A fellow colleague looks but does not fit. Shows genuine sympathy for a male colleague. How to tell if a man is hiding his feelings

It is not so difficult to recognize sympathy on the part of a colleague if he carefully conceals his feelings, if you carefully observe the behavior of the "suspect." You should pay attention to looks, gestures, intonation during a conversation, and even behavior on social networks. You just need to know some of the techniques and subtleties of psychology in order to almost certainly figure out what kind of interest a man has.

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    Close contact

    Any person on a subconscious level wants to be as close as possible to the object of his adoration. If a colleague often sits down with you during lunchtime, often asks you to convey something to him, this may mean that the person likes to be around. It is also important to pay attention to the proximity of the contact.

    If a man likes a woman, he always strives to violate her personal space: accidentally touch her, run his hand over the clothes, touch his hand when handing over an object.

    It is important that the above says more about the presence of sexual attraction than warm feelings. If a man is always trying to touch you, but does not find common topics for conversation and is not interested in your personality in any way, then most likely he just wants you.

    Voice timbre

    But if a person secretly feels sympathy, then under the influence of hormones his voice changes, becomes softer, a kind of hoarseness appears. If you notice a change in a man's voice when he is addressing you, but this does not happen in a conversation with other colleagues, be sure - he has sympathy for you and is trying to hide it, or he himself does not know about it yet.


    There is a famous saying that men love with their eyes. If you suspect someone has tender feelings, pay attention to how often they look at you. Any man will look at his beloved at every opportunity.

    Pay attention to how he behaves when you are with colleagues. Especially if you are not talking about work, but about something abstract. At this moment, the man is as relaxed as possible, he practically does not control himself.

    Scientists have proven that in moments of high spirits, laughter, in the company of people, a person seeks through the eyes of the one he likes best.

    Pauses in conversation

    Next to a woman to whom he is not indifferent, a man will involuntarily experience excitement, be distracted by her appearance, and carefully examine her. All this will generate some pauses in the conversation, since he is more focused on her than on the essence of the dialogue.

    If, during this conversation, a colleague looks at your lips, examines your figure, especially the décolleté, this makes it clear that there is at least a sexual desire.

    If a man talks about his hobbies, plans, favorite places and types of recreation, then perhaps he is already planning to connect his future with you.

    Pay attention to what the man wants to know about you. Is he interested in how you feel, how you spent your weekend, what you plan to do on vacation. If so, then, probably, the man considers you not only as a colleague, he experiences warm feelings that have crossed the line of friendship.

    Male gestures

    Gestures speak much more than words. Psychologists say that gestures are most often involuntary, and therefore the easiest way to determine a person's attitude to the interlocutor is by them.

    If a married man likes a woman, then it is the non-verbal signs that will help determine his sympathy. Because, even if a person with all his might hides his feelings from himself and others in order to preserve the family, he will not be able to control gestures.

    Here are some signs that a man clearly likes you at work:

    • When talking to you, he puts his hands in his pockets or constantly twirls an object in his hands. This suggests that a person wants to touch you, but he cannot do this and subconsciously looks for another use for his hands to occupy them.
    • Constantly straightens his clothes: tie or shirt. Such gestures indicate a desire to look as impressive as possible in front of your chosen one.
    • Pose and gestures of a man. Unconsciously, people always copy the postures and gestures of the person who is attractive and who themselves want to please.

    If a man touches his face, lips, hair - this is a sign of love. Subconsciously, he wants to be touched by a woman he likes.

What men like about women

How to understand that a man is not indifferent to you? Any woman has intuition, and, as a rule, she does not let her down, so to this question, most will answer that they just feel when men like them. That is how it is, but if a man cannot dare to show his feelings, initiative, then women are already beginning to doubt.

There is one good proverb: “They are greeted by their clothes, but escorted by their minds,” which suggests that, first of all, a man, as a hunter and a male, chooses with his eyes or with something lower. And only then, in the process of communication, he finds in you some personal qualities for which he falls in love with you. Hence the conclusion: a man chooses first "form", and then "content." This means that in order to please men, you need to take care of yourself, both in appearance and in manners, character traits, and habits. If you have all this in you, then you, for sure, are a confident woman and can easily determine when you evoke emotions in men, or maybe it happens all the time ...

How do you know if your male colleague likes you?

What if the object of your liking is your colleague. And it seems that there is no family, no girlfriend, and with the whole team he can find a common language, in general, all positive, but in relation to you he does not show initiative. Why? And how do you know WHAT he feels for you?

First, you must take into account the factor that you are in a team... And what is the collective? This is a group of people who share common goals and objectives. And this group of people can greatly influence the behavior and opinions of one person. Perhaps he does not want the team to know about his feelings, and this is inevitable, especially if the team is small. Discussions will begin, whispering behind your back. Moreover, it is unprofessional, because work and personal life are not compatible things.

Secondly, he is simply afraid of rejection.... The fear of being rejected is another fear imposed by others. Or maybe you are a beautiful, slender, maddening woman, to whom an ordinary man is not something to approach, it is scary to look.

If you are not sure if a man likes you, take a closer look at him. Usually, with gestures, glances, he can clearly say to you: “You are beautiful! I'm going crazy with you. "

If your colleague sympathizes with you, then he will try to bump into you as often as possible, as if by accident. Or, on the contrary, he will avoid meeting you, if, of course, he is from a timid dozen. But, believe me, any man is shy in front of a stunning beauty.

If this is your manager, then he can somehow distinguish you from other employees or give you a special task (not of an intimate nature, of course).

What to do to get him in the right place?

If you are not sure if your colleague likes you, try to evoke his emotions, namely, cause jealousy. Flirt in front of his eyes with another employee, although this is not necessary, it is quite impressive to walk next to a bunch of nervously smoking men, among whom he will be. Surely, your "passage" will be discussed, or not discussed, but they will not immediately take their eyes away from you. If this method does not arouse in him a feeling of possessiveness, a desire to take possession of you, then proceed to decisive action.

Ask him for help with something, or even invite him to lunch together. For starters, let it be a group lunch with several employees so as not to scare him away. Later, you can already ask him to take you home after a hard day's work, although it may not come to that. He himself will invite you to dinner together. After all, if you doubted whether he liked you or not, then fifty percent you knew that he liked him. This means that they were almost completely confident of a positive outcome.

A man - a colleague is even more good because he always has something to talk about, he understands your interests, you can help each other in the work process by sharing ideas. You have fewer reasons to be jealous, because you spend most of your time together. Therefore, if you feel that you are "on the same wavelength", then "go ahead and with the songs."

Well, if this is not the case, and your colleague is indifferent to you, then the best option would be to take care of yourself. Do not try to please someone, and even more so, to impose. Take care of yourself, changing for the better, you will add confidence, attractiveness, charm. Love yourself, then they will love you too!

Office romance with a married man

Another not unimportant moment that takes place in collectives is an office romance with a married man. As a rule, this man is above you in rank. It should be clearly understood that, firstly, an office romance itself rarely ends with a “happy ending”, and secondly, this is his marital status. Needless to say, getting into someone else's family, destroying it is a sin.

Everyone decides for himself how and with whom to live. But life is like a boomerang, and everything bad and everything good that we have done will definitely come back to us. In addition, connections with a married person will be fiercely discussed by the team, and you can instantly spoil your reputation and authority, which may have been accumulated over the years. Therefore, if you think that a married colleague likes you or that he makes you sympathetic, then put these thoughts aside, because the euphoria will pass, the routine workflow will remain, but it will already be difficult for you to work together. Relationships can become so tense, to the point that you have to look for a new job.

Returning to the main question “how to understand that a man is not indifferent to you,” you should remember: trust your female instinct, listen to your intuition, turn on your mind where there is no place for emotions and feelings. If you understand that a man (even a colleague) is your destiny, and he likes you, then take action, fight for your happiness, fall in love yourself and be loved!

How to tell if a colleague likes you

Probably the age-old question about women, and quite easily solved in my youth, but now I work in an office where there are rather strict rules, etiquette and all that. And an attempt to drive up to a colleague who does not want this and does not wait may end up rather badly, at least it will be difficult to work with her and communicate with her later, but my career is more important for me than a potential relationship, so I would like to know in advance.

Probably no man likes to be rejected. Therefore, I want to understand in advance if you can count on something more than just the duty "hello-hello" and the maximum - a walk together after work to the house (if you live in the same direction and, of course, without an invitation to a cup of tea)? But in fact, you only need observation here - a woman, if she likes you, she herself, willingly or unwillingly, will give you certain signals. The main thing is to notice them in time. Or notice their complete absence.

So, be attentive and observant in your moments of communication. You can say with a high degree of probability that she cares about you if:

She tries to catch your eye. Wherever you are - at work or in the club. And when he comes across, he behaves, as a rule, cheerful and cheerful, so as not to darken your mood in any way.

She's never busy for you. Always agrees to go to a cafe or somewhere else. If he refuses, then on a very serious matter, which, most likely, will be voiced in detail.

She "probes" you. Asking about you, she often does not just ask questions, but checks many points - your ability to pay, marital status, hobbies ...

She's nervous. And this happens more if you, in her opinion, do not pay attention to her signals. Of course, maybe she's just a nervous person, but then you need to take a closer look at how she behaves with others. If she sits "on pins and needles" only in your presence, then you are far from indifferent to her.

She fiddles with curls, jewelry, does not take her eyes off you, unconsciously repeats your movements, etc. In general, he uses a standard set of gestures, which psychologists regularly repeat.

She is jealous of other women. Here comments, as they say, are superfluous. Draw your own conclusions and invite her to watch an "amazing movie" in the evening at your house. Just prepare some melodrama for decency, and take the novelties with immodest German beauties out of your sight. The time will come to them.

How do you know that you like me?

It is no secret that both men and women use a variety of hidden and open gestures in courtship.

All these gestures are aimed at sending you a signal of sympathy on an unconscious level.

Reading "body language" is a whole science! It's great that today we can get acquainted with some of its principles :)

  • pay attention tohuman face- whether it is a man or a woman, it does not matter - here we are in solidarity in the manifestation of our emotions.

    And men tend to have circular stroking items, and women progressive back and forth movements.

    For example, if a man in a state of excitement strokes the upper edge in a circle, then a woman will clasp the glass with her fingers and slowly move from the upper edge of the glass to the stem and back. The stronger the arousal, the more intense the finger movements will be.

    Body language is multifaceted! Studying it will give you confidence in communication.

    Knowing how to use it will bring you 50% success with the opposite sex.

    You will succeed!

    All rights reserved. Any use of site materials is carried out only with the permission of the author.

    7 comments: How do you know that you like me?

    I wonder about the legs shoulder width apart and the direction of the toes of the feet - I have never heard anything like this ... I will definitely follow

    But about playing with objects - strangely a little ... I never noticed anything like that, I ought to be more attentive ...

    If a man is not indifferent to you, moreover, he is ready for sex with you, he will definitely crumple something, roll a ball of paper, squeeze and stroke in a circular motion !! Works 100%. And behind myself I noticed that all my movements with my hands at that moment were only up and down or back and forth. Oh, it's great that we are so predictable.

    Yes, we always "pierce". No matter how serious and business the conversation is, but gestures and movements give us away. Although sometimes you manage to stop before your partner has figured out you. And the context of the conversation can be changed. Works exactly!

    This article is just for me. I have long wanted to know if my colleague has any feelings for me. Now I'll follow him at work.

    Thanks for the description of the facial expression. I came across a lot of information about body language, but for some reason I never heard of facial expressions. Very interesting.

    Probably, if you watch, you can see a lot in your eyes.

    A small remark from myself: if a man likes you, but he strives to take care of you (submit a coat, call a waiter, etc.), and during a conversation turns to you with his whole body (if he stands, then he bends over you with his whole body) - this is not with what can not be confused.

    How do I know if a colleague likes me or if he just likes my attention?

    We work with a man for 2 years. There was the usual communication at work, slight smiles when greeting. And then about two months ago I woke up and saw what kind of MAN was next to me. She began to show interest in him, increased attention, glances, smiles, conversation about anything. but unobtrusively, I do not track him down in the corners) He also began to show interest, not against communication, periodically winks in conversation, tries to help as much as possible with something at work, even if it is not related to his direct responsibilities and this help should be provided not he, but his colleague, if I communicate with his colleague, he will definitely say something, even if he has nothing to do with this conversation. I also see that in my presence he does not behave as usual (more jokes, talks.) BUT! He never specifically looks for meetings, we can not see each other at work for 2-3 days (although we work in neighboring offices), if we accidentally intersect in the corridor, he can smile, say hello and move on. At times it seems to me that I am winding myself up with this manifestation of sympathy on his part, because if a man is interested, he will “get a woman out of the ground” and will each time look for a meeting with her in order to be near ?? It turns out that most likely he is just pleased with my attention, no more. or still there are indecisive guys who give a hint, but they themselves are afraid to approach?

    it turns out that if he had to have made it clear a long time ago

    A man can no longer simply communicate as a person - he is immediately suspected of sex interest and subjected to a thorough analysis with addiction.

    If you like it, he will even fuck you if you don’t need to make an effort.

    he doesn't mind having fun with you. but he has no time to play carrot love. just sex and that's it.

    Men advise "show him that you like him", but how to show? It seems to me that sympathy is obvious, but a man does not take steps, so he does not want to?

    Damn, and we are not colleagues by accident?)) I just have the same situation at work. I like one girl very much, I do my best to keep in touch with her, smile, help. but I'm afraid to run after her first, she might think that I just want to fuck her and that's it, but I really like her.

    Invite to cafes, theaters, etc. If she says that she is busy, the hamster is giving birth or will come but will behave neutral - you can calm down - smile further and do not fill your head with it

    But she also does not show sympathy more than she should for work. So we walk like fools and smile.

    You should be the first to take the initiative, because everyone looks at men as maniacs. Show him that you like him - then he will take the first step.

    Unfortunately, not colleagues, you have a different name)) But it seems to me that you greatly exaggerate that she will look at you as a maniac. Try to show a little more sympathy, delay her talking about something in the hallway. well, or in the office if you come across, just on abstract topics - look at the response. If you support, then you can continue to develop the situation with communication gradually. It's much more difficult for us to take the first step, believe me 🙂

    And a counter question, how long have you been having such communication?

    Like Artyom, I have the impression that we are colleagues. I don’t wink, but otherwise the situation is very, very similar. Perhaps I would advise something, but I myself do not yet know what to do next with the sympathy of my colleague and what I would like from all this. Observe the situation a little more, try to look for some meetings yourself. And then for a while, stop taking the initiative and wait for some of his actions. If there is complete "silence on the air", apparently you are simply sympathetic to him (as a colleague, person, friend?), But no more. But of course, everything depends a lot on the situation, it may not be so easy to arrange a meeting with you so that it does not look rigged.

    When faced with questions about work, he is very active, gives advice, tries to help. maintains live communication, he sometimes starts topics. Winks, glances, smiles. And I know that this behavior is with me. The whole problem is (although it may not be a problem) that I do not see that he is deliberately trying to be there. For example, from time to time he sees that I am going to lunch in the dining room and could also go at this time. but no. or similar situations. And, besides, he makes no attempt to transfer communication outside of the work.

    For example, from time to time he sees that I am going to lunch in the dining room and could also go at this time. but no

    I myself rescheduled my lunchtime to coincide with my colleague's. but alas, the dining room is constantly packed with other colleagues and this somehow kills all the desire to go there.

    And, besides, he makes no attempt to transfer communication outside of the work.

    Considering that you have been working together for two years now, it is difficult to decide on this, because he is probably used to seeing you as just a colleague.

    In general, I wish you patience and good luck 🙂

    Why ditch the whole thing ?? And I'm not talking about running. but to take the first step towards communication outside of work.

    I got the impression that you are used to running around you

    After all, if a man is interested, will he get a woman out of the ground? -that's right

    but this is our banal feminine nonsense "or are there still indecisive guys who give a hint, and they themselves are afraid to come up?"

    Kind time of the day) I need your help. More precisely, your adequate objective opinions. The fact is that for almost a year I have been working side by side with one young man. We work in production, and he is, as it were, my boss. But our working-class communication is practically on an equal footing. I am 28, he is 26. I am free. He lives with a girl, she is now in a position. For some time now, I began to notice his attitude, which was not at all working towards me. He calls me exclusively by a name in a diminutive form, I often catch his glances on myself, I noticed that he likes to just look at me when I talk to someone, laugh, joke) There are a lot of girls on us, but he has such a special attitude only to me. Well, about his look at me. No comments. Our colleague told me that he is most likely afraid to confess, because he is afraid of rejection. And that I'm too formal with him, I need to soften it to give him a green color. (continued below *)

    His girlfriend has a grudge against me. Obviously. She then even called me from his number and asked me "(name) by any chance with you?" and hung up.

    Then somehow I went to the social network to visit her page, she writes WHAT IS NECESSARY. She often calls him at work, and always asks him with whom he is sitting, who coughed there, or sneezed, or laughed. He answers her saying Mashulya, or he can call me or call "Mashulya" while talking to her on the phone. Maybe that's why she can't stand me. It doesn't have to. And most importantly, he always readily tells me about his life, about himself, about their relationship (which is not ice, she takes out his brains, according to him, for no reason). From the outside, we are like very close friends. But there is no friendship between M and J. Recently I had a DR, and my colleagues congratulated me and he presented a bouquet of flowers from everyone. I kissed him for the FIRST time on the cheek, and he said, blushing "THANKS". Weird. Personally, he is cute to me, he does not look like today's guys. He is gallant, courteous, caring, with humor, attentive, but kind, mmm))) And always wherever I am at work, he goes there under the pretext) Or he will be interested in "Where have you been with me for so long?" (continued below)

    This was noticed not only by me, but also one of my colleagues directly to me personally tells me that he likes me, that we are suitable for each other. And you know, even though I deny it, I am extremely pleased to hear this, to catch his glances, to note his special attitude towards me. And the most important thing is his concern. He is very attentive to me. If I am silent for a long time, he asks what happened to me. He does not allow me to lift a single drawer (empty naturally), and he does not even allow me to move the dining table, although this is not difficult for me. And I am not one of those who will roll my eyes and sit with a nail file and ask for everything for me do, referring to the fact that I am a girl. We are very comfortable together, we seem to be on the same wavelength, we understand each other from half a glance. Naturally, there is flirting. What can you guys say?) Does he have sympathy for me or what? I am very interested and even need your opinions!

    A normal man behaves appropriately. Starting to run after a virgin is to ditch the whole thing at once.

    I also have a similar situation, when I try to say something or prove myself, he seems to chop everything off. but time passes and begins to tell that he wants to marry. and looks, but openly says NOTHING.

    Tell me, this is what these words mean: I stopped (in the car), out of respect for you as a woman, in order to pay attention to you. And then, after 6, he quietly follows me in a car, when I go home in the evening, a couple of times. Sometimes he drives by my house (on purpose). It lasts 1.6 years))) Recently I pass by, I asked, after hello: are you walking? I am in a friendly tone: yes, no, I’m going on business)) And he looks intently in the eyes, it’s already warm.

    It's pretty hard to get a relationship in the service! It seems to me that everything still depends on age, status and marital status! I will share my story, too painful! I got a job, he came running from another department to meet a new young lady, a typical womanizer, a big boss, married, 57 years old! True, at first I thought that he was 45, a very well-groomed, fit man, a retired colonel! Then he began to see him off under the elbow in the corridor with supposedly work questions! Then I thought of shaking hands, then grasping my hand with both hands, I began to run in with various reasons to talk, be sure to put my hands on the back of my chair, or on my shoulders, with all our department! This man is quite popular in women's groups, witty, cunning, athletic, turns in elite circles, glows with energy! Previously, they discussed it with me, they stopped it! They just laughed slightly, they say, "And what do you think about the relationship with a difference of 30 years! I was very embarrassed and did not even understand how I fell in love! He did not call anywhere, did not invite! But during the meetings he felt his support, he became open, laughed from souls, one might say played, then taught me to give honor, then tried to sneak up in the corridor from behind and scare! And I completely forgot how old he was, I felt very comfortable next to him!

    And then he came into our office for work, I was in a bad mood and paid little attention to him! He came up from behind and, taking him by the shoulders, turned so loudly, in front of the whole department: "Darling!" I wanted to hide under the table out of shame, but I was damn pleased!))))) I giggled like a fool and he laughed with me, I should have seen the faces of my employees!))) Then he said that they say his favorite picture is on my monitor!))) God, what was he carrying, there were some monkeys with cajurks on their heads in the same place!)))) And then I was waiting for an invitation to dinner at least, but it wasn’t there yet! Then business trips, vacations, rare official meetings, his eyes burned, and he did not hide it, but those around him pressed with their observant glances, probably there was gossip behind my back, I don’t know, but I obviously missed him all this time! And half a year after that, when he was leaving on vacation, he came to me, no one was in the office, he closed the door behind him, I got up to run away on business, he blocked the road and laughed, saying that I’m not letting you go anywhere, he pressed me and buried my face on my cheek, then looked like I’ll never forget! The tower was demolished for me, and he left!)))) And that's it, official relations began, he certainly touches me, but extremely rarely and so superficially that no one would see, we are like friends-co-workers! And this story has been dragging on for 2 years, and he still did not want to see me outside of work!

    I also have a dilemma) I'm 25, and he is 27-28. We work on the same floor, but see each other once every 2 weeks) but I dress up for HIM EVERY day) he always smiles at me, jokes) I also always giggle and joke in his presence) even when it's not very funny, he laughs the loudest) we always we see each other briefly, either in the dining room, or in the elevator) I just adore him for the light in his eyes)))) I'm sure he likes me too) there is a huge park in our office) my mother says to invite him for a walk, that we are already adults and that it's not shameful) but I'm so shy)

    It's simple. when you communicate, you can invite to the movies, for example. Or say that I haven't been to the cinema for a long time, there are always shopping centers near the offices, and there is a cinema there. But be careful with adult men - everything can end in intimacy, heartache, indifference of a man, abortion, dismissal. therefore - look for a husband and not a lover.

    I write very rarely, but I could not resist here. Girl 24 now you need to communicate with men, before intimacy, get to know him better only and make sure of his good attitude towards you. thanks

    100% I like you, but the person does not know whether to expect reciprocity or not. Someone has to take a step forward. I have the same situation: only I am not the first one, because I don’t know the girl’s reaction and I’m afraid of offending her. You never know. Maybe a nurse, but it's safer)

    Good night everyone. I have a similar situation. I have been working in the company for a year. And only a week ago I saw my boss. He is 31 years old. I'm 28. Somehow abruptly and unexpectedly, he began to look at TPK, as he had never looked before. I can't explain the look, but this look is in no way friendly. I am ready to help in every way. Smiles often with a bit of flirting. You know, it attracts to the set. That is abruptly somehow cold. Strange reaction. If he comes up to help, he looks straight at me. Constantly trying to ask something, if I am suddenly sad, she is also interested in what happened to me. And all of a sudden it all kicked in at me. My heart beats hard when I see it. I really want to be alone in blue, but I can't. Tell me what. Do you think he likes me? He's just afraid of something more. I let him know that I like him. With looks, smiles. She even offered to take the blue documents together to go, but so far they haven’t gone anywhere. Friends, tell me. What kind of feelings can there be and are there any?

    And I somehow seduced a colleague myself. I saw that he liked me, but at the same time he kept his distance, well, then I began to act myself. As a result, our relationship, love lasted a very long time, has already lost count. Now I am no longer with him, because I left to live in another country.

    How to understand if a woman likes you

    It is so customary in male nature that he will "hunt" only for the woman who likes him. Does a woman like him - he needs to know for sure, and he constantly thinks if there are any secrets, images and signs that will give him an answer to the question - does she like me?

    Yes, a woman has certain signals that she uses on an unconscious level when she sees a man she likes. There are eight main such "signals" by which one can understand whether it is worth starting the hunt for this particular young lady or is it better to find another object of adoration that will reciprocate.

    How to understand if a woman likes you - She is always in front of your eyes

    The woman you like will strive, as often as possible, to catch your eye. This act is performed for two purposes: conscious - to look at the object of sympathy, and unconscious - to attract the attention of the object of sympathy. This desire - to be always in front of our eyes, as it says, “here I am, you can safely get to know me”. But here a man needs to be careful, and calculate precisely whether he is exaggerating the fact that a woman is always in front of his eyes, whether he himself is looking for these "chance encounters". Therefore, take a closer look at how often a woman catches your eye.

    Signals with gestures, movements

    Psychologists say that the body cannot lie. A young lady who likes you will be given such manipulations:

  • in a collective conversation, she turns her gaze only to you, making it clear that she is only telling you some news.
  • as a rule, in your presence she begins to involuntarily tug at her dyes - a chain, a necklace, an earring in her ear.
  • plays with her hair. This is a very important moment, such gesticulation - when a girl touches her hair with her hands - straightens it or smoothes it, says that she wants to draw attention to herself and her face.
  • if a woman likes you, then when talking to you, she will involuntarily repeat your movements - the position of your hands on the table, some gestures and movements that you are doing at the moment.
  • for you she always smiles. Even if she's in a bad mood, she'll just break into a happy smile when she sees you.
  • How to understand if a woman likes you - She is always free

    For a man she likes, a woman is always free. Even if she has exams tomorrow, a blockage at work or some other emergency, she will always be free for the object of sympathy. She will even agree to a small promenade in the city center, if only in the company of her beloved man. And if she all the time refers to being busy, postpones the meeting indefinitely, this is a sure sign that the woman is not interested in you.

    Curiosity is not a vice

    This is what a woman in love thinks. If she likes you, she will try to find out everything about you. Your daily routine, hobbies, circle of friends, favorite food, favorite music or movies. So you can list endlessly. And she may be interested in this not only with you, but also with colleagues, mutual friends, if any. A woman simply becomes a detective when she is interested in a man. If you play professionally, for example, billiards, then be sure that the woman who likes you will also be interested in this game.

    How to know if a woman likes you - Soil sounding

    Women are often very far-sighted. As they say, do not drink water from your face. Therefore, if she liked you, she will be interested in your place of work, approximate earnings, the presence of an apartment and a car. And there is no need to accuse women of greed. This is just how female psychology works, she just liked a man, and she already plans life with him for twenty years ahead, and she is interested in what kind of financial situation she will have to live in. Well, frankly, women don't like greedy men. Therefore, being interested in some kind of direct conversation about your income and work, she will think how often you can give her at least a bunch of daisies.

    Plans for the future

    A woman in love with you will try to get into your plans, into the routine of your day. Do you go bowling? She will offer to do it together. Do you run in the morning? For your sake, she will crawl out of a warm bed and go for a morning run, but in your company. If she offers something joint, it means that she is very partial to you.

    In your company, a woman is always nervous. If, before meeting you, she can have an easy and casual conversation, then in your presence she begins, as they say, to slow down. She doesn't know how to react to jokes, she stumbles when she says something. Everything from the fact that she wants to please you, show off her eloquence, and the result is exactly the opposite. So, if you know your woman as a companionable woman who easily makes contact and won't go into her pocket for a word, and she's talking complete nonsense in front of you, you should know that she is not indifferent to you.

    Even if she only knows that your name is, but she really likes you, she will already be jealous of you for every woman. It doesn't matter which one - to a colleague at work, to a neighbor who came for salt, or to a woman who accidentally looked at you. If you notice something like that, know that she likes you, and she opened up a potential rivalry.

    Now your way out!

    If you notice at least three or four such signals in your woman, then you can go hunting. The presence of one such signal does not mean anything yet, firstly, she may just be curious and collect all the gossip. And she fiddles with jewelry, because she has increased nervousness. Be very careful when looking for signals from the woman you like. And good luck!

    Secrets of Successful Flirting: How to Know When a Man Likes You

    You can be colleagues or friends, neighbors or classmates, but the verdict is the same: something special is happening between you. Or is this awakening love just a fantasy? How to understand that a man likes you and not waste your vibes?

    If you are strangers, then this question is not difficult to answer. A man shows signs of attention that speak of his exceptional attitude towards you: he always greets, smiles when he meets, seeks to be more often where you are, tries to be useful. At the same time, he, most likely, will soon say that he likes you, or invite you on a date. And here you can certainly be sure that the guy likes you, because no one wants to spend time with an unpleasant girl.

    It is more difficult if you know each other, and especially if you are friends. Fear of ruining relationships and losing your company forever can keep him from taking any steps towards rapprochement. At the same time, his fears of ruining his reputation in your general circle may be stronger, giving rise to discussions and jokes. After all, he too can be wrong. How can he understand that a girl likes him? Therefore, it is important for you to show a little initiative here.

    How to show your interest?
    • Take an interest in his affairs, sometimes compliment him, periodically praise him.
    • During communication, look into his eyes, holding your gaze during a pause. So the man will understand that he is interesting to you, and, perhaps, he will better discern your beautiful features.
    • Always try to look good in his presence. But don't try hard to make an impression - it will ruin everything. He just needs to see that it is important for you to be attractive to him.
    • Maintain body contact. Take his arm on the street, put your hand on your shoulder when you meet or say goodbye, kiss on the cheek in gratitude. At the same time, leave these signs only for him. But keep in mind, if you regularly help a colleague during working hours, do not expect him to perceive this as your interest in the relationship.
    • How to understand its signs?
    • He tries to look his best in your presence, straightens his clothes.
    • When they meet, he gets up, moves forward, seeks to meet your gaze, begins to get embarrassed, joke, speak loudly.
    • He is gallant, monitors speech, does not allow himself to smoke in your presence, eats carefully.
    • He gives signs that speak of his masculinity: he takes up more space, spreading his arms or rising from his seat, takes firm poses.
    • An interested man will be frank, he will definitely share with you some secret, fear, ask for help in making a decision.

    If you develop a trusting relationship, and you can understand that a man is in love, then it is important to give him a sign in return. Better to speak frankly. If the guy is very modest, you just need to ask him about his attitude towards you: honesty and directness are your best friends in any business!

    The main signs that a man likes you

    In matters of feelings and sympathy, people do not always resort to direct words, more often feelings are visible by facial expressions, unconscious gestures, by casual glances. Experts agree that sign language speaks much more than words. To learn to understand the non-verbal signs of men, you just need to take a little closer and closer look at their gestures and looks during communication. In this article we will try to understand and understand this issue.

  • Open poses are, in any communication, the first indicator that you sympathize with this person; people who are attractive to each other usually communicate in open positions. Pay attention to how a man stands in relation to you, if he is frontally deployed in your direction, then this is already a good sign.
  • Tilting the head is usually an unconscious movement, i.e. head tilted quite a bit in your direction, i.e. if you stand a little to the right of the man, then a slight tilt, respectively, he will have to the right.
  • Open palms - a man, explaining something or telling, turns his palms up when gesturing, straightens the tie knot, unbuttons his jacket - these are all open gestures of sympathy.
  • An attentive listener is also a direct sign of sympathy if a man listens carefully to what you are saying.
  • Hands folded on his chest - if a man in communication with you crosses his arms, while sitting, puts his legs on his legs, then these are indirect signs of his tension in your company (or, as an option, he is upset about something not related to your conversation).
  • Closed pose - while standing, turns to you a little sideways, this is one of the poorly controlled gestures. Even if you want to hide your antipathy or dislike, you can, for example, smile, but you can already see from the position of your body that communicating with your interlocutor does not bring pleasure.
  • A clear sign of sympathy is also gesture copying phenomenon... These are unconscious actions, on the subconscious we want to be like those we are interested in. If you drew attention to the fact that someone in communication with you adopts your gestures, postures and small actions, then these are true signals that this person is not indifferent to you.

    Seeing you, the guy tries to straighten his shoulders and, as it were, suck in his stomach? These are serious signs of interest, indicating that the man in your eyes wants to look more fit, more athletic. It is just as easy to define sympathy if a person wants to enter your comfort zone, i.e. closer than arm's length. Unconscious movements may be present, for example, a man can remove a non-existent speck of dust from your shoulder, in a conversation while discussing something, touch your forearm, hand.

    And a lot can be said with a look

    It is not for nothing that it is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Pay attention to how the guy looks at you at certain times. For example:

    • If, during a conversation, the gaze is focused on the girl's forehead or slightly higher on the hair, then most often this indicates a business interest, but if the gaze stops on the lips, nose, eyes, then this already speaks of the man's personal interest.
    • Quick glances, as it were, askance, are also a sign of sympathy.
    • If, being in a large company, a man who has told a joke looks for you to see if you are laughing or not, then most often this indicates a deep interest, because he cares about your reaction.
    • In conversation and direct communication, signs of interest can be of two types: positive and negative. What kind a man chooses directly depends on his temperament and character, as well as on the social status of both himself and the girl he likes.

    • A man directly or indirectly (through mutual acquaintances) asks about your personal life.
    • A man openly answers questions about himself and his personal life.
    • He is happy to take the initiative in getting to know his environment (friends, parents, relatives).
    • Often in a conversation with you, the topic of children, family and others flashes.
    • He talks a lot about your hobbies, wants to know more about you.
    • “Accidental” meetings with this man appeared in your life, he begins to dine where you are, to go to the same gym.
    • If in a conversation you express some confusion, or you have difficulties, the man immediately offers you his all possible help.
    • Constant provocations of an argument, a desire to prove your point of view to you.
    • If a man spends the lion's share of the time spent with you on jokes, jokes and other giggles, take a closer look at this person, perhaps under the guise of a clown and a joker he hides deep feelings.
    • In a conversation with your mutual acquaintances, he often starts a conversation about you, but this time, unlike positive signs, a man may be interested in your personal life with a light dose of sarcasm, for example, “Well, really, Katya hasn't got herself anyone, so she will die old maid. "
    • If you are colleagues or study together, then a man who is interested in you can unceremoniously handle your property, for example, take a pen or other trifle from the table without asking, most often this is done deliberately in order to draw your attention to his person.
    • Many people would like to learn to read each other's minds, unfortunately this is not yet possible. However, our article will help you understand what feelings this or that person has for you. To do this, it is enough to be sensitive and attentive to others. But if you have already seen the interest, if all the facts say that this person is not indifferent to you and he has deep feelings for you, then cast aside doubts. Be affable, encourage a man to strive to be better, to be a leader and leader.

      And most importantly, remember that anyone, even the strongest man, wants to be interesting and loved, he, just like us, wants attention and care for himself. Be generous with being kind and considerate. This will return you three times the size.

      And in conclusion, I would like to add. Do not try to find out the man's attitude towards you by asking his friends and acquaintances about it, this is initially a losing option. Few people will enjoy these discussions behind their backs.

    In the frantic rhythm of our time, people spend most of their time at work, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that the percentage of "office romances" is growing rapidly. Within the office, people spend a lot of time together: they communicate, share their impressions of the last watched films, read books, go to dinners and sometimes even take the same route home. But how to understand that a colleague really likes you, and he feels sincere sympathy, or is the relationship only friendly?

    How to understand that a woman is not indifferent to you?

    Work etiquette does not imply a violent and public manifestation of emotions, but still the ladies more clearly indicate their interest, although from the outside it looks subtle and delicate.

    If your colleague is serious, then soon you will notice changes in her attitude - attention and care will appear, the girl will begin to be interested in your successes and plans, especially for the future, as if by chance hinting that she would not mind becoming a part of them.

    Male interest - how not to be mistaken in assumptions?

    Unfortunately, representatives of the stronger sex rarely go to active actions without encouragement from the lady. And often we only have to guess about their intentions, but if you look a little more closely, everything secret is more than obvious.

    1. You can understand that a colleague likes you by his behavior. A man will strive to get into the circle of friends and close interlocutors, inadvertently increasing the number of "casual" meetings or conversations at a common table during lunch or before a planning meeting.
    2. He clearly notices what others did not notice: a new hairstyle, a blouse that emphasizes the dignity of the figure and eye color, beautiful earrings, new perfume - nothing will hide from his gaze. And admiration will be expressed to the lady through a compliment.
    3. Observe carefully, a keen man will remember the smallest details about you and your hobbies that you mentioned about yourself, even if it was a long time ago.
    4. An enthusiastic man seeks, as if by chance, to touch the lady, letting her in at the exit from the room, helping to sit down at the table or even offering his hand on the street. In the office, this behavior will not go unnoticed, especially if the gentleman has never done this before. The only exception will be the office Casanova, but everyone knows about such individuals in companies.
    5. To get rid of doubts, talk with a colleague on personal topics - if he is interested in you, he will willingly tell you not only about his hobbies, but also about immediate plans - family, children. A man who is not serious will not do this.

    There is no need to doubt the purity of intentions if a man is ready to introduce you to his loved ones, inviting you to a family celebration as his companion. His willingness to introduce you to your parents prepares that in his heart he has long ceased to perceive you as a colleague and is ready to take the relationship to another level. Of course, the relationship started within the walls of the company will somewhat complicate the relationship in the team, but here you have to choose which is more important: a career and achievements in a professional way, or ordinary family happiness, which is sometimes so difficult to find.

    Office romances are a wonderful plot for melodramas. Sometimes the skill of the scriptwriters and director turns such a relationship into a wonderful comedy, as in the movie Office Romance. And the love affair between the director and the secretary turned into a topic for greasy anecdotes.

    Sometimes colleagues, succumbing to the romance of a joint struggle, overcoming difficulties on the way to the company's success, unnoticed for themselves fall into a pool of passion.

    Does a petty affair have a chance to turn into a strong family union or is such a relationship doomed to become a temporary clouding of mind and meaningless sex?

    How to react if you realize that an elderly boss has fallen in love with you? How not to harm career growth and ruin your business reputation?

    But what if your heart is actually ready to jump out of your chest in the presence of the desired man? For strong feelings, the position and status of a lover is not a hindrance, but another plus. Perhaps here he is, the guy of your dreams! Are you ready to fight for his attention and courageously win back the boss in the calculating bitches who have long noticed an attractive and promising young man?

    And, no matter what envious female colleagues say, you are indifferent to his financial well-being. Although you perfectly understand that if a man falls in love with a full wallet and a stable income, it is much better for the chosen one than the heavenly life "with a loved one in a hut."

    How do you know what a boss is feeling by taking a long, close look at a subordinate? What feelings are hidden behind a restrained manner of conversation and ostentatious indifference, or, conversely, frequent compliments and praise for the business qualities of an attractive young lady? How to distinguish a serious infatuation from an innocent sympathy?

    Secrets of female psychology. Why do girls fall in love with their boss?

    An affair between a boss and his subordinates is a frequent occurrence in office life. Therefore, if we discard the piquancy of the situation from the point of view of colleagues and stereotypes, it is easy to understand why a strict boss attracts the female part of the team.

    Of course, this guy has a lot of merit. A good position, financial security, which means that she will not skimp on gifts for her beloved. Success, authority, prospects and this is not a complete list of the qualities of an "enviable groom".

    With this kind of baggage, a guy doesn't have to be handsome. Women love courageous and reserved men, whose attention and approval still needs to be earned.

    Even if a person does not have an innate tact, often breaks down on subordinates, shouts, allows himself personal insult, in the eyes of a lady in love this is more a manifestation of the strength and authority of an alpha male than a disadvantage. The boss is always right. Especially if the heart of a beautiful lady is ready to break out of her chest from the familiar timbre of her voice.

    Affection and passion blinds the girl so that the secretary does not think about caution or deep study of the desired object. She will be ready to rush into the pool headlong at the first call of the chosen one.

    The need to obey on duty creates an aura of attractiveness, which is difficult to resist even for strong-willed young ladies who are used to making well-considered decisions. What can we say about naive and inexperienced young girls.

    What do men who have office romances want?

    If we exclude rare cases when the boss really fell in love with a girl, like a boy, is ready to break off his old ties and live a happy life with that one (and this sometimes happens), then most of the stronger sex with good career growth wants to try something new , diversify your own life, add vivid sensations.

    The situation for the girl is complicated by the fact that the transition from business to personal relationships can affect her career both positively and negatively. How to understand that you are appreciated as a specialist, a highly qualified professional, and not as another chef's mistress?

    After all, the line between position and personal attitude is so blurred that it is difficult to navigate how talented and capable a young lady is professionally.

    Perhaps the reason for the emotional attraction lies in the girl herself. Often behind falling in love and short-term meaningless connections, there is chronic loneliness, lack of attention, romance and the desire to be attractive to a significant person.

    Constant communication and the need to jointly resolve work issues, as well as common goals, overcoming difficulties, create the illusion of spiritual closeness.

    Falling in love inspires, drives crazy and sometimes pushes women to completely reckless acts. For example, for a love affair with a married boss who has five children and does not want to leave his legal spouse for the sake of a naive employee.

    Pros and cons of a boss's passion for a subordinate

    The experience of many girls who have been in such a difficult situation shows that feelings, no matter how strong they are, burn out over time. It is worth getting to know the boss better, as disappointment immediately knocks on the door.

    After all, the image of an ideal partner, which was created by the excited imagination of a lady, as a rule, has nothing to do with a real person.

    An office romance is a flash of vivid emotions, flirting, mutual attraction, emotional closeness, a certain mystery, which is stimulated by the need to hide the connection from prying eyes.

    Therefore, before deciding on such a risky step, you should think carefully, weigh the pros and cons. At first glance, such a love seems like a gift of fate, a chance to make a breathtaking career in the shortest possible lines and with pleasure for your beloved.

    It is easier for a mistress to manipulate a gentleman, to influence the adoption of important decisions in the company. Awareness of the importance and feminine attractiveness for a respectable man raises the lady in his own eyes.

    It always seems that it is better to succumb to temptation and then regret it than to resist and regret the missed opportunity. But what dangers are hidden behind the mask of office romance?

    Passion disappears sooner or later.

    It is likely that after a tumultuous, but short-lived romance, the boss will continue to search for ways to diversify his own life, but with the help of other young and pretty young ladies.

    The frustrated secretary will have to watch the games of the former lover from the sidelines and suffer in silence. If the connection between the subordinate and the boss is revealed, the young lady will have a damaged reputation, a painful conflict with the boss's wife, dirty hints, ridicule of employees, dismissal and broken dreams.

    In addition, if an abandoned lady has her own family and children, an office affair can lead to frequent conflicts, outbursts of jealousy or separation from her husband.

    Therefore, listen to yourself before succumbing to passion. How likely is a happy ending? What are the prospects for the novel? Is there a possibility of developing a serious relationship and do you consider the status of the boss's mistress acceptable for yourself? How do you see your own future?

    Perhaps it is worth concentrating on work, translating emotional stress into a good for the company. Passion for the boss is a signal of a crisis in family relationships and the need to work on them.

    Signs of male love. What does he feel for me?

    Passion manifests itself in men in different ways. Sometimes a guy hides to the last that he has fallen in love, diligently hides especially warm notes of his voice behind deliberate politeness and remoteness. The reason for this behavior should be sought in the characteristics of the character and type of temperament.

    Perhaps a colleague in love is trying to keep his distance, does not want to complicate business relationships, mixing personal life with work. How do you know that your boss is not indifferent to you?

    The main signs of falling in love: the guy shows a special interest in you, distinguishes you among the employees, wants to learn more about your life and views on the world. Shows care, will never refuse help. He is always available to call, and if he is busy, he will notify about it in advance.

    Taking care of himself, trying to impress. Strive to be close, to touch the desired lady, to compliment or make you laugh.

    During a conversation with a subordinate, the timbre of his voice becomes soft, enveloping, which contrasts sharply with the usual style of communication.

    Sometimes the attention of a gentleman can manifest itself in caustic remarks, ridicule, harsh criticism. Similar behavior is observed in insecure people who find it difficult to cope with their feelings and understand what they really want.

    May be jealous.

    Psychologists say that the love of the stronger sex is different from the female idea of ​​it. A partner can feel comfortable living in two families. But, at the same time, she does an excellent job with duties and considers both women her property, not wanting to share their attention with other people.

    Awe and excitement is a sign of sexual desire, interest, but this is not love. Real feelings are expressed not in beautiful words and empty promises, but in actions. You mean a lot to him if a partner shows concern, generosity, interest in your life, makes concessions, insists on living together or frequent meetings.

    Such a partner will not betray the chosen one and will not allow himself to be negligent, rude, not to sink to psychological pressure and manipulation.

    How to deal with feelings?

    It is necessary to accept the situation as a fact and allow yourself to experience falling in love, enjoying this inspired state. Realize that your boss is an ordinary person with a bunch of flaws that sooner or later will manifest and then you will see him in a completely different way from what you imagined.

    You just have to wait. Work side by side, but not overstep the boundaries of goodwill or friendship. Passion quickly evaporates, and an affair will not help solve your personal problems, will not heal mental wounds and will not relieve you of inner loneliness, but will only create additional difficulties.

    Good working relationships are the most important thing. It happens that one person spoils the life of others, it happens that the department is split into several parts. But you never know the options for the development of relations between employees! Some by the way.

    But there is one type - by the way, very common - that you want to avoid by all means. Remember the movie "The Most Charming and Attractive"? When the heroine of Irina Muravyova Nadya Klyueva begins to charm her colleague Volodka Smirnov, whose role was superbly played by Alexander Abdulov? Pies, compliments, and rigged business trips come into play. Perhaps the sophisticated ladies' man Volodka is no stranger to courtship, so he feels quite comfortable. But in the life of less experienced people, the suddenly begun candy-bouquet period on the part of a colleague is an ordeal.

    One day I suddenly began to like my, let's say, very young employee. When exactly he crossed that easy line between just good friendships and outright flirting, I still did not understand. It all began for health - somewhere he helped in work, somewhere he handed over a coat. But it ended, as they say, for the repose - vulgar messages were poured into my mail - those that are usually used by not very experienced young people. In the kitchen, this person tried to hug me affectionately, began to call me "bunny", and on March 8th he brought a huge bouquet (you can imagine the reaction of other female colleagues who did not receive the bouquets). This went on for three months. I joked from time to time, sometimes in front of him I began to tell how wonderful I had spent the weekend with my husband, but he did not react in any way and did not change his moods. He embarrassed me incredibly, but I also hesitated to tell him to fuck off, I was afraid of offending.

    The story ended as smoothly as it began. As a result, our heroine nevertheless turned on the "ignore" mode. When the next bouquet appeared, she said to the whole office: "Girls, look what flowers they gave us" and put the vase in the center of the room. She stopped responding to messages from a non-working genre, she put on a coat exclusively on her own. The love of young men always needs recharge, but here the fan was in for an obvious fiasco. I fell behind after several weeks myself.

    Prevention of love

    According to business psychologist Alexander Afanasyev, it is most likely that the initiator of the suddenly flared up interest is still a woman. "There is no smoke without fire, which means that somewhere you gave him a reason and, most likely, more than one. The natural desire of women to always please others often goes to the point when a man already has the impression of her availability, or in general he understands her behavior as a desire to seduce. There are a lot of examples: short skirts, deep neckline, tight-fitting dress, translucent blouses, loose hair, perfume scent ... ", - says Alexander Afanasyev.

    And the best prevention of unplanned falling in love is a strict dress code that applies not only to appearance, but also to the behavior of women in a work team. In particular, you should give up loose hair, bright makeup and languid looks. You can read more about this in Alexandra Afanasyev.

    Well, if everything has already happened, and now you have to share an office with a colleague in love, the tips will be different:

    Do not allow vulgarities, cut off greasy jokes and anecdotes. If the conversation becomes ambiguous, calmly explain that you are not interested, personally, you are fine, thank you for your attention. If the mise-en-scene threatens to turn into an intimate one (you allowed it - it's your fault!), Try to translate everything into a joke. Laughter is disarming, - advises Alexander.

    Also, no need to talk about personal, refuse invitations to lunches and dinners not related to work. If you are interested in a colleague who is older in age, try to ask his opinion on the choice of a companion (companion) of life on occasion - even suggest candidates. Younger.

    Intimate talk

    Ultimately, you may have to explain yourself openly. For this, the expert is sure, you need to choose the right moment. You don't have to rush into the office to express everything that you think about it. This is fraught with inadequate response. It is best to start a conversation when he begins to show signs of his attention, tell him: "Ivan Ivanovich, I am offended by this attitude towards myself. I ask you to address me more correctly. I do not want to maintain any relationship with you, except for workers. I respect you, I value your work, but I respect myself and value even more. I count on your understanding. "

    Heart-to-heart talk - 2

    Alexander's colleague Anna Mukhina (psychologist, head of the career counseling department of the Center for Testing and Development "Humanitarian Technologies") believes that conversation is the last measure of influence.

    Do not forget that you still have to work with this person later. Conversation is the last resort: when a person does not understand to such an extent that nothing will work out for you, that nothing else remains. However, sometimes the lover himself provokes the beginning of this conversation. But starting a conversation artificially, immediately trying to figure it out - this will not lead to good, too much too much can be said.

    Anna Mukhina draws attention to the fact that it is important to convey: the person is good, and you refuse him solely for your own reasons: the wrong time, you have a stamp in your passport, something else ...

    If, nevertheless, conversation is inevitable, speak in a neutral atmosphere. Not in the presence of witnesses. And, of course, you do not need to invite a person to visit for this - it will be perceived unambiguously. The conversation should be extremely polite, without a single reproach. Only broadcasting the position: "I appreciate you as a friend (colleague), but there can be nothing more between us. If it is possible for you to maintain friendly (business) relations, I will be very happy. But if this is difficult for you, let's establish a comfortable distance, which we will keep. "

    There is no need for details, excursions into the past and examples from the life of friends, the expert recommends. - Like any conversation that carries negative information, it should begin and end in the same way - with a positive: tell me that the attention is pleasant to you, you can even thank the person for the good attitude. Then tell about your reasons (married, etc.). And at the end - again about something good.

    Lovers' revenge

    Sometimes the love of a colleague can turn out to be the other side of the coin - hatred.

    A person in love thinks like this: "If I am active, if I show how good I am, then everything will change, they will love me." And when a person has invested so much, but received nothing in return, this will inevitably lead to a break in relations. This applies to both men and women. Moreover, the rejected women take revenge at times very cruelly! - Anna Mukhina warns.

    What to do to keep the relationship in a constructive manner and communicate at work in the future? It is not necessary to "broadcast" to a person that he is nobody, call him in any way and he can in no way be interesting. This is exactly how Volodka Smirnov behaved: Nadya was not a woman for him. This is abusive behavior. In the case of the bosses in love, by the way, it can even come to dismissal.

    There is no smoke without fire

    On one thing, both experts agree one hundred percent. In some cases, the love object itself is to blame for the development of the situation.

    In the practice of Anna Mukhina there was a case. The young man fell in love with his boss, who was old enough to be his mother. He invited her to exhibitions, to dinners, and from time to time she agreed - so that, supposedly, not of offending a good person. By virtue of the profession, the specialist managed to communicate with both participants in this relationship. And it turned out that in the depths of her soul the boss was happy with such an alignment - the attention of the young man flattered her and was pleasant.

    So before thinking about how to get rid of your boyfriend, answer honestly to yourself the question: do you really not like it and do not need it? Are you sure you're not adding fuel to the fire yourself? - Recommended by Anna Mukhina.