Nausea in early pregnancy. How to get rid of nausea during pregnancy? Prejudice and scientific facts

Pregnancy is a time of unexpected taste preferences, strange reactions to aromas and, of course, constant nausea at first. Almost every woman can tell several stories about how she ran headlong to her “white friend” and hated her perfume, all the food and passers-by on the streets. Many funny stories support the opinion that there is nothing wrong with the nausea of ​​pregnant women, and it happens to almost everyone... What is this mysterious and at the same time close and dear toxemia, is it really sick "for a girl", "for a boy" or "for a strong baby"? Let's try to give answers to all the questions and figure out what is truth and what is fiction.

Causes of nausea during pregnancy

No matter how many grandmothers on the benches talk about the causes of toxicosis, modern doctors refuse to even use this word. Toxikon translated from Greek is poison, and we are not talking about any poisoning of the body during pregnancy. Nausea is a natural reaction of the body to an increase in the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that is produced in huge quantities in the first trimester of pregnancy until the placenta takes over all the functions of providing the fetus. Other hormones such as estrogen and thyroxine also play a role, but hCG is the main fiddle. Until about 15 weeks, the production of hormones is normalized and everything returns to normal.
But there are doctors who do not fully support this opinion, believing that disruption of the production of another hormone, serotonin, can also cause nausea. Plays a role in creating unpleasant sensations and the presence in the microbe "Helicobacter pylori". Disruption of the vestibular apparatus found in the inner ear can also worsen nausea. Hunger and fatigue significantly increase nausea. With multiple pregnancies, vomiting attacks can also occur much more often, since much more hormones are released.

Nausea in early pregnancy

Usually, nausea is a problem in the second half of the first trimester of pregnancy. Although it may occur earlier, it almost always ends before 15 weeks. It is at this time that the most important changes occur in a woman's body. A new life is fixed in it, and the body is in a real shock from what is happening. The hormonal background changes every minute, jumps, and then there is nausea.

But you need to remember that in most cases, the mother's poor health does not affect the child in any way. During this period, all future tissues and organs are laid in the baby's body, therefore, despite the nausea, it is necessary to try to eat in a balanced way and be less nervous. Remember that you just have to be patient and in a couple of weeks everything will return to normal. You can start to worry only when vomiting becomes uncontrollable (more often 15 times a day).
Such vomiting can lead to too much fluid loss and loss of valuable elements. With such severe nausea, medical treatment in a hospital is usually recommended so that doctors can monitor the patient's condition around the clock. It is extremely rare, with uncontrollable vomiting, to resort to abortion, but usually doctors try their best to save the child, since the manifestations of nausea in subsequent pregnancies are often intensified.

The degree of toxicosis of pregnant women

In the overwhelming majority of cases, nausea of ​​pregnant women is not a sign of a disease or any phenomenon that threatens a woman's health. Therefore, you need to relax and wait. You can try a special diet or any of the nausea remedies that your friends usually recommend, most of them are harmless.

Usually doctors distinguish three degrees of toxicosis in pregnant women. With a mild degree, vomiting occurs no more than 4-5 times a day, accompanies little or no weight loss, and does not affect the child's condition. This is an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon that does not require medical attention.
A moderate degree of toxicosis manifests itself in the form of nausea up to 10 times a day and a noticeable deterioration in the woman's well-being, weakness, apathy, and weight loss. Sometimes it can be fixed, an increase in temperature, an increase in heart rate. In this case, the woman is selected for drug treatment, which is best carried out in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.
A high degree of toxicosis is extremely rare. With it, there is frequent vomiting, up to 20 times a day and severe dehydration. Weight loss can be 2-3 kilograms per week. In such a difficult situation, only inpatient treatment is indicated.

Nausea in late pregnancy

With the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, nausea usually subsides. The second trimester is considered a fertile period, since the discomfort and risks of pregnancy have already receded, and there is still no big abdomen and heaviness. But with an increase in the tummy and the onset of the third trimester, nausea may return again. Usually, this nausea is associated with pressure on the internal organs. The child not only squeezes the organs around him, but can kick them a little. During this period, you need to try to eat often and little by little, so as not to overload the stomach.

As we have already figured out, nausea is a constant companion of pregnant women, one must put up with it and be friends with it. But, if in late pregnancy other unpleasant symptoms also join nausea, you should consult a doctor, as this may indicate some dangerous complications. If you are suffering from nausea and / or other symptoms such as dizziness, severe headache, high blood pressure, pain in the hypochondrium, rapid weight gain, education, tinnitus and protein in urine, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms can indicate severe complications that lead to oxygen starvation of the child and can even lead to his death.

What to do with nausea during pregnancy (video)?

The first thing to understand is there is no way to predict whether you will get nausea or not. Since, according to various sources, from 70 to 90 percent of women suffer from early toxicosis, the likelihood that you are one of them is simply enormous. You can't avoid nausea, but you can fight it.

In order to minimize the manifestations of nausea in pregnant women in the early stages, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance. At the stage of planning pregnancy, reconsider your diet, start eating right. If there are chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or other body systems, it is advisable to treat them. Also, at the planning stage of pregnancy, you can take folic acid in prophylactic doses.

When pregnancy has already begun and nausea turns into an attack, you can use the popular:
not to allow feelings of hunger, since attacks of nausea usually happen on an empty stomach;
do not get out of bed too abruptly in the morning, it is better to lie down a little and even have a snack with a crouton or biscuit biscuits;
try to eat right, exclude everything that is too spicy, salty, fatty, but if you really want to, then a little bit is possible;
you need to eat often and little by little, so as not to overload the stomach;
it is worth giving up tea, coffee and any caffeinated drinks, preferring plain water, unsweetened compote or herbal, allowed during pregnancy;
you can take vitamin complexes for pregnant women, often B vitamins help to cope with nausea.
It is very important in this crucial period to maintain a good mood and cheerfulness. Systematic walks in the fresh air, feasible physical exercises help to cope with nausea. And most importantly, you need to remember that the minor troubles of the first stage of pregnancy are nothing compared to the anticipated joy.

In a woman's body, a number of processes are launched that are necessary to maintain pregnancy. In fact, the fetus is a foreign agent, since it has half of an unfamiliar set of chromosomes.

In order to prevent the termination of pregnancy, the ovary produces progesterone, a hormone that has a relaxing effect on the uterus. The same hormone causes toxicosis, the main manifestation of which is nausea during pregnancy. In some women, this symptom of pregnancy is pronounced, while in others it is weak. The presence of toxicosis greatly darkens the life of a woman, but it is difficult to influence this.

Causes of nausea

The main cause of nausea is progesterone. In addition to this hormone, chorionic gonadotropin and prolactin play a role. But why in some pregnant women toxicosis is very pronounced, while in others it is less pronounced? This is due to the fact that the body of each woman is individual. Nausea during pregnancy worsens in cases where there were problems with the digestive tract before pregnancy. Too high or low acidity in the stomach, together with a changed hormonal background, can lead not only to nausea, but also to severe vomiting.

The state of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems of a woman is also of great importance. Oddly enough, but heredity plays a significant role. Therefore, if the mother had severe toxicosis, then her daughter is at a higher risk of such manifestations. But the sex of the child has no effect on the presence of toxicosis. If there is nausea in early pregnancy, then vomiting, drooling, heartburn and sensitivity to odors may later join. With a successful combination of circumstances, all symptoms disappear by 12 weeks.

How to deal with nausea?

It is important to remember that nausea most often goes away by the end of the first trimester. This thought makes life easier for women. Sometimes toxicosis is very pronounced. Vomiting bothers you several times a day, and simple measures do not help. In such cases, you must agree to inpatient treatment. Frequent nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can lead to an imbalance in water and electrolyte balance, which negatively affects the fetus and the woman's health. But severe toxicosis is actually rare.

There are many ways to relieve nausea in pregnant women. There are a few rules to remember to help make a woman's life easier:

  • Nausea will wilt more strongly on an empty stomach, so you must eat.
  • In the morning you need to have breakfast without getting out of bed. After breakfast, you should lie down for a while.
  • Meals should be fractional and frequent. Exclude all fried, spicy, smoked and salty foods. This will only provoke stomach problems.
  • When nausea occurs during pregnancy, you do not need to make sudden movements or bend over. This can cause vomiting.
  • It is worth listening to your body. You can eat what you want. Usually a woman is not attracted to harmful products.
  • Walking in the fresh air and airing the apartment makes the condition easier.
  • It is advisable to exclude foods that are too cold or hot.
  • A good remedy for nausea during pregnancy is sour and salty foods (apples, lemon tea, dried fruits, pomegranates, ginger, pickles, sauerkraut).

During pregnancy, smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided, since in addition to harm to the fetus, they increase the manifestations of toxicosis. Severe nausea during pregnancy should be a reason for contacting a gynecologist. In the absence of the effect of the diet and with frequent vomiting, a woman needs treatment.

Late term nausea

In the presence of nausea in the first trimester, it is explained by hormonal changes. Sometimes symptoms persist even after 12 weeks. This happens with severe toxicosis, which began early and was accompanied by serious disorders. But usually the situation becomes easier after 14-15 weeks and for a while the woman forgets about nausea and nutritional problems. But after a while, nausea appears in late pregnancy. It is associated with the growth of the uterus and the weakening of gastric motility.

These reasons lead to the fact that after a meal, nausea begins (in the early stages of pregnancy, on the contrary, it passed after a meal). The gynecologist should be notified that stomach discomfort has reappeared. But the reasons are different now, so the methods of treatment are changing too.

Pills for nausea during pregnancy do not exist, so you have to pay attention to the diet and the amount of servings. The less food a woman eats at one meal, the less often nausea will appear.

It should also be remembered that bed rest and lack of exercise slows down the digestive tract. Therefore, after eating, you cannot go to bed. You should walk and move more (of course, you should not bend over). If vomiting has become regular, then the woman should be hospitalized. Nausea during pregnancy and vomiting in later stages are not normal. The fetus can suffer from a lack of nutrients and from circulatory disorders in the mother-placenta-fetus system. Therefore, she needs specialized treatment.

What to do?

A woman should inform her gynecologist about all changes in well-being. Only a doctor will be able to explain the reasons and assess the severity of the patient. You should always listen to your well-being. If at first the toxicosis was severe, and then abruptly disappeared, then this is a reason to see a doctor. An ultrasound scan should be done to make sure the fetus is in good health. With a frozen pregnancy, the symptoms quickly disappear, so in such cases you need to play it safe.

If, in addition to nausea, abdominal pain, fever, headaches or changes in blood pressure appear, then you should immediately go to the hospital. Signs like these indicate a more serious problem than just relaxing the stomach. Nausea during pregnancy - what to do? This should be decided by the doctor after a thorough examination.

Toxicosis does not occur in every woman. If it is absent, then this is not a cause for concern (many women think that this is a sign of hormonal problems). It's just that your body more easily tolerates the changes that have arisen in connection with pregnancy. And if there is nausea, then you need to be patient and wait for the end of the first trimester.

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Toxicosis is a common occurrence in women, which is manifested by sudden nausea. Toxicosis, from the Greek language means "poisonous" - due to the effect of exogenous toxins on the body of a pregnant woman. Such a manifestation can begin at a time when the woman does not yet know that she is expecting a child.

Toxicosis is not a fatal manifestation, but, according to doctors, it is a small pathology that should not be present in an absolutely healthy woman. Nevertheless, most of the expectant mothers suffer from toxicosis during the period of a joyful event.

Causes of nausea

The main cause of nausea is progesterone. In addition to this hormone, chorionic gonadotropin and prolactin play a role. But why in some pregnant women toxicosis is very pronounced, while in others it is less pronounced? This is due to the fact that the body of each woman is individual. Nausea during pregnancy worsens in cases where there were problems with the digestive tract before pregnancy. Too high or low acidity in the stomach, together with a changed hormonal background, can lead not only to nausea, but also to severe vomiting.

The main causes of nausea during pregnancy are:

  • hormones progesterone, prolactin, chorionic gonadotropin;
  • the presence of problems with the digestive tract before pregnancy;
  • a deviation from the norm of stomach acidity (if it is increased or decreased), coupled with a hormonal surge - and severe nausea during pregnancy along with vomiting are provided;
  • heredity: if the mother suffered from toxicosis, it is highly likely that her daughter will also be susceptible to this painful condition during the period of gestation;
  • any failures in the internal systems of the body, which manifested themselves even before pregnancy: the endocrine, nervous and immune systems are especially important in this regard.

The state of the endocrine, nervous and immune systems of a woman is also of great importance. Oddly enough, but heredity plays a significant role. Therefore, if the mother had severe toxicosis, then her daughter is at a higher risk of such manifestations. But the sex of the child has no effect on the presence of toxicosis. If there is nausea in early pregnancy, then vomiting, drooling, heartburn and sensitivity to odors may later join. With a successful combination of circumstances, all symptoms disappear by 12 weeks.

What is good about toxicosis?

Nausea during pregnancy is not only about discomfort and symptoms. If you are already tired of this feeling, there are a couple of theories that are designed to help a woman come to terms with such a temporary embarrassment. So, for example, it is believed that those women who have suffered greatly from toxicosis, genius children are born. Moreover, this theory is confirmed by a number of studies. Scientists attribute this to the fact that hormones that cause discomfort in a woman have the most positive effect on the development of the fetal brain.

The timing

Hormone production is constantly changing at different stages of pregnancy. Accordingly, the reaction of the female body to all these metamorphoses also changes. Someone may feel nauseous in the first months, and in the last stages, vomiting and nausea can be tortured to a semi-faint state. For some, everything happens quite the opposite. So it will be useful for expectant mothers to know the peculiarities of toxicosis at different stages of pregnancy, at what time this test begins, how long it lasts, and how dangerous it is.

I trimester

If nausea begins in the early stages of pregnancy, later vomiting, heartburn, salivation, and extreme sensitivity to odors are most often added to it. However, with a successful combination of circumstances, these symptoms disappear by the second trimester.

III trimester

If nausea begins in the third trimester of pregnancy, it poses a serious threat to both the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. Especially if it is accompanied by a sharp jump in weight, significant edema, high blood pressure. Do not discount that nausea at this time can signal various problems inside the body: poisoning, liver failure, etc. Sometimes this condition is simply a consequence of a change in the size of the uterus, which interferes with the stomach.

It does not matter at what stage this problem overtook the woman: at 8-9 or 36-38 weeks of pregnancy. Both are hard to bear. And in both cases, you should not hope that everything will go away by itself, let go in a couple of minutes and feel better. Such a frivolous attitude to this problem can provoke a violation of the water-electrolyte balance in the woman's body, which will lead to fetal development disorders and deterioration of the health of the expectant mother. So the question of how to get rid of nausea is important at any stage of carrying a baby.

Nausea in early pregnancy

Nausea in early pregnancy, especially in combination with vomiting, is most often called early toxicosis, although not all doctors agree with this definition. Translated from Greek toxikon - poison. This is nothing more than intoxication of the body or auto-poisoning, which can be caused by a number of very different diseases. But if you find yourself among 70% of pregnant women suffering from toxicosis, do not be discouraged: this condition will last for about 15 weeks, and then everything will fall into place!

During this period, the laying of all the main organs and systems of the crumb takes place, and a kind of struggle flares up in the mother's body: the immune system tries to defend itself against the invading “invader” (do not be surprised, but at the biological level, the embryo is perceived by it in this way in the early stages), and the fetus, in turn, is trying with all its might to stay in the uterus in order to get a chance at life.

Such battles, of course, do not pass without leaving a trace for a woman. And the fact that she is sick in the morning, doctors call a natural, and even beneficial reaction of the body. So do not be angry in vain. Remember about the baby: after all, he is not sick with you, but your bad mood may not affect his condition very well. Let it be better if he hears pleasant words from you than: "I got this toxicosis!" Remain calm - it will all be over soon.

Another thing is if the "morning sickness" has no end and is accompanied by frequent (up to 15 times a day) vomiting. In this situation, the general condition worsens, a significant weight loss is observed, the body becomes dehydrated. A pregnant woman needs hospital treatment. However, such conditions, although they do happen, are very rare!

Features of nutrition with toxicosis

In case of toxicosis, it is necessary to take food in small portions on average every 2 hours. Food should be somewhat chilled, easy to digest, not include fried, fatty, spicy foods. The main diet should be meat - young veal, chicken, rabbit, fish; dairy products (especially useful for breakfast) - not fatty cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt - that is, you have to put pressure on food rich in proteins and carbohydrates.

Fresh vegetables and fruits should now take a special place in your diet. Porridge is useful, you can take breakfast cereals. Before eating or immediately after waking up (without getting out of bed), drink a small glass of warm water - better than mineral water, but without gas. Drink water in small sips. Remember to drink enough (at least 1.5-2 liters per day).

The fluid maintains a normal volume of circulating blood, it is also necessary to maintain normal blood pressure, prevent dehydration. Especially useful are cranberry juice, chamomile tea, green tea with lemon, mineral water (without gas!), Carrot and apple juice, also: celery juice, beetroot. Do not use sour - orange, tangerine - juices. Permissible - grapefruit and pomegranate. Do not overuse, or better yet, exclude salty and fatty foods.

It would be nice to forget about chocolate for a while. And one more thing: don't force yourself to eat when you don't feel like it. Do not force your body, as its response may not please you at all.

Exercise and toxicity behavior

Now is the time to do yoga for pregnant women. These exercises will help to normalize the functioning of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. With regular training, vascular tone is strengthened, headaches, dizziness disappear. In the classroom, you will be taught a special breathing that will help you relax and will be extremely useful in childbirth.

Spend more time outdoors and, if possible, limit your time in stuffy rooms. Also, try not to sit at the computer for a long time, and choose clothes that do not hinder your movements. Take a sea salt bath. Do not forget to drink vitamins (vitamin B6 and ascorbic acid are especially important now), but it is still better to consult a doctor before taking them.

If you smoke, then forget about this addiction, which, in the first place, harms the unborn baby. Also avoid secondhand smoke. And one more thing: do not forget about rest. You need it now more than ever!

Dangerous symptoms

What symptoms might indicate that something is wrong? Some changes in the condition should alert you to possible complications or an infectious disease.

So, when you need to see a doctor urgently:

  1. Frozen pregnancy and nausea. Faintness with a frozen pregnancy can suddenly disappear. Yesterday you were sick of one type of food, and you could not take your head off the pillow in the morning, but today you feel just great. If you do not have even 10 weeks in position, do not rush to rejoice at such a gift of fate, it is worth taking care of, is everything all right with the baby?

If nausea disappears, this may be due to the cessation of fetal development. Its death in utero means that the production of chorionic gonadotropin stops, and therefore your condition suddenly improves. As a rule, there may be slight spotting from the genital tract, and pulling pains, but these are not necessary symptoms.

Even if nothing hurts you, immediately show yourself to your gynecologist. And do not hesitate, no one will laugh at the complaint "For some reason I am no longer sick, and my period seems to have begun." Pregnancy with such an interruption, when the fetus remains in the uterus, is dangerous for its complications, since the embryo literally begins to decompose there, which means that you need to get rid of a frozen pregnancy as soon as possible. The doctor will direct you to an ultrasound scan, at which the baby's condition will be clarified, if the baby's heart beats, then you will simply rejoice at the cessation of toxicosis.

  1. Nausea with ectopic pregnancy. As long as an ectopic pregnancy is developing relatively normally, your condition will not differ from the well-being of other women. Feeling unwell can be disturbing in the same way as with the usual, early toxicosis develops. You may not even suspect that something is going wrong until complications develop.

When the fallopian tube ruptures, a woman develops internal bleeding, which can be quite massive, a large blood loss causes dizziness, lightheadedness and weakness. For a period of more than 6 weeks, such symptoms are a reason to immediately call an ambulance, since if the symptoms are caused by a ruptured tube and bleeding into the abdominal cavity continues, this can threaten the life of the mother.

Dizziness and nausea in complicated ectopic pregnancy are not necessarily accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract. It is possible that there will be no discharge at all, and their absence is not a reason to calm down.

  1. Nausea and fever during pregnancy. The appearance of a gag reflex and fever can be symptoms of an intestinal infection or other infectious disease, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea - a reason to call a doctor, perhaps you just poisoned yourself with something. You can take activated charcoal or polyphepan on your own, leave the appointment of other drugs to your doctor.
  2. Nausea with blood during pregnancy. With excessive vomiting, when the attacks are obsessively repeated over and over again, the development of Melory-Weiss syndrome is possible. With this pathology, cracks in the mucous membrane appear in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the outlet of the stomach, which bleed, this is where this combination of symptoms comes from. It is necessary to try very hard to bring yourself to such a state, if you have a similar complaint, immediately consult a doctor.

No toxicosis during pregnancy: is it normal?

The absence of toxicosis during pregnancy is not at all a sign of pathology. This is the most favorable scenario for the development of events: the hormonal background of the mother's body turned out to be excellently suited to the state of pregnancy and the physiological mechanisms of adaptation to gestation were activated in a timely manner.

The absence of toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy should please a woman: this indicates good immunity and a woman's readiness to become a mother. The absence of toxicosis during pregnancy is good: after all, without toxicosis, you can continue to lead the old way of life, work actively.

Perhaps there is toxicosis, but the woman does not realize that it is he, if its manifestations are an increase in appetite or inexplicable weakness, lethargy. During pregnancy, a woman gets tired quickly: she cooked soup - she was tired, she took a walk with the child - she was exhausted, made a report - she fell on the sofa to sleep. No nausea - this does not mean that there is no toxicosis. But it may indeed be absent - this is an excellent variant of the norm.

According to some reports, toxicosis manifests itself in 90% of pregnant women, if we take into account all its manifestations: from the most insignificant to pronounced. There is also evidence that it develops in only 50% of pregnant women.

Toxicosis during pregnancy: a boy or a girl?

If there is no toxicosis during pregnancy, who can a woman, a boy or a girl, expect? Folk omens assure: the expectant mother does not feel well if she is expecting a girl. The opinions of official medicine and traditional healers differ on the question of whether there can be toxicosis during pregnancy with a boy. Doctors have repeatedly conducted studies, but they did not see any difference: the gender of the child does not depend on how much the expectant mother is sick or not.

According to signs, it turns out that the first months are difficult with the girl. In fact, it does not matter what gender the baby is: the manifestations of toxicosis do not depend on the sex of the fetus, but on the state of the woman's gastrointestinal tract, on her hormonal levels and other reasons that are not yet known to science.

Pills for nausea during pregnancy

The use of pills during pregnancy is generally undesirable. This, as a rule, negatively affects the development of the fetus, and even more so, it is forbidden to unauthorized use of drugs without the appointment of a specialist. It should be remembered that nausea is a natural reaction of the body, a kind of adaptation to a new life, and you should not take antiemetic pills here.

Try to endure the nausea for the sake of proper fetal development. Usually, drug treatment is used only when there is a threat to the mother's health. Instead of swallowing pills, try toxicosis prevention. If it doesn't help you completely, it will at least improve your condition.

Be in the fresh air as much as possible, oxygen will help stabilize both your condition and the development of your baby. Eat mint in any form, even brewed, or just chew the leaves. Pomegranate juice for hemoglobin. And do not allow the onset of hunger, this is always the first of the factors provoking nausea.

Many women begin to feel their pregnancy from the very first weeks. Some people notice a different reaction to odors, others complain of unusual taste preferences, and still others complain of very frequent mood swings. But all these signs fade away at 4-5 weeks of gestation, when early toxicosis develops.

The most common manifestation of toxicosis during pregnancy is vomiting. It can be of varying degrees of severity: from mild nausea in the morning to multiple discharge of gastric contents, which can lead to dehydration. In addition, vomiting during pregnancy can not only manifest toxicosis: during this period, other, more dangerous diseases develop, which are manifested by this symptom.

The mechanism of development of vomiting

There is a so-called vomiting center in the brain: an accumulation of numerous nerve nuclei that receive impulses from the cardiovascular system, stomach, esophagus and intestines, as well as the limbic system - structures responsible for memory, emotions, sleep and wakefulness. The vomiting center is washed by cerebrospinal fluid, into which chemicals from the blood penetrate, so vomiting (emetic syndrome) often accompanies various poisonings. It is affected by intracranial pressure, so an increase or decrease in the latter also causes vomiting.

Emetic syndrome is a defense reflex. It is necessary to cleanse the stomach from the poisonous contents that have entered it and to avoid intoxication of the body. Also, the syndrome is a signal for a person to find and eliminate an existing problem.

During the period of bearing a child, emetic syndrome occurs due to the following reasons:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • pathologies of the liver, pancreas and biliary bladder;
  • excessive stress;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • food or chemical poisoning;
  • intracranial hypertension or, less commonly, hypotension;
  • heart disease (including myocardial infarction, for example, its painless form);
  • diseases of the vestibular apparatus;
  • diseases accompanied by intoxication: tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia.

But in the early stages of pregnancy, vomiting can be almost a "normal" phenomenon that occurs in response to an increase in the blood of chorionic gonadotropic hormone. And the more of this hormone (for example, at), the more pronounced is the emetic syndrome.

Vomiting of pregnant women (hyperemesis gravidarum)

This is the name of a condition that begins at 4-5 weeks of gestation, becomes as strong as possible by 9 weeks and completely stops by 16-18 (in rare cases - 22) weeks. It reminds of itself every day during this period; usually accompanied by morning sickness and increased salivation. Aggravated by certain smells or visual images, as well as by remembering smells or seeing. Not accompanied by any abdominal pain or increased stool.

Please note: the presence of a positive home test and emetic syndrome does not give a reason to calm down and not go to the gynecologist. The same symptoms are manifested, and cystic drift (when instead of the fetus, its membranes develop, taking the form of bubbles). Moreover, nausea with cystic drift will be much more often, even without any external stimuli.

If hyperemesis gravidarum occurs on an empty stomach or recurs very often, bile may be present in the vomit. In other cases, this requires a clarification of the diagnosis, since in this way more dangerous diseases can appear, for example, cholecystitis, diseases of the duodenum, intestinal obstruction.

Scarlet blood in the vomit or its staining brown (if the pregnant woman did not consume chocolate, "Hematogen", blood sausage) is definitely a symptom of the disease that requires prompt diagnosis.

Hyperemesis gravidarum is a "conditional" norm and does not require additional diagnosis during the first pregnancy and moderate manifestation. In cases where the syndrome is severely expressed, or repeats from pregnancy to pregnancy, it speaks of:

  • the presence of diseases of the reproductive organs:, recurrent course (these diseases do not always have pronounced manifestations);
  • chronic pathology of the digestive system, be it gastritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis or biliary dyskinesia;
  • poor nutrition or previous illness before pregnancy;
  • anemia or allergic diseases.

What is the danger?

Chorionic gonadotropic hormone together with cerebrospinal fluid gets to the vomiting center. There it causes excitation of a large number of nerve fibers at once, and this is accompanied by the appearance of nausea and vomiting. The excitement of the nerves is usually transmitted to the areas of the autonomic nervous system, so often a woman also notices an increase in salivation.

Fluid is lost with vomit, leading to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the body. Electrolytes are chlorine (it is lost most of all), magnesium, sodium, potassium, which are necessary for the normal functioning of a woman and a fetus. These ions carry a negative or positive charge, and when their balance in the blood is maintained, alkaline and acidic substances are in balance, and all organs are working correctly. When electrolytes begin to be excreted unevenly, the pH of the blood changes - the whole body suffers.

With emetic gestational syndrome, large amounts of chlorine are lost. Chlorine is a negatively charged ion involved in the formation of acidic substances. When it is lost, the blood is at an alkaline pH. This causes a headache, a malfunction of the heart. Loss of large amounts of chlorine in gastric juice can lead to impaired consciousness and seizures. These are not the seizures that are life-threatening in the second half of pregnancy and are called "eclampsia".

Due to constant vomiting, the woman stops eating or reduces the amount of food consumed. To satisfy the need for energy, the body first consumes glycogen, then energy begins to be extracted from the fat stored in the body. During the breakdown of fats, ketone (acetone) bodies are formed, which are toxic to the brain, causing drowsiness, further exacerbating vomiting. In a severe stage, which is called indomitable vomiting of pregnant women, the liver, kidneys, heart are affected, and this is reflected in the analyzes.

The severity of the condition

Since this syndrome, especially in combination with increased salivation, causes a violation of the water-electrolyte balance, the classification of vomiting of pregnant women is used to determine the tactics of treatment. It includes three degrees of severity.

1st degree

It develops no more than 5 times a day. The woman is active, not sleepy, and goes about her daily activities. Her pulse is not more than 80 per minute (or not higher than the initial values ​​before pregnancy), and her blood pressure is not lowered. She can lose 2-3 kg. In the analysis of urine, acetone bodies are not determined, the biochemical parameters of the blood are normal.

2nd degree

Vomiting 6-10 times a day. An active woman always feels weakness, drowsiness. Her pulse is quickened to 90-100 per minute (if the initial was within the range of up to 80). In the urine, 1-2 plus of acetone is determined. In the blood tests, everything is still normal. Weight loss is more than 3 kg / 7-10 days.

Grade 3

It is also called excessive (indomitable) vomiting. It develops up to 25 times a day, which is why a woman cannot eat at all. Due to the presence of acetone in the blood (it is determined in the urine as 3-4 plus points), a woman cannot eat or drink, loses weight by 8 or more kg, and produces little urine. Acetonemic syndrome also causes an increase in temperature to 37.2-37.6 and an increase in heart rate up to 120 per minute and above. When there is significant dehydration, the temperature and pressure decrease, the woman is extremely sleepy, and her mind becomes confused.

In the analysis of urine, acetone, protein and casts are determined, which indicates kidney damage. In the blood, bilirubin is elevated (indicates liver damage) and creatinine (further confirms the suffering of the kidneys). If bilirubin is significantly increased (the norm is 20 μmol / l), yellowing of the whites of the eyes and skin becomes noticeable. Due to liver damage, bleeding increases and bleeding from the vagina may be observed. Often, streaks of blood are found in vomit, and in this case, ruptures of the esophagus, which have occurred as a result of such repeated vomiting, must be excluded.

All the manifestations described above relate to vomiting of pregnant women. If nausea is accompanied by abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, headache, consult a doctor.

Other causes of vomiting during pregnancy

Consider diseases that can cause vomiting in a pregnant woman. To more accurately determine the possible cause of our condition, we group the diseases according to the symptoms complementary to the emetic syndrome.

So, vomiting of bile during pregnancy can be with:

  • intestinal obstruction, which is accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation;
  • exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis (in this case, there is pain in the right hypochondrium, fever);
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract (it is also characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium, vomiting occurs more often in the morning);
  • tumors, mainly localized in the duodenum;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis (this is characterized by pain in the upper abdomen, loosening of the stool).

If there is a combination of dizziness and vomiting, this often indicates:

  1. Pathology of the vestibular apparatus (Meniere's disease, inflammation of the inner ear). Additional symptoms are hearing loss, nystagmus (twitching of the eyeballs), ringing in the ears. Only with inflammation of the structures of the inner ear is there an increase in body temperature and, sometimes, discharge from the ear; with Meniere's disease, there are no such symptoms.
  2. , when substances of disintegration of fetal tissues are absorbed into the blood. Combined with a cough and fever, symptoms may indicate the development of pneumonia. And if it is constant vomiting (grade 3), dizziness is due to dehydration.

When vomiting with blood is noted, this may indicate gastritis or gastroenteritis, ulcers and stomach cancer, and Mallory-Weiss syndrome. If the vomit contains dark red blood, it may be a sign of bleeding from varicose veins of the stomach or esophagus, which develops due to cirrhosis of the liver.

With a combination of vomiting and diarrhea, they talk about food poisoning, intestinal infection (salmonellosis, escherichiosis and others), pancreatitis, thyrotoxicosis. Sometimes atypical forms of pneumonia are manifested in this way.

Vomiting in the second and third trimester of pregnancy

The second trimester is weeks 13-26. Vomiting before 22 weeks of gestation can be observed as a reaction to the fetus (although from 18 to 22 weeks, other causes of the symptom must be additionally excluded).

From 22 weeks, the causes can be the diseases described above, as well as conditions characteristic only of pregnancy:

  1. Late gestosis, which is manifested by edema (sometimes this is noticeable only by weight gain), increased pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, and sometimes diarrhea. If preeclampsia is accompanied by an emetic syndrome, this indicates a deterioration in its course with the possible development of eclampsia. The recommendations here are only inpatient treatment with possible early delivery.
  2. Intrauterine fetal death, which is manifested by the cessation of its movements, heaviness in the lower abdomen, increased heart rate.

Unlike, which "spreads" immediately to 2 trimesters and is considered a variant of the individual reaction of the woman's body to the ovum, vomiting in the third trimester is definitely a sign of the disease. The condition requires compulsory hospitalization and finding out the reasons that cause it.

The main causes of vomiting from the 26th week until the end of pregnancy are poisoning, pneumonia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system, surgical diseases of the abdomen, as well as fetal death. Separately, mention should be made of Sheehan's syndrome or acute fatty liver degeneration. It begins at 30 weeks and affects primarily primary pregnant women. It is manifested by a lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting, the appearance of jaundice, edema, tachycardia.

Given the variety of etiological factors, the doctor should say what to do with vomiting in pregnant women based on the results of the examination.


Treatment of vomiting of pregnant women, which develops in the 1st trimester, depends on the severity of the condition.

So, 1 degree usually does not require drug treatment, it passes under the influence of regime activities: frequent and fractional food intake, exclusion of fatty and high-calorie foods. In rare cases, hyperemesis gravidarum progresses to the next stage.

At the first degree, mainly folk remedies are used:

  • drink a glass of not very cold water on an empty stomach;
  • drinking a decoction of lemon balm, rose hips during the day;
  • drinking tea in which a piece of ginger root is grated;
  • chewing cumin seeds;
  • alkaline water ("Borjomi"), from which gas is released;
  • the use of various nuts, dried fruits, small pieces of citrus fruits. The first morning meal should be started with nuts;
  • rinsing the mouth with a decoction of chamomile;
  • eating foods rich in pyridoxine: avocado, eggs, chicken, beans, fish.

If vomiting of pregnant women is of 2 severity, drugs are already used for treatment. These are antiemetics (Sturgeon, Metoclopramide), folic acid, vitamin pyridoxine, sorbents (Polysorb, White coal), drugs that improve liver function (Hofitol). Meals are very frequent and in small portions.

At grade 3, hospitalization is required. Nutrition through the mouth is completely excluded: all nutrients are injected into a vein before the acetone state stops. Also, antiemetics are injected into a vein, and vitamin B6 is injected intramuscularly.

We remind you once again: emetic syndrome that arose after 22 weeks, and especially in the third trimester, is an indication for immediate hospitalization. Self-medication is unacceptable here.

Everything is very individual. Some women feel nauseous, but at the same time do not even pay attention to the discomfort, absorbed in thoughts of a miracle that has happened. In others, the presence of toxicosis is accompanied by weakness, dizziness, vomiting and greatly darkens the situation. Still others may not feel an unpleasant symptom at all throughout pregnancy.

Causes of early nausea

In the first trimester, the changes occurring in the body are akin to a pathological disorder in the activity of internal organs. A sharp increase in hormones, malfunctions of the nervous and endocrine systems, a metal taste in the mouth, an increase in stress levels provoke a stressful state. The fetus, which has half the set of unfamiliar chromosomes, is biologically perceived as a foreign body and nausea appears as a natural defense reaction of the immune system to what is happening.

Right now, when the laying of the main systems and organs of the crumbs takes place, the fetus is trying with all its might to gain a foothold and stay in the uterus, and the mother's body is trying to defend itself from the invasion of the "invader". Such a struggle cannot go on unnoticed. And morning sickness is not only a natural consequence of the struggle, but also a beneficial reaction. The benefit of "pregnant" nausea is that it restricts and protects the fetus from harmful substances, saving from damage in the first and most important months of development.

A vicious circle is often formed: a woman is disgusted with certain foods and skips meals, and this provokes nausea in the future. That is why it is imperative to follow the 3 meals a day.

The good news: it was found that pregnant women who felt nausea were significantly less likely to experience a miscarriage or fetal freezing.

How can I help myself?

Usually, nausea at the beginning of pregnancy occurs immediately upon waking. In this case, it is recommended to have an easy breakfast without getting out of bed: eat fruit, cookies or cheese, drink tea or kefir, so you get rid of morning sickness.

If nausea bothers you all day long - some women feel sick from literally all smells and even thoughts about food - remember a few rules, they will help make your life easier:

  • Talk to your doctor: there are drugs that can relieve toxicosis in pregnant women and they are completely safe for the fetus.
  • Be sure to eat often (up to 6 times a day) and in tiny portions, foods that contain protein (eggs, dairy products, meat and fish) and carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables and grains). Eliminate fried, smoked, spicy and sweet, and any individual foods that make you nauseous.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: pure and mineral water, juices and herbal teas, exclude carbonated drinks and those containing caffeine. You need to drink often and in small sips.
  • Avoid overwork, an acute reaction to troubles, get more rest, get enough sleep and experience positive emotions.
  • Long walks in the fresh air are the best cure for nausea.
  • Take prenatal vitamins.
  • An acupuncture bracelet, available at the pharmacy, can relieve nausea by applying pressure to the wrist where the active points are located.
  • Give up categorically any bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs.
  • Keep crackers or cereal on the nightstand by your bed. Eat them in the morning without getting out of bed.
  • Focus on liquids. Remember that soups, smoothies, juices are much more easily absorbed by the body than solid foods, and they are less likely to cause nausea.
  • Try ginger. You can make candy, drink tea from it, or add it as a seasoning.
  • Meditation and perinatal yoga are very helpful. If you want not only to get rid of unpleasant sensations, but also to improve your outlook, then this method is for you.
  • Eat all meals cold or lukewarm. Hot food gives off a smell, and this will surely provoke another attack.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that does not pinch your stomach.

Compliance with these rules, if not completely relieve nausea, then at least weaken its manifestations. Some women are not helped by simple measures, nausea continues to bother from morning to evening, in this case, we suggest using effective and safe folk methods:

  • Homemade lemonade. For 1 glass of water, juice from half a lemon. Drink throughout the day in small sips.
  • Rinse your mouth with mint or chamomile tea.
  • Sucking on sour candies - "barberry" or lemon wedges.
  • Dried fruits, raisins, seeds, crackers, green tea and pickles, tangerines, pomegranates and ginger, legumes, bananas and grains - all of these products are safe during pregnancy and can help with toxicosis. Listen to yourself, trust your preferences and you will find something that will alleviate your very condition.

When to see a doctor:

  • If nausea is accompanied by frequent vomiting - more than 10 times a day.
  • If, in addition to nausea, or, an increase in temperature or jumps in blood pressure are observed.
  • If severe toxicosis suddenly and abruptly disappears, this can be a dangerous symptom.
  • Nausea and vomiting in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is not the norm and can be a manifestation of a dangerous disease - gestosis, in which the fetus suffers from oxygen deficiency and lack of nutrients. In this case, nausea may be accompanied by the appearance, weakness, dizziness and pain of varying intensity and etiology.
  • If the temperature rises.
  • If you do not go to the toilet for more than 8 hours or your urine turns dark.
  • If there are blood particles in the vomit.
  • If there is pain when urinating.

Risk factors:

  • severe toxicosis during a previous pregnancy;
  • you are expecting a girl;
  • your mom also had severe toxicosis;
  • you suffer from motion sickness in vehicles;
  • you have had nausea while using hormonal contraceptives;
  • you are obese (body mass index over 30);
  • stress;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • first pregnancy.

With the successful development of pregnancy, all manifestations of toxicosis pass on their own by. This thought calms many expectant mothers. Remember that the baby is not sick with you, but he is very sensitive to your condition. Let him hear pleasant words from you than complaints, experiences and suffering from toxicosis. Remain calm, 80% of women go through this condition. Soon everything will fall into place, nausea will no longer bother you and you can freely enjoy this unforgettable state.