Applying aloe juice to the face. Biostimulated aloe juice. Peach mask with aloe

Aloe vera juice has truly invaluable cosmetic properties, which makes it the number one home remedy for all skin types, especially oily, problematic and sensitive skin.


Useful properties and effect of aloe juice for the face

For home use, aloe vera juice for the face is most effectively isolated from plant species such as Aloe vera (Barbados) and Aloe tree-like, they are most often found on windowsills for most people. These types of aloe contain more than 200 useful components: minerals and trace elements, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins (A, C, E, group B, including B12), enzymes, enzymes, polysaccharides, lignins, etc. All these components have the most beneficial effect on the skin, generally making it healthy.

With regular use, aloe intensively moisturizes the skin, normalizing the water balance in the tissues, which is an effective prevention of dehydration and dryness. Thanks to fibroblasts, aloe activates the production of its own collagen and elastin fibers, against which its use has a tightening and smoothing effect, rejuvenating the skin and preventing its early fading. The use of aloe also improves the complexion, protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, and prevents the formation of age spots.

The disinfecting and healing properties of aloe juice help in a short time to eliminate cracks and other damage to the skin, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory - they perfectly help in the fight against various skin diseases (acne or acne, psoriasis, eczema, inflammatory processes), soothing and softening - they effectively eliminate all signs of irritated skin and allergies (itching, redness, allergic rashes).

This "arsenal" of useful properties of aloe allows you to use it on any skin, including sensitive, prone to allergies and irritations. After application, aloe very quickly penetrates deep into the skin layers, enriching cells and tissues with oxygen, essential useful and nutrients.

Aloe juice is used for the face in its pure form, as part of homemade masks, tonics, lotions. He has no contraindications. Individual intolerance is very rarely observed, then you can try to dilute the product in an equal ratio with water before using it on the skin. If this does not help, it is better to refuse the use of aloe.

Aloe juice preparation technique

For cosmetic purposes, the lower, fleshy part of a three-year-old aloe is suitable (the tips of the leaves will be dry). Before cutting the leaves, the aloe should not be watered for at least two weeks. The cut leaves should be washed well with warm boiled water, allowed to dry on a towel, then wrapped in thick paper (leave the ends on both sides open) and stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

After the specified time, you can squeeze the juice. Cut the leaves very finely into a glass bowl and cover with cooled boiled water in a ratio of 1: 3. Cover with a lid and leave in a cool and dark place for two hours. Then just squeeze the mixture through cheesecloth, filter the finished liquid again through several gauze layers. Aloe juice obtained in this way is called biostimulated. This is due to the fact that in the absence of light and a decrease in temperature, aloe begins to intensively produce biologically active substances, which have a beneficial effect on the epidermis.

You can store such juice in the refrigerator in a closed dark glass bottle for two weeks. You can use it in its pure form, prepare tonics, lotions and masks on its basis.

Video: Melting aloe juice, recipes for aloe masks.

Aloe juice for acne on the face

Aloe is a great help in fighting acne. It has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and drying effect, effectively eliminates sebaceous plugs, preventing their reappearance.

Aloe will speed up the resorption or exit of a sick and itchy pimple, for this you just need to fix a napkin soaked in biostimulated juice on the affected area and leave it overnight. The effect will not be long in coming.

Applying pure aloe juice to the skin

It is recommended to use concentrated or biostimulated aloe juice as a daily wipe on the face of especially oily and problem skin; in case of dry skin, after using it, the skin should be additionally moistened with a cream. Such care will reduce inflammation, smooth out wrinkles, increase the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis, and make the skin soft and velvety.

If you do not have the opportunity to use pure juice due to the lack of aloe in the house, the use of the pharmacy composition of the same name is suitable for face care, only the content of nutrients in it will be significantly less than freshly squeezed.

Homemade recipes for masks and face lotions with aloe juice

For oily and problem skin.

Aloe Vera Cleansing Lotion.

Cleans, relieves inflammation, dries acne.


Medical alcohol - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the components in an empty lotion bottle. Store in the refrigerator, wipe the skin twice a day.

Toning lotion with aloe.

It cools and refreshes the skin.


Chamomile - 1 tbsp l.
Steep boiling water - 1 glass.
Solution of vitamin E in oil - 1 capsule.
Peppermint essential oil - 3 drops.

Prepare an infusion of chamomile by boiling the herb with boiling water, leave for half an hour and filter. Take 2 tbsp of the finished infusion. l. and mix with aloe, heat the mixture in a water bath for five minutes. Then remove the mixture from the heat and add the vitamin and essential oil. Store the product in the refrigerator, apply to wipe the skin twice a day.

Video: Mask for oily skin with aloe.

Cosmetic ice with aloe juice.

Refreshes, fights acne and blackheads, tones, tightens the skin.

Sage broth - 1 glass.
Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 3 tbsp. l.

Combine the ingredients, pour into special trays for ice and put in the freezer in the quick-freeze section. Wipe the face skin with ready-made ice cubes in the morning.

Protein mask with aloe.

Relieves inflammation, tightens pores, cleanses.

Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Egg white - 1 pc.
Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 3 drops.

Beat the protein, add aloe and lemon juice. Apply the mixture to a cleansed face in several layers, as the previous one dries. After 15 minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water and apply the cream. The procedure should be done twice a week.

Clay and aloe mask.

Cleans, reduces pores, dries, refreshes and disinfects.

Green clay - 2 tbsp l.
Rose water - a little.
Rose essential oil - 2 drops.
Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 5 tsp

Mix the clay with aloe juice and dilute with rose water until a creamy mass (so that it does not run off the face). Add the ether component to the finished mixture. Apply the mask to the face cleaned of make-up and impurities. After fifteen minutes, remove the mask, and moisturize the skin with cream. Do the mask twice a week.

For sensitive, irritated skin.

Aloe lotion for skin with visible capillary mesh.

Relieves inflammation, heals, soothes.

Sage herb - 1 tsp
Plantain leaves - 1 tbsp. l.
Rose petals - 1 tsp
Steep boiling water - ½ cup.
Lemon juice - 5 drops.
Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 4 tbsp. l.

Brew sage, plantain and rose petals in a glass with boiling water, leave for half an hour. Filter the warm infusion. Combine the ready-made infusion with aloe and lemon. With the mixture, wipe your face twice a day, and then apply your usual skin care product.

Herbal lotion with aloe.

Soothes, relieves redness and irritation.

Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Chamomile or sage infusion - ½ cup

Mix ingredients in an empty lotion bottle. Apply in the morning and evening as a rub.

For normal skin.

Eggplant mask with aloe.

Moisturizes, nourishes, softens.

Chopped eggplant pulp - 50 g.

St. John's wort tincture - 2 tbsp. l.
Buckwheat honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Preheat honey in a water bath. Mix all the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, apply it on your face for twenty minutes. After the specified time, wash with warm water. Then be sure to wipe the skin with an ice cube and apply a skin care product.

Creamy lotion with aloe

Moisturizes, nourishes, improves complexion.

Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Fresh cream - 1 tbsp l.

Combine the components, in the resulting mixture, moisten a two-layer gauze napkin with slots for the eyes, nose and mouth and apply for twenty minutes on the face. The procedure should be done twice a day.

For dry skin.

Peach mask with aloe.

Moisturizes, softens, saturates with vitamins.

Peach or olive oil - 1 tbsp l.

Vodka - ½ tsp.
Fatty nourishing cream - 3 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin, after fifteen minutes remove the excess with a cosmetic napkin, wash with an infusion of St. John's wort or sage, apply a care product.

Moisturizing mask with aloe.

Chopped mass of fresh cucumber - 1 tsp.
Avocado pulp - 1 tsp
Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 1 tsp
Green tea - 1 tsp

Mix the ingredients and beat thoroughly with a spoon. Apply to cleansed face, after 15 minutes wash with warm water and lubricate the skin with cream.

For all skin types.

Moisturizing mask with algae and aloe.

Seaweed powder - 2 tbsp. l.
Boiled cold water - a little.
Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 1 tsp
Honey - 1 tsp
Vitamin E - 1 capsule.

Pour the algae with water so that they are completely covered, and leave for half an hour. Squeeze the swollen mass slightly and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask to a clean face. After fifteen to thirty minutes, wash your face with cool water.

For rejuvenating mature skin.

Sour cream mask with aloe.

Perfectly smoothes early wrinkles.

Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 2 tsp
Sour cream - 2 tsp
St. John's wort decoction - 1 tsp.
Liquid honey - 1 tsp

Combine the ingredients into a homogeneous mass, which is applied to the cleansed face and kept for ten minutes. After that, wash yourself first with warm and then cool water.

Firming aloe mask.

Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 1 tsp
Liquid honey - 1 tsp
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Powdered milk - 1 tsp.

Combine all the components into a homogeneous mixture and apply on the skin, after half an hour wash with warm water.

Mask with glycerin, aloe and honey.

Moisturizes, softens, tightens.

Biostimulated Aloe Vera Juice - 1 tsp
Glycerin - 1 tsp
Boiled warm water - 1 tsp.
Oat flour - for thickening.

Combine the components to get a mixture that is easy to apply. After twenty minutes, rinse off the mask with warm water.

Use aloe for your face, you will see how your skin will transform and shine with youth, health and beauty!

The pulp and juice of its leaves contains a unique combination of biologically active molecules, vitamins and enzymes. They have a powerful healing, rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory effect on problem skin and more. With the help of the plant, you can significantly improve hair growth, their appearance and strength. Cure the scalp from seborrhea, as well as accelerate the growth of nails, make them stronger and more flexible.

Vitamin salad with aloe pulp

For the salad, you need 2 grated fresh carrots, 1 diced apple and the pulp of 5-6 leaves of a tree-like aloe.

It is best to cut the leaves and separate the pulp from the skin directly above the container with carrots - this way, not a single drop of the juice of the medicinal plant is lost.

The aloe pulp is thoroughly mixed with carrots, sprinkled with chopped walnuts and poured with a dressing consisting of honey mixed with lemon juice.

In the summertime, a few fresh plantain and nettle leaves are added to the salad.

Aloe smoothie

Aloe goes well with mango juice, citrus juice, or avocado pulp.

To prepare the drink, grind 1-2 oranges with a blender, a few aloe leaves and add ice and any liquid base: water, fruit juice, almond milk, etc.

To make an avocado smoothie, mix a banana, mashed half an avocado, a cup of finely chopped spinach and a few aloe leaves in a blender. To the resulting puree add a glass of coconut milk and 1.5 tbsp. lemon juice.

It is not known who first came up with the idea to use the properties of aloe juice for the face.

However, it turned out to be so successful that the plant has been used for cosmetic purposes for thousands of years.

Now there are recipes for all kinds of cosmetics, prepared at home, based on the juice of this wonderful plant.

In nature, there are several types of aloe, but only two have medicinal and cosmetic properties - A. treelike and A. vera. It is these types of plants that grow on our windowsills.

Housewives know them as unpretentious plants that do not require maintenance and can grow in any conditions. But most of all, these green bushes are appreciated not for their unpretentiousness, but for their medicinal properties.

Aloe juice is a real pantry of useful elements, there are several hundred of them in it. Aloe contains vitamins and transport components that can retain and deliver beneficial compounds deep into the skin.

What exactly is aloe vera juice good for for the face?

It is a unique natural substance that has the following properties:

  • deeply moisturize;
  • increase elasticity;
  • accelerate regeneration;
  • slow down aging;
  • enrich with oxygen and vitamins;
  • save from wrinkles;
  • heal.

Aloe contains lignins - special compounds that allow it to quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis, where the components of a cream or mask cannot reach.

Aloe lignins are able not only to penetrate deep into the skin on their own, but also to capture water molecules and useful minerals with them, moisturize and nourish the dermis throughout its thickness.

The juice of the plant has the following beneficial properties: with regular use, it evens out the complexion, refreshes it, makes the skin lighter and healthier in appearance.

There are home remedies recipes in which aloe protects the face from UV rays and lightens age spots.

The benefits of aloe for facial skin are not limited to protection and nutrition. Aloe moisturizes perfectly. Its regular use serves as a prophylaxis against dry skin of the face.

Biologically active substances contained in aloe, activate the work of fibroblasts - special cells that produce collagen and elastin, with a deficiency of which the face loses its elasticity.

In other words, the use of aloe juice increases the tone of the face, prevents the formation of new wrinkles and reduces existing ones, tightens the oval.

Everyone knows the properties of aloe to disinfect, cleanse from suppuration. Even the soldiers of Ancient Rome healed wounds received in battles with dried aloe vera juice, which they called "sabur".

Sabur can still be bought in markets in Asia and Africa. Now it is taken internally as a laxative, and in ancient times, when there were no other disinfectants, it was considered a real treasure and saved many lives.

Aloe perfectly heals cracks and other injuries on the face, draws out comedones, unclogs pores, promotes healing of acne and inflammation, soothes the dermis, relieves itching and allergic rashes.

A valuable feature of aloe juice is its versatility - the substance can be used on any skin: dry, oily, normal, sensitive, aging and problematic.

Juicing homemade aloe

Despite all its miraculousness, it is better to use aloe juice for the face not raw, but after preliminary preparation, during which the substances contained in it are activated and the beneficial properties increase.

The activation process takes 14 days. To obtain activated juice, the leaves of an old plant, which is at least 5 years old, are cut off.

Important: before cutting the leaves, the plant must not be watered for at least 14 days.

The leaves are washed, wait until the surface water evaporates and the leaves become completely dry. Then they are wrapped in paper that does not transmit light.

Kraft paper is suitable, only it needs to be folded in 2-3 layers. The leaves are folded into a bunch and wrapped in paper so that their ends look out on both sides.

That is, it should look like a tube, open at the ends. It is placed in a suitable sized cardboard box and placed in the refrigerator.

The juice from the leaves soaked in this way will be especially thick and viscous, and the content of active substances in it will greatly increase, and the substances themselves will work better and more actively affect the skin.

The aloe is squeezed out like this: it is finely cut into pieces no more than 0.5 cm in size and poured with cold boiled water. After 2 hours, the mass is wrung out and filtered.

The resulting liquid will be the desired product - biologically stimulated aloe juice that protects the face from wrinkles and other unpleasant phenomena.

Biostimulation processes can take place only with a lack of light and under conditions of low temperature.

Cut leaves placed in such conditions begin to produce substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

The activated aloe juice is stored in a bottle or a dark glass vial by placing it in the refrigerator.

The juice is stored for no more than 15 days, so do not forget, after placing the bottle with freshly prepared valuable contents in the refrigerator, cut new leaves from the plant and put them on aging.

Activated aloe can be wiped clean on the face, which cannot be done with fresh, squeezed from freshly cut leaves.

The face, which is daily wiped with activated juice, becomes fresh, the skin is velvety and soft, the secretion of sebum on oily skin decreases. The use of activated aloe helps to get rid of fine wrinkles and acne.

As for the homemade anti-wrinkle masks, in this case, you can use both the juice prepared as described above, and squeezed from aged leaves (without soaking in water).

Ready-made aloe preparations

If aloe does not grow at home, then you can buy ready-made preparations: juice or liquid extract. Juice and extract are sold in every pharmacy and are inexpensive. True, in terms of the content of nutrients, they are inferior to those prepared with their own hands.

Aloe juice is sold in dark glass bottles. It is a thick orange liquid with a distinct alcoholic odor.

Detailed instructions are attached to the drug. For cosmetic purposes, the use of pharmacy juice is possible with any type of skin.

There are reviews that with the help of a pharmacy drug you can effectively fight acne. The application of juice makes the pimple ripen and open much faster, sometimes it happens in a matter of hours.

This is very convenient if, on the eve of an important meeting or a romantic date, an ominous reddish bump appeared on your face at all inopportunely. Here aloe juice will come to the rescue.

A drop of the drug is applied to a cotton pad and fixed on the face with an adhesive plaster so that the moistened part of the disc adjoins the problem area.

It is very likely that a pimple that has just begun to emerge will simply disappear by the morning, having “changed your mind” to appear on the surface.

If the process of suppuration has gone far, then the pimple will still open, but it will happen very quickly and the rod will not have to be squeezed out, since the aloe juice itself will draw out the purulent contents and, in addition, heal the wound.

Aloe juice is included in the recipes of many creams and ointments. Cosmetologists and employees of spa salons prefer to mix it into ready-made products before the procedure itself.

At home, you can make cosmetic ice, the use of which refreshes and tightens the skin of the face.

There are also numerous reviews that ice with aloe is able to cleanse pores, prevent the appearance of comedones and acne.

To make ice, take a glass of sage broth and 3 tbsp. tablespoons of aloe, mix and freeze in an ice cube. You need to wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning.

In addition to juice, you can buy liquid extract in 1 ml ampoules at the pharmacy. In ampoules they sell a pure extract, without alcohol and other impurities.

It is used for internal injection for a number of diseases. But the extract can be applied externally to the face without any restrictions.

The extract is included in the recipes of many medicinal ointments and creams, for example, in the ointment for burns and radiation damage "Aloe Liniment".

Also, the extract is the main active ingredient in some series of medical cosmetics for face and hair (Pro Biotic Tiande, Love Nature from Oriflame, etc.)

Aloe extract in ampoules can be used instead of massage oil and as an anti-wrinkle serum. It is very simple to evaluate the benefits of aloe in ampoules, just apply the extract to the face cleaned of cosmetics and rub in: the skin will immediately become soft and fresh.

To keep the skin taut and elastic, it is useful to use aloe juice, which not only nourishes the skin with various vitamins (in particular, vitamins B, C, E and A) but also moisturizes it, making it soft and matte. It is also useful to apply face masks with the addition of the juice of this plant. We talked in more detail about the use of aloe and about which juice is better to choose for skin care - pharmacy or homemade, and you will find all the recipes for face products that can be prepared at home.

How is this useful?

The benefits of using aloe juice are undeniable:

Aloe juice has an antibacterial effect, it is a natural antiseptic.

Watch a video about the benefits of aloe:

What diseases does it prevent?

The healing effect of aloe has been known for a long time. In addition to the healing, moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin, aloe is used in the treatment of the common cold, eye diseases, gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, enterocolitis... Also, the plant has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, cleanses the intestines from harmful substances. You can use aloe juice for weight loss purposes.

Which is better - wiping with a leaf or applying juice?

With regard to the use of aloe, it is advisable to use the juice squeezed out of a medicinal aloe plant older than three years, and it is best to use the lower leaves, having previously cut them off and holding them in the refrigerator, wrapping them in some kind of cloth. You can squeeze the juice using gauze, before passing the leaves through a meat grinder or squeezing them by hand. But even a simple occasional rub with the cut leaf will be of immense benefit to the skin. In both cases, the leaves must be rinsed after being cut off.

Can this procedure be carried out every day?

You can carry out the procedure for moisturizing and nourishing the face with aloe 2 times a week., but if there are any skin problems, then daily, applying aloe juice 15-20 minutes before using the cream or makeup, and in the evening repeat this process on the skin prepared and cleaned of cosmetics and dust. The greatest effect will be from the use of freshly squeezed juice.

When and how to expect the result?

The result will not be long in coming - tangible changes in the skin will be visible after the very first application, when you will feel delightful softness, smoothness and matte finish. The visual and therapeutic effect will become noticeable after a couple of procedures.

Step-by-step instruction

Method of using aloe juice for facial skin step by step.

  1. Prepare the skin: wash off all makeup completely, wash with warm water, pat your face dry with a towel.
  2. We apply aloe juice or simply wipe the skin with a peeled stem and leave it to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  3. We wash it off with warm water and, if necessary, apply a moisturizer (for oily and oily skin, this is usually not necessary, but it is better to focus on your feelings).

You should always wash off the aloe juice with warm water without soap.

For dry, sensitive, or chapped skin, you may need to apply a moisturizer after using aloe.

If you find any unpleasant sensations during or after wiping your face with aloe juice, you should dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio the next time, or cancel the use altogether due to individual intolerance.

Pharmacy products

Pharmacy products with aloe are full of variety: they are for all skin types, for different parts of the body, for any age, all kinds of emulsions, products in the form of a cream, gel, various specially prepared juices, masks and much more. Let's take a look at some of them.

Gel Sea of ​​Spa Aloe Vera, made in Israel

The method of application is traditional: apply on cleansed skin with a thin layer, leave for 15 minutes, then gently rub in the rest. Wash off with warm water. The disadvantage is that this gel is almost never found outside Israel.

Gel Aroma-zone Gel d'aloe vera certifié BIO, made in France

Mode of application: slightly moisten the face with water and immediately apply a thin layer of the gel, gently hammering it into the skin until completely absorbed. When tightening, the gel must be washed off after 15 minutes, but if there are no such sensations, it is quite possible not to wash it off.

The disadvantage is that such a tool cannot be purchased offline yet.


Despite the high efficiency of use, one should be careful and do not forget about individual intolerance, which is a contraindication when using any means from this plant. Therefore, if, after using aloe juice or any means from it, a feeling of dryness, irritation, burning or redness of the skin appears, you should stop using it.

For thousands of years, this miraculous plant has been helping to maintain youthful skin and maintain a blooming appearance. However, we must remember that any remedy has contraindications, so you need to use aloe with caution.

Every woman wants to look young, have thick beautiful hair, a well-groomed face, less Aloe plant in this regard can be a godsend for each of you.

It's great if you have an agave growing on your window at home. You are just happy people! After all, an agave is both a pharmacy in the house, and an excellent means of caring for your appearance!

Aloe juice in cosmetology can be used for any skin type. For oily, it is an excellent means of fighting acne. Dry skin moisturizes, and nourishes aging skin, makes it elastic and promotes collagen synthesis.

What you will learn from this article:

Useful and healing properties of the agave for home cosmetology

The juice of this plant contains many wonderful ingredients that heal, heal and rejuvenate the skin. Use aloe at any age - the result will be the same! Well-groomed face, clean and smooth skin without the slightest flaws, minimum age wrinkles.

The basis of the healing effect of these leaves is a complete set of vitamins, mineral salts and various substances that improve metabolic processes in cells. There are only about two hundred unique components that interact with each other, incredibly beneficial effect on cleansing and nourishing the skin, as well as the growth and strengthening of hair.

The mucopolysaccharide acemanan attracts water and moisturizes dry, aging skin well.

Vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium - the four knights, always ready to protect the skin from free radicals. The synthesis of collagen fibers that provide elasticity, protect against aging - this is the merit of antioxidant vitamins.

Various enzymes, phytoncides, resinous substances, salicylic acid and essential oils, wound-healing saccharides and saponins have anti-inflammatory properties and are excellent for taking care of oily, problem skin, especially if there is a tendency to acne and acne.

Aloe juice has biostimulating properties and smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, nasolabial folds, wrinkles in the forehead and décolleté. Creams containing plant components make our hands young and heal cracks. And using shampoos and hair masks on the same basis, you can grow amazingly thick and lush hair.

How to get juice from biostimulated leaves.

It is believed that the most pronounced anti-aging and healing properties are possessed by leaves processed according to the method of biogenic stimulation.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, a plant of three to five years of age is suitable. Previously, the agave is not watered for two weeks. This shake-up forces plant cells to produce special biogenic stimulants for protection.

After the resulting drought, the required number of the largest leaves, which usually grow at the very bottom of the bush, are cut off. They even dry out at the ends. Then all the leaves are wrapped in parchment, leaving the ends open for the plant to breathe. And they put it in the refrigerator for two weeks.

In such unfavorable conditions, the plant begins to lose its vitality. In order not to die, special biogenic stimulants are produced in it, which make the cells increase their vital functions and maintain vitality.

After two weeks of imprisonment, the leaves are washed, crushed, water is added in a ratio of 1: 3 and mixed. Allow the mixture to stand for a couple of hours, filter and place in a glass container. Store in the refrigerator.

If the juice obtained in this way is taken by a person or treated with his skin, then the plant will transfer these life-giving forces to him and will have a truly extraordinary healing effect.

Recipes for face masks with agave juice

In addition to the juice prepared by the biostimulation method, you can immediately use the pulp of cut leaves. Grind, mix with water or alcohol, freeze. An important condition, you need to use cut leaves immediately within a few hours. The longer you store it, the less beneficial properties remain in the plant.

Aloe mask recipes for dry skin

Recipe 1. Mix in equal parts a tablespoon of aloe gruel and fatty sour cream. After that, you need to apply the mask on the face and décolleté for about 20 minutes. Then wash it off with water. Do this mask twice a week for at least a month.

Recipe 2. Mix equal parts aloe juice, oatmeal, lime honey and olive oil. Keep the mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.

Agave recipes for oily skin

Recipe 1. An aqueous solution of aloe juice (for 200 ml of boiling water, 5 tablespoons of chopped plant pulp) pour into the cells and freeze in the freezer. Wipe your face with an ice cube. The procedure should be carried out both in the morning and in the evening.

Recipe 2. Pour the pulp with vodka in a 4: 1 ratio. Wipe face with lotion twice a day.

Recipe 3. Make lotions from an aqueous solution of plant pulp and water (1: 1 ratio). Just soak a gauze in this solution, put it on your face, shoulders wherever there are acne and hold it on the inflamed areas for 15 minutes.

Recipe 4. You can mix 50 ml of water with alcohol tincture of calendula and aloe juice, taken in 20 ml each. Wipe your face with this solution daily.

Recipe 5. Take a tablespoon of the crushed plant and mix with white or blue clay powder until mushy. Apply the mask to your face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Recipe 6. Mix white or blue cosmetic clay with plant sap to make a thick slurry. Apply this mass all over the face. After twenty minutes, wash off with some water.

Normal Skin Recipes

Recipe 1. Mix in equal proportions fresh, crushed agave leaf and honey. Leave it on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with water.

Recipe 2. You can take a tablespoon of cream or yogurt mixed with the same amount of aloe juice. Apply to face, after 15 minutes rinse everything off with water.

Recipe 3. Dissolve 100 grams of internal pork fat in a water bath (do not overheat!). Add two tablespoons of chopped aloe to lukewarm, but not frozen fat. spoons, as well as half a teaspoon of rose water or a few drops of essential rose oil. Stir thoroughly and place the finished cream in a glass jar in the refrigerator for storage. Use as a night cream.

Recipes for aging skin

Recipe 1. Mix with a blender 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fat sour cream with a teaspoon of aloe juice and egg yolk. Apply the mask to the face with a brush, in layers as each layer dries. After 20 minutes, rinse everything off with water. Finish the procedure by applying a nourishing cream.

Recipe 2. Wipe your face daily with fresh and undiluted aloe juice or plant pulp. Apply lotions to the wrinkle area. If skin irritation occurs, dilute the juice with water. The duration of the course is usually 3-4 weeks.

Recipe 3. You can freeze the crushed pulp of two large leaves in a mold, mixed with a 200 ml cup of water. Wipe your face with ice in the morning.

Recipe 4. Mix aloe juice with yogurt, sour cream, or egg yolk. Combine to your liking. Take the ingredients in equal parts. Keep the masks on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water. Perform such procedures every other day. After the fifth procedure, you will notice positive changes. Freshness of the face will appear, color and velvety will improve. The skin will become smooth, without any roughness.

Aloe juice with an expanded capillary network and redness of the skin

Lubricate your face and décolleté with juice from a freshly cut leaf every evening. Just slice it lengthwise and rub in on the fleshy flesh. This process can take more than one month. Carry out the course for a month, then take a break, and after 2 weeks, resume and repeat several courses. In the future, periodically carry out it prophylactically.

Whitening mask to remove traces of pigmentation on the face

Mix in half a teaspoon of aloe and lemon juices. Add a whole teaspoon of flower honey with castor oil. Add oatmeal to make a thick gruel. Apply the mask to a cleansed face. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes. This is a vitamin, whitening and pore tightening mask with a biostimulating effect.

Mask recipes to strengthen and stimulate hair growth

For hair, make a mask with aloe. It enhances growth, helps to get rid of dandruff. Such procedures are very good for weakened, split ends. Protect from falling out. Nourish normal hair with vitamins and biogenic stimulants

Recipe 1. As easy as shelling pears, just before washing your hair, add a tablespoon of freshly chopped plant pulp to the shampoo. The shampoo washes away dirt and grease, improves the access of beneficial elements of the agave to the hair follicles.

Recipe 2. To strengthen hair loss, take art. a spoonful of juice from the agave plant and mixed with egg yolks from two eggs. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of natural sour cream. Rub first into the scalp, then process the hair. The head is wrapped in polyethylene or cellophane, covered with a warm scarf. The exposure time is half an hour, after which it is washed off with water, without any shampoo. The head is washed very well.

Recipe 3. Take under Art. a spoonful of squeezed juice of onions, honey and aloe, as well as one egg. Add half a teaspoon of mustard. All this mixture is applied to the hair roots, covered with polyethylene, and on top with a towel. It is advisable to stand for half an hour. Some people may experience an intolerable burning sensation. In this case, it is better to wash off the mask with water. From time to time, the burning sensation will decrease.

Recipe 4. If hair loss is severe, you can also make such a mask: mix honey with aloe juice, taking 1 tbsp. spoon. Add 1 teaspoon of garlic juice and egg yolk. After rubbing into the scalp, wrap it with plastic wrap and warm it with a towel. Hold for 30 minutes. Rinse with nettle broth.

Recipe 5. Alcohol tincture of aloe juice, which should be rubbed into the scalp 3 times a week, is excellent against dandruff.

Recipe 6. Unmatchedly beautiful hair will be after such a mask! Take one part of agave juice and castor oil, add 2 parts of kefir. (1 part corresponds to 1 tablespoon). Inject 10 ml of vitamins E and A. Apply on the head, hold for 30 minutes and rinse with water. The mask is done twice a week.

After taking care of hair with masks with aloe juice, the condition of the hair improves quickly. They become shiny, silky, lush, the structure is strengthened, the loss stops.

Aloe juice in cosmetology is a versatile and very effective remedy. The richness of vitamins, an exceptionally balanced mineral complex, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory components and much more have a beneficial effect on any type of facial skin and perfectly strengthens the hair roots.

Of course, today you can buy any creams, tonics, cleansing milk, aloe-based shampoos, but a home-made product using exclusively natural ingredients does not contain any additives and is incomparable in price with expensive imported cosmetics.

If you don't have an agave at home, it makes sense to get one! Ask your friends to give you a leaf of the plant. It takes root remarkably well. If you cannot get an agave in this way, buy it at a flower shop in your city.

Where to buy aloe plant? The easiest way is to make a request via Yandex or Google "Where to buy an agave at your place of residence?" And no problem - there will be a lot of answers, and the price is insignificant - from 100 rubles.