Wedding 45 years of marriage. Sapphire wedding (45 years of marriage)

The date that not every couple obeys is the 45th wedding anniversary. Especially nowadays, when people are too fixated on their own careers. We all know that for each anniversary there is a specific name associated with one or another material, which, in particular, is customary to give to the celebrants. If on a non-round date such traditions could still be neglected, then such a beautiful figure as 45 years of marriage deserves attention and proper decoration of the holiday.

What is the name of the anniversary?

To begin with, the 45th anniversary of marriage is the so-called sapphire wedding... As often happens, such a name was not given at random or even in search of interesting gift options that have accumulated over forty-five years of family life.

It is assumed that the couple's relationship over the years has acquired the characteristics of a sapphire, namely: hardness and durability, inseparable from sophistication and wealth.

In ancient times, precious stones were given special symbolic meaning, believing that each of them symbolizes something - supporters of this point of view still exist. In married life, sapphire means the strength of family ties., the well-being of subsequent generations (after so many years together, a couple usually manages to acquire not only children and grandchildren, but sometimes even great-grandchildren) and the purity of relationships that, being tainted by something, would not last so long. At the same time, sapphire is associated with the renewal of relationships, since such a long-term relationship does not end easily - they must remain constantly young, because there are still many other significant dates ahead.

Symbols and traditions

The main symbol of such an anniversary, of course, is the sapphire - in particular, this precious gift deserves to be presented on such a significant date. If we abstract from the purely family aspect of esotericism, then this stone symbolizes the wisdom of life and the ability to control oneself - of course, these traits must be possessed by people who have managed to find a compromise over such a long time. Among other things, sapphire indicates other positive traits of the wearer - for example, patience and perseverance in achieving goals, excellent fortitude and the same health.

Esoteric experts see a special meaning even in the color of the stone - here it symbolizes peaceful peace. Such symbolism in this case is very appropriate, because people of a venerable age are no longer inherent in the passion of youth, but such a characteristic does not mean that love has faded away - it just went to a new level, becoming deeper and more conscious.

Theoretically, any gifts for such an anniversary can be given, and sapphire is not so necessary there, but there is a long tradition according to which a couple renews wedding rings, giving each other those that are decorated with this particular gem. Although the symbolism of a celebration lies in calmness and pacification, it is not customary to hold it in complete silence and away from others - on the contrary, such a vivid example of unquenchable love should become an example for young people. Since the anniversary marks a very long period of time spent together, the most correct guests will be those people who have walked a significant part of the journey with the couple - first of all, children and grandchildren, as well as other close relatives and old friends.

How to celebrate?

If people are really interested in the traditional name of such an anniversary and its symbolism, then they probably would like to give the celebration completely unique features, so that the celebration in memories, even after many years, stands out for its characteristic features that distinguish it from many other similar festivals. Fortunately, previous generations have left us detailed guidelines on how to organize a sapphire wedding.

First of all, such a date, while not being perfectly round, is still too large to be celebrated modestly., because it is assumed that the holiday should be held on a grand scale. A couple who have lived together for so many years, by definition, can no longer be young, because the celebrants themselves do not always show the initiative in the proper amount, but they probably have adults and already established children who are able to take on at least some of the organizational issues. Actually, it is the descendants who have managed to become successful that usually symbolize the duration of such a relationship, therefore, in many ways, it is their activity that is a gift to the celebrant.

The financial situation does not always allow to celebrate the anniversary on a real scale, but this is not always required - a home celebration would also be a good option, as long as all loved ones are nearby, and the money saved can be left until the fiftieth anniversary. If the possibilities and desires of the organizers allow, you can think of something more unusual, but it is worth remembering that all this is done for the main heroes of the occasion, and at their current age they are not always able to appreciate active rest.

The absolute majority of modern families will not be able to provide an interior decorated with real sapphires, but, as we already understood, it is not only the stone itself that matters, but also the color that it usually is.

The interior can be decorated without jewelry, but in the appropriate color shades - usually these are tones that occupy an intermediate position between the actual blue and green shades.

This design should be observed in everything, and special attention is paid to what is easiest to replace - woven design elements, which include curtains and a tablecloth. if it is possible to use cookware of the same shades, it should be used as well. Solemn decoration elements like candlesticks will also be very appropriate - it is difficult to find a more suitable occasion for such a setting. You can even use balls or garlands, but it should be remembered that the older generation does not always accept excessive pomp with approval.

To support the theme of the party, you can also take care of the color matching of the outfits of those present., although special attention to the scale, naturally, should be shown by the heroes of the occasion themselves. The more color matches, the more thematic the holiday will be, because even a cake can play up the theme of a sapphire wedding - it can be decorated with an appropriate edible decoration in the form of the same stone.

Choosing gifts for the anniversary

A forty-five year wedding anniversary is quite a weighty reason for presenting gifts, which you cannot do without at such a celebration, but the problem may lie in choosing a present. On the one hand, it should be quite valuable, on the other - symbolic, but at the same time, of course, the guests can afford it. In this regard, traditional gifts from loved ones in the form of jewelry using real sapphires are possible, but not so likely - you will have to look for alternative options.

What is noteworthy is that only spouses can give rings to each other on such a date - such a gift, even from children, is not considered happy.

It should be noted that at the age when they usually celebrate their own sapphire wedding, the couple usually no longer really cares about material things - they either already exist or are not too needed. At this moment, the intangible acquires special value, because relatives can further emphasize such an aspiration of the celebrants, for example, by buying a tourist ticket for them to a holiday home or to any resort. Where they have long dreamed of visiting.

Of course, the list of possible gifts is not limited to vouchers, so let's pay attention to the most common and appropriate gifts for just such a case:

  • any gifts of sapphire color - less valuable in terms of value, but no less symbolic;
  • home decorations in appropriate shades, from figurines to paintings, do not enrich the couple materially, but they enrich spiritually and remind of the anniversary;
  • flowers are a gift that is appropriate in any situation, and if they are also matched to the color of the holiday, then it is just an ideal option;
  • a photo collage will be a good gift for absolutely any anniversary, celebrating the duration of something, and photos of the best moments of a long life together often allow you to refresh and renew feelings;
  • tickets to any expensive cultural event, be it a theater or a concert, can remind the celebrants of how they spent their first dates in their youth;
  • beautiful textiles for home use will be an appropriate gift for any couple living together, because bed linen, bathrobes or towels can also be a great gift;
  • some experts draw parallels between sapphire color and water, therefore those presentations that are directly related to it are also called appropriate - so, bathroom items or even a full-fledged aquarium with live fish will do.

At such a moment, it is very important that everything is properly thought out and properly organized. Older people often remember small, seemingly insignificant details, so you should pay special attention to them. Beautiful words spoken at the right moment and once again emphasizing the importance of a couple to those around them often seem more valuable to old people than any material gifts, therefore a thorough approach to organizing a holiday will be the main key to success.

The idea of ​​congratulations from grandchildren to a sapphire wedding in the next video.

The strongest couples celebrate truly unique anniversaries. 45 years of marriage is a significant period of time, during which it is sometimes very difficult to maintain warm family relations. If this has been achieved, then the couple can proudly celebrate a sapphire wedding. This precious and noble stone symbolizes wisdom.

The meaning and features of the 45th anniversary

Even in ancient times, people believed that they were able to help restrain any emotions, objectively look at the current situations and make a balanced and correct decision. Agree that without such qualities, it is almost impossible to maintain a strong relationship for 45 years.

Sapphire has unique properties to strengthen health, which is exactly what spouses, who are already at a rather respectable age, need. Before the blue wedding, the 40th anniversary is celebrated - the scarlet or ruby ​​anniversary.

As you can see, the color of the anniversary changes from bright and passionate to calm and pacifying. But this does not mean at all that the spouses have lost passion for each other, or even more so love. On the contrary, they have moved to a completely new level of relationship, now their feelings have become eternal, and no one will separate them.

It is customary to celebrate a sapphire wedding on a grand scale. It will be extremely difficult for sapphire newlyweds to organize a magnificent celebration; children and grandchildren should come to the rescue here. Such a holiday cannot do without the closest friends. The invitee list should include many items.

The splendor of the celebration depends on the financial capabilities of the family, but in no case should such a significant date be left completely unattended.

There is an amazing tradition of replacing stones on wedding rings. If for 40 years of marriage, the spouses inserted rubies into the rings, now it's time to change them for beautiful sapphires.

What gifts are customary to give for 45 years of marriage?

What do you get for a sapphire wedding? The first answer to this question lies on the surface. This is jewelry with blue gemstone inclusions. However, it is forbidden to present a ring as a gift, this can lead to discord in the union of the spouses.

No matter how surprising it may sound, but on such a date, the heroes of the day can be presented with a watch decorated with sapphires or simply having a blue color. Here, the clock does not promise separation, but, on the contrary, will count down all the warm and joyful minutes in the life of the spouses. They symbolize all the happy moments that were in this long marriage.

What to give to parents? Close relatives, children and grandchildren can present jewelry with sapphires or other stones of a sky-blue hue as a gift.

  • Gift options: earrings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, cufflinks and more. But choosing such a gift is required with great care and attention. Stones in jewelry should match the sapphire wedding as much as possible. Otherwise, if the spouses replace the stones in the wedding rings, the other jewelry will simply cease to be combined with them.
  • You can give your parents cute gifts for a sapphire wedding that can take you by heart. You can present an album of sky-blue color, which will contain only the brightest photographs of sapphire newlyweds, which capture all the most important events of their life together. In addition to photographs, it will be possible to fix various wishes in the album, which will be written by all those present in the hall, as well as greeting cards and other valuable memories that are stored in paper form.

  • The spouses will be very happy with a vacation ticket to a good sanatorium. If financial possibilities permit, then you can purchase an overseas tour or a week-long trip on a cruise ship.
  • In addition, you can present tickets for the premiere of a long-awaited performance or send your parents to a concert of their favorite artist.

How to choose the right gift for a sapphire wedding

The most important rule when choosing a gift: it should be based on the tastes of both spouses. At the slightest opportunity, you should try to discuss with them what they would like, but this should be unobtrusive so as not to arouse suspicion in them. Your gift should remain a mystery and a mystery to them until the very end. It is much more pleasant when they give gifts that are useful and wholeheartedly.

An irreplaceable gift for any wedding anniversary is bouquets and other flower arrangements.

But even this present can be made much more pleasant and soulful. So, you can give a bouquet of 45 roses, but not red or white, but blue. Agree, few people have received such a gift in their lives. He will definitely be remembered for many years.

If the gift that was chosen has little to do with sapphire, then there is a way out. You can simply pack it beautifully in sky blue paper. And then the present will not stand out from the general composition of gifts.

The main purpose of the holiday is joy on the face of the spouses, so it is important not only to choose the right gift, but also to present it beautifully.

Surprise at a sapphire wedding

For people who have lived together for almost half a century, the material value of gifts is no longer so important. Expensive things for them are just a symbol, not an object of value or luxury. The most important thing for sapphire newlyweds is the warmth, care and attention that the giver expresses through his gift.

Therefore, you can not go shopping, spending large sums of money, but just make a beautiful gift with your own hands. In such a present, a piece of the donor's soul will certainly be present, which will remain with the couple for many years to come.

It is customary to please spouses with poetry. You can write them yourself or order from a specialist. The main thing is to learn the words, and not read them from a piece of paper. Then it will make an indelible impression not only on the culprits of the holiday, but also on the rest of the guests.

  • A good alternative is to submit an ad to the press. It can contain congratulations in verses from all family members and close friends.
  • If possible, you can rent a big board for a month and place a photo of the spouses and congratulations on it. Now everyone will know about their holiday.
  • Or you can arrange a surprise in the style of American movies. Prank the husband and wife, as if everyone had forgotten about their holiday, and then arrange a gorgeous dinner in the evening. Such surprises are remembered for many years.

Musical gift for a sapphire wedding anniversary - video

Memories as a gift

  1. Modern technical possibilities give a chance to create a truly unique and touching gift. You can make a slideshow with wedding photos of the anniversaries and thus bring them back in your mind a few years ago. An atmosphere of touching memories and stories is ideal for celebrating a sapphire wedding. You can come up with humorous comments or touching stories for each displayed picture.
  2. Another option would be to create a congratulatory film. This gift will help everyone present to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the first day of the wedding. To feel again all those exciting emotions of the first wedding day.

It is such gifts that people of advanced age especially like, because for so many years of family life they have already achieved a lot, acquired everything they need for life, and now they want the gift to simply warm their souls.

They will be able to watch a beautiful video again and again at any time, especially when the spouses are sad.

Symbolic gifts for a sapphire wedding

The couple was able to spend 45 years of life together, have children and grandchildren, and this is a direct proof of the strength of the family. And symbolic gifts can perfectly emphasize this.

  1. You can present original bracelets or pendants for a sapphire wedding, on which the motto of this strong family will be written. And present them not only to the heroes of the day, but also to all family members and closest friends present.
  2. You can contact specialists in the field of heraldry and order the coat of arms of the family. Such a generic coat of arms can be presented either in a separate picture, or to create a whole family tree.

Thus, the following ideas for gifts can be distinguished:

  • photo album, photo frame sky blue;
  • home textiles;
  • household appliances;
  • furniture;
  • dishes;
  • tickets for a concert or performance;
  • vouchers to a sanatorium or a cruise ship;
  • family coat of arms or family tree;
  • DIY creative gifts;
  • jewelry with sapphires.

Remember, the main thing is to show originality and your knowledge of the heroes of the day, then you can choose a gift that the spouses will like. Give preference to laconicism and comfort, rather than ostentatious luxury.

Find the right words, make a beautiful speech. Such responsible preparation will not go in vain. Sapphire newlyweds will celebrate your efforts and understand that they are really very dear to you.

Husband and wife go hand in hand for many years, overcome many difficulties in order to maintain their love. In society, wedding anniversaries have been given symbolic names that emphasize the value of happy years of family life. If 45 years of marriage are already behind, what kind of wedding is it? Its symbol is sapphire, a stone of wisdom and infinity.

What kind of wedding will the spouses celebrate if they have 45 years of marriage behind them? People who shared the cup of joys and sorrows for so many decades, thanks to their wisdom, did not allow the storms of life to destroy their family boat and thus made their love eternal, like the sky overhead. The calm color of the skies and the serene sea reflects the sapphire gem. In addition, it symbolizes good health that spouses will need so that future years of happiness are not overshadowed by anything.

In no case should we ignore such a significant wedding anniversary - 45 years. We have already learned what kind of wedding it is - sapphire, a day of rich memories and bright hopes. And how to mark it correctly?

How to please your soul mate?

When people have lived together for almost half a century, it is very difficult for them to surprise each other. But this must be done so that the wedding anniversary is not an ordinary date on the calendar. What to give your beloved wife on a sapphire anniversary of marriage? There are many options - you can choose from the list of a gift that is financially affordable and corresponds to the character and tastes of your spouse:

  • jewelry inlaid with sapphire (earrings, necklace, bracelet, brooch, pendant);
  • combined handbag with blue elements;
  • a frame for a commemorative photo with patterns of rhinestones of marine shades;
  • a love novel in an author's cover made of beautiful fabric with decorations;
  • perfume that imitates the smell of your wife's favorite flowers;
  • sconce lamp for reading, decorated in blue tones.

An item related to the profession or hobbies of the "lady of the heart", for example:

  • dishes;
  • kitchen appliances;
  • a collection of new recipes;
  • a book about plants;
  • exotic flower in a flowerpot;
  • karaoke;
  • tickets for a premiere in a theater or a concert of your favorite performer.

For a woman who wants to thank her beloved for the wonderful 45 years since the wedding, it is also important what gift to give him. Men do not wear jewelry, but stones - symbols of the anniversary - can be on:

  • lighter;
  • cigarette case;
  • flask;
  • keychain;
  • cufflinks;
  • tie clip;
  • notepad and pen;
  • wrist watch.

If your husband is a passionate hunter, fisherman, collector, or is fond of something else, you can give him:

  • modern fishing rods or hunting weapons;
  • comfortable camping tent;
  • warm tracksuit;
  • portable radio receiver;
  • antique thing;
  • musical instrument;
  • camera, etc.

There is a widespread tradition on the day of the 45th anniversary of marriage to exchange stones in wedding rings for sapphires. They will remind the loving couple and those around them of the great life experience and the inviolability of sincere feelings.

How to make your parents happy?

For people of mature age, there is nothing more precious than the attention of their children. They especially need the presence of their heirs on the 45th anniversary of their marriage. What kind of wedding it is and what to give to parents, everyone whose fathers and mothers are on the eve of such a holiday must know. The best surprise will be a gift that contains a bit of warmth and gratitude:

  • the icon of the patrons of the marriage of Saints Peter and Fevronia;
  • a portrait of parents, embroidered or painted with oil paints from their wedding photo;
  • a family photo album in a cover with inserts of blue pebbles (in this album you can make paper pages so that heroes of the occasion write down their memories, and guests - wishes);
  • Plasma TV or DVD-player complete with discs containing favorite films of parents and family videos;
  • cutlery with monograms of a specially created family coat of arms;
  • photographs designed in the form of a family tree;
  • vouchers to the sanatorium;
  • huge cake with a congratulatory inscription.

In addition to presenting a gift, we must not forget to help parents prepare for meeting guests.

Ideas for invitees to the anniversary

Undoubtedly, 45 years of the wedding is a significant date. Therefore, what kind of wedding it is and what to give are questions that invariably excite all those invited to the celebration. Having learned that the sapphire is the symbol of a solid anniversary, many guests want to decorate their gifts with an appropriate jewel. What objects can such a stone make more valuable? It:

  • painting;
  • glasses;
  • samovar;
  • box;
  • coasters for cups;
  • statuette.

It is believed that it is not accepted to give a watch, but on this day such a gift would be quite appropriate, because it symbolizes the years that the couple spent together. It's great if the watch is vintage, designed to remind lovers of their youth and acquaintance.

It is not necessary to inlay your gift with sapphires - you can simply wrap the box in sky blue foil and put in it:

  • cover;
  • linens;
  • pillowcases;
  • plaid;
  • tablecloth;
  • blanket;
  • a set of napkins;
  • wall panel.

The heroes of the day will be pleasantly surprised by the beautiful embroidery or hand-made appliqués on these things.

Warm words are the heart of the holiday

Even if you have already prepared for the celebration, taking into account what kind of wedding is being celebrated after 45 years of marriage, congratulations are not limited to presenting a gift. For people who have carried their love through the trials of time, have arranged a family nest long ago and raised children, kind words from the lips of those invited are very important. You can express your admiration for a happy couple in the form:

  • press announcements;
  • musical composition on radio or television;
  • a congratulatory film using photos from family history;
  • author's performance of the song.

What can you say to those who built their dream home not on the sand of frivolity, but on the solid stone of mutual feelings that have not faded for 45 years? Guests often put their wishes in a poetic form:

There was the best moment when

With excitement you said "yes!"

In the name of true love

They fulfilled their words:

Happier, there is no stronger family!

Let it shine on the whole world

An award winning wedding sapphire!

They say that at forty-five

Everything blooms again!

I want to wish you

Every day your fill

Happiness, joy, warmth,

And hope and good!

Let the bright light sparkle

Love that is so many years old!

45 years flew by

From the day the rings rang

For the first time on your hands.

You dreamed of happiness in your dreams

And it became a wonderful reality!

And faithfulness blossomed in hearts,

Despite the moments of adversity.

Let the sky shine above you

Pure and delicate sapphire

And your love protects again

The creator who rules the world!

You have not lost a drop of tenderness

Love of ardent and boundless fidelity,

You saved like jewelers,

Magic sapphires of wonderful feelings!

Let them become an example for everyone,

Let the hearts continue to sound

Words of support, joy and affection,

Let life last like a fairy tale!

45 happy years

Your hearth is family

Gives everyone rays and light

Every moment!

Let the fire burn stronger

And it never goes out!

On your wedding anniversary

You are even more beautiful!

If a guest would like to refer to a happy couple in prose, first you need to name the heroes of the occasion by name, and then say something like the following.

  1. The years lived together is a real treasure that is more valuable than the largest sapphire. Each year of family life is worth a lot, and we know it. Your ability to appreciate and understand each other is an example for all of us. Thank you for keeping an island of true feelings and hope in our not always sunny modern world. We will learn from you to take care of your happiness. With all our hearts we wish you eternal youth, excellent health, pleasant surprises from those closest to you, faith in a wonderful future and unshakable prosperity! 45 you are "bitter"!
  2. Sapphire is blue as heaven and pure as spring water. The cloudless sky is a symbol of pacification, water is the source of life, filling with strength in the most difficult sultry days. We wish you peace and purity in your relationship, so that you carry them through all the future years of your life together!
  3. Over the course of 45 years, you have endowed your other half with warmth and tenderness, protected, protected, supported each other. Love, tested for such a long time, can be considered eternal. Therefore, the symbol of this amazing date is sapphire, a stone that reminds of wisdom and endless fidelity! Let it illuminate your path to happiness, because there is no limit to perfection!
  4. Many trials fall to the lot of spouses. This is life, time, financial difficulties, sometimes misunderstanding of others. For 45 years you have been conquering such thorns, do not allow them to interfere with the magnificent flowering of your love! This is confirmed by the flowers of life, your children and grandchildren. Let your family hearth gather friends and loved ones for a very long time to warm up by the bright flame of happiness and prosperity!
  5. Let the same dazzling bonfire of love burn in your hearts today, on the day of the sapphire wedding, as it did years ago! Let the eyes of your beloved still resemble sapphires, and the voice of your beloved - the most beautiful music! Be happy! Bitterly!

Whatever wish you like to taste - poetic or prosaic, you need to learn it by heart and pronounce it, putting your soul into every word. After all, congratulations matter only when they are sincere, and listeners always feel it.

Liana Raimanova 22 february 2018

The joint life of two loving hearts for 45 years is called a sapphire anniversary. Such a date is worthy a magnificent celebration and an original gift. All the closest people gather in the family circle, children and even great-grandchildren come to congratulate the parents. As a rule, the organization of the holiday is undertaken not by the heroes of the day, but by their sons or daughters. What to give your parents a sapphire wedding anniversary?

Original gifts for 45 years of wedding to parents

  • Sapphire jewelry. Sapphire anniversary gifts should be themed and appropriate. An excellent option would be to present symbolic sapphire jewelry to the heroes of the day. These gemstones are popular to this day and attract attention not only for their dazzling appearance. Sapphire is a unique stone that serves as a talisman. It is known that he is a talisman against evil and envy and attracts grace and joyful mood. Since ancient times, the royal stone has been credited with the ability to strengthen marriage. Usually heroes of the occasion delight each other with sapphire rings, so the children will be a good surprise for the mother gold pendant with sapphires, bracelet or earrings, and for the father - a watch, cufflinks or a cigarette case with blue pebbles. In addition, figurines, jewelry boxes, creative keychains or brooches will be wonderful sapphire gifts.

Gold pendant with sapphires and diamonds, SL(price by link)

  • Nano aquarium with fish. Gifts to parents on a sapphire wedding anniversary should be items related to water. It is believed that after almost half a century of living together, love acquires the properties of water: quiet, deep and calm. This makes it possible to present interesting gifts. For example, such as a nano-aquarium with fish or a garden fountain in the country. With this smart mini-aquarium, the family will enjoy warm evenings. It is not only a beautiful piece of furniture, but also an element of comfort and an assistant in creating a harmonious atmosphere. In addition, it does not take up much space and is extremely easy to clean and change water.

Nano aquarium as a gift to parents for a sapphire wedding

  • Photobook. On such a day, anniversaries want to plunge into the warm memories of past years and again feel the taste of youth. There are so many events behind: the first date, the first kiss and marriage proposal, the first trip together, etc.

Best of all, a commemorative book with photographs will help with this - a great alternative to the traditional album.

Stylish layout, unusual design and love story idea will recreate a life together from the very beginning. Warm wishes of loved ones, written by hand, will give a special energy to the photo book. Designers will offer a variety of themes from a retro album in the style of an old movie to a humorous presentation or a nautical style. The book must contain spreads devoted to children and grandchildren, as well as pages about husband and wife... Masters of their craft will help make your photo book truly colorful, interesting and eye-catching, like a glossy magazine. The book cover can be presented in the style of a wedding anniversary, that is, painted in any shade of sky blue.

  • Portrait on canvas. Gifts should surprise! A portrait from a photograph made in any style will help to cope with this task. It can be caricatures embodied with paints or crayons, portraits in oil or pencil, pop art photography, or even a whole collage. Historical style photomontages are popular. All that is needed is a joint photograph (or separate) of the spouses with clear lines of the face and the absence of blur and shadows. Graphic designers will "disguise" the heroes of the day in costumes of the Middle Ages. If the painting is covered with textured gel, it really will resemble a work of art by an artist of the 18-19 centuries. Complement the beautiful gift natural pine stretcher... Such a surprise will give a lot of pleasant impressions, will remain in the memory for a long time and will be the highlight of the apartment interior. If you want to get even more original, you can order the portrait as a creative mosaic-style set.
  • DIY gift. The most valuable gift will be a handmade product. The price and form of the gift does not matter, because the most important thing is the love with which you create and present it. DIY 45 sapphire wedding anniversary gift ideas for parents can be very different. If you are “friends” with a needle, you can embroider with blue hemstitch pillows and bedspreads, tablecloths and decorative napkins, icons or paintings. Anniversaries will be pleasantly surprised handkerchiefs, embroidered with a cross or satin stitch... The most important thing is to keep the theme of blue flowers. If you know how to draw or own modern computer technology, take a photo portrait with your own hands. If you are a lover of needlework, you can do the decor of the most ordinary vase by placing graceful lines and patterns on it again in blue tones.

The forty-fifth anniversary of married life is a significant date, marking the endless love, devotion and respect of the spouses for each other.

Now you have read the list of popular gifts and know what you can give your parents for 45 years of wedding. With your own hands or made-to-order gifts - these gifts will surely please the heroes of the day. Do not forget to prepare words of congratulations in poetry or prose. Good luck!

What an important day, a wedding anniversary after 45 years of marriage. They prepare for it in advance, and prepare thoroughly, both the married couple and their children and friends. The team of the portal will help you to properly prepare for the sapphire anniversary.

Wedding anniversary: ​​symbol of 45 years

45 years from the wedding is a significant, important date. The couple lived a long and dignified life. The symbol of this anniversary is the sapphire. This name was given to the sapphire wedding for a reason: the blue tint to this stone gives a high content of titanium and iron in it. And as you know, these are incredibly durable and resistant materials - just like the love and devotion of the spouses' feelings after 45 years from the day of the celebration. The sapphire itself has a high hardness, like the family foundation, built over 45 years of marriage.

Where to celebrate 45 years since the wedding?

This date, of course, should be celebrated in a restaurant. You can triple the feast by bringing together all of your friends and relatives, or you can postpone it for the 50th wedding anniversary, inviting only the closest ones. The 45th wedding anniversary is associated with blue, so it will be great if the venue is decorated in shades of blue. If the celebration fell on a warm season, then an excellent option would be to celebrate it on the water: a boat or a floating restaurant.

The image of the sapphire newlyweds

For men in such cases, the classics in black or dark blue and a blue shirt are always relevant. For a summer wedding, a light suit of cornflower blue or sky blue will be appropriate.

Have women the choice of attire for the 45th wedding anniversary is a little more. It can be an evening or cocktail dress in shades of blue. A suit with trousers or a skirt will also work. For a summer wedding on the water, a light blue dress or sundress is suitable. It is better to sign up for hair and make-up with a professional. For a more complete look, hair can be pinned with hairpins with blue stones, and sapphire shadows can be used in eye makeup.

Without a doubt, in the modern world, the best gift is a sum of money, even a small one. But you must admit that it is stupid to give money to your husband with whom you have a common budget.

A gift for a spouse

Here is what is usually given to a husband for a 45-year wedding:

  • men's jewelry with sapphire: signet, cross, etc.,
  • cufflinks and tie clip with blue stones or ornaments,
  • shirt and tie,
  • perfume in a beautiful blue bottle,
  • ballpoint pen with engraving.

However, it is not at all necessary to be attached to the symbol of celebration. If your husband is a fishing fan, give a fishing rod or spinning rod, a football fan - a football beer glass, love to do everything with his own hands, dig in the country - a set of good tools. Well, if your spouse is keeping up with the times, present him with a smartphone with unlimited Internet so that you can always watch your favorite movie or make video calls to children.

It often happens that men are big hunters for sweets. In this case, choose an anniversary cake for your husband with a special inscription.

Gift to wife

It would seem that choosing a gift for a woman is as easy as shelling pears. she will like any beautiful thing, decoration or piece of furniture. But men are always at a dead end with a choice. A good gift for a sapphire wedding is an invariable set that will appeal to almost every lady: a bouquet of flowers and jewelry (ring, earrings or pendant inlaid with sapphires, natural or artificial). The bouquet should be dominated by blue flowers: irises, cornflowers, chrysanthemums, asters, hydrangea, orchid. They can be supplemented by white gypsophila or roses, yellow alstroemeria or calla lilies, as well as a lot of greenery.

If you want to give a special gift, then you need to know exactly her taste and size in order to choose a sophisticated and elegant, designer evening dress in cornflower blue or sapphire color. But remember that these shades do not suit everyone, in this case, choose the color scheme that suits your chosen one - your wife will appreciate your efforts.

An excellent option would be a certificate in a spa, beauty salon, clothing store, pool, bathhouse or sauna. In the latter case, expect your wife to want to go there with you, so get a certificate for two people at once.

Gift for parents

What to give your parents a sapphire wedding? If you asked yourself such a question, then here is a list of options for you:

  • certificate for a pair ride on horseback, yacht or helicopter flight,
  • family portrait,
  • engraved rings,
  • a tree seedling or large potted plant, such as an ornamental lemon,
  • new TV.

If you want your gift to be symbolic, here's another list:

  • figurines decorated with sapphires or other stones of the desired color,
  • fish in the aquarium,
  • a small fountain in an apartment or garden,
  • blue towels, bathrobes and other household items,
  • cornflower blue or blue curtains.

Do not forget that you can make not one generic gift, but two personal gifts. For example, collectible weapons and an electric sewing machine, a gold signet and earrings, a set of cosmetics with sea minerals and a good aged cognac.