Pastel red hair color. Copper group of red shades. How to dye your hair red with henna at home

There are approximately 140 million people in the world who are natural redheads. If you think that this is a lot, then you are mistaken: in fact, this hair color is the least common. And if you didn’t get this shade from nature, it doesn’t matter - with modern technologies you can get a natural red shock without harm to your hair!

We will talk about this in our material.

Who suits red hair?

Alan Edwards, colorist for L'Oréal Professionnel Products in Scotland, warns girls who decide to go fiery red: “A consultation with a colorist is necessary before any coloring, but in the case of red, this is especially important! In order to, it is necessary to take into account the color of the skin, eyes, face shape, the peculiarity of the pigment in the hair and their moisture content, personal style, willingness to maintain color and lifestyle in general. For example, if you prefer to spend time outdoors, it will be difficult to maintain a vibrant shade because the pigment molecules are smaller and fade faster in the open air. This is just one of those tips that you can only hear from a professional colorist and are unlikely to learn on your own or on the Internet!”

As the master says, one of the most important criteria by which you can understand which shade of redhead suits you is skin color:

  • Owners of a pinkish shade are especially lucky - they can safely experiment with any red and be sure that their new hair color will attract attention!
  • With olive skin tone, colorists recommend paying attention to chestnut and golden shades of red.
  • For those with dark skin, reddish-red colors are suitable.
  • Light shades of red will go well with pale skin.

You can go the other way and choose a shade of red to match your eye color.

  • Since ancient times, the combination of red hair and green eyes has been considered magical, so if your eye color resembles an emerald, dye your hair in bright red and copper shades!
  • Chestnut and reddish shades are suitable for brown eyes.
  • Light (gray and blue) eyes, as you might guess, will go with the natural tones of red.

Also, following the slander of the colorist, the red color should be chosen depending on the natural shade of the hair.

  • Reddish-red and dark red shades are suitable for dark hair, in other cases, the hair will have to be discolored too much, which will negatively affect their condition.
  • Owners of light brown hair and blondes are practically unlimited in choice and may prefer shades from golden to dark, depending on their color type.

We paint in red: fashionable shades - 2018

Choosing a suitable color palette is not enough, now you need to choose a trendy shade. No wonder, because we, girls, always want to not only attract the views of others, but also be in trend!

We learned from stylists the most popular shades this year.

strawberry red

The strawberry-red shade is the most delicate of all. It's a carefully crafted mix of light and pinkish tones, making it the perfect color for those who don't want to go overboard with experimentation.

This shade is perfect for girls with fair skin tone and blue eyes.

And texturing will look very impressive with this color - pay attention to this when styling!


Although copper is not inherent in the delicacy of a strawberry shade, it also does not look so bright and flashy. Look, for example, at the Hollywood actress Julianne Moore (although her "red" by nature).

If you are the owner of fair skin with a pink undertone and bright blue eyes, this color will definitely become yours!

Alan Edwards adds that copper hair looks best when styled casually and recommends L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Hollywood Waves for texture, volume and shine all at the same time.

classic redhead

Saturated and deep, this color attracts attention - it is the brightest of all in the spectrum of red shades! Look at Nicole Kidman - she is generally the owner of a rare shade of "red blond".

Choose it if you have a cool skin tone and green or brown eyes.


The darkest red shade includes cherry, purple undertones and a hint of mahogany.

It suits people with warmer, olive skin tones.

As with other shades of red, do not forget about the volume and texture of the hair. "L'Oréal Professionnel Tecni.Art Super Dust will help you add volume to your hair" advises Alan Edwards.

Anna Lyubimova

Natural red hair color is popular among women. Usually he is chosen by strong personalities, ready to go to extreme measures, with an explosive character and persistent temperament, charisma, and a lot of energy.

fifty shades of red

Each color has many shades. Red hair color is chosen by fiery, emotional personalities.. But how to choose your shade, which will suit the skin, eyes?

Children born with red hair are a rarity. According to scientists, the percentage of redheads in relation to the rest is only 1%!

But now there is no problem to turn from a sultry brunette to a red-haired beast or from a blonde to a redhead. There are many paints, hair lightening products, tint balms. Come to the hairdresser and voice your desire to become a redhead - after an hour and a half you will not believe your eyes.

There are a lot of shades of red, so it will not be difficult to decide which one you want. The palette starts with light red and ends with dark chestnut.

Green-eyed and blue-eyed girls The red color is perfect. It emphasizes the brightness and color of the eyes, making them even more attractive and alluring. Light skin against the background of fiery shades looks fresh, juicy and clean. For girls with dark skin, dark shades are more suitable: caramel, red, chestnut.

Make sure your hair is well-groomed, not dry, not brittle. The reddish hue attracts the attention of others. You will not go unnoticed in the crowd, so curls should look perfect. Yes, and the red pigment on unhealthy hair will lie unevenly, the hair will be unpresentable. Take care of the condition of the hair before coloring.

Who will go fiery red hair color yet? If you are not going to completely dye your hair, then use highlighting. It will fall on the hair no less brightly, decorate the hairstyle and make the image original.

Preparing hair for coloring

Before carrying out the dyeing procedure, take care of the quality of the hair. Hair dye containing ammonia or hydrogen peroxide damages hair no matter what quality it is. Therefore, in any case, in order not to aggravate the situation with unhealthy hair, it is necessary to first bring them into proper condition. And only after that visit a hairdresser for coloring.

While doing the requirements below, you will get a perfectly even color and the desired result:

  • Hair coloring is not only a procedure for changing the appearance, but also change in image, behavior, life situation. With a radical change in appearance, girls expect changes from this process in their personal lives: for example, they want to find a better job, a loved one, find female happiness, etc. Therefore, before taking such measures, prepare yourself psychologically for this event. Tune in that soon you will see yourself differently, other people will see you in a new way. Perhaps someone will not like you, and someone in admiration will throw a glance at you. First, look at yourself in the mirror, make sure you really don’t like your color, and a new one will change the situation? Maybe you shouldn't change it? Answer these questions. If you are sure of the decision, then mentally imagine your new image. As accurate as possible, in every detail.

In addition to external changes, material costs will also occur. You will probably have to update your wardrobe, cosmetics, if they do not harmonize with the new hair color.

  • In addition, to maintain color and eliminate regrown roots, it will be necessary to color them about once every 3-4 weeks. This is an additional cost of money and time if you are going to visit a hairdresser, and not paint yourself at home.
  • If you plan to paint with the master, then in advance study hairdressers, read reviews, choose a salon. For a better understanding, come to the chosen master and discuss the nuances of the future procedure. Explain what you want, what color and its shade you have chosen. It is important that the person speaks the same language with you. There are situations when the master listens to the client, but in the end he does it his own way, guided by his own experience. As a result, the client remains dissatisfied and subsequently makes negative advertising to the entire salon where this stylist works.
  • Before staining one month before the start of preparation for the procedure. Purchased masks, balms, hair conditioners, and natural ones are also suitable. They are easy to make at home literally from improvised means. Hair will be smoothed, become soft, elastic. The paint will lie flat without stains. It is recommended to cut the ends and profile the hair before painting. On flowing hair, bright color looks great!
  • The most important point - choice of paint shade. Start from the color of the skin, eyes, general condition of the hair and skin. For women over 35, red colors are not recommended. They are too bright and emphasize the grayness, pallor and yellowness of the skin.

Contraindications for staining

There are the following contraindications for hair coloring:

  • Skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, allergy. Respiratory diseases: bronchitis, asthma. Renal failure.
  • menstrual bleeding- 1-3 days.
  • Breast-feeding, pregnancy first 2 trimesters.
  • Bad mood, bad feeling.

From blonde to pale red

The decision to radically change the appearance is not always easy. Hair coloring for a couple of tones lighter or darker - it doesn't matter, but when the color goes from blond to red or from black to red, it's worth considering whether you need it. And yet, how to make a red color out of a blond?

But if you have already made a responsible decision, you want to change, and, it’s easier for you! For better absorption of paint, hairdressers often resort to complete discoloration of the strands, and only then give them the desired color. Discoloration is already there, it remains only to choose the right shade.

Brown-haired women in this matter will also not be difficult to apply a yellow-red color to dark hair. In some cases, tint shampoos are used to just add redheads to their natural color. When the paint begins to wash out from the hair of a brown-haired woman, a cardinal difference in colors will not be noticeable, only the amount of redness will gradually decrease. But this problem will be solved regular touch-up. If you have dyed with professional paint, it can also be supported with a tint balm to hold the desired color.

If you are a natural brunette, then there will be no problems when switching from one color to another.

Buy professional paint 2 shades lighter than the shade you want to end up with and paint. But on already dyed hair, the paint behaves differently. Your dark color will hardly change, but will only acquire a reddish tint. What to do to make it work? Brighten up! How to go from brunette to redhead?

Which lighting method to choose?

  1. Lightening. This method is fast, but it injures the hair much more than the second option. Curls take the form of a chewed washcloth, become hard, naughty, porous. If after clarification you do not use healing masks, balms for a long time, then, in the end, you will lose them forever. They will cut, begin to crawl out in shreds, and finally lose their appearance.
  2. washout. This option is gentle, but also injures the hair, although less. At one time, the complete removal of color will not occur. This can only be achieved 8-10 times. It is better to turn to a professional so as not to spoil the hair completely. Although with the proper ability to cope with this, any person. There are professional products that can wash off the color in 3-4 uses. Consult with your master, which one to choose.

Each person has a different hair style. There are cases when, after lightening, the curls did not lose their external qualities, but on the contrary, they looked more well-groomed and healthy. For the first time, nevertheless, contact a specialist and remember the procedure. Next time you will be able to do the procedure yourself.

Classic lighting at home

Tools for conducting clarification procedures:

  • A bowl for mixing ingredients. It is better to choose ceramics, glass or plastic.
  • Brush for hair application.
  • Cape on the body, so as not to get dirty. If you have an old, unwanted bathrobe, use it.
  • Towel for warming the head after applying the composition.
  • Hydrogen peroxide 9%.
  • Ammonia.
  • Polyethylene gloves, so as not to damage the skin of the hands.

Mix alcohol and peroxide and apply to hair with a brush, wrap yourself in a towel. Clarification by this method takes from 20 to 45 minutes. Depending on the intensity of your color. If you dyed your hair once, then 20 minutes is enough. And if you have been doing this for a long time, then you need to wear it in a wash for as long as possible (but not more than 45 minutes).

Lightening with a wash

Choose professional tools. They are more expensive, but this way you will be sure of their quality and reliability. This wash is applied to dry hair. Peroxide and ammonia you will not need.

  1. Keep the wash for more than an hour.
  2. Blow dry hair afterwards.
  3. Use more than 2 times a month.
  4. To make coloring after washing earlier than in 3-4 days.

If there is no desire to use chemicals and spoil your hair, in this case, folk recipes will come to the rescue.

Of course, it's not as effective, but it's worth a try.

  1. You need fat kefir, an amount sufficient for your length and thickness of hair. Better take a little more and apply a thick layer on the curls. Add a spoonful of salt and vegetable oil to kefir. Keep an hour.
  2. Castor oil is known for its color-eliminating properties, which is why it is the basis for this recipe. You will need 3 egg yolks and 4 tablespoons of castor oil. Mix them and apply on hair for 45-60 minutes.
  3. Oil wash will help not only get rid of the annoying color, but also restore the structure of the hair, lead them to health. You will need a glass of vegetable oil and margarine, about 30 grams. Heat the ingredients in a water bath to a temperature of 30-35 degrees. Margarine should melt and become liquid.

Choosing the right paint

If you do not know how to choose a shade of dark red hair dye, then opt for quality products from the professional series. Consult with a stylist, read reviews, ask your friends. So that later it would not be excruciatingly painful because of the result. Many cheap paints are guilty of purple and greenish tints. In order not to get “eggplant” and “cucumber” in your hair, trust the professionals. Moreover, if you used a wash before staining, their cooperation can give an unpredictable and not always positive result.

How to choose shades of hair dye for light red hair? Experts recommend choosing a color 2 tones darker than desired, so as not to get the effect of a carrot or a clown.

To emphasize the bright color of the strands, you need to know some of the nuances. For the owner of the reddish hair color are the following shades:

  • caramel,
  • red,
  • chestnut.

Bright hair color can be emphasized with any bright things. Trying them on before buying will let you know if they fit you or not.

How to keep the color?

After dyeing, every girl wants to keep a bright red color for a long time. This also applies to red shades. How to do it? Keeping the color bright and saturated is the care of curls after the procedure and preparation before it. Tips & Tricks:

  1. Apply one month before coloring nourishing hair masks, balms conditioners. Hair will become obedient, brittleness will go away, and the color on healthy hair will last for a long time.
  2. At least 2 weeks before the procedure stop using hair-damaging devices. Do not blow dry, do not perm, do not use tongs and curling irons, even curlers are not recommended. Give up styling products: gels, mousses, varnishes. During this time, the hair will rest from thermal and chemical stress.
  3. Do at home decoctions of herbs with which to rinse your hair. This will give vitality to the hair.
  4. To keep the color for more than one week or even two, apply color evenly to hair. To do this, you need a brush, and extra hands if you paint at home. Ask for help. There is no clear vision on the back of the head.
  5. Purchase in addition to the paint color fixer, which is specially created so that the hair does not lose color longer.
  6. Prepare a basin with filtered or mineral water so that after washing off the paint rinse your hair her.
  7. From the day of dyeing to the first washing of the head, it should pass as at least 2 days. During this time, the coloring pigment is completely absorbed into the hair and fixed on it.
  8. Use shampoos and conditioners for colored hair. Conventional detergents penetrate deep into the hair and do a general cleaning there. Accordingly, the paint is quickly washed out. BUT there are no phosphates in specialized products. They act differently: they close the scales and smooth the hair structure. And since the paint is located inside, it does not come out, but on the contrary, it remains there for a longer time.
  9. Do not buy hair products in stores. They are good for the hair itself, but they negatively affect the color by washing it out. This happens because of the contained aggressive substances.
  10. Sauna and swimming pool not recommended within a month after the procedure. The high temperatures and the chlorine in the pool will speed up the color fading.
  11. To restore moisture in curls, use homemade masks from natural products and light conditioners.
  12. You have chosen a new color - red. To maintain its brightness, purchase special products for your color.
  13. beware direct sunlight, they burn out the color. Before going outside, apply a heat protectant designed for hair to your hair. It can be sprays, mousses, balms, creams, etc.

Change is not scary, most importantly, do not forget to take care of your hair and maintain their health and beauty.

April 21, 2014

The stereotype that exists among the people that red hair is not just a shade of hair, but a sign of a perky character, is partly true. People with fiery hair are able to be in the center of attention by their presence alone. And many ladies want to try this perky hair color on themselves. But before deciding to dye your hair, it is better to find out who does not.

Probably everyone will agree that all owners of red hair, donated by mother nature, have almost the same temperament. These are, as a rule, positive and bright personalities who do not lose heart under any circumstances. However, those who are painted in shades of bright red are also not without such qualities.

It is worth noting that fiery curls are not for everyone. In order to color your hair in the desired shade, you need to make sure that it will combine with your skin type, face shape and other parameters, including even lifestyle. So who does red hair suit? And how to choose the right shade? We will talk about this now.

  • Choosing a shade of red hair depending on skin tone

Interestingly, skin type is almost the most important criterion for choosing the right color from a palette of fiery hair shades.

So, for example, girls with pinkish skin will suit almost any shade. These lucky women can experiment both with light dye to give red hair, and with dark ones.

Owners of olive skin tone, stylists recommend golden chestnut shades of red.

With very dark skin, hair should be dyed in rich red-red colors.

For ladies with pale skin, light red tones are more suitable, closest to natural shades.

  • Choosing a shade of red hair depending on eye color

Since ancient times, it was believed that the owners of red hair, and even with green eyes, have a special bewitching power. Red-haired beauties attracted everyone's attention, and therefore they were even accused of being associated with evil spirits. Therefore, if your eyes are green, then feel free to dye your curls in light red, copper and dark chestnut tones. Then you will undoubtedly earn a reputation as a mysterious charmer.

Brown eyes are most successfully combined with chestnut and bright red shades of red.

Girls with gray and blue eyes can allow for natural red tones. These are golden, peach, sand and light copper hair dye options.

  • Choosing a shade of red hair, depending on the natural shade of the hair

Who is red hair suitable for? You can answer this question based on the type of your own hair color, inherited from your parents.

On dark hair, wine, cherry and dark red tones are possible. Lighter tones will require additional discoloration of the curls, which will negatively affect their condition.

Fair-haired girls are allowed golden, chestnut, amber and all dark shades of red.

For blonde girls, there are no restrictions on dyeing strands red. All tones from a diverse fiery palette will do.

Who is contraindicated in red hair color?

Red hair color is not suitable for everyone - this is an axiom that becomes obvious in practice. Let's say you have:

  • White hair

When dyeing hair that has lost its pigment with age in red, do not expect to see it in its intended form. Most likely, you will be unpleasantly surprised when you see your new color. Do not experiment on your own, but trust a professional colorist!

  • Mimic wrinkles and age folds around the face

Bright shades of red color clearly indicate age. In addition, they attract the attention of others to all the imperfections of your skin.

  • Freckles and age spots

As in the previous paragraph, juicy shades of red will focus on freckles.

A few words about dyeing hair in shades of red

If your strands are only a couple of colors different from red, then hair coloring will be as comfortable as possible for you. It will not be difficult to turn light-colored curls into an orange flame. The situation is quite different with brunettes.

Experienced stylists recommend chestnut or dark red shades of red for dark-haired girls. But is it really impossible to try to dye your hair in lighter colors? Of course you can, but it will require sacrifice. Hair bleaching is the only correct answer in this case. But this procedure (and subsequent dyeing in red color) aggressively affects the curls themselves, so if you often dye your hair or are fond of styling devices, then it is better to refuse such a procedure. Or visit a hairdressing salon, where a specialist will select an individual sparing coloring program for you.

What is the best dye to use?

There are two types of red hair coloring - it is the use of artificial dye (hair dye) or natural (henna). For greater effect, you can add other natural ingredients. For example, if you add beetroot juice to henna, then the hair after dyeing will light up with bright red flowers. An infusion of chamomile will help saturate the color of the hair in light red shades.

Now having learned who suits the red hair color, turning into a fiery beauty will not be difficult for you. Good luck in your endeavors and the enthusiastic views of the people around you!

You can often hear the saying that red hair characterizes a person. And the truth is, not every girl dares to become the object of everyone's attention.

Cinema natural paint
long light curls
dyed redhead

For such a transformation, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of color combinations of hair and appearance.

Choosing the Right Option

Owners of gray or blue eyes in tandem with fair skin will suit light red tones.

Honey, golden, light copper colors of red look harmoniously with light or golden skin of the face, if the natural hair color varies from light brown to dark blond.

Dark red hair color goes well with brown eyes, especially if bright shades of paint are used.

For girls with peach or golden skin, you can choose red with a predominant red tint, for example: classic copper, red oak, ginger red.

Natural curls from light to dark chestnut can be dyed with intense red.

Black and red or wine shades of red look great on naturally dark or black hair.

The swarthy tone of the face is in harmony with the golden-chestnut range, light and bright colors of fiery, as well as shades of copper-red are excluded.

To find out who suits the red hair color, let's first look at the color types of appearance.

Color typeCharacteristicRecommended redhead
SpringAristocratic light, slightly transparent skin with a barely noticeable blush, blue, turquoise, gray or tea-colored eyes. Natural strands are light or golden brown.Golden shades of blond, red-blond, saffron, desert, light carrot
SummerThe skin is light, with a cold bluish subcutaneous tint. The eyes are light with a gray or hazel-brown tint.Wheat-golden, caramel-golden tones, dark red, dark caramel, tea with a predominant brown tint, honey-copper
Contrasting summerCold complexion. Dark strands of a muted tone. The eyes are dark and have the ability to change color.Bright colors dominated by red reflections
AutumnWarm complexion of golden hues with a splash of freckles, no blush. Thick, curly hair with a natural color in red tones. Eyes from light lime to emerald green, bright blue, blue, light brown.All shades
WinterMilky white skin without freckles, pronounced, contrasting face. The hair is straight, mostly dark in color. Eyes of saturated cold shades with contrasting whiteness of proteins.Cold tones with a red tint.

Also learn how to get and .

The palette of shades of red is so rich and you can see it in the photo that a girl of any color type can choose a suitable hair tone to match. In this case, you should not wonder who suits the red hair color: using a structured table, you can choose the right shade that is in harmony with the appearance. The photo shows girls of various color types before and after staining in the appropriate tones.

If the natural tones of the curls are not far from red or close to light blond, you can safely proceed to coloring. It is much more difficult to paint the hair in red from dark tones, especially from black. This requires bleaching.

Many-sided charm

The most popular companies in the hair dye market are Schwarzkopf, Garnier, Wellaton, L'Oreal, Syoss. Firms offer a rich palette of hair colors, the variety of which will help you easily find the necessary red color for your hair.

  1. Palette Color & Gloss semi-permanent paint contains 18 shades, most of which give curls a red tint, in the Palette Deluxe permanent paint palette 22 shades, including charming colors of red and red - 464 Gorgeous Copper, 562 Copper Mango, 678 Ruby Red, 872 Luxurious Ruby - black and other, no less attractive colors for hair;
  2. The Garnier Color Naturals palette offers three ginger colors: 6.41 Passionate Amber, 7.40 Golden Copper, 7.40 Captivating Copper, while the Garnier Color Sensation palette contains 4.60 Rich Red, 5.62 Royal Garnet, 6.35 Golden Amber;
  3. Red shades of Wellaton are presented in the Vibrant Reds palette, several shades among the Color Touch Plus palette;
  4. L'Oreal offers 12 shades of red, such as L'Oreal Prodigy 7.40 Fire Agate, L'Oreal Preference 74 Mango Intense Copper or 78 Paprika Very Intense Copper, although reddish tones can also be obtained when dyeing hair with chestnut colors of this brand (pictured are examples of staining with the name of the color).

Coloring at home

If you have decided to carry out the coloring yourself, and not in the salon, you need to take into account the difference between the presented hair tone on the box and the color obtained after the procedure. Much depends on the natural color of the curls, as well as on the manufacturing company.

According to professionals:

  • light shades of red from L’Oreal are darker than indicated on the packaging photo, chestnut tones give off red;
  • red color can also be obtained by staining with Schwarzkopf chestnut tones;
  • fades to red and color 5-86 Spicy Cinnamon by Palette;
  • 562 Copper mango from the same series turns out a tone darker even on light curls, but 390 Light copper from Phytolinia turns out according to the declared tone.

Use of natural remedies

Fashionable, rich red hair color can be obtained at home using henna staining. The paint not only strengthens the roots, but also gives the desired shades, as in the photo.

To prepare the porridge you will need:

  • a bag of henna;
  • mixing bowl;
  • boiling water;
  • tassel.
  1. Pour the contents of the sachet into a bowl.
  2. Pour boiling water over the powder.
  3. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Apply the resulting slurry in even parts to the strands.
  5. Put on a plastic cap.
  6. Wrap your head in a towel.

Henna in combination with various components can give interesting shades to the hair.

So, a combination of henna with cocoa powder (1 sachet for 3-4 tablespoons) will result in a noble redhead.

A bag of henna mixed with 5-6 tablespoons of ground coffee will turn light curls into fiery red.

A brightly saturated color will be obtained by mixing henna with ginger (for 3 sachets 1 tsp).

Dark red hair color of a copper shade will turn out if you add ½ tsp to 3 sachets of henna. ginger, cinnamon and turmeric. Instead of boiling water, strong tea leaves with lemon are used.

The dye on the hair is kept from 40 minutes to 2 hours. The brightness of the color depends on the duration of the effect of the mixture on the hair.

It is important to remember that henna does not tolerate chemical exposure, i. Henna staining is carried out only on natural curls. If after applying henna you want to change the paint, you need to wait until the hair grows back, otherwise the result of exposure to chemical paint on henna can be unpleasantly surprising.

Hair coloring with henna in shades of red (before and after photos).

Advantages and disadvantages

  1. You should not dye gray hair yourself: the final effect on curls that have lost pigmentation may be unexpected;
  2. When choosing a shade, the condition of the skin should also be taken into account: such minor defects as freckles, moles, or blood vessels located too close to the surface can be accentuated if the color is chosen incorrectly;
  3. Women with a constant bright blush on their cheeks should avoid carrot or copper tones;
  4. Women over 40 are advised not to choose flashy light or copper tones that betray their age. It is better to choose dark caramel or shades of mahogany.

Two tone style

There are several methods of such staining, the popularity of which is due to their maximum naturalness.

Two-tone classic coloring is used - a smooth transition from one color to another. When coloring hair red, it is very important to choose the right shades. Fair-skinned girls are calm tones. Owners of olive-colored skin are suitable for red shades (before and after staining photos).

Types of staining:

  • from the darkened red root zone, a stretch of color is made into black tips;
  • in another case, coloring is done exactly the opposite: from black to red;
  • transition from red-red to light brown toning;
  • from honey top to tangerine tips.

California highlighting. Preservation of the dark color of the hair at the roots, smoothly turning into clarified tips with the effect of burnt strands. The most gentle option for red hair. Does not require frequent staining, since the growing roots do not contrast with the root zone. The photo shows red hair color with highlights.

Venetian highlighting. Dyeing is carried out in the open air with tinting thin strands vertically and lightening them with several shades without the use of foil, without affecting the roots. It turns out the natural effect of a trendy hairstyle that does not lose its well-groomed appearance for several months.

Shatush. Smoothly changing soft shades that create the effect of natural chaos. It is quite difficult to achieve such a result, the procedure lasts about an hour, and the duration of the result is several months.

Balayazh. French method using hair coloring with horizontal strands. The success of the hairstyle depends on the skillful hand of the master, otherwise you can get the effect of a zebra.

  1. For those who are tormented by the question: will this or that shade of redhead suit me, you can use tinting paints or tint foams, which, if necessary, can be quickly washed off. There are also special online programs that allow you to choose the right tone.
  2. Coloring in a red color implies a lightening stage, which is best done in the salon.
  3. Red is quickly washed off, so to maintain the beauty of the hair, there is a need for frequent dyeing. This procedure can be carried out without damage using ammonia-free products.
  4. With a red tint of hair, there should be a harmonious make-up using natural shades.

If for some reason you want to change the image and paint over the red color, it is best to use a wash. This will help to get rid of this shade and return the color, similar to natural. After washing, you can decide what color to recolor the curls.

It is advisable to carry out a new coloring two weeks after the washing procedure, so that the hair has time to rest.

Daily Care

To maintain the color and shine of red hair, you need to use special shampoos and masks. It is important that they do not contain hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or ammonium. You can use homemade balms containing chamomile, cinnamon, pomegranate or cherry extracts.

See if it suits you.

Red-colored curls throughout the history of mankind are shrouded in an aura of mystery and mystery, which is why they are so desirable for many women. In the old days, red strands were considered one of the attributes of witches and sorceresses. Over the years, the red hair color still has magical power and attractiveness, it is for this reason that most women want to try out the image of a passionate seductress at least once in their lives.

Choosing a shade according to the color type:

  • “winter” - all shades in red-red tones;
  • "spring" - tones of a light yellow palette;
  • "summer" - colors from red-brown to copper-gold;
  • "autumn" - light brown, copper-red.

Variations on the theme of red

Modern stylists have developed a wide palette of shades of red, from which any girl or woman can choose the best option for themselves.

#Natural redhead

This shade is able to add incredible tenderness and ardor to the image of its owner. It is popular among many women due to its maximum proximity to the natural red color, it looks harmonious when combined with transparent skin and a light initial color of the strands.

#Dark blond with a red tint

An excellent solution in case of a desire to experiment and unpreparedness for cardinal changes in the image. Suitable for girls with gray, green and blue eyes.

#Red blonde

Golden blond with a soft red tint goes well with light gray eyes and delicate skin tones. He is able to decorate young ladies, as well as emphasize a certain shyness and tenderness in the image.

#Deep, dark red

This rich color carries an aristocratic sophistication and sophistication. Looks great in combination with dark eyes and dark skin tones.

#Bright red

This palette is represented by a wide range of various shades, ranging from delicate carrot, ending with rich copper-red and bold orange. With him, any, even the most ordinary, appearance will look special and unusual. Please note that this palette is not suitable for everyone. For example, if you have blue eyes, you should forget about such bold experiments. However, women with brown and black eyes can try it.

#Cold redhead

The shade of ginger is distinguished by high rates of practicality and versatility. It is suitable for almost all persons of the beautiful half of humanity and demonstrates excellent wearability.

#Fiery red

A color that will make its owner the center of everyone's attention. It requires regular renewal, a certain make-up, as well as an ideal skin condition.


It is the tertiary color of the main palette and is a mixture of shades of chestnut and mahogany. Ideal for the autumn and winter color types.

Who should not experiment with the red range?

First of all, stylists advise avoiding bright shades for those who have a large percentage of gray hair. This color is quite capricious and may not stay on strands that have lost their pigment. The presence of wrinkles and age folds is also a reason to refrain from painting in red colors, which can not only reveal the true age of a woman, but also emphasize all the defects in appearance. In addition, fiery tones make an additional emphasis on freckles and age spots. Therefore, if you are trying to hide them, the red color is not the best solution. It should be added that damaged and overdried hair will not be able to keep such a rich color in its original form for a long time and will require frequent repetition of the toning procedure.

Basic coloring rules

In the event that you have decided to try red for the first time, we recommend using tint mousses or tinting masks, which are completely removed after several sessions of washing your hair. In the presence of a dark initial hair color, it is necessary to first carry out a lightening procedure by several tones to obtain the desired shade. Maintaining the saturation and brightness of red requires frequent coloring, so to maintain the health of the curls, it is better to give preference to products without ammonia. Owners of strands of red color should show a certain moderation in makeup. First of all, the color of the eyebrows should be in harmony with the hair. It is better to emphasize the eyes with brown eyeliners, pencils and mascara, as well as use soft and natural shades of shadows, blush and lipstick.

Proper care at home

To maintain a well-groomed and healthy appearance of the hair, as well as the brightness of the color, red-haired girls need to provide the curls with proper care. As a rule, hair care begins with choosing the right shampoo. Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of products in this category, the most suitable of which will be products for colored strands. Some of them are highlighted in a separate line, thanks to the ability not only to maintain the red color, but also to enhance its saturation and brightness.

Homemade masks or serums based on natural henna, with the addition of cinnamon, cherry or pomegranate extracts will become natural products for hair care of this color range. Care products that include alcohol, peroxide or ammonium - substances that destroy artificial pigment - should be avoided.

During the period of active sun, strands of red shades should be protected from the harmful effects of direct rays. The same rule applies to visiting the solarium, sauna, pool. Salon procedures, such as lamination or keratinization, will help to maintain a bright and saturated color for a long time.

Note that, once choosing a suitable tone from the red palette, you will become his admirer for a long time!
Video: coloring in red tones