Lesson outline (preparatory group) on the topic: Lesson with pupils of the preparatory group We develop logical thinking. Summary of the lesson on the development of elements of logical thinking in the preparatory group using tsor

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten number 7 "Goldfish" Mendeleevsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

Summary of a lesson in logic in the preparatory group

Prepared and conducted

educator: Koval L.A.


Software content:

Reveal and clarify the knowledge of the ability and skills of children in establishing generic relations between concepts, the ability of children to graphically display classification relations.

To develop the analytical skills of children, the ability to find the right solution using the method of exclusion. To develop auditory and visual perception, logical thinking, orientation on the sheet, speech, attention.

Cultivate concentration, the ability to hear other children

The course of the lesson.

Part 1: Children, this morning, when I was going to work, a carrier pigeon sat on my shoulder and had a letter in its beak.

This letter came from our girl friend Alena Sokolova, who now lives in the city of Voronezh, where they moved with their whole family. There she goes to the Teremok kindergarten, and the group is called Romashka.

Alyonka, she misses you very much and says hello to you all. She tells her new friends a lot about you, how smart, kind and good you are, and the guys want to make friends with you, exchange photos, share their successes, as well as knowledge and skills. And here's what they say. Recently, children from their group "Romashka" took part in the "Smartest" Olympics and won first place. In a letter, they sent the tasks that they performed at the Olympics. And I thought, why don't you and I try to fulfill them and hold our own little Olympics. Do you agree to participate?

Olga Vasilievna will write down your answers and decisions, we will send them to the guys.

I wish you all success, guys.

To do the tasks correctly, let's do a warm-up and play

in Game"Name the words that are opposite in meaning"

Dark - light, Black - white, Sweet - bitter

Last - First, Hard - Soft, Forward - Backward

Back - Front, North - South, Left - Right

Joy - sadness, hard - easy, Hot - cold

Fast - slow, fresh - stale

2. Next game:"Continue the row and call it a common word"

Hat, sweater, mittens….winter clothes

Shorts, sundress, T-shirt ...Summer clothes

Chauffeur, doctor, hairdresser ...profession

Cucumber, onions, beets ...vegetables

Brother, grandmother, mother….relatives

Primer, recipes, pencils….School supplies

Elephant, tiger, monkey ...... animals of hot countries

Teremok, bun….Russian folk tales

Dog, cow ...House. Animals.

Dishes, dolls, balls ....toys.

Well done!

3. Now we'll play a game“What word is superfluous? " and why?

Be careful.

Elephant, monkey,jungle , snake?

Rose, chamomile,currant , daffodil?

Father, daughter,girl , son, mother?

Chef, educator, pharmacy , ballerina, pilot?

Blanket pillow,dream , sheet, bed?

Computer, radio, TV,cartoon ?

Baba Yaga, Thumbelina, baby Raccoon,Petya Ivanov , Dunno?

Spring Summer,April , autumn winter?

Pot,tea , cup, spoon?

House , butterfly, grasshopper, ant?

Well done and you coped with this task

3. And now guys, I will tell you a couple of words,

and you have to say how they are similar and how they differ.

Butterfly - plane, Cow - horse

Birch - apple tree, mom - dad

Sparrow - crow, hedgehog - tree

Pilot - tanker, winter - summer

Bus - train

Educator - doctor

Well done!

4. And now we will rest and guesslogical riddles are jokes.

What kind of dishes cannot be eaten from? With empty

When nothing is visible in the room? When it's dark

There is water all around, but trouble with water? Sea ocean

It is given to you, and people admire? Face

What stone is not in the river? Sukhoi

How many peas will fit in an empty glass? Not at all

What can you see with your eyes closed? Nothing

Well done, you were all very attentive.

5. Now it's time for us to decidecomplex logic tasks.

1.5 apples hung on the oak, one apple fell, how many apples are left? Not at all, because apples do not grow on oak

2. Nif-Nif is higher than Nuf-Nuf, Naf-Naf is higher than Nif-Nif. Who is the tallest? Naf - naf

3. Nif - Nif is 5 years old, Naf - Naf is a year older than him, And Nuf _ Nuf is 1 year younger.

How old is Naf Nafu? (6) Nuf - nufu (4)

4. The fish swam in different aquariums:

Red did not swim in a round or an oval one.

yellow not in square or round.

What did the blue one swim in?

Well done guys and you coped with this task. And now the guys propose to paint a small picture for our friends.

6. Graphic dictation No. 23 "Bear"


You guys are great

I confess from the bottom of my heart

It's better which of you don't know

I invite all of you to the next Olympics.

Theme: Properties: shape

Goals: to form the ability to identify the properties of objects (shape and color), analyze, build conclusions; develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech.

Material: tablets with geometric shapes.

Course of the lesson

1. Updating knowledge and experience

Our Mouse likes to be in the garden. Do you know what grows in the garden? What do you like? (Answers of children.)

2. Game "Guess the Shape"

Before going to the garden to work, the Little Mouse decided to eat. Help him set the table. In one plate (the teacher shows a tablet), you will put only square cookies, in another - round, in this plate - triangular, and in that - rectangular. I will give everyone a figure, and you put it on the plate you need - attach it to the tablet.

3. Work in a notebook

Task 1. What are these trees? In the middle of a plum, to the right of it is an apple tree, to the left of a pear. Color them in. Draw plums, apples, pears: small at the top, large at the bottom.

Task 2. From the pieces of the puzzle, the Mouse puts fruits and vegetables. Help him. Connect each picture with a line with the missing part. Color in the pictures.

4. Physical education

We'll get an apple

We'll get the pear.

And we will reach the drains,

To eat them later.

We pick oranges

And we put them all in baskets.

We pick grapes -

Everyone is glad to grapes.

Pick up strawberries

Pick the cherries.

How rich

Today is the harvest!

5. Work in a notebook

Task 3. On a fruit domino - apples and oranges. Make the green circles more than the red ones and the red ones more than the orange ones.

Task 4. Guess the riddle of the Mouse.

There are three large branches on the birch. On each large branch, one small one, on each small one - one apple. How many apples are there? (Apples do not grow on a birch.)

Do you think this is a serious mystery or a joke? (Joking.) Justify your answer.

Games for the development of logic in preschoolers of the preparatory group

Game "Flowers in the flower beds".


: multi-colored cardboard, scissors.

Description: the teacher cuts out of cardboard three flowers of red, orange, blue and three flower beds - round, square and rectangular. Invite the child to distribute flowers in the flower beds in accordance with the story: “Red flowers did not grow on a round or square flower bed, orange flowers did not grow on a round or rectangular one. Where what flowers grew? "

Logical tasks.

Target: develop attention, logical thinking.

Description: the teacher invites the children to play logical problems, chips are given for each correct answer. The one with the most chips wins.

1) There are objects in front of Cipollino: a bucket, a shovel, a watering can. How to make the shovel become extreme without moving it from its place? (You can put a watering can in front of a shovel or in front of a bucket.)

2) Winnie the Pooh, Tigger and Piglet cut out three flags of different colors: blue, green, red. The tiger was cut not by a red flag, but by Winnie the Pooh - not by a red or blue flag. What color did each flag cut? (Winnie the Pooh cut a green flag, Tigger - blue. Piglet - red.)

3) There are four apples on the table. One apple was cut and put back. How many apples are on the table? (4 apples.)

4) Arrange two chairs in the room so that there is a chair against each wall. (You need to put chairs in two opposite corners.)

5) Place a triangle of one stick and a square of two sticks on the table. (Sticks should be put on the corner of the table.)

Game "I made a guess ...".


Description: the teacher thinks about an object. Invite the child to find out the name of the object with the help of clarifying questions.

Does this item fly? (Yes.)

Does he have wings? (Yes.)

Does he fly high? (Yes.)

Is he animate? (No.)

Is it made of plastic? (No.)

Iron? (Yes.)

Does he have a propeller? (Yes.)

Is this a helicopter? (Yes.)

Game "Choose what you want".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: children are offered options in which there are extra positions, for example:

A boot always has: buckle, sole, straps, buttons.

In warm regions live: bear, deer, wolf, penguin, camel.

Winter months: September, October, December, May.

In a year: 24 months, 12 months, 4 months, 3 months.

A father is older than his son: often, always, rarely, never.

Time of day: year, month, week, day, Monday.

A tree always has: leaves, flowers, fruits, root, shadow.

Seasons: August, autumn, Saturday, holidays.

Passenger transport: harvester, dump truck, bus, diesel locomotive.

This game can be continued.

Game "I'm taking with me on the road."

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual aids: pictures with images of single objects.

Description: lay out images face down. Offer the child to go on a sea voyage. But, in order for the journey to be successful, you need to thoroughly prepare for it, stock up on everything you need. Ask the child to take one picture at a time and talk about how this item might come in handy. The objects in the pictures should be very different. For example, a child takes out a picture of a ball: "The ball can be played during rest, the ball can be used instead of a life ring, because it does not sink, etc." You can beat different situations: on a desert island, on a train, in a village.

Game "How are they similar and how are they different?"

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: the presenter offers the children two objects, the children should compare them and indicate the similarities and differences. For example: plum and peach; little girl and doll; bird and plane; cat and squirrel; an orange and an orange ball of the same size; felt-tip pen and chalk.

The game "Settled the birds."

Target: develop logical thinking.

Game material and visual aids: 20 cards depicting birds: domestic, migratory, wintering, singing, carnivorous, etc.

Description: invite the child to settle the birds in the nests: in one nest - migratory birds, in another - all those who have white plumage, in the third - all birds with long beaks. What birds were left without a nest? What birds can be accommodated in multiple nests?

Game "Associations".

Target: develop logical thinking.

Description: children are divided into two groups. One group invites the other to tell about a subject, using words in their story for other objects. For example, tell about a carrot using the words: duck, orange, cube, Snow Maiden. (It is the same color as an orange. It can be cut into cubes. Ducks love the top of it. If you don't eat it, you will be as pale as the Snow Maiden.) Then the groups switch roles. The subject for description and word-characteristics are set by the presenter.

Game "Come up with a proposal."

Goals: develop logical thinking, speech activity; to form a sense of language.

Game material and visual aids: ping pong ball.

Description: the teacher with the children sits in a circle and explains the rules of the game. He says some words, and the children come up with a sentence with this word. For example: the teacher says the word "close" and passes the ball to the child. He takes the ball and quickly replies: "I live close to the kindergarten." Then the child calls out his word and passes the ball to the person sitting next to him. So, in turn, the ball passes from one player to another.

Synopsis of the OOD on logic for children of the older group "Runaways from the Zoo" for children of the older group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten of combined type No. 6, Lebedyan, Lipetsk region

Prepared by: N.V. Krasnikova - Educator MBDOU d / s No. 6, Lebedyan, 2016

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development" , "Social and communicative development" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" .

Purpose: the formation of the foundations of logical thinking in older preschoolers in the process of developing elementary mathematical ideas.

Educational: exercise in the ability to compose a silhouette figure, focusing on the sample; learn to compare and organize objects by size (height, width); consolidate knowledge about predators and herbivores; fix the names of animals in the active dictionary.

Educational: foster a caring attitude towards wildlife, friendliness, the ability to work in a team; to form in children an emotionally positive response to joint activities.

Developing: develop logical thinking, intelligence, attention, eyes, fine motor skills of hands; to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, to place the necessary parts of the image in the right place in the figure.

Preliminary work: reading fiction: S.Ya. Marshak "Children in a cage" , NS. Dmitriev "Zoo on the table" , A. Klykov "Fox" , T. Skrebitsky "Hare" , "Squirrel" ; reviewing the album "Wild animals" ; guessing riddles about wild animals.

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation, laptop, TV, sets of games "Tangram" , "Columbus egg" , "Vietnam game" , "Fold the pattern" , "Math tablet" , contour images of animals (1 per table), Kuisener sticks (by the number of children), soft toys - wild animals, small plastic toys - wild animals (by the number of children), sheets of paper in a box, blanks of unfinished drawings of animals (for each child), pencils, a stand for drawings, an envelope with a letter, coloring pages with animals of the north and hot countries.

Course of the lesson

І. Introductory part

Organizing time

Guys, look how many guests we have today. Let's say hello.

An exciting lesson awaits us today. We must show our knowledge, skills and ingenuity. But first, let's put our thoughts in order, express our wishes and do self-massage.

Training game "Cheerfulness"

I wish my ears could all hear (stroking the ears).

I wish that my eyes could see everything (stroking eyes).

I want my mouth to speak correctly and beautifully.

I wish my head to think right and not wrong (head stroking).

I wish my hands to work with confidence (hand stroking).

I wish my body to be healthy.

Well done boys! Now you are ready to see everything, hear everything, and feel everything.

I propose to warm up "It happens - it does not happen" ... If this happens, we smile and clap our hands, if not, we frown and stamp our feet.

There is a circle with corners. - There is spring after winter.

There is a rooster with 4 legs. - Sometimes a dog has 4 legs.

Happens after Monday Saturday. - There is a night after the morning.

Sometimes a person has 3 eyes. - Sometimes the number two is more than three.

Sometimes the grass is green. - Sometimes the number five comes after seven.

Well done boys! You were very attentive and quick-witted. Sit down at the tables.

Part II. The main one.

Guys, today we have an unusual guest from a distant hot country. Guess who it is.

I'm used to living in the south.
I can speak!
Day after day I can fly
Imitate different sounds.

Who am I? Guess!
Multicolored -
Children: - Parrot!

(Click - the sound of a parrot screaming is heard, a parrot appears on the screen, click - the screaming stops)

That's right, it's a parrot, his name is Jacques, and he is very worried. Jacques gave me this letter. (Reading). "Help! A disaster struck at the zoo! At night, someone opened the cages where the animals were. And all the animals fled. They must be found immediately and returned to the zoo. Help us please!" .

So, can we help?

Children: - Yes!

In an envelope "Sketches" fugitives to be found. We'll look at them now. Who is this? (Bear, hare, fox, squirrel ...)... I suggest stacking the images of these animals using games of your choice.

Children are presented with a choice of didactic material.

  1. "Columbus egg" , "Vietnam game" , "Tangram" .
  2. "Fold the pattern" .
  3. "Math tablet" .
  4. "Snake" .

Well done! Coped with the task. We now know the fugitives to find.

The teacher invites the children to go on a journey in search of animals from the zoo.

Take simple pencils and squared papers: we will mark our route. I will dictate the direction of movement to you, and you will draw.

Didactic exercise "Drawing by cells" .

Children starting from a point "Draw" your route.

Count 1 cell to the right and draw a straight line. Count up 1 cell and draw a straight line. Further like this: 1 cell to the right; 2 cells down; 1 cell to the right; 1 cell up; 1 cell to the right.

Children move in the indicated direction, find toy animals: hare, squirrel, fox, deer, lion, tiger, etc.

Physical education. Video clip "The giraffe has spots, spots ..." .

Children sit down at tables.

Didactic exercise "Who eats what" .

You have found the escapees from the zoo and now you need to feed them. And different animals eat differently. We will find out which of them eats what, when we connect with lines in the picture the animal, which is placed below, and its food - it is at the top.

Children complete assignments.

When you fed the animals, you noticed that some of them feed on plants, and therefore they are called herbivores. Other animals eat meat, and these are predators, as they prey on other animals.

The teacher invites the children to take their animals and stand like this: the predators are on the left of him, and the herbivores are on the right.

Didactic exercise "Aviaries for animals" (using Kuisener sticks).

There are sticks on the tables in front of you, these are parts of the cage, and animals (for each child 2-3 animals)... Build a cage for each animal. See which of them is larger and which is smaller, select the sticks according to the height and size of the animal. For example, our bunny is small, and the cage for it will be small (the teacher shows an example of completing the task).

Productive activities with children "Unfinished drawing" .

So our journey is coming to an end. Let's make their portraits in memory of our new friends. Look, I have drawings, but they are not finished: the animals are not completely drawn. Finish the drawings and add those parts of the animal that are missing (elephant - trunk, zebra - stripes, monkey - tail, parrot - wings, giraffe - spots, hare - ears, etc.).

But first, let's get our fingers ready for work.

Slide 6. (Music plays and stops when clicked)

Finger gymnastics "Zoo"

Let's go to the zoo soon

There are many different animals

("pass the" on the table with the index and middle fingers of both hands)

And thorny hedgehogs

(spread your fingers like the needles of hedgehogs)

And fanged walruses

(put down the little finger and index fingers, and all the rest

clamp your fingers in the cam)

Cowardly hares

(Extend the index and middle fingers of both hands,

the rest in the cam)

Birds are beautiful

(wave arms crossed)

There are even crocodiles!

However, all are countless!

(connect the bases of the palms, close and open the tips

slightly bent fingers are "Crocodile's mouth" ).

Children get down to work, finish their drawings. At the end of the work, the teacher exposes the drawings on the stand.

ІІІ. Final part

So the evening is coming
Our zoo falls asleep
Falls asleep until morning
It's time for us to go home.

Children, who were we looking for today? What tasks were easy for you to complete? What caused the difficulty?

Thanks! It was very interesting to me with you!

Everyone is just great!
The journey is over.
Be friends with mathematics
Save up your knowledge.

May efforts help you

Memory, logic, attention!

Surprising moment. - I want to give you coloring pages with animals of the north and hot countries. You can color them when you want and show them to other children.

Lesson summary

Theme: "Logic tasks"

Directivity: educational

Children's age- 6-7 years old.

Educator: Iskalieva Sh.Z

Occupation type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint children with logical tasks, teach them to trace relationships and draw conclusions.



    Introduce the concept brain teaser tasks, train in solving logical problems.

    Freeze geometric representations.

    Repeat the forward and backward sequence of a number of numbers up to 10 and oral calculations within 10.


    Form the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

    Develop thinking, memory and speech.

    Develop composure and attentiveness.


    Contribute to the education of collectivism and mutual assistance when working in a team.

    Stimulate interest in mathematics.

    To cultivate the skills of cultural behavior in society.

Form of conducting- a role-playing game.

Equipment for the teacher: gong, flags - 10 pcs., 9 envelopes with tasks, several empty envelopes - according to the number of children, a disk with an arrow for emitting the game “What? Where? When? ", Pictures and geometric shapes on cardboard,

Equipment for children: blank sheets of paper in a large cage, felt-tip pens and pencils.

The course of the lesson.

Organizing time: Music from the TV show "KVN" sounds.

Teacher: - Hello!

Friends, today you came

To our funny KVN

We brought you a smile

To smile every day.

So. Today in the club of cheerful and resourceful for the first time this season the team "Erudite" is performing. Our entire group will compete with viewers who have sent us their questions (demonstrates envelopes with questions). For correct answers, you will receive a flag, and for violations of discipline, you will have to return the flag, but let's hope that this does not happen.

Main part

And now I will explain to you the rules of the game. After the task I have set, the team will have time to discuss and come to the correct answer, and then hit the gong that is on your gaming tables. For a correctly completed task, the team receives a point (flag).

First task. "Warm-up".

The first envelope opens. Exercise:

Recall and name fairy tales, the title of which contains the number seven or the number three.

For completing the task, the team receives a flag.

Second task. "Collect the pattern."

In the upper right corner, place two large triangles of different colors;

In the lower left corner, place two large circles of the same color;

In the lower right corner there are two geometrical figures of different shapes and different colors;

In the upper left, there are two small triangles of the same color;

In the middle there is a small circle.

Count how many geometric shapes have turned out.

The command gets the checkbox.

Third task. "Relay race". Task from the next letter.

Various cardboard pictures are laid out on the floor.

The team only collects geometric shapes in their basket.

For the correct execution of the task, the team receives a flag.

Fourth task. Blitz tournament.

Let's prepare a little for the assignment. Answer the questions:

If the table is higher than the chair, then the chair ...? (below)

If the river is wider than the stream, then the stream ...? (already)

If the bar is heavier than the pillow, then the pillow ...? (easier)

If a sister is younger than a brother, then a brother ...? (older)

If there is more water in a jar than in a mug, then in a mug ...? (smaller)

What conclusion can we draw? (If we know something about one subject that is related to another, then we can guess about the second)

Please note - such connections are called logical ... Can you yourself give examples of any dependencies? (Children answer)

How many tails do four cats have?

How many legs does a sparrow have?

How many ears do five cranes have?

How many paws do two hedgehogs have?

What are more daisies or flowers on the field?

Who are more bears or animals in the forest?

The duck laid an egg. Who will hatch out of him: a chicken or a cockerel?

What do they put in the soup and not eat?

If the team answered most of the questions correctly, they receive a flag.

Fifth task

Two persons are invited to participate in the next competition.

And the task is - graphic dictation. Place a marker on the red dot, be careful, we begin: Two cells up, one to the right, two up, two to the right, three down, one to the right, one up, two to the right, one down, one to the right, three up, two to the right, three down , one to the right, two down, ten to the left.

The rest of the children are invited to try to complete this task on their sheet of paper in a cage. The obtained images are compared, errors and their causes are determined. The team gets a flag for completing the assignment.

Sixth task.

Music from the program "What? Where? When?"

Attention, "Black box".

What figure in the Black Box will you see if you guess the riddle:

He is both a ball and a ball,

Both the moon and the bun. (Ball)

Presentation of the flag.

Physical minute.

Stand on one leg in a large circle, hands "locked" behind your head, press the other leg to your knee. If you touch the floor with your foot or unhook your hands, you leave. The last one standing on one leg wins.

Seventh task.

Marathon runners go forward

They carry math with them

You can't live without it!

Opening the envelope friends!

The envelope contains a caterpillar with numbers. Children are invited to collect two caterpillars. One of the numbers from 0 to 10; another from 10 to 0

Eighth task. "Who quickly?"

Make 3 equal squares from 7 sticks.

Ninth task.

Logical tasks. Each participant answers in turn, if there is no answer, then the next one answers. The flag is awarded to the winner who answered the most questions. He brings the flag to the team.

1. A rooster flew up the fence,

I met two more there.

How many roosters are there?

2. Six funny cubs

They rush to the forest for raspberries

But one of them is tired

Now find the answer:

How many bears are ahead?

3. Four goslings and two ducklings

They swim in the lake, shout loudly.

Well, count it quickly -

How many babies are there in the water?

4. Natasha has five flowers,

And Sasha gave her two more.

How many are two and five?

5. Four ripe pears

Swayed on a twig

Pavlusha took off two pears,

How many pears are left?

6. Good grandfather to grandson Shura

Gave seven pieces of candy yesterday.

A grandson ate one candy.

How many pieces are left?

Final part.

- So, guys, let's count how many questions from the viewers we answered (counting open envelopes - 9), and how many flags we received (counting and comparing with the number of envelopes) What conclusion can we draw? Have we coped with the task?

(Yes) Well done guys! And the last wish to you: if you come up with an assignment or task yourself, then draw or write it down and put it in an envelope (each child is given envelopes), and then bring it to our class, we will all try to complete it together, okay?

Children are rewarded with sweet prizes or balloons.