The wildest cat. Photo of wild cats

Big cats include the largest representatives of the Feline family. And yet the main criterion of belonging to big cats is not the size, but the structure.

So, the lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, snow leopard and smoky leopard include large cats, but do not include such species like Puma and Cheetah.

We will get acquainted closer with these most beautiful and graceful predators in the wild.
a lion

A lion. King of beasts. One of the four representatives of the Panther's family belonging to the subfamily of large cats. It is the second largest cat after a tiger - the weight of males can reach 250 kg. But height in the shoulders lion is a record holder among all cats.

This species initially evolved about 800,000 in Africa - 1 million years ago.

The appearance of the lion is very characteristic: males are significantly larger than the females and have a luxurious mane up to 40 cm long. No one of any of the cat is nothing like that. The mane visually increases the lion in size, and also helps to intimidate other males and attract females that prefer "men" with a more luxurious chapel.

Like lion and lioness on the end of the tail there is a fluffy beam - "brush" about 5 cm long. At birth, it is missing and begins to appear at about 5 months of age.

The color of the lion is usually yellow-gray different shades, the mane of the same color as the skin, but it happens to be dark, even black.

At the end of the 20th century, there was a confirmation of the existence of white lions. Before this, for hundreds of years, they were considered the fruit of legends, weird in South Africa:

These are very rare cats:

Lions are superhirsters, i.e. Position in the food chain upper position. However, besides person, there is another predatory animal that can pose a threat to a lion is a crocodile. In a collision, these two kinds are capable of putting each other very serious injuries. Lions are able to attack crocodiles when they get out of land, while the oldest reptiles attack Lviv when they enter the water.

Unlike other feline, they do not live alone, but in special marital stars - pride. Hunting and food mining usually do females that operate groups. The males are engaged in the protection of the territory, which has driven out of them unaccepting guests. Another reason why males are not engaged in hunting - mane, which can interfere with camouflage. Lion skies have a length of 8 cm, so these cats can kill enough large animals. Despite the fact that the lioness has very sharp teeth, mining in most cases is killed by stroke

In nature, lions live from 10 to 15 years, in captivity they can live for more than 20 years. True, males rarely live for more than 10 years, since constant fights with other lions significantly reduce their life.

Unfortunately, these large cats belong to vulnerable species due to irreversible reduction in the number of their population. Over the past 20 years, the number of lions in Africa decreased by 35-50%.


This is the third in size in the world, and the largest cat in the new world. One of the four representatives of the genus Panther. The body length without a tail is usually 120-185 cm, and the mass in some cases up to 120 kg. The record in nature is 158 kg. In the language of Guarani, Yaguara meant "Beast, killing one jump."

The oldest remains of the jaguar are dated late Pliocene (about 2 million years). According to the morphological signs of Jaguar, the most closely related to the leopard is very similar to it, but more and harder.

The main color of the jaguar body closer to the sandy. Spots are scattered on the torso, which is darker than a common body background: solid, rings and sockets. Fully black jaguars are found, externally similar to Panther:

Unlike Lviv, the lifestyle of jaguars is single. Like all cats, jaguars are territorial predators; The hunting portion of one jaguar takes 25-100 sq.m., depending on the landscape and the amount of production and is, as a rule, a triangle.

Jaguar is a twilight predator. He hunts after sunset and before dawn. The main extraction of Jaguar is the capybaras and hoofs like deer, bakers, although it hunts on the turtles: his powerful jaws are able to launch even a shell. When attacking, this cat is trying to injure the sacrifice at the time of fall. This is a hunter of one throw: if the prey has broken in the afternoon, Jaguar never pursues it.

The main method of Jaguar hunt is an ambush on a tree or in high grass. Also, mining will not be able to escape in the water - Jaguars are perfectly swimming.

At a considerable part of its former range, this species is almost or completely destroyed. Jaguar is submitted to the International Red Book.

Snow Leopard

Irbis, or a snow leopard dwells in the mountains of Central Asia. This is a rather large cat, but less leopard, with a long, flexible body, relatively short legs and a very long tail. Length with the tail - 200-230 cm, weight - up to 55 kg. Recent studies show that Irbis has been common, probably from 1.2 to 1.4 million years ago.

Snow leopard painting in a snow leopard light smoke-gray with annular and solid dark spots. Since Irbis is the inhabitant of high rocky mountains of Central and Central Asia, his wool is very thick, its back length reaches 55 mm - it provides protection from cold, habitat environment. So, in the Himalayas of the Snow Barca met at an altitude of 5400-6000 meters above sea level.

Snow leopards lead a single lifestyle. On the territory with a low amount of production, an area of \u200b\u200b1,000 sq. Cm can only dwell up to 5 cats. The log of Irbis arranges rocks in caves and rafts.

Snow Bars is able to cope with the prey, three times superior by weight. He hunts in most cases before sunset and at dawn, attacking due to shelter. Large mining Snow Bars tries to grab the throat, and then suffer.

Currently, the number of snowballs catastrophically small. In the XX century, this cat was introduced into the Red Book of the International Union of Nature Protection (IUCN) and in the Red Book of Russia.


Leopard is another representative of large cats, significantly inferior in the size of the Lero and Tigra, one of the four representatives of Panther's family. Externally, it looks like a jaguar, reduced in size. Body length without tail - up to 190 cm, weight - up to 75 kg. According to fossil remains, the first ancestor of the leopard appeared in Asia for another 3.8 million years ago.

The skiing of the beast is a golden background, according to which it is randomly scattered solid or in the form of a black spot rings. Usually the color of fur in winter is paler and dim, than in summer. As in the case of Jaguar, in nature (usually in Southeast Asia) there are leopards melanysts, which are called black pants. Leopard is perhaps one of the most graceful and beautiful cats.

Leopard is a single and night beast. He snaps so deftly on the trees that sometimes catches even monkeys. However, leopard hunts, mainly on Earth, using two receptions: subtracting to mining and waiting in ambush.

In order for the extraction did not go to hyenas, leopards slaughter her on the trees. Leopard hunting area can reach 400 sq. Km. Depending on the region, relief and abundance of production.

Like Lviv and Tigers, there are canopy among leopards; Usually it is old or sore individuals unable to hunt the usual prey. A person for this predatory cat represents a very easy goal. So, in the 20s of the 20th century in India, the "Rudrapragian cannibal" was performed. The account of this leopard was 125! Cases of officially registered killings of people.

Many peoples leopard acts as a symbol of cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, insensitivity. Unfortunately, Leopard is an endungecious look. In the XX century, he was introduced into the Red Book of IUCN, in the Red Book of Russia.

Smoky leopard

The smoky leopard belongs to large cats, lives in Southeast Asia and remotely resembles a leopard. This is a rather ancient look, as well as the possible source of the current large feline.

The smoky leopard is the smallest "big cat": its value corresponds to approximately the size of the shepherd. The length of the body is 80-100 cm, weight - up to 21 kg. A characteristic feature of this cat is a long tail.
Small, but toothy:

Smoky leopards occurs in the south-east of Asia and live by one. Among the feline smoky leopards are best able to climb on trees, even better than the leopard. His victims (deer, boars, monkeys and birds) they wait on the branches and unexpectedly pounce on top.
The pattern on wool in the smoky leopard is unusual: large, unequal black spots are scattered on a yellowish background. The whole species refers to the number of threats of disappearance.


Tiger is the largest and heavy cat and one of the largest land predators, yielding only by white and brown bear by weight, one of the four representatives of Panther's family. Already about 2 million years ago, the tigers were widespread in East Asia.

The subspecies of the tiger differ greatly in size and mass, but the largest are Bengal and Amur. The males can reach 2.4-2.8 meters in length without a tail and weigh up to 275 kg, and in some cases up to 300-320 kg. Record in captivity - 423 kg from the Amur Tiger. For comparison, weight lions usually does not exceed 250 kg at about the same length.

The entire body of the tiger is covered with stripes, the color of which varies from brown to completely black, and the tail always ends with a black tip.

Due to mutation, there are very rare animals in nature - white tigers. The frequency of their appearance is one piece of 10,000 with normal color. These are Bengal tigers with black and brown stripes on the white fur and blue eyes. The zoos now contains 130 white tigers:

An even more rarely encountered coloring is gold. In the world's zoos there are only 30 gold tigers:

Tigers - single and territorial predators. The territory of one male is usually 60-100 sq. Km. During the hunt, the tigers use two receptions: subtracting to mining, moves short careful steps, often falling to the ground, and waiting in the ambush.

During the attack, the tiger can develop a speed of up to 60 km / h almost in any terrain, as well as jump to a height of up to 5 meters and 9-10 meters long. Sometimes the weight of production of this powerful cat is 6-7 times higher than its own.

These majestic cats also refer to extinct species. In the 20th century, the Red Book of IUCN was introduced into the Red Book of Russia.

The feline family presses are predators and all without exception feed on meat. All of them are from a small black cat cat to a huge amur tiger - excellent hunters.
Fangs and indigenous teeth: All cats have long, curved, cone-shaped fangs, which they grab, hold and kill prey. Small cats usually kill the prey of a bite in the neck, squeezing the victim's spine with sharp fangs. Large cats are trying to dug in the sacrifice throat to avoid meeting with sharp horns. The cheetah has enough fangs quite poorly, so it is capable only to strangle them. The indigenous teeth in feline have sharp vertices, and when compressing jaws, the upper teeth are tightly entering the lower. With their help, animals can easily burst the meat into pieces. These "scissors' teeth" is a common characteristic feature for all predators.
Cheating claws: from representatives of the Feline family sharp claws among all predatory animals. Such a congenital "weapon" helps them when there is a need to climb trees, catch, hold and kill prey. So that the weapons do not fool and did not break, during jumping and running the cats draw claws into special recesses on the fingers. Some cats in retractable claws are only on the front paws. Cats living on trees, such as Ocelot, are able to draw claws on all four paws. In Cheetah, all claws are not inserted, they help him develop a greater speed during the chase per prey, performing the same function as spikes on the shoes of the runners. Some types of feline use claws not only for climbing trees and to cope with the prey, but also to mark their territory. For this, they are "accurate" claws about the trunks of the trees.
Color: Each type of feline has a special pattern of fur, best masks the animal in its habitat. Wool can be sandy color, like a lion, striped, like a tiger, or spotted, like Ocelot - the color of each of them serves so that the predator can better hide and remain unnoticed during the hunt or sample to the victim. But the beautiful fur has long attracted the attention of people, so hunters, wanting to boast or for the sake of profits ruthlessly kill wild cats. Modern feline family includes about 35 species of animals. Feline inhabit safe to life the regions of the globe in which there are many wild animals. Over the past centuries, cats perfectly adapted to the environment. Avoiding enemies or waiting for prey, they trust their sensitive hearing, acute sense of smell and protective skin.
Reproduction. Most cat live apart. Cats throughout the year do not leave their territories throughout the year, and only in the breeding season, the males go beyond the boundaries of their possessions in search of females ready for mating. Most cats bring on one rating per year, however, the females of large cats usually give birth to a young every 2-3 years.
From the Amtz in the cultivation of offspring do not participate. In the litter there are 1-6 kittens. Females feed them with milk, with time, passing to meat food. Newborn kittens are blind and completely helpless. They are quickly covered with wool, the drawing of which is in most spotted. Young lives with her mother, until they learn to hunt yourself. On average, prey cats live about 15 years.
Origin cat. The first animals like cats appeared on our planet about 50 million years ago. Over the next 25 million years, in the process of evolution, the early modern species of cats inhabiting the globe and now have been formed.
One of the most famous prehistoric predators was a saber-toothed tiger who lived in the forests of Million years ago. According to the reasons unknown for science, it is measured about 8 thousand years ago. Saber-toothed tiger, however, from a typological point of view, stood closer to hyenas than to cats. By this time, very few fossil remains were discovered, which could tell about the development of the modern Feline family. It is likely that the first cats appeared in Asia, from where they gradually spread throughout the world, with the exception of Antarctica and Australia. In South America, these predators appeared rather late.
In the cat, the cats outwardly surprisingly with each other, but biologists allocate 4 kinds in this family and share all cats on large and small.
Lone hunters. All feline, except Lviv, hunt alone. They developed the style of hunting, which is based on increasing production with the subsequent lightning jump and its sublink. Thanks to this, a single animal lives on a certain territory, able to provide food and survive the hungry period. Surprisingly, some kinds of cats are solved to attack production, which surpasses them in size. So, Lynx hunts on a roe and deer, the tiger is able to overcome the deer and elk, he also does not miss the case to attack the young elephants and rhinos. Another big cat - Leopard - hunts to antelope, and mining raises to the tree so that the carcass did not get the animals that eat Padalu. Some cats pursue the victim, others - short, but quickly (cheetah). Small cats also demonstrate incredible strength and agility in the hunt for fine prey.
Large and small cats. Fabric family belongs to the number of predators, still divided into two submenses - large and small cats. Lions include lions, Irbis, Leopards, Jaguars, in Small - Jaguarundi, Ocelot, Forest Cat, Steppe Cat and others. In this case, the real sizes of the animal are often relative magnitude. Puma, for example, included in a group of small cats, although in size it exceeds the smoky leopard, which is among the major cats.
Avenue criterion in the definition of a view of the system in the system is anatomical characteristics. In large cats, part of the basis of the language consists of cartilage, and in small cats she is completely inflated, so the big cats can be lying, and small to purr. The next distinguishing feature is the site between the upper lip and the nose, which is covered with small cats, and the big remains bare. Significant differences between two groups of cats can be found in their behavior. Large cats eat prey lying, and small-standing or sitting. During rest, the front paws of large cats are elongated forward, and the tail is discarded, while small cats are hiding under themselves, and a long tail wrap the body around.
Rumor and vision. All cats are inherent fine flair. These predators have excellent vision, which helps them to detect prey. Due to the fact that the eyes of cats are planted in front of the head, these animals see items volumetric, so they can accurately estimate the distance to the victim. In addition, the cats are well distinguished colors and clearly recognize production. Day vision in cats just like a person, and at night they see 6 times better. The retina of the eye is arranged like the retina of night animals, there is a mirror in it (Tarestt Iisiait), reflecting the light that has passed through photosensitive cells. Due to this, they see well in the dark. Nature endowed cats with beautiful hearing. Their large movable ears catches even the slightest rustle. Representatives of small cats are heard even high-frequency sounds and ultrasounds, which give fine mammals.

Tigers, lions, puma, panthers, cheetahs and leopards are considered the largest cats on the planet Earth. A total of about 37 types of catfish family lives, and almost all are large. Large cats themselves are quite secretive animals, they avoid interactions with a person because of the danger threatening.

All representatives of the feline family differ from each other by color, behavior, character, habitat, etc. But there are amazing creatures that differ from others with their incredible sizes.

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    Tiger is the biggest wild cat in the world. Representatives of this breed can weigh up to 250 kg. Growth in withers 1.15 cm. Adult predator in length reaches 3 meters. The habitat of these predators is concentrated mainly in Asia.

      External signs of Tiger:

      • severe muscular body;
      • round head with a convex skull;
      • bright color (redhead with black stripes).

      Hunt a tiger alone. Its feed area is from 300 to 500 km. For predators, hostility was noticed among themselves, if the amount of production decreases, the tigers attack livestock and people. The predator is hunting in the morning and in the evening, thanks to great eyesight, he sees perfectly in the dark. Attacks the ambush, pursuing the victim in the footsteps.

      Tigers are very clean unlike other representatives of the Feline family. He always bathes in front of the hunt to knock down his smell that will interfere with him during the hunt.

      People are the easiest prey for the tiger. But he can only attack, when a person breaks the territory of a predator or a tiger feed base runs out.

      Now cases of attacks of tigers are not observed. This is due to a decrease in the population of the animal. All subspecies of tigers disappear and are recorded in the Red Book.

      Amur (Siberian) Tiger

      Compared to other tigers, the fur of this representative is more dense and long. On his stomach there is a fat stupor protecting from the cold. The greatest population falls on the Khabarovsky and Primorsky Territory, there are about 500 individuals. In Eastern countries, its population is very low due to the fact that his fur is very valuable in alternative medicine.

      Several tens of years ago, the population of the Amur Tiger was large enough, over time it decreased to 200 individuals. But thanks to the efforts of biologists, the number of Siberian tigers gradually increases. But they are still in the Red Book.

      Wild steppe cats - lifestyle, character, ability to tam

      a lion

      One of the largest cats of the earth. This dangerous predator in weight reaches 250 kg, and height in the withers - 123 cm. The length of the body is 170 - 250 cm. In the structure of something like a tiger. Color can be both dark brown and sandy. A distinctive feature is a brush at the end of the tail. The main decoration of the lion is a luxurious mane, which only males have.

      Warns about the hunt for his majestic roar. The only feline family lives by prides. Leads a leader's leader. In the hunt, males are in the ambush, and females are mining. In pride to lions, it is almost impossible to get. The pack is a certain amount of animals, which is due to the feed base. The habitat of Lviv is located in Africa and in India (less).

      Puma (mountain lion)

      Proudly wears the name of the second largest wild cat in America. Height in the withers - 60-70 cm, the length of the body reaches 180 cm, and the weight is up to 100 kg. The body of the animal is massive, elongated, the rear paws are greater than the front, the head is small. Color - reddish or gray.

      It dwells almost in all areas ranging from the plains and ending with the mountains. Food is not particularly picky, it can be enjoyed both hoofs and insects. There are cases of attack on people, mostly there were children and low people who are smooth.

      Hunting for this predator does not affect his populations. This is due to the fact that the animal perfectly adapts to various conditions. Basically lives in South America, in Western regions of North America and Yucatan.


      Leopard is the most cunning representative from predatory cats. Although it differs in the size of the Lion and Tiger, but is not inferior to them by the power of the jaw. Height in the withers no more than 80 cm, and the weight of the animal is gaining up to 100 kg. The length of the body from 120 to 195 cm. Because of its spotted color, leopards are attacked by poachers. Differs from other wild cats by:

    1. 1. Great in trees;
    2. 2. overcomes water obstacles;
    3. 3. Eats fish;
    4. 4. Long sits in ambush;
    5. 5. Hunt at night and alone;
    6. 6. Locks food to the tree to protect it from other predators.

    Panthers are more aggressive, whose color is characterized by black. Such a color was obtained due to the increased content of the melatonin hormone.


    Very similar to the leopard, but much more massive and larger. Height in the withers 63-75 cm, the weight is about 90 kg. The length of the body is up to 185 cm. By nature, this is a single predator, jaguars carefully guard their territory. Males protect their family, and females grow kittens to their mature.

    You can eat both crocodiles and domestic cattle. Attacks on people are extremely rare. In most countries, this representative of the Feline family is listed in the Red Book, but he was allowed in Mexico to shoot in limited quantities.


    It is also called snowy beauty. It dwells high in the mountains, goes down to the foot only in the case of the persecution of herbivorous hoofs. Externally, Bar is similar to Leopard, but more squat. It is highlighted by its unusual fur smoky color, covered with black spots. The body of Irbis is stretched and raised at the sacrum. The height in the withers is about 60 cm, and the body length varies from 103 to 130 cm. It dwells in the areas of South and Central Asia.

Biology is classified by feline for two subfaming: large cats and small. But in the distribution of cats on these groups, the role is not played by the size itself, but the structure of certain bones. Therefore, representatives of the biggest cats in the world are found not only among the subfamily of large feline. Puma and cheetahs are sometimes not inferior in the size of panthers, although belong to the small group.

In the first place among large cats is a tiger, one of the representatives of the Panther family. Most tigers live in Asia, eat hoofs. These predators prefer to hunt alone, in the morning or closer in the evening, while they see in the dark six times better than a person.

Some tiger characteristics:

  • weight varies from 180 to 300 kg;
  • life expectancy of up to 15 years, in captivity of 25 years;
  • the largest of subspecies, the Amur Tiger, reaches a length of three and a half meters;
  • the predator accelerates to 60 km / h.

The most common subspecies of the Tiger, Bengali, consists of 3000 - 4500 individuals. Three types of nine have already become extinct, the rest are under threat of disappearance.

Noble, proud and majestic predator living in African savannas. Lions live families or prides. Only females are hunting, often also groups. Of the whole family of cats, the lions are the highest.

Some facts about lions:

  • weight comes up to 250 kg;
  • life expectancy is 10-14 years old, in captivity can reach up to 20 years;
  • the size of the lion is in length - from 2.7 to 3 meters. One of the biggest lions was 3.3 meters long;
  • the usual speed of running in these animals is 50 km / h, the maximum is 80 km / h.

The view of Lviv risks to become extinct, over the past decades, their population in Africa has decreased by 40%.


Interesting features of this unusual type:

  • hercules league was ligated as the largest cat on Earth;
  • has a weight of 400 kg and an increase of 3.7 meters;
  • there are 25 individuals in the world;
  • ligrites are capable of childbearing, which is not characteristic of hybrids;
  • ligras love to swim.

Leopard is a large cat, less tiger or lion. It lives in Africa, Asia, in the Far East in Russia. It has stains throughout the body. There are also black panthers who also have stains, but because of melanism they do not appear.

Leopard characteristics:

  • the weight of males up to 80 kg, in females up to 65;
  • body length, except for the tail, 0.9-1.9 meters;
  • life expectancy is 12-15 years old, in captivity - up to 23 years;
  • leopards climb on trees and know how to swim, catch fish.

The population of these animals is steadily reduced: five species are already listed in the Red Book, and the number of Far Eastern, or Amur, the leopard is 60 individuals. This is due to the constant cutting of trees in major habitats, poaching and a decrease in the feed base.

Jaguar refers to the genus Panthers. It dwells in South and Central America, feeds on both small rodents and adult mammals. I know how to swim, climb trees. It spends his life alone, meets with other representatives of its type only during reproduction.

Some features of this predator:

  • body weight - 60-90 kg;
  • the length of the body, not counting the tail, 1.1-1.8 meters;
  • life expectancy is 10 years old, in captivity - up to 25 years;
  • jaguar hunts at night, the day prefers to sleep;
  • an animal is listed in the Red Book.

The genus Panther is characterized by the fact that the stains on the skin of predators are unique as the prints of human fingers.

Snow Leopard

Snow leopard, or IRBIS, belonging to the genus Uncia, lives in the mountains of Central Asia. They live in mountain caves by one, travel a lot, in relation to people, aggression does not show, cases of attack - rarity.

Features Irbis:

  • body length with tail is 2-2.3 meters;
  • body weight - up to 60 kg;
  • life expectancy of 20-25 years;
  • barca jump to 6 meters long and up to 3 meters in height;
  • irbis do not know how to meow, nor urge or growl.

Snow leopard is written in the Red Book, because Irbis has 6,000 individuals.

The Puma refers to small cats, although the size is not at all, in length 1-1.8 meters. It dwells in North and South America, hunts on deer, leads a single lifestyle.

Interesting Facts:

  • in nature, the Puma lives up to 20 years;
  • the main enemies of the pum - bears, jaguars and wolves;
  • cubs do not leave the shelter if their mother does not call them;
  • puma reaches 65 km / h plains, but quickly gets tired.

The PUM is constantly hunting, but due to adaptability to different living conditions, their subspecies are not under threat of complete extermination.

Cheetah dwells in Africa and the Middle East. Fast of all terrestrial animals. Having erected in the afternoon, the diet makes predominantly gazelles and antelope.

Distinctive features of the cheetah:

  • develops speed up to 110 km / h;
  • body length 1.1-1.4 meters;
  • hunts in a flock;
  • claws in the paws are not removed or partially removed;
  • cheetahs get along with people, tames.

The number of these predators falls, no more than 4,500 hepards remained according to the latest information.

The dimensions and abilities of wild cats are striking, it is not believing that these creatures live on one planet with people. But due to the activities of people, the population of these animals is rapidly reduced. A person must protect, protect these incredible creatures, refer to them with respect and not harmful.

It is difficult to believe, but one of the most terrible predators in the world lion and a small kitten belong to the same cat. They are easy to identify on the inherent on only cat natural grace, retractable claws and a short fondant muzzle.

Tiger - striped perfection

This is the biggest wild cat in the world. By size, the tiger is inferior only by the bear. The weight of the tiger can reach 250 kg, the height in the withers to 1.15 cm. The length of the adult predator's body is more than 3 meters. The largest tiger was killed in the middle of the last century in India, its weight was 388 kg. Currently, there are only six subspecies, the habitat is concentrated in Asia.

Strong muscular elongated body, a more developed front, round head with a convex skull and a bright striped color - such a brief portrait of a tiger. The most common color of redhead (different intensity) with black stripes, but there are individuals with white and gold color. Such unusual colors are associated with genetic violations.

Tiger territorial animal and always hunt alone. Feed territory of one animal from 300 to 500 km. Rarely tigers are rare among themselves, in the event of a decrease in the amount of production, attacks on livestock and people begin. Possessing beautiful night vision, Tiger prefers to hunt in the morning or evening. Tiger prefers to walk in the footsteps of the victim or wait for it in the ambush, for example, near the reservoir. In contrast, Leo Tiger carefully takes care of purity, before going to hunt, it always bathes or falls out in the snow to beat off the smell that can scare away production.

For people, the tiger can attack in violation of the boundaries of its territory or in case of decreasing a feed base. People are easy prey for this predator.

Now, due to a decrease in population number, such cases happen extremely rarely, and a tiger when meeting with a person prefers to retreat. But earlier the attacks of the tigers were fixed repeatedly. The Bengal tigress is widely known, whose account is more than 400 people. It was suggested that a tiger, which tried human flesh, will continue to prefer this type of production.

All subspecies of tigers belong to the disappearing and are listed in the Red Book. Hunting territories of tigers are protected by the state. A breed of cats was replaced, resembling a tiger in a miniature, called Toyger.

Amur (Siberian) Tiger

In the photo: The largest wild cat in the world is Amur Tiger.

Serious and beautiful predator with a more dense and long fur in comparison with other subspecies. The only one of the tigers, on the stomach, which has a fat stupor to protect against cold. The greatest population of these animals lives in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, it has about 500 individuals. In neighboring countries, the number of this tiger is very small due to valuable fur and ingredients, valuable in Eastern alternative medicine.

In the last century, the number of the Amur Tigger was so great that special detachments were devoted for hunting. And in less than 50 years, the number of this predator has decreased to 200 individuals. Now thanks to the efforts of biologists, the population number has grown.

Nevertheless, at the moment the Amur Handsome is under threat of extinction.

Lion is the king of the animals

Dangerous predator, who is not alien to nobility and greatness. The weight of the lion can reach 250 kg, and the height in the withers is about 123 cm. The length of the body ranges from 170 to 250 cm. In its structure, the lion is very similar to the tiger. Color varies from dark brown to sandy. Lions are the only of the family of big wild cats have a small brush on the tip. The females differ from males not only smaller sizes, but also the absence of the mane, the main decoration of the lion. It is not for nothing called gentleman of the world of predators. His proud, majestic behavior manner and a noble warning about the beginning of the hunt of the royal roar are forced to admire and admire these animals from afar.

The only of the families of large wild cats live unlikely, but peculiar families - prides. Usually, the pride includes females, young up to three years and several males. Manages the pride of the leader, experienced and strong male. During the hunt, females usually serve as a penny, and the males expect in ambush. Unauthorized Lero to get into the pride is almost impossible, the exception is made only in the case of a vacant place of female. As a rule, the number of PRIDE is the same and regulated, obviously, depending on the feed base.

The preserved Area Lviv is located in Africa, and a small population is located in India.

Leopard (Panther) - the most insidious of wild predatory cats

Dangerous and unpredictable predator from Feline family. For the power of the jaws, it is not inferior to its larger brethren of Tigra and Lion, although it does not have such impressive dimensions. The growth in the idol of an adult leopard is no more than 80 cm, and the weight up to 100 kg. The length of the body from 120 to 195 cm. The body of this animal is elongated, light, somewhat compressed on the sides. The leopard has a very beautiful spotted fur, thanks to which the leopard population has grown heavily.

Perfectly climbs on trees, although prefers to hunt on the ground. An excellent swimmer, so it easily overcomes water obstacles and does not happen to fish. Maybe long to sit in the ambush and wait down. Aborigines of the terrain where leopards are found much more to be afraid of them than their larger relatives. Too quickly and suddenly know how to attack trees and drying rarely. Leopard mining is slaughtered on a tree to protect from other predators. These predators hunt at night and always alone.

Appears in the litters of individuals with black color, called panthers, are considered more aggressive than the common leopard. They received such a color from the increased content of melatonin hormone.

Jaguar - the biggest wild cat of America

This predatory inhabitant of Selva of Central and South America is very similar to the leopard, but much more massive and larger than it. Height in the withers 63-76 cm, and the weight is approximately 90 kg. The length of the jaguar's body can reach 185 cm. This representative of the cat is a single hunter, and males and females are carefully guarded its territory from itself similar and from other predators. Only during weddings jaguars are knocked in flocks, the fights between males are rarely happening - the choice of female. She also grows kittens until they become quite adults to protect their territory.

Jaguar's prey can serve Caimans, crocodiles, bakers, snakes, turtles, monkeys and other small and not very inhabitants of oil and reservoirs. Do not break this predator and livestock. Cases of attack on people rare.

In many countries, Jaguar is listed in the Red Book and the hunt for it is categorically prohibited. In others, for example, in Mexico, shooting in limited quantities is allowed.

Puma (mountain lion)

The second largest predatory wild cat is America. Height in the withers 60-90 cm, the length of the body is up to 180 cm, and the weight is not more than 100 kg. The body of the elongated format, the paws are short, strong, rear is more massive. Head is small. Collapse Pum varies from reddish to gray.

Puma is found in almost all types of terrain: both in the mountains and forests and plains. Cougar Night Hunter Single and her prey serve numerous hoofs, does not scream and she and birds, fish and insects. This predator does not distinguish between wild herbivores and domestic livestock and with hunt kills those who fall under hand. And Kouguar often kills more animals than it can eat. Known cases of attack on people. As a rule, children or low people walking alone are attacked.

Despite the incessant hunting and narrowing of the habitat, the PUM population is sufficient, great, since this predator easily adapts to other conditions of living.

Puma is found everywhere in South America, Western regions of North and Yucatan.

Unusually beautiful leopard with smoky-gray fur with black spots. Irbis lives high in the mountains and occasionally descends to the foot, following the migration of ungulate herbivores. In his own way, this strong cat resembles a leopard, but more pride and chalk. The torso of Irbis is stretched, slightly raised in the region of the sacrum. The height of the withers is not more than 60 cm, and the body length ranges from 103 to 130 cm. The main habitat of the snow leopard is South and Central Asia.

Irbis rarely attacks man and livestock. This can only happen if the cub is protected. Irbis live in pairs and cool together and grown offspring.

They feed, teach and raise their cubs, and the female for the insulation of Logov ruthlessly plucks the fur from his abdomen.

Now around the world there are no more than 7 thousand individuals of the snow leopard. Unfortunately, in captivity, Irbis practically does not multiply, so the population of these magnificent animals continues to shrink. To meet in the wild, this rare disappearing look is almost impossible, Irbis carefully avoids people.

Cheetah - the fastest predatory cat

In the cheetah, bizarrely combine and doggy and feline features. Short body, long slender legs, like pins, but paws, color and skill to climb trees - it's from cats. Scientists have long taken the cheetah in a separate type of large cats, but according to the last molecular research of the Cheetah still refers to the subfamily of small cats. And the size of this kitty is: height in the withers to 75 cm, the length of the body is up to 140 cm, and the weight reaches 65 kg. Cheetah grade yellow-sand with black dots scattered over the entire skin.

Females except for the cultivation of puppies hunt a one. And males can be knocked into groups, usually consisting of single-mattress. Such a pack, they defend the territory and females from other cheetahs. Unlike most cats are day predators. Large smooth spaces exclude the possibility of shelters, and cheetahs use a completely different strategy. They approach the victim at a distance of 10 meters and then make a quick jerk, the speed of which can reach up to 115 km / h. But no more than 400 meters can move in this steady pace. So, if the extraction managed to escape, then the cheetah simply relates and go to seek less than a quiet sacrifice.

Interesting the story of Cheetah and his ministry to man. In ancient times, this animal was widely used in the hunt for wild beasts. Devotion, honesty and seducker are highly valued by hunters of various countries: Byzantium, France, India and Russia. Chepadards not only were excellent ingredients, but also easily tamed and showed a huge attachment to the owners. They were drove on leashes, like dogs, they played with them, not afraid to get injections. The image of the cheetah (they called them in Russia) is located on the Cathedral of Saint Sophia. But at some point, perhaps, after the arrival of the British to India, who loved to arrange a sports hunt for cheetahs, they were just predators.

Unfortunately, the number of cheetahs is reduced with horrific speed. The main factor in the disappearance of the population is the disarm of Savannan - natural habitats of cheetahs.

Recently, the reasons for extinction joined the bottom-like mixing due to the small number of animals. At the moment, there are no more than 4500 individuals of heparobs.

In custody

Human activity inflicted irreparable damage to the population of all wild predatory cats. Some types of lost irretrievably, others are constantly under threat of complete extinction. If it continues so further, then on Earth there will be one single predator - a person.