Conducting open classes in the senior group of kindergarten. Plan-outline of the lesson (senior group) on the topic: knowledge day in the senior group, social network of educators Educator: How many more petals do we need to find

Goal: Creating conditions for the development of communication skills in children.
1. Form an idea of ​​the family as people who live together.
2. Learn to build elementary family ties (The game "Who is related to whom").
3. Activate children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about their family.
4. Develop perseverance, attention, fine motor skills and orientation in space.
5. Develop communication skills through play activities.
6. Cultivate a loving caring attitude towards your family members, a sense of pride in your family.
7. Cultivate the skill of interaction and cooperation between children and adults.

1. Magic pictures: connecting by dots (by the number of children)
2. Simple pencils ((according to the number of children)
3. Illustration "Family"
4. Letter of invitation
5. Rudder
6. Cards with riddles - fairy tales (10)
7. Puzzle illustration "Cat"
8. Guideline
9. Doll
10. Casket

Preliminary work:
Conversations on the topics: “My family”, “Our names and surnames”, “My mother”, “We are helpers”, “Order or disorder?” "For me or for everyone?" "We have to take care of each other."
Reading fiction: folk tale "Father's Advice", V. Sukhomlinsky "Seven Daughters", N. Grigorieva "Whom to Clean?", N. Grigorieva "Near Grandmother".
Examination of family albums and illustrations "My family".
Collaboration with parents: design of photo albums "Me and my family".
Lesson progress
Organizational moment: Guys, this morning a letter came to our kindergarten. It is addressed to you. Let's read it: "I invite you to visit to play, to learn a lot of interesting things." Who do you think this letter is from? (Children's answers) Today we will make a trip, show our knowledge, skills, ingenuity and find out who invited us to visit.
So guys, do you want to go on a trip? (children's answers)
What can you travel on? (Children's answers: by plane, train, bicycle).
How can you call it in one word? (Children's answers: transport)
Educator. It's time to find out where we're going on our journey.
Task "Magic pictures" (connection by dots)
Children connect the dots from 1 to 5, it turns out a car.
Educator. What did you get? (children's answers)
We are going on a trip by ... (car).
Educator. Now we can safely set off on a long journey. Stand, please, in pairs one after another. If you allow me, I will be your driver.
Educator. Ask the children to look at the picture of a family.
Educator. How can you call these people in one word? (Family.) Why did you decide so? (children's answers)
Educator. Guys, what do you think, what is a family? (Children's answers.)
Educator: Yes, indeed, the closest, most beloved and loving, most dear people - mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, brothers, sisters - your family. It's good that you all have a family! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other, they all live together cheerfully and amicably. The main thing is that the family should always have peace, friendship, respect, love for each other.

The game "Who is who?" (with doll)
Who is a girl for mom? (daughter)
Who is a boy for mom? (son)
Who is a boy for a girl? (Brother)
Who is mom to dad? (wife)
Who is a girl for grandfather? (granddaughter)
Who is the boy for grandma? (grandson)
Who is mom's dad? (husband)
Who is the girl for the boy? (sister)
Educator. It's time for us to move on.
Educator: Guys, do you like to relax with your family? (Children's answers) I suggest playing the game "Family". (Physical education minute)
One, two, three, four (clap hands)
Who lives in our apartment? (Turns to the sides with raising the shoulders)
One, two, three, four, five (clap hands)
I can count everyone; (count with index finger)
Dad, mom, brother, sister,
Murka cat, two kittens,
My goldfinch, cricket and me
That's our whole family! (bend alternately fingers on the hand)

Educator. Here we rested and we can continue on the road.

Educator. We will play the game "The expert of his family"
Stand up, whose mother's name is Lena.
Raise your hands who has a sister.
Stomp those whose mother works in kindergarten.
Clap your hands those who help mom.
Raise your hand who lives with grandma.
Clap your hands for those whose mother's name is Yulia.
Stand up those whose father's name is Seryozha.
Stomp those to whom mothers read fairy tales.
Educator. Now we will check how you know fairy tales. I will call you individual words, and you can guess what kind of fairy tale it is. Ready?
o Pumpkin, carriage, shoe, prince, ball (“Cinderella”);
o Grandfather, sleigh, fish, fox, wolf, ice-hole (“Chox-sister and gray wolf”);
o Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf, wolf ("Three Little Pigs");
o Swamp, arrow, prince ("The Frog Princess");
o Hut, goat, kids, wolf (“Wolf and seven kids”);
o Bunny, fox, kicked out, cockerel (“Zayushkina hut”).
o Stove, Baba Yaga, apple tree, pies (“Swan Geese”).
o Kokovanya, Darenka, Murenka, winter ("Silver Hoof")
o Swallow, toad, mole prince of elves ("Thumbelina")
o Stove, Emelya, pike, buckets (“At the command of the pike”)
Evaluation of children's activities
- Look, here is a fabulous box. I wonder what's in it? (the teacher with the children open the box and find parts of the picture in it).
Educator. Guys, let's try to make a picture out of these parts and find out who invited us to visit. (Children draw a picture).

Now your child, until recently so small, and completely in need of your guardianship and care, has reached the age of five (no matter how round the date!) And moved to the senior group of kindergarten. So, he is already somewhat independent and can cope with feasible tasks. Of course, he also needs your support, dear moms and dads. And if you know what expectations apply to the children in it, you can better prepare your child and help him join his first social group - after all, this is where it all begins. It is considered the third age group, children from 5 to 6 years old are recruited there.

In almost any, even the simplest kindergarten, there is a plan of developmental activities that are held daily and correspond to the age and needs of children. The duration of such classes, agreed with the instructional and methodological letters of the Ministry of Education, is 20-25 minutes. Often in the middle of classes, physical education minutes are provided, and between classes there are breaks of at least 10 minutes.

Educational sessions

Classes in the senior group, which are the most informative and require strong mental activity, are planned in the first half of the day, on the most productive days (Tuesday, Wednesday). To prevent overwork, music lessons and physical game exercises are added.

What knowledge will your five-year-old child receive, and what skills will he have to master. Here is an approximate summary of the classes that are held in senior groups:

Days of the week

Senior group


9.00-9.25 Child and the world around;

9.45-10.05 Music lesson;

10.15-10.40 Drawing lesson


9.00-9.25 Speech development, fiction;

9.35-10.00 Manual labor,

10.10-10.30 Physical exercises


9.00-9.25 Basics of mathematics

9.35-10.00 Formation of ecological outlook

11.00-11.20 Outdoor physical education

15.15-15.40 Circle "Do it yourself"


9.00-9.25 Development of speech and poetry

9.45-10.05 Music lesson

10.15-10.40 Painting with paints


9.00-9.25 Modeling and application

9.50-10.10 Physical education lesson

Let us give an example of such a training session in the senior group.

By the way, parents can practice such learning moments at home, this will help your child develop better in kindergarten and keep up with their peers.

Wildlife World

Purpose of the lesson: to help children distinguish domestic animals from wildlife, the development of drawing abilities, the development of speech.

Material: pictures of wild and domestic animals, a sheet of clean paper.

First, the teacher talks about animals that are considered wild and explains why they are called that. How to identify a pet, what features they have.

Then the children are shown illustrated examples of wild and domestic animals, told about the habitat and lifestyle of each. The seasonal features of their residence are briefly described. This story takes no more than 8 minutes.

Then a physical education session is held, during which children can be asked to portray some kind of animal.

Then the children are given sets of cards with wild and domestic animals. The task is to divide the animals into two types. An example of possible card options:

After the children have completed the task, they depict the animal they like on pre-prepared sheets.

The lesson ends with a game: the teacher reads a story in the text of which various animals are found, when the children hear the name of an animal from the wild - they clap their hands when the pet is named, they do nothing. The story should take 5-8 minutes.

Educational games

Of course, this does not mean that the child is busy with developmental learning all the time in the garden, it is very tiring for a child of this age. The main occupation of preschool children is games, which also contribute to the development of abilities and communication skills. There are several types of games: role-playing, didactic, observation games, mobile, stimulating the independence and initiative of the child, his creative thinking abilities.

Let's take a separate look at what role-playing games and learning activities for older children are.

Preschoolers have a more developed content of the game. In games, along with actions, all kinds of social relations and emotions are added. The games reflect the features of the activities of adults, their mutual cooperation in work, their attitude to work itself and personally to each other during work.

Little by little, more and more personal practical experience of children penetrates into games, as well as knowledge that was learned from books and conversations with adults.

By the fifth year of life, the child already copes well enough with the basics of role-playing behavior, so the teacher needs to help the child unfold various plots during the game. The theme of games is also expanding, their content and semantic load are deepening.

With age, the number of participants in the games increases and ranges from 3 to 5 people.

The purpose of such games is to develop independence and self-organization in children, develop the ability to agree on the essence of the game, determine roles, create the main course of the plot, and prepare the environment for the game.

It is also extremely important that the child can follow the regime established in the garden, and this should be taught at home. Knowing the regime in kindergarten, try to create a similar home rhythm of life.

Sample routine of the day

Regime points in the senior group

Reception and examination of children, games, morning exercises, duty

from 6.45 to 8.25


from 8.25 to 8.50

Preparing for classes

from 8.55 to 9.00


from 9.00 to 11.05


at 10.00

Games, preparation for a walk, walk (or games, work)

from 11.05 to 12:35

Return from a walk

from 12.35 to 12.45


from 12.50 to 13.15

Sleep preparation, naps

from 13.15 to 15.00

Getting up, charging after sleep

from 15.00 to 15.10

Games, work, individual work

from 15.25 to 16.20

afternoon tea

from 16.20 to 16.40

Games, preparation for a walk, a walk, leaving children home

from 16.40 to 18.45

Of course, despite all the efforts of kindergarten teachers and teachers, the main responsibility for the mental, physical and emotional development of the child lies with the parents. Therefore, be attentive to your children, and everything will be fine.

Fine motor skills of the hand, to cultivate independence of thinking, quick wit

Demonstration material, equipment: calendars, hoops, announcement.

Handout: notebooks with assignments, sets of numbers, pencils.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Old Man Yearling".

The course of the integrated lesson in the senior group

Educator: Children, guess the riddle:

Stretched bridge

For seven miles

And at the end of the bridge

Golden Mile.

What is this amazing bridge? Let's solve the riddle with you (the days of the week from the calendar of nature are set in order). Seven miles - it's a long seven days; the bridge connects all seven days, forming a week. A mile is an old measure of distance. In the modern system of measures - almost a kilometer. Children, why do you think there is a "golden star" at the end of the bridge? (Answers of children).

Now I will read the poem "Calendar" to you:

Monday to Friday

Time drags on:

From home on weekdays

Mother leaves in the morning.

- Babe,

mom to work

On weekdays, he does not go for walks.

- There are a lot of these everyday life:

Once - two three - four - five!

Masha wants to repaint

Each leaf

In red.

Is it good to live

If mom is not at home?

Educator: Children, why do you think Masha wants to paint every leaf in the calendar red? (Answers of children).

- What are the weekends called? What are they in order?

- Children, a week came to visit us today, but the trouble is, her days are lost and cannot be in order. Help them please.

(Work in a notebook: numbers from 1 to 7 are written randomly. Children are invited to line up a week, pronouncing serial numbers, connect with arrows).

- What smart and smart people you are! Directly "seven spans in the forehead"! Now I will tell you why I said that. “In the view of ancient people, a high, wide forehead in a person is a sign of his mind. A long time ago, one of the measures of length was called a span. This is the distance between the thumb and forefinger of an adult. On average, the span is 18 cm and corresponded to the width of the forehead of an ordinary person. People considered the number 7 magical, so everything that caused surprise and admiration was associated with it. "He is seven spans in the forehead" - respectfully speak of a very smart, wise man. - And now I invite you to an amazing journey. We will travel in a special way - eyes on the days of the week.

All week long

The eyes are charging.

On Monday, when you wake up

Eyes smile at the sun

Look down at the grass

And back up.

Tuesday watch eyes

Looking back and forth

They go to the left. Walk to the right

They will never get tired.

On Wednesday we play hide and seek

We close our eyes tightly

Let's open our eyes.

We squint and open

So we continue the game.

On Thursdays we look into the distance

It's not a pity for this time

What is near and what is far

Eyes must be considered.

On Friday we didn't yawn

Eyes running around

Stop and again

Run to the other side.

Even if Saturday is a day off

We are not lazy with you

Looking for corners

To run the pupils.

We'll sleep on Sunday

And then let's go for a walk

To make the eyes harden

Need to breathe air

Without gymnastics, friends,

Our eyes cannot live.

Educator: Our eyes rested, traveled, now let's play with a week. (Each child has a card with a number from 1 to 7). At the signal of the teacher “Week”, the children line up according to the serial number of the days of the week.

- Children, look, what is this piece of paper hanging on the blackboard? Let's come and take a closer look. This is an ad. Now I will read it to you:

On Thursday there was an ad in the newspaper:

“Attention, children!

Attention, children!

Lost dog

Nicknamed Barbos.

Watchdog from the tail

And overgrown to the nose.

He lived near the station

Along New Street

In apartment 14

At Ivanova.

The finder will be given

Many awards:

Sweets, cakes

And chocolate.

Ivanova is not sleeping

fourth day

And two hundred boys

Don't sleep for a minute

And three hundred girls

They want an award:

Sweets, cakes and

But now the fifth

The days have come

The boys are tired

The girls are tired

Mistress of grief

hung up her nose

Suddenly on a Monday

Barbos appeared,

He found an apartment

Along New Street

And joyfully hand

Licked Ivanova.

And asks for coming back

Sweets, cakes and chocolate!

- How many days did the children search for Barbos?

- What day of the week was Barbos found?

Educator: Children, the days of the week have prepared riddles for us. Let's try to figure them out.

  • How can you list the three days of the week without naming them? (yesterday Today Tomorrow).
  • Can it rain two days in a row? (no, day separates night and morning).
  • On Saturday my father planted two trees, on Sunday he planted two more. How many trees did dad plant over the weekend? (Children answer with numbers).
  • If today is Wednesday, what day of the week will it be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

And now let's say a tongue twister together. Three today. Three yesterday. Three more the day before yesterday.

And here is a fun game "Today, tomorrow and yesterday."

(Three hoops are placed, denoting “yesterday, today, tomorrow.” Poems are read. Children run to the hoop that corresponds to the time concept mentioned).

Yesterday I was in the park with my mother,

Went to the store for bread

Played chess with dad

I drew a house with my sister.

We're going to the zoo today

Sing a song with Natasha

From the snow we sculpt a woman,

We bandage the cat's paw.

The swallows are gone

And yesterday dawn

All the rooks flew

Yes, as there flashed

Over that dawn.

Let's go to kindergarten tomorrow

We'll bring nuts to the squirrel,

We will walk with the dog

Let's go meet grandma.

Miracles are happening in the world

I met a dog this afternoon!

Beautiful! Huge!

Completely, completely homeless!

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! - not today

That's what lazy people say.

Tomorrow I will start my lesson.

I don't want to be lazy tomorrow!

Gotta work hard tomorrow!

"Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today" - this is advice to overcome laziness, reluctance to do anything and do the job now. But did the girl Natasha correctly understand the expression “do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today”?

Available in our apartment

Girl Natasha

Mom in her box

Brought some candy

And she said sternly:

"Eat some now

The rest tomorrow

Put it in the buffet."

And Natasha sat down,

I ate all the sweets

Eating and laughing

"Mom, do not scold,

I didn't forget

Remember you taught

Never for tomorrow

Don't leave things."

(The reasoned answers of children).

Educator: Children, do you still have unfulfilled, postponed cases? Then I suggest you complete the work you have begun. After all (children repeat the saying), "do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today."

Abstract of a comprehensive lesson in the senior group was prepared by L. Prokhorovich

Antonina Sterlikova
Synopsis of an open lesson in the senior group. Open lesson in the senior group "In the world of dangerous objects"

Developer: A. A. Sterlikova, teacher of the first qualification category.


Build mindfulness skills in children safe behavior in contact with dangerous household items.

Educational tasks:

Pin children's perceptions of danger when dealing with various household items;

To develop in children the ability to carefully use dangerous objects, the habit of putting things in their place;

Development tasks:

Form a coherent speech, make your own conclusions;

Develop attention, thinking in solving problem situations.

Educational tasks:

Cultivate curiosity;

Develop collaborative skills and the ability to work in a team.

Integration of educational regions: socio-communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Demo material: "pyramid security» , picture cards dangerous items, tool box, signs ( "forbidding" And "carefully").

Handout: subject pictures, glue sticks, linings, napkins.

preliminary work: making, together with parents, books - babies on the topic, talking with children, reading poems and stories, guessing riddles on the topic, for children "The Fourth Extra", « Dangerous - safe» and others.

The course of educational activities:

(I gather the children in a circle).

caregiver: Children, look at me and show your eyes. Let's smile to each other and give our guests a good mood.

Children, I really love fairy tales, and you?

Yes! Then I will now tell you a new, unfamiliar tale.

Lived once old man with old woman and they had two sons. The youngest's name was Ivan, and senior Mitrofan. The elder was lazy - ate Yes, he slept, but a job didn’t even enter his mind. And the younger Ivan is hardworking, cheerful, friendly. Master Ivan had a magic box, and his friends lived in it, who helped him a lot in his work. Ivan loved them, was friends with them, took care of them. And things also loved and respected Ivan, obeyed him when he said: "Each thing has its place!" and were proud of him when people spoke: "Master Ivan has golden hands", "The work of the master is afraid".

Look, children, this is how Ivan's various things are conveniently placed. They lie down and rest. Did you recognize them? (Show). What are their names?

Mitrofan was angry with Ivan for the fact that everyone praises Ivan, but mocks him. I took a box of tools from him and locked myself in a barn, decided to play with them.

Guys, come up with a fairy tale, the end of which should be good. (children's answers).

“I thought, thought Mitrofan, that this would not work. And decided to comply with all measures precautions. I took a hammer, a saw, nails and made a birdhouse.

So Mitrofan became a good master, that's how important it is to be able to properly handle dangerous objects so that they become friends and not enemies.

Physical education minute:

All day long here and there

There is a loud knock.

Hammers knock

We are building a house for the children.

What a nice house

How well we live.

caregiver: I also have a magic box, and riddles will help you guess what is in it.

Two rings, two ends

And in the middle of carnations / scissors /.

If the tip rests -

Immediately there is a hole / awl /.

My Antoshka has

Only a hat, and an iron leg / nail /.

I don't want to be silent

Let's knock!

And knocks all day long

He has an iron head /hammer/.

Here's an iron shack

Sheets hold very deftly.

Holds them tightly together

Never lose / paperclip /.

I am needle's girlfriend

Only I don’t have an eye / pin /.

Steel horse, linen tail

Make friends with me / needle /.

Well done boys!

A game "Make no mistake"/there are two signs on the table "forbidding" And "carefully". Children lay out pictures for these signs /.

Educator. I have a surprise for you. Look what I have prepared.

Show the children the prepared panel.

This is a pyramid dangerous and safe items.

Glue on the red ring dangerous items.

On the green ring items that you can use on your own.

But the pyramid is empty, it needs to be filled.

The teacher puts pictures on the table with the image items.

We will glue these pictures on the pyramid.

Children. And why is the pyramid also yellow?

Educator. I expected this question from you. See.

The teacher shows a picture of a chair.

Which one object - dangerous or safe?

Children. Safe.

Educator. That's right, if you use a chair according to the rules, that is, sit quietly. And if you swing on it, you can fall and get injured. This "cunning" item. In pictures like this a lot of items. Here we will stick them on the yellow field.

Well done, you've done the job!

Conclusion: Guys, these items faithfully serve a person and today one cannot do without them. But when we forget about the careful handling of these items, they become dangerous. And I hope that we will always remember to be careful.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an open lesson in the senior group "Matryoshka" Objectives: To acquaint with folk crafts, to raise interest in products of decorative and applied arts. Strengthen the ability to make.

Synopsis of an open lesson in the senior compensating group. An open lesson on the development of speech in the senior group. Maltseva Marina Leonidovna Municipal state preschool educational institution.

Synopsis of an open lesson in the second junior group "In the world of emotions" Developed by the teacher D / S No. 1 "Cornflower" Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development",.

Summary of the GEF open lesson in the senior group for the development of speech "Journey to the island" Purpose: To consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds. Enrich vocabulary. Improve children's auditory perception through discrimination exercises.

Abstract of the lesson on life safety "In the world of dangerous objects""In the world of dangerous objects" Educational area: cognition (safety) Objectives: To consolidate children's ideas about life-threatening.

Modern society raises the requirements for the level of professionalism of the teacher. This is due to the increasing value of quality education and personal development. Every educator, teacher, who has consciously chosen his profession, should strive to meet the new demands of society, improve teaching skills, and master modern technologies. Conducting open classes, participating in the exchange of experience and professional competitions, certification for a higher category - all these are ways of self-development in an effort to become a good educator and teacher.

Theoretical foundations for conducting an open lesson in the senior group of kindergarten

An open lesson is a lesson in which outsiders are present. Such lessons are held for the purpose of exchanging experience by educators of children's educational institutions and are part of the system of work of methodological associations. If the event is held within the framework of one educational institution, then the lesson is attended by colleagues, the administration of this institution, and there may be representatives of the parent committee. If an open lesson is held at the district level, then the number of guests can be much larger.

In an open lesson, the teacher demonstrates his skills and teaching methods

On the other hand, for children participating in an open lesson, this is a lesson that is part of the overall planning of the group's work. In terms of the time and volume of the material presented, this lesson should not differ from the usual one. Pupils of the older group (5-6 years old) already have sufficient independence, they have developed perseverance, they know how to think logically. The preferred form of conducting a lesson is still a game or the inclusion of game elements in its structure. In the game, it is easier for preschoolers to acquire knowledge and consolidate it in practice.

An open lesson is characterized by a frequent change in the activities of children. Various types of exercises, tasks, games, riddles and physical culture pauses should be interspersed with each other.

Types of open classes for pupils of the senior group

Choosing the topic of an open event, the teacher seeks to maximize the novelty and features of a particular topic. You can organize classes using innovative teaching methods and techniques (for example, the use of multimedia technology, the use of logorhythms, holding fitball gymnastics) or fill the lesson with unusual content (develop a lesson on a healthy lifestyle, moral education of children).

An open lesson with the Voskobovich square will help the children develop logical thinking

Table: types of open classes in the preschool educational institution

The focus of the lessonExamples
Music lesson
  • Sadykova Lilia "We are walking along the ladder, looking for a song".
  • Tolstoguzov Alexander "Journey to the country of musical instruments" .
Patriotic education
  • Nagaiskaya Anna "I love you, Russia" .
  • Latysheva Ksenia "There is nothing in the world more beautiful than our Motherland".
Promoting a healthy lifestyle
  • Gavrilova Tatyana "Journey to the country" Healthy ".
Development of logic
  • Egorova Irina "Journey to a forest clearing".
  • Kolomiets Lyubov "Journey to the Land of Logic".
Classes using ICT
  • Open lesson in mathematics using ICT "Journey through a fairy tale" .
  • Kakaulina Natalia “Synopsis of GCD with the use of ICT Educational area “Cognition”. FEMP".
  • Vorontsova Tatyana "Beauty Butterfly".
  • Vorobyova Lyudmila "Colorful fantasies" .
Psychological occupation
  • Kosenko Lyudmila "A fabulous journey into the magical world of Emotions" .
  • Occupation of a psychologist in the senior group.
  • Zainullina Zulfiya "Oh, you, winter-winter, swirled, swept."
  • Karimova Elmira "Summary of a lesson in logarithmics in the senior group".
  • Shmatova Victoria "Journey through the dance stations".
  • Kayumova Galina "In search of treasure".
Active work on physical culture
  • Nolfina Elena A walk through the fairy forest ”(with the use of psycho-gymnastics and circular training).
Fitball gymnastics
  • Malkova Elena "Competition of jumpers".
Etiquette class
  • Zakharova Tatyana "Journey through the island of courtesy".
  • Satarina G.N. "Introduction to the knife as cutlery".
Theatrical activitiesProtopopova Maria "Learning to be artists".

Video: class on theatrical activities in the senior group

Video: physical education lesson for older children using multimedia technologies and modular equipment

Individual tasks in an open lesson

If there are children in the group who require an individual approach: often missing classes for any reason, slow working, overly shy, pedagogically neglected, this must be taken into account when preparing for the lesson. For such pupils, the teacher develops tasks, taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, corresponding to the topic of the lesson. At the same time, some tasks are performed together with the whole group so that the child does not feel isolated from the team.

If necessary, the teacher helps individual pupils to complete the task

Individual tasks may also involve the preliminary memorization of poems by specific pupils, and then a performance in an open class.

Methods for increasing the motivation of children to study

Being in the center of attention of strangers, older preschoolers, like toddlers, may feel uncomfortable. When developing a lesson, it is necessary to take this into account, paying more attention to stimulating the motivation of children to complete tasks. Much depends on the teacher’s passion for the topic and the ability to create a working atmosphere in the classroom. An increase in the motivation of pupils is facilitated by the formation of an unusual, unexpected environment in the lesson, colorful design, the use of role-playing games, theatricalization of the lesson, awakening children's empathy for the heroes of the script, creating a situation of competition both between teams and individual children.

For children 5–6 years old, it is important for adults to evaluate their actions, the correctness of the work performed. This increases the self-esteem of the child and increases interest in the lesson. There are several methods that are used in practice:

  • Verbal praise of a preschooler.
  • Reward for the correct answer: postcards, chips, sweets. When summarizing the results, the educator takes this into account: “Who has 2 chips (the smallest number) - raise your hands, you are great, you worked well; who has 3 chips - did an excellent job with the tasks, who has 4 - today you are the best mathematicians in our group!
  • Use the badges "For the correct decision", "For the quick decision", "For the neat work", etc.
  • Organize a challenge prize "Best student of the day".

The introductory stage of the lesson is always important. It is necessary to plan and conduct it in such a way as to capture the attention of children. The arrival of a fairy-tale character in a group always intrigues the guys. Usually this role is played by a doll or a bright poster, or maybe the teacher himself will be reincarnated as the hero of a magical story.

You can start the lesson with an interesting game that will immediately attract the attention of all pupils.

Such a poster can act as a means of increasing the motivation of preschoolers to study.

You can start the introductory stage of the lesson by showing a poster. It is a good idea to show the children a visual aid consisting of individual petals. The selected pictures should be bright, understandable, memorable in order to attract the attention of children. The design of the manual is developed in such a way as to correspond to the structure of the lesson. Such a poster will become a support for the teacher during the lesson and will help preschoolers to better learn new knowledge.

Preparation and conduct of an open lesson in the senior group of kindergarten

Planning an open session begins with choosing a topic and setting goals. Next, you need to think over the logic of organizing the lesson, the relationship and sequence of individual parts of the lesson, the completion of all stages and taking into account the time allotted for their implementation. A clearly thought-out structure of the lesson, an entertaining plot, individual components of the lesson are plastically replaced one after another - all this guarantees the success of an open lesson.

The duration of an open lesson in the older group, like the usual one, is 25–30 minutes, but the pace of work is quite high.

AuthorKapustyanskaya L.V., methodologist, Pavlovsk.
Topic selectionThe choice of the topic of an open lesson is made by the teacher independently, taking into account the analysis of the material on which he can better show the improvements, techniques and methods developed by him, the organization of the activities of pupils at different stages of the lesson.
Formulating a methodological goalIt is necessary to begin preparation with the formulation of the methodological goal of an open lesson. The methodological goal reflects the main methodology of the lesson. This will help to most constructively and objectively approach the introspection and analysis of the lesson, to assess the correctness of the selected methods and techniques and forms of organization.
The methodological goal of the open lesson can be formulated as follows:
  • methods of using a personal computer in solving practical problems;
  • methodology for organizing independent work of pupils;
  • activation of the cognitive activity of pupils in the classroom in the process of working with visual aids and didactic material;
  • the method of using ... (a specific technique, technology is indicated) in the process of presenting new material.
Literature studyWhen preparing for an open lesson, the teacher should use up-to-date information, select materials from pedagogical and methodological literature, apply the results of visiting methodological seminars, exhibitions, etc. All this will help make the lesson interesting and informative.
Material and technical equipmentThe material and technical equipment of the lesson must be prepared in advance. You should test the equipment and TCO in action, consider the sequence of their use in the classroom.
Visual aids and audiovisual aids must be selected so that their use gives the best effect to achieve the goals. Too many visual aids scatter the attention of children, and an abundance of unused visual aids is unjustified in the classroom. Be modest and do not burden the activity with visuals as decoration. All illustrative materials of the lesson should work for the purpose of the lesson.

Examples of topics for open classes in the senior group

As a help to young educators, we offer a list of topics suitable for an open event in the older group:

  • Nutrition education:
    • Why eat vegetables?
    • "Fruit on our table"
    • "Vitamins for Thumbelina".
  • Classes from the series "Health":
    • "What is it to be healthy"
    • "Cleanliness is the key to health",
    • "To be healthy is to be beautiful."
  • Sports activities:
    • swimming lesson,
    • sports festival,
    • team competition "Merry Starts".
    • "The Road to the Land of Security"
    • "Tales of the cat Matroskin about the rules of the road."
  • Patriotic education of preschoolers:
    • "Our Army"
    • "Motherland",
    • "My city",
    • "Folk Traditions in Russian Fairy Tales".
  • Environmental activities:
    • "Underwater Kingdom"
    • "Experiments with Air"
    • Green Pharmacy.
  • Socialization of children:
    • "Lesson of Kindness and Politeness"
    • "I am special",
    • Polite words at home, in kindergarten and on the street.
  • Getting to know the outside world:
  • Labor activity of preschoolers:
    • “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it” (tales about labor),
    • "Let's get the toys in order"
    • "Labor landing in the flowerbed",
    • "How to help Fedorino Gory".
  • Literacy, development of logical thinking and cognitive interest:
    • "How to learn to solve riddles",
    • "The world of discoveries is always near",
    • "Country ABVGDEyk".
  • Creative activities with children:
    • "Christmas card",
    • "Holy Easter" (sculpting in the form),
    • "Land of the Fairy of Flowers" (coloring, making from napkins, modeling).

Whatever the focus of the lesson, in the middle of the lesson there must be a dynamic pause or a physical education session, which in its content corresponds to the stated topic.

Table: temporary lesson plan

Stage nameDurationContentNote
Organizational2 minutesGreeting, organizing the workplace of the group.
Introductory3–5 minutesAnnouncement of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Motivating children to participate in the lesson.
Basic20 minutesMay include theoretical and practical tasks. Motivating children for every lesson.Health-saving methods are taken into account: safety precautions during practical work, change of activity, physical education.
Final2-3 minutesSumming up, analysis of results. Relaxation exercise.

Table: abstract of an open lesson on the formation of mathematical representations in the senior group (fragment)

AuthorGrigoryeva O. I., educator of the MK preschool educational institution D / s "Fairy Tale", p. Karymsk, Irkutsk region.
Name"Five Keys"
TargetDevelopment of children's interests, curiosity, cognitive activity.
  • Educational:
    • to form knowledge about numbers from 1 to 5;
    • knowledge of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, polygon);
    • ability to navigate on a sheet of paper;
    • develop constructive skills (collect puzzles with cartoon characters).
  • Developing:
    • develop the interests of children,
    • logical thinking,
    • curiosity.
  • Educational: the development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers.
Demo material
  • chest,
  • 5 keys
  • small glass jar with clear water
  • blue fabric stretched over a hoop (lake),
  • 5 fish with numbers from 1 to 5,
  • telephone.
  • A set of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon),
  • puzzles with cartoon characters.
Methodological techniques
  • game situation,
  • formulation of the problem,
  • conversation-dialogue,
  • speech games,
  • mobile game "We will buy with my grandmother",
  • constructive activity,
  • an experiment with water in a jar (in order for colored water to appear in a jar after clear water, you need to apply thick gouache on the lid of the jar, after shaking the closed jar, colored water will appear in it).
  • analysis,
  • displaying pictures for assignments using ICT,
  • summarizing.
Organizational stageChildren enter the hall and stand in a semicircle facing the guests.
V .: Guys, look, a lot of guests came to us today. Tell me, do you like when guests come to you? (Yes). Let's say hello to our guests. (Children say hello).
Introductory stageV .: But these are not all the guests. Now a guest from a fairy tale familiar to you will come to us and the name of this guest is Dr. Aibolit.
Aibolit tells the guys that the pirates took away his magic water. To find it, children need to complete 5 tasks. After receiving 5 keys from the fish, the guys will open the chest with magical water.<…>
The game "Parts of the day" ("Finish the sentence").
  • We sleep at night, and do exercises ... (In the morning).
  • We have breakfast in the morning, and have lunch ... (In the afternoon).
  • We have lunch during the day, and we have dinner ... (In the evening).
  • We have dinner in the evening, and sleep ... (At night).<…>
main stageB: Let's go to the lake. We go along the path. Look at the fish swimming in the lake. To find out which task is the first and which is the second, etc., we need to arrange the fish in order. (Each child lays out fish with numbers from 1 to 5 in a hoop). Find a fish with the number 1. Now you will sit on the chairs, and we will see what task this fish has prepared for us.
Well done! Here is the first fish and task 1.
The game "Say in one word" (generalization) with the ball.
  • Apple, pear, plum, lemon - ... (Fruit).
  • Bed, bedside table, chair, wardrobe - ... (Furniture).
  • Dog, cat, cow, goat - ... (Pets).
  • Dad, mom, grandmother, grandfather - ... (Relatives, family).
  • Cube, doll, car, ball - ... (Toys).
  • Slippers, sandals, boots, sneakers - ... (Shoes).
  • Bee, dragonfly, fly, beetle - ... (Insects).
  • Airplane, helicopter, rocket - ... (Air transport).

The game "What are the objects made of?".<…>
V: Well done! Here is the key from the fish for the correct answers. Find the fish with the number 2. (Children sit in a semicircle near the projector).
Describing an animal game.
Q: If you guess the animal, it will appear on the screen.

  • This animal has a gray coat in summer and white in winter. He runs fast. He is afraid of everyone in the forest, hiding under a bush. (Hare).
  • He is small and prickly. Sleeps in winter. In summer it catches beetles and worms. (Hedgehog).
  • He is big, shaggy, clumsy. In winter, he sleeps in a den. In summer, he walks through the forest looking for honey and raspberries. (Bear).
  • She is red and smart. She has a fluffy tail. Lives in a hole. Catches mice and hares. (Fox).
  • He is gray and scary, angry and hungry. Catches hares and calves. Lives in a lair. (Wolf).
  • She is small, fast, red-haired. Jumps through the trees, lives in a hollow. Gnawing cones and nuts. (Squirrel).

Q: Guys, what are the names of these animals? That's right, wild animals. For the correct answers, the fish gives us a second key. Where is the third fish? (Children find a fish with the number 3).
The third fish invites us to just relax.
The game "We will buy with my grandmother."
V: Well done! From the fish we get another key. Next task 4. (Sit down at the tables).
The game "What is where?".
This is a memory task. Children are encouraged to carefully observe and memorize where the geometric shapes are located. Then arrange geometric shapes on the landscape sheet in accordance with the diagram.

  • In the middle is a circle.
  • In the upper right corner is a square.
  • In the lower left corner is a hexagon.
  • In the lower right corner is a triangle.
  • In the upper left corner is a rectangle.

V: Good. Did you do everything right? The fish gives us the fourth key. And let's see the last one. There is only one fish left. What number? That's right, 5.
The task "Collect the characters of familiar cartoons using puzzles."
Children collect puzzles and name the cartoon. (Music is playing).
V: Well done! Rybka gives us another key. So, how many keys do we have? (Five). It's time to call Dr. Aibolit.
They call the doctor. Aibolit comes in.

The final stageAibolit: You have 5 keys. Now you have to pick up the key to the casket, open it and get magical water.
Children with a teacher select the key. Open and get magic water. (She is transparent).
V .: In my opinion, this is ordinary water.
Aibolit: But no! See. (Aibolit covers the jar with a cloth, chatting, it turns out colored water.) Real magic water! Thanks for the help! Rather, I go to Africa to treat animals. And you have a surprise from me in a casket so that you do not get sick. Goodbye.
The teacher and children find vitamins in the casket.
Teacher and children: Thank you. Goodbye!

By the way the educator performs his work, what results he achieves, his professional status is determined. Training, continuous improvement on the way to the highest professionalism for him is one of the ways of self-realization, a source of inner satisfaction. It is impossible to educate and develop children if the teacher himself stands still, because the modern world is changing very quickly.