Is eyelash extension allowed during pregnancy? Is an eyelash extension procedure possible for pregnant women

For women who are expecting a baby, it is better to give up complex build-up effects such as the Hollywood effect and the doll-look effect.

Pregnancy- an important period in a woman's life, therefore, even such a harmless event as eyelash extension raises doubts. And although the procedure itself is not contraindicated for girls in position, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with some of the features and recommendations before signing up with a leshmaker.

Opinion of gynecologists on eyelash extension during pregnancy

In order to protect the expectant mother from the unwanted effects of external factors, gynecologists do not recommend building nails and eyelashes, dyeing hair, visiting a solarium and doing epilation, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. And although this prohibition is advisory in nature, it is important to listen to the opinion of the observing doctor.

Sometimes gynecologists have a positive attitude towards building up, realizing that instead of a one-time procedure for gluing artificial eyelashes, a woman, due to some circumstances, will have to apply makeup daily for a long period of time.

About eyelash extensions at the beginning and end of pregnancy

In the first trimester

So, it became clear above that doctors categorically do not recommend eyelash extensions in the first trimester of pregnancy. And there are good reasons for this:

  • During this period, the child is developing internal organs and systems of vital activity, therefore, a possible negative effect can serve as a catalyst for the appearance of congenital pathologies in a baby;
  • Due to toxicosis, the expectant mother may constantly experience severe nausea, malaise and aversion to certain odors. When gluing eyelashes, an adhesive is used, which has a peculiar smell that can cause strong disgust in some women in position. Moreover, the smell is felt not only during the procedure, but also when wearing eyelashes, for example, in a small closed room, such as a bedroom. Therefore, it is recommended to refrain from building up until the end of the phase of abundant toxicosis - 13-14 weeks of pregnancy.

In the last stages of pregnancy

In the last month of pregnancy, extension is also not recommended for the following reasons:

  • During this period, some women experience irritation or inflammation of the eyelid skin due to increased blood pressure, swelling of the limbs and face. Naturally, in this case, there can be no question of any build-up;
  • The duration of the procedure can also negatively affect the condition of the expectant mother. On average, a woman will have to spend about two hours on her back without moving, which not everyone can do. After all, a large belly presses on the organs, disrupting blood flow and causing frequent urge.

The effect of hormones on artificial eyelashes

During the period of expectation of the child, significant changes in the hormonal background occur in the female body. Progesterone, which is especially actively produced in the first trimester and before childbirth, can lead to the fact that artificial hairs will quickly fall off the native cilia.

A riot of hormones also negatively affects the timing of eyelash correction, reducing them from 4-5 weeks to 15-20 days.

Positive sides

Now let's take a look at the positive aspects of eyelash extension during pregnancy:

  • After the procedure, there is no need for decorative cosmetics. Thanks to this, the negative impact of harmful substances contained in the composition of mascaras and shadows is reduced;
  • Great looks with no extra effort. Agree, being in front of the mirror for a long time is not the easiest and most interesting activity;
  • More free time for your favorite activities. Artificial hairs do not require constant care, which allows you to spend less time on beauty guiding without sacrificing their appearance.

For those who decide to build up during pregnancy

What type of extension to choose

If you are not ready for such a long process, beam extension will come to the rescue. The main advantage of this technology is the speed of the procedure, the disadvantages are the poor durability of the result and the demand for care.

Also, for women expecting a baby, it is better to give up complex effects of building, such as and, because their creation takes a long time. and the effects in this case will be preferable.

Before starting the procedure

Before starting building, it is imperative to inform the master about your condition and limitations, if any. Discuss all the details of the process in advance, such as:

  • type and type of extension;
  • desired effect;
  • materials used;
  • the duration of the build-up;
  • breaks;
  • the ability to select and change body position.

An experienced lashmaker will help you choose the optimal parameters of eyelashes, taking into account the delicacy of the position of the expectant mother and the understanding that with the approach of the cherished date, it will become more difficult to carry out the correction.

That's all. If the article was helpful, do not hesitate to leave comments and share the material with your friends. Easy pregnancy for you!

The desire of a woman to remain well-groomed and attractive while carrying a baby is natural and natural. However, it is worth remembering that some cosmetic procedures can negatively affect the well-being and health of the little one in the mother's womb. Does this list include eyelash extensions? Is it possible to extend eyelashes during pregnancy or are there any restrictions regarding this manipulation while waiting for the little one?

The main limitations regarding any "beauty procedure" - be it eyelash or nail extensions, hair coloring, etc. - associated with fears of the negative impact of chemicals on the baby's health. After all, it is no secret that almost all substances that penetrate into the mother's body also get to the child in her womb. Is it harmful to extend eyelashes during pregnancy or is this procedure safe for the baby?

Positive aspects of eyelash extension during pregnancy

A woman's emotional state is no less important than physical comfort. If the expectant mother feels attractive, then her mood will certainly be good. Extended eyelashes avoid the need for:

  • Applying daily makeup.

This procedure often tires and annoys a woman in everyday life, and even in an "interesting" position to apply makeup (including mascara) every day you want even less. The extended eyelashes will save time on daily care, while remaining beautiful and confident.

  • Use of decorative cosmetics.

All cosmetics that are applied to the surface of the skin, to one degree or another, penetrate into the cells of the dermis, and through them into the blood. The list of ingredients for mascara is quite long, and the reliable effect of each of them on the course of pregnancy has not been studied. In addition, hormonal changes that occur with the onset of pregnancy often provoke atypical (allergic) reactions to cosmetic products, even if a woman has previously used them without problems. Therefore, if it is possible to avoid the use of decorative cosmetics, it is worth using it.

The negative side of eyelash extension during pregnancy

Of course, like any cosmetic manipulation, eyelash extensions also come with some extra caution. First of all, the limitation is due to the use of exclusively high-quality materials. Budget glue can be toxic and adversely affect the health of a woman's baby. Besides:

  • Hormonal surges, which now and then occur in the body of the expectant mother (especially in the first trimester of pregnancy), affect many processes in the woman's body. As a result, the cilia can both break and crumble, and grow very quickly. As a result, the effect of the build-up will not last long, and the appearance will be even worse than before the manipulation.
  • The longer the gestation period, the more difficult it is to withstand the procedure itself. Eyelash extension lasts about 1-2 hours in the supine position. In some cases, the discomfort can be so pronounced that the manipulation will have to be abandoned.
  • Sleeping with extended eyelashes is also desirable on the back, and doing this during long periods of waiting for the baby is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous:
  1. The enlarged uterus puts increased pressure on the lumbar spine, resulting in pain and fatigue.
  2. Congestion and poor circulation can lead to a decrease in pressure in a pregnant woman, as well as an inadequate supply of oxygen and nutrients to the child.

The only available alternative is to sleep on your side, however, the cilia can be damaged.

Therefore, it is possible to combine pregnancy and eyelash extension, but it will require additional efforts from the woman.

Is it possible to extend eyelashes during pregnancy

The safety issue of eyelash extensions during pregnancy worries many women. Can this procedure really harm the little one in the womb?

Eyelash extensions in early pregnancy

The first trimester of waiting for the little one is characterized by an increased susceptibility not only of the crumbs, but also of the woman herself to all external influences. If the pregnant woman extended her eyelashes before the onset of the "interesting position", there is no categorical prohibition on this manipulation even after the appearance of the crumbs in the woman's womb. The only condition is the use of exclusively high quality materials. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the salon in which the procedure will be performed - the presence of third-party chemical aromas can cause dizziness and nausea. The limitation on eyelash extensions in the early stages of pregnancy is largely due to the well-being of the expectant mother (especially if she is tormented by severe toxicosis).

Eyelash extensions in late pregnancy

In the third trimester of pregnancy, most expectant mothers already have a pronounced tummy. For this reason, it is not always comfortable for a woman to be in the supine position for a long time (and eyelash extension can last two hours). Also at this time, many expectant mothers note a slower excretion of fluid from the body, which manifests itself in the form of edema of varying degrees. Swelling on the face increases the likelihood of irritation or even inflammation of the eyelids. If a woman feels good, she may well make herself a gift before giving birth in the form of thick and long cilia.

Based on these factors, the optimal period for eyelash extension is the second trimester of pregnancy. By this time, the symptoms of toxicosis most often subside, and the stomach has not yet had time to reach large sizes. Of course, do not forget about such individual characteristics as allergic reactions (to glue), hypersensitivity and tearing.

The presence of any eye diseases (including infectious and inflammatory lesions of the eyelid mucosa) is a categorical contraindication to eyelash extensions, regardless of the gestational age.

The choice of the extension technique depends on the woman's wishes and her well-being - complex manipulations are longer in time, which is not always suitable for a woman “in position”.

Is it possible to extend eyelashes during pregnancy - women's reviews

Judging by the feedback from mothers, eyelash extensions during pregnancy did not have a negative impact on either the general well-being or the health of the baby. The exceptions are most often cases of using low-quality materials or insufficient qualifications of the master. Although, almost everyone who extended eyelashes during pregnancy notes that a certain inconvenience is still present:

  • Irina: “I went with extended eyelashes for almost the entire pregnancy. During the extension, after the 20th week, she lay down a little on her side, and her head remained straight. "
  • Anna: “During the extension I asked the master to take a short break every 20 minutes. All was good".
  • Alena: “I extend my eyelashes regularly. During pregnancy for a long time, after 20 minutes of building up, the state of health sharply deteriorated. I finished the procedure in a sitting position. "

Only the woman herself can unequivocally answer the question of whether to extend eyelashes during pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is better to refuse this manipulation, but at a later date, the expectant mother is better off guided by her feelings. The main thing is that the woman, and therefore her baby, is comfortable.

The state of bearing a child is the leader in the number of prohibitions: you cannot cut your hair, do a manicure, use cosmetics. And it is prohibited to extend eyelashes during pregnancy due to physiological changes in the mucous membrane of the eye. Is there a potential harm from the procedure during the gestational period?

Pregnancy is a relative contraindication, unlike biowave, for eyelash extension. Artificial hairs are attached to their own with an adhesive.

The components of the glue are not absorbed into the systemic circulation, do not affect the condition of the woman or the unborn child. During the procedure, no harmful volatile compounds are formed.

All processes for pregnant women should be carried out in aseptic conditions by a master using quality drugs. With a composition that is as close to natural as possible. No need to save. Use high quality materials.

Conduct a session with normal health. A familiar smell can cause nausea and discomfort. Due to the deterioration of health, the client should stop the procedure.

Is it harmful for pregnant women

Build-up is harmless when the following conditions are met:

  • carried out by a master;
  • high-quality glue with a normal shelf life is used;
  • the master has a comfortable couch with the ability to place a roller under the pregnant woman's lower back, change the position of the body and legs during the procedure;
  • the room must be clean, light and well ventilated. The cabin must have a first aid kit;
  • the master is forced to work quickly, the pregnant woman should not be in one position for a long time. Causes excessive stress on the spine and internal organs. Prolonged supine position can cause a negative baby reaction. After 20 weeks, a woman may feel his anxiety in the form of tremors, excessive activity;
  • the client does not experience any discomfort associated with his position. Not accompanied by a state of miscarriage, gestosis at different periods.

If the conditions are not met, the procedure can get in trouble.

What can affect the result of building

During pregnancy, a woman's condition - physical, emotional, moral - changes continuously.

In the later stages, the internal organs experience colossal overloads, the heart shifts somewhat. The hormonal status is constantly changing, the liver, kidneys, and the respiratory system work for two.

All processes affect the rate of hair growth, the susceptibility of horny formations to adhesives.

In the first trimester

It is undesirable for pregnant women to extend eyelashes in the first trimester, as well as to do lamination or botox. During this period, the baby is forming all organs and systems. The active components of the drugs are not absorbed into the systemic circulation; it is advisable to limit contact with them.

What can affect the result of a seductive look with eyelash extensions in the early stages:

  1. Hormonal background - the body begins to produce the hCG hormone, which is produced during pregnancy.
  2. Toxicosis is a reaction to the appearance of a new, foreign organism for a woman.
  3. Excessive sense of smell during pregnancy - if in the usual state the glue had a pleasant smell, then inhalation of its vapors can cause nausea and vomiting.
  4. Allergy - during gestation, the body's immune defense decreases, it begins to react to hypoallergenic stimuli.

In the second trimester

During the period, the manifestations of toxicosis cease, the body has adapted to the new hormonal status, the main organs and systems of the baby have formed. The second trimester is long.

What can interfere with eyelash extension:

  • excessive sensitivity to odors, irritants - it persists throughout pregnancy;
  • allergy to drugs, odors, to the actions of an eyelash extension specialist;
  • the size of the child, uterus - closer to the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, the volume, weight of the organ and toddler are significant. Lying weight puts pressure on the spine, kidneys. With a long stay in the position, the lower back begins to hurt, there are frequent urges to go to the toilet. It is impossible to remain motionless during the session;
  • child - from the 18th week of gestation, the baby begins to actively move. May be outraged by the prolonged stay of the mother in the supine position. The older the toddler, the more actively he expresses his dissatisfaction.

According to gynecologists, the second trimester of pregnancy is the time when a woman can take care of herself without fear of the negative effect of cosmetics on the child's health.

Before childbirth

Before giving birth, doctors recommend not to carry out the procedure. In the 3rd trimester, the weight of the fetus and uterus reaches 10-12 kg, taking into account 1 child. If the pregnancy is multiple, then the load on the spine and nearby organs is higher. It is impossible to stay in the supine position for 1-2 hours.

What can affect the extension procedure:

  1. The size of the abdomen - a long stay in a motionless state on the back is impossible, the master will work quickly. Affects the quality of work.
  2. Changes in the hormonal background - the tasks of preserving the baby fade into the background. The body prepares for childbirth, increases the level of oxytocin, prolactin, substances that stimulate the onset of labor. It is difficult to predict how the body will react to preparations for building up during this period.
  3. Care - following the recommendations of the master for handling eyelashes is impossible. Sleeping on their backs for pregnant women is problematic; they will have to turn on their side. Promotes hair loss.
  4. Childbirth is a difficult process. May result in a cesarean section.

How long do extended eyelashes last for pregnant women?

It is difficult to predict how long the grown fibers will last. Ideally, up to 1.5 months. In reality, they can crumble within 24 hours after the procedure.

It all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. Some women did not notice any changes in terms of wearing, others noted that artificial hairs did not last long.

To be beautiful is a commendable pursuit. Is eyelash extension necessary during pregnancy? The procedure does not pose any danger to the health of the baby, but it causes a lot of inconvenience for the woman.

Do not expose your body to additional risks and stress. The main task is to bear and give birth to a healthy child with strong immunity.

Can Pregnant Women Extend Eyelashes? Many mothers-to-be dream of an expressive look.

According to the extension technology, artificial eyelashes are glued only on their own with special glue. Both extensible eyelashes and glue do not differ in toxicity. They will not have a negative impact on the health of the mother and her unborn baby. But the problem is that hormonal changes begin in the female body during pregnancy. The rate of metabolic processes has also changed. This will have a noticeable effect on the rate of change of cilia, and it is impossible to predict it.

Artificial eyelashes do not come off, but fall out along with their own during the usual replacement. But the body's reaction to such beauty is just unpredictable: you can go for a month without problems, or it is possible that all achievements will be lost in a couple of weeks. So the decision is for the expectant mother.

The most important is the first trimester of gestation. During this period, the main systems of the child's body are laid, for this reason it is better not to build up.

Extension is not prohibited if it has already been carried out earlier. The usual procedure will not cause allergies and will not cause discomfort.

Extension is an ideal option for a flawless image at a celebration, if after it is immediately planned to remove artificial eyelashes. Such a short-term effect will not bring inconvenience. The main advantage of eyelash extensions is the ability to do without cosmetics. And during pregnancy, even the reaction to your favorite mascara becomes unpredictable.

As an alternative to eyelash coloring, extensions are preferred. Doctors completely forbid coloring for expectant mothers. Although the best option is partial build-up. It is as convenient as possible and easy to carry out.

There is no unequivocal prohibition. But it is impossible to hush up the negative aspects. Even if the procedure was carried out earlier, there is no guarantee of an allergy to fixing compounds or a means for removing them.

What is the danger of building up for pregnant women?

Against the background of hormonal changes, mood changes are aggravated, irritability appears. The enlarged cilia make the eyelids heavier, exacerbating the nervousness with discomfort.

Any physiological changes in the early stages are contraindications for such procedures. The risk of both discomfort and negative consequences is substantiated.

The last weeks of gestation are also an unfavorable time. They are devoted to preparing for the upcoming childbirth, and it is better to build cilia after such an important event.

After the procedure, an adjustment will be required to mask the fallen out cilia. These are extra nerves. When the build-up is removed, you will have to restore your eyelashes due to thinning.

You cannot remove artificial eyelashes on your own: the master uses a special preparation for this, which will not tear out his own eyelashes. Any vegetable oil is suitable for urgent removal of glue for pregnant women.

Expectant mothers should think over all the details of the procedure before deciding on eyelash extensions. Monofilaments are heavier than wool, but hypoallergenic.

Synthetic extension threads are more flexible, easier to care for and have a natural look. It is an excellent substitute for natural counterparts in terms of strength, allergenicity and cost.

The best material is silk. It is optimal during pregnancy. The material is lightweight, sticks even to thin eyelashes for a long time, allowing them to grow without inconvenience. But building up is lily and takes a lot of time. You need to prepare for such a process in advance.

Mink eyelashes are indistinguishable from natural ones, but heavier than them. Therefore, this material is suitable if pregnant women have strong own cilia. The weak and thin can crumble under such a weight.

Sable cilia in bunches - temporary decoration. After the solemn exit, you will have to remove them at home with a special remover.


Eyelash extension requires adherence to certain rules in order to extend the life of new eyelashes. These are new inconveniences, discomfort and negative emotions. But for pregnant women, they are not at all useful.

If the main argument in favor of building up is the ability to do without mascara, if positive feelings are impossible without such a change in the image, then you can safely build up. There are no direct prohibitions on carrying out the procedure while carrying a child.

When asked if pregnant women can extend their eyelashes, the answer is: extension should only be done by an experienced master who uses high-quality materials.

Women have always wanted to look beautiful, which is why the question is so relevant: "Is it possible to extend eyelashes during pregnancy?"

Gynecologists usually give a negative answer. The fact is that expectant mothers are very sensitive to everything around them. Many medications are categorically contraindicated for them. Doctors do not want to take risks and prefer to restrict their patients from any harmful effect on their body.

Feature of the procedure

Eyelash extension takes about 2 hours, and different methods can be used:

  • Piece by piece.
  • Puchkovoye.
  • 3D effect technique.

The first method is used more often. The result is a natural look and expressive look.

The advantage of the beam extension is the speed of the procedure and a very striking effect. Only the comfort for the eyes is out of the question.

If we recall the technique of the 3D effect, then it is also not recommended for pregnant women, since it will take more than two hours for a good result.

Advantages and disadvantages

Expectant mothers have a great desire to be well-groomed and beautiful, but at the same time they are worried about the health of the child. Of course, the benefits of building up are obvious:

  1. Natural appearance.
  2. The look becomes more expressive.
  3. No special care needed.

The main advantage of fake eyelashes is that you don't have to dye them at all.

Some expectant mothers are allergic to decorative cosmetics, therefore, the refusal to use it daily in some cases is welcomed by doctors. In such a situation, it is better to consult with a gynecologist and find out about the contraindications just for you.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then the following can be noted. Some girls and women say: "After giving birth, there is practically no time to take care of artificial eyelashes." The attraction is, of course, lost. In such a situation, women simply wait for the material to fall off.

Basic rules for the care of extended eyelashes:

  1. Do not scratch or rub your eyes, especially after washing your face. Better to just pat dry with a towel.
  2. When using makeup, opt for oil-free makeup removers that are not overly greasy.
  3. Remove shadows, eyeliner or pencil carefully with a cotton pad, without touching the eyelashes.
  4. You will have to forget about the bath or sauna.

You also need to sleep properly. It is advisable to sleep on your back, or at least on your side.

Home methods

Pregnancy is one of the happiest episodes of life, during which you can stay beautiful thanks to oils, massage, herbal infusions. You should definitely take care of yourself, without doing eyelash extensions.

In order for the cilia to be thick and healthy while waiting for the baby, you need to use castor, flaxseed, olive, coconut, burdock, almond oils, which contain useful vitamins A and E. In addition, the diet should include carrots, spinach and various vegetable oils.

You just need to carefully apply the oil so that it does not get into your eyes. Then the product should be left for 15-25 minutes and washed off with water.

It is useful to use a herbal decoction of chamomile and green tea. To do this, it is enough to apply a compress for 15 minutes, and then wash.

The massage consists in lightly touching the area around the eyes with the fingertips. If this procedure is done with oil every day, then in 1 month there will be a good result.

Harm to expectant mothers

When the hormonal background of expectant mothers changes, it is not always possible to assume how the material will hold. Each organism is different. While some ladies walk for a month and a half, others turn to the master again in a week.

Cosmetologists and beauty salon specialists note: "Glue, artificial eyelashes do not have toxic substances." If you can confidently talk about the extension procedure about its harmlessness, then with the removal it is not so simple. You can remove material in different ways. One way is to use a chemical to dissolve a pungent-smelling adhesive that can cause an allergic reaction.

In addition, it is important to consider the condition of the expectant mother. For example, there are contraindications for toxicosis in the first trimester. In this condition, harsh and unpleasant odors can provoke a gag reflex.

Since the procedure takes an average of 2 hours, eyelash extensions during pregnancy shortly before childbirth can bring some inconvenience. In this case, the woman should lie on her back, and it is forbidden to move. During long periods of waiting for the baby, the fair sex go a lot and often want to go to the toilet, so you should also think about the urgent need for eyelash extensions.

However, there are highly qualified specialists who can perform the procedure in a sitting position or on their side. And at the request of the client, the beautician can take a short break.


Of course, while waiting for the baby, it is necessary to give up eyelash extensions. Indeed, in advance, no specialist will be able to predict the body's reaction to certain chemicals. In the first trimester, it is better to take care of the health and well-being of the baby, at this time the most important human organs are being formed.

If the above arguments were unconvincing, then eyelash extensions should be done at least after 14 weeks of pregnancy. In this case, you need to ask the master to use glue and a remover with the safest possible composition. In this case, it is better to abandon overly voluminous options, and give preference to naturalness. In this case, with the loss of individual hairs, the difference will practically not be visible.

Do not worry if you have grown cilia and did not know at that time about your pregnancy. The procedure itself will not harm either the child or the expectant mother. And ideally not to think about removing the material in the first trimester.

If you decide to return to naturalness again, then it is better to seek help from a specialist. It should be borne in mind that correction may be required on average after 1-2 weeks. In this case, the procedure should take place in a room where the ventilation and air conditioning system works well.

Every girl worries about how she looks. In this regard, modern beauty salons offer many procedures to improve the appearance, one of which is eyelash extension. This technology saves time on makeup and allows women to always look luxurious. However, how to grow hairs during pregnancy, and is this procedure dangerous? You need to make a decision only after considering all the pros and cons. Whether it is worth extending eyelashes depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the condition of the expectant mother.

Pregnancy and eyelash extension

Some women constantly go through sessions of gluing artificial hairs to look bright and luxurious, while others only decide on this during pregnancy. The fact is that the main contraindications to the procedure do not contain information about pregnancy. In this regard, we can conclude that the expectant mother may well afford building.

This fact is explained by the fact that the glue and material used for this procedure are completely safe.
At the same time, the girl will be able to look very luxurious and bright, without makeup.

Benefits of the procedure

It is extremely difficult for the fair sex to start with makeup every new morning. This is especially true for those who have been preparing for motherhood for a month already.

The fact is that cosmetic substances can be absorbed into the bloodstream and harm the unborn baby.
In this regard, sometimes it is worth thinking about sticking artificial hairs in order to harm your child less. Correctly extended eyelashes will not cause harm and discomfort if you take high-quality materials and glue.

Hair care rules during pregnancy:

  • Don't use mascara. This rule does not have to be strictly observed, since it is quite permissible to do makeup, the main thing is to remove it with a suitable gel or milk;
  • When making up eyelids, remove cosmetics carefully, without touching artificial hairs;
  • You can not touch your eyes, rub with your hands, sleep with your face in the pillow.

It is worth noting that special care is not required, so every girl can resort to this procedure in order to save her own time on makeup in the future. In the months of waiting for an addition, the appearance of girls may not always change for the better, so building up curls is also a way to deal with unnecessary depression.

Harm from building up for pregnant women

This technology does not harm health, however, there are certain nuances that cannot be ignored. First of all, these are changes in the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, you cannot foresee how this will affect your curls after building. Some people manage to wear cilia during pregnancy for more than 1 month, while others are forced to correct or remove hairs after a few days.

Building up during pregnancy is not harmful, but removing the material can cause a negative reaction. The point is in a special composition for dissolving the adhesive. It has a pungent smell, from which the expectant mother may faint or irritate the skin of the eyelids.

A contraindication for the session may be the girl's poor health. It is known that from the first to the third month, some are tormented by toxicosis, in which even not the most pungent odors can cause a negative reaction. What shakes the last trimester, then an impressive stomach, fatigue, frequent urge to bladder can interfere.

In addition, there are specific contraindications that do not depend on whether you are pregnant or not, for example:

  • Allergy;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Sensitive eyes;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Increased tearing of the eyes.

If you are not convinced by these arguments, and you are still going to build up curls during pregnancy, it is recommended to choose good expensive materials and entrust the session to a trusted highly qualified master. It is also important that the room in which the procedure will be carried out is well ventilated.

Disadvantages during the procedure

If you can't do without artificial eyelashes, then you can try the session. However, before that, it is better to familiarize yourself with the main dangers to your body during these cherished 9 months. First of all, you should be aware that in this case you cannot rely on the feedback of others and general recommendations. Pregnancy can proceed in different ways, even for the same girl at different times, everything is purely individual.

The main point for making a decision should be your well-being during the session. Think about yourself, because this is the main contraindication for the expectant mother - a possible deterioration in well-being.

Before building up curls, consider not only the qualifications of the master and the quality of the materials, but also the room (is it well ventilated, is it too hot in it, etc.). Remember that the closer you are to the appearance of the crumbs, the more difficult it is for you to correct the eyelashes (again, because of your well-being).

Pregnancy is a very important period when a woman must monitor her health, avoid procedures that can negatively affect the development of the unborn child. Eyelash extensions are not contraindicated for girls in position, but there are some nuances and recommendations.

It is undesirable to do the extension of artificial eyelashes for pregnant women in the first trimester, because during this period all organs and systems of vital activity are formed in the child. Negative influence from the outside can lead to congenital abnormalities and cause spontaneous abortion. It is better to postpone the visit to the salon until 13 weeks.

It is not recommended to carry out eyelash extension in the last month. At this time, blood pressure often rises, edema of the limbs and face appears. In such cases, irritation and inflammation of the eyelid skin may develop. After 36 weeks of pregnancy, it is difficult for women to lie on their backs for a long time, and the classic piece-by-piece extension takes at least 2 hours (for a description of the technique, see the article). Any negative emotions or physical activity can cause premature birth, so expectant mothers should postpone their visit to the beautician.

Extended eyelashes do not need to be dyed; girls use decorative cosmetics much less. This reduces the effects of various harmful substances contained in the composition of mascaras, eyeshadows and liners. The procedure allows the pregnant woman to always look good without additional effort. Premium quality materials (Perfect Silk Lashes, Dolce Vita, Novel) do not contain toxic substances, do not penetrate into the systemic circulation, and therefore do not harm the baby. Before building up, it is recommended to carefully study the composition of the drugs used, inquire about the risks of complications. It is important to warn the master about your situation.

What type of eyelash extension can be done during pregnancy?

If the expectant mother is feeling well, it is best to do one-by-one artificial eyelash extensions. In this way, the material is securely fixed and lasts as long as possible. In addition, the master can correct the shape of the eyes, raise the drooping corners of the eyelids. Innovative technologies of 2D and 3D building are used, which allow to increase the volume and create an expressive image. The main disadvantage is the duration of the procedure, you will have to spend at least 2 hours. If you feel unwell, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to spend a lot of time in a motionless state, lying on her back.

An alternative option is beam eyelash extensions, they stick on much faster, so this method is more suitable for girls in the first and last trimester. The disadvantages include a short service life; when a bundle of cilia falls out, a significant defect is formed. Silk hairs have nodules at the base, and during gluing they are very noticeable, in order to hide them, you will have to draw the eyelid contour with a liner.

Judging by the reviews of fashionistas who carried out building up during pregnancy, the procedure does not have a negative effect. A small percentage of undesirable consequences usually occurs with insufficient qualifications of the master, the use of low-quality drugs. Therefore, you need to choose a beauty salon that has good reviews and recommendations.

Pros and cons of eyelash extension during pregnancy

The advantages of building up include:

  • beautiful eyes;
  • there is no need to constantly use decorative cosmetics;
  • does not adversely affect the fetus and pregnant woman;
  • correction of eye defects.

Despite the fact that it is possible to extend eyelashes during pregnancy, it is worth refusing to visit a beauty salon in the first trimester and in the last weeks in order to exclude the likelihood of complications.

The disadvantages include the need for more frequent correction. During the period of bearing a child, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body, this can cause severe loss of cilia. Along with natural hairs, artificial ones also disappear. But for each girl, this process proceeds differently, so no one can give a guarantee of the lifespan of eyelash extensions. Defects will have to be corrected a little more often, or the material will need to be removed altogether.

In pregnant women with oily skin, the cilia will not hold well, it is possible that they will fall out within 1–2 weeks. Greasy secretion helps to weaken the fixation of the glue. It is not recommended to wear eyelash extensions for clients with thin, brittle natural hairs. Artificial cilia are too heavy, the weak structure of their own hairs cannot withstand them. In such cases, you can add some long silk lashes to the outer corners of the eyes for a dramatic effect.

Features of eye care after building

In order for new cilia to last for a long time during pregnancy, you must follow simple rules:

  • you cannot sleep with your face in the pillow;
  • after washing your eyes, gently pat dry with a towel;
  • the glue completely solidifies in 3–8 hours after building, at this time you cannot touch your eyelashes, wash your face, visit the solarium, sauna;
  • you should not build up too long eyelashes, they will fall out faster and will cause discomfort;
  • do not scratch and rub the upper eyelids;
  • oily cosmetics lead to the dissolution of the fixing glue;
  • silk fiber should not be twisted;
  • cilia need to be combed regularly;
  • for make-up, use only special products that do not contain oils;
  • after 2 months, the eyelashes must be removed and restorative therapy for your eyelashes should be carried out; you can repeat the extension after 2-3 months.

Usually, the correction is performed after 3-4 weeks, but due to the loss of eyelashes, pregnant girls may need to visit the lashmaker more often.

To extend the life of silk eyelashes, it is useful to use a special sealant that envelops them and protects them from negative environmental influences. Strengthen natural hairs with oil-free plant-based gels.

It is possible to carry out eyelash extensions for pregnant women, with the exception of the first and last trimesters. A qualified specialist will help you choose the most suitable option for the procedure, the specialist will warn you about possible risks and explain how to properly care for your eyes. If, after consulting with a beautician, doubts remain, then it is better to postpone the build-up to the period after childbirth.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time. True, it is at this time that questions about what is allowed and what is not become relevant for every woman, because there are a lot of prohibitions. Even such a seemingly harmless procedure as lengthening eyelashes with artificial fibers raises doubts. Can pregnant women have eyelash extensions or will they have to wait?

You always want to look beautiful and attractive, and eyelash extension is a simple procedure that allows you to make your look (an important element of a woman's appearance) very expressive. Is it available to expectant mothers?

According to experts, neither the material used for artificial eyelashes, nor the glue that the masters use to fix them, are not toxic and do not come into contact with the blood system, and therefore cannot harm the woman's body and the little man that grows inside her. Even doctors, when asked whether it is possible for pregnant women to extend eyelashes, give an affirmative answer. Although they really like to doubt and distrust each new food product, diet or innovation in the beauty industry! Does this mean that you can, without thinking about anything, sign up for a salon procedure? Unfortunately no.

Pitfalls of "pregnant" building

Despite the fact that artificial eyelashes and the glue for fixing them, as already mentioned, are not capable of harming a mother or an unborn baby, there are a number of reasons that can prevent an artificial increase in eyelash volume - the procedure itself or the expected wonderful effect.

Severe toxicosis in the first trimester of pregnancy

Many mothers (successful and future ones) know firsthand how much a woman's sense of smell intensifies in the first three months of pregnancy. The body is able to react to odors that were simply not felt before. And his reaction is unpleasant - severe nausea or vomiting. When extending artificial eyelashes, masters always use a special glue that has a strong, "chemical" odor. And how the woman's body will behave in this situation is impossible to predict.