Wedding speech of the bride. Original words of gratitude on the birthday of parents from daughter - poems and video example. Bride thanks her husband's parents

For each person, his parents are the most kind, most close and most beloved people. Therefore, on any of the important stages of your life, it is necessary to thank relative to their support, understanding and endless love. For example, during a graduation in 9 or 11th grade or on your birthday. And from his daughter, and from the son of parents should hear about their appreciation. We should also prepare special words of gratitude to parents for the wedding and from the bridegroom, and from the bride. In the proposed options, it is easy to choose beautiful and touching texts, cute poems or good prose. And in the video examples, you can learn original speeches with the words of gratitude, pronounced parents during different festive days.

Touching words of gratitude from the bride to parents of the groom - with the texts of poems and video examples

The parents of the groom want to see in his wife another child - daughter. That is why the bride should show how much she is grateful to them for a good husband, as well, she applies to them. You can do it with the help of a beautiful festive speech. You can include words of gratitude to parents from the bride to the scenario of the feast or events in the hall of the restaurant. But also the bride can thank the mother-in-law, mother-in-law and after painting.

Words of gratitude for the parents of the bridegroom from the bride - examples of poems with touching texts

Beautifully thank the parents of her husband bride can with the help of touching and cute poems. They perfectly complement the festive atmosphere and allow to unusually express their appreciation to close people. Without a doubt, a well-term and rehearsed speech will like the parents of the groom and convince them in the correctness of the choice of the Son.

It's not easy for you today, I know

From the heart of the son to let go.

But I honestly promise

Caring and gentle to be

Share joy and sadness with him,

Bear and strengthen the family.

I want you to know about it:

I love your son!

For a real man

For happiness gave me

For a wonderful son

I am grateful to you doubly!

With your concern

My calm and honor.

Thank you for accepting

I am what it is!

I am not afraid of bad and soup with him,

And in this quiet moment

I thank you for my husband,

Which is not more reliable!

Mom, dad, dear,

I will be gently calling you

Thank you i'm golden

That they were able to raise such a son.

The heart, the soul you invested in it,

Taught loyalty, good,

I gave me a husband today

To be happy with him.

For me you did a lot

I will try again in response,

So that it is easy to your way,

Grandchildren nursed you up to one hundred years.

You have a low bow, from me thanks,

I am glad that I became your family.

I came here quite not at reason

Only one beauty surrounds me!

Thank you say I want this moment

To all close, native and friends directly.

Thank you my husband, for your patience,

I know, sometimes the torment is one thing!

Today I got my happiness,

With you on the edge of the world, I would go.

Thanks to parents for the house and warmth,

Where is my childhood so happy flowed!

Thanks to Mamule during the night without sleep,

That the cradle of mine spent.

Thanks to Papula, your lapher, my daughter,

I will always, it does not matter how much matokhkov!

Thank you mother-in-law and mother-in-law for his son,

For now we are together with him.

Never refuse a good advice,

For the fact that you are a "daughter".

Thanks to friends that loyalty is stored,

Any minute to call will arrive.

Without you, this day we could not do!

Video example of touching words of gratitude to parents of the groom from the bride

You can get acquainted with the example of utilizing the festive speech from the bride at the wedding in the video attached below. The tip will help to learn ideas for the selection of poems and reading them in front of the parents, guests.

Cute words of gratitude from the groom for loving bridesmaid parents - in short verses

Not only the bride, but also the bridegroom should express their gratitude to parents of their halves. They were holly and cherished his future spouse, raised her as a real lady and a good host. To say thanks the closest and most native bride of the bride can both in prose, and in verses. The last option is most attractive to the beauty of the syllable and amazing content. In addition, from the proposed options to pick up beautiful words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the bridegroom, which he will easily remember, is not difficult. All of them contain warm and kind texts that will cause a wave of positive emotions.

Short and lovely words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom in verses

Not necessarily the words of gratitude must be long and complex. Even in simple speeches you can easily express warm feelings, appreciation. After all, the bridegroom becomes for the test and the mother-in-law of the real son, to which they can always contact. Good words of gratitude will help them once again make sure that the daughter will now be as a reliable stone wall - for her husband.

Today is a holiday and for you,

What I certainly congratulate

i want to tell you

we are walking for you now.

You gave me happiness to me.

And here it is worth with me.

We promise to live together

And for each other to be a mountain.

Thank you for what you

The bride was so brought up.

Rostili in happiness, and love,

In all the problems helped.

Princess raised me

She was only given the best.

and all cherished dreams

when you could performed.

She will always understand, forgive,

I'll look like love with love.

Yes, and it happens that it is flared,

But the little things for us are not grief.

Thank you for this hour

We became a firm family.

Let all adversity if that

We all pass by the party.

Special woman - Mom wife,

Worried, giving daughter.

Please, do not be sad, do not, because

You are the roads to me, as if native.

And they helped my happiness helped

Greatly brought up

And in the heart put so much love.

Appreciated. If you knew!

Tell you "Thank you" today should

And touching, here I repent.

My respect is my wife's mom.

I will try my son!

In our life, the wind of change broke,

We fell in love, you supported us

We want to protect you in return.

From anxiety, from unrest, from sorrow.

In gratitude we will give you grandchild

Five boys or five girls,

Let them hurry and shout

Getting out of your diapers.

Our gratitude for love

We no longer express words.

We - and your life, and your blood,

Forever we will remain with you.

Examples of poems with the words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom

Short verses are great for inclusion even in a short evening celebration of the wedding. In addition, they can be the original completion of the event or enchanting it to open it. Not only the parents of the bride will come to the trocious, well-trained speech, but all other guests invited to the wedding will come to delight.

Parents of the words of gratitude.

Thanks for everything, my dear,

For life invaluable gift

For happy children's days

We flowed without special blots.

Thank you for the fact that a family fire

Always continues to burn.

Let it give to you the heavenly carpet ...

Thanks for what you are!

We thank you for all efforts,

And for parental understanding.

I ask for a minute attentive,

We still have what you say

And toast now let

We are for parents to raise.

We wish you from the heart

Strong health and let

Wrinkles are collapsed

Sadness and sadness will come from his face.

Live happily and friendly

But who gave birth to remember you need.

Who brought into people, brought up

Who dressed and warmed

Whose hands as a child swung you,

And who is together with you today.

Love them and respect

And never forget.

They don't really need much

If only you lived together.

Beautiful words of gratitude at the wedding of parents - Texts in prose for the bride and groom

A small prose with sincere words thanks is optimally suitable for a brief expression of gratitude to parents. Its newlyweds can pronounce together: prepared text should be divided into two parts or to tell in small parts in turn. This will help the most nice to speak the bride and groom. The text should include not only the universal texts specified below, but also personal wishes. Then the words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride and the bride will sound most sincerely and warm.

Prose with beautiful words thanks to parents from the bride and groom at the wedding

After the words of gratitude and the bridegroom, and the bride should be sure to wish parents of good health. And the mother and dads, who have long wished grandchildren to promise to fulfill their dream. But then it is not worth tightening with the birth of kids: the heard promises must be true. Select the words of gratitude to parents in prose from these examples, but you can take them as a basis for writing your original text.

Dear and beloved our parents. Thank you for being with us. Gratitude that you deserve hard to recover words, but we still try. For many years you have brought up us by investing all your strength and hopes. They gave us their love, affection and understanding. We rejoiced to our success and were there, when we did not work out. You have always been our reliable support and vitality. Now, when we grew up and will soon become parents, I really want to tell you "Thank you" to all. It is very cool when you have a big friendly family, in which understanding, support and happiness reigns. You did a lot for us, and we will try to not be in debt to you. Low bow to you.

Dear my mom and dad! Let me contact you from today to contact you. And you want to contact you with the words of gratitude for helping to be born our young family. For what you saw a girl in me worthy to become your daughter, become a member of your family. For the fact that you gave birth and brought me a loving husband, who, I hope, will also be a good father of my children, and your grandchildren.

I want to thank you for the holiday that you organized us, which invested as much soul and love. I think ahead of us for many years of joint love and respect.

I will always try to be a good wife to your son, in joy and grief to be a faithful assistant, so that your parent heart is not sick about him. Low you bow for everything - good that you are doing for me.

Cute idobody our parents, in the wedding of our wedding, we express our gratitude to Savish Love Isabot. Our lovely childhood gave life, beautiful dreams to IVRU MORBY. Today, there is a new one - our family, they hope that your advice will help us to overcome any barrier. Be healthy, dear, fucks are firmly loved.

Parents filled with erect, watht Magic Wedding Day Take Gratitude Words, forward the Winged Dar of Life, presented to us. Without yours: support, kindness, understanding, the councils did nothing. The vector of family happiness is set with the help of all-consuming, disinterested love. You are an example for imitation, reason for pride, time for smile. Thank you to exit, our Guardian Angels!

Words of gratitude in short poems parents from the bride and groom at the wedding - texts and video

Touching words of gratitude to parents on the day the wedding of the bride and groom can include in any part of the evening celebration. For example, after clearing guests and the announcement of the first toasts, they should go to the expression of appreciation to parents. This will help immediately emphasize their warm and good relations with parents. In the middle of the event, such words gratitude to parents of the bride and groom will be able to become an excellent continuation of the holiday. After all, by this time and guests, and their parents themselves relax a little and will forget about the previous bustle. At the end of the holiday, such speeches will also be appropriate: they will allow beautifully moving to dancing with parents and the end of the evening.

Short words of gratitude in verses parents from the bride and groom for the wedding

Short texts can be pronounced in turn of the bride and groom or divided into two parts. For example, at first the bride will tell about how she loves her parents, and the bride will indicate the love and attachment to her mother and dad. Next, after a short feast, it is worth moving to "cross" congratulations. In this part of the groom, thanked the parents of the newly made spouse, and she, in turn, will say thanks to the mother-in-law and mother-in-law.

Mom and dad, our parents,

We are grateful to you for your actions.

For the help that you have now rendered

For the joy that we were delivered.

With the word response your gifts,

We will take, milf, we will take, dad.

We are in a new homemade setting

We will find the application of these updates.

We are grateful to you from the heart and above

We give you two heaps of kids.

Warm you warm their appearance

Gifts give birthday.

And we also ask you for forgiveness

For the fact that we bring you so much trouble.

Knees we are yours gently kiss

Yes, what gratitude - we just love you!

We thank you for all efforts,

Thank you for all experiences,

For the situation warm, homely,

For the preparation of a long, yesterday's.

At the table, which was covered in detail,

For noting the circumstances.

Thank you for warmth, attention

And for parental understanding.

This life is coming boldly,

Just you thanks to you.

We are now not just kids

We are a new family.

Everything you gave us

We will keep carefully stored.

We are together and unable to us

So many cups to kill.

And carpets and covers

Our home will be decorated.

Even warm blankets

I will not give my sides.

All gifts we break

In our house in places

The housewarming is noisily firmly

There will be dances, noise and gaps.

Never stop

Thank you for everything.

Video example of words of gratitude from the bride and groom at the wedding of parents

You can familiarize yourself with the example of gratitude to parents from the bride and the bride in the above video. It will help determine the optimal time to pronounce the words of gratitude and will help to navigate in the peculiarities of reading poems and prose.

Original words of gratitude on the birthday of parents from his daughter - poems and video example

On the next birthday, daughters and sons are used to hearing good and touching congratulations on their parents. But the adult children themselves should pronounce the words of gratitude to Mom and Dad. Daughters need to say Thanks to Momchka for constant support, because it is due to its efforts and help from the girl grew up a real woman. And the dad should say thanks for the protection, care. Pronounce better words of gratitude to parents in verses: they are great for maintaining the festive atmosphere and will definitely like the most beloved and loved ones.

Poems with the words of gratitude from the daughter on your birthday for parents

An adult daughter can descend the proposed poems or just rewrite them on a beautiful postcard and read the mother and dad during the celebration of her birthday. A touching speech will leave pleasant warm memories for a long time. At the same time, there are no restrictions on the performance with beautiful words at the age of: I can say thanks to the parents and at the celebration of the 20th anniversary, and at the meeting of their 40 years.

Mom and and dad!

Thanks for all!

For happy childhood -

I remember him!

Years fly - your daughter matured,

But what listened to you - I did not regret.

I went to the daddy from early childhood:

Character and appearance,

Like two boots!

From mommy also took a bit taken:

Calm a little, a smile took.

Thank you, relatives, I love you very much!

And let it rarely tell you ...

I remember childhood serene

And the eyes of heavenly purity,

So much for me you did in life,

So I could become a person.

Our senses are tested,

And I want for everything "Thank you" to you.

I'm all the time I'm not afraid of time

For love and for what I am,

and for the fact that a little beautiful.

I'm always afraid of late

I'm still afraid not to get

And forget or not to recognize

Childhood warm quiet echo.

Constantly afraid not to catch up,

Your only, important train me,

To come to tell you,

What I live, as taught, conscience.

To at least look again

On rowan and harmony of birch,

To, as in childhood, breathe whole breasts

The spirit of January evil frost.

Again seen native eyes

That from life is not yet tired

And with a smile gently say:

"So I arrived, or did not wait?"

I'm all the time I'm not afraid of time

You say at dawn - Thank you!

For love and for what you are,

And for what was born happy !!!

Video example of reading poems with words thanks to parents daughter on her birthday

In the proposed video example, you can hear as beautiful and cute words of gratitude for parents at the birthday of daughter. The text voiced in the video can be used to pronunciation on your holiday.

Warm words of gratitude from a loving son to parents on birthday - the texts of poems

Good words of gratitude no less pleasant to hear from the son than from her daughter. After all, his birthday was a special event in the life of parents. And since then, they have constantly supported their child, helped in solving important life tasks and finding the right answers to all questions. To hear touching poems from the son, all parents want: unlike girls, the boys are quite rarely sentimental. Therefore, the following beautiful words of gratitude to parents will certainly and please them, and may be pleasantly surprised.

Poems with warm words gratitude to parents on birthday from a loving son

Send poems with warm gratitude to parents in any part of the birthday celebration. But the son can also simply rewrite them to a big greeting card and read it with his relatives. An equally attractive decision will be the printing of the original "literacy" for parents with the words of gratitude. Such non-standard appreciation they will be kept with tenderness and warmth in the heart.

Not the fact that we are weakening feelings

When an old age comes.

Love like higher art

An example of my parents.

Thank you for creating care

And they helped not get to me from the way,

And when necessary, in childhood was instructed

Wedding is the most touching and exciting moment in the life of every couple in love. The whirlpool of feelings and emotions is overwhelmed with mad strength, and the anticipation of a new family life seems to fascinate with its unpredictability. Everything around promises a bright continuation of the beautiful love-story. But in such a magical and fabulous hour it is easy to forget about the most expensive and important people who put their lives on the altar of the happiness of children - about the parents of the bride and groom. In order not to offend your favorite mom and dad unscrewed indifference, it is better to prepare the words of gratitude to the parents at the wedding and choose the most suitable moment for their expression. So, beautiful lines in verses or in prose from the bride and the bride can be pronounced after the blessing of marriage, when leaving the house, at the stage of presenting a punishment or at the very end of the festive party. Moreover, not only the wedding day can be a good reason to express gratitude to moms and dads. Excellent opportunity to remind you like your appreciation - prom evening, the anniversary of the parent wedding and even the birthday.

Touching words of gratitude in verses parents at the wedding from the bride and groom

At the wedding celebration there are many special moments: the exchange of tear faders of loyalty and wedding rings, the inspiring of the symbolic family hearth and the first lyrical dance of the young, presenting gifts with congratulations and throwing the bouquet of the bride. The happiest couple of newlyweds in the center of all events, guests genuinely rejoice in what is happening, relatives are lost between a touching plan and joyful laugh. But among all guests there are the most honorable and special - mothers and dads. They say little and hardly restrain the excitement. But only until then, while newlyweds will not raise the touching words of gratitude in verses to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom.

Thank you for spilled tears,

During the night, what you sat without sleep,

Protherying our peace and dreams

Above the children's cradle is late.

For the first sigh, for the first smile,

For the first step, which we passed.

For birthdays, for the first mistake,

For all surprises, which was presented.

For having helped us climb

And find the binder thread.

And in a difficult hour from life do not break,

You helped gnawing science granite,

We were directed by a hard hand.

Thank you for everything: for pain, for flour,

For our happiness, the world over your head.

We are here today with you in this room.

Gathered for the birth of a family

And, as once in childhood they promised

We bring your bow to the ground.

This life is coming boldly,

Just you thanks to you.

We are now not just kids

We are a new family.

Everything you gave us

We will keep carefully stored.

We are together and unable to us

So many cups to kill.

And carpets and covers

Our home will be decorated.

Even warm blankets

Do not give my side to lean.

All gifts we break

In our house in places

The housewarming is noisily firmly

There will be dances, noise and gaps.

Never stop

Dad and Mom are the main people

The best people on this earth!

If you are near, I know what will happen

Quietly in life and me and you.

Your warmth in the cold latter will warm

Strong hands will always support

The heart is native when you get sick,

To cure you can easily.

God give you a long life, health,

Brilliance, Zador in happy eyes!

My relatives, for all you thanks!

You are alive here in these verses.

Beautiful words of gratitude in prose parents from newlyweds at the wedding

Often the bride and groom refuse to choose words of gratitude to parents at the wedding in the form of touching poems. After all, the long pre-holiday bustle and fatigue in combination with the moment of the moment impose an imprint of excitement on the ability to express their thoughts. At such moments, it is very difficult to follow rhyme and tact. Therefore, it is much more convenient to draw up a thankful speech in prosaic lines capable of how it is impossible to transmit the depth of genuine feelings.

Dear Pope and Moms! Today's bread is very tasty, because it was presented to us the most native people - you. It is impossible to convey words as much as we are happy that you have. It is impossible to express how much we are grateful to you for your support and unconditional love. Thank you, dear, that they raised us for each other and divided this day with us. Due to the fact that you are near, it has become even more beautiful!

Dear and favorite our mom and dad, thank you for your tenderness that you have given us when we were small, for the love that you warmed us in difficult moments of our life. We thank you for presented happiness to be near you, feel your warmth and support in the most difficult days.

Cardiac gratitude to you, our favorite, our dear, our indispensable mom and dad. You have always supported us at the most difficult moment. But right now, when we are on top of happiness, we want to thank for all that you have done for us. Thank you for the gifts that we definitely use in our later life for the help you have provided to us in the preparation of this celebration. And know, we love you no less than and you are!

Dear Mom and Dad!

Today is such a special day, our family has become more and I'm so happy (happy) that I found (found) my happiness. For all these emotions, that I happened to survive today, I want to thank you, my cute parents! I had a wonderful childhood and it only because of your care, disinterested love and kindness in which I grew (Ros). You have learned me a lot, thank you for these lessons. Now I know what real parents should be and will also try to educate our children well, give them the same as love and caress, as he had herself (had himself). I am immensely grateful (thanks) for your help and support while preparing for one of the most important days of my life and hope for your future assistance, when our house will be filled with children's laughter!

Thank you for everything, relatives, I love you very much!

Luxury words of gratitude to the parents of the groom from the bride

Brides at the wedding is made to thank parents of the groom in small but very pleasant gifts. But simple transmission of the presents from hand to hand is completely unacceptable. Before, during or after granting relatives of her husband, the girl should say a beautiful speech in prose or poetic form. Luxurious words of gratitude to the parents of the bridegroom from the bride better to learn in advance so as not to spoil the beautiful moment to primitive reading from the sheet. And you can use a simple template by adding it with your own thoughts.

An example of the gratitude words of the bride to the parents of the groom:

Today is the happiest day in my life. I am happy because fate brought me with so amazing, kind, responsive, loving, etc. A man like ___ (the name of the groom), which today became my husband.

And I tell you, _______ (mother) and ______ (dad), thank you so much for being raised and raised such a wonderful son. After all, only thanks to you, I found a real love in my life, which will carry in his heart in many years.

And as a sign of my heartfelt thanks, I ask you to take these modest gifts. Know that I appreciate you, respect and love! Thank you for my husband!

Video with the words of gratitude to the bride to the parents of the groom

Best words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom

Unlike the bride, the guy should pronounce the best words of gratitude to the parents of the bride from the groom at the end of the evening. Warm and mental speeches, which come from the depths of the heart should be proud of respectful, calmly, quietly and be sure to stand. Parents can be thanked for a blessing for marriage, invaluable life experience, help in organizing a beautiful wedding celebration and, of course, festive gifts. At the end of the greatest speech, parents from the groom should also be remembered about all the other guests who divided the joy of newlyweds, about witnesses responsibly performing their roles, chefs, organizers, bathfoot, musicians, etc.

The best words gratitude to the groom's parents of the bride on the day of the wedding: video

Beautiful words of gratitude in verses of godded parents at a wedding

According to ancient custom, the congestion is considered the most expensive people after parents. They are entirely trusted by the role of mentors and spiritual teachers of the child. The godfather in life is responsible for their gods, they suffer for their successes and are upset by their failures and misses. At the wedding, as in life, a special honorable place is given to such important and necessary guests. And just like the parents, the bride and groom dedicate the God's gratitude in verses.

Two moms, it's not strange,
But I thank fate,
You, mine in Christ Mamuly,
Once who became the altar.
No wonder you became a godmother,
I am very close and native,
Caring and tender itself
How good that you are with me.
So important to me your attention
Your smile is yours
After all, you are always with me nearby
When I need it.
Let everything you want - will be embodied
Love and happiness give light,
With you, I will share the eyelid,
After all, the best godmother
There is no!

Thanks to God that in the life of the crown,
Holded my godfather in his hands.
The warmth of his heart warmed up always,
When the trouble was coming to me.
His soul pulled ice,
And always told me: "Only forward!"
My tears shot down my smile,
When it was difficult, always helped!
You mean a lot to me,
You are a godfather dad, it's a lot!
I wish, I sincerely love,
I am a light life road!

In the word "godf" so much love and heat,
Light tenderness, sensitivity, caress ...
For me, you were a wizard in childhood
From your tale told!
And now I am still a paroticon
I have a soul with you rest.
You know, the godfather, as I rode you!
How do you need me in life, native!
How do i go good hands your hands
You, as in childhood, hug me.
Too rarely tell you about love
You forgive, you all forgive me ...
And good luck, and the care of my
How to perceive you are ready.
"I love you, the godfather! I love very much! "-
I repeat it again and again !!!

Solemn thanks to the prose of godpants at the wedding

Many newlyweds consider to be a big banality. Beautiful words of gratitude in verses of godded parents at the wedding. Instead of poetic lines, the guys constitute beautiful prosaic texts with the mention of funny moments from childhood, life instructions and even the first gifts received from the godfather and mother. Such a text, as a rule, causes much more emotions, rather than familiar poems with template phrases.

Dear godfather! I am glad that you are next to me in such an important day. Thank you for being in my life. If parents are a blood relative to blood, then the godfather is relative to the spirit, and how to understand who is really closest? Let everything in your life be: both bad and good, both black and white, and bitter and sweet, with a beautiful and terrible. After all, while we have something to compare with - we have the opportunity to choose. I am always glad to see you and never forget what you taught me all my life.

They say: "If the student has surpassed his teacher, it means that the teacher was good." Be confident, I will not make you be ashamed of me and blush. I will achieve a lot of things in life and build a strong family, I will be able to live together a joint life so that you can proudly say: this is our sick! Thank you for everything you did for me. We will never forget it, and I will always be glad to you.

I thank my godfess for their cheerful temper, for their ability to listen and understand me, for their kindness, for sensitivity to me, for the manifestation of the highest degree of interest in my life, for always finding time on me, and in Generally, just for what they are! Without you, life would be absolutely faceless! I love you!

Sincere words of gratitude to parents on birthday from daughter in verse

The birthday of your favorite parents is another wonderful reason to express sincere words of gratitude in verses from my native daughter. In the company of relatives and friends, mom or dad will be doubly more pleasant to appreciate the love, a sense of tact, the level of education and appreciation of their children. Especially if they were not lazy to prepare in advance and rehearse its pronunciation. So:

  1. The most sincere words of gratitude to parents on his birthday from the daughter in verses should go from the soul, and not from the collection of primitive toasts. After all, it is better not very slender words than template phrases;
  2. The unchanged element of the Thanksgiving words is respect. And therefore, even close people should pronounce their standing, without excessive gesticulation and talked pathos;
  3. Selling words of gratitude on the birthday of parents are better calm, measured, with a genuine smile on the face.

An example of thankful words to parents from his daughter for a birthday

I ask for a minute attentive,
We still have what you say
And toast now let
We are for parents to raise.
We wish you from the heart
Strong health and let
Wrinkles are collapsed
Sadness and sadness will come from his face.
Live happily and friendly
But who gave birth to remember you need.
Who brought into people, brought up
Who dressed and warmed
Whose hands as a child swung you,
And who is together with you today.
Love them and respect
And never forget.
They don't really need much
If only you lived together.

Parents glory, praise and honor!
I think the people will agree
That the toast for parents should be raised
Health and happiness from us wish!
I ask everyone to raise glasses
For the happiness of the mother, father,
And I suggest all guests
For it to drink to the end!
We thank you for all efforts,
Thank you for all experiences,
For the situation warm, homely,
For the preparation of a long, yesterday's.
At the table, which was covered in detail,
For noting the circumstances.
Thank you for warmth, attention
And for parental understanding.

My parents are so expensive
All their lives gave me their warmth.
I was not afraid there were no adversity
And in life it all happened well.
Thank you for putting my strength to me,
Nights did not sleep, did not eat bread.
Caring your life my stored,
Love has protected from all troubles.

Parents, thank you for understanding.
You are what inspires me to live.
You gave me love and upbringing,
I will thank you forever.

Words of gratitude in prose from Son's favorite parents in a bright birthday

Beautiful words of gratitude to the Son's favorite parents on birthday should not have to sound in verses or in ordinary prose. As a thankful gift, you can draw (print, glue, etc.) Mom and dad bright rainbow and file a beautiful explanation for it. For example:

"Thank you, dear mom and dad, for taught to sincerely believe in feelings and listen to emotions. Your instructions for me like a rainbow. Where:

  • red - grafted from childhood skill love;
  • orange - the color of holidays and joyful events in our family life;
  • yellow - the color of the kindness and heat you presented;
  • green - Nature with which you introduced me in early childhood;
  • blue - the color of the dreams, in which they taught to believe;
  • blue - depth of your support and support;
  • purple - logic. After all, you always say: "Listen to your heart, but Intire the mind"

Thank you, my dear, for the rainbow! "

Example of thanksgiving words in prose from son mom or dad for birthday

Eloquence is not my feature, but today I am not afraid to speak. After all, my thanks to you, Mom, Father, is huge. Thanks for your patience, care and support in everything. Mom, you invested in me better - tenderness, kindness and sympathy. Father, you taught me what it means to be a man. Only thanks to you I was able to achieve what I have today. And the path that I get up today - a new life in a new family is also partially your merit. In gratitude, I will be your support.

Dad! Mum! You will always be the best people for me, and I will always love you and infinitely respect. Despite all the quarrels and misunderstandings that took place, I firmly knew that at any time I could contact you for support and help. Dad. Your jokes could raise me at any time if I was upset. Thanks for them. And for having silently approved my actions and my choice. Mum. You have no one closer. At any time, you knew that I was more likely to get silent or spoiled, talk or hear advice, and maybe just eat! Thank you for everything. You are the best in the world!

Mother, father! I thank the universe that I have you. Such good and patient, bright and loving. Without your support and advice, I would be incredibly difficult and lonely. Daddy! You showed me what should be a man who knew how and cheer, and calm down. Cute mommy, the warmth of your hands warms my heart every minute. Thank you, my best people!

Excavative words of gratitude to parents on graduation in grade 9

By making an exciting thankful speech to parents, graduates of 9-graders forget about other, no less important elements. For example, about beautiful bouquets of bright colors, symbolizing youth and beauty, about small presents as a gift for the efforts, about the proper design of the text "for memory". After all, excitement words of gratitude to parents for graduation in grade 9, you can not only read at the end of the event, but also to issue in beautiful wall letters or letters. So the sincere manifestations of love and appreciation will remain not only in the memory of moms and dads, but also on the most prominent shelf of the Servant.

As a path on the uncharted planet,

The words of gratitude are expensive parents from graduates of graduates of graduates of graders 11, one can be made up of little speeches from the whole. The final speech plan will be as follows:

  1. Words sincere thanks to parents from children for graduation in grade 11 and all other guests who came;
  2. Short memories of school events dedicated to parents;
  3. Solemn thanks to educators and all school staff;
  4. Demonstration of collages or video in gratitude to moms and dads;
  5. The promise to continue to love and listen to the native, despite age and a new, more responsible life step.

The text of the Thanksgiving speech to parents from graduates of 11 classes

We still have to say in this hour.

About those who gave us life

About the closest people in the world

About those who helped grow

And to help still in many ways will be.

Invisibly follow the parents for us

And in joy, and an hour when trouble came,

They seek to protect us from the seals,

But we, alas, do not always understand them.

You sore us, cute, relatives,

After all, besides you, there are no more expensive people.

As they say, children are joy in life,

And you for us - support in it!

Let sometimes it was difficult with us,

But you always understood us!

Parents are relatives,

Thank you for being with us

Together with you school we passed,

And in this we helped us very much!

For supporting your and patience,

For parent opinion

For all relatives, you "thank you" say,

And for you exams we are on "excellent" all surrender!

Congratulations on graduation!
Your child has become big.
So much life is ahead
So much happiness on the way!
We wish only good,
To from night to morning
Graduate studied, thought
And I did not discharge.
So that adequately arrived
And successful in life was!

Beautiful words of gratitude to parents at the wedding from the bride and groom, on graduation or birthday - this is not only tribute to tradition, but also the best way to express your love and once again convince in our respect. To the selection of gratitude words in prose or in verses it is necessary to treat seriously so as not to spoil the beautiful and souchard moment.

Parents are the main people in the life of any person. No important event in the life of a person starting from birth does not occur without their participation. For important events in our lives in which parents participated, we express them the words of true thanks. It is not an exception and day of marriage. On this day, newlyweds in verses and prose thank each other's parents for celebrating their love that their chosen or chosen was gave birth and brought up before this important point.

To the selection of words of gratitude, it is necessary to approach with special care. The closest people should feel sincere heat of wishes in their address. It is possible that it is at this moment that the feelings of attachment to their "new children" originate.

When young people tell the words of gratitude to parents, it is recommended to adhere to some rules:

Such words will allow you to smile, charge the energy, will cause location.

No wedding without sonorous toasts. One of them is toast, in which the parents are pronounced. At the wedding from the bride, words are heard primarily her parents, and then parents of the groom. It is important not to pass through and correctly express gratitude for the opportunity to become a member of their family. To say "Thank you" for giving the opportunity to share your life with their son.

And also you can not forget about the words of gratitude to Mom from my daughter at the wedding. For example, the text of gratitude may look like this:

Dear and beloved mommy. This very important and special day for me, I want to tell you (you) Thank you! Thanks for the warmth and the support that you (you) are still let me, without requiring nothing in return, for wisdom and tolerance, which I learned from you (you). I am grateful to all my heart for all the years of parental love, and above all, thank you (you) for the fact that some of me can still feel joyful childhood, feeling like a little, beloved daughter. I love you very much (you).

Choosing style

Prose or poetry? At the moment, the other styles of congratulations are used. When viewing various wedding ceremonies, some poetic lines really cause admiration, but some of them look very mediocre, if not primitive. Express gratitude in verses follows only when you are confident in their quality. Therefore, there are two outputs:

Examples of words of gratitude

Not everyone can beautifully express warm words pways at the wedding in their own prose. Small examples will help you find ideas and inspiration. Sample for the bride when leaving the house:

Thanks to the parents for growing me and cherished, they taught and endured all my tricks. Special thanks to my mother, who sang a lullaby at night, fed and taught to prepare delicious dishes. For led to school, taught me to be a beloved and a real woman. Dad, thanks for the fact that he was always there was a reliable support and wore in his arms. You defended me from all adversity, supported and were the main teachers in life.

Words of gratitude to your parents after the blessing:

Thank you, Dad and Mom, who blessed our marriage. We promise to always follow your advice, keep peace, family and loyalty. Love each other all my life and raise your children, your grandchildren.

The answer to the congratulations of the parents:

The bride thanks her husband's parents:

Thank you for such a beautiful son. I know it will become a real support for me and will be a loving husband and father, because he has you, those who can take an example. From this day you are also becoming my parents, because I undertake to love you with all my heart, like a dear husband.


Blessed mother-in-law, I do not know how to speak beautiful words of gratitude, but thanks for your beautiful daughter, she is the most feminine, the most beautiful that can be found in this world. I understand that I got a precious diamond, and promise to protect my wife, take care of her, as it deserves it. And I will try to do everything to be happy with me, as she was happy in the house of her parents.

Thank you

It would be a mistake not to mention the expression of gratitude through the film. Now this method is becoming increasingly popular. Thus, the overwhelming majority of young couples want to thank their parents in a special way. Short speech, song, bouquet of flowers, gift and in the process of all this - a fashionable film with gratitude, is a beautiful confirmation of your words.

I would like to pay special attention to the fact that mom and dad have always been, there are and will remain the most close people in the life of any person. It was they gave life, and wherever the fate begins, they will always support in a difficult moment. Newlyweds, and you are as an example for your children, so that when they are married, the words of gratitude from their mouths were good and sincere.

When a festive banquet comes to its logical conclusion, it's time for the wedding speech. Guests will be pleased to hear gratitude to their address for spending this day with newlyweds. It is also not superfluous to appeal to parents and the newly-made spouse. The speech of the bride at the wedding is desirable to prepare in advance, because at the time of excitement you can not find the necessary words.

You need to draw up your appeal in accordance with several basic rules, which are presented below:

  1. Speech must consist of administration, main part and imprisonment. The transition between them should be smooth and invisible that the text is solid;
  2. Do not too delay your appeal. Proposals must be capacious;
  3. In order for gratitude to the sound beautiful, take advantage of various epithets and metaphors. However, it is important not to overdo it with them;
  4. It is necessary to thank all those present for the fact that they have divided the joy of marriage. Note also that without them the holiday would not work;
  5. We must turn to your parents and parents of the bridegroom by name or, calling Mom and Dad;
  6. If his speech of the bride pronounces at the end of the evening, then it is necessary to say goodbye to the invited. In the case of the celebration of the second day of the wedding you need to remind about it;
  7. An option to appeal to friends and loved ones can be a song or video. Also for the groom you can make a slideshow of your love story.

Poems or prose: what to choose for speech

If the bride is a lover of poetry, she can choose a poem as an appeal. And in the case of the presence of an essay talent, you can come up with several quatrains yourself. It will be a wonderful gift for friends and loved ones. However, if there is no desire to read poems, you can contact guests in prose. An example of the speech of the bride for their parents in the poetic form can be seen in the photo below:

Appeal to the parents of the spouse

In addition to his own parents on the marriage festival, the most important persones are the mother and dad of a new man, because now they are your family to which you need to treat with love and honor. That is why it is very important to make a bride in their speech to mention them. An example is presented in the photo:

Speech for beloved

Appeal to your half is necessarily at the celebration. It is very important to express how happy you are on this day. It is necessary to invest all the tenderness and love that you experience to it. You can sing a romantic song or contact him in verses.

Thanks to witnesses

These people were all day all day and helped in everything, so they deserve separate gratitude. In addition, most often, these are the best friends of the newlyweds who participated in the organization of the wedding. A girlfriend and friend a friend will be very pleased to hear some warm words to their address. Examples of letters in prose are presented below:

  • Witness: "Dear friend! As I am happy that I can call another person in my life. I am sure that in case of any misfortune, you will always come to the rescue. I am glad that my husband has such a close and devotee nearby. From this point on, our house will always be open to you ";
  • Bride's girlfriend: "My friend's favorite! I want to tell you thank you for being not only today, but also was always there. Your support is for me the most precious gift at all times. I hope that the road to our house will be protusive by your charming legs. "

Gratitude invited

Guests were granted the right to perform with congratulatory speeches to the newlyweds, so it will not be superfluous to say a response in their honor. It is important to appeal to relatives, friends and colleagues at work, because they have created an amazing atmosphere of fun. It is proposed to familiarize yourself with the example of speech:

"Dear and respected our relatives and friends! We tell you a lot. Thank you for being a mig in our life. You were there. Our family has happened in your eyes. Your participation, support and positive emotions made a marriage festival as we represented him. We hope that this day will be remembered by magical and touching. Thank you for all the charming words you pronounce in our honor, and also for your attention. I express the hope that we will once again gather all together for the same pleasant occasion. Thank you for everything!"

Thus, based on the foregoing material, it can be concluded that the presence of friends and relatives at the wedding is an extremely important point. Therefore, it is necessary to express their gratitude to them, at least in your own words, even if you are not a lover of tribal speeches in public. Your loved ones will be enough for a pair of pleasant words that the bride should pronounce. The ideal option will also be the performance of the groom as a supplement to the words of his spouse.

Wedding day - the most important day in the life of a young couple. Everyone will find the approach of the celebration: both the bride and groom, and their parents. For all this is the same exciting point: for a young wedding - the beginning of a new life, for their parents - the growing child's children in front of their eyes.

For the bride, it is especially important that the celebration has passed perfectly. To do this, careful preparation is needed - the wedding dress, the table, the design of the hall - all this requires attention. Surely, your mother or mom groom helps you in such a business. Together, as you know, to cope much easier, and the festive bustle support is simply necessary.

Agree that your parents played a considerable role in the arrangement of life. They supported in difficult moments, directed you to the right direction. These are the only people who have always been near, despite quarrels and inconsiderators.

One of the main moments of the wedding

Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding - one of the most touching events of the celebration. Each of the newlyweds have something to say to her parents. However, it will be much correct to say thanks and parents of the groom (bride).

If you are a creative person, then you will not be difficult to make a solemn speech for loved ones. By the way, the poem of its own essay option is very original. Parents will be very pleased to hear important words in beautiful shape.

As for the bunning, it should not be learned by heart the poems dedicated to parents. The fact is that at the wedding the atmosphere is exciting, not everyone will be able to overcome their fear of the scene.

If you decide to say a carefully thoughtful speech, then work it in advance. It is advisable to write on the sheet to not remember the successful words of a minute ago. So you outlined all thoughts. It remains to add sincerity so that parents know that the words you have said is not just a learning text.

Improvisation will help you here. Even if you forgot any fragment, you will always pick up the words on the go. Here they will add your speech sincerity. The best option is to prepare a joint speech. The words of the bride and groom are the most important and important for parents.

Remember that now you are one whole and, accordingly, it should be one for two. It will be even a plus. If, for example, one of you is shy and lost in the public, you take on the role of a speaker. And at the end (or during speech pronunciation) your second half inserts several warm phrases as a supplement. What could be better?

Gratitude to parents for bread-salt

So, after marriage and unforgettable walks of newlyweds go to the restaurant on the banquet. According to tradition, parents meet spouses with carabically, that is, with bread and salt. The role of the bride and the bride is as follows: to bite off on a piece of punitive and say thanks.

How to express your gratitude to parents at the wedding for bread and salt? Adhering to customs you can say the following:
"Dear and favorite our parents! Thank you for everything: for warmth and love, for parental shelter, for a wonderful loaf! We know that no bread is not a single table, but without salt - a dish. We believe that bread and salt will be attended on our table, and we will always be happy to share them with you! Thank you very much!"

If you want the original, then the method of expressing gratitude should also be special. For example, you can print a beautifully decorated diploma for parents, in which the same words of gratitude will be outlined. Then print it on the color printer and present your relatives.

Words of gratitude bridesmaid parents of the spouse

In the middle of a festive evening, you will have the opportunity to thank parents of your beloved. It will be right if the bride will prepare them in advance with small gifts. The words of the bride should be sincere and beautiful.

What can she say? The essence of her speech is approximately as follows:
"I want to thank you, dear _______ (the name of the mother of the groom and the groom's dad)! Today is the happiest day in my life. I am very grateful to you because you have grown such a wonderful person as your son. I am happy that I met him and loved. He is a very kind and responsive person with whom I will be glad to share all of his sorrows and suffering, as well as joy and victory. I realized that I found real love and preserve it in my heart until the end of life. I really appreciate and love your son. Thank you very much! As a sign of my gratitude, I ask you to take small gifts. "

Last thanks for the wedding evening

At the end of the celebration, when all toasts and congratulations are pronounced, it remains for the newlyweds - to express your gratitude to the parents at the wedding. These words of the bride and groom should be the most sincere, walking from the soul.

Gratitude should be pronounced by a solid, confident voice, be sure to stand. Young spouses say Thank you for the help that parents have had, for invaluable experience, which they awarded their children. It is necessary to emphasize that wise advice that parents gave, very useful in life. Newlyweds appropriate to say about their love for them.

Respect, love, mutual understanding and support is the basis of a strong marriage. Do not forget to mention how important it (young couple) is the presence and support of parents at the wedding. Thank them for giving a blessing to a joint life.

Words of gratitude to parents at the wedding in verse

    My relatives, parents favorite ...
    I wish you to live forever together.
    After all, there is always invisible between you
    And so relatives love is a beautiful thread.

    And in the wedding to declare I want to once again
    (At least you know about it so long)
    In the soul, I keep you, and despite quarrels,
    What rarely, but happen, I love you anyway!

    My relatives and favorite mom, dad,
    I am a kiss for your wedding, hug
    And I wish that it rain is not a drip today.
    And the sun was bright not only in the morning.

    Live for many years in love is boundless.
    Prepare together, having fun and walk.
    And in old age, the handle takes gently,
    Moments of life are wonderful remember!

    My relatives and good,
    With the wedding I congratulate you!
    So that for a very long time they lived together,
    And near the hour!

    Like a daughter, my favorite parents
    I wish you joyful minutes ...
    So that the mother was an inspirer,
    And dad those who are all waiting!

    In our life, the wind of change broke,
    We fell in love, you supported us
    We want to protect you in return.
    From anxiety, from unrest, from sorrow.
    In gratitude we will give you grandchild
    Five boys or five girls,
    Let them hurry and shout
    Getting out of your diapers.
    Our gratitude for love
    We no longer express words.
    We - and your life, and your blood,
    Forever we will remain with you.

Words of gratitude to parents at a wedding in prose

    Dear and favorite our mom and dad, thank you for your tenderness that you have given us when we were small, for the love that you warmed us in difficult moments of our life. We thank you for presented happiness to be near you, feel your warmth and support in the most difficult days.

    "Dear and favorite our dad and mom! We are cordially grateful to you for all gifts, presented by you, for your attention and the heat that you give us together with things. Many thank you for the tenderness that surrounded us, even when we were little kids, for love, which never left us and supported in the most difficult moments. This happiness is to be near you, constantly feel your support in difficult minutes and warmth, which has always gave us strength. We will always take an example only with you, come for advice, respect you and love. "

    "Our Dear Dad and Mom! Thank you so much for salt and bread that you specifically prepared for us. We promise you to take care of our happiness as careher as you presented to us this bread, love and appreciate each other all your life. We thank you for all the support that you have had and hope that it will accompany us all the time. "

    "Our dear and favorite dad and mom! Take our heart gratitude. You constantly support us in difficult moments of life. But now, when we are on the top of your happiness, we want to thank you for everything you have done for us. But at the same time we understand that the words of gratitude to pick up is very difficult and cannot be transferred to those feelings that we experience. Thank you very much for the gifts that we definitely use in family life, for all the assistance provided to us in the preparation of this celebration. We always equal to you and try to justify your hopes, and in the case of which, I will definitely ask the Council. "