The project “There is no better friend than a mother. Methodical development of noods on the topic "there is no better friend than a mother!"

Shavkina Natalia
Entertainment scenario in the middle group "There is no better friend than your own mother"

Target: Cultivate the desire to bring joy, to do something pleasant for a loved one.

Tasks: To acquaint children with the national Russian costume, with Russian folklore: songs and round dances. To instill spiritual and moral feelings.

Teach children to talk about their mother, a friendly attitude towards her. Develop speech, memory, cognitive and motor activity.

Cultivate a sense of love and respect for the mother.

Equipment: A poster on a magnetic board - a solar circle and photos of mothers in the form of its rays. Dolls in national costumes Matryoshkas, stencils of nesting dolls, gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins for each child.

Lesson progress:

Before the lesson, “ethical exercises” “Do as I do” are carried out (smile - gloomy face; affectionate gesture to threaten - with a finger; hold hands).

Surprise moment:

Educator: Who's talking outside the door guys? Whose voices are these? Two dolls in national costumes appear: a boy and a girl.

Educator: Hello dear guests. Who you are? (Dolls).

Dolls. Hello guys! We came to you from a Russian folk tale: I am Ivanushka, and I am Maryushka.

Educator. Guys, look how Ivanushka and Maryushka are dressed. Same as you? (No). Look at Maryushka. What's on Maryushka's head? (Handkerchief). To which of you did your mother tie a scarf? (Answers of children). What's on the girl? (Embroidered shirt). What is the name of this clothing? (sarafan). It is long. On the legs of Maryushka-bast shoes, bast shoes. Who has paws on their legs? (No one). What does Maryushka see from under her handkerchief? (Scythe with a ribbon). Which of our girls has pigtails? (Answers of children). Do they look like Maryushkina braid? (Yes). Now look at Ivanushka. What is this on Ivanushka? (Shirt). What is the name of this clothing? (Trousers). What's on your feet? Who remembers what it's called? (bast shoes). Look, Ivanushka is girded with a beautiful belt. Which one of you has this belt? (No one). Let's put Ivanushka and Maryushka next to them on chairs, they will be our guests all day.

Educator. Guys, let's stand in a circle, call Ivanushka and Maryushka together, take the ball and play a game, the didactic game "My mother is the most ...". Children pick up good words about their mother (pass the ball to each other in a circle).

The teacher asks the children to talk about their mother according to the plan.

Story plan:

1. What is the mother's name?

2. Where does she work?

3. What does he do at work (at home?

Complementing the children's stories, the teacher says that every creature in the world has a mother: an animal, a person. When mom is around, nothing is scary.

caregiver asks the children how they think their mothers love them. Summarizing the answers, he confirms that mothers take care of their children, read books to them, buy beautiful clothes, hug them, kiss them. Reads an excerpt from a poem by V. Russu:

Many mothers in the world

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother

She is dearer to me than anyone.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mommy.

caregiver tells the children that mothers can do many different things, and asks them to tell what their mothers can do.

Didactic game "What does mom like to do?". Children choose a picture, the teacher prompts them to formulate the answer: “My mother loves to take care of flowers.” The teacher leads to the conclusion: because mom knows how to do everything, her hands are called golden. Explains what golden hands mean (labor, skillful).

Reads an excerpt from M. Rodina's poem "Mother's Hands":

They say that mom's hands are not simple,

They say mom has golden hands!

Physical education "Mom is sleeping".

Children perform movements in accordance with the text:

Mom needs to rest, mom wants to sleep.

I walk on tiptoe, I won't wake my mother.

I walk on my heels, I won’t wake my mother.

My heels hear a knock: knock-knock-knock, knock-knock-knock.

My heels go, they lead me to my mother.

Educator. Guys! My youngest daughter Varvara asked me this morning: “Mommy, what is kindness?” I thought about it, but couldn't answer her question right away. And I decided to ask you for help. Do you know what good is? (Answers of children). Conclusion: the most important good, without which not a single person in the world can live, is good deeds, kindness, caring for people, love for loved ones.

caregiver. Yes, guys, this is the most important priceless good. And I have this chest. This bag was given to me by my mother. She gave and said such words: “Here, daughter, is a chest of goodness, my mother, your grandmother, left it to me. Take care of him - he is full of goodness. I saved and now I punish you, take care! Here I am keeping it! An old chest, two hundred years old, maybe more. What do you guys think, what's in it? (Children's suggestions). The teacher makes a riddle:

They are summer and winter

They love to live alone.

Bring them boots

And they will go to dance ... (nesting dolls).

That's right, these are nesting dolls. Yes, how beautiful! Guys, do you want to dance with nesting dolls? (Yes). Performed "Dance with nesting dolls".

Russian matryoshka is the most popular Russian national souvenir. It is played by children in different parts of our planet. And now I suggest you paint nesting dolls yourself. The teacher puts samples of nesting dolls on the typesetting canvas. Draws the attention of children to how they are painted: each nesting doll has a handkerchief, sundress, flowers on the sundress, etc. Children paint the prepared stencils. An exhibition of children's works is being organized.

The teacher puts a large nesting doll on the floor. Children become around her. Russian folk melody sounds. The guys go in a circle and perform movements according to the text.

Come on, "Russian" let's,

Start more fun

Let's take a walk, let's take a walk.

We clap our hands

We sink a little.

We have fun, we have fun.

Legs pounded loudly

For all of us to hear -

Let's try, let's try!

And now let's go to the squat,

This is what we guys are

We are not shy, we are not shy.

You guys don't rush

And dance a little.

Cum music play-

Matryoshka must be taken quickly.

Well done boys!

And now it's time to say goodbye

It's sad to leave though.

Educator. Guys, let's say goodbye to Ivanushka and Maryushka, it's time for them to go home to their mother. Goodbye!

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State budget preschool

Educational institution


No. 53 Kolpinsky district

St. Petersburg

Holiday script

"There is no better friend,

Than a mother"

for the preparatory group

Compiled by music director:

Kornyakova Irina Borisovna

Saint Petersburg


There is no better friend than a mother

Under calm Russian folk music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle, facing the guests.

  1. Reb.: How a hundred guys came to our street -

They all want to congratulate moms on the holiday.

  1. Reb .: Squeak-creak of boots, trifle-brand of earrings.

Who is knocking at the door, come in quickly!

All: These are our guests!

Presenter: All are so elegant, painted beauties!

They look like princesses, they want to accept congratulations!

Children (in order):

How many stars in a clear sky

How many spikelets are in the fields

How many songs does a bird have!

How many leaves on the branches!

Only one sun in the world

There is only one mother in the world.

Song: "The best" music. Ivannikov.

Presenter: But it’s true that the word “mother”, like a clear sun, illuminates everyone with its light. And it is no coincidence that mother's holiday is celebrated in the spring, when nature wakes up and is reborn, when the clear sun warms the earth with its gentle rays, like a kind mother hugs her child. How many wise proverbs and sayings the people have created about the love of a mother for her children, grandmothers for her grandchildren. Here, for example, is this: "there is no better friend than your own mother." What proverbs and sayings do you guys know?


  • Mother's affection knows no end
  • The mother feeds the children like the land of the people
  • When the sun is warm, when the mother is good
  • There are many relatives, and mother is dearest of all

Presenter: For a long time, good traditions in the house were passed on to children and grandchildren from grandmothers.


  • Grandmother, golden lady
  • It is good for him to live, whose grandmother guards the house
  • Grandmother - only one grandfather is not a grandson
  • Good granddaughter Annushka, if mother and grandmother are praised

Song "Beyond the River"

Presenter: Let's call spring and spring birds, so that the sun melts the clear cold snow, and warms the earth - mother.

Children: Oh, freckles hummed. Gu!

Oh, they called red.

Come Spring with joy!

Come spring with mercy!

Girls play whistles.

Presenter: Birds carry spring on their wings and the sun is warm and there are many spring holidays. They loved holidays in Rus', especially warm spring ones. And today, at the beginning of March, the oatmeal bird begins to sing. They bake oatmeal - oatmeal pies. They call the oatmeal bird - the messenger of warmth. In the old days, children fed the birds with baked oatmeal. It was believed that the birds were the messengers of spring. At this time, the oatmeal bird made sounds similar to the words “leave the sled! get off the sled!" The hostesses put the dough, and the dough needs an eye and an eye. If you don't see it, you'll run away. And this is what happened once with one mistress.

Russian folk song Kvashnya.

Presenter: Well, the work has gone well. And now you can play and have fun. Business time, fun hour.


  • We're here to have fun and have some fun!
  • Play, joke, laugh!
  • First of all, guess our riddles.
  • You take it in your hands, stretch it, then squeeze it!

Voiced, elegant, Russian, two-row.

Will play, just touch, what is her name? ( accordion)

  • What kind of conversation is this: is it a quarrel, or an argument?

Like magpies crackled - did you recognize such an instrument?

Chattering. Like an aunt, called ( Ratchet)

  • Although it has three strings, they can be heard far away.

Play more fun, our faithful friend ( Balalaika)

Presenter: And at the gates of our red maidens there is a round dance.

Round dance "Kalina".

Host: And here's another riddle:

Wooden girlfriend, without her we are like without hands

At leisure, a cheerful and feed everyone around

He wears porridge directly in his mouth and does not burn himself ( Spoon )

Child: Spoons, carved spoons

Ringing in one moment

Not simple, painted -

Ancient instrument!

Chastushki (children sing and play on spoons)

Presenter: And now we will rest, we will read poems to mommy.

Children read poetry.

Girl: I open the gate with a key-lock

I cover myself with a silk scarf

I invite the boy Vanyusha to dance

And the girlfriends offer to invite Andryusha

Dance "Sudarushka" Russian. nar. chalk.

Boy: You are beloved friends,

You are funny beauties

Come with us to the meadow,

Yes, stand together in a circle

You take all the handles to one

Russian folk game "Two birds flew"

(3 couples perform movements, the rest sing while sitting in place)

Girl: We are walking along the street - we are gaining round dances

Where there are cheerful people - here is our round dance.

You play, play accordion, play do not be shy

Do your best for us today!

Round dance "How spring came to the yard."

(children stand in a circle in pairs)

Presenter: The radiant sun smiled cheerfully

We will sing a song for our beloved mother.

The song "Good Words"

Girl: Reach out people - the dance takes me

And I'm not too lazy to work and I can dance all day!

Dance "The moon shines" rus. nar. chalk.

Child: We sang and danced and could have danced more

And now we will ask you to play with us!

Russian folk games with parents:

  1. "Golden Gate"
  2. "A goat walked through the forest"
  3. "Boyars"

The leader reads a poem about mother.

The song Orenburg downy shawl.

(All adults sing)

Presenter: While we were playing and singing,

Our oatmeal is ripe.

Let's invite everyone to tea

Yes, congratulations to our mothers and grandmothers!


  • When tea is served, it means respect.
  • You don't drink tea - where do you get the strength from?

And if you drink tea, you will live up to a hundred years.

  • We do not miss tea - we drink seven cups.
  • In Rus' - one vow: except for any food,
  • Tea in the morning, tea in the afternoon, tea in the evening!

Presenter ( holding a samovar):

Fatty samovar, akimbo side

Hisses and boils, orders everyone to drink tea.

And with a samovar-buyan, tea is more important and the conversation is more fun.

Host: We invite everyone for tea.

Russian folk music

Children and guests go to the group for tea.

Problem: the predominance of consumer attitudes towards mothers in modern children.

Objective of the project: education of respect, careful and caring attitude to the mother; improving the skills of a culture of behavior; development of creative abilities.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group for school.

Project implementation period: 2 weeks.

The content of practical activities for the implementation of the project

Stage 1. Organizational

  • A conversation about mothers and that by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1998. The holiday "Mother's Day in the Russian Federation" was established, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of November.
  • Thinking together with children about holding a holiday for mothers. Solution: celebrate the last Friday in November.

Stage 2. Practical

To conduct a literary living room, you must:

  • Learn how to set the table for a festive tea party, using the results of your productive activities.
  • Improve communication skills at the table.
  • Prepare the literary part: poems, proverbs, dramatizations of literary works.
  • To learn outdoor round dance games to share them with mothers.
  • Make your own gifts for moms.
  • Design a poster.

Stage 3. Implementation of plans

In the classes on art and manual labor:

  • Making gifts: clay modeling of Filimonovo toys "Mom with a baby" with subsequent painting.
  • Painting paper and fabric napkins for serving a festive table.
  • Production of vases from waste material (polyethylene bottles, multi-colored film), flowers from natural materials (maple lionfish, twigs, plasticine)
  • Making a poster "Who said that Angels don't exist?... It's just that sometimes they don't have wings, and then we call them Moms!"

After noon:

  • Didactic and role-playing games to consolidate the ability to set the table and improve communication skills at the table.
  • Individual memorization of poems, proverbs, development of diction, expressiveness of speech.
  • Stage rehearsals.

Stage 4. Project presentation

Literary Lounge "There is no better friend than your own mother"

Target: foster love and respect for the mother, contribute to the creation of family traditions, warm relationships in the family, unity of the parents' team.


  • Develop a culture of behavior at a social event and at the festive table.
  • To promote the active use of different types of sentences in speech.
  • Take on the role of the organizer of the game, a guide to the group.
  • Develop expressiveness of speech, artistry.
  • To help unite the team of children and adults.

The group has a festive table. Children themselves carry out table setting and determine the place where their mothers will sit.
The attendants meet the mothers, offer to undress, the guides introduce the design of the group, tell what they like to do in the group, take them to their place at the table.

The course of the holiday

Children line up in a semicircle in front of their mothers.

1st child: Dear mothers and grandmothers, we are very glad to see all of you visiting us.

2nd child: We were preparing for today's holiday with great pleasure and excitement.

3rd child: Learned many verses.

4th child: Prepared dramatizations of fairy tales.

5th child: Learned how to set tables beautifully.

6th child: They painted their own napkins.

7th child: They made their own flowers and vases.

All: Happy holiday, dear mothers!

8th child:

In the world of good words lives a lot
But one is dearer and dearer to all.
Of two syllables, a simple word - Ma-ma!
And there is nothing more important in the world!

Presenter: Mother... Mom... Mom... These words are the most important in all languages. A mother woman gives life, feeds and educates children, raises them for the future. Mom is the first word a person utters. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything. Mom has the most faithful and sensitive heart, love never goes out in it. The future of the nation is in the hands of mothers.

The people passed on the caring attitude to the mother from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation through proverbs and sayings.

Children read proverbs.

  • Mother's anger is like spring snow: and a lot of it falls, but it will soon melt.
  • A man has one mother, and he has one Motherland.
  • Native land - mother, foreign side - stepmother.
  • The bird is happy for spring, and the baby is happy for its mother.
  • There is no sweeter friend than a mother.
  • When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.
  • Maternal prayer takes out from the bottom of the sea.
  • Whoever honors his mother and father never perishes forever.
  • Maternal blessing does not sink in water, does not burn in fire.
  • You will find everything in the world, except for father and mother.
  • Blind puppy and he crawls to his mother.
  • A mother's word is not spoken to the wind.
  • There are many relatives, and the mother is the dearest of all. To live with your mother - no boredom, no grief to know.
  • Without a native mother, flowers do not bloom in color.
  • Dear mother is an inextinguishable candle.
  • Mother's heart warms better than the sun.
  • The most valuable and precious thing in the world is mother and father.

Presenter: Many good poems have been written about mothers.


Busy with good deeds at home
Kindness quietly walks around the apartment.
Good morning with us
Good afternoon and good hour,
Good evening, good night
It was good yesterday.
And where, you ask,
Is there so much kindness in the house?
What of this kindness
Flowers take root
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks.!
I will answer you directly -
It's mom, mom, mom!


There are many mothers in the world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother
She is dearer to me than anyone.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my Mommy!

Presenter: And how many worries and troubles mothers with children have!


It's been four days now
I have a fever and cough.
Mom is so tired of me
She stopped smiling.
I don't feel sorry for myself now
Though I burn with fire again:
- I'm sorry that I'm sick -
I speak quietly to my mother.

Dramatization of the poem "Defeat" E. Uspensky.


Mom was very angry
She went to the cinema without me.
I'm sorry that this happened
But I don't cry anyway.
I'm punished for pranks
Fair enough maybe
Only I'm sorry right away
I didn't dare to ask.
And now I would say to my mother:
"Well, sorry, for the last time! .."
I don't cry, the tears themselves
They roll out of their eyes.

Staged by S. Marshak: "The Tale of the Silly Mouse."

Presenter: But no matter how much trouble children bring, mom is always happy to look at them. As children grow up, they become helpers. Guess what your child likes to do around the house.

Imitation game "Mom's helpers"

Presenter: And here are poems about how nice it is to help mom.


I am my mother's only son
The mother has no daughter.
How can mom not help
Wash handkerchiefs.
Soap foams in the trough,
I'm doing the laundry! Look!


Don't disturb us now
Laundry is important for us.
Me and mom - we are together
Dealing with linens.
I hung out the laundry
Kuklino and Mishkino.
Mom hangs mine
And more bro.
Dry panties and T-shirts
Resting two mistresses.


I, as a mother, do not like
In a house of chaos.
Blanket to bed
Rough and smooth.
For down pillows
I'll put on a muslin.
Admire, toys,
To work for me.

Presenter: Secret invisible threads are stretched between mother and child, and children understand this.


Lights are lit outside the window

The whole evening you were not with me,
You've got things to do, yes things to do.
I don't stand over your soul.
I walk and keep silent, like a big one.
Sit with me, we'll talk before bed.
Let's look at the lights outside the window.


It was quiet in the house in the morning.
I wrote on the palm
Mother's name.
Not in a notebook on a sheet,
Not on a stone wall
I wrote on my hand
Mother's name.
It was quiet in the house in the morning,
It got noisy during the day.
What are you hiding in your palm? -
They started asking me.
I opened my hand,
I kept happiness.

Child: Dear mothers, we invite you to the table.

Tea drinking is accompanied by good music: “Autumn Waltz”, a song from the movie “Mom”, etc. children take care of their mothers, offer tea, treats.

At the end of the tea party, the child invites the mothers to play.

Game "Introduction"

Mothers stand in the outer circle, children in the inner circle. To the music, they begin to move in different directions, at the end of the music they stop, turning to each other, introduce themselves. For example: I, Mishina's mother, Natalya Viktorovna. I am Sonya Akimova.

Mothers and children stand in a common circle, choose a driver and blindfold him. Under the words perform movements.

Here we stand all around
They suddenly turned around.
And as we say: Skok-skok
Guess whose voice?

Russian folk game "Brook"

At the end of the games, the mothers sit down, the children line up in a semicircle in front of them.


There are many good people on earth
There are many hearted people
And yet, the best on earth -
Mom, my mom!

Presenter: And now, dear mothers, the children want to tell you their wishes.

Each child says their wishes in turn and gives a gift.

In my poems there were not a drop - a crooked mirror of the vale,
Although women gave love, generously adding salt to the wounds.
I remembered each of them, for the fact that they lived nearby in life -
And for those who didn’t buy souls, he dedicated a farewell verse to everyone ...

I, leaving, did not slam the door, did not thunder with my fist -
I did not want to live under the heel, according to the ladies' belief!
A glass of water?.. No, beer is better, I’ll order a glass with delivery
And, having drunk happily to the bottom - "Life is a success", I'll tell my friends!

Vladimir Zaichenko...

Better soul for patches -
and laugh at yourself.
You don't need a better wife
no other.

There is no better mother-in-law.
Better not - write poetry!
It is better to eat delicious borscht,
than my daughter-in-law's pancakes.

I'd rather be paid
tear my soul to myself,
than to swear with mother-in-law
in difficult life struggles.

Better verse or impromptu
I will rhyme at night
I'd rather be just sprats
crush with white bread.

Better no bad weather
Far from beloved
And adversity shakes us
In the off-season hammock.

And we're in the middle of summer
The sun burns uncontrollably,
But itching in the liver somewhere:
"Hello, ass, New Year!"

Choo, stormy snow
Sweeping in my yard
And a ribbon is thrown over
Strangle in February.

Takes the wind birth
In the off-season hammock,
Speeding up our years
Far from loved ones.

When a monument was erected, and the world was covered with clouds,
It's so hard to change your mind and start life from scratch,
After all, as you know, the best always leave first.
The people we can't live without.
Why do the best always leave first
Not having time to feel a quarter of the whole life?
Why are they in a hurry to leave this mortal world,
Irrevocably closing the door behind you?
Why do the best always leave first?
Leave us with those who do not need us?
And if our heart is captured by indifference,
To whom we...

Better late than never,
Better never than with evil.
Better to become nobody, nowhere,
Than forgetting friends, become a king.

Better with a sweet life in a hut,
Than to live without love in palaces.
It is better to listen to the conscience in the soul,
Than prophets lying in words.

Better let the sun bake
Than to vegetate in the shadow all my life.
Better for an act let him beat
Life, than in it to be afraid to decide.

It's better to warm up and burn.
Becoming ashes, do not know the stench of decay.
Than giving soot, smolder your life,
And heat, extinguished not ...

There is no better friend

than a mother

creative work

students of 2 "B" class


The holiday is still very young. But he tightly entered our lives, on this day we honor the most important person for each of us - mother.

Alekhanova Polina

My mother's name is Angelica. This name means "Angel" or "Messenger of God". My mother has beautiful blue eyes, brown hair.

Mom has a wonderful profession - a businessman. She works in a beautiful store. My mother is fond of drawing.

Mommy, darling, mommy is beautiful!

We are like the Sun and the Moon - never apart!" width="224" height="261 src="> Beloved mother,

I love you.

I want you to

Stay with me forever

Varlamova Nastya

My mom's name is Svetlana. This name means "Light, pure." Mom has gray-blue eyes. Mom's hair is brown.

My mom likes to check my lessons, loves to sew.

When mom cooks something tasty, there are a lot of dirty dishes. I offer my mother to wash it, and my mother allows me to. And I am happy to wash the dishes, then help my mother set the table.

I love my mother very much and I will always help her in everything.

Wasser Leonid

My mother's name is Anna. This name means "Grace" Mom has blue eyes, blond hair. My mother is a biology teacher by profession. She does not work, but helps me with lessons and music. Mom's favorite pastime is growing flowers. She has a beautiful garden.

She is very kind! And always, when something is not clear to me, my mother will explain everything to me.

My Mom is the best. She loves me very much. And I love my dear mother.

Volkov Nikita.

My mom's name is Olga. This name means "Holy One". My mother has brown eyes and light black hair. My mother is a confectioner by profession, she makes cakes.

Mom's favorite pastime is to watch movies on the first channel.

I love my mother very much because she is beautiful, because she makes delicious cakes for us.

I love my mother very much

And always thank you.

She helps me

And gently hugs.

When mom is next to me

I have a good heart!

Garny Vova.

My mom's name is Natalya. This name means "Native". Mom has hazel eyes, Mom's profession is an accountant. Mom's favorite pastime is cooking delicious food.

I love my mom because she takes care of me. When I am sick, my mother heals me. She gives me delicious sweets." width="349" height="261">My mother is the most beautiful and beloved. Mommy, I love you very much!

Zhurbenko Ekaterina

My mother's name is Inna. My mother has blue eyes and long blond hair. My mother is a merchandiser by profession. She goes shopping and checks the goods.

Mom's favorite pastime is spending time with me." alt="News" width="707" height="361">!}

Kopchikova Arina

My mother's name is Irina. This name means "Peace". Mom has brown hair. My mother is a psychologist by profession. She works with children. Mom's favorite pastime is decoupage.

Dear mommy!

I love you very much!

You always help me!

You are the most beautiful and kindest person in the world.

Korobeynikova Maria

My mother's name is Natalia. This name means "Native". Mom has gray-blue eyes. Mom's hair is light brown. My mother is a logistics specialist.

Wings of love fly in the air.

I help you and you help me." alt="Congratulations - Page 9 - Forum" width="266" height="264">!}

Lavrenchuk Andrey

My mom's name is Svetlana. This name means "Clean, bright." Mom's eyes are green, her hair is golden brown.

Mom's favorite pastime is learning English.

I love my mom because she loves me. Mom is always there and will help in difficult life tasks. I love my mom with all my heart.

Falling leaves Artyom

My mom's name is Tatiana. This name means "Lady". Mom has green eyes, mom has brown hair. My mother is an economist by profession. Mom's favorite pastime is spending time with family, reading, traveling.

One day my mother started crying and I calmed her down.

You are the smartest mother, the most beautiful and the most beloved, and you are also the most expensive. Always be the most beautiful and smartest, live forever, we need you both Artyom and Vadik.

Mishina Anna

My mom's name is Tatiana. This name means "Lady". Mom has gray eyes, brown hair.

Mom is a lawyer by profession. She works as a judge. Mom's favorite pastime is reading books.

I love my mother because she is caring, kind, beautiful, she will always help me. My mother loves me because I am her daughter.

Mommy, love." width="381" height="296"> Mom is the best, she helps me in difficult times. I also help my mother. her pen got sick, she helped wash the dishes and floors.

Mom I love you!

Pleshkov Maxim

My mother's name is Lyudmila. This name means "Sweetheart of people." Mom has green eyes, long black hair. My mother is an accountant by profession, she works as a cashier.

Mom's favorite pastime is to relax and walk.

I help my mother take out the trash, wash the dishes, vacuum.

My Mom is the best!

Poliakova Diana.

My mom's name is Marina. This name means "Marine". Mom has brown eyes and black hair. My mom works as a marketing curator. Mom loves weddings.

I help my mom wash the floors in the gym, clean my room, dust the gym and my mom's bedroom. Mom helps me do my homework.

I love my mom. Mom, I want you to remain the most beautiful mother. I wish you happiness and health.

Hallway Anton

My mother's name is Lily. That is the name of the flower. My mom is very kind. Mom has green eyes and blonde hair. My mother is a teacher by profession. She works at the university.

Mom cooks delicious food. She helps me put notebooks in my briefcase, helps me do my homework. One day my mother left, and I washed the dishes for her. Mom praised me. When I get an A in school, she is very happy." width="386" height="289"> When my mother was ill, I looked after her. I washed the dishes, and my mother praised me. I will write a poem about this in the future, and it will be called "I have the best mother in the whole wide world."

Khromov Egor

My mother's name is Lyudmila. This name means "Sweetheart to people." Mom has blue eyes, blond hair. My mother is a designer by profession. Mom's favorite pastime is helping homeless animals.

I love my mom very much. I help my mom clean the house. Mom and I love walking down the street together.

Tsvetkova Margarita.

My mother's name is Julia. This name means "Curly". Mom has brown eyes and blonde hair. Mom is a programmer by profession. She works at customs.

I love my mom very much. Mom goes on vacation with me and my sister, where she buys us everything we want. And we try to help mom as much as we can." width="439" height="328 src=">

Chernitsov Vadim

My mother's name is Larisa. This name means "Seagull". Mom has brown eyes and brown hair. My mother is a teacher by profession. She works in kindergarten. Mom's favorite pastime is baking pies.

I love my mom the most. She is the most beautiful.

Chernysheva Sofia

My mother's name is Anna. Mom has gray-blue eyes, brown hair. Mom's profession is an architect. Mom loves to bake bakery products.

I love my mom because she takes care of me. I help my mom sweep and clean the room.

I wish you health, mom, so that you get enough sleep, so that you are happy. I will try to bring you happiness.

Shchekina Milana

My mom's name is Svetlana. This name means light. My mom has green eyes and dark brown hair. My mom loves photoshop. My mom loves to do crafts with me.

My mom is the most beautiful!

Mommy, I love you very much.