The project “the formation of patriotic consciousness of students as one of the main civic qualities. Methods and techniques used in educational work to form the patriotic consciousness of younger students


Chapter 1: Pedagogical Foundations of Patriotic Education

1.1. Tasks and principles of patriotic education

1.2. Local lore work as a form of patriotic education

Chapter 2. Methods of patriotic education in primary school




The patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of the modern school, because childhood and adolescence is the most fertile time for instilling a sacred feeling of love for the Motherland. Patriotic education is understood as the gradual and steady formation of students' love for their Motherland. Patriotism is one of the most important features of a comprehensively developed personality. Schoolchildren should develop a sense of pride for their homeland and their people, respect for their great achievements and worthy pages of the past. Much is required of the school: its role in this regard cannot be overestimated.

Unfortunately, at present school patriotic education has practically disappeared, as they say, "to naught." Many factors have contributed to this in recent years: the increased propagation of the opinion by the media about the erroneous path of development of Russia, the absence of a common state, so to speak, basic ideology. In addition, the upbringing of patriotism is hampered by the lack of methodological literature in which teachers could find recommendations and advice on this problem.

Their meaning lies in explaining the real concepts of good and evil, turning the consciousness of schoolchildren to the lofty ideals of Russian history and thereby creating in them independent ideas about the worthy global significance and intrinsic value of Russia. If a teacher in his daily work begins to regularly refer to the materials of the collection, then their use will allow raising a generation of people who are convinced, noble, ready for a heroic deed, those who are usually called the short and capacious word "patriot". As the schoolchildren grow up, as noted by the researchers, the so-called “spring of heroism” (A. Ya. Brushtein) begins to form, requiring implementation, but, no matter how offensive it is to state, it often remains unclaimed. On the other hand, the awakening forces of the growing organism can find their application in adherence to antisocial organizations, the flow of which is growing from year to year.

Therefore, the topic is relevant.

The purpose of this work is to identify the methods and techniques used in educational work to form the patriotic consciousness of younger students.

Substantiate the tasks and principles of patriotic education;

Reveal the methods and techniques of patriotic education of junior schoolchildren;

Show effective forms of upbringing a patriot in primary school.

The object of the research is the process of patriotic education of schoolchildren.

The subject of the research is the pedagogical conditions of work on the patriotic education of junior schoolchildren.

Research hypothesis: if we approach the work of instilling patriotism in primary school children, then the upbringing process can be made more natural and effective. It can be assumed that if, on the basis of the basic program, a set of classes aimed at improving the work on patriotic education of schoolchildren is developed, then the following results can be obtained:

- to raise the level of development of schoolchildren;

- to provide an integrated approach to the harmonious development of schoolchildren;

- to increase the effectiveness of educating children of a cognitive interest in their native land, in their country

Research methods:

Study of pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem;

Monitoring the activities of schoolchildren; conversation

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.

Chapter 1: Pedagogical Foundations of Patriotic Education

1.1. Tasks and principles of patriotic education

The historical experience of the formation and development of our Fatherland indicates that the most important means of forming a civil society, strengthening the unity and integrity of the multinational Russian Federation is the patriotic education of citizens. However, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the changes that took place in Russia and other CIS countries, caused by the transition from one economic formation to another, led to the degradation of the previously established system of patriotic and international education. The lack of ideology, egocentrism, cynicism, aggressiveness, moral relativism began to penetrate into the consciousness of people. It is a matter of concern that this is happening in Russia against the background of strengthening patriotic education in the leading countries of the world, where loyalty to the homeland, respect for the national flag and coat of arms are cultivated.

In conditions of social instability and the absence of effective ideological attitudes, it turned out to be very difficult to develop a concept that would allow teachers to determine which citizen should be brought up, what personal qualities should be formed. As a result, various views of a nationalist, chauvinistic and even fascist persuasion spread with inadequate interpretation of the concepts of "Fatherland", "citizenship", "patriotism", "internationalism", "nationalism", "chauvinism", "fascism", "Zionism", " anti-Semitism "," cosmopolitanism ", etc. In such a dangerous situation, the citizens of Russia are moving away from the former Soviet patriotism and the gradual formation of a new - Russian patriotism, in which the traditions of the heroic past and today's realities of life should be harmoniously combined, taking into account the prospects for the development of society in the foreseeable future.

Describing the current situation in the country, Vladimir Putin says that even the word “patriotism” itself “is sometimes used in an ironic or even abusive sense. However, for the majority of Russians it has retained its original, completely positive meaning. This is a sense of pride in their Fatherland. , its history, achievements. This is the desire to make your country more beautiful, richer, stronger, happier. When these feelings are free from national arrogance and imperial ambitions, there is nothing reprehensible, inert. This is a source of courage, resilience, strength of the people. Having lost patriotism, associated national pride and dignity, we will lose ourselves as a people capable of great achievements "(Russia at the turn of the millennium // Nezavisimaya gazeta. 30.12.1999).

Recently, society has become increasingly aware of the harmfulness of moral degradation for the future of Russia, the word "patriotism" is regaining its high meaning. The difficult situation that has developed in the country has caused concern among employees of educational and cultural institutions, scientists, government, public and religious figures. In their opinion, patriotic education is an important means of forming a civil society, strengthening the unity and integrity of the Russian Federation. An important stage in increasing the attention of the country's leadership and the population to the problems of patriotic education was the development of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005" (approved by the RF Government Decree of February 16, 2001, No. 122).

In the implementation of this program, it is of great importance to reveal the essence of the goal, tasks and principles of educating citizens in the spirit of patriotism and friendship of peoples. Let's consider the key concepts.

As the textbooks on political science say, Russian patriotism is the attitude of citizens to their Motherland - the Russian Federation, expressed in the readiness to serve and defend it. This is an attitude to the vast expanses of the country, its natural resources, the heroic historical past and today's contradictory realities, the peoples inhabiting it, their national merits); cultures, traditions, compatriots.

Friendship of the peoples of the Russian Federation is the relationship of nations, nationalities, based on the ideas of humanism, democracy and good neighborliness. It also represents the processes of implementing these ideas in the field of interethnic relations, which find their practical expression in the form of joint coordinated creative actions aimed at achieving common goals.

Friendship of the peoples of Russia and Russian patriotism are interconnected and complement each other. This is due to the fact that in a multinational state, national (inherent in individual peoples) and civil-patriotic (inherent in the entire federation) are combined as common and special. Under these conditions, patriotism does not divide or isolate the nations of the country, but brings them closer, unites them.

Russian patriotism does not oppose the peoples of the country, but unites them within the framework of a single Federation, strengthens their ties with the peoples of the CIS and other foreign countries. In Russian patriotism, the all-Russian feeling of a citizen is combined with his feeling of a small homeland. home republic, province, or national district.

Russian patriotism should find a combination of the idea of ​​the peoples of Russia with a national, all-Russian idea, which is perceived by the citizens of a multinational, multi-confessional country as a core of values, as the meaning of life.Russian patriotism should also combine the personal inherent in every citizen (regardless of national and religious affiliation) and public, associated with the development of the country's power, its progress, the strengthening of the Federation.

Political scientists note that the goals of education and upbringing in a multinational state are formed in accordance with the interests of the ethno-confessional composition of the population, the nature of the relationship between peoples and national-territorial entities that are part of the federation. These goals naturally reflect the level of development of society. At the same time, it is important to note that a society free from diktat is able to put forward realistically achievable goals if it has come to the understanding that only well-realized prospects for what has been planned give teachers the right direction, help them achieve success.

For Russia, one of the largest multinational and multi-confessional countries in the world, the most important goal of upbringing and education is the formation of Russian patriotism, a sense of friendship between peoples and religious tolerance in its citizens. The general goal defined by the state - fostering a culture of interethnic communication - is differentiated in the system of real-life (family, educational institutions, cultural institutions, media, public organizations) specific tasks. The tasks determined by the common goal are designed to take into account the needs of the development of a multinational, multiconfessional society and social ideals that could become attractive to the peoples that make up the federation.

The tasks of upbringing arise not only from a common goal determined by the essence of the social system of a multinational state, its ideology and politics, but also from the nature of relations between the peoples inhabiting the state. Guided by this initial position characteristic of multinational states, based on an analysis of the mutual relations of the peoples of Russia, taking into account their desire to live together and strengthen a common federal Fatherland, we have identified the following system of tasks for the patriotic education of citizens, namely education in them: love for the Fatherland - the Russian Federation and its multinational people; Russian patriotism, in which the all-Russian feeling of a citizen (readiness to serve the Motherland, to defend it) is combined with his love for his small homeland (his native republic, region or national district); respectful attitude to all peoples of the Russian Federation, to their history, traditions, languages, cultures, national honor and dignity; love for the native language, culture and history of their people; respectful attitude towards the Russian people and understanding of their role in the formation and development of Russian statehood; respect for the Russian language as the most important means of interethnic communication and mutual rapprochement of the peoples of Russia and the CIS; friendly attitude towards the peoples of the CIS, the formation of a sense of belonging to the Commonwealth of Independent States;

respect for international norms of human and peoples' rights, which presupposes the formation of legal consciousness and legal culture;

deep respect for the Constitution and other laws of the Russian Federation;

respect for human and civil rights and freedoms, regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence and attitude to religion;

deep respect for common human values, common human civilization (peace, security, freedom, the ability for each nation to determine its own destiny, the triumph of reason and humanism, ensuring the rights and freedoms of the individual);

respect for world languages ​​and languages ​​of interethnic communication, accompanying this work by clarifying the unconditional right of all peoples to freely use their native language;

respect for the national dignity and feelings of people, for their ethnic views and beliefs;

respectful attitude to the national and confessional affiliation of a person, to the ethnocultural and religious needs of people;

an irreconcilable attitude towards all forms of manifestation of nationalism, chauvinism, racism; fostering hatred of genocide, apartheid, preaching fascism and other racial, national or religious exclusivity;

religious tolerance and respect for the religious feelings of people;

respect for the provisions of the Constitution that Russia is a secular state, where religious associations are separated from the state and equal before the law, all citizens are guaranteed freedom of conscience and religion, education is secular in nature.

So, we examined the goal and objectives of the patriotic education of citizens. Let us turn to the consideration of the relevant principles, which, as is known, in pedagogy are considered to be the fundamental, fundamental ideas, initial provisions and systems of requirements arising from the goal of education and the theoretical provisions established by science, the observance of which ensures the effective functioning of the educational process. The principles of education express the basic requirements for the content, methods and means of educational work.

When solving educational problems, the teacher is guided by the principles of education. It is designed to take into account both the nature of upbringing itself and the various circumstances and conditions under the influence of which the process of socialization of the young generation proceeds.

The authorities and the public are called upon, guided by the principles of state national policy, to regulate relations between the peoples of the country, to establish their joint peaceful life, and to strengthen a common multinational homeland. Such regulation is carried out at the level of ethnic communities and national-territorial entities.

The teachers, guided by the principles of patriotic education, are called upon to promote the strengthening of friendly relations between the peoples of Russia (at the psychological, interpersonal levels) by instilling in citizens the feelings of Russian patriotism, friendship of peoples and religious tolerance.

The principles of patriotic education constitute an interconnected, integral system, guided by which teachers ensure the effective implementation of the goals and objectives of education, embody the content of education and upbringing in pedagogical practice, subject to the mandatory condition of public and state regulation of the activities of educational and cultural institutions, public organizations, the media and families on patriotic education ... To the principles of patriotic education, we attribute the orientation of education to:

strengthening the unity and integrity of the Russian Federation;

taking into account in education the characteristics of various categories of the population (preschoolers, junior schoolchildren, adolescents, senior schoolchildren, students, government officials, military personnel, residents of cities and villages);

preservation and development of historically established friendly relations of the peoples of Russia, their rallying in a single federal state;

assistance to the development of national cultures and languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation;

assistance in the peaceful resolution of interethnic contradictions and conflicts;

debunking propaganda of racism, nationalism and religious hatred;

ensuring the equality of peoples and national minorities of the country;

ensuring equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen regardless of his race, nationality, language, attitude to religion;

strengthening of the positive in the relationship of peoples and religious confessions of the country;

humane, respectful attitude towards people of different nationalities and races, towards their historical heritage, cultures and traditions;

a combination of national, civil-patriotic and universal human upbringing;

ensuring mutual understanding and cooperation between people, nations, racial, ethnic and religious groups;

the formation of each new generation of national identity, open to the perception of the values ​​of other peoples;

prevention of interethnic conflicts;

taking into account the religious and confessional characteristics of different peoples in the upbringing, observance of the equal status of religions; cooperation with traditional religions in fostering a sense of respect and trust between peoples, religious tolerance;

dissemination of objective information about the common life and problems of the peoples of Russia, the ideas of their spiritual unity, interethnic peace, cooperation and mutual assistance;

taking into account the national and cultural needs of the scattered peoples and national minorities of the country for the preservation and development of their identity, traditions, languages, culture, education;

preservation of the original culture, languages, traditions and habitats of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East;

taking into account in education the ethnopolitical situation of the North Caucasus, its historical and cultural specifics, a special geopolitical position and the consequences of armed conflicts;

protection of the rights of refugees and forced migrants, taking into account their national and cultural characteristics;

mastering the Russian language - a means of interethnic communication and mutual rapprochement of the peoples of Russia and the CIS;

ensuring cultural interaction between the Russian Federation and the CIS countries within the framework of the common Eurasian ethnocultural space.

1.2. Local lore work as a form of patriotic education

Until quite recently it was possible to say only "military-patriotic education", since patriotism was associated only with the image of the enemy. The demilitarization of the school, which is somewhat more successful than democratization, has removed from the curricula the course of elementary military training, the obligatory Zarnitsy and Eaglet, although it has retained the “arming with knowledge” in the vocabulary of teachers and administration.

Patriotic education, like moral education, cannot be carried out according to instructions and voluntary-compulsory games, which are appropriate in a military school and alien in a general education school. In order that in case of danger a person, without hesitation, stood up to defend his Motherland, he must feel love for this Motherland that pierces to pain in his heart. The love that we not only feel, but also, as it were, hear both in the words of M. Sholokhov and in the prose poem by Fyodor Kryukov "Dear Land": Dear Land ... Like a mother's affection, like her tender call over a cradle, warmth and joy the magic sound of familiar words flutters in my heart.

The quiet light of dawn is fading a little, a cricket is ringing under a bench in a corner, a silver pattern is embossed in a window for a young month ... It smells of dill from the garden ... My dear land ...

The crosses of my dear graves, and over the Levada, the smoke of kizek, and spots of white kurens in a green frame of willow groves, grain with brown straw and a crane frozen in the thought - excites my heart more strongly than all the wonderful countries beyond the distant seas, where the beauty of nature and art have created world of enchantments. I love you, dear land.

The chant of the drawn-out songs of antiquity, longing and daring, the beauty of separation and boundless sadness - they pinch my heart with the sweet pain of sadness, inexpressibly close and dear.

The wise silence of gray mounds and in the sky the scream of a gray eagle, in a pearly haze, visions of the old zipun knights, who poured the blood of a young man, dotted with Cossack bones the green and dear space ... Isn't that you, Dear Land?

In the days of timelessness, in a time of vague disintegration and despondency, I, hating and loving, mourned You with bitter tears, my Native Land ... "

This work, created in 1918 (abbreviated), has not lost its freshness and relevance today.

Much connects a person with the place where he was born and raised. The native land, its people, nature, passing through consciousness, become a part of human destiny. Wherever we live, whatever language we speak, Russia is our common, big, only Motherland. However, each of us also has his own, dear to the heart corner of the earth, where he saw the light of the sun, took the first steps, got a start in life. This place - a city or a farm - is incomparable with anything else. This is our threshold of life, Small Homeland.

Many methodologists believe that the main methodological principle of patriotic education of students should be their knowledge and awareness of their Little Homeland. The patriotic education of students begins with the knowledge of the Little Homeland, with the knowledge of the smells of spicy steppe herbs, the mysterious breath of the sea depths, the singing of a lark in the skies. It is no coincidence that in pre-revolutionary Russia in the school curriculum there was a subject "Homeland Studies", which was later renamed "Local History". In the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl read: "Local history is a body of knowledge (historical, geographical, etc.) about individual localities or the whole country, this is a comprehensive study of their area - nature, economy, history, life of people - mainly by local schools" ...

“Local history is, first of all, love of the region,” reminded Professor S.O. Schmidt. “The most widespread type of science,” Academician D.S. Likhachev. High science here merges with the masses. Not only figuratively, but literally. After all, the local history club is perhaps the only place where a gray-haired professor can discuss a common problem with a young teacher or schoolboy from a distant farm.

It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of local historians to many sciences.

Indeed, without a comprehensive, comprehensive study of the native land (which is what local history is doing), it is impossible to form a person of culture.

And how not to remember here the words of Vitaly Zakrutkin:

"Love to motherland. Unrepeatable love for the place where you first saw the sun and the mother's head bowed over you, and heard the words of your father, and repeated them, learning the beauty of your native language! Whose soul was not disturbed by this bright, pure, incorruptible love? "

The homeland can do without us, but we are nothing without it. This great truth, to which V.A. Sukhomlinsky, every child should understand and feel. Any schoolchild who is interested in local history can choose an occupation to their liking. There are the following areas of local history work: geographical, artistic, historical, literary, environmental.

Geographic study of local lore studies the climatic features of the area and their dynamics, forest and steppe massifs, hills, ravines, individual trees, mounds, fragments of landscape and sea areas, steppe mounds, individual mountains and dunes, soils, fauna, streams and springs. Sculpture, architecture, art crafts, oral folk art, musical folklore, woodcarving, dance art, etc. can become the object of art research in local history.

The subject of attention of local historians is the history of cities, towns, individual buildings, outstanding personalities, enterprises, schools, social processes and phenomena, the population

In pedagogical science, the goal of literary local history is to identify two dependencies: how a particular city (village) formed the personality of a writer (poet) and how this writer reflected this or that area in his work.

The main sources of local history information are:

Periodicals (newspapers, magazines, almanacs);

Fiction (but you need to remember that n (every writer-artist reliably reflects reality);

archival funds;

funds of museums;

all kinds of plans and maps;

material traces of culture (works of sculpture, painting, architecture);

Statistics materials;

Oral testimonies of old-timers. Basic principles of local history work:

Systems approach;

Ultimate reliability of facts;

The synchronicity of certain directions of search (for example, art or the nature of the region cannot be considered in the historical context).

The forms of local history work are lesson and extracurricular, both active (search itself, tourism, field work) and passive (working out field materials, excursion services in school museums).

Extracurricular local lore work is search expeditions, tourism, theoretical local history circles, thematic evenings, contests, olympiads, plein air (picturesque sketches from nature).

The end result of serious local history work is the school museum.

It is good when the school search for local lore work is consistent with the work of local state museums or is carried out under their patronage. In this case, success is assured. For example, search expeditions of schoolchildren in Taganrog gave a lot to the literary museum of A.P. Chekhov; schoolchildren of Rostov, under the guidance of a history teacher, who excavated the wreckage of over 10 dead aircraft, donated a lot of materials to the regional museum of local lore; The State Museum "Postal Station" in Aksai began with a modest museum of one of the city's schools.

The quality and volume of local history work, the passion of children and the scale of their activities largely determines the personality of the teacher. You cannot count on success if you treat the work formally, without much personal interest. Children will immediately feel the official taste in communication.

Only after a good methodological preparation can one approach the practical implementation of one's ideas, for intuition alone in local history work is not enough. The content, topics and forms of working with children, and the depth of elaboration of individual tasks, of course, depend on the age group ..

In order for younger schoolchildren to be able to fully feel the features of the school, imbued with its traditions, and then continue them, adults should know the kids well, their features.

In the book by Sh. A. Amonashvili "At school - from the age of six" the author names a number of properties that are of particular importance for the effective organization of teaching and educational work with them in school conditions. These properties include: lack of social and moral experience; the predominance of urgent needs and impulsive activity; the desire for play.

Let us try to trace, using the examples of the work of many schools, how the tasks of military-patriotic education of primary schoolchildren are being solved, taking into account the peculiarities of this age, what can be done in order to become a defender of the Motherland in the process of educational work.

From the first school days, many teachers form such important concepts in children as "Motherland", "patriot", "feat", "warrior-liberator". Students are led to the realization that patriotism is love for the Motherland, active, effective love, the desire to strengthen its power on its own.

Awakening children's interest in history and exploits, teachers make lists of books on military-patriotic topics for extracurricular reading. Some of them are discussed in extracurricular activities, for example: “Volodka is a partisan son” by A. Perventsev, “Captain Gastello” by A. Belyaev, “Storming the Reichstag” by B. Gorbatov, “Kortik” by A. Rybakov, “What have you done good? Tatianicheva, etc.

In a number of schools, the reading of works of art dedicated to young heroes is skillfully used. It seems to us that third-graders will read with great interest A. Gaidar's "Tale of the Military Secret, Boy-Kibalchish and His Firm Word" and others, unfortunately, now forgotten books. It is imperative to invite war veterans to a meeting with the guys. They will acquaint schoolchildren with concrete, vivid facts of the heroism of Soviet soldiers, with the heroic deeds of children - pioneers and schoolchildren. Then you can conduct military - patriotic games, which are also forgotten, you can revive Timurov's work, providing constant assistance to war veterans and not only on holidays.

Of interest are the lessons of courage held in the elementary grades. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War arrive at the school to take part in them. Then you can conduct a review of the troops. Each class has its own form: pilots, tankmen, border guards, sailors .. Refereeing is organized by senior students. Honorary jury - veterans .. Thus, the review of the troops actually opens lessons of courage, refracting the continuity of generations in the military-patriotic activities of schoolchildren.

Every year, together with their parents, teachers, veterans, schoolchildren can participate in the laying of wreaths at the grave of soldiers. On the eve of this day, primary school students, under the guidance of teachers, make artificial flowers, weave them into the frame of wreaths. The kids understand well: they have been given a great honor to prepare an important school-wide business and directly participate in it.

In schools, it is advisable to conduct cycles of conversations dedicated to the symbols of the country: the creation of the State Emblem, the flag, the text and music of the Russian anthem (such work in an accessible form can be easily started in elementary grades); specifically for junior schoolchildren, it would be possible to advise the following topics: "Why is the flag of our Motherland a tricolor?"

Thus, the military-patriotic education of junior schoolchildren is characterized by the emergence of a number of new forms, moreover, those that involve the inclusion of students in direct military-patriotic activities: "Zarnichka", reviews of the formation and songs, the search for materials about the exploits of relatives and friends, heroes-fellow countrymen, assistance in equipping the exposition of the school museum of military glory, participation in military-patriotic ceremonies. An important prerequisite for the effectiveness of military-patriotic education of junior schoolchildren is their timely introduction to the traditions that were born in school and aimed at training patriots.

But non-patriotic education can be carried out in the classroom. The lesson was and remains the most important link in the system of educational work with students. It is during the lessons that the foundation of patriotic consciousness, patriotic feelings and behavior of a citizen - the builder and defender of the Fatherland - should be laid. Practice shows that no interestingly staged extracurricular and extracurricular educational work can ever compensate for the gaps in education in the classroom.

So everyone is in favor of going to the lessons at first, taking into account their importance and the paradoxical circumstance that the most important link in the system of military-patriotic education — the lesson — has not received proper disclosure in the works of specialists.

Discipline as one of the most important qualities necessary for the successful fulfillment of military duty is formed precisely in the classroom.

When and where is high discipline formed in school - in the classroom or in the process of extracurricular work, in primary, middle or high school? The answer can be unequivocal: both in the classroom and outside them, from the first minute of schooling to the last. But, calling things by their proper names, we admit: the formation of discipline in such a range of time and space is possible only in those schools where there is a team of like-minded teachers and educators. And what is an indicator, a litmus test of the presence of such a team (that is, the present, and not just the state) in the school? The unity of the requirement of teachers to students - in large and small, in the lesson and outside the lesson, etc.

Therefore, if the unity of the requirements of teachers-educators in large and small is not achieved, neither the content of the educational process, nor the high individual skill of individual teachers will help out. Teaches, educates, disciplines, instills a high culture of work, first of all, the very organization of the educational process, in which there can be no trifles, everything is "close-up": how the teacher entered the class, how was the mutual greeting passed, was it heard the report of the class attendant, in what condition the workplace of each student is, whether everyone is ready for the lesson, etc.

Is the school clean? Is the style of the lobby, assembly hall, stairs, etc. uniform? Do all lessons begin and end strictly on call? Does every teacher know how to listen to the student to the end, will not allow himself to shout at his pupil, make comments in an offensive, degrading form of the child? All these and many other questions are part of one big question: is there a real school?

The unity of the requirements of teachers in the field of military-patriotic education of students finds its concrete expression in a productive school regime, without which it is impossible to successfully solve the problems of teaching, or education in general. A clear regime of school life, academic work and extracurricular activities is an important, effective factor in fostering discipline in students.

The correct regime determines the efficiency of the team, the clarity of its working rhythm, fosters a culture of mental and physical labor. Increasing the level of exactingness to pupils, he has a positive effect on their emotional sphere, disciplines externally and internally, fosters will and temper character.

The importance of discipline is great for the carriers of any profession. Another thing is also obvious: without high discipline, there is no warrior and there cannot be, just as there can be no army without discipline of the highest order. It is discipline that is not only an indispensable prerequisite, a tool for solving problems, but also a stable alloy of moral, political, intellectual, emotional and volitional characteristics of a person. That is why there is a need to use in the practice of secondary school, and in particular in the organization of a clear schedule of school activities.

If a proper working atmosphere is not created at school, firm discipline is not established in the classroom, during breaks and extracurricular activities, teachers will never be able to solve general educational and educational tasks, including military-patriotic education.

Apparently, there is a need to draw the attention of secondary school teachers to the importance of a strict and clear regime of educational and extracurricular activities. In conclusion of the conversation about the routine of school life, let us note that the attention paid in our work to this issue is objectively justified. Firstly, the address of the conversation is quite wide: the whole school, all the teachers, the organization of work in the classroom and after school hours. And secondly, let us agree that the routine of school life is an integral part of the educational atmosphere created by the efforts of all teachers and students.

Chapter 2. Methods of patriotic education in primary school

Patriotism, according to the Methodists, is a deep awareness of one's inseparability with the Fatherland, not only in its historical, cultural and territorial aspect, but also in inseparable involvement with its nature.

Teachers, unjustifiably pushed into the background the problem of the formation in children of true love and respect for the Motherland, for its historical past, for the Russian original culture, for folk art and art

So, to educate patriotism in work, you can use folk themes: folklore, folk poetry, fairy tales, epics, phraseology and vocabulary of the native language, a variety of arts and crafts, folk rituals and traditions, i.e. all those spiritual values ​​that our great Motherland is rich in, which constitutes the core of the national character. At first, this work was carried out in the classroom, then through the folklore circle, through electives in aesthetics.

The author's program of the teacher of the Russian language and literature from the city of Kirov NV Chernykh “Russian traditional culture” was developed. Where there are necessarily several lessons devoted to the small homeland. Their goal: to reveal to children the meaning of the concept of "small homeland". Understand why the Motherland is the most precious thing?

During the lessons, the works of M.I. Glinka, P.I. Tchaikovsky, bell chimes, fragments of sacred music, Russian folk songs, poems about Russia, about the Vyatka Territory are played. Then the work on the Russian theme deepens and expands. Students meet with folk craftsmen. Lessons are conducted in a fun way. More historical material is included in the content of the lessons. Students are sure to get acquainted with the traditions, rituals, legends of their people (after all, every nation is rich in its own national characteristics), they tell about the ancient Russian cities, about their hometown. During off-hours, various holidays and excursions are held. For example, "Holiday of Russian nesting dolls." Or "Russian forest" Children went on a city tour, in museums, workshops in cities

Meetings with famous people of their region are interesting and informative. So, you can invite writers and museum workers to the school. Together with the masters, conduct classes where students will get acquainted and learn how to make and make all kinds of national clay products.

Based on the program of N.V. Chernykh, you can conduct a lesson that is unusual at first glance. "Native side". The lesson is always preceded by a walk along the streets where there are old buildings. The disciples were surprised to discover the beauty of these houses anew. After the tour, they enthusiastically work on creating the image of the house. Someone made it out of paper, someone painted it, and it turned out to be a beautiful street that will remain in children's memory for a long time.

In the work, it is necessary to use the interaction of three types of art - word, painting, music, where it is shown how the same phenomenon is depicted by different works of the master.

Working in this direction, we can say with confidence that: students will study with interest the material related to folk culture, especially when they themselves are participants in the creative process. Their cultural level rises, there is a need for obtaining new knowledge about the Motherland, about folk traditions. All this is very important for the formation of patriots, worthy citizens of their Fatherland.

A concrete understanding of the role and place of native nature in the life of society and the fate of the Fatherland manifests itself in each of us in a personally interested, caring attitude towards it. Recently, the unfairly derogatory, for any reason, the phrase “the revival of Russia” has become firmly rooted in the media. However, let’s think about it: Russia is still a unique natural complex, the only country in the world, in the depths of which the entire periodic table is present, so the statements about the “dying of Russia” seem to be premature, to put it mildly.

Taking care of our natural treasures is another matter. Development of teaching and educational tools used when communicating with schoolchildren to form their views and beliefs on the preservation and reproduction of natural resources.

It is possible that thanks to the activities implemented in the school environment, schoolchildren who have become adults, depending on their field of activity and social status, will try to do everything in their personal capacity to preserve the natural resources of Russia.

But the symbols of Russia are not only the white birch tree and the mighty oak tree. Many wonderful features are still considered characteristic of our country - from Russian heroes and beauties to dishes of national cuisine and arts and crafts.

Of course, in one event it is impossible to fully cover the entire history and traditions of, say, such an art as Vologda lace. But it is possible and necessary to tell about the most valuable, striking and noticeable phenomena and events in the whole world, recognized as typical only for Russia.

And if a child treats his national symbols with great care from childhood, then we can say with greater confidence that he will become a patriot of his country. In primary school, patriotic education can begin with extracurricular activities. For example:

Russian forest

Participants: Presenter, children in costumes depicting plants of the Russian forest - Rosehip, Dandelion, Pine, Lingonberry, Golubik, Ivan-tea, as well as the Doctor, vocal and dance ensembles.

Preliminary preparation: musical screensavers are being prepared, montages, songs and dances are learned. To decorate the audience, you can use reproductions from paintings by famous artists, images of forest plants, multiplied posters with recipes for useful preparations and forest gifts

On the stage there is a vocal ensemble performing the song "Russian Forest" (music and lyrics by MA Davydova).

Ensemble (sings).

Forest, Russian forest, pines, spruce, aspen, birch,

Forest, Russian forest, winter evening and summer thunderstorms,

The forest, the Russian forest, is full of mystery and full of beautiful

Forest, Russian forest, once stood as a wall for Russia

The forest, the Russian forest, was terrible for foreign soldiers.

Forest, Russian forest, please people forever and grow up to heaven.

Forest, Russian forest, Russian forest.

The ensemble leaves. The Presenter appears.

Leading. The Russian forest is undoubtedly worthy of admiration. Forests generally play an important role in maintaining moisture on the ground, regulate the flow of water into rivers. Merciless deforestation entails an increase in soil moisture, an increase in the water level in local rivers during floods and a greater likelihood of flooding. Imagine rainwater flowing unhindered into rivers, pouring into their river valleys and devastating everything in its path. Of all the European countries, Russia is the richest in forests. In Western Europe, as a result of the mismanagement of deforestation by the beginning of the XXI century, alas, the forest tracts remained negligible. Residents of Germany, Italy, France, Belgium have forgotten what ordinary forest mushrooms are. Now they feast on only mushrooms grown in greenhouses. But forest mushrooms are much tastier.

It is not for nothing that Russian people love most often during their holidays to go not to suburban resorts, but, guess where? That's right, in the nearby forests and groves. After all, here you can spend the whole day with health benefits. And besides, you can make useful supplies for the winter and take away from here not only mushrooms, flowers and berries, but also unforgettable impressions, which will later become the basis of long pleasant memories.

The Doctor appears.

Doctor. Good afternoon. I hear you are talking about the benefits of forests? May I also take part in your conversation?

Leading. Hello. Of course you can, just introduce yourself, please. Although I guess from your white coat that you are a doctor.

Doctor. Quite right. May I join your conversation? After all, the forest is indeed a great blessing for all of us. The forest air is healing. It contains few microbes and many useful microelements. Therefore, sanatoriums for sick people and rest homes are always erected near forests. Let's remember what useful medicinal plants you know that grow in forests.

Children answer.

Look, there are recipes on our walls, where it is indicated how to use a particular plant correctly and what can be prepared from it.

Leading. Let the medicinal plants themselves take part in our conversation about the forest today, and let each of them tell a little about himself.

Children also appear in costumes of forest medicinal plants. Each of them tells about himself.

Presenter And here are our guests. Dear Doctor, can you introduce them?

In r and h. I think the guys themselves will now call the name of each of them. Guys, listen to the riddle that each of the guests will ask you, and answer it.

Rose hip.

Vitamin Jam

We will cook it to everyone's surprise.

My name is Rosehip, I have smart hot pink flowers and sharp thorns for protection. My berries are the champions among plants in the amount of vitamin C. But few people know that you can use not only my berries, a decoction of which they drink for stomach pain or lack of vitamins, but also my flowers. When they begin to bloom in spring, their rose petals are brewed and taken for colds, and if boiled in sugar syrup, you get a delicious rose petal jam.


I am a well-known plant.

In the summer I am yellow like the sun.

I will fade - I will change the color.

And you will see in the window

What else am I wearing.

White as a bunny in winter

Your hilarious ...


My flowers are one of the first to appear in the spring, and when they ripen, they scatter in cheerful parachutes. Dandelion leaves are also used for colds. And if you pick up a few handfuls of my ripe, bright yellow flowers, add lemon sliced ​​with skin to them and cook with sugar, you will also get a delicious jam. Pine.

Evergreen tree,

It is hardened by the sun.

And in winter there is no time for sleep.

Grows on the mountain ...

Decoctions of pine needles soothe the nervous system, help with flu and sore throat. From young pine cones, you can cook an excellent delicacy. First, they must be cleaned, pour boiling water for a minute to soften, and then cook in thick syrup. Cowberry.

Nice beauty!

Everyone likes the berry.

It's only very wild under the snow

See the berry ...

Yes, because even in winter you can dig up bright red lingonberries from under the snow. Oh, and my berry is delicious, soaked in sugar syrup. A decoction of lingonberry leaf is used if a person has kidney pain, as well as with nosebleeds.


I am a humble forest berry. In the clearing, my berries look together in a row. From under the leaves, look, It appeared ... (Blueberry).

Yes, I am a blueberry. A decoction of my leaves helps with heart disease. Blooming Sally.

Bees curl back and forth - Collect sweet honey. Before us by chance Appeared ... (Ivan-tea).

Yes, my name is Ivan Chai. People have learned to use everything that grows in the spring on my root. Ivan tea leaves are eaten as a salad, soup is cooked from the stems, the roots are boiled, and they can replace meat in terms of satiety and number of calories. You can also dry the whole willow-tea plant, grind it into flour and bake bread from it. I'm not talking about the flowers of my plant: they gave me the name - Ivan-tea, which means that they can be brewed and drunk as a tasty and healthy drink.

Leading. Great, we are very glad to see you, dear medicinal plants. What do you think, guys, what tree is most often remembered if they want to talk about Russia? Hear the riddle about him:

And not a girl, but a beauty, Everyone will fall in love, everyone will like it, Black and white dress on her, About her curls, her glory is rolling.

Children answer: "Birch".

That's right, these are riddles about the birch. Even one of the most popular Russian folk songs praises the birch, remember, "There was a birch in the field."

The round dance song "There was a birch in the field" is being performed.

The Russian forest is not only a doctor and comforter. He is a protector. Indeed, only in the forest can a person find everything he needs for life - trees to build a dwelling, plants and game - for food, and a person can sew warm fur coats from the fur of forest dwellers. And also a completely unusual role was taken by the Russian forest during the years of difficult trials of our Motherland. Remember, during your music lessons, you listened to a song about the Russian forest, which became a defense and guard for the partisan fighters who liberated their Motherland - Russia - from the German fascist invaders. This song is called "The Bryansk Forest Rustle Severely". Here is its beginning:

The Bryansk forest was rustling severely.

Gray mists descended

And the pines heard around them, as they walked,

How the partisans went to battle. Let's listen to this song again. Pay attention to how the song will sound: it begins quietly, as if we see a dense forest in the predawn fog and partisans going to battle the enemy. And in the middle, the song sounds loud - the music here paints a picture of the battle itself. The end of the song is quiet again, the battle ended in victory, and again we see only the Russian forest, sheltering its defenders in its heart.

The beginning of the song "The Bryansk forest rustled severely" by S. Kats sounds.

During the difficult years of military trials, the Russian forest became a home for those who did not surrender to the enemy, but fearlessly fought for their Motherland, their loved ones, for the future of their country. Now let's remember one more tree, it is often called the symbol of Russia, when they want to emphasize its inflexibility, heroic strength. What is my riddle about:

By the valley, over the steep

A mighty hero stands,

Thunder and winds are not terrible

The acorns are visible on it.

Children answer: "Oak".

That's right, it's an oak tree. This tree is sung in the Russian folk song "Among the plain valley", where the oak is compared to the hero standing on the clock. There are many trees in the Russian forest, remembering which you want to sing songs. Let's remember the names of songs about forest plants ("Oh, viburnum is in bloom", "What are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash", "Curly maple, carved leaf", etc.). And one of the most popular Russian plants, of course, is viburnum. The tune of the folk song "Kalinka" is known all over the world.

The dance is performed to the melody "Kalinka".

It is with this famous melody that we will end today our conversation about the Russian forest - its beauty, benefits and musicality.

Educational work in the classroom will give noticeable results if it becomes part of the entire work of the school on the patriotic education of children and if it becomes more complicated from class to class in terms of content and methods of implementation.


So, from all of the above, we can conclude that the core of all civic education is patriotism and internationalism.

School has always developed in the children of all peoples of Russia a sense of freedom, unity, equality and brotherhood. The essence of the concept of "patriotism" includes love for the Motherland, for the land where he was born and raised, pride in the historical achievements of the people. Patriotism is inextricably combined with internationalism, a sense of universal human solidarity with the peoples of all countries. A special place in international education is occupied by the formation of feelings of unity, friendship, equality and brotherhood that unite the peoples of Russia, the culture of interethnic communication; intolerance to manifestations of national narrow-mindedness and chauvinistic arrogance. In this process, a great role is played by a truly national multinational culture, faithful to the truth of life.

The leading place in the process of formation of patriotic and international consciousness of schoolchildren is occupied by the content of education. For example, the study of history acquaints with the rich patriotic and international traditions of the peoples of Russia., Reveals to children the essence of the reform of the political system, which opens up the scope for self-government of society, creates conditions for the full development of citizens' initiative; smoothing the mechanism of democratic identification and formation of interests and, the will of all classes and social groups; providing conditions for the further free development of each nation and nationality, strengthening their friendship and cooperation on the principles of internationalism; radically strengthening the rule of law and order; creating an effective mechanism that ensures the timely self-renewal of the political system, the development and implementation of the principles of democracy and self-government in all spheres of life.


  1. Agapova I., Davydova M. Patriotic education at school. - M., Ayris-press, 2002 - 224 p.
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  5. Historical study of local lore / Ed. Mr. Matyushin. - M., 1980.
  6. Regional Studies: A Guide for Teachers / Ed. A.V. Darinsky. - M., 1987.219
  7. Kobylyansky V.A. National idea and education of patriotism // Pedagogy - 1998 - No. 5 - P. 52
  8. S. S. Kuznetsov Geological excursions. - L., 1987.
  9. V.S. Kukushin The history of the architecture of the Lower Don and the Azov Sea. - Rostov n / a: GuinGo, 1996.
  10. V.S. Kukushin Literary study of local lore. - Rostov n / a: GuinGo, 1997.
  11. N.P. Leshchinin Literary Museum and School. - M., 1976.
  12. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy: a course of lectures. - M., Yurayt, 2001 - 607 p.
  13. Milonov N.A. Literary study of local lore. - M., 1985.
  14. Prokhodchik A.F. Workshop on local history. - Minsk, 1981.
  15. Tourist and local history circles at school / Ed. V.V. Titov. M., 1988.
  16. Smirnov V.G. Artistic local history at school. - M., 1987.

In different periods of the development of society, scientists interpreted the concept of "patriotism" in different ways. Based on the analysis of the structure of patriotism, it becomes possible to identify its essence.

Patriotism is expressed through:

Respect for the traditions, history and culture of the country;

Awareness of the merits and successes of their country;

Feelings of belonging to the fate of the Motherland;

Actions for the benefit of the people of their country;

Responsibility for loved ones, people and homeland;

Sacrifice, i.e. willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the fatherland their personal interests, including life.

As you can see, the form of manifestation of patriotism is different: at the behavioral level - as an integrative moral quality, at the methodological level - as a moral principle, on the emotional and psychological level - as a moral feeling that has an acquired character and which is formed throughout a person's life. The analysis of the structure allows us to draw the following conclusion: patriotism is a complex phenomenon and an integral part of the social and moral orientation of the individual.

The formation of a patriotic phenomenon is carried out by various subjects and methods, namely through:

1. Family education. The family as a social community gives the beginnings of value orientation to a person, including a sense of duty to the family, homeland, through the manifestation of love and respect for their country and instilling these feelings in children.

2. The education system. The function of instilling patriotism in the USSR was assumed by the state and manifested it through the education system, which includes the study of such subjects as: Russian language, Russian literature, history of Russia, local history, geography of Russia, national culture and traditions, etc.

3. Formation of patriotic ideas under the influence of small groups, society, the media.

4. Traveling around your country.

5. Military service.

VTsIOM has the ability to judge how Russians perceive patriotism, how they demonstrate their patriotic feelings on the basis of a fairly extensive material. Polls have been introduced since the late 1980s, when Russia, as an independent state, did not yet exist, it was still a part of the USSR. Now, 20 years later, we have the opportunity to compare what people said then and now. Evolution is very noticeable. If at the end of the Soviet era, patriotism was Soviet, then Russian patriotism was born in agony, in opposition to the union. Yeltsin and his followers tried to show that Russia is an independent power that must be reckoned with. Since most of our compatriots grew up in Soviet ideology, Russian patriotism seemed very strange, because earlier the words "Russia" and "USSR" were used interchangeably. For our patriotism in the Soviet Union, "the ground was breaking apart": Soviet patriotism was branded as reactionary. Throughout Soviet history, there was only bad, negative. Then, when the USSR collapsed, the last ground for Soviet patriotism was knocked out from under our feet. Twenty years later, there is a group of Russians who call themselves "Soviet patriots." Moreover, these are people who did not necessarily grow up in Soviet times: the cultural code is being transferred to some families, as a rule, these are people who vote for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, who believe that the USSR is the "golden age" of our history. Of course, today it is already some kind of exotic, marginal. Today, Russian patriotism is widespread for many reasons, including because the process of "scattering" has gone far: when we all existed in one country, but these 20 years were not in vain. The ideology, the political course are built in different ways, the media work in different ways, barriers are erected between the inhabitants of different former Soviet republics. Political history and economic history develop in different ways. Today we feel more like Russians than in Soviet times.

But there are specific Russian features: the situation of the 90s, unsuccessful reforms that promised to make life better. The reforms, from the point of view of most Russians, went wrong, Russia was put on the brink of survival. In the 90s, we had an economic crisis, a default, terrorist attacks from the Caucasus, a spreading fire across different republics, when not only Chechnya, but also Dagestan and Ingushetia were turning into blazing zones. This formed a set of threats to the existence of Russia as a state. But our people and state have found the strength to prevent such a development of events. The arrival of the Putin era was associated with a reversal of the trend: we fell, lost, and in 1999-2000 everything turned in the opposite direction. This caused a surge of patriotic feelings and a positive dynamic. It has again become fashionable to love Russia, it’s not fashionable to humiliate it, to say that everything is bad with us.

The absence of a basic system of values ​​(Soviet values ​​were destroyed, and new values ​​were still at the stage of formation) reflected in the process of socialization and the formation of the patriotic spirit. The modern sociologist Yu. G. Volkov notes that “the deep foundation of the negative state of modern Russian society is that the ideological structure of Soviet society was destroyed in the process of democratic reforms; moreover, the de-ideologization of Russian society was announced as a denial of any ideology. Deideologization has had an especially lamentable effect on the spiritual and moral development of the youth of Russia. In the process of denying Soviet ideology, our youth found themselves defenseless under the onslaught of Western ideology and mass culture, bearing such vices of the Western free world as the cult of profit, violence and homosexuality, the departure of the younger generation into the illusory world with the help of drugs and psychotropic substances. As a result of the initial de-ideologization, and then the thoughtless introduction of liberal Western values ​​alien to the Russian mentality, young people without a civic worldview are being formed ... The democrats' declared unlimited individual freedom from society in the youth environment of Russians has transformed into permissiveness and impunity. "

This circumstance influenced the formation of civic education in Russia, actualizing the need to prepare young people for active participation in the life of a democratic society and the rule of law, the development of which began to take place in the course of legal reforms and modernization of education, when among the main priorities is the need of society to educate citizens who respect the rights and freedoms of the individual, who are carriers of humanistic value orientations, with a high spiritual and moral culture. In this aspect, spiritual and moral culture is not only a set of value orientations, but also rules of behavior, which, being socially significant, will characterize a person.

In December 2011 - January 2012, the Department of Sociology and Social Technologies of Management of the Institute of Fundamental Education of the Ural Federal University conducted the sixth stage of monitoring university students. As part of this work, we analyzed the ideological orientation of modern university youth. 63% of respondents indicate that they do not have a clear orientation, that they do not adhere to any ideology; 8% are in favor of socialist ideas, 15% are supporters of liberal market reforms. Slightly more than half of the respondents - 52% are interested in information about politics, but they themselves do not take an active part in political activities, 42% of students show an extremely negative attitude towards politics, and only 7% - are actively interested in and participate in the activities of one or another party. The main reason why young people are apolitical is the lack of confidence that personal participation can have any influence, distrust of politicians, and their low prestige in the minds of young people.

To the question “what expectations prevail among you today,” the answers were divided approximately equally around two options: some prefer to live in the present day, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow, others hope that life will get better, but not soon. With regard to compliance with the law, students demonstrate the following position: only 30% of respondents believe that the law cannot be violated. 70% of respondents justify violation of the law in various ways: the law restricts the rights of the individual, in the name of the good of the cause, many laws are incomprehensible and therefore are often violated, many laws actually contain impracticable norms, and in general, legislation is changing rapidly, so it is impossible to comply with it.

Freedom for young people is, first of all, independence in choosing a life position. And the most important thing in a democracy is individual freedom. Only now, in order to achieve success in life, just like ten years ago, students point out the need for connections, acquaintances and entrepreneurship in the first place. An interesting analysis of the responses of Yekaterinburg students to the question about the feeling of hostility. Thus, negative tendencies are clearly traced in relations between the rich and the poor, between representatives of different nationalities, the indigenous population towards migrants. Much more restrained statements about relations between residents of different regions of the country, and among residents of Russia in relation to residents of neighboring countries.

Due to today's popularization of volunteering within the framework of the volunteer program of the Universiade in Kazan 2013 and the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014. We believe that volunteering is an ideal form of social adaptation of young people and instilling a patriotic spirit.

The main technologies for the development of the volunteer center and instilling a sense of patriotism in volunteers include: a newspaper, an intellectual and discussion club and student balls.

The newspaper of volunteers, as one of the types of information carriers, will connect all volunteer organizations, form the view of young people with an active life position, aware of the role of social education and forms of behavior in society.

The work of the intellectual and discussion center of the volunteer movement on a permanent basis is based on the promotion of the ideas of civil harmony and solidarity by means of discussing the most important historical, socio-economic and cultural problems of Russia. The Intellectual and Discussion Center will help not only to identify acute problems of society that require the help of volunteers, but also to focus on the need to acquire knowledge of academic disciplines.

Today, the university does not have a purposefully organized process of moral education of students and the formation of their aesthetic perception of reality. . Holding student balls is a new way of forming their own stable concept of morality and ethical and aesthetic culture among young people through the arts: dance, music, theater and artistic creation, aimed at improving leisure time, stimulating the acquisition of knowledge in academic disciplines, as well as motivating young people on social and civic activity. The joint creative activity of teachers and students in the process of preparing and holding balls develops the ability for mutual understanding, cooperation and creates an informal transfer of knowledge and experience from one generation to another.

In conclusion, I would like to add that in the course of our research work, we came to the conclusion that volunteering contributes to the implementation of one of the main tasks of patriotic education - the actualization of the “human in man” based on the value-semantic self-determination of student youth.


1. Volkov Yu.G. Youth and the humanistic perspective of Russia // Abstracts of reports and speeches at the II All-Russian Sociological Congress “Russian society and sociology in the XXI century. Social challenges and alternatives ”. In 3 volumes, M.: Alfa-M, 2003.Vol. 3.

2. Materials of the sixth stage of sociological monitoring (December 2012 - January 2012) / Resp. ed. Yu.R. Vishnevsky. Ekaterinburg, UrFU, 2012.S. 332.


Formation of state-patriotic consciousness is the most important moral and state task of customs authorities


The ongoing reform in the field of education of customs specialists requires further improvement of work with personnel, training of personnel of a new formation, capable of ensuring activities at a qualitatively new level.

Patriotism as an idea and driving force of society and the state was considered by thinkers in ancient times. Various aspects of this sociocultural phenomenon are revealed in the works of Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, etc.

The emergence of the "Russian national idea" is associated with the names of V.S. Solovyova, N.F. Fedorova, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.A. Berdyaev and many other Russian philosophers, writers and public figures. In the works of these authors, the worldview position is concentrated as a socio-cultural model of the “Patriotic Idea”.

Based on the conclusions of domestic thinkers, it can be stated that the patriotic idea is viewed as a cultural phenomenon, as a worldview concept that reflects the national originality of cognition of social reality, the essence and purpose of a person and a citizen. The idea of ​​patriotism at all times occupied a special place not only in the spiritual life of society, but also in all the most important spheres of its activity - in ideology, politics, culture, economics, etc.

Patriotism is a deep and sublime feeling of love for the Motherland, one of the fundamental moral values ​​that customs officers must constantly adhere to.

Education is a creative work. She does not know universal remedies for all occasions, requires constant search, the ability to keep up with life. The inner world of young people is psychologically unusually complex and to the same extent mobile and changeable. This requires active help from experienced mentors. To ensure that such help arrives in a timely manner, and most importantly, is received with interest and gratitude, can be a rather difficult and rather delicate matter. Indeed, in order to instill such qualities as patriotic consciousness, loyalty to constitutional duty, responsibility for the performance of official duties and a constant readiness to protect the economic interests of the Russian Federation, certain skills are required. These qualities are simply necessary for modern representatives of the customs authorities.

The purpose of this work is to study the principles of development in Russian society of high social activity, civic responsibility, spirituality, the formation of citizens with positive values ​​and qualities, capable of manifesting them in the creative process in the interests of the Fatherland, strengthening the state, ensuring its vital interests and sustainable development.

· affirmation in society, in the consciousness and feelings of citizens of socially significant patriotic values, views and beliefs, respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for traditions,

· creating and ensuring the implementation of opportunities for more active involvement of citizens in solving socio-economic, cultural, legal, environmental and other problems;

· educating citizens in the spirit of respect for the Constitution of the Russian Federation, legality, norms of public and collective life, creating conditions for ensuring the implementation of constitutional human rights and his duties, civil, professional and official duties;

· instilling in citizens a sense of pride, deep respect and reverence for the symbols of the Russian Federation - the Emblem, Flag, Anthem, other Russian symbols and historical relics of the Fatherland;

· attraction of traditional for Russia religious confessions for the formation of citizens' need to serve the Motherland, its protection as the highest spiritual duty;

· the formation of racial, national, religious tolerance, the development of friendly relations between peoples.

1. The concept of patriotic consciousness

.1 Patriotism as the Most Important Ethical Principle

ethical patriotic education spiritual

Patriotic consciousness is an important component of the spiritual life of modern Russian society. In recent years, scientific research has paid sufficient attention to the problems of manifestation of Russian patriotism and the formation of patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens in the new socio-economic situation. However, the presentation of the nature of patriotism, the analysis of new elements of its content, taking into account the modern changes taking place in Russian society, requires further development. Patriotic consciousness and patriotic ideas are important components of any social system, at various historical periods of time. With their help, it is possible to assess social qualities and personality traits. As a result, it must be recognized that the development of a scientifically grounded approach to the formation of patriotic consciousness is one of the tasks of domestic science during the evolution of the Russian state and society as a whole.

The following features can be distinguished in the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens:

.manifestation of love for their homeland;

.attitude to the history of the Fatherland, historical memory;

.attitude to the cultural traditions and customs of their people;

.readiness for self-sacrifice to protect their Fatherland.

The patriotic consciousness of young Russians as an integral part of the citizens of Russia has recently been subjected to significant tests, which is associated, first of all, with the modification of the very concept of the Motherland. A much larger number of young people consider themselves patriots and simply love their homeland than they realize that it is necessary to reinforce this love with concrete deeds, which is confirmed by sociological research.

According to the results of a survey conducted among Moscow students in 2013 in Moscow, 57% of the respondents consider themselves patriots, 22% do not, and 21% found it difficult to answer. When compared with the results of the 2009 poll (69% of young Muscovites considered themselves patriots, but did not consider themselves to be patriots and a total of 31% found it difficult to answer), there is a tendency towards a decrease in the level of patriotic consciousness of the younger generation of Russians, there is a belittling and undermining of the feeling of the Motherland. and the very concept of the Motherland fades into the background.

Table 1.1. Indicators of a survey among Moscow students for 2009 and 2013

Year Students who consider themselves patriots Students who do not consider themselves patriots Students who found it difficult to answer 200969% 31% 2013 57% 22% 21%

The feeling of love for the Motherland is always based on knowledge of its history, without which it is impossible to understand modernity, to realize the role and place of your country in the world. Historical memory is a conscious appeal to the past, with all its pluses and minuses, negative and positive content. It is the historical memory of the people that transfers the social and spiritual impulse of the past to the present, imprinting the ideals of selfless service and devotion to their Fatherland in the public consciousness, in the feelings and attitudes of millions of people, forming their spirituality and patriotism, life meaning and values. The well-known Russian philosopher I. Ilyin emphasized that "patriotism can and will live only in that soul for which there is something sacred on earth, who, through living experience, experienced the objectivity and unconditional dignity of this sacred - recognized it in the shrines of its people"

Patriotic education allows you to:

a) a citizen:

· to gain spirituality as a motivational and value core of life; educate higher, socially mediated feelings;

· to form the experience of behavior as a duty of serving the Fatherland; to determine the vector of values ​​in the system "personality - collective - society - state", life-meaning positions in relation to serving the Fatherland;

· form positive personal qualities.

b) the team:

· to unite according to goals, motives and results of activities;

· find a community of interests in the life support system;

· to develop mechanisms of mutual assistance and cooperation.

c) the state:

· preserve and ensure the reproduction of culture and political

· stability; consolidate moral and legal foundations

· social harmony and justice; bridge complementarities

· national tolerance;

· strengthen national security;

· preserve the integrity of the state, its sovereign principle, principles

· statehood, constitutional order;

· to ensure the protection of the state interests of Russia.

The structure of patriotic consciousness can be conditionally divided into two levels - sensual and rational.

The rational level of patriotic consciousness is associated with a person's knowledge of the history of his country, the culture of his people, its customs and traditions, in understanding reality, in a reliable generalization of historical facts. The rational level is a complex of views, perceptions, ideas aimed at the interpretation and explanation of such high moral concepts as a sense of duty, honor, courage, heroism, which underlie the phenomenon of patriotism.

The sensual level of patriotic consciousness is based on the emotional attitude of a person to the Fatherland, its history, and the cultural traditions of its people. The attitude to the Fatherland, always remaining a universal value, preserves individuality in its specific manifestations. It is in relation to the fatherland that a person is identified as a citizen. At the same time, the idea of ​​the Fatherland transforms all the diversity of historical events into the continuity of national culture.
The rational and sensory levels of patriotic consciousness are closely related to the emotional sphere of a person and are the basis for the manifestation of such specific human qualities as duty, honor, courage, heroism at various critical moments in life.
To analyze the structure and specificity of patriotic consciousness, it is necessary to consider these moral feelings in more detail.

The concept of duty belongs to the category of morality, and denotes the moral obligations of an individual (group of individuals, people), performed in accordance with the requirements of conscience. The category of duty is closely related to other concepts that characterize the moral activity of an individual, such as responsibility, self-awareness, conscience, motive.

The concept of honor belongs to the category of ethics, expresses moral self-esteem and social recognition of an individual's activities, his social and moral values ​​in accordance with noble deeds and deeds. The concept of honor expresses the public assessment of a person, the recognition of his dignity.

Courage is a moral and psychological quality of a person, the manifestation of which is characterized by perseverance, courage, courage and self-control, primarily in extreme and conflict situations. Courage is not only an individual psychological quality, but also a social and psychological state of the team.

Heroism is the performance of actions outstanding in their social significance that meet the interests of society and the state, requiring personal courage, perseverance, and readiness for self-sacrifice from a person. Thus, moral feelings such as duty, honor, courage, heroism have always been highly valued in Russian society. The historical memory of the people forever captured the names of their heroes, their actions, which in difficult moments for the Fatherland become an example and role model, forming a high level of patriotic consciousness of citizens. And although today many young Russians do not fully realize that love for the Motherland must be backed up by concrete deeds and actions, an increasing number of them consider themselves patriots, which indicates the beginning of the rise in the level of patriotic consciousness of today's youth in Russia.

1.2 Constitutional duty of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Patriotism is always expressed in a sense of duty to the Motherland. Depending on the specific conditions of people's life, the nature of their activities, debt takes various forms.

Responsibilities in relation to the Fatherland expresses a patriotic, civic duty; to the armed defense of the country - military, to comrades - comradely duty. In whatever form the debt appears, it is always associated with public interests, with moral values ​​and actions. A high sense of duty helps each of us to resist temptations, from a wrong step, to maintain conscience and dignity. “We have all of them,” noted the prominent Russian writer I.S. Turgenev, - there is one anchor, which, if you do not want to, you will never fall: a sense of duty. "

Duty shows the true face of a person, reveals the moral qualities of a person, characterizes his civic position. It is not for nothing that the people say: "Try to fulfill your duty, and you will find out what is in you."

To be faithful to the constitutional duty means in all your deeds and actions to comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to fulfill official duties assigned from above.

According to Article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

A citizen of the Russian Federation carries out military service in accordance with federal law.

As mentioned above, protecting the fatherland is the duty and responsibility of every person. As for the sphere of professional activity of the customs authorities, their duty and obligation is to protect the economic interests of the Russian Federation. Employees in this field of activity must have the qualities necessary to perform the functions and tasks assigned to them. Customs officers play a very important role in protecting the economic interests of the country, this becomes clear if you look at the tasks they perform:

ensuring compliance with customs legislation, protecting the interests and rights of the state, individuals and legal entities during customs control and clearance;

control over the movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

physical examination of goods and vehicles of persons crossing the state border of the Russian Federation;

the fight against smuggling and illicit trafficking of drugs, weapons or ammunition, weapons of mass destruction, cultural values, in respect of which special rules have been established for movement across the customs border of the Russian Federation (Articles 188, 189, 190 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

combating evasion of customs payments (Art. 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation);

implementation of the IBD warning to combat violation of customs rules and offenses committed by participants in foreign economic activity;

verification of the correctness of the provision of customs preferences - transit and tax benefits;

control functions at economic facilities and transport;

organization and conduct of operational-search activities;

organization of a customs protection service.

2. Education of patriotic qualities in practice

.1 General information about the patriotic education program

The most efficient and high-quality work on patriotic education in 2013 was organized in the Far Eastern, Volga, Northwestern, North Caucasian, Siberian, Central, Ural, Southern customs departments, Domodedovo and Central basic customs.

The high-quality implementation in 2013 of the plan for the implementation of the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" in the Federal Customs Service was facilitated by:

· a set of organizational and methodological measures designed to ensure the solution of the main tasks in the field of patriotic education;

· organization of mass patriotic work with the active participation of the media, veteran organizations, work with the younger generation and sponsorship of children left without parental care;

· increasing the interest of young people in physical culture, the development of physical and volitional qualities, readiness to defend the Fatherland;

· activation of the creative potential of customs officials aimed at raising the cultural level of officials and their families.

The progress in implementing the plan for the implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" in the Federal Customs Service (hereinafter referred to as the implementation plan) testifies to the great multifaceted work done by the management, personnel departments, veteran organizations of customs authorities, to improve the current system of patriotic educating Russian customs officers, increasing the number of ongoing patriotic events and the number of their participants.

.2 Information support in the field of patriotic education

One of the social goals of the information and explanatory work carried out by the customs authorities through their own publications and through interaction with the media is to strengthen public confidence in state policy in the field of customs. Positive public opinion is a significant factor in the successful implementation of public administration in the customs sphere.

In order to carry out a direct dialogue between the customs authorities and the public on a regular basis, the management of the FCS of Russia and the structural divisions of the central office of the FCS of Russia speak in the media. They held 42 press conferences and approaches to the press, gave 46 television and 29 radio interviews. Employees of the press service of the FCS of Russia prepared and sent to the media 693 press releases on topical issues of the activities of customs authorities, made 58 television and 653 radio comments, gave 356 responses to requests for information from media editors. Similar work is being carried out by regional customs authorities.

When the FCS of Russia was conducting information and explanatory work in cooperation with the media in 2013, special attention was paid to covering issues such as improving customs administration, introducing customs information technologies, preparing for the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi, participation of customs authorities in the organization of the XXVII World Summer Universiade in Kazan, ensuring the payment of customs duties during customs transit, international customs cooperation, the activities of dog training units, combating corruption, the introduction of criminal liability for violation of currency legislation, the activities of law enforcement units of customs authorities.

In 2013, according to the results of the competition "Customs Olympus - 2013" in the nomination "The best media covering customs issues", Interfax news agency and RIA Novosti, as well as the "South Region" media group, TK "Volga", FE "Baikal" 24 ", radio" Road radio ", JSC" Publishing company "Golden Horn".

Employees of the Public Relations Department, in cooperation with the video studio of the Central Base Customs, prepared 3 videos that were shown at the ceremony of presenting the All-Russian public award "Shield and Rose" in the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" on February 28, 2013 and at the XIV International Exhibition "Customs Service - 2013 "October 23-24, 2013.

Much attention is paid to promoting the customs service, highlighting the everyday life of customs authorities, publishing historical materials related to the formation and development of the customs service in the regions.

Information on the activities of the customs authorities aimed at ensuring the economic security of the state, the successful implementation of customs legislation and increasing the prestige of the customs service is covered in local media and on official websites.

So, in 2013 it was prepared and released on the TV channels "Russia", "NTV", "The fifth channel", "100-TV", "REN-TV", "Telecom", "Kaskad" and others, on the radio channels "Radio Baltika" , "Radio Russia", "Avtoradio", "Road Radio", "Radio Mayak" and other radio stations 134 TV spots and 733 radio spots about the activities of the customs authorities of the North-West Customs Administration. 110 materials have been prepared and published in regional print media.

In order to provide citizens and organizations with access to information on the activities of the customs authorities of the Far Eastern Federal District, including information on the work carried out on patriotic education, the section "Cultural and Social life "with subsections: Competition" Patriot of Russia "and" Creativity ".

When preparing materials posted on official websites and sent for publication in local media, information was widely used on the events held to celebrate public holidays, memorable dates and days of military glory of Russia, anniversary dates of the formation of the customs authorities of the Far Eastern region.

In November 2013, The Day TRC released a film dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Samara customs. To this end, DLSO has done a lot of work on the preparation of materials and the organization of filming.

Central base customs in the framework of the project “To the Glory of the Fathers. For the good of the Fatherland "on the basis of the order of the head of the FCS of Russia A.Yu. Belyaninov created a 50-minute video for the 85th anniversary of V.K. Boyarova “Who are you? Our general ... ". In a short period, the personal photo archive of V.K. Boyarov, interviews were filmed with his colleagues and associates, with N.I. Ryzhkov and E.M. Primakov, which reflect the stages of the formation of the customs service, its role and place in the economic space of the Russian state. According to veterans of the customs service, veterans of special services and personally Vitaly Konstantinovich Boyarov, this video is a unique documentary material that should be in demand in the patriotic and moral education of officials of the customs system.

Thus, the ongoing work on information support in the field of patriotic education helps to increase the prestige of the customs officer's profession, improve the image of the customs service of Russia.

2.3 Work to improve the cultural level and spiritual potential of customs officials and their family members

The results of the implementation of the implementation plan confirm the increased activity of the participation of customs officials in cultural events held in all regions of the country.

The Federal Customs Service has worked out a harmonious system of organizing and holding reviews and contests of amateur art.

In 2013, the 18th amateur art competition was held in the Federal Customs Service from May 25 to November 30.

The final gala concert of the 18th competition was held on November 29, 2013 on the basis of the North-West Customs Administration in St. Petersburg. Its participants were 230 laureates of the competition, 18 creative teams from 39 customs authorities of the country.

It is symbolic that the gala concert, timed to coincide with the 360th anniversary of the signing of the Decree by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, approving the Customs Charter - the basis for creating a unified state system for collecting customs duties - took place in the Northern capital of Russia. The venue for the concert was the Alexandrinsky Theater, created in 1756, an architectural creation of the great architect Carl Rossi.

Opening the gala concert, the first deputy head of the FCS of Russia, Colonel-General of the Customs Service V.M. Malinin. Noting the historical significance of the moment, he said that customs officers are versatile talented people: they not only know how to work, but also have amazing talents. This was once again demonstrated by the 18th amateur art competition at which 40 numbers were presented in various nominations: choral singing, solo vocals, folklore ensembles, dance groups, instrumental and original genres, and artistic reading.

At the same time, the customs authorities continued to search for new forms of raising the cultural level and spiritual potential of customs officials.

Customs officials took an active part in the VIII All-Russian festival of folk art of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other law enforcement agencies, war and military service veterans, their family members "Katyusha" (hereinafter - the Festival). The festival is held in accordance with the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" and with the support of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The final of the Festival took place on October 31, 2013 at the Central Academic Theater of the Russian Army. The winners of the Festival were Nikolay Samuleenkov (Smolensk Customs), who took 1st place, the People's Amateur Group, the Slavichi Cossack Song Ensemble (Kursk Customs) - 1st place, Irina Sharko (Millerovskaya Customs) - 2nd place.

Customs officials take an active part in events held in the regions.

The folk amateur collective ensemble of folk songs "VRADOST" (Yaroslavl customs), along with professional artists, took part in the celebration of "Wide Maslenitsa" on the Red Square of Yaroslavl - the main city of the All-Russian Maslenitsa.

The Siberian Customs Administration and the Head of the Novosibirsk Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church signed an Action Plan for the implementation of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Federal Customs Service. For the purpose of spiritual enlightenment, the personnel of the customs authorities of the Administration periodically meet with pastors and participate in joint events with the Russian Orthodox Church. For example, representatives of the Chita customs took part in the Trans-Baikal Christmas educational readings "Holy Russia: history, modernity, future" and "The role of the media in the formation of spiritual values ​​of modern society."

In 2013, the amateur folk group of the Samara customs, the vocal ensemble "Samarochka" was active both at concert venues in Samara and abroad, and in April became a laureate of the VI City Festival "Samara Cherry 2013".

Officials of the Vyborg customs on November 19, 2013, as part of the vocal ensemble "Guard" of the city veteran organization of veterans of the armed forces and labor, took part in citywide events dedicated to the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery, held in the building of the Vyborg administration, where veterans of the Great Patriotic War were honored, rocket and gunners.

An entertainment program was prepared at the Kaliningrad Regional Customs on the Day of the Veteran of the Customs Service. Sports competitions were held at the festival, among which were presented air pistol shooting and basketball, a competition for the title of "Best hostess" was organized, and a comic competition "Summer skiing" was held. The winners were awarded commemorative medals and diplomas of the Council of Veterans.

April 2013 children of officials of the Karelian customs took part in the All-Russian festival-competition "Crystal Stars", organized by the Federal Bailiff Service. The children of customs officers performed well, having won the 1st place among 56 participants in the "Dance" nomination for the enchantingly performed jaif dance, as well as the 1st place for the professionally performed "Prelude" on the accordion in the "Instrumentalists" nomination and the 2nd place in the same nomination for the game on the folk instrument kantele. Customs officers brought to the competition their sponsored - visually impaired children from boarding school №23 in Petrozavodsk, who took part in the nominations "Dance" and "Instrumentalists".

In July, officials from the Mineralovodsk customs office and their family members traveled to the historical sites of the Karachay-Cherkess reserve, the Alan settlements - the ancient historical settlements of the Alans (the Karachay-Cherkess republic).

Officials of the North Ossetian customs, within the framework of an agreement between the FCS of Russia and the Orthodox Church in 2013, organized and held a meeting with Father Timothy, and also made a pilgrimage trip to the relics of Theodosius of the Caucasus in Mineralnye Vody (Stavropol Territory).

Thus, the customs authorities of Russia pay great attention to cultural events, their preparation, patriotic saturation, attracting officials of all categories from an ordinary inspector to the head of a regional customs department.


The basis for the patriotic education of officials and employees of the customs bodies of the Federal Customs Service is the formation of a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to one's state, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional obligations to protect the economic interests of the Fatherland, aimed at developing a personality with the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland.

Patriotic education should be based on a deep study of the spiritual life of citizens, the definition of "reference points" of their inner world (life plans, needs, interests), analysis of the existing experience, their value orientations, selection of patriotic information, problems, tasks, identification of a group of emotional and value stimuli (assessments, feelings, ideals, beliefs, emotionally significant deeds, episodes in the life of an individual, etc.) and forms of behavior adequate to these values.

Like any purposeful activity, the work on patriotic education should be periodically analyzed in order to answer the questions: have the expected results been achieved, have the directions and priorities been correctly defined, how justified the efforts of the leaders - educators, educational work bodies, what has changed in behavior, actions of employees, in their relation to official duty; what measures were ineffective, what opinions and sentiments prevail among employees, how they affect performance, discipline and compliance with the law.

Thus, the ongoing activities contribute to the development of service and applied sports in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation. Sports spirit, striving for new victories create a favorable atmosphere in customs teams, making them more friendly and united.

The results of work on the implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" in 2013 indicate that patriotic education in the Federal Customs Service has a stable and systemic, developing character.

In most customs authorities, they treat the issues of improving the system of patriotic education with due responsibility. The scale, forms and methods of events are expanding, and youth and veteran organizations are more actively involved in this work.

List of sources used

1.Paderin A.A. The role of modern historical science about the Great Patriotic War in the spiritual education of youth. // War and peace: the role of spiritual culture in the upbringing of patriotic consciousness. Materials of the scientific and practical conference. - Moscow, 20013 .-- S. 29-39.

2.Yanovsky R.G. Patriotism: On the meaning of constructive service to Man, the Peoples of Russia and the Fatherland / Int sots. polit. Research RAS. - M .: Book and business, 2012 .-- P. 423.

.See V.V. Sergeev. The role of culture in the formation of international, civil, patriotic consciousness // "POISK", Vol. XI. - M .: RITs ISPI RAN, 2012 .-- S. 100-115.

.See VN Ksenofontov, VV Ksenofontov, VV Sergeev. Artistic creativity and moral values ​​of the individual in the spiritual life of Muscovites (in the context of spiritual security). - M .: Silver threads, 2011 .-- P. 46.

.Report of the Federal Customs Service on the implementation of the plan for the implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" in 2013 (Site of the Federal Customs Service # "justify"> 6. A. V. Kuznetsova, E. A. Kublitskaya Civil patriotism is the basis for the formation of a new Russian identity. - M.: RITs ISPI RAS, 2009 .-- P. 58.

7.Constitution of the Russian Federation

8.Pilipenko V.F. Security: theory, paradigm, concept, culture. Reference dictionary. - M .: PERSE-Press, 2010.

History teaches that the fighting efficiency of the army, the military power of states depends significantly on the level of spirituality of the soldiers and the population. Already in ancient times it was noticed that the state of the spirit of the troops, that is, the degree of their moral readiness and ability to achieve victory over the enemy, has a serious and often decisive influence on the course and outcome of battles and wars. Many prominent military leaders agreed with Napoleon's thesis that "in war the moral element is related to the physical as 3: 1", which confirmed the decisive importance of morale in strengthening the army and emphasized that under certain conditions the bravery of the soldiers can compensate for the numerical superiority of the enemy.

However, building an army not only in the course of a war, but also in peacetime is impossible without a high morale of the troops. And today, at the stage of military reform, when solving many new complex tasks, the personnel of the Armed Forces are required to have moral and psychological stability, readiness to overcome high physical and moral stress.

Being a complex spiritual phenomenon in its content and forms of manifestation, the moral spirit contains two main elements: spiritual and moral and socio-psychological. They are closely related and interact.

To the spiritual and moral elements include moral ideals, principles, beliefs and norms that determine a person's attitude to the state, society, war. These are the fundamental, most stable elements, expressed by such concepts as "Fatherland", "Motherland", "military duty", "patriotism".

The long-term existence of any society and state is impossible without the idea of ​​the highest value of the Fatherland and the sacred duty of protecting it, which has formed among the majority of its citizens. All this requires from a person complete dedication, often a willingness to sacrifice his life for the sake of not personal, but national goals. Consciously, only true patriots have been and are going for this.

The spiritual and moral level also includes such elements as loyalty to the oath. Banner of the unit, mutual respect of commanders and comrades in arms, mutual assistance in battle, etc. If this is not the case, then an atmosphere of mistrust is established in the military collective in which it is impossible to solve serious problems neither in peacetime, nor even more so in wartime.

Socio-psychological elements include collective and individual emotions, feelings and moods arising from peaceful life and hostilities. For example, a person and a military collective can experience a variety of moods: exultation and joy, fear and despair, melancholy and hopelessness. So, according to the foreign press, a feeling of fear in pronounced forms arises in 90% of those participating in the battle. while vomiting is observed in 25%, in 20%, the ability to control intestinal function is impaired, etc. It is clear that all this makes the execution of combat missions almost impossible. Consequently, to create a mood among the soldiers for decisive and active actions, to strengthen their morale - means to make a serious claim to achieve victory.

What are the ways to strengthen the morale of the troops?

In the Armed Forces, the entire military way of life serves this purpose: intensive combat training, especially in the field, at the training ground; different types of exercises; performance of training and combat missions, etc. The solution of the same problem is largely facilitated by classes on moral and psychological support and public and state training, as well as all purposeful educational work, and in particular on patriotic education.

Patriotic consciousness, acting as a factor in the formation of the morale of soldiers, manifests itself as follows:

1. Patriotic ideas, enshrined in the minds of soldiers in the form of convictions, provide personnel with a deep awareness of the need to defend the Fatherland, serve as the basis for their views on military service, and are manifested in the daily activities of soldiers and officers.

The condition for the effective formation of patriotic convictions is an appeal to the military history of the Fatherland, a truthful and comprehensive display of its examples, an analysis of achievements and failures. However, in recent years, the emphasis has been on the negative aspects, on the mistakes and costs of national history, which hinders the formation of patriotic consciousness among young people.

2. Patriotic education helps to comprehend and support the policy of the Russian government to strengthen the Armed Forces, to maintain the conviction of the expediency of decisions, practical actions of commanders to increase the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of troops, and to develop combat training tasks.

3. Patriotic consciousness forms a healthy moral atmosphere in military collectives, where all issues of the life of troops, strengthening military discipline, organization and order are directly resolved, the norms and principles of relations between servicemen are approved, contradictions and conflicts are resolved, moral and moral-combat qualities of personnel are manifested.

The importance of patriotic education is invaluable. It is in the collective and through the collective that the human factor is realized, manifested in the organization and discipline of the personnel, their loyalty to patriotic and military duty, in the specific deeds and actions of the soldiers.

At the same time, it should be noted that in some military collectives there are still negative phenomena, cases of indiscipline, so-called hazing, manifestations of rudeness, arrogance, etc. All this is generated by the inability to build harmonious relationships between junior commanders and their subordinates, and an insufficient level of educational work.

4. Patriotic ideas reduce the impact of negative factors in peaceful and combat conditions (material and domestic disorder, difficult climatic conditions, bad mood, panic), which negatively affect the morale and psychological state of troops, their resistance in battle.

5. Various state and military rituals, symbols, celebration of memorable events in the history of the country play an important role in the formation of the morale, spiritual potential of society and the army. Thus, the annual celebration of Victory Day in our country is of great emotional and educational importance. The 60th anniversary of this greatest event in all of modern history is approaching. Its importance in the formation of feelings of national pride and patriotism is exceptionally great.

The work of maintaining a high morale in the army is not only an internal army task, but also a nationwide and nationwide task. The army is part of society. And therefore, the state of political, economic, social and moral relations in it leaves an imprint on the state of the spiritual forces of the army personnel.

Formation of patriotic consciousness of students in a modern school

The problems of forming the patriotic consciousness of students in a modern school deserve the closest attention, since, in fact, we are talking about the future of Russia, the value orientations of our society, and, by and large, about the national security of the country, the roots of which lie in the upbringing, civil formation of the growing up generation, the formation of his readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland. Unfortunately, in the formation of the scientific, theoretical and methodological foundations of patriotic education in modern pedagogical science, far from all the possibilities are used. The conducted research, including scientific, methodological and applied research, devoted to this problem, has not yet led to its understanding at the conceptual level as a qualitatively new phenomenon in pedagogical science and practice. Most scientific research focuses on the study of individual, and not the most important, aspects of patriotic education, while consideration of them in their entirety is extremely rare, as a result of which the theoretical foundations of this problem are still lacking. Accordingly, one cannot count on the effectiveness and efficiency of patriotic education, which acts as one of the tools for solving complex and long-term socio-pedagogical and other positively-oriented tasks in relation to various categories of Russian citizens. In this regard, it should be noted that the Resolution No. 000 of October 5, 2010 "On the state program" Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for years ", adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, involves increasing efforts to create a qualitatively new system of patriotic education of young people.

The concept of patriotism is quite capacious. It includes feelings that develop in a person spiritual and moral high moral qualities in relation to the historical past and present of his country, native language and culture. Patriotism manifests itself in a sense of pride in the achievements of the native country, in bitterness for its failures and misfortunes, in respect for the historical past of its people, in a careful attitude to the people's memory, to national and cultural traditions. The feeling of patriotism is expressed, first of all, in attachment to their native places, the so-called "small homeland", to the usual way of life.

Philosophical and pedagogical studies show that patriotism is associated, first of all, with the values, value orientations of young people. The problem of value orientation in the education of patriotism among the younger generation has become acute in connection with the socio-economic transformations in Russia, the loss of reference points in this rapidly changing world. With the high availability of information and materials disseminated through the press, television, radio, and the Internet, a stream of low-quality products falls on young people.

Historical sciences are a powerful factor in the formation and development of patriotic consciousness. The educational function inherent in historical science is determined by its very subject. The domestic history of the 20th century in the last decade and a half has been rewritten very often in a spirit of slander and tendentiousness. This, undoubtedly, caused irreparable harm to the educational function of our history, seriously complicated the upbringing of young students in general and, in particular, patriotic upbringing. In Russia, historical experience still plays a clearly insufficient role in instilling high civic-patriotic qualities in young people. In order to correctly assess the present with all its achievements and problems, it is necessary to know the past in all its complexity and contradictions, realizing the price that was paid for every step on the way to the present day.

Today's interest in the theory and practice of patriotic education is due to its most important functions in the spiritual development of the individual and the preservation of the cultural continuity of generations.

The socio-pedagogical meaning of the phenomenon of patriotism lies in the ability to influence the formation of the personality through the feeling of a deep connection between the common destinies of a person and his people, which determines the way of perception of the world, way of life and behavior, which gives meaning to human existence. The feeling of patriotism contains a kind of protective mechanism that provides psychological comfort and personal improvement, guaranteeing the reproduction of the form of human existence, conscious selection, processing and creation of new spiritual and material values.

Love for the Motherland, patriotism are brought up from the moment of birth, are formed in the younger generation under the influence of the environment, society, and the state. The decisive factor in the formation of patriotic feelings at an early age is the family, in which the foundations of the worldview, attitude are laid, and civic responsibility is formed in children. But educational institutions remain the main institution that ensures the educational process and real integration of the most diverse subjects of education. The Institute of Education is the main link in the system of patriotic education of various categories of young people, primarily students, and is called upon to significantly increase the efficiency in this activity in the process of interaction with the relevant structures, bodies, organizations and associations.

At the first stage of general education (primary school), basic moral values ​​and norms of human behavior are laid. At this stage, the formation of ideas about the importance of human dignity in children, an understanding of the values ​​of their personality and the values ​​of other people, instills love for the Motherland and respect for the history of the Fatherland.

The second stage of general education (basic school) forms a system of values ​​and attitudes of human behavior, adolescents acquire knowledge and skills for their future independent life in society.

At the third stage of general education (complete secondary school), knowledge about the processes taking place in various spheres of society, about the rights of people is deepened, knowledge of the philosophical, cultural, political, legal and socio-economic foundations takes place, the civil-patriotic position of a person, his socio-political orientations. The task of this stage is that, in the process of social activity, students improve their readiness and ability to defend, be able to build individual and collective activities, proceeding from the necessity and needs of the current modern Russian reality.

In this regard, quite definite conditions are emerging under which the process of forming patriotism among modern schoolchildren will be more effective. For this, in my opinion, it is necessary:

1. To restore the balance of the two main functions of education - teaching and upbringing. To reorganize school life in order to increase the time for upbringing, a variety of hobby activities, the acquisition by children of the experience of social interaction when studying the past of our country.

2. In the educational process, upbringing should become the main form of forming a patriot, especially when teaching humanitarian subjects that give students the knowledge for understanding and emotional perception of the past and present of Russia. To foster in students a respectful attitude towards historical heritage.

3. Teach children to handle state symbols.

4. Realize the idea of ​​the Little Homeland as the first step in the formation of a patriotic attitude, its "root system", familiarization with the history of ancestors.

5. Restore and develop the infrastructure of childhood: clubs, centers, children's rooms, playgrounds, camps, cinemas, tourist stations, studios, children's and youth public organizations.

6. Train personnel for youth work. For these purposes, it is necessary to create a coordination center for advanced patriotic education, a creative laboratory for leaders of youth creative teams, since teachers often face an information vacuum that does not allow more full use of pedagogical innovations in the process of education and training.

7. To organize more various children's and youth contests, festivals, actions, forums, etc., which provide opportunities for the implementation and support of student youth initiatives.

8. A special role in the system of patriotic education of young people is played by subjects of a historical, philological, social, economic, cultural profile. In order for these subjects studied in schools to contribute to patriotic education, it is necessary to issue domestic teaching aids that reveal to students the meaning of cultural and socio-economic transformations, reforms carried out in modern Russia, the role of the state and statehood in the fate of the Russian people. Considering that there is a significant contingent of teachers in the composition of teachers of humanitarian and socio-economic subjects who in the past were accustomed to declaring communist, Soviet patriotism, it is necessary to conduct special courses and seminars on educational methods as the main means of patriotic education.

As evidenced by the conducted research and advanced pedagogical practice, the implementation of the task of educating citizenship and patriotism using the potential of history, literature and social studies curricula is provided by the content of the main educational material studied by schoolchildren in these disciplines. It transformed the historical and sociocultural experience of Russian society, examples of true morality, spirituality, civic consciousness, and service to the Fatherland. Only under the condition of mastering the theoretical foundations of the humanities can we talk about the education of the student of basic socially active positive qualities: a modern scientific worldview, patriotic convictions, civic position, moral consciousness, readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland. It is during the study of the humanities that students achieve important qualitative changes in their social, moral and patriotic development, master the foundations of the content and methods of self-development.