The stand is whether labor is important in raising a child. Labor education of a child in a family. The value of labor education

Labor education of children is the formation of the moral qualities of a child at the expense of labor. Labor is not only the duty of every citizen of his country, but also the basis of personal education. By acquiring labor skills, the child will be able to successfully use them throughout his future life.

Labor activity has a positive effect on the physical development of children. This is especially fully manifested in a situation when a child works in the fresh air. Labor allows you to develop intellectual abilities and educate morality in a person.

It helps to increase the child's self-esteem, making the child feel useful and needed by society. Labor education develops in the child the desire to contribute to something in common, the awareness of his social duty and pride in the result obtained.

The sense of camaraderie and collectivism that is formed in the process of labor education of children teaches them to work together, the distribution of responsibilities, as well as coordinated actions with other children. Such a quality of a person as hard work is characterized by the presence of appropriate skills and abilities, the presence of motivation, the ability to overcome difficulties that have arisen on the way, the conscious performance of labor activity for society and oneself.

In the future, work will serve as the basis for choosing a person's professional activity. Therefore, the labor education of a child in the family and in specialized institutions should be built in such a way that he develops in many ways.

Labor activity and the ability to do it are formed in early childhood. The family plays an important role in this process. Already at this age, parents should give the child feasible tasks, such as assembling toys in a box, wiping objects from dust, washing face and hands, keeping clothes in order. Only in this way will the child respect not only his own work, but also the efforts of others.

How to teach a baby to work?

Early age is the initial period of labor education of children. It was at this time that the prerequisites for labor activity were laid. The kid can already understand the connection between the perfect action and the result obtained. In early childhood, voluntary movements and tool actions develop. The kid is already able to perform productive activities. Moreover, it has a desire to solve simple problems without the help of adults.

First, the baby masters voluntary hand movements. This happens by the end of the first six months of life. Then the movements are combined into a single system, which allows the child to achieve a certain result of his actions: throwing the rattle out of the crib, grabbing the toy, etc. Thanks to the participation of adults in the labor education of babies, these actions become more complicated. The child can already put rings on the rod of the pyramid, put some objects into others, and so on.

The development of instrumental actions allows the kid to use a spoon, cup, spatula and other similar objects. Later, the child learns to take off socks, unfasten buttons, etc. By mastering simple actions, the child develops motor skills and abilities and an interest in work.

In the second year of life, the development of self-service is laid. First, the kids learn something, then they consolidate the skills they have received. By the age of three, self-care starts to get complicated. Children do not easily wash their hands or take off their pants, but they do it consciously, in a certain order. Naturally, babies still cannot do without the help of their parents.

Labor training should take place individually, in the process of caring for a child and communicating with him. The adult must explain and show the kid how to perform this or that action. At first it can be one task, and then several sequential actions. An adult can help a child pick up a spoon correctly or serve a plate of bread to take to the table. In some cases, the parent must act with the hands of the baby so that he understands how this or that action is performed.

When the child has mastered elementary labor actions, he only needs to be prompted what needs to be done. Help can be provided only in difficult situations for the baby. After the correct execution of the action, the child should be praised. This will not only make the baby happy, but also stimulate the desire to do something else useful.

Self-service is formed in the game. You can offer the baby to undress and dress the doll. In this game, the child learns to unbutton and button clothes. Self-service actions are reinforced using game techniques. The kid is offered to wash the doll, dress it or put it to bed. Improvement of the kid's tool actions can also be carried out in the game: the ability to use a shovel, hammer in the pegs, and so on.

This is how the habit is developed. It tends to fade away quickly, so it is necessary to support it by repeating labor actions. So, for example, when washing his face, the baby rolls up his sleeves, lathers his hands and rinses off the soap with water. Then he straightens the towel and wipes the pens. So that the child does not get bored with all these actions, you can use nursery rhymes. For example, this:

"Pure water

Washes Katya's face

Larochka's palms,

And fingers - to Ilyushka. "

To teach a baby to serve himself, it is necessary to arouse his interest in this. You can include in the activity various dramatizations using toys, for example, organize a tabletop theater. The plot of the game can be different: "Teddy bear teaches the Tiger cub to eat correctly" or "How the Hen washed up", etc. In order for the child to correctly perform the mastered skills, it is necessary to constantly monitor this. For this purpose, you can use stories about difficult everyday situations that children face.

When learning self-service skills, didactic games are also appropriate. The name can be anything. For example, "The bear is frozen", "We will bathe the doll Katya", "We will treat the animals." It is important for parents to know that if they do not pay enough attention to how the baby performs a particular action, he will develop bad habits, and the necessary skills will not develop.

Instilling industriousness in preschoolers

Preschool children should respectfully treat other people's work, be responsible, thrifty, caring, be able to work in a team of peers and evaluate their work positively, be able to organize work. All these skills should be developed in children by adults, and do it gradually. First you need to instill a particular skill, and then improve and consolidate it.

At this age, children are taught household work, self-service, manual labor and in nature, as well as various types of duty. Each type of labor develops in its own way and according to age. So, household work consists in the child's mastering the habit of maintaining order at home and on the site, taking away toys and leaves on the street.

Self service - the ability to meet your daily needs. From the age of five, children can already be offered to wash their little things. The frequency with which self-care skills work is carried out depends on the age of the children and the degree of their mastery.

Manual labor based on maintaining order in the economy. So, a preschooler, of course, under the guidance of an adult, can sew on a button, glue a book, make a souvenir from improvised material. Labor in nature consists in working in a vegetable garden, in a corner of nature, in a garden. Here, a preschooler can water the beds or flowers, plant onions, harvest, and more. Closer to school age, you can give your child tasks for caring for garden tools. At the same age, children are able to be on duty in the area allotted to them: sweeping paths, helping kids, etc.

The attitude to work among preschoolers will be formed in direct proportion to what importance adults will attach to it. That is, the child can experience both the joy of work and a negative attitude towards it. The latter option can happen when using uninteresting methods in the labor education of preschoolers. It is necessary to develop in the child an interest in feasible work.

A child is more interested in work if it interferes with play. The preschooler simply stops noticing that this is a game. Labor activity should contain such techniques as secrecy and competition.

In the labor education of preschool children, scenes with toys are used. You can act out a scene with a plastic or rubber pig. Her face should be smeared with something that is easy to wash off. The adult asks Piggy questions about why she is so dirty and what needs to be done to get clean. The pig can reach for the child to kiss him. The answer to the question of what Piggy needs to be done must be given by the child.

Hand washing can also be accompanied by a game. Before this procedure, preschoolers should be told about the visit of one of the cartoon characters and about his distrust that children can wash their hands without leaving marks on the towel. This will be an incentive to show your favorite hero how skillfully children can wash their pens.

Kids love everything secret, so any kind of work activity can be turned into a secret. For example, cleaning a plot can be imagined as such a game: tell the children that the janitor who tidies up the yard is very tired and needs help. What if the janitor comes to clean, and here it will be clean. Let him think that it was the kind Carlson who helped him.

We correctly reward the success of children

Encouraging a child in the process of achieving success is a kind of upbringing trick. It is necessary to encourage constantly, but this does not mean that children should be gifted with gifts. Material encouragement is also welcome, but you need to be able to do it right. A child's self-confidence, his activity and independence are lost if he is constantly given gifts for success. Therefore, try to reward non-materially, but simply by praising or recognizing the importance of the child.

The kid becomes dependent on a reward if every right action is accompanied by a gift. For example, parents say, "If you put your toys away, we will buy you a car." The child develops the idea that his success is needed not by himself, but by his parents. And this should not be allowed.

To show a positive assessment of the baby's actions, it is enough to use the right word... We can say that you are delighted with his success. The child will be in a better mood, and he will be happy to do something else good.

To reward a child for success, all you need to do is nod, look affectionately, show an approving gesture, present a gift, or simply praise with a word. However, there is a small nuance here: you need to praise only for worthwhile actions and actions, and not for habits and daily duties. Otherwise, the praise will create a habit in the child and he will cease to strive for success.

Encouragement should be sincere and directed not at a person, but at an act. In the labor education of children, the main thing is not to be hypocritical or dissemble. They feel and understand it well. Be honest with your baby.

Should the labor education of boys and girls be separated?

If we talk about the gender difference between children of early and preschool age, then one condition should be taken into account: the labor education of boys and girls should be different. This is due, first of all, to a different understanding of the purpose of men and women. Let's turn to folk concepts.

The woman has always been perceived as the keeper of the hearth and mother. She took care of the family, raising children and keeping up the household. These responsibilities of a woman continue to this day. The man is the head of the family. He is its foundation and support. The man not only provided the family financially, but also did the hard work of the household. From these differences, the main tasks of the labor education of children began to form.

That is why girls and boys are raised differently. The girls are busy putting things in order in the room or on the plot: they plant flowers, water the plants, put away toys, etc. Boys, on the other hand, help in planting trees, carry books or toys, and so on.

There are many common methods of labor education of children. But do not forget about their gender difference. Therefore, using general methods of education, attention should be paid to the choice of methods for the development of labor skills in girls and boys.


It must be remembered that, just like in other types of education, in the labor development of children, attention should be paid to individuality. Work should be varied in content, only then will it be interesting for children. This condition will help to induce the desire to work.

Complicating work activity, we develop observation in the child, expand his horizons, teach to plan work. Work should be regular and feasible. In this case, children should not be in the same position, it is necessary to change it. The tools that the child uses in the workplace must be safe and age appropriate. But, remember that the inventory should be real, not a toy.

Their participation in domestic work is important for the upbringing of preschool and primary school children. From the age of four to five years, the child should have constant responsibilities around the house, and this should be considered the norm, a matter of course, and mandatory for the personal development of the child. In domestic work, accuracy, responsibility, hard work and many other useful qualities are brought up. He is needed not only to help parents around the house, but also to successfully teach in the future. The active participation of a child of preschool and primary school age in homework is a good school of general psychological preparation for an independent future life.

Even in preschool age, parents, as a rule, teach their children to self-service. Sometimes, however, some natural helplessness of preschoolers lingers for a long time in the minds of individual parents, and they continue to take care of not only seven-year-olds, but also older children. It comes to the point that the child does not have not only constant housework, but also basic self-service skills are not formed. He cannot make his bed, dress on his own, put school supplies in his portfolio, etc. Without realizing it, parents instill infantilism and selfishness in their child. Developing a habit of work is troublesome. Parents don't have to wait for easy and quick results. First of all, because the love of work is brought up only in work, and secondly, any work is associated with overcoming inability, with effort, fatigue, stress.

Labor education begins with everyday work. Of course, housework for a child is not joyful entertainment and not all children do household chores without being reminded, especially if there is one child in the family and adults are constantly trying to protect him from difficulties.

But parents need to understand the main thing - by involving children in the performance of household duties, they cultivate the habit of working, and with it the habit of caring for loved ones, foster sensitivity and responsiveness in children.

Parents should instill in their children that any work aimed at the benefit of people is noble.

The younger student should have constant responsibilities, as this contributes to the education of the child's responsibility and self-respect. Household work that forms work habits should not be sporadic. Work skills are developed through constant exercise and repetition. A disservice to their children is provided by those parents who protect their children from household chores.

When teaching children to carry out work assignments around the house, parents should understand that they should not be forced to work. It is unlikely that the work from under the stick will be useful. Try to clearly explain to your son or daughter how important the job he has done is to the family. And one more important rule - you cannot punish a child with labor, he should not develop the conviction that labor is a punishment.

The main types of work that educate and develop a child as a person are equipment and cleaning the house, housekeeping, participation with parents in solving financial issues, in cooking, in the manufacture of household items, as well as caring for plants, animals and etc. In the countryside and in the city, in those families that have plots of land, this is also agricultural work. Taking care of his own home develops a sense of the owner in the child, forms his organization, improves his practical thinking. Children of preschool age themselves need to participate in equipping their place for play, recreation, and for children of primary school age - also places for learning. Each child in the house should have his own, at least a small, working corner.

The initiative in organizing all this should first belong to the adult, but then, as the child grows up, go to him. Younger schoolchildren can do all this completely independently, only in cases of extreme need, turning to adults for help (for example, when, due to the lack of physical or other capabilities, the child is not able to do something on his own). An adult, without denying the child the necessary help, should encourage him to think and act independently by all available means, to stimulate children's initiative and independence in work in every possible way.

The participation of children in cleaning the house develops their neatness and cleanliness. These two qualities belong to the category of the so-called psychohygienic, and it is necessary to start taking care of their development from an early age. However, at this age, the opportunities for their upbringing are still limited and are fully revealed only in preschool age. It was during these years that special attention should be paid to the education of neatness and cleanliness.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure that these two qualities in a child are manifested in self-care, in systematic care for oneself, for one's clothes, for toys and other things for personal use. An important role in the formation of these personal qualities belongs to the people around them: parents, brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers. None of the right words and exhortations will help in the education of accuracy and cleanliness, if these qualities are not developed in the people closest to the child.

Another aspect of parenting in domestic work is economic.
It includes the child's participation in housekeeping, in related calculations, in spending the family budget, in determining income and expenses. The acquisition by a child of preschool or primary school age of elementary experience of economic relations in the family contributes to the formation of entrepreneurship, frugality and prudence.

The main ways and means of educating these personality traits at home are as follows:

1. Offering children different economic challenges, appropriate to their age, interests and level of understanding. A gradual transition to games where the plot is the solution to some economic problem.

2. Attracting a child and giving him independence in choosing purchases, first for himself, then for the family.

3. Attracting a preschool child to participate in commercial activities where the family is engaged in it.

4. Involvement of children in calculations related to the family budget.

5. Allocation of a certain amount of money to children for small expenses, implying cost savings.

There are types of domestic work that are directly or indirectly related to self-service. These are food preparation, repair and manufacture of clothing parts, household and personal items. The participation of children of preschool and primary school age in these types of work is mandatory, since it develops their independence, independence, the ability to self-service, leads to the optimal development of the child's labor activity.

When giving instructions to a child, you need to think about whether he can do it. The ability of parents to correctly assess the capabilities of children is no less important than the ability to attract them to work.

It is imperative that parents must respect the child. Agree in advance with him about those household chores that he must do. After all, a son or daughter may have important things of their own.

Do not forget to praise your child for a job well done. If the parents are not satisfied with the result of the work performed by the child, you should not rush to express your dissatisfaction with him. We must try to understand the reason, tell the child how to do it better next time.

You need to try to be consistent in your requirements.

Before you assign anything to the child, you need to show him a sample of the correct implementation of the assignment. It is necessary to teach this to the child, several times to complete this assignment with him.

Use playful moments in labor education more often.

Teach the child to respect the work of other people, to take care of the results of their labor activity. Tell children about your work and about the work of your loved ones, friends.

Do not do for the child what he is able to do himself.

Seeing the flaws, do not get to work yourself!

Already at 2-3 years old, you often hear the same phrase from your baby - “I myself!”. It is so touching when the baby takes up the vacuum cleaner or rushes to help his mother hang out the laundry that has just been washed. But as often happens - in a hurry, we stop the children, fleetingly say "don't touch, I'll do it myself" or "you will do it wrong, and then I will have to redo it - I already have no time!" Having said such words to a child once, we can for a long time (if not even forever) discourage him from helping us and doing everything on our own.

But, as you know, “labor made a man out of a monkey”, therefore, labor is also capable of making a full-fledged person who respects others out of a small child, who can help, listen, understand and perform the work entrusted to him.

Responsibilities - by age

Many mothers are generally interested in the question, should children help their parents? And the answer will be unequivocal - of course yes! It's just that each age has its own capabilities, and if it is too early to teach a 2-year-old baby to knock out carpets, then at 10 years old a child can do almost all household chores.

A one-year-old child, who has just recently learned to walk, cannot help you in any way with the housework, and he doesn’t want to - so far such "games" are not interesting to him. But the more time he spends with you, the more he wants to imitate you. And now, at 1.5 years old, the baby needs to be taught to collect all his toys in a box, give a cloth to wipe the dust and, together with the child, carry it on the surface of the table and furniture, trust the scoop into which you can sweep the garbage, and the baby full of pride , carry it, holding it tightly with two handles, into the trash can.

When the child grows up a little, by about 3 years old, he needs to be taught to clean up the dishes (do not wash them, but just clear the table from unnecessary plates), wipe the table, wipe the washed forks and spoons (if your dishes are made of safety glass , then allow to wipe small dishes). A feasible task for the child will be to load the laundry into the washing machine (while teaching the baby to understand colors and never combine white clothes with red or black ones).

When a child turns 5 years old, he can already be considered your full-fledged assistant - once you have shown how they set the table, you can entrust him with it for the next holiday, the child can wash a plate and a cup behind him (until he reaches the sink, substitute a stool for him ), iron the towels, cut vegetables for salad using a special vegetable and egg cutter.

Of course, this is a purely conditional division, but you must understand that at 2 years old trusting a child with an iron is still scary, and at 5 the baby should already be able to completely clean up after himself, therefore, gradually, starting with a small one, teach the child simple work. When children help their parents, it makes life easier for some and becomes a fun game for others.

How to teach a child to help around the house?
  • Do everything together - it is desirable that mom, dad and child work shoulder to shoulder. Then it will be more fun and pleasant for everyone to work, knowing that everyone does the cleaning, and not like in most families - mom does not unbend, and dad watches TV. You will only be able to achieve the correct influence of labor on the development of the child's personality when you show him an extremely positive and correct personal example of mutual help, support for each other and joint joy from the roles played;
  • Change the phrase “if you don’t take away, you won’t get anything and we won’t go anywhere” to “when you take away, we will do this and we will go there”. The child should understand that the cleaning will take place anyway, but he needs to be positively attuned to it, and not intimidated and threatened;
  • A child, like a husband, should always be asked, and do not think that it is higher than you, and that you will never ask. The child is more willing to do the job if you ask him, rather than order. This is a great role model that a child should carry with him into adulthood;
  • From the moment when the baby starts to walk, teach him to clean up toys, scattered things - turn this into a game, come up with various plots so that the child will be as interesting as scattering. A game-competition will be successful when you say “come on, who is faster?”, But at the same time point out that in addition to speed, all cleaning should be done efficiently, because the child should know and understand that in life there is not only a game, but also certain responsibilities. Let the children win - let them do a useful job and rejoice from the bottom of their hearts;
  • In order to teach kids not to be capricious and put away all their toys, start a loud alarm clock and say "as soon as the melody starts playing, all uncleaned toys will fly into the trash bin!" Maybe this will seem like some cruel punishment, but it very well encourages the kids to clean up the scattered toys after them. And once realizing that you are not joking, children will no longer be capricious. A disciplined person in any team will gain respect;
  • You will improve your baby's mood if you turn on children's songs during cleaning - you must admit that even adults are more willing to clean up to their favorite tunes;
  • If you see that the baby is still unable to do this or that task, for example, put all his things in the closet, be sure to help him. But don't do it every time - show your child how and where to fold, and let him try it himself next time. Teach him independence, but at the same time help him so that the child feels your support, and among other good qualities, mutual help and support is brought up in him. However, do not rush to help every time, otherwise the child will understand that with only the phrases “I’m tired”, “I don’t know how to do this,” “I cannot do it,” he can evade responsibilities. As a result, instead of an assistant, you will grow up to be capricious;
  • Do not transfer the “tools of labor” to different places - a broom, a scoop, cloths for wiping dust, a vacuum cleaner should take their own place in your apartment so that the child can take them at any moment;
  • Put another trash can in the nursery, and let him put apple bits, unnecessary pieces of paper, spoiled pencils, broken toys there. So you will quickly teach your child to be clean, because it is more convenient for him to throw garbage in a nearby trash can than to run to the kitchen. In addition, this is another step towards independence, because the child himself will choose what to throw out and what to leave;
  • If the child is still so small that he cannot cope with a broom or other object, buy him little doll au pair. Let the child imitate you, do the same as you, but with a feasible equipment. It is important for the child to remember the sequence of your actions and repeat them exactly, and not just watch you;
  • Pay attention to what the child is most attracted to - rags and a broom or electrical appliances. If it’s a master’s business, then involve the child more in your chores around the house. If he likes devices connected to electricity more, instruct dad to do it. While the child helps dad, you can be calm that he will not fit into the outlet without asking, but will completely satisfy his curiosity in the garage with dad, doing his "male" affairs with a drill and a soldering iron. Perhaps the child has already chosen the right path for further development;
  • Praise is no less important, but it should be in moderation. At first, praise the child for any achievements, but when he learns everything, he should understand that now these are his duties, and not a favor to his mother. You need to say "thank you" in any case, but do not admire every time after the child has wiped the dust. This should become part of his daily and weekly routine, the child needs to understand that in addition to his rights, he has a lot of responsibilities, and it is important to teach him to treat them positively, and not with whims.

The main mistakes of parents

Upbringing is impossible without parental mistakes, because we do not know how any of our actions will affect the further development of our child, his attitude towards us. But there are typical mistakes that most parents make who have never looked into books about psychology.

  • Help for money

This is the most common and destructive mistake of parents when instead of praising they accustom their child to material rewards. Wipe off the dust - you'll get 10 rubles, if you stay with your brother - I'll buy a doll, wipe the floor - you'll earn 5 points.

Thus, parents turn the child's life into a calculating game, where for every good deed the child receives either accumulative points, which are then converted by the parents into a monetary equivalent, or the money or gifts themselves.

But the main thing is for the child to understand: domestic work is his responsibility, not earnings, and children help their parents out of a sense of respect for them and for themselves, and not out of a desire to receive a reward. The most important reward should be mom's praise and her love, but not money. When your child grows up and becomes a teenager, instead of bringing you a cup of hot tea with honey, he will say “a cup of tea in bed - 50 rubles!”. And he will not be to blame for this, namely you.

  • Leave me alone - you're still small!

Although our children still do not know how much, we are parents to teach them. And instead of yelling at them and snapping at them for the fact that out of curiosity they crawl everywhere with their little noses, it is better to satisfy this interest by allowing the child to do the same as you.

When a child more than once stumbles upon a wall of prohibitions, in the future he will no longer ask you to show you how you cook soup or how you wash clothes - he will know that he will hear in response “you are still small”. And when the age really comes that it is time for the child to help you, you will complain that he is not doing anything.

Get a small stool - let the kid take it when he wants to watch how you chop vegetables, how you wipe the dust in the sideboard. Allow your child not only to observe, but also to participate.

If a child, through your fault, no longer wants to help you, he will grow up to be a lazy, selfish person who is easier to say “I don’t know how” than to achieve their goals. Do not allow this and always accept the help of the child, in whatever it may be.

  • Broke - it doesn't matter

Yes, and we have “holes with holes”, and we drop something, scatter it, pour it out. But we do not shout at ourselves for this. Likewise, the child did not deserve such an attitude towards himself, because he is just learning, his hands are not yet so skillful, he still does not understand the possible consequences. I washed the plate and broke it - it's not scary, buy a new one. I carried the scoop to the trash can, and it turned over - not fatal, the garbage can be collected again or the place can be vacuumed.

There are no incorrigible things (unless, of course, the baby has broken a Chinese antique collectible vase), and you shouldn't scold for them, and run after the baby, pounced on him like a kite, too. The child already understands that he did something wrong, and he already shrinks with fear for what his mother will tell him. If at this moment you come up and help him, say kind words, cheer him up, then this failure will be a stepping stone to success.

When a child helps his mother and hears kind words in response, he gains self-confidence, grows as a full-fledged personality, beloved and loving person. If, in response, he hears only unkind abuse and tantrums, he will slowly withdraw into himself, shrink, always feel guilty.

  • Poor quality? Let's fix it!

Even if you are not satisfied with the quality of the work performed by the child (you didn’t wash the plate on the other hand, didn’t wipe the baseboard), you can redo his work, but so that the child does not see it. Next time, just tell your kid that it would be nice if, in addition to the floor, he also wiped the baseboard, and the plates need to be washed on both sides. Seeing the shortcomings, do not pull the washcloth or rag out of the child's hands and do not get to work yourself, otherwise the baby will no longer take up these matters.

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"Labor education in the family"

Labor is the most important means of upbringing, in the process of which the personality of the child is formed, collective relationships are formed.

Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are brought up from early childhood. And here the most important role belongs to the family, it is here that the elementary skills of household work are acquired.

In a family, children constantly see what their parents are doing: preparing food, cleaning the apartment, washing clothes, etc. Observing how adults perform these daily activities gradually helps to understand the significance of their significance. Adults can accompany their work with explanations to guide the child through the example of family members. This usually attracts the attention of children, they ask questions, try to help their parents. So gradually the child is attracted to work together with adults.

In the family, the child must be involved in daily participation in household work, while it is necessary to interest the child by setting out in an accessible form the importance of the work ahead, its result. Instructions given to children should be interesting and attractive in terms of the form of implementation. When teaching older preschool children, it is necessary to use play forms of organization more often, while taking into account the age characteristics of the child. For example, older preschoolers should systematically participate in housework (taking out the trash, washing dishes, going for bread, etc.). However, we must not forget that parents should appreciate his work and desire to do something for others and be sure to praise the baby.

The work of children in a family not only fosters a sense of responsibility, benevolence, responsiveness, discipline, independence, but also brings the child closer.

Thus, labor activity is one of the important factors in the upbringing of a personality. By joining the labor process, the child radically changes all ideas about himself and the world around him. It changes under the influence of success in work, which in turn changes the authority of the child in kindergarten.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Labor education in the family. Parent-teacher meeting.

Why is it necessary to teach a child to work from an early age? Feasible work is necessary because it contributes to the all-round development of the child. Work requires physical stress from the child and promotes the development of ...

For a long time industriousness occupied one of the central places in the system of human values, it was considered as a virtue, which in many respects ensures well-being in later life. Labor, respect and prosperity in the popular mind were interconnected concepts. The labor education of children provided not only teaching them all the skills necessary for peasant life, but also the formation in the child of a special attitude towards work as a vital means of subsistence and as an internal, moral need of a person. Children were taught to work according to a well thought out system, polished by many generations. The volume of the load and educational measures corresponded to the age of the child, his needs and capabilities at each time period. labor development children

At present, work is still the most important means of education, because it has been and remains the basis of human life and culture.

Labor develops the mental abilities of a person, it is in labor activity that a person manifests his creative activity, develops and improves creative inclinations. In the process of labor, a person gets stronger physically, his skills and abilities develop.

Hard work and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are brought up from early childhood.

Already by preschool age, children know a lot and are able to, they master relatively developed actions that are already effective. Then there is a transition from effective actions to productive ones.

School is the main link in the upbringing system of the younger generation. At each stage of a child's education, its own side of upbringing dominates. In the upbringing of younger schoolchildren, such a side is labor education.

Joining the labor process, the child radically changes his idea of ​​himself and the world around him. Self-esteem changes radically. In the process of communication and mastering new knowledge, the student's worldview is formed. Teamwork develops the socialization of the child's personality The development of abilities, feelings and thinking makes the child's personality more harmonious. In work, personality traits such as responsibility, hard work, discipline, independence and initiative are formed.

Fulfillment of certain feasible work duties contributes to fostering a sense of benevolence and responsiveness in the child.

Labor plays an important role in the development of the student's abilities. Attention of younger schoolchildren becomes purposeful and voluntary, although involuntary attention of children remains strong and competing with voluntary for a long time, its volume increases, and the ability to distribute attention between several objects increases.

The role of labor in development is great thinking... As labor skills are mastered, its new forms develop: technical, practical, logical. Thinking becomes abstract and generalized.

Perception thanks to improved surveillance, it is becoming an increasingly focused and manageable process.

The intellectual character is acquired by younger students memory... The child not only remembers, but also begins to solve special mnemonic problems for arbitrary intentional memorization or reproduction of the required material. Both types of memory - voluntary and involuntary - undergo such qualitative changes in primary school age, thanks to which their close relationship and mutual transitions are established.

In the conditions of work, development takes place imagination. Recreational (reproductive) imagination develops in all classes by forming in children, firstly, the ability to define and depict the implied states of objects that are not directly indicated in their description, but the following are natural, and secondly, the ability to understand the conventions of some objects, their properties and states (for example, this event did not actually happen, but conditionally it can be imagined "as if" happened, and then it is just as conditionally to find out its consequences). The desire of younger students to indicate the conditions of origin and construction of any objects contributes to the development creative (productive) imagination.

Consequently, work is the most important factor affecting the development of a child's personality.

In Russian schools, a certain system of labor education of the younger generation has developed, which is implemented directly through educational, productive and socially useful labor. In a boarding school, the types of work are somewhat different: educational work, socially useful, self-service, household and manual labor. This division is conditional, since there are no clear boundaries between them. For example, making his bed, the child, on the one hand, is engaged in self-service, and on the other hand, helps to put things in order in the bedroom.

Academic work almost the most difficult for a child, because he requires a lot of mental stress, long-term and painstaking. But it is in the process of educational work that the attitude towards labor activity as a whole is brought up, the purposeful, daily development of the child's personality takes place.

Socially useful work is the basis of the entire system of labor education of students. Socially useful labor is a purposeful, planned, conscious, voluntary activity that has a clearly expressed social significance. All students are involved in it. In the process of systematic socially useful labor, such moral qualities as responsibility, respect for public property, discipline, creative activity and independence are formed. The main distinguishing feature of socially useful work is that it is work in which each participant in the activity takes care of the people around them, about the school, about the school territory.

The simplest and most accessible type of socially useful labor is self service, home and school. Self-care is constant concern for the cleanliness of the body, the order of the suit, the willingness to do everything necessary for this and to do without external demands, from an internal need, to observe hygiene rules. Children are accustomed to self-service from preschool years. Consolidation and development of habits and skills of self-service in the lower grades is a good psychological basis for instilling in children a sense of respect for the work of adults, understanding the role of work in people's lives, readiness for prolonged physical stress., Self-confidence.

Household labor occupies a very significant place in our everyday life. Cleaning, laundry, shopping and other things - there are many of them. From day to day the same thing is repeated, there is no getting away from it. It is necessary to accustom children to everyday work not only because we must prepare them for their future independent life. The habit, the ability to do something with his own hands will be useful to him in any profession, and, in addition, they greatly contribute to the mental development of the child.

Manual labor is the most important type of work in a correctional school. It aims to teach children how to work with various materials. In addition, manual labor has a corrective effect on the mental development of younger students. So, for example, special attention in manual labor lessons is given to fostering the habit of thinking over an assignment in students and not starting to complete it immediately. In this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of application work and the manufacture of crafts (manuals), bookmarks for books, during which students develop the skills of organization, the ability to act according to a pre-drawn plan, interdisciplinary connections are made, design skills and skills, creativity are developed, the horizons expand children. In the process of labor, children get acquainted with the simplest technical devices, master the skills of working with some tools, learn to take good care of materials, objects of labor, tools.

Children learn through experience elementary ideas about the properties of various materials: the material undergoes various transformations, and various things can be made from it.

Children of primary school age are happy to take on any business, carry out assignments of adults, help with housework and school affairs, therefore, it is necessary to offer children a variety of types of work, update their content, support the desire to work and belief in success, stimulate an emotional attitude to the results of activities ...

But whatever work is carried out at school for labor education, its foundations are laid in the family. The imitation inherent in a child is one of the most important motives that induce children to be active. Observing the work of adults creates the desire to do the same. Not extinguishing this desire, but developing and deepening it is the main task of parents if they want to raise a child to be hardworking. Very often, parents believe that children of primary school age cannot be entrusted with work assignments, since they are still small and do not know how to do anything. It is not right.

Typical mistakes of parents are in a misunderstanding of the educational value of labor for children, protecting them from labor and performing household and educational work for them, incorrect stimulation of child labor (payment for labor, for studies, the promise of expensive gifts). Sometimes they are punished with labor, they do not know how to properly organize the child's work in the family (they are limited and are content with one-time assignments, they do not give permanent and for a long time).

In a family, children should lay the foundations for hard work, develop labor skills.

In addition, the family and the school must interact with each other, carry out work on labor education, adhering to the following principles:

Introduction to work through self-service;

  • - a gradual transition from self-service to work for others;
  • - gradual expansion of the range of responsibilities, increasing their complexity;
  • - tactful and constant quality control of the fulfillment of labor orders;
  • - organization of training in the performance of labor operations;
  • - the formation of the child's confidence in the importance of performing the assigned work;
  • - taking into account the individual characteristics and inclinations of the child when distributing work assignments;
  • - encouragement of diligent fulfillment of orders, manifestation of independence and initiative;
  • - alternation of work and rest, as well as various types of work in the daily routine of a younger student.

When organizing purposeful, daily work on labor education, one should also remember about the possibilities of works of fiction, illustrations, paintings, films that will help expand the child's understanding of adult labor.