The problem of the school for the health preservation of the student. Educational portal. The power of negative factors was underestimated

Implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process

(from work experience)

Petrova Margarita Vitalievna,
primary school teacher

Human health is a topic of conversation that is quite relevant for all times and peoples, and in the 21st century it becomes paramount. The state of health of Russian schoolchildren is of serious concern to specialists. A clear indicator of unhappiness is that the health of schoolchildren is deteriorating compared to their peers twenty or thirty years ago. At the same time, the most significant increase in the frequency of all classes of diseases occurs in the age periods that coincide with the receipt of the general secondary education by the child.

The child's health, his socio-psychological adaptation, normal growth and development are largely determined by the environment in which he lives. For a child from 6 to 17 years old, this environment is the education system, because more than 70% of his waking hours are associated with staying in educational institutions. At the same time, during this period, the most intensive growth and development takes place, the formation of health for the rest of his life, the child's body is most sensitive to exogenous environmental factors.

Health-saving educational technologies (HST) in the broader sense can be understood as all those technologies, the use of which in the educational process is beneficial to the health of students. If OST is associated with the solution of a narrower health-preserving task, then health-preserving methods will include pedagogical techniques, methods, technologies that do not directly or indirectly harm the health of students and teachers, provide them with safe conditions for staying, learning and working in an educational environment.

According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, the school educational environment generates risk factors for health disorders, which are associated with 20-40% of negative influences that worsen the health of school-age children. Studies by IWF RAO allow to rank school risk factors in descending order of importance and strength of influence on the health of students:

Stressful pedagogical tactics;

Inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional capabilities of schoolchildren;

Failure to comply with elementary physiological and hygienic requirements for the organization of the educational process;

Insufficient literacy of parents in matters of preserving children's health;

Failures in the existing system of physical education;

Intensification of the educational process;

Functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of health protection and promotion;

Partial destruction of school health control services;

Lack of systematic work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Thus, the traditional organization of the educational process creates constant stress overloads in schoolchildren, which lead to a breakdown in the mechanisms of self-regulation of physiological functions and contribute to the development of chronic diseases. As a result, the existing school system is health-consuming.

The analysis of school risk factors shows that most of the health problems of students are created and solved in the course of daily practical work of teachers, i.e. associated with their professional activities. Therefore, the teacher needs to find reserves of their own activities in the preservation and strengthening of the health of students.

It should be noted that the fatigue of the lesson is not a consequence of any one reason (the complexity of the material or psychological tension), but a certain combination, a combination of various factors.

The intensification of the educational process goes in different ways.

The first is an increase in the number of teaching hours (lessons, extracurricular activities, electives, etc.) Another option for intensifying the educational process is a real decrease in the number of hours while maintaining or increasing the volume of material. educational process.

A frequent consequence of intensification is the appearance in students of states of fatigue, fatigue, and overwork. It is overwork that creates the prerequisites for the development of acute and chronic health disorders, the development of nervous, psychosomatic and other diseases.

Health-saving technologies are implemented on the basis of a person-centered approach. Carried out on the basis of personal development situations, they refer to those vital factors through which students learn to live together and interact effectively. Assume the active participation of the student himself in the development of the culture of human relations, in the formation of the experience of health preservation, which is acquired through the gradual expansion of the sphere of communication and activities of the student, the development of his self-regulation (from external control to internal self-control), the formation of self-awareness and an active life position based on education and self-education , formation of responsibility for their own health, life and health of other people.

Health-saving technology, according to V.D. Sonkina is:

Learning conditions for the child at school (absence of stress, adequacy

requirements, the adequacy of training and education methods);

Rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with

age, sex, individual characteristics and

hygiene requirements);

Correspondence of educational and physical activity to age

child's capabilities;

Necessary, sufficient and rationally organized

motor mode.

Health-preserving educational technology (Petrov) means a system that creates the maximum possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, personal and physical health of all subjects of education (students, teachers, etc.). This system includes:

1. Using data from monitoring the health status of students,

carried out by medical workers, and their own observations in the process of implementing educational technology, its correction in accordance with the available data.

2. Taking into account the characteristics of the age development of schoolchildren and the development

educational strategy appropriate to the characteristics of memory,

thinking, efficiency, activity, etc. students of this

age group.

3. Creation of a favorable emotional and psychological climate

in the process of technology implementation.

4. The use of various types of health-preserving

activities of students aimed at maintaining and increasing reserves

health, performance (Petrov O.V.)

The main components of health-preserving technology are:

· axiological, manifested in the students' awareness of the highest value of their health, the conviction of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, which allows you to most fully implement the goals, use your mental and physical capabilities. The implementation of the axiological component occurs on the basis of the formation of a worldview, internal beliefs of a person, which determine reflection and the appropriation of a certain system of spiritual, vital, medical, social and philosophical knowledge corresponding to the physiological and neuropsychological characteristics of age; knowledge of the laws of human mental development, his relationship with himself, nature, the world around him. Thus, education as a pedagogical process is aimed at the formation of value-oriented attitudes towards health, health preservation and health care, built as an integral part of life values ​​and worldview. In this process, a person develops an emotional and at the same time conscious attitude towards health, based on positive interests and needs.

epistemological, associated with the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for the process of health preservation, knowledge of oneself, one's potential abilities and capabilities, interest in issues of one's own health, in studying the literature on this issue, various methods for improving and strengthening the body. This is due to the process of forming knowledge about the laws of the formation, preservation and development of human health, mastering the skills to maintain and improve personal health, assessing the factors that form it, assimilating knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and the skills to build it. This process is aimed at the formation of a system of scientific and practical knowledge, skills and habits of behavior in daily activities, providing a value-based attitude to the personal health and health of people around. All this orients the student towards the development of knowledge, which includes facts, information, conclusions, generalizations about the main directions of human interaction with himself, with other people and the world around him. They encourage a person to take care of their health, lead a healthy lifestyle, foresee and prevent possible negative consequences for their own body and lifestyle.

health-preserving, including a system of values ​​and attitudes that form a system of hygiene skills and abilities necessary for the normal functioning of the body, as well as a system of exercises aimed at improving the skills and abilities of caring for oneself, clothes, place of residence, and the environment. A special role in this component is assigned to adherence to the daily regimen, diet, alternation of work and rest, which helps to prevent the formation of bad habits, functional disorders of diseases, includes psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis of the educational process, the use of health-improving environmental factors and a number of specific methods of health improvement. weakened.

emotionally strong-willed, which includes the manifestation of psychological mechanisms - emotional and volitional. Positive emotions are a prerequisite for maintaining health; experiences, thanks to which a person has a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. Will is a mental process of conscious management of activities, manifested in overcoming difficulties and obstacles on the way to the goal. A person with the help of his will can regulate and self-regulate his health. Will is an extremely important component, especially at the beginning of health-improving activity, when a healthy lifestyle has not yet become an internal need of the individual, and the qualitative and quantitative indicators of health are not yet clearly expressed. It is aimed at shaping the experience of the relationship between the individual and society. In this aspect, the emotional-volitional component forms such personality traits as organization, discipline, duty, honor, dignity. These qualities ensure the functioning of the individual in society, preserve the health of both an individual and the entire team.

Ecological, taking into account the fact that man as a biological species exists in the natural environment, which provides the human personality with certain biological, economic and production resources. In addition, she ensures her physical health and spiritual development. Awareness of the existence of a human person in unity with the biosphere reveals the dependence of physical and mental health on environmental conditions. Consideration of the natural environment as a prerequisite for personal health allows us to introduce into the content of health education the formation of skills and abilities to adapt to environmental factors. Unfortunately, the ecological environment of educational institutions is not always favorable for the health of students. Communication with the natural world contributes to the development of humanistic forms and rules of behavior in the natural environment, micro- and macrosociety. At the same time, the natural environment surrounding the school is a powerful health-improving factor.

· health and fitness component presupposes possession of methods of activity aimed at increasing motor activity, preventing hypodynamia. In addition, this component of the content of upbringing provides hardening of the body, high adaptive capabilities. The physical culture and health-improving component is aimed at mastering personally important life qualities that increase overall performance, as well as personal and public hygiene skills.

The components of health-preserving technology presented above allow us to proceed to the consideration of its functional component.

Health-saving technology functions:

formative: is carried out on the basis of biological and social laws of personality formation. Formation of personality is based on hereditary qualities that predetermine individual physical and mental properties. Social factors, the environment in the family, the classroom team, attitudes towards saving and increasing health as the basis for the functioning of the individual in society, educational activities, and the natural environment complement the formative influence on the personality;

informative and communicative: provides the broadcast of the experience of leading a healthy lifestyle, the continuity of traditions, value orientations that form a respect for individual health, the value of each human life;

diagnostic: consists in monitoring the development of students on the basis of predictive control, which makes it possible to measure the efforts and direction of the teacher's actions in accordance with the natural capabilities of the child, provides an instrumentally verified analysis of the prerequisites and factors for the future development of the pedagogical process, individual passage of the educational route by each child;

adaptive: educating students to focus on

health care, healthy lifestyle, optimize condition

own body and increase resistance to various kinds

stress factors of the natural and social environment. It provides

adaptation of schoolchildren to socially significant activities.

reflective: consists in rethinking the previous personal experience, in maintaining and increasing health, which allows you to measure the actual results achieved with the prospects.

integrative: combines folk experience, various scientific

concepts and systems of education, guiding them along the path of maintaining health

the younger generation.

Types of technologies

§ Health-preserving (preventive vaccinations, ensuring physical activity, fortification, organization of healthy nutrition)

§ Wellness (physical training, physiotherapy, aromatherapy, hardening, gymnastics, massage, herbal medicine, art therapy)

§ Technologies of teaching health (inclusion of relevant topics in subjects of the general education cycle)

§ Education of a culture of health (extracurricular activities for the development of the personality of students, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, festivals, competitions, etc.)

The selected technologies can be presented in a hierarchical order according to the criterion of the student's subjective involvement in the educational process:

Out-of-Subject: Technologies of Rational Organization

educational process, technology of formation

health-preserving educational environment, organization of healthy

food (including dietary), etc.

Assuming a passive position of the student: herbal medicine, massage, ophthalmologic equipment, etc.

Assuming an active subject position of the student

various types of gymnasts, health education technologies,

education of a culture of health.

Classification of health-saving technologies.

By the nature of the activity, health-saving technologies can be both private (highly specialized) and complex (integrated).

In the field of activity, among private health-saving technologies, there are: medical (technologies for the prevention of diseases;

correction and rehabilitation of somatic health; sanitaon-

hygienic activity); educational, health promoting

(information and training and educational); social (technology

organization of a healthy and safe lifestyle; prevention and

correction of deviant behavior); psychological (technologies of prevention and psychocorrection of mental deviations of personal and intellectual development).

Integrated health-preserving technologies include: technologies for comprehensive prevention of diseases, correction and rehabilitation of health (fitness and health and valeological); educational technologies that promote health; technologies that form a healthy lifestyle.

Analysis of the lesson from the standpoint of health preservation

The teacher in organizing and conducting a lesson must take into account:

1) the environment and hygienic conditions in the classroom (office): air temperature and freshness, rationality of classroom and blackboard lighting, presence / absence of monotonous, unpleasant sound stimuli, etc.;

2) the number of types of learning activities: interviewing students, writing, reading, listening, telling, examining visual aids, answering questions, solving examples, problems, etc. The norm is 4-7 types per lesson. Frequent changes from one activity to another require additional adaptive efforts from students;

3) the average duration and frequency of alternation of various types of educational activities. The approximate norm is 7-10 minutes;

number of types of teaching: verbal, visual, audiovisual, independent work, etc. The norm is at least three;

5) alternation of types of teaching. Norm - no later than 10-15 minutes;

6) the presence and choice of place in the lesson of methods that contribute to the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of the students themselves. These are methods such as the method of free choice (free conversation, choice of a method of action, choice of a method of interaction; freedom of creativity, etc.); active methods (pupils as teachers, learning by doing, group discussion, role play, discussion, seminar, pupil as researcher); methods aimed at self-knowledge and development (intelligence, emotions, communication, imagination, self-esteem and mutual appreciation);

7) the place and duration of the use of TCO (in accordance with hygienic standards), the teacher's ability to use them as an opportunity to initiate discussion, discussion;

8) student poses, alternation of poses;

9) physical education and other health-improving moments in the lesson - their place, content and duration. The norm is for 15-20 minutes of a lesson for 1 minute of 3 easy exercises with 3 - repetitions of each exercise;

10) the presence of students' motivation for learning activities in the classroom (interest in classes, the desire to learn more, the joy of being active, interest in the material being studied, etc.) and the methods used by the teacher to increase this motivation;

11) the presence in the content of the lesson of questions related to health and a healthy lifestyle; demonstration, tracking of these links; the formation of an attitude towards a person and his health as a value; developing an understanding of the essence of a healthy lifestyle; formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle; developing an individual way of safe behavior, communicating knowledge to students about the possible consequences of a choice of behavior, etc .;

12) psychological climate in the lesson;

13) the presence of emotional release in the lesson: jokes, smiles, aphorisms with comments, etc.;

At the end of the lesson, you should pay attention to the following:

14) the density of the lesson, i.e. the amount of time spent by schoolchildren on educational work. Norm - not less than 60% and not more than 75-80%;

15) the moment of onset of student fatigue and a decrease in their learning activity. It is determined in the course of observation by the increase in motor and passive distractions in children in the course of educational work;

16) the pace and features of the end of the lesson:

Fast paced, “crumpled”, no time for students' questions, fast, practically without comments, writing down homework;

Calm end of the lesson: students have the opportunity to ask the teacher questions, the teacher can comment on the homework assignment, say goodbye to the students;

Delay of students in the classroom after the call (at break).

Of great importance is the schoolchild's daily routine, conditions for completing homework, parents' interest in school problems, a calm atmosphere at home, and compliance with hygiene standards. Boys have problems much more often, because girls have higher adaptive capabilities.

Biological factors: heredity, health status of the mother during pregnancy, impaired health status of the newborn.


Pedagogical factors include:

Environmental factors that can have a negative impact on the health status of schoolchildren (environmental, social, economic, etc.);

School environment factors - qualitative assessment of school buildings, sanitary, sports equipment and equipment, organization of the food system, taking into account the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the school contingent;

Organization of the educational process (duration of the lesson, school day, breaks, vacations) and the mode of the study load;

Organization and forms of physical education and physical culture and health improvement work;

Forms and methods of health-preserving activities of a general education institution;

Dynamics of chronic and general morbidity;

Methods and forms of teaching that motivate cognitive activity;

Psychological background of classes, favorable emotional mood, (benevolence, wisdom of the teacher);

Sanitary and hygienic conditions (room ventilation, temperature compliance, cleanliness, light and color design, etc.);

The motor regime of children (taking into account their age dynamics);

Rational nutrition (menu and diet);

Medical support and wellness procedures;

Stressful pedagogical tactics;

Intensification of the educational process (the number of daily lessons increases, children have little time for rest, walks, they do not sleep well, they are overworked);

Inconsistency of teaching methods and technologies with the age and functional capabilities of schoolchildren;

Irrational organization of educational activities (control work after the day off);

Functional illiteracy of the teacher in matters of health protection and promotion (he does not know his child, his character, inclinations, interests);

Functional illiteracy of the parents (they do not help the child, they want more from him than he can, they only blame the child and not themselves for everything, do not listen to his complaints);

Lack of a system of work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle (including the prevention of bad habits, sex education and sex education, insufficient use of physical education and sports, etc.);

Interpersonal relationships between peers;

Correct organization of the lesson (building a lesson taking into account the dynamics of working capacity, rational use of TCO, visual aids, etc.);

Rational organization of the educational process in accordance with sanitary standards and hygienic requirements;

Rational organization of physical activity of students, including the physical education lessons provided for by the program, dynamic changes and active pauses in the daily routine, as well as mass sports work;

Organization of rational nutrition;

The system of work on the formation of the value of health and a healthy lifestyle.

Without the implementation of this set of measures to protect and promote health, any other measures will not have the desired effect on health.

Implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process.

Each primary school teacher pays great attention to the use of health-saving technologies in practice.

Our working day begins with the traditional morning exercises... The guys are engaged in this type of physical activity with great pleasure. Morning exercises are necessary for the development of all body systems: nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory.

To create a positive emotional mood, an atmosphere of benevolence, in the first lesson we conduct "One minute of entry per day" Against the background of the music, the teacher says: “It's so good that we are all here together today. The soul is warm and calm. We are all healthy and cheerful. Take a deep breath and with a sigh, forget yesterday's hurt and anxiety. Breathe out the freshness of a spring day and the warmth of the sun, which has filled your heart with kindness, love and health. I wish you a good mood! We are starting a new day. "

Such minutes help the child to look deeper into himself, develop the feelings of children, charge them with emotions, interest and captivate.

Prevention of eye diseases

The actual problem at the present time is the protection of the eyesight of schoolchildren. The effectiveness of measures aimed at protecting the eyes of children largely depends not only on the doctor, but also on the teacher. Defects of vision are formed under the influence of numerous factors. Of particular importance in childhood are the nature, duration and conditions of visual stress. For example, a 6-7 year old child, in a few hours spent over books and notebooks, loads the muscles of the eye to the same extent as he would load other muscles by doing the barbell for the same amount of time. The consequences are not long in coming: by the end of the first year of study, every fourth student has myopia or a condition preceding it. In everyday life, we use our eyes incorrectly. Most often, the eyes are fixed for short distances for a long time. This also applies to students. It is necessary to switch the focus of vision, look into the distance, at least 2 minutes (it takes 5-10 minutes), then you should close your eyes for 1-2 minutes and let them rest. This simple exercise relieves fatigue by temporarily relaxing the eye muscles.

Daily gymnastics for the eye serves not only to prevent visual impairment, but also has a beneficial effect on the body with neuroses and increased intracranial pressure.

Corrective gymnastics for the eyes

The finger is doubled (facilitates visual work at close range): stretch your hand forward, look at the fingertip of an outstretched hand located in the midline of the face, slowly bring the finger closer, without taking your eyes off it, until the finger begins to double. Repeat 6-8 times.

Keen Eyes: With your eyes, draw 6 circles clockwise and 6 circles counterclockwise.

Eye Shooting: Move your eyes from side to side, looking to the left as much as possible, then to the right, then up and down. Repeat 5-6 times, slowly.

Writing with the nose: (relieves eye strain): close your eyes. Using your nose like a long pen, write or draw in the air. At the same time, the eyes are softly closed.

Fun break: first touch your right ear with your left hand, and touch the tip of your nose with your right hand; then quickly change the position of the hands: right hand - left ear, left hand - nose (5 times).

An important and obligatory component of the lesson is motor minutes.

Wellness minutes allow you to relieve mental stress, activate the attention of children, awaken interest in learning activities.

Prevention of posture disorders

The state of vision of children is directly related to the state of their posture. Very often children with poor posture suffer from myopia at the same time. This is all the more important since every third child entering school already has a posture disorder. Poor posture affects the psyche of the child, lowering the overall vitality. Incorrect posture contributes to the development of early degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs and creates unfavorable conditions for the functioning of the organs of the chest and abdominal cavity, nutrition of the brain, etc. The child's posture largely depends on the teacher. The child should have a clear idea of ​​what is correct posture and how to form it. Experts recommend this technique. The child's shoulders are deployed, the back is straightened and placed close to the wall so that he touches the wall with his heels, buttocks, back and back of the head. The teacher explains that this posture is correct posture. The student is then asked to move away from the wall while maintaining the same posture. All students follow this technique. Then the teacher selects 2-3 people, asks them to walk in front of the rest of the children, paying attention to how beautiful the correct posture is. For self-control, students can be encouraged to observe their posture in a mirror. Developing the correct posture usually takes a long time and constant monitoring.

We pay special attention to the lessons of a different cycle finger gymnastics. Finger games contribute to the development of hand motor skills, thinking, speech; reduce physical fatigue and mental stress during the lesson.

To teach children to control their organs of speech, we widely use it in literacy and literary reading lessons speech and breathing exercises.

Blow out the candle.

Inhale deeply, drawing in as much air as possible into your lungs. Then, stretching out your lips with a tube, exhale slowly, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound "y" for a long time.

"Lazy kitty".

Raise your arms up, then stretch forward, stretch like a kitty. Feel how the body stretches. Then sharply lower your hands down, pronouncing the sound "a".

"Mischievous cheeks".

Take in air, puffing out your cheeks strongly. Hold your breath, slowly exhale the air, as if blowing out a candle. Relax your cheeks. Then close your lips with a tube, inhale the air, drawing it in. At the same time, the cheeks are drawn in. Then relax your cheeks and lips.

"Mouth with a lock."

Purse your lips so that they are completely invisible. Close your mouth on the "lock", tightly compressing your lips. Then relax them:

I have my secret, I won't tell you, no (purse your lips).

Oh, how difficult it is to resist without telling anything (4-5 s).

All the same, I will relax my lips, and I will keep the secret for myself.

"The spiteful woman has calmed down."

Tighten your jaw by stretching your lips and exposing your teeth. Growling with all his might. Then take a few deep breaths, stretch, smile and, with your mouth wide open, yawn:

And when I'm very angry, I strain, but I hold on.

I squeeze my jaw tightly and scare everyone with a growl (growl).

So that the anger flew away and the whole body relaxed,

Take a deep breath, stretch, smile

Maybe even yawn (open your mouth wide, yawn).

Such exercises help develop correct breathing, voice and diction. Normal blood circulation and heart rhythm depend on correct breathing. Which is important for the health of the child.

In order to stimulate thought processes, we carry out brain gymnastics.

Head shaking.

Breathe deeply, relax your shoulders and drop your head forward. Allow your head to swing slowly from side to side as the tension is released through the breath. The chin traces a slightly curved line across the chest as the neck relaxes. Perform 30 seconds.

Lazy eights.

(the exercise activates the structures of the brain that provide memorization, increases the stability of attention): draw in the air in the horizontal plane "eight" three times with each hand, and then with both hands.

A hat for thought.

(improves attention, clarity of perception and speech): "put on a hat", that is, gently wrap the ears from the top point to the lobe three times.


(useful for all types of visual impairment): blink at each inhalation and exhalation.

I see a finger.

Hold the index finger of the right hand in front of the nose at a distance of 25-30 cm, look at the finger for 4 - 5 seconds, then close the left eye with the palm of the left hand for 4 - 6 seconds, look at the finger with the right eye, then open the left eye and look at finger with two eyes. Do the same, but close the right eye. Repeat 4-6 times.

According to experts, the cause of many diseases in children is lack of movement. To optimize physical activity, prevent and correct disabilities in physical development, improve health, we recommend using play therapy... Outdoor games in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the health of children.

Fairytale therapy

In finding ways of solving their psychological problems by reading children, a fairy tale occupies an important place. It is no coincidence that the technology of fairy tale therapy has become the leading one in the children's audience. A fairy tale is a genre beloved by children. The tale carries an important psychological content, as the children themselves say, “love, goodness and happiness,” which passes from one generation to the next and does not lose its significance over time.

She gives the child the first ideas about the sublime and the base, the beautiful and the ugly, the moral and the immoral.

The fairy tale transforms the hero, transforming the weak into the strong, the small into the adult, the naive into the wise, thereby opening up the child the prospects for his own growth.

A fairy tale gives hope and dreams - a premonition of the future. It becomes a kind of spiritual guardian of childhood.

Music therapy

But no matter how great the significance of a fairy tale for maintaining the mental peace of children, it is not alone used as a therapeutic tool. Music therapy has tremendous opportunities for the mental health of children.

Music therapy is an interesting and promising area that is used in many countries for medicinal and recreational purposes. It has been experimentally proven that music can calm, but it can also lead to extreme excitement, the immune system can be strengthened, which leads to a decrease in morbidity, improves metabolism, recovery processes are more active, and a person recovers. Many adults would be more balanced, calmer and more welcoming if in early childhood they fell asleep every night to a lullaby. Music can also be viewed as a way to improve the emotional background in the family, which can lead to harmony in relationships in it. The rhythm that music dictates to the brain relieves nervous tension, thereby improving the child's speech. Singing is prescribed for children with respiratory problems. Experts set themselves the task of purposeful influence of music on a child, taking into account his mood, age, gender, season of the year and even the time of day.

Help to teach schoolchildren to control their emotional state auto trainings, minutes of relaxation.

Relaxation- This is relaxation or decreased tone after intense mental activity. The purpose of the relaxation is to relieve stress, give children a little rest, evoke positive emotions, good mood, which leads to an improvement in the assimilation of educational material. We offer a complex of relaxation games.

Relaxation of arm muscles

Exercise 1.

Lie calmly in the starting position for about five minutes. Then bend your left hand at the wrist so that the palm stands upright, hold it in this position for several minutes; the forearm remains motionless. Watch for the feeling of tension in the muscles of the forearm. Relax your arm, letting your hand fall under its own weight on the blanket. Now your hand cannot but be relaxed - after such muscle tension, relaxation is a physiological need. Watch for a feeling of relaxation in your hand and forearm for a few minutes. Repeat this exercise one more time. Then spend half an hour at rest. The most important thing is to learn to recognize feelings of tension and relaxation.

Exercise 2.

Repeat the previous exercise the next day. After the second relaxation of the hand, bend it at the wrist in the direction away from you (that is, differently than before), fingers down.

Exercise 3.

Today you are resting. Do only relaxation, while watching the sensations in your left hand (is it relaxed or do you feel tension in it from time to time?).

Exercise 4.

Let's add the experience with the elbow flexor to the first and second exercises. Bend your left arm at the elbow at an angle of 30 degrees, that is, lift it from the coverlet. Repeat this operation three times for about 2 minutes, followed by relaxation for several minutes. Relax the rest of the hour.

Exercise 5.

Repeat all previous exercises. Then we will train the triceps.

You will achieve tension in this muscle if, placing a stack of books under your forearm, you will forcefully press on them with your lying hand. Alternate tension and relaxation three times (for relaxation, take your hand away from the body, behind the books you use as an aid). Relax the rest of the hour.

Exercise 6 "Lemon".

Put your hands down and imagine that there is a lemon in your right hand, from which you need to squeeze juice. Slowly clench your right hand into a fist as much as possible. Feel how the right hand is tense. Then drop the "lemon" and relax your hand:

I'll take a lemon in my palm.

I feel that it is round.

I squeeze it slightly -

I squeeze lemon juice.

It's all right, the juice is ready.

I throw the lemon, relax my hand.

Perform the same exercise with your left hand.

Exercise 8 "Pair" (alternating movement with tension and relaxation of the arms).

Standing opposite each other and touching the partner's outstretched palms, straighten your right arm with tension, thereby bending the partner's left arm at the elbow. At the same time, the left arm is bent at the elbow, and the partner's arm is straightened.


What a wonderful day today!

We will drive away melancholy and laziness.

They shook my hands.

Here we are healthy and cheerful.

Relaxation of leg muscles

You can start by repeating the arm exercises, but you don't have to. If you have already learned to recognize tension and relaxation in each muscle group and are able to control these processes, then you can immediately start relaxation. So, relax with your whole body, you will only train your legs (first the left, then the right).

Exercise 1.

Bend your leg at the knee - the muscles in the upper leg and under the knee are tense.

We train in three-fold alternation of tension and relaxation.

Exercise 2.

And now, on the contrary, we bend the limb with the toe towards us. Calf tension and relaxation.

Exercise 3.

Tension and relaxation in the upper thigh - the exercised leg hangs off the bed (sofa, etc.), thereby creating tension. Then return your leg to the starting position and focus on relaxation.

Exercise 4.

Tension in the lower thigh - is achieved by bending the leg at the knee.

Exercise 5.

Tension in the hip and abdomen - lift your leg so that only the hip is bent.

Exercise 6.

Tension of the gluteal muscles - putting several books under the knee, press hard on them.

Defuse these six exercises with one or two repetition sessions, or consider one session dedicated exclusively to relaxation.

Exercise 7 “Deck”.

Imagine yourself on a ship. Shakes. In order not to fall, you need to spread your legs wider and press them to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your back. The deck swayed - to transfer the body weight to the right leg, press it to the floor (the right leg is tense, the left leg is relaxed, slightly bent at the knee, the toe touches the floor). Straighten up. Relax your leg. Swung in the other direction - to press the left leg to the floor. Straighten up! Inhale, exhale!

The deck began to swing! Press your foot to the deck!

Press the leg tighter, and relax the other.

Exercise 8 “Horses”.

Our legs flashed

We will ride along the path.

But be careful

Don't forget what to do!

Exercise 9 "Elephant".

Put your feet firmly, then imagine yourself as an elephant. Slowly transfer the body weight to one leg, and raise the other high and lower it to the floor with a “crash”. Move around the room, alternately raising each leg and lowering it with a blow of the foot on the floor. Say "Wow!" As you exhale.

Relaxation of the trunk muscles

Exercise 1.

Abdominal muscles - we perform as follows: either deliberately pull the stomach into ourselves, or slowly rise from a prone position to a sitting position.

Exercise 2.

Muscles located along the spine - tension is achieved through flexion and arching in the lower back (in the supine position).

Exercise 3.

Relaxation of the shoulder muscles. This implies the acquisition of several skills. By crossing your arms outstretched forward, you will lock the tension in the front of your chest; by rotating the shoulders back - tension between the shoulder blades, lifting them - tension on the sides of the neck and in the upper part of the shoulders themselves. Tension in the left side of the neck is achieved by tilting the head to the left, to the right.

Its fixation in the front and back sides takes place when the head is tilted forward and backward. This lead to relaxation of the shoulders can be done in one step, but it can also be done in stages. Exercises for relaxation of the trunk in general should be carried out for about a week (if you find it necessary to consolidate some of the skills, in this case, consider classes devoted exclusively to relaxation).

Relaxation of eye muscles

Exercise 1.

Forehead tension - is achieved by sliding the skin on the forehead into wrinkles.

Exercise 2.

Tension of the muscles of the eyelids - we shift the eyebrows, the eyes are tightly closed.

Exercise 3.

The tension of the oculomotor muscles - while we feel the tension in the eyeball. With closed eyes, we look to the right, left, up, down.

We train until we are able to clearly recognize the tension, and thereby get rid of it (that is, relax these muscles).

Exercise 4.

Eye muscle tension - after mastering the previous exercise, open your eyes and watch what happens when you look from the ceiling to the floor and vice versa. Feel the tension and relaxation.

Relaxation of facial muscles

Exercise 1.

Gritting your teeth, trace in every detail the accompanying stress. Relax. Repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise 2.

Open your mouth. What muscles tensed at the same time? You should feel the tension in front of the auricles, but only more deeply.

Exercise 3.

Bare your teeth, watch the tension in your cheeks. Relax.

Exercise 4.

Round your mouth as if to say “oh!”, Feel the tension, then relax your lips.

Exercise 5.

Pushing your tongue back, watch the tension, relax.

Neck Relaxation Exercises:

"Curious Barabara".

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, head straight. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, then to the right. Inhale, exhale. The movement is repeated 2 times in each direction. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Curious Varvara looks to the left, looks to the right.

And then again forward - there will be a little rest.

Raise your head up, look at the ceiling as long as possible. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Comes back - relaxation is pleasant!

Slowly lower your head down, press your chin to your chest. Then return to the starting position, relax the muscles:

Now let's look down - the neck muscles have tensed!

We come back - relaxation is pleasant!

Relaxation exercises for the whole body:

"Snow Woman".

Children imagine that each of them is a snow woman. Huge, beautiful, molded from snow. She has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the sides, and she stands on strong legs. Beautiful morning, the sun is shining. Here it begins to bake, and the snow woman begins to melt. Further, the children depict how the snow woman melts. First the head melts, then one hand, the other. Gradually, little by little, the torso begins to melt. The snow woman turns into a puddle that spreads over the ground.


Children imagine that they are little birds. They fly through the fragrant summer forest, inhale its aromas and admire its beauty. So they sat down on a beautiful wildflower and breathed in its light scent, and now they flew to the tallest linden tree, sat on its top and felt the sweet scent of a blossoming tree. But a warm summer breeze blew, and the birds, along with its gust, rushed to the murmuring forest stream. Sitting on the edge of the stream, they cleaned their feathers with their beak, drank clean, cool water, splashed and again rose upward. And now we will land in the most comfortable nest in a forest clearing.


Children lie on their backs. They close their eyes and rest to the sound of the lullaby "Fluffy Clouds". “Awakening” occurs to the sound of a bell.

“Summer Day”.

Children lie on their backs, relaxing all muscles and closing their eyes. Relaxation takes place to the sound of calm music:

I'm lying in the sun,

But I don’t look at the sun.

We close our eyes, our eyes are resting.

The sun strokes our faces

Let us dream a good dream.

Suddenly we hear: bom-bom-bom!

The thunder came out for a walk.

Thunder rumbles like a drum.

"Slow motion".

Children sit closer to the edge of the chair, lean on the back, put their hands freely on their knees, spread their legs slightly apart, close their eyes and sit quietly for a while, listening to slow, quiet music:

Everyone can dance, jump, run, paint.

But not everyone knows how to relax and rest so far.

We have such a game - very easy, simple.

Movement slows down, tension disappears.

And it becomes clear - relaxation is pleasant!


Hush, hush, silence!

You can't talk!

We are tired - we need to sleep - we will lie down quietly on the bed

And we will sleep quietly.

Children like these exercises very much, because they have an element of play. They quickly learn this difficult relaxation skill.

By learning how to relax, every child gets what they previously lacked. This applies equally to any mental processes: cognitive, emotional or volitional. In the process of relaxation, the body redistributes energy in the best possible way and tries to bring the body to balance and harmony.

Relaxed, agitated, restless children gradually become more balanced, attentive and patient. Children who are inhibited, constrained, lethargic and timid acquire confidence, vigor, freedom in expressing their feelings and thoughts.

This systematic work allows the child's body to release excess stress and restore balance, thereby preserving mental health.

The proposed complex of games will provide activation of various functions of the central nervous system, create a positive emotional background, and help overcome disturbances in the emotional-volitional sphere.




The main task of the educational process at school is to find ways of organizing the educational process that would correspond to the age stages of the psychophysiological and social development of students, as well as the task of eliminating student overloads.

The solution to this problem will be essential for maintaining the health of schoolchildren.

Of course, factors such as genetic conditioning, unfavorable social and environmental conditions of development have a significant impact on the health of children, but at the same time, school factors also have a negative impact on the health of children (this is an intensification and irrational organization of the educational process, inconsistency of teaching methods with age groups). student opportunities).

One of the main directions in activities to improve the health of primary schoolchildren at school is the organization and conduct of physical culture and health-improving activities in the school regime.

With the beginning of the school year, the daily activity of students decreases markedly. Physical education lessons cannot fully compensate for the lack of movement of a student. Therefore, there is a need for measures to organize the physical activity of students during school hours.

For this, special attention should be paid to the introduction of physical education minutes in the classroom .. Physical education minute is a small set of physical exercises. The exercises are designed to target different muscle groups.

The importance of physical education is to relieve fatigue in a child, provide active rest and increase the mental performance of students.

Motor loads in the form of physical education minutes relieve fatigue caused by prolonged sitting at a desk, give rest to the muscles, hearing organs, and restore the child's strength.

Physical education is necessary in order to cheer up children, help activate breathing, increase blood and lymph circulation in stagnant areas in the child's body, and relieve static stress.

The composition of physical education minutes should include complexes consisting of 4-6 exercises: 2-3 of which should purposefully form posture, 2-3 for the shoulders, belt, arms and torso and exercises. There must be a variety of exercises, as high repetitions reduce the interest in doing the exercises.

Physical education can be carried out without objects, with objects. Complexes can be performed on account, tape recording, poetic text or musical accompaniment.

Physical education can be carried out in the form of general developmental exercises. In this case, exercises are carried out for large muscles that have carried tension for a long time.

Physical education can be carried out in the form of outdoor games or a relay race. Games that match the topic of the lesson are especially effective.

Didactic games with movements also contribute to the physical activity of students in the lesson.

When conducting physical education minutes using a poetic text, it is necessary to pay attention to the content of the poetic text, which should be understandable to students.

Requirements for the organization and conduct of physical education minutes.

Physical education is conducted at the initial stage of fatigue / 8-14 minutes of class, depending on the age of the students, the type of activity and the complexity of the educational material /

For younger students, it is most advisable to spend physical education minutes between 15-20 minutes.

Exercises should be entertaining, familiar and interesting to students, simply in their performance.

The sets of exercises should be different in content and form.

Physical education includes exercises for different muscle groups.

Duration of execution is 1.5-3 minutes.

In the break between two lessons, it is more expedient to spend physical education minutes using objects / balls, jump ropes /.

During physical education, students can sit at a desk or stand near it, be at the blackboard or in the aisles between desks, stand in a circle, scattered, in pairs, triplets, in groups.

The teacher must:

Possess a motor culture and demonstrate exercises figuratively.

Be able to combine movement with musical rhythm.

Know the basics of the terminology of physical exercises.

Examples of physical education minutes:

1. On the regulation of the mental state:

... "Not afraid"

In a situation of a difficult task, performing test work. Children perform actions to the speech of the teacher. Moreover, the teacher says a line of speech and pauses, while the children silently repeat the lines:

I'll tell myself, friends,

I'm never afraid

No dictation, no control,

No poems and no tasks

No problems, no failures.

I am calm, patient

I am restrained and not gloomy,

I just don't like fear

I control myself.

... "Calm"

The teacher speaks the words and the children perform the actions. Reflecting the meaning of words. Everyone chooses a comfortable seating position.

We are happy, we are happy!

We have been laughing since the morning.

But now the moment has come

It's time to be serious.

Eyes closed, handles folded,

The heads were lowered, the mouth was closed.

And they were quiet for a minute

So as not to hear even a joke

So as not to see anyone, but

And only one myself!

2. Creative physical minutes for coordination of movements and psychological relief.

It is necessary to stand up and at the same time salute with the right hand, and stretch the left along the body. Then, raising the thumb of the palm of your left hand, say "Vo!" Then clap your hands and do the same, but with different hands.

Sitting. Grasp the left ear with your right hand, and grab the tip of the nose with your left hand. Clap your hands and quickly change hands: with the left hand - the right ear, the right - the tip of the nose.

3. Physical minutes on the general development of the body of children / limbs and trunk /

... "Parsley". Starting position: hands are lowered, relaxed. At the same time, by chaotic shaking of the arms and legs, achieve muscle relaxation until the feeling of warmth and redness of the palms.

... "Sipping the kitty." Starting position: sitting on a desk chair, bend in the lower back, hands to the shoulders. Inhale - stretch, arms up, hands relaxed. Exhale - brushes to the shoulders, bring the elbows forward.

4. Micropause during eye fatigue:

Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, and then open them for the same time. Repeat 6-8 times.

Blink quickly for 10-12 seconds. Open your eyes, rest for 10-12 seconds. Repeat 3 times.

Starting position: sitting, close the eyelids, massage them with light circular movements of the finger. Repeat for 20-30 seconds.

5. Thematic exercise "Sea voyage"

No. Text Description of movements

The fish swam, dived

In clear light water.

Then they will converge, they will disperse,

They will bury themselves in the sand. Perform arm movements according to the text.

The sea is worried once

The sea is worried two,

The sea worries three -

Sea figure freeze.

Feet shoulder-width apart, swing our arms from right to left, depicting waves.

Raise your hands up and, depicting "flashlights", lower them down.

Who is this? What is it?

How to guess?

Who is this? What is it?

How to unravel?

Turns left and right with outstretched arms.

Hands are raised up. Perform swinging movements left and right.

This is a fishing boat.

Feet shoulder width apart. Hands to the sides, hands raised up. In this position, we swing from side to side.

This is a starfish.

Raise your hands up, squeezing and unclenching your fingers, lower your hands down.

It is, of course, a snail.

Hands to the sides, we perform circular movements.

7 I will solve all of you. We spread our arms to the sides.

6. Finger gymnastics

"Finger games" is a dramatization of any rhymed stories, fairy tales with the help of fingers. " Finger games ", as it were, reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. In the course of finger games, children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. Thus, dexterity is developed, the ability to control their movements, to concentrate attention on one type of activity.

Our scarlet flowers bloom petals

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers cover the petals

They shake their heads, fall asleep quietly.

(Children slowly unbend their fingers from their fists, swing their hands to the right and left, slowly clench their fingers into a fist, swing their fists back and forth).


Ladybug daddy is coming,

Mom follows dad,

The kids follow mom,

The little ones wander after them.

They wear red skirts,

Skirts with black dots.

Dad leads the family to study.

And after school he will take him home.

(On the first line — step on the table with all the fingers of your right hand, on the second — the same with your left hand. On the third and fourth — with both hands together.

On the fifth - shake your palms, press your fingers together.

On the sixth, tap the table with your index fingers. On the seventh and eighth - all fingers of both hands "step" on the table.

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Updated: 2019.06.16 01:38

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Creation date: 2013/11/29

At the moment, in conditions when a rethinking of the spiritual, moral and physical wealth of a person is taking place, everyone seeks to look differently at themselves, their tasks, prospects, to precisely determine their place in the general system of St. Petersburg education. I must say that today we need a school for a healthy lifestyle. It must be remembered that a Russian has always been distinguished by excellent health, distinguished by a special ability to create, and that is why he felt healthy. Currently, the school must take into account these features of the Russian in the content of education. Today, more than ever, society needs early identification and development of children who have the ability to perceive a wide range of knowledge, including in the field of health, on the one hand, and, on the other, to identify children who need special conditions for their life at school. ...

Currently, some schools in St. Petersburg do not pay enough attention to physical education lessons. The number of teaching hours has been reduced, especially in primary school. Students lose interest in sports. Therefore, the relevance of the chosen topic is obvious. To revive the love for sports, in addition to practice, it is necessary to know the theory of physical culture (like any other culture). And for this, you must first figure out what it is, what types it is divided into and what is its role in social life and human culture.

The study of the health problem is again acquiring special relevance. According to the data of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for 2006, 87% of students need special support. Up to 60-70% of students by the final grade have a disturbed structure of vision, 30% - chronic diseases, 60% - impaired posture. Unfortunately, many have a strong belief that the issue of health or ill health depends entirely on children's doctors. In other words, many of today's schoolchildren, like many adults, believe that how well a doctor treats, so much depends on their health. “However, recently, scientists have proven that only 10% healthier than a person depends on the health care system, while more than half - on his lifestyle.”

Modern youth do not have the necessary knowledge to preserve their health, they are not ready to get out of a stressful state, various difficult situations without physical and mental losses. They devote little time to strengthening their health.

Analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on the impact of lifestyle on children's health.

The effectiveness of the upbringing and education of children and adolescents depends on health. Health is an important factor in the performance and harmonious development of the child's body.

A number of philosophers - J. Locke, A. Smith, K. Gelvetsky, M.V. Lomonosov, K. Marx and others, psychologists - L.G. Vygotsky, V.M. Bekhterev and others, medical scientists - N.M. Amosov, V.P. Kaznacheev, I.I. Brekhman and others, teachers - V.K. Zaitsev, S.V. Popov, V.V. Kolbanov and others have tried and are trying to solve the problem of health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for children. They developed and left numerous works on maintaining health, prolonging life potential and longevity.

An interesting statement by the outstanding English philosopher John Locke, contained in the treatise "Thoughts on education": "In a healthy body - a healthy mind" - this is a short but complete description of a happy state in this world. Whoever possesses both, that remains to desire a little, and who is deprived of at least one, to a small extent can compensate for anything else. A person's happiness or unhappiness is mostly the work of his own hands. One who has an unhealthy and weak body will never be able to move forward along this path. " In our opinion, it is difficult to disagree with this statement.

In the words of Scottish thinker Adam Smith: “Life and health is the main concern of nature that instills in everyone. Concerns about our own health, about our own well-being, about everything that concerns our safety and our happiness, and constitute the subject of virtue, called prudence ... "" ... It does not allow us to risk our health, our well-being, our good name ... "... in one word , prudence aimed at preserving health is considered a venerable quality. " French philosopher Claude Helvetius wrote in his writings about the positive impact of physical education on human health: "The task of this kind of education is to make a person stronger, more robust, healthier, and therefore happier, more beneficial to their Fatherland." ... “Excellence in physical education depends on government excellence. With a wise government system, they strive to educate strong and strong citizens. Such people will be happy and more capable of performing the various functions to which the state's interest encourages them. "

Thus, philosophers and thinkers of different times argued that a person himself should mainly take care of his health, well-being and strive to maintain it. Human happiness depends on this. As mentioned earlier, many teachers were also interested in the problem of health. V.A. Sukhomlinsky argued that “Caring for a child's health is a complex of sanitary and hygienic norms and rules ... not a set of requirements for regimen, nutrition, work and rest. This is, first of all, care in the harmonious fullness of all physical and spiritual forces ... "

What is "health"? In 1968, WHO adopted the following formulation of health: Health is the property of a person to perform their biosocial functions in a changing environment, with overload and without losses, provided that there are no diseases and defects. Health is physical, mental and moral. " Although this definition, as well as many proposed in various sources, is not indisputable, is not specific enough for use in the practice of diagnostics and measurement of health, but, as it seems to us, there is no more accurate one yet.

"Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing." This wisdom of Socrates helps to better understand wearing health and other goals of human life. A modern person needs much more in life than just to feel healthy. At the same time, health is the most important condition and means of achieving other goals in life. This means that you need to take care of your health before you lose it and constantly accumulate and maintain its reserves. This idea is clearly reflected in the modern WHO definition of health in 1986: “Health is not the goal of life. But it is the most important resource for everyday life, a positive life concept that unites the social, mental and physical capabilities of a person. " In this definition, it is fundamentally important to understand health as a healthy life philosophy, which allows one to successfully realize oneself in learning, professional work, in various forms of leisure, interpersonal relations, etc.

A number of factors affect the health of a particular person. Among them, it is important to highlight the factors that a specific person, especially a schoolchild, cannot control directly. These are the economic and social conditions of life in the country, the climate, the ecological situation in the region. On the other hand, there are a number of factors that can be controlled by a school, a specific teacher, or a student. This is the school environment, as well as outlook, life philosophy and way of life.

Academician Yu.P. Lisitsin, saying that: “Human health cannot be reduced only to a statement of the absence of disease, malaise, discomfort, it is a state that allows a person to lead an unnatural life in his freedom, to fully fulfill his inherent functions, primarily labor, to lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, to experience mental, physical and social well-being. "

Thus, from the above definitions it can be seen that the concept of health reflects the quality of the organism's adaptation to environmental conditions and represents the result of the process of interaction between man and the environment; the state of health itself is formed as a result of the interaction of external (natural and social) and internal (gender, age, heredity) factors.

“According to the conclusion of WHO experts for 2005, if we take the level of health as 100%, then the state of health depends only 10% on the activities of the health care system, 20% on hereditary factors, 20% on the state of the environment. And the remaining 50% depend on the person himself, his way of life, which he leads. "

A healthy lifestyle is understood as “... typical forms and methods of daily life of a particular person, which strengthen and improve the reserve capabilities of the body, thereby ensuring the successful performance of their social and professional functions, regardless of political, economic and socio-psychological situations. And it expresses the orientation of the individual's activity towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of both individual and public health. "

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude how important it is, starting from a very early age, to educate children in an active attitude to their own health, the understanding that health is the greatest value given to man by nature.

Characteristics of the state of development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation

In recent years, the problem with the health status of the population has become aggravated in Russia, the number of people who use drugs, abuse alcohol and addicted to smoking has increased. The main reasons that negatively affect the health of the population include a decrease in the standard of living, a deterioration in the conditions of study, work, rest and the state of the environment, the quality and structure of nutrition, an increase in excessive stress loads, including a decrease in the level of physical fitness and physical development practically all socio-demographic groups of the population. Currently, only 8-10% of the population is engaged in physical culture and sports in the country, while in the economically developed countries of the world this figure reaches 40-60%. The most acute and urgent problem is the low physical fitness and physical development of students. The real volume of physical activity of pupils and students does not ensure the full development and strengthening of the health of the younger generation. The number of pupils and students assigned for health reasons to a special medical group is increasing. In 1999 there were 1 million 300 thousand of them, which is 6.5% more than in 1998. The prevalence of physical inactivity among schoolchildren reached 80%.

In the new socio-economic conditions, there have been negative changes in the formulation of physical culture and health and sports work in labor and production teams. The multiple increase in the cost of physical culture and sports services made the institutions of physical culture and sports, tourism and recreation inaccessible for many millions of workers. Since 1991, the downward trend in the network of health and fitness and sports facilities has continued. In 1999, their number compared with 1991 decreased by 22% and amounted to about 195 thousand with a one-time carrying capacity of about 5 million people, or only 17% of the supply standard. Under the pretext of economic inexpediency, enterprises and organizations refuse to maintain sports and recreational facilities, close, sell, transfer them to other owners or use them for other purposes.

Physical education lessons at school are often perceived as something secondary, having a subordinate meaning in relation to such as mathematics, physics, literature, etc. Having succumbed to the attitude of subject teachers that has developed in the pedagogical environment to physical education lessons as something optional, students often neglect by them. And parents, sometimes, without having enough serious reason to do so, try to free their child from physical education lessons. However, the time has come to rethink the role of these lessons not only in the physical, but also in the mental development of students.

The generally accepted idea that physical culture should mainly be aimed at developing the physical qualities of students (strength, speed, endurance, jumping ability, etc.) and the achievement of a health-improving effect, significantly impoverishes the very content of this concept. At the same time, a number of components are relegated to the background, without which a true culture of physical education is impossible.

These include:

  • fostering an aesthetic attitude to physical education,
  • knowledge and compliance with hygiene rules,
  • the ability to control your physiological state,
  • possession of techniques and methods of recuperation,
  • the need to strengthen their health, and therefore the presence of interest and desire for independent exercise.

Among these components, I would especially like to highlight the culture of performing movements and mastering any new motor action. The formation and development of the psychological mechanisms of this component should be one of the main psychological and pedagogical tasks of physical education at school.

In the conditions of the modern world, with the advent of devices that facilitate labor activity (computer, technical equipment), the physical activity of people has sharply decreased in comparison with previous decades. This, ultimately, leads to a decrease in the functional capabilities of a person, as well as to various kinds of diseases. Today, purely physical labor does not play an essential role; it is replaced by mental labor. Intellectual labor dramatically reduces the body's working capacity.

Relevance of the problem of orientation of the entire education system to health-preserving education and upbringing.

There are many problems in the modern Russian education system. One of the priorities is the orientation of the entire education system towards health-preserving education and upbringing. This problem is of both strategic importance for the development of education in Russia for the foreseeable future, and high relevance today. The country is going through a difficult time of changes in all spheres of life. The changes also affected the education system: new types of schools, new paradigms, new technologies. Changes in society are reflected in the changing demand for education of the younger generation. The country needs active figures, creators who can take responsibility for their own lives. This led to the emergence of developmental education at school, personality-oriented, differentiated education.

Society needs Personality- harmoniously developed, creative, active, understanding her purpose in life, able to control her own destiny, healthy physically and morally. b Today, the question of the deteriorating health of children is increasingly being raised. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical disabilities.

Various studies of physicians, physiologists, psychologists and hygienists show that already in the first grade, 15% of children have chronic pathologies, more than 50% have certain deviations in physical health, and 18-20% have borderline mental health disorders. In 20-60% of children of primary school age, a high level of violation of the adaptive systems of the body was revealed, the immune system in 70-80% of cases functions in an overstrain mode. Over the years at school, the number of healthy schoolchildren decreases even more.

The steady decline in the level of children's health is, of course, due to the impact on the growing body of numerous social, economic, biological factors:

  • deterioration in the quality of life;
  • difficult ecological situation;
  • the unfavorable social situation of many children;
  • insufficient funding of public education, health care, social programs.

However, the situation that has arisen is also the result of unresolved pedagogical and medical-preventive problems in the field of preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren.

For therapeutic, prophylactic and educational purposes, sick children need physical activity to maintain and strengthen their health, impaired by past diseases. Such students, belonging to a special medical group, should engage in physical education according to programs adapted to various types of diseases.

At the same time, the pedagogical understanding of the problem of physical culture of students with impaired health made it possible to reveal a number of contradictions, the resolution of which will contribute to an increase in the effectiveness of the development of adaptive physical culture:

  • between the students' desire for physical culture and the impossibility of its implementation without a sufficient supply of knowledge and experience;
  • between the need to develop adaptive physical culture of students and the lack of purposeful work of the teacher in this direction;
  • between the objective need for the development of physical culture of students and the lack of implementation of the ways of its development in pedagogical science.

Health, being the most important value of a person and society, belongs to the category of state priorities, therefore, the process of preserving and strengthening it causes serious concern not only for medical workers, but also for teachers, psychologists, and parents. Human health, as well as the problems of health preservation have always been relevant, and in the 21st century these issues come to the fore.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as follows: “Health is complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease, i.e. it is the physical, social, psychological harmony of a person, friendly relations with people, nature and oneself. "
Currently, there is a tendency towards deterioration of health and physical fitness of the population. It is especially pronounced among children, adolescents and youth. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, only 14% of high school students can be considered completely healthy.

The results of the All-Russian clinical examination of children in 2002 confirmed the trends in the health status of children that have formed over the past ten-year period: a decrease in the proportion of healthy children (from 45.5% to 33.89%), with a simultaneous doubling of the proportion of children with chronic pathology and disabilities. If we turn to the results of the dispensary examination of the children's population of the Tver region, the results will be as follows: in the age period from 0 to 18 years old, 61.3% were found with pathology, of which 56.3% were found in the age period from 0 to 6 years old, from 7 to 18 years old. - 63.2%.

A significant increase in the incidence of all classes of diseases occurs in the age period from 7 to 17 years, that is, during the period of receiving general secondary education.

The risk factors for the school environment are:

  1. Intensification of the educational process and educational overload
  2. Stress as a result of overload.
  3. Decrease in the age of primary schooling.
  4. Hypodynamic nature of training.

Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that the state is concerned about the development of physical culture and health preservation of the population, especially children. This is reflected in government documents (National Doctrine of Education, federal, regional and city programs for the development of education).

The development of the school follows the path of intensification, increasing physical and mental stress on the child. Today we can already speak with confidence about the impending global catastrophe of modern civilization. This is connected not only with the problems of health preservation at school, but also with the onset of an era of universal development in the field of high technologies (computers, Internet, mobile phones). In fact, we and our children are in different eras. Another scientific and technological revolution has taken place. The future has already arrived, it has become our present. It depends on us whether we can lay the foundations of physical education for our children or not. Of course, there may be objections to this, that modern diagnostic and medical technologies are capable of ensuring the health of a particular person, and, as a consequence, the health of the nation. But with all the equipment of modern medicine and prevention, it does not guarantee the health of future generations. Accordingly, modern education (primarily physical education) is faced with the task of teaching a child to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, to ensure a culture of his health.

What is included in the concept of "healthy lifestyle" (HLS)? In the medical encyclopedia, healthy lifestyle is described as follows - it is a rational lifestyle, an integral feature of which is active activity aimed at maintaining and improving health, a lifestyle that contributes to public and individual health is the basis of prevention, and its formation is the most important task of the state social policy in the protection and promotion of the health of the people.
Since the student spends most of his waking hours in an educational institution, there is an urgent need to solve the health problem of a particular school. This task is solved through systemic application in the educational process.

Health-saving educational technologies (HST) include technologies that are used in the educational process to benefit the health of students.

According to the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, the school educational environment generates risk factors for health disorders, which are associated with 20-40% of negative influences that worsen the health of school-age children. These factors include:

  • intensification of the educational process;
  • lack of systematic education on the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle;
  • insufficient involvement of parents in the process of forming a healthy lifestyle;
  • hypodynamia;

Let us dwell on each of these factors in more detail.

1. Physical inactivity.

The main reason for the deterioration in health occurs against the background of low physical activity of both children and adults. The lack of exercise among children and adults in Russia has reached 80%. This factor, along with smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction, speaks of a low level of culture. These factors in their sum are typical for the population of the countries of the "third" world. Thus, the goal of ROT is to educate and provide conditions for physical, mental, social and spiritual comfort, that is, in fact, the creation of an integral personality. Modern children actually have no alternative where and how to spend their free time, since the temptations of the world around them are very strong. They replace movement and outdoor games by spending many hours at a computer or watching TV, which poses a real threat to the body, since physical inactivity is not just a lack of movement, it is a disease, the definition of which sounds like this: "reducing the load on the muscles and limiting the general motor activity of the body" ...

Physical inactivity contributes to obesity in children. So, according to most researchers, 70% of children suffer from the effects of physical inactivity, 30-40% are overweight. In such children, injuries are more often recorded, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections is 3-5 times higher, myopia is found in 43%, in 24% - an increase in blood pressure, etc.

Children spend most of their time in a static position, which increases the load on certain muscle groups and causes them to fatigue. Therefore, the strength and performance of skeletal muscles decreases, which entails a violation of posture, curvature of the spine, flat feet, delayed age-related development, speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, endurance, flexibility, strength. For these disorders, the term "school diseases" is often used.

By sending a child to school, we deprive him of an active lifestyle, which is necessary for him due to age characteristics. In primary school, the deficit in physical activity is 35 - 40%, in the senior grades this percentage is already growing to 75 - 85%. Physical education lessons only to a small extent - by 10 - 18% - compensate for the deficit of movement, which is clearly not enough. Therefore, the ministry has planned the introduction from 2010 of the obligatory third hour of physical education. But even the introduction of these three lessons cannot cover the deficit of motor activity in schoolchildren. In this regard, it is appropriate to talk about additional education - sports schools and sections.

Unfortunately, we do not often see parents' interest in solving the problem of physical inactivity, the development of the child's physical culture. Parents do not use their reserves and the educational capabilities of the family, they themselves lead an unhealthy lifestyle: they do not play sports, have bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.). Thus, we can conclude that without the active participation of parents, showing a "living example" in a child to bring up the need to engage in physical culture only by the forces of the school is problematic.

Also, more and more time is now being devoted to the training of pedagogical personnel for the school, who are being prepared taking into account the use of OST. This is especially true for primary school teachers. In the course of the lesson, they must include minutes in their curriculum for building a physical education lesson. Also, many schools are introducing additional "Lessons of Health and Life Safety". The introduction of these lessons has a positive effect, for example, the percentage of children who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and want to receive information about it increased from 60% in grade 1 to 88% in grade 3.

2. Intensification of the educational process.

The intensification of the educational process goes in different ways.

First, there is an increase in the number of classrooms and individual lessons. It is becoming a generally accepted norm for students to stay within the school walls up to 15-16 hours. In fact, this replaces the normalized 6-hour working day for an adult. The same factor leads to the following: the child does not have time to spend the time he needs in the fresh air, since he has to come back from school to sit down for lessons again. The same factor leads, as a consequence, hypodynamia.

The second option for intensifying the educational process is to reduce the number of hours while maintaining or increasing the volume of material. Such a sharp reduction in the number of hours inevitably should have led to an increase in homework and an intensification of the educational process.
The result of the intensification of the educational process is the appearance in the student of states of fatigue, fatigue, overwork. All these factors are the cause of chronic diseases in children, the development of nervous, psychosomatic and other disorders.

The solution to this problem is the organization of the educational process by the teacher, knowledge of the physiological foundations of the child's perception and thinking, the ability to correctly distribute the educational material of the lesson.

But, solving the problem of intensifying the educational process is not only the task of the school. A great responsibility also rests on the shoulders of parents. They should teach their child how to use their free time correctly, as well as make up a daily routine. After returning from school, the child must engage in physical activity. Classes in sports schools and visits to sports clubs are suitable for this. The change of activity from mental to physical and vice versa follows from the principles of mental hygiene. Physical activity provides blood flow, outdoor activities saturate the blood with oxygen. All this ensures the effectiveness of further mental activity. Also, the question of hypodynamia is immediately removed.

3. Lack of systematic education on the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

There is no consistent and continuous system of "health education" and its preservation in the country. The information that a person receives throughout his life is fragmentary. Sources of such information are parents, school teachers, philistine conversations, articles on the Internet and in periodicals. The knowledge gained from these sources is ad hoc and often very contradictory. The consequence of these problems is the introduction of OST into the educational process at all stages of education (from preschool institutions to universities).

The teacher is faced with a clear and definite task - to instill in the student an interest in the issues of his health and his savings. As a result of the successful solution of this problem, the child will have the opportunity to choose how to spend his free time - at the computer or playing football, hockey, etc. This means that he will have the makings of personality and self-awareness.


We have discussed the main problems and ways to solve them. In modern training of teachers for schools and preschool institutions, more and more attention is paid to the issue of health and health preservation of schoolchildren. On the other hand, the state's concern about the health of children finds obstacles in the same educational institutions.

As already mentioned, the introduction of an additional physical education lesson improves the general tendency for the health improvement of schoolchildren, but cannot cover the entire deficit of children's movement. Therefore, many schoolchildren are engaged in sections and sports schools. It is here that the problem of combining general and additional education arises. First, the problem of teachers' attitude towards such children is different. Instead of encouraging and supporting children involved in sports in every possible way, it is often just a critical attitude towards them that is met. I do not mean those pedagogical personnel who are currently being educated taking into account the OST, namely the contingent of teachers who do not use OST in their pedagogical practice.

On the other hand, another factor that prevents children from attending sports schools and sections, and, consequently, to compensate for the deficit in physical activity, is the intensification of the educational process. It has already become almost an absolute norm to introduce individual lessons with teachers and so-called electives after basic educational lessons. It is also exacerbated by parents by the fact that they load their children with tutoring. As a result, the school day of a high school student often ends at 17-18 hours. On the one hand, this is a violation of all possible norms (sanitary, etc.), on the other hand, the question is raised about the quality of acquired knowledge at school, if additional lessons and tutors are constantly required. But this question is not the subject of this post.

In connection with the lengthening of the school day of the student, the question is raised about the possibility of visiting sections and sports schools. Since additional education according to the norms should end no later than 20:00, the child simply does not have time to attend such classes.

Since basic education and additional education are aimed at the development of the child, moreover, they are versatile, that is, they pursue the same goal, it is worth looking for compromises, and not building obstacles. Yes, additional education is by no means compulsory for all children, but children who go in for sports should be encouraged and stimulated in every possible way. They will become the nation's healthy gene pool in the future.

The introduction of an additional physical education lesson also refers to actions that are related to the use of RTP.

Another of these trends is the reintroduction of change. In modern schools, the delivery of TRP norms is divided into 5 stages:

  • Stage 1 - TRP norms for schoolchildren 6-8 years old
  • Stage 2 - TRP norms for schoolchildren 9-10 years old
  • Stage 3 - TRP norms for schoolchildren 11-12 years old
  • Stage 4 - TRP norms for schoolchildren 13-15 years old
  • Stage 5 - TRP norms for schoolchildren 16-17 years old.

It is also necessary to say about the revival of sports competitions among schoolchildren - these are regional championships, city championships and sports competitions for students.

Such federally significant projects as "Ski Track of Russia" and "Cross of Nations" are gaining more and more popularity. Also, in particular, in Tver, the traditional relay race is held on May 9, dedicated to the Victory Day, in which all schools of the city take part.

All of the above refers to those activities that contribute to the involvement of students in a healthy lifestyle.

But there are also some problems in schools regarding physical education teaching methods. In light of the latest trends in teaching, it has become possible to incorporate elements of Pilates and fitness into the educational process. But there is one big BUT. The schoolchildren spend the entire school day in confined spaces, and physical education lessons are, in fact, the only opportunity for the child to be in the fresh air. Therefore, every opportunity should be taken to conduct lessons outside the gyms. It is also necessary to develop the primordially Russian sports - skiing, hockey. This does not mean that one should forget about new trends in modern physical education, but it is also impossible to completely abandon the old. Unfortunately, the introduction of physical education with the use of skis in winter often comes up against a purely material problem. Many schools are simply not equipped with the necessary equipment. The solution to this problem must find a response in school administrations and education authorities.

If we draw a conclusion from all of the above, then in modern schools favorable conditions are created for solving health problems of the younger generation. These conditions include the training of teaching staff, and the introduction of additional physical education lessons. Often, teachers from both general education and sports schools organize parent-teacher meetings to raise questions about the health of their children. Thus, the educational function is also carried out. Because, no matter how we try to instill in the child the basics of a healthy lifestyle and health preservation, a living example and the environment in which he finds himself have a fundamental role in raising a child. If the parents did not lay the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in the child from a young age, it will be much more difficult for teachers of educational institutions to instill these qualities in a child.

Everyone saw the problem

The topic of the health of the younger generation has been discussed more and more actively in recent years. For example, in February last year, a board meeting of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was held, at which the activities of educational institutions to preserve and improve the health of schoolchildren were analyzed. And in October 2010, an international symposium was held, which raised the question even more broadly: what can and should be done by the education of Europe for the harmonious development of the younger generation.

At both events, the seriousness and urgency of the problem was noted. According to the data given at the collegium, out of 13.4 million schoolchildren, more than half, 53 percent, have poor health; two thirds of children aged 14 years have chronic diseases and only 10 percent of graduates of general education institutions can be classified as healthy. The indicators of the physical development of children are deteriorating. About 10 percent of schoolchildren have reduced anthropometric characteristics. About 7 percent are obese, that is, they eat poorly and lead a sedentary lifestyle. As for the last figure, it is worth making a reservation: in Europe, the same indicator looks much worse. Of the 77 million children living in the EU, 14 million are overweight. However, all other data on Russia cannot but cause alarm. Especially when it comes to teenagers.

Before reaching the age of fourteen, some of them are already registered at the dispensary for socially significant diseases: syphilis, drug and substance abuse. Cases of HIV infection have been registered. Rates of adolescent alcoholism are on the rise.

Medical examinations of conscripts are not encouraging by the results either. Young people are poorly prepared physically, many have bad habits. But they need to defend their homeland, work in production, take care of the growing older generation. In this regard, some experts recall the RLD complex developed in the Soviet Union, and propose to develop a similar one, but taking into account the current state of health of adolescents and youth.

We started to solve

An attempt to normalize the health situation of children, adolescents, youth has been made at the highest level. In 2005, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted the Concept for the Protection of Children in Russia until 2010, in which the problem of the development of a healthy young generation was singled out as an independent and priority direction of state policy. But for some reason, its solution is entrusted only to medicine. Education has remained on the sidelines, despite the fact that children spend up to 70 percent of their time in school. And medicine fights mainly with the consequences, not with the causes.

In 2010, President Dmitry Medvedev devoted most of the annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation to the younger generation. “Today, by the first grade of school, health problems are detected in almost a third of children,” he said. - Even more depressing indicators are usually diagnosed in adolescents. Two-thirds of them have health deviations ”. The head of state instructed to carry out in-depth medical examination of children and adolescents from 2011. Special attention, according to him, should be paid to vaccine prevention, availability of high-quality medicines for children and adolescents, and early diagnosis of tuberculosis, cancer and other dangerous diseases. The President noted that the necessary funds should also be allocated for these purposes. In addition, the President set the task of carrying out the technological modernization of children's clinics and hospitals, improving the qualifications of their employees. At least 25 percent of the total funds allocated for the modernization of health care should be spent on the development of pediatric medicine. This is a large amount. In practice, it can reach up to 100 billion rubles in two years.

The education sector must also do its part in the fight against disease. This was indicated a little earlier - when formulating the national educational initiative "Our New School".

Early diagnosis can prejudge the course of the disease, and sometimes overcome it in the bud. But, since the state of health of schoolchildren does not improve from year to year, questions arise: why the established diseases are not treated, and sometimes progress? how to preserve the precious gift of nature?

If we exclude family problems from the field of view, the search for an answer first of all leads to school, because young people come to secondary and higher educational institutions with a "bouquet" of pathologies earned at the desk. First of all, these are diseases of the digestive system, spine, respiration, and eye diseases. And all of them have already received the persistent epithet "school", because in most cases they were acquired in educational institutions.

The power of negative factors was underestimated

It is well known that health (physical, mental, moral and intellectual) is influenced by the whole complex of socio-economic, environmental and spiritual factors of society. But school illnesses also have their causes. These include the organization of the educational process and extracurricular activities that is inconsistent with the nature of the child, the inconsistency of teaching methods with the age and functional characteristics of children, the stressful tactics of pedagogical influences and the high information load of students, behind which moral education lags behind.

Every year children are given more and more knowledge. To assimilate and analyze a huge amount of information, a child has to attend additional classes and electives, prepare for reports, conferences, do research and similar work, and as a result, more and more sit at a table, most often equipped with a computer. In elite educational institutions with in-depth study of subjects (taking into account homework), children spend up to ten hours a day on classes. A continuous increase in the intensity of educational activity, a sedentary lifestyle cause stress and neuroses. Researcher A.A. Korobeinikov claims that 60 to 80 percent of schoolchildren are exposed to stress.

Some scientists also doubt the need for early start of systematic preschool education. Kindergartens did not change their name by accident. These are now preschool educational institutions, and children study there. The mental load on babies increases. Whether this is good is another question. Underestimation of the importance of physical activity leads to many diseases.

“Over the past ten years, the overall incidence of neurotic disorders associated with stress and psychopathic disorders among children aged fifteen to seventeen has increased by almost 26 percent, and the primary - by almost 50. Often the school environment itself is harmful to health: school furniture, lighting in the premises does not match children's physiology, non-observance of hygienic regimes of work on computers leads to the formation of neuropsychic disorders and eye diseases.

In the 21st century, a number of schools still lack toilets ... It is highly unacceptable for children to study in extremely unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological conditions. " (Data as of early 2009.)

Valentina PETRENKO, Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy and Health.

The symposium raised the question of the harmonious development of the individual, that is, the balanced intellectual, physical, spiritual and moral health of children. Elements of harmony in the educational process are introduced by physical education lessons. Unfortunately, the programs in which they are conducted are designed for the average student. It is not possible to carry out an individual approach to everyone, since for this, in addition to desire, one must have both funds and specialists. Children with physical disabilities are most often in class. They do not like physical education lessons and painfully experience collective competition, as they understand that they are letting down their classmates.

Experts say that it is necessary to change the general orientation of physical education in primary school: to make it health-improving, and the content of physical education - focused on the formation of a conscious attitude to regular physical exercises and the development of hygiene skills and the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. It is very good if the children swim. But in Russia only two percent of schools have swimming pools. Even gyms are not in every school. The task is to create such conditions for the child to have a desire to engage in physical culture, sports, so that he understands the usefulness of movement for his health.

Everyone should listen to Socrates

Unfortunately, modern parents, for various reasons, are poorly versed in the organization of the educational process and health-preserving activities and, for the most part, cannot influence their organization. At the aforementioned international symposium, one of the scientists bitterly remarked: "When we ask parents what is more important to you - child's health or success, they choose the latter." Moms and dads of high school students (87 percent) believe that the main task of the school is to provide a good education. The wise thought of the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates - health is not everything, but everything is nothing without health - is not yet sufficiently understood in our society.

It cannot be said about school leaders and teachers that they have the opportunity and are able to build the educational process and lessons in such a way that the search-motor and sensory-emotional capabilities of each student expand, and the child experienced only positive emotions. The school is dominated by an authoritarian style of communication. Moreover, children can be humiliated and insulted. An ignoramus, a fool, a cow - these are perhaps the most innocuous definitions that teachers reward their pets with. Not out of malice, of course. A.A. Korobeinikov argues that in terms of the degree of tension, the load on the teacher is greater than on the manager and banker, the general director and the president of the association. As a result, many teachers experience a state of chronic physical and emotional fatigue. Enthusiasm for work decreases, sensitivity to criticism becomes more acute, and tension arises in communication with colleagues and parents. It goes to students too. This is a burnout syndrome, a stress response. And it shows that adults also need psychological support. In our country, there are good techniques that have been tested in hot spots that help to get rid of stress. But Russian teachers do not yet own them. But in general, the question of the health status of teachers has been little studied, and therefore it is not known what and how to treat them for.

Western society has created a system of rejection of everything that we call "unhealthy lifestyles." Smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and simply inappropriate appearance are regarded there as vices and cause a negative reaction from employers. Addiction to beer is also frowned upon. Our public opinion is indifferent to teachers with bad habits, with rare exceptions, although everyone knows that the teacher's behavior is an example for the student. Imagine that a first-grader, for whom the teacher is the personification of everything new, kind, interesting, saw that the teacher smokes ... No stories about the harmfulness of bad habits and the advantages of a healthy lifestyle will not help later. A teacher, as, indeed, every person, must have a responsible attitude towards their health. And for this you need to develop specialized programs. This, at least, is the opinion of A.B. Bakuradze.

Scientists also propose to develop educational and labor legislation regulating the workload of schoolchildren and students.

From understanding to consistent policy

Today in Russian society there is an understanding that it is time to say "no" to school illnesses of children and adolescents. And this must be done at the level of state policy, formulating the relevant articles in the law, backing up with certain amounts in the budget and determining who is responsible for what. But practical steps are not being taken for this. Sometimes even current affairs are slowed down. Thus, participants in the First Forum of Directors of Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions Subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation said that it is easier to fly into space than a college to obtain a license to operate a medical center. At the same time, it was about a purely organizational side of the matter that does not depend on educational institutions.

There are schools and colleges in Russia that work on health-preserving technologies and achieve good results both in the spiritual, moral and physical development of children. There are regions where meals for schoolchildren are properly organized. There are cities whose leaders are not indifferent to the state of sports facilities and adjoining territories and the promotion of physical education and sports. But so far there are not so many of them.

We invite our readers to discuss the most serious issues: how in modern conditions to disseminate and introduce into practice the experience of the best, what should be the physical education programs at school, technical school, college, university, how to effectively organize health-saving activities, support health workers, what points to include in connection with all this in the new law on education - in a word, everything that concerns the work of educational institutions for the harmonious development of the younger generation. This is very important because it is connected with the future of our country and its greatest value - children.

Protecting the health of the younger generation.
The problem of protecting the health of the younger generation, creating adequate
pedagogical conditions for the development of children is becoming more and more relevant
due to the observed increase in neuropsychiatric diseases and
functional disorders.
I believe that the problem of protecting the health of children with disabilities
development, relevant and significant.
Based on this, I have developed a system of health-preserving technologies,
which allows you to organize a smooth "immersion" of students in the educational
activity, stimulates their cognitive activity, has
health-preserving component. Proposed and tested system
application of health-saving technologies is aimed at solving
problems of successful education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities,
to relieve fatigue and improve performance.
Taking care of the health of students is the most important responsibility of the school,
an individual teacher, the entire teaching staff and the child himself.
The child should be aware that being healthy is his responsibility to
yourself, loved ones, society.
 reveal the essence and identify the characteristics of health-preserving
 adapt the collected material in accordance with age
 develop methodological recommendations, check their effectiveness.
 to form an active life position of students;
• teach to strengthen and maintain your health;
 to form ideas about the need for physical activity,
about what is useful and what is harmful to the body.
 Analyze the psychophysical characteristics of the mentally retarded
children of primary school age.

 Determine the essence of health-saving technologies in educational
educational process of the first stage of education with children.
Have developmental disabilities.
 Develop a system of health-saving technologies that allow
organize a smooth "immersion" of students with disabilities
intelligence in educational activities, stimulating their cognitive
Health preservation is a system of work of the educational space for
the preservation and development of the health of all its participants - adults and children. it
concerns lessons, educational work, psychological and medical
service. Health preservation is a chance for adults to solve a problem
preserving the health of students not formally, but consciously, taking into account
peculiarities of the student body, the focus and specifics of the educational
institutions, regional characteristics. The problem of maintaining health is necessary
solve in a complex, and not episodically, so I have identified three
directions of work on health preservation.
The system of application of health-saving technologies developed by me
has the following features:
 activates the mental processes of the child's activity (sensations,
perception, thinking, imagination, memory, attention, speech, motor skills,
• is based on interest, children receive satisfaction and joy;
 creates the most favorable conditions for health and
correctional and educational work with children with disabilities
in development;
This system of corrective health work performs the following
 health-improving (has a health-preserving component);
 training (helps to acquire knowledge);
Correctional diagnostic (detects deviations and changes in
development, helps children in self-knowledge);
Therapeutic (helps to overcome difficulties and makes positive
changes in personality indicators);

 communicative (helps to master the dialectics of communication);

entertaining (gives pleasure, arouses interest).
Means of work in each direction are presented in the form of diagrams:
For recreational purposes, I try to create certain conditions for
satisfying the natural need of mentally retarded schoolchildren for
movement. This need can be met through daily
GYMNASTICS BEFORE CLASS, which can be carried out on a fresh
air, to music and helps:
 to accelerate the entry of the organism into active educational work;
 to achieve a health-improving and hardening effect;
 to educate the correct posture, coordination of movements, a sense of rhythm,
the ability of aesthetic perception of movements.
Gymnastics includes 6 - 8 exercises performed in the next
For posture;
 muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms;
 muscles of the trunk;
Lower limbs;
 attention
Gymnastics before lessons does not replace, but complements the MORNING
Lesson is the main form of student activity. Naturally, and
mental and physical condition of a child with intellectual disabilities
directly depends on how competently these lessons are structured.
In order to prevent fatigue, impaired posture and vision, it is recommended
physical education during lessons, as needed
short rest, which relieves congestion caused by
long sitting at the desk. A break from work is necessary for

organs of vision, hearing, muscles of the trunk (especially the back) and small muscles
brushes. SPORT MINUTES are designed to solve the following tasks:
 relieve mental stress from students by switching to
other type of activity;
• to arouse children's interest in physical exercise;
 to form the simplest ideas about the influence of physical
wellness exercises and initial knowledge of
independent exercise.
Exercise should be emotional, which can be
achieved by pronouncing simple poetic texts in rhythm
movements. Complexes can be performed while sitting or standing, following the show or
together with the teacher. Do exercises to straighten the legs and trunk,
raising the shoulders, raising the head, relaxing the hands, breathing
exercises, movements for the prevention of posture disorders. Should
be sure to perform special exercises for the eyes in order to
prevention of myopia. These exercises can be done in conjunction with
general developmental. In this case, when performing general developmental
exercises involving arm movement are recommended at the same time
perform eye movements, fixing the gaze on the hands.
Work on the DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL MOTOR HANDS solves the following
 stimulation of the development of speech in children;
 preparation of hands for writing in younger schoolchildren;
• training of attention;
Coordination of movements;
 adaptation of left-handers in the world of right-handed people
Vision has a huge role in human cognitive activity.
Visual impairment is directly related to academic success.
Children with visual impairments find it difficult to master spatial
representations, with errors perceive objects and their remoteness,
their location, etc.

 health-improving effect in the process of using the proposed
 prevention of visual fatigue in schoolchildren.
A set of gymnastics exercises for the eyes can be performed with music. He
includes massage exercises, rubbing, removing visual
tension, attention exercises
RELAXATION EXERCISES (muscle relaxation) is necessary
know and apply in practice in order to be able to manage processes
excitement of children with emotional stress, when the child has
excessive tension occurs in certain muscle groups.
Children on their own cannot get rid of this tension, they begin
being nervous, which leads to the tension of new muscle groups. For driving
by these processes it is necessary to teach children to relax their muscles. Children
it is necessary to learn to feel muscle tension, relieve it, relaxing
certain muscle groups. Muscle relaxation exercises
contribute to the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system. These
exercise makes breathing easier, promotes normal
vital functions of the digestive system. Thanks to the braking action,
muscle relaxation exercises are effective with increased arousal
in order to prevent neuroses and overexcitation of the nervous system.
It is common knowledge that correct posture is of the utmost importance in
human life, contributing to the rational use of
properties of the musculoskeletal system and normal functioning
life-supporting systems of the body. In this regard, the formation
correct posture is one of the main tasks, especially in the initial
periods of age development, when the formation is most intense
the body, including the formation of bends of the spinal column and other
structural foundations of posture.
FORMING THE CORRECT POSTURE - difficult and lengthy
process. Posture exercises teach children with
impaired intelligence:

take care of the correct body position;
 coordination of movement;
 the correct combination of movement with breathing.

Posture is a habit of holding your body that has turned into a persistent habit.
Correct posture gives a person a beautiful appearance and creates the best
conditions for the development and activity of the whole organism. To reach
positive results, you need to take care of the correct position
body of pupils from childhood, sitting, standing, walking.
improve blood circulation in the legs, stimulate the work of nerves
stop endings
For the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, recovery
and improve breathing skills you need to use exercises
RESPIRATORY GYMNASTICS. You should especially pay attention to
children with frequent ARVD diseases. They must be identified as a risk group and
conduct separate classes in breathing exercises with them,
voluntary control of breathing. Static breathing exercises
are performed without movement of the limbs and trunk, and dynamic
accompanied by movements
 raised their hands up and to the sides; take your hands back - inhale;
 Bring your hands in front of your chest and lowered them down - exhale;
• tilted the body forward, to the left, to the right - we exhale;
• straighten or bend the body back - inhale;
 lifted the leg forward or to the side, squatted or bent the leg to the chest -
The effectiveness of a holistic educational and training process in many respects
depends on how actively the rest of the children is organized during recess and
dynamic pauses. It has been experimentally proven, for example, that the reduction
duration or limitation of mobility of schoolchildren during recess
sharply aggravates their fatigue. Most beneficial effect on
the performance and health of primary schoolchildren are provided by
MOVING GAMES during breaks and dynamic breaks.
Outdoor games along with strengthening various muscle groups, training
vestibular apparatus, prevention of visual impairment and posture

relieve fatigue caused by intense intellectual
loads, and create a state of special psychological comfort.
It has been established that outdoor games have a positive impact not only on development
physical qualities of children, but also on the formation of structural units
psyche: memory - auditory, motor-auditory, visual; imagination -
creative, re-creating; perception - the degree of development
observation; visual and logical thinking -
ability to analyze, compare, generalize; arbitrary attention.
Outdoor games can be held:
 in the classroom
 at recess
Motor didactic games conducted in the classroom stimulate
brain function, provide the child with the preservation and increase of the stock
Outdoor games conducted during recess along with strengthening
various muscle groups, training of the vestibular apparatus,
prevention of visual impairment and posture relieve fatigue caused by
intensive intellectual loads, create a state of special
psychological comfort.
Thus, a reasonable use of the reserves of the game motor
activity should become a tool for effectively reducing negative
the consequences of training overload, an increase in the level of daily
motor activity of mentally retarded children, improving their
physical capabilities, increasing mental and emotional
the stability of the body in order to ultimately contribute to
preservation and strengthening of health.
The key to success in protecting the health of children with intellectual disabilities is
well-planned extracurricular activities.
A means of forming the motivational sphere of hygienic behavior,
safe life, physical education, provision of physical and

of mental self-development are HEALTH LESSONS. Lesson topics
health can be varied and include questions:

 food;

 human structure;
 issues related to factors destroying health (harmful
But health lessons should include more than physical
health, but also issues of spiritual health. It is necessary that from an early age
childhood, the child learned to love himself, to people, to life. Only man
living in harmony with himself and the world will be really healthy, therefore
an important component of the complex concept of "health" is mental
human well-being, especially in childhood.
Extracurricular activities using health-saving technologies
may include the following forms and methods of corrective health
 art therapy or psycho-aesthetic therapy based on healing
the impact of works of art;
 fairy tale therapy;
 dance therapy;
 music therapy;
 isotherapy;
 organization of training with students.
We will reveal in more detail each of the methods of work aimed at development
emotional adequacy of students with intellectual disabilities.
ART THERAPY offers to lead a gazing ("slow reading") session
pictures. The technology of work in such classes has a clear structure.

Stage 1 - preparatory. Expanding personal experience:
1. Excursions to nature.
2. Maintaining the "Four Seasons" album.
3. A system of practical exercises.
Stage 2 is the main one. Direct communication with works of art:
1. Creation of a "situation of assimilation".
2. Development of emotionality of perception.
3. Development of artistic thinking.
4. Development of logical thinking.
5. Summing up the perception of the painting (synthetic activity,
multiple reading of the work, children's creativity).
CLASSES WITH TALE THERAPY are designed for 6 academic hours with
at intervals of 12 hours a week. The optimal number of students is 46
The structure of each lesson includes:
1. Traditional greeting.
2. Expressive reading of a fairy tale by a teacher (psychologist).
3. Using soft toys in class for the purpose of playing
separate scenes of fairy tales.
4. Discussion of the content of the tale on a fixed set of questions.
5. Drawing. Children displaying their emotional states on
6. Analysis of fairy-tale situations with the help of children's drawings.
7. Completion of the lesson. Summarizing.
The goal of DANCE THERAPY is self-formation and self-improvement with
with the help of preset or arbitrary dance movements,

accompanied by musical accompaniment. This goal is revealed and
concretize the following tasks:
• free self-expression using bodily language;
 splash of emotions;
• expression of feelings;
Physical activity;
 comprehension of the art of owning your body;
• physical and psychological liberation;
 “removal” of complexes;
• correction of stress, neurotic reactions;
 disclosure of creative abilities
The purpose of MUSIC THERAPY is to harmonize the child's personality, restore
and correction of his psychoemotional state and psychophysiological
processes by means of musical art.
• regulation (increase or decrease) of the child's emotional tone;
• removal of psychoemotional arousal;
• formation of an optimistic outlook;
 development of communication with peers;
 development of the ability to convey one's mood through music, movement;
 modeling of a positive state.
ISOTHERAPY reflects the child's direct perception
a particular situation, various experiences, often unconscious.
For the correct interpretation of children's drawings, it is necessary to take into account
the following conditions:
 the level of development of the child's visual activity;

 features of the drawing process itself
 dynamics of changes in pictures on the same topic.
Isotherapy involves the use of crayons, pencils,
markers or paints
The training is attended by children with emotional problems,
discomfort associated with learning outcomes and
own health.
The goal of TRAINING is to create emotional comfort, trusting
relationships, adoption of rules and the formation of skills for joint
group activities
Greater opportunities for the formation of positive emotions,
the child's awareness of himself, his capabilities, consolidation of skills
joint activities, the development of physical activity and
independence is given by the following measures:
 hiking;
Health days;
 sports watch;
 sporting events

An important place in the implementation of health-saving is
health education for parents of mentally challenged students.
Undoubtedly, parents are trying to instill in their child basic skills.
hygienic culture, monitor the preservation of their health. However, for
schoolchildren with developmental disabilities, to strengthen and preserve
health requires the joint work of teachers, parents, psychologists,
speech therapists.

To determine the starting position in working with parents, it is necessary
conduct a QUESTIONNAIRE (students, parents) and
the following forms:
 parent-teacher meetings with a medical professional;
 lecture halls;
 conferences;
 individual work with parents, etc.
Parent-teacher meetings are the most common form of work
with parents. It is appropriate to hold conferences as an exchange of experience or
opinions on this issue. It is necessary to prepare for the conference
an exhibition of literature on the issue under discussion, to study the opinion of adults and
children. Themes of lectures for parents on the problem of health preservation
can be varied:
 Difficulties in adaptation of first graders to school.
 Pupil's daily routine.
• Hardening rules.
 Sports and health.
 My vision. Techniques for acupressure.
 TV in family life.
 Schoolboy and computer.
 How to eat. The basics of proper nutrition.
 About the benefits of vitamins.
 Prevention of infectious diseases.
 The benefits of sleep.
 Bad habits.

 Rules of conduct on the water.
Completed by: educator O. N. Kolupaeva