Statuses about home. Statuses about parents touching to tears

Parents ... How much love is in one word. How much gratitude and devotion. For each person, these are the closest people, for the expression of feelings, which simply do not have enough words. The article offers statuses about parents - options for how you can beautifully say about your love.

Funny statuses about fathers and children

  • it's easier to be when a great grandmother is around. "
  • "My parents think I'm sitting on their neck. And I just don't want to leave."
  • "In the first grade, they ask if I learned my homework. In the eighth grade, did I collect my portfolio. In the eleventh grade, if I am going to school at all."
  • "The most effective way to quit smoking is to tell your parents about it."
  • “There’s only one person you can tell your parents about. And that’s a grandmother.”
  • "Now parents, trying to talk with their child about where children come from, are learning a lot of new things themselves."
  • "Mom is not as ugly as in a first-grader's sketchbook."
  • "Nothing brings to life after a holiday with friends like a call from mom."

Statuses about parents are also a variant of beautiful wording that can be used in letters and other messages. After all, the most important thing must be said without waiting for a special occasion.

Your home is where they think of you.

It's good - it's when the same person is in the head, at home and in bed ...

The main one in the house is the one who pays for the Internet ...

Each person should have a place where he can return with the confidence that he is loved and expected there.

With the birth of children, order, money, peace and serenity disappear in the house ... and happiness appears.

Home, work, home, work, home, work ... It's hard to live a double life.

The road home begins at the very moment when we leave it ...

I love the gentle look of my mother and her sweet oval face. Is there someone better on earth than the one who gave you life?

Nothing in the house is kept as reverently as unnecessary junk called "what if it comes in handy."

Family is not where everything is perfect, but this is the place where they forgive each other!

Happiness is when there is someone to wish Good morning, Good night ... And just know that they are waiting for you and you have much to hurry.

The parental home is a small paradise: you sleep well there, it smells of sweets, and the mirrors make you slim!

Happiness is when you wake up from being pulled by your hair, shouting in your ear: “Maaaam.” They hug, laying their whole body on their face, blocking the oxygen, and then kissing many, many times!

They are so arrogant in their household chores, not only do they come without demand and in a large company, they still do not leave, they hide in the corners, in closets and multiply, multiply.

But it’s so important that you want to return home in the evening ...

Once my daughter, hugging me, said: "Mommy, you smell so delicious", to the question: "What?", She answered: "MOMMY" ...

If you want to be a king at home, make a queen out of your wife.

Children are happiness! Children are joy! Children are a breeze in life! They cannot be earned, this is not a reward. God gives them by grace to adults !!!

The secret of family life lies in just 3 words: "You are right, darling!"

I don’t scold my wife, I will never leave her, It’s because she became bad with me, And I took her good.

It's good to be away, but at home ... INTERNET !!!

Happiness is when in the morning you really want to go to work, and in the evening you really want to go home.

Work-home, home-work, work-home ... However! It's hard to lead such a double life!

Happiness more willingly enters the house, where a good mood always reigns.

Happiness comes to a house where people laugh.

For some, the house is a fortress, but for others it is a prison. Therefore, some live with comrades-in-arms, while others - with inmates.

Only at my house are there pans in the oven?)))

Home is where our junk is kept while we are away from home to get more junk.

Repair is a natural disaster committed by a group of persons, by prior agreement, on an especially large scale.

The best way to clean your home is to lose your SIM card. Checked.

To say about a housewife: “She is sitting at home, she is UNEMPLOYED” is simply blasphemous!

Happiness is when you go to your home and understand that they are waiting for you there.

Strange, but cleaning the house helps to cleanse of bad thoughts, the dirt of the past is erased, the dust of the old, brings freshness. And the world already looks in a new way. Cleaner.

Homework is what you notice when your wife stops doing it.

The most interesting finds are found under the pulled back sofa.

It turns out interesting ... When we are at home alone, everything suits us. And as guests - so immediately: "BARDAK! WE SHOULD GET TREATED !!! "

Nothing brings a family closer together like the lack of light in the apartment!

You sit at work and think: now I will come to my home, eat, do household chores and go to bed.

At work I rest from home, and at home I rest from work)))))))))

I will soon be kicked out of my home ... for not attending ...

When the husband comes home early, he thinks: “What to read?”, And when it’s late: “What to compose?”

In my home all responsibilities are clearly distributed: my wife does everything, and I do everything else.

If your child does not feel that your home belongs to him, too, he will make the street his home.

Observation: The quickest and most effective way to clean my house is when I get angry.)

Do not be afraid to be late home, where they love they know how to wait!

Women - like cats - often love the house rather than the owner.

They say that a person's home is where the charger of his mobile is)))

A person has two joys in the world: one is to leave the house when he is young, the other is to return home when he is old.

Not the home where a person was born, but the one that he himself created, the one where every thing is bought or made by his hands, the one where there is always a place for him.

Statuses about home

Statuses about relatives - We least of all think about loved ones when they are, and we suffer the most when they are not.

Do not try to remake your loved ones! The person will not change according to your will - he will only begin to dodge, pretend and lie. It's easier and easier. And to change - no, never.

God always surrounds us with those people with whom we need to be healed of our shortcomings.

Happiness is when there are no sick people in the house. There are no relatives in prison. Among friends there are no rotten ones.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself. Without masks, omissions and ambitions. And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate. Indeed, in your life there are only a few of them ...

With your hands, feet, claws, teeth, cling to the people who make you better.

They say that next to us are those whom we deserve ... This is where I messed up like that?

Never reject an old friend or someone close to you, because you will not find someone to take his place. True friendship is like fine wine: the older, the stronger.

Life is unfairly arranged: close people are far away ... distant people are close ... And close people are all too often !!!

Sometimes the degree of intimacy between people is determined by the degree of pain they can inflict on each other ...

Do not put off your loved ones for later. Then they will not be.

People close to me are in my thoughts. Loved ones are in the heart. Dear ones, in prayers. And someone was lucky three times ...

Do not believe the mirrors ... they are deceitful. Only love in the eyes of others is a true reflection.

Happiness is when your relatives and people very close to you are healthy! The rest will be repaired, thrown away, bought, forgotten ...

Today in our family in the morning complete harmony reigns: the baby took "Vrednolin", mom - "Stervozol", and dad - "Papazol". Everyone is happy!

My relatives believe that they have only one responsibility towards me - to teach me how to live.

You need to see the difference between those who speak to you in their free time and those who free up time to talk to you.

Our real loved ones are not our brothers, sisters or relatives, in general, but people who have the same aspirations, desires and ways of thinking with us. (M. Prentice)

The best things in life are free: hugs, smiles, friends, kisses, family, sleep, love, laughter and a good mood!

If you take care of your neighbors badly, then you will have to endure the distant ones.

Relatives and loved ones hit harder than others, because they are so close that a mistake is impossible ...

Don't ask me how you are doing. If you are a person close to me, then you already know this. And if you are nobody to me, then I will never tell you the truth.

I noticed that my relatives rarely called me. They are clearly hiding something, most likely money.

Do not reject people who want to be with you, perhaps they will be the only ones who will stay with you in the most difficult moments of life.

There are two types of relatives: "Hurray, you have come!" and "Hurray, they won't come!"

Everything is changing. Strangers become relatives. Relatives are strangers. Friends turn into passers-by. Loved ones - in friends.

If your relatives do not call you for a long time, then everything is fine with them.

Statuses about relatives and friends - It is easy to love distant ones, but not so easy to love those close to you.

  • Ingratitude is the most vile, but at the same time the most common and most primordial - this is the ingratitude of children towards their parents. (L. Vovenargue)
  • Your friends may be traitors, your loved ones may be unfaithful, but your parents are always with you, always alone. Appreciate them above all.
  • Good kids for parents are the ones that can be seen but not heard. Good parents for children are those who are neither seen nor heard.
  • By the time we realize that our parents were right, we already have our children who believe that we are wrong.
  • Statuses and quotes about parents with meaning - Any guardianship that continues after adulthood turns into usurpation. (V. Hugo)

TOP-20 statuses and quotes about parents

  • Love and appreciate your parents.) If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be there either.
  • Good parents are already a big dowry.
  • Parents do not understand how much harm they do to their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and outlook on life. (F.E.Dzerzhinsky)
  • And in this world you cannot trust anyone except mom and dad, believe me.
  • The strongest SUV in the world is the parents ... They will pull it out of any hole!
  • It is necessary to cultivate in children a love for people, and not for oneself. And for this the parents themselves. you have to love people. (F.E.Dzerzhinsky)
  • Parents are all the best we have, appreciate them, because only they will love and believe in you until the very end ...
  • Family education for parents is, first of all, self-education. (N.K. Krupskaya)
  • The parental home is a small paradise: it sleeps well and smells of goodies. This is the best corner in the whole earth.
  • By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world. (A.S. Makarenko)
  • Parents are the bones on which their children sharpen their teeth.
  • The love of parents is the most selfless. (G. Marx)
  • Never complain about things your parents couldn't give you. Perhaps they gave you everything they had. Each of you is deeply indebted to them.
  • The relationship between parents and children is as difficult and as dramatic as the relationship between lovers. (A. Moru)
  • Loving and friendly parents make a child happy, not expensive toys.
  • Whatever you do for your parents, expect the same from your children. (Pittac)
  • There is nothing authentic left in the world. Except for parental love.
  • First, we teach our children. Then we ourselves learn from them. (J. Rainey)
  • It's strange why so many parents don't realize how much we will be like them? Why don't they think about it, why don't they get better, more interesting, more mysterious? After all, raising a child is the same as falling in love with yourself: do you want to be something beautiful to be loved? Doesn't a child deserve the love of their parents?
  • Love for your parents is the basis of all virtues. (Cicero)
  • Let our parents live a long, long time, the rest is not so important.
  • Raising a child requires more penetrating thinking, deeper wisdom than governing a state. (W. Channing)
  • When people ask me what it is like to be a parent, I answer that this is one of the most difficult trials, but in return you learn to love. Everything that the child does seems to the parents to be the greatest miracle.
  • Parents least of all forgive their children for the vices that they themselves have instilled in them. (F. Schiller)
  • Statuses and quotes about parents with meaning - Being a parent means constantly hoping that your child will not go so far ahead that you can no longer understand his next step.

As soon as relatives appeared in contact - Brothers, the sisters of whom you did not suspect before in some strange way showed up, and about 50 people each. About sons and daughters, I finally keep quiet. 13-year-old girls even have them. People don't think this is nonsense?

Sometimes nostalgia began to invite me to return home.

Everyone deserves to be forgiven. Everyone should be given a chance to remake themselves and remake everything, try again, one more time, even if the last one ...

It's been two weeks of vacation - now I understand all types of rain. Rain and sun, rain and wind, rain and hail, slanting rain, vertical rain, fine mushroom drizzle, downpour with a wall ... In general, the vacation was a success ...

Baptism has come holy today! Forget forever about sadness and bad! Let there be no sickness and anxiety, And there will always be an Angel and God nearby!

Yes, we remained friends with him. Friends who will never write or call each other, and will not be there when they are so needed.

There should be those who will help for the "thank you".

The official at the fortune-teller. - You will have a lot of money. - I know without you, let's talk about the state house.

I swell and roll around. but could be next to her.

Too many of you. In the spring. In the air. In thoughts. In heart. But you are not near

I do not understand. Either I love him, or he pisses me off, or I'm jealous, or I don't care, or I want him to be there, or I want him to get away from me, or I want to take revenge on him, then whether I'm talking nonsense and he hears it.

Next to you, I only need a moment to understand that only with you I want to spend eternity.

Some kind of sign. On Uchebnaya Street in Tomsk, a pink convertible drove by with screaming girls, followed by a gray UAZ car with blue letters on the sides.

Girls are sometimes so ungrateful. I made breakfast for her in bed, and instead of “Thank you” I heard from her “How did you get to my house ?!

There is something good in every person, it depends on you whether you can see it or not.

My joy is children, my joy is my husband, the rest of the world is brilliant, next to them they fade!

Happiness is when the house is light, cozy, warm, clean and calm. And also in the shower.

earthquake in Turkey. unexpectedly, no one was ready for this, not warned. in their homes, people have become hostages of situations, nature. let's pray for the dead (

When loading, I saw the inscription Microsoft, but May Crossoft are right now on the shelf next to the sandals.)

Family is work, caring for each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is difficult! But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Even the ticking of a clock turns me on next to you

God close your ears I need to speak out. They gave us a big homework.

I chose hair dye. I exhausted the sellers of three stores, exhausted myself, left with nothing almost in tears ... And only at home I remembered that I actually went to get bread ...

The wife comes home drunk in the morning. Her husband runs around her, shouting: "If I had a knife, I would have stabbed you !. If I had a pistol, I would have shot you!" She raises her head: "But you butt

If you believe the speedometer readings, then Lada-Kalina is in the garage at a speed of 20 km / h.

I don't care what the herd says, I love you, and most importantly, you are there.

The husband rowed, fought, drove the company home, shouted obscene songs. Got enough. Divorced. Boring.

The first five days of fatherhood were fabulous: congratulations, washing. And then my wife was discharged from the hospital.

I'm with you. Whatever happens! I’m with you. No matter how your heart beats! Just remember that I will be here. As long as I live, as long as I am. Maybe I am not an ordinary person, But I will be by your side! At any cost! If you feel very bad, Know that the road is open to me.

He said to her: That's enough, I'm filing for divorce! I leave the house, I hear a shot - I shot myself! I come back - I opened the champagne, you brute!

I do not regret at all that I have a difficult character. He provides me with strong people around!

In every dispute, the woman has the last word. Everything a man says after that will be the beginning of a new dispute.

mdash; Dad! Why do you go to the sauna with friends when you can wash at home too? - Sonny, dad does just that, goes to the sauna with friends, and washes at home ...

I was returning from a corporate party yesterday and suddenly from behind there were shouts: Stop! Stand! - Well, what about you? - What is there to stand, and I crawled with great difficulty.

Next to the refrigerator I always behave like the very last whore - I take it in my mouth and get pleasure from it.

When there is a cat in the house, no other accessories are needed.

My God, why is it so bad? (You will of course ask: why is it bad? And I will answer you why! It's bad because there is no BEOVER PERSON nearby! ((

The secret of family happiness is simple - a woman should make it so pleasant for a man to come home, and a man should make it so that a woman is pleased to meet him.

Women think I'm scary until they find out how much money I make! And when they find out, they consider me a terrible rogue.

Girlfriends are those people who, in joy and in sorrow, are next to you! They do not betray, they do not offend. And for this, friends are respected!

How nice it is to wake up next to a cat in the morning.

When you are not around, I have no time for bai-bai)

Life is so arranged, the more you win, the more you annoy those who are around.

I never understood how you can love two, now I know. Mine is in the army and I am waiting for him, and the other is fighting for my love. And I adore both of them, but I still stay with mine, because I always chose him. (just like in the new moon about bella with edward)

Girls, it is better to look for a husband this year. Because 2015 will be the year of the goat.

I already have children of my own, but every time my mother comes to my house, I wait for her to start taking sweets from the bag!

Women will understand me. To say about a housewife: “She is sitting at home, she is UNEMPLOYED” is simply blasphemous!

Ex to # 710986 I love my friends without self-interest And just because they exist And in a good hour, and in sadness in life They are with me, here! I feel love - invisibly! Through the distance, cities I want to say thank you to my friends! For the fact that fate brought us together!

If you walk backwards, then the danger of hitting the face in the mud will be reduced to zero.