Declaration of love to a guy. Million Scarlet roses. Leaves and flowers

Modern women, both on the business and on the love front, have long been able to take the reins into their own hands. If earlier such an act caused at least bewilderment and condemnation, now it is considered commonplace. Nevertheless, for a girl, this is a serious and responsible step. After all, an explanation in your feelings can become a new stage in a relationship, but in the absence of mutual emotions, it will lead to a break in the love relationship. Often, the ladies have the question of how to correctly, beautifully and correctly express sympathy. The most original and "living" confessions, collected here for you, will not leave indifferent any man.

Declaration of love to a man in verse

A poetic rhymed form will most accurately express what cannot be said with ordinary words. It is difficult to find a more poetic and sincere embodiment of your feelings and thoughts than poetry. With the help of quivering rhymes, a lady in love will surely win the heart of the chosen one, and maybe revive the dying flame of past passion.
Here are some of the most popular poems to help you express your full gamut of feelings. Perhaps, based on them, you yourself will create a new, original creation of a love rhyme.

Declaration of love to a man in prose

Not a single woman is safe from disappointment in the love field, and the question of how to minimize such a risk is always acute. It is impossible to argue that the poetic form will be a guarantee of success, but you may have another trump card - the explanation of feelings in prose. And how to present this pleasant surprise is up to you. You can read it aloud, melting anxious excitement in your soul. But the most memorable way will be a letter written by a girl's hand and sent, or tossed, to the addressee in an envelope.

“I really want to fall asleep, hugging your strong arms, and wake up from your gentle breath on my skin. Look at your favorite profile, watch how you move, laugh, talk. Watch movies only together, resting your head on your chest and feeling the incomparable smell of your man. I would like to do this all our life, because I love you! "

“Probably, I will never forget that last August day of the outgoing hot summer. I saw you on the seashore in the rays of the sunset, and looking into your eyes I realized at once "this is it." Since then, every morning I wake up with thoughts of you. You filled all my days and nights with meaning, never before have I felt so happy and loved. We do not need extra words, we understand each other by one glance. Many years later, I dream of one day returning to the place where we met. But not alone, but as a big friendly family. Then we will tell our children how we found our love, and we will always be an example of an ideal family life for them. Until that time has come, I make you coffee and watch you sleep sweetly. Let it be like this forever, until the last breath ... I love you. "

“I often think who brought us together - a higher power or a chance? I do not know. It doesn't matter as long as our hearts beat in unison. We have experienced so much together, so many times life has tested our feelings for strength. And we did not break under the blows of fate, we stood firm to carry love through the years and distances. Having paid in full for happiness, we have completely suffered for it and deserve it. So let the years granted to us always make you happy, because I love you so much! "

Declaration of love to a man in your own words

Confessions of warm feelings are loved by everyone - both men and women. It is always pleasant to hear in your address “I love”, because to this day this phrase has not lost its charm. But what if you want to explain yourself in a more original way, but there is absolutely no time to search for such necessary romantic poems or prose? It is not necessary to have an outstanding literary talent to speak about love in your own words. Here are some examples to take as a basis:

"You are the best man in my life! I wanted to write down all your merits on one sheet, but this is simply impossible. After all, you are attentive and gentle, caring and sincere. So understanding, reliable. I am so happy with you, I want this to be for life! Love you!"

“Someone once said that in a couple, one always loves, and the other only allows one to love. I am sure that with our feelings and relationships we can completely refute this opinion. It is difficult to find two people as similar and complementary to each other as we are. Sometimes it seems to me that I know exactly what you are thinking at this moment. And you look into my eyes and read like an open book. I hope this will always be so, because I want to connect my life only with you, beloved. "

A short declaration of love to a man

In fact, there are thousands of ways to confess passionate and sincere feelings to a loved one. If a girl is afraid to rely on her intuition and imagination, you can always use the Internet and beautifully say the words of love to the chosen one. It is not necessary to copy the entire text; if you wish, you can change and supplement it as only you feel. Add a couple of compliments and affectionate words, and now a new unique declaration of love is ready, suitable for a particular situation.

SMS declaration of love to a man

One of the most popular options for submitting a love confession is an SMS message. We offer the most romantic and memorable texts for your choice.

The song is a confession in love with a man

Contrary to the well-known expression, ears are loved not only by girls, but also by men. And if you want to make a really memorable surprise, you can send a song to your dearest person as a confession of tender feelings. Well, if you have vocal data, it will be even easier to conquer a man's heart. Here are some examples for any occasion:

  • Celine Dion - "My Heart Will Go On"
  • George Michael - "Careless whisper"
  • Alex Gaudino - "I`m In Love"
  • Irina Allegrova - "How I Miss You"
  • Reflex - "I love"
  • Anna Sedokova and Dzhigan - "Frozen"
  • Angelica Agurbash - "I will live for you"
  • Ani Lorak - "The Tenderness of Dawn"
  • Alla Pugacheva - "Call me with you"

Declaration of love to a man in pictures

Girls do not always dare to say about love, looking directly into the eyes of the man of their dreams. But signs of such attention are simply necessary to express what you want most, and the original will help with this. confession pictures.

Letter of declaration of love to a man

You are mistaken if you think that this type of recognition has long since sunk into oblivion. Yes, self-confident modern women are somewhat different from embarrassed secular ladies in ruffles and crinolines, who, horrified by a possible rejection, conveyed love messages to the object of sighing. Nevertheless, to this day, written recognition is the most reliable and romantic way to tell about your secret feelings for a man. It is important to follow a few rules here.

  1. Be frank, but at the same time avoid drama, open-text recognition. Your task is to intrigue the guy with the help of florid turns.
  2. Specify the addressee correctly. The man needs to make sure that the message is for him - you can include a name and a couple of details that only you two know about.
  3. You should not drag out the letter, it should be short and succinct. Don't make mistakes.

Declaration of love to a married man

It is difficult to explain and demonstrate your emotions If at the moment you are tormented by doubts whether to commit such a decisive act, once again weigh everything carefully. If love is stronger than remorse, and you are ready for a supporting role, these confessions are especially for you. It will not be superfluous to observe all the precautions and choose the right way of serving. You can send a love note in person, send an SMS, a valentine, or explain one-on-one. Here's one example:

“When we first met, I guessed that you were not free, that you would never belong to me alone, but I continued to believe in miracles. I cried all day long when you came back to HER. My unfortunate soul was tormented and tormented, but over time I got used to it. Lonely weekends and holidays, endless waiting ... She rushed about like a hunted animal in a cage, then she bombarded you with messages. That was distracted by other acquaintances. Weeks and months pass, and you still cannot solve this dilemma. Please, beloved, give me an answer - "love or not."

Funny declarations of love to a man

Romantic dinner or extreme adventure? Whichever opportunity to choose for words of recognition is up to you. The main condition is not to be banal. If your beloved person is positive, is not averse to joking and loves surprises, then cool love texts are your option.

Postcards with a declaration of love for a man

Postcards with confessions are a great way to remind you of your feelings and to please your soulmate.

Pleykasta with a declaration of love

Recently, the use of playcasts is gaining more and more popularity. Pleykast is a kind of composition that consists of a postcard or a picture, musical accompaniment and animation. In this case, they are linked by a single romantic composition. A harmoniously made playcast will be a wonderful gift and an original way to express the most secret bright emotions to a guy.

It is not difficult to make such a surprise. First, find the relevant website, service or social media app. After registration, you will have access to hundreds of musical cards. You can choose from those that already exist, or create a new unique playcast for your beloved man. Choose the background you like, place the text. Then, for a few minutes, the program will process the playcast, only then add music. And now an unusual and beautiful declaration of love is ready. Present it to your beloved, using the right moment when you are together, such a surprise will surely impress him.

Erotic declaration of love to a man

And you want the object of desire to know about it? It is always difficult to speak on intimate topics and convey your emotions competently. It is difficult to find quite frank words, because on erotic topics you need to speak with feeling, with a share of humor, between close people, let’s say, and some kind of obscenity.

To ignite a guy's passion, send him an erotic text message at night. You only need imagination and some knowledge of psychology. Trust your intuition! You can start with neutral topics, then move on to more frank confessions. But do not forget about the rules of decency, because your goal is to intrigue, to be unpredictable, but not vulgar. Strike a balance - be sincere and open, but don't go overboard.

Video declaration of love to a man

The 14th of FebruaryValentine's Day when couples in love around the world give each other gifts, attention and declarations of love. And do not think that there are no real romantics left in the world who can come up with something original for their soul mate, and not just give her flowers, sweets and a valentine card. Today we will prove to you that Men with a capital M have not yet died out. Meet ten most unusual declarations of love in the world!

Gift wrapped house

One of the largest and most original gifts ever given by a man to his beloved can be considered a two-story house in the suburbs of Los Angeles. American photographer Jacene Boland presented it to his fiancee on Valentine's Day. But he decided that just handing her the keys was completely unromantic. That is why Boland wrapped the cottage in gift paper and even tied it with huge red ribbons and decorated it with a bow on top.

To make the gift look exactly as it should, Jacen Boland invited his beloved to a heavenly ride in a helicopter, which she initially took for a holiday surprise by February 14. And what was the surprise of the girl who saw from the air a real present prepared for her by her lover!

Words of love from cars

A cheaper, but no less romantic way to confess love to his girlfriend was found just the other day by a resident of Veliky Novgorod, Artem Doroshev. He didn't wait until Valentine's Day. A couple of days before the holiday, he threw a cry among his friends and on social networks, inviting everyone to participate in a flash mob. As a result, sixty-five motorists lined up their cars in the form of a huge phrase "Marry me" in the parking lot in front of the mall. The girl who arrived there at the request of her boyfriend was very impressed with what she saw and immediately agreed to marry him.

Grass letters M in Antarctica

For a long time, polar explorers in Polish puzzled over where the three huge patches of grass that had grown in the form of M letters came from in the vicinity of their polar base. The answer was simple and romantic! It turned out that these mysterious objects have a man-made history.

They were created by a Polish polar explorer who had stayed at the Arctovskiy station several years earlier. He fed the seeds of certain plants to the penguins living there, and then laid out huge letters M from the bird excrement. Fertilized seeds sprout over time, which the Poles who arrived in Antarctica after this naturalist-experimenter could see. Magda - that was the name of his beloved, to whom the romantic scientist wanted to confess his love in this way.

Million Scarlet roses

The events from the Soviet hit "A Million Scarlet Roses" were not invented by the poet Andrei Voznesensky. They actually happened, and the artist unnamed in the song was the famous Georgian painter Niko Pirosmani. His life is covered with many legends and anecdotes, one of which touched on a million roses.

According to legend, Pirosmani fell in love with a French actress named Margarita, who was touring with the theater c. However, the playgirl did not respond to the artist's courtship, which made him, in fits of unrequited love, even kiss the pavement along which the girl passed.

In the end, a desperate Pirosmani spent all his money to dot the street under Margarita's windows with flowers. There were peonies, lilies, acacia and lilac branches, poppies, anemones and many other types of flowers, but the legend has preserved only roses - so beautiful! The actress, as the story tells, went to the artist and kissed him on the lips. It was their first and last kiss.

Recognition from a gamer

An Internet user with the nickname EquinnoxX decided to confess his love to his girlfriend named Amy in a very unusual way. The fact is that they are big fans of old games on. And the guy modified the legendary Contra to fit his needs. First, he changed the impersonal names of Player 1 and Player 2 to Quinn and Emy.

Secondly, he added a new screen that pops up after completing all the missions, in which he confessed his love for his soul mate and offered her a hand and a heart.

Rain of roses

One day, a Brazilian girl named Manuela from the city of São Paulo went outside in the rain. But it was not drops that fell from the sky, but rosebuds. Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of flowers. It turned out that the guy in love with her rented, climbed over the house of his beloved and showered her with flowers.

However, it did not end as he expected. The police who arrived at the scene decided to figure out what had happened. And it turned out, "Romeo" made two armed attacks in order to raise money for his romantic act. But the enchanted Manuela waited for the guy from prison.

Perfume by Bruce Willis

Even married people do not forget to confess their love to their soulmates. For example, the famous American actor Bruce Willis did it a couple of years ago. He has also been a perfumer for a long time. And in 2012 he released a special fragrance dedicated to his wife, in the very name of which he confesses his feelings to her - “Lovingly by Bruce Willis”.

It turns out that Willis can be not only a brutal man, as he is usually presented in films, but also a sensual, romantic man who is not afraid to publicly show his feelings.

Joint plastic surgery

British musician and performance artist Neil Andrew Magson and his girlfriend Jacqueline decided to prove their love to each other and at the same time fell under the knife of plastic surgeons. They decided to combine their masculinity and femininity in a single gender entity. As a result, they became as similar to each other as possible (Neil even had to insert an implant into his chest), and also took the same names - Genesis Braer P-Orridge and Lady Jay Braer P-Orridge.

This was the case when "husband and wife are one Satan." But their happiness did not last long. The musician's girlfriend died in 2007 due to complications from cancer.

Love on Piccadilly Circus

If the heroine of Laima Vaikule's song "I went out to Piccadilly" was in this London square in the right time, she would have witnessed one of the most romantic declarations of love in the history of the capital of Great Britain. After all, one resident of this city decided to tell about his feelings to a girl who worked in an office overlooking the intersection of the same name.

The guy spent all his savings so that his declaration of love every two minutes for four hours was broadcast on a huge advertising screen - one of the main attractions of this area of ​​London.

Lost love forest

It happens that love survives the object of this love for a long time. A similar case happened to the British Winston Howes, whose wife died of heart failure thirty years after the wedding. The grief-stricken man decided to forever capture his love for his deceased wife. He planted a small forest of six thousand oak trees on his farm. Over time, the trees grew and it turned out that the clearing in the middle of this grove resembles a huge heart in shape.

Winston believes that his wife from the sky admires this declaration of love, as well as thousands of people flying over this place on an airplane or viewing it through the Google Earth program.

  1. Write 100 love letters. It will be ideal if you use pretty paper and envelopes, but small postcards or notes will work as well. Write in them words of love, poems, confessions. Then come up with unusual places in which your soul mate should find these letters. Put it in your pockets, in your bag, at lunchtime at work, by the toothbrush, in your underwear or other clothes in the closet - there can be a lot of options and it all depends on whether you live together and what personal belongings of your chosen one can get.
  2. If your half lives on a high floor, trample under the balcony in the snow - "I love you." Of course, you can take another spray can and paint on the asphalt, but after that you may have problems with your neighbors and law enforcement agencies.
  3. Burn a disc for your loved one. This is a rather unusual way to declare your love. Talk about your passion, remember pleasant moments, sing or record his favorite music there as well. Show your imagination and you will definitely succeed!
  4. Order an inscription on a billboard on the road where your loved one is. The method is expensive, of course, but the effect is amazing!
  5. Buy heart-shaped candies and slip one into your loved one’s pocket once a week. You can add notes to sweets.
  6. And how do you like such a beautiful way to declare your love to a girl or boyfriend? Make a heart-shaped breakfast in bed. Cut out the heart-shaped bread and make toast, hold the heart-shaped sausages together with a toothpick, place in the pan and break the egg in the middle of the sausages. You can also cut the hearts out of red bell peppers or tomatoes. The result is a simple but very romantic breakfast.
  7. A gentle way. Kiss every part of the body, while naming why you love this part. For example, I love your pen for stroking me. I love your lips for kissing me. Do not skimp on compliments!
  8. Buy a romance disc, chips, and popcorn. When watching a movie, try to exactly follow the movements of your loved one. The meeting of your hands in a packet of popcorn can say a lot, even without words.
  9. Confess your love in different languages ​​of the world.
  10. Make a collage or poster with your shared photos and hang this beauty in the room. These photos will remind you of the most beautiful moments of your life.
  11. Declare your love to the whole world. Well, for the whole world, it may not work, but if you get the opportunity to say this on stage, on radio or television, do not hesitate to use this opportunity.
  12. Play spy. Send letters to e-mail from an anonymous person. This method is not recommended for those who are not confident in their relationship.
  13. Quite a simple but effective way to declare your love. Cover the entire refrigerator with love magnets and love notes. You can close it up right away or add 1-3 elements every day.
  14. Write a poem or song of recognition. You may not be able to write perfectly, but your soul mate will definitely appreciate it.
  15. Confess your love in a public place. A guy can kneel on the subway and talk loudly about his love for a girl.
    1. Present him panties of your own production. Take family panties, cut out a declaration of love from another fabric, sew on to the panties. Don't forget to add some decorative elements for beauty (hearts, flowers, etc.). A guy can make such panties for himself and surprise his beloved with a striptease in such funny panties with recognition.
    2. Unusual way of declaration of love for married. Buy your second honeymoon ticket.
    3. Send home a bouquet of flowers and a note from your secret admirer. Come home and throw a jealousy scene. And then admit that it is you. Prove it with some cute gift.
    4. Present a toy that speaks of love.
    5. If you have forgotten how to kiss for a long time, then before leaving for work, do not just give a kiss on the cheek, but give a real passionate kiss that your loved one will think about all day.
    6. Send a love confession voice card.
    7. Whisper tender words of love in your ear. It is so simple, but so unusual!
    8. A great way to declare your love! Repeat your wedding vows to each other. This will help you remember this happy wedding day and those very warm and tender feelings.
    9. If you are believers, then offer to pray together for your love and your family.
    10. The easy way. Talk about how you need each other more often. Feel free to describe your feelings in more detail.
    11. A beautiful way to declare your love. Create a slideshow on your computer or put a screensaver with your photo. You can also make a "flying inscription" on the splash screen that appears on the monitor in standby mode.
    12. Come up with an affectionate nickname for your loved one. Seals and bunnies are already boring to everyone, think of something unusual and personal for you.
    13. Quite an original way to declare love. Order your favorite slow song at the disco and invite to a romantic dance. The DJ can also use the microphone to say words of love to your loved one.
    14. List the reasons why you love your soul mate. Do not forget to describe all the advantages well.
    15. An unusual way to declare your love. Attach love words to the bumper of your car.

    These ways to declare love you can continue on your own. The main thing is to show imagination and care!

Men love with their ears no less than girls, so you should think about how beautiful it is to confess your love to a guy. Just do not forget that they are from a slightly different planet and can perceive everything a little differently. When coming up with an original declaration of love for a guy, take into account male psychology. In general, there are no rules in this feeling.

If you talk about love for the first time in your life, and this is the first confession to this particular person, then be the most beautiful for yourself first of all. Source: Flickr (Yulia)

Is it worth doing it at all

The feeling melted your heart, and you are already looking for ways to beautifully confess your love to a guy. But is it worth doing? Traditionally, it is believed that this is a man's prerogative, moreover, it is he who should achieve your mutual feelings. There is something in this: even an unusual and unusual declaration of love to an object of the opposite sex greatly comforts his sense of his own greatness, and while you are not yet together, this cannot be done. After that, several scenarios are possible. The worst thing is if he laughs at you. This, alas, is often found in teenage or youth companies, especially among children with a low level of culture. If this happens, just know that you do not need such a man, and you should not expect anything good from a relationship with him.

If his self-esteem is not very high, he will simply kick you off and find this act strange. Alternatively, he can brag about it to his friends or start using you. Yes, a girl can also get into the friend zone, and this is not sugar at all.

A declaration of love is appropriate if you read sympathy for yourself in his eyes (and this is always noticeable), as well as if you have been together for a long time, and he knows everything, in principle, without words. On Valentine's Day or on some special day for you, an unusual declaration of love for a guy will be very appropriate.

How to prepare

If you don't know how beautiful it is to confess your love to a man, then here's the main advice for you: no hints. They do not understand this, therefore they need to speak directly about everything. Keep it simple. The next important point: think about whether this is really love or just a hobby? Do I need to throw words in this case?

If you still decide, then rehearse and move towards your beloved. But the main thing here is your sincerity.

How to do it?

If you are talking about love for the first time in your life, and this is the first confession to this particular person, then be the most beautiful for yourself first of all: a manicure, a perfectly fitting outfit, your favorite perfume. And only do it in private. To make it not so scary, imagine that you are the heroes of a film or play.

You should not do this while drunk on the phone (or on the Internet) in the middle of the night, as well as in poetry if you do not know how to write them.

And finally, the main thing: let your words be from the heart, and not far-fetched or ripped out of a boring public on social networks. This is your love and nothing more! Therefore, you only need original and unique ways:

  • Prepare something tasty. You yourself understand how to pave the way to a man's heart. Let the explanation of your feelings be written on the cake (or better - on a meat pie / pizza with mayonnaise or ketchup). So he will definitely understand!

Confessing love to a man is possible and necessary. The main thing is that it should be appropriate and not trivial.

Falling in love is a wonderful feeling that sooner or later any girl experiences. Meeting your “ideal” man (especially when it comes to first love) always leaves an indelible mark on your memory. But in order to be together, you need to somehow express your feelings, which not everyone succeeds and not always. But what if the guy for some reason is in no hurry to throw millions of roses at his feet, and the woman herself has firmly decided that it will only be with him? In our enlightened age, it has long been possible to make the first step on your own, without waiting for it from your knight and at the same time not to lose your dignity.

Is it possible for a girl? Pros and cons

Why "against":

  1. The most disgusting outcome of this event is the refusal to accept tender feelings. It is always scary to admit to the first, because the second half may discover that he likes the other, or try to turn everything into a joke and “remain friends”.
  2. If this is a serious person with a strict upbringing, then after such a bold act, he may decide that the girl is easily accessible and / or prefers to dominate the relationship - no man consciously wants to be henpecked.
  3. Complexes can also play a cruel joke. Too unsure of himself, a young man may begin to mumble “I don’t know” to such a frank confession, and an overconfident one may decide that he is too macho, since even the girls tell him this themselves. This can be the beginning of the manipulation of a partner, but why is this necessary in a normal relationship?
  4. Failure will be disappointing and can cause already girlish complexes. Regret and "self-criticism" develop into despair, if not in time to be distracted by something neutral or by another person.

There is an opinion that a girl should not take the first step.

The pros:

  1. Courage is a reason for pride. And not only the most confessed, but also her boyfriend! How much admiration is in his voice when he tells his friends (and sometimes later children) about how his dream itself came to him (called, wrote - it doesn't matter).
  2. Secret unrequited love is treated exclusively by such confessions. Even if the guy did not show mutual feelings, his opinion on this matter helps a lot to pull himself together.
  3. And if love is mutual, but he hides it? You definitely need to dare! Modest guys often cannot even afford to dream that a girl will dare to tell her about her feelings first, and that by themselves to force themselves to make a confession is comparable to torture. In this case, you need to be simpler.
  4. A new level of relationship can go so far as to end in a wedding. Yes, now joint walks, going to the cinema, small gifts, but is this love? You can find out only by confessing your love to a guy - suddenly this is the beginning of a truly magical life.

Why is he silent?

Yes, according to the generally accepted rules of behavior, a man should do a lot first: give a lady a hand, invite a dance, confess his love. But, due to the emancipation of women, not all young people are able to say “I love you” without fear, even if they seem cool in appearance. Let's just say, even if they themselves seem cool.
What to do in this case?
Be sure to openly declare your love first. This will not only give strength in your own eyes, but also liberate the guy.

Others prefer to keep such confessions a secret for fear of "frightening off" the girl with their pressure, or, conversely, giving her an instrument of power over themselves. Unfortunately, not all representatives of the fair sex are honest, preferring the joy of meeting and intimacy to the joy of spending time together and receiving valuable gifts.
What to do in this case?
Rather than being so tender and fragile that you are afraid to touch, it is better to show a little of your own initiative. Firstly, this will help the young man to be convinced of the girl's exceptional sincerity, and secondly, such tactics will help to show that a woman is also sometimes strong. However, the inborn "defenders" may not like it.

Also, guys, no less than girls, are afraid of being rejected or hearing that the subject of adoration is more in love with his best friend. Nobody is immune from this. In addition, men, for the most part, are morally more "thick-skinned" and cannot always understand what exactly they feel about their companion.
What to do in this case?
Most often this happens when the object of adoration himself has previously confessed his love and was rejected. Now he has psychological trauma and the fear that any girl will treat him the same way as the previous one. It makes sense to confess here in order to break this stereotype.

Silence can speak volumes

There are also "silent people" who prefer to demonstrate their attitude by actions, forgetting that women "love with their ears." Try to hint to such a knight that he is sometimes more romantic. You don't really need to admit it.

Serious preparation

But, having decided, it is better to stop for a while and check whether the girl herself is ready to confess her love to the guy. Doing it first is no easier than those men who do it on their own.

To begin with, you should try to look at yourself from the outside - is it really love? Maybe boredom or a thirst for adventure, tiredness of loneliness? Before making loud statements, you need to be sure of the sincerity of your own feelings. A close friend, mother, or sister can help to sort out the situation. But with the best friend of your future young man, such secrets should not be discussed - most likely, it will cease to be a secret, but the question of why an outsider first found out about this, and not the guy himself, will remain.

Also, if friendly communication is established, you can carefully ask his opinion about relationships, about girls, maybe even about marriage. But all this should be done unobtrusively, exclusively interested in the opinion of a friend. This stage of preparation will be extremely useful in the future if it turns out that the feelings are mutual - it is better to know tastes and preferences, and not try to guess on the fly.

Does the intention to express your feelings remain? Okay, then you can start rehearsals. No matter how ridiculous it may sound, it is better to really rehearse the "scene" several times in front of the mirror in order to find the words and choose the most winning tactics. During a real confession, a confidently pronounced phrase will not allow the guy to laugh it off, pretending that these are momentary emotions.

It remains to put yourself in order, prepare an irresistible smile and ... make the most original declaration of love in your life. On one's own.

Original confessions

1) You can whisper words of love in your ear. It is not so easy to do it beautifully, but if done successfully, it looks very romantic and pleasant to both. And guys, for nothing that show their masculinity, are also greedy for tenderness, like girls. In addition, what is said in a whisper is perceived as a secret secret, something that needs to be preserved from others.

2) Romantic and fun. If a guy is romantic, that's great. Walking under the stars, a joint dinner (it is quite atypical when a girl takes a man to a restaurant, it is much better to show off her own culinary masterpieces), candles - all this will create the very atmosphere when you can say the opening phrase "I have long wanted to tell you ...". Just don't make it toast - it doesn't always look spectacular, especially when the girl is very worried and rushes to “wash down” her words.

Beautiful words can help express feelings.

3) If, however, two romantic-minded natures met, and there is no mood to stand for half a day at the stove, then it is quite possible to devote a poem to your beloved and recite it personally. But there are some difficulties here - firstly, you should not make a poem out of recognition - reading too long will only cause fatigue and bewilderment, and secondly, it is better to completely abandon the written sheet - a quatrain pronounced from memory will be much more effective. Unless, when recognized by correspondence, a lengthy madrigal will look more appropriate.

4) Endorphins are the best allies. There are also tricks that help create such an impressive spiritual uplift that the answer to any question will be yes, not to mention the reaction to a declaration of love from a girl. How to arrange it? Not so easy, but possible. A perfect day - delicious food, great job, the favorite team won and the ideal woman confessed her love. What could be more beautiful?

5) Internet and mobile communications come to the rescue for modest women. Although talking about serious things is not personally considered bad form, it is better than sitting and waiting for the prince to deign to guess himself. There is also no need to neglect the preparation - a few drafts will help weed out unnecessary words and ambiguity, leaving only the most important. And only then you can make an appointment. In the most extreme case, you can arrange a mysterious accident - a letter from a stranger or an SMS from an unknown number. Mystery and adventure is the best way to inflame the feelings of the stronger sex at any age.

6) You can pick up and any reason for recognition. Birthday, New Year or anniversary of acquaintance is no worse than other days to make such a gift as yourself. True, you shouldn't limit yourself exclusively to this gift ... By the way, about gifts - a disc with lyrics, your own song or video will help make the confession unforgettable. Even if the feelings are not mutual, let it remain as a keepsake for someone who is not indifferent to you.

7) One of the most gentle ways to talk about how you feel is to bring it out from your loved one on the most sensitive places. We are talking about the back and arms - under the pretext of a funny game “guess what I'm drawing on you” you can tell about your love and it will be wonderful.

A negative answer only means that you can build a relationship with another.

You can turn to friends and relatives for help if it seems that you cannot get out of depression on your own - a new hobby, hobby and a change of scenery will surely help to cope with even the most negative thoughts. In addition, there is a positive side to this - in addition to life experience, a failed guy, seeing a beaming smile instead of a tear-stained face, may begin to torment himself with the same thoughts as the recently rejected girl. In addition to petty vindictive joy, this can be done both as a way of retribution for oneself (but then the question arises, was love, if it became hatred so quickly), and as a way to again attract a loved one to oneself, to show that he is really needed and important ...

In any case, no matter how scary and no matter how painful, if suddenly the feelings are not mutual, this is something that every person should go through - as well as try to confess to the first one in love. Without exception, it is a guy, or a girl.