Tale Cinderella, or crystal shoe - Charles Perro. Children's fairy tales online

Fairy Tale Cinderella or Crystal Shulk Persian shower tells about a poor girl left without mother. She has to live with an evil stepmother and her daughters. A good fairy will come to the aid of Cinderella and helps her find his happiness ...

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Fairy Tale Cinderella or Crystal Shoe Read

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About Cinderella, the godfather and a little about happiness

Charles Fell Cinderella is a work that is interesting at any age. With the same interest, this fairy tale is read in the world and adults and children. Charles put in this fairy tale all the sophistication of the literary language, which is inherent in it, the images of Cinderella - sophisticated and easy. The history of Cinderella is not unique, other authors also recorded this fairy tale, but it was the variant of Charles Perra who became so known due to the uniqueness of detail and thoughtfulness.

The element of the magic fairy tale in the help of the magic fairies. The godfall helps Cinderella and takes it. In addition to normal support, the fairy turns the pumpkin in the carriage, mice in Laces and gives Cinderella crystal shoes and indescribable beauty dress. All these fantastic elements of Charles came up with himself, in the folk version there were no fairy tales.

All small girls who read Cinderella's fairy tale, dream of being similar to the main heroine and this is one of the psychological moments that Charles used. Kindness, modesty and responsiveness, all-things, hard work - these are the features that the girl should possess, in order to marry the prince over time. The tale teaches us to forgive the people of their misconduct, and not pay the same coin and once again do not complain about. It was then that fate will smile and a meeting will occur with real love, sincere and mutual.

What did Cinderella tailed us taught us? The main thing is that you need to be able to forgive with all the soul, and not in words.

Years of life writer 1628-1703

Cinderella. Charles Perret

One rich man after his wife's death married the second time on the widow, very nursed and arrogant. She had two daughters, in everything like her mother, the same proud. And he had a daughter meek and kind, all the mother in the late man.

The stepmother immediately did not believe the padchier for her beauty and kindness she forced the poor girl to do the most dirtiest work at home: wash the dishes, sweeping the staircase and rub the floors.

Sleeping stepdaughter in the attic, under the roof, on a rigid straw litter. And her sisters lived in rooms with parquet floors, where they stood richly cleaned beds and large mirrors, in which you could see my head to the legs.

A poor girl patiently endured all the insults and did not bother to complain to his father. Anyway, he would only chose her, because in everything he listened to his new wife.

After graduating, the girl was clogged into the corner at the hearth and sat down directly on the ash, and for it nickned her Cinderella.

But even in his discharged dress, Cinderella was a hundred times more beautiful than his sisters in their luxurious outfits.

One day, the son of the king arranged the ball and invited him all rich people of the kingdom. They received an invitation to the Royal Ball and Cinderella Sisters. They were very delighted and began to choose outfits and hairstyles to face. And Cinderella has also gained a new concern: ironing the sisters of the skirt and stark collars.

The sisters only said, as if better to dress up. They were advised to Cinderella, because she had a good taste. Cinderella gave them the best advice and even offered to combish them, for which they willingly agreed.

Finally, the happy hour has come: the sisters sat in the carriage and went to the palace. Cinderella watched them for a long time, and when the carriage disappeared, she was crying.

Suddenly, aunt Cinderella appeared, he saw her in tears and asked what was with her.

"I want it ... I want so much ..." And Cinderella rolled so bitterly that he could not finish.

Then aunt - and she was a wizard - said Cinderella:

- Do you want to go to the ball?

- Ah, very! - Cinderella replied with a sigh.

"Good," said aunt. "If you promise to obey me, I will do that you go there." Go to the garden and bring me a pumpkin.

Cinderella immediately ran into the garden and threw the best pumpkin.

The wizard hollowed the pumpkin so that one crust remained, and struck her magic wand on it. In the same moment, the pumpkin has turned into a beautiful golden carriage.

Then the magician looked into the mousetrap, in which there were six living mice. She ordered Cinderella to lift a little mousetrap door and every mouse, which spoke from there, hit his magic wand. The mouse immediately turned into a purebred horse, and soon six horses of wonderful mouse masters stood, pronounced in the carriage.

Then the magician slightly touched the Cinderella to Cinderella, and in the same moment her dress turned into a wonderful outfit made of gold and silver brocade, decorated with precious stones. Then she gave a culberry a couple of adorable crystal shoes. Elegant Cinderella village in the carriage.

For goodbye, the magician of strictly-setting punished Cuteushka not to stay on the ball longer than midnight. If she stays there at least one extra minute, her carriage will again become a pumpkin, horses - mice, and a brocade outfit - an old dress.

Cinderella promised to leave the ball on time and went to the palace, do not remember himself from joy.

The prince reported that some young princess arrived, which no one knows. He hurried towards her hand, when she came out of the carriage, and he led to the hall where guests danced.

Immediately there was a complete silence: the dances stopped, the violins were silent - so I struck all the wonderful beauty of the stranger. Only in all corners whispered:

- Oh, how beautiful it is!

The king himself was whisper than told the queen, which had not seen such a beautiful and cute girl for a long time.

The prince sat Cinderella to the most honorable place, and then invited her to dance. He did not move away from her for a minute and incessantly found her tender words. Cinderella having fun from the soul and completely forgot about what the wizard punished. It seemed to her that there was no longer eleven hours, as suddenly the clock began to beat midnight. Cinderella jumped up and, without saying a word, ran to the exit. The prince rushed after her, but could not catch up with her.

Sophia Cinderella lost one of its crystal shoes on the stairs. The prince carefully raised her and asked the guard that was standing at the Palace Gate, did not see who the princess was leaving.

Guardians replied that no one left the palace, except for the young girl, very poorly dressed and more like a peasant than a princess.

And Cinderella came running home out of breath, without a carriage, without horses, in her old dress. From all its outfit there is nothing left, except for one crystal shoe.

When the sisters returned from the ball, Cinderella asked, whether they had fun.

Sisters answered that an unknown beauty came to the ball, which conquered the Prince and all guests. But as soon as the clock pierced midnight, she ran out so hastily, that he dropped her crystal shill. And the prince raised the shoe and sat down and looked at it until the end of the ball. It can be seen, without a memory in love with a beauty that owns this crystal shill.

Sisters talked truth. A few days later, the prince ordered the heels to declare all over the kingdom, which he marries the girl who would have a crystal shill.

They began to try the shoe first the princesses, then the duchess and all the court ladies, but not one of her leg.

Brought a shoe and coushekny sisters. In turn, they tried their best to squeeze the leg into the shoe, but they only did not come out.

Cinderella, who was at the same time, learned her shoes and, laughing, said:

- Give and I will try whether this shill will not have this shoe.

The sisters walked and began to mock her. But the court, who tried his shoe girl, carefully looked at Cinderella and saw that she was pretty. He said that he was ordered to try on all the girls in the kingdom, seated Cinderella and began to wear her shoe. And the shoe was done without any difficulty, as if it was done for Cinderella by measure.

Sisters were very surprised. But they were surprised even more when Cinderella took out a second shill from his pocket and put it on another leg.

At this moment a wizard appeared. She touched Cindascanian dress with her wand, and it turned into a magnificent outfit again.

Then the sisters found out in Cinderella that the beauty that was on the ball. They rushed to her legs and began to apologize for all the offenses, what she suffered from them. But Cinderella raised them, kissed and said that she forgives from the bottom of his heart and asks to always love her.

Cinderella in her brilliant dress was taken to the palace. It seemed to young prince even more beautiful than before, and after a few days they got married.

And Cinderella, who was also good, as beautiful, took with him to the palace of her sisters and on the same day he gave both married two noble courtesies.

There was one respectable and noble person. The first wife died him, and he married the second time, yes on such a grumpy and arrogant woman, which light did not yet see.

She had two daughters, very similar to her mother and face, and mind, and character.

My husband also had a daughter, kind, friendly, sweet - all in the late mother. And her mother was the most beautiful woman and kind.

And now the new hostess entered the house. He then showed her temper. Everything was not to taste her, but most of all she did not believe her stepdaughter. The girl was so good that the machekhins of the daughter beside her seemed even worse.

Poor stepdaughter was forced to do all the most dirty and hard work in the house: she cleaned the boilers and pans, the soap stairs, cleaned the game room and both young ladies - her sisters.

She slept in the attic, under the roof, on a barbed straw litter. And both sisters had rooms with parquet floors of colored wood, with beds, diluted in the last fashion, and with large mirrors in which fashion was to see themselves from head to feet.

A poor girl silently demolished all the insults and not decided to complain even his father. Steph soiled him to the hands that he now looked at her eyes and, probably, only dug daughter for ungratefulness and disobedience.

In the evening, graduating from work, she climbed into the corner near the fireplace and sat there on the drawer with ash. Therefore, sisters, and for them and all in the house nickned her cute.

Still, Cinderella in his old dress, loanted ash, was a hundred times nursing than her sister, smashed into velvet and silk.

And now, once the son of the king of the country arranged a big ball and convened all noble people with wives and daughters on him.

Cutushkina sisters also received an invitation to the ball. They were very happy and now began to choose outfits and invent, as if having fun to surprise all the guests and like the prince.

Poor Cinderella work and care has become even greater than always. She had to stroke the sisters of dresses, starch their skirts, flesh collars and ruffles.

In the house only and the conversation was that about the dresses.

"I," said the eldest, "Naughn a red velvet dress and a precious dress, which I was brought from behind the sea.

"And I," said the younger, "wear the most modest dress, but I will have a cape, embroidered with gold colors, and a diamond belt, which is not the same noble lady.

They sent for a hundred-sighted modist to build them caps with double ruffles, and the flyers bought from the best craftswoman in the city.

Sisters then and then called Cinderella and asked her to choose a comb, ribbon or buckle. They knew that Cinderella is better understood that it was beautiful and that ugly.

Nobody knew how to skillfully, like her, pinch a lace or twist the curls.

- And what, Cinderella, would you like to go to the royal ball? - Sisters asked until she combed them in front of the mirror.

- Oh, that you, sister! You are laughing at me! Will me be allowed to the palace in this dress and in these shoes!

- What is true, then the truth. That would be a dying, if such a disgust appeared on the ball!

Another on the site of Cinderella would have a sisters as worse as possible. But Cinderella was good: she combed them as much as possible.

Two days before the bala, the sister from the excitement stopped dining and dinner. They did not move away from the mirror for a minute and ruined more a dozen shoelaces, trying to tighten their waists evenly and make a fonder and more stronger.

And finally, the long-awaited day has come. Step and sisters left.

Cinderella looked for a long time after them, and when their carriage disappeared behind the turn, she closed her face with his hands and bitterly.

Her godp, who just at that time came to visit a poor girl, caught her in tears.

- What's wrong with you, my child? She asked. But Cinderella cried so bitterly, he could not even answer.

"You would like to go to the ball, isn't it?" - asked the godfather.

She was a fairy - a wizard - and heard not only what they say, but also what they think.

"True," said Cinderella, sobbing.

"Well, be only a clever thing," said Fairy, "and I'll take care of you to visit the palace today." Sanger on the garden and bring me from there a big pumpkin!

Cinderella ran to the garden, chose the biggest pumpkin and brought the godfather. She really wanted to ask how simple pumpkin would help her get to the royal ball. But she did not dare.

And the Fairy, not to mention the word, cut the pumpkin and took out the pulp out of it. Then she touched her yellow thick crust with her magic wand, and a blank pumpkin immediately turned into a beautiful carved carriage, gilded from the roof to the wheels.

Then Fairy sent Cinderella to the pantry for a mousetrap. Mousetrap was half a dozen of live mice.

Fairy ordered Cinderella to open the door and release on the will of all mice in turn, one after another. Alive only the mouse ran out of his dungeon, the Fairy touched her with a wand, and from this touch the ordinary gray mouse now turned into a gray, muming horse.

There were no moments, as before Cinderella, there was already a magnificent surrounding of six static horses in the silver discharge.

There was not enough kucher.

Noticing that the Fairy was thinking out, Cinderella timidly asked:

- What, if you see, did not fall in the rat roofing? Maybe she is suitable in Kucher?

"Your truth," the wizard said. - Look look.

Cinderella brought a rat, from which three large rats peeking out.

The Fairy chose one of them, the largest and saturate, touched her with her wand, and the rat was now turned into a thick way with lush mustache, "such a mustache would have envied the main royal kucher.

"And now," said Fairy, "go to the garden." There behind can, on a pile of sand, you will find six lizards. Bring them here.

Cinderella did not have time to shaken lizards from the apron, as Fairy turned them into the outbound lackers, dressed in green liveries, decorated with golden galoon.

All six peely jumped on the stamps of carriages with such an important appearance, as if all their lives served away lackers and were never lizards ...

"Well," said Fairy, "now you have your own departure, and you can, without losing time, go to the palace. What, are you satisfied?

- Highly! - said Cinderella. - But is it possible to go to the royal ball in this old, the walked ash dress?

Fairy did not answer anything. She only touched the Cinderella dress with his magic wand, and the old dress turned into a wonderful outfit of silver and golden broches, all swept up with precious stones.

The latest gift of fairies were shoes from the purest crystal, which did not dream of a single girl.

When Cinderella was already completely ready, the Faius sat her in a carriage and strictly set up to return home until midnight.

"If you are late at least one minute," she said, "Your carriage will again become a pumpkin, horses - mice, lackey - lizards, and your magnificent outfit will turn into an old woman, a shameful dress.

- Do not worry, I will not be late! - Cinderella replied and, not remembering himself from joy, went to the palace.

The prince, who reported to that the ball came beautiful, but not a well-known princess, he himself ran out to meet it. He filed her hand, helped get out of the carriage and led him to the hall where the king was already with the queen and courtiers.

All immediately subsided. Violins were silent. And the musicians, and the guests involuntarily glanced at the unfamiliar beauty, which came to the ball later than all.

"Oh, how good she is!" - said in a whisper of Cavalier Kavalera and lady lady.

Even the king, who was very old and dreamed more than looked around, and he opened his eyes, looked at Cinderella and said the Queen in a low voice that he had not seen such a charming person for a long time.

The court ladies were occupied only by the fact that they considered her dress and headdress, so that tomorrow to order something like a similar, unless they manage to find the same skillful masters and the same beautiful fabric.

The prince sat her guest to the most honorable place, and just played music, went to her and invited to the dance.

She danced so easily and gracefully that everyone loved her even more than before.

After the dances there were a treat. But the prince could not eat anything - he did not give his eyes from his lady. And Cinderella at that time found her sisters, hooked up to them and, saying every few pleasant words, treated them with oranges and lemons, who brought her the prince himself.

It is very pollen. They did not expect such attention from the unfamiliar princess.

But, chatting with them, Cinderella suddenly heard that the palace watches beat eleven hours and three quarters. She got up, bowed to everyone and went to the exit so quickly that no one had time to catch up with her.

Returning from the palace, she still managed to arrive stepmother and sisters to run to the wizard and thank her for a happy evening.

- Oh, if you could come to the palace tomorrow! - she said. - Prince asked me so much ...

And she told the godfather about everything that was in the palace.

Already only Cinderella crossed the threshold and put on his old apron and wooden shoes, as the door knocked. They returned from the Father and Sisters.

- Long time you, sister, stayed at this Palace! - said Cinderella, yawning and sipping, as if he had just woke up.

"Well, if you were with us on the ball, you wouldn't hurry home either," said one of the sisters. - There was one princess, such a beauty that I would never see in a dream! We must have liked it very much. She hooked to us and even treated oranges and lemons.

- What is her name? Cinderella asked.

"Well, no one knows ..." said the oldest sister.

And the youngest added:

"The prince seems to be ready to give half a fullness to just know who she is." Cinderella smiled.

- Is this princess really really so good? She asked. - What are you happy! .. Is it possible to look at her at least one eye? Oh, sister Zavotta, give me one evening your yellow dress that you wear at home every day!

- That was just not enough! - said Javochta shrug. Give your dress such a dressing like you! It seems that I have not lost my mind.

Cinderella did not wait for another answer and not at all was upset. In fact, what would she like to do if Javootta suddenly cleared and upheld her dress her dress!

On another evening, the sister again went to the palace - and Cinderella too ... This time she was even more beautiful and elegant than the day before.

The prince did not move away from her for a minute. He was so friendly, told such pleasant things that Cinderella forgot about everything in the world, even about what she needed to leave on time, and she decided only when the clock began to beat midnight.

She rose from the place and ran faster than Lani.

The prince rushed after her, but her and the next washed. Only on the step of the staircase lay a small crystal shill. The prince carefully raised her and ordered to ask the gatekeepers, did any of them seen any of them where the beautiful princess left. But no one see no princess. True, the gatekeepers noticed that some kind of dressed girl ran past them, but she rather looked like a bench than a princess.

Meanwhile, Cinderella, choking on fatigue, ran home. She did not have any more a carriage nor Lakeev. Her ballroom outfit again turned into an old, worn dressing, and from all its magnificence only it remains that a small crystal shoe, exactly the same as that she lost on the palace staircase.

When both sisters returned home, Cinderella asked them, whether they had fun on the ball now and whether yesterday's beauty came to the palace.

The sisters in vain began to tell that the princess and this time was on the ball, but ran away, just the clock began to beat twelve.

"She was in a hurry that even lost her crystal shoe," said the oldest sister.

"And the prince raised him and until the end of the ball did not let out of his hands," said the younger.

"It must be in love with the ears in love with this beauty that loses the Baths of the Baths," the stepmother added.

And it was true. A few days later, the prince ordered to declare into all, under the sounds of the pipes and the fanfar, that the girl who would have to fit the crystal shill, will be his wife.

Of course, first the shoe began to measure the princesses, then the duchess, then the court ladies, but everything was in vain: it was cramped and duchess, and princesses, and court ladies.

Finally, the turn has reached Cinderella's sisters.

Oh, how they tried both sisters to pull a small shoe on their big feet! But she did not climb them even on the tips of the fingers. Cinderella, who at first glance found out his shoe, smiling, looked at these in vain attempts.

"But she seems to be to me," Cinderella said.

The sister so felt the evil laughter. But the court cavalier, who tried a shoe carefully looked at Cinderella and, noticing that she was very beautiful, said:

- I received the orders from the prince to try on the shoe to all girls in the city. Let your leg, madam!

He sat down Cinderella in a chair and, putting a crystal shill on her little leg, immediately saw that he wouldn't have to try more about: the shoe was exactly in the leg, and the leg was on the shoe.

Sisters frozen from surprise. But even more surprised, when Cinderella got a second crystal shill from his pocket - quite the same as the first, only on another leg - and put on, not to mention a word. At this very moment the door was opened, and Fairy entered the room - Cowushkina Krestov.

She touched her magic wand to the poor dresses of Cinderella, and it became even more magnificent and more beautiful than the day before the ball.

Here only both sisters understood who was the beauty that they saw in the palace. They rushed to the legs of Cinderella to catch themselves forgiveness for all the offenses she suffered from them. Cinderella forgave the sisters from the bottom of his heart - after all, she was not only good, but also good.

She was taken to the palace to a young prince who found that she was still inlegest than before.

A few days later played a cheerful wedding.

Though believe me, even check. Cinderella and her crystal shoe

Tales Charles Perret

Cinderella is one of the most famous fairy tales around the world. Based on this fairy tale, a huge number of animated and artistic films was removed. Tale Cinderella is a masterpiece of his genre. Very original plot saturated with magic, beauty and justice. Very many little girls dream of being on the site of Cinderella - because the fate of this kind, honest and hardworking girl, though it is difficult, but nevertheless noble. Poor Cinderella, which was humiliated and exploited by the stepmother and her daughters, at one fine moment, thanks to the good godp. , amazing and grace. The young prince falls in love with Cinderella. The next day, Cinderella gets on the ball again, but forgotten and at the appointed time barely managed to run out of the castle, shortly before the magic spells will fall (and it happens at 12 o'clock in the morning). In a hurry, she drops one of its crystal shoes and hides in an unknown direction. The stunned and in love Prince wants to find Cinderella, even if it will have to make all the female feet in the whole kingdom to find that legs that this crystal shill will be fitted. So found Cinderella - when she tried a crystal shill, she turned out to her just fit. And when she took out and put on the second, the same, there was no doubt there was no doubt. The stepmother and her daughters were shocked, and the prince and Cinderella in joy, they played a wedding and lived, in love and harmony.

He lived once a rich and noble man. He died his wife, and he married the second time on such a heartless proudness, which no longer you. She had two daughters, in everything like her mother, are the same arrogant evils. And her husband had a daughter to rarity meek and affectionate, all in the late his mother, the kindest woman in the world. Cinderella put on the grave of the mother of a nut sprig, which grew into a beautiful walnut tree. Cinderella often came to the grave to the mother and complained how hard she had to.

Magic immediately showed her evil temper. She was annoyed by the kindness of stepdaughter - next to this cute girl her own daughters appeared even more disgrace.

Stepmother took the girl all the most dirtiest and hard work in the house: she cleaned the dishes, and the staircase of the soap, and the floors rubbed in the climbing room rooms and her spoiled daughters. She slept in the attic, under the roof, on a thin litter. And her bedroom sisters were with parquet floors, with down beds and floor mirrors to the ceiling.

The poor girl endured everything and was afraid to complain to his father - he would only laugh her, because he had heard his new wife in everything.After graduating, the poor thing was clogged into the corner at the very hearth and sat right on the ash,

For which the oldest machekhina daughter nickned her dish. But the youngest, not such a Grubian, like a sister, began to call her Cinderella. And Cinderella and in an old dress was a hundred times the nail of his discharged sisters.

Once the son of the king decided to arrange a ball and convened all noble people to him in the kingdom. Cowushkina sisters were invited. How they were delighted, as they drove, choosing their own clothes and decorations! And Cinderella just added work: she had to iron skirts and stark collars for the sisters.

Sisters endlessly interpreted, as if better to dress up.

I, - Senior said, - put on a red velvet dress with lace ...

And I, - I interrupted her younger, dress Nadnu ordinary. But from above, I will score a cape with gold colors and diamond clashes. This is not all anyway!

They ordered the best masters of caps with double ruffles, bought the most expensive tapes. And in everything they asked the Council from Cinderella, because she had a very good taste. She solely tried to help the sisters and even offered them to comb. They agreed graciously.

While Cinderella hate them, they asked her:

Admit, Cinderella, would you really like to get to the ball?

Ah, sister, do not laugh at me! Will it be empty there?

Yes, really! Everyone would have rolled with a laugh, if they saw such a maras on the ball.

Another would have sexually combed their worse, but Cinderella, in his kindness, tried to combing them as much as possible.

The sisters did not eat anything for two days from joy and excitement, they tried to pull their waists and all spoiled in front of the mirror.

Finally came the desired day. Sisters went to the ball, and stepmother before leaving said:

Here I woke up a bowl of lentils in the ash. Choose it, as long as we are on the ball.
And left. Cinderella looked for him for a long time. When their carriage disappeared from sight, she was bitterly crushed.

Culushkina, Nuatushka saw that the poor girl was crying, and asked what she was so sad.

I wanted ... I would like ... - Cinderella could not finish from tears.

But aunt guessed and herself (she was a wizard):

Would you like to ball, right?

Oh yes! - Cinderella replied with a sigh.

Do you promise to be all obedient? - asked the wizard. "Then I will help you go to the ball." "The wizard hugged Cinderella and told her:" Go to the garden and bring me a pumpkin. "

Cinderella ran to the garden, chose the best pumpkin and delivered her wizard, although he could not understand how pumpkin would help her to get to the ball.

The wizard hollowed the pumpkin until the crust itself, then touched it with a magic wand, and pumpkin MiG turned into a gilded carriage.

Then the magician looked into a mousetrap and saw that six living mice were sitting there.

She ordered Cinderella to open the mousetrap door. Every mouse that popped out from there, she touched the magic wand, and the mouse now turned into a beautiful horse.

And instead of six mice, an excellent surrounding of six horses of mouse suit in apples appeared.

The wizard thought:

Where would you take a course?

I'll see if I didn't get a rat in the rat, "Cinderella said. - From rat can be done.

Right! - the wizard agreed. - Go look.

Cinderella brought a rat, where three large rats were sitting.

The wizard chose one, the largest and saturate, touched her with his wand, and the rat turned into a thick way with lush mustache.

Then the wizard said Cinderella:

In the garden, behind can, six lizards are sitting. Go bring them to me.

Cinderella did not have time to bring lizards, as a wizard turned them into six servants, dressed in the grained livrey. They so deft jumped over the stakes of the carriage, as if all their lives were not engaged in anything.

Well, now you can go to the ball, "said Cinderella's sorceress. - Are you satisfied?

I gave me a task to choose a bowl of lentils from ash, how can I go to the ball?

The wizard waved his magic wand. And two white doves flew to the kitchen window, and behind them and the Gorlinka, and finally flew up all the birds are miserable and dropped on ash. They tilted their heads their heads and began to peck: Tuk-Tuk-Tuk-Tuk, and the rest too.

-Well now then you are ready to go to the ball?

Sure! Just how can I go in such a disgusting dress?

The wizard touched Cinderella to her wand, and the old dress MiG turned into an outfit from gold and silver brocade, richly embroidered with precious stones.

In addition, the wizard presented her a couple of crystal shoes. The light has not seen such beautiful shoes!

Fucking smashed, Cinderella sat down in a carriage. On a farewell, the magician strictly-setting ordered her to return before the clock is trying at midnight.

If you stay at least for a minute longer, "she said," Your wagon will again become a pumpkin, the horse will turn into mice, the servants in lizards, and the lush outfit - in an old dress.

Cinderella promised the wizard to leave the palace until midnight and, shining from happiness, went to the ball.

The Royal Son was reported that an unknown, very important princess arrived. He hurried to meet her, helped get out of the carriage and led to the hall where guests had already gathered.

Silence immediately arrived in the hall: the guests stopped dancing, the violinists stopped playing - so everyone was amazed by the beauty of an unfamiliar princess.

- What a beautiful girl! - whispered around.

Even the old man's king himself could not look at her and told everything in the queen's ear, which had not seen such a beautiful and cute girl for a long time.

And the ladies carefully considered her outfit, so that tomorrow to order themselves exactly like that, they were only afraid that they would not find enough rich matters and sufficiently skillful masters.

The prince spent her at the most honorable place and invited to dance. She danced so well that they still loved her.

Soon different sloant and fruit served. But the prince did not touch towards delicacies - so he was busy beautiful princess.

And she came to her sisters, spoke apart with them and shared the oranges that her prince treated.

Sisters were very surprised by such courtesy from an unfamiliar princess.

In the midst of the conversation Cinderella suddenly heard that the clock struck three quarters of the twelfth. She spreads his face as soon as possible and hurried to leave.

Returning home, she first ran to a good wizard, thanked her and said that I would like to get to my ball again - the prince very much asked her to come.

While she told the wizard about everything that happened on the ball, a knock on the door was heard - the sisters came. Cinderella went to dismiss them.

Long time you stayed on the ball! She said, rubbing her eyes and squeezing, as if he had just woken up.

In fact, since they broke up, she did not want to sleep at all.

Would you like on the ball, "said one of the sisters," you would have had no time to miss. Princess arrived there - yes what a beautiful! There is no beautiful one in the world. She was very kind with us, treated us with oranges.

Cinderella all trembled from joy. She asked the name of the princess, but the sisters answered that no one knows her and the prince was very sad. He would have given anything, just to know who she was.

Probably, it is very beautiful! - Smiling, said Cinderella. - And happy you are! How would I like to look at it at least with one eye! .. Cute sister, please lend me your yellow dress.

That's still invented! - answered the older sister. - So that I gave my dress such a dressing? Yes, never in the world!

Cinderella also knew that the sister would refuse her, and even delighted - what would she do if the sister had agreed to give her his dress!

On the other day, Cyutushkina sisters again went to the ball. Cinderella went too and was even more elegant than for the first time. The prince did not move away from her and found her all kinds of courtesy.

Cinderella was very fun, and she completely forgot about what the wizard ordered her. She thought she was not yet and eleven watches, as suddenly the clock began to beat midnight. She jumped up and fastened like a bird. Prince rushed after her, but could not catch up with her.

The tricks of Cinderella lost one of its crystal shoes.

Prince gently raised her.

He asked the guard at the gate, did not see anyone who had left the princess. The guards responded that they saw only a poorly dressed girl, more like a peasant than the princess ran out of the palace.

Cinderella came running home fattening, without a carriage, without a servant, in his old dress. From all luxury, she remained only one crystal shill.

When the sisters returned from the ball, Cinderella asked them, whether they were also fun as yesterday, and whether the beautiful princess came again.

Sisters answered that she came, but only when the clock began to beat midnight, she rushed to run - yes so hastily, which dropped a beautiful crystal shoe from her legs. The prince raised the shoe and did not reduce the eye from her. It is clear that he is in love with the beautiful princess - the owner of the shoes.

Sisters said the truth: several days passed - and the prince announced all over the kingdom that he marries the girl who would have a crystal shoe.

At first, the princesses were trying on the shill, then the duchess, then all the court ladies in a row. But she did not fit anyone.

Brought a crystal shoe and to Cinderella sisters. They were out of their strength to squeeze the leg into a tiny shower, but they did not succeed.

Cinderella saw how they try, he learned her shoes and asked with a smile:

Can I try to a shoe?

The sisters in response only ridiculed her.

But the court who came with a shoe carefully looked at Cinderella. He saw what her beauty, and said that he was given an order to try on the shoe to all girls in the kingdom. He sat down Cinderella in a chair and barely driven her shoe to her leg, as she made it completely free.

Sisters were very surprised. But what was their amazement, when Cinderella got out of his pocket the second tunnel and put it on another leg!

The good magician arrived here, touched by his wandell of an old culinary dress, and it turned into a magnificent outfit in his eyes, even more luxurious.

That's when Sisters saw who was a wonderful princess, who came to the ball! They rushed before Cinderella on her knees and began to ask for forgiveness for the fact that they treated her so badly.

Cinderella raised his sisters, kissed and said that she forgives them and just asks them to always love her.

Then Cinderella in her luxurious outfit took to the Palace to the prince.

She seemed even more beautiful than before. And a few days later, he married her.

Cinderella was also good to the soul, as well as face. She took her sisters to her palace and on the same day issued them married two courteous nobles.

One rich man after his wife's death married the second time on the widow, very nursed and arrogant. She had two daughters, in everything like her mother, the same proud. And he had a daughter meek and kind, all the mother in the late man.

The stepmother immediately did not believe the stepdaughter for her beauty and kindness. She forced a poor girl to do the most dirty home: wash the dishes, sweep the stairs and rub the floors.

Sleeping stepdaughter in the attic, under the roof, on a rigid straw litter. And her sisters lived in rooms with parquet floors, where they stood richly cleaned beds and large mirrors, in which you could see my head to the legs.

A poor girl patiently endured all the insults and did not bother to complain to his father. Anyway, he would only chose her, because in everything he listened to his new wife.

Having graduated, the girl climbed into the corner at the hearth and sat on the box with ashes, and for it nickned her cute.

But even in his discharged dress, Cinderella was a hundred times more beautiful than his sisters in their luxurious outfits.

One day, the son of the king arranged the ball and invited him all rich people of the kingdom. They received an invitation to the Royal Ball and Sisters Cinderella. They were very delighted and began to choose outfits and hairstyles to face. And Cinderella has also gained a new concern: ironing the sisters of the skirt and stark collars.

The sisters only said, as if better to dress up. They were advised to Cinderella, because she had a good taste. Cinderella gave them the best advice and even offered to combish them, for which they willingly agreed.

Finally, the happy hour has come: the sisters sat in the carriage and went to the palace. Cinderella watched them for a long time, and when the carriage disappeared, she was crying.

Suddenly, aunt Cinderella appeared, saw her in tears and asked what was with her.

"I want it ... I want so much ..." And Cinderella rolled so bitterly that he could not finish.

Then aunt - and she was a wizard - said Cinderella:

- Do you want to go to the ball?

- Ah, very! - Cinderella replied with a sigh.

"Good," said aunt. "If you promise to obey me, I will do that you go there." Go to the garden and bring me a pumpkin.

Cinderella immediately ran into the garden and threw the best pumpkin.

The wizard hollowed the pumpkin so that one crust remained, and struck her magic wand on it. In the same moment, the pumpkin has turned into a beautiful golden carriage.

Then the magician looked into the mousetrap, in which there were six living mice. She ordered Cinderella to lift a little mousetrap door and every mouse, which spoke from there, hit his magic wand. The mouse immediately turned into a purebred horse, and soon six horses of wonderful mouse masters stood, pronounced in the carriage.

Then the magician slightly touched the Cinderella to Cinderella, and in the same moment her dress turned into a wonderful outfit made of gold and silver brocade, decorated with precious stones. Then she gave a culberry a couple of adorable crystal shoes. Elegant Cinderella village in the carriage.

For goodbye, the magician of strictly-setting punished Cuteushka not to stay on the ball longer than midnight. If she stays there at least one extra minute, her carriage will again become a pumpkin, horses - mice, and a brocade outfit - an old dress.

Cinderella promised to leave the ball on time and went to the palace, do not remember himself from joy.

The prince reported that some young princess arrived, which no one knows. He hurried towards her hand, when she came out of the carriage, and he led to the hall where guests danced.

Immediately there was a complete silence: the dances stopped, the violins were silent - so I struck all the wonderful beauty of the stranger. Only in all corners whispered:

- Oh, how beautiful it is!

The king himself was whisper than told the queen, which had not seen such a beautiful and cute girl for a long time.

The prince sat Cinderella to the most honorable place, and then invited her to dance. He did not move away from her for a minute and incessantly found her tender words. Cinderella having fun from the soul and completely forgot about what the wizard punished. It seemed to her that there was no longer eleven hours, as suddenly the clock began to beat midnight. Cinderella jumped up and, without saying a word, ran to the exit. The prince rushed after her, but could not catch up with her.

Sophia Cinderella lost one of its crystal shoes on the stairs.

The prince carefully raised her and asked the guard that was standing at the Palace Gate, did not see who the princess was leaving.

Guardians replied that no one left the palace, except for the young girl, very poorly dressed and more like a peasant than a princess.

And Cinderella came running, walked home, without a carriage, without horses, in his old dress. From all its outfit there is nothing left, except for one crystal shoe.

When the sisters returned from the ball, Cinderella asked, whether they had fun.

Sisters answered that an unknown beauty came to the ball, which conquered the Prince and all guests. But as soon as the clock pierced midnight, she ran out so hastily, that he dropped her crystal shill. And the prince raised the shoe and sat down and looked at it until the end of the ball. It can be seen, without a memory in love with a beauty that owns this crystal shill.

Sisters talked truth. A few days later, the prince ordered the heels to declare all over the kingdom, which he marries the girl who would have a crystal shill.

They began to try the shoe first the princesses, then the duchess and all the court ladies, but not one of her leg.

Brought a shoe and to the sisters of Cinderella. In turn, they tried their best to squeeze the leg into the shoe, but they only did not come out.

Cinderella, who was at the same time, learned her shoes and, laughing, said:

- Give, and I will try whether I will have to do this shoe.

The sisters walked and began to mock her.

But the court, who tried his shoe girl, carefully looked at Cinderella and saw that she was pretty. He said that he was ordered to try on all the girls in the kingdom, seated Cinderella and began to wear her shoe. And the shoe was done without any difficulty, as if it was done for Cinderella by measure.

Sisters were very surprised. But they were surprised even more when Cinderella took out a second shill from his pocket and put it on another leg.

At this moment a wizard appeared. She touched Cinderella's dress with her wand, and it turned into a magnificent outfit.

Then the sisters found out in Cinderella that the beauty that was on the ball. They rushed to her legs and began to apologize for all the offenses, what she suffered from them. But Cinderella raised them, kissed and said that she forgives from the bottom of his heart and asks to always love her.

Cinderella in her brilliant dress was taken to the palace. It seemed to young prince even more beautiful than before, and after a few days they got married.

And Cinderella, who was also good, as beautiful, took with him to the palace of her sisters and on the same day he gave both married two noble courtesies.