Pedagogical requirements for education methods. Pedagogical methods of education

Not only parents, but also educators in kindergartens, school teachers, even teachers in technical schools and universities face that children and students need not only to teach, but also to educate. And here it is not unlikely to have the concept of what kind of education methods and what they are.

What do you need to upbringing

In a sense, education is of more serious importance for the future formation and development of the personality than training. Because the doctrine aims to simply provide a certain amount of knowledge at the disposal of a young man, develop its erudition. And the correct upbringing, in addition, should make it a full-fledged and adequate member of the society, which will strictly observe the generally accepted bans, adhere to communicating with people of a certain framework, simply will feel firmly, which is good, and what is bad.


To achieve the desired result, various means and methods of education are used. Means can be books, toys, other items that help to achieve educational purposes. And methods are special technologies that the tutor can use in its work. In pedagogy, classifications are developed that share these methods into groups. For example, one of them is aimed at forming the worldview. Another group aims to properly organize the activity process. The third includes methods for evaluating real deeds.


Among the huge number of technologies that are educational methods, primarily mention it. The conviction is necessary to form the right views, motivating the processes. This method is based on consciousness, feelings and will of educated. It uses such techniques as conversation, dispute, explanation, story.


It is also a very well-known representative of education methods. It consists in stimulating those actions that can be assessed positively. Moreover, incentives can apply a wide variety of: material (money, candy and so on), verbal, recognition in the form of a letter of thanks, publication in the newspaper and much more. The main thing is that the raised himself perceived what is happening as encouraging.

The exercise

Multiple repetition of certain actions, concepts are also able to help the educator to achieve their goals.


Both positive and negative, properly presented, helps to form a worldview and value system.


Like the methods of upbringing, punishment can be different. It is possible to limit the freedom or communication in a certain way, to deprive some ordinary goods (the same candy), punish materially. However, the punishment should not humiliate the pupil, but give him the opportunity to realize the incorrectness of his act or behavior and to form a desire to do so in the future. That is why physical punishment is extremely undesirable in education.

Psychological training mechanisms that are used by various methods are distinguished. But they must all be focused on achieving a common specific goal.

The education method is a way to achieve the goal of upbringing, a way to obtain the result. In the pedagogy, in addition to the concept of "educational method", the concept of "taking upbringing" is used. Reception of education is a private method expression. In the process of practical activity, the method is divided into techniques that help to achieve the goals of education. Thus, the techniques relate to methods as private to a common. For example, a meeting with interesting people is used for the method of reception. For the method of promoting reception - the presentation of the book.

The educator acts every time in different ways: acts on the pupil and is waiting for an immediate response in behavior; Assist, i.e. helps him; Interacts - cooperates with the pupil. The actions of the educator are organized by different ways, because various purposes are being pursued (the goal determines the choice of the method); various content of activity; Easternactive age of pupils and their features and, finally, the professional skills of educators are also unequal.

So, the method of education is the ways to solve educational tasks and the implementation of educational interaction.

In the practice of the educational process, there are various methods of education: a belief, a positive example, a personal example, a requirement, affectionate touch to the pupil, trust, distrust, teaching, commission, threat, forgiveness, etc.

It is important to distinguish true methods of upbringing from false. Some researchers for false methods of upbringing include persecution, exhortation, painting; edification, moralization, notation; grumbling teacher, spreading, petty quits; reproaches, intimidation, endless "elaboration"; Muster; torganization of children's life; capture; and etc.

The educator is important to learn yourself to control not to use ineffective methods of impact in the process of education.

General education methods and their classification

Methods of upbringing are called common because they are used:

  • - in working with all categories of people (schoolchildren, students, soldiers, etc.);
  • - to solve any educational tasks (moral, labor, mental, aesthetic education, etc.);
  • -dious categories of educators (parents, teachers, educators);
  • -For decisions not one, but the totality of tasks.

In order to facilitate the practical use of education methods, it is advisable to classify them. The classification of methods is a system of methods constructed by a certain sign that promotes the identification of a common and specific, theoretical and practical one. Classification helps streamline methods. In existing classifications, one or more sides of the educational process takes the basis.

G.I. Schukina, Yu.K. Babansky, V.A. Salazhenin offer the following classification:

  • - methods of formation of consciousness (conversation, story, dispute, lecture, example);
  • -Methods of organization of activities and the formation of public behavior experience (teaching, exercise, commissioning, creating educational situations, requirement, public opinion);
  • -Motes of stimulating activities and behavior (competition, promotion, punishment).

In the Russian pedagogical encyclopedia, the following classification of education methods is proposed, based on changes:

  • - activities and communication (the introduction of new activities and communication, the change in their meaning, the content of activities and the subject of communication);
  • - relations (demonstration of relationships, distinguishing role-playing functions of participants in joint activities, their rights and obligations, the preservation of traditions and customs of the team, change in informal interpersonal relations);
  • - components of the educational system (change in collective purposes, ideas about the team, prospects for further development).

Imagine a group of methods that serve as a base for various classifications. These are methods:

  • -Wasy;
  • -exercises;
  • -proof;
  • transcript;
  • -primer.

In practical real activities, methods perform in complex harmonious unity, mutually complementing each other.

Method of belief.

The conviction is one of the ways of influencing the identity, acceptance of the impact on the consciousness, feelings and will of the pupil in order to develop conscious attitudes towards the surrounding reality. The belief should be differentiated as: 1) the mental property of the individual and 2) the method of influencing the consciousness and will of the pupil, the ultimate purpose of the use of which is the formation of belief in the first value.

The method of belief forms the views of the pupil, the motives of behavior and actions. It is important to understand what a person is guided when making decisions, how consciously this choice happens. The task of the educator is to help form the right beliefs. With the help of this method, the norms of behavior are revealed, the need for proper behavior is proved, it is shown for the identity of the significance of certain norms of behavior.

The method of belief contributes to the development of confidence in the correctness of one or another knowledge, approval, opinions. Consequently, using this method should be transferred and consolidated in the consciousness of the pupil certain information, form confidence in relation to it. The conviction in the correctness of the idea is formed in the process of human practical activity.

As a conviction techniques, the teacher can use the story, conversation, explanation, dispute.

Exercise is a "teachment." There are straight exercises (open demonstration of a behavioral situation), indirect ("indirect" nature of exercises), natural (appropriate, systematically, intelligent organized vital activity of pupils) and artificial (specially designed stages, human exercises).

Conditions for the effectiveness of the exercise method: awareness of significance, representation of a possible end result, systematics and sequence in organizing exercises, instance and gradualness, relationship with other methods; availability commensurate this age; Mastering actions where accuracy is important, sequence; Organization of control when performing exercise and professional assistance.

Method of encouragement . Encouragement - a way to express a positive assessment, fixing and stimulating the formation of moral behavior. This method is stimulating.

Promotion is manifested in the form of approval, praise, gratitude, awards. It fixes positive skills and habits; Requires a certain dosage, should be fair and naturally flow from the actions of the pupil. Incorrect use of this method can generate vanity, constant wishing of exclusivity and, worst of all, egoistic motivation. Therefore, it is necessary to use this method. That is why encouragement refers to the subsidiary method of education.

Punishment method. Punishment is a way to brake negative manifestations of personality with the help of a negative assessment of its behavior (and not personality), the method of presenting requirements and coercion to follow the norms, the formation of a sense of guilt, repentance.

Punishment is a means of pedagogical impact used in the event of non-compliance with the requirements established in society and behaviors. With his help, the pupil helps to understand what he does wrong and why. This is a very serious method of upbringing.

Followers of another direction - the theory of free education - rejected any punishment, as they cause experiences of the pupil. In this desire, was a protest against violence against the child.

In our country, the punishment is used to slow down the negative behavior of pupils. However, the following punishments are prohibited:


insulting personality;

preventing education (for example, not allowed to the dispute);

decorating pupils of food.

Types of punishment: moral censure, deprivation or restriction of any rights, verbal condemnation, restriction of participation in the life of the team, change in the attitude towards the pupil, reducing the assessment on behavior, exclusion from school.

Certain pedagogical requirements are presented to the use of punishment methods. The punishment must be justified, deserved, commensurate with the degree of act. If the misdemeanor is committed immediately, the punishment must be severe, but only one thing for all misconduct.

For one offense it is impossible to punish twice. It is impossible to hurry with the punishment, there is no confidence in his justice. If the punishment does not give the result, it becomes meaningless. Unacceptable assault and mental violence against pupils.

The punishment should not deprive the child honored praise and rewards, as he deserves; be "prevention", the punishment of "just in case"; departing (for misconduct, which were found six months or a year after their commission); humiliate a pupil; Harm physical and mental health.

In determining the measure of punishment, the age and individual characteristics of pupils are taken into account.

Example method. An example as a method of education is a way of presenting a sample as a finished behavior program, a method of self-knowledge. This is based on the method of education by an example. The educator (teacher, teacher, parent) must control his behavior, his actions, not forgetting that they influence the identity.

It is impossible to teach the pupil to order if the adult does not support it itself. Permanent viewing of the TV at any free time will not teach a reasonable organization of free time. Rough speech, okhriches, assault, incontinence do not contribute to the formation of a humane, correct, despicable personality.

Examples are positive and negative. It follows in positive examples. This does not mean that you need to protect the pupils from all negative. It is necessary to disclose the unsightly essence of the facts of misconduct, to cause the desire to deal with ugly in life.

Forms of manifestation of an example as a method of education - a personal example, an example of parents, wonderful people, peers, heroes.

The implementation algorithm: a targeted choice of image, his perception, awareness of advantages, the allocation of moral qualities, including self-education in its program.

When using educational methods, pedagogical requirements, causing, stimulating or braking a certain activities of the pupil, must be observed. They cannot be seen. The pupil should feel that the tutor is confident in his actions. Every requirement must be monitored, strict, strict requirements should be a bit, the best result is given by the requirements developed in conjunction with pupils.

Requirements can be weak (reminder-request, advice, hint, censure); Middle (order, requirement-installation, caution, prohibition); strong (threat requirement, alternative order).

The professional activity of the educator involves the choice and use of educational methods depending on the existing conditions and capabilities. Such conditions are the knowledge of the goals and tasks of education; age and individual characteristics of pupils; upbringing time; interests and needs of pupils; their social environment; The level of formation of the group in which they enter; expected results; Your own capabilities.

At the heart of the selection of the education method should be the humanistic relationship of the educator with pupils. The effectiveness of the methods used is achieved by comparable to the selected method of real conditions and a specific situation, the professional prediction of the psychological state of pupils at the time of the use of methods; skillful combination of various methods of upbringing; reinforcement of the selected method of upbringing; bring it to a logical completion.

Choosing the methods of education, the educator should strive to use those that enable the pupil to self-realize, show its individuality, own abilities; lead to the creation of a success situation; forecasting the result; Implementing the goal.

Basic concepts: Method, education method, reception of education, means of education, classification of educational methods, belief as a method for forming a person's consciousness (story on ethical topic, clarification, ethical conversation, lecture, dispute, positive example); Methods of organizing activities (exercise, teaching, requirement); methods of stimulating activities (approval, punishment, competition); Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in in education.

4.1 Essence of education methods and their classification.

The concept of receptions and means of education. The word "Metodos" (Greek) literally means "way to achieve the goal", "method of action".

In the pedagogy, the concept of "education method" is interpreted in different ways. Some believe that " method of education - This is a tool, with which the tutor is arming with students with solid moral beliefs, moral habits and skills, etc. " (P.N. Shimbirev, I.T. Ogorodnikov). In this definition, the concepts of "method" and "means" are identified, therefore it is impossible to be considered quite true, reflecting the essence of the method of upbringing.

Others are determined Methods of education as a set of ways and techniques of formation in pupils of certain personal qualities and properties. This definition is too general, this concept does not make a clear concept. It overlooks the fact that the pupil cannot be formed without his own activity in working on himself.

In many textbooks and teaching guides on pedagogy under the methods of education understand the methods of professional interaction of the teacher and students in order to solve educational and educational tasks (V.A. Slastin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shihanov, etc.). Such a definition of the education method reflects its dual character (the method is considered as a mechanism for the interaction of the teacher and students), but it does not reveal the deep essence of interaction.

As we already knowEducation is carried out in the process of various and active activities of students, which the teacher organizes. From this point of view, we are talking about the interaction of the teacher and students (moreover, it is only by the teacher's professional). Thus, under the method of education, it is necessary to understand the methods and techniques of the organization by the teacher of the active and diverse activities of students, in which their personal development occurs: a motivational sphere, consciousness, feelings, moral views and beliefs are formed.

The education method disintegrates to the components of its elements (parts, parts), which are called methodological techniques. Takes do not have an independent pedagogical problem, but obey the decision of which the method of education is directed. The same methodological techniques can be used in different methods. The same method for different teachers may include different techniques. Takes determine the originality of the educational technique, make the style of pedagogical activity of the educator in unique.

Often methodical techniques And the methods of education themselves are identified with the means of educational work, which are closely related to them and are used in unity (the means - reception - the method - the methodology of upbringing). But the concepts of "means of education" and "educational method", being interrelated, have clear differences. Education tools contribute to the implementation of educational techniques. To the means include, on the one hand, various activities(game, labor, training), and on the other - the combination of objects and works of material and spiritual culture, With which the methods and methods of education (books, visual benefits, paintings and movies, TV shows, etc.) are being implemented.

I.P. Sub-clause believes that the means of education - this is a combination of his techniques.He writes: "The tool is no longer a reception, but not yet the method. For example, labor activity is a means of education, but the display, an occurrence of labor, an indication of an error in the work - these are techniques. The word (widely understood) is a means of education, but a replica, an ironic remark, comparison - receptions. In this regard, sometimes the education method is defined as a system of receptions and means used to achieve the goal, as in the structure of the method of receptions and the means there is necessarily "[PLAYED IP Pedagogy: New course: studies. For stud. Higher. studies. Vehicles: 2 kN. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2003. KN. 2: The process of upbringing. - P. 96].

In the pedagogical process exists manifold methods, techniques and means of education. There are techniques reflecting the specificity of education at a certain age or in a specific educational institution (for example, education methods will differ significantly in secondary school, at the art school or in a correctional colony for adolescents). But in the education system allocate general methods of education. They are called common because they are used in the pedagogical process as a whole, regardless of the specifics of a certain, particular educational process.

The general methods of upbringing include:

Conviction (story, clarification, suprast, lecture, conversation, dispute, discussion, etc.);

Method of a positive example;

Exercise method (teachments);

Approval and condemnation methods;

Requirement method;

Method of control, self-control and self-esteem;

Switching method.

Methods and especially different versions (modifications) in pedagogical theory and practice have accumulated a lot. Select adequate goals and real circumstances methods helps their streamlining, classification. The classification of methods is their system built on a certain sign. Relying on the classification, the teacher not only clearly imagines a system of methods as a whole, but also better understands their role and appointment in the educational process, characteristic features and features of application.

In modern pedagogy, dozens of classifications are known, some of which are more suitable for solving practical tasks, while others represent only theoretical interest.

By character, the methods of education are divided into belief, exercise, promotion and punishment (N.I. Boldyrev, N.K. Goncharov, F. F. Korolev, etc.). In this case, the general feature of the "nature of the method" includes direction, Applicability, Featureand some other parties methods.

TA Ilina and I.T. Garders represent a generalized system of methods - methods of belief, methods of organizing activities, stimulating the behavior of schoolchildren.

In the classification of I.S. Marynko allocated on the principle of impact on the pupils of the following groups of methods:

Explanatory reproductive (story, lecture, clarification, positive example, etc.);

Problematic situational (situation of choice of activity and behavior, discussion, dispute, etc.);

Methods of teaching and exercises;

Stimulation (competition, promotion, requirement, etc.);

Braking (punishment, requirement);

Manuals and self-education.

Currently, the most objective and convenient is the classification of education methods based on the direction - integrative characteristics, including in unity, the target, meaningful and procedural parties of education methods (V.A. Slastin, G.I. Schukina).

Accordingly, the following groups of education methods are allocated:

Methods of forming a person's consciousness (views, beliefs, ideals);

Methods of organizing activities and the formation of public behavior experience;

Methods of stimulating behavior and activity;

Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in the upbringing.

The structure of this classification of methods can be represented in the following scheme:

Methods of upbringing (classification of V.A. Slastinina, G.I. Shchukina)

Methods of formation of consciousness Methods of organization of activities and the formation of personality experience Methods for stimulating behavior and activity Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment of activities and behavior
All methods of belief: story. Explanation and explanation. Lecture. Ethical conversation. Exhortation. Suggestion. Briefing. Dispute. Discussion. Controversy. Report. Positive example. The exercise. Teaching. Pedagogical requirement. Public opinion. Order. Railing situation. Switching in activities. Competition. Promotion. Punishment. Scene-role games. Pedagogical observation. Conversations in order to identify levels of pupils and educationalness. Polls, oral and questionnaires. Tests. Analysis of the results of socio-efficient activities, the work of self-government bodies. Creating situations to study the behavior of pupils.

In real conditions of the pedagogical process, the methods are in complex and controversial unity. The logic of individual, "secluded" means and techniques is crucial here, but a harmoniously organized by their system. At some stage of education, one or another method can be used in a fairly isolated form, but without interaction with other methods of education, it loses its purpose, slows down the movement of the pedagogical process to the target target.

4.2. Methods for the formation of personality consciousness.

Generalizable these methods can be defined as methods of belief, that is, the impact on the consciousness of the pupil in order to form knowledge, views, beliefs, etc. In the educational process, the story method is relevant.

Story - that's The sequential presentation is predominantly actual material carried out in a descriptive or narrative form. A number of requirements are made to this method: logicality, sequence and evidence, imagery, emotionality, consideration of age-related features of pupils (including in relation to duration: for younger children - no more than 10 minutes, for teens, boys and girls - 30 minutes and more ).

Affecting the senses of students, the story helps children understand and assimilate the meaning of moral relations and evaluations in it, norms

behavior. Three main tasks of this method can be distinguished in educational work: cause positive moral feelings (sympathy, joy, pride) or indignation about negative actions or actions of the heroes of the story, reveal the content of moral concepts and norms, to present a sample of moral behavior and cause the desire to imitate him.

If with the help of the story fails to provide a clear and clear understanding of a particular action, the phenomenon, the explanation is applied, explanation.

Explanation (clarification) is The evidence form of presentation based on the use of logically related conclusions that establish the truth of certain judgment. The explanation is almost always combined with the observations of students, with the questions of the teacher to students and on the contrary, and can turn into a conversation.

Conversation is The question and response method of active interaction of the teacher and students in the educational process. In the educational practice, the conversation was widely used. Its main goal is to attract students to evaluate the actions, events and phenomena of public life and on this basis to form their adequate attitude towards the surrounding reality, to their moral, civil duties. The convincing meaning of the problems discussed in the process of conversation increases if questions and answers rely on personal experience of the pupil, find a response in his affairs and actions, in their own life.

Of particular importance in educational work have ethical conversations. They, as a rule, begin with the justification of the topic, they are preparing to the teacher and pupils a special material for discussion, which encloses some kind of moral problem. In the final word, the teacher summarizes all the statements of children, formulates a rational decision of the problem under discussion, outlines a specific program of action to consolidate the norms adopted as a result of the conversation in the practice of behavior and activities of students.

For a beginner teacher Individual conversations are particularly difficult, which are most often held in connection with local conflicts, discipline disorders. They may be spontaneously, which requires a pedagogue of good psychological and pedagogical training and developed professional intuition. It is better if the conversations of this kind are delayed in time, which makes it possible to prepare a thoroughly to them, consider the facts discussed, to put forward solid arguments for the belief of the student in the unlawfulness of these or other actions.

A complex method of upbringing is a lecture. As a rule, lectures of an educational nature are carried out for high school students (due to their age characteristics).

Lecture - This is a detailed systematic presentation of the essence of one or another problem of socio-political, moral, aesthetic, economic and other content. A lecture of an educational nature should be distinguished from a lecture as a training method (the latter should be a purely scientific character). But mainly the same requirements are presented: containing, informative-cognitive capacity, logical construction, a large duration of time. Persuasiveness of evidence and arguments, validity and composite slightness, unreleased pathos, the living and implanious word of the teacher contribute to the ideological and emotional impact of lecture on the consciousness of pupils.

The methods actively affecting students' consciousness include discussions, disputes, controversy. They encourage the guys to relate to the problem being discussed, to form their own point of view on the subject of the dispute, express their judgments. The prerequisite for the implementation of these methods is the presence of at least two opposite opinions on the issue under discussion. Naturally, the last word in the discussion is the teacher as its organizer and leader, but this does not mean that his conclusions are truth in the last instance. The teacher is obliged to take into account the point of view of pupils and reject it (if it is truly unacceptable, incorrect) only on the basis of strong and thoughtful arguments and facts.

Dispute, unlike discussion As the method of formation of judgments, ratings, beliefs, does not require final, defined solutions. The solution may remain open. The main thing is that in the process of a collision of various opinions, points of view arises knowledge of something at a high level of generalization. The dispute corresponds to the age-related features of older adolescents, for whom the search for the meaning of life is characterized, the desire to take anything to faith, the desire to compare the facts to find the truth. The topics for disputes can be different, but must cause a living response in the consciousness of high school students (for example: "Why does behavior always coincides with the requirements of life?", "Where are the indifferent?", "Is it true that" calm is spiritual meanness " ? (L.N. Tolstoy) "," Is it possible to become a blacksmith of your happiness? ", Etc.). The most general value of the disputes is to create an indicative basis for creative quest and independent decisions.

Of great importance in the process of forming the consciousness of a developing personality is the method of example. The psychological basis of this method is imitation,but not like blind copying actions and actions of other people, but as the formation of actions of a new type that coincide In general, with a specific positive ideal.

This method is significant both for children of younger age and for high school students. But small children Choose to imitate ready-made samples of adults or senior adolescents affecting them external example.Imitation of U. teenage Wears more meaningful, deep and election. IN youth Imitationation is significantly modified: it becomes more conscious and critical, is actively recycled in the inner, spiritual world of a young man. The most important task of the teacher in the process of implementing this method (and it is used daily, hourly in the work of the teacher) is to create conditions for the formation of pupils positive ideal (object) to imitate.Education "from the reverse", on a negative example, is also possible, but the positive effect of the example is much more efficient. Another Ancient Roman philosopher Seneca said: "Long path of instruction is a short way of example."

K.D. Ushinsky notedThe educational force is fused only from a lively source of a positive, strong human personality, which can only be influenced by the personality. In the eyes of students, only that act deserves imitation, which is performed by a respected, authoritative person. This circumstance determines the high professional requirements for the person and behavior, the activities of the teacher. The teacher must be his behavior, appearance, acts to serve as an example for students, to be a model of morality, principle and conviction, culture, erudition. The power of the positive impact of the teacher will increase and in the case when the pupils are convinced - there are no discrepancies between the word and the case of their mentor, to all their pupils, he refers to good and at the same time demanding (although, of course, the measure of the demands of the teacher is directly proportional to the meaning of the discrepancy , His collections and hardworking).

4.3. Methods of organizing activities and the formation of personality experience.

The results of the upbringing are moral and value relationships and the type of behavior that meets social requirements. Ultimately, it is still not knowledge and concepts, but the beliefs that are manifested in actions, actions, behavior characterize the educational liction. In this regard, the organization of activities and the formation of public behavior experience are considered as the core of the pedagogical process.

The most common method Organization of students in the educational process is an exercise. At the beginning of the 20s of the last century, this method was considered ineffective in Soviet pedagogy, since the exercise (or a teaching) was associated with mechanical learning, Mustra. Soviet teachers believed that it was necessary first of all to clarify the need to behave anyway, to appeal to their consciousness, therefore, they were given priorities in the process of educating the methods of persuasion. However, in the 1930s, a talented teacher A.S. Makarenko Discuss this opinion. He believed that in the process of education it is very important and it is necessary to arm children with practical experience, to form the skills and habits of behavior. "The behavior must be conscious," he wrote, "but this does not mean that in matters of his organization, we should always appeal to consciousness." Wide ethical norm becomes valid only when its "conscious" period passes during the period of general experience, habitswhen she begins to act quickly and accurately "[Makarenko A.S. So.: In 7 tons. - M., 1958. T.5. - P. 435 - 436].

A.S. Makarenko pointed to the need for moral training based on moral knowledge."It is necessary to strive for children as hard as possible there were good habits, and for this purpose the most important is permanent exercise in the right act.The constant reasoning and ranting about the correct behavior can spoil any experience "[Makarenko A.S. So.: In 7 tons. - M., 1957. T. 2. - p.257].

Today is the exercise method firmly entered the theory and practice of educational work. Under the exercise method, they understand the multiple repetition of actions and actions of students in order to education and consolidate the positive skills and habits of behavior (I.F. Kharlamov). Not only actions and actions should be repeated, but and causing their needs and motives, i.e. Internal incentives that determine the conscious behavior of the person, and to precede this repetition, there must still be an explanation of the need to behave like that, and not otherwise.Behavioral psychology offers teachers universal scheme: stimulus - reaction - reinforcement, excluding this chain understanding.This is a mechanistic approach to organizing educational activities, its elimination determines the use of teaching methods (exercises) in a complex with conviction methods. I.S. Sub-clause warns teachers from excessive hobbies to either by one method (exercise / teachment) or other (belief as a verbal impact or example). He considers both extremes inadmissible in the process of upbringing.

The conditions for the efficiency of the use of the exercise method (in addition to the integrated use with the methods of conviction and other methods of education) are:

1) availability and instance of repetitive actions and actions;

2) exercise volume in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of students;

3) frequency and systemativity of repetitions;

4) the presence of control over the correctness of the repetition and (if necessary) correction of actions;

5) the right choice of place and time to perform exercises;

6) a combination of individual, group and collective forms of exercises.

M. end of such factorsAs the frequency, the volume of exercises and the results achieved there is a direct dependence: the greater and more often the children exercise in decent behavior, the higher the level of their pupils.

To form steady moral habits and skills, you need to start the child's exercise in them as soon as possible, For the younger than the body, the faster the habits (K.D. Ushinsky) are rooted. Having used to an example of adequate behavior among people, in the world of things and phenomena, a person skillfully manages his feelings, slows down his desires if they interfere with self-realization or other people, controls their actions, correctly estimated from the position of others (reflecting). Discipline and self-discipline, reflexivity, the culture of communication is the vital qualities for each person, the key to success and the effectiveness of many life undertakings. They are based on habits and skills formed by upbringing in the process of exercises in good endeavors and affairs.

Tightly related to the exercise method In the process of organizing students and the formation of public behavior experience, the method of a raising situation. Essentially, this exercises in conditions situations of free choice. The student is put in them before the need to choose a certain solution from several possible options (both positive and negative nature). The choice is correct from the point of view of morality and the morality of the behavior model, a human right to exit a specially created teacher, this is an exercise in moral behavior, the intensive work of the mind and the heart of the pupil. However, it is difficult to predict the correct decision of the student quite difficult. This method of education will be much more efficient if it is reinforced by the method of the requirement.

Pedagogical requirement is a way to directly encourage students to certain actions or actions aimed at improving behavior. The requirement may appear in front of the student as specific real task,which he needs to fulfill in the process of a particular activity. It can operate internal contradictions The pedagogical process, fix the shortcomings in the behavior, activity and communication of students and thereby encourage their overcoming, and therefore - to self-development. Requirements help organize order and discipline in the classroom and at school, the spirit of organizedness in the activities and behavior of schoolchildren contributes.

Pedagogical means of this method - request, advice, offer, hint ( indirect requirements); Tactful instruction, order, order, instruction (direct requirements).In pedagogical practice, the teacher needs to own all the arsenal requirements, but preference is still indirect, as they contribute to the formation of pedagogical communication, the benevolent interaction of the participants in the pedagogical process in the teacher - student system.

Requirements cause positive, negative or neutral (indifferent) reaction of pupils. In this regard, in some pedagogical allowances allocated positive and negative requirements(I.P. Podlavy). Negative indirect requirements include condemnation and threats. However, these species cannot be considered as pedagogical. They almost always cause inadequate reactions in children: either the opposition to pedagogical effects (we are talking about the emergence of a non-constructive pedagogical conflict), or hypocrisy (external submission for internal confrontation). Often, children arise in such cases a sense of fear, depression, the desire to get away from contact with the teacher. Ultimately, the overall rejection of the school, the process of teaching and knowledge in general may be developed; Children's neurosis are formed. In pedagogical psychology, the concept of "dildament" is determined - the negative mental state of the student, caused by a violation of the pedagogical tact from the teacher, manifested in the oppressed state, fear, frustration, etc. Didacts adversely affects the student's activities and its relationship with others. [Kodjaspirova G.M., Kodjaspirov A.Yu. Pedagogical dictionary. - M.: Embed. Center "Academy", 2003. - p.38].

Scream, threatened and publicly wound the children helpless in their profession, unable to manage pedagogically justified methods of pupils. Of course, the teacher can increase the voice in extreme conditions that occur in the practice of learning and education should use the methods of condemnation and approval, since these methods are based on the estimated regulatory and controlling activities of the teacher, important components of pedagogical activity as a whole. However, the teacher does not have professional law to turn the pedagogical requirement in the instrument of psychological reprisals with the child.

By organizing an educational processThe teacher should strive to ensure that his demand becomes the requirement of the student team. The reflection of the collective requirement is public opinion. Connecting estimates, judgments, the will of the team, it acts as active and influential power, which in the hands of a skilled teacher performs the function of the educational method.

Requirements must be clear in content, clear in meaning, accomplished to perform students, reasonable (on the method of presenting the requirements of the requirements in the previous lecture, so we will not stop on this issue in detail).

4.4. Methods for stimulating activities and behavior.

In order to reinforce and strengthen the educational impact on the personality of the student, methods of stimulating activities are used: promotion and punishment, competition, cognitive game.

Among them are most widely used promotion and punishment.

Promotion is A method of expressing a public positive assessment of the behavior of a separate student or a team. In contrast to this, punishment (or condemnation) is expressed in a negative assessment of actions and acts of personality, which contradict the norms and rules of conduct.

The meaning of encouraging and punishment is to develop moral consciousness and feelings from schoolchildren, encourage them to think about their actions and develop the desire to improve.

Means of encouragement are:

Teacher's praise, a positive appraisal judgment, made personally expressed by the student or the class team as a whole;

Oral gratitude and gratitude by order at school;

Board letters, valuable gifts, awards in the form of tourist trips, room photo of students on the board of honor, etc.

Educational meaning promotion It is increasing if it contains an assessment of not only the result, but also motives, ways of activity. It is necessary to accustom children to appreciate the very fact of approval, and not its prestigious weight. Bad, if the child is waiting for the award for the slightest success. The teacher needs to strive to ensure that among his wards did not appear the children, accustomed to the permanent approval of children and, on the contrary, devoid of a positive assessment. We must strive to create a situation of success for many, but success should be real, deserved, and not artificially created only so that the child is not deprived of the positive attention of the teacher. The strength of the educational influence of encouragement depends on how much it is objectively and finds support in the public opinion of the class team.

Promotion is especially necessary to students with underestimated self-esteem, insecure, fiercely. This method of education most often has to be resorted to working with younger schoolchildren and adolescents, as they are particularly sensitive to the assessment of their actions and behavior as a whole.

Attitude to punishments In pedagogy, ambiguous and contradictory. Under the influence of the theory of free education, the ideas of humanization of the pedagogical process arose that the punishment is not a pedagogical method of education at all. For example, punishments were prohibited by L.N. Tolsty in the CIC century organized in the 60s of the CIC century (although later were partially restored). At the beginning of the CC century, they were completely banned in the first years of the existence of the Soviet school. Today, pedagogical discussions on the use of punishment as a method of upbringing are continuing, but, in our opinion, the clarity of this issue was made by A.S. Makarenko. He wrote: "A reasonable recovery system is not only legal, but also necessary. She helps to take form a strong human character, brings up a sense of responsibility, trains will, human dignity, the ability to resist temptations and overcome them "[Makarenko A.S. So: at 7 t. - M., 1958. - T.5. - p.399].

Punishment adjusts the behavior of a child, gives him a clear understanding, where and what he is mistaken, causes a sense of dissatisfaction and shame, pushing to change their behavior, to eliminate mistakes in activities. But the punishment is a very subtle and acute tool of upbringing, which can cause the child irreparable harm if used in an inept teacher. It is very important to assimilate the pedagogical rule that the punishment in no case should cause the child of suffering or moral, nor the more - physical. Punishment should not cause full repression, only the experience of alienation, but temporary and non-mesmer.

Pedagogical means of punishment are negative assessment of teacher, comment, warning, discussion in the class meeting, recovery, oral reprimand, reprimand in an order at school, reprimanding in a personal case, a challenge for suggestion to the pedagogical council, translation to another class or another school, an exception to school In coordination with Gorono, the direction to school for the hard-educated.The punishment can also serve as a change in the attitude towards the pupil (for the worse) both by the teacher and the class team. I.P. Sub-clause believes that the punishment may be connected with the imposition of additional duties, with deprivation or restriction of certain rights(This is possible in certain situations).

Skillful application of punishments Requires teachers of pedagogical tact, sense of measure and professional intuition. You need to punish a child for one or another offense only on the basis of the studied and analyzed its reasons, objectively, fairly. The punishment is effective when it is understandable to the student and he himself considers it fair. It is impossible to punish only on suspicion without understanding the situation of negative action. Punishment should be coordinated with a public opinion class. If possible, collective punishments should be avoided, since they can lead to undesirable pedagogical results (in particular, confrontation between the teacher and the group of children who united in their opposition to the teacher). It is impossible to abuse punishments, punish several times in one and the same, to be punished, especially after a long expiration of time from the moment of misdeed. In general, the application of the method of punishment in any form in order to stimulate the motivation of teachings and socially useful activities can be justified only in exceptional pedagogical situations. The most approved this method in order to adjust the incurability of actions, actions of students.

It is impossible to transform Penalties in the revenge gun (a teacher, descending to mystery of children, in essence, is not a teacher, its activities causes the pedagogical process and pupils only harm). It is necessary to bring up the belief that the punishment is undertaken for the benefit of the child, you need to explain our position to children in this situation so that they understand why the teacher is forced to apply punishment. The use of the punishment method requires a pedagogical tact, good knowledge of common and age psychology, as well as an understanding that punishment is not a panacea from all pedagogical problems. Punishment applies only in a complex with other methods of upbringing.

Very effective In terms of stimulating and motivating activities, such a method of education as competition. This is a method for the direction of the natural need of schoolchildren to rivalry and priority to raise the necessary human and society. The competition in the pedagogical process is being built by a teacher, taking into account the socio-psychological factor that people are typical of the desire for healthy rivalry, priority, championship, self-affirmation. Especially inherent in children, teenagers, young people. The competition stimulates creative activity, the initiative of pupils.

Currently Competition for specific student performance indicators is not conducted and should not be carried out, since the learning process is based on the principle of accounting for individual characteristics, children's abilities. However, to completely eliminate it from the region of the most significant activity of students (educational and educational) would not be quite true. In competition conditions, for example, younger schoolchildren seek to better perform homework, not to receive comments in the lessons, have neat notebooks and textbooks, read additional literature, etc.

Need to take care ofSo that the competition is not reborn into unhealthy competition, pushing students to use invalid funds to achieve championship, victory. In this regard, in the process of organizing any competition, traditional principles must be observed: publicity, specificity of indicators, criteria for competition, comparability of results, the possibility of practical use of best practices. These principles, by the way, are particularly inherent in sports competitions, the existence of which allows athletes to fairly to define the winner and show the possibilities of a person in achieving physical perfection, learn to win and with dignity to give up the championship to the strongest, using his victories in the future.

But the holding of the parallel between the sports competitions and the pedagogical method of competition as an incentive of the activity and behavior of the child on this comparison can be completed. The competition method is designed not so much to defeat and self-affirmation in life, how much to encourage the initiative in activities, contribute to the personal development of the child. The effectiveness of the method is increasing with a reasonable saturation of educational and extracurricular activities from the very logic of the educational process solving Success Situations,related S. positive emotional experiences.

To stimulating methods Activities include plot-role-playing games, which are conducted taking into account the age of students. For younger schoolchildren, this may be didactic games in the lessons (playing in the teaching process, children know better and assimilate the training material). It is necessary to organize games, in the process of which younger students master certain social relations (for example, a plot game to study the rules of behavior in public places, etc.).

You can conduct business games with high school students, within which they can simulate and play on the complete seriousness of them meaningful life situations. An example of role-playing games can be KVN (s), the days of self-government in school, didactic theater, etc.

The organization of the educational process using this method causes vivid positive emotional experiences, contributes to the formation of moral and aesthetic feelings, determines the development of collectivist relations.

4.5. Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in the upbringing.

The process of education is impossible without feedback, which gives an idea of \u200b\u200bits performance. Methods of control, self-control and self-confidence in education help this function. The indicators of students' students can be judged by the degree and effectiveness of their participation in all major types of educational activities corresponding to their age: educational, gaming, labor, socially useful, moral and aesthetic, etc. In many ways, the effectiveness of educational influences on personality determines the nature of the communication of children with each other, culture of behavior. The student's students are awareness in moral, aesthetic areas, skills and skills to apply learned information in practice. The teacher needs to study all the indicators in the aggregate, exercise tactful and unobtrusive control Behind the progress of education, development and formation of personal qualities of pupils.

Control(from FR. Control - supervision for the purpose of verification) - The method of education, which is expressed in the observation of the activities and the behavior of students in order to encourage them to comply with the established rules, as well as to the fulfillment of claims or tasks.As students are growing up, it is necessary to attach to self-control and self-assessment as effective methods of self-education involving self-knowledge, self-surveillance, self-evaluation, self-analysis.The teacher must create conditions for the formation of adequate self-esteem among schoolchildren, since the affected and overestimated are a serious obstacle for personal development.

The main methods of control include pedagogical observation of students; conversations aimed at identifying pupils; polls (oral, questionnaire, etc.); analysis of the results of schoolchildren; Creating situations to study the behavior of educated.

Distinguish a variety of observation: Immediate and indirect, open and hidden, continuous and discrete, etc. To successfully implement the method of observation in order to control, it is necessary to hold it purposefully, own the program of studying personality, signs and criteria for evaluating its pupils.The observation must be systematic, fixed (records are entered into the observation diary), the results obtained must be analyzed and communicated.

Conversations with pupils allow the teacher to figure out the degree of awareness of the student in a particular area, his knowledge of the norms and rules of behavior, to identify the causes of deviations from the fulfillment of these norms, if there are such. At the same time, during the conversation, the teacher can find out the opinions of students about their own work, the relationship between children, their sympathies and antipathies, about relations to one or another public phenomena, political events.

Today at school Cool leaders are widely used to control in the education of surveys (questionnaires, interviews, oral polls, sociometry), which allows you to quickly and massively identify some problems, analyze them and schedule solutions. Requirements for such questionnaires are contained in special allowances for pedagogical psychology, social pedagogy or in recommendations for studying the student's personality, which are given to students in preparing for pedagogical practice.

The control over the course of educational work by assessing not only the results of students' students, but also the level of educational work of the teacher and school as a whole. There was a time when children at school received assessments on behavior on a 5-point system (up to the 90s of the last century), but in modern school such direct assessment is abolished due to not enough specific evaluation criteria and the subjectivism of teachers in assessing the behavior of children, What caused conflict situations in the pedagogical process. But the effectiveness of education (or vice versa) is always reflected in the estimated judgments of teachers and students, in characteristics on individual students (in their personal matters) and class as a whole.

The effectiveness of education is evidenced by such common indicators:

Forming among students in the foundations of the worldview;

The ability to evaluate public phenomena and events occurring in the country and abroad;

Assimilation of morality, knowledge and compliance with laws, rules for students;

Public activity, participation in student governance;

Initiative and amateurness of students, hard work and accuracy;

Aesthetic and physical development.

4.6. The conditions for optimal selection and application of education methods.

According to I.P. Podlavoy"The choice of educational methods is high art. Art based on science "[s. 99]. In the textbook on pedagogy (- M., 2003), it analyzes in detail the conditions (factors, reasons), which determine the optimal choice of education methods. The study of this information made it possible to submit the conditions and rules for the optimal selection and effective application of educational methods in the following table:

General reasons that determine the choice of education methods Justification of these reasons
1. Goals and Tasks of Education. The goal not only justifies the methods, but also defines them.
2. Building content. The same upbringing tasks can be filled with different meaning, so it is properly linking methods not with the content of education in general, but with a specific meaning of a certain task of upbringing.
3. Age features of pupils. Age is not just the number of years, it reflects the acquired social experience, the level of development of psychological and moral qualities. Those methods of education that are acceptable to the pupil in the first grade will be rejected by the third grader.
4. The level of formation of the team. With the development of collective forms of self-government, the methods of pedagogical exposure change.
5. Individual and personal features of pupils. General methods - only canvas educational interaction, their individual and personal adjustment is necessary.
6. The circumstances in which the education methods are implemented. We are talking about the material, psychophysiological, sanitary and hygienic conditions of the educational process, about the psychological climate in the team, about the style of teacher's pedagogical activity, etc. There are no abstract conditions, they always appear as concrete circumstances (situations).
7. The level of teacher's pedagogical qualification. The educator chooses only those methods that know and which owns well. The low level of professionalism determines the monotony in the choice of educational methods, the non-making nature of their application.
9. Time of upbringing. A single point of view regarding whether school time is enough to form sustainable personal qualities with certain methods, no. But the time factor remains very important when choosing the methods of upbringing and designing their application.
10. Predicted result, expected consequences of using the education method. Choosing a method (s) of education, the educator must be confident in the success of its (their) implementation. To do this, it is necessary to clearly represent (foresee), what results will be after the use of the method (s).
Rules for selecting education methods Justification of these rules
Education methods are used only in aggregate. We are always dealing with a solid system of methods, never a separate method, broken from this system, will not succeed. In practice, one method or technique always complements, develops or adjusts and clarifies the other.
The choice of methods should assume real conditions for their implementation. You can not choose a method that in these conditions is not applicable. It is impossible to put perspectives that cannot be achieved.
The method does not tolerate the template in use depends on the style of pedagogical relationships. Everything changes in life, so the method should be modified. It is important to enter into it another, more meeting the requirements of time, receiving, use new means. With friendly relations, one method is effective, with the relationship of neutral or negative, the choice of other methods of interaction is required.

Parenting methods are ways (methods) to achieve a given goal of the pedagogical process. In relation to school practice, it can be said that the methods of education are ways to influence consciousness, will, feelings, actions, the behavior of pupils in order to develop social and value qualities; Methods of pedagogical interaction with students. In practice, the education is used primarily those of them who have developed and implemented educators who lived to us into the pedagogical process. These tested, rather efficiently affecting the pupils in the holistic pedagogical process, the methods are called common methods of education (their characteristics are given in the text of the lecture). General education methods are classified by groups (see the question of the classification of education methods), includes techniques and means of education. It should be clearly distinguished by the concepts of "educational method", "taking upbringing" and "Education Tool".

Sometimes common methods Education may be ineffective, so before the teacher always faces the task of finding ways and interaction with children, the most relevant to specific conditions that make it possible to achieve a plan to achieve faster and less effort. Designing, choosing and proper use of educational methods is the top of pedagogical professionalism.

Questions for self-control and independent work:

1. How are mutually interrelated methods, techniques and means of education?

2. Which of the education classifications given in the lectures seems to you the most successful? Justify your choice.

3. What does the optimal choice of educational methods mean?

4. Give the characteristic of general education methods. Why are they called common?

5. Prepare for the test test on the following issues:

What is the education method?

What is called taking upbringing?

What are the means of upbringing?

What conditions (causes, factors) determine the choice of education methods?

How are the educational methods classify?

What methods relate to the group of methods for the formation of personality consciousness?

What methods relate to the group of methods for organizing activities and the formation of experience of social behavior?

What methods are included in the group of stimulation methods?

What is the essence of the story as a method of upbringing?

What is the difference between the story of clarification?

What is the meaning of ethical conversations?

What is the essence of the method of positive example?

What is the exercise method?

What are raising situations?

What is a competition as a method of upbringing?

What is encouragement?

What is the essence of the punishment method?


1. Boldyrev N.I. Methods of educational work at school. - M., 1984.

2. Gordin L.Yu. Promotion and punishment in raising children. - M., 1980.

3. Zhuravlev V.I. Combination of funds and methods of upbringing // owls. pedagogy. - 1985. - № 6.

4. Corotov V.M. General method of educational process. - M., 1983.

5. Kukushin V.S. Methods of humanistic education // Theory and methods of educational work: Tutorial. - Rostov N / D: Publishing Center "March", 2002. - P. 53 - 62. (Series "Pedagogical education).

6. Nathanzon E.Sh. Pedagogical influences. 2nd ed. - M., 1972.

7. Rozhkov M.I., Bayborodova L.V. Organization of the educational process at school. - M., 2000.

8. Puimiman S.A. System of education methods // Pedagogy. The main provisions of the course / S.A. Puiman. - Minsk: "Tetrasystem", 2001. - P. 177 - 181.

9. Selivanov V.S. Fundamentals of general pedagogy: theory and methodology of upbringing. - M., 2000.

1. Methods of education

The focus of any civilized society should be a person, but the concern for the future is especially important, that is, the younger generation, including the near future - students. What will they come tomorrow as managers and specialists in production teams - here is one of the most important issues to answer the highest school.

An important role in solving this cardinal and urgent task should be the psychological and pedagogical preparation of those who will work with people.

It is possible to prepare in the walls of the university professionals by Education A. S. Makarenko was convinced that it was possible. "I am convinced," he noticed, "that you teach to educate as easily, maybe how to teach mathematics, how to teach read how to teach to be a good milling person." [Cyt. by: 13, p. four]. But for this necessary: \u200b\u200bon the one hand - the interest, desire and effort of the student; On the other - clear organization of work.

The educational process is provided by a certain system, an organization of educational activities aimed at implementing the social goal and achieving real formative results.

The most important characteristic of the organization of the educational process is an integrated approach, as a way to optimize the upbringing. He suggests along with the unity of the target and means of education, taking into account all the factors of public life, a consistent combination of education with training: developing the ability to turn knowledge into persuasion, the ability to promote and defend their positions, apply the knowledge gained, skills in practice.

At the same time, it should be related that the theory of upbringing does not even put the tasks to give ready-made recipes for all occasions (life is diverse and more difficult than any theory, unpredictable any scientific foresight). It is arming only the knowledge of the principles (see the previous topic), leading initial provisions that predetermine the main requirements for the process of education, its content, organization and methods.

In this regard, the first step on the way to mastering educational skills is the need to firmly understand the essence, the nature and essence of the methods of upbringing.

Methods of education - These are the methods of pedagogical impact of educators to consciousness, will, feelings, character, temperament and other mental properties of the identity of educated to develop their necessary qualities. .

What does the education methods characterize?

1. The complexity of use (no method is recognized by universal and comprehensive).

2. The focus on the development of mental abilities (not a mechanical moisture, not learning the dogm, but the conscious development of intellect).

3. Deep humanism (not humiliation, not upbringing slave humility, but the formation of the qualities of a free, non-complex personality).

4. Respect for personal dignity and civil rights raised (fear brings up only hatred and individualism, distrust - cunning and deception, and respect - complete mutual understanding and interaction).

5. Combination, relationship (methods complement each other, penetrate one to another, allow them to flexibly apply them depending on a particular pedagogical situation).

Finally, the methods are implemented in specific forms of educational work. The main ones are:

a) training classes (it is impossible to educate without teaching and teaching, not educating); Only the inseparable dialectic unity in the implementation of educational and educational purposes brings success and the other;

b) political and educational activities (political informing, political communications, analysis of media materials - media, and others who have become quite rare events);

c) cultural and educational events (conferences, evenings, circles for interests, excursions, meetings) - they not only expand the horizons, but also form positive relations and public behavior;

d) Sports work (training, competitions, sports sections) is not only the development of physical condition and health promotion is the hardening of the will, the production of collectivist psychology, mutual assistance and responsibility for the success of a common cause.

Thus, the educational process requires a clear organization, deep knowledge and proper use of forms and methods of education.

In practice of educational activities, as already noted, a variety of educational methods apply, the main of which are: belief, an example, criticism and self-criticism, exercise, promotion, coercion.

The main, the leading method of upbringing is a conviction. The conviction is an impact on the word and affair on the consciousness, feelings and will of people in order to help them assimilate the ideas and requirements that are presented to them and guided them in practice. .

In the process of conviction, the tutor not only affects educated, but also relies on their knowledge and experience so that they voluntarily perceive the ideas and recommendations of the educator and were guided by them in practical activities.

1. The belief is impossible without systematic and complete information, explaining the requirements for qualities and behavior.

2. The effectiveness and results of belief are in direct regulation on the degree of conviction of the educator in what he convinces others.

3. The quality of belief in many ways depends on the preparation, experience and pedagogical skill of the educator.

The example method is an impact on consciousness and feelings of various types of positive examples that can be a role model. .

Positive example of multifaceted, it is:

Exemplary actions and actions;

Personal qualities and character traits;

The degree of compliance with the public ideal;

Political, economic and social activities;

Life and activity of literary, cinema-heroes.

On the other hand, the personal example of an educator or examples of relatives, neighbors, colleagues is closest and attractive.

Method of criticism and self-critics Based on comparing a real picture with generally accepted standards, references. At the same time, the goal of criticism in terms of education is positive consequences.

Another V. G. Belinsky wrote: "We, in Russia, especially, the criticism got into the eyes of the witness: to criticize - for many it means to scold, and the criticism is the same with a painful article ... to understand how the criticism does not care that justice Mix only with accusation or a caro, forgetting about justification ... Criticism comes from the Greek word meaning "judge." Consequently, in the extensive value of criticism there is the same as the judgment. " [Cyt. by: 24, p. 100].

From here, there is a number of requirements for the practical application of this method.

1. Using criticism for educational purposes, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze not only the shortcomings, but also the advantages of educated, to create and maintain confidence in them in the possibility of eliminating shortcomings.

2. Speakers with criticism not only reveal the shortcomings, but also participate in the search for ways to improve cases. This, in turn, strengthens such qualities as collectivism, public maturity, honesty, principle, sense of belonging to the team.

3. Educational strength of criticism and self-critics in publicity, systematic, concreteness and businesslikeness.

4. The pedagogical significance of criticism and self-criticism is to create and maintain a healthy special psychological climate in the team.

5. The value and significance of self-criticism is determined not by the acuteness of self-defense, but sincerity, real readiness and ability to correct personal mistakes and disadvantages.

6. Even the most acute criticism should not have anything to do with rudeness, the okhrica, demagogue, humiliation and the insult of the dignity of the individual.

7. Criticism only then fully fulfills its educational mission, when it is fundamental, but friendly and becomes an incentive for the initiative and creativity of both a separate person and the team as a whole.

Method of exercise - organization of life, allowing to form volitional qualities, positive habits, to implement convictions in the norm of behavior.

Exercise as a preparation method is carried out by setting certain tasks:

a) professional (training) - compliance with the schedule of classes, the performance of homework, timely current, semester and final reporting, etc.;

b) moral (moral) - education of honesty and truthfulness, politeness, careful attitude towards property, respect for elder and foreign work;

c) hygienic - observance of personal hygiene rules, health care, household culture, maintaining cleanliness in the audiences.

The exercise method gives its positive results only if the tasks are targeting purposefully, consistently, systematically, and the educational will understand and will be relevant and the need for tasks testers.

Method of encouragement It is a system of receptions and means of moral and material incentives for positive advances in activities and behavior.

What are the goals of this method?

1. Fasten the positive, which manifested itself with educated (unnoticed in time good can gradually fade).

2. To form faith in the possibility of further success and your strength, help mobilize the will of educated to achieve even greater success.

3. Determine and clearly substantiate an example in this team (for this collective).

4. Rise up the desire to imitate the best without envy and unhealthy rivalry.

The effectiveness and effectiveness of the encouragement method depends on the pedagogical literacy, skill and experience of the educator, as well as compliance with a number of pedagogical requirements.

1. And encouraged, and the whole team must clearly understand why it is specifically noted for the better.

2. Encouragement is not a fee for personal dedication, everyday agreement with the leadership, etc., and a public assessment (on behalf of the Company, and not in person) achieved.

3. Encouragement should be timely, and not "seasoning to the festive pie."

4. It is hardly the most important requirement for the method of encouragement is publicity - not on the ear, not in the silence of the office, and it is open at all that you need to say good words, praise a person or a team for affairs.

5. It is very important to use the entire arsenal of promotion: from a good word and friendly handshake to material resources. Unfortunately, in our mercantile time they have lost importance and forgotten moral tools that played a very prominent role in the near past.

In this regard, he deserves all approval to the decision of the leadership of the Ark on the revival of the Crimean Republican Honor Board and the best teams and workers of the peninsula on it.

Only subject to all these conditions and requirements, the encouragement will really become an important method of education, which will significantly and effectively stimulate successful activities and positive behavior of people.

Method of coercion - negative assessment, condemnation of actions that violate the requirements of morality, morality, adopted behavioral standards for the purpose. Cause a sense of guilt from a deviating and desire to correct.

The essential features of this method are:

a) this method is far from the main; He is only auxiliary, forced, extreme;

b) it applies only to a minority of educated;

c) he relies on the moral condemnation of deviations by the majority;

d) It is used when the rest did not give results.

"A reasonable system of recovery," wrote A. S. Makarenko, is not only legal, but also necessary. It helps to arouse strong human character, brings up a sense of responsibility, trains will ... ". [Cyt. by: 19, p. 31].

Recovery is an extreme means of coercion, it should be preceded by all the diversity of other funds: warning, conversation, disapproval, change in the relationship, prohibition for something, order.

The main pedagogical requirements (conditions) applying the coercion method for greater efficiency are:

1) not just to figure out the reasons for retreat from the norms, but also to seek the culprit itself to realize his deviation;

2) coercion must be fair, i.e. correspond to gravity and degree of guilt;

3) the individuality of the approach to the evaluation of the offense and determining the measure of the impact;

4) inevitability, timeliness and obligation of the execution of coercion;

5) coercion cannot manifest as mockery and humiliation;

6) Forcing not only does not weaken, but on the contrary, it enhances attention to the punishable.

It is not difficult to make sure that there is mutual relationship between all the methods of education and mutual dependence. Pedagogy teaches to approach the upbringing creatively, not stencil, carrying out a dialectical approach to the use of principles, methods and means of education.

Thus, despite the fact that education as a kind of activity requires support for serious scientific and theoretical concepts, the knowledge of the pedagogical foundations of the human impact on the person, it is also quite affordable for individuals without special education - only the desire and the ability to educate others is needed in practice.

Individual task number 15 "?"

Methods of educationthey call the paths of interrelated activities of the teacher and pupils aimed at achieving the goals of education. Experience shows that the interaction of the educator with educational can be carried out in different ways, in particular by:

Direct influence on students (belief, moraling, demand, order, threat, punishment, promotion, personal example, authority, request, advice);

Creating special conditions, situations and circumstances that prompted the pupil to change their own attitude to anything, express their position, implement an act, to show character;

Use of public opinion (reference for a pupil of a group or team - school, student, professional), as well as the opinions of a significant person for him;

Joint venture and pupil activities (through communication and work);

Training or self-education, information transfer or social experiences carried out in the family circle in the process of interpersonal or professional communication;

Immersion in the world of folk traditions and folk creativity, reading fiction.

The diversity of forms of interaction between the teacher and pupils causes the diversity of the methods of education and the complexity of their classification. In the system of education methods, there are several classifications allocated on various bases.

1. PO characterimpact on the identity of the pupil:

a) belief, b) exercise, c) encouragement, d) punishment.

2. P. sourcethe impact on the personality of the pupil: a) verbal; b) problematic situational; c) methods of teaching and exercise; d) methods of stimulation; e) braking methods; e) manual methods; g) Methods of self-education.

3. in resultsthe impact on the identity of the pupil is allocated methods: (a) influencing moral installations, motives, relationships that form submissions, concepts, ideas; b) affecting habits that determine the type of behavior.

4. P. directionalimpact on the identity of the pupil The methods of education are divided into: a) formative worldview and information exchange;

b) organizing activities and stimulating motives of behavior; c) providing assistance to pupils and aimed at assessing their actions.

5. Binarymethods involving the allocation of pairs of "education - self-education" methods. These are the methods of exposure: a) on the intellectual sphere (conviction - self-use); b) the motivational sphere (stimulation (promotion and punishment) - motivation); c) the emotional sphere (suggestion - self-pressure); d) a volitional sphere (requirement - exercise); e) the sphere of self-regulation (correction of behavior - self-correction); e) the subject-practical sphere (raising situations - social samples); g) an existential sphere (method of dilemm - reflection).

The most optimal classification of education methods is presented on the basis of comprehensive impacton the identity of the pupil and including methods: 1) the formation of personality consciousness; 2) organization of activity and experience of social behavior; 3) stimulating personality behavior.

6.2. Methods of formation of personality consciousness

These methods are applied to convey the identity of knowledge about the main events and phenomena of the surrounding world. They are aimed at forming views, concepts, beliefs, ideas, their opinions and evaluating what is happening. The total feature of the methods of this group is their verbality, that is, the orientation for the Word, which, being a strongest educational means, can be addressed to the child's consciousness especially accurately and able to encourage him to reflections and experiences. The word helps pupils to comprehend their life experience, motivating their actions. However, in itself, the verbal impact on the pupil in the separation from other methods of education is not enough effectively and cannot form sustainable beliefs.

Among the methods of forming a person's consciousness are most often used by convictions, stories, explanations, explanations, lectures, ethical conversations, disputes, exhortations, suggestions, examples.

Convictioninappropriate proof of some concept, moral position, evaluating what is happening. Listening to the proposed information, students perceive not so much concepts and judgments as the logicality of the teacher's position of their position. Evaluating the information received, students or are approved in their views, positions, or adjust them. Making it with the right thing of said, they form their own system of views on the world, society, social relations.

The belief as a method of the educational process is implemented through various forms, in particular, excerpts are often used from literary works, historical analogies, biblical parables, fables. The belief method is also effective when conducting discussions.

Storyused mainly in junior and middle classes. This is a bright, emotional presentation of concrete facts and events that have moral content. Impacting feelings, the story helps pupils to understand and assimilate the meaning of moral assessments and behaviors, forms their positive attitude towards acts corresponding to moral standards affects behavior.

If with the help of the story it is not possible to provide a clear and clear understanding in cases where it is necessary to prove the correctness of any provisions (laws, principles, rules, norms of behavior, etc.), the method is applied explanations.The explanation is characterized by an evidential form of presentation, based on the use of logically related conclusions that establish the truth of this judgment. In many cases, explanations are combined with the observation of students, with teacher's questions to students and disciples to the teacher and can turn into a conversation.

TO clarificationthey resort to when the pupil needs to clarify something, report new moral norms, one way or another to influence his consciousness and feelings. Clarification is used to form or consolidate the new moral quality or form of behavior, as well as to develop the right attitude towards a specific act, which has already been perfect. An important feature that distinguishes explanation from explanation and the story is the orientation of the impact on this group or a separate personality.

Suggestionused in cases where the pupil must take certain settings. It affects the identity as a whole, creating installations and motives of activity, and is characterized by the fact that the schoolboy uncritically perceives the pedagogical effect. The suggestion enhances the action of other methods of upbringing. It is impossible to influence the feelings, and through them - to the mind and the will of man. The use of this method contributes to the experience of children of their actions and related emotional states. The process of suggestion is often accompanied by the self-impact process, when the child is trying to inspire himself an emotional assessment of his behavior, as if asking himself a question: "What would the teacher or parents tell me in this situation?"

Examinationcombines a request with clarification and suggestion. The pedagogical effectiveness of this method depends on the educational form adopted by the educator, its authority, moral qualities, conviction that are righteous of their words and actions. The admonition takes the shape of praises, appeals to the feelings of their own dignity of honor, or the excitement of the feelings of shame, repentance, dissatisfaction with themselves, their actions and guidelines for correction.

Ethical conversation - This is a method of systematic and consistent discussion of knowledge, involving the participation of both parties - an educator and pupils. The conversation differs from the story by the fact that the tutor listening and takes into account the opinions of the interlocutors, builds his relationship with them on the principles of equality and cooperation. A ethical conversation is called because its subject most often becomes moral, moral, ethical problems. The purpose of the ethical conversation is a deepening, strengthening of moral concepts, generalization and consolidation of knowledge, the formation of a system of moral attitudes and beliefs.

Dispute - This is a living hot dispute on different topics, exciting pupils - political, economic, cultural, aesthetic, legal. Conduct them in middle and older classes. Pre-preparation is needed for the dispute. First of all, you should choose the topic of the dispute, which should meet the following requirements: a) to relate to the real life of schoolchildren; b) be as easy to understand; c) be unfinished to give freedom to reflections and disputes; d) include two or more questions filled with moral content; e) to offer students to choose options for answers, focusing on the main issue: "How should hero behave?"

Most often, five to six problematic issues requiring independent judgments and components of the CANVA of the dispute are formulated. The dispute participants will familiarize themselves in advance with these questions, however, during the dispute from the previously proposed logic, you can retreat.

Sometimes the educator appoints students who act as "instigators" and leading dispute. The teacher himself should take the position of the "third-party observer", not imposing his point of view and not affecting the opinions and decisions of students. During the dispute, it is important to observe the ethics of the dispute: to object to the essence of the opinion expressed, do not cross the "on the face", argued to defend its point of view and refute someone else's. Well, if the dispat does not finish ready, the final ("right") opinion, since it will give the opportunity to make a follow-up, that is, to challenge later.

Example - This is an educational method that gives specific samples to imitate and thereby actively forming consciousness, feelings, beliefs of pupils, activating their activities. The essence of this method is that imitation, especially in childhood, provides a growing person the opportunity to assign a large amount of generalized social experience. In pedagogical practice, outstanding individuals (writers, scientists, etc.) are used as examples, as well as the heroes of literary works, movies. An example of an adult (parent, teacher, senior comrade) can only be effective if he enjoys authority in children, is a reference personality for them. An example of a peer is very effective, but in this case it is undesirable to draw classmates and buddies to compare, it is better to use as a sample to imitate the peers - the heroes of books and films.

6.3. Methods of organization of activities and experience of social behavior

The methods of this group are aimed at working out behavioral habits that should be the norm for the personality of the pupil. They affect the subject-practical sphere and are aimed at the development of qualities in children who help people realize themselves and as a substantially publicly public, and as a unique personality. Such methods include exercises, teaching, requirement, instructions and creation of raising situations.

Essence exerciseit consists in multiple performing the required actions, bringing them to automatism. The result of the exercises is the sustainable quality of personality - skills and habits. For their successful formation, you must begin to begin as soon as possible, because the younger personality, the faster the habits are rooted. A person with formed habits is exploring sustainable qualities in all contradictory life situations: skillfully manage its feelings, slows down his desires if they prevent certain responsibilities, controls their actions, correctly assess them, given the position of other people. The qualities based on the education formed by the upbringing of habits can be attributed to the exposure, self-control skills, organization, discipline, communication culture.

Teaching - This is an intensively performed exercise. It is used when it is necessary to form the required quality quickly and at a high level. Often, the teaching is accompanied by painful processes, it causes discontent with the pupil. The use of teaching in humanistic systems of education is justified by the fact that some violence, inevitably present in it, is aimed at the benefit of the person himself and this is the only violence that can be justified. Humanistic pedagogy opposes the tough teaching contrary to human rights and resembling training, and requires the possibility of mitigating this method and use it in a complex with others, primarily game.

The accuracy efficiency conditions are as follows: a) the action performed must be useful and understandable to the pupil; b) actions should be carried out on the basis of an attractive sample for a child; c) favorable conditions must be created to perform actions; d) actions must be systematically controlled and encouraged by adults, supported by peers; e) As agreed, the action should be performed on the basis of a clearly conscious moral requirement.

Demand - This is the method of education, with which the norm of behavior, expressing in personal relationship, causes, stimulates or inhibits a certain activity of the pupil and manifestation of certain qualities.

Requirements cause a positive, negative or neutral (indifferent) reaction of pupils. In this regard, allocated positiveand negativerequirements. Direct orders mostly negative. Negative indirect requirements include condemnations and threats. According to the method of presentation, the direct and indirect requirement differ. The requirement by which the educator himself seeks from the pupil of the necessary behavior is called direct.Requirements of pupils to each other, "organized" by the educator, should be considered as indirect requirements.

In the form of presentation, direct and indirect requirements are distinguished. For directrequirements are characteristic of imperativeness, certainty, concreteness, accuracy, understandable formulations that do not allow two different interpretations. A direct requirement is presented in a decisive tone, and the whole range of shades is possible, which are expressed by intonation, by the power of the voice, the facial.

Indirectthe requirement differs from the direct fact that the incentive of the action is not so much the requirement of how many psychological factors caused by him: experiences, interests, aspirations of pupils. Allocate various types of indirect requirements.

Requirement-advice.This is an appeal to the consciousness of the pupil, the conviction of it in feasibility, the usefulness, the need for the recommended teacher of actions. The Council will be adopted if the pupil sees in his mentor of a senior, more experienced comrade, whose authority is recognized and the opinion of which he values.

Require game.Experienced teachers use the inherent desire for the game to present a wide variety of requirements. Games deliver to children a pleasure, and with them the requirements are inconspicuous. This is the most humane and effective form of the claim, involving, however, a high level of professional skills.

Relationship requirementit is consumed when friendly relationships are between pupils and teachers. In this case, trust is manifested as a natural attitude of respecting each other of the parties.

Requirement request.In a well-organized team, the request becomes one of the most consumable means of influence. It is based on the emergence of friendly relations between teachers and pupils. The request itself is a form of manifestation of cooperation, mutual trust and respect.

Communication hintsuccessfully applied by experienced teachers in working with high school students and in some cases superior to the effective requirement.

Request-approval.On time expressed by the teacher, it acts as a strong incentive. In the practice of masters of pedagogical labor, approval takes various, but always expedient forms.

Order - Method of education, developing the necessary qualities, leaking to positive actions. Depending on the pedagogical goal, the content and nature of the assignment are individual, group and collective, permanent and temporary. Any assignment has two sides: the measure of powers (you were entrusted with you, besides you, no one can do, the success of a common cause depends on you, etc.) and the measure of responsibility (you need the effort of the will, you need to bring the entrusted business to The end, etc.). If any of these sides is organized (motivated) weakly, the order will not be fulfilled or will not give the necessary educational effect.

Creation of raising situationsit assumes the organization of activities and behavior of pupils in specially created conditions. Raisingcalled situations, in the course of which the child is set before the need to solve any problem - this may be the problem of moral choices, choosing a way of organizing activities, social role, etc. The educator deliberately creates only the conditions for the emergence of the situation. When in this situation the child faces the child and there are conditions for an independent decision, the possibility of social sample (test) is created as a method of self-education. Social samples cover all the spheres of human life and most of its social connections. The inclusion in the raising situation forms in children a certain social position and social responsibility, which are the basis for their further entry into the social environment.

6.4. Methods for stimulating behavior and activity

This group of methods is used to form moral feelings, i.e., a positive or negative personality relationship to subjects and phenomena of the surrounding world (society as a whole, individuals, nature, art, and itself, etc.). These methods help a person to form the ability to correctly evaluate their behavior, which contributes to the awareness of their needs and choosing the appropriate goals. The basis of the methods of stimulation is the impact on the motivational sphere of personality, aimed at the formation of conscious impulse in pupils to active and socially approved livelihoods. They have a huge impact on the emotional scope of the child, form his emotion management skills, learn to manage specific feelings, understand their emotional states and generating their causes. These methods also affect the volitional sphere: contribute to the development of the initiative, confidence in their forces; persistence, ability to overcome difficulties to achieve the target target, the ability to own themselves (excerpt, composure), as well as skills of independent behavior.

Among the methods of stimulating behavior and activities, encourage, punishment and competition.

Promotion - This is an expression of a positive assessment of the actions of pupils. It secures positive skills and habits. The action of encouragement involves the excitation of positive emotions, hesitates confidence in the child. Promotion can manifest itself in various versions: approval, praise, gratitude, providing honorary rights, rewarding.

Despite the seeming simplicity, encouraging requires careful dosing and caution, since the inability to use this method can harm the upbringing. The method of promotion involves the observance of a number of conditions: 1) Promotion should be a natural consequence of a student's act, and not his desire to get encouragement; 2) it is important that the encouragement does not oppose the student to the rest of the team members; 3) encouragement must be fair and, as a rule, agreed with the opinion of the team; 4) When using encouragement, it is necessary to take into account individual qualities encouraged.

Punishment - This is the method of pedagogical impact, which should warn undesirable actions of students, to slow down, cause a feeling of guilt in front of themselves and other people. The following types of punishment are known: the imposition of additional duties; deprivation or restriction of certain rights; The expression of moral censure, condemnation. These types of punishments can be implemented in various forms, depending on the logic of natural consequences: prolonged expression, traditional punishments.

As a method of stimulating, which has a strong effect on the emotional and motivational sphere of personality, the punishment should be applied to a number of requirements: 1) it must be fair, carefully thought out and in no case should not humiliate the dignity of the student; 2) it is impossible to rush to punish until there is no complete confidence in the fairness of punishment and his positive impact on the behavior of the student; 3) applying punishment, you should make sure that the student understood that he was punished for; 4) the punishment should not be "global", i.e., punishing the child, it is necessary to find in his behavior and positive parties and emphasize them; 5) for one misconduct should follow one punishment; If there is a lot of misdeed, the punishment can be severe, but only one, for all misconduct at once; 6) the punishment should not cancel the promotion that the child could earlier, but still did not have time to get; 7) When choosing a punishment, it is necessary to take into account the essence of the offense, by whom, under what circumstances he was perfect, what are the reasons for which the child who prompted this misconduct; 8) If the child is punished, it means that it is already forbidden, and no longer be a conversation about his previous misdeed.

Competition - This is a method aimed at satisfying the natural need of a child to rivalry, leadership, comparing itself with others. Competing among themselves, schoolchildren quickly master the experience of social behavior, they develop physical, moral, aesthetic qualities. Competition contributes to the formation of the qualities of a competitive personality. In the process of competition, the child reaches a certain success in relations with comrades, acquires a new social status. The competition not only stimulates the activity of the child, but also forms his ability to self-actualization, which can be viewed as a method of self-education, since during the competition the child learns to realize itself in various activities.

The method of organizing the competition involves the accounting of the following requirements: 1) the competition is organized in connection with a specific educational task (it can perform the role of a "starting mechanism" at the beginning of the new activity, help complete difficult work, relieve tension); 2) Not all types of activities of children should cover the competition: it is impossible to compete on appearance (Miss and Mister contests), manifestation of moral qualities; 3) To make a minute of the game and friendly communication for a minute, it should be equipped with bright attributes (motto, titles, titles, emblems, prizes, honor signs, etc.); 4) The publicity and comparability of the results are important in the competition, so the whole course of the competition should be openly present to children who should see and understand what activity is worthy of those or other glasses or points.

6.5. Monitoring and self-control methods in education

This group of methods is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of the educational process, i.e., on the study of the activities and behavior of the pupils of the teacher (control methods) and the knowledge of the pupils themselves (self-control methods).

To basic methods controlinclude: a) pedagogical observation of students; b) conversations aimed at identifying pupils; c) surveys (questionnaire, oral, etc.); d) analysis of the results of socially useful activities, the activities of the bodies of student self-government; e) creation of pedagogical situations to study the behavior of pupils.

Pedagogical observationit is characterized by the immediate perception of activities, communication, personality behavior in the integrity and dynamics of their change. A variety of observation types are distinguished: direct and indirect, open and closed, continuous and discrete, monographic and narrow, etc.

For the efficiency of using this method, it is necessary that observation: a) was systematic; b) was carried out with a specific purpose; c) relied on the knowledge of the personality study program, the criteria for assessing its educationalness; d) had a well-thought-out fixation system of observed facts (records in the diary of observations, in the observation card, etc.).

Conversationswith pupils help teachers to find out the degree of informality of students in the field of moral problems, norms and rules of behavior, to identify possible causes of deviations from compliance with these norms. At the same time, the teacher records the opinions, statements of students to assess the quality of their educational influences, the attitude of children to each other, their sympathy, antipathy, etc.

Psychological questionnairesthe nature of the relationship between members of the collective, comrade attachments or negative attitudes towards one or another members are revealed. Oparns allow you to timely detect emerging contradictions and take measures to resolve them. When drawing up questionnaires, certain rules should be followed, for example, not to set questions in a straightforward form, ensure that the response contents included mutual information and so on.

Methods self-controlaimed at self-organization of feelings, reason, will and personality behavior, provide the process of inner spiritual self-improvement of the pupil and contribute to the translation of the education process in self-education. Among these methods, you can allocate self-analysis and self-awareness.

Essence of the method self-analysisit is that the child (most often a teenager) is of interest to himself as a person and fully reflects on his attitude towards the world and its own agencies, gives a moral assessment to his position in society, its desires and needs. The methodological tools of the self-analysis process involves the accounting of the following requirements: first, it is important to inspire the idea in a timely manner that the desire of a person to self-analysis is natural, because it helps him to correctly navigate in the world around him and establish himself in it; Secondly, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to the methods of self-analysis (evaluating their specific act; the formation of his own opinion on their behavior, position in the team, about relations with comrades, parents and teachers).

Self-knowledgepromotes the transformation of a child into a subject of education based on the perception of itself as an independent, unique, unique personality (creation of "I-Concept"). The self-knowledge is associated with the discovery of his inner world, which suggests, on the one hand, awareness of his own "I" ("Who am I?", "What?" What are my abilities? "," What can I respect yourself? " ), and on the other - the awareness of your position in the world ("What is my life ideal?", "Who are my friends and enemies?", "Who do I want to become?", "What I have to do so that I am myself and the surrounding The world has become better? ").

The competent management of the process of self-knowledge is based on the following factors: 1) the teacher should ensure that the process of self-knowledge does not cause the child a mental crisis, based on the awareness of the inconsistency of its inner world, ideals and value orientations; 2) It cannot be assumed that in the process of self-knowledge, the child "went to herself", thereby creating a real danger to the emergence of sustainable egocentrism or a complex of inferiority expressed in inadequate self-esteem and bad interpersonal contacts.

6.6. Concept of education

Receptions - This is an integral part of the methods of upbringing, i.e., pedagogically decorated actions, through which external influences, changing his views, motives and behavior are on the child. As a result of these impacts, the backup capabilities of the pupil are activated, and it begins to act in a certain way.

There are various classifications of educating techniques. The proposed option was based on methods, with the help of a teacher, seeks changes in relations with students and others.

The first group of techniques is related to organization of activities and communicationchildren in class. This includes the following techniques.

"Relay race".The teacher organizes the activity so that students from different groups interact in its course.

"Mortgage".The activity is organized in such a way that the success of the co-organized case depend on the help of children to each other.

"Focus on the best."A teacher in a conversation with children is trying to emphasize the best features of each of them. At the same time, its assessment must be objective and rely on concrete facts.

"Breaking stereotypes."During the conversation, the teacher seeks to bring to the consciousness of children that the opinion of the majority is not always correct. You can start such a conversation with the analysis of how often the hall is mistaken, prompting the answer to the player during the TV game "Who wants to become a millionaire?".

"Stories about yourself."This technique is used when the teacher wants the children to receive more information about each other and better understood each other. Everyone can compose a story about himself and ask friends to lose her as a small performance.

"Communicate according to the rules."For the period of completion of the creative task, the rules regulate the communication and behavior of students and the defining, in which order, taking into account what requirements can be made proposals, complement, criticize, refute the opinion of comrades. Such prescriptions are largely relieved by the negative points of communication, protect the "status" of all its participants.

"Overall opinion."Students speak out on relationships with various groups of people in a chain: Some begin, others continue, complement, clarify. From simple judgments (when the main thing is to participate in the discussion of each student) go to the analytic, and then to problem statements through the introduction of relevant restrictions (requirements).

"Position Correction."This technique suggests a tactful change in the opinions of students taken by roles, images that reduce the productivity of communication with other children and preventing the emergence of negative behavior (a reminder of similar situations, refund to the initial thoughts, the question-tip, etc.).

"Fair distribution".This technique involves creating equal conditions for the initiative of all students. It is applicable to the situation "crushed" initiative when aggressive performances and attacks of some children quit the initiative and the desire to communicate with others. The main thing here is to achieve a balanced distribution of the initiative between representatives of all groups of students.

"Misanszen".The essence of the reception is to enhance communication and change its nature through the location of students in the class in a certain combination with each other at different stages of the task of the teacher.

The second reception group is associated with organization of the dialogue of the teacher and child,facilitating the formation of a student's relationship to a significant problem. As part of such a dialogue, the following techniques can be used.

"Role-playing mask."Children are invited to enter the role of another person and speak no one, but from his face.

"Forecasting situation development."During the conversation, the teacher proposes to express the assumption about how one or another conflict situation could develop. At the same time, it is indirectly searching for the exit from the current situation.

"Improvisation for a free topic."Students choose the topic in which they are most stronger and which causes them some interest, tolerate events in new conditions, in their own way interpret the meaning of what is happening and so on.

"Exposure of contradictions."Positions of students on a particular issue are delimited in the process of performing a creative task, followed by a collision of contradictory judgments, points of view on the relationship of various groups of people. Reception involves a clear limitation of discrepancies in opinions, the designation of the main lines by which the discussion should undergo.

"Counter Questions."Students divided into groups prepare each other a certain number of counter issues. The questions set and answers are then subjected to a collective discussion.

When using pedagogical techniques, the teacher must be focused on a personal example, a change in the situation, an appeal to independent experts, etc. In the course of the educational process, the teacher can use infinite multiple pedagogical techniques, since new educational situations give birth to new techniques. Each teacher has the right to use those techniques that correspond to its individual style of professional activity, character, temperament, life and pedagogical experience.