Mixed shepherds. Husk and Shepherd Mix: Description, Dominant Breed Characteristics and Attitude to Mother

In Germany, the mix of Rottweiler and Shepherdka is called Malhover. Crossing two breeds, German breeders pursued certain goals and achieved good results. What exactly they achieved, and what can be expected from crossing Rottweiler with other breeds of dogs, you will learn from this article.

Mixed breed, half-breed, metis - all these terms belong to the dog obtained from crossing two purebred rocks with a clear set of certain qualities. Disputes about whether Methis is a mesting, they still go.

Poragia or, as many, "nobleman" are joking, it turns out by random repeated mating of several generations of different breeds. The process can participate both purebred dogs and the same mounds. As a result, a dog is obtained, in the appearance of which it is almost impossible to determine the rocks participating in its creation.

Most of the docks resemble the first dogs, which people domesticated many centuries ago. They have common features:

  • standing ears;
  • muscular paws;
  • alertness in the view;
  • long, twisting in the ring, tail.

Metis are considered to be the results of the first crossing of two thoroughbred dogs. It can be both random and planned, in order to obtain unusual puppies. Unlike the meal, whose genuofond is extremely diverse, assume what will be metis, it is more likely to be.

In principle, random gravis can also be called jorans. That is why they cannot participate in exhibitions and all sorts of competitions. Despite this, such dogs can become devotees and loving companions.

Selection against simple mating

At the root incorrect to consider the same selection work on creating a new breed and random or "curiosity for the sake of". To bring a new breed, breeders carry out colossal work. Their goal is to secure the necessary mental qualities in the breed and physical characteristics by long and hard selection.

It is these tasks that breeders from the former GDR, crossing and. They wanted to withdraw a harmoniously folded, rigorous and mentally balanced dog that they had. Malovover called the breed, but she never received official recognition.

Nevertheless, the fans of the Rottweiler hybrid and German shepherds exist so far. After all, such universal dogs are perfectly coping with protective, guard, search and security services. But, despite the loyalty, activity and obedience, taken from shepherd, metises have stubbornness, aggression and dominance of rottweilers. Therefore, to keep the dog under control, the owner must have leadership qualities.

Healthy dog \u200b\u200bwith unpredictable character

It is believed that mestizi take the best from their parents, and such an opinion is not groundless. The hybrids often strong health, as they do not inherit from the ancestors of genetic. But this does not mean that the methis will never get sick, because bad conditions of detention can undermine any dog \u200b\u200bimmunity.

The character of hybrids may not be as beautiful as health. The chances of fifty-fifty - crossing two different breeds can be both balanced negative traits and strengthen them.

Take, for example, the mix of Rottweiler and. Both rocks have a dominant character and are able to show. Two options are possible: either absolute calm (naturally, when the owner and his family is safe), or a double desire to be a leader and sudden outbreaks of malice to strangers. In any case, such a methis need a solid owner's hand and constant.

But if you crossed the Rottweiler with American Bulldog, that is, the risk of getting a rat mixture of activity and evilness. And although breeders managed to maximize the bulldogs aggression and the persecution instinct, they remained at the genetic level. However, the dog may turn out to be the same lazy as Rottweiler.

Do not forget about the size. No one will give one hundred percent warranty that the tiny puppy will not turn into a huge bear. Metis Rottweiler and the Central Asian Shepherd (Alabaya) can grow to the size of the Rottweiler and weigh about 50 kilograms. And it can be achieved and all 70-100 kilograms, because Alabai is one of the largest dogs in the world.

The same results can be expected when crossing Rottweiler with, Saintbernar or other large breeds. The size of the puppy's paw can suggest the future size of the dog, but this is not an accurate parameter.

Among the lovers of hybridization is the opinion that the participation of the Rottweiler in crossing can bring a methis similar to the American Pit Bullherier. That is, a dog may have a good nature, loyalty to surrounding, stubbornness, endurance, desire to reach the end, activity controlled by aggression.

Dog - big responsibility

Before purchasing a hybrid puppy, you need to look close to his behavior while it is still small. Thus, it is possible to approximately represent what character will be in the future.

If there is no experience, there is no confidence in your abilities, it is better not to take for such a responsible business as the acquisition of methis. After all, not every owner is able to become a good mentor and the leader. Without education and proper training from a funny fluffy lump, an unmanaged leader aggressor can grow.

If you kept meters or you know anything interesting about them, please tell us about it in the comments.

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Each of which is unique. But time does not stand still. Constantly appear mixed breeds of dogs, whose representatives are externally similar to both parents, but have many features that distinguish them from a number of pure rocks.

In this article we will tell about the most famous varieties obtained as a result of such crossing.

Who are such dogs

Metis of thoroughbred dogs- This is an inheritance from breed mixing when Father and Mother were representatives of two breeds, and children acquire the appearance of them both. To predict how the puppy is born is, it is very difficult, even if you know his parents. Sometimes the sizes of the future dog can be set by the size of the parents of the parents. The color foresight never succeeds. Movement of dogs of different breeds can have the most diverse variants of the combination of genes. In addition, children of metots inherit the appearance of a "hybrid parent", even if it happened with a pedigree. In some cases, this may occur in itself, and in others it can be scheduled.

Homemade Half-Blood Dog In any case will be for the hosts surprise. From miniature dogs can work out the Giant, from quiet parents - fidget.

As a rule, Metis also means that the negative characteristics of the first breed are smoothed by the positive qualities of the other. Exactly because of this reason metisov prevailed positive features both in character and in health indicators.

Mixing rocks is a targeted crossing, which is of subronicized name - Designer crossing. Nowadays, the popularity has become popular (mixture C), Malthipa (mix of maltezov and), housing (mixture and).
Metis can be not only porous half-blooded. Poragian, mixed with a representative of the famous breed, will also receive the status of a methis. But the appearance of such a puppy will not be so attractive.

Pros and cons of methots in comparison with thoroughbred

Compared to purebred ps, metis are more resistant to different. They are not prone to hereditary diseases. But this does not mean that methis cannot acquire a non-life. They also need care, proper nutrition and care.

Veterinarians and genetics found that puppies inherit the most positive qualities of parents. For this reason, hybrids are often smarter than the purebred. Metis have an extraordinary appearance, so they often take part in exhibition events. Hybrid PSIs are characterized by unpretentiousness in the diet, good watchdogs, quick adaptation to an unfavorable environment.

Mixed rocks are sold very cheap, as they are considered not too valuable. Often they are free.

Hybrid puppies have negative properties. Such animals have too explosive, nervous, aggressive character. There are cases when the hybrids of the povelles are difficult to tract and unmanageable, they have to train for a long time.

Overview of famous methots

Dog breeds are spreading more than new hybrid rocks, modifying the appearance and character of animals, correcting the shortcomings of their progenitors.

One of the representatives of methis is Basset-Pei. This is a mix with. These pins are very cute. They have small ears, expressive eyes and a large number of deep folds on the face.

Their character is characterized by activity, mobility, independence, developed by smelling, equilibrium and alertness. Basset-PRI inherited from the Hounds a good scent, and from Shareeyev - special beauty.

Boulekka is called a mixture of an English bulldog with. This medium height hybrid has a color like a shepherd, but a more surrendered face. In size, the dog is more like a bulldog.
It reliably protects the territory, very cruel to intruders. Loudly barks on strangers, seeking to protect the owner. It is more difficult to give in than shepherd.

Bullmops - the result of mixing pug with an English bulldog. They are medium height. Their weight, on average, is twenty-five kilograms. Bulm body shape is usually square, sometimes rectangular. Such a dog combines the positive characteristics of Bulldog and Pug. Bullmops are very kind, playful, balanced and attached to the owner.

Important! If you have a little baby, be careful when you choose a grate. Find out what kind of breeds there were parents of the dog. If you do not take security measures, such a hybrid can apply both material and physical harm to you and your children.

The mixture often has two-color wool: chocolate and white.On the contour of wool there are stains like Husky. These dogs are blue-eyed. They have a calm character, tolerance, obedience.
These hybrids do not like to walk too long. For them, it will be enough 45 minutes a day, which is a big advantage of the methives, as purebred husky is a very freedom-loving breed, which is needed long active walks.

The negative quality of these puppies is a loud outlet. Especially often it happens when the dog hears a car alarm siren. He "sits".

Labishi is a hybrid view and husky. When an animal matures, it acquires white wool color and becomes a copy of the Wolf Aqua from the fairy tale about Mowgli.

Important! Labishi, like the mix of Labrador and Shepherd, dangerously release outside Without a muzzle, as people can be frightened and run away, which will provoke a dog's chase by man. Therefore, if you have become the owner of such a beast, follow the rules for staying a dog in public places.

These puppies are endowed with the character of the leader, the leader of the pack. If you do not scatter them on time, they will grow angry. Feel free to show that the owner in the house you are, and not a dog. Then you can count on a good cheerful dog.

Get bigger with your lubes. He loves to play outdoer in the active games. However, be attentive: if you allow Labishi to go ahead, be prepared that the dog will feel the strength of the Terrible leader and will become unmanaged.

The German Sharpey is a mix of Charpecia and German Shepherd. This hybrid species looks like a major chariot, but the color of the wool resembles a German shepherd. Pet can have many folds on the face, ears in a standing form and an elongated muzzle.
Puppy is usually devotee, suspicious, independent, smart, smart.

Pitski is a hybrid view obtained by mixing with husky. He has a massive body, high growth (fifty centimeters). Eyes look like Husky, the body has relief, like a pit bull, a short-hearted wool, a large nose.

Peets are smeared, friendly, freedom-loving, reliable. People relate to people, but not as playful as husky. They need a lot of space and freedom, active walks.
Pitski guard the courtyard well. But be prepared for the fact that they will be very loud and maliciously barking on passersby.

Did you know? Dogs, like people can love. During communication with people, oxytocin is distinguished with PPS. A similar hormone occurs in the human body during an embrace or kisses.

Tolmists are hybrid and.They are very playful, kind and responsive. Among them are stubborn and not very smart. Tolmists resemble large dachshunds with specks, like Dalmatians.
These animals have short legs, so they look like puppies throughout life.

They are similar to the corgs with growth and physique, on Siberians - long fluffy wool, standard two-color color and blue eyes.

Chigl is a mixture of Chihuahua and.Externally, it is low, shorthair, weighs about ten kilograms. Wool is basically brown. Ears hang down the book.
Chigl has a developed sense of smell, so it takes hunting, use in customs. Puppies very quickly find explosives and combustible chemicals. Chigley love to actively spend time and indulge with the owners. To raise them, you need to constantly conduct training.

Chow Chow is Metis Chow-Chow with German Shepherd.Dogs have curiosity developed by intelligence.
Nowadays, this hybrid species performs a hunter's mission, defender, guard. The natural protective instinct Chow-Chau is well combined with suspicion of shepherd. As a result, this dog is always alert.

Chow Chow always want to like the owner. They are friendly and reliable.

Shorgi are "children" of sheltie and Corgi.They are very conscious and active. Their average growth is forty centimeters. Animals weigh about fifteen kilograms. Puppies are very noisy, playful, vigilant and friendly.
As we have convinced, today there are many varieties of methots for every taste and color. Their distinctive features are bright, unique appearance, good health, lack of genetic diseases, endurance and low price. But still, as representatives of the most famous breeds, they need good care, care and comfortable living conditions.

Not purebred animals are often mentioned in the sale ads, but a mixture of German shepherd with other rocks. Metis are much cheaper, their exterior is more diverse, and the character is unpredictable. To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe future pet, it is necessary to study the possible options for obstacles.

With husky

Under the name of Shepsky (or Siberian Shepherd), among the kinologists, a mix of husky and the German shepherd is known. Peskov have an attractive appearance and inherited from parents the best character traits.

Metis has a large body. In the exterior prevail the features of the shepherd. Inherited from the husky got a "fur coat" - dense thick wool. It provides an animal protection in the cold season, but can provoke overheating in the summer.

An interesting feature inherent in whispels is the eyes of different colors: one blue, and the other - the car.

The nature of the animal features sociability, friendliness and devotion. Metis are suitable for both protection and hunting. They are hardy, energetic, with sensitive smell.

With wolf

Get a mix of dogs and wolves is extremely difficult. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a mating between the tamed with a wolf and the "German". As a result, a cub who inherited appearance and color of the mother are born: a fried muscular torso, gray hair (less than black) color.

Wireproof copes well with the security features. It is dominated by determination, courage and good learning to teams. The dog does not exhibit aggression against people, but from strangers is kept at a distance. Infinitely devoted to his owner.

By inheritance from wild ancestors, he got a good health and the ability to lightly navigate in the natural environment.

Metisi wolf and dogs are infrequent. If you bring up a puppy from childhood at home, then a clever, loyal dog grows out of it.

With Alabaem

The cub from the mating of the German and Central Asian Shepherds is an interesting combination of distinguishing features of the appearance and nature of their parents. Most often, the torso is muscular and taut, like the "Germans". Large head with devils. Character is phlegmatic, calm, steady.

Since both shepherds traditionally perform security-guard functions, then the stunned methis will be able to protect against the territory entrusted to him.

With a mongrel

Ovcharoid - a mix of German shepherd and a powerful dog. The exterior of the methives has a remote similarity with the "Germans", is more like an ordinary mongrel.

The dog has genetically stable resistance to diseases, adaptation to street conditions of life. Animals are unpretentious and do not require special care.

Puppies are leaving for training and quickly assimilate the teams. They have a great sense of attachment to the owner.

Other Metis "Germans"

Currently, mixing dogs of different rocks has ceased to be rare. Metisi often have an exotic, memorable appearance and inherit the distinguishing features of the character of parents. About the most common moves of the "Germans" with other breeds can be found from the table.

Breed Description
Like Friendliness, playfulness, strong attachment to the owner. Suitable for hunting and security
Labrador Renewableness, energy, goodwill, tolerance. Perfectly get along with children. It gets well with other pets, incl. cats. Affectionate, obedient, easily trained. Excellent combination of security guards and companion
Rottweiler Calm, self-confidence, curiosity, activity. Dominance towards other animals. For successful training, a volitional, strong person is needed. Well performs the duties of the guard and defender. Large individuals weighing up to 50 kg
Golden retriever Obedient, quickly trained, energetic. Suitable for protection, hunting and search and rescue work. Excellent family companion dog
Chow Chow. Smart, intelligent, curious, obedient. It is suitable for protection, hunting, protection
Pug Loving, playfulness. Companion. Animal medium-sized gabarites
Welsh Corgi. Movable, restless, stubborn. The dominance is greatly expressed. Small sizes
Collie (Scottish Shepherd) Energetic, friendly, mischievous. Easily trains. Loves long walks. Used as a shepherd dog, as well as as a family companion
Akita In. Dynamic, stubborn, tolerant. Has a high level of socialization. It needs sufficient physical exertion. Family companion

German shepherds also often cross with

Metisi is the most famous mixed breed dogs. By purchasing it, a person receives a devotional smart friend with strong health. The word "methis" indicates a "mixed breed". This term is used in relation to the animal, to find out the belonging of the genes of which is not possible. However, the parents of such pets most often are purebred thoroughbred dogs. Animals can also participate in the mixture of genes - champions, winners of exhibitions and impressions.

It is believed that metises are the best in all manifestations of the dog. Indeed, such animals are "inherited" the positive qualities of their thoroughbred parents. Thus, accidental offspring contributes to compensation for negative traits of one or another rock.

Typical qualities

Today, metises are dogs with strong legs, standing ears, a wary of the muzzle and a long tail having a slight twisting at the end. If you decide to take such a pet in the family, it is important to know his past, because it is subsequently the determining factor in his behavior will be not genes, but previously transferred events and possible stresses. For this breed, intelligence is characteristic, stable psyche, friendly character. If you buy a small puppy who did not know the harsh conditions of the homeless stray life, then there are all the chances of growing a decent person from the baby. Of course, the dog itself will not turn into a good companion. Puppy needs love, care and learning. The adult dog will definitely thank good behavior, smart, caress and communicate.


If a dog is accepted into the family with children - a methis of toy rocks (for example, to the terriers), it is necessary to take into account the following features. First, by virtue of their tiny sizes and fragility, the pet is inclined to scare and even bite the obsessive kids. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the distance between the child and the puppy. Secondly, in most cases, the breed of the Toy terrier is stubborn and nervous. An infrequent pet is calm, non-aggressive, cheerful and funny.

Metis Shepherd, mixed with sports rocks, turns out to be an energetic dog, but it can become problematic in circulation and care.

Pluses of these dogs

First, metises are not purebred animals, and therefore, when buying a puppy, you can save a significant amount of money, or take it for free. Such pets are also able to quickly adapt to any conditions of existence, in contrast to their capricious conifers with documents and pedigree. Friendly temper and high learning will turn the methis in the present companion. The main quality of these animals is definitely high immunity. The owners of methots will have to be much less likely or not to spend money on expensive medicines, and the pet itself will live longer and delight his family. Ailments and diseases inherent in one or another breed are not inherited by these dogs. In the mestizations of unpretentious, so they do not need expensive feeds and a special diet.


Of course, for picky people, the main disadvantage is the external data of this unclean breed. But does the exterior matter when the devotee is nearby, smart and gentle friend, unless loving his owner? Also, many receive unradeteed pleasure from the participation of their pets in different exhibitions. However, for such a lesson, pedigree and documents are needed than the dog is not posted. Despite this, the pet can have all the qualities inherent in the desired breed.

What are the metats?

Recently, a new term has been developed among the breeders - the designer breed. Such dogs have been particularly popular among stars and celebrities. Under the "designer" means two crossed purebred rocks. The most common is the metis of Labrador, who was crossed with a poodle. The resulting grade found the name - Labradul. There is also such a labrador's metis as coal, two-color and silver.

It should be noted that as a result of the crossing of two separate rocks, very interesting and cute dogs are obtained. This is especially true of large instances. Metis Shepherd and Likes It turns out extremely devoted and friendly. Often with these rocks, Staffordshire Terrier cross.

Metis Husky is becoming increasingly popular among people whose income does not allow to acquire a thoroughbred dog. This specialized ride breed of dogs cross with husky, bull terrier, Labrador, Doberman, Collie, Rottweiler, Shepherdka, Chow Chow, Pit Bull, Samoyed Dog, White Swiss Shepherd. Most often, the methis Husky is obtained after a random mating, the results of which can be the most different. This applies to both the external data of the received puppy and zoopsychological characteristics. In this regard, purposefully hold such experiments for curiosity is not recommended.

Thus, the choice of a puppy of a methis makes it possible to become a master of a truly dedicated friend, distinguished by high smartness and learningability. Regarding exhibitions: At this time, many cities of our country are spent a great job related to the organization of specialized clubs, which would be engaged in both training and education of dogs-methots. Also, these organizations will lead various exhibitions and demonstration performances of such pets.

In conclusion, it should be noted that among the inhabitants of Europe there is a kind of fashion - to take homeless dogs. Some explain this by the fact that Europeans are very humane and tolerant. However, the reason lies in their pragmaticity. For many characteristics, starting with health and ending with the psyche, the dog's metis is much riser than their thoroughbred relatives, therefore, with such a pet there will be less concerns and problems. As a result, a gift can be obtained a strong cheerful friend with external signs of the desired breed.

Metis is a unique dog, it is no longer a breed, but also not a dock. In the people, they are also called half-breeding or translation. People relate differently to such dogs. One like their unique exterior, while others frankly fear to buy "hamster". Nevertheless, metises have some indisputable advantages over their thoroughbred brothers, and there are a lot of money.

Often, people wonder: what is the difference between the moths from the methots and why they are called differently.

And mongrels, and methuses are dogs without a certain breed. Nevertheless, it is customary to call dogs, in the appearance of which the features of their thoroughbred parents or only one are traced. In other words, this is a mix of one or two-three guessing rocks. If they took part in crossing on appearance to establish problematic, the dog is called a mongrel.

In addition, metis is the official name of any hybrid. Even if it is clearly seen what two breeds were crossed or a puppy as two drops of water look like one of the thoroughbred parents, it will be written in a passport simply "Metis", without details.

Metis Siberian Husky

Dogs Metis: What are they?

One thing to say exactly about the methives - they are all different. The nature of the predict is very difficult. Some features of the kid inherit from mom, some of the dad, it is understandable, but how exactly their combination will manifest itself in the future, is unknown. Mix with dwarf rocks are often coward and nervous or vice versa by sliding and aggressive, and the methuses of security and guarding pieces can be very complex in training, poorly controlled or too obvious. By buying a methome, it is important to know who both his parents, and for a puppy follows some time to observe.

Most of the methots turn out to be very smart and intelligent dogs that are easily trained. For example, in the United States and in Canada often, the methis are becoming the stars of Agility and Dog Freestyle.

The fact that the methives are very good health and good immunity, of course, not an axiom, but, as a rule, this is true. Due to the mixing of genes, they do not pull the hereditary diseases characteristic of the parents' breed. Of course, this does not mean that the dog will not hurt. Behind the grateful, as well as any other living creature, you need to care, feed and not forget about the prevention of disease.

How to choose a good puppy methis

If there is more and less clear with color and wool, then it's more difficult with the size of things. It is impossible to accurately determine what a dog will grow if parents are unknown or differ in size as an elephant with a pug. Most formulas that are suitable for puppies of individual breeds, do not work here. Only experienced dogs can determine the approximate size of the adult dog, assessing the weight, growth and girth of the baby's paws. If the parents are known, and even similar dimensions, there is nothing to guess, as they say, the apple from the apple tree.

Fortunately for those who are going to start a methis, the development received science called Zoopsychology. Today, many tests for puppies have been developed that help determine the inconsistencies, talents and dominant character traits. It is enough to choose about 5-10 tests for the desired characteristics to find out the puppy specifically for your family or not. Of course, there are no guarantees or 100% of the results, much will depend on the further education of the dog.

Choose a good methis is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is not to act under the influence of only emotions.

Metis Central Asian Shepherda

Fashionable methuses, or who are designer breeds

Casual mating existed always, but a targeted crossing in the modern world of cynology is called "designer". Literally recently, the world of dog trains swept the so-called designer rocks, which are not essentially the rocks, they are all methuses.

Not all sorts of metis has the right to be called Designer, but only a cub from purebred dogs of a certain breed with good pedigree and high marks at exhibitions.The concept of designer dogs first appeared in the 80s. Then the kennels decided to cross Labrador with a poodle to get a guide dog for people who are not only poorly seen, but also suffer allergies. Success was incredible. Designer dogs instantly gained their fan club, and their price reached $ 2,000. True, opponents of the inter-partial crossing appeared no less than fans.

In the world of breeding, designer dogs are called hybrids, well, or simply speaking by metis. To find out which breeds participated in the creation of a "designer breed" usually can not only in appearance, in which the traits of parents are traced, but also by name. For example, a mix of beagle and spaniel is called a spagge, and Pug and Jack Russell Terrier - Jobs. There are also more complex meters that originated from several breeds, the mix of husky, Chow Chow and German Shepherds called German teas. Photo of designer methots with names, see below in the gallery.