Do-it-yourself decoupage balls for the new year. Do-it-yourself decoupage of New Year's toys - technique and ideas. Possible options for decorating Christmas tree toys

  • "My passion for decoupage has been going on for 4 years already. It is very interesting to transform old or simply nondescript things, give them a second life, admire them or give them to friends," she tells about her creative preferences Anna Grinenko (Novorossiysk, Russia)- I love beautiful things made with my own hands. I do not stop there: I study different techniques, mainly on the Internet, I watch master classes, the work of needlewomen-decoupagers.
  • The New Year is coming soon, and I started preparing for it back in October: I made a lot of gifts, but I didn’t forget about my beautiful Christmas tree: she will also have a new outfit!
  • Dear readers, I congratulate you on the coming New Year! I wish you creative inspiration! Give people beauty!
  • Master class by Anna Grinenko ""
  • Photo 1. We take plastic ones, degrease them (I do this with glass cleaner), primer (I use a mixture of PVA glue and white acrylic paint).

  • Photo 2-3. I chose a napkin with such vintage pictures. We tear out the motifs and glue them with PVA glue diluted with water, then cover the products with varnish, so that after the varnish has dried with fine sandpaper, sand (if any) the folds formed when the napkin was glued.

  • Photo 4-6. We mix acrylic paint of white, yellow and red colors and with the help of a brush and a sponge we make a background stretch from peach to white. We cover with a layer of varnish.

The New Year is coming soon, and we want to decorate our Christmas tree somehow very beautifully and at the same time in an original and unusual way. Therefore, today's master class will come in handy for us, thanks to which we will independently decorate plastic balls using the technique.

The materials we will need:
Two large plastic balls with a diameter of 8-9 cm, it is better to take a silver color so that they do not fade;
Two napkins for decoupage: with New Year's gnomes and Santa Claus;
White acrylic paint;
PVA glue;
Acrylic varnish for decoupage;
The brush is fan-shaped;
Plates glass or ceramic;
Kitchen foam sponge;
Sequins for decoration;
Two bamboo sticks.

We put a bag on the table, remove the top hats from the balls, take the ball by the top. Now pour white paint into one plate, dip a sponge into it and begin to paint the ball. First, paint one ball, carefully put it on a bamboo stick and leave to dry, then paint the second ball, also put it on a stick.

The first coat of paint dries on the plastic for about an hour. Then paint with a second layer and a third with drying intervals.

We prepare napkins for decorating. We iron them and unfold them. In the second bowl, dilute water with PVA glue to nano-floors, stir well.

Immediately cut off the fragments with drawings on napkins.

We remove the top layers from each fragment of the napkin, we get these blanks.

We attach one drawing to the ball and carefully dip the brush into the glue mixture, glue the drawing to the ball, then the second fragment in a circle.

Also the third and fourth. Let the surface of the ball dry completely. While we decorate the second ball in the same sequence.

Everyone knows about the decoupage technique today. With its help, simple objects turn into original crafts. This needlework is quite easy, and accessible to beginners. Try decoupage champagne bottles or candles. Original items will decorate your holiday table. Most often, decoupage lovers are engaged in the transformation of Christmas balls and other New Year's toys with it.

The master class will help you step by step to understand all the intricacies of this process.

You are invited to consider how the appearance of the ball changes with the help of decoupage. You need to start work with the following materials and tools:

  • PVA glue;
  • a simple ball without a pattern;
  • acrylic varnish and glossy;
  • decoupage glue;
  • light acrylic paint;
  • brushes;
  • napkins and sponge for dishes.

Remove grease with alcohol or detergent.

Then make craquelure without applying a special solution. Apply PVA glue diluted with water to the ball.

Let the workpiece dry, then apply the paint with a sponge. During the coloring process, make multiple point touches on the ball, and do them slowly. As you work, you will see how cracks form on the sphere.

Use a hair dryer and dry the New Year's ball. After that, the cracks will become more noticeable. At the end of the process, a ball is obtained, as in the photo. Leave it hanging until completely dry.

Cover the dried blank with primer, then start gluing the selected napkin motifs.

After that, apply several layers of glossy varnish. Remember that each layer must dry well. Using fantasy, paint fairy-tale motifs with paint. You get a Christmas ball, as in the photo.

Sketches and pictures using decoupage technique are selected at your discretion, in different colors and directions. This is a Christmas, children's theme, and even characters invented by you.

Video: Christmas ball

We decorate candles with our own hands

Beautiful decoupage candles will be a welcome gift for family and friends. The work is done with a napkin, which depicts suitable motifs.

Decoupage takes place using warm air heated by a hair dryer. You will also need thin paper, pictures and napkins.
Prepare paper hearts cut out using the template.

Attach them to the candle, and press with transparent paper. Take baking paper, which works great.

Put on gloves, and heat up the parchment candle with a hair dryer. This decoupage option is useful in creating wedding candles.

You are offered a master class on decoupage of candles, which is suitable for beginner needlewomen.

You will need candles, beautiful napkins, a kitchen sponge and glue.

A specialized store sells matte glue and decoupage paper. If there is none, use napkins with original motifs. Remove the top layer of the napkin, and attach the picture to the candle to cut it to size.

Apply glue to the candle with a sponge.

Attach the napkin to the candle.

Leave the craft to dry completely. After that, apply glue a second time with a sponge. The quality of the work depends on the number of layers.

The work is finished, look at the photo, what beauty can turn out.

Decorate a bottle of champagne

To make decoupage with winter motifs, you will need the following materials:

  • a bottle of champagne;
  • primer;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • dark contour;
  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • scissors;
  • holiday napkins;
  • decorative material.

Take a bottle of champagne and remove the stickers by soaking it in water.

Degrease it with alcohol, and apply a layer of special primer, which is sold in the store, with a sponge.

Once dry, add white acrylic paint. If it is liquid, make three or four layers.

When there are bumps on the glass, they are removed with sandpaper.

From the New Year's napkin, cut out the desired motifs with scissors.

Glue the cut pieces to the bottle. Place the Christmas tree on one side and the clock on the other.

If desired, print out the words of congratulations with a printer, and glue them on top with PVA glue.

Circle the inscriptions with a black outline, and leave to dry completely.

With a sponge, apply golden paint on a white background, spreading the layers evenly. Carefully paint over the entire surface and inscriptions.

Redraw the letters, using a black outline, so that they take on a convex shape. Draw a clock.

Take the glitter and put dots around the inscription. Cover the image of the Christmas tree with a special paste that imitates snow. Apply it also around the edges of the gold foil.

Toys on the Christmas tree will replace colored confetti, which are glued to acrylic lacquer. Let the bottle dry again.

On black lettering, apply glitter with sparkles, then cover the entire craft with glossy acrylic varnish.

The product will take its rightful place on the festive table or become a gift under the Christmas tree for relatives.

Christmas snowflake

To make a snowflake decoupage, you will need the following tools:

Paint the blank with light paint on one side using a sponge.

About popularity decoupage christmas balls may be evidenced by the fact that not a single article about manufacturing is complete without this quick and effective way of decorating. In fact, although such a craft has become fashionable with us relatively recently, decoupage has a glorious and long history, so you will get not only bright and fashionable Christmas tree decorations, but also those that could still hang on the Christmas trees of our great-grandparents. So in our today's article, we will separately touch on not only workshops on making such crafts, but also tips on creating a vintage style of balls.

Do-it-yourself decoupage of Christmas balls

The technique itself do-it-yourself decoupage of Christmas balls, in the event that you hear about it for the first time, consists in applying a thin layer of paper on the surface of the workpiece. When liquid glue impregnates a thin napkin or special paper, after drying it already forms a single whole with the surface, as if a skillful drawing had magically appeared on the ball. Technique gives us the opportunity to create highly artistic even if we do not have any painting talents.

To make it easier to understand right away, let's take a look at a small implementation decoupage Christmas balls master-class, paying attention to the photos of the main stages, which are located above.

I must say that you are practically unlimited in choosing a base, but you need to be extremely picky with the selection of a picture or paper on which it is applied. Ideal, of course, are special motifs for decoupage, which can be bought in specialized stores and hobby centers, where they usually buy everything to perform.

But, firstly, they are not very cheap for the first pen trials, and secondly, you can’t always choose among their assortment the drawing that you like and is suitable for work. Therefore, high-quality multilayer napkins are often used for table setting.

The desired part of the drawing is torn out of them, only the thin top layer, on which the image is located, is carefully separated, and this fragment is already applied to the workpiece.

The workpiece is subject to mandatory initial preparation. When the paper is glued to the surface, it cannot have paint on top of it, you cannot sand or sand it. So first we paint and prepare the base, glue the drawing, and already on top of it you can apply a transparent varnish for fixing or a special craquelure varnish, apply shine, textured stripes, patterns using special stained-glass contours.

It is worth talking about blanks in more detail, since the appearance of the toy will depend on their quality, and the task can either become more complicated or simplified. Wood is considered the ideal surface for decoupage, it is these balls that are most easily painted, glue dries quickly on them, they do not deteriorate for a long time, do not break and can serve your children faithfully. Glass looks very elegant, but for its processing you will not need any paints, but special, stained glass ones, which increases the cost of crafts, and gluing paper can be more difficult than with wood.

Styrofoam balls are a fairly cheap blank, but if their surface has a strong graininess, then the paper will stick unevenly. That is why the foam surface must be covered with an even layer of paint, and maybe not even one, but only then a paper motif is applied.

Decoupage Christmas balls master class

Let's look at a simple option decoupage of Christmas balls, master class which is below. Do not be surprised that classes in such a technique are included in almost any program of children's early development circles, children from the age of 3-4 are not only learning to make decoupage balls, but also successfully mastering this science.

The best choice for children's crafts would, of course, be the image of a cartoon character, funny animals, birds. So the choice of napkins with cats for the lesson is more than justified. From the napkin we tear off a piece on which the image of a cat is located and remove the upper part.

The question may arise why it is advised not to cut, but to tear - the point is simply that the torn edge has a finer structure, when the glue soaks it, the transition from paper to base will be imperceptible either to the eye or to the touch, like on real ones. painted on canvas.

Whereas, if you cut the edge of the paper, it will remain the same density and form a fairly noticeable border of the pattern, which will not benefit the entire product as a whole.

The wooden ball, as we said above, is covered with a layer of base color paint, in our case it is yellow. We apply a piece of paper on a dry and even surface and gently paint over it directly on top of it with a brush well dipped in glue. Regular PVA is not suitable for work, it is too thick and forms a dense film.

So it’s better to either take a special glue for decoupage, or dilute the PVA in proportions that are easy to find on the Web. The most popular proportions without third-party additives are 1:1 or 2:1 (twice as much glue). It is necessary to prepare the adhesive composition at one time, do not store it, because after the time the water evaporates, it will lose its properties.

After all the motifs are glued and the glue has dried, you can cover the ball with a transparent top coat. As with the drawings, you need to understand that the protective properties of the adhesive film are not very high, if there is a mechanical effect on the surface, it will be scratched or peeled off.

Therefore, it is better to protect it with a transparent varnish or a special fixative. If you want to add details such as sparkles, glitter, textured stripes, then it is better to do all this in stages, and leave the varnish for last.

A few more ideas for you and your kids, what beautiful crafts you can make using the technique decoupage Christmas balls, video with classes in which you can even remove yourself and lay out for review.

Christmas balls in decoupage style

We have already mentioned several times with you about the use in working with decoupage Christmas balls a special stained glass contour for creating relief patterns. This material differs from ordinary stained glass paint in its thicker consistency and quick drying, thanks to which you can work even on an inclined surface, and curls and stripes do not drain or deform. Plus, such a contour is usually packaged with small tubes or pencils, so it is convenient to apply it, draw rather thin patterns with it.

In the photo you can see another small master class, which shows, in addition to the decoupage main stages, the application of relief patterns. This is a great solution for a retro style, since vintage toys most often have such a surface.

The contour is applied in two ways - these are golden curls on the main background, as well as underlining the lines of the drawing itself with a black outline. With this technique, the lines will become more expressive, the drawing will acquire volume, and the whole toy will look elegant and quite expensive, it will be able to successfully decorate any Christmas tree, even.

The decoupage technique is quite similar to the papier-mâché technique, the only difference is that there are more layers of paper impregnated with glue and because of this, the base is not required at all. The following ones are just inspired by the theme of papier-mâché, because they are decorated with sheets of paper, whether it be newspapers, napkins with ornaments or notes.

The execution technique will differ slightly in that the surface is completely covered with paper, even with a margin, and it is better not to glue the material immediately with a brush, but to soak it well with glue in a separate container so that it becomes softer and better fits on the ball.

Decoupage Christmas balls in vintage style

Difference in decoupage Christmas balls in vintage style from the usual ones lies in the choice of the main pattern, drawing, and in the design, which has peculiar canons, and in the use of decoration techniques, also characteristic of handicrafts 100 years old. Such work requires already an average level of skill and some investments in materials and tools. But in the end you will get the perfect Christmas decorations that will be nice to present as a gift to loved ones or keep as a family heirloom.

In the photo in this section, you can clearly see how retro toys differ from modern ones. Napkins in this case will not suit you, since very rarely you can find similar motifs on them. Rather, you should go to the store or to the page of the online store and choose from the options presented there. Pay attention to images of vintage photographs, postcards, Provencal flowers, and so on.

Also pay attention to the design, as already mentioned - this is an important part of the image of the entire retro toy. A fastening loop is necessarily elegantly decorated, it can be a small bow made of lace, organza, silk, complemented by an appliqué of beads, sparkling stones and the like.

The main surface may also be subject to decoration - often an application from a row of beads is allowed along the side parts of the ball, leaving the pattern only in the center, or they make out a kind of window on the front of the craft. Also, for applying patterns, we arm ourselves with our favorite contour material, only curls and patterns are best done not in contrasting shades, but close in color to the background shade. So you get the desired effect of antiquity, muffled, pastel.

The New Year is upon us! Vintage - decoupage balls!

Mk "Christmas tree toy".

We will need:

1. Plastic blank

2. Rice paper with suitable plot

4. Acrylic paints

5. Structural paste

6. Antique Medium

7. Medium for flowing effects

8. Water-based liquid bitumen

9. Lacquer matte

10. Alcohol for degreasing

Of the tools we need:

palette knife,
masking tape and
wet wipes.

Completing of the work:

We split our medallion in half and degrease the sides we will be working with. Since I am going to do reverse decoupage on one of the halves, I degreased it from the inside.

I tear out the plot I like from rice paper. I take a half with a fat-free inner side and on this side I ALWAYS glue my motif face down with decoupage glue

While this half dries, I take another - with a fat-free outer side. Using white acrylic paint primer surface (up to 2 times with intermediate drying).

After everything dries well, take the stencil and attach it with masking tape to the half. We take acrylic paste (I have a universal Goya company) and use a palette knife to apply it to the stencil.

We try to do it evenly, but if it suddenly doesn’t work out perfectly, don’t be discouraged - it can be fixed later. We remove the stencil and let our pattern dry well.

I take a half with a pasted motif and apply white acrylic paint over the drawing.

This is done in order to make our picture brighter, to develop it. Try to leave the borders of the motive intact, we will then compare them with the general background. We dry.

After that, I take an antique medium (plaid 17) and a medium for flowing effects (also plaid), mix and apply lightly around the picture with a foam sponge (remember, all this time we are working with the inside of the medallion).

Now we make a general background. To create a suitable tone, I needed white, green and ocher acrylic paints + a medium for flowing effects.

I also apply them with a sponge, trying to equalize the borders of the picture with the background so that there is no noticeable transition. We dry.

I take a half with a well-dried pattern. The pattern turned out not very neat, so I worked a little with sandpaper.

Now I paint the half in a suitable color (I mixed ocher with white). We dry.

After that, I varnish (I have a matte acrylic varnish from Maimeri). Dry again.

Now we take liquid water-based bitumen (ferrario company). I apply it with a brush over the entire surface, trying to better walk through the pattern (get into all the cracks).

I let it dry, just a couple of minutes. Then I take a damp cloth and, slowly, remove the excess bitumen.

Wiped - looked - more - wiped, etc. In general, you decide when enough is enough. If you suddenly overdid it and wiped off the excess, do not worry - repeat the "procedure" again (we have varnish under the bitumen - it will retain our main color).

After you are satisfied with the result, let the bitumen dry and then varnish (I personally cover the bitumen with spray varnish. It does not deform the bitumen itself, does not form streaks).

Now we connect our halves. We take cotton lace (you can use a ribbon) and glue it at the junction of the two halves in a circle.

From above we make a decorative bow of satin ribbons and thread the lace. That's all.

Author Olga Koretskaya.

Decoupage inside a ball (or rather a hemisphere). Using elements of the Arte-franchise technique.

I will conduct a master class using the example of such a ball.

1. We take a plastic ball of the diameter you need.

2. We saw it along the factory gluing line, preferably exactly along the contour.

4. We clean all the irregularities at the place of the cut with a sandpaper.

5. Paint the background inside the balloon. You can use spray paints, you can tamp with a sponge. As you please. Use colors according to your motive. To speed up, I painted with an aerosol, but the background will be more beautiful, of course, with a sponge or a brush, because you can make more shadows, color transitions, because. the area of ​​the ball in this case is small.

6. I take cotton pads and exfoliate cotton wool from the middle of the disk. I put suitable pieces on the bottom of the ball, after smearing the place of gluing with PVA glue. I apply in small layers and spray each layer with varnish (you can use hairspray) or apply liquid PVA (the principle of papier-mâché made of cotton wool).

7. We print in advance the motifs of the size you need, several copies. I have six in the photo, but I printed more. There is a possibility that it will not be enough, in the process of work, for one reason or another. Therefore, it is better to make a larger quantity, of the same size. (although the size can be slightly changed, here you can also show your imagination).

8. We cut out the first level, the most distant, from one motive. For example, a horizon with trees. You can repeat this level twice, but in such a small space I think it would be superfluous. Then the second level, we cut out the motif with trees, then the strip with houses. And glue everything in layers into a ball. I glue on Moment rubber glue, sometimes I use a hot gun, all kinds of linings to separate the layers. I sometimes use insulation for linoleums or even this gasket to level the floors, under the parquet board, but I use this when the surfaces are large. You can use double sided tape.

9. After you have glued all the layers, add more cotton wool until the lower borders of the pasted motifs are covered with cotton wool and merge together. Cotton wool is glued in the same way as described above. I glued the motifs with a slight downward shift, so my drawing seems to be refracted. All these roughnesses can be tinted, retouched with paint to match.

10. From other prints, I cut out the central motif with a feeder and birds. There are fewer of them in the photo, I needed more birds. I glued this feeder separately and glued the whole blank into a ball. Again glued the joints with cotton, gluing and sprayed with varnish.

11. Then I cut out fir branches from the following printouts.

12. I glued them along the edge of the ball, using Moment glue, which I applied carefully along the edge of the ball. I glued the motifs with an overlay, one on top of the other, in order to close the trimming points, align the composition and just for beauty.

13. After the glue had dried, I cut off all the protruding points with a clerical knife to the edge of the ball, neatly, accurately and evenly.

14. I applied snow on spruce branches with contour paint, glitter, drew a strip in the background like snowdrifts, refreshed the color-snow on trees and roofs.

15. Dried, you can sprinkle with glitter varnish (suitable for hair) and covered the whole thing with acrylic spray varnish.

16. You can draw a circle around the edge of the ball with glitters and sparkles for beauty, etc. etc. here you can do exactly as you want.

17. Glue an eyelet for hanging a ball on a hot gun, tie a bow and HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!

Mandatory conditions for work! Printing is best done on thick paper. I did it on watercolor paper. And it's better to make several copies at once. I made 7-8 copies.

Vintage Christmas toy in decoupage technique.

Take a big ball
an ordinary plastic blank of pale pink color.

The first stage is skinning.

Now you need to degrease the surface

And primed the surface for better bonding with subsequent layers

The ball must be covered with two layers of soil, so that there are no gaps on the toy ... and besides, the layers must lie evenly, and then the toy will go to rest - to dry ...

So, the work with color begins. Colors should be chosen light - they are easier to darken or repaint.

Use a suitable decoupage card or napkins.

Let's move on to the artistic stage.

We take a semi-finished ball with a picture in one hand, in the other - a special sponge swab and the first tint layer is applied with smacking movements, then the game begins with the color palette, strokes of different tones are added here and there ... the effect is magical ... as if from under one layer another shows through... very similar to laminated glass.

Then comes varnishing in 3 layers with an interval of one hour and subsequent drying for 4 hours. - “The main thing is to twist very quickly and evenly, otherwise the varnish will not completely cover the toy”, it is better to rotate by the wooden leg, like a centrifuge.

Before the stage - "diving" the balls are skinned, and then the toys are bathed in varnish and put in rows to dry in special holes.

Next - a magical and very important stage - Creation of cracks with a two-component craquelure varnish.

The pattern is neatly covered by a grid of many cracks.

The next three stages are the application of several layers of varnish, then sanding, again - varnish and sanding, again several layers of varnish, and leave until completely dry.

The final stage was the decoration with lace, by the way, also aged. After all, lace is taken completely new, but after a couple of hours of witchcraft and really simple manipulations, it becomes ancient.

It's simple:

We brew strong and delicious coffee .. no, no .. and we don’t drink it .. but we dip white cotton lace into it .. then we dry it, then we wash it somewhere and - voila !! The old lace is ready! The process seemed to me pleasant, tasty, fragrant and no less creative. At the very end, the old bow is hung on a ball, gold braid and colored ribbons add zest. I must say, the look of the toys is solemn.

Author Khristenko Svetlana

Christmas balls.

We will decorate a plastic ball using decoupage technique. Special skills are not required for this. So let's get started!

We will need:

Plastic balls dia.8 cm,
- acrylic paints: white, yellow, blue,
- acrylic lacquer,
- three-layer napkins with a pattern,
- PVA,
- sequins,
- some semolina
- contours on glass and ceramics,
- flat synthetic brushes,
- piece of sponge
- a palette (I have a plastic board for modeling).

If there are no special blanks for balls, then ordinary balls without a pattern can be used.

We take a ball and a piece of sponge for washing dishes, put a little white paint on the palette, blot it with a sponge into the paint and smack the ball. There should always be paint on the sponge, then it turns out like a snow coating on the ball.

We do this with all the balls and hang them to dry (1 hour). Here's what happened

While the balls are drying, prepare the napkins.

Separate the top paint layer from the white ones.

Carefully cut or tear out motifs.

We dilute the PVA half with water and glue the motifs on the balls. We start gluing from the middle of the motive and gradually move towards the edge.

And so we do with all motives.

For balls with bunnies, we direct light yellow paint and smack on a white background around the motif.

When the paint dries, cover the ball with varnish.

It turned out such beautiful balls.

Now let's make them New Year's!
We take a little white paint and pour semolina into it so that we get a thick porridge and apply it with a thin brush on the ball in those places where we will have snow.

The ball is ready!

Author Slastina Elena.

For inspiration: