Size range of children's shoes. Features of the development of the legs of the child. The main mistakes when buying children's shoes

It will be easiest to choose shoes by age if they are guided by the main criteria and parameters. High-quality shoes, of course, play an important role for the emerging gait and health of the baby,

but at the same time it is necessary to comply with the sizes of children's shoes. Natural materials, quality seams and a trustworthy manufacturer are important aspects, but not the most basic ones. The child, first of all, needs to feel comfortable.

How parents choose

Everyone knows that children grow up very quickly. During the first years, the child will change more than one pair of shoes. Despite this, it must be good and of high quality. Most parents tend to buy shoes from reputable manufacturers. Many of them are foreign. Therefore, there is often a mismatch in the size of children's shoes. Each country has its own measurement scale, which manufacturers are guided by.

Parents of babies have to measure their feet or rely on their visual perception, which very often leads to errors. It can be very difficult to take a baby for a fitting, so you have to trust your own measurements.

What not to do when buying shoes

Very often, parents make various mistakes. The size of children's shoes by age for different companies and is very different. It often happens that errors occur when measuring the foot at home (if this shoe is bought for the first time) or if there is a sample (it is not measured, but the indicated size on the shoe is taken as an axiom).

The main mistakes of parents

Parents who are trying to figure out the size of a child often make similar mistakes:

Size chart - the main assistant in choosing shoes

To help parents, a special table was created, which presents children's shoe sizes in centimeters. In such a table there is an average size of the foot in centimeters, which corresponds. But choosing simply by the age of the child without taking measurements of his foot is also not worth it, since not all children fit the standard parameters.

Moreover, the size of Russian children's shoes is very different from the same European or American version. Therefore, it is convenient for children to transfer one shoe parameter to another.

The countdown in centimeters of the foot starts at 9.5. The difference in the accepted sizes between the Russian standard and the European one is one unit. That is, for example, children at the age of three have a foot of 16 centimeters, which corresponds to the Russian standard of size 26, while with the same foot it will be 27.

What is a Stichmass System

Undoubtedly, it will help to determine the age at which indicates the average. But you can also use the stichmass system. Many parents, when they find that the soles of shoes cannot fit shoes well, come to a different solution. They take a piece of paper, put the baby's foot on it and circle it.

The drawn foot is measured with a ruler from the biggest toe to the heel. The number that you get in centimeters will be the correct size of the child's feet. In the same way, in most countries of the post-Soviet space, the sizes of manufactured shoes are measured.

In European countries and in America, it is customary to use a shtichmass system to measure a child's foot. The size of children's shoes by age is calculated, equating to the system of stitches. Each pair of shoes has a marking corresponding to the length of the insole. It is measured in strokes. One such piece is equal to two or three centimeters.

Small subtleties when choosing children's shoes

When buying seasonal shoes for a child, you should understand that he will grow out of it very quickly, so you should not take them back to back. You should always have a small margin in size - about ten millimeters.

When measuring a baby's foot, be sure to take measurements while standing. Under the weight of the body, the leg becomes larger, so the measurements on weight will be incorrect. Usually one leg may be slightly longer than the other. This should be taken into account. It is better to try on shoes on the foot that is larger. When buying winter shoes, you need a margin of one and a half centimeters, for summer shoes - one centimeter.

Problems with the selection of shoes in the store with the child usually do not arise. Shoes are tried on until a matching pair is found. But if a mother wants to order shoes, sneakers through an online store or a gift is chosen without the possibility of trying on, you will need a dimensional grid of shoes for children. How not to make a mistake when buying shoes, choose the perfect option for the length of the foot and completeness, we will tell in our article.

From this article you will learn

How to determine the size of a child's shoes

The size of shoes for children is determined by the length of the foot and completeness. They need to be measured at home. To obtain accurate data, you will need a piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler. Proceed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Place the baby's right foot on the paper first.
  2. Trace around with a pencil, pressing the lead firmly against the arch of the foot.
  3. Repeat the procedure with the left leg.
  4. Take a ruler.
  5. On the resulting contour, measure the distance between the center of the heel and the tip of the thumb.
  6. Compare the data obtained with the accepted system for determining the size of the boots of the manufacturing country. The children's foot size chart will come to your rescue.
  7. Do not forget to take into account the fullness of the legs. Wide shoes are not suitable for thin feet. It is better to take it with lacing, a lock, and for a full one - with Velcro to regulate the free space.

  • In babies from 1 to 3 years old, the foot grows rapidly. Measure your feet every three months.
  • In infants, take measurements in a sitting position, lying down with a tape measure; in older children - standing.
  • The data will be accurate in the evening, when the foot increases from the daily load, slight swelling.
  • Take measurements for winter shoes with a toe, for summer shoes - barefoot.
  • Be sure to set the length of both feet. Right and left indicators may differ. This is the norm. But when buying shoes, focus on large sizes.
  • Add 0.5–1 cm to the resulting length for infants and children under 3 years old, 0.5 cm for adolescents. Extra space inside the boots is necessary for ventilation. This advice should not be taken into account when buying beach shoes with open toes and heels.
  • Round the received data up to the norm. If it turned out 16.2 cm, focus on the length of 16.5 cm, that is, the 26th Russian size.

Important! Adult children need to calculate the size only while standing. In this position, the weight of the body presses on the leg, it increases by several millimeters or even 1 cm.

Size system in different countries

Children's shoes are made all over the world, and size markings vary by country. This must be taken into account when buying boots of foreign and Russian production. Let's analyze this in more detail:

  • In Russia, Europe, China, CIS countries, the metric system. The length of the foot is taken as a basis in millimeters. The size grid of these manufacturers is the same. The interval between values ​​is 0.5 cm.
  • In England, feet are measured in inches. 1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm. English shoes start with 0, then add 1/3 inch.
  • France uses a stichmass system based on stichs. 1 stitch = 2/3 cm. The manufacturer does not measure the foot, but the insole.
  • In America, sizes can be found by the length of the foot, but in inches. The grid shift is 1/12 inch, or 2.1 mm.

Table for children by age

The size of shoes for children by age is determined only approximately, but for orientation in stores and when ordering online, you can also use this ratio table (Important! The table can be scrolled to the right and left on mobile devices):

Child's age (girl)Child's age (boy)Foot length, cm (options)Shoe size (Europe, Russia, China)
3 to 6 months3 to 6 months9,5 16
10 16,5
10,5 17
6 to 9 months6 to 9 months11 18
11,5 19
9 to 12 months9 to 12 months12 19,5
12,5 20
From a year to a year and a halfFrom a year to a year and a half13 21
13,5 22
2–3 years14 22,5
1.5–2 years 14,5 23
15 24
2–3 years 15,5 25
4–5 years16 25,5
16,5 26
3–4 years 17 27
4–5 years5–6 years17,5 28
18 28,5
5–6 years 18,5 29
6–8 years19 30
19,5 31
6–7 years 20 31,5
20,5 32
8–12 years old21 33
21,5-22 34
22,5 35
23 36

Important! As can be seen from the table, in girls the growth of the foot is slower and, by nature, less than in boys. Therefore, gender and age should also be taken into account.

Foot length size chart

The easiest way is to choose shoes according to foot measurements made at home in cm or mm. To simplify the translation of the dimensional grid, depending on the country of manufacture of the shoes, use the tables.

Size chart for children up to a year

Foot length, cmRussia/EuropeUSAGreat Britain
8,3 16 0,5 0
8,9 16 1 0,5
9,2 17 1,5 1
9,5 17 2 1
10,2 18 2,5 1,5
10,5 18 3 2
10,8 19 3,5 2,5
11,4 19 4 3
11,7 20 4,5 3,5
12,1 20 5 4

Table for children from 1 year to 5 years

Foot length, cmRussia/EuropeUSAGreat Britain
12,7 21 5,5 4,5
13 22 6 5
13,3 22 6,5 5,5
14 23 7 6
14,3 23 7,5 6,5
14,6 24 8 7
15,2 25 8,5 7,5
15,6 25 9 8
15,9 26 9,5 8,5
16,5 27 10 9
16,8 27 10,5 9,5
17,1 28 11 10
17,8 29 11,5 10,5
18,1 30 12 11

How to choose the fullness of shoes for a child

Unfortunately, not all manufacturers of children's shoes take into account and indicate the width of the shoes on the model. And this indicator is very important. Sandals, shoes and sneakers of the same size may be tight or too loose for the baby. It all depends on the fullness of the legs.

In European countries, the letters C, D, E and others are indicated next to the size on the sole or on a special label. What do they stand for? This is a criterion for the narrowness and width of the boots. You can decrypt them like this:

  • C - the most narrow boots, for a very, very thin leg.
  • D - slightly wider than C. On a very thin foot.
  • E - shoes for a narrow foot.
  • F is the average width.
  • G - the width is slightly above average.
  • N - wide shoes.

Important! If there is no marking for narrowness and width, then it is suitable for the average foot.

The completeness of the leg can be obtained in numbers and use this data to order through Internet resources. Use the formula:

P(fullness of the foot) \u003d 0.25 O(girth of the foot at the widest point) - 0.15 D ( foot length from heel to toes) - 16.5

It is interesting! American shoes are usually wider than Chinese, European and Russian. This is due to national physiological characteristics.

10 rules for choosing children's shoes

  1. Do not buy closed shoes, boots butt. The foot should have some free space - no more than 1 cm. In summer, the foot sweats, swells a little, so shoes in size can rub. And in winter, a spare centimeter is needed for warmth and the ability to put on a thick sock.
  2. Children's shoes must have an arch support. Choose a model in which the tab has an average size. A strongly protruding insole deforms the foot, the absence of this detail provokes flat feet.
  3. Pay attention to the back. It should be rigid, fix the foot, made from a single piece of thick leather. Shoes with a soft back base are allowed by orthopedists from the age of 12.
  4. Do not buy kids under 5 years old slates, sandals without a back for daily long wear. The ankle is not fixed. It's bad for children's feet.
  5. The outsole matters a lot. Choose models with a grooved non-slip outsole. It should bend well, but be elastic.
  6. The high-quality sole is made of rubber, polyurethane. This material is porous, of medium hardness. Plastic for children's soles is not suitable. It is slippery, does not spring when walking.
  7. In the store, check the flexibility of the sole. Bend your boots in half. The sole should bend well in the middle and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers.
  8. The presence of a small heel will insure against falls, will not let your posture deteriorate. For one-year-olds, choose tops with a heel no more than 0.5 cm, up to 10 years old - 1.5 cm, after 10-12 years old - from 4 cm.
  9. The laces fix the foot better than the lock. But for little tomboys, they can be dangerous if they get untied and hang out. Buy sandals for kindergarteners with Velcro. And boots - with a lock and laces at the same time. Tie the strings on warm boots tightly, sometimes check their fixation, use the zipper on the side to put them on daily.
  10. Shoes with a pointed, oval toe are not suitable for children. Fingers in such boots and sneakers are cramped. Choose the rounded version. The availability of free space must be checked at the time of purchase. Ask the baby to move the shod fingers, if the thumb moves freely, then the model suits him.

5 common myths

Blindly following the advice of grandmothers or girlfriends when choosing shoes for a child has given rise to 5 of the most common myths. Let's try to dispel them:

  • Children under 5 years old need to wear orthopedic shoes. If the baby does not have indications for this type of shoes, buy standard shoes and sandals. Special medical shoes are made to order. The orthopedic effect of shoes from ordinary stores is fiction.
  • Kindergarteners and schoolchildren under 10-12 years old should not wear sneakers or moccasins for more than two hours in a row. They spoil the gait, deform the foot. This fact is not confirmed in practice.
  • Boots should hold the ankle high. The extra tab is detrimental to the development of the ankle joint. It is better to buy comfortable shoes, and the ankle itself is quite hard, it does not require additional support.
  • Scientific developments in the shoe industry must also be present in children's models. Flanges, shock absorbers, a special heel - the usual advertising chips. On gait, the formation of the foot does not have a positive effect.

How to choose your first shoes

Proper shoes for babies and children under 1.5 years old must meet certain standards:

  1. The boots have two or three fasteners to secure the foot. For newborns, babies, choose Velcro to adjust the width of the internal cavity depending on the thickness of the sock worn.
  2. A hard high back, even for summer sandals, is a must.
  3. Round toe without points, bulges. It is convenient and safe for a toddler who is just learning to walk.
  4. In any pair of shoes, leave a margin of 0.5 to 1 cm for freedom for the fingers.
  5. You can not take shoes for growth. This makes walking difficult, the baby loses balance.
  6. Find out the size of the child's foot in infancy lying down, recheck every three months.
  7. Consider the rise of the foot. For babies, do not buy too high boots.
  8. Take into account the weather outside. It is not necessary for babies to take warm boots for a warm spring. It is more convenient for them to run in sneakers, leather shoes with low sides.

Important! You can't wear shoes all the time. Be sure to take off your child's shoes at home for walking barefoot on hard floors, sand and earth. This is a good massage and prevention of flat feet.

How to understand that the shoes are small

Finding out that the shoes or closed shoes are small is difficult if the baby is not yet talking, cannot complain about the tightness of the fingers, pain when walking. In this case, the mother needs to act like this:

  1. After the street, carefully examine the baby's leg. If there are red spots on the heel, fingers, pain is felt, then it's time to change the shoes.
  2. Put on the shoes for the child, press on the toe in the area of ​​​​the thumb with your hands. There should be some space left. If the topics fit in width and size, there will be free space, the finger will not rest against the edge.
  3. Examine the boots. A stretched surface, bubbles on the heels indicate tightness.
  4. Find out if there is space between the foot and the tongue.

Try to put your finger under the tongue. If it doesn't fit, change your shoes. They don't fit or fit.

What material to choose shoes from

For young children, shoe material is very important. What to look for when choosing boots from different raw materials:

  • The material must be breathable. In rubber boots, the legs sweat, and in leather shoes, textile sneakers, the skin breathes and does not overheat.
  • Hypoallergenic. This is an indicator of quality. Leather, latex, felt, suede are suitable for allergy sufferers. Poor quality rubber, natural felt can cause unpleasant reactions.
  • Smell. Smell shoes, sneakers. If they smell unpleasant, repulsive, then you should not buy them.
  • Rigidity. Textile shoes wear out quickly, the fabric bubbles, deforms. This negatively affects the formation of the ankle. Genuine leather shoes are worn, retaining their appearance for a long time, without harming the gait and foot of the child.

An approximate list of models and material is given in the table (Important! The table can be scrolled to the right and left on mobile devices):

MaterialAdvantages and disadvantagesModelsWhat time of year is it suitable for?
LeatherDoesn't get wet
Does not deform
Long worn
Looks aesthetically pleasing
Safe for babies
High price
Shoes, boots, boots, sneakers, sandalsAll year round
Wears out in one season
Shoes, sandalsSummer
Suede leathernatural material
Easily deformed
getting wet
Wearing out from socks
Spring, autumn boots, shoesCold summer, early autumn and spring
Light fabric (denim, linen, cotton)Light shoes
breathable material
Low price
hypoallergenic material
Not recommended for two-year-old children and infants for long-term wear
Keds, slippersSummer, late spring
Dense warm material (felt, felt)Keeps cold out
Comfortable to wear for babies
breathable material
getting wet
Valenki, warm bootsWinter
Rubber, latexWear resistant
Doesn't warm feet
Boots, flip flops, beach shoes, sandalsAutumn, summer

Size charts of common brands

It will be useful for fans of world brands to use the tables of correspondence of Russian shoe sizes, manufacturer's markings and foot length. It remains to measure the leg and buy the desired shoes from the catalog through the online store.

AliExpress ("Aliexpress")

On this marketplace, the size corresponds to the length of the foot of a child and an adult. That is, how many centimeters the leg, buy this size. Very convenient system for the Russian consumer.

Foot length, cm9,5 10 10,5 11 11,5 12 12,5 13 13,5
Size on the seller's website9,5 10 10,5 11 11,5 12 12,5 13 13,5


Not too expensive children's shoes for all seasons are made from natural high-quality materials. The manufacturer produces boots, sandals for kids of any age. Products are divided into groups by age.


This brand is responsible for off-season and cold weather footwear. "Kapika" offers a wide range of rubber boots, dutiks, galoshes. Choose the size according to the grid. It is the same for the company "Kapika" and "Kotofey".

Age group
booties Foot length, cm9,5 10 10,5 11 11,5 12 12,5
Shoe size16 16,5 17 18 19 19,5 20
From 1 year to 3 years
Foot length, cm10,5 11 11,5 12 12,5 13 13,5 14
Shoe size17 18 19 19,5 20 21 22 22,5
3 to 6 years old
Foot length, cm14,5 15 15,5 16,5
Shoe size23 24 25 25,5 26
preschool Foot length, cm17 17,5 18 18,5 19 19,5 20
Shoe size27 28 28,5 29 30 31 31,5
(from 7 to 10-12 years old)
Foot length, cm20,5 21 21,5 22 22,5 23 23,5 24
Shoe size32 33 34 34,5 35 36 37 37,5
teenage Foot length, cm24,5 25 25,5 26 26,5 27 27,5 28
Shoe size38 39 40 40,5 41 42 43 43,5

Adidas ("Adidas")

Produces high quality sports and casual shoes. You can choose a model for children by correlating the length of the foot and the sizes of the legs we are used to with the English measure.

Age groupFoot length, cmSize (Russia, Europe)Size (England)
From 1 year to 3 years11,4 19 3K
12,2 20 4K
13,1 21 5K
13,6 22 5.5K
13,9 23 6K
14,6 24 7K
15,1 25 7.5K
15,9 26 8.5K
16,9 27 9.5K
4 to 8 years old17,1 28 10K
18,3 29 11K
18,5 30 11.5K
19,1 31 12.5K
20 32 13,5
20,6 33 1
21,1 34 2
21,6 35 2,5
9 to 12 years old22,7 - 3
23 35 3,5
23,3 35,5 4
23,9 36 4,5
24,3 36,5 5
24,9 37 5,5
25,2 38 6
25,9 38,5 6,5


The manufacturer successfully combines the price and quality of goods. That's why buyers love it so much. Use the table to select your shoe size.

AgeFoot length, cm8,3 9,1 10 10,8 11,6 12,5 13,3 14,2 15 15,9 16,7 17,2 17,6 18 18,4 18,8 19,3 19,7
Children Size, Russia14 15 16 17,5 18,5 20 21 22,5 24 25 26 26,5 27 27,5 28,5 29 30 30,5
US size0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C10C10.5C11C11.5C12C12.5C13C13.5C
Teenagers Length, feet, cm20,1 20,4 20,8 21,2 21,6 21,9 22,3 22,7 23,1 23,4 23,8 24,2 24,6
Size, Russia32 33 33,5 34 35 35,5 36 36,5 37,5 38 38,5 39 40
Size, England13,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6


It produces comfortable shoes, boots for boys and girls from 0 to 12 years old.

Insole length, cm9,5 10 10,5 11 11,5 12,5 13 13,5 14,5 15 15,5 16,5 17 17,5 18 19
The size16 16,5 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

ECCO ("Ecco")

Specializes in the production of boots for the off-season.

Manufacturer's size marking8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Size (Russia)19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Foot length, cm12,5 13 13,5 14 14,5 15 16 16,5 17 17,5 18 19 19,5 20,5 21 21,5 22,5

Use the useful tips from our article when ordering children's shoes, then the purchase will surely please the baby and parents.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the first

One of the main questions that arises when buying shoes for a child is how to determine the right size. Often on store shelves there are a lot of shoes visually of the same length, but at the same time with different markings. The difference in size is laid down by manufacturers, as in clothing. Signs will help you figure out the nuances of choosing the right size.

Without theoretical knowledge, choosing the right shoes for a child is not so easy.


Classification of children's shoes

What are the types of children's shoes? The criteria for dividing shoes can be very different. One of the main distinguishing features is the sex of the child. A number of manufacturers produce the so-called unisex models, which are most widely used in the sports version of shoes. You can choose shoes according to the following classifications:

According to the age:

  • nursery (up to 1.5 years);
  • small children (up to 3 years);
  • for preschoolers;
  • for younger students;
  • teenage.

By function:

  • home;
  • sports;
  • daily;
  • elegant.

For proper development and formation of the foot and posture:

  • orthopedic;
  • preventive.

Orthopedic shoes designed specifically to support foot health

By season:

  • summer;
  • winter;
  • demi-season.

In appearance:

  • closed;
  • open;
  • to the ankle;
  • above the ankle.

Footwear for children must meet the following requirements:

  • natural material that allows the leg to breathe (leather, textiles, nubuck, suede);
  • flexible but elastic sole allows the foot to bend freely and repeat the movements of the foot;
  • embossed anti-slip sole;
  • a small heel is necessary for the prevention of flat feet and the proper development of the leg;
  • the presence of arch supports in toddler shoes and, if necessary, in shoes for older children;
  • Velcro sandals or boots are suitable for the smallest buyers.

Best of all, leather shoes with a comfortable shoe and arch support have proven themselves

Measuring the leg correctly

You can determine the correct shoe size for a child as follows:

  • One of the win-win options is to take an insole from the shoes in which the child walks now and feels comfortable in it. The insole is measured - the dimension is found out.
  • Measuring with a pencil on paper is also very effective. The leg is placed on a hard, flat surface and outlined with a pencil. Put on a sock first. To buy shoes for the winter - warm, and for the summer - thin.
  • It is possible to measure the foot with a ruler with a mandatory standing position on a flat surface.
  • The most protruding parts of the foot are taken as the starting and ending points of the measurement.
  • The child can be put on a ruler lying on the floor or on a centimeter tape, previously stretched.
  • Measuring diagonally is wrong.
  • During the day, the leg swells a little, so it is advisable to take all measurements in the afternoon.
  • Be sure to measure both feet and take as a basis the indicator of the larger foot.
  • The right and left legs may differ by several millimeters.
  • All rounding must be done up. For example, with a length of 15.3 - round up to 15.5, and with a length of 16.8 - up to 17 centimeters.
  • It is imperative to take into account the margin for growth and leg lengthening when walking. The total allowance should be about 15 mm.
  • When choosing, do not forget to pay attention to the rise and thickness of the leg, especially for models with a zipper. Sneakers, sandals and shoes are usually easier to “fit” to the desired volume, thanks to the available Velcro. For chubby legs, you should choose wide, spacious models, and for thin ones, narrower ones, which will allow the material to repeat the shape of the legs as much as possible.

A simple scheme for measuring a child's legs

The insole obtained as a result of measurements will allow you to accurately determine the size of the child's foot in different measurement systems. The choice of table is determined by the country of manufacture. Tables are usually available in every shoe store, but you can take the precaution to take them with you so that you can find your bearings on the spot.

Size systems in different countries

Dimensional systems today are the following:

  • The metric system used in Russia is based on the International Standard ISO 3355-77. Here, the correspondence of the size to the length of the foot in millimeters is taken as a basis. For convenience, all figures are rounded to the nearest 0.5 cm. The distance from the protruding (usually thumb) toe to the heel will be an indicative value. Additional amendments regarding the shape of the block are not provided, therefore, such a system is the simplest and most understandable. The size interval in Russian shoes is 0.5 cm.
  • Shtihmassovaya (European) system is used for imported shoes. The unit of measure for the length of the insole (and size, respectively) is a stip equal to 6.7 mm. This takes into account that the insole, as a rule, is about 15 mm longer than the foot. This is due to the fact that the length of the insole has a margin for allowance. This nuance is the reason for incorrect translations of sizes from one system to another.
  • English shoes are measured in inches, where an inch equals 2.54 centimeters. Size 0 is intended for booties for newborn babies (we recommend reading:). The measurement is taken at a distance of 4 inches from the heel. Spacing between sizes is 1/3 inch.
  • The Chinese measurement system repeats the Russian one and takes the distance from toe to heel as a basis.
  • The system in the USA, Canada and Australia is also measured in inches. The shift goes towards zero by 1/12 (2.1 mm).

The Chinese and Russian system uses a size grid corresponding to the length of the foot in centimeters

Based on the shtichmass size system, so popular today, you can set the following size of the child's foot by month: from 6 to 9 months - number 17; from 9 to 12 months - 18 number; for a one-year-old child - 19-21 numbers.

It often happens that the girl's leg at this age has a lower indicator (18 or even less). When choosing winter shoes, sizes from 20 to 23 are considered. The exact size of a child’s foot can be selected from the tables.

Sizing tables

Table 1

metric (cm)shtihmas.metric (cm)shtihmas.metric (cm)shtihmas.
9.5 16 10.5 17 14.5 23
10 16.5 11 18 15 24
10.5 17 11.5 19 15.5 25
11 18 12 19.5 16 25.5
11.5 19 12.5 20 16.5 26
12 19.5 13 21
12.5 20 13.5 22
14.5 22.5
metric (cm)shtihmas.metric (cm)shtihmas.metric (cm)shtihmas.
17 27 20.5 32 24.5 38
17.5 28 21 33 25 39
18 28.5 21.5 34 25.5 40
18.5 29 22 34.5 26 40.5
19 30 22.5 35 26.5 41
19.5 31 23 36 27 42
20.5 31.5 23.5 37 27.5 43
24 37.5 28.5 43.5

For chubby feet, you need to select shoes of the appropriate width

Table 2. Shoe size for children by months up to a year

AgeFoot length, cmFoot length, inchRussiaEuropeUSAChina
0-3 months9.5 3.7 10 16 - 17 0 - 2 10
0-6 months10.5 4.1 11 17 - 18 2,5 - 3,5 11
6-12 months11.7 4.6 12 19 - 19,5 4 - 4,5 12

Table 3. Shoe sizes for children from 0 to 6 years

Insole length, cm
(+ 1.5 cm)
Russia / EuropeEnglandUSA
9 16 0.5 1
9.5 17 1 2
10.5 18 2 3
11.5 19 3 4
12 20 4 5
13 22 5 6
14 23 6 7
14.5 24 7 8
15.5 25 8 9
16.5 27 9 10
17 28 10 11
18 30 11 12
19 31 12 13

Table 4. Shoe sizes for children from 6 to 10 years old

Shoes for children of primary school age (from 6 to 10 years old) in the United States are selected according to a different sizing system. The size grid here again goes from 1.

Insole length, cm
(+ 1.5 cm)
Russia / EuropeEnglandUSA
19 32 13 1
20.5 33 1 2
21.5 34 2 3
22 36 3 4
23 37 4 5
24 38 5 6
25 39 6 7

At the age of 10, the sizes for boys and girls are already very different. From this age, all sizes are divided into male and female.

Table 5. Teenage women's shoes from 10 years old

Insole length, cm (+ 1.5 cm)Russia / EuropeEnglandUSA
21 35 2 4
21.5 35-36 3 5
22.5 36-37 4 6
23.5 37-38 5 7
24 38-39 6 8
25 39-40 7 9
26 40-41 8 10
27 41-42 9 11
27.5 42-43 10 12

Table 6. Teenage men's shoes from 10 years old

Insole length, cm (+ 1.5 cm)Russia / EuropeEnglandUSA
23.5 39 4 6
24.5 40 6.5 7
25.5 41 7.5 8
26 42 8.5 9
27 43 9.5 10
28 44 10.5 11
28.5 45 11.5 12
29.5 46 12.5 13
30 47 13.5 14
31 48 14.5 15
32 49 15.5 16

Defining tight shoes

Only an older child can tell parents that shoes are crushing, squeezing or causing other discomfort. Babies up to a year or even two will not be able to tell about it - how can a mother know if it's time to buy a larger size or not yet? Use the following tips:

  • After wearing closed shoes, you need to make an external examination of the lower extremities. Noticing redness on the fingers, bent fingers or other deformations, one can understand that the shoes are small either in width or in length.
  • Check by pressing your finger on the toe. There should be a small space between the thumb and the edge of shoes, including winter ones. Normal for babies is 1.5 cm.
  • Look at the back of the shoe. When the shoe is small, the heel will be stretched. It will protrude from the back, from the outside of the shoe.
  • The upper part of the boots also requires analysis. Comfortable shoes require a small gap between the tongue and the body. Excessively tight and tight top is unacceptable.

Knowing that the leg grows very quickly in children during the year, it should be regularly measured. For crumbs up to the age of 1.5 years, this should be done every three months, for babies from 3 to 7 years old - once every six months, for children over 7 years old - once a year. Adolescence can be accompanied by rapid growth of the foot, so be sure to check the increase in time in time. There is also a genetic predisposition, as well as dependence on height and build.

All parents approach the choice of shoes for a child with great responsibility. A lot depends on the quality of shoes - the mood of the baby, and the correct gait, and the development of the foot. Therefore, before going to a children's shoe store for shopping, all experts recommend deciding on a model and choosing only high-quality shoes made from natural materials. A huge role in the correct choice of children's shoes is played by the size of the child's feet.

It is known that children grow very quickly and many items from their wardrobe have time to vilify only a few times. The same applies to shoes - a child's foot grows rapidly during the first years of life, so parents have to change shoes, sandals and boots very often. And since quality children's shoes are not cheap, it is important to purchase the most comfortable pair that matches the size of the child's foot.

How to find out the size of a child's feet?

For most parents, this question is not an easy one. Often, inexperienced mothers and fathers determine the size of the child's legs incorrectly. The most common mistakes that parents make when trying to find out the size of their child's feet are:

  1. When buying shoes, they ask the baby for advice: “Does the heel or toe press?” Children tend to be much less susceptible to such factors. Therefore, it is likely that the child will answer "No", but in fact it will be the other way around. Children, first of all, pay attention to the color of the shoes and its shape. This is the reason for their choice.
  2. When buying shoes, they try to determine the size of the child's foot by applying the sole of the model they like to his foot. Here it should be remembered that the sizes of the sole and the inner insole can vary significantly. In this situation, there is a high probability of acquiring tight shoes for the baby.
  3. When choosing shoes, they try to squeeze a finger between the child's heel and the back. The child can tighten his toes, and the shoes will seem suitable to the parents. And only during the first walks it will be possible to determine the error with the size.

For those parents who do not understand children's shoes at all, there is a special table for the size of the child's feet by age. Thanks to this table, you can determine the approximate size based on the age of the baby. The table of the size of the child's foot by age is presented below. Parents should be aware that all values ​​are averages, there are often significant deviations from the figures below.

Age Foot length US size European size
inches Cm
0-3 months 3,7 9,5 0-2 16-17
0-6 months 4,1 10,5 2,5-3,5 17-18
6-12 months 4,6 11,7 4-4,5 19
12-18 months 4,9 12,5 5-5,5 20
18-24 months 5,2 13,4 6-6,5 21-22
2 years 5,6 14,3 7 23
2.5 years 5,8 14,7 7,5-8 24
2.5-3 years 6 15,2 8-8,5 25
3-3.5 years 6,3 16 9-9,5 26
4 years 6,7 17,3 10-10,5 27
4-4.5 years 6,9 17,6 11-11,5 28
5 years 7,2 18,4 12 29

In addition to the table, there is another method for determining the size of a child's legs. To do this, parents need to circle the baby's foot with a pencil and measure the distance from the heel to the tip of the thumb. The resulting figure is the size of the child's foot. This system of measuring the size of the foot is common in the former CIS countries. In the countries of Western Europe and America, the so-called shtihmass system for measuring the size of a child's foot is used. On each pair of shoes, the length of the inner insole is indicated in stitches (1 stitch = 2/3 cm).

When buying any shoes - for the summer or for the winter, parents should remember that the child will grow out of this pair pretty quickly. Therefore, it does not make sense to purchase sandals or boots back to back. You should always leave a small margin - for growth. As a rule, children's shoes are worn for no more than one season. Therefore, with limited financial resources, you should not buy expensive branded shoes - they will not last long for your baby.

Methods to help determine the size of your child's feet by age in centimeters

A trip to children's stores in search of suitable shoes for your baby can be overshadowed by the presence of the child himself: since the choice of shoes is a very responsible task, it is not a fact that you will complete the task very quickly. And long walks in crowded places, you see, are very tiring, especially for children. Therefore, many parents calculate the size of the child's foot by age in centimeters, leave the baby at home with grandparents and go shopping without any extra "burden".

And if a table is used to calculate the size of the legs, then it should be borne in mind that each baby is individual, and the size of his foot may also differ from those indicators that the special size grid contains. To choose the right shoes, you should take into account age (both the year and month are taken into account), height, foot length.

A table that will help determine the size of a child's foot by age

A newborn baby, like a month old, does not need shoes - a maximum of warm booties or socks. When the foot grows, and the baby makes the first attempts to walk on his own, there is a need for the first shoe.

In order for the leg to develop correctly, it is necessary to select the appropriate size of shoes. So, children's shoes should not be too big or small - because of this, the foot of the crumbs is deformed. It should be remembered that you cannot save on shoes that a child will wear, which means you should not take shoes with the expectation of several seasons. To determine how many centimeters a child's foot has, the table will help:

The table for boys has some differences:

Child's age (boy) Shoe size
Metric (cm) Line mesh (standard size)
3-6 months 9,5/10/10,5 16/16,5/17
6-9 months 11/11,5 18/19
9-12 months 12/12,5 19,5/20
1-1.5 years 13/13,5/14 21/22/22,5
1.5-2 years 14,5/15 23/24
2-3 years 15,5/16/16,5 25/25,5/26
3-4 years 17 27
4-5 years 17,5/18 28/28,5
5-6 years 18,5/19/19,5 29/30/31
6-7 years old 20/20,5/21 31,5/32/33
From 7 years old 21,5/22/22,5/23 34/34,5/35/36

How to find out the children's size using a centimeter?

You can find out the approximate size of a child's foot by measuring the leg with a centimeter. For this, the child is asked to stand on a piece of paper and trace the silhouette of the foot with a pencil. You can make a wet footprint: wet your foot with water and ask the baby to stand on the paper, leaving a mark, which then measure with a centimeter.

Be sure to measure both feet, as one print is always slightly larger than the other. For the correct measure, you need to take a larger number. If the process of taking measurements is completed, add ½ cm to the figures obtained if you choose shoes for the summer, and 1.5 cm if you plan to buy winter shoes (so the boots will not be too big, they will fit a leg in a warm sock, and there will also be room for air circulation, which will keep the heat in the shoes longer). Next, you need to cut out the stencil, and in the store apply it to the shoes instead of the insole.

It should be borne in mind that it is better to take measurements in the evening, when the leg has slightly increased in size during the day of activity. If the child is one month old, his foot should be measured every three months, as they change the size of the foot more often than older children. In children 6-10 years old, control measurements should be taken every 5 months.

If the child is monthly, his leg must be measured with a tape measure or a regular thread, the length of which is then measured with a ruler. When the child can stand on his own, his feet can be measured in a standing position.

Tables of measurements of children's feet from different countries

Each country offers its own measurement grid for children's feet. And in order to make an error-free purchase from foreign manufacturers, you should familiarize yourself with the size tables of the most popular exporting countries of children's shoes.

Table for one year olds

centimeters USA England Europe
8,3 0,5 0 16
8,9 1 0,5 16
9,2 1,5 1 17
9,5 2 1 17
10,2 2,5 1,5 18
10,5 3 2 18
10,8 3,5 2,5 19
11,4 4 3 19
11,7 4,5 3,5 20
12,1 5 4 20

Table for children 1-5 years old

centimeters USA England Europe
12,7 5,5 4,5 21
13 6 5 22
13,3 6,5 5,5 22
14 7 6 23
14,3 7,5 6,5 23
14,6 8 7 24
15,2 8,5 7,5 25
15,6 9 8 25
15,9 9,5 8,5 26
16,5 10 9 27
16,8 10,5 9,5 27
17,1 11 10 28
17,8 11,5 10,5 29
18,1 12 11 30

Choosing children's shoes should be very responsible. So, make sure that the shoes do not squeeze the baby's leg, are not too big. If the child is small and cannot yet tie their shoelaces, give preference to shoes with Velcro or zippers. For babies of the first year of life, there are special norms for choosing the first shoes: a small heel, the heel must be securely fixed, the sole is quite flexible. Given all these features, you can choose the most comfortable shoes for your baby even without his presence.