In the middle of the yard stands the hut red ... Anecdotes rustic

"In the middle of the yard there is a shock: in front of the pitchfork, behind - broom" (riddle)

Alternative descriptions


Animal depicted on the state symbols of Andorra, Iceland, Nepal and a number of other countries

Animal Status Burenki

Matroskin's dream

Suitable passion for bull

Sacred Animal in India

Today to the bottom, tomorrow - to the bottom, and ... - from the courtyard

Poem S. Yesenin

Walked from the field soapo, rushed on the neck

Australian city on the Murray River

. "How ... on ice"

With the help of this animal, a terrible disease was defeated, a means of combating (vaccine) is still called the name of this animal

Creature, chewing landscape

Nickname of the helicopter "Mi-6"

Who in India is called "brake inspector"?

It is this that is the right answer to the question "Who grazes in the meadow?"

. "... in the yard - Harch on the table" (Ambassador)

Kormilitsa rural family

. "Pretty herself, eats green, gives white" (riddle)

. "Whose ... was mine, and yours would be silent"

Not "Milk-Wei", and might

Live dairy

Funky beast

Female of some large horned animals


Mom Tennka

Funny on ice looks

. "Mu" says

Kormilitsa calves

Ward milk

Queen without "le"

Love bull

Giving man milk

Dairy animal

Horned grass recycling in milk

Harvested dairy "tank"

Spleens ...

Rooster quackets, and she might

Dairy pet

Burenka from Maslenkino

Doyna Skystil

In the ancient Egyptians, a beetle, and who is the Hindu?

Grass processor in milk

What animal can wash?

. "And a lot of ... gives milk?"


. "Dances like ... on ice" (expressing.)

Mile in Glelev

What animal gives milk?

Parquance thrush

Large "udder"

Rhyme rhyme

What animal gives me meat?

Milk walking factory

Homemade dairy animal

Sacred Animal in Hinduism

Homemade ruminant animal

Animal depicted on the state symbols of Andorra, Iceland, Nepal and a number of other countries

Large ruminant ribbon animal families

Poem S. Yesenin

The female of large ruminants of the rowing animals of the families of the ranges (bulls)

. "And a lot of ... gives milk?"

. "How ... on ice"

. "Dances like ... on ice" (expressing)

. "Whose ... was mine, and yours was silent"

J. Bodenushka, Ptuscé, etc. Pasta. Female cattle: male bull, and a lied ox; Before year calf, body: chicks or bulls. male body; Chick, chick, tula, female body. Yalovka, a young cow, who has not yet tried; Yalovaya, temporarily idle, without a calf, undersensible; A packer, which should be chosen: dewing, giving milk. The cow walks the intermontal, the intermuck, if it was made to her launch, before Novotel, when she did not reach her; After the tel. Or the hotel, the thrush gives to suck the week two and rule the Novotel: cook on milk, they treat the cow on the dish by the gentle and bread with salt, pray it, or spray her home-friendly sv. Water Cow accounted for in herd, she was steal, or did not do, did not cost. left Yalovo; She lined up, Zamarlael. When two years or more, it does not cost, it remains without chick. Undointly, young, yalovaya; foreground, old or zamatori; Naula, Yalovka, in general. Sound, undressed from Mother Suskin. The transient, a cow that did not exceed the term and not stelny, but remained for this year Yalovo; Also, the band remained and for the fourth year. The summer of the cow believes in calves, with the increase of three years: a cow about five calves, eight years. On the fur of the cow: white, belugu, white; gray; smoky or blue; Buuray, Burenka; Redhead, radar (radar also Belogol, redhead); Black, Zhukhol; Belobrysyaya, Whiteordy. The mirror in the cow, the bright wool of the back, the inner halves of the chips. Four four, two raops, seventh cloth? cow. Four mothers, two Bodaya, one loytun? also. Two-hundred Bodasa, four-hundred Maidasta, five-hundred Mahai, the same. Two-hundred horns, four-hundred mottast, one creek, yes two cool? also. Two-hundred horns, four-hundred mothers, one mahtun, two cool? The same: two horns, four legs, tail, two ear. Two-hundred pudast, four-hundred koplast, one talker, yes two wow? Cow: torso, legs, udder and eyes. Krasna Baba is revealed, and Cova Few. Cow on the courtyard, and water on the table. Cow on the courtyard, Harch on the table. Cow on the villas count, and prices will not. Cow on the villas should not see the milk. On the cow, it was enough for a subsidiary. The cow was, with the subsidence will be. There would be a cow, we find and the doornaya. Bought a man a cow, led home, began to milk, An Bull: In So be! I bought a guy a cow, and a bull came out: in so be! Do not blow (not) a cow, not to be a bull. Bridal Cow God Horn does not give. Long cow tongue, but do not wear talk. That would be a cow silent, which used to be a bear! talk husband wife. Happiness is not a cow: do not go out. It's not a hand macaroo cows to milk (or led calves). The cow himself holds for the horns, and third-party milk milk. Found a cow, if Makuhi does not eat. Get used to, cow, to rye straw. Not a hungry cow, if in straw straw. Cow is not a guest, he sees the hay on the bank. Salt cow two centuries to milk. Appointed and cow buy. Not a cow, with me there will be Lohani, Summer. One cow, yes to eat healthy. The pride is the pride that the cow's saddle. As saddle to cow. Vyol Cow in Napti. Nursery for the cow do not go. As if the cow lies with the tongue. Cow will fall, there is no place to stretch, closely. A barbell barged heated, a period. The cow with a cat supped with a spoon. We do not extend the cow with milk gives (milking), and in a digger, that is, for the stern. Which cow died, that and the milk was good. Which cow has fallen, that three fishing dawn! The loss is regret. The cow fell, the stall was wrapped. I did not bought cows, and the subnight started. Cow bought, and forgot! stole. Duma thought Houdua, I am a kow alien. Taking a cow, take and binding (subnight). On the Prophet Malachi, the hungry witches are aspiring cows to death, South. Protect my cow, holy. Hydra, Mills and Protassi! Holy Maltius cows milk gives. Saint. Vasily on sheep wool. An extra eye in the feast of the cow spoils her. What a cow would have a health wife! Do not have two cows, have one daughter! Mock over underground. Sell \u200b\u200ba husband of a cow, let the Baba update. Although the cow (y) hang out, and the earrings (y) buy. The river revealed on a couple of cows will be short. If the cow leaves the rear out, bring a bullshit: from the front chick. If you bring the cow twins of the one-shoes to good, and if we are tremendous, to thin. Black or Pretty Cow ahead of the herd, to bad weather: White and redhead, to the bucket. Where a pregnant cow head lies with (at midnight or at noon), then it will get away. So that the pregnant cow brought chick (not a bull), the woman goes to milk it for the last time riding a frying ground. Egoryevskaya Kow Komola, Given on Egorya. Belogol cow in the doorway looks? month. Black cow all world overgrown? night. Through the horse and cow pig and laziness fiber? Driving boots. Kow Komola, the forehead is wide, the eyes of Usenka, in the herd she does not graze, is not given in the hands? bear. Chernidka cow, iron horns, topics and useful: Nice day twice, summer one day, Does the pebbles do not go to the pebbles? flint. Duck in the skirt, chicken in boots, spleen in earrings, cow in the root, and everyone is more expensive! Sea cow, Suskin (mammal) of the East Ocean, Kapimnotnik (from sea cabbage, algae), Manati, Rythina, Manati; Now at all extinct. Chernomorsk. Fish Urancopus Scraber. Cow is immerse. Korovochka smear cowweed, the deepentic covier is a magnifying. Cow, growing. ARCHANDICA OFFIC.; Vlad. Mushroom Borovik; Cow, growing. Corobrnik, Diagel, Dyagiz. Verbascum, Vorbishnik, Tsarist Candle. Corobnik, Khlev for cows, snacks; Self-serving for cows, for cattle. Ladybug, bug Coccionella, scarlet with black dots. Cow, in carpenters: Rounded cutting in the ends of the logs, with the log cabing; Sheds from there, stove stove with cows. Cow? Mosk. Topška carols. Ladybug, flying for the Volga: there is warm, it is colder here. Cow, cow relatives. A piece with a cow sock. Cow color, growing. Caltha Palustris, out of the gallows. Grass, Camelina Sativa. Parsley, kerwell, growing. Anthriscus Sylvestris. Cow death. The plague on cattle, the case, personifies the people, in the form of some kind of island. Cow holiday. April, St. Musdia's Day. On Agaven Cow Death goes, Feb. Cow oil eat on health. Bear cow tears will be detached. Skhagol, yes the feet of the cow. Oatmeal porridge fell as if born with cow oil. Saw in a dream a cow trail, on the yava oil turns off. Corovnikov, Korovnitsyn, to him, belonging to it. Correspondent. To them. Korovyatina, cow meat. Tuck, yes Cyvytina. Cowat Novg. Portsa, woolen onuch. Cow Cow wool. This is a pure little reason, without Corvin. Corovik, cow mushroom, Mushroom Boletus Bovinus. Korovatnik m. Tver. Mushroom Maslenik? Vologda. Borovik, Bolet. Mutabilis? Cowatologist Vologda. Corovenik Yarosl. Korovik Vlad. Corob campfire. Cow Vlad. White mushroom, sometimes Borovik. Korovyan also Mushroom Cheading, Agaricus Comatus; Rough. Tsarist Scepter, Verbascum Thapsus, Other Catching. So Drawnik, Beauty, Atropa Belladonna. Korovich m. Tul. Comic. Brann. Maloros, Khokhol. Korovyak chickens, cow litter, manure, k (t). Cut, care for cows. Skorchnik m. Ptkaška Plistry, Yellow Wagtail or Mukholka, Motacilla

This is exactly the right answer to the question "Who grabs meadow?"

What animal milk gives

What animal can wash

What animal gives us meat

Queen without "le"

Large-rich milk "tank"

Large "udder"

Sacred animal hindu

In the ancient Egyptians, a beetle, and who

. "Whose ... was mine, and yours was silent"

id \u003d "razdel"\u003e

The revival of the courtyard court depends on the money and activity of the inhabitants.

Once almost in every courtyard of the first science, a sports court was built. However, during the years of time, these structures were drawn and quickly fell into decay. The courtyard, uniting at home 222, 224, 226, 228 and 230 along Lenin Avenue, had several sports facilities at once.

However, today in the midst of a huge court there is only a dilapidated court, which, like an old suitcase, - and throw it sorry, and it is hard ...

Suitcase without a handle?

The fact that the court is idle for twenty years and gradually overgrown with grass, a resident of the First Naukograd Irina told us.

When will the means for restoring it? - Woman is perplexed.

And immediately offers an anti-crisis plan, they say, if the court athletes do not need, maybe it is to give it to the needs of motorists who lead war over the parking lot. After all, to observe a dilapidated design - the pleasure of doubtful.

The director of the MP "Palace of Sports" Mikhail Zhuravlev about this problem knows not obstacle, because the court is on the balance of his enterprise.

It does not work out there, we wanted to do this a few years ago, but the water is so far that these plans have failed to implement. Yes, and the difference in height is large there, so we support the design so that it is not traumatic, - explains Mikhail Viktorovich.

Zhuravlev admits that for many years he is cherished by the hope of reanimating this site and make rubber coating there. But the reality is that money on the most modest calculations is needed by millions of five.

I communicated with the population, with Tosom, but money that allocate for this program, as a rule, go to the repair of passages. This is a question of priorities, "says Zhuravlev.

"So that people sit down,
And everything was done, this will not be! "

Meanwhile, residents of the courtyard are also trying to reanimate the court and have already turned with their problem to the deputy from Svetlana Lukyanenko.

People and we came to the conclusion that it is not necessary to consider the court separately, but the landscaping of the yard in general. People must be tried to enter the program "City Wednesday", since today the maximum amount of funds can be obtained only in this way, - Svetlana Sergeyevna is sure.

However, the main thing here is to find a leader who will contact this initiative to residents. And count on what kind of people will make officials or deputies, it is not worth it.

Must be from someone's initiative, and such that people sit down, and all the magic sticks did, "there will be no," says Lukyanenko.

The fact that participation in the program "City Wednesday" is the optimal way out of the situation, I am confident and Mikhail Zhuravlev. And here the question is not even in the allocation of budget funds, but in the fact that tenants will be able to negotiate on the shore about whether they need a rink or not.

After all, sometimes everything rests on not even into the water, for which you have to pay tenants, but that those who come to the rink will be noise, shout. Pensioners often say that they do not need it, "says Mikhail Viktorovich.

So, for example, it was with Karalala, which today with nostalgia remembers indigenous obnunitsa, with the exception of the yard inhabitants, where the boat was located. People sighed with relief when the design was disassembled, because drunken companies immediately disappeared from their courtyard, drunken nights.

But, on the other hand, most of the yards look empty and lifeless today, where to play children simply nowhere. After all, if the tenants of five nine-story buildings will tell their "yes" the revival of the court, the power will certainly help them, but if the sports construction will not need people, then find a bulldozer, which comespace with the land, will not be difficult.

Evgenia Nikitin

class \u003d "anons_cont"\u003e

At once, two turnkey houses were handed over to June 9. One is four-quarters - in the district center, it is built for immigrants from emergency housing and children-? Orphans, another in the village of Bor Fedorkovsky rural settlement, which was erected for Anastasia Mikhailovna Danilova - the widow of the participant of the Great Patriotic War. And the nose, and those who came to congratulate them with a solemn event in life were very happy.
The rates of new housing in P. Parfino impressed everyone. It would seem that quite recently there was an empty territory, a place overgrown with grass, and now the new four-quarter house has grown, which our newly seals - while two families displaced from emergency dwelling have obviously liked.
Individual entrepreneur Nikolai Nesterenok, a house was built under whose leadership, it is recognized that housing was built using modern technologies and materials, quickly and efficiently. Tried themselves, the administration of the district helped. It turned out, as you wanted. He himself conducts an excursion inside the new building. New plumbing, good, beautiful doors, spacious vestibule. It is made in view of the fact that once the young guys, today have the status of orphans, families will appear and need a place for strollers, bicycles, other things that needed in everyday life. In general, I tried not to save, we did everything for conscience. For professionalism and conscientious work, the First Deputy Head of the Administration of the district Nikolai Ivanov presented a letter of a letter with the hope of further cooperation with an individual entrepreneur.
"It is very gratifying such events very well," he said, "because our area is not in words, but actually performs a program on resettlement of people from dilapidated emergency housing to new apartments, provides apartments to orphans. It is nice to watch a new house - it stands on a good foundation, there are blowing windows, pleases finish from modern materials. I wanted us to continue the participants of such good deeds. Unfortunately, it has to be stated that today out of 368 thousand square meters. meters of the total living area of \u200b\u200b17.5 thousand square meters. M - dummy emergency housing. Therefore, we hope to continue to participate in various programs for the construction of new homes. "
"For the first time we," Elena Leontiev, supplemented by the Department of Education of the Education Department, were overcome the priority barrier. The work went on ahead - the guys finish study on July 1, and today there are wonderful bright apartments for them, where they can accommodate and start a domain life. By and large for us it is a holiday. After all, children deprived of families come to us, and we understand that in addition to the administration, they have no help to find support in this life. We are glad and what was tested in their area of \u200b\u200bexperience when in the house where children-orphans live people with experience who can support them in a difficult moment and suggest something important. "
The head of the urban settlement Konstantin Bolshakov came to the housewarming with cakes and presented them with new seals for festive tea drinking. And Nikolai Ivanov and Elena Leontiev cut the Aluu ribbon, thereby giving a countdown of the new home.
The delivery of the house in the village of Bor Fedorkovsky rural settlement by the efforts of cultural workers and specialists of the settlement administration has become colorfully decorated with old Russian attributes holiday. Everyone literally heard the magnificent songs about the "Terem in the middle of the courtyard, the furnace-mother native and economic kut". However, now all this is in the new home of the widow of the Participant of the Great Patriotic War Anastasia Mikhailovna Danilova, which a well-maintained apartment in the district center chose it in his native village, where all such a close and expensive heart.
"Despite the fact that it would be easier for us to pick her up her housing," said the first deputy head of the administration of the district Nikolai Ivanov, "the decision of Anastasia Mikhailovna live in the territory where she worried a lot and rustled, raised her children, causes great respect. The contractor was hard to invest strictly in the allocated amount, but he managed to do it without prejudice to the quality of housing, thanks to good experts, skillful, professional work. And at the request of the district administration to them in the house of an elderly woman conducted water. Its from the well serves the pump, and now she does not need to carry heavy buckets in his hands. Anastasia Mikhailovna, who from the old, pre-war, twisted for one side of the hut moves to a new, light, covered with siding house, many congratulated. This is the head of the Fedorkovsky rural settlement Boris Stepanov, who wished warmth and comfort in the house, and Chairman of the Primary Veteran Organization Vladimir Alexandrovich Barinov. Deputy Head of the District Administration, Head of Agriculture Department Natalia Mokina remembered the goodwal of the work of Anastasia Mikhailovna and her husband in agricultural production, presented the hostess of the house from the administration of the District "Tricolor" antenna, which, by the way, was immediately established.
And in the evening, the head of the district of Vasily Ubogov congratulated an elderly woman with the newsself.

In the pictures: Novoselov in P. Parfino (in the photo, along with the first deputy. Heads of the administration of the district Nikolai Ivanov) and Anastasia Mikhailovna Danilova from the village of D. Bor issued a truly festive day.

"In the middle of the yard there is a shock: in front of the pitchfork, behind - broom" (riddle)

Alternative descriptions


Animal depicted on the state symbols of Andorra, Iceland, Nepal and a number of other countries

Animal Status Burenki

Matroskin's dream

Suitable passion for bull

Sacred Animal in India

Today to the bottom, tomorrow - to the bottom, and ... - from the courtyard

Poem S. Yesenin

Walked from the field soapo, rushed on the neck

Australian city on the Murray River

. "How ... on ice"

With the help of this animal, a terrible disease was defeated, a means of combating (vaccine) is still called the name of this animal

Creature, chewing landscape

Nickname of the helicopter "Mi-6"

Who in India is called "brake inspector"?

It is this that is the right answer to the question "Who grazes in the meadow?"

. "... in the yard - Harch on the table" (Ambassador)

Kormilitsa rural family

. "Pretty herself, eats green, gives white" (riddle)

. "Whose ... was mine, and yours would be silent"

Not "Milk-Wei", and might

Live dairy

Funky beast

Female of some large horned animals


Mom Tennka

Funny on ice looks

. "Mu" says

Kormilitsa calves

Ward milk

Queen without "le"

Love bull

Giving man milk

Dairy animal

Horned grass recycling in milk

Harvested dairy "tank"

Spleens ...

Rooster quackets, and she might

Dairy pet

Burenka from Maslenkino

Doyna Skystil

In the ancient Egyptians, a beetle, and who is the Hindu?

Grass processor in milk

What animal can wash?

. "And a lot of ... gives milk?"


. "Dances like ... on ice" (expressing.)

Mile in Glelev

What animal gives milk?

Parquance thrush

Large "udder"

Rhyme rhyme

What animal gives me meat?

Milk walking factory

Homemade dairy animal

Sacred Animal in Hinduism

Homemade ruminant animal

Animal depicted on the state symbols of Andorra, Iceland, Nepal and a number of other countries

Large ruminant ribbon animal families

Poem S. Yesenin

The female of large ruminants of the rowing animals of the families of the ranges (bulls)

. "And a lot of ... gives milk?"

. "How ... on ice"

. "Dances like ... on ice" (expressing)

. "Whose ... was mine, and yours was silent"

J. Bodenushka, Ptuscé, etc. Pasta. Female cattle: male bull, and a lied ox; Before year calf, body: chicks or bulls. male body; Chick, chick, tula, female body. Yalovka, a young cow, who has not yet tried; Yalovaya, temporarily idle, without a calf, undersensible; A packer, which should be chosen: dewing, giving milk. The cow walks the intermontal, the intermuck, if it was made to her launch, before Novotel, when she did not reach her; After the tel. Or the hotel, the thrush gives to suck the week two and rule the Novotel: cook on milk, they treat the cow on the dish by the gentle and bread with salt, pray it, or spray her home-friendly sv. Water Cow accounted for in herd, she was steal, or did not do, did not cost. left Yalovo; She lined up, Zamarlael. When two years or more, it does not cost, it remains without chick. Undointly, young, yalovaya; foreground, old or zamatori; Naula, Yalovka, in general. Sound, undressed from Mother Suskin. The transient, a cow that did not exceed the term and not stelny, but remained for this year Yalovo; Also, the band remained and for the fourth year. The summer of the cow believes in calves, with the increase of three years: a cow about five calves, eight years. On the fur of the cow: white, belugu, white; gray; smoky or blue; Buuray, Burenka; Redhead, radar (radar also Belogol, redhead); Black, Zhukhol; Belobrysyaya, Whiteordy. The mirror in the cow, the bright wool of the back, the inner halves of the chips. Four four, two raops, seventh cloth? cow. Four mothers, two Bodaya, one loytun? also. Two-hundred Bodasa, four-hundred Maidasta, five-hundred Mahai, the same. Two-hundred horns, four-hundred mottast, one creek, yes two cool? also. Two-hundred horns, four-hundred mothers, one mahtun, two cool? The same: two horns, four legs, tail, two ear. Two-hundred pudast, four-hundred koplast, one talker, yes two wow? Cow: torso, legs, udder and eyes. Krasna Baba is revealed, and Cova Few. Cow on the courtyard, and water on the table. Cow on the courtyard, Harch on the table. Cow on the villas count, and prices will not. Cow on the villas should not see the milk. On the cow, it was enough for a subsidiary. The cow was, with the subsidence will be. There would be a cow, we find and the doornaya. Bought a man a cow, led home, began to milk, An Bull: In So be! I bought a guy a cow, and a bull came out: in so be! Do not blow (not) a cow, not to be a bull. Bridal Cow God Horn does not give. Long cow tongue, but do not wear talk. That would be a cow silent, which used to be a bear! talk husband wife. Happiness is not a cow: do not go out. It's not a hand macaroo cows to milk (or led calves). The cow himself holds for the horns, and third-party milk milk. Found a cow, if Makuhi does not eat. Get used to, cow, to rye straw. Not a hungry cow, if in straw straw. Cow is not a guest, he sees the hay on the bank. Salt cow two centuries to milk. Appointed and cow buy. Not a cow, with me there will be Lohani, Summer. One cow, yes to eat healthy. The pride is the pride that the cow's saddle. As saddle to cow. Vyol Cow in Napti. Nursery for the cow do not go. As if the cow lies with the tongue. Cow will fall, there is no place to stretch, closely. A barbell barged heated, a period. The cow with a cat supped with a spoon. We do not extend the cow with milk gives (milking), and in a digger, that is, for the stern. Which cow died, that and the milk was good. Which cow has fallen, that three fishing dawn! The loss is regret. The cow fell, the stall was wrapped. I did not bought cows, and the subnight started. Cow bought, and forgot! stole. Duma thought Houdua, I am a kow alien. Taking a cow, take and binding (subnight). On the Prophet Malachi, the hungry witches are aspiring cows to death, South. Protect my cow, holy. Hydra, Mills and Protassi! Holy Maltius cows milk gives. Saint. Vasily on sheep wool. An extra eye in the feast of the cow spoils her. What a cow would have a health wife! Do not have two cows, have one daughter! Mock over underground. Sell \u200b\u200ba husband of a cow, let the Baba update. Although the cow (y) hang out, and the earrings (y) buy. The river revealed on a couple of cows will be short. If the cow leaves the rear out, bring a bullshit: from the front chick. If you bring the cow twins of the one-shoes to good, and if we are tremendous, to thin. Black or Pretty Cow ahead of the herd, to bad weather: White and redhead, to the bucket. Where a pregnant cow head lies with (at midnight or at noon), then it will get away. So that the pregnant cow brought chick (not a bull), the woman goes to milk it for the last time riding a frying ground. Egoryevskaya Kow Komola, Given on Egorya. Belogol cow in the doorway looks? month. Black cow all world overgrown? night. Through the horse and cow pig and laziness fiber? Driving boots. Kow Komola, the forehead is wide, the eyes of Usenka, in the herd she does not graze, is not given in the hands? bear. Chernidka cow, iron horns, topics and useful: Nice day twice, summer one day, Does the pebbles do not go to the pebbles? flint. Duck in the skirt, chicken in boots, spleen in earrings, cow in the root, and everyone is more expensive! Sea cow, Suskin (mammal) of the East Ocean, Kapimnotnik (from sea cabbage, algae), Manati, Rythina, Manati; Now at all extinct. Chernomorsk. Fish Urancopus Scraber. Cow is immerse. Korovochka smear cowweed, the deepentic covier is a magnifying. Cow, growing. ARCHANDICA OFFIC.; Vlad. Mushroom Borovik; Cow, growing. Corobrnik, Diagel, Dyagiz. Verbascum, Vorbishnik, Tsarist Candle. Corobnik, Khlev for cows, snacks; Self-serving for cows, for cattle. Ladybug, bug Coccionella, scarlet with black dots. Cow, in carpenters: Rounded cutting in the ends of the logs, with the log cabing; Sheds from there, stove stove with cows. Cow? Mosk. Topška carols. Ladybug, flying for the Volga: there is warm, it is colder here. Cow, cow relatives. A piece with a cow sock. Cow color, growing. Caltha Palustris, out of the gallows. Grass, Camelina Sativa. Parsley, kerwell, growing. Anthriscus Sylvestris. Cow death. The plague on cattle, the case, personifies the people, in the form of some kind of island. Cow holiday. April, St. Musdia's Day. On Agaven Cow Death goes, Feb. Cow oil eat on health. Bear cow tears will be detached. Skhagol, yes the feet of the cow. Oatmeal porridge fell as if born with cow oil. Saw in a dream a cow trail, on the yava oil turns off. Corovnikov, Korovnitsyn, to him, belonging to it. Correspondent. To them. Korovyatina, cow meat. Tuck, yes Cyvytina. Cowat Novg. Portsa, woolen onuch. Cow Cow wool. This is a pure little reason, without Corvin. Corovik, cow mushroom, Mushroom Boletus Bovinus. Korovatnik m. Tver. Mushroom Maslenik? Vologda. Borovik, Bolet. Mutabilis? Cowatologist Vologda. Corovenik Yarosl. Korovik Vlad. Corob campfire. Cow Vlad. White mushroom, sometimes Borovik. Korovyan also Mushroom Cheading, Agaricus Comatus; Rough. Tsarist Scepter, Verbascum Thapsus, Other Catching. So Drawnik, Beauty, Atropa Belladonna. Korovich m. Tul. Comic. Brann. Maloros, Khokhol. Korovyak chickens, cow litter, manure, k (t). Cut, care for cows. Skorchnik m. Ptkaška Plistry, Yellow Wagtail or Mukholka, Motacilla

This is exactly the right answer to the question "Who grabs meadow?"

What animal milk gives

What animal can wash

What animal gives us meat

Queen without "le"

Large-rich milk "tank"

Large "udder"

Sacred animal hindu

In the ancient Egyptians, a beetle, and who

. "Whose ... was mine, and yours was silent"

Elena Belkova
An abstract of classes on drawing "Pet - Cow" in the preparatory group

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten of the Outhouse Type №21"


On direct educational activities in preparatory group Firefly.

Artistic creativity (painting)

On the topic: Pet cow

Prepared educators

Belkova E. S.

the date of the:

«___» ___ 2018.

Materials and equipment:

1. Demonstration: Photo cows with calf

2. Distribution: For each child, a piece of paper, pencils.

Preliminary work:

View illustration on topic Cow on the meadow.

purpose classes: Consolidate and expand the ideas of children about pets, on the peculiarities of their appearance.

Learn draw a cow, continue to develop the ability to think over a compositive image building, continue to learn to mix paint, develop imagination, memory.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational part

Teacher. People have faithful friends and helpers - pets.

1st child. Image like a dog barks.

2nd child. Image like a cat meows.

3rd child. how cow miracle.

4th child. And how the horse is rzhet.

5th child. How the pig is grunts.

Teacher. Right. And why these animals are called homework? Children. They live next to a man who cares for them.

Teacher. Right. But these animals were not always home. Once they lived in wildlife. How could a man manage to tame them? When ancient people hunted, they brought home from hunting not only killed prey, but also the young animals - piglets, calves, goat. Children played with them animals gradually became manual, tamed animals There were no longer afraid of people, used to get food and protection from them. In turn, they also became useful for man: gave milk, wool, meat; Helped a man in the hunt and guarded his home.

Teacher. You know how shouting animals, and now try to guess animals by mysteries.

1. It is worth the shock in the middle of the courtyard - in front of the pitchfork, behind the broom. (Cow.)

2. Soft paws, and in the paws of the DAC-scratch. (Cat.)

3. In someone else's house, it's not a mellow, without the owner Geor.-GAV-GAV-GAV! (Dog.)

Pedagogue: Well done, everyone called everyone.

Now guess one more riddle:

Knock the horns walking on the meadow. And the horns in the evening approached with milk.

Children: It cow!

Pedagogue: Summer in the morning with a rossy bay meadow of the river cows.

Body W. cows wide, with rounded bloated sides, legs short, a long strong tail resembles a pancake - they will drive the raw flies. W. cows A large head with horn upwards, standing ears, which she hears good, and big dark brown blades. W. cows Beautiful smell: But the smell they easily distinguish edible herbs from inedible.

Cows - herbivores. They are slow and calm. NE rushing cows in the meadowHaving lowered heavy heads, and pulls the grass-maul. First, the Burenka deftly captures the label with the tongue, and then pulls her head and tears it.

Pedagogue: What do you think, what benefit bring cows people?

That's right, they give us milk and meat. From milk, people have learned how to prepare a lot of useful tasty and nutritious products. The people folded a lot of proverbs and sayings dedicated to cowin which he is loved by cow"Kormilitsa", "Mother cowboy * I."Burenushka". Here are some of them: "Would be korovushka, there will be a milk ", « Cow In the courtyard - so food on the table ", "If there is in the yard cow - Will you and fed and dressed ".

2. Practical part.

Pedagogue: Today we will depict cowwalking in the meadow. Let's start draw from torso. It looks like an oval. Then you paint the round head. On the head oval muzzle. On the muzzle nose and mouth. On my head there are still ears and horns. So that ours cow saw herbs, she needs eyes. Now ours cow need to draw Feet - at the ends of which hoofs. As well as the tail is needed that our the cow was distilled off Muh.

In order to cow gave milk, she needs udder. That's what beautiful cow we got! Cow grazing on a wide, green meadow. The warm sun shines on top of it. Somewhere in the distance, in the village, she is waiting for a kind mistress.

3. Final part:

Pedagogue: Now our cows Everyone will gather in the herd. Children hang their work on the board. Teacher asks the child to give the name of his cow, tell us what is her character.