Ultrafonophoresis medicinal. Phonophoresis and its application. Contraindications and effects

Ultrafonophoresis in cosmetology- This is the symbiosis of the effects of cosmetology preparations with oscillations of ultrasonic waves. The interaction of two techniques improves the diffusion of drugs, while increasing their activity and duration of action.

Characteristic method

The procedure of ultrafonophoresis is a complex technique of micro-massage. Under the influence of ultrasonic oscillations, connective tissue is loosened, the intracellular permeability of the skin is increasing. The sound process is carried out through contact media. The amount of penetrating drug depends on the oscillation frequency. The best action has the low ultrasound frequency. Diffusion is carried out through sweat and sebaceous glands, extracellular matrix and cell membranes. Particles of nutrients are formed in the body "skin depot", from where they gradually enter the blood.

The main functions of ultrasound waves:

  • breaking the connective tissue, an increase in the permeability of the skin;
  • improving diffusion of medicines;
  • facilitating the transportation of the fluid through the capillary walls;
  • activation of blood microcirculation;
  • lymphatic drainage.

Ultrafonophoresis faces operates at 3 intensity levels, body - 8-10 levels. It depends on the sensations of the client, as well as the color scale of intensity. Normal is the indicator in the form of a sensation of light heat. If you increase the intensity, then burn is possible. Cosmetology applies two sound oscillation modes:

  1. Constant. It is used to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, scars, hematomas, peddres, strry, hyperpigmentation, is used in the remission after skin therapy.
  2. Pulsed. Heals inflammation, Pustulous diseases, Cuperoz. Used in sensitive skin, acute pain.

Effective interaction of phonophoresis with ultrasonic waves, which have thermal, mechanical, chemical effect, makes it possible to potentiate useful effects.


The drugs used have a form of solution, emulsion, cream or ointment. This is due to the property of the attenuation of ultrasonic waves. Required drugs include in the contact environment. The mechanical wave should not disrupt its structure, therapeutic activity. Lanolin, vegetable oil, glycerin, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are used as the base for the contact medium. The fatty contact environment makes it easier to penetrate the penetration of useful components to deep layers of the dermis.

Only some substances can be introduced using electrophophy: aloe, interferon, heparin, lidase, hydrocortisone, prednisone, and others. The study of one session allows the skin about 10% of active substances. During the course of 10-20 sessions, the accumulative effect is manifested.

The main drugs used and their action:

  1. Ultrafondrase faces with hyaluronic acid from wrinkles contributes to the elimination of age-related skin changes. It is used in combination with plant extracts, vitamin E.
  2. Ultrafonophoresis with hydrocortisone is aimed at removing inflammation, the activation of blood circulation.
  3. The use of lidase allows you to eliminate scars, pedestal.
  4. Caripain also eliminates scars, spikes.

The drug is selected individually, in accordance with the existing skin problem.


Democijage is pre-carried out, careful cleansing of the skin of the face by an antiseptic agent. Then the specialist covers the skin with therapeutic or cosmetic agent. The drug is preparing a doctor himself or a ready-made version is used. During the session, the contact substance is gradually added, it is also left on the skin after the procedure.

The greatest effect of ultrafonophoresis is achieved by correctly adjusting the device. The main customizable individual parameters: the intensity of ultrasound oscillations, depth, strength, frequency. The intensity indicator corresponds to the value of 1.2 W / cm 2. To change the depth of penetration of therapeutic composition, the frequency and power of ultrasound is adjusted. With the first session, only one field is voiced. If the tolerability is good, then subsequent sessions are carried out with the capture of several fields. At the end of the procedure, the skin is moisturized and cooled with a special cream.

The duration of the sound of one field is about 5 minutes, one session lasts about 10-20 minutes. The course of ultrafonophoresis ranges from 15 to 20 sessions, with an obligatory interval of several days. The result can be observed after the 5th session. The re-course of procedures is allowed to spend 3 months after 3 months.

Indications and contraindications

Ultrafoforesis method has certain testimony and contraindications. Basic indications for the procedure:

  • elimination of cosmetic defects (cellulite, stretching, scars, disturbed lipid exchange);
  • therapy of skin diseases of various genes (psoriasis, sclerodermia, acne, seborrhea);
  • rehabilitation period after plastic face operation;
  • baldness, hair problems;
  • scarring;
  • skin dehydration;
  • foci of hyperpigmentation;
  • consequences of burns, frostbite;
  • age changes.

Contraindications to carry out ultrafond phones:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • malignant neoplasia;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pathology of chronic and acute character;
  • hypertension;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • microtrauma on the skin;
  • problems of blood clotting;
  • installed pacemaker, dental metal prostheses.

Efficiency of ultrafondoform

The procedure improves blood microcirculation, outflow of lymph, metabolism. Regeneration processes in cells are actively stimulated, the work of the sebaceous glands comes to normal. After passing the course of the procedures, the lifting effect is observed, the turgor is strengthened, the angry rash disappears. The technique is painless, does not require a rehabilitation period, there are no side effects.

The method of ultrafonophoresis is successfully combined with other cosmetic procedures. According to the reviews of the course of the sessions of people, the high efficiency of the method is confirmed. Most of the result depends on the qualifications of the cosmetologist used by the preparations.

Phonophoresis is a physiotherapeutic procedure that combines the impact of ultrasound and medicinal or cosmetic drugs. It is used in gynecology, dentistry, traumatology, surgery, dermatology and other sectors of medicine. Relatively recently, the method began to apply in cosmetology to solve the aesthetic problems of the body and face. Depending on what means to choose, phonoforesis helps to eliminate swelling, remove inflammation, to establish metabolic processes, reduce scars, scars and stretching, cellulite manifestation, slow the aging of the skin.

  • acceleration of the field exchange processes;
  • increasing the rate of biochemical reactions;
  • improvement of local blood and lymph circulation;
  • an increase in the intake of oxygen and nutrients to cells;
  • reduction of swelling and inflammation;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Under the influence of ultrasound, light heating of tissues occurs, the permeability of cell membranes, applied to the surface of the face, the means is deeper penetrated into and have a more effective action. The procedure can be considered as a non-imposition method of introduction to subcutaneous layers of useful medical compositions. First, their active ingredients are concentrated in the inner layers of the skin, and then through blood vessels enter systemic blood flow.

Phonophoresis carries a deep micro-massage, contributes to an increase in skin tone, makes it more elastic, tightened and elastic, speeds up the processes of regeneration, improves the complexion.

Interesting: The ultrasound is called sound waves, the frequency of which is more than 20,000 hertz and exceeds the upper boundary of the audio hearing people.


Formophoresis is suitable for women of any age and for any type of skin of the face, including sensitive. It is a universal procedure, the spectrum of action of which is determined by the cosmetology and the mode of operation of the device used. Indications may be the following skin skin problems:

  • dryness, peeling;
  • fatness, a tendency to inflammatory processes and acne;
  • extended pores;
  • scars, scars;
  • age changes, shallow wrinkles;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • violations of local blood circulation;
  • reducing the turgora and elasticity;
  • swelling;
  • loss of healthy color.

Sometimes it is used as an express care procedure that allows you to improve the condition of the face of the face as soon as possible, to rejuvenate and refresh it, make it soft and gentle. It is also used to accelerate the restoration of the skin after plastic operations on the face or aggressive cosmetic impacts, burns and injuries.


For phonophores performed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe person, various means apply. Picks up their cosmetologist, taking into account the problems available. It is from the correctness of the choice of the drug largely depends on what result will be obtained in the end.

The following active ingredients are most often used:

  • hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, increases its tone, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, smoothes wrinkles;
  • lidase helps with rashes, contributes to the resorption of scars and scars;
  • hydrocortisone removes inflammation, swelling, improves blood circulation;
  • fermencol accelerates the healing of scars and dissolving scar tissue, effective to fight acne;
  • contracturex is used to reduce the severity of scars.

With launched inflammatory processes caused by pathogenic bacteria, funds with antibacterial effect are used.


To perform the procedure, no preliminary preparation is required. Initially, the beautician produces the cleaning of the face from makeup and other contaminants, processes the antiseptic. Then causes a healing preparation in the form of a gel, cream or solution and moves the nozzle of the device on the skin linear and circular motions through massage lines. In this case, the client feels a pleasant vibration and warmth.

During the procedure, the specialist gradually changes the power of ultrasound, which allows you to adjust the depth of delivery of active ingredients into subcutaneous layers. After graduation, the soothing moisturizing cream is applied.

The duration of one session is from 10 minutes before half an hour. The course includes 8-12 sessions that are performed daily or every other day. If necessary, repeat it is recommended no more than once every 4-6 months.

Phonophoresis can be combined with other cosmetology procedures for the face: mesotherapy, masks, microcuria, massage. A feature of it is simplicity of execution, so if there is a special device, it is allowed to do it independently at home, clearly holding the recommendations specified in the instructions.

Video: On the properties and application of phonophoresis in cosmetology

Advantages and disadvantages

Face phonophoresis has many advantages, so actively used to combat various kinds of skin problems. The advantages of the procedure are considered:

  • minimum side effects;
  • the duration of maintaining results;
  • stimulation of natural rejuvenation mechanisms;
  • deep penetration of useful substances for skin;
  • painlessness;
  • lack of rehabilitation period;
  • the ability to perform at home;
  • availability of price;
  • safety.

From the disadvantages, you can note a low-interest result with the pronounced problems of the skin of the face, the need to carry out a large number of sessions, the presence of contraindications.

Contraindications and side effects

Before holding phoforosis, it is important to consult a doctor with a doctor, make sure that there are no contraindications and allergic reactions to drugs that will be used. It is impossible to perform it in case:

  • skin diseases;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve, diseases of the trigeminal nerve;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • severe endocrine dysfunctions and diseases of internal organs;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • circulatory disorders and blood coagulation;
  • hymorite, sinusitis;
  • hypersensitivity to ultrasound;
  • recently conducted non-eye lifting and operations on eyeballs;
  • mental disorders.

Side effects after phophoresis are extremely rare. The individual selection of drugs in accordance with the type of skin and the existing problems allows you to minimize them. It is considered one of the safest procedures, only redness of the skin is possible from side effects, which in time itself passes.

Video: physiothereders at home

- This is a cosmetology procedure in which medical drugs and cosmetic agents are introduced into the deep layers under the skin (up to 6 cm) by exposure to ultrasound.

In the process of the procedure on the human body, the simultaneous physical (ultrasound) and chemical (drugs) impact is proven.

Ultrasound is oscillations and waves that occur with the frequency exceeding the upper boundary of the audio frequency band by a person.

Mechanical energy, penetrating the tissue, is converted to thermal, due to which the biochemical reactions accelerate occurs, the redox processes are stimulated. The lymphodrine occurs and, as a result, the edema decreases.

Advantages of Formophoresis

In modern medicine and cosmetology, phonophoresis applies quite actively due to its undoubted advantages:

  • Formophoresis contributes to the active saturation of tissues with oxygen, an increase in the elasticity of the connective tissues and thereby rejuvenate the skin.
  • The impact of the drug introduced under the skin continues a considerable time after the procedure itself.
  • Ultrasound acts on cells as a massage, activating metabolic processes, blood circulation, as well as providing a lymphatic drainage effect.
  • Ultrasound effectively reduces swelling, activates tissue regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Indications and contraindications to phonophoresis

Like any medical intervention in the body, phonophoresis has its own testimony and contraindications.

Indications for phonophoresis:

  • Excess weight
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, radiculitis, arthritis, etc.)
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Some gynecological and urological diseases
  • Metabolic disease
  • Circulatory disorder
  • Violation of lymphoottock
  • Treatment and scars

  • Treatment
  • Skin cleaning

Contraindications to phonophoresis:

  • various skin diseases
  • paralysis facial nerve
  • acute inflammatory diseases
  • benign and malignant tumors
  • diseases of internal organs in heavy form
  • heavy endocrine dysfunctions
  • hypertension 3 Stages
  • pregnancy (from the second half of the term)
  • circulatory disorder
  • endocrine diseases.

Features of the procedure of phonoforesis

Formophoresis procedure includes the following steps:

  • Cleaning the disinfection of the skin required for the procedure.
  • Application on the surface of the skin of a special gel or cosmetic drug.
  • Skin treatment with a special apparatus for the skin ultrasound with a frequency of 800 to 3000 kHz and intensity of no more than 1 watt per square centimeter. In the process of procedure, the doctor performs light movements on the problem area, gradually changing the power of the ultrasonic wave, which allows drugs to penetrate into the skin to different depth. The lower the ultrasound frequency, the deeper it penetrates the skin. The patient has only a slight vibration effect on the skin during the procedure.
  • Penetration of drugs under the skin at different depths as a result of exposure to ultrasound of different frequency and their further propagation through blood and lymph throughout the body.

Under the influence of ultrasound, the permeability of cell tissues for various types of biologically active substances is improved, the electrical activity of cells increases, the rate of enzymatic processes increases, the content of nucleic acids in tissues increases, the process of absorption of oxygen tissues is stimulated.

Ultrasound in small doses stimulates the development of the necessary processes, in large doses - inhibits unwanted (for example, pain impulses).

The beautician effect of phonophoresis is comparable to a lifting procedure - improves skin tissue nutrition, subcutaneous muscles and connecting tissue are toned, the skin pulls up and becomes elastic.

Phonophoresis in cosmetology is one of the procedures that help deeply moisturize, rejuvenate and eliminate some epidermis defects. Usually, the aging of the skin occurs in the deeper layers of the dermis, and the surface effect with cosmetic preparations, creams and lotions is not always able to provide proper effect. To slow the aging processes, special cosmetology devices, preparations, procedures that can improve the skin should be used.

One of the techniques that have an active and long-term effect is ultrasound phonophoresis. This procedure lies in the fact that the effect of ultrasound waves and specific cosmetology preparations is combined. Therefore, the use of ultrafoforesis for a person is considered one of the effective means to achieve the desired result in a fairly short time.

The use of ultrafonophoresis in cosmetology has become possible due to some beneficial characteristics of ultrasonic waves, including:

  • the possibility of thermal impact on the condition of the connective tissue;
  • stimulating the production of collagen, which is produced in the body independently;
  • acceleration of transportation of various liquids and substances that are dissolved in them;
  • an increase in the permeability of the membranes of cells and the intercellular substance for the purpose of better penetration of medicines;
  • deposit of useful funds in the epidermis and prolongation of their effect;
  • stimulation of enzyme cellular systems;
  • improving local immunity, due to which inflammatory processes decrease.

The component procedure provides for the introduction of a specific drug with the help of ultrasonic waves, this is due to the withdrawal ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands, the intercellular space and cell membranes. If the phonophoresis of the person is carried out 1 time, about 5-10% of the applied cosmetic preparation accumulate on the surface of the epidermis, but after the implementation of 5-15 sessions it is deposited, and the result becomes better.

The methodology of the procedure using ultrasound includes compliance with the specific rules that are specified in the instructions. Cosmetic drugs can be prepared ready, or a specialist can independently do them in a prescription. Solutions, gels, emulsions, lotions based on vegetable oils, as well as anhydrous lanoline, glycerin, or combinations thereof can be used as a contact.

Such a contact substance is necessary in order for the necessary components to be easier and faster tolerated deep into tissue. During the procedure, special and contact preparations are added to preserve the action, and after the session is left on the surface of the skin.

How is the procedure?

The considered cosmetology technique passes, as a rule, according to a single algorithm, regardless of which specialist is conducting a procedure. There are several stages.

  1. Pre-removal of makeup and washing. For cleansing, it is recommended to use a special milk containing lactobacillia. It should be distributed over massage lines within a few minutes so that the remedy will have to act and dissolve makeup, as well as all accumulated pollution. Lactobacilli will help restore and strengthen local immunity.
  2. It is necessary to wash off with a milk with water, and then apply an antiseptic solution on the skin, then you can move to the use of the drug or specially intended for phonophoresis of the cosmetic substance.
  3. After applying the substance, the use of a phophoresis apparatus begins, the sensor of which generates an ultrasound wave with a frequency from 800 to 3200 kHz in continuous or impulsive mode. Thanks to the measured alternation of the frequency and power of ultrasonic waves, the penetration of active components to different depth can be achieved.
  4. Upon completion of the session, a moisturizing, protective agent in the form of a cream should be applied to the processed zone.

To get the best result, it is necessary to carry out a course of 5-15 procedures, the interval between which should be several days. The first changes will appear after 5 or 6 sessions. Repeated course of phonoforesis is allowed only after 3-5 months.

If there is no time or financial ability to carry out the procedure in cosmetology cabinets, then you can purchase (previously consulted with a proven cosmetologist) special creams, gels, lotions, serums and medicinal preparations, as well as a device in order to be able to conduct a procedure at home. Such devices are sufficiently inexpensive and easy to use, their use is available even non-professional.

What problems can be solved?

If there is a problem of rash, then for this procedure, special preparations are selected, which are aimed at reducing inflammation, stimulation of blood circulation, removal of edema. These solutions may be in their composition various antibiotics, hydrocortisone, curiosine, etc. At home, the procedure can be carried out daily or after a day, its duration should not exceed 5-7 minutes. The full course includes from 5 to 10 sessions.

If it is necessary to rejuvenate the skin and reduce the manifestation of wrinkles, it is recommended to carry out phonophores with hyaluronic acid and the addition of vitamin E, bee milk, placenta extract, elastin, collagen, aloe or spirulina extract. With these drugs, procedures are carried out for 1-2 weeks and should last no more than 10-15 minutes.

To remove the scars that were formed after acne and other rashes, it is necessary to make from 10 to 20 procedures with a duration of 10 minutes using iodide potassium, lidases, mud extracts. In cases where there are active rash, drugs must contain aloe extract, chamomile, zinc and sulfur.


The method of ultrafonophoresis is such that, in addition to testimony, there are some side effects that cause contraindications to its holding:

  • location in the body of metal implants, heart rhythm driver;
  • infectious or inflammatory dermatological diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy;
  • violations of the integrity of the epidermis in the form of fresh abrasions, cuts, scratches;
  • arrhythmia and hypertension;
  • inflammatory processes in the branches of the trigeminal nerve;
  • instability of the psyche and emotional state.

If there are no similar problems, then the procedure of ultrafoforesis can be safely carried out, because it has several advantages: increases the tone of the epidermis, the mimic muscles. Due to this, the apparent faces becomes more delineated, the visible lifting effect is achieved. In addition, the activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands comes to normal, the acid medium on the surface of the epidermis is stabilized. If there are any rashes, they decrease and disappear much faster.

Phonophoresis - a set of measures of impact on the skin of the faceSimultaneously both drugs and ultrasonic waves. These are not just physiothereders, but also the hardware effect of sound waves over 16 kHz oscillations. The depth of penetration into cells reaches 7 mm. The importance of the moment is that the aging of the skin begins deeply, where cosmetic preparations in the form of lotions and creams cannot penetrate. Ultrafondoroforesis leads to a slowdown in these processes, due to moistening the surface of the skin and eliminate sources of its wilt. Ultrasound, interacting with therapeutic substances, contributes to enhanced tissue nutrition, which creates conditions for their recovery.

Moreover, phonophoresis in cosmetology It gives an impetus to an increase in blood circulation, removes swelling and eliminates anti-inflammatory processes.

The phosporesis apparatus is applicable in cases:

  1. Violation of the fat exchange process
  2. Structural disorders in subcutaneous space, let's say cellulite appearance
  3. Education on the surface of the skin of stretch marks, especially in the case of pregnancy
  4. Scarmers
  5. To increase blood circulation
  6. Just like prevention.

Modern medicine uses phonophoresis As a means for skin rejuvenation. In this case, the face is cleared and brighten. The effect of the use of phophoresis is noticeable after the first procedures. Reducing the waves are a source of mechanical oscillations, thanks to which the surface is heating. The space between the cells is revealed, passing the drug there. The skin becomes soft, elasticity and elasticity. The process of rejuvenation with the help of phophoresis is applicable to dry skin, which removes her peeling, saturating the necessary trace elements, gives the muscles of the face elasticity. There are no contraindications in age.

In case of limited time, phonophoresis can be used as express care. The effect is achieved with maximum speed. There are no contraindications for the use of this method and to bold skin, on the surface of which rash or redness appeared. At the first stage there is a destruction of inflamed cells, but they are completely restored on the second. It is allowed to use the drug and during puberty.

The need for ultrafoforosis

Ultrafonophoresis in cosmetology required for:

Therapeutic substance falls In the subcutaneous layer through sweat and sebaceous glands, the space between the cells or bandwidth membranes, using the ultrasonic wave of the device. After the first session of ultrafonophoresis, its ingress is 10%, however, accumulating, after 15 procedures, you can get a positive result.

Methods of conducting ultrafonophoresis in cosmetology

It is possible to achieve the maximum result, accurately complying with the instructions for the procedure of ultrafonophoresis. Cosmetologist is preparing drugs based on the developed recipes. As connecting elements, gels produced on the basis of vegetable oils can be used. Such contact compounds ensures the rapid release of components. In case of need, an additional layer of cosmetic preparations is applied to the face and not removed after the end of the procedure. Ultrafoforoforesis is accompanied by stages:

After five sessions it will be possible to notice the results. In total, they should be 15. Fully repeat the procedure is recommended in six months.

Applied drugs with ultrafondoform

Such the procedure can be carried out independently, Having gels and serums for applying. It also requires the presence of an ultrasound wave apparatus that are accessed to use at home. If the treatment is associated with the appearance of inflammatory processes or edema, then drugs should be made on the basis of hydrocortisan or other antibiotics.

Hyaluronic acid is used when rejuvenating the face. Collagen, Elastin, Aloe aqueous solutions can also be used.