiled a spreadsheet for myself, which I print once a week. Above, I have already described the effect of all drugs and the recommended dosages, so the table contains only the names of the drugs and my personal schedule of their use. To the left of the drugs, I indicated their effect on the skin of the face and the main purpose of the drugs.

FACE Mon W Wed NS Fri Sat Sun
From wrinkles. Treats blackheads and blackheads Curiosin morning and evening morning and evening morning and evening morning and evening morning and evening morning and evening morning and evening
Nutrition. Regenerates, moisturizes Aevit for 2 hours for 2 hours after capsicam with lyoton
Moisturizing. For burns and as a laxative Castor oil
Nutrition. Wounds, burns, regenerates Panthenol after aevit after aevit after Aevit
Oxygen. Collagen synthesis, regenerates. Burns, frostbite Solcoseryl solcoseryl + cream + orange FOR THE NIGHT
Microcirculation. Relieves puffiness, pain, bruises Lyoton as a mask for 20-30 minutes an hour before the night cream, wash off as a mask for 20-30 minutes an hour before the night cream, wash off as a mask for 20-30 minutes in capsics
From wrinkles. Pain relief, in PM and menstrual Orange solcoseryl + cream + orange FOR THE NIGHT in night cream in night cream solcoseryl + cream + orange FOR THE NIGHT in night cream in night cream in night cream
Circulation. Pain reliever, warming up. Capsicam in lyoton for 15 minutes

Author's Notes:

  • We clean / start the circulation processes / feed / moisturize. All the procedures in the list are not required, the order in the care is important.
  • Do not leave the oil overnight - there will be swelling. You can only use orange oil in cream and castor oil locally on the eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • I found Panthenol with hyaluronic acid in the pharmacy - it can replace Curiosin on the whole face, I advise you not to apply it to the skin around the eyes, it is better to apply Curiosin.
  • Anything that you smear on your face - smear the rest on the skin of your hands! Pens will only say thank you!
  • "Listen" to your skin! It is not at all necessary to observe everything strictly, listen to the sensations. Your skin will tell you what it needs.

Ask your questions in the comments, share your experience!

.In addition to the complex:

  • Facial massage with spoons
  • Vacuum facial massage
  • Darsonvalization of the face

A woman is beautiful at any age. But if it so happens that the reflection in the mirror has ceased to please, the face has acquired a tired and sluggish look, it is time to urgently take action and save your attractiveness. No matter how skillful the makeup is, it is very difficult to hide problematic tired skin.

It is the skin that gives out the woman's age, and sometimes mercilessly adds extra years. There are many time-tested ways to rejuvenate the skin.

These are all kinds of creams, compresses, masks, anti-aging massages and other procedures that may well be carried out at home.

There are a few rules that you should follow to keep you looking fresh and beautiful for years to come.

Healthy sleep, at least 8 hours. You need to sleep in a cool room, if possible with an open window. For 8 hours of sound sleep, the body rests, the face transforms and looks rejuvenated.

Makeup remover. It is imperative to wash off cosmetics before going to bed. Pores closed by the decay products of decorative cosmetics are a source of skin infections. Oxygen does not enter the deeper layers of the skin, which invariably adversely affects its appearance.

The face needs to be nourished regularly. If you use factory-made cosmetic creams, then in the evening you need to apply nutrients, and moisturizers in the morning. It is desirable that the day cream contains substances that protect the skin from aggressive environmental influences.

The choice of cosmetics must be strictly appropriate for the age group. Never use outdated cosmetics.

Drink clean water. Dehydrated skin looks aged and flabby, so don't forget to drink water throughout the day.

To walk outside. From constant stay in office premises or at home, the skin suffers greatly and ages quickly. In order to look young and fresh, you need to walk for at least a couple of hours every day, and spend the weekend enjoying active rest.

Skin is a mirror of health

All, even the smallest changes in the state of health, are immediately reflected in the appearance. Constant rashes can indicate problems with the intestines and liver, increased fat content can be caused by endocrine disorders.

Complexion always reflects the degree of inner health.

In order to look good, you need to be periodically examined and treated on time. It is very important to monitor your diet, eat a lot of seasonal vegetables and fruits, and saturate the body with vitamins.

Ambulance or unusual drug use

Regular aspirin can be used to rejuvenate the skin. It is best used in effervescent tablet form. We take such a pill and throw it into a bath of warm water. We enjoy warm water for 15 minutes. During this time, the skin is steamed, the pores open.

Aspirin in this form helps to get rid of toxins, makes the body soft and the face fresh.

And bags under the eyes will help hemorrhoid ointment. Apply a small amount of the product to problem areas, and after an hour you can enjoy the rejuvenated reflection in the mirror. You can apply this express method once every 2 weeks or before an important event.

You can eliminate small redness on the face and get rid of vascular networks with the help of vasoconstrictor drops from the common cold. Apply a little of the drug to a cotton pad, apply to the damaged area of ​​the skin for five minutes.

Home cryotherapy

Possesses ice. For the rejuvenation procedure, you need to make a decoction of chamomile, pour it into ice molds and freeze.

After washing your face in the morning, take out a cube of healing ice, wrap it with a cotton napkin and go over the massage lines of your face with stroking movements.

With regular use, the skin acquires a healthy color and well-groomed appearance.

Miracle cream

One of the most effective ways to make your skin youthful is to use a cream prepared with your own hands. To prepare it you will need:

Place the cream base in a suitable sterilized jar. Add all other ingredients, after carefully squeezing them out of the capsules. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass of pale pink color is obtained. Apply the resulting cream before going to bed with light movements along the massage lines of the face.

Very little cream is needed for one procedure, it is quite oily in structure and is consumed sparingly. After 15 minutes, blot the remaining cream with a clean napkin. Store the miracle cure in the refrigerator.

Natural masks have a pronounced rejuvenating effect. They need to be applied to a cleansed, steamed face for 20 minutes. The course of application is 15 procedures, then the composition of the mask needs to be changed. Apply masks every 2-3 days. Wash off the mask with cool water, then apply a nourishing cream.

Apple mood. To prepare this mask, you need to kill the sweet apple in a blender until puree. Add a tablespoon of melted butter, a teaspoon of honey and 1 yolk to it.

Yeast mask. Dilute a tablespoon of yeast in milk until thick sour cream, add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil and a teaspoon of honey.

Healing leaf. Mix a tablespoon of chopped plantain leaves with warm water, in a 1: 1 ratio. Add a teaspoon of honey to the resulting gruel.

Potato mask. Boil potatoes, mash with warm milk in mashed potatoes. Apply warm puree to the skin. This simple mask has a smoothing, anti-inflammatory, softening effect. With regular use, there is a good anti-aging effect.

Watch an interesting video on the topic of the article:

It is good to use all types of fruits as anti-aging masks. The vitamins and fruit acids they contain have a light peeling and lifting effect. As a result, your face shines, your bad mood goes away, and those around you stop admiring glances at you!

It is quite possible to rejuvenate the skin of the face and décolleté at home. The effect of regular procedures will be positive and fairly quick. However, in any case, it is best to first consult with a beautician.

Many modern women cannot imagine their life without such a procedure as facial rejuvenation. After reaching a certain age, the skin of the face begins to age - it loses moisture, dulls and subcutaneous fat decreases. As a result, wrinkles are formed. Therefore, it is so important for every woman to rejuvenate the skin of her face on time, because everyone dreams of being beautiful and well-groomed.

Recipes for face and décolleté rejuvenation at home

Facial rejuvenation can be done in different ways - either in the salon or at home. Facial rejuvenation at home involves recipes that usually use various natural and natural remedies. Such recipes bring positive and quick results.

  • Rejuvenation masks
  • Pharmacy oils for rejuvenation
  • Vitamins

Facial rejuvenation masks at home

Often, women use masks to rejuvenate their facial skin at home. They have many advantages, especially when compared to commercial products that contain many different preservatives and additives. There are several of the most common facial rejuvenation masks.

Herbal recipe

Facial rejuvenation with herbs can be done using the following mask. Have to take leaves of strawberry, plantain, yarrow, currant, linden... Grind and mix. Then 4 tbsp. mixtures are poured with a small amount of hot water. The result should be a gruel. It should be applied to the neck and face for 15 minutes. Such a mask for facial rejuvenation at home gives a quick result.

Milk recipe

A couple of tablespoons of flour are added to a little warm milk... The consistency of the mixture should be similar to sour cream. The yolk is added to it - everything is stirred and applied to the face. After 20 minutes it needs to be washed off with water, to which lemon juice is added. Thanks to this recipe, facial rejuvenation achieves the maximum effect.

Potato recipe

Facial rejuvenation using potatoes will help those with dry skin type. To do this, you need to boil the potatoes and make mashed potatoes. On the face it is applied warm for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The result of such a mask is getting rid of fine wrinkles.

Protein recipe

Chicken protein is whipped into a strong foam. 1 tsp is added to it. honey and 2 tsp. flour. Everything is kneaded and applied to the skin for 20 minutes. Then it is washed off with warm water. A similar recipe for facial rejuvenation at home allows you to quickly and easily get rid of expression lines and improve skin color.

Honey recipe

With the help of face masks with honey for rejuvenation, you can achieve a stunning effect. First, you can prepare a mask with honey and cinnamon. For this, these two ingredients are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. You can add 1 tsp. olive oil. You need to keep it for about 20 minutes.

A mask with honey and an egg is effective. You need to take 1 chicken egg and 1 tsp. honey. Apply a homogeneous mass for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water. Thirdly, a mask with honey and lemon, which smoothes fine lines of wrinkles. Take 1 tsp. honey and 2 tsp. lemon juice or pulp. The mixture is washed off with cold water.

Every woman can use similar recipes for facial rejuvenation, since the ingredients are available to everyone. Thus, facial rejuvenation at home largely depends on recipes and remedies.

Pharmacy oils for rejuvenation

In order to achieve effective facial rejuvenation with pharmaceutical preparations, it is necessary to study which specific oils can be used and how they affect the skin.

Rose oil

It restores cells, corrects the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles, makes the skin more elastic, eliminates age spots, and tones up aging skin. Such a pharmacy drug is used for face rejuvenation as follows - 3-5 drops of oil are added to a tonic or cream.

Rosemary oil

It promotes cell renewal and enhances blood circulation, as well as excellently fights the smallest wrinkles. The rosemary oil mask should be applied for 40 minutes.

Geranium oil

Geranium is a phytoestrogen. Especially it is worth paying attention to the oil from this plant for women who have passed the 40-year age limit. It will help restore elasticity and youthfulness to the face. Such a remedy is suitable for rejuvenating the skin of a sensitive type. It is recommended to add it to a fat cream and use this mixture as a mask. That is, apply on the face for 30 minutes, and remove the remnants with a napkin or towel.

Lactic acid

Its effect is cell renewal, which is especially important for aging skin. Lactic acid refreshes loose skin and smoothes fine wrinkles. It can be added to a cream, peel, or toner. If acid is added to cream or water, then it needs 20%, and if it is added to peeling, then up to 80% can be added.

Rosewood oil

The use of a product for rejuvenating the skin of the face in the form of rosewood oil allows you to tighten the skin and slow down the aging process. It is mixed with cream and applied as a compress. Apply the consistency to the skin and leave for 30 minutes.

Hyaluronic acid

A remedy such as hyaluronic acid can play a positive role in facial rejuvenation. First of all, this is due to the fact that it is a natural element of tissues in the human body... Hyaluronic acid activates the processes of collagen production and maintenance of optimal water balance... When the body lacks hyaluronic acid, the skin becomes dry, flakes and becomes faded.

Hyaluronic acid is used as follows- it is diluted in warm water and left to swell. The viscous consistency of hyaluronic acid is applied to the previously cleansed face skin.

Hyaluronic acid can be used in two ways:

    Cover the entire surface of the face;

    Apply only to problem areas.

The hyaluronic acid mask does not need to be washed off. An anti-aging cream should be applied to the skin treated with such a solution.


Often, problems of rapid skin aging come from a lack of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, before using expensive anti-aging drugs, it is worth taking a course of vitamins.

Today, the pharmacy sells many types and forms of releases of these substances. Vitamins E and A play an important role in facial rejuvenation. It is best to use oil capsules. They can be used both as an independent product and mixed into a cream. Along with capsules for external use, it is recommended to take vitamins internally. Usually the course reaches one decade of the month.

Facial rejuvenation ointments and creams

In addition to the components of modern cosmetology, pharmaceutical preparations, including special ointments, can also join the fight for rejuvenation. Although many modern women do not even suspect that pharmaceutical preparations are excellent helpers in skin rejuvenation. Many skin problems can be solved with the help of pharmacy face rejuvenation ointments.

Solcoseryl ointment

It promotes the activation of blood circulation and metabolism in tissues, the formation of collagen and the absorption of oxygen by the skin, and also accelerates the regeneration processes. The most optimal method of application is treatment before filling problem areas. It is recommended to use it as a cream under the eyes every other day.

Relief and Heparin ointment

The Relief ointment contains shark oil, which promotes the renewal of skin cells. Heparin ointment well removes puffiness and dark spots under the eyes and. It is recommended to apply these ointments twice every day.

Zinc ointment

It perfectly protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and eliminates fine wrinkles... Since zinc can dry out the skin, it is not worth applying ointment as an independent agent. The best way - it is a moisturizer and zinc ointment. It must be applied in the thinnest layer and only on problem areas.

Gel Lioton

This is one of the best remedies for skin that tends to swell. It is often used either as a base for day cream or as a mask.


It increases the regeneration of the skin inside the cells and improves metabolic processes. This pharmacy face rejuvenation product can be used both as a night cream and as a mask. It is recommended to apply Panthenol 2 times a week.

Curiosin and Blefarogel cream

Curiosin contains effective hyaluronic acid... Such rejuvenation of the facial skin with the help of hyaluronic acid is an excellent replacement for night and day cream. Blepharogel is aloe vera juice and hyaluronic acid. These main active ingredients do an excellent job of smoothing wrinkles and moisturizing the skin.

Features of home rejuvenation

When rejuvenating the face at home, quick results are achieved easily. This is undoubtedly an enjoyable process.

Facial rejuvenation has a number of advantages:

    peels, scrubs and masks for facial rejuvenation can be easily prepared by yourself;

    funds are often prepared from components that are available in the kitchen of any home;

    peels and masks for face rejuvenation, which are prepared at home, are absolutely natural;

    such products do not contain stabilizers and preservatives, and therefore are completely safe for a woman's health.

The undoubted plus that home facial rejuvenation has is affordability. Means that are prepared at home will significantly save your budget. After all, facial rejuvenation with the help of salon procedures is quite expensive.

When rejuvenating your facial skin at home, the first thing to do is drink enough water. It will take at least one and a half liters per day. Some of the water can be replaced with green tea.

In order to achieve quick facial rejuvenation at home, you need to pay attention to your diet. With the vitamins and minerals found in fruits and vegetables, you can significantly improve your skin condition. So, citrus fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, grapes - group B, and olive oil - A and E.

However, in any case, to rejuvenate the face at home, it is necessary to use folk remedies and specialized recipes.

Thus, it is quite possible to rejuvenate the skin of the face and décolleté at home. The effect of regularly performed procedures will be positive and fairly quick. However, in any case, it is best to pre-consult with a beautician. Published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we are changing the world! © econet

Many women, having examined the first mimic wrinkle in the mirror, immediately run for expensive cosmetics in order to quickly get rid of the age error. The most daring sign up for plastic surgery.

But there is also an alternative. Special anti-aging cosmetics can be made at home and used regularly, with pleasure seeing a quick result. So you will not harm your body, and even vice versa - you will bring it continuous benefits. These home remedies will not only save you money, but also the time that some people spend visiting beauty salons and offices.

Facial rejuvenation at home is a great opportunity to look perfect, opening up to every self-respecting woman. In addition, such procedures guarantee absolute health safety of the means used for them.

How to rejuvenate your face at home

To date, a huge number of different ways have been invented on how to make the skin of the face younger, which you can use yourself without the intervention of a cosmetologist. It is best to opt for those methods that will be most suitable for you in terms of effort and time. Do not be upset and abandon the procedure if you cannot do everything right at once.

There are a number of techniques that require specific skills. After practicing several times, you will fill your hand and begin to do the procedure automatically. So how can you improve the condition of your facial skin?

  • Massage. It is needed, first of all, to improve blood circulation and, as a result, nutrition of cells.
  • Herbal compress with contrast. It is essential for high-quality skin cleansing. In addition, the compress can refresh it and fill it with the radiance of youth.
  • Cosmetic masks. They are made to smooth out superficial wrinkles, as well as to prevent their premature appearance. With their help, the face contour becomes more pronounced.
  • Ice cubes. Rubbing the face with ice cubes is considered one of the most effective rejuvenation procedures. After it, a well-defined instant lifting is observed.

For the purpose of rejuvenation, many women prefer cosmetic masks prepared by themselves at home. The fact is that their preparation is very easy and quick, and the feeling of freshness that they give lasts for several days. This method is really effective and proven for decades, maybe even centuries.

Preparing to apply the mask

The most important rule is that before you start applying any mask to your face, the skin should be thoroughly cleansed. Remove makeup, if any, and massage your face with a scrub. Peeling is permissible to be carried out 1-2 times a week. If you overdo it, the effect will be reduced to zero, thanks to micro-scratches.

If you have enough time and are in no hurry, you can make a contrast shower for your face. Thus, you will increase and significantly improve the elasticity of the skin, as well as activate blood circulation. Remember that the mask is allowed to be applied only half an hour after such washing.

It is very important not to forget about the neck in the process of peeling and applying the prepared mask. This part of a woman's body can visually make her younger or, if not properly cared for, add a few extra years.

Mask recipes

Homemade "rejuvenating" masks, through which the facial skin is corrected, are recommended to be applied after you have taken a bath or shower. At this time, the pores are opened as much as possible. It is necessary to withstand the mask from 15 minutes to half an hour, depending on the specific mixture. It is permissible to use masks every 2-3 days (be guided by the condition of your face). After repeating one procedure 10 to 15 times, change the mask mixture to avoid the addictive effect.

Facial rejuvenation effect at home


  • evenness and smoothness of the skin texture;
  • restoration of a natural healthy complexion;
  • disappearance of fine wrinkles and reduction of deep ones;
  • clarity and tightness of the oval of the face.

There are no disadvantages.

If you have an individual intolerance to some of the ingredients used for the preparation of masks, it is better to refuse such rejuvenation procedures. They will not give the expected effect, but on the contrary - they will harm your appearance and health.

Ice and shiatsu actively fight aging

You can keep your skin firm for a long time by rubbing it regularly with small ice cubes. It is very good to add some herbs to the water before freezing, unless, of course, you are allergic to them. Then you will receive not only a rejuvenating, but also a healing effect. Cold improves blood circulation, as a result of which the skin is saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

Shiatsu massage, popular in Japan, is a unique assistant in the fight against aging. Japanese women do it every day to stay young longer. The technique of this massage is extremely simple. Therefore, it is available to any modern woman who wants to rejuvenate at home.

What is the bottom line

Regardless of which method of rejuvenation you choose: a mask, herbal compress, ice or massage, the effect will be achieved only if the procedures are performed regularly. If you perform them chaotically, when you want, you don't have to wait for the result. Beauty requires not so much sacrifice, which is constantly being written about, as constant attention and care.

Before deciding on a particular rejuvenation technique, it is advisable to watch a thematic video on the Internet in order to understand which one is better. It is also recommended to pay attention to the photos before and after the procedures of each method of facial rejuvenation, which are posted on the Web by women in order to boast of the effect obtained. Reviews and results of those using this or that technique are also important. With their help, you can clearly define for yourself the pros and cons of each procedure, as well as take into account the nuances that can only appear in practice.