Stress and gray hair: is there a relationship. Severe stress can turn gray. Why are we turning gray

Scientists from America have established the causes of early gray hair: it is stress and malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. The pigment melanin, which is found in hair and determines their color, is massively destroyed by the stress hormone.

Stressful situations at work, more often than domestic conflicts, cause gray hair.

Relatively recently, just a few decades ago, gray hair aroused special respect, the owners of such hair were considered wiser than others, and it was even fashionable to dye curls under gray hair ...

Nowadays, not every woman dares to show her gray hair. Fortunately, hair dye manufacturers are doing everything possible, providing a huge choice so that modern ladies use their services as often as possible.

Causes of early gray hair

It is not news to anyone that the pigment melanin determines hair color and skin color. It also performs a protective function, absorbing ultraviolet rays, protects the deep layers of the skin and hair from radiation damage. And they produce the pigment melanin - stem cells located in the hair follicles.

Stressful situations at work

When quarrels with colleagues at work, constant criticism of the bosses become commonplace, the created atmosphere undermines the nervous system, stress arises.

In a stressful situation, the number of stem cells decreases, and therefore melanin, which is destroyed under the influence of environmental conditions, and does not have time to recover, empty areas are formed that are filled with air. The effect of gray hair is created - the hair begins to turn gray.

The more a person gets nervous and loses his temper, the more often he gets gray hair at an early age. The question arises, why does the gray hair not go away when a person copes with stress?

Dr. Mayumi Ito explains it this way: when a person gets out of stress, the number of stem cells in the hair follicles is restored, and they begin to synthesize the pigment melanin again, but after destructive stress, the process of melanin production goes very slowly, not having time to fill the formed voids.

Dr. Mayumi Ito notes that stressful situations can also be the reasons for the appearance of age spots on the skin, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Thyroid function

In addition, the reasons for the appearance of gray hair in the hair were named, scientists argue that this is due to the work of the thyroid gland, a special place is also given to genetic predisposition, to the influence of external influences.

Armed with the latest research by scientists, it remains for us to draw conclusions, if early graying of hair is not inherited, try to protect yourself from stressful situations.

  • Read:

Watch a short video from which you will learn about additional causes of gray hair:

- the appearance of gray hair at the age of up to 25 years in representatives of the Caucasian and Mongoloid races and up to 30 years in representatives of the Negroid race. Early gray hair, as a rule, is not associated with the general aging process, but with various kinds of unfavorable internal factors that disrupt the functioning of melanocytes. In order to find out the causes of early graying of hair, it is necessary to consult a trichologist, study the level of vitamins and trace elements in the blood and hair, and thyroid hormones. Head massage, hardware procedures, masks, mesotherapy will help to slow down the appearance of early gray hair. You can hide gray strands by dyeing your hair.

General information

For everyday home care of gray hair, it is advisable to use shampoos intended for washing damaged and dry hair, conditioners, conditioners and conditioners. You can use folk remedies that slow down the appearance of early gray hair: make masks from castor and burdock oil, rub lotions from burdock root, nettle, etc. into the hair roots.

The only way to restore gray hair to its former color is to dye it. Dyeing gray hair has its own nuances, so it is recommended to carry it out in a beauty salon. In this case, the specialist takes into account the percentage of gray hair, the type of gray hair, hair length, and the desired color. Often, pre-pigmentation is required before the main dyeing, however, most modern dyes designed for dyeing gray hair work well without a preliminary procedure.

If the amount of gray hair is small (no more than 25%), toning will help to cope with the problem of early gray hair. The procedure will give gray hair a uniform tone, healthy gloss and shine; provide quick and easy combing. You can also camouflage the first gray strands using blonding or highlighting. If the hair contains more than 50% gray hair, it is better to resort to permanent hair coloring with vegetable (henna, basma) or chemical dyes.

It is possible to successfully beat early gray hair with the help of a stylish asymmetrical or multi-layered haircut. For styling your hair, you can use an iron to help make your hair silky and manageable. At the same time, perm can additionally thin gray strands, so it is better to maintain a time interval between dyeing and curling.

If you are faced with the problem of early gray hair, do not despair. Gray hair can be beneficial to emphasize individuality, give the image consistency and solidity. No wonder, many stylists specifically add artificial gray hair to the hairstyles of their young models. Well-groomed, early gray hair can also look attractive, stylish and elegant.

Gray hair does not always mean the withering of the body and the approach of old age, but many women and men perceive it that way. Sometimes prematurely whitened hair is a sign of serious pathologies or makes you think about your diet, reconsider the daily routine. There are many reasons why white blotches appear on the hair. If you do not know how to stop gray hair, try pharmacy or folk remedies. Some physiotherapy procedures will also help slow down the process.

Causes of graying

The color of the strands is determined by genetics and depends on the melanin content of the hair shafts. Blondes have little of this pigment, so they turn gray earlier. Although this is usually not so visible against the background of blond hair. In brunettes and brown-haired women, melanin is much more, but on dark hair it is more noticeable. As a rule, on average, people begin to notice the first graying after 35 years. By about 45 years of age, whitened hair predominates over the strands of a natural shade, and then the process continues on an increasing basis.

It also happens that curls lose pigments even before a person reaches a certain age. This may be due to heredity. Remember or ask your parents how early their hair turned white. Around the same period, gray hair will begin to cover your hair as well.

By the way. Pathology is considered the appearance of gray hair before the age of 20 in people with white skin, and up to 30 years in the case of representatives of the black race, who usually turn gray at all after 50 years.

If the unusually early graying is not genetically related, it is worth looking for the cause within the body. This symptom often indicates:

  • diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of the circulatory system;
  • metabolic disorders, thyroid dysfunction;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • skin ailments, including those associated with pigmentation disorders (vitiligo, albinism, and others);
  • lack of the hormone serotonin. It is synthesized during sleep and accumulates outside in sunny weather. To do this, you need to walk for at least 1.5 hours.

Besides, graying hair can be triggered by such factors:

  • poor ecological situation in the region;
  • irrational, unbalanced nutrition, including extreme diets;
  • prolonged depression, stress;
  • deficiency of vitamins or certain substances: iodine, selenium, iron, zinc and others;
  • bad habits that provoke hormonal imbalance and earlier aging of the body;
  • long-term use of certain medications that negatively affect immunity and metabolism (including antibiotics).

Attention! Using a hair dryer, curling iron, or ironing does not in any way affect the loss of melanin in hair, which means it does not lead to the appearance of gray.

How to stop, slow down the process

Hair coloring with tonics or persistent dyes only allows you to mask the whitened strands, and to stop gray hair, you will need other methods and procedures.

The quality and nutritional value of food is of great importance. Be sure to eat foods rich in calcium, copper, chromium, zinc, iodine, and iron. This is milk and everything that is made from it, seaweed, beef, eggs, legumes, mushrooms and others. Also, beta-carotene (carrots, fish, liver, cabbage), B vitamins (dairy products, walnuts, pork, mackerel), C (bell peppers, citrus fruits, apples, berries), E (found in many nuts), folic acid (broccoli, liver, beans, nuts).

Foods containing omega acids are also useful: olive oil, salmon, fish oil.

It is believed that a lack of fluid makes it difficult for the absorption of nutrients, and therefore can provoke graying of hair. Drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily (compotes, juices, tea and coffee do not count!)

A medical examination and treatment of chronic ailments will help stop gray hair. In addition, you should avoid being in a stressful situation for a long time. If necessary, you should seek help from a neurologist and psychotherapist. To preserve the beauty of the curls and prevent the appearance of gray hair, it is important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, play sports, and properly care for the hair. Same special procedures, pharmacy preparations and home recipes will help to cope with graying.

Folk remedies

1. Garlic mask:

  • chop a few peeled cloves;
  • add a little burdock oil to get gruel;
  • rub into the hair roots with massage movements;
  • warm your head;
  • after 10-15 minutes, wash off the remaining mask with shampoo. Repeat twice a week.

2. Nettle broth, which helps to hide gray hair on dark hair:

  • take 5 tablespoons of plant roots and leaves;
  • fill them with 2 tablespoons of water and half the amount of vinegar;
  • cook for 15 minutes over low heat;
  • filter, wait for cooling and distribute over the skin, hair. Repeat regularly before bed for 3 weeks.

3. Castor mask. It is able to stop gray hair by activating the natural production of coloring pigment. It is enough to rub castor oil slightly warmed in a water bath into the scalp one hour before washing. Hair color will begin to recover, and curls will be strong, healthy, shiny.

4. Rosehip tincture also helps to stop gray hair:

  • pour half a glass of dry fruits with 2 liters of boiling water;
  • leave for 2 hours;
  • put on fire and boil for 5 minutes;
  • filter and put in a cold place;
  • rub into scalp three times a week. To increase the effectiveness of the anti-gray hair remedy, drink half a glass of the broth twice a week.

5. Mask with red pepper. It will help those who do not know how to stop gray hair. It is considered a fairly effective folk recipe:

  • take 6 dry chili pods;
  • fill them with good quality vodka (you need 0.5 liters);
  • put away for 3 weeks in a cool place where the sun's rays do not fall;
  • rub into head one hour before washing. Such a mask activates the metabolism and circulation, blood circulation, makes the hair strong, restores its rich color and is able to stop gray hair.

6. Tincture with burdock and dill:

  • chop the burdock root - you need 2 tablespoons of it;
  • pour a liter of water and put on fire;
  • boil until the original volume is halved;
  • add 2 tablespoons of dill seeds;
  • leave for 3 hours;
  • rub into scalp every day for 8 weeks. You will soon find that this tincture helps stop gray hair.


  • Antisedin. The lotion contains sulfur, glycerin and other components that act with the keratin protein curl and promote the production of pigment. The product helps to stop gray hair, restores hair to its original color. Additionally, Antiseedin strengthens curls, accelerates their growth. The manufacturer specifies that the lotion dyes light hair faster, darker - slower. A bottle of 150 milliliters costs about 170 rubles.
  • Dimexide. It is known as a drug that fights inflammation in the skin. However, relatively recently it has been proven that the remedy has a healing effect on the hair. Dimexide improves the regeneration of the dermis and increases blood flow to the follicles, making hair less prone to graying. The liquid is often used to prepare masks, diluting it with water in a 1: 3 ratio (even less for sensitive skin). The cost of a 100 ml bottle is about 40-50 rubles.

  • Neurobeks. The complex contains vitamins of group B. It is used as an adjuvant for various pathologies of internal organs, problems with the nervous system. Protects the body from stress, which often causes early gray hair. Forms of release - 30 and 60 tablets. Estimated cost - 300-350 rubles.
  • Selmevit. A fairly budgetary complex of domestically produced multivitamins (about 200 rubles for 30 tablets or 300 rubles for 60 tablets). Contains vitamins and minerals, including anti-gray selenium with antioxidant properties, iron, folic acid, iron, zinc, magnesium and other components that improve hair condition.

  • Reparex. There are separate lotions for men and women, as well as a remedy that can stop gray hair on the mustache and beard. The compositions differ, but all preparations contain silver nitrate and G-reductase, an enzyme that is necessary for coloring the melanin pigment. With regular use, the lotion makes gray hair less noticeable, restores the original hair color. Available in 125 ml vials. The price of any drug is about 2 thousand rubles.
  • Stopsedin. The spray helps to stop gray hair for men and women. Contains biotin (restores melanin production), inositol (protects follicles), and other anti-gray components. Improves hair condition, restores natural color. It costs about 1,000 rubles per 100 milliliters.

Alternative methods

  1. Mesotherapy. Injections using solutions of nutrients, the deficiency of which is proven (calcium, magnesium, zinc and others).
  2. Also, the trichologist can prescribe magnesia injections to stop gray hair.
  3. Vitamin therapy in the form of taking various vitamin and mineral complexes.
  4. Physiotherapy procedures, stimulating blood circulation and metabolic processes of the skin, enhancing the nutrition of the hair follicles. Stop gray hair will help: darsonvalization, laser therapy, ultrasound and other methods.

Ash hair color, partly imitating gray hair, is considered fashionable. And real gray curls on your own head sometimes cause panic, especially among women.

An important point! If it's about genetics, you have to put up with it and paint over the white strands. If they appear for other reasons, try stopping the gray hair.

Myth No. 1. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day

This postulate of a healthy lifestyle was first promulgated in 1945. Then the US Board of Nutrition advised all prudent Americans to drink 8 glasses of water a day in order to stay in shape and keep their bodies clean and tidy. Since then, many diets include the same recommendation, and there is a popular belief that a large amount of liquid helps to lose weight.

Actually. By itself, water will not do you any harm, but in large quantities, as you know, anything can be harmful. Try to estimate how much liquid you consume per day: even if you exclude all other drinks, you still eat vegetables and fruits and thus get moisture. If you overdo it, the result can be a condition called hyponatremia, or, more simply, a lack of salts in the body. This will dramatically increase the risk of cardiovascular and other serious diseases, says Dr. Rachel Vriman of the Center for Child Health Research at Indiana University.

Myth # 2. Stress turns hair gray

Recently, it is fashionable to blame everything on stress - from acne to cancerous tumors. This go-ahead is perhaps the second most popular after the "lack of vitamins" and "malnutrition". By the way, they are often used to explain hair loss.

Actually. Stress really has a negative effect on our body. The more nervous a person gets, the faster they age, says Dr. Nancy Snyderman, because stress increases the amount of free radicals in the body. And they, in turn, are the main culprits for the appearance of wrinkles and hair loss. However, there is no scientific evidence that stress is accompanied by graying, there is no. The timing of the appearance of gray hair is determined by our genes, and not by the ability to control ourselves.

Myth number 3. Reading in dim light deteriorates vision

Remember what your mother told you as a child? Brush your teeth in the morning, wash your hands before eating, sit up straight and not read under the covers. And now a good half of the population of our planet is confident in the inviolability of this rule.

Actually. When you read in low light, your eyes have to seriously strain. However, the maximum that this threatens is a headache and, possibly, wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, the eyes may hurt for a while. You will feel itchy and dry, but this will go away rather quickly. Reading in low light has no long-term effect, Sniderman argues.

Myth # 4. Coffee is bad.

Disputes between lovers of tea and coffee have been going on since ancient times and, probably, will not end for a very long time. Let's try to understand a lot of arguments and cite only medical facts.

Actually. And again we return to the question of the sense of proportion. Of course, if you do not leave the coffee machine day and night, by the evening you will be a real bundle of nerves, ready to burst at any minute. See above for the effects of stress on the body. But if done in moderation, coffee can even be beneficial.

First, coffee, like green tea, contains antioxidants (of course, when it comes to a natural product). And so it significantly reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes, says Stacy Beeson, a nutritionist at the Idaho Medical Center. A recent study by Harvard University found that for women who consume coffee daily, this risk drops by as much as 30%. Other similar studies show that coffee also reduces the incidence of bowel cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson's disease and gallstone disease. Another plus is that coffee stimulates brain activity and, contrary to popular belief, does not increase the chances of undermining the cardiovascular system.

At the same time, the norm for the average person is no more than 3 cups a day (based on 100 ml in a cup), says Bison. If that amount brings you insomnia and high blood pressure, cut it in half or switch to substitutes. If you are pregnant or lack calcium in the body, it is better to consult a doctor.

Myth # 5. You have to starve at high temperatures.

This myth went back to those distant times, when there was simply nothing to treat a cold, and people went to any, even the most ridiculous, in our opinion, means to get rid of the disease. Another reason for this belief is that the digestion of food slightly raises the body temperature. People who are fond of self-medication also believe that during the heat it is not necessary to take away the energy from the body to process food - it, they say, already has few of them.

Actually. As a rule, colds and fever are caused by various viruses that enter the body and live in it from a week to 10 days. Because how you eat at this time, the lifespan of the virus does not depend, says Vriman. Doctors do not have any scientific evidence that diet during illness somehow affects the body's resistance, but even if you do not really feel like eating, it is better to have a snack with something small, but juicy. Because whatever one may say, you just need fluid to stay hydrated. In addition, moisture will help you cope with the illness more easily by reducing the amount of mucus, thereby relieving a runny nose and cough.

Myth # 6: Fresh food is better than frozen food

Ever since scientists discovered the wonderful thing about antioxidants, nutritionists have been praying in unison for fresh produce. "Freezing kills useful substances" - as the mantra is repeated by doctors. The same applies to any cooking method associated with heat treatment.

Actually. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be as good as fresh if they are harvested and frozen, as they say, at the peak of maturity. And cold processing and sealed packaging retains much more vitamins than remains in "fresh" products that have lain in the sun or in a supermarket refrigerator.

Myth No. 7. Consuming eggs increases cholesterol levels.

The logic of this statement is simple: the eggs themselves contain a lot of cholesterol - accordingly, if there are any, the level of this harmful substance in the blood will increase.

Actually. The latest research in this area has shown that only certain types of dietary fats affect cholesterol levels. And there are much less of them in eggs than, for example, in milk of medium fat content (almost 2 times). At the same time, eggs contain proteins, vitamins A and D. They are inexpensive, affordable and easy to prepare. So one egg a day will be a very beneficial ingredient in your diet, Beeson says.

Myth number 8. If you get cold, you will catch a cold

Another common truth, told to us in childhood. And since my mother said so, then it is so?

Actually. Lowering the external temperature does not affect the state of immunity in any way. Unless, of course, we are talking about extreme degrees of frostbite, when it is no longer necessary to worry about a cold. And we catch a cold, as mentioned above, thanks to viruses, and not because of the cold. As for the trend according to which the largest number of colds occur in the cold season, it is not related to temperature. The fact is that in winter we are more often in enclosed spaces, pushing in the subway, sitting in a cafe instead of walking down the street. And this is the most fertile soil for the spread of infection.

Why hair turns gray: myths and truths about gray hair

Graying hair- a natural physiological process of loss of pigment cells in hair follicles. When a strand of hair no longer produces melanin, the hair takes on a silvery gray tint. There are many theories as to why hair turns gray, from age to stress.

Some hair facts: The average scalp (scalp) contains between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs. The hair is so strong that an average hair can withstand a load of 100 grams. The average scalp could handle 10 to 15 tons if the scalp were that strong too. Human hair grows autonomously, that is, each hair has its own individual cycle. If all hair lived in a single cycle, we would shed! Hair has the highest degree of mitosis (cell division). An average strand of hair grows 0.3 mm per day and 1 cm per month.

Here is a selection of some of the facts that counter the myths about graying hair:

Does stress turn your hair gray?

No. Contrary to current belief, this is not the case. Hair color cannot change, it is produced by follicles and cannot just pick up and change when you are stressed. Hair follicles produce less color with age, so hair may look lighter with age, but it is still the same color.

If you pull out one gray hair, will it make more gray hairs?

The human body does not increase the number of follicles, and due to the fact that you pull out one gray hair, new ones will not appear. However, sometimes there is more than one hair in one follicle. From the point of view of Elizabeth Fmlips, a trichologist at a clinic in New York, the only reason multiple hairs grow from one place is because several follicles have merged into one.

Are genes to blame?

Yes. Look at your parents and grandparents. Chances are that you inherited hair traits from them, along with other genetic traits. Ethnicity also plays a role in how early a person's hair begins to turn gray. For example, Caucasians turn gray earlier than Asians or Negroids.

Does dyeing hair turn gray?

No. Unless you specifically dye them in a gray color The color of hair regrown after dyeing will be the same as before dyeing - no matter what it was: black, red or gray.

Yes. A 2013 study by scientists showed that there is a strong link between smoking and the onset of early graying of hair before the age of 30. By the way, cigarettes bring other health problems as well, so it's best to keep them.

Why does hair turn gray in young people?

I ask for advice in such a problem - more and more gray hair began to appear. What folk remedies can you use to minimize the appearance of gray hair, such as rinsing herbs? It is surprising that gray hair appears not only in people of age - why does hair turn gray in young people?

The reasons for graying hair can be either acquired changes, or at the level of genetics, unfortunately at this stage of the development of cosmetology, no drugs have been found that could somehow stop this process, but there is an effective way to use coloring, you just need to choose a paint with a more natural base ...

Yes, this is really a big problem, my friend was 20 years old, and his hair is all gray. Try to be less nervous, well, you will have to dye your hair.

Early gray hair is common. The main reason is nervous shock. Also, various diseases, dysfunctions of the endocrine glands and a lack of vitamins can cause early gray hair. To identify the causes of gray hair, it is better to contact a trichologist.

I would not say that the gray hair, it is mainly due to genetics. My father was black-haired and began to turn gray at the age of 55, and I have a small patch of gray hair near my ear formed in school. Think about it.

Gray hair appears due to the nervous rhythm of life, or some difficulties. You can use hair dye, and gray hair will not be visible, but as a rule, gray hair adorns a man, and you do not need to be ashamed of it.

There can be a lot of reasons - stress, heredity, poor ecology, diseases of the digestive system, etc. Do not self-medicate. Contact a specialist, only a doctor will be able to identify the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Once I read in the medical literature that the cause of early gray hair can be a violation of mineral metabolism in the body, or rather a lack of certain minerals.
Although genetics cannot be ruled out either. My mom's hair started to turn gray early, and at 25 I had the first gray hairs.

Young people do not always turn gray from nerves. Research by scientists has proven that smokers get gray hair much earlier than non-smokers.

I think this is genetics, and nothing can be done about it. Early graying does not mean early aging in any way. It's just such a feature of the body. We all have early gray hair on my mother's side, well, yes, women have to dye their hair from a young age, it is a little annoying. But you can choose natural dyes that will not harm your hair, but on the contrary, will strengthen it.

To dye your hair, and even to a man - are you kidding me? On the subject, I can say that I am 29 and gray hair began to appear actively in the last 2 years. I associate this with the nerves at work. I also read the latest research by British scientists who found something nice. It turns out that the "gray-haired" have stronger immunity and they retain their youth longer.

The appearance of gray hair indicates that melanin is poorly produced in the hair follicles, which affects hair color. Very often, a person, having experienced severe stress, can turn gray at one point. Unfortunately, I have never come across traditional methods of dealing with early gray hair, you can only apply preventive measures, such as proper nutrition, eating enough minerals and vitamins, and avoiding stressful situations.

I think that the hair turns gray in young people because of the nerves. Or some kind of over-excitement.

Most people whose hair turns gray, either from nerves or from some serious anxiety.

Sometimes early gray hair, especially in men, indicates the development of atherosclerosis and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Check your cholesterol levels and liver function.

Gray hair at an early age, may appear due to frequent experiences, or as a result of nervous breakdowns. You need to limit the impact of negative emotions on you.

And I know that there are actually many reasons for gray hair, of course, nerves and depression can be one of the reasons. My friend is 26 years old and he became completely gray when he was 22, because he listened very loudly to music so hard to hear that an ordinary person could just have a brain explosion. And believe me, heavy metal definitely does not apply to this kind of music. And you can get rid of gray hair either with paint or henna.

Therefore, why young people go bald - among the reasons, with a serious gap, heredity. In second place are various stresses, for example, problems at work or in the family.

I also got gray hair early - this factor can be hereditary or the person has experienced a lot. It is necessary to treat gray hair calmly. It remains to dye your hair, a more gentle option - henna and basma. Good nutrition, vitamins and rest can minimize the appearance of gray hair in the future.

I myself increasingly notice how young people are turning gray. This most often occurs either at the genetic level or from nervous shocks. Nothing can be done here except to dye your hair.

It is clear that the cause is stress, problems with the nervous system, depression, and also heredity. All these problems make us gray-haired, because vasospasms occur. The first thing that can be advised is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

In young people, hair turns gray very often from severe stress. And gray hair is often inherent in genetics. Brunettes usually turn gray earlier, blondes later.

Most often, it is a genetic predisposition and you will not help yourself with anything other than coloring. There are herbs that, when rinsed, will keep a certain shade. You need to get used to rinsing your hair after the main shampooing, for example, with a decoction of nettle (ashy shade), walnut leaves (nutty, but there may be a green tint carefully), etc.

Unfortunately, nothing will help here. This is due to nervous tension. And this happens very often. You need to be calmer. It can be at the genetic level as well.

Usually hair turns gray due to excitement, or because of nerves. Personally, my grandmother's hair sat up because of nerves.

Very often in people who lead an active and healthy lifestyle, the natural pigment of the hair begins to recover. Only this should not be a monthly promotion, but a permanent way of life!

I read that someone who has gray hair is less likely to get cancer. Graying is somehow related to the protective properties of the body. There is no need to be sad. When we turn gray, this is normal. We just paint and that's it. Now everyone dyes their hair - both girls and even guys!

My experience is that it is hereditary. My father turned gray very early. Now my brother and I have the same problem. I discovered my first gray hair when I was 27 years old.

Contact a specialist, only a doctor will be able to identify the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.

Unfortunately, there are no folk remedies for gray hair. Drink valerian or other sedatives - because gray hair often appears on nerves.

Most often, the appearance of gray hair is caused by genetics or severe stress. A person, regardless of age, can turn gray overnight if he is very worried. But this is a reversible process, if you restore the nervous system and take care of yourself, then the hair will restore the pigment.

Nerves, nerves, poor nutrition ... In any case, you do not have enough tyrosine. Try to eat more protein. And all the same, the gray hair will have to be painted over with paint, otherwise there is no way.

Perhaps this is not gray hair that appears with age, just one of the manifestations of such a skin disease as vitiligo, maybe the disappearance of pigment in the hair, but this can be determined by a dermatologist. With this disease, normal pigmentation is disrupted and white spots appear on the skin or hair, there can be many or only one or two of them, and their size can also be different. And the fact that people sometimes simply call gray hair and sometimes say, turned gray from fear or stress, then this is most likely vitiligo, since it can even be caused by just severe stress, if it is genetically inherent in the body. Recently, drugs have appeared that can restore pigmentation.

On the subject, I can say that I am 29 and gray hair began to appear actively in the last 2 years. I associate this with the nerves at work. I also read the latest research by British scientists who found something nice. It turns out that the "gray-haired" have stronger immunity and they retain their youth longer.

The main reason is nervous shock. Also, various diseases, dysfunctions of the endocrine glands and a lack of vitamins can cause early gray hair. To identify the causes of gray hair, it is better to contact a trichologist.

I don’t associate graying with genetics. in a related line, no one but me had early manifestations. The first gray hair appeared by the age of 20. Now, two strands of white hair and a lot of scatter, but I am not even 30 years old. I remember how a friend of a Nordic blonde darkened a lot after the first birth (tones by 8), and after the second, almost went in color towards the brown-haired woman. She never dyed her hair. Against the background of pregnancy and severe stress (it was still), my hair darkened a lot, but after a few weeks it returned to its usual tone. It seems to me that all changes in color and gray hair are somehow related to hormones.

This may be due to genetics and frequent stress. It is reasonable to consult a doctor, because a disease is not excluded, which the body cannot cope with and signals about it.

First of all, this is genetically inherent in the body, ask the parents at what age they began to appear gray. There are no folk remedies, only staining with persistent hair dyes.

You can't go gray overnight and nine other facts about gray hair

It is reliably known about gray hair that it exists and that it still remains a mystery to scientists. And the most mysterious thing about them ...

How hair turns gray

Hair grows in hair follicles, “tubes” on the head. On average, a person has 100-150 thousand follicles on the head, and each one acts independently of all the others. "In the original" all hair is white, and the color they get thanks to melanin, a pigment that is also responsible for skin color. Two pigments of melanin, eumelanin (dark brown or black) and pheomelanin (red and yellow), join forces to form the natural hair color of every person. One of the hypotheses for the origin of gray hair states that under the influence of age, the hair stops receiving melanin and, accordingly, loses color, becoming white, silver or gray.

Hair can bleach itself

Recent studies show that gray hair can be caused by a built-in bleaching mechanism - the presence of hydrogen peroxide right inside the hair cells. It is always present in cells, but it is usually controlled by an enzyme called catalase, which converts hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. As we age, the body releases less catalase, so that hydrogen peroxide accumulates in the cells and, according to publications in New York Times, "Blocks the normal synthesis of melanin, a natural hair dye." Therefore, the hair begins to bleach itself - to the delight of dyed blondes.

Gray hair is inherited

When and how a person turns gray is inherent in him at the genetic level at the time of birth, scientists say. This includes premature graying - people who begin to go gray in their 30s usually go gray due to heredity. In most other people, however, gray hair appears in middle age, and for this reason the 50/50/50 rule has even been invented - by the age of 50, at least 50% of the population has at least 50% of the hair already gray. Although recent studies show that the numbers are actually much lower - by the age of 50, only 6-23% of people turn gray, depending on the region of the planet.

Race matters too

Although not politically correct, race exerts its influence on the graying process. For example, Caucasians turn gray at the age of 30-40, Asians closer to 40, and African Americans at the age of 40-50.

Plucking one gray hair does not lead to the growth of three

Old legends are just legends - in place of one pulled out gray hair, three new ones will not grow. Because only one hair can grow in each hair follicle. And the way you treat him does not affect his neighbors. But pulling out gray hair will not do anything - the hair will grow back and again gray, and if you tear your hair constantly, you can damage the follicles and anything on your head will stop growing at all.

Stress may play a role in graying

Do strong persistent experiences lead to premature gray hair? Scientists do not have an answer to this question, or rather, supporters of the theory that stress affects gray hair, there is no significant evidence for this idea. In addition to the discovery of the Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry, Robert Lefkowitz, who in 2011 found that prolonged activation of the body's "run or fight" mechanism - the body's instinctive ability to mobilize energy in response to a dangerous situation - can damage DNA and cause premature aging, including graying hair.

Trauma does not lead to gray hair overnight

The myth widespread in literature and cinema that strong feelings can make a person turn gray literally overnight is nothing more than a myth. Physiologically, hair cannot change color after it grows out. There is a very rare disease that causes all colored hair to fall out, but it is VERY rare.

Smoking can cause early graying

There have been several studies showing a strong link between smoking and early hair graying. The freshest of them dated 2013 and its authors argue that smokers under the age of 30 have a 2.5 times higher risk of turning gray early than non-smokers.

Body hair turns gray too

Body hair also turns gray and does it independently of scalp hair. And by "body" we mean anything that doesn't grow on the top of the skull, including facial hair. That is why a man can have natural colored hair and a gray beard (and vice versa).

The chance for the appearance of a cure for gray hair remains

European scientists found a way cure vitiligo - a rare skin condition in which it loses its natural dyes and turns white. If it is confirmed that vitiligo is based on the same mechanisms that are responsible for gray hair, the invention can be transferred to people on the head, in the literal sense. Until then, don't believe the many lotions and creams. They promise to get rid of gray hair, but they only get rid of money.

Hair turns gray due to stress

American scientists have found that the cells that are responsible for hair color can die massively under the influence of the stress hormone.

In ancient times, gray hair was associated with wisdom and symbolized the extraordinary abilities of the owner of gray strands. Today, hair dye manufacturers are doing everything possible so that modern people can get rid of gray hair when it first appears. Unfortunately, employers do not join their efforts, on whom the psychological mood at work very often depends. The fact is that, according to the latest data from American scientists, it is stress at work, and not just the past years, that is the main reason for the appearance of gray hair.

As you know, hair and skin contain the dark pigment melanin, which determines their color, and also absorbs ultraviolet rays, thereby protecting the tissues of the deep layers from radiation damage. Stem cells are responsible for the production of melanin.

Prolonged stress can also cause skin pigmentation, which can be difficult to get rid of. Also, scientists have found that early gray hair can appear with problems with the thyroid gland. If you do not want the early appearance of "frost" on your hair, by any means strive to get rid of frequent stress in time, and also make sure that your diet contains foods rich in iron, protein, minerals, iodine and vitamins A and B.

This postulate of a healthy lifestyle was first promulgated in 1945. Then the US Board of Nutrition advised all prudent Americans to drink 8 glasses of water a day in order to stay in shape and keep their bodies clean and tidy. Since then, many diets include the same recommendation, and there is a popular belief that a large amount of liquid helps to lose weight.

Actually. By itself, water will not do you any harm, but in large quantities, as you know, anything can be harmful. Try to estimate how much liquid you consume per day: even if you exclude all other drinks, you still eat vegetables and fruits and thus get moisture. If you overdo it, the result can be a condition called hyponatremia, or, more simply, a lack of salts in the body. This will dramatically increase the risk of cardiovascular and other serious diseases, says Dr. Rachel Vriman of the Center for Child Health Research at Indiana University.

Myth # 2. Stress turns hair gray

Recently, it is fashionable to blame everything on stress - from acne to cancerous tumors. This go-ahead is perhaps the second most popular after the "lack of vitamins" and "malnutrition". By the way, they are often used to explain hair loss.

Actually. Stress really has a negative effect on our body. The more nervous a person gets, the faster they age, says Dr. Nancy Snyderman, because stress increases the amount of free radicals in the body. And they, in turn, are the main culprits for the appearance of wrinkles and hair loss. However, there is no scientific evidence that stress is accompanied by graying, there is no. The timing of the appearance of gray hair is determined by our genes, and not by the ability to control ourselves.

Myth number 3. Reading in dim light deteriorates vision

Remember what your mother told you as a child? Brush your teeth in the morning, wash your hands before eating, sit up straight and not read under the covers. And now a good half of the population of our planet is confident in the inviolability of this rule.

Actually. When you read in low light, your eyes have to seriously strain. However, the maximum that this threatens is a headache and, possibly, wrinkles around the eyes. In addition, the eyes may hurt for a while. You will feel itchy and dry, but this will go away rather quickly. Reading in low light has no long-term effect, Sniderman argues.

Myth # 4. Coffee is bad.

Disputes between lovers of tea and coffee have been going on since ancient times and, probably, will not end for a very long time. Let's try to understand a lot of arguments and cite only medical facts.

Actually. And again we return to the question of the sense of proportion. Of course, if you do not leave the coffee machine day and night, by the evening you will be a real bundle of nerves, ready to burst at any minute. See above for the effects of stress on the body. But if done in moderation, coffee can even be beneficial.

First, coffee, like green tea, contains antioxidants (of course, when it comes to a natural product). And so it significantly reduces your risk of type 2 diabetes, says Stacy Beeson, a nutritionist at the Idaho Medical Center. A recent study by Harvard University found that for women who consume coffee daily, this risk drops by as much as 30%. Other similar studies show that coffee also reduces the incidence of bowel cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, Parkinson's disease and gallstone disease. Another plus is that coffee stimulates brain activity and, contrary to popular belief, does not increase the chances of undermining the cardiovascular system.

At the same time, the norm for the average person is no more than 3 cups a day (based on 100 ml in a cup), says Bison. If that amount brings you insomnia and high blood pressure, cut it in half or switch to substitutes. If you are pregnant or lack calcium in the body, it is better to consult a doctor.

Myth # 5. You have to starve at high temperatures.

This myth went back to those distant times, when there was simply nothing to treat a cold, and people went to any, even the most ridiculous, in our opinion, means to get rid of the disease. Another reason for this belief is that the digestion of food slightly raises the body temperature. People who are fond of self-medication also believe that during the heat it is not necessary to take away the energy from the body to process food - it, they say, already has few of them.

Actually. As a rule, colds and fever are caused by various viruses that enter the body and live in it from a week to 10 days. Because how you eat at this time, the lifespan of the virus does not depend, says Vriman. Doctors do not have any scientific evidence that diet during illness somehow affects the body's resistance, but even if you do not really feel like eating, it is better to have a snack with something small, but juicy. Because whatever one may say, you just need fluid to stay hydrated. In addition, moisture will help you cope with the illness more easily by reducing the amount of mucus, thereby relieving a runny nose and cough.

Myth # 6: Fresh food is better than frozen food

Ever since scientists discovered the wonderful thing about antioxidants, nutritionists have been praying in unison for fresh produce. "Freezing kills useful substances" - as the mantra is repeated by doctors. The same applies to any cooking method associated with heat treatment.

Actually. Frozen fruits and vegetables can be as good as fresh if they are harvested and frozen, as they say, at the peak of maturity. And cold processing and sealed packaging retains much more vitamins than remains in "fresh" products that have lain in the sun or in a supermarket refrigerator.

Myth No. 7. Consuming eggs increases cholesterol levels.

The logic of this statement is simple: the eggs themselves contain a lot of cholesterol - accordingly, if there are any, the level of this harmful substance in the blood will increase.

Actually. The latest research in this area has shown that only certain types of dietary fats affect cholesterol levels. And there are much less of them in eggs than, for example, in milk of medium fat content (almost 2 times). At the same time, eggs contain proteins, vitamins A and D. They are inexpensive, affordable and easy to prepare. So one egg a day will be a very beneficial ingredient in your diet, Beeson says.

Myth number 8. If you get cold, you will catch a cold

Another common truth, told to us in childhood. And since my mother said so, then it is so?

Actually. Lowering the external temperature does not affect the state of immunity in any way. Unless, of course, we are talking about extreme degrees of frostbite, when it is no longer necessary to worry about a cold. And we catch a cold, as mentioned above, thanks to viruses, and not because of the cold. As for the trend according to which the largest number of colds occur in the cold season, it is not related to temperature. The fact is that in winter we are more often in enclosed spaces, pushing in the subway, sitting in a cafe instead of walking down the street. And this is the most fertile soil for the spread of infection.