Ruby - magic properties of stone. Medical properties: Do they have? Therapeutic properties of Rubin

In ancient times, the ruby \u200b\u200bgemstone was one of the most desirable. In the modern world, the attitude towards this gem has not changed, it is still attractive and welgel.

But the crimson of the stone ruby, the blood color of the blood with the alay sparks of sunlight is not suitable for each sign of the zodiac.

Magnificent gemstone ruby \u200b\u200band zodiac signs

The history of this mineral is very ancient, and it begins in those epochs when all green and red gems were considered the most valuable, as well as transparent diamonds.

Today, the ruby \u200b\u200bstone is called the red variety of corundum, which as a mineral view has many varieties. Ruby stone is a fire stone, he can become a talisman for the signs of the zodiac of the fiery element.

The Egyptian and Arabic astrologers of an ancient civilization believed that the most of the stone was suitable for the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius. He gives a random, in addition to hardness in his decisions, prudence, whom the horoscope is so lacking so much. Lev gives royality, elevates it over a worldly bustle.

His shades apply to the entire range of red colors in the visible spectrum, ranging from pink, up to a black tide. The color of the color of "pigeon blood" is a rich red with a purple tide. Unfortunately, this is rarely found.

Foreign ones can create an astheric effect - a visible hexagon star on the surface of the stone. It is these stones that are considered the most valuable, despite the fact that asterism is not a property of the mineral itself.

Magic properties of gemstone ruby \u200b\u200band zodiac signs

The magic of stone Rubin on the sign of the zodiac is connected, first of all, with its red color. It is called the blood dragon, which has magical and healing properties. This is a symbol of love and passions capable of strengthening erotic energy.

Another very significant value on the sign of the zodiac is power. Mighty rulers worn decoration as a symbol of power, a symbol of domination and unlimited power. This magic talisman strengthened the power of the owner.

The Ruby stone on the sign of the zodiac is considered a source of energy, so the magicians advise to carry it to those who do not take out activity and nature of character. Robust people Magic stone on the sign of the zodiac will make decisive, and energetic people will find an ally leading them to harmony and consent with their own Ya.

The Rubin stone dispels the longing and evil spell, protects the signs of the zodiac, with which it is in the energy exchange, from poisoned food and falling from the horse. The latter, however, in our age is no longer relevant, except for people engaged in horse riding.

Ruby stone and zodiac signs

The magnificent mineral, which we say, is a fire stone. Both in the old days and today, the gemstone Rubin is associated with the signs of the zodiac of the fiery element - airy, Lvom and Sagittar.

The talisman stone relaxes the negative features of any sign of the zodiac of the fiery trigon, so it is useful to wear stubborn and unreleased people who want to learn how to get along with others.

Ruby - This is one of the most famous precious stones in the world. Many know him precisely on a rich red color with a purple tint, which is the most valuable and expensive.

Already in Ancient India, they knew that this gem helps in the fight against evil spells, as well as several times reduces the feeling of fear of the enemy.

In ancient times, it was believed that the ruby \u200b\u200bgemstone had a property to improve memory, stop the blood and do not do in every way to do with Dyumeni vigor. This is a stone of self-confident personalities, which can easily list and submit all their achievements to everyone. He is also called a volitional or royal stone.

What is famous for gemstone ruby \u200b\u200band what properties has he is today - tells "Magic stone"

Ruby gem: basics.

Precious Ruby - a kind of red mineral corundum. This mineral is transparent to its nature, so it is due to the fact that it is mixed with chrome, titanium, iron and vanadium, it acquires a characteristic color. It is important to know that only the red corundum can rightly be called ruby, which gives the chrome special color. All other colors of Corunda are called sapphires. Also deserves the fact that classifications of precious stones Ruby is referred to first-order stone, that is, those that have the greatest value and value.

Precious ruby: therapeutic properties of stone.

  • When using Rubine as a talisman stone, you need to know that this gem does the body makes stronger, improves blood circulation, so those who have increased blood pressure, it is not recommended to wear it. Ruby may dispel a sense of loneliness, as well as strengthen the heart.
  • Interestingly, but the special property of the stone can extend life.
  • It can help with the treatment of many chronic diseases, as well as arthritis, depressions and even schizophrenia.
  • Precious Ruby recommend women who are ready to think about replenishing in the family. It improves the reproductive function of the body and helps for childbirth.
  • If you want to get rid of thirst or unpleasant smell of mouth, it is enough just to hold the stone ruby \u200b\u200bfor some time in the mouth.

Precious ruby: Magical properties of stone.

  • A special shade of this precious stone speaks only about one thing - passion. The color of love and heat, because it is red that causes us the most unbridled, sometimes magical feelings. Ruby is a strong stone, and he, like no other mineral with passionate, carnal love.
  • As an overchair, Ruby can protect its owner from angry magic and enemies. Nulling it once, no longer recommended to shoot it.
  • Calm, good, but insecure in themselves this stone will give force, and will approve in their own forces, and in arrogant, and evil people he is able to show with even greater force their negative sides.
  • Bravery, this is the second quality, after passionate love that Rubin can show. Therefore, those whose work is associated with risk, should try on themselves the special properties of this gemstone.

How and who is right to wear Ruby?

The stone in which the force is hidden, it is necessary to give someone who can control themselves.

It is the opinion that Ruby needs to wear only in the hands, as rings and bracelets.

His friendship with Pink Quartz will lead to the fact that everything that has been hidden in you and will turn out of you, and will manifest as something new and beautiful.

In a tandem with freshwater pearls, his owner will refuse ordinary, imposed behaviors, and this will lead to further alignment of life priorities and goals.

An equal score, both gold and silver rims suitable for this gemstone.

Based on special properties, Ruby does not recommend worn to people who are born under the sign of the Zodiac Scorpion or Taurus. But favorable gem ruby \u200b\u200bwill be former, cancer and lions.

Pust the stone before putting on. Inhale more of its energy.

And at the end, remember, given the strong and sometimes pronounced properties of this gems, Rubin rightfully deserves a valid and careful attitude towards himself.

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What sign of the zodiac is suitable decorations with ruby

Ruby is an extraordinarily beautiful and attractive stone, his scarlet brilliance glances the gaze and gives the owner of greatness. In antiquity, Rubin was valued above the diamond and ended with mystical properties, was considered a symbol of power and a stimulant of great achievements. If Ruby turns out in the hands of a decent, highly soloral man, he stunned his will strengthen his will to victory, and increases the chances of achieving grand heights.

If you are an ordinary person and do not strive for domination over the world, Rubin will bring in your life harmony, happiness and great mutual love. Rubin is endowed with the property of changing the shade in case of probable danger, thereby warning and protecting its owner. Rubin attribute magic properties that protect against the evil eye, dark forces and evil spirits. In power Ruby to stop bleeding and protect against serious ailments. At the same time, hitting the cruel owner, it enhances the dark sides of his nature and turns a person in an evil demon.

If you are born under the sign of Scorpio, Rubin will give you confidence in your own forces, will help develop a rapid activity and achieve the impossible, give new bright shades of your life and will make it elements of harmony. Decorations with rubies will strengthen your mental capabilities, pushed to creative achievements. Women scorpions wearing this stone will acquire a special inexplicable attractiveness. Rubin helps to keep the attacks of anger and will allow to achieve internal equilibrium. He will become a real faucet for all scorpions.

Lions are very strong and powerful nature, loving leaders and capable crowd. They, as a rule, are uncomplicably strive for their goal, success, without stopping in front of anything. Rubin is a talisman of this sign, strengthens the natural character traits, gives strength and energy. With all his visible masculinity, inside Lviv sometimes inspirements, and ruby \u200b\u200bhelps to cope with it. Jewelry with Rubin will make girls of this sign of the zodiac more attractive in the eyes of others and contribute to the successes on the Niva love.

Capricorn - owners of talisman with ruby, reliably protected from diseases, poisoning, lightning strikes and natural elements. Rubin presented to the Capricorn woman will bring happiness, good luck, will strengthen the memory and give the vitality. All Capricorns, wearing Ruby, will be lucky in life and are not bad to avoid dangerous situations. Mineral male makes mineral to concentrate, and make a decisive jerk even to the most recalculative heights.

Ruby is quite a suitable amulet for the sticker of the zodiac fish. People who were born under this sign are characteristic of practicality, prudence. At the same time, they are passionate about mystic and possess a burden to art. The duality of natural nature gives rise to many questions. Rubin helps to comprehend their philosophical meaning and find the right answers. Decoration with this precious stone will help the fish to cope with any difficulties and succeed.

Rubin has a strong influence on people born under the sign of Aries, being a powerful faith. This sign is characterized by increased performance and fatigue. Rubin helps to repair the energy spent as quickly as possible and stand up again. This gem, like no other, contributes to the development of partnerships and will bring good luck to the business project, making its owner invulnerable to competitors. Jealous Woman Aries with Rubin will learn to trust his beloved person, chanting negative and obsessive thoughts.

Aquarius can successfully harmonize with such a strong stone as ruby \u200b\u200bor break under its irresistible influence. Ruby will be a good assistant in creative ideas, will help get support and establish relationships with people. Given the fame and recognition of water rules related to art.

The effect of the rubine on the archers is extremely large. It strengthens the nervous system and contributes to the exit of stressful situations. Applies decisiveness to fitters and helps to find a common language with partners, brings financial stability. Empowers forces to preserve loyalty in love relationships. Women born under this sign of the zodiac will protect against the negative by the enviousness.

Twins can be worn by many stones, including ruby. The people of this sign are extremely windy, possess changeable in nature, and the stones are chosen exclusively by mood. Rubin is especially suitable for twins, born June 5. He will be a good talisman and protects from different ailments. Bright red, mysterious Rubin will give restraint and make a more good nature of the twin wrinkled women.

Ruby - not quite a suitable stone for people born under the constellation of the Virgin, although there are astrologers, in the root, without consonant with this conviction and in every way his challenging. In their opinion, the decorations with Ruby will restore the vitality of the virgins and will strengthen the properties of this sign. Rubin will help the devans to overcome the vital difficulties and give strength to solve any, even the most difficult tasks at first glance.

Rubin helps to enhance the choleric temperament, restores the lost forces and relieves from any depression. This unique stone is a talisman for many astrological signs, reinforcing and concentrating their zodiacal properties.

Ruby - precious, rare on beauty stone. Due to its properties, magical strength, jewelry with rubies are in stable demand and deserve particular attention to consumers.

To date, jewelry with ruby \u200b\u200bare in great demand. In the old days, this stone had its special name. People called him a stone of the source of life and unearthly love. Decorations with rubies are very beautiful, as the stone of the magmatic rock has a bloody-red tint, which immediately rushes into the eyes.

If you are a passionate and independent nature, then you will fit Rubin. Many argue that this stone is able to keep memory, give cheerfulness and fun. He will also be able to protect you from various severe diseases.

Should I choose jewelry with ruby?

Definitely. Attractive shade of stone and beautiful decoration decoration, be it bracelet or earrings, capable of decorating any woman. Ruby can meet:

  1. Rings.
  2. Necklace.
  3. Hairpins.
  4. Key chains.
  5. Pendants.
  6. Earrings.
  7. Hair rims, etc.

Beautiful figurines can be as a jewelry with ruby. Ruby is attributed to the family of noble corundum. Sapphire and diamond can be attributed to close relatives of the stone. In ancient times, in the east, the decoration from Rubin was valued much more than the decorations from the diamond.

According to the physical properties of the ruby \u200b\u200bof the precious - transparent type of stone, which has a saturated red tint. Like all other precious stones, Rubin has mystical characteristics. It is believed that the product from Ruby can open special spiritual abilities from its owner. Some noted that Ruby has the ability to alert about the upcoming bad events.

If the shade of Rubina suddenly changed, then be married careful. Jewelry with rubies are simply unreacked. They can help break out passions, ignite strong feelings and support love relationships. But remember that such properties of the stone will only be available to good and noble people. Those people who are more immoral, false and hypocritical will become ordinary cholerics, lose peace.

Does the healing properties of the Rubin decoration?

By nature, the stone has therapeutic properties. Since it is red, can improve the quality of blood composition, increase hemoglobin. Rubin also increases human endurance, warms it and excites it. If you dreamed and your passion faded, the decoration from Rubin will help restore it. Jump necklace or pendant with ruby \u200b\u200bon the neck or ring. It should be remembered that all the decorations can not be worn, as the effect may be too strong, threatens it over-exciting.

It is believed that each person has its own gem that can help him in life. Such an amulet has every sign of the zodiac. For example, the decoration made of rubbe is suitable for Aries. It is this zodiac sign that is a stone owner. It is strictly forbidden to wear it wearing weights. But do not be discouraged if you do not feel about the zodiacal fiery elements.

To a greater degree, feel your intuition. It is she prompts to you, whether to wear such jewelry. It all depends on the nature of the person. Only strong people can wear such a gem.

A competent combination of decorations can bring peace of mind and harmony in a relationship with a loved one.

How to combine ruby \u200b\u200bproducts?

The shade of the ruby \u200b\u200bcan vary from pink-red to brown. Usually, such shades attract attention, while fascinating. Therefore, women and men love such jewels. To properly wear ruby, you need to know the following rules of the competent combination:

  1. Never carry such products with malachite, onyx and obsidian.
  2. You can combine with adventurine, chrysolite, chrysoprase.

To attract success on the love front, you should wear a ruby \u200b\u200bkit, consisting of earring and rings. To influence the chakra of the heart, wear a necklace of rubies or suspension. To put the pulse rate to normal, you need to wear a bracelet. Processing rubies occurs with beryllium. The diffusion of surface type of iron type is quite rare.

Rubin by origin is a stone class of oxides. It is famous in the world as one of the most expensive minerals. What a ruby \u200b\u200blooks like, everyone knows. This is a bright red stone, fascinating the abundance of shades and overflows.

But many do not know what it means this amazing beauty of a stone and which magical and drug properties owns.

Ruby is a variety of corundum with a red-shaped flap. For the first time, he learned more than two thousand years ago to our era. Since then, the mineral conquers women's hearts with its incredible energy and attracting appearance.

Note! Mineral has a lot of titles: Red Corundum, Lal. In the days of the existence of ancient Russia, this mineral was called yahont.

Table: Physical characteristics of Lala.

Magic properties of stone:

  1. Strengthens life position.
  2. He drives sadness.
  3. Protects from black magic and evil spell.
  4. Practice courage.
  5. Revises lost interest in life.
  6. For women with the problems of the childbearing system, it helps become pregnant and make a healthy kid.
  7. For men, this mineral is a symbolism of passion. In antiquity, he helps to win the heart of his beloved girl.
  8. Reveals the talents and skills of a person. But be careful. If Ruby falls into the hands of an evil person, he enhances its energy field and makes it more dangerous and evil for a person.

    If they own a person with pure soul and light thoughts, then the mineral helps to support him peace of mind.

Yahont was revered by Buddhists according to their teachings, he gives rise to an attraction to the great, opens the natural riddles and teaches to listen to himself. It helps to achieve the goal, enriches the inner world of man, filling it with calmness.

In India, people believed that Lal gives power to help influence people.

Yahont affects such chakras:

  1. Akhanata (heart chakra).
  2. Svadchistan (Underfloor Chakra).

Who is suitable for the sign of the zodiac: compatibility in astrology?

It is worth knowing who this mineral is suitable for the horoscope. After all, many signs of the zodiac stone will bring happiness, and other misfortunes.

Zodiac signs that are suitable Red Corundum:

  1. Sagittarius.
  2. Aries.
  3. Capricorn.

Lal is combined with the signs of the zodiac of the sun.

Everyone is desirable to refrain from wearing this mineral.

Yahont suits women with such names:

  • Alla.
  • Anna.
  • Barbarian.
  • Rita.
  • Pauline.
  • Regina.
  • Tatyana.

Lal can be worn by men named Vasily and Paul.

What color and what looks like: stone varieties

Color varieties in color:

  1. Rich red.
  2. Red.
  3. Middle red.
  4. Dark red.
  5. Light red.

Varieties Corunda Groups:

  • Bright red.
  • Normal red.
  • Mid-red.
  • Light red.

Types of corundum in defective groups:

  1. First quality group. Defects: rare stripes.
  2. Second quality group. Defects: Cracks and strips, thickening inside the mineral.
  3. Third quality group. Defects: cracks, stripes, splashes, turbidity.

By changing the shade, Corundum warns the danger of the owner. In antique, with the help of corundum, the presence of poison in food or drink was determined. It was lowered into the liquid and if he changed the color, then a poisoned substance is present in food / drink.

Mineral field

In the world, some deposits of this mineral.

Note! Recently, another deposit of this gems was discovered in India.

Table: deposits.

Place of Birth Description
Burma (Myanmar) Burma produced yahonts of the best quality. They are called Burmese. They are mined from the placer from the bottom of the rivers.

The most important deposit in Burma is 90 kilometers from the city of Mandalay. In this place, 1% of the total volume of raised rubies in the world is mined.

In this field, Lava is mined with a tint of "blue blood".

Thailand In Thailand, the unprocessed yachon of brown is mined. Such korunds are called Siamesk.
Cambodia The stone is mined in Pailin. High quality stones are mined in this field.
Sri Lanka The deposit in this country is located on Ceylon Island. Market Laly are mined here.
India Indian corundes are called Kashmir.

Also, stone is mined in:

  1. Tanzania.
  2. Kenya.
  3. Madagascar.
  4. Vietnam.
  5. Afghanistan.
  6. Pakistan.
  7. Australia.
  8. United States of America.
  9. Tajikistan.
  10. Brazil.

Products and decorations from stone and its use

The area of \u200b\u200bapplication Lala can not be called extensive.

This stone is used for manufacture:

  1. Talismans. Products from Yahont, who serve as a talisman, protect against negative impact, encourage good deeds and protect a person.
  2. Jewelry. Crystals are inserted into jewelry framed by gold or silver.

Important! Yahont belongs to high-class precious stones, so it is very popular among fans of exquisite decorations.

How much is: Price

About the miraculous properties of corundum is known to many. Also everyone knows that the price of this stone is very high. But how much is exactly the mineral knows not many.

The price of Corundum depends on the type of its origin:

  1. Natural corundum costs from 500 dollars for 1 carat.
  2. Artificial stone costs from 30 to 100 dollars per carat. Price varies depending on glass filled components.

Medical properties: Do they have?

According to beliefs, Lal has many medicinal properties that help people improve well-being and get rid of chronic tonsillitis.

Note! Lal is of great importance for man. It helps to restore physical and spiritual forces.

Table: Medical properties.

How to distinguish fake: authentication

It is possible to determine the authenticity of the yachon in such ways:

  1. Look at the light through it. In natural lala, the color will change.
  2. Check ultraviolet radiation. Coloring Lala in orange color speaks of artificial korunde.

Criteria for real stone:

  • There are no bubbles inside.
  • Smooth and monophonic shine.
  • This ruby \u200b\u200bis difficult to scratch or split.

Care and storage

Rules for storage and care for corundum:

  • Store in a dark.
  • Wash only in a soap solution with a brush with a natural bristle.

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