Presentation "Happy Mother's Day" presentation to the lesson on the topic. Congratulations on Mother's Day! The most beautiful of women is a Woman with a child in her arms! Presentation congratulations on mother's day

Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Happy is the one who from childhood knows mother's love, affection, care. And children should respond to her with the same love, attention, care. With respect and gratitude, we treat those people who respectfully pronounce the name of their mother until their gray hairs, protect her old age. Mom, I love you very, very much! I love so much that at night I do not sleep in the dark. I peer into the darkness, I hurry Dawn. I love you all the time, Mommy! So the dawn is shining. It's already dawn. There is no one in the world Better than mom!

In the world there is no person dearer and closer to the mother. Her love for children is boundless, disinterested, full of selflessness. And motherhood in Russia has always been tantamount to a synonym for holiness. Named Mother Rain knocks at the window like a frozen bird. But she will not fall asleep, continuing to wait for us. Today I want to bow to the ground Our Russian woman, named MOTHER. The one that life gave us in torment, The one that sometimes did not sleep in dreams at night. They pressed her warm hands to her chest. And she prayed for us to all the Holy Images. The one who asked God for happiness, For the health of her daughters, sons. Every new step we take was like a holiday for her. And the pain of the children hurt her more. We fly out of our native nest like birds: As soon as possible, we want to become adults. Today I want to bow to the ground. Our Russian woman, named MOTHER.

Who we first meet, Coming to the world, - So this is our mother, She is no sweeter. All life revolves around her, Our whole world will be warmed with it, All century she tries to save Us from troubles. She is a support in the house, Hustles every hour. And there is no one except, Who would love us so much. So she has more happiness, And life is longer for years, And joy is her lot, And less sad things!

By repeating the movements of the mother's lips, we say our first word in life: mother. It will take 10 years, 12, Many events, people and meetings will be forgotten in our memory. But, no matter what we have experienced, memories will always return us to the bright world of childhood, to the image of a mother who taught us to speak.

Someone good recently came up with Mom's day to celebrate again, The most beautiful, and the best,

and the main thing To be this holiday is worthy with us! How many beloved sons and daughters In life they will say goodbye to their birthplace, Only love will not run dry In my mother's heart, always young!


You are the only one I have, The sweetest and dearest, There is no better woman

in the world, In you lies wisdom, virtue. You became an example for me, You raised me by loving, I am proud of you

every day I, Happy Mother's Day, dear, you!


Congratulations to you

On Mother's Day, we wish you happiness! Let you, my dear, be lucky in life, Let you be joy And happiness will find!


I want to congratulate you, mom, You will always be the very best, I love and respect you, And only one thing I know for sure - that only mom will not betray, And she will give a helping hand. I wish you health, and congratulations on a wonderful day!


Mom's hands are warm. Mom's songs are tenderness and affection. Mom will drive away the universal evil, And turn life into a beautiful fairy tale!


Angel from heaven. I congratulate you

this holiday May your life be full of miracles. I love it very much.

Your little son is a prankster.


So that you never feel sad in life, So that you always succeed, so that you do not know,

that there is trouble.


My mom is young again And beautiful in this white dress. And let the years fly by - With her, a minute is even enough for us!


We love you immensely! And we wish you happiness and health without fail! And we also wish you Many good warm days, So that you please us - daughters as long as possible.


I want to kiss you! With all my heart I wish you great happiness, Mommy! Let life be beautiful, easy, Enough strength for all things! So that all your dreams, desires - you could realize in life!


I want to tell you how I love you! You are my protector, the most gentle friend! Better not to find anyone around!


Beloved, good, dear On Mother's Day, what to wish? I hope to always be with you, To protect peace and quiet. Mommy, live for a hundred years, Health so that it is in full, And nearby so that there are no troubles, But only a wave of good luck!


How many stars are there in the clear sky! How many spikelets are in the fields! How many songs have birds! How many leaves on the branches! Only the sun is one in the world. Only mother is alone in the world.

Lovely women! Lovely mothers!

The most gentle, the kindest most!

We sincerely congratulate you now,

We wish you happiness, health, love!

So that the kids do not upset you,

So that you do not know bitter sorrows,

So that pavami floated through the streets,

All, as one, Miss Universe were!

So that portraits of you are painted more often,

To be appreciated, loved, caressed,

To give flowers daily

And they talked about love all the time!

For these words to prove

So that then you become happier!

Let everything come true, mothers, with you!

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Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny. Mom gave life, the world gave me and you.

There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin No. 120 "On Mother's Day" dated January 30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers' labor and their selfless sacrifice for the good of their children.

A new holiday - Mother's Day - is gradually entering Russian homes. And this is wonderful: no matter how many good, kind words we say to our mothers, no matter how many reasons we come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

HISTORY OF THE HOLIDAY The honoring of the woman-mother has a long history. According to some sources, the tradition of celebrating Mother's Day dates back to the female mysteries of ancient Rome, designed to honor the Great Mother - the goddess, the mother of all gods.

HISTORY OF THE HOLIDAY From the 17th to the 19th centuries, the so-called "Mother's Sunday" was celebrated in Great Britain - the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country.

In the USA, “Mother's Day” is the day of mothers' unity in the struggle for world peace. In 1910, Virginia was the first to recognize Mother's Day as an official holiday. In 1914, US President Woodrow Wilson declared the second Sunday in May a national holiday in honor of all American mothers.

HISTORY OF THE HOLIDAY Mother's Day on the second Sunday of May is also celebrated by Malta, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan. The Maltese have celebrated Mother's Day since time immemorial. In Estonia, Mother's Day has been celebrated since 1992 on the second Sunday in May. On this day, flags are flown. On the eve, matinees are held in kindergartens, and concerts for mothers are held in schools; children give mothers cards and gifts.

HISTORY OF THE HOLIDAY In Germany, the first Mother's Day was celebrated on May 13, 1923. In Finland, Mother's Day has been officially celebrated since 1927 on the second Sunday in May. On this day, flags are hung, children prepare gifts for mothers, and fathers try on this day in the kitchen, each to the best of his abilities and capabilities. Grandmothers are also congratulated.

In Ukraine, Mother's Day began to be celebrated back in 1929, in Galicia, but over time it was forgotten. Today this day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, modestly, without celebrations. In Greece, Mother's Day is celebrated on May 9th. The history of the holiday dates back to the times of ancient Greece, when the Greeks celebrated in spring the day of the mother of all gods, Gaia.

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day takes a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

A lot of your nights passed without sleep, Worries, worries for us can not be counted, Bow to you, dear mother For the fact that you are in this world.

Thank you, dear ones! And let your beloved children speak kind words to each of you more often! Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in their eyes when you are together!